A long-term plan for the production of sounds. Individual work plan for the correction of sound pronunciation

Planning correctional work by sound setting [p]

the date of the

Stages of work

Lesson topics

Number of lessons

Goals and objectives of correctional work

Techniques and means corrective assistance

Visual material used


    Preparatory stage

Preparation of the organs of the speech apparatus for sound production [р]

    Sound. Acquaintance with the structure of the articulatory apparatus.

Purpose: preparation of the speech-auditory and speech-motor analyzers for

correct perception and sound reproduction


    Develop the ability to keep the movable front edge of the tongue wide and raise it to the alveoli.

    Develop an air stream aimed at the wide, raised tip of the tongue.

    To work out the reference sounds [d], [s].

Types of articulation exercises:

    "Whose teeth are cleaner?"


    "Delicious jam"






    "Start the car"

    "Stop the horse"

    "The machine gun scribbles"


    A set of pictures, photographs of articular exercises.

    Methodical manuals.

    Sound. Acquaintance with the way sounds are formed.

    Exercises for the muscles of the tip of the tongue.

    Developing the ability to give the tongue the shape of a ladle.

    Development of upward movement of the tip of the tongue and its mobility.

    Generation of a long, directed jet.

    Practicing lifting the tongue up.

    Sound production.

Sound setting [p]. Methods: 1. by imitation, 2. mechanical, 3. mixed.

1. Education of the correct pronunciation of the sound [p].

Purpose: education of the correct sounding of isolated sound.


    Combine the movements and positions of the organs of the articular apparatus worked out at the preparatory stage.

    Create an articulatory base of sound [p], with the addition of air and voice.

    Generate vibration.

    Pronounce the sound [p] in an exaggerated way, raising and lowering your voice.

    Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

    Develop phonemic hearing.

    Learn to designate a sound with a letter.

    Find the letter -Р- in words.

Exercise types:

    Articulation exercises

    "Start the engine"

    "Syllabic songs"

In rshe is on rotah.


    Subject pictures with sound [р].

    Methodical manuals.

2. Sound [p].

3. The sound [p] and the letter P.

    Sound automation.

Purpose: automation of correct pronunciation of sound in phrasal speech.

Automation of the sound [p] in straight syllables.


    Gradually, consistently introduce the delivered sound [p] into syllables.

    Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

    Develop phonemic hearing.

    Correlate the pronounced syllable with its letter designation.

    Learn to pronounce intonation rows (2, 3 syllables each with emphasis)

    Learn to select the studied syllable from the words by ear, in the text.

    Clarify the lexical meaning of words.

    Automate the slow pronunciation of words with a given syllable.

Exercise types:

    "Syllabic songs"

    "Choose a word for the scheme"


    "Color the sound scheme"

    "What's gone?"

    "Photographer" (remember)





In rothe one robehind, ryba, rUkav.

Cancer is….


    A set of photographs of articulation exercises.

    Cards with sound combinations and syllables;

    Didactic material.

    Methodical manuals.

Automation of the sound [p] in reverse (closed) syllables.


    Introduce the delivered sound in reverse syllables, learn to correlate the pronounced syllables with their letter designation.

    Make sentences based on a subject picture using a generalizing word.

    Develop phonemic hearing.

    Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

    Form the skills of sound analysis of the word.

Exercise types:

    "Syllabic songs"

    "Choose a word for the scheme"


    "Color the sound scheme"

    "What's gone?"

    "Guess" (by attribute, action, description)

    "Photographer" (remember)

    "Come up with a sign"




Er-er, er-er, ir-er

M ir,ka ter, Fe dor,to mar

A mosquito is….


    Didactic material

    Methodical aids

Automation of the sound [p] in syllables with consonant combinations.


    Learn to pronounce syllables, correlate pronounced syllables with their letter designation.

    Clarify the lexical meaning of words with a given syllable.

    Highlight the studied syllables in words, their location.

    Learn to pronounce words with a given syllable slowly.

    Make sentences based on a subject picture using a generalizing word.

    Develop phonemic hearing.

    Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

    Form the skills of sound analysis of the word.

Exercise types:

    "Syllabic songs"

    "Choose a word for the scheme"


    "New words"

    "Color the sound scheme"

    "What's gone?"

    "Guess" (by attribute, action, description)

    "Photographer" (remember)









Trawa, ma trosy, drawwa, kva drayou, greatvda, pruzhina, bruwilted, to sconce, Froxia, lyingniche, mole, roofshka, grabli, gruyes

Trawah is….


    Set of pictures of articulation exercises

    Cards with sound combinations and syllables

    Didactic material

    Methodical aids

Automation of sound [p] in words.


    Develop the skill of the correct way of pronouncing the sound [p] at the end of words, in the middle and at the beginning of a word.

    Learn to pronounce the sound correctly in words one, two, three.

    Name subject pictures, highlighting the desired syllable with a voice.

    Make sentences based on a subject picture using a generalizing word.

    Develop phonemic hearing.

    Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

    Form the skills of sound analysis of the word.

    Activate the dictionary.

Exercise types:

    "What's gone?"

    "Mine, mine, mine"

    "Choose a word for the scheme"

    "Color the sound scheme"

    "Tell me a word"

    "Choose words for syllables"


    "What is he doing?"



    "The fourth extra"


    "New words"

    "Choose a word-subject for the signs"

    "The Word Crumbled"

    "Decipher the words"



Cancer, frame, Paradise, hand, chop, fish, trough, ...

Cancer is….


    Set of pictures of articulation exercises

    Cards with sound combinations and syllables

    Didactic material

    Methodical aids

Sound automation [p] in sentences.



    To consolidate the skill of correct pronunciation of the sound [p], [p "] in the words of sentences.

    Learn to pronounce sentences reflected.

    Select words with the sound [p] from sentences, find syllables in a word.

    Learn to answer questions about the content of the proposal.

    Make proposals for:

a) reference circuits,

b) subject pictures,

c) a plot picture,

d) the scheme.

    Develop phonemic hearing, memory, thinking, imagination.

Exercise types:

    "What's gone?"

    "Mine, mine, mine"

    "Choose a word for the scheme"

    "Tell me a word"


    "What is he doing?"

    "Make a proposal"

    "Yesterday Today Tomorrow"

"Correct the sentence"

YU raknows how rUbeat topo rum.

Shu ra rUki soap in rUwhose.

Mu rka meows.

Rai drink ke firm.

Ma cable raises ladder.

Ke firewood rastand in the taiga.

In the shop aboutgive aboutducts.

Ze sconcetravoivorous animal.

Franzuz live in Frantsii.

IN cruzhke roofthe joker.

Uncle Roma can ig hostin timeny ig ry.


    Set of pictures of articulation exercises

    Scene pictures

    Offer cards

    Didactic material

    Methodical aids

Automation of sound [p] in coherent speech:

1. Sound [p] in poetry, phrase-mongering, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes.


    To consolidate the skill of correct pronunciation of the sound [p "] in poems, pure talk, nursery rhymes, etc., when reading and retelling the text.

    Develop phonemic hearing.

    Develop a sense of language.

Exercise types:

    "What's gone?"

    "Tell me a word"


    "What is he doing?"

    "Change the order of words in a sentence"

    "Make a proposal"

    "Yesterday Today Tomorrow"

    "Fold the picture"

    "Retelling with pictures"


    "Gather a group"

    Counting counters

    Tongue Twisters

    "Along the track"


    Set of pictures of articulation exercises

    Scene pictures

    Offer cards

    Didactic material

    Methodical aids

2. Sound [p] when retelling the text.

3. Sound [p] when reading the text.

4. Sound [p] in games.

5. Sound [p] in spontaneous speech.

    Differentiation of sounds.

Differentiation of sounds [p] and [l], [p "] and [l"]

    Differentiation [p - p`] in syllables, in words.

Purpose: the formation of the ability to differentiate the mixed sounds and use them correctly in their own speech.


    Learn to distinguish between the sounds [p] and [l], [p "] and [l"] in isolation, in syllables, words, sentences, phrases, poems, stories and in independent speech.

    Select sounds [l], [p], [l`], [p`] from words by ear, designate a sequence of sounds with letters.

    Make up phrases, sentences, stories on questions, pictures, key words, plan.

    Develop memory, thinking, imagination.

    Develop a sense of language.

    Expand words knowledge.

Exercise types:


    "The fourth extra"

    "New words"

    "Mischievous letters" (add words)

    "The Word Crumbled"

    "Decipher the words"



    "Tell me a word"

    "Change the order of words in a sentence"

    "Make a proposal"

    "Retelling with pictures"


    "Gather a group"

    Tongue Twisters

    "Along the track"

Wing ( p, l), stall ( l, p)

Land rand at Ba land ig rhey on roya le


    Set of pictures of articulation exercises

    Scene pictures

    Offer cards

    Didactic material

    Methodical aids


    Object pictures

    Differentiation [p] - [p`] in phrases and sentences.

    Differentiation [p] - [p`] when reading the text and when retelling.

    Differentiation [p] - [p`] in spontaneous speech.

    Differentiation [r - l] in syllables, in words.

    Differentiation [r - l] in phrases, in sentences.

    Differentiation [r - l] in spontaneous speech.

Methodical aids

    Komarova L.A. Automation of sound [p] in game exercises.

    Gromova O.E. I am speaking correctly R-R ".

    Lebedeva I.L. Difficult sound, you are our friend! Sounds R, Rb.

    Norkina Yu.B. Home notebook for speech therapy classes with kids. Sound R.

    Gadasina L. Ya., Ivanovskaya OG Effective lesson planning of the pronunciation of the sounds [p] and [l] on lexical material.

    Lazarenko I.O. Album for automating the pronunciation of R.

    Benefit "Speech therapy Lotto"

    Speech therapy notebook for the sounds P, Pb.

    Speech therapy coloring. Sounds P, Pb.

    Bobyleva Z. T. Games with paired cards. Sounds R, L. Board speech therapy games for children 5-7 years old.

    Tongue growls manual

    Galskaya N.V. Talking pencil. Notebook for consolidating the pronunciation of sounds R, R ".

    Peregudova T. S, Osmanova G. A. We introduce sounds into speech. Card file for automating sounds [R], [R "].

    N.V. Novotortseva Workbook on the development of speech for the sounds P, Pb.

    Baskakina I.V. Speech therapy games. R.'s birthday. Workbook for correcting the deficiencies in the pronunciation of the sound R.

    V. V. Konovalenko, S. V. Konovalenko. Automation of sonorous sounds in children P, Pb.

    Svetlova I.A. Home speech therapist. (pp. 155-176).

The planning was made by the teacher-defectologist of secondary school No. 21 in Gomel S.S. Sidorovets

Articulations of sounds [p], [p`]

    Lip position and distance between incisorsdepends on the next sound.

    Languagetakes the form of a spoon: lateral edgesit is adjacent to the upper molars.

    Front edge of tongue raised to the alveoli and shivers under the pressure of exhaled air.

    Soft sky raised and closes the air passage into the nose.

When pronouncing re, re (in front of the front vowels) the back of the tongue rises higher, and the front edge of the tongue moves forward, closer to the upper incisors.

Figure: Sound articulation profile [p]

Characteristics of defects in pronunciation of sounds [p], [p`]

    Mitigation.Instead of [p], you hear [p`]. The words work, fishsound like grouse, riba. The disadvantage is due to the fact that the back of the tongue is too raised (palatization), and the anterior edge of the tongue vibrates not at the alveoli, but closer to the upper incisors. The defect is not very gross, as there are all elements of articulation.

the logopath should be given to listen to how [p] and [p`] sound in isolation, in syllables. Then offer to reproduce [p]. If you cannot reproduce the correct sound, suggest make a sound at a slightly wider open mouth ... In this case, the tongue usually automatically moves back.

    Stunning.In case of stunning, the sound [p] is pronounced without a voice. The defect does not seem to be gross, because there are all the elements of articulation and it remains to include only the voice. Some children (not necessarily with reduced hearing) for a long time cannot master voiced [r].

When eliminating this drawbackit is necessary to begin with voicing on the basis of imitation. If based on auditory perception [p] does not voice, you can resort to tactile-vibration control. If this does not give the desired result, you can try the method of voicing by analogy. It is proposed to pronounce pairs of voiceless and fricative consonants: s-z; w-f; rr.

    Dorsal [p].A very rough rumble is heard, accompanied by noise. Often not only the tongue trembles, but also lower jaw... The reason is that the vibration is generated not by the front edge of the tongue, but by the back, which strikes the front of the palate or alveoli, the front edge of the tongue is very lowered. The defect is very gross.

When eliminating this defectyou need to proceed from the fricative [p] and carry out the work using the techniques described below.

    Rough vibration.At the moment of pronouncing [p], the cheek and upper lip tremble. The tongue leaves a large gap on one side, since it does not adjoin one lateral edge to the upper molar incisors. The defect is very gross.

    Side [p]. Instead of [p], a combination of distorted [p] and [l`] is heard. The reason is that the anterior lingual vibration is replaced by the separation of the lateral edge of the tongue from the upper molars, resulting in a lateral fissure. Often such erroneous articulation is caused by the fact that the speech therapist begins to develop the vibration of the tongue at the moment when the speech pathologist has not yet mastered the fricative [p] and keeps the tongue in the form of a "sting". The defect is gross.

The sound [p] must be set again.

    Gorlova [p].One of the most common violations. Has two options:

a) uvular (uvula).The tongue touches the soft palate with its root part; along the midline of the tongue, a groove remains, into which the tongue falls. Passing through the resulting gap, the exhaled air causes the tongue to vibrate, from which a rumble is obtained, which joins the sound of the voice.

b) velar (soft palate). Pulling back with the entire mass, the tongue forms a more stretched (right and left) gap. The exhaled air, passing through the gap, vibrates not only the uvula, but also a significant part of the edge of the soft palate. That is why a wheezing sound is heard.

Correcting this defect (both options)the student should be transferred to long-term use of the fricative [p] in speech.

    Fine-grained [p].In this case, a very tense sound is heard. The reason for this defect is that the tongue vibrates not at the alveoli, but at the teeth, sometimes between the teeth. The defect is not rough.

When eliminating this defectit is necessary to pronounce the sound, opening the mouth wider, as a result of which the tongue is pulled back to the alveoli and the sound [p] sounds normal.

    The sound of other consonants before [p]. When eliminating the deficiency, it is necessary to use a comparison of correct and incorrect articulation by ear, based on the letter image.

    Replacing [p] with the correct other sound.These defects are not very severe, although in some children they may be persistent. Substitutions for [l`] and are childish in nature.

Sound production techniques [p]

    By imitation.

The speech pathologist is invited to listen to how the sound [p] sounds, to consider the position and work of the tongue, to pay attention to the exhaled air stream. When playing a throat sound, immediately abandon the imitation staging.

    Method of setting [p] from the upper sound [w].

    Pronounce a drawl [w] with an open mouth.

    Bring the tongue closer to the upper incisors and make a drawl [w] with an open mouth.

    Fix the fricative sound [p].

    Develop the vibration of the tongue.

    The way of setting the sound [p] from the correct articulation.

    Stick your wide-spread tongue between your lips, exhaling air along the midline of your tongue.

    Raise the tongue to the upper lip, exhaling air (if the tongue does not rise, you can resort to mechanical assistance, i.e. hold your tongue to the upper lip with your fingers)

    Work out the duration and strength of the exhaled air stream, while the mouth is open.

    Translate the tongue behind the upper incisors when the mouth is open.

    Develop the vibration of the tongue.

    Fix (automate) sound in speech.

    The way of setting the sound [p] from the sounds [t] - [d].

    With a half-open mouth (the tip of the tongue is at the alveoli), the logopath pronounces a long row of "d-d-d-d", accelerating the pace and increasing the air pressure.

    At a sufficiently fast pace and a strong pressure of the air jet, a combination of sounds [tr] is heard.

    Develop the vibration of the tongue.

    Fix (automate) sound in speech.

    Setting [p] mechanically.

A speech pathologist sitting with a speech therapist in front of a mirror is invited to open his mouth wide, lift the tip of the tongue by the upper incisors and exhale for a long time and pronounce the sounds [t] or [d].

    A speech therapist with a spatula or probe placed under the tip of the tongue produces frequent vibrations. It turns out a rumble characteristic of pronunciation [p].

    The speech pathologist senses the vibration of the tongue and captures it kinesthetically.

    Reproduction of vibration by a logopathist.

    Consolidation of sound in speech.

Sound Automation Sequence [p]

    Sound [p].

    Lingering sound pronunciation [p] (isolated): rrrr ...

    The sound [p] in the initial position before the vowels ( straight syllable): ra, ro, ru, ry, ...

Automation [p] in direct syllables, in words with these syllables (ra ma, withro ka) and in sentences (Ro ma hits bara ban).

    Sound [p] in reverse syllables: ar, op, ur, yr, ...

Automation [p] in reverse (closed) syllables, in words with these syllables (far , tomatoop ) and in sentences (In par ke newmountains ka).

    Sound [p] in syllables with consonants: t ra, fro, bru, gra, ...

Automation [p] in words with these syllables (bru drooped, zubry ) and in sentences (Yura and Vera havecarpets ).

    Sound Automation [p] in words.

    Sound Automation [p] in words with consonants.

    Sound Automation [p] in phrases, sentences.

    Sound Automation [p] in coherent speech: in poetry, phrase-mongering, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, when retelling a text, when reading a text, in games, in spontaneous speech.

    Sound [p`] (imitated)

The automation sequence is similar to the sound [p]. Some children with a lack of pronunciation of the sound [p`] do not need special work on the formulation and automation of sound. As a rule, they do not need to study the differentiation of sounds [р] - [р`].

    Differentiation of sounds [p] - [p`], [l] - [p], [l`] - [p`].

    Isolated pronunciation [p], [p`].

    Differentiation of sounds in all types of syllables and their combinations.

    Differentiation [p] - [p`] in words and sentences.

    Differentiation [p] - [p`] in coherent texts.

    Differentiation of isolated sounds [l] - [p], [l`] - [p`].

    Differentiation [l] - [p], [l`] - [p`] in syllables.

    Differentiation [l] - [p], [l`] - [p`] in words.

    Differentiation [l] - [p], [l`] - [p`] in sentences.

    Differentiation [l] - [p], [l`] - [p`] in coherent texts.

I offer my own version of planning individual work at the preschool educational center. The plan was drawn up taking into account the main stages of work on sound pronunciation correction. It is an application to the speech card. Filling takes very little time.



I. Preparatory phase

  1. pencil "," Wind ", etc.
  2. "Hedgehog".
  3. "Change your voice", etc.
  4. tongue ".
  5. "Painter".
  1. Automation of delivered sounds in syllables, words, phrases, texts
  2. Differentiation of sounds ____________________________________________
  3. Working on the development of speech
  1. Form grammatical speech skills (inflection andword formation). Form the correct pronunciation of words with a complex syllabicstructures.
  1. Activate and enrich vocabulary.
  2. Develop coherent speech.

The result of the correction work ____________________________________________________________

Individual plan correctional work

from _______________________________________________________

for __ half a year 20 ___- 20 ____ academic year

Speech therapy diagnosis _______________________________

I. Preparatory phase

  1. Generate a directed air blast withexercises "Focus", "Football", "Blow on the leaves", "Storm inglass ”,“ Who will drive the ball further ”,“ Kick the ball into the goal ”,“ Movepencil "," Wind ", etc.
  2. Develop fine motor skills of the hands through exercisefinger gymnastics, hand massage with a simulator"Hedgehog".
  3. Develop auditory attention, auditory memory, phonemicperception with the help of exercises "What sounds?", "Where is it ringing?","Who called?", "Catch the sound", "Count the sounds", "Find the sound inword "," Where is the sound hidden? "
  4. To form intonational expressiveness of speech through games"High - low", "Loud - quiet", "Walking up the stairs","Change your voice", etc.
  5. Eliminate the lack of development of speech motor skills, conductpreparatory articulation exercises for developmentmobility of the organs of the peripheral speech apparatus ("Generalcomplex of articulatory gymnastics ").
  6. Develop the ability to keep the lips in a smile, exposing the lower andupper front teeth "Smile - Tube".
  7. To develop the movement of the lips forward "Fence - Proboscis".
  8. Develop skill by relaxing the muscles of the tongue, hold itwide, spread-out "Spatula", "We will punish the naughtytongue ".
  9. Develop the ability to hold the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth"The pussy is angry", "Let's clean the lower teeth", "Gorka".
  10. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue, practice lifting the tongue up"Glue the candy", "Mushroom", "Delicious jam", "Cup","Painter".
  11. Stretch the hyoid ligament (bridle) "Fungus", "Accordion".
  12. Develop raising the tongue up, the mobility of its front part"Turkey", "Swing", "Horse", "Click with the tip of the tongue", "Whose teeth are cleaner?", "Drummers".
  13. Strengthen the muscles of the tip of the tongue, generate vibration of the tiplanguage "Let's start a motor", "Balalaichka".

II. Setting sounds __________________________________________________________________

Option 1.

1. Improving fine motor skills

  • Remember the names of the fingers
  • Master various finger movements
  • Accompany finger exercises with verse texts (T. Tkachenko, I. Lopukhina, etc.)
2. Development of auditory attention, auditory perception and auditory memory
  • Execution of various verbal instructions (2-, 3-, 4-step)
  • Guessing the object by the riddle-description
  • Games with rules (perform an action only under certain conditions): "Request", "Show", "It happens, it does not happen"
  • "Pick a word" (the end of the verse in rhyme), "riddles - trick" (you need to choose the correct option from the picture, the wrong option rhymes). The child looks at the plot pictures and determines whether every sentence he hears relates to its content
3. Formation and improvement of phonemic hearing (according to Tkachenko T.A., Lopatina L.V., etc.)
  • Development of phonemic perception based on correctly pronounced sounds
  • Repetition of a combination of vowel sounds, with their clear articulation
  • Repetition of a chain of syllables with easily pronounced consonants
  • Repetition of a chain of syllables with easily pronounced consonant sounds opposed in sound-deafness
  • Repetition of a string of syllables with a confluence of easily pronounced consonants
  • Unfinished rhymes, rhymes are mixups, rhymes are hard words
  • Selection from a number of words, one that differs in sound
  • Repetition of 3-4 similar-sounding words, their clear pronunciation
4. Mastering sound analysis and word synthesis
5. Enrichment of vocabulary
  • Clarification of lexical topics offered by the program "Education and training in kindergarten»Vasilyeva, the program of Filicheva TB
  • Generalizing words, synonyms, antonyms, parts and whole, etc.
6. Clarification of components grammatical structure
  • Development of word formation, inflection, use of prepositions
7. Improving coherent speech
  • Description of the picture
  • Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures
  • Retelling the text
8. Improving the work of the speech apparatus through the development of articulatory gymnastics
  • Mastering basic exercises
  • Performing a set of exercises that contribute to the production of this sound
9. Setting disturbed sounds
  • Explanation of sound articulation
  • Sound articulation display
  • Role play
  • Setting with probes
10. Automation of delivered sounds
  • Isolated
  • In syllables (direct, reverse, confluence)
  • In words
  • In phrases
  • In sentences, tongue twisters
  • In poetic texts
  • In spontaneous speech
11. Differentiation with sounds similar in acoustic or articulatory characteristics
Option 2

Name of the child

1. Phonetic side of speech.

  • work on sound pronunciation - clarification of the pronunciation of simple consonants and vowels, setting, automation of vibrants. Differentiation of sonorous sounds.
  • Articulation gymnastics
  • Formation of a targeted and powerful air jet.
  • Work on the power of the voice.
2. Lekskik.
  • Refinement and expansion of the vocabulary according to the thematic plan.
  • Clarification of the names of geometric shapes.
  • Clarification of the names of colors and shades.
  • Expansion of the predicative dictionary.
  • Expansion of the dictionary of features. Study of antonyms.
3. The grammatical structure of speech.
  • Formation of verbs - antonyms.
  • Formation of possessive adjectives.
  • Work on understanding and using simple prepositions.
  • Work on the alignment of nouns with adjectives.
  • Work on the correct coordination of nouns with pronouns.
  • Work on the correct coordination of nouns with verbs.
  • Work on the correct coordination of nouns with numbers.
  • Work on the formation of plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases.
  • Formation of relative adjectives.
  • Formation of singular and plural nouns in dative and prepositional cases.
  • The study of word-exceptions in the formation of the plural.
  • Formation of diminutive and augmentative forms of nouns.
  • Formation of the diminutive form of adjectives.
  • Work on understanding and using complex prepositions.
4. Phonemic side of speech.
  • differentiation of sounds by deafness-voicedness
  • development of auditory attention on the material of non-speech sounds.
  • Isolation of vowel sounds among a number of vowels.
  • Isolation of consonants among a number of consonants
  • Highlighting the first stressed vowel in a word.
  • Emphasizing the first consonant in a strong position.
  • Phonemic analysis of two-syllable and three-syllable constructions.
5. Coherent speech.
  • Drawing up a story - descriptions according to a visual sample.
  • Drawing up a story based on a plot picture.
  • Drawing up a story based on personal experience.
  • Drawing up stories from a simple and complex series of plot pictures.
  • Retelling of fairy tales and simple texts
  • Memorizing poems, tongue twisters, riddles
6. Development of HMF and motor skills.
  • development of voluntary memorization
  • an increase in the volume of auditory-speech memory
  • development of all types of perception
  • development of auditory attention
  • development of fine and mimic motor skills
  • development of kinesthetic perception
  • development of spatial representations
  • development of imagination
  • development of visual and constructive activities
  • development of logical thinking

Option 3 (a + sign is placed opposite the required item)
individual speech therapy work
c ________________________________

1. Formation of correct sound pronunciation.

  • Speech therapy massage;
  • develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus;
  • setting and correction of sounds:
  • whistling group - C, Cb, Z, Zb, C
  • group of sibilants - W, W, H, Sch
  • group of sonorants - L, L, P, Pb
  • labial - P, B, M + soft.
  • labiodental - T, D, N + soft.
  • back-lingual - K, G, X + soft.
  • Others __________________________
  • automate sounds in syllables, words, sentences, connected text.
2. Formation of phonemic perception:
  • identify sounds (vowels, consonants, hard-soft, voiceless-voiced);
  • determine the presence and absence of sound, the place of sound in a word.
3. Formation of phonemic hearing
4. Work on the syllable structure of the word.
5. Development of the grammatical structure of speech
  • word formation;
  • inflection.
6. Development of the lexical side of speech
  • expand the subject vocabulary;
  • expand the dictionary of features;
  • expand the verbal dictionary.
7. Formation of coherent speech
  • form the ability to compose a story from a picture;
  • develop the ability to compose a story based on a series of paintings;
  • form the ability to compose a retelling;
  • to form the ability to compose a story - description.
8. Development mental processes, motor skills, intellectual activity:
  • develop visual attention, memory, perception, thinking;
  • develop fine and articulatory motor skills.

An individual plan for the correction of sound pronunciation presented by the teacher - speech therapist Bulganina N.N. is an author's development. The plan allows you to form the correct sound pronunciation, develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus, and carry out the setting and correction of sounds individually with each child.

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"Individual work plan for the correction of sound pronunciation"

Individual work plan for the correction of sound pronunciation

F.I. student

Kholopova Elvira, grade 1

Speech therapy conclusion:

General speech underdevelopment, dysarthria.

An individual plan is developed based on work program "Correction of impaired sound pronunciation of students in grades 1 - 5 with THR" (60 hours)

The sequence of setting the sounds: [L], [S], [S ′] [З], [З ′], [C], [Ш], [Ж], [Ч], [Щ]. Automation of the delivered sounds of different groups is carried out in parallel.

Name of sections (topics)

Characteristics of the main activities

Number of hours

Dates (completion marks)

Sound [L]

The structure of the articulatory apparatus. "The Tale of the Merry Tongue"

Exercises in front of a mirror (conjugate and reflected).


Formation of articulatory motor skills

Speech sounds. Sound generation method [l]. Articulation. Generating kinesthetic sensations for a given sound

Formation of articulatory motor skills, auditory

attention and memory

Preparatory articulation exercises for the formation of the correct pronunciation of the sound [l]. Development of auditory attention to the sound shell of the word, auditory memory.

Setting the sound [l] automatically or by imitation.

Formation of the correct pronunciation of the sound [l]. Imitation games. Practicing articulatory movements under the count. Special exercises for sound [l].

Setting [l] and primary automation

Securing the correct articulation of the sound / l /. Practicing articulation movements without relying on the visual analyzer.

Automating it in the direct syllable and at the beginning of the word. Reading syllables with the letter L. Determining the position in words (beginning, middle) using models.

Sound automation [l]

Securing the correct articulation of the sound [l]. Imitation games.

Automating it in the direct syllable and in the middle of the word. Determination of the position of sound in a word using models. Inflection, word formation.

Sound automation [l]

Securing the correct articulation of the sound l]. Special exercises for sound. Automating it in a closed syllable. Reading syllables with the letter L. Determination of position in words (beginning, middle, end) using word models.

Sound automation [l]

Consolidation of the correct articulation of the sound [l] and its automation in combination with consonants in syllables and words.

Sound correction, work on accuracy, purity, tempo (from slow to fast), achieving consistency of the result.

Sound analysis of syllables and words with a confluence of consonants.

Sound automation [l]

Securing the correct articulation of the sound [l] and automating it in phrases and sentences. Repetition of phrases and sentences, verification, drawing up from a picture and key words.

Sound automation [l]

Consolidation of the correct articulation of the sound [l] and its automation in coherent speech. Definition of frequency sound and words with the sound Л in the text. Answers to questions about the text in full sentences, retelling according to plan, according to a picture, according to a series of pictures.

Differentiation of sounds [l] - [p]

Differentiation of sounds [p] - [l] in syllables, words, sentences. Reading syllables with oppositional sounds. Rowspeaking, getting words by replacing P with L, catchphrases, riddles, poetry.

Differentiation of sounds [pb] - [l] - [th] - [in]

Differentiation of sounds [pb] - [l] - [th] - [in] in syllables, in words, in sentences. Reading syllables with oppositional sounds. Repetition and verification of sentences. Riddles, catchphrases.

Differentiation of mixed sounds in coherent speech. Learning poetry, retelling texts, composing a story based on a series of pictures.

Final lesson

Sounds [S], [S], [З], [З], [C]

Formation of articulatory motor skills

Speech sounds. Methods for the formation of sounds [s], [s], [s] - [s]. Profiles, articulation.

Preparatory articulation exercises for the education of the correct pronunciation of sounds [s], [h].

Statement of sounds [s], [h] with mechanical assistance or imitation.

Formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds [s], [h]. Imitation games. Practicing articulatory movements under the count. Special exercises for sounds [s], [h].

Statement [s], [z] and primary automation

Consolidation of the correct articulation of sounds [s], [h]. Practicing articulatory movements without relying on the visual analyzer.

Automation in the direct syllable and at the beginning of the word.

Sound automation [s], [h]

Securing the correct articulation of sound [s], [h]. Automation in the direct syllable and in the middle of the word. Reading syllables with letters C, Z (CA, SO, SU, SY, SE, ZA, ZO, ZU, ZY, ZE) Determination of the position of sounds in words (beginning, middle) using models.

Sound automation [s], [h]

Consolidation of the correct articulation of sounds [s], [h]. Automation in a closed syllable. Reading the syllables AC, OC, US, IS, YC, etc., comparison with direct syllables.

Determination of the position of sounds in words (beginning, middle, end) using models.

Sound automation [s], [h]

Consolidation of the correct articulation of sounds [s], [h] and automation in combination with consonants. Sound correction, work on

accuracy, purity, smoothness, pace (from slow to fast) achievement of consistency of the result.

Sound automation [s], [h]

Consolidation of the correct articulation of sounds [s], [h] and automation in phrases and sentences. Repetition of phrases and sentences, verification, drawing up from a picture and key words. Pure phrases.

Sound automation [s], [h]

Consolidation of the correct articulation of sounds [s], [h] and automation in coherent speech.

Answers to questions about the text in full sentences, retelling according to plan, according to a picture, according to a series of pictures. Practicing correct pronunciation in verse.

Setting or refining the articulation of sounds [s], [s]

Clarification of the pronunciation of isolated sounds / сь /, / зь /. Formation of correct, clear pronunciation of isolated sounds and their automation.

Differentiation of sounds [s] - [s]

Differentiation of sounds [s] - [s] in syllables, in words, in sentences. Rowspeaking. Reading and comparing the syllables SE-SE, SE-SO, SYU-SU, SI-SY, SYA-SA. Differentiation in sentences, phrases, verses.

Differentiation of sounds [s] - [s]

Differentiation of sounds [s] - [s] in syllables, in words, in sentences. Rowspeaking. Reading and comparing the syllables ZE-ZE, ZO-ZO, ZYU-ZU, ZI-ZY, ZYA-ZA. Differentiation in sentences, phrases, verses.

Differentiation of mixed sounds

Differentiation of mixed sounds in coherent speech (pure phrases, riddles, rhymes, poems, texts)

Setting or clarifying the articulation of the sound [c]

Formation of the correct articulation of the sound [c]. Automate it in the reverse syllable. Reading the syllables AC, OTs, UC, IC, EC, YTs, YTs, YTs.

Sound automation [c]

Consolidation of the correct articulation of the sound [c] and its automation in the direct syllable.

Determination of the position of sound in words (beginning, middle, end) using models.

Sound automation [c]

Consolidation of the correct articulation of the sound [c] and its automation in a syllable with a confluence of consonants. Sound analysis of syllables.

Sound automation [c]

Consolidation of the correct articulation of the sound [c] and its automation in words, phrases and sentences. Repetition of phrases and sentences, verification, drawing up from a picture and key words.

Differentiation of mixed sounds

Differentiation of articulation of sounds [c] - [t '] in syllables, in words, in sentences. Reading syllables with oppositional consonants.

Differentiation of mixed sounds

Differentiation of the articulation of sounds [c] - [s] in syllables, in words, in sentences. Reading syllables with oppositional consonants. Repetition of sentences, memorization of phrases. Answers to questions with full sentences.

Differentiation of mixed sounds

Differentiation of the articulation of sounds [z] - [s] - [c] in syllables, in words, in sentences. Reading syllables with oppositional consonants. Repetition of sentences, memorization of phrases. Answers to questions with full sentences.

Final lesson

Automation and differentiation of delivered sounds in speech.

Sounds [W], [W], [H], [U]

Formation of articulatory motor skills

Preparatory articulation exercises for the correct pronunciation of the sounds [w], [w]. Exercises in front of the mirror (conjugate and reflected)

Formation of articulatory motor skills.

Preparatory articulation exercises for the formation of the correct pronunciation of the sounds [w], [w]. Development of auditory attention and memory.

Formation of articulatory motor skills

Speech sounds. Methods for the formation of sounds [w], [w]. Profiles, articulation.

The development of kinesthetic sensations.

Setting the sounds [w], [w] mechanically or by imitation.

Formation of the correct pronunciation of the sounds [w], [w]. Imitation games. Practicing articulatory movements under the count. Special exercises for the sounds [w], [w].

Statement [w], [w]. and primary automation

Consolidation of the correct articulation of the sounds [w], [g]. Automation in the direct syllable and at the beginning of the word. Reading syllables.

Determination of the position of sounds in words (beginning, middle) using models.

Consolidation of the correct articulation of the sounds [w], [g]. Imitation games. Automation in the direct syllable and in the middle of the word. Determination of the position of the sound [w], in a word (beginning, middle, end) using models.

Automation of sounds [w], [w].

Consolidation of the correct articulation of the sounds [w], [g]. Special exercises for sound. Automation in a closed syllable in words of different syllable structures. Sound analysis of words. Inflection and word formation. Clarification of the dictionary.

Automation of sounds [w], [w].

Consolidation of the correct articulation of the sounds [w], [w] and automation in combination with consonants. Correction of sounds, work on accuracy, purity, smoothness, tempo (from slow to fast) achieving consistency of the result

Automation of sounds [w], [w].

Consolidation of the correct articulation of the sounds [w], [g]. and automation in phrases and sentences (repetition, drawing up from a picture, key words, verification). Pure phrases, riddles. Complete answers to questions.

Automation of sounds [w], [w].

Consolidation of correct articulation of sounds [w], [w] and automation in coherent speech (poems, riddles, texts). Complete answers to questions, retelling, memorizing poetry.

Differentiation of sounds / w / - / w /

Clarification of the articulation of sounds / w / - / w /. Differentiation in syllables, words, sentences. Reading syllables with oppositional sounds. Rowspeaking. Pure phrases.

Differentiation of sounds [w] - [w]

Clarification of the articulation of sounds and differentiation in sentences, verses, coherent speech.

Sound setting [u] or articulation refinement

Formation of the correct articulation of the sound [u]. Automate it in reverse syllables. Reading the syllables АШ, ОЩ, УЩ, etc.

Sound automation [u]

Consolidation of the correct articulation of the sound [u] and its automation in direct syllables. Reading the syllables SCHA, SCHU, SCHI, SCHO, SCHE.

Determination of the position of sounds in a word (beginning, middle, end) using models.

Sound automation [u]

Consolidation of the correct articulation of the sound [u] and its automation in words of different syllabic structures (inflection, word formation, riddles, dictionary clarification)

Sound automation [u]

Securing the correct articulation of the sound [u] and automating it in phrases and sentences (repetition, verification, drawing up from pictures)

Differentiation of mixed sounds

Clarification of the articulation of sounds [u] - [s] and differentiation in syllables, words, sentences. Reading syllables with oppositional sounds. Pure phrases, riddles, poems.

Differentiation of mixed sounds

Clarification of the articulation of sounds [u] - [w] and automation in syllables, words, sentences. Reading syllables with oppositional sounds. Pure phrases, riddles, poems.

Sound setting [h] and primary automation

Formation of correct articulation of sound [h]. Automate it in reverse syllables. Reading syllables АЧ, УЧ, ОЧ, ИЧ, ЕЧ

Sound automation

Clarification of the correct articulation of the sound [h] and its automation in direct syllables. Reading the syllables CHA, CHU, CHO, CHI, CHE

Determination of the position of sounds in a word (beginning, middle) using models.

Sound automation [h]

Clarification of the correct articulation of the sound [h] and its automation in syllables with a confluence of consonants. Sound analysis of syllables.

Sound automation [h]

Securing the correct articulation of the sound [h] and automating it in phrases and sentences.

Differentiation of mixed sounds

Clarification of the articulation of sounds [h] - [s] and differentiation in syllables, words, sentences.

Differentiation of mixed sounds

Clarification of the articulation of sounds [h] - [u] and differentiation in syllables, words, sentences.

Differentiation of mixed sounds

Clarification of the articulation of sounds [h] - [c] and differentiation in syllables, words, in sentences.

Final lesson

Automation and differentiation of delivered sounds in speech.

Annotation: Methodical developmentIndividual program correctional lessons on the formulation, automation and differentiation of sound [l].


- About the teacher:

  • Correction of sound pronunciation by the interaction of fine motor skills and speech in a 6-year-old child with pronounced visual-figurative thinking and motor activity, on the example of a system of individual correction exercises: achieving the correct pronunciation of the sound [l], activating it in speech, differentiation.

- About the child:

  • Consciously approach your speech defect, learn how to pronounce the sound [l] correctly, fix this pronunciation in independent speech.

- Joint goal:

  • Achieve the correct pronunciation of the sound [l] through the mutual activity of the teacher and the child, disclosure of communication skills, determination of the need for self-control for further successful activity.


  • development of the mobility of the articulatory apparatus.
  • development of fine motor skills.
  • sound setting [l] based on visual and auditory control.
  • automation and differentiation of sound [l] in independent speech.
  • development of attention, memory.
  • development of self-control skills.

Topic, purpose of the lesson


Estimated result of each lesson

Types and methods of activity

Results evaluation criteria

Organization of reflection

1. "Development of mobility of the articulatory apparatus"

goal: develop the necessary articulation movements and postures

To develop the accuracy of articulatory movements, the ability to fix the correct position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus

Control. for lips: "Frog - proboscis" (alternating), "Hippo" (open mouth wide)

Control. for the tongue "Spatula", "Broom brush", "Swing", "Sail", "Painter", "Needle", "Snake"

Control. for fine motor skills (finger gymnastics using nursery rhymes, with frequent change of figures)


Holds / does not hold the pose, with / without help, the accuracy of the movements.

Celebrate the child's success at work

2. "Acquaintance with the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sound [l]"

goal: introduce correct position organs of the articulatory apparatus

Correct understanding by the child of the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sound [l]

Showing articulation in front of a mirror

Show a profile of this sound

Showing the position of the tongue with the hand

Articulation gymnastics

Control. for the development of fine motor skills, drawing up animal figures from fingers, accompanying with rhymes "Crocodile", "Cat", etc.

Physical minutes 1-2 times

Successfulness of the proposed exercises

Analyze with the child, did everything work out right away, what did you like more?

3. "Sound production"

Goal:Put sound [l]

Correct pronunciation of isolated sound [l]

1 way of setting the sound:

Inducing interdental [l]: "Smile", biting the tongue in the middle and blowing on it (wide tongue); also, with the subsequent articulation of vowels without the participation of voice.

Setting the sound [l] from auxiliary sounds [a] or [s]: "Swing" (for labial [l]); "Swing" - with the simultaneous pronunciation of "A - A - AAA" or "y-y-yyy"

Mechanical assistance in sound production: pressing the wide tongue with a spatula to the upper gums.

Game techniques for sound production - "Snail", "Pyramid", "Buttons"

Physical minute 2 - 3 times

Correctness of sound reproduction, implementation of speech therapist's recommendations.

Praise for the achieved result, encouragement

(small and large stars for the work done)

4. "Sound correction [l]"

Goal:achieve accurate, correct sound reproduction [l]

Isolated audio fidelity

Games for the development of physiological speech voice and breathing.

Exercises according to A.N. Strelnikova "Ladoshki", "Belt", "Bow", etc.

Control. "Musical toy" (using a musical instrument metallophone, the speech therapist, using the force of blow with a hammer on the instrument, regulates the strength of the child's voice, who needs to tune to the instrument. Singing - la-la-la.)

Control. on the development of fine motor skills "Wonderful bag" (in the bag there are objects in the names of which there is a sound [l] - a horse, a frog, a spoon ..)

Physical minute 2-3 times

Accuracy, smoothness, purity of sound pronunciation

Ask the child if he liked to sing, if he is good at it, what game he especially liked.

5. "Automation of the delivered sound in syllables"

Goal:automate the delivered sound in syllables, develop a sense of rhythm and rhyme, develop phonemic perception

Achieve a clear pronunciation of a sound in syllables, distinguishing the sound [l] in a stream of sounds, syllables

Consolidation of the pronunciation of the sound [l] in syllables.

Pure phrases, buzzes, rhymes, repetition of syllabic rows after a speech therapist.

Playing techniques with fingers "Magic rope", "Labyrinth", "Fence"

Control. on phonemic perception "Raise your hand to a predetermined sound, syllable"

Physical minutes 2-3 times

How clearly pronounces the sound in syllables.

Mark positive sides the child's work, focus on his success, find out what interested him the most, what he liked. The child's awareness of the achievement of the main result - the correct reproduction of sound.

Rate yourself game

Game "Choose a picture" (pictures with emotions)

6. "Automation of the delivered sound in words"

Goal:automate the delivered sound in words, develop auditory attention and memory., development of phonemic perception

Achieve a clear pronunciation of sound in words, distinguishing the sound [l] in the stream of words.

Repetition of three words after the speech therapist (bench - paw - lamp, forehead - crowbar - elk), name 4-5 words from memory;

Select the appropriate picture by the named syllable "Match the picture"

"Big - small" (according to the picture, list all the animals depicted, from largest to smallest and vice versa)

Finger game "Draw an animal"

Control. on phonemic perception "remember from hearing and repeat a series of words in a certain sequence"

- "Slap the rhythmic structure of the word"

- "Find a word for a given sound, syllable"

Physical minutes 2-3 times

How clearly pronounces the sound in words, to follow in which exercises difficulties arise.

7. "Automation of the delivered sound in sentences, text"

Goal:automate the delivered sound in sentences, text, development of phonemic perception, develop thinking, attention, memory, imagination

Achieve a clear pronunciation of sound in a sentence and text, the development of mental processes, the distinction of sound [l] in sentences

By the way - the sign is to pick up a picture, clearly highlighting the sound [l], pronounce a couple of words

Make up sentences with many sounds [l]

Game "If you think about it, then you can invent a story" (composing a story based on key words)

The game "Confusion" (words are confused in sentences, correct mistakes and say sentences highlighting the sound [л])

Pronunciation of the sound [l] in proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, verses

Games for the development of fine motor skills with natural material "Decorate the picture"

Control. on phonemic perception "Retelling of small texts"

Physical minutes 2-3 times

How the child copes with tasks where difficulties arise

8. "Automation and differentiation of sound in independent speech"

Goal:fixing the sound [l] in speech

Purity and ease of pronunciation of the sound [l] in independent speech

Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures

Staging of fairy tales

Coming up with a story at the beginning

Control. on the development of fine motor skills "Journey" (the child rolls the typewriter with his hand along the map-route, and on the way comes up with a plot based on a series of questions from a speech therapist)

Guessing riddles

Telling poems

Physical minutes 2-3 times

How actively the child in independent speech uses the delivered sound [l]

Game "Me and a fairy-tale hero" Suggest the child to relate himself to a fairy-tale character

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