Moral decay. Strategy & has recorded a sharp increase in the number of layoffs of top managers for violation of moral and ethical standards How to prevent dementia - video

Personal breakdown is usually understood as a certain stage of negative mental disorders... Negative disorders have ranks:

  1. Exhaustion of mental activity

  2. Subjective conscious change of "I"

  3. Objectively definable personality change

  4. Disharmony of personality

  5. Reduced energy potential

  6. Decreased personality level

  7. Personality regression

  8. Amnestic disorders

  9. Total dementia

  10. Psychic insanity

Each subsequent rank includes the previous one.

1. Exhaustion of mental activity

It is characteristic that the changes are quantitative, not qualitative. Those. the speed of thinking, the depth of memorization, etc. changes, but on the whole the psyche functions normally.

2. Subjective conscious change "I"

Mainly temperament, character, self-awareness are subject to change. The patient himself begins to notice changes.

3. Objectively definable personality variability

In this case, the changes are already noticeable to other people: relatives, friends and acquaintances. There is an increase in the loss of personality traits, especially character and temperament. Some character traits are sharpened, some are smoothed out.

4. Disharmony of personality

Here, disharmony is understood as psychopathies. There are asthenic, psychoasthenic, excitable, epileptoid, paranoid, hysterical, schizoid, hypothymic, and hyperthymic variants. Disharmony affects the entire personality and often leads to social maladjustment.

5. Decreased energy potential

Changes in character are increasing, the orientation of the personality becomes so pronounced that it begins to affect the attitude towards oneself, work, rest. First of all, mental activity and productivity decrease. It becomes difficult to use all the knowledge and experience. Autism appears, impoverishment of emotions. Emotions become dull, blurry, lose their strength and speed. Callousness, selfishness, coldness, sometimes cruelty develop.

6. Decreased personality level

The decrease in the energy potential is gaining such strength that the personality loses its individuality. The circle of interests narrows, interests limit utilitarian needs. Hypobulia, leveling of emotions, isolation from reality, slippage, resonance, diversity, paralogism, symbolism. Thinking steadfastly is unproductive.

7. Personality regression

A pronounced disintegration of the individual appearance of the personality is characteristic. Indifference, indifference to others, to oneself. Apathy, abulia. Purposeful volitional actions are almost impossible. Thinking is productive, amorphous. The motor skills are angular, bizarre, pretentious. Loss of plasticity. Complete lack of criticism. Decreased intelligence and memory.

8. Amnestic disorders

First of all, memory suffers. The memory becomes discerning, poor. Amnesia grows according to Ribot's law (from the present to the past). Many patients are unable to remember even current events. Long-term memory is retained.

9. Total dementia (global dementia)

The destruction of the core of the personality occurs. Higher intellectual functions, such as the formation of new judgments, the ability to draw conclusions, inferences, conceptual thinking, analysis and synthesis, are grossly violated. Thinking is poor, non-productive, stereotypical, torn. There is a loss of experience and knowledge. The mood can be reckless or unmotivatedly angry.

10. Mental insanity

Complete disintegration of mental activity. Lack of thinking, attention, memory, perception, possibility of contact. Only the food instinct for self-preservation is preserved.
Each disease has its own maximum allowable level of negative symptoms. For example, in schizophrenia, this is apathic-abulic dementia, which corresponds to level 7. A person with such dementia is sometimes compared to a bookcase full of books that they do not want to open. At this stage, a person is not interested in anything and nothing is capable of provoking him to actions or thoughts. He is completely immersed in himself and there he lives with himself ...

After all, he completely loses the ability to develop and improve. It is so important to establish the root cause and try to fix it (if possible, of course).

Personality degradation

In a broader sense, this concept means the loss of a person's mental calmness, working capacity, sober mind and the ability to think logically. Moreover, not the best character traits are shown outside: irritability, passivity, and often aggressiveness. The ability to concentrate attention gradually fades away, feelings become dulled, and a person lives some kind of his own, only he understands life. Degradation of personality can cause a complete loss of connections with the outside world, and the most difficult consequence is dementia.

How to recognize degradation?

It is very important to notice any deviations in behavior in time in order to be able to help a loved one. Signs of personality degradation relate to both external appearance and internal state. In this state, less and less attention is paid to how the person looks, what he says. Speech becomes rather simplified, no one tries to convey his thought in public words (this also requires quite active brain activity). The circle of contacts is getting narrower, those who bring trouble simply disappear from life. The main phrase becomes “I want”, detachment from everything, family, children develops. A person does not want to think and care about someone, he kind of fades and sinks into himself, moving away from loved ones.

Causes of personality destruction

It is not only important to notice the signs of personality degradation, but also to understand the reasons. Undoubtedly, a serious tragedy can cause such a condition. Depression, mental anguish can completely change consciousness and lead to the destruction of moral foundations and principles. Retirement is often the trigger for this disorder. After all, for a long time a person was needed, was in a team, and now he is forced to rest. Feelings of guilt, apathy and even banal laziness can make changes in consciousness. IN modern worldwhere money plays a significant role, material values, the struggle for them and the opportunities that they give, often lead to spiritual destruction. And, of course, drug addiction, alcoholism are the main causes of mental disorders. Alcohol degradation of personality is a fairly common occurrence, and this becomes a serious danger. The human appearance is completely lost, thoughts are directed only to where to get the poison. You need to know that the degradation of personality in alcoholism is irreversible, there are no drunkards who have not lost their normal moral character. It does not matter the type of alcoholic drink, even a seemingly light beer can become a source of personality destruction.

Stages of personality degradation

If personality degradation is caused by depression, strong emotional experiences, then the following stages are observed. First, a person loses his ideals, his purpose in life. Then moral principles and internal norms are lost. He becomes unable to overcome the difficulties that arise along the path of life. Envy, aggressiveness, apathy prevail among the feelings. Then the ability to actively act and think, to understand others disappears. A person simply repeats other people's thoughts and actions. And finally, everything ends with a complete loss of the sense of reality. The main argument of such people is a dispute on any occasion; to achieve their short-term goals, they are capable of mean actions. Very often they try to live at the expense of others, but the relationships that such people are able to create are pathological and destructive. One who ceases to value and respect himself is unable to appreciate the other. Interestingly, women are less at risk of completely degrading, they are saved by the maternal instinct.

Alcoholism and the stages of destruction of moral character

For the preservation of moral character and normal life, alcohol is a serious danger. The degradation of personality occurs rather quickly. At the initial stage, there is a psychological dependence on alcoholic beverages, with them it is more comfortable, more fun, it is easier to find a common language. A characteristic feature is that large doses of drinks are tolerated quite easily, so their amount is poorly controlled. But the quality requirements are reduced. The second stage is characterized by the development of physical dependence, a hangover syndrome appears. In addition, temporary memory loss is possible. Very often at this stage all sorts of injuries occur in a drunken state, professional qualities deteriorate, quarrels do not stop in the family (and often it simply breaks up). Aggressiveness increases, psychoses are possible. The maximum level of alcohol degradation reaches at the third level. Binge drinking, amnesia, a decrease in the level of tolerance of spirits, nervous disorders - these are the symptoms of a person losing their normal appearance. Over time, the ability to work is completely lost.

How to help?

Degradation of personality can stop. First of all, it is worth taking a critical look at yourself from the outside and adequately assessing your actions. To get away from heavy thoughts, you need to spend as much time with people as possible, go to the cinema, to exhibitions, and read more books. You shouldn't be alone with yourself. Help people - doing good things adds value, you will experience the pleasure that someone needs you. An active life position, favorite work, a lot of hobbies - this is the guarantee that personality destruction will be bypassed. Do not hesitate to ask loved ones for help, they will gladly surround you with warmth and attention.

Alcoholism treatment

The situation with alcohol degradation is somewhat more complicated. After all, a person does not admit that he is sick and needs help. In addition, there are often cases when there is no one to help him. The more addiction, the more often all social ties are destroyed. At the last stage, a huge intoxication of the body is added to the mental problems. Therapy should be carried out by both a narcologist and a psychotherapist. At the same time, it is very important to ensure that the patient becomes aware of the destructive effect of alcohol and changes his attitude towards its use. And, of course, to help remove toxic substances from the body, to get rid of withdrawal symptoms. It also matters whether it is gender, the amount of alcohol consumed, and the mental state. The sooner treatment is started, the higher the likelihood that the person will return to normal life. And even reasonable doses of alcohol drunk in the future will not cause binge drinking and other negative reactions.

Dementia - causes, forms, diagnosis, treatment, answers to questions

What is dementia syndrome?

Causes and types of dementia

  • alzheimer's disease;
  • dementia with Lewy bodies;
  • pick's disease, etc.

In other cases, the central nervous system - secondary, and is a complication of the underlying disease (chronic vascular pathology, infection, trauma, intoxication, systemic damage to the nervous tissue, etc.).

In some cases, dementia develops as a result of multiple causes. Senile (senile) mixed dementia is a classic example of such a pathology.

Functional and anatomical types of dementia

1. Cortical dementia is a predominant lesion of the cerebral cortex. This type is most common in Alzheimer's disease, alcoholic dementia, Pick's disease.

2. Subcortical dementia. With this kind of pathology, the subcortical structures are primarily affected, which causes neurological symptoms. A typical example is Parkinson's disease with a predominant lesion of the neurons of the substantia nigra of the midbrain, and specific motor disorders: tremor, general muscle stiffness ("doll gait", mask-like face, etc.).

3. Cortical-subcortical dementia is a mixed type of lesion characteristic of pathology caused by vascular disorders.

4. Multifocal dementia is a pathology characterized by multiple lesions in all parts of the central nervous system. Steadily progressing dementia is accompanied by severe and varied neurological symptoms.

Dementia forms



Basic classification of presenile and senile dementia

1. Alzheimer's (atrophic) type of dementia, which is based on primary degenerative processes in nerve cells.

2. Vascular type of dementia, in which degeneration of the central nervous system develops a second time, as a result of gross circulatory disorders in the vessels of the brain.

3. Mixed type, which is characterized by both mechanisms of development of the disease.

Clinical course and prognosis

The severity (stage) of dementia

Mild degree

Moderate degree

Severe dementia


1. Signs of memory impairment - both long-term and short-term (subjective data from a survey of a patient and his relatives are supplemented by objective research).

2. The presence of at least one of the following disorders characteristic of organic dementia:

  • signs of a decrease in the ability to abstract thinking (according to objective research);
  • symptoms of a decrease in the criticality of perception (found when building real plans for the next period of life in relation to oneself and others);
  • syndrome three "A":
  • aphasia - all sorts of violations of already formed speech;
  • apraxia (literally "inactivity") - difficulties in performing targeted actions while maintaining the ability to move;
  • agnosia - a variety of disturbances of perception while maintaining consciousness and sensitivity. For example, a patient hears sounds, but does not understand speech addressed to him (auditory-verbal agnosia), or ignores a part of the body (does not wash or does not put shoes on one leg - somatoagnosia), or does not recognize certain objects or faces of people with preserved vision (visual agnosia) etc.;
  • personal changes (rudeness, irritability, the disappearance of shame, a sense of duty, unmotivated attacks of aggression, etc.).
  • 3. Disruption of social interactions in the family and at work.

    4. Absence of manifestations of delirious changes in consciousness at the time of diagnosis (there are no signs of hallucinations, the patient is oriented in time, space and his own personality, as far as the state allows).

    5. Certain organic defect (results of special studies in the patient's medical history).

    Differential diagnosis of organic dementia

    Alzheimer's type dementia

    Understanding dementia in Alzheimer's

    Risk factors for developing the disease

    • age (the most dangerous line is 80 years);
    • the presence of relatives suffering from Alzheimer's disease (the risk increases many times if the pathology in relatives has developed before the age of 65);
    • hypertonic disease;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • diabetes;
    • obesity;
    • sedentary lifestyle;
    • diseases occurring with chronic hypoxia (respiratory failure, severe anemia, etc.);
    • traumatic brain injury;
    • low level of education;
    • lack of active intellectual activity during life;
    • female.

    First signs

    Characteristics of the advanced stage of progressive dementia of the Alzheimer's type

    These signs are called senile (senile) personality restructuring. In the future, against their background, a very specific for dementia of the Alzheimer's type may develop. delirium damage : the patient accuses relatives and neighbors of being constantly robbed, wants him dead, etc.

    • sexual incontinence;
    • gluttony with a particular taste for sweets;
    • craving for vagrancy;
    • fussy chaotic activities (walking from corner to corner, shifting things, etc.).

    At the stage of severe dementia, the delusional system disintegrates, and behavioral disorders disappear due to extreme weakness of mental activity. Patients are immersed in complete apathy, do not experience hunger and thirst. Movement disorders soon develop, so that patients cannot walk and chew food normally. Death occurs from complications due to complete immobility, or from concomitant diseases.

    Alzheimer's type dementia diagnosis


    • homeopathic remedy ginkgo biloba extract;
    • nootropics (piracetam, cerebrolysin);
    • medicines that improve blood circulation in the vessels of the brain (nicergoline);
    • stimulator of dopamine receptors in the central nervous system (piribedil);
    • phosphatidylcholine (part of acetylcholine - a mediator of the central nervous system, therefore it improves the functioning of neurons in the cerebral cortex);
    • actovegin (improves the utilization of oxygen and glucose by brain cells, and thereby increases their energy potential).

    At the stage of expanded manifestations, drugs from the group of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (donepezil, etc.) are prescribed. Clinical studies have shown that prescribing these types of drugs significantly improves the social adaptation of patients, and reduces the burden on caregivers.


    Vascular dementia

    Dementia with lesions of the vessels of the brain

    1. Hemorrhagic stroke (vessel rupture).

    2. Ischemic stroke (blockage of a vessel with cessation or deterioration of blood circulation in a certain area).

    What disease can cause vascular dementia?

    Risk factors

    • hypertension, or symptomatic arterial hypertension;
    • elevated plasma lipids;
    • systemic atherosclerosis;
    • smoking;
    • cardiac pathologies (ischemic heart disease, arrhythmias, heart valve damage);
    • sedentary lifestyle;
    • overweight;
    • diabetes;
    • tendency to thrombosis;
    • systemic vasculitis (vascular disease).

    Symptoms and course of senile vascular dementia

    1. Pseudobulbar syndrome, which includes a violation of articulation (dysarthria), a change in the timbre of the voice (dysphonia), less often - a violation of swallowing (dysphagia), violent laughter and crying.

    2. Gait disorders (shuffling, mincing gait, "skier gait", etc.).

    3. Decreased motor activity, the so-called "vascular parkinsonism" (poverty of facial expressions and gestures, slow motion).


    Senile Lewy Body Dementia

    • orthostatic hypotension (a sharp decrease blood pressure when moving from horizontal to vertical);
    • fainting;
    • arrhythmias;
    • disruption of the digestive tract with a tendency to constipation;
    • urinary retention, etc.

    Treatment senile dementia with Lewy bodies is similar to treatment for Alzheimer's type dementia.

    Alcoholic dementia

    Epileptic dementia

    How to prevent dementia - video

    Answers to the most popular questions about the causes, symptoms and

    Are dementia and dementia the same thing? How does dementia develop in children? What is the difference between childhood dementia and oligophrenia

    Suddenly untidiness is the first sign of senile dementia? Are the symptoms of untidiness and untidiness always present?

    What is mixed dementia? Does it always lead to disability? How is mixed dementia treated?

    Treatment of mixed dementia is aimed at stabilizing the process, therefore, it includes combating vascular disorders and alleviating the developed symptoms of dementia. Therapy, as a rule, is carried out with the same drugs and according to the same schemes as for vascular dementia.

    Among my relatives there were patients with senile dementia. How likely is it that I will develop a mental disorder? What is the prevention of senile dementia? Are there any medications that can prevent the disease?

    1. Prevention and timely treatment of diseases leading to circulatory disorders in the brain and hypoxia (hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus).

    2. Dosed physical activity.

    3. Constant intellectual activity (you can make crosswords, solve puzzles, etc.).

    Personality degradation

    The term "degradation" is used in every branch of science in a special meaning, but the essence of the concept remains the same. Degradation is a regression, that is, a process opposite to progress. Degradation - decline, decay, deterioration in quality.

    Personality degradation is a concept used in psychology to denote the process of destruction of the personality structure, the replacement of positive qualities and properties with negative ones. If the development of a personality, its growth is a movement forward and upward, then degradation is a descent, a fall downward.

    Degradation as a psychological phenomenon

    Degradation of a person is noticeable from the outside, but is rarely realized by him. It can be difficult for a subject to notice, whose society and environment can be called degrading. When everyone is acting immoral and low, it seems that this is normal behavior.

    The problem of personality degradation is connected with the problem of society degradation.

    Degradation does not occur instantly, it is a prolonged loss of a person's "human appearance". A person gradually ceases to follow how he looks, what he says and what he does. He ceases to reckon with others and care about their interests. He also does not care what happens to him.

    Personality degradation is manifested as:

    • deterioration in the ability to think, concentrate, perceive, remember;
    • impoverishment vocabulary, problems with speech;
    • disability, unwillingness to work;
    • extinction positive qualities, manifestation of negative;
    • communication difficulties, inability to communicate and negotiate;
    • emotional incontinence and lack of will;
    • aggressiveness or self-isolation;
    • selfishness and eccentricity of thinking.

    All signs of degradation can appear at once. It is impossible to talk about personality degradation based on only one of its signs. So, problems in the emotional-volitional sphere do not always indicate the development of degradation. A self-actualizing person also has difficulty regulating his emotions and behavior.

    Why does it happen that a person "sinks"? Is it always his own fault?

    To answer these questions, you need to understand the reasons for the phenomenon of personality degradation.

    There are many reasons for human degradation:

    Inaction is also an act. A person decides to be inactive, apathetic, lazy and bored, instead of moving forward and developing. He does not know how to motivate himself and set achievable goals.

    Social role “Child” is a dangerous life position. It is pleasant and joyful to entrust problems and concerns to someone, but without the ability to independently overcome difficulties, there is no personal development. Regression is the psychological defense mechanism for returning to childhood behavior that underlies this cause of degradation.

    This mental disorder can have many causes, such as distress, grief, illness, psychological trauma, and other suffering. For a long time being in a state of mental devastation and a sense of the meaninglessness of life, the personality stops in development. Depression is a difficult and difficult condition and a kind of personal suicide.

    Another hard negative feeling. She gives rise to a feeling of her own insignificance, depravity, hopelessness. The person decides that there is no point in working on himself: “I am to blame for everything! I am bad and I cannot be fixed. "

    The desire to develop is stimulated by higher emotions and socially conditioned feelings. If a person feels that he is not needed by anyone, he does not understand for whom and for what to become better. He decides for himself that he will wait until they love him, and then he will begin to develop as a person. The individual, for the sake of whom it is worth developing, is always near - this is the person himself. Self-love gives rise to the love of others.

    Feelings of powerlessness, hurt pride, hidden resentment, lack of confidence in abilities, in the ability to reach the heights of development and realize themselves negatively affect self-esteem, and deprive a person of the desire to work on himself and change.

    Abuse of anything negatively affects the brain. Harmful chemical compounds destroy the brain, and subsequently the personality degrades. It was proved that the brain of alcoholics literally dries up, decreases in size, voids form in it, and the convolutions of the cerebral cortex are smoothed out. Brain trauma and dysfunction leads to the loss of the ability to be a full-fledged person. The brain is the organ responsible for the functioning of the psyche. For the normal functioning of the brain, you need to eat right, get rid of bad habits, engage in mental and physical labor.

    A person who commits offenses and crimes oppresses positive human qualities and abilities, deprives himself of the opportunity to reveal his potential in activities useful for society.

    In old age in human body and irreversible changes occur in the brain: the ability to think logically is lost, memory, attention and so on deteriorate. It has been shown that job impairment or loss of mental function in older adults is associated with retirement. Hence the conclusion: if you want to stay sober for longer, you need to remain a socially active person.

    Development requires work on oneself, and in order to degrade, it is enough to do nothing.

    Degradation of a person is the path of least resistance, because it is more difficult to grow above oneself, strive for self-realization than to descend.

    How to stop personality degradation

    The sooner the incipient degradation is discovered, the sooner the personality regression will stop. With significant changes in the structure of the personality and the work of the brain, the help of specialists is needed: psychologists, psychiatrists, physicians.

    In the initial stages of degradation, everything is in the hands of the individual. Every person happened to notice a stop in development, but not everyone perceived this as a signal to start working on themselves.

    Personal degradation can be stopped and reversed by one's own efforts.

    A person who managed to rise, develop and grow above himself, even if his environment did not contribute to this, deserves respect. Any work on oneself is worthy of praise.

    An individual who got rid of a bad habit, overcame fear, received additional education, mastered a new type of work activity, or committed another volitional act not under compulsion, but of his own free will, left the comfort zone and rose to a step higher in the development of his own personality.

    To stop the degradation of personality you need:

    1. Realize the fact of personality decay, find real reasons for this. Write down the reasons in a laconic form: uninteresting work with no prospects for professional growth; bad company, negative influence of friends; pathological laziness; lack of incentive for development and so on.
    2. Outline the paths of development, determine the ways to change behavior and thinking and write them down in the form of a correctional plan. If it is difficult to do this on your own, you need to contact a loved one, a psychologist or read the relevant literature.
    3. To begin corrective work... Self-improvement is the most difficult job. It involves a change in lifestyle, habitual way of thinking and behavior. This is a change in priorities, principles, attitudes, attitudes towards oneself and life, a change in outlook.

    As a prevention of personal decline and as ways to develop a personality, the following recommendations are suitable:

    • develop culturally: read classical, scientific, educational literature, attend cultural events and places, be interested in art;
    • communicate and make friends with educated, respected, positive people;
    • engage in creativity, do something with your own hands, draw, master the game on a musical instrument, work not for reward, but for the pleasure of work;
    • be active and healthy image life: work, study, play sports, be in nature;
    • to love yourself and life: to enjoy life, to see its positive aspects, to be confident in yourself and your strengths as a person, to be responsive, kind, caring, to be friends and to love.

    For a person who has a desire to be happy and the realization that this is a real goal, nothing is impossible.

    Signs of personality breakdown

    Degradation of personality is a reverse development, regression, loss of stability, weakening of activity, decline in performance and mental balance. Simply put, the personality loses its inherent features simultaneously with the impoverishment of all skills and qualities: judgments, feelings, talents, activity.

    It is possible to distinguish such symptoms of personality degradation as increased irritability, narrowing of interests, dysfunction of memory and attention, a decrease in adaptive capabilities. Also, the considered violation can be expressed in the development of carelessness, complacency, weakness.

    The most severe type of personality degradation is considered insanity, manifested in carelessness, dementia, loss of contact with the environment, complete indifference to the environment. A common reason the described disorder is alcoholism, accompanied by severe somatic disorders and neurological dysfunctions caused by the abuse of alcohol-containing liquids. Alcoholics lose social ties, and professional functioning and work life are also affected.

    Reasons for personality degradation

    It is believed that the human subject completely degrades if it ceases to develop spiritually, since the brain atrophies as a result of "unnecessary". There are many reasons for personality degradation, causing the loss of the individual's faith in himself, which gives rise to a loss of interest in being. Such people cease to develop intellectually, to follow the ongoing events. They forget their old hobbies. Also, the decline of interest in one's own existence can be affected by the death of a loved one, the collapse of hopes or as a result of a series of failures. Lonely people are more prone to personal breakdown.

    The listed factors, for the most part, do not in themselves threaten with personality degradation. The described violation is caused by the desire of people to seek oblivion in alcohol. Such a pernicious "hobby" sooner or later degenerates into a binge.

    Spiritual degradation of the individual is an urgent problem of modern society. Often, personal decline is formed in persons of the age category as a result of resignation, retirement. Many psychologists are convinced that the end of professional activity with retirement is harmful to people. The absence of the need to load the brain with responsibility, duties gradually lead to a weakening of personal properties.

    Along with this, there are many elderly people who have retained mental alertness and clarity of thoughts. If an individual in old age tries to remain a multifaceted personality, constantly invents new entertaining activities for himself, if the retirement age is not a sentence, but only frees up time and opportunities for new achievements, then the degeneration of the personality does not threaten such a person. In addition, the violation in question may be a consequence of mental ailments or organic brain pathologies (epilepsy, schizophrenia, trauma).

    A common cause of regression personal development there is a sense of guilt. Individuals who feel useless, superfluous, often lose best qualities... In addition, if the subject has ceased to believe in his own potential due to several successive failures, then the likelihood of personality degradation is also high.

    A number of factors can be identified that contribute to the weakening of personal properties, namely drug addiction, lack of will, cruelty, senile insanity, banal laziness and procrastination (the tendency to push aside unpleasant things or important tasks). However, first of all, the spiritual degradation of the personality occurs as a result of the lack of compassion, intelligence, love and sincerity. It is these listed components that make a person out of the human subject.

    Senile marasmus, which is considered a severe form of personal degradation, is a progressive illness that is an irreversible mental disorder. The reason for its occurrence lies in the atrophy of the processes that occur in the brain, arising from the pathology of the capillaries. The hereditary factor can aggravate the situation.

    The disease develops gradually. Weirdness in behavioral patterns is not immediately apparent. Initially, the individual becomes absent-minded, a little forgetful, obese, greedy and egocentric. As the disease progresses, the symptoms become brighter. Memory deteriorates, false memories of incidents that did not happen appear. It is possible to single out such main symptoms of personality degradation in marasmus as complete indifference to what is happening and carelessness.

    Signs of personality degradation

    In order to be able to respond in time and help a loved one, it is necessary to notice any behavioral deviations in a timely manner.

    Social degradation of the personality is found both in the external appearance of the human subject and in changes in his internal state. The degrading subject pays less attention to the spoken words, their own appearance, neatness and neatness. His speech becomes more simplified, and his social circle becomes limited. Patients avoid people who bring unnecessary trouble into their existence. The defining motto of the descending personality becomes the phrase “I want”. Aloofness from relatives, family and other concerns is gradually developed.

    A person who has chosen the path of degradation does not want to think or care about others. He seems to fade and plunge into himself, moving away from loved ones. Long before the complete destruction of the personality, the first harbingers of the approaching degradation appear. The circle of hobbies is narrowing, mainly in a general cultural sense: they do not attend concerts and theatrical performances, they stop reading and watching TV programs. They become characterized by frivolity, flat humor, frivolity, carelessness at the same time as capriciousness, inconstancy, discontent and grumbling. The sinking individual turns into a familiar annoying subject, whose judgments are characterized by surface and lightness, and whose behavior is characterized by swagger, cynicism, a decrease in disgust and feelings of shame. Traits such as self-centeredness, selfishness and deceit are progressing.

    As the symptoms escalate, intellectual impairments become more pronounced. The character of such a person is transformed. The sinking individual becomes hot-tempered and irritable. A negative perception of the world, a prejudiced attitude towards everything that happens, anxiety and inner fear become dominant features. In addition, the individual has a decrease in memory, narrowing of interests, impoverishment of judgments. The ability to concentrate is severely impaired.

    Signs of personality degradation are lack of will, carelessness and excessive complacency. Personal destruction can be seen with the naked glance over a sloppy appearance, slouching in appearance, indifferent gaze, inappropriate behavior.

    The famous psychologist A. Maslow argued that social degradation of personality is characterized by the following stages of progression:

    The formation of the psychology of a “pawn” is a phenomenon of “learned helplessness” (a person feels himself completely dependent on circumstances or other forces);

    The emergence of a lack of basic goods when the initial needs become dominant (food, survival, sexual satisfaction);

    Formation of a "clean" surrounding society (society is subdivided into good individuals and bad, "ours" and "outsiders"), the social world for them becomes like black and white;

    The emergence of increased self-criticism - the so-called cult of “self-criticism” (the subject pleads guilty even to those acts that he did not commit);

    Depletion of vocabulary (the subject uses elementary phrases in his own speech, it is difficult for him to describe anything, the selection of adjectives is especially difficult, since it is they who express human feelings and emotions);

    Protection of “sacred foundations” (the individual resolutely does not want to think about the fundamental prerequisites of the worldview, he has no doubts about his own “lofty foundations”, such a person is unable to look skeptically at them, that is, the person considers his own opinion to be the only correct one);

    The emergence of various dependencies.

    Below are twelve aspects of life that neutralize the threat of personality degradation:

    Reading, because it is the book that contains the age-old wisdom of people, which trains the "gray matter" and does not let the brain dry out;

    Taking care of your appearance even in the most difficult periods of life;

    Fighting bad habits (excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, excessive incontinence in food, smoking marijuana - activities unworthy of a well-bred developed personality;

    Belief in the best (saddened pessimists are the first candidates for degeneration);

    A feeling of love (you need to love your parents and other relatives, pets, partner, life), a loving person will never go down;

    Stop worrying about trifles, you don't need to suffer just because the world is unfair, and people are unhappy, if a problem is solvable, then it does not exist, and if there is no solution, then worry and anxiety will still not help get rid of it;

    Self-development (learning new things, watching training videos, attending various trainings, reading, getting a second education - all this will not allow a person to sink);

    Belief in the inevitable retribution for the bad deeds committed (most criminals commit offenses because of the conviction of their own exclusivity and, accordingly, impunity, both before the posthumous court and before the current legislation);

    Following the norms of morality (lying, stealing, envy, breeding gossip, committing meanness and nasty things - destroys the personality);

    You should not abuse obscene language, since obscenities, obscene words destroy the soul;

    Following the rules of decency (public scratching of the genitals, public nose-picking, chomping, licking fingers or plates are considered signs of personal degradation);

    While the human subject is alive, one should not give up, because only after death nothing can be changed, therefore one must fight under any even the most compelling circumstances.

    Degradation of personality in alcoholism

    Many have suffered from this serious illness. However, terrible statistics do not stop anyone. Everyone believes that alcoholism will not happen to him and that intoxicating drinks will not be pulled into their own snares. At first, a person only tries alcohol, choosing the one that he likes, then he begins to abuse intoxicated drinks, which gives rise to a harmful addiction. At the same time, the drunkard is not able to comprehend that exorbitant libations with alcoholic beverages are called by this terrible word - alcoholism.

    Mental progreduated disorder called alcoholism belongs to the category of chronic ailments related to the type of substance abuse. It manifests itself as a gradual increase in alcohol dependence, a decrease in self-control regarding the use of alcohol-containing liquids, the progressive development of somatic dysfunctions, increased irritability, often aggressiveness, superficial thinking, a decrease in the critical perception of one's own actions, inaccurate movements. The last stages of the disease are characterized by a loss of social contacts, gross ataxia, and personality destruction.

    The problem of personality degradation and chronic alcoholism are inextricably linked. In a person who abuses intoxicated drinks, intellectual activity is disrupted, memory decreases, self-criticism disappears. Alcoholics blame the surrounding society or circumstances for all troubles. People suffering from alcoholism become rude, overly self-confident, unresponsive, soulless, incorrect, cynical. Their sleep is disturbed and characterized by frequent awakenings. As the doses consumed increase and become more frequent, the range of hobbies among alcoholics narrows. All their thoughts are only about alcohol, nothing else can interest them. Alcoholics do not perceive the meaning of many everyday situations, the surrounding society does not hurt them. People who abuse strong drinks stop reading books, going to theaters or other public cultural events. This is how personality degradation debuts.

    Responsibility and duty to relatives, children, partner, team, friends, society among alcoholics either weakens or disappears altogether. They lose disgust, a sense of shame and guilt, as a result of which they become untidy, familiar, annoying, do not understand the ridiculousness or incorrectness of their actions. The alcoholic often turns into a mercantile, optional subject in the professional activity. He is unable to master new things, to concentrate, to separate the important from the secondary.

    The movements of the drunkards are accelerated due to the relaxation of the impulses of braking, inaccuracies and defects in work appear. The consequence of this is the loss of qualifications, dismissal or demotion, loss of social ties. Alcoholics are unaware of their own downfall, making unrealizable false promises, trying to impress and embellish reality. The drunkards' humor is riddled with flat jokes on important topics. Alcoholics pester others with their own sentimentality and obsessive frankness. Surrounded by drinking companions, they praise each other, convince of mutual selflessness and devotion. They condemn people who avoid their company and discuss them with hostility.

    At the workplace, alcoholics do their best to evade official duties without losing material benefits. Behind the endless demagoguery, drunks are trying to hide the formal approach to work, their laziness.

    The first symptoms of personality regression become noticeable approximately six to eight years after the onset of systematic abuse of alcohol-containing liquids.

    Some drunks become excitable, others - carefree and complacent, frivolous, capricious, grumpy, others - apathetic, depressive and inert, others - disinhibited in an intimate sense. Often one state can be replaced by another. Some drinkers in life are timid and insecure individuals who consider themselves the worst of all. In such patients, self-esteem is underestimated. However, the state of intoxication transforms them, turning them into boastful and picky individuals. They tend to scandal and take offense for no reason. Such people in a sober state are rather quiet subjects, and in drunkenness they turn into brawlers and fighters. Most often, this behavior manifests itself in family relationships, when there is no need to restrain oneself and control.

    Alcohol degradation has a destructive effect on the individual, it destroys families. She brings suffering to relatives of the drinker, inconvenience to neighbors, problems in the working environment. Reverse development of personality, caused by alcohol, disfigures the life of the drinking individual and society. Alcoholism is a serious illness that leads to loss of personality and causes social death of the individual. That is why timely treatment of personality degradation generated by excessive libations is so important. Excessive cravings for alcoholic beverages must be treated, since every person has the right to a healthy and fulfilling existence.

    Personal degeneration, the consequences of personality degradation can be eliminated on condition of absolute rejection of the consumption of alcohol-containing liquids.

    Treatment of personality degradation, provoked by alcoholism, is in the competence of psychotherapists, and the elimination of dependence on alcohol-containing drinks is in the jurisdiction of narcologists. The most important conditions for an adequate therapeutic effect are the drinker's awareness of the destructive effect of alcohol or other intoxicating liquids and the patient's desire to stop consuming alcoholic beverages in the future. Compliance with the listed conditions will make it possible to facilitate the task of physicians as much as possible, which will have a beneficial effect on the therapy itself, and will also contribute to the early elimination of manifestations of degradation.

    Therapeutic measures focused on eliminating the consequences of the destruction of the individual's personality, not only include a complete rejection of alcohol, but also require psychological assistance, as well as the support of loved ones. The relatives and the closest circle of the alcoholic should pay more attention to him. Individuals who have made the decision to forever free themselves from destructive cravings need the help of those closest to them. And they certainly don't need their condemnation. It is often difficult for recent alcoholics to stop thinking about drinking. Therefore, the family's task is to distract them from the destructive attraction. You can come up with a hobby that can not only interest a sick relative, but also distract him, take free time and thoughts. Otherwise, there is a great risk of breakdown. Without the support of relatives and friends, an individual suffering from alcoholism, it is almost impossible to get rid of this terrible disease.

    Popular psychology

    Characteristic features of psychosis

    Psychosis is one of the most serious mental problems. A person suffering from psychosis undergoes a number of dramatic changes in thinking, behavior, and emotion. The basis of these changes is the loss of normal perception of reality, which is characteristic in a psychosis situation. Here are examples from observations of a number of patients with psychosis that show what this "falling away from reality" is (Torreu, 1988).

    Everything is in pieces. In your head you put together a picture from these pieces. It's like putting together a torn photograph. It's scary to move.

    I feel like I can set the weather to suit my mood, even control the movement of the sun.

    The last week I was with one girl, and suddenly she began to seem to me bigger and bigger, like a monster that was getting closer and closer.

    Psychotic thinking. Psychoses are erroneous beliefs that apply to all obvious facts. People with psychosis insist that their hallucinations are true, despite the fact that this is contrary to the facts. An example is a 43-year-old man with schizophrenia who was confident in his pregnancy (Mansouri & Adityanjee, 1995).

    Here are some common types of delusions: 1) depressive delusions, in which people think they have committed horrible crimes or sinful acts; 2) somatic delirium, in which a person thinks that his body is decomposing or that it emits a fetid odor; 3) mania (delirium) of grandeur, in which a person thinks of himself as a particularly important person; 4) delusion of influence, in which it seems to people that they are controlled or influenced by other people or invisible forces; 5) delirium of persecution, when it seems to a person that someone wants to catch up with him; and 6) delusional delusions, in which events unrelated to individuals are given personal meaning. For example, a person may think that a television program is a special message to him or her personally (DSM-IV, 1994).

    Hallucinations and sensations. Hallucinations are imaginary sensations when a person sees, hears and smells objects that are not really there. The most common type of psychotic hallucination is auditory hallucination. Sometimes audible voices tell a person to harm himself. Unfortunately, many obey them (Kasper, Rogers & Adams, 1996).

    Less common are people with psychosis, in which it seems to them that "insects are crawling under their skin", or patients feel the taste of "poison" in food or the smell of "gas" with which "enemies" are going to "finish them off." Sensation changes such as anesthesia (loss of sensation) or hypersensitivity to heat, cold, pain or touch.

    Emotional disturbances. Emotions can fluctuate greatly between overly elevated mood and depression. A person with psychosis can be over-emotional, depressed, emotionally “flat”, or apathetic. For example, with the affect of flattening, almost no emotion can be detected. Usually at the same time on the person's face - a frozen blank expression. However, behind their “frozen masks”, psychotic individuals continue to experience emotions as intensely as before (Sison et al., 1996).

    Disruption of communication. Some psychotic symptoms can be considered a primitive form of communication. By their actions, many patients say: "I need help" or "I can't handle this anymore." Non-verbal pleas for help are often necessary, as the violation of verbal communication is a classic syndrome of psychosis. Psychotic speech can be distorted and chaotic. Sometimes it sounds like "verbal okroshka".

    Breakdown of personality. Most of the impairments, such as those just discussed (as well as additional problems associated with thinking, memory and attention), lead to personality breakdown and disconnection from reality. Personality breakdown is associated with a loss of coordination between thoughts, actions and emotions. As a result, there is a serious deterioration in work, social relationships and personal care. When psychotic disturbances and personality fragmentation are observed for several weeks or months (often including a period of deterioration, an active phase and a residual phase during this period), the person suffers from psychosis (DSM-IV, 1994).

    Indeed, the description above is somewhat exaggerated. The manifestation of all these changes at the same time is rare. You may be disappointed with a visit to a psychiatric ward if you expect to encounter unusual, dramatic, or incomprehensible behavior there. Extreme psychotic behavior appears as a brief episode. The symptoms of psychosis come and go, and most of the time these symptoms are quite mild.

    There are different types of psychosis.

    Organic psychosis is based on brain pathologies - organic brain diseases, gunshot wounds, trauma and other physical reasons. Conversely, functional psychosis is caused by unknown causes or psychological factors.

    As we will see later, functional psychosis can also lead to physical changes in the brain. It turns out that all psychoses are partially organic. However, the term organic psychosis is commonly used for disorders associated with a distinctly impaired brain or brain disease.

    Organic psychoses

    Psychotic disorders are sometimes directly related to brain disease. One example is progressive paralysis, which occurs when syphilis attacks brain cells. In cases of developing but untreated syphilis, the patient's behavior may become disorganized and unrestrained. This can lead to abusive and indecent behavior - the dirty old man syndrome.

    Lead or mercury poisoning can be a particular cause of anxiety-producing organic psychosis. Although rare, poisoning can infect the brain and cause hallucinations, delusions, and loss of control over emotions. Old buildings with lead paints are especially dangerous. Lead tastes sweet. Therefore, small children may be tempted by the chipped pieces of lead paint and eat them like candy. Children who eat lead paint can become psychotic or developmentally retarding (Dyer, 1993; Mielke, 1999). Lead paints are capable of releasing lead dust into the air. Children can breathe in the dust or swallow it after touching contaminated toys. Other sources of lead are sealed water pipes, old lead-lined drinking fountains, lead-glazed glassware, and lead from car exhaust. More broadly, another type of “poisoning”, in the form of drug abuse, can also cause psychosis (DSM-IV, 1994).

    The most common organic problem is dementia, a serious mental disorder associated with impaired brain function. In dementia, there are major impairments to memory, thinking, judgment, impulsivity and personality control. This combination of impairments tends to be confusing, suspicious, apathetic, or withdrawn (Larson, 1990). One of the main causes of dementia is Alzheimer's disease. Other causes may be poor circulation, repeated strokes, general contraction or brain atrophy.

    The three main types of functional psychosis are delusional disorders, schizophrenia, and psychotic mood disorders.

    Causes of human degradation in modern society

    What does degradation mean? The word "degradation" is quite common. It is used when talking about a gradual deterioration, decline, loss of valuable qualities and properties observed in various areas of life - culture, society, art, environment. This term is also used in relation to physical, chemical and biological processes: degradation of soil, proteins, etc.

    Psychologists use it when they talk about the destruction of personality - the narrowing and impoverishment of interests, feelings, talents and judgments, a decrease in mental activity and performance, up to complete indifference and loss of contact with the environment. Degradation of personality is also called mental dullness. One of the most severe forms of personality degradation is insanity, or deep dementia. Degradation of personality is an integral part of a deeper disintegration of the human psyche: dementia, or dementia.

    How is personality degradation manifested?

    The first signs of degradation appear long before the complete disintegration of the personality. The circle of interests of such people narrows, mainly in the general cultural aspect: they stop watching films, reading books, and attending concerts. They are characterized by frivolity, flat humor, carelessness, along with moodiness, discontent and grumbling. They become annoying and familiar. Their judgments are lightweight and superficial, and in their behavior there is a swagger, a tendency to cynicism, a decrease in feelings of shame and disgust. Such qualities as selfishness, deceit, egocentrism develop.

    As the disease progresses, intellectual disabilities increase. The character changes for the worse: the person becomes irritable, quick-tempered. Its main features are a negative outlook - an attitude towards all events with a negative prejudice, inner fear and anxiety. Memory deteriorates, interests narrow, and judgments and feelings become impoverished. It becomes difficult for a person to concentrate his attention on anything.

    Another manifestation of personality degradation is lack of will, excessive complacency and carelessness. Carelessness and complete indifference to the outside world are observed in a severe form of degradation - insanity. Degradation of personality also affects the external appearance of a person. Characteristic changes in appearance are visible, one might say, with the naked eye: slovenliness, stoop, an indifferent look, inappropriate behavior. They say so about such people - degraded.

    American psychologist Maslow has identified several qualities inherent in people with personality degradation:

    • treating yourself as a pawn on which nothing depends either in public or private life;
    • the main thing in their life is the satisfaction of basic primary needs;
    • they divide the world into "theirs" and "strangers" and try to protect themselves from "strangers";
    • they believe that their opinion is unshakable and not subject to criticism and discussion;
    • their language is poor, they use elementary speech patterns. Their brains do not want to spend the effort on verbal functions.

    Why does personality degradation occur?

    A person degrades when he stops developing spiritually. His brain, as it were, begins to atrophy "as unnecessary." There can be many reasons why a person gives up and loses faith in himself, he becomes uninteresting to live, he ceases to follow events, develop intellectually, forgets about his previous hobbies. It happens to someone with a loss loved one, someone loses their zest for life after the collapse of hopes or a series of failures. The most susceptible to personality degradation are lonely people who feel like failures and useless.

    But these factors in most cases threaten with degradation not by themselves, but by the fact that a person begins to seek consolation and oblivion in alcohol and sooner or later goes into a binge. The concepts of alcoholism and personality degradation are inseparable. Moreover, alcoholism can be both the cause of degradation and its consequence.

    Unfortunately, personality degradation often develops in older people after retirement. Psychologists even argue that retirement is very harmful. Lack of duties, responsibility, the need to load the brain lead to gradual spiritual death.

    At the same time, there are many elderly people who have retained a lively and clear mind. If a person in old age remains a versatile personality, does not sit idle, if retirement frees up time and energy for new occupations, then personality degradation does not threaten him. Degradation of personality can be a consequence of mental illness or organic diseases of the brain (schizophrenia, epilepsy, intoxication, trauma, etc.).

    Senile marasmus as a form of personality degradation

    Senile marasmus is a progressive disease that is an irreversible mental disorder. Its reason is the atrophy of all processes that occur in the brain, and this happens mainly due to pathological changes in its blood vessels... Aggravates the situation and heredity.

    The disease develops gradually, over the years, and strangeness in behavior is not immediately noticed by others. A person just becomes distracted, forgetful, grumpy, stingy and self-centered. But as the progression progresses, the symptoms become brighter, and it is already impossible not to notice them. Memory deteriorates, false memories of events that did not exist appear. In the end, a person ceases to recognize loved ones, loses the skills to take care of himself, and he needs constant control and help.

    Alcoholism and personality degradation

    Another example of complete personality degradation is alcoholism. Alcohol for an alcoholic is the main vital need, and his brain works with one goal - where and how to get alcohol. The alcoholic's thoughts are superficial, phrases and words are simple and unpretentious.

    Symptoms of personality degradation in alcoholics appear already in the early stages of alcoholism. They are emotionally unstable: tearfulness, resentment, pessimism can abruptly change to excitability, irritation and anger. They lack a sense of guilt and understanding of their actions, but there is a lack of carelessness, euphoria, underestimation of life's difficulties. Their actions are inadequate and unpredictable. Alcoholics become rude, deceitful and selfish.

    How to avoid personality degradation?

    Unfortunately, no one is immune from the risk of spiritual degradation - it threatens any person who will "go with the flow" and not engage in self-development. If you do not improve, do not invest time and energy in your development, spiritual death can occur before physical death. Another poet N. Zabolotsky wrote:

    “Don't let your soul be lazy!

    So that the water in the mortar is not pounded,

    The soul must work

    Day and night, and day and night!

    If you decide to give her a favor,

    Freeing from work,

    She's a last shirt

    It will rip off you without pity. "

    People who overcome their passivity, maintain an active physical state, are interested in everything that happens in the world, and take an active life position are unlikely to face personal degradation. The immediate environment is also important: so that there are people nearby who would infect with their desire for new knowledge and skills.

    As for senile insanity, it is completely impossible to cure it, but on early stage it is amenable to adjustment. Therefore, when the first signs appear, it is worth examining: if its cause is vascular diseases of the brain, for example, atherosclerosis, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. B vitamins, in particular B6 and folic acid, and Ginkgo-biloba extract or capsules will help to suspend the development of senile marasmus.


    Personality traits become apparent after late adolescence and either remain unchanged throughout life, or change slightly or fade away with age. The diagnosis of personality disorder (ICD-10 code) is of several types mental pathologies... This ailment affects all areas of a person's life, the symptoms of which lead to severe distress and disruption of the normal functioning of all systems and organs.

    What is personality disorder

    Pathology is characterized by a person's behavioral tendency, which differs significantly from the accepted cultural norms in society. A patient suffering from this mental illness has social disintegration and severe discomfort when communicating with other people. As practice shows, specific signs of personality disorder occur in adolescence, therefore, an accurate diagnosis can be made only at the age of 15-16. Prior to this, mental abnormalities are associated with physiological changes in the human body.

    The reasons

    Mental personality disorders arise for various reasons - from genetic predispositions and birth trauma to the experience of violence in different life situations. Often, the disease occurs against the background of the child's neglect by the parents, intimate abuse or the baby's living in an alcoholic family. Scientific research shows that men are more susceptible to pathology than women. Risk factors provoking the disease:

    • suicidal tendencies;
    • alcohol or drug addiction;
    • depressive conditions;
    • obsessive compulsive disorder;
    • schizophrenia.


    People with personality disorder have an antisocial or inappropriate attitude towards all problems. This provokes difficulties in relationships with people around. Patients do not notice their inadequacy in behavioral patterns and thoughts, so they rarely turn to professionals for help on their own. Most individuals with personality pathologies are unhappy with their lives, suffer from constant heightened anxiety, bad mood, violations eating behavior... The main symptoms of the disease include:

    • periods of loss of reality
    • difficulty in relationships with marriage partners, children and / or parents;
    • feeling empty;
    • avoiding social contact
    • inability to cope with negative emotions;
    • the presence of such feelings as uselessness, anxiety, resentment, anger.


    To diagnose a personal disorder according to one of the ICD-10, the pathology must satisfy three or more of the following criteria:

    • the disorder is accompanied by a deterioration in professional productivity;
    • mental states lead to personal distress;
    • abnormal behavior is pervasive;
    • the chronic nature of stress is not limited to episodes;
    • noticeable disharmony in behavior and personal positions.

    The disease is also classified according to DSM-IV and DSM-5, grouping the entire disorder into 3 clusters:

    1. Cluster A (eccentric or unusual disorders). They are subdivided into schizotypic (301.22), schizoid (301.20), paranoid (301.0).
    2. Cluster B (fluctuating, emotional or theatrical disorders). They are divided into antisocial (301.7), narcissistic (301.81), hysterical (201.50), borderline (301.83), unspecified (60.9), disinhibited (60.5).
    3. Cluster C (panic and anxiety disorders). They are addicted (301.6), obsessive-compulsive (301.4), avoidant (301.82).

    In Russia, before the adoption of the ICD classification, there was a specific orientation of personality psychopathies according to P. B. Gannushkin. The system used by a famous Russian psychiatrist, developed by a doctor at the beginning of the 20th century. The classification includes several types of pathologies:

    • unstable (weak-willed);
    • affective;
    • hysterical;
    • excitable;
    • paranoid;
    • schizoid;
    • psychasthenic;
    • asthenic.

    Types of personality disorder

    The prevalence of the disease reaches up to 23% of all mental disorders in the human population. Personality pathology has several types, which are different in the causes and symptoms of the manifestation of the disease, the method of intensity and classification. Different forms of the disorder require an individual approach in the treatment, therefore, the diagnosis should be treated with special care to avoid dangerous consequences.


    This personality disorder is a partial disorder that occurs after severe stress or emotional distress. Pathology does not lead to chronic manifestation illness and is not a serious mental illness. A transistor disorder can last from 1 month to 1 day. Prolonged stress is provoked in the following life situations:

    • regular overstrain due to conflicts at work, nervous conditions in the family;
    • tiring journey;
    • passing the divorce proceedings;
    • forced parting with loved ones;
    • being in prison;
    • domestic violence.


    It is characterized by a fast course of associative processes. The patient's thoughts are so quickly replaced by a friend that he does not have time to pronounce them. Associative disorder manifests itself in the fact that the patient's thinking becomes superficial, the patient is inclined to switch attention every second, so it is very difficult to grasp the meaning of his speech. The pathological picture of the disease is also manifested in the slowing down of thinking, when it is very difficult for the patient to switch to another topic, it is impossible to single out the main idea.


    This is a violation in the cognitive sphere of life. In psychiatry, such an important symptom of cognitive personality disorder is indicated as a decrease in the quality of brain performance. With the help of the central part of the nervous system, a person perceives, interconnects and interacts with the world around him. The causes of cognitive impairment of personality can be many pathologies that differ in the condition and mechanism of occurrence. Among them, a decrease in brain mass or atrophy of an organ, an insufficiency of its blood circulation, and others. The main symptoms of the disease:

    • memory impairment;
    • difficulty expressing thoughts
    • deterioration in concentration;
    • difficulty in counting.


    Translated from Latin, the word "destructiveness" means the destruction of the structure. The psychological term destructive disorder refers to the individual's negative attitude towards external and internal objects. The personality blocks the outlet of fruitful energy due to failures in self-realization, remaining unhappy even after reaching the goal. Examples of destructive behavior of a metapsychopath:

    • destruction of the natural environment (ecocide, environmental terrorism);
    • damage to works of art, monuments, valuable items (vandalism);
    • undermining public relations, society (terrorist attacks, military operations);
    • purposeful decomposition of the personality of another person;
    • destruction (murder) of another person.


    This type of personality disorder has been the least studied by scientists. The patient has one or the other kind psychological disordersthat are not persistent. For this reason, mixed personality disorder is also called mosaic psychopathy. The patient's character instability appears due to the development of certain types of addiction: gambling, drug addiction, alcoholism. Psychopathic personality often combines paranoid and schizoid symptoms. Patients suffer from increased suspicion, are prone to threats, scandals, complaints.


    Unlike other types of psychopathy, infantile disorder is characterized by social immaturity. A person cannot withstand stress, does not know how to relieve stress. In difficult situations, the individual does not control emotions, behaves like a child. Infantile disorders first appear during adolescence and progress as they get older. The patient, even with age, does not learn to control fear, aggression, anxiety, therefore, they are denied group work, they are not hired for military service or the police.


    Dissocial behavior in histrionic disorder is manifested in the search for attention and increased excessive emotionality. Patients constantly demand from the environment confirmation of the correctness of their qualities, actions, and approval. This manifests itself in a louder conversation, a strong ringing laughter, an inadequate reaction in order to concentrate the attention of others at any cost. Men and women with histrionic personality disorder are inadequately sexual in dress and with eccentric passive-aggressive behavior, which is a challenge for society.


    The difference between psychoneurosis is that the patient does not lose contact with reality, fully aware of his problem. Psychiatrists distinguish between three types of psychoneurotic disorders: phobia, obsessive compulsions, and conversion hysteria. Great mental or physical stress can provoke psychoneurosis. First graders often face this kind of stress. In adults, neuropsychiatric shocks cause such life situations:

    • marriage or divorce;
    • job change or dismissal;
    • death of a loved one;
    • career failures;
    • lack of money and others.

    Diagnosis of personality disorder

    Main criteria differential diagnosis personality disorder is poor subjective well-being, loss of social adaptation and performance, disorders in other areas of life. For the correct diagnosis, it is important for the doctor to determine the stability of the pathology, take into account the cultural characteristics of the patient, and compare with other types of mental disorders. Basic diagnostic tools:

    • checklists;
    • self-assessment questionnaires;
    • structured and standardized patient interviews.

    Personality disorder treatment

    Treatment is prescribed depending on the attribution, comorbidity and severity of the disease. Medication includes taking serotonin antidepressants (Paroxetine), atypical antipsychotics (Olanzapine), and lithium salts. Psychotherapy is carried out in an attempt to change behavior, to make up for educational gaps, to find motivation.

    Video: personality disorders

    Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can diagnose and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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    Types of personality mental disorders - signs, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment

    PwC Consulting Strategy & has released a report on the talent situation among senior executives. The experts found that in 2018 the share of managers dismissed from their posts for violation of moral and ethical standards increased significantly - by 50% compared with an increase of 26% a year earlier.

    Strategy &, PwC's strategic consulting division, focuses on CEO turnover and succession (CEO Success Study). Experts note that at the end of 2018, staff turnover among heads of companies around the world reached a record level of 17.5%. At the same time, there remains a group of managers who maintain stable positions in their firms. As part of the study, an analysis was made of the turnover of the heads of 2500 largest public companies in the world over the past 19 years. According to the results, 19% of respondents stayed in their position for 10 or more years, although the average length of work as a leader is five years.

    In 2018, executive turnover increased markedly in all regions except China.

    Fluidity was highest in other advanced economies (such as Australia, Chile and Poland) at 21.9%, nearly the same as in Brazil, Russia and India (21 , 6%).

    Slightly lower rates were found in Western Europe (19.8%), and the lowest turnover rate remains in North America (14.7%)... Analyzing by industry, experts found that the highest turnover of executives in 2018 was in telecommunications (24.5%), followed by the commodity (22.3%) and energy (19.7%) sectors.

    The lowest management turnover in 2018 was observed in the healthcare sector (11.6%). The report states that “despite the emergence of new disruptive technologies, fierce competition and active investors, the average length of work in this group of senior executives is 14 years, while they are more efficient, and the likelihood of their forced resignation is lower than among managers with less experience. "

    Regarding regional differences, the researchers point to a higher probability of long-term executives in North America (30%), slightly less in Western Europe (19%), followed by Japan, Brazil, Russia and India (9% each), and in China the position of top management is one of the most unstable (7%).

    In 2018 first throughout history this study number of executives fired due to ethical violationsturned out to be more (share of 39% of all layoffs)rather than financial discontent or disagreement on the board, the most common reasons. The number of top managers dismissed for unethical behavior in 2018 increased by 50%, a year earlier the number of such layoffs increased by 26%.

    Another trend was the decline in the proportion of women among new leaders in 2018 to 4.9%.

    In 2017, there were 6% of new female leaders. However, the report clarifies that, compared with the lowest level of 1% in 2008, the upward trend continues. Irina Gaida, Partner at Strategy & in Russia, believes that "only coordinated efforts of business, academia, government and public organizations will allow women and men to fully realize the potential of women and men in business and in leadership positions."

    In contrast to 2017, when the jump in the proportion of women among new leaders was a sharp increase in this indicator to 9.3% in the United States and Canada, in 2018 the highest percentage was in the group of countries Brazil, Russia and India (8.8%) , China and other developing countries. Most female leaders emerged in utilities, trade and other service sectors (9.5%), followed by communications and financial services (7.5% and 7.4%, respectively).

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