Collargol Eye drops for newborns. Instructions for use of drops in the nose collargol for adults and children, analogues

Health and wonderful childhood of the child is the first priority of loving parents. But, contrary to proper care, children's organism May be subjected to disease.

This happens because of the emerging immunity. Most often children sick bacterial infections, ORVI and influenza. To overcome them to sufficiently apply a properly selected drug, one of which is "collargol".

general description

"Collargol" - medicine which has a bactericidal action. The medicine has proven itself as a local destination antiseptic. The preparation is a solution that consists of silver particles. The latter in turn are in a state of small crushing.

In order for silver ions to have their bactericidal property, they require an additional stabilizing agent. The latter in the preparation is the product of alkaline hydrolysis.

The advantages of this means compared with the analogue "Popargol" in the amount of silver, which is 70% to 30% of the auxiliary substance. The drug is successfully used in pediatrics and therapeutic practice by many leading experts.

Is it possible to give children?

According to annotations to the drug, the use of "collargol" in children, possibly since the infant age. The only thing that should be borne in mind that to prescribe a drug to a child under 1, without a recipe for a doctor is prohibited. Really use the drug even in newborn kids to treat ophthalmic problems.

Indications for use

The main reasons for the use of the drug in therapeutic practice are customary:

  1. Dermatological diseases (phona, inflammatory processes on wound surfaces, soft chance).
  2. Diseases of ophthalmological profile (or).
  3. Urological diseases (cystitis and urethritis).
  4. Diseases of ENT organs (, and sinusitis).
  5. Limphangit.

Forms of release

Collargol has a large number of pharmaceutical forms of release. The difference in the quantitative ratio of silver and auxiliary substances. In the pharmacy network you can purchase:

  • Drops for the "Collargol" eye, in the concentration of the active substance, 2%, 3% and 5%
  • Collargol ointment, purely for outdoor use, whose percentage of active substance is 15%
  • Solution for external use in silver concentration of 0.2%, 1% and 2%;
  • Powder for making a solution.

Instructions for use

The Collargol preparation is successfully used in pediatric practice for the treatment of children since birth. Most often, it is prescribed for the treatment of children who have all the obvious signs of rhinitis. But, the use of this means is shown only if there is a laboratory confirmed bacterial rhinitis, when there is a purulent separated from the nose. The diagram of treatment in this case is prescribed by the drug in the form of droplets, with percentage content 1%, 2% of 1-2 drops from 2 to 4 times a day (depending on the complexity of the process) in the nasal passage, for a week.

For the treatment of ophthalmic problems, children from 1 year are prescribed drops (2-5%) and ointment (15% in the area of \u200b\u200bconjunctiva). Reception scheme: 1-2 drops 3 times a day, ointment 1 time per day, thin layer, for weekly.

Powder and solution for external use in a percentage ratio of 1-2% are used in kids as a washing agent for the treatment of cystitis and urethritis. The washing is produced in hospitals, as a rule, the procedure is prescribed 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days.

In the presence of purulent wounds, children use a 0.2-1% solution "Collargol". Stick and washing are carried out in the dressing process until the radiation surface is regenerated. In the treatment of soft Shankra, the kids use a 15% ointment, apply directly to the center 1-2 times a day throughout a two-week term.

Adults can also use the drug for the treatment of ENT organs (drops 3% -4 times a day of 1-2 drops, the course of treatment is a week). The treatment of soft Shankra in adult patients is carried out in parallel with the main therapy (ointment of 15% on the problem zone, 3 times a day, a course-14th day). Before use, consult your doctor!


The composition of the preparation "Collargol" includes silver and auxiliary substances in the percentage ratio of 70 units of the active substance to 30 units of the auxiliary.

Side effects

As a rule, the drug is perfectly transferred in children and adults with local use. The only problem that can be expressed as a side effect is an allergic reaction to silver or auxiliary components of the solution. It is not recommended to apply the drug in pregnant and nursing women in view of its accumulative effect and a small number of information about the medicine.

In addition, when the duration of the reception and dosage is exceeded, the manifestation of argose. Argirosis is expressed in darkening of skin and mucous covers with the presence of gray and bluish shade. Argirosis is irreversible and not subject to therapy.

Contraindications for use

The drug is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance to silver.


In a situation of absence in a drug pharmacy, it is possible to acquire substitute analogues: "Stillavit", "Fusitamilk", "Poparturg".

- This is a very common disease not only among adults, but also in children. It is very important to determine the root cause of illness to start the right timely cure. Only in this case can avoid undesirable consequences.

There are quite many drugs for the treatment of illness, the collargol drops are quite effective among them. In this soil, many parents have a question that is a solution of collargol and how to apply it to the children with a runner.

What is collargol and how to act drops?

Collargol is an antiseptic agent made on the basis of silver. This is a 70% colloidal solution, which has antimicrobial effects. Collargol features a high concentration of the active substance.

The drug has a dark color and balsamic smell. Sold in tanks without a dispenser. Therefore, for the use of droplets, it is necessary to purchase a pipette separately.

When contacting the mucous membrane, this means falls on active silver and hydrolyzed proteins.

The high level of silver in the composition ensures the disinfecting effect.

The action applies to a plurality of gamma-positive and gamma negative bacteria:

  • intestinal wand;
  • gemophilic stick;
  • moraxellu;
  • pseudomonad.

Silver proteinate holds activity and multiplication of various mushrooms.

The medication is absorbed into blood in minor quantity, so its application is parallel with other medicines will not cause any adverse Reactions.

Application in LOR-Practice

The medication is very widely used in LOR-Practice. It contributes to the removal of edema, reduces the saturation of the absorption of mucus and pus.

For this reason, the medication is prescribed by patients with acute and chronic pathologies:

  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillites;

Despite the fact that the tool expresses antiviral activity, its main indication is quite serious infectious diseases. Their main severity is purulent discharge.

You should not use drops in the nose collargol under the usual cold in children

Important! With a cold, which is accompanied by the release of transparent mucos, collargol does not apply.

Where can I buy a collargol for the treatment of the nose?

You can not buy specific drops everywhere. The drug acts as silver proteinate, so you can buy them exclusively in specialized stores. Such pharmacies should be directly prepared by the prescription drugs. The drug is preparing strictly on the prescriptions of the doctor, since the shelf life of the drops is only one month.

Store medicine in a dark room in a room that is protected from the penetration of sun rays. Opened bottle must be stored in the refrigerator. This will help protect the medication from the devastating effects of direct ultraviolet. Must be supported permanent temperature 20 degrees.

How to apply drops to children?

Instructions for use of droplets in the nose collargol for children is quite simple. Be sure to adhere to all recommendations to avoid possible complications and unwanted consequences.

The wide potential of the drug is limited to its potential toxicity. If the medication is applied for the first time, then you need to be confident in tolerance of the means. To check the absence of an allergic reaction, a small amount of means should be applied to the fold of the elbow.

Wait half an hour and evaluate the sample. If no changes were detected, the drug can be safely used to children according to the instructions. In the event of the appearance of rash, redness and run from the use of the medication you need to refuse.

Apply this tool should only according to the instructions, otherwise you can make significant damage to health.

With a cold

Very often, these drops are prescribed to children with a cold. It is possible to use even infants. It is worth noting that the drug is sufficient toxic, so it is necessary to start using it only after consulting the pediatrician.

Children means is prescribed less concentration - 1-1.5%. Parents are concerned about how much collar is dripped into the nose. For kids pretty injected by 1 drop in every pass from 2 to 4 times a day. The multiplicity of reception depends on the severity of the disease and the general clinical picture. It is forbidden to engage in self-medication, so as not to harm the health of the child.

Before using drops, be sure to spend an allergy test in a child

With adenoid

Adenoid is a very common disease, most often found in children of preschool age. Otolaryngologists consider the use of this drug justified, since the composition and efficacy of the drops of collargol allow you to cope with the ailment in the shortest possible time. The tool has a positive and very powerful effect. Thereby inflammatory process In the sky almond ceases.

With adenoy the inflamed pharyngeal almond, it is necessary to lubricate the drug or bury into the nose. Ointment should be 15%. Apply a very thin layer. To achieve the maximum effect, apply the tool needs a long period of time. Pour the nose at a notem only according to the dosage physician.

Attention! With incorrect or irregular reception, the risk of the reverse development of the disease is increasing.

Contraindications and side effects

According to the instructions, this drug does not have any contraindications.

It is not prohibited by the drug and newborn. It is worth limking to its use only in the case of individual intolerance to individual components as part of the funds.

That is why it is necessary to use a medicine to cure a cold in children only after consulting with the attending doctor.

Adverse reactions in the instructions are not specified. It is worth not to throw away the fact that the composition is silver, which is related to heavy metals. For this reason, the medication can be very poorly excreted from the body and will stay in it for a long time.

Big content of the body in the body can lead to the development of argograph. This is a disease that is characterized by the appearance of a gray shade of epidermis. For this reason, the use of funds in large dosages is prohibited.

Most often, this tool is not recommended to use a long period of time for flushing the nose. If the drug does not give any positive result and the volume of the mucus does not decrease, then in this case it is necessary to stop receiving the means and choose a more appropriate drug to eliminate the problem.


From the foregoing, it can be concluded that the drug is quite effective in routine in children, but it can be used only after preliminary consultation with a specialist. Dosage and multiplicity must be assigned to the therapist after the child's inspection. In case of failure to comply with such a condition, you can harm health.

It is important to properly store the tool, otherwise it will become unsuitable. Storage conditions and methods are specified in detail in the instructions.

The pharmacy realizes a large number of antiseptics. One of them is a collargol - drops recommended for injection into the nose with various diseases In otolaryngology, as well as dermatology and for the treatment of pathologies of organs of vision. Before use, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the instructions and clarify the readings for use and contraindications.

Collargol - drug Treatmentwhich refers to the antiseptic group. Its composition has albumin and colloidal silver.

A preparation is realized in the form of a powder, which must be dissolved in fluid before use. Only after that a colloidal collar range is formed. It has a weak balsamic aroma and transparent consistency, without impurities and a specific shade.

In the pharmacy you can buy already cooked drops. But before buying a pharmacist, it will be necessary to clarify, for what purpose you need a medicine: for the treatment of organs of vision or for injection into the nose in ENT diseases. It is necessary to dissolve the powder in the desired consistency.

pharmachologic effect

The medicine has the opportunity to neutralize such pathogenic bacteria as:

  1. Streptococci.
  2. Staphylococci.
  3. Intestinal wand.
  4. Simple microorganisms.
  5. Fungal disputes.
  6. Bacillus.
  7. Pseudomonad.
  8. Moraxellu.

When hitting the mucous membrane active substance Exercises the following effect:

  1. Bactericidal.
  2. Disinfection.
  3. Antiseptic.
  4. Anti-inflammatory.
  5. Binding.

When processing the surface on which the inflammatory process is present, a decrease in the production of purulent exudate is observed. The active ingredient contributes to blocking the synthesis of the substance, which is required to increase the number and vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

When exposed to a significant amount of drug, the cellular structure of microorganisms occurs, which provokes their death.

Indications for use

  1. Tightening chronic rhinitis.
  2. Purulent distress flowing into a chronic stage.
  3. Sinusitis infectious nature.
  4. With the growth of adenoids.
  5. Pharyngitis.

In the development of virus nature diseases that provoke an inflammatory process in nasal strokes, accompanied by transparent secretions, the collargol is not used.

Contraindications and side effects

The solution is allowed for the treatment of inflammation in the nasal strokes and other diseases in otolaryngology and in pediatrics, and during pregnancy.

Improper use of the drug leads to hyperemia of skin. The patient's skin acquires a grayish shade or silver-bluish. The process is due to the accumulation of silver ions. Pigmentation is irreversible. Therefore, it is forbidden to use the medicine within 14 days.

Instructions for use

For each patient, a special dosage is assigned. Before instilling means in the nose, testing is required: a solution is applied to the skin cover of the inner surface of the forearm. After 15-30 minutes, the reaction is estimated: when painting, peeling, rash should refuse to treat Collargol.

The instructions for use establishes that the drug can also be appointed newborns from the first days of appearance.

Adults allowed the use of consistency 2-3%. Patients need to be introduced 1-3 drops to 4 times a day. But before injection of the solution, both children and adults are necessary, rinse the nasal strokes with brine.


During the use of the COLORGOL drug for the treatment of diseases in otolaryngology side phenomena During overdose, it was not detected.

Compatibility with other drugs

Negative interaction or enhancing the effect of any component of the medication at the same time input of collargol and other drugs were not detected.

Terms of sale

The drug can be purchased in a stationary pharmacy or in the online store without recommendations of the attending physician.

Terms and Storage Terms

Drops Collargol are recommended to keep in the room where the sun's rays do not fall, as well as where the drug will not get small children. You can use the medicine within 5 years after the release of products, if the bottle is not opened. IN open video The solution is kept no more than 30 days.


If there is no possibility to apply the original, the observing doctor recommends the analogues. Such drugs have an identical spectrum of exposure:

  1. Ichthyol.
  2. Miramistin.
  3. Bismuth.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Cyteal.
  6. Tsindol.
  7. Chlorhexidine.
  8. Iodovidon.
  9. Potargol.
  10. Salor.

Independent selection of substitutes is not recommended. Incorrect dosage provokes swelling of the nasal mucosa and deterioration.

Collargol - silver-based drug with antiseptic properties.

Active substance

Silver Colloid (Silver Colloid).

Release form and composition

Produced in the form of powder soluble in water, which forms a colloid solution.

You can buy ready-made drops into the eyes or nose with this drug. However, the pharmacist must be explained for what purpose is this tool so that it can determine in which proportions are breeding powder.

Drops of transparent color, have a weak smell. As a rule, they are sold in bottles with darkened glass.

The solution contains silver (70%) and albumin (30%), whose properties consist in connecting silver molecules among themselves and maintaining their active state.

pharmachologic effect

Collargol has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and astringent effect (reduces mucus production). Its properties are due to the action of active ingredients included in its composition.

Indications for use

  • purulent wounds;
  • conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye);
  • blennorya (purulent form of conjunctivitis);
  • protracted rhinitis;
  • increased adenoids;
  • sophisticated inflammation (infection caused by streptococci);
  • lymphangit (inflammation of lymph nodes);
  • soft Shankr (venereal disease for which genital ulcers are peculiar;
  • urethritis (inflammation of the urethra);
  • chronic cystitis (inflammation bladder).


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Instructions for use Collargol (method and dosage)

Depending on the form of the drug, the methods of its application differ:

  • drops dripped into the nose;
  • wound washed with solution;
  • ointment is used for skin diseases.

HP should be diluted with water, because in its pure form it does not apply.

  • In order to wash the purulent wounds, a solution of 0.2-1% is prescribed.
  • For washing the bladder, 1-2% solution is used.
  • In the treatment of eye diseases, droplets are used at a concentration of 2-5%.
  • In the case of a hymorite, a protracted rhusing, purulent rhinitis and adenoids in children, it is recommended to use drops into nasal moves.
  • Treatment of corrosive inflammation and lymphangitis involves the use of a solution of 2-3%.
  • 15% ointment is recommended for use with soft chancra.

Side effects

Data O. side effects Not described.


Silver overdose can cause argirosis - a disease at which a gray shade of skin appears and a change in the color of the eyes.


Analogs in the ATX code: absent.

Medications with a similar mechanism of action (coincidence of the ATX 4 level): Potargol.

Do not make a decision on replacing the drug yourself, consult your doctor.

special instructions

No information available.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

A decision on the use of the doctor.

In childhood

Allowed to use for the treatment of children from birth.

In old age

No information available.

Medicinal interaction

No information available.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

Released without a recipe.

Terms and Storage Terms

Store should be stored in tightly closed jars of orange glass in a dark, protected from the sun's place. The shelf life is 5 years.

Price in Pharmacies

No information available.


The description, posted on this page, is a simplified version of the official version of annotation to the drug. Information is provided solely for informational purposes and is not a guide for self-treatment. Before applying a drug, you must consult with a specialist and familiarize yourself with the instructions approved by the manufacturer.

Collargol is an antiseptic agent made on the basis of silver.

It is used in many areas of medical activities, mainly in ophthalmology and otorinolaryngology, less often - in urology and surgery.

Preparation Collargol Instructions for use describes how permissible for use in adults and children.

The required dosage form and the concentration of silver is prepared directly in the pharmacy.

This is done in order to achieve maximum therapeutic effect from the drug.

Collargol is produced in several dosage formsintended for different therapeutic purposes:

  1. Powder. The original form of the drug from which all further forms are manufactured.
  2. Eye drops - 2%, 3% and 5%. As a rule, they have a kind of transparent solution with a weak odor and sold in a special bottle of darkened glass.
  3. Ointment 5% and 15%.
  4. The solution for outdoor use is 0.2%, 1% and 2%.

Composition Preparation Collargol Instructions for use describes two main components:

  • Metal - silver ions - 70%.
  • Protein - albumin - 30%.

According to the instructions for use, in addition to the above components, the means contains other components, but their concentration has no clinical value.

Collargol, due to its antiseptic properties, is used in the treatment of many diseases from various fields of medicine:

  1. Otolaryngology:
    • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose - rhinitis (he is a runny nose), its purulent forms.
    • The growth of adenoid vegetation and their inflammation (adenoids).
  2. Ophthalmology:
    • Conjunctivitis, including purulent form - Blennorya.
    • Chronic inflammation Gray bag - xp. Dacryocystitis.
  3. Surgery:
    • Ingoing wounds, including postoperative.
    • Furuncula.
    • Erysipelas - Rozh.
    • Inflammation of lymphatic vessels and knots - lymphangitis and lymphadenitis.
    • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum - Dimensions.
  4. Urology:
    • The inflammation of the bladder is cystitis.
    • Inflammation of the urethra rope - urethritis.
  5. Venereology:
    • Chancroid.

Drops in the nose and a collar solution exhibit their therapeutic effect Thanks to the pronounced antiseptic and bactericidal properties, as well as the ability to reduce the secretion of the mucus. According to the instructions for the use of collargola, the bactericidal property of this means is due to the ability to adsorb ("stick" to the outer surface of the bacterium cell and violate its normal performance.

At the same time, bacterium remains alive, but no longer multiply and render pathogenic influence. Next, penetrating the cell wall membrane, silver ions inhibit (reduce the activity) of certain enzymes necessary for the normal functioning of many processes, including the respiratory chain. As a result, the bacteria cells gradually die.

In most cases, a collar solution is exhibiting a sufficient level of antiseptic activity required for comprehensive treatment patient. Summing up the reviews of patients and doctors appointing the drug, it can be said that it exhibits maximum efficiency in the treatment of conjunctivitis, rhinitis and lymphangitis. Also, judging by the results of treatment, a solution and drops in the nose collargol are most effective when used on early stages Diseases.

Special contraindications for receiving collargola in the application instructions are not noted, but it is forbidden to assign in the presence of a reaction of hypersensitivity to albumin or silver. Also, despite the possibility of using the drug for children of any age (including newborns), it is necessary to consult a pediatrician before its use.

There is no information regarding the influence of the medication on the body of nursing mothers and pregnant women, in connection with which only the attending physician should appoint them. In the instructions for the use of collargrole, there are no references on adverse reactions.

However, in rare cases, the following undesirable phenomena are possible:

  • Argirosis. The reaction of the darkening of the skin, provoked by the accumulation of silver ions in them.
  • Allergic reaction. As well as other drugs, some people may have individual intolerance to the solution and drops of collargol.

Collargola solution: Method of application and dosage

Drops. 2% and 3% collargol solution at ophthalmic diseases are buried 2-3 times a day for 2-3 drops on a sore eye directly under the conjunctival. The therapeutic course on average ranges from 3 to 5 days. For the treatment of otolaryngological pathologies, 2-5% drops of droplets are used, which are injected into the nose of 3-6 drops 2-4 times a day for 4-6 days. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary not only to accurately follow the instructions for the use of collargol, but also to pre-clear the nasal moves from the mucus.

Solution. A 0.2-1% collar is used for washing of infected wounds. The processing of the wounds must be carried out 3-4 times a day until the wound cleaning. In urology, 1% and 2% solutions are used. Washing is carried out 2-3 times a day throughout the treatment. In the treatment of intestinal diseases, microclides with colloragol can be assigned, but in this case it acts only as a component of a multicomponent drug.

Ointment. In surgery and venereology, collargol is used in the form of 5% or 15% ointment. It is used directly above the place of lesion - rubbing in skin covering. According to the instructions for the use of collargola, the recommended multiplicity of application is 2-3 times a day, however, the drug dosage depends on the age of the patient:

  • Adults - 3 g / day.
  • For children - 1 g / day.


Before using the tool, be sure to consult a doctor about the feasibility of such treatment and dosage, as well as carefully read the concomitant instructions for the use of a collar rolled solution.

Collargol (drops in nose): mechanism of action, analogues and prices

Collargol is absorbed into the blood in minor quantity, so when the use of this drug with other medicines, adverse reactions do not arise. Before injection into the nose, a collargol with other drugs for the local impact on the mucous membrane of the nose and throat is contraindicated.

This drug can only be bought only in a pharmacy, where the pharmacist will be able to prepare a solution of collargeol for instillation in nasal cavity. This is due to the fact that the initial form of the collection of collargol is powder, which dissolves in water to a certain concentration. The doctor must write a prescription for the drug with an indication of the necessary concentration. Collargol (drops in the nose) are prepared according to the recipe due to a short shelf life.

The average cost of collargola in pharmacies of Russia is from 180 to 200 rubles.

Collargol analogs can be divided into two groups:

  • Structural.
  • Pharmacological.

Structural analogs

The only structural analogue of the Collargol solution is the Popargol preparation. They are similar in their composition, but the percentage between silver ions and albumin is different. Collargol contains more than 10 times more silver, which is why it has a more pronounced antiseptic effect.

Pharmacological analogs

In the treatment of various pathologies, a solution or a drop in the nose collargol can be replaced by other means from the Antiseptic Group:

  • Betadine.
  • Diamond green.
  • Iodoform.
  • Salicyl ointment.
  • Chlorhexidine Bigluconat.
  • Zinc ointment.

It is extremely recommended to replace the appointed by Dr. Collargol on another tool. Most of Patients celebrate high level Efficiency of means, subject to dosage and other appointments of the attending physician.

Only a small share of patients (less than 5%) note the insufficient therapeutic effect on the use of the solution. An even smaller proportion of people (2-4%) complain about the occurrence of adverse reactions that do not contain an instruction on the use of collar.

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