Infectious diseases of the scalp. Diseases of the scalp: causes, symptoms, treatment

705 08.10.2019 5 minutes

Human hair is one of its main adornments. Therefore, any diseases of the scalp and hair can quickly spoil the appearance of a man or woman - and cause considerable harm to health. But, fortunately, most of these diseases respond to rapid and effective treatment - if you recognize them in time.

Fungal skin diseases

One of the most common causes of scalp diseases is the ingress of microorganisms, fungi on it, which gradually begin to develop, causing discomfort and pathological changes in the skin. There are some different types fungal diseases, including the following:

  • microsporia. The disease is usually transmitted by pets. It can be recognized by the reddening of the scalp and the appearance of small blisters on it. Hair becomes more brittle, even with little exposure it becomes very easy to pull it out;


  • favus. This is a chronic form of fungal disease. Most often it manifests itself in people who regularly wear wigs or tight, pressing on the head, hats and other hats. When a favus occurs, hair loss begins, the skin changes its color, becoming bright yellow;
  • superficial trichophoria. The disease begins from contact with an infected person (not necessarily directly, it is enough to use one comb or towel). It can be recognized by redness and peeling of the skin. Hair becomes more brittle, periodically it falls out, and at the place of loss you can see a characteristic black dot;
  • deep trichophytosis. This disease, like microsporia, is transmitted by infected animals. It can be recognized by its characteristic bluish or red bumps that appear at the site of lost hair. The mounds are very large, sometimes their diameter reaches eight centimeters.

Deep trichophytosis.

Treatment methods

Treatment of fungal diseases is carried out using special ones. It is best not to buy them at random, but to see your doctor, who will advise the antifungal shampoo or ointment that works best for your situation. With their help, you can eliminate the symptoms and causes of the disease.

In addition to antifungal agents, it is recommended to prepare special rinses based on lemon (a teaspoon of lemon is diluted in a glass of warm water) or onions (the husks of several onions are poured with a liter of water, boiled and settled for an hour). It is necessary to treat the scalp with these products in between the use of special ointments or shampoos.

Dermatological diseases

There are several common skin diseases that are conventionally called dermatological. In case of their manifestation, it is recommended to contact a specialist for implementation complex treatment... These include:

  • psoriasis. A chronic type of disease that can be recognized by plaques that visually resemble hardened wax. The disease proceeds cyclically, either weakening its effect, or reinforcing it again;

Psoriasis along the edge of the hair

  • acne / pimples / acne. In very light forms you can do self-treatment problems with the help of popular cosmetics, but if the situation has become more serious, then you must definitely consult a doctor;
  • eczema. Inflammation of the top layer of the skin, which is facilitated by various rashes. Often arises from direct contact with irritating chemicals. Eczema cannot be cured entirely, but it is really possible to control and weaken its effects even in cases where it is very strongly developed.


Seborrhea is an inflammatory disease that at least occasionally affects every fourth inhabitant of the Earth. It begins when the sebaceous glands fail. Depending on the nature of these failures, there are two main subspecies of seborrhea:

  1. If the glands begin to produce too much sebum, then the person develops oily seborrhea.
  2. If the glands begin to produce too little sebum, then a person develops dry seborrhea.

You can determine that the disease has begun to develop by:

  • peeling of the scalp;
  • itching;
  • excessive dryness or quick salting;
  • hair loss.

The stratum corneum also thickens. Most often, the development of the disease is provoked - therefore, it so often manifests itself in adolescence. The reason may also be other diseases and pathologies occurring in the body, including Parkinson's disease, encephalitis and others, as well as the presence of fungal microorganisms on the skin.

If seborrhea is provoked by a third-party disease, it is necessary to begin therapy with the elimination of this problem, and then proceed to normalize the condition of the scalp.

Getting rid of the disease with pharmaceutical preparations

You can find in pharmacies, they do an excellent job with the manifestations of seborrhea. Shampoos that contain tar and ketoconazole are also often purchased. It is enough to wash your hair with them twice a week, so that after a while a noticeable effect appears. When seborrhea recedes, it is recommended to continue using them at least twice a month for purely preventive purposes.

Tar shampoo for seborrhea

In addition to these funds, it is recommended to use those prescribed by a doctor if seborrhea was provoked by manifestations of a fungus. Sometimes the doctor may additionally prescribe local hormonal drugs, and if the problem is in a sufficiently severe stage, then taken orally.

Recently, ketoconazole, which is taken at 200 mg per day, has become the most popular drug in the treatment of seborrhea. In combination with this drug, sedatives and tablets are often used to normalize the digestive tract.

Home treatment

You can cure seborrhea with simple ones that are prepared from natural remedies. For example, you can make a decoction of equal parts willow, dried nettle and burdock. The mixture must be poured with hot water and cooked for half an hour in a water bath. After that, you need to wash your hair with this mixture at least a couple of times a week.

You can also make a scalp mask if you mix burr oil with a few drops essential oil tea tree. The mask is applied to the head, after which, after a while, the hair is washed.

Infectious diseases of the scalp

If a person does not follow the hygiene of the scalp enough or does not avoid contact with infected people, then infectious diseases may develop on his skin. The most common ones are the following:

  • folliculitis. It is characterized by formations near the base of the hair that are red in color. If you do not resort to treatment under the supervision of a specialist, these formations will turn into itchy, purulent papules;



The first step to being effective is identifying them. Pay attention to the most common signs - and take the appropriate action. But best of all, whatever the disease, see your doctor who will select the most appropriate comprehensive treatment for you.

Diseases of the hair and scalp occur under the influence of external and internal factors: this is the influence of physical conditions and chemical substances, adverse weather conditions, metabolic disorders, pathologies of the endocrine and nervous systems. The symptoms of such diseases are varied: from increased fragility of hair to its complete loss. Treatment methods are selected in each case, depending on the cause.

Causes of occurrence

Hair diseases can be associated with various factors, these include:

  • prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  • frostbite of the scalp;
  • diseases of the epidermis (furunculosis, mycoses);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • transferred infectious diseases (herpes, syphilis);
  • frequent use of a hair dryer at a high temperature, as well as devices for hot styling (iron, curling iron);
  • combing with brushes made of coarse materials (metal, wooden with burrs);
  • frequent staining.

Hair diseases cause medications: hormonal oral contraceptives, antidepressants, steroids, drugs to lower blood pressure. Passion for dietary supplements for weight loss, which include salts of heavy metals, also adversely affects the condition of the strands.

Diseases of the scalp

Diseases of the scalp are classified into groups, depending on their origin:


The most common hair pathologies of infectious origin are:


Its pathogens are blood-sucking insects - lice. Typical symptoms diseases - itching at the site of the bite, rash, the appearance of nits on the hair, which resemble dandruff.


This is an inflammatory process of the hair follicles, accompanied by purulent inflammation on the skin. The development of pathology provokes Staphylococcus aureus... With folliculitis, purulent-inflammatory elements are formed around the hairs, causing painful sensations. If there are many of them, the scalp swells. When the bubbles burst and dry out, itching and flaking occurs.


Diseases of this group are caused by fungal microorganisms of various types.

Such fungal diseases are common:


The disease is also known as ringworm. It is contagious, that is, it is quickly transmitted from one person to another. Trichophytosis is manifested in the formation of inflammatory foci. Hair affected by the fungus becomes brittle, breaks off at a level of 2-3 mm from the scalp. The patient is worried about severe peeling of the scalp.

Microsporia of the hairy part

Favus (also known as scab)

The disease occurs when the fungus enters the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Redness foci appear on the scalp, then a yellowish circle forms. Hair breaks, becomes more rigid, dulls. As the disease progresses, the scalp becomes rough, and the lesions become sources unpleasant odor... If treatment is not started on time, foci of alopecia are formed.


Red flat, pink and ringworm can develop on the scalp. The first two types are not associated with infections, so a person with such a disease is not dangerous to others. The lesions form on the head. The skin in this area is scaly, gray or white scales that resemble dandruff appear. Hair breaks off, the scalp turns red, itching occurs.


The disease develops when the herpes virus enters this area. Typical symptoms are redness and itching at the lesion sites, the formation of bubbles with fluid inside and their subsequent expression. When this happens, exudate is released. Crusts form on the affected areas, trauma to which causes bleeding.

Diseases associated with dysfunction of the sebaceous glands

Common hair diseases of the sebaceous and sweat glands:

Hyperkeratosis of the scalp

This disease is associated with a thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin, due to which the hair follicles become clogged with horny scales. The first symptom of hyperkeratosis is the appearance of dandruff. Hair becomes brittle, dull, thin. Hair loss occurs, in some cases baldness is possible. The scalp becomes hard, rough to the touch, and severe itching occurs. The addition of an infection is possible, which aggravates the course of the disease.

Seborrhea (seborrheic dermatitis)

This is a chronic scalp process with inflammation. The development of the disease is associated with increased fat secretion. The disease is provoked by conditionally pathogenic fungi. The affected areas of the skin are covered with papules and scales, which stick together with a greasy secretion. An inflammatory process develops, the epidermis itches. Pain may occur.


The disease is of allergic origin. It manifests itself in two main forms: dry and weeping eczema. In the first case, plaques covered with scales form on the scalp, which constantly flake off and settle in flakes on the hair. The sebaceous glands of the scalp produce excess oil, making the hair look messy and dirty. With weeping eczema, papules filled with fluid form on the skin. Later, they burst and form a weeping surface. Both forms are accompanied by severe itching.


In medicine, this phenomenon is called "bran". Dandruff is a syndrome characterized by the rate at which the scalp flakes off. It is considered a mild form of seborrheic dermatitis. Those who suffer from dandruff find a lot of white scales along the entire length of the curls and on the scalp. Hair quickly gets dirty, becomes greasy.


The disease is chronic in nature, proceeds with alternating periods of exacerbation and remission. The exact nature of psoriasis has not been established. In psoriasis of the scalp, lesions are localized on the skin in the area above and behind the ears. The forehead and back of the head are covered with plaques. The first symptom of the disease is the formation of scaly papules, which subsequently cause inflammation and become a source of itching. The plaques increase in size and become dense. Gradually they cover the entire hairy area.


Pathological loss (baldness, alopecia)

Baldness, or alopecia, is permanent hair loss resulting in patchy or complete loss of scalp hair.

There are 3 types of alopecia:

  • diffuse (thinning);
  • focal (the appearance of foci on which hair is completely absent);
  • androgenic (loss of male-type strands, associated with the concentration of male sex hormones in the blood);
  • total (complete absence of curls).

Depending on the characteristics of the manifestation, such forms of alopecia are distinguished:

  • cicatricial. Hair growth is absent in areas that are covered with scar tissue. Cicatricial alopecia occurs after mechanical, thermal, chemical exposure.
  • seborrheic. Baldness develops against the background of skin seborrhea. There is a focal thinning of the curls, accompanied by increased oiliness and flaking of the skin.
  • symptomatic... Lack of hair is associated with severe systemic diseases, vitamin deficiencies, intoxication. After eliminating the cause of baldness, the curls begin to grow again.

Damage to the hair shaft

Injury to the hair shaft occurs when the strands are exposed to high temperatures, mechanical factors, and chemicals.


Pathology characterized by the breaking off of individual hairs that look healthy, at a distance of about 10 cm from the scalp. This is due to the weakening of the hair shaft. In this condition, the curl breaks when exposed.

There are 2 types of trichoclasia: nodular and idiopathic. In the first case, the breaking off of the hair shafts occurs in the area of \u200b\u200bthickenings, which spoils appearance hairstyles.

In the idiopathic form of the disease, the scalp becomes dry, itchy and flaky, and the hair, although it breaks off, has a healthy appearance.


The problem, which is expressed in a spiral twisting curls. The reason for the phenomenon is twisting of the hair shaft along its entire length, changes in thickness and pigmentation. Affected hair is white and gray in appearance.

In the most difficult cases, trichokinesis can lead to local baldness.

Moniletrix (fusiform atrophy of curls)

A disease in which the rod does not grow constantly, but periodically. When growth stops for a while, small nodules form on the hair. Brittle areas are observed between each of these nodes.

The strands affected by this disease look dry, lifeless, and become tough. Outwardly, Monilethrix looks like a lot of black dots on the hair. It looks like clinical picture ringworm.

Diseases of the head bulbs: thinning, atrophy, falling asleep

Hair follicles are subject to such pathological processes:

  • thinning;
  • atrophy;
  • "Falling asleep".

Thinning of the hair follicle is associated with emotional turmoil and hormonal disturbances in the body. A thinned bulb is not capable of producing strong and long hair, so it is weakened and falls out quickly.

Atrophy occurs if thinned follicles are not treated. The bulb can still produce curls, but they are sparse and drained.

Sleeping bulb - this is how they describe the condition in which the follicle dies. It is irreversible.

Causes of painful scalp

A painful scalp is the result of factors such as:

  • vascular spasms (this is typical for vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  • violation of blood circulation in the vessels passing in the head area. This may be due to the presence of cholesterol plaques, increased blood pressure;
  • too tight hairstyle;
  • the use of traumatic accessories (hairpins, sharp hairpins).

Also, pain that occurs when touching the scalp occurs with diseases affecting the nerve endings. It can be an inflammation of the occipital nerve, trigeminal neuralgia.

Features of Menkes disease

Menkes' disease, also known as curly hair disease, is a genetic disorder that is passed on to boys from their mothers. It manifests itself in poor absorption of copper by the body.

A characteristic symptom of Menkes disease is tangled, spindle-shaped hair with increased fragility. Microscopic examination of the sample reveals a number of curl anomalies, among which are tortuosity and fractures along the hair shaft.

Features of Vitiligo disease

With vitiligo, the formation of skin melanocytes is disrupted. Because of this, white spots of various shapes and sizes are formed on its surface. The pathological process of destruction of melanocytes also affects the condition of the hairline. This is reflected in the appearance of spots on the head. In these places, complete discoloration occurs, which gives the impression of gray hair. A similar symptom can appear during adolescence. Other symptoms - peeling, hair atrophy, alopecia, are not observed.

Disease in which hair does not grow

Rarely occurs such a phenomenon as the absence of curls on the head. If signs of baldness appear before the age of three, then we are talking about congenital baldness. There is no hair on the entire human body due to the influence of a gene inherited by a child from one of the parents. Pathology occurs in representatives of either sex.

During the examination, it becomes known that the reason for this phenomenon is the complete absence of hair follicles or their insufficient development.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment for hair diseases depends on the specific type of disease. In case of fungal processes, the use of local and systemic antimycotics is required. If the pathology is caused by an infection, then antibiotics are prescribed.

Genetic abnormalities in hair follicles are virtually untreatable. Many hair diseases are associated with work abnormalities internal organs... To identify the cause, you need to undergo an examination.

To prevent diseases of the scalp and hair, you need:

  • protect them from direct ultraviolet rays and low temperatures;
  • use detergents suitable for a particular hair type;
  • choose quality hair care products;
  • use personal hygiene products (comb, towel) so as not to get infected with a fungal or infectious disease;
  • eat properly and rationally, a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements affects the condition of the hair;
  • refuse to wash curls with hot water;
  • abandon the hair dryer in favor of natural drying;
  • abandon frequent styling using devices that affect the hair with high temperatures.


The video shows how to diagnose hair diseases:


  1. Hair diseases are not always an indicator of improper hair care. They can be caused by any changes in the work of internal organs.
  2. For any symptoms, you need to visit a trichologist - a specialist in hair and scalp diseases. If he does not find any abnormalities, then you should contact other narrow-profile doctors.
  1. Weak protective functions of the body.
  2. Stress, constant fatigue, mental disorders.
  3. Metabolic disorders.
  4. Failure to comply with hygiene rules.
  5. The presence of an infection in the body.
  6. Improper nutrition, in which all the necessary elements do not enter the body.
  7. Using hair care products that are not suitable for the type of curls and skin.
  8. Fungal infections on the scalp.
  9. Leading an unhealthy lifestyle.
  10. Allergic reactions.
  11. Genetics.
  12. Bad ecology.
  13. Frequent use of chemical procedures (dyeing, curling).
  14. Damage to the scalp.
  15. Using tight or metallic hair accessories.

Diseases of the scalp: names, descriptions and photos



  • Reasons for the appearance. Despite the fact that this disease has been known to mankind for several centuries, no specific reasons for its appearance have yet been found. But there are a number of factors that can contribute to the appearance and progression of seborrheic eczema.
    • prolonged contact with irritating or aggressive substances, it can be any detergent or hair dye);
    • intolerance to any food products;
    • prolonged skin infection.
  • Localization... If we talk about the localization of eczema, then it is seborrheic that is most often found on the scalp, as well as on the face and in the area between the shoulder blades.
  • Manifestation and symptoms. Yellow nodules with a slightly pink tint appear on the skin. These nodules are very oily and scaly to the touch. Subsequently, they can turn into one large focus of inflammation. The process is rarely accompanied.
  • Treatment... If the problem is noticed at an early stage, it can be solved with shampoos, which include zinc pyrithione, Naftalan, sulfur, tar, selenium. It is also necessary to remove the scales. But only those that easily come off the skin. Do not forget to constantly moisturize the scalp. In case of complications, consult a doctor.


  • The reasons... The main reason for the appearance of this disease is the improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. However, they do not produce a sufficient amount of elements that can protect the skin from drying out.
  • Localization... can appear on the scalp, face, chin, chest.
  • Manifestations and symptoms... The epithelium becomes coarser at the site of inflammation. The skin begins to become inflamed, itchy. With overly active work of the sebaceous glands, scales appear in this place yellow color... And in those places where sebaceous glands work insufficiently, the epidermis begins.
  • Treatment... Normalize your diet. Stop drinking alcohol and nicotine. Monitor the hygiene of the skin, In no case do not get rid of acne on your own, etc. If all of the above does not help, go to the doctor's appointment, or read, in it we will talk about seborrheic dermatitis and methods of its treatment.

More information about the diagnosis and treatment of seborrhea can be found in the video:


In simple words, it is a rash on the skin in the form of acne or acne, which manifests itself in 80% of cases in young people aged 12 to 25 years.

  • The reasons... There can be a lot of them:
  1. excessive use of cosmetics (powder, eye shadow, foundation, even sunburn oil);
  2. skin contact with substances that include oils, greases or tar;
  3. prolonged friction of the epidermis on the tissue;
  4. increased sweating;
  5. taking steroids;
  6. self-removal of acne;
  7. excessive cleanliness, in which even the smallest microbes will cause inflammation;
  8. hormonal changes;
  9. deviations in the work of the ovaries;
  10. chronic diseases.
  • Localization... Acne can occur anywhere on the skin, but is most commonly seen on the face, lower back, neck and chest.
  • Symptoms and manifestations... Pustules appear on the surface of the dermis in the form of bumps of bright red color with a purulent tip. Most often, acne after disappearance leaves scars in the form of dimples on the skin, which cannot be eliminated.
  • Treatment... There may be several options here:
    • the use of ointments and creams against acne;
    • taking antibiotics to fight the infection from the inside out;
    • an appeal to a doctor who will prescribe a comprehensive treatment.


Malignant neoplastic skin disease resulting from atypical transformation of its cells and characterized by significant polymorphism.

  • The reasons:
    • frequent exposure to ultraviolet rays;
    • the result of prolonged exposure to chemicals;
    • persistent trauma involving the area of \u200b\u200bscars or moles;
    • heredity;
    • transformation of other skin diseases.
  • Localization... It can spread to all parts of the body. Manifestation and symptoms.
    • The appearance of a dark area of \u200b\u200bthe skin that grows over time.
    • A small wound, which for a long time secretes ichor or just liquid.
    • Thickening and lifting of a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.
    • Itching, redness.
  • Treatment... You need to see a doctor immediately. Usually, if the lesion is small (up to two centimeters), it is surgically removed. In the worst case, it comes down to chemotherapy.

Infectious diseases of the scalp


The causes of trichophytosis are often contact with infected people, less often with animals. Lichen can be localized in any open areas of the skin. The symptoms of the appearance of trichophytosis are as follows:

  • the formation of areas of peeling on the skin;
  • breaking off of hair (while a gray bloom remains on the broken curl);
  • the affected area begins to itch, blush;
  • the patient feels general malaise, weakness;
  • a rash appears;
  • the color of the nails changes;
  • on the reddened areas, crusting and blistering can often be observed.

REFERENCE! For the treatment of trichophytosis, ointments based on miconazole, clotrimazole, terbinafine are well suited, as well as tincture of iodine 2 - 5%, sulfuric ointment 10 - 20%, sulfur-salicylic ointment, sulfur-tar ointment.

A detailed description of the symptoms of trichophytosis in this video:


The reasons for the lesion are the same as for the previous infection: contact with an infected person or animal. Moreover, the symptoms of a skin disease are also very similar to trichophotia.

But with microscopy, the color of the nails does not change, and the person does not feel any discomfort. It is better not to start treatment without consulting a doctor. Ideally, laboratory tests are required.
Video from detailed description symptoms of the disease and methods of diagnosis:


Inflammation of the scalp, accompanied by severe itching and redness. In this case, the hair begins to fall out excessively, and a black dot appears at the site of hair growth. The fungus is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor depending on the degree of inflammation and the course of the disease.


The doctor immediately diagnoses this disease and prescribes treatment with drugs available for purchase at any pharmacy.

Video about head lice:


At an early stage of this disease of the scalp, small red bumps, the so-called follicles, appear. If measures are not taken in time to treat this infection, these follicles can turn into huge wounds that will be extremely difficult to heal, in addition, this disease can develop into. Treatment is carried out with antiseptic agents, local and systemic use of antibiotics, antimycotics, acyclovir, antiviral drugs.


Disease caused by staphylococci or streptococci. Bacteria enter the body through wounds, making them even bigger. Then, yellow, crusty blisters appear that constantly ooze. If ripped off, the blisters will spread even further throughout the body. In 99% of cases, antibiotics and an antiseptic agent help fight ampetigo.


Purulent inflammation of an acute nature caused by the appearance of a boil. It occurs when bacteria enter the hair follicle. The epidermis "swells", turns red, fills with pus, swells. It hurts to touch the resulting boil. Treatment of furunculosis is prescribed by a doctor, based on the nature and stage of the disease.



Psoriasis is a chronic scalp and hair disease. Therefore, it is impossible to cure it, you can only reduce its manifestations by using special ointments, creams, shampoos and soaps. Sometimes patients resort to physiotherapy. Psoriasis is characterized by a rash of papules covered with loose, easily removable silvery scales. There are many reasons for the appearance of this disease, but experts cannot come to a single decision.


At the beginning of the course of the disease, the epidermis swells, but soon becomes denser. And now, after a short time, it is impossible to separate it from other fabrics, to pull it into folds. Scleroderma, appearing on the scalp, often causes baldness.

Doctors name many reasons:

  1. hypothermia;
  2. injury;
  3. infection;
  4. vaccination;
  5. heredity.

IMPORTANT! Treatment in this case is necessary for a long time and under the constant supervision of a doctor.

lupus erythematosus

The reasons for the appearance are unknown, but usually experts “sin” on malfunctioning of the immune system. It manifests itself as pink spots on the skin, which thicken over time, begin to peel off. And after healing, scars are left. Lupus erythematosus can cause hair loss. You need to treat the disease only after a doctor's appointment.


  • Ingrown hair - with this disease, the hair does not come out, but bends and grows into the skin under the stratum corneum. In such areas, small nodules form, which cause itching, often unbearable.
  • Hypertrichosis (or hairiness) - Excessive hair growth, unusual for this area of \u200b\u200bthe dermis, not corresponding to gender and age.
  • Hirsutism- excessive hair growth in women. Typical signs of hirsutism are the appearance of a mustache and beard in women.
  • Hypotrichosis- a whole complex of diseases that lead to one end - partial or complete baldness. Ctrl + Enter.

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Hairdressing: A Practical Guide Konstantinov Anatoly Vasilievich

§ 5. Diseases of the skin and hair

§ 5. Diseases of the skin and hair

Skin diseases... Diseases of the human skin are caused by various reasons, for example, the action of living microorganisms - pathogenic microbes. They are distinguishable only under a microscope, multiply by fission, in favorable conditions every 15 - 30 minutes. An environment undesirable for microbial reproduction is high temperature, dryness, sunlight and various disinfectants.

A hairdresser must be able to recognize the most common skin conditions. They can be caused by pyogenic bacteria - staphylococci and streptococci. Inflammatory pustular diseases are superficial (crustal) and deep (boils). These diseases can not only deprive a person of working capacity for a period of time, but also lead to serious complications and diseases that are life-threatening (for example, blood poisoning).

Folliculitis - pustular disease skin. A favorable environment for the development of this disease is the depressions of the skin near the hairs. It is here that small purulent vesicles, the so-called follicles, most often appear. Folliculitis often affects the skin of the face.

It is strictly forbidden to cut and shave a person with folliculitis, as this can lead to the spread of the disease.

Sycosis - purulent inflammation of the sebaceous hair follicles of the beard and mustache. It is characterized by such phenomena as burning, itching, pain, as well as hair loss on the affected skin.

With a deeper penetration of microbes into the sebaceous-hair sac and surrounding tissues, their acute inflammation may occur - furuncle.

An even deeper tissue damage with inflammation of several hair follicles at the same time is called carbuncle... A furuncle, like a carbuncle, causes a general serious condition, an increase in body temperature. Failure to comply with hygiene requirements for skin care can lead to very serious and long-term illness - furunculosischaracterized by the formation of numerous and often recurring boils.

Infectious skin diseases can also be caused by other types of microorganisms - pathogenic fungi. The most common fungal skin diseases such as ringworm and scab... Fungi can also cause nail and hair diseases.

Severe skin disease scabies causes a scabies mite. A fertilized female tick gnaws at the surface layer of the skin and lays eggs in it. The tick multiplies with incredible speed. In a few weeks, generations of ticks can develop from one female, reaching several million in number. Gnawing passages in the patient's skin, the female itch mite causes excruciating itching. Scratching may result in boils, festering sores, and rashes. You can get scabies through the belongings of the patient, as well as through direct contact with him.

In addition to infectious skin diseases, there are other skin ailments. So, some people have congenital skin defects (birthmarks, pigmentation disorders, warts, etc.) Birthmarks come in different colors: red, brown or lighter in color. Verrucous birthmarks rise above the skin.

Under the influence of sunlight, some people develop small yellow-brown age spots - freckles. Large age spots often appear in women during pregnancy. The result of the appearance of such spots is pigmentation disorders. Sometimes age spots on the skin can form with a disease of the liver or other internal organs of a person.

Acne occurs in most people. They are like plugs that clog the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands. In cases where the contaminated openings of the sebaceous glands contain irritating substances, inflammation may occur, covering the tissue surrounding the acne. Acne is often associated with a non-communicable disease - seborrhea.

Seborrhea - a disease characterized by excessive secretion of qualitatively altered sebum. There are two types of this disease - oily seborrhea and dry seborrhea... With oily seborrhea, the skin of the face and hair are, as it were, smeared with fat, the hair sticks together in strands, the pores are enlarged. Oily, yellow crusts form on the scalp. The disease is accompanied by itching of the scalp; it is dangerous due to premature hair loss. Dry seborrhea is characterized by insufficient sebum secretion by the sebaceous glands. The skin is dry, flaky; hair becomes dry, brittle, devoid of shine; dandruff appears.

Dandruff in your hair is the first sign of seborrhea. Dandruff is small flakes that have come off the surface layers of the epidermis. The development of seborrhea is also indicated by the itching that appears in the places affected by the disease. Hairdressers who discovered specified diseases the client is obliged to recommend that he immediately see a doctor; timely treatment and prevention of this disease will prevent premature baldness.

Seborrhea can occur with diseases nervous system, from improper nutrition and improper skin care. When treating oily seborrhea, it is recommended to wash the skin with hot water and soap and wipe it with salicylic resorcinol alcohol. For the treatment of dry seborrhea, ointments containing sulfur, tar, resorcinol, etc. are used.

Hair diseases... Common diseases include baldness... The causes of baldness are quite varied, but most often it is the result of oily seborrhea, which affects not only the skin, but also the hair.

Baldness is focal, related to some areas of the hairline, or general, quickly passing or protracted. Lack of hair can also cause congenital disorders of the body.

Consider the most common types of acquired baldness. Traumatic baldness is the result of an injury to the skull. Hair loss with this type of baldness begins about 2 weeks after the accident. Baldness foci do not expand over time, and after 3 - 4 months the hair begins to grow back again. Temporary hair loss can result from wearing tight hats, wigs, etc.

Baldness is often observed after infectious diseases. It is connected both with the destructive effect of the bacterial poison and with the presence of a high temperature during the period of the disease. Usually hair loss in this case occurs in emaciated people. The characteristic site of the lesion is the scalp.

Postpartum baldness begins 2 to 3 months after childbirth and can continue as much.

Sometimes baldness appears after poisoning, and in this case, hair falls out in large quantities.

It is especially necessary to note the so-called nested baldness. Most often, this disease is associated with nervous disorders. It is also observed after major operations (more often in men). There are no pathological changes in the skin at the sites of baldness. The patient often does not notice the disease in initial stage and does not feel any painful ailments. Baldness patches sometimes appear suddenly. In some cases, the disease leads to complete baldness of the head and even hair loss elsewhere. Hair usually begins to grow back from the center of the lesions.

Mycoses - fungal hair diseases. They are caused by pathogenic fungi that affect human hair and skin. The most common fungal diseases are scab (favus), trichophytosis (ringworm), microsporia. Most often, these diseases are transmitted through hats, combs, clothing and other items. The master hairdresser should be very careful and, at the slightest sign of fungal diseases, recommend the client to see a doctor.

It must be remembered that patients with fungal diseases are prohibited from visiting child care facilities, hairdressing salons and baths.

Scab is a disease not only of people, but also of animals (mice, cats, dogs, etc.). However, due to the fact that animals get scab from non-human types of fungi, cases of human infection from animals are very rare.

The development of the disease is characterized by the appearance on the scalp of yellow dry crusts smelling of mold. The skin under the crusts becomes thinner, turning into a scar, and the hair in these areas dies and does not grow back. Hair affected by the fungus loses its color, elasticity and becomes gray, dry, resembling tow. Scab with an inattentive attitude of the patient to the disease can last until old age and lead to complete baldness.

Trichophytosis, or, as it is often called, ringworm, is a fairly common disease of the scalp. Distinguishes between superficial trichophytosis (mainly in humans) and deep trichophytosis (in animals). Superficial trichophytosis of the head is characterized by a large number of small round or oval lesions. Hair in the lesions easily breaks off near the exit from the hair funnels. With deep trichophytosis, the lesion sites of the disease fester.

Microsporia of the scalp and skin most often affects children. Pink-red spots appear on the skin with flaking in the center. Hair grown by a fungus, as with trichophytosis, breaks off and gives the impression of being trimmed.

There are also diseases associated with non-observance of basic hygiene rules by some people: lice, purulent inflammation of hair follicles, etc.

Skin and hair care is the most important condition for their preservation.

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Today we will look at the main diseases of the hair and scalp, what are their causes and the main methods of treatment.

Hair diseases and internal discomfort

Hair loss, rapid and early baldness, dandruff that is difficult to remove, dermatological diseases of the scalp negatively affect the beauty of the hairstyle and force a person to experience internal discomfort.

Self-selected methods of restoring curls do not always bring the desired result, and the problem only gets worse.

To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to always seek help from a trichologist, the specialization of this doctor allows you to determine the main cause of the deterioration of the hair condition and on the basis of this, the appropriate course of therapy is already selected.

What Trichology studies

Trichology is considered a separate section of dermatology, the object of study of this science is the structure of the hair, its functioning and pathological changes leading to problems with curls.

Trichologists are engaged in diagnosing diseases of the scalp and the hair itself, developing methods of treatment and preventive measures.

Trichology is closely interconnected with such branches of medicine as dermatology, endocrinology, cosmetology, gastroenterology, immunology.

Such a close relationship is explained by the fact that the deterioration of the condition of the curls often occurs due to internal disorders, the correction of which requires an integrated approach to treatment.

Types of hair and scalp diseases

A conditional division of all diseases of the skin of the scalp and hair into four types is accepted:

  1. Infectious and fungal diseases. Infections include head lice, which develops when a person is infected with head lice. Microsporia and trichophytosis are fungal skin lesions.
  2. Diseases caused by dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. The most common diseases in this category include seborrhea and dandruff.
  3. Pathological hair loss. There are a huge number of reasons for excessive loss of curls and the determination of the main one in each case is considered the first step towards restoring the beauty of the hairstyle.
  4. Hair shaft damage. Injury to the hair shaft occurs as a result of thermal, chemical and mechanical external influences.

Depending on the type of disease, not only trichologists, but also doctors of other specialties, take part in the treatment of the patient.

A joint approach to eliminating the cause of the pathology and to restoring the strength of the curls greatly increases the effectiveness of therapy.

Infectious and fungal hair diseases

Head lice develops as a result of the transmission of lice by contact and household means. Children are at high risk. Head lice bites are painful and itchy.

Scratching the skin causes secondary infections to occur, and scarring is possible on the skin.

In advanced cases, head lice leads to the appearance of purulent crusts on the head, to clumping of individual strands of hair due to pus and clutches of eggs.

The general manifestations of the disease include an increase in regional lymph nodes. Attaching a huge number of nits to the curls will damage the hair shaft.

Pediculosis is treated with special topical preparations. And it is imperative to remove nits and adult insects mechanically.


Or microsporosis - fungal infection... Microsporum fungi are most often transmitted from sick people, less often from animals. The main category of patients is children, from whom their family members become infected.

The spread of microsporia is one of the highest in comparison with others infectious diseases scalp.

The main signs of this disease are the formation of rounded areas on the scalp with clear boundaries.

The skin in these areas peels off, breaks off a few millimeters from the skin and the remaining "hemp" is covered grayish bloomthat looks like mold.

There are almost no inflammatory changes in the affected area; over time, these areas become covered with purulent crusts.


Ringworm (trichophytosis) is a highly contagious and severe scalp lesion.

Fungal spores are transmitted through the use of personal belongings of a sick person or through direct contact with him.

The superficial form of ringworm is characterized by the appearance of foci of peeling of the skin, breaking off of hair at a distance of 2-6 mm from the follicles.

The size of the lesion focus reaches three centimeters, the skin in this place is most often swollen, inflamed and itchy, broken hair looks like black dots.

The infiltrative-purulent form of trichophytosis develops for about two months.

The initial signs are symptoms of intoxication, soreness and swelling of the lymph nodes, allergic rashes.

Rounded spots are formed on the head, surrounded by a clear inflamed corolla.

On this contour, bubbles and crusts with purulent contents may appear; in some patients, deformation of the nails is noted.

Treatment should be carried out in a short time, since the lesions tend to spread rapidly.

Favus (scab)

The main symptoms are the formation of crusts on the scalp and other parts of the body with a yellowish tinge and an indentation in the middle.

Hair often grows in this center, if there is no treatment, then individual crusts merge with each other and large areas of body damage appear. ...

In advanced cases, the skin under the crusts atrophies and persistent baldness develops.

When the scalp is damaged, the curls lose their shine and strength, they are pulled out without difficulty, the remnants of the strands resemble tow.

Scab is most common among residents of the southern regions, and there are more children and women among sick people.

Sebaceous gland dysfunctions


This is an inflammatory disease that occurs due to an increased secretion of sebum with a modified composition.

The main manifestations of seborrhea on the scalp are itching, flaking, redness of the skin, in advanced cases, hair falls out and baldness may develop.

Seborrhea is divided into dry and oily, treatment is selected by a trichologist or dermatologist.

Normalization of the scalp condition is achieved by antifungal systemic and local therapy, correction of the diet, excluding the causative factors of the disease.

Seborrheic dermatitis

A chronic inflammatory disease that develops due to the excessive multiplication of the yeast-like lipophilic fungus Pityrosporum ovale.

The disease proceeds as dermatitis with the formation of clearly defined spots of inflammation on the skin.

These lesions are red and prone to fusion, and the desquamated epidermis leads to the formation of a yellowish crust on the spots.

Seborrheic dermatitis most often affects the scalp, upper body and face, that is, areas with a lot of sebaceous glands.

The appearance of foci of inflammation on the head is often preceded by the formation of a large amount of dandruff.

Seborrheic dermatitis is one of the causes of hair loss, the growth of which is restored only with a persistent remission of the disease.

The main treatment for the disease is a special hypoallergenic diet, the use of antimycotic drugs and a number of physiotherapy procedures.

Eczema of the scalp

The first appearance of eczema and subsequent exacerbations of this disease are associated with the activation of fungi from the genus Pityrosporum, and staphylococcus skin lesions are also called the cause of the disease.

These microorganisms can not always cause illness. Eczema of the scalp develops in people with allergic reactions to external stimuli, with diseases with a chronic course of the digestive system, with damage to the liver, kidneys, nervous and endocrine systems.

The main manifestations of eczema are the formation of rounded rashes in the form of plaques, spots, papules. Their appearance is accompanied not only by itching and burning, but also by pain.

Eczema on the head can occur simultaneously with seborrhea, in addition to the characteristic rashes, there is an increased dryness of the strands and skin.

Eczema is not contagious. But in order to get rid of it, you first need a complete examination, which will help identify irregularities in the work of internal organs.

The term dandruff refers to the desquamation of the scalp epithelium, resulting in white or yellowish scales.

The formation of dandruff leads to an itchy scalp, hair becomes dry and dull, or becomes oily.

Dandruff often occurs with fungal infections of the skin, in patients with seborrhea, after severe psychoemotional stress, hypovitaminosis, gastrointestinal pathologies.

You can also provoke its appearance by improper care hairy part heads.

Dandruff of varying severity worries more than 70% of the world's population.

Treatment consists in careful care of the curls, in preventing the action of aggressive external influences and in the treatment of hair with drugs specially selected by the trichologist.

Dandruff not only impairs the appearance of curls, but is also one of the most frequent reasons their loss.

Hair shaft damage

Hair shaft injury occurs very often. Perm, the use of heat-irons, curls, dyeing curls - all this damages the rod along its entire length.

Mechanical, thermal and chemical aggressive action does not always provoke excessive loss of strands, but becomes the main cause of increased hair fragility, damage to the ends, dryness, loss of elasticity.

Hair health also depends on a balanced diet, constant hygiene procedures, ecology, psycho-emotional background.

Shiny, strong and strong curls are not only external beauty, but also an indicator of internal health.

The term trichoclasia refers to increased fragility. The main cause of the anomaly is infections transmitted by the mother during pregnancy.

Trichoclasia is divided into two types:

Trichokinesis (twisted hair) - such an anomaly of the rod first becomes noticeable up to two years.

With this disease, the hair is coarse, of different lengths, tough, they are practically devoid of natural shine. Some children have alopecia areata.

The damaged rod has flattened sections and grooves, bends around its axis at different angles. A weak degree of twist is most often a variant of the norm.

With pathology, the curls cannot be combed normally, they are constantly tangled and pulled out.

Trichokinesis is found mainly in girls. By about eight years old, the number of healthy hair increases, and twisted curls against their background become subtle.


One of the most rare anomalies... Monilethrix appears in the first months of life, not only the scalp is affected, but also eyebrows, eyelashes and other areas with hair growth.

The disease is characterized by the appearance of thinning and thickening on the hair shaft. Thickened areas look darker on light strands. ...

In areas of thinning, the hair breaks off, and therefore the hairline on the head rarely reaches more than one and a half centimeters in length.

With moniletrix, congenital changes in the innervation of the skin are noted, and this becomes the cause of deformation of the hair follicles.

Gradually, the curls become too dry, thinner and break. The disease is accompanied by the development of follicular hyperkeratosis.

Hair loss

Excessive hair loss is caused by various provoking factors. It can be both internal diseases and direct damage to the follicles.

In people of age, thinning of the hair is associated with age-related changes.


The term alopecia refers to progressive hair loss leading to partial or complete baldness. Alopecia are divided into, focal and.

The problem can affect both men and women, with this cosmetic defect most people after 50 years.

Baldness not only worsens the appearance, but also delivers a lot of psycho-emotional experiences.

An effective treatment for alopecia is quite difficult to find without finding out the root cause of excessive hair loss. In some cases, a trichologist may prescribe the lifelong use of a number of external agents to restore the thickness of the hairline.

Other hair diseases


The term hypertrichosis in medicine means increased hair growth in different parts of the body - back, hips, forearms, abdomen, buttocks, chest. ...

This hair growth is not caused by the action of androgens. The disease occurs in women and men, while another pathology with similar manifestations - hirsutism can only be in women.

The main causes of hypertrichosis:

  • Congenital gene mutations resulting from the impact of adverse factors on the developing fetus;
  • Long-term use of certain medications;
  • Consequences of TBI.

Treatment is selected based on the data of hormonal and dermatological examination of a person.

If a effective drugs from hypertrichosis cannot be picked up, then the patient is offered the removal of unnecessary hair by the method of electrolysis.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: and how to treat the disease.

Excessive greasiness of the curls occurs due to the increased activity of the sebaceous glands located in the scalp.

Oily curls almost always look untidy, oily, they get dirty easily and quickly, glued locks appear.

With oily hair, the problem does not even help to solve frequent washing scalp, and styling into a beautiful hairstyle is almost impossible.

With oily hair, a professional approach is required to eliminate the defect. It is necessary not only to consult a trichologist, but also to be examined by a gastroenterologist, dermatologist, endocrinologist.

Complex treatment consists in the use of special lotions, balms and shampoos.

The patient is prescribed physiotherapy - darsonvalization, mesotherapy, it is recommended to use phytoseeds, medicinal serums, masks.

Early gray hair is indicated by the appearance of a large number of gray hair before the age of 25 and discoloration of most of the curls before the age of 40.

The problem arises due to the disruption of the functioning of melanocytes, which in turn is caused by various internal changes in the body.

To stop early graying, you need to consult a trichologist in time, take tests to find out the indicators of trace elements and vitamins in the blood, and determine the ratio of thyroid hormones.

The process of discoloration of curls slows down after a course of head massage, by means of mesotherapy, masks and various hardware procedures help in this.

Hair with a diameter of less than 50 microns is considered thin. Such curls are extremely soft, they quickly get tangled, they are difficult to comb and they lack volume.

The thickness and density of hair is increased with the help of various ampoule preparations, serums, professional masks; mesotherapy and scalp massage give good results.

But in order to achieve a noticeable result, the help of a trichologist is required.

Hairdressers can also help solve the problem. Keratin prosthetics of curls, their lamination and extension make curls stronger, thicker and more attractive.

Loss of moisture inside the rod can be caused by improper coloration and thermal effects. In rare cases, this anomaly occurs with nodular trichoclasia.

It is possible to return the hair to its normal state only by eliminating the main cause of the changes. Additionally, the trichologist prescribes the use of funds that enhance the moisture and strength of the curls. Pathological changes in the structure of the hair and diseases of the scalp have a specific reason for their appearance.

A complete examination will allow you to understand what caused the deterioration of the condition of the curls, and this, in turn, is the most important thing in the choice of drugs that help solve the cosmetic and dermatological problem.

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