What gives blood for blood for the body. Being a donor is useful

June 14 - World Blood Donor Day, and not just a person who shared his blood with her neighbors, but who made it free. True, there are rumors that donors do not just give up blood - whether youth retain longer, whether they fall into dependence, akin to the narcotic ... As the donation is affected on the body, Medaboutme was sought.

Donation is paid and gratuitous (free). In developed countries, the percentage of gratuitous donors from the total population is an average of 5%. The goal of donation development policies around the world is that all donation is free. This is not only more profitable for the state, but also reduces the risks of obtaining "bad" blood from the population.

Research on the topic of benefit and harm blood donation is carried out for a long time. They pursue a few goals:

  • reveal the effect of regular losses of blood or its elements on human health;
  • determine the ability of the human body to restore after blood loss or its elements;
  • determine the risk boundaries for the human body when handing blood;
  • develop motivational programs promoting free donation.

Types of donation

  • Delivery of whole blood.

Usually in one procedure in Russia, a healthy solid blood donor loses about 450 ml of blood, in the US, one-time blood circuit is 480 ml (1 pint). Full recovery It is observed in about 8 weeks.

  • Plasmapheresis.

In this case, the method of donation in humans take blood, centrifuged it, the plasma is taken, and blood elements are diluted with saline and inject donor to the body. The volume taken at a plasma does not exceed 600 ml. Recovery after the plasmapheresis procedure takes 2 weeks.

  • Thrombocitherase.

From the blood of the donor only platelets take place, and its remaining components are poured back. This is a more complex procedure than the delivery of solid blood and plasmapheresis. The volume obtained as a result of the platelet mass is approximately 450 ml. Recovery takes about 2-3 weeks.

  • Erythrocytaferes.

In the donation of erythrocytes, respectively, only red blood calves take away from the donor, and everything else is returned back to the body. The recovery period is about 1 month.

  • Immune plasma donation.

The purpose of this procedure is to obtain plasma with finished antibodies to a certain infection. To do this, the donor must first work out these antibodies, that is, make vaccination.

The total volume of blood from the average person is approximately 5 liters, that is, during solid blood donation, a person gives almost 10% of the total. In this case, the organism of the donor loses about 225-250 mg of heme - this is a complex of bivalent iron and porphyrin, the necessary element of hemoglobin, an oxygen carrier in human blood. This means that the supply of an organism is deteriorated by oxygen. But the human body has a mass of compensatory mechanisms, which allow us to share blood without applying significant damage. What happens after blood flow:

  • Baroreceptors (pressure receptors) located in the arc of Aorte and sleepy arteries, Fix a decrease in blood volume. Signals from symptic nervous system come to heart, forcing it more actively work, and to the easy, changing their diffusion ability;
  • The secretion of antidiuretic hormone, which regulates the amount of water in the human body and narrows blood vessels;
  • Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) - a hormonal system that regulates blood volume in the body and arterial pressure;
  • The release in response to the lack of oxygen of the hormone erythropoietin, which launches the processes of erythropoese - the formation of erythrocytes, etc.

Blood delivery and capillary bloodletting

Speaking about the benefits of donation, experts lead as an example of the method of capillary bleeding, also known as "Wet Hijam". The method is obliged to ISLAMA with its name and origin. The first mentions of Him are found in the teachings of the Islamic prophet Mohammed, and today this method is popular in the countries of the Muslim world. Since the XV century, capillary bleeding appeared in Finnish saunas. In the vessels, Finnish healers used a horns with a special mechanism for creating a vacuum. This method still use adherents folk Medicine in Finland.

The essence of the method: banks or their analogue are put on the selected skin section by creating a vacuum. After 3 minutes, the vessel is removed and superficial cuts are applied on the skin, after which the bank is put again. Due to the vacuum, a small amount of blood accumulates in a vessel. In antiquity it was believed that this is "bad" blood from which to get rid of.

Scientists in the process of commissioning the blood donor removed indicators indicating the level of oxidative stress in the body. It turned out that the procedure leads to its decrease - as well as capillary bloodletting. According to the researchers, with donation there is an increase in the level of the antioxidant enzyme superoxiddismutase, which leads to inhibiting or eliminating the active forms of oxygen, destructively acting on the body.

To date, a considerable amount of observations of donors has been accumulated, but in most cases the detected dependencies in the change in the experimental conditions are confirmed weakly or not confirmed at all.

One of the most popular donor state scientists is the level of ferritin in the blood. Ferritin is a protein that allows the body to store iron in non-toxic forms for it. It is also called the "depot of iron". At the same time, ferritin is a protein of an acute phase of inflammation, that is, its concentration in the blood increases in response to inflammatory process. Since Ferritin is the main place of storage of iron in the human body, its concentration allows you to judge how much it is available.

Serum ferritin indicators must be within certain limits of the norm:

  • if ferritin is too much, it can talk about hemakhromatosis, various chronic inflammatory diseases, on the whole, a number of autoimmune and oncological ailments, as well as the abuse of alcohol, etc.
  • if ferritin is too little, it means that hemoglobin in the body is not enough, for example, with anemia.

Research results: donation benefits

  • Observing the level of ferritin in serum, scientists concluded that donation reduces iron levels in the body, and at the same time - and the risk of cardiovascular diseases. As a result, blood donors by 88% suffer less often from acute infarction Myocardium.
  • Elevated level Ferritin speaks of a high risk of oxidative stress, which in itself is a provoking factor in different diseases. Therefore, donation in which the body loses iron, reduces the risk of developing oncological diseases, such as colon cancer, lungs, liver, stomach and esophagus.
  • Donation indirectly improves patients with metabolic syndrome Against the background of obesity, as it reduces the level of blood pressure and the risks of cardiovascular diseases in general.
  • Blood donation also reduces the level of proteins of the acute phase of inflammation, which are responsible for the manifestations of inflammatory reactions in the body. With excessive production in the body, the risk of damage to cell membranes and tissues, the development of a number of metabolic processes, which underlie some autoimmune diseases endocrine system, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, sugar diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, etc.), rheumatoid arthritis and aging processes.

In general, it must be said that there is no indisputable evidence of the benefits of one-time or regular donation for the body. No theories of "blood updates", etc. Do not work in practice. The only thing that can confidently argue that constant donors are generally more healthy people at least, because they prefer to follow their health in order to continue to benefit humanity.

  • Donation is an increased risk of developing iron deficiency, which means the risk of developing anemia and other states associated with the lack of this element. This danger is fully compensated proper nutrition Before and after blood.
  • There is an assumption that constant blooduits affect the permeability of capillaries, which are engaged in blood supply to alveoli - pulmonary bubbles, where gas exchange occurs. Perennial donation, according to some scientists, leads to a deterioration in the permeability of the alveolar-capillary membrane.
  • There is also an unproved theory that the activation of cell proliferation processes is harmful to the body. Proliferation is an active neoplasm, the reproduction of cells by dividing, which leads to an increase in the volume of tissues. The constant removal of red blood cells causes the body to more actively produce new red blood tales. And, according to some scientists, it increases the risk of education malignant tumors Tissues, where hematopoisis is bleale-forming. Such fabrics include a red bone marrow, spleen, fork iron and lymph nodes.

Speaking O. potential harm Donation, it should also be said: there are no obvious evidence of the harm of this health procedure - unless of course comply with all the rules of preparation and exit from it. True, there is an opinion that the healthy lifestyle of donors masks all the negative manifestations of regular blood delivery. But in response to such a statement, you can only rejoice for donors and their organisms - they can do it very successfully.

Service online
  • General analyzes
  • Biochemistry of blood
  • Hormones

In the fog of myths

Questions about whether it is useful to donate blood, or not, despite numerous articles and telecasts about it, still arise. The older generation is much better aware of this thanks to the widespread in the USSR from the mid-1950s with free donation. By the mid-1980s, four of the five Soviet donors handed over their blood for free. But by the beginning of the XXI century there was a serious crisis: a thousand Russians accounted for only 13 donors. Now the situation with blood surrender is slowly improving. Unfortunately, in many ways it is inhibited by its not only the ignorance of secondary and junior generation, but also pseudo-stage associated with blood delivery, which periodically launch the media yellow sense. It is not surprising that there are so many myths around the donation.

Check like blood!

Anyone who came to the transfusiology center (to the blood transfusion station), could make sure that there is no risk to infect with donation: the entire toolkit is disposable, stored sealed, revealed only before surrendering blood and in the presence of the donor itself. But is it useful to donate blood for human organism? Research convincingly prove: yes! Delivery of blood reduces increased blood pressure. A small blood loss (450 ml), which significantly affects the state of a healthy person, includes several protective mechanisms in the body at once. Bone marrow starts to work actively. Old erythrocytes and leukocytes that have become harmful to blood systemReplaced with new ones. Additional Effect - Strengthening immune system. Regular blood delivery (for men - 5 times a year, for women - 4) sets the body to a specific scheme of action during blood loss. Therefore, in a situation where the donor opens abundant bleeding (for example, at an accident), it has more chances to survive. In addition, a number of analyzes for which you usually need to upset, before surrendering blood is made free.

The deficit kills

With the question of whether it is useful to donate blood, it seems everything is clear. But is it necessary? After all, blood is so grab! This is truly a deadly myth for those to whom it is related. The deficit of donor blood is felt every day and everywhere. And since 2008, when such a state of affairs was recognized as the country's security, too little time passed so that the situation was significantly improved. Even if you come to donate blood with mercantile purposes (to get monetary compensation or hot meals), know: the principle "one donor is one saved human life" is still valid. Well, those who give blood on the call of the heart, and nothing needs to say. Such people are truly on the weight of gold.

It happens that it is impossible

After such words it would be surprising to find out that it was harmful to donate blood. But this is true only in some cases. Donation may cause damage to the health of those who have less than 18 years and more than 65 who weigh less than 50 kg, who has no temperature, blood pressure and hemoglobin not fit into the regulatory limits, as well as who has conducted a sleepless night or in the morning breakfast . Women during critical days plus-minus week, pregnant and nursing mothers are also not worth dating blood. In addition, there is a list of absolute (not having limitations) and temporary contraindications to donation.

Everything is very simple

How to hand over blood, you will tell you any transfusionist. I would like to draw attention to the need in the morning easy to breakfast, abandon alcohol (48 hours before blood and 24 hours after) and smoking (hour before and hour after). At the end of the procedure, two hours should not be sitting behind the wheel and at least 10 days can not be made any vaccinations. By fulfilling all the recommendations, you can easily transfer a small blood loss and quickly restore your health.

The choice is yours

You can be sure: no drop of blood than you will disappear in the Blood. And do not think about whether it is useful to donate blood. Alas, trouble can happen. No one is insured from her. And a full blood bank - a ray of hope for those who need urgent transfusion, who is on the edge of the face between life and death. Do you have enough courage to put your 450 milliliters on the bowl of the life of another person so that it turns out?

Blood is a living organ, and the artificial analogue has not yet been created. Every third resident of the planet at least once in life needs it ..

In fact, blood transfusion is a transplantation of alive fabric, transplantation. In many cases, it is donor blood Saves the patient's life.

A bit of history

Blood transfusion originated in Russia as early as early XIX century. In 1832, Wolf first overflow a woman's blood and saved it from uterine bleeding after childbirth.

AB0 systemIt provides for the presence of specific proteins - agglutinogenic A and V. in red blood cells (erythrocytes) on this system: the first (0) - agglutinogens are missing, the second (a) is present agglutinogen A, the third (B) - - Accordingly, there is agglutinogen in and fourth (AB) - there are both agglutinogen, the rare blood type.

However, the scientifically based blood transfusion has become possible only after the creation of a doctrine of immunite (I. I. Mechnikov, P. Erlich, 1908) and the discovery of blood bands of the AVO System Austrian scientist Kiro Landshteiner (1900), for which in 1930 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1930 .

Why the blood is useful

Blood is not harmful. Doctors believe that even useful. From the Middle Ages, many diseases were treated with bleeding. And so far, it is used in some states. It is useful, for example, with hypertension, women in the climax. And men, adapting their body to possible blood loss- When injuries, stomach ulcers and for other reasons. In general, regular blood delivery launches self-renewal processes in the body and, according to numerous studies, serves as the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. For example, men donors have a risk of getting a heart attack several times. In addition, doctors note, blood delivery is a huge moral satisfaction and a rise in mood for a long time.

Who gives

Resh factorThis is an antigen (protein), which is on the surface of red blood cells - red blood cells. About 85% of Europeans (99% of the Indians and Asians) have a rhesus factor and, accordingly, are reserves-positive. The remaining 15% (7% of the Africans), who do not have it, - Rh-negative.

Any donor can be any, for this only a passport and desire are needed. At the point of blood transfusion, you will take the necessary analyzes and immediately make them. Defined: blood type and rhesus factor, data general analysis blood (hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocytes, SE), as well as markers of pathogens transmitted with blood infections: syphilis, HIV and hepatitis viruses in and C. All results are certainly confidential.

Next you will be cast to a medical examination, during which the doctor will measure pressure, the temperature, check the pulse, asks for well-being. You will be asked to fill in the "donor's questionnaire" with detailed questions about the state of health and transferred diseases.

There is a whole list of taps from blood delivery. To become a donor, you need to have good health and do not attend the risk of blood transmitted with blood and sexually by infections. Blood can not be handed over if you have suffered a surgical operation for six months, and during the year a piercing or tattoo was made. Women's taps are more: pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation.

What do blood donate

Blood is taken either solid, or its components - plasma, erythrocyte mass or platelets. If you rent solid blood, then you will receive a certain volume at a time: the maximum dose is 450 ml, it is possible, it is less, this is solved by a doctor, - and in time it will take about 15 minutes. When taking components, such as plasmapheresse, your blood is passed through a special system that separates plasma from cells and collects in a separate container. The remaining blood is back poured by donor. This procedure takes about 40 minutes.

Plasma after delivery is restored in the body in a few days, blood - within a month. It is recommended to donate the blood of men no more than five times a year, women - no more than four times a year. Plasma can be passing more often.

Every third need blood

Every year the blood is needed one and a half million Russians. Each third resident of the Earth at least once in life needs blood transfusion.

There are people who need blood for life for life. This is primarily patients with hemophilia - non-blank blood. Such people have platelets are not produced in the body, they have needed adequate supporting therapy since childhood, and then they live, no difference from ordinary people. And without coagulation factors, the life of such patients is simply impossible.

In donor blood, patients with oncological diseases. The rigid treatment of malignant tumors implies the murder of cancer cells, but healthy and well-forming are dying with them, and normal blood formation stops at some time. It is during this period that the patient needs supporting therapy with components of donor blood, in particular platelets, which are not even theoretically anticipated in the near future.

Donor blood is needed by patients with surgical pathology. These are people who need to prosthetize joints, cardiac surgery patients. Surgical operations Conjugate with injury of vessels, fabrics and with the need to restore lost blood components.

Blood transfusion is often required for women during childbirth. Always a certain number of women in childbirth threatening blood loss, which is also necessary to compensate for to keep the life of the mother and child.

Also in the practice of pediatrics hemolytic disease Newborn, which can be diagnosed early and is heal. For a period of such treatment, sick children need transfusions of a large number of different blood components.

Why donate blood useful, tells Evgeny Zhibourch - Academician of Raen, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Main Transfusion FSU "National Medical and Surgical Center named after N. I. Pirogov Roszdrava", Chairman of the Council of the Russian Transfusion Association.

It turns out that regular surrender blood is coming For the benefit, moreover, in many countries it is practically an attribute healthy image Life, along with proper nutrition and sports. How are we doing with this in our country, and what you need to become a "blood" friend who has fallen into trouble? A transfusiologist will tell about the secrets of blood.

Evgeny Borisovich, why is it useful to donate blood?

Thus, the prevention of the diseases of the immune system is carried out. Or so-called "accumulative diseases" caused by the problems with the metabolism. This is a gap, atherosclerosis, as well as a violation of the stomach, pancreas, liver. Studies of Finnish and American scientists have proven that regular donation reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Excess blood and its components are a large load on the heart and vessels, and an unnecessary ballast is displayed using donation. After that, the body receives a signal: it is necessary to update and reimburse the loss, which is stimulated by blood formation.

And yet, oddly enough, donation is excellent prevention of blood loss. The body, accustomed to actively produce blood, will be restored faster in a critical situation. For the same reason, women live longer men, because there are regular blood luminosity in their lives.

How often can blood handy

Men - no more 5 times a year, women are no more 4 timesin year.

Do good people are very nice and, as it turns out, useful ...

Yes, and from everyday point of view is an emotional lift after committing a kind business and a great opportunity to pass a medical examination several times a year, and absolutely free. Somatic health is closely connected with mental - our donors are cheerful people who follow themselves.

With the benefit, we figured out. And the donor really does not risk anything?

In the presence of modern equipment - nothing. Disposable blood intake devices and are arranged so that they cannot be re-using them.

How to behave after the procedure?

It is best to rest. By the way, donors laid two days out. At that moment, a person really needs energy for blood formation, so it is important to high-quality, full-fledged nutrition. To restore the normal volume and blood composition, the body will need no more than two weeks.

Who can become a donor

  • Any older man 18 years and younger 60 .
  • Weight should not be less than 50 kg.
  • Body temperature - not higher than 37 0 s.
  • Permissible systolic pressure - from 90 to 160. mm RT. Art . , diastolic - from 60 to 100.mm RT. Art.
  • Pulse - no more than 100 and at least 50 Boots per minute.
  • For blood donation is allowed only after consultation therapist-transfusion.

You mentioned a donor survey. And the blood obtained is additionally processed?

Today, donor blood is safe than ever. But, like any method of treatment, absolutely eliminate the possibility side Effects It is impossible. Unfortunately, no one is insured against accidents. In general, blood passes through several steps of processing, before getting to the patient, not to mention the donors carefully selected. First of all, it is a high-quality laboratory examination to identify signs of infections (HIV, hepatitis, syphilis). But someone else's blood inevitably carries foreign components. It may be viruses that we do not even know. As well as laboratory screening In recently, we apply the so-called methods of inactivation of pathogens in donor plasma and platelet concentrates. All harmful elements at blood transfusion stations are destroyed, the blood is maximally cleaned.

And modern equipment that allows you to do quickly and efficiently, is there anywhere?

Thanks to the National Health Project, almost all major blood transfusion stations have high-quality imported equipment. And there are doctors who know how to do it all. Although there may be difficulties in small settlements.

Japan can be brought as an example of an effective organization of donor surveys. Blood overflow stations there are around the clock. Several dozen employees work in three shifts. And these are not doctors, but technicians. Such a practically fully automated approach is promoted by the World Health Organization. By the way, it is estimated that it reduces the risk of an error by 98%. We have something to strive for.

How do blood stored? It can be replaced by someartificial composition ?

Typically, blood is divided into three components and stored separately. This is the most reasonable method. After all, blood consists of plasma and various particles of cells, which have different density. With the help of the centrifuge, we can divide it into the components. As a result, we obtain red blood cells (red blood cellscarrying oxygen), plasma (liquid part containing proteins and blood coagulation factors), platelets (blood plates responsible for clotting). They are all getting from one portion of blood, so the donor saves three people right away.

Best of all the situation with the replacement of plasma. There are more and more plasma protein drugs, including recombinant - DNA of which created artificially. These drugs are overflowing, for example, mainly in hemophilia (blood clotting violation). And get by the way nice results. A little more difficult is the case with red blood cells, although there are several domestic and foreign deputy drugs, including the American medicine that is made from the blood of bulls. But to find an adequate replacement platelet, alas, until it turns out.

And the method when transfuse your own blood, is still in demand?

Not anymore. Indications for the transfusion of own (autogenic) blood is exactly the same as the allogeneic (donor), therefore, in the world, an increasingly restrained attitude towards the preoperative blood reservation of the patient. If earlier, when information about HIV infection appeared, up to 10% of operations were performed on autogenic blood, now only 1.5%, since this may worsen the state of the patient, and it requires expensive surveys. In my clinic, we turn out autocrain only those who find it difficult to pick up.

In addition, the surgery is becoming increasingly gentle, and donor blood harvested for the operation is often spent completely. However, it can still be used for another person. While the remaining autologous blood is thrown away. In the US, this occurs in 50% of cases. Now in a number of complex operations, another type of autohemotransfusion is used - reinfusion, that is, the patient's blood is washed on a special device and returns again to the vascular direction.

Is the treatment of natural blood effectively, the so-called autohemotherapy? Or is it another pumping money from the population? Many are sure that the immunity is so stimulated and the organism is rejuvenated.

The essence of this procedure is that autologous blood is injected intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Blood cells are destroyed, special molecules - cytokines fall into circulation, changing immune responses. It is believed that in this way you can stimulate the processes of restoration and resistance to infections. All this is quite individually. But the scientific evidence of the effectiveness of autohemotherapy is not yet.

What do you think about so fashionable plasmolifting now? Injections of blood plasma are offered to smooth out wrinkles, cure teeth, strengthen the hair ...

There is no evidence of the effectiveness of this technology.

Does the temperament depend on the character of a person, its innate tasks and abilities from the blood type? I know, in Japan, at one time I could not even take a job with the "unsuitable" blood.

We live in the age of evidence medicine. The system of blood groups AVO is the most famous, but it is only one of 32 existing ones. Over 320 special antigen molecules are revealed on the surface of the erythrocytes, which are genetic markers of cells of a particular person. Of course, they are involved in metabolism and determine the characteristics of the body - for example, its resistance to infections. But scientific data on the defining effect of the phenotype (that is, the structure and functioning) of erythrocytes on the temperament and the character of the person is again not.

Blood group diet

Nowadays, a diet for a blood group is very popular. Its essence is that food is divided into useful, neutral and harmful to the human body depending on its blood type. With the exception of the diet of the meal that is poorly absorbed, we help the body to cleanse the toxins accumulating mainly in fatty tissues. As a result - the process of weight loss is started. There is a lot of skeptics that consider this method is not effective, calling the main cause of weight loss - the very fact of power regulation.

If you think that it is harmful to donate blood, then this article is for you. The hereditary is the process to which the body evolutionary adapts during the fighting and wars. For a healthy person, the loss of a standard blood dose, which is 450 ml, in no case affects physiological functions and well-being. Moreover, bloodletting has a healing effect. In addition, now to pass the blood, you need to pass a thorough medical examination, and the doctor will tell in detail in detail how to give blood, and will not allow the slightest risk to your health, as the state takes care of the security of donors and patients.

Nowadays, many potential donors are interested in the question, is it useful to donate blood?

The benefits of donation for the body lies in the fact that during the hereditary, the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the immune system, pancreas, atherosclerosis, digestive disorders, and resistance to blood loss is produced during accidents, operations, burns or accidents. Also, donation can derive ballast from the body in the form of an excess of blood and its elements, extend your youth by stimulating the bleeding and self-renewal of the body and, of course, bring considerable satisfaction from your best deal. You still doubt whether it is useful to donate blood?

Donation activates the bleeding system - cells and increases immunity. On the body affects the unloading of the spleen and the liver, and according to the latest data, the risk of atherosclerosis, thrombosis and Finnish scientists claim that men who give blood are reduced by the risk of infarction in dozens of times, and American researchers report that men donors are much Less often suffer from heart attacks. Regular bloodstream holds cholesterol at a low level.

When donated blood, the prevention of all the so-called gout includes, violation of the digestion and activity of the pancreas, as well as diseases of the main metabolism and liver. The heights are also useful in preventive purposes.

If you still doubt whether it is useful to donate blood, remember that those donors who constantly pass blood are among the most healthy people in the world! According to WHO, the donors live for 5 years more than the average person.

Blood donors may not be afraid of health, since absolutely all procedures are performed by one-time sterile systems under the control of the doctor.

The donor can be a capable person who reached 18 years of age, a medical examination was held and has permanent registration. He is relying two rounds, one of which falls on the day of blood delivery, and the second on the choice of the donor itself, the definition of a group of diseases such as HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, as well as a doctor's inspection.

The donor infection is absolutely excluded, since doctors use individual disposable blood supply systems, and the feelings of bloodstairs are purely individual, but most donors are absolutely not experiencing painful sensations. Some people experience a tide of cheerfulness and the desire to work, and absolutely everyone feel a lot of positive emotions from what they helped save lives!

For 30-40 days is completely restored. The process is absolutely safe and does not cause any harm to the body. To ensure complete safety, the blood of the donor is subjected to quarantination and after six months the donor must pass a re-examination, according to the results of which blood is submitted to urban hospitals. So what do you think it is useful to donate blood?

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