Is it possible to wash the cat Fairy. How to bathe a cat: how often wash than, shampoo, soap

In fact, cats are not so afraid of water as they tell about it. There are cats with pleasure to the water reed cat. My Murka gladly climbed into the pond and even swam him several times. There are cats quietly taking water treatments with the use of detergents and no droplets afraid to be in the bathroom on the neck in water. What cats are afraid, so it is splashes. If you want to buy a cat and not get into the rampage, try not to frighten the animal by splashes and do not make sure.

Prepare a couple of vests of very warm water (the temperature of the cat's body is slightly higher than human and is 38-39.5 ° C, kittens it is even higher) and type the basin in which you will bathe in advance. When you have a shower, do not open, water from the average sizes of the saucepan practically in order not to be splashing. Watch that the water does not get into the ears. If you need to warm up a cat, and not to carry out any water treatments, you can use Fairi as detergent. Yes, yes, it is a means for dishes. It will perfectly cope not only with feline fat on wool, but quickly and effectively disperse more serious dirt. For example: Machine oil with which no shampoo can cope. Try not to use Fairi with a citrus smell, it does not like cats.

Another factor is a frightening cat - the ghost of support. Animal will be ready to endure a lot of bullying if it feels under your feet. Most often, the cat is enough to the bottom of the basin under the hind legs and the edges of the basin under the front. If you bathe a cat in the bathroom, put the bathroom on which the cat will be able to lift claws. This is not just a support is a grand position. Be prepared for the fact that the animal can make a jerk forward. Constantly hold at least one front paw clasped her palm above the knee, the hand comes from the back of the animal. When trying to run, grab the second hand for the patch and shake out of the side to the side. Here you can cope alone, but better together.

If you wash the cat for the first time or already know that your cat does not make water treatments, then you only need to wash - one holds, the other ishes and displays a cat out of the shock if it takes. Both in clothes with long sleeves and closed under the throat. Drapt will hand on the shoulders. Claws preferably cut in advance, there will be less deep rezany Ran. (But more torn is not deep) if the cat is carried out.

Holding hearing the arm under the chest, the index finger between the paws, above the knees. Clamp so that I did not break out. Do not loosen the grip. For the rear paw, the same thing is to cover your hand under the knees with the index finger between the paw. In this state, slowly put a cat in a pelvis with water so that he felt that all the paws stands on the support, so it will be calmer. Raise for embroidery too slowly.

The one who washes must follow the cat to panic and did not start rushing and bite holding. In the case of which he should be furious to the cat, take for the camp and shake out of the side to the side, it disorienses and calm the cat. If it starts biting - click the nose's palm. Palus can be wet, but, in no case, not soapy. The cat with a water that fell into the nose or soap into the eye to calm down much more difficult.

After rinsing, tightly wrap the cat in a towel like a baby. After a couple of minutes, when the towel absorbs the main part of the water from the wool - change the towel. After a couple of minutes you can send a grip and, if the cat wants to get out, letting a cat - let him lick.

If it seems to you that the cat is offended by you after swimming and doubt his intentions on your account, take advantage

Any domestic cat, not even participating in exhibitions, washing is necessary. Long-haired cat (ideally) washed once a week. If possible, never save on a cat shampoo. Good shampoo It is quite expensive, but it is economical. Try to use only specially intended for cats shampoo (its wool thinner and tenderly man's hair).

As a last resort, the lack of such, you can use a children's shampoo "without tears" good quality, Ideally organic. "Casual" washing is great from the "exhibition", and this is natural. It has a completely different purpose. Here your goal is the improvement of wool and skin of the cat. Washing helps a faster loss of dead hair, improves the condition of the skin, purifies the pores, which contributes to the growth of new healthy wool, of course, provided that the shampoo and air conditioning you use are chosen correctly, taking into account the features of your animal's wool.

During washing, in the process of embroidery, under the influence of warm water and massage, a lighter separation of dead wool occurs, the flow of blood to the skin is stimulated.

In addition, during the "daily" washing, you do not put the goal of "pre-stop" degreasing wool and do not water it all sorts, to put it mildly, not very useful for her stomach, nor for her wool, anti-static and flossors, but on the contrary, spend various Wellness and restoring procedures. You do not make a "10" inheritance, quite enough one or two. You have the opportunity to handle the wool regenerating, therapeutic air conditioning, which should be selected individually for each animal, depending on its structure of the wool.

To do this, in front of the last rinsing, some air conditioner add to the pelvis with water or apply in a diluted form (1 part of the air conditioner on 5 parts of water) directly to the animal wool, withstand 1-2 minutes and rinse thoroughly. As a rule, after this, the wool no longer requires additional processing with antistatic or powder, it is enough to dry the towel and finally dried with a hairdryer. An important positive factor of frequent washing is addictive cats to this process, which will save it from stress before the exhibition.

Note: After vaccination, you can wash the cat no earlier than two weeks.


If you think that the preparation for the exhibition is only in those events that you should spend with a cat on the eve of the show - you are mistaken.

Exhibition preparation, this is a very responsible - the final stage of the cat's daily care.

She begins with the first acquaintance of your kitten with water, its first bathing at the age of 1.5-2 months, during which it is very important not to scare the baby so as not to turn the subsequent "bath days" into a heavy test for both sides. It is no less important and his acquaintance with the comb, as well as the upbringing of such necessary qualities in it, like contact and confidence in your hands. All these qualities are instilled with an animal during everyday care.

So, taking into account the foregoing, the beginning of the "final stage" is at least 3-4 weeks before the exhibition.

Month to the exhibition

During this period, you no longer set a goal - to make a cat to the bottom. Now your only goal of care is a metal comb, gentling her wool. Now you protect, cultivate and cherish each hairs. For the same purpose for "woolen" cats, everyday use of the air conditioner is recommended for stimulating wool growth after molting.

Along with this, it is now, in case of need, it is necessary to remove the extra sudden, which sometimes negatively affects the appearance of the cat.

The trimming, spent too late, leads to the fact that the animal at the exhibition may have the appearance of the compartment chicken, which will reduce its assessment, and in some cases to disqualification.

In addition, it is now, for 4 weeks before the exhibition, you have the last opportunity to try out "innovations." Now, in the market of petrootters, there is a considerable choice of shampoos and cosmetics for exhibition goggling of animals, if there are much easier to achieve the desired success.

Which ones are the best? Of course those that are optimally suitable for your animal. Find them only experimentally, acquiring the quality and color of the cat's wool.

Therefore, if you are going to use an unfamiliar shampoo for the first time for the final exhibition of animal, do not apply it without prior check. Try to wash your cat in advance, about a month before the exhibition. Make sure there is no allergic irritation and look at the quality of the washed animal wool.

It is very important, already now, in advance to pay special attention to the purity of the outer surface of the root of the tail, where the swords of the sebaceous glands (in cats) are located.

Before the exhibition - week

And then the weekdays are over, ahead of the most responsible period. In order to show your cat with all the parade, it needs to "prepare." Each breeder has its own method of preparation and universal "best" simply does not exist.

We all learn, trying to achieve the best results. Trying different kinds Shampoos, antistatic, powder, etc. Sometimes our experiments are successful, sometimes not very, because the structure of the wool and the coloration of our cats is so diverse. What is superbly on one animal is absolutely not suitable for another - everyone should be selected individually.

Do not be afraid to experiment, but listen to the Council justified Personal experienceNever before the exhibition do not feel new cosmetics.

Exhibition Wash Long-haired Cat

As it happens, when a beautiful, undoubtedly, an outstanding animal does not become a participant in the final show of the exhibition. Being the best among our competitors, it is "unworthy" beauty contest due to bad exhibition training. However, the cat is worthy. Inadvertently, her owner who was preparing an animal to the exhibition, guided by the principle "comes down and so."

If the washing process will seem too time-consuming, and "will come down and so" will turn out to be stronger than you - push the cat's cat. It is not difficult and very effectively in combination with unwashed wool.

Cat washing a casual role in preparation for the exhibition. After all, unlike everyday, exhibition washing a more time-consuming and multi-step event and the purpose of it - to emphasize the advantages of each color, shave, give the volume, glitter, in general, to prevent best of sight All indescribable advantages of adorable creatures. How best to do it?

Why should you start?

Of course, with the preparation of everything you need. First of all, with the means of washing touched in advance.

The process of washing consists of equal responsible stages.

1. Preparation for washing (where to wash, than washing than wipe, dry, comb, water, sprinkle, splash).

2. Preparation of animal (claws, wool, ears). At this stage, it should be carefully removed from the cat's cats all sticking protruding hairs, giving it a clean face, rounded shape (please do not overdo it - leave the animal at least a mustache!)

3. First naming (purpose - cleaning problem areas).

4. Second scaming (goal - degreasing wool).

5. Third naming (the goal is the exhibition condition of wool).

6. Fourth dishes (goal - emphasize the advantages of the color of the wool). At this stage, flushing, giving volumes, shine, silkiness, antistatic properties, air conditioners are used.

7. Final folding.

8. Drying - Grumming.

Now in detail:

1. Place for washing. It may be so deep enough so that the whole body of the cat is immersed in water. Remember, after each embroidery, 3-5 crawls should be neglected, so the location of the pelvis is very important that the drain and water set procedure is not too tedious for your animal. It is convenient to wash the cat right in the washbasin if it allows its size, in this case there are no problems with changing water.

All you need during washing, arrange it so that it is at your hand you have and out of reach by the cat.

2. Cat preparation. Cut it claws. Carefully clean the ears, giving them a desirable more rounded form so that they look less like less, pull out tassels on them (growing ear on the tip, but not inside). Pull the wool bundles in the form of "Rozhkin" between the ears (the ears must be widely set!).

Create a cat's cat with rare teeth to remove chatunins, special attention is paid to the places under the arms, collar, pants, stomach. Carefully tailor the tail.

Load your cotton balls in the ears, to avoid getting there during your head wash.

Remember that your animal is nervous and he has a heavy and unpleasant test for him, so be calm and affectionate, do not fuss, your movements should be confident and leopard. Talk with a cat, do not forget that she feels confident, having a support under his feet.

Very good if you have an assistant who will support it.

3. First naming. Putting the "object of torture" into the water capacity, pay attention to careful and deep "floting" (to the base of the hairs) of the entire body of the animal.

For achievement best result, It is followed by a bit of a face (Fairy) or a degreasing shampoo to dissolve in a water container in which you will wash the cat. The dirtier animal, the more saturated the solution should be. Immerse the cat for 10-15 minutes in it (only the head is located above the surface) and in order to deteriorate the hairs as much as possible - neatly, metal comb with rare teeth, curtail the wool throughout the body under water.

Next, go to the washing. First of all, they are launched the most contaminated places (behind the ears, chin, paws, pants, the base of the tail, at the site of the site of the german). At this stage, it is best to use a means for degreasing and deep wool cleaning. For example: specially intended for particularly contaminated wool and laundering of problem areas, degreasing and bleaching shampoos of known and proven firms for the manufacture of cosmetics for animals "House An-Zhu", "8 in 1", and others. For the absence of those, again, use again Having perfectly proven disubbusal disquandments: Fairy, Brilllo, etc.

When washing the cat's head, scrolls a small amount of degreasing superal shampoo (or Fairi) on wet hands to create a little foam. Carefully, to the skin itself, sculpt shampoo across the back of the cat's head (avoid shampoo from entering the front area, as it is not a shampoo without tears). Do not forget to apply foam to cheeks and chin (avoid eye, nose).

Note: It is very convenient to carry out the scaling, ears, brushes and short wool paws with a toothbrush.

Withstanding the foam of 1-2 minutes, go to one of the most responsible moments of washing - miscarriage.

Rule number 1 !!! Flaping should be solid after each naming.

Do not spare water, the temperature of which should be slightly higher than for your own bathing.

In the water for rinsing add vinegar, at the rate of 4-5 tbsp. Spoons on 10 liters of water. For light colors, the vinegar is better to replace with a solution, pre-diluted (per 1 l - 1-2 tsp) of citric acid. It will soften the water, make it easier to wash the shampoo, give wool softness, silkiness, shine.

4. Second naming: Again, we carry out specially intended concentrated, degreasing shampoo wool, or a high-quality dishwashing agent, such as Fairi, Brilllo, etc.

Note: It should be remembered that any detergent with the addition of lemon slightly illuminates the animal wool, so unlike white and other clarified colors, for saturated and tabby colors should choose a means that does not have as part of the clarifying additives. Special attention is again - problem zones.

5. Third Namingit is conducted by special "exhibition", pre-verified shampoo. During this embossing, we carefully wash the cat with a muzzle (with a small sponge or a small brush).

This washing can be repeated 1-2 times.

6. Last Naming Making Special Shampoowhich is selected in accordance with the color of the animal. Tint shampoos or air conditioners are applied to the animal wool in a clean or diluted form, it is maintained for 10-15 minutes warm and thoroughly washed off.

Note: There is no experience, you might think that shampoos intended for different colors (red, black, etc.) have coloring properties. This is not true. These shampoos are enlivened, give saturation to the color, they are intensifiers of color, only with aimed at a certain color.

7. When conceding rinsing, we pay attention to making the wool of the required volume.

At this stage, air conditioning is used. Its selection is very important and individual. The excellent effect of the volume can be achieved using the Styling Gel gel (Styling Gel) of the company Ring 5. To create the highest effect of thick, lush, and at the same time, fluff, light, flying wool - it is recommended to dissolve several tablespoons of a gel or air conditioner in a basin with warm water And for 1-2 minutes, immerse your own, losing patience, martyr, so that his wool is soaked from the roots to the most tips. The concentration of solution is very important. It is selected individually, taking into account the structure of the wool of a particular animal, and the testing is carried out long before the exhibition washing.

After using air conditioners - do not forget about Rule No. 1 - necessarily multiple, careful miscarriage. In the last rinsing, respecting your work and the patience of your animal, rinse it immediately a couple of extra times - it is much easier than hurrying, then mix it completely. Such washing should be conducted 2-3 times during the last week before the exhibition (interval - 1-2 days). The last date of washing is individual not only for each color, but also for each animal. If you are sure that you can save all this beauty in a priority form, it is desirable that the interval of 2-3 days remains until the day of the exhibition. During this time, wool will have time to acquire a natural look.

8. Drying - Grooming. Fucking the cat after washing well, make it "laying". Drying a hairdryer, give wool fit form, emphasizing the dog's inherent breed. It is important, in the drying process, do not leave a cat on the body not a single wavy wool.

We start with my paws. Raise (thick scallop or brushing) Wool from below upward, directing the air stream on the base of the wool. Drying it in this mode, with the help of a brush, give the paws the most filled shape.

Pulling the hair of the comb, so that there is no wave, we dry the collar, giving it the volume. Special attention should be paid to the "manischka" and soft wool in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ears. It is in these places that wool does not want to straighten up. To accelerate the drying process, a little powder can be applied to a slightly wet wool (only for light colors). Carefully combing a thick scallop, having a muzzle, giving the volume of cheeks, foreheads, chin.

I wonder against the wool, lifting it with a hairdryer from the base of the hair. In the same way, give the volume of sides.

Wool on the stomach and pants pull down, straightening it along the entire length.

Gently using rare teeth, dried the tail.

Antistatic women can be enjoyed both on a humid and dried wool (in accordance with the recommendations of manufacturers). It is important to dry the wool completely. The remaining wet areas will drive your work on no.

Light animals are better right away, especially critical places, it will break them a little from pollution. Surplus powder can then be blown in a hairdryer.

At the end of the drying, dig an eye with a "visive" drops to relieve irritation. I think they will not interfere with you

The final preparation of the cat is carried out in the morning, on the day of the exhibition. The cat is "freezing" against wool, treating the exhibition powder, antistatic, exhibition foam - any means that helps to give the wool of your animal volume, a special shine, acting antistatic, in general, giving a "last bar" in front of the exhibition, and necessarily previously tested on your cat .

A large selection of these funds is presented. The main thing here is a sense of measure. Remember, the wool should be alive, soft to the touch and drop, rather than hanging like a rigid, cocked, worn palable.

You are alive?!!

To the purely washed floor, lower your beauty as unearthly, after removing everything that can help her acquire the original appearance.

Good luck to you, victories and pleasant impressions. And even if the judges at the exhibition will not appreciate the desired way of your child, his preparation will definitely impress them. And the admiration of the audience will be worthy of your work. And you can fully tell your cat with a full reason - you are the most beautiful, you're better than everyone. Because she needs it and because it is true. After all, for each of us, our child is the best.

After the end of the exhibition, it is necessary to wash away from your champion everything that you are "packs" during the last week. Use the restoring air conditioner.

Washing exhibition cats

For most cat owners it is no secret that if they decided to wash their pet, then you need to purchase special tool for animals. But what can be soldered the cat if not special Shampoo? Is it possible to apply human cosmetics or is it worthwhile to wash the cat without shampoo? We will try to deal with these issues.

Why can not wash the cat with human shampoo?

The structure of the skin and hair in humans and cats is very different. On the surface of the cat's body, very few sweat and sebaceous glands. The skin reaction is 4.5-6 (unlike human level pH 3-4,5). The upper irrigating layer is thin and sensitive - such a skin is easy to cut with alkaline soap and cause irritation with artificial additives.

Cat fur coat is difficult to a multi-level system that participates in the regulation of the body temperature of the animal. At the same time, its important element is a hedgehog, which, leaned towards each other, create a dense layer.

Violation of the hair cuticle with aggressive detergent leads to the fact that the wool becomes a dim, disheveled, chatins are easily formed in it. It cannot cope with its protective and thermostat properties.

Difference cat shampoos

In this regard, human and feline shampoos differ greatly among themselves and composition. For example, it is easy to make sure that the detergents for cats have other pH values.

In addition, the feline shampoo must completely wash off, so as not to cause the risk of poisoning, because the cat will be carefully cleared after swimming. As a rule, such funds do not contain sharp smelling fonders, so as not to irritate the smell of the animal.

What to wash the cat when there is no special shampoo at hand?

If the cat was not very strong, you can simply wipe her wool with a cloth moistened with warm water. But there are situations where the cat requires urgent banal procedures, for example, it is very smeared, or her wool contaminated with some toxic substance (which is undesirable to lick).

In this case, one of the acceptable solutions is the use of shampoo or liquid soap for newborns, or children up to 3 years, with neutral pH levels, minimal content of artificial additives, dyes and fragrances.

You can use and detergent for adults, just choose the most gentle of them. It can be the so-called soft shampoos intended for dry and damaged hair (they are distinguished by a reduced pH level), as well as pitch.

Breed cat: courtyard.
Asks: Vasilisk is beautiful.
Essence of the question: How to get a cat, if there is no shampoo?

We have a cat ran into the street in the morning, for the first time in 5 years. Cat neutered, we ourselves were surprised. Came in the evening of the same day. I wanted to pay him yesterday, I do not know where he climbed. And we have even a feline shampoo. And there is no veterinary frames too.

Is it possible to buy a cat by ordinary shampoo or soap?

Among the many cats are the opinion that pets should not be bathed, but sometimes there is an urgent need to wash the cat. And this is not only cases when or strongly stained, but also, for example, preparation for the exhibition.

The Following Two Tabs Change Content Below.

I veterinarian In one of the clinics of the city of Gomel (Belarus). I myself am an experienced cat, I have two Don Sphinx. I love these animals very much and they reciprocate me. These are charming cats - Marfa and Petrovna.

Bathing cats often - it is impossible, it's true. The optimal amount of water procedures for homemade cats, unlocked apartment limits 3-4 times a year. After each bathing, the wool cats should be wiped dry with a not hard towel.

Often bathe cats can not.

What means, besides a special shampoo, you can wash cats?

Cats are very sensitive and tender skin, and their acid-alkaline balance is very different from the human. That is why, if you decide to wash the pet with your usual shampoo, you should choose the most softer means.

The ideal option is a shampoo for children who does not contain substances capable of driving skin and wool.

The perfect option is a shampoo for children.

Incorrectly chosen means for washing cats can turn into such unpleasant consequences as:

  • skin irritation;
  • deterioration of the state of the wool. With incorrectly chosen tool, the cat's wool can become breakdown and dim;

Shampoo cat is recommended to wash if it is required to give it a beautiful and well-groomed look. If the animal just stained, then you can wash the dirt with clean warm water . To do this, it is enough to wet a piece soft fabric In water and thoroughly wipe the pet, paying particular attention to polluted areas.

There are situations in which the bathing of a cat can lead to its health consequences. These include such cases as:

  • elderly animal age . Such cats and cats are more susceptible to stress than young individuals, and each bathing can become a serious test for their nervous system;
  • animal recently suffered a surgical operation ;
  • in the apartment Cold air or constant drafts . In this case, the pet after swimming in warm water can climb and.

In most cases, cats and cats are able to maintain themselves clean without water and shampoo. In order for the stomach of the shaggy pet, the wool was accumulated after active licking, the owners should give him special vitamins that contribute to the withdrawal of wool in a natural way.

If you still decided to get sick of your favorite and used the human shampoo for this, then thoroughly wash the animal wool. Otherwise, losing after swimming, the animal can lick the tool that remains on wool, and strongly choose.

Washing ordinary shampoo can be practiced only in the case. If you plan to cross the cat with regular water procedures, it is better to purchase a special feline shampoo.

Video about how to wash the cat at home

The world has recently become much cheaper, things are made in China, everything is rapidly, one-time, and even human relations become the same. But in this world, there is still something in an immeasurably valuable: real miracle that causes an intelligence of emotion - Scottish Fold Cats! Yes, these cats are expensive, they are complex in obtaining, and the breeders of the whole world took decades to achieve this level of their perfection. But today they are the real pearls of the world of cats! Luxury externally and amazingly charming inside! If you want to have this treasure - look for your Scottish kitten on the page "Kittens for you."

Bath day ... or how to wash the cat

When you hear the phrase "thoroughbred cat" - before your eyes there is an image of perfection from the head to the fifth ... from the ears to the tip of the tail ... Shining mink plush or gentle, silky, elegantly dropping long woolen raincoat - this is what the universal admiration causes. In reality, owners of thoroughbred cats, in order to earn this admiration, it is necessary to make certain efforts so that their favorite look, not like Murka with the garbage, with drowshes under the eyes, all in chopans and icicles, but as a privileged person.

Of course, nature did not sentence the purebred cats with the ability to independently care for their wool. But it is special care, by analogy with a campaign of a woman in a beauty salon, is able to emphasize all the advantages of your cat with the best side. And at the same time the length of the wool of your pet is not important. Short-haired cats linen and dumps no less than their long-haired fellow. The thick plush fur coat, of course, does not roll into chattones, and does not require too frequent attention on your part, but it needs careful care behind it, no matter what some ignorant and unclean grief-breeders say. And this is not only a question external view Animal. The main thing is the health of the "brothers of our smaller". In the conditions of a modern apartment (or at home) on the wool of pets, the smallest electrical (due to the abundance of household appliances and branched wiring) dust particles are settled. These particles when climbing together with wool fall into the gastrointestinal tract of the cat and cause various allergic reactions and immune disorders. So, the only output is water procedures.

Let's say more - it is not so important, whether you have become a happy owner of a purebred animal or took a powerful cat to the house, if you want your favorite to complain about well-being and looked impeccable - learn the basics of hygiene of a modern homemade cat.

The purpose of this article is to help you learn how to properly care for the wool of your pets, without falling into extremes.

So, only three steps:

1. Purchase the necessary tools and care tools

Below is a list where the brands that we use in our practice are specified in brackets. You can choose the tools and tools of those brands that you like more. Only let yourself give you advice: do not save on washing and tools. Your rational impulse in this case will not bring any benefit. The fact is that expensive professional funds are made in the form of concentrates and their consumption is ten times less than that of budget shampoos, not to mention their effectiveness. As for the tools, those who acquire cheap - as practice shows, do not use them because of their inconvenience and / or the absence of the expected result.

Special comb for combing sheath (Furminator, USA)

Metal (better Teflon) Comb with a fairly wide distance between the tarts (trixie)

Manicure Scissors-Cunning Sheets (Trixie)

Eye cleansing agents (Eye Envy, Chilli, Wet wipes Kleenex without alcohol and fragrances)



Apple or White Vinegar (Natural Filtered or Disclosed)

Air conditioning (GROOMERS GOOP, JEROB)

Antistatic and / or powder for grinding (Jerob)

2. Support the cleanliness daily

Do not forget about the hygiene of a cat tray, then your cat's paws will not unpleasantly smell and yellow. It is enough to change the filler and disinfect the tray after each filler change.

If you started a long-haired cat, combing it combs once a day to avoid tangling wool. Make it part of your life. Your favorite will respond favorably and love you even more for your attention.

If you have a short-haired cat, you don't need a daily combing, but during the period of intense molting you, as well as the owners of long-haired beauties, need a furminator (better original American Furminator or corresponding to the price of European analogues). Use it once a week. Avoid combing the tail and collar, as they grow long.

Very important to regular eye care. When you started a kitten (especially if it is white), clean your eyes will need every day (at least once a day). The fact is that small kittens are given to care for a minimum of time compared to adult cats, so practically all kids have small brown highlights in the corners of the eyes, which leave traces. With age, the need for such care is eliminated by itself (with a rare exception, when the increased tearing is associated with the structure of the skull, for example, if the eyes "on the otkut").

Note: Selection of eyes can be a sign of some diseases. When the selection is too abundant, or unusual color - this is a reason to refer to the veterinarian. If you have passed all tests and eliminated possible diagnoses, it is not necessary (contrary to the recommendations of sellers in the store for animals) use to leave a drop and ointment with antibiotics. Then your kitten will not build up immunity to strong medicine. And tearing over time will decrease by itself, if you stick proper nutrition and hygiene rules.

It is enough to wash your eyes with water or wipe the wet tampon. If you have white cat (or other light color), then use moistened aqueous solution Boric acid or iodinola Cottage discs to remove the brown traces and keep wool under the eyes of white. Or you can use special powders, such as Chilli or Eye Envy, like us. Do not use any bleach (type of hydrogen peroxide), as they make hair very porous and dry (and can harm the eyes). In addition, if you clean your cat's eyes every day, you will not need to be, anyway, use bleach. Right?

3. Learn to bathe the cat correctly, and do it regularly

As we have already spoken, for health and maintain the condition of each modern cat at least once a half or two months, a bath is required. This simple procedure, moreover, significantly reduces the amount of wool in your home.

Before water treatments Cut the claws on all four paws and gently extend the wool of your cat in a furminator (if the wool is very long and thin - use only the comb). Never use Pugos!

Prepare a place for swimming. If your cat is not accustomed from early childhood to swimming, then it is most likely to panic when you try to lower it even in a blank bath (big pelvis), not to mention the bath with water. Therefore, the best option for most cats is a shelf in the form of a grille that is installed on the bath. Put the animal right on it. In this case, your back is not as tired as if you wash the cat, leaning down. And do not forget to close the door of the bathroom, as cats are prone to run.

Clean the wool under the eyes before bathing, using wet Kleenex wipes without alcohol and fragrances. Wipe the fur around the eye with the necessary number of napkins until you remove the stains. However, it is possible to simply wash under the eyes with plenty of water using the pillows of fingers if your pet is not a panic during swimming. After that, thoroughly wipe your eyes with a dry cloth.

As for the ears - it is enough to wipe ear shells From the inside with a damp napkin or slightly moistened with water or lotion with a cotton wand. If in your cat's ears an excess of ear sulfur or it is dark color - contact the veterinarian. Normally, ear sulfur should be practically transparent.

Start the bathing process from degreasing. We start with Groomers Goop Pasta or Jerob Pre-Cleaning Cream. As an economy option, you can use dishwashing liquids, such as Fairy, Palmolive or Ivory (do not use colored dishwashing fluids, because they contain dyes that can paint cat wool light color).

Note: Before applying degreasing agents, it is worth checking if your cat has allergies on them, causing some means on a small area of \u200b\u200bskin and leaving for 5 minutes. If the skin is posed - the means cannot be used.

When using GooP, someone, as we, causes a paste to dry wool (which is preferable from the point of view of efficiency), someone prefers to apply on wet. Some use it only around the ears, on the collar and on the pants, where the wool turns into icicles, is separated and looks fat.

Well stick the remedy into the wool to the roots. Then wash the water under the stream of water for at least 5 minutes.

Note: One of the most important things that we learned about the correct washing of cats is the need for careful rinse of wool from shampoos and air conditioning. If it is not enough to rinse the wool well from these funds at least at one stage - the whole process will be in vain. Cat after washing will look dirty.

For flushing behind the ears, keep your ear by pressing his finger down. To wash the top of the head, keep your head with one hand, directing the face up, and rinsing the forehead, push the water with palm of another hand aside from the eyes and nose.

Dry cat face with a small hand towel to make sure that the eyes and nose remain dry. It keeps calm the animal, as a wet face creates a feeling that she is sinking.

The next step is shampoo, which will make it possible to wash off the remnants of degreasing means. We use Groomers GOOP or Jerob Herbal Shampoo. With the choice of shampoo for this stage you can experiment to find the most suitable for the type of wool of your cat. But remember that human shampoos are not suitable for feline wool in composition. In an emergency, you can use a children's shampoo "without tears", but you should not wash them the cat constantly, as the wool after it becomes too soft, prone to the formation of chatunins.

Next - the use of a shedding shampoo, depending on the color and texturing shampoo. It's not obligatory. Just for beauty. We use the shampoos all System or Jerob. Nevertheless, you can use everything you prefer. Lovers of cats were lucky, today you can find funds for the grooming of any manufacturers in online stores or through professional breeders who often buy funds abroad for themselves with a margin.

If you use a skeleton shampoo, apply it directly to wet wool, not diluted, then add water and massaging, creating a foam. Leave it for 2-5 minutes.

The next step is to rinse the remains of soap. We do it with the help of the soul, and we spend at least 5 minutes. For the best result, we add 2 tablespoons of apple or white organic vinegar into a jug with water and straight from the jug we will pour the entire casing body, avoiding hitting your head. This allows you to remove all the remains of the shampoo and restore the natural pH. After that, we wash the wool again with a jet out of the shower.

If your cat's wool is not in better form after the heating season, if it is thin and dry - at this stage, you can add a hair mask to an ordinary wash program. Here, too, your choice is any organic mask. It is possible that for people, for example, Redken Climatress or something out of Lush. And it is possible, a special cat, such as Jerob with cocoa butter and mink oil. Before applying the mask, squeeze the cat's wool with hands, and after applying wrap the cat in the towel and keep for about two or three minutes. Talk to the cat, calm her. Then rinse the wool especially carefully.

Note: After using masks, your cat's wool after bathing will look slightly causing. Therefore, after such therapeutic procedures, swimming must be repeated in a week, but without a mask.

And the last step use air conditioning. We add a jerob coding drip in a jug with water, mix well and pour wool on the body, ranging from the ears area to the tip. Further guess what? Rinse again !!! Rinse the jet of water until the wool stops being a snack.

Some of the breeders use air conditioning for linen, since he helps remove static electricity and makes wool very soft. But, these air conditioners have very strong and recognizable fragrances. As we said, cats do not like sharp odors. Yes, and you hardly like that your favorite smells like a towel.

Note: If you have too a buggy cat, at first you can apply the express method of washing: ask someone to help you, prepare two large pelvis with warm water, in one dissolve a small amount of concentrated shampoo, in the other - the air conditioner droplets, and, Holding a cat for the front and rear legs, lower it first in the pelvis with shampoo, then in the pelvis with air conditioning. The task of your assistant while you hold the cat in the pelvis, rinse the wool with your hands.

Everything! Cat is washed away. Now it must be dried.

To begin with, press excessive water with your hands, wrap the animal into a dry soft towel or a sheet. Do not trite. You do not want to damage the precious fur.

The place where you will dry the cat should be warm and without drafts.

Expand the towel and gently adopt wet wool with a metal comb with rare cloths. Turn on the hairdryer to the coldest temperature (from the hot you risk losing some of the gems), wait a minute and start drying the cat from the back of the bottom of the tail. Rise up back, from time to time combing wool comb. If the cat does not like a specific area, dry elsewhere and return to this place later.

Note: Do not direct the air jet of the cat in the face. If the cat is very nervous, ask someone to help. After all, if you do not dry the wool of drying, it will be born on the chest and the collar, and the cat after swim will look untidy. In addition, the wool of many thoroughbred cats is so thick that half a day will dry in a natural way. During this time, a lot of dust will push on wet wool, which will bring all your efforts "No." And, in the end, the cat did not reach the end can be cold.

When you feel dry wool at hand, only then you can let go of your favorite. Offer her especially favorite treats as a reward for her patience. And it is better - just leave alone and let's take a little bit. She deserved it.

Note: Dry wool can highly electrify, especially in the heating season. In order to avoid this, the dried coat can be processspecial antistatic for feline wool or powder for grinding.

If you are all done correctly, your cat will look great! We know, all this seems difficult, but it is worth just to start, and through a couple of successful procedures everything will be routine. And the result will pay off all the troubles with interest!

Sale of Scottish Fold Kittens (Scottish Fold and Scottish Stray)

In nursery Urfo. (URFO) you can buy Scottish Fold Kitten (Scottish Fold Scottish Fold and Scottish Stit SCOTTish Stright) or Scottish long-haired kitten (Highland Fold and Highland Straight) such all favorite colors, like a pattern of colors (spotted, tiger, marble, incl. Silver marble or so-called "Whiskas"), blue Blue, cream cream, chocolate chocolate , black black, red red, turtle tortie. As well as Scottish Fold Kitten rare Color: Ticked Ticked Tabby, Silver Ticked Silver Ticket Tabby, Shell Chinchilla and Color Point Color Point.

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