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Comments on chapter 11

Introduction to the Gospel of Luke
Beautiful book and its author

The gospel of Luke was named the most delightful book in the world. When one day one American asked Dennei to advise him to read one of the lives of Jesus Christ, he answered: "Have you tried to read the gospel from Luke?" According to Luke's legend, he was a skillful artist. In one Spanish Cathedral, the portrait of the Virgin Mary, allegedly written onion, was preserved in one Spanish Cathedral. As for the Gospel, many researchers believe that it is the best of ever drawn up the lives of Jesus Christ. According to tradition, it has always been believed that the author is Luke, and we have every reason to maintain this point of view. In the ancient world of books usually attributed famous people, And no one contradicted this. But Luke never belonged to prominent figures of the early Christian church. Therefore, it would never mind to attribute it to him this gospel if he did not really write him.

Luke occurred from the pagans. Of all the authors of the New Testament, only he was not Jew. By profession he is a doctor (Count.4.14), and maybe this explains the sympathy inspired by him. It is said that the priest sees in people a good, a lawyer is bad, and the doctor sees them as they are. Luke saw people and loved them.

The book is written for the Ferofila. Luke calls his "Honorable Ferofil." Such an appeal was used only to high rank officials in the Roman government. No doubt that Luka wrote this book to tell a serious and interested person more about Jesus Christ. And he succeeded in this, having drawn the Ferofil the picture undoubtedly awakened his great interest in Jesus, which he heard before.

Symbols of evangelical

Each of the four gospels was written at a certain angle of view. Evangelicals are often depicted on church stained glass windows, usually each with their own symbol. These symbols are truth, but the most typical are as follows:

Symbol an human.The Gospel of Mark is the simplest, the most laconic of all the Gospels. He was well told about him that his excellent feature is realism.It is closest to its appointment - the description of the earthly life of Jesus Christ.

Symbol Matthewis an a lion.Matthew was Jews, and wrote for Jews: he saw the Messiah in Jesus, Lion "from the Knee Judene," whose coming was predicted by all the prophets.

Symbol Johnis an eagle.Eagle can fly above all other birds. It is said that of all the creations of God only an eagle can not find out to look at the sun. Gospel from John - theological Gospel; Flying his thoughts above all other gospels. From him, philosophers draw topics, discuss them all their life, but allow them only in eternity.

Symbol an calf.The Taurus is designed for the slaughter, and Luke saw in Jesus the victim brought for the whole world. In the gospel of Luke, in addition, all barriers were overcome, and Jesus becomes accessible to both Jews and sinners. He is the Savior of the world. Remembering this, let's consider the features of this Gospel.

Luke - Declaring Histor

The gospel of Luke is primarily the result of thorough work. His Greek is elegant. The first four verses are written by the best Greek language in the whole New Testament. In them, Luka argues that his gospel is written "on a thorough study." He had for it great opportunities and reliable sources. As a trusted companion Paul, he must be well aware of all major details of the early Christian church, and they undoubtedly told him everything they knew. For two years, he was in prison in Pavl in Pavlom. In those long days he had no doubt a lot of opportunities to study and explore everything. And he did it thoroughly.

An example of the thoroughness of Luke we present dating appearance of John the Baptist. At the same time, he refers, no little, for six contemporaries. "In the fifteenth year of the Board of Caesar's reign (1), when Pontius Pilate superimposed in Judea (2), Herod was a fourth in Galilee (3), Philip, his brother, a fourthist in Inure and Trachheccent Oblast (4), and the fours fourth Avilino (5), at the high priests Anna and Caiafe (6), was the verb of God to John, the son of Zechariah, in the desert " (Onion.3,1.2). Undoubtedly, we are dealing with a diligent author who will adhere to the highest possible accuracy of presentation.

Gospel for pagans

Mostly Luka wrote Christians from the pagans. Ferofil, like Luke himself, was from the pagans; and in his gospel there is nothing that the pagan did not realize and would not understand, but as we see, it begins to dating onions romanemperor I. Romanthe governor, that is, in the first place is the Roman manner of dating, b) unlike Matthew, Luke is less interested in the image of Jesus's life in the sense of the embodiment of the Jewish prophecies, c) he rarely quotes Old Testament, d) instead of Jewish words of Luke usually uses their Greek translations so that each Ellin can understand the content written. Simon Kananitibecomes simon in his symbol (Wed. mat.10,4 and onions.5.15). He calls Golgotha, not a Jewish word, but Greek - Craniummountain, the meaning of these words is the same - a frontickable place. He never consumes a Jewish word - rabbi, and a Greek word meaning a mentor. When Luke leads a pedigree Jesus, he traces her not until Abraham - the founder of the people of Israel, as Matthew does, and before Adam - the forefather of mankind (Wed. mat.1,2; Onion.3,38).

That is why the Gospel of Luke is read easier than all others. Luka wrote not for the Jews, but for people, the same as we.

Gospel prayer

The gospel of Luke pays special attention to prayer. More than other bows shows us Jesus immersed in prayer before important events in his life. Jesus prays during his baptism, (Bow 3,21) Before the first collision with Pharisees (Bow 5,16), before calling the twelve apostles (Bow 6,12); before the disciples asks for whom they worship him (Onion.9,18-20); And before predicting his death and resurrection (9.22); during transformation (9.29); And on the cross (23,46). Only Luka tells us that Jesus prayed for Peter during his test (22,32). Only Luca gives the paradise-prayer about the friend coming at midnight (11.5-13) and the parable of the wrong judge (Onion.18.1-8). For Luke Prayer was always an open door to God, and the most precious worldwide.

Gospel of women

A woman occupied a secondary position in Palestine. In the morning, Jew Thanked God for the fact that he did not create his "pagan, a slave or a woman." But Luke removes women a special place. The story of the birth of Jesus is conducted from the point of view of the Virgin Mary. It is at Luke that we read about Elisavet, about Anna, about the widow in the nail, about a woman, anointing leg of Jesus in the house of Simon Pharisay. Luka gives us bright portraits of Martgs, Mary and Mary Magdalene. It is very likely that Luka was a native of Macedonia, where the woman occupied a more free position than anywhere.

Gospel of glorification

In the gospel of the Luke of the glorification of the Lord more often than in all other parts of the New Testament. This praise reaches its apogee in three great hymns who sang all generations of Christians - in the Anthem of Mary (1.46-55), in the blessing of Zechariah (1.68-79); and in Simeon's prophecy (2,29-32). The Gospel of Luke spreads the rainbow light, as if heavenly radiance would light the earthly yudol.

Gospel for all

But the most important in the Gospel of Luke is that it is the Gospel for everyone. All obstacles were overcome, Jesus Christ appeared to all people, without exception.

a) the kingdom of God is not closed for samarian (Onion.9, 51-56). Only Luke we find the parable of the merciful Samaristine (10.30-36). And that alone leveled, returned to thank Jesus Christ for healing, was Samaryanin (Onion.17,11-19). John leads the saying that the Jews do not communicate with the samarians (John.4.9). Luke does not block access to God.

b) Luke shows that Jesus with approval speaks of the pagans, which orthodox Jews would be considered unclean. He has a widow in Srydat Sidon and Neeman Syrianin as exemplary examples (4.25-27). Roman centurion Jesus praises for his great faith (7.9). Luke leads the great words of Jesus: "and come from the East and the West, and the North and South, and will be removed in the kingdom of God" (13.29).

c) Luka pays great attention to the poor. When Maria brings a victim for cleansing is the victim of the poor (2.24). A vertex of response to John the Baptist are the words "beggars of gospel" (7.29). Only Luca gives the parable of the richer and the poor Lazar (16,19-31). And in the Nagorno sermon, Jesus taught: "Blessed with the Spirit" (Mat. 5.3; Luk. 6,twenty). The gospel of Luke is also called the gospel of the disadvantaged. Luke's heart with every man whose life is unsuccessful.

d) Better Other Luke depicts Jesus with another exiles and sinners. Only he tells about a woman who anointed the world of his legs, poured them with tears and wipe them with her hair in the house of Simon Farisay (7.36-50); about the seed chief of the solari (19.1-10); about the robber (23,43); And only Luke leads to the immortal parable of the prodigal son and loving father (15,11-32). When Jesus sent his disciples to preach, Matthew indicates that Jesus ordered them not to go to Samaris or to the pagans (Mat.10.5); Luka says nothing about it. The authors of all four gospels, reporting the preaching of John the Baptist, quoted from IP.40: "Cook the way to the Lord, make your luck to our luck to our"; But only Luke brings the quotation to its triumphal end: "And every flesh of the salvation of God does not seek." IP.40,3-5; Mat.3,3; Mar.1,3; Joan.1,23; Onion.3.4. 6). From the authors of the Gospels of Luka, the urgent other teaches that the love of God is infinite.

Beautiful book

Studying the Gospel of Luke, you should pay attention to the specified features. Once from all the authors of the Gospels, I would most like to meet and talk to Luka, because this doctor from the pagans, surprisingly felt the infinition of God's love, was like a man of a beautiful soul. About the boundless grace and incomprehensible love of the Lord wrote Frederick Faber:

The mercy of God is infinite

As a vast ocean.

In justice unchanged

Delivery Dan.

Do not comprehend the love of the Lord

Our weak minds

Only at the feet find it

The world is exhausted hearts.

The gospel of Luke clearly shows the truthfulness of this.

Teach us to pray (bow 11.1-4)

At the custom of that time, Rabbi taught his students a simple prayer, which they could read on need. John has already done it for his students and here the students of Jesus came to him with a request to teach them. Here is the version of Luke Prayer "Our Father". She is shorter than Matthew, but from it we can find out everything you need to know about how to pray and what to pray.

1. It begins with the fact that God is called Father.It was the characteristic appeal of Christians to God (cf. Gal.4,6; Rome.8,15; 1 Pet.1.17), already the first word of prayer notifies us that we are not going to someone, but to your father, with pleasure to satisfy the needs of their children.

2. In the Jewish language it namemeans more than normal namewhom a person is dying. Namemeans the whole character of a person in his real manifestation. IN PS.9,11 It is said: "Will be trusting your name yours." This means a lot more than what the name of God Jehovah. This means that everyone who knows the character, the mind and the heart of God will gladly trust him.

3. Especially note the procedure for the prayer of our "Father Our". Before giving anything to himself should be proclaimed glory to God, and express your reverence in front of him. Only after God is given to God, other requests are appropriate.

4. This prayer covers all life:

but) Her needs in the present.She indicates to pray to God about the bread, for this day. It dates back to the command of God about Manna Heaven in the desert (Execution16,11-21). We do not need to take care of an unknown future, only about the present day.

Will not frighten me a distant way

Only you are with me.

b) Her past sin.When we pray, we can pray to God only for forgiveness, because the best of us is just a sinner approaching the presence of an exacerbate God.

in her court in the future.Under temptationyou should understand any test. This includes not only seduction to sin, but any situation that is a challenge and at the same time testing of human maturity and loyalty. We are not able to avoid these tests, but when we are with God, we can withstand these tests.

Someone noticed that the "Father Our" has two important meanings in human prayer. If we start prayer from it, she awakens in us different sacred aspirations, which lead us to faithful devotion. If we read it at the end of our prayer, then in it we sum up everything we must pray in the presence of God.

Request, and will be given to you (onions. 11.5-13)

Travelers were often on the road late in the evening, which gave them the opportunity to avoid the heat of the midday sun. Jesus tells, just such a late traveler arrived around midnight to his friend. Hospitality was in the east sacred debt of each; It was not enough to simply satisfy his urgent needs; For a guest, everything should have been abundant. In the village baked bread at home. They baked exactly so much enough for one day, because the bread quickly worried and the next day someone would hardly want to eat it.

So late arrival of the traveler put the owner of the house in a predicising position, because his stall was empty and he could not properly fulfill the sacred demands of hospitality. Although it was already very late, he went to a friend to take bread. But the door of his house was locked. In the east, a person knocks on the locked door only in case of extreme need. In the morning the door opened, and remained open all day, because the inhabitants had little to hide, but if the door was locked, it was clear that the owner did not want to be disturbed. But the man who arrived a guest, did not stop the locked door. He pounded, and continued to knock.

The house of the poor resident of Palestine was one room with one small window. The floor was global and covered with dry reed and cane. The room was divided into two parts, but not a partition, but a small elevation. Two third rooms were at the ground level, the remaining third is slightly higher. On this sublime part of the whole night, the focus, around which the whole family was not on the sublime tops, but on mats. Families were big and all slept smaller closely near each other, so that everyone was warm. If one got up, he would inevitably wake the whole family. In addition, in the village they usually started the night of animals: chickens, roosters and goats.

Is it surprising that a person who was already in bed did not want to get up? And the petitioner continued with the bold persistence. That is exactly what the Greek word used in the text is to knock, while finally the owner of the house, realizing that now all the same awakened the whole family, did not get up and did not give him what he needed.

"This story will tell you about prayer," Jesus said. The moral of this parable is not to pray stubbornly; No, we should not knock on the door of God as long as, finally, he is tired of requests, will give us the desired, or until he is forced to answer us against his desire.

The word parable in his literal sense means put next to anythat is, to make a comparison with something. If we put one thing next to the other, in order to teach someone's lesson, based on the fact that two subjects are similar to each other, have something common among themselves, or, on the contrary, opposite each other. Jesus, in fact, says the following: "If the shameless perseverance of a person can force her stubborn and who does not want to make a friend to give him everything you need, then the more the Father of the Heaven will satisfy the needs of his children!" "If you," he said, - being evil, know how to satisfy the needs of your children, then God will satisfy you? "

But it does not eliminate us from passionate prayer. After all, in the end, we can confirm the reality and sincerity of our desires only by the effort and perseverance of our Moluba. However, it does not mean that we must snatch the gifts we need from the hands of God; We simply appeal to the one who best us knows our needs, and who, possessing a generous heart, abundantly gives us everything necessary. If we were not given what we are about the molim of God, then this is not because he is sorry for his gift, but because he intends to give us something better. No and there was no prayer left unanswered. The answer that we get may be, not the one we expected or wanted; But even if God meets the refusal to prayer, his refusal is dictated by love and wisdom.

Evil slander (bow 11.14-23)

When the enemies of Jesus could no longer directly object to him, they resorted to slander. They stated that his power to cast out demons was based on his union with Prince Devy. They explained his power not to God, but by the devil. Jesus gave them a double and convincing answer.

First, he inflicted a deft blow. In those days in Palestine there were many spellcasters and sorcerers. Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200btraces this activity until King Solomon. Among other abilities of Wise Solomon was the knowledge of herbs and medical plants, and he invented the magic formulas that allowed to completely cast out demons so that they did not returned; And Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200bclaims that he himself saw how Solomon's methods were successfully applied even on his days (Joseph Flavius Jewish antiquities8: 5,2). And Jesus inflicts a good blow to slanderous. "If," he says, I got the ability to cast out demons, because I am in the Union with Prince Devinsky, the fact that you will tell about others, your loved ones, who are also expelled to demons? Condeming me, you condemn only yourself. "

Secondly, it leads an irrefutable argument. The kingdom in which civil War, can not survive. If the prince of Besysky would send his power to exile his adherents, then his kingdom would soon come to the end. Only an even stronger person can defeat the same person. "Therefore," says Jesus, "if I will kick my demons, then this not only proves that I am in collusion with Prince Devinsky, but, on the contrary, that the strongholds of the Beskysky is broken, a strong man evil defeated, and the kingdom of God comes."

Of this, the passage flows certain increasing truths.

1. A person by nature is ready to resort to slander if his ordinary arguments have been exhausted and did not bring the desired result. The prominent English statesman of the last century William Gladstone showed great interest in the problem of moral correction of fallen women of London's streets. But his political opponents evolved gloatingly that his interest was caused by quite different and low reasons. Slander is the most cruel and inhuman agent, because it often leaves a stain on man; After all, a person by nature is inclined to humiliate, and not to elevate the other. Do not think that we are not sinful. After all, how often are we ready to believe the worst of a person? How often do we deliberately attribute low motives to a person who does not like something? How often do we repeat slanderous and nasty stories and destroy a man's reputation for a cup of tea? Thinking about it, we will not have space for complacency, and the need for self-analysis will arise.

2. Once again we will remind myself that Jesus as evidence of the approach of the kingdom of God, emphasized that the suffering was healed and the patients were recoverable. The purpose of Jesus was not only in salvation shower;His goal is full healingand salvation.

3. Luka completes this passage by the statement of Jesus: "Who is not with me, he is against me; and who does not collect with me, it cries." In Christianity there is no place of neutrality. Whoever bursts is alien to good, he automatically promotes evil. Man either breaks through the road, either worth someone across the road.

Danger of empty soul (bow 11.24-28)

Here is a gloomy and terrible story about how from one person was expelled by the demon. This food wandered in search of peace, but did not find it. And so he decided to return again to man. He found the soul of his clean - revolved and cleaned, but empty. Then he gathered seven other demons who were stronger than him, and together again they were mastered by a person, whose fate became even worse than was before.

1. In this parable, the fundamental truth was concluded: the human soul should not remain empty. It is not enough to simply drive out evil thoughts, bad habits and former lifestyle, but to leave the soul empty. An empty shower is always dangerous. Adam Welch often preached on the topic: "And do not get enough wine from which there is a breaking, but performed by the Spirit" (Eph. 5,eighteen). He began her words: "A person must be filled with something." It is not enough just to expel evil, his place should take good.

2. From this it follows that no religion can only be based on prohibitions. Let's take a completely clear example: the problem of resurrection is still not allowed. Too often speak with indignation that people are doing on Sunday, and then lead a list of forbidden on Sunday. But after all, the person who is addressed by all these tirads can ask: "Well, what can I do?" And if we do not answer this question, it would be better if we didn't say anything at all, for, by bringing an incomplete list of what it is impossible to do, we do it on the idleness, and the devil is this that is waiting to take Delicious man. Religions always threatens the danger to pour out a series of prohibitions and taboos. It is necessary to clean, but, eradicating evil, you need to grow well.

3. The best way Equal from evil - do good. The most beautiful garden that I saw was so filled with flowers that there was no space for weeds; Flowers need to be planted at every free place, not enough to eat weeds. This is, as anywhere, is relevant in the spiritual life of a person. After all, there are often bad thoughts. If we confine ourselves only to what I say: "No, I will not think about it," then we, nevertheless, become more concentrated on this thought. The way out of this is to think about something else, oust the bad idea to the noble thought. Cannot become pious not makingof one or this; A person becomes such when he fills the life of adolescent thoughts and affairs.

In verses 27 and 28, Jesus says strictly, but truthfully. A woman screaming from the crowd was in spiritual excitation. And Jesus returned it to reality. The state of a mental impulse is a beautiful thing; But the most beautiful - everyday life in obedience to the Lord. No wonderful feelings can replace decentive acts.

Responsibility for privileges (bow 11,29-32)

Jews demanded from Jesus so that he would do something striking and proven that he was anointed of God. Someone later, in 45, a certain Femda appeared in Palestine, who announced himself. He persuaded people to go with him to Jordan, promising them to divide the water of the river and make a dry passage for them to another shore. It goes without saying that the water was not divided, and the Romans easily dealt with the raised rebellion; But it was precisely such a kind of signs that Judea were eager, believing that this way Jesus could prove their reliability to them. Jews have not seen that the greatest sign that God could send was Jesus himself.

In the same way, as once Ion was the sign of God for Ninevyan, so was now Jesus the sign of God for Jews, but they did not recognize him. The beard of King Solomon Tsarina Savskaya learned about his wisdom and arrived from afar to learn from him; When Ion preached, Ninevei's people found out in his voice, the voice of God and everyone repeated. On the vessel day, these people will rise and creep the Jews of the Epoch of Jesus, because the Jews who lived at this time had such opportunities and the privileges that they never had and would not have anymore, but they refused to accept them. The conviction of the Jews will be the more stringent, for their privileges were large.

Privileges and responsibility are always closely related. Let's think about the two of our greatest privileges, and how we use them.

1. Each of us is available to the Bible, the Word of God. And so it was not alwaysand it is ne it happened by itself.There was a time when preaching the Bible itself in native languages \u200b\u200bwas caught by death. When the weekell wrote in 1350 by one scientist, referring to him with a request to preach the gospel in their native language, he received such an answer: "I know well that by the law of Christ I have to fulfill your request, but nevertheless, we now so far away from the law of Christ that if I am satisfied with your request, i will perish;but you said well that a person needs to live as long as possible. "Later, Foke reported that in those days people squatted the night and read and listened to the Word of God on english language. "Gave a lot of money for the book, they were given WHO SIGA for several chapters from St. Jacob or St. Paul, written in English." Tindale for the first time gave England printed Bible. He did it, although he himself, he suffered from poverty, expulsion, bitter absence of friends, hunger, thirst and cold, big dangers and numerous large and hot collisions. " In 1536 he died as a martyr. When shortly before his death, the government burned the Bible printed in English, he said: "They did exactly what I expected from them, I would not be surprised even if they burned me too."

There is no more valuable book than the Bible. Nowadays, there is a serious danger that people will give her a cynical definition - a classic book, i.e. Books that everyone heard, but which no one reads. We are given a privilege to have a Bible, and this privilege obliges us, for we are responsible for our privileges.

2. We can serve God as we consider it necessary. And this is also a privilege that stands human lives. The tragedy is that many people used this privilege in order not to serve God at all. And this right obliges us, for for him we will have to answer.

If a man is a Christian, and he has the book of Christ and the Church of Christ, he is the heir of the privileges of God; And if he neglects them, or refuses them, then he, like the Jews of the Epoch of Jesus, is subject to condemnation.

Related heart (bow 11.33-36)

The meaning of this passage to understand is not easy, but maybe it has the following meaning. Body light depends on the eye; If the eye is healthy, a person perceives enough light, if the eye of unhealthy, the light appeals to it in darkness. Similar light of life depends on the heart;if a person has a moral healthy heart, then his whole life radiates light; If his heart is erased, the whole life is plunged into darkness. Jesus strongly advises us to ensure that our inner lights always shine.

But why does the inner lamp fade or fade? What can happen to our heart?

1. Our hearts can outlook.Sometimes, when our hands have to do something unusual, we are experiencing skin irritation and hands begin to root: But, if we often repeat it, the skin is coarse, and then we can do without any difficulty what has ever hurt us . The same happens with our hearts. When we first make a bad act, we make it with a shiver and with fear, sometimes even with pain, these feelings are becoming weaker, and in the end, we commit them without a remorse of conscience. Sin has a terrible power - he is energizing the hearts and souls.

The first step of every person to sin is always accompanied by a cry of warning in his heart, but if he sins quite often, the time comes when he does not care anymore, and his heart is not knocking. The fact that once inspired a person fear, and what he did extremely reluctantly, becomes usual. We can only have a penalty for yourself if we allow themselves to get to such a state.

2. Our hearts stupid.The man is tragically easily getting used to evil. It happens at first, at the form of the suffering of the world, even a heart hurts, but then we gradually get used to them, we accept them as proper and stop worrying because of them.

Most people feel and experiences in adolescence much more intensively than in adulthood. This is true and in relation to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Florence Barkley told her little girl for the first time taken to church. There was a passionate Friday, read the crucifix history, and read perfectly. She heard about the renunciation of Peter and about the betrayal of Judas; She heard about the cross interrogation of Pontius Pilate; She saw the crown of his thorns, strikes soldiers; She heard a decision on the crucifixion of Jesus and then she heard terrible final words: "And they crucified it." It seemed that it did not touch anyone in the church, but suddenly the girl buried her face in the mother's dress, squeezed her voice and her voice rang in the silence of the church: "Why did they do it? Why did they do it?"

That should be how we should perceive the story about the crucifixion, but we heard him as many times that they perceive it now without any emotions. Yes, God will save us from the heart, who lost the ability to feel the agony of the crucifix, to which he went for the sake of us.

3. Our hearts can actively rebel.It is possible that some people know the true path, but deliberately choose the path unjust. A person can feel the hand of the Lord on his shoulder, but push it away. A man with open eyes can choose his way to a distant country, while God calls him to come home. Yes, God will save us from a worm heart.

Removing the smallest and neglect to the essential (onions. 11,37-44)

Pharisay surprised that Jesus did not wash hands before meals. This was not done for the sake of compliance with purity; The ablution of hands before meals had a ritual character. The law says that a person should wash his hands before eating a properly, and that should be washed them between dishes. As usual, each detail was designed. For this, there were special stone vessels with water, because ordinary water could be unclean; It was necessary to use so much water for the ablution of the hands as it can accommodate one and a half eggs. At first, the water was lily on the hands, ranging from the tips of the fingers and towards the wrist. Then the palm of the hands were turned, and at the same time the palm rubbed the other hand compressed in the back of the fist. And finally, again lily water on the arm, this time since the wrist towards the tips of the fingers. Even the most insignificant violation of this ritual was considered to be in the Pharisees sin. Jesus answered that if if the Pharisees were also carefully watched the purity of their hearts, as for the purity of their hands, they would be the best people.

Orthodox Jews carefully paid the following sentences:

but) The first fruits of the earth.The first fruits of the next six plants - wheat, barley, grape vines, figs, pomegranate, olives, and the first collected honey brought as a victim in the temple.

b) Teutors.While the first fruits of the earth were sacrificed to God, Teruma was intended for priests for their content. It also was brought from the first fetus of each plant, the volume was 1/50 of the total crop.

in) Tenth.The tithing was paid directly to the Levites, which, in turn, gave the tenth of the priests received. This tenth included the tenth part of everything, "what can be used in food and upholster or grows on Earth." The phariseev's scrupulousness is already visible from the fact that even the law it was said that from the root I do not need to pay the tithing. Regardless of the senses and the inclination of the heart, regardless of whether they neglect the laws of justice and love, the Pharisees never forgot to pay the tithe.

The privileged places in the synagogue were in front and were facing faced with praying. The first rows were the most honorary places for the parishioners, and as they removed into the depths of the hall, their honor decreased. The advantage of places depended on how much they could see them!

The greater respect, the Pharisees have provided in their greetings on the streets, the more pleasure they experienced.

The meaning of verse 44 is clear, if you take the following into account: "Anyone who will touch on the field to the killed sword, or to the deceased, or to the bone of human, or to the coffin, the unclean will be seven days" (Number.19,16). To be unclean meant to be removed from all worship services. But a person can touch the grave even noticing her. But it did not matter: one touch made a person unclean. Jesus said that the Pharisees are similar to the same imperceptible grave. Although the people of Togo did not know, the Communication itself with the Pharisees brought them only harm. Absolutely, the person who joined them in contact, acquired to evil. People could not suspect evil at all, but it applied, for they were clearly infected with erroneous thoughts of God and his demands.

In the Pharisees, two deviations are especially noteworthy, and Jesus condemns them for them.

1. They concentrated their attention on external. While all external religious rituals were performed, they were pleased. Their hearts could be black as hell; Perhaps they were alone alone was mercy and even a sense of justice; But, since they soon made certain rituals at a certain time, they considered themselves worthy of people in the eyes of God.

A person can regularly visit the church, gently study the Bible, and generously give to the needs of the Church; But if in the heart of his proud thoughts and contempt, if he does not have mercy on everyday relations to neighbor, if he is unfair to his subordinates, or dishonestly treats his work, then he is not a Christian. No one can be a Christian if he only complies with the external norms of religion, but forgets about the normal relations between people.

2. Pharisees focused their attention on the details.In comparison with love and kindness, justice and generosity - the ablution of the hands and the meticulous payment of deciments is only minor little things. As often, church courts and believers are engaged in small problems of church leadership and management, they even quarrel and fight among themselves, but forget the great problems of real Christian life.

Sin of legislates (bow 11.45-54)

Jesus pursues three charges against the scribes.

1. As the experts of the law, they were imposed on people numerous extremely uncomfortable norms of the ritual law; But they themselves did not observe them, because they were craftsmen of dying and evasion. Here are some of these deviations.

Saturday journey Jews was limited to the law by the distance in 2000 elbow (915 meters) from the dwelling. But if a rope was stretched across the road, then this end of the street became his housing and he could pass another 915 meters; If he left on Friday, in anyone any place food, sufficient to satisfy it twice, then this place was also considered his housing, and he could pass 915 meters from him!

In addition to other works, it was forbidden to knit nodes on Saturday: nodes of sailors, camel stronger assemblies, and rope knots. But the woman could tie his belt; Therefore, if it was necessary to pull the water bucket from the well, then the bucket could not be tied to the rope, and the belt could be, and so the water bucket could be taken from the well!

It was also forbidden to wear gravity, but the ritual law said: "The one who wears anything in his right or in his left hand, or for the sinus, or on his shoulders, - she guessed; but the one who wears anything on the rear side of the palm, on the leg, in the mouth, on the elbow, on the ear, on the hair, or in their inverted up the bottom of the Moshne, between the mosper and shirt, in the fold of the shirt, in the shoe or in sandals - does not violate the law, because he does not wear Its usual way. "

It is difficult to even imagine how people could think about the fact that God could establish such a law to someone, and that the development of parts for such a law may be a matter of religious ministry, and their observance is a matter of life and death. But precisely in this, the religion of the scribes. It is not surprising that Jesus fell into his speech on the scribes, and they, in turn, called him an unbeliever heretic.

2. The attitude of the scribes to the prophets was controversial. They proclaimed deep reverence of the prophets. But they revered only the dead prophets. Alive they tried to kill. They erected the tombs and monuments to the dead prophets, but disgraced, pursued and killed lively.

"The newly and Sabbath, the festive assemblies can not tolerate," said Isaiah. "Oh man! It is said that - good, and what does the Lord demand from you: to act rightly, love the deeds of mercy, and to humblely go to your God," Michei said (Mih. 6,eight). This was the essence of the teachings of the prophets; And it was the direct opposite of the teachings of the scribes. It is not surprising, therefore, that the scribes, the deification of the external details produced by them, hated the prophets, and Jesus also taught the line of prophets. The killing of the Prophet Zechariah is described in 2 Couple.24,20.21.

3. The scriptures hid a sacred writing from the people. Their interpretations of the Scriptures were so kinda that simple man It was difficult to understand something in them, and therefore, they became a book of riddles for him. In his misconception, they refused to see the true meaning of the Scriptures and did not allow others to study them. In the hands of the scribes, they also became incomprehensible mystery for a simple person.

The same happens today. There are still such that require other observance of the norms of life and behavior, which they themselves do not think to perform. Many many more religion consists only in compliance with the external rules. There are now those who make the Word of God so difficult to understand that the seeker is falling into bewilderment, and does not know what to believe and who to listen.

Comments (Introduction) To the whole book "From Luke"

Comments on chapter 11

"The most beautiful of the existing books."(Ernest Renan)


I. Special position in the canon

The most beautiful of existing books is a high score, especially from Skeptic's mouth. Nevertheless, it was precisely such an assessment gave the Gospel of Luke French critic Renan. And what can object to these words a responsive believer, who reads the inspired masterpiece of this evangelist? Luke, perhaps, the only pagan writer, chosen by God to record his Scriptures, and this partially explains its particular attractiveness for the heirs of Greco-Roman culture in the West.

In the spiritual sense, we would be much poorer in our assessment of the Lord Jesus and his ministry without a unique expressiveness of the doctor Luke.

He emphasizes the special interest of our Lord to individual personalities, even to poor and outcasts, his love and salvation proposed by them to all people, and not just Jews. Luke also emphasizes attention to the Slavs (when samples of early Christian hymns in Ch. 1 and 2), Prayer and Holy Spirit.

Luka - native of Antioch, and by profession the doctor - for a long time was a companion Paul, a lot talked with other apostles and in two books left us the samples of medicine for the shower he received from them.

External testimony Eusevia in his "History of the Church" on the authorship of the Third Gospel is consistent with the Universal Early Christian Tradition.

Irina wide quotes the third Gospel as belonging to Peru Luke.

Other early certificates in support of the authorship of Luke include Justina Martyr, Gegezippa, Alexandrian and Terertullian Clement. In extremely trendy and abbreviated edition of Markion, the Gospel from Luke is the only one who accepted this famous heretic. Fragmented canon Moorontic calls the third gospel "from Luke."

Luka is the only evangelist who has written its gospel, and precisely from this book, the Acts of the Apostles, the most clearly seen on the authorship of Luke. Excerpts with the word "we" in the Acts of the Apostles are a description of the events in which the writer took personal part (16.10; 20.5-6; 21.15; 27,1; 28,16; Wed 2 Tim. 4, eleven). After a deployment, only Luka can be recognized by the participant of all these events. From the dedication of the Ferofil and the style of writing it is quite clear that the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles belong to Peru of the same author.

Paul calls Luka "Doctor Beloved" and speaks of him especially, without mixing with Christians from Jews (count. 4.14), which indicates him as on the only pagan writer in the NZ. The gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles in volume exceed all the messages of Paul, taken together.

Internal testimony Enhance external documents and church legends. Vocabulary (often more accurate in medical termsthan other new taving writers), along with literary style Greek language, confirms the authorship of a cultural Christian doctor from pagans, which is also well and familiar with Jewish characteristic features. Love Luke to dates and accurate studies (for example, 1.1-4; 3.1) puts forward it into the ranks of the first historians of the Church.

III. Writing time

The most likely date of writing the Gospel is the very beginning of the 60s I century. Some still refer it to 75-85. (or even to the II century), which is caused by at least a partial denial of the fact that Christ could predict the destruction of Jerusalem as accuracy. The city was destroyed in 70 AD, so the prophecy of the Lord should be recorded before this date.

Since almost everyone agrees that the Gospel of Luke should be in time to precede the book of the Acts of the Apostles, and the acts end with the stay of Paul in Rome about 63 AD, then the earlier date seems true. The big fire in Rome and the subsequent persecution of Christians whom Nero declared the culprits (64 AD), as well as the martyrdom of Peter and Paul would hardly be left to the first church historian if these events had already occurred. Consequently, the most obvious date is 61-62. AD

IV. Purpose of writing and topic

The Greeks were looking for a man endowed with Divine perfection and at the same time combining the best features of men and women, but without their flaws. So represents the bow of Christ - the Son of Human: strong and at the same time executed compassion. He emphasizes his human nature.

For example, here is more than in other Gospels, his prayer life is focused. Frequently mentioned feelings of sympathy and compassion.

Perhaps that is why women and children occupy such a special place here. The gospel of Luke is also known as the missionary gospel.

This gospel is directed to the pagans, and the Lord Jesus is represented as a savior of the world. And finally, this is the gospel - a sentence for apprenticeship. We trace the path of apprenticeship in the life of our Lord and hearing his detailed presentation when he instructs his followers. In particular, it is this feature that we trace and we are in our presentation. In the life of a perfect person, we will find elements that create an ideal life for all people. In his incomparable words, we will find the path of the cross to which he calls us.

Getting Started by the study of the Gospel of Luke, let's listen to the conscription of the Savior, leave everything and follow him. Obedience is a tool of spiritual knowledge. The meaning of the Holy Scripture will become clearer and more expensive for us when we are in charge of the events described here.


I. Preface: The goal of Luke and its method (1.1-4)

II. The arrival of the Son of the Human and its Forerunner (1.5 - 2.52)

III. Preparation of the Son of Human to Service (3.1 - 4.30)

IV. The Son of Human proves its strength (4,31 - 5.26)

V. The Son of Human explains his ministry (5.27 - 6.49)

Vi. The Son of Human expands his ministry (7.1 - 9.50)

VII. Rising opposition to the son of human (9,51 - 11,54)

VIII. Teaching and healing on the way in Jerusalem (ch. 12 - 16)

IX. The Son of Human instructs his students (17.1 - 19.27)

X. Son of man in Jerusalem (19.28 - 21.38)

Xi. The suffering and death of the Son of Human (ch. 22 - 23)

XII. Victory of the Son of Human (ch. 24)

J. Prayer of students (11.1-4)

Between chapters 10 and 11 there is an interval, which is described by John (9.1-110.21).

11,1 This is another one of the frequent directions of Luke on the prayer life of our Lord. It corresponds to the goal of Luke to present Christ as the Son of Human, always dependent on God, his father. The disciples felt that prayer was a real and vital force in the life of Jesus. When they heard his prayer, they had a desire to pray the same. therefore one of his studentsasked the Lord tagthem pray.He did not say: "Teach us, as Pray ", but:" Teach us to pray. "Anyway, a request, of course, includes both action and method.

11,2 The example of the prayer, which Lord Jesus gave them at this time, is somewhat different from the so-called prayer of the Lord in the Gospel of Matthew. These differences have a target and value. None of them accidentally.

First of all, the Lord taught the disciples to contact God "Our Father!"

Similar close family relationships were unknown to believers. It simply means that from now on believers must speak with God as a loving heavenly Father.Next we are taught to pray for God's the name has fallen.This is expressed in the desire of the heart of a believer, so that the conviction, glorification and worship be drawn to God.

Asking "Yes, your kingdom will come,"we pray that the day came rather when God will define hostile forces and in the person of Christ will reacted above all over earth,when it is will and on Earth, as in heaven.

11,3 Looking for before the kingdom of God and his righteousness, praying to report to their own needs and desires. It reflects the constant need for food both physical and spiritual. We must live in daily dependence on it, recognizing it with the source of all the best.

11,4 Next follows a prayer for forgiveness sinsbased on the fact that we appeal for the sorry of the neighbor. This is quite obvious, does not apply to a pleasure from punishment for sin. Such forgiveness is based on a perfect Christ in Calvary and is accepted only by faith. Here we are dealing with the parent or government forgiveness. If we forgave others, God turns to us as with children. If he detects in our hearts the spirit of coldness and disadvantage, he will expose us to punishment while we do not accept and again do not return to communicate with him. Such forgiveness is associated with communication, and not with relationships with God.

Moluba "And do not enter us in temptation"for some people, it is difficult. We know that God never tempts to sin to anyone.

However, he allows us to experience difficulties and checks in their lives that are intended for our good. Here is obvious that the thought is that we must constantly be vigilant, as we tend to wander and fall into sin. We should ask for the Lord to keep us from the sinnership, even if we ourselves can desire to make it. We should pray that the possibility of sin and the desire of sinful deeds never coincided. This prayer expresses common distrust to our own abilities to resist temptations. Prayer ends asking get rid of us from the evil. (Luke leads the most compressed version of the prayer "Our Father"; probably, she does not retold word for word.)

Z. Two paradise of prayer (11.5-13)

11,5-8 Continuing the topic of prayers, the Lord led an example designed to show that God wishes to hear the petitions of his children and give answers to them. In this story, we are talking about a person to whom at midnightguest came. Unfortunately, he did not have enough food at hand. So he went to his neighbor, knocked on the door of his house and asked him loan three breads.At first, the neighbor was upset that his sleep was interrupted, and did not bother up with bed. However, hearing a long knock and loud calls of a concerned owner, he eventually stood up and gave him,how much he asked.

We must be careful in applying this example to avoid some conclusions. This example does not mean that God annotates our persistent requests. And hence it does not even follow that the only way to get an answer to his prayers is perseverance.

This passage teaches that if a person is ready to help a friend on the restlessness of him, then God is much more Wishes to hear the cry of their children.

11,9 Here is given the instruction that we should not be tired or disappointed in our prayer life. "Continue to ask ... Continue to search ... Continue to knock ..." (In Greek, the verb of the present time in the imperative inclination transmits an ongoing effect.) Sometimes God responds to prayers after our request.

But there are cases when it is responsible only after long requests. God responds to prayers:

Sometimes, when our hearts are weak,
He gives exactly those gifts,
In which believers need;
But often our faith must learn
A more serious lesson
And learn to trust God's silence
When he says nothing;
He, whose name is love,
Send all the best.
Stars can go out,
Collapsed stone walls
But God is faithful;
His promises are reliable
(He is our power. - M.G.P.)

This parable clearly teaches an increasing degree of unstickness - ask, look, knock.

11,10 This verse teaches that all seizing gets looking for andto each knocking disagreea door. Here we are given a promise that when we pray, God always gives us a request or even something better. The answer "No" means: he knows that our request will not be for us something best; In this case, his refusal is better than our petition.

11,11-12 It says that God will never deceive us, giving a rock,when we ask about bread.In those days, bread was made in the form of a round flat cake resembling stone. God will never laugh at us, giving anything inedible when we ask about food. If we ask for fishHe will not give us snakethat is something that can destroy us. And if we ask for eggHe will not give us scorpio,that is, something capable of causeing painful pain.

11,13 Earth Father does not give evil gifts; Although he has a sinful nature, he knows how to give giving thanks to childrenhis. Moreover, the Heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit asking him.J. Ballet says: "It is significant that the gift marked by him as the greatest of our need and which he most of all wants to give us - it is the Holy Spirit." When Jesus pronounced these words, the Holy Spirit was not yet given (John 7.39). We should now pray that the Holy Spirit is to us dan As a person who lives in us, as he comes and settles in us during our treatment (Rome. 8.9; Eph. 1,13-14).

However, it will be, of course, it is appropriate and necessary to pray for the Holy Spirit somewhat differently. We should pray to be learned by the Holy Spirit to be led by the Spirit and that his strength is poured on us in our whole ministry for Christ. It is possible that when Jesus taught the disciples to ask about Holy SpiritHe pointed on strength Holy Spirit, allowing them to live the life of the apprenticeship, which he taught them in previous chapters. By this time, they probably realized how unable to cope with the student tests with their own forces.

And indeed it is. Holy Spirit- This is the power that gives man the ability to hold a Christian life. So Jesus represents God passionately wanting to give such power asking.

In the Greek original in Art. 13 In front of the words "Holy Spirit" is not worth a certain article. Professor X. B. Svit notes that when there is such an article, he points to the person itself, and when the article is missing, it is an indication of his gifts and its action in us. Consequently, in this passage, the prayer is not so much about Personality Holy Spirit, how much about his ministry in our lives. This is more revealed through a parallel place in the MF. 7,11, which reads: "... Especially father your heavenly will give good asking him. "

I. Jesus answers its critics (11,14-26)

11,14-16 Driving a demonwhich was him, Jesus caused a whole stir among people. While some were surprisedothers openly opposed the Lord. The opposition took two main forms. Someaccused him that he i expels demons by the power of Wellezevul, Prince Beshovsky.

BUT othersdemanded that he revealed them sign from the sky;they probably believed that it could remove the accusation nominated against him.

11,17-18 The answer to the accusation is that he expelled the demons, as Wheelzevul was settled in it, Dan in Art. 17-26. At the request of the sign is the answer in Art. 29. First of all, the Lord Jesus reminded them that any kingdom, divided by itself,collapsed I. the house divided by itself will fall.If he is the tool of Satan in the exile of demons, then satanfights against their own handicrafts. It is funny to think that the devil will thus oppose himself and impede his goals.

11,19 Then the Lord reminded her critics that their compatriots at the same time expelled evil spirits. If he performed this by Satan's force, then it must be necessary that they should do the same force. Jews, of course, would never recognize it. And yet, how could they deny the power of arguments? The power for the expulsion of demons came either from God or from Satan. Or one or another; And then, and the other could not be at the same time. If Jesus acted by Satan's force, then the Jews expelled demons depended on the same strength. To condemn it meant to condemn them.

11,20 True explanation is: Jesus i expelled demons with finger of God.What did he mean when he spoke "Frash God"?In the Gospel of Matthew (12.28), we read the following: "If I, by the Spirit of God, I expel demons, then of course reached you the kingdom of God." From this you can conclude that french finger- The same as the Spirit of God. The fact that Jesus expelled demons by the Spirit of God unambiguously testified that The kingdom of God reachedpeople of this generation. The kingdom came to the identity of the king himself. The very fact that the Lord Jesus was among them, making such miracles, was a decisive proof that the ruler appeared in the History arena, the ruler appeared.

11,21-22 Until now, Satan was "Strong with weapons",who is indisputably dominated over his estate. People, obsessed with demons, were redeemably connected, and no one challenged his power. His estateit was in safety,that is, no one had the strength to challenge his power. Lord Jesus was strongersatan, attacked him, won himtook all weaponsand divided abducted by him.

Even the critics of Jesus did not deny that he expelled evil spirits. It could only mean that Satan was defeated, and his victims were released. This is the essence of these poems.

11,23 Next, Jesus added that everyone who is not S.Him, T. vsHim, I. who does not collect withHim, T. crops.Someone said: "The person is either on the way or on the way." We have already mentioned the apparent contradiction between these verse and 9.50. If the question is in the personality of Christ, then the neutrality is impossible. A man who is not for Christ, against him. But if we are talking about the Christian ministry, then people who are not against the ministers of Christ will be for them. In the first verse - a question of salvation; In the second - the issue of ministry.

11,24-26 The Lord seems to translate the topic of conversation on his critics. They accused him of dismissal demon. He also compares the Israeli people with a person who was temporarily cured of obsession. It really was in their history. Before his capture, the people of Israel was obsessed with demon idolatry.

However, the captain of the Jews from this evil spiritand since that time, they never betrayed idolatry. They found their home received and cleaned,but they refused to invite the Lord Jesus as the owner. Consequently, he predicted that in the coming day unclean spirittake with me seven other spirits worst themselves andthey are will be includedin the house and will live there.This indicates the terrible form of idolatry, which the Jewish nation will take in the period of the Great Tribulation; They recognize the God of Antichrist (in. 5.43), and the punishment for this sin will be great than the people ever worried.

Although this example concerns first of all history people Israeli, it also indicates the insufficiency of simple repentance or transformation in life separate man. It is not enough to simply flip the pure page. It is necessary to take in the heart and life of the Lord Jesus Christ. Otherwise, a person is open to entry more evil forms of sin than it was ever before.

K. More blessed than Maria (11,27-28)

Some woman came out ofwednesday assembled peopleto glorify Jesus with the words: "Blessedly, worst you, and the nipples, who fed!"The answer of our Lord is of great importance. He did not reject that Maria, his mother, blessed, but he said that there is something more than this: more more important hear the Word of God and keep it.In other words, Maria is even more blessed, having believed in Christ and followed him than simply because she is his mother. Physical relationships do not have such importance as spiritual. This should be enough to be silent those who make from Mary object reverence.

L. Iona sign (11,29-32)

11,29 In verse 16 some kept the Lord Jesus, demanding from him signsfrom the sky. Now he answers this request, saying that it comes from this decoration.His words primarily concerned the generation of Jews who lived at the time. The Son of God honored them with his presence. They heard his words and witnessed his wonders. However, this was not enough. Now they stated that if only they saw the great, supernatural sign in heaven, would believe in it. The answer of the Lord was that no the sign will not givethem, in addition to the sign of the ions of the prophet.

11,30 He pointed to his resurrection from the dead. Similar to And shehe was saved from the sea puchin, having traveled three days and three nights in the whale whale, and the Lord Jesus will raise from the dead, having stayed in the grave for three days and three nights. In other words, the last and final miracle in the earthly ministry of Lord Jesus will be His resurrection. Ion was a sign forresidents Ninevei.When he went to the sermon to this pagan city, he went there as a man who, figuratively speaking, rebelled out of the dead.

11,31-32 Queen South,the pagan queen Sava, overcame a huge distance to listen to the Wisdom Solomon.She did not see a single miracle. And if she had a privilege to live in the days of the Lord, then with what will be willing him! Therefore, she retribute to courtagainst these evil people who had the privilege of seeing the supernatural affairs of the Lord Jesus and still rejected him. More,than And she,and more,than Solomon,speed \u200b\u200bin the arena of human history. While ninevyan repented by Ionina's preaching,israelis refused to repent from the preaching of one who more ions.

Today, the disbelief is embarrassed on the story about the ion, relating to her Jewish legend. Jesus spoke of ion as a real historical person, as well as about Solomon. People who say that they will believe if they see a miracle, they are mistaken. Faith is based on the evidence of the senses, but on Living Word God.

If a person does not believe the Word of God, he won't believe, even if someone resurrect from the dead. The requirement of signs is unlike God. This is not a faith, but a vision. Dispersed says: "Show, and then I will believe." God says: "Take, and then see."

M. Parable of a lit candle (11.33-36)

11,33 At first glance it seems that there is no connection between these and previous verses. But with a more careful study, we find a very significant connection. Jesus reminded his listeners that no one,lazhegshi candledoes not put it in a hidden place under the vessel.He puts her in a candlestick, where it can be seen and where it gives the light to everyone in the incoming.

Application is: one who lit lamp- God. In personality and in the acts of the Lord Jesus Christ, he provided the radiance of light for the world. And if someone does not see the light, then not the fault of God. In Chapter 8, Jesus spoke about the responsibility entrusted to his students: to distribute faith, and not to hide it under the vessel. Here, in 11.33, he exposes the disbelief of critics seeking him, whose search is caused by the greed and fear of the decoration.

11,34 The result of their unclean motives was disbelief. In physical reality eyegives shineeverything body.If the eye is healthy, then a person can see the light. But if the eye is sick, that is, the blind, then the light cannot penetrate. Also in the spiritual world. If a person is sincere in his desire to know, whether Jesus is Christ of God, God will open it to him. If his urge is unclean if he wants to keep his greed, if he continues to be afraid of what others say, he is blind before the true dignity of the Savior.

11,35 People who addressed Jesus considered themselves very wise. They believed that they had a lot of light. But the Lord Jesus advised them to take into account the fact that shine,which the inthey are actually darkness.

The wisdom to which they claimed, and their own superiority did not let them go to him.

11,36 A man with clean motivations, opening in front of Jesus - the light of the world - all its creature will be filled with spiritual insight.

His inner life will be enlightened by Christ in the same way as the human body is illuminated when he sits under the right rays of the lamp.

N. External and internal purity (11.37-41)

11,37-40 When Jesus took an invitation one Pharisaycome for lunch, he was amazing his master by the fact that not washed hands before lunch.Jesus read his thoughts and squinted him for such a hypocrisy and commitment to external. Jesus reminded him that the actual value is not exteriorpurity bowlsbut internal. Externally, the Pharisees seemed quite righteous, but inside they were filled with theft and sv. The same god that created externalcreated also internal.He is interested in the fact that our inner life is clean.

"A man looks at his face, and the Lord looks at the heart" (1 Tsar. 16.7).

11,41 The Lord understood how evil and myself was the Pharisees, so he told this owner before serve alms from whathe has. If he could withstand this main check of love to neighbor, then allhe would have purely.

G. A. Ayanside comments:

"When God's love Fill the heart so much that a person cares about the needs of neighboring, then only this external rule will acquire genuine value. A person who is increasingly collecting for himself and referring to the extreme indifference to his poor and needy people, indicates that the love of God does not live in it. (Harry A. Ironside, Addresses on the Gospel Of Luke,p. 390.)

"Strong words recorded in verses 39-52 against Pharisees and the legislates were pronounced for the meal at Pharisei (Art. 37). What we call" good taste ", often replaces the loyalty to truth; we smile when we should be frowning; and we Store silence when we need to talk. It is better to interrupt my meal than to break the loyalty to God. "

O. Ukor Farisies (11,42-44)

11,42 Phariseesthere were adherents of external. They showed a scrupulousness regarding the smallest details of ritual laws, such as tensten with small herbsHowever, they did not care about their relationships with God and people. They oppressed the poor and did not love God. The Lord did not stock them for making tith with mint, rootand all sorts of vegetables, but simply indicated that they should not be so pedantic in the performance of the little things, neglecting the main responsibilities of life, such as the court and love of God.They allocated a secondary, and they missed the main thing. They were improved in the fact that other people could see, but they did not want that he had seen only God.

11,43 They loved to expose themselves at the bottom, occupy an important position. in synagoguesand attract as much attention as possible on the market square. That is, they were guilty not only in adherence to external, but also in Gordin.

11,44 And finally, the Lord compared them with coffinshidden. According to the law of Moses, any seven days touched to the coffin was unclean (number 19,16), even if, touching, he did not know that it was a coffin. Phariseesexternally impressed loyal religious leaders. However, they were supposed to wear a warning sign that touching them threatens people with desecration. They were, as a coffinhidden, full moral decomposition and sewage that infect other infection shows and pride.

P. Impairment of lawniers (11.45-52)

11,45 Finalswere scribes - experts in the interpretation of the law of Moiseeva. However, their skill was limited to the fact that they told others what they need to do. They themselves did not practice. One of the laws felt the accusatory sharpness of the words of Jesus and recalled him that, criticizing the Pharisees, he also hurts and legislative professionals.

11,46 The Lord took advantage of this as a reason to point out some sins of the laws. First of all, they oppressed people all sorts of bremenmi.the law, but did not do anything to help them carry these bremen.Kelly notes: "They were known for their contempt for those people on which their significance was built." (William Kelly, An Exposition of The Gospel Of Lukep. 199.) Many of their rules have been established by people and relate to issues that are not real importance.

11,47-48 The legislands were hypocritical killers. They made the view that they admired the prophets of God. They reached even before the monuments were erected on tombold Testament prophets.Of course, they considered it proof of deep reverence. But the Lord Jesus knew about the friend. Although they externally noted from their Jewish predecessors who beatenprophets, in fact, they walked behind them in the next. Simultaneously with the construction of tombs for the prophets, they plucked the death of the greatest prophet of God, the Lord himself. And they will continue to kill faithful prophets and the apostles of God.

11,49 Comparing this verse with Matthew 23,34, we will see that wisdom of God- This is Jesus himself. Here he leads words wisdom of Godwhich said: "Let's go to them the prophets."

In the gospel of Matthew, he does not lead it as a quote from the via or a kidogolo of another source, but simply sets out as its statement. (See also 1 Cor. 1.30, where Christ is referred to as wisdom.) The Lord Jesus promised that will send prophets and apostlespeople of their generation, and those will be to kill and cast outthem.

11,50-51 He implies from the kind of blood of all,who testifies to God, starting from the very first recorded in the case, that is Abelup to the last case, that is Zechariah killed between the altar and temple(2 pairs. 24,21). The second book Paralympomenon was the last book in the Jewish List of Books Pz. Consequently, the Lord Jesus included the whole of the Martyrs, mentioning Abeland Zharya.Giving these words, he knew well that living then the generation would betray his death on the cross, erecting on the terrifying height of all his preceding persecution on the husbands of God. It is for the reason that they will kill him blood allkilled in previous times falls on them.

11,52 Finally, Lord Jesus accused financialsin the fact that they took a key of understandingthat is, the Word of God took away from the people. Although externally confessed loyalty to the Holy Scriptures, they, nevertheless, stubbornly refused to receive that Scripture says. And they preventedanother come to Christ. They themselves did not want him and did not want others to take it.

R. Answer the books and Pharisees (11.53-54)

Scribes and Pharisees clearly came to rage from direct accusations of the Lord. They are started hard to start itand they multiplied their efforts to catch him on the Word. All sorts of tricks they sought catch somethingfrom the mouth of him to blame him and bring death. By doing so, they only proved, with what accuracy he read their characters.

Is there any such person between you, who, when his son ask him bread, would he give him a stone?

And when will the fish ask, would give him a snake?

So, if you, being evil, you know how to give our children to give your children, the more the Father your Heavenly will give the benefal.

Matthew 7: 6-11

Interpretation of the Gospel of Blessed
Feofilakt Bulgarian

Blessed Feofilakt Bulgarian

MF.7: 6. Do not give the shrines to PSAM and do not throw your pearls before the pigs, so that they do not erupt his legs with their own and, contacting you, did not confuse you.

"Dogs" are incorrect, and "pigs" are those who though also believes, but, nevertheless, leads a dirty life. So, I should not talk about the secrets of faith before incorrect and pronounce the bright and pearl words of theology before unclean, because the pigs trampled or neglect what they say to them, the dogs, turning, tormented us that they were doing those called philosophers. When they hear that God was crucified, they begin to torment us with their clarification, proving our sophisms that it is impossible.

MF.7: 7. Ask, and it shall be given you; Search and find; knock and dismiss you;
MF.7: 8. For anyone getting receiving, and the seeker finds, and we will turn out.

Before the Lord commanded us a great and difficult, here shows how it can be performed, namely - with the help of continuous prayer. For he said "ask", instead of "ask for always", but did not say "ask once." Then confirms the said human example.

MF.7: 9. Are there any such person between you, who, when son asks him from his bread, would he give him a stone?
MF.7: 10. And when will the fish ask, would give him a snake?

Here, the Lord teaches us what should and strongly ask for useful. "For you," says, see how your children are asking you useful: bread and fish, and in the case when they ask for such, give them, so accurately and you are looking for a spiritual, not carnal. "

MF.7: 11. So, if you, being evil, you know how to give our children to give your children, the more the Father your Heavenly will give the benefal.

The Holy Church reads the gospel of Luke. Chapter 11, Art. 9-13.

11.9. And I will tell you: ask, and will give you; Search and find; knock and dismiss you

11.10. For anyone getting receiving, and the seeker finds, and we will turn out.

11.11. Which of you father when son will ask him bread, give him a stone? Or when will the fish ask for a snake to give him instead of fish?

11.12. Or, if I ask the eggs, give him scorpion?

11.13. So, if you, being evil, you know how to give our children to give your children, the more the Father Heavenly will give the spirit of the Holy Spirit.

(Lux. 11, 9-13)

The first words of today's evangelical reading, expensive brothers and sisters, are the words that the Lord our Jesus Christ ends the parable of an insistent friend: ask, and it shall be given you; Search and find; knock, and dismiss you, because all seizing gets, and the looking job finds, and we will turn off (Lux. 11, 9-10). The meaning of these words of Christ comes down to understanding the prayer.

Bishop Mikhail (Luzin) notices: "It is indicated by the method of adequacy prayer: ask, search, knock, that is, to be permanent, patient and diligent in prayer; Then she will be ashadowed ... Of course, the performance of our lastings is promised if we ask or look for a complete and clean faith in the submitter of all the best, God, with humility, sincerity and constancy, asking for what kind of Whea about us In full confidence that he grants us what is better for us, which serves to our good. "

No, we should not pray stubbornly, knocking on the door of God, until he gives us the desired. Prayer should be sincere, persistent, but we should not pull the gifts we need from the hands of God. After all, we appeal to the one who best us knows our needs and who, possessing a generous heart, richly bestows us with everything necessary. If we were not given what we are about the molim of God, then this is not because he is sorry for his gift, but because he intends to give us something better.

No and there was no prayer left unanswered. The answer that we get may not be the fact that we expected or wanted; But even if God meets the refusal to prayer, his refusal is dictated by love and wisdom.

Which of you father when son will ask him bread, give him a stone? Or when will the fish ask for a snake to give him instead of fish? Or, if I ask the eggs, give him scorpion? (Luke 11, 11-12) - the Lord will promote.

Blessed Feofilat points: "... Listen, as the Lord himself teaches us to ask what should ask. He says: Son asks bread and fish, and eggs. Therefore, both these items make up the food of the person and our petitions should be useful to us and serve as help. "

Little Round Limestone Stones on the Sea of \u200b\u200bSea were very similar in size and color on small breads. If the Son ask for a bread, will the father give him a mockery of a stone, very similar to bread, but which is impossible to eat?

If the Son ask for a fish, will the father give him a snake? Under the snake, most likely, the Lord meant an eel. According to the Jewish law on food, the eel was considered unclean fish. In the book Levit there is a resolution: "All animals that have no feathers and scales in the water, bad for you" (Lev. 11, 12). This rule made an echo in detail. If the Son ask for a fish, will the father really give him a fish that can not eat?

If the son is asking for an egg, will the father give him scorpion? Scorpio is a dangerous little animal. Pale scorpion in the grass in the sun in the rolled state can be confused with the egg. If the Son ask the egg, will the father give him a stress scorpion?

Eutemy Zigaben writes: "The Lord again enjoys the fact of human life and an example erects a listener to the faith in what said. Asking should be a son and ask for the fact that the father is decent to give, and the son is useful to get. "

Alexander Pavlovich Lopukhin explains: "In contrast to people, the Heavenly Father, which, not as people, kind and bonds by nature, is indicated. When people turn to him with requests, it is obvious more than people, gives the "good" asking from him. "

The Lord always hears our prayers like the parents hear the requests of their children. And as no parent will give her child to what he can harm him, so God will never give us what will not bring benefits.

Let us remember, dear brothers and sisters that the Lord even before our appeal to him knows what we need, but prayer is a testimony of our faith in him and love for him. That is why it is necessary to rely on the Lord and always pray, because prayer is a living communication with God and the actual opportunity to get the desired benefits.

Help us in this Lord!

Jeromona Pimen (Shevchenko)

This Christ said not to reproach to human nature, or in the condemnation of the human race, - no, but here he calls herd love with malice for the difference from his goodness. So much is great in his humans.

Do you see a negligible thought, which in the most desperate strong excitement of good hope? Here, the Savior in the proof of his goodness indicates the example of fathers, and above pointed to the greatest gifts, - on the soul and body. But he still does not mention the most important of the goods, it does not indicate anywhere in his coming. The one who favored the Son of His sacrifice will not give us everything? But then this victim has not yet done? But Paul is already indicated by this, saying this: My son did not spare ... how he does not give us and everything (Rome. 8:32)? And Christ himself in a conversation with his listeners offers more evidence ordinary.

Then showing that it should not be hoped on the prayer of the nonsense about himself, as well as those who try to themselves, should not rely only on their own efforts, but should more ask for help, and to use their own efforts - he is indispensable to inspire and inspires both. In fact, after many instructions, he teaches to pray; Teaching to pray, again teaches what should do; Following, he again teaches that he must pray incessantly, saying: ask, look, knock (See Matt. 7: 7), and from here again moves to the fact that it should be thoroughly.

Conversations on the gospel of Matthew.

Do you see, what is his goodness when our comparison with her turns out to be a custody? If this is our Lord, then we will always resort to him and his one call to assistants, and find it ready to save us.

Conversations for Psalms.

PS Isidore Pelusiot

So, if you, being evil, you know how to give your children to give your children, the more the Father your Heavenly will give the good to he

Greatness of God, great and human cruelty. Who asked himself a deferment and received the forgiveness of the debt, the one when he was asked for a deferment, not only did not give her, but he concluded his comrade into the dungeon, although he owed himself as much as he had to himself, because he had to Ten thousand talents, and one - fifty dinaris.

Therefore, the evangelical word, comparing human kindness with God's goodness, rightly called her with a jewel: Inc. You're Saluavy, you know how to give the grant of the good of your good to your child, the father of your heavenly will give you to see him. Not in general, the nature accuses in the villaness (so it will not be; for it is written: decorations, Lord, Blagia (Ps. 124: 4), and more: good man from the treasures of his deliberates (Matt. 12:35)), but, only comparing the goodness of human with God, calls it with a delicacy. For it is said: in the face of your father, your heavenly will give the benefits as he as.

Letters. Book II.

BLI. Jerome Stridonsky

Art. 11-12 So, if you, being evil, you know how to give the best to children with your children, the more the father of your heavenly will give good to he. So in all, as you wish, so that people do, so do you and you with them; For this is the law and prophets

It should be noted that he called the apostles by evil, if only in the face of the apostles does not condemn the entire human genus, the heart of which from childhood compared to the Divine Mercy is located to evil. Read the Book of Being (Gen. 8:21). And it's not surprising if the people of this century he calls evil, when the Apostle Paul reminds [about the same speaking:] Evaluating [deservedly] time because the days of Lukava (Eph. 5:16).

BLI. Augustine

So, if you, being evil, you know how to give the giving to your children, the more the Father your Heavenly will give good to he

BLI. Feofilakt Bulgarian

Increes, you, Lucavi, are essential, you know how to give the grace of the good to your chance, the father of your father will give the good that I ask him

Slashy calls people, comparing them with God: Our nature, like the creation of God, good, we are laughing in our own will.

Interpretation on the Gospel of Matthew.

Eviefimy Zigaben

So, if you, being evil, you know how to give your children to give your children, the more the Father your Heavenly will give the good to he

I called them angry not in the reproach of human nature, but to oppose Divine goodness. Human goodness in relation to the Divine seems evil, and the difference between them is so great as great the difference between man and God. And look, as it encourages it to do good, it is exhorted to pray, and then goes from that to this, then returns from this to that. She does, so, taking us not to hope for our every other than our effort or one prayer, but to fulfill what belongs to us and ask for help from over. Only with mutual care, our business will have proper success.

Interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew.

EP. Mikhail (Luzin)

So, if you, being evil, you know how to give your children to give your children, the more the Father your Heavenly will give the good to he

Being evil. "Sie Christ said not to reproach to human nature or in the condemnation of the human race; No, but here he calls herd love by malice to distinguish from his goodness "(Zlatoust; Wed: Feofilakt). If people are so imperfect in love with their children do not give harmful instead of useful, then how can I even think that the father of heavenly all-abrade gives people a harmful instead of asking them useful? So, asking for something with faith, hope and constancy, it should completely go to the fulfillment of the petition about us and the industrial, without which there will be no hair from our head (MF. 10:30).

An intelligent gospel.

Lopukhin A.P.

So, if you, being evil, you know how to give your children to give your children, the more the Father your Heavenly will give the good to he

The verse is associated with the previous connecting particle "So, which indicates that it is here to continue the previous speech. Private facts of human life, listed in 10 tbsp., It seems to be generalized, understood in a broader sense. The Savior says like this: here you see how you are done and what is happening. And it happens at a while you are evil. The word πονηροί in connection with όόνος, work, fatigue, and πενία poverty, indicates actually for burden, hoodoobu; In the moral sense, πονηρός lean, angry; In both cases, oppositely χρηστός. Further, πονηρός means a specific phenomenon relatively with the general, expressed through κακός. The last more about the essence and character, the first about the activities and value of our actions in relation to others (cf. MF. 5:45; 22:10; 13:49; 7:11; LC. 6:35; 11:13, - Kremer).

The thought of this verse Augustine, according to which people are called evil here because, being lovers of this world and sinners, when they give and the benefits, they call them good in their sense, although they are in nature and not the essence of the valid benefits, But only temporary belonging to this fragile life. But why should bread and fish be considered good only in our own, sinful sense? Does the Savior call these benefits inexcanious, false? The essence of the case is obviously not in the benefits that the point of the good in any sense, but that people evil. Good benefits are opposing to people evil. People evil, and however, they know how to give their good children.

Some sharpness and categorical of expression: "If you, being evil" gave reason to interpretations think that the Savior wanted to point to the original, peculiar to people, sin. According to one writer, "this saying seems to be the strongest DICTUM PROBANS in all Scriptures in defense of the original sin." But why did not the Savior said: and so if all of you, being evil? ... then his words are more likely to testify to the presence of universal original sin in people. Therefore, it is possible to think that in the considered expression on original sin there is no thought. The doctrine of the original sin can, of course, withdraw from other places of the Holy Scriptures, but not from this. There is just the usual characteristics of people who truly show more evil and malice than good and favor. The word "know how" (οϊδατε) is translated differently: you know how to give, accustomed to giving. Some say that "you know" or "you know" (in translations) is completely unnecessary and that you can simply translate: give. Finally, another third claims that two thoughts are compressed here: (1) If you, being evil, give gifts to your children and (2) If you know how to give good gifts, it makes sense to give good, not stones instead of bread and not snakes instead fish…

Such an interpretation seems to be, however, somewhat artificial and almost unnecessary. In contrast to people point out the Heavenly Father, who, not as people, kind and blessing by nature itself. When people turn to him with requests, it is obvious more than people, gives a "good" asking him. The former "good gifts" (Δόματα άγαϋα) is replaced here, in the second half of the sentence, just the word "good" without mentioning the gifts. But it is clear that the meaning is the same. It is great, however, that both in the first case Δόματα άγαϋά is without a member and in the second simple άγαϋά, also without a member. It would be difficult to expect if the "gifts" or "good" understood something defined. Luke 11:13 We meet attempted somewhat closer and more specifically to determine what these "good gifts" are. Instead of "will give good" at Luka ", the more the Father Heavenly will give the Holy Spirit of His Spirit." Meyer thinks that this expression on Luka has a later, more definite glu. Reading in this place in Luka hesitates. In some codes of the "Holy Spirit", in other "good spirit" (πνεύμα αγαϋόν) or "good gift"; Vulgate and from him 130 Latin translations of the Good Spirit (Spiritum Bonum). We now do not, of course, have a need to disassemble, truly or not true this expression at Luke.

Attention should be paid to the expressions: "Father in heaven" (about πατήρ about εν τοις ούρανοΐς), as here, and "father from the sky" (εξ ύύρανοις). The first is used when he is requested to the father of Heaven; The second is when the Heavenly Father itself teaches any good from the sky (Lux. 11:13).

Clean Bible.

Trinity leaves

So, if you, being evil, you know how to give your children to give your children, the more the Father your Heavenly will give the good to he

And sometimes God slows the execution of petitions so that you do not forget him, did not move away from him immediately upon receipt of petition. Or because you do not get that you yourself made yourself unworthy to acceptance. The holy fathers said: "God is listening to who he himself listens to God", i.e. Perfects the commandments of God. The benefits of Heavenly, but also righteous, and therefore can not give unworthy, and sometimes, at the very good, can not give evil asking. Sometimes it seems that prayer is not heard; But then it turns out that it is heard much better than can imagine praying. In such cases, it is better for us if God seems to not hear us: then we have benefited from the very non-treatment. "God loves people so much," says Saint Zlatoust, "that his love is so superior to earthly fathers, as far as goodness is Human, in comparison with the endless goodness of God, may be named with saint, as Saint Isidore Pelusiot says. Because the Savior and speaks further: So if you, being evil,, being always inclined, for his sinful nature, to evil, however, know how to give children to children with your children. deliver them earthly benefits required for their earthly life, especially Mercy Your father is heavenknowing when to give and what to give dust True spiritual his benefies Cadam him! Therefore, any petition, every prayer fully guess in the will of the Father of Heaven; It would be used to fulfill him - so it will be in the glory of him, unlikely - Budy His holy and all-incumbent will about us. After all, the Lord himself is our Jesus Christ prayed in Garden Hepsiman: "My father! if possible, but the bowl of this booster passes; But not as I want, but like you ... yes there will be the will of yours " (Matt. 26:39, 42). "I do not care about happiness," said one of the holy old man - and I never pray for him to the Heavenly Father, by all the manager, and so I have never been unhappy, just that the desires of which are not always executed. Is I hungry? Thank you for the fact that God, like a father, "leading everything you demand." Is it cold for me? Do not suffer from bad weather? Also praise it. Do you all laugh at me? Equally praise him, because I know that all this makes or pops up, and it is impossible for what he does, it was bad. Thus, everything is pleasant and nasty, sweet and bitter - I take joyfully, as from the hand of a good father, I wish you only what God wishes, and therefore everything happens in my desire. The one who is looking for happiness in the world is mad, because there is no other happiness here, as soon as relying in everything in the will of God. The will of the Lord and completely good, and completely reasons. I try to keep it completely and take care of only what God wants, and not wanting what he does not want. " And all the saints of God in the will of God believed all their happiness in the world's lives and all their bliss in the future. Here, for example, how the Saint Dimitri Rostovsky prayed daily: "Save me, myself, for your goodness, and not for my business. You are sorry to save, you are weight, in whitly you will save: save a pit, sickness sick, Yako Mozheyshi, Yako Weighs: Imget Weigh Fate, save me! Az on the things, gentlemen of mine, I hope and your will holy Himself give yourself: Create with me, hedgehog Khoshchechi. Thickest Khoshchi i have in the light: Budes are blessed! In the darkness of the Khoshchi, you have in darkness: Budy Paku is blessed! Throughout the ceremony of your doors of the mercy of yours: good worm and good. More than your door to the mercy of your mercy: the blessedness of the ESI, the Lord, the defendant in the truth. Next is not destroying with my lawlessness, glory to your immense mercy. More than handubies with my flaws, glory to your righteous court: I have a stagger, a thing for me! "

Trinity sheets. №801-1050.

Luke 11: 9-13

You must also learn not to guess the Spirit. The Holy Spirit will not force you for a prayer burden. It is very meek and gentle.

If you are susceptible and attentive to the influence of the Holy Spirit, from time to time you will have a prayer burden.

But if you fade his impact on your heart, it will become cold and worn, and your prayer life is very superficial. therefore "Spirit do not fade" (1st Fesalonians 5:19).

Avoid put off for later

Do not postpone the next to conversation with God. Sendance steals not only time, but also blessings. When you feel the need to spend time alone with God, do not postpone it "to a more suitable time," because this time may never come. Whenever the Holy Spirit encourages you to pray, do not wait for the next suitable time that may not be. In a timely manner, react to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and your prayer life will be rich and fruitful.

Did not think tomorrow, because you do not know what the day will give birth.

Proverbs 27: 1

Everything that your hand can do, forces do; Because in the grave where you will go, there is no work, no reflection, nor knowledge or wisdom.

Ecclesiasta 9:10

Chapter 10

That Jesus spoke about prayer

When Jesus Christ was on Earth in physical body. He taught a lot about prayer. This applies to almost all the main aspects of the prayer that the Christian needs to know.

If you reflect on what he spoke about prayer, and act in accordance with this, your prayer life will become really rich and bring the blessing to many people and the great glory to God.

In one chapter, it is impossible to cover everything that Jesus spoke of prayer, but choose what is relevant to our topic - communication with God.

Mean and sorry

The first recorded words of Jesus about prayer are words about reconciliation and forgiveness. Jesus said to effectively and successfully pray, it is necessary to reconcile with those who have a resentment.

So, if you bring your gift to my altar and remember that your brother has something against you,

Leave the gift there was your satellite there, and go before to come to your brother, and then come and bring your gift.

Matthew 5: 23,24

What is said here for gifts is applicable to prayers. In prayer, look for the faces of the Lord. If you remember that someone has something against you, first go and decide this problem, and then pray.

With me there was a similar case when I was at the University of Lagos. Once I sharply corrected one sister in several questions. She was the president of the partnership and could not answer me the same.

She took comments calmly, but was internally wounded.

The next morning I began to pray, worshiping the Lord. Heavens were like copper; As I tried, I could not break through. I tried to look into myself - no sin.

And during this struggle, the Spirit of God spoke to me about the sister, with whom I spoke the day before, that it wounded her strongly, and she looked around for me. I had to go, meet this sister and solve this issue. I did not even know that after our discussion during the day before she fell into depression.

This is exactly what Jesus says. Initially, we will deal with the insults, with other problems - and then the prayer will not interfere.

But maybe you have something against another person. Jesus said that if you want your prayers to reach God, you need to forgive (brand 11: 25,26).

It said Jesus, it means it is extremely important for us. If you want to get an answer to your prayer, look in your heart and hover the order there. It is necessary that you forgive everyone, if anyone had anything, and reconciled with everyone who could have something against you.

Enter into your room

The Lord Jesus taught that we must take the time to be alone with God, have personal, secret relationships with him. He taught us not to be such as hypocritical Pharisees who love to pray so as to attract attention. Even today, some believers in the general meeting pray long prayers, while they are not spending alone with God and fifteen minutes a day.

And when they pray, do not be like hypocrites who love in the synagogues and at the corners of the streets, stopping, praying to seem in front of people. True I tell you that they are already getting their reward.

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