Ultrasonic teeth cleaning procedure. Ultrasound teeth cleaning - reviews, before and after

A popular procedure at Dentalroott clinics is the removal of dental plaque with ultrasound. Ultrasonic scaler, vibrating, removes stone, plaque. The method is suitable for removing stubborn formations. The tools, thanks to the special sharpening, do not injure the tissues. The popularity of the procedure is determined by the efficiency and price.

About the procedure

The selected frequency, the amplitude of the oscillations affects the area where the dental tissue is separated from the stone. This allows:

  • to act without pain, harm;
  • separate stone, other deposits, completely cleaning the surface;
  • restore the natural color of the enamel.

Purposes of ultrasonic cleaning:

  • remove pigmentation;
  • remove the stone in the supragingival and subgingival areas;
  • clean the enamel to establish the color (before restoration);
  • clean before fluoridating treatment (to protect the enamel);
  • clean the surface before bleaching;
  • clean the heads of the implants.

Hygienic treatment involves removing soft and hard deposits, including hard-to-reach areas.

They are cleaned without anesthesia, but if necessary, individual teeth and mucous membranes are anesthetized. This is necessary when removing plaque in the subgingival or supragingival area with an ultrasonic tip.

How is the procedure going?

  1. The doctor examines the condition of the teeth.
  2. The patient is covered with a blanket, goggles and a hat are put on.
  3. A saliva ejector is applied under the tongue.
  4. Cleans from plaque, stone. A scaler with a nozzle is used, which performs fast oscillations of the ultrasonic frequency. Cleaning is carried out under the condition of alternating direction of the nozzle from one tooth to another along the surface. At the same time, a medicinal mixture or water is fed through the tip. Discharge through a saliva ejector.
  5. The surface is polished with a paste, brush. Strips are used - strips with an abrasive composition - for processing hard-to-reach areas.
  6. Fluoride. This stage is optional, it is performed by agreement with the patient. The goal is enamel strengthening and caries prevention. A fluoride gel is applied to the surface.

The duration depends on the condition of the teeth - 30-60 minutes.

The nuances of applying the technique

Ultrasonic cleansing works in combination with other methods:

  • with preventive cleaning "Air Flow", when ultrasonic waves are fed into the oral cavity together with a stream of water, soda and air;
  • with curettage of periodontal pockets, if there is a stone under the gum.

It is helpful to start treatment with ultrasonic cleaningto ensure the connection of the dental tissue with the material. Cleans by a periodontist or dental hygienist.

When do you need Air Flow cleansing?

Indications for use:

  • insufficient oral hygiene;
  • darkening of the enamel due to pigmentation and plaque;
  • upcoming whitening;
  • upcoming treatment by an orthodontist;
  • the need to clean prostheses, implants;
  • caries;
  • bleeding gums;
  • bad smell.

Cleaning results

  • teeth are cleaned of dark plaque, they become smooth, which reduces the likelihood of plaque retention;
  • restore the natural color of the enamel;
  • prevent tissue damage, the development of diseases;
  • accurately determine the color at the next restoration;
  • effective prevention periodontal disease.

Disadvantages of ultrasonic cleaning:

  • contraindications for conducting;
  • risk of damage to soft tissues, dentin.

Contraindications for conducting

  • HIV, hepatitis, tuberculosis;
  • ARVI;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • orthopedic structures installed;
  • rehabilitation after eye surgery, heart (the patient must notify the doctor);
  • children or adolescence.

Preparation is performed before carrying out:

  • antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity;
  • applying the gel to the surface for conduction.

After that, the doctor starts cleaning the teeth.

  • smoking;
  • use coloring products.

The method is used in the following directions:

  • periodontology;
  • orthodontics;
  • implantology and dental surgery;
  • endodontics.

For each method, attachments are installed, instruments are selected.

Why is air flow and ultrasound cleaning necessary?

Hardware cleaning is indicated for adult patients, regardless of the state of the oral cavity. Even if there are no visible problems, you should not skip the session. Dental calculus:

  • increases the risk of developing an infection;
  • causes bleeding of the gums;
  • violates the integrity of the enamel;
  • negatively affects the health of the child in a pregnant woman.
  • remove products from the diet that contain dyes;
  • exclude smoking;
  • carry out hygiene procedures;
  • get regular dental checkups to keep things clean.

What does the result depend on?

Determining indicators of successful cleansing:

  • high-quality equipment;
  • high qualification, experience of a doctor.

Our patients choose Dentalroott clinics.

The patient influences the durability of the result, following the recommendations:

  • use dental floss, antiseptics, rinses;
  • repeat the cleaning procedure regularly;
  • to choose toothpaste with the least amount of abrasive components and chemical components.

Teeth cleaning with ultrasonic devices is the most demanded and effective hygienic procedure in dentistry. This method allows you to get rid of age spots and dental calculi of any massiveness and localization. In addition, it is safe, does not damage crowns and gums and is easily tolerated by patients.

But there are reviews about the dangers of ultrasonic cleaning. And they are true: careless manipulation or the use of outdated devices leads to serious consequences that will have to be eliminated for a long time and costly. How the hygienic procedure should be carried out, what mistakes the doctor can make and where in Moscow is it better to remove dental deposits - described in the review. Read also about withdrawal, for whom it is suitable.

Ultrasonic cleaning of teeth from tartar, what is it?

Ultrasonic cleaning of teeth is carried out with special devices - scalers or scalers. They consist of:

  • two blocks: control and oscillation generation;
  • liquid supply systems - distilled water or an antiseptic solution with fragrances;
  • tip;
  • of several types of tips: the dentist chooses their type depending on clinical picture, for example, a nozzle with a blunt and wide tip is used to remove hard deposits, and a long and narrowed tip is used to remove subgingival calculus.

During operation, the scaler creates ultrasonic vibrations with a frequency of 25-50 kHz - their strength is chosen depending on the massiveness of the deposits, the condition of the gums and enamel of the patient. These vibrations are transmitted to the handpiece and then to the tip. When a working attachment is carried along the surface of the teeth, the mineralized plaque is physically destroyed.

In addition to mechanical action, cleansing also occurs due to the effect of cavitation. The antibacterial solution is supplied not only for washing out the destroyed deposits and for antiseptic treatment. Ultrasound in a liquid medium forms many microscopic bubbles that explode on contact with the surface and also destroy mineralized formations.

Ultrasonic cleaning of teeth is carried out with scalers or scalers

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is a universal hardware hygienic procedure. It allows you to get rid of deposits of any type:

  • soft bacterial plaque;
  • pigmented plaque;
  • supragingival calculus;
  • subgingival deposits.

No other device for removing plaque and stone has such a multifaceted spectrum of action.


Ultrasound cleaning consists of a set of three procedures:

  • directly removing plaque and stones with a scaler;
  • polishing crowns;
  • strengthening the enamel and its saturation with useful substances.

Polishing is a mandatory step. If the teeth remain rough, plaque will quickly re-attach to them.

In conventional ultrasonic cleaning, polishing is carried out manually using special brushes and pastes. This option is considered classic.

Air Flow cleaning removes all types of deposits

But there is another way of polishing - using ("Air Flow"). This device removes the remaining plaque and makes the crowns smooth by treating the units with a water-air mixture with abrasive particles.

Air Flow polishing is the best option. But it increases the cost of the procedure by 2-4 thousand rubles. In addition, the combination of the two methods is no longer considered conventional ultrasonic cleaning, but professional oral hygiene.

Phased ultrasound cleaning of teeth:

  • examination of the oral cavity, determination of the massiveness and localization of deposits;
  • application or infiltration anesthesia - in general, cleaning is painless, but with increased sensitivity of the teeth (hyperesthesia) or removal of calculus from periodontal pockets, local anesthesia is needed;
  • installation of a mouth retractor is a special soft lip retractor that does not allow the patient to close the lips, provides good overview and access to teeth;
  • the introduction of a saliva ejector - it removes saliva and an antiseptic solution that is supplied during the procedure;
  • direct removal of deposits: first, plaque and calculus are cleaned from the supragingival part of the teeth, then along the gingival border, and then from periodontal pockets;
  • polishing and grinding of crowns;
  • treatment of units with preparations for fluoridation and / or remineralization;
  • if necessary - washing the gums antiseptic solutions and application of anti-inflammatory gels to them.

Ultrasonic cleaning allows you to get rid of all types of plaque

Advantages and disadvantages

Cleaning of crowns with ultrasound is considered the best because of its many advantages:

  1. Versatility. Scalers can clean plaque and stone of any massiveness and localization.
  2. Antiseptic action. It is achieved by irrigating the teeth with antibacterial solutions and the antimicrobial effect of cavitation. This property is especially useful for patients with periodontitis: after the use of ultrasound, the maximum disinfection of periodontal pockets is achieved, as a result of which the gums heal faster.
  3. The ability to customize the device for different needs. The frequency of ultrasonic vibrations is selected individually, taking into account the condition of the patient's teeth and gums. The same applies to attachments - here the priority depends on the location of the stone.
  4. Massage the gums. Ultrasonic vibrations additionally massage the mucous membrane, which contributes to the normalization of trophism and metabolic processes in the tissues.
  5. Sparing impact. Ultrasound cleaning removes only 0.1 microns of dental tissue. For comparison, during manual stone removal by curettes, 5-25 microns of enamel are damaged (statistics are taken from the dental information portal “MyDentist” https://bit.ly/2DGbjHY
  6. Elimination unpleasant odor... The effect is achieved by removing plaque, coupled with an antiseptic treatment.
  7. Brightening the enamel. Scalers are not able to bleach enamel fabrics. But due to the removal of stones, pigmented plaques and teeth polishing, they become lighter by 1-2 tones.
  8. Long-term effect of the procedure. Plaque will re-accumulate in 6-12 months.

Scalers can clean plaque and stone of any massiveness and localization

The advantages of cleaning with scalers also include a short duration. But this parameter is relative. So, if the patient has only supragingival deposits, then one visit lasting 30-60 minutes will be needed to eliminate them. But massive subgingival stones are removed in several steps: in half an hour or an hour it is impossible to detect and remove all formations located deep in the periodontal pockets.

It is worth considering the disadvantages of ultrasound cleaning:

  1. The discomfort. Although advertisements often claim that the procedure is painless, this is not entirely true. At the very least, unpleasant sensations are guaranteed. However, they are quite tolerable if you have healthy gums. But with inflammation of the mucous membrane, ask for anesthesia, otherwise it will hurt.
  2. Relatively high cost. On average, cleaning both jaws costs 4-5 thousand. This amount increases if you have to work in periodontal pockets or prescribe remineralizing and anti-inflammatory therapy.
  3. Contraindications to frequent use. Any intervention, albeit minimal, nevertheless damages the tooth enamel and gums. Therefore, it is worth cleaning with ultrasound no more often than every six months, and even better - once a year.

Potential damage is also worth noting. The manipulation itself is harmless. But there are two points:

  1. Old equipment. When choosing a clinic, pay attention to the devices used. Give preference to centers that use piezoelectric scalers: Satelec, EMS, etc. In them, the tip of the nozzle moves strictly linearly along the surface of the teeth and does not damage the enamel. But in old-style scalers (magnetostrictive and sonic), the tips make elliptical and circular motion, and injure tissue.
  2. Incompetence of the doctor. Carelessness, haste or lack of experience of the dentist threaten with fatal consequences: destroyed enamel, damage to the gums, rupture of circular ligaments. Therefore, choose a specialist carefully: ask around your friends, read reviews on independent resources, ask for a preliminary consultation with a hygienist and ask him in detail how and with what devices he will carry out ultrasound cleaning.

Supragingival deposits can be removed in 30-60 minutes

The situation is aggravated if the subgingival calculus needs to be removed. In such cases, it is better to contact not a hygienist, but a periodontist dentist: he will not only remove mineralized deposits, but also carry out the necessary treatment.

Indications and contraindications

It is advisable to clean the crowns with ultrasound if there is:

  • pigmented plaque from tea, coffee, cigarettes;
  • supra- or subgingival stone;
  • swelling and bleeding of the gums;
  • halitosis - bad breath;
  • feeling of roughness, foreign formations on the teeth.

Ultrasound cleaning is shown to all adults - it is unrealistic to avoid the accumulation of plaque and stone even with a scrupulous attitude to hygiene. But for certain categories of patients, the procedure is required. It:

  • smokers;
  • patients with diagnosed gingivitis, periodontitis or periodontal disease;
  • people undergoing orthodontic treatment: cleaning is performed before installing braces, every 3-4 months during bite correction and every six months during the retention period;
  • examined before implantation and prosthetics.

The procedure is contraindicated for people with dental implants and prostheses.

But for people with already installed implants and prostheses, ultrasound cleaning is contraindicated. Ultrasonic waves violate the integrity of structures, can provoke their rejection and loss. More gentle hygiene procedures are recommended for such patients: Air Flow, laser cleaning.

Also, scalers cannot be used when:

  • asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • acute viral and respiratory diseases;
  • pathologies of the respiratory tract;
  • severe heart disease;
  • inflammation in the oral cavity;
  • malignant tumors in the mouth;
  • erosion of the tissues of the teeth and gums;
  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • epilepsy;
  • installed pacemaker.

Frequently asked questions from patients

Is brushing your teeth with ultrasound harmful?

If carried out correctly and in the absence of contraindications, ultrasound cleaning is harmless. On the contrary, it is even useful: the procedure normalizes trophism in tissues, helps to cure gum inflammation, and teeth cleared of calculus and plaque better absorb useful elements from paste, water and food.

The final stage is teeth polishing

Another thing is that dentists do not always use scalers correctly. They may disrupt the technique of performing the procedure or use outdated equipment that damages the enamel. In such cases, complications cannot be avoided.

How often do you brush your teeth with ultrasound?

The standard recommendation is to perform the manipulation every 6-12 months. But this term is conditional and can be shifted up or down. They are guided by the rate of formation of plaque and stones. Therefore, there are several nuances:

  • with careful hygiene and lack of bad habits (smoking, excessive consumption of coffee and black tea) cleaning is carried out less often - once every 1-1.5 years;
  • with the abuse of cigarettes, tea and coffee, frequent occurrence caries Ultrasound cleaning is required every six months;
  • patients with braces are advised to perform the manipulation every 3-4 months.

Is it painful to brush your teeth with ultrasound?

In general, the manipulation is painless. But the discomfort from ultrasound exposure is inevitable. In addition, discomfort occurs due to the separation of mineralized formations from the enamel, work in the area of \u200b\u200bsensitive necks of the teeth and gums.

Consider that it will hurt if you have:

  • deep subgingival deposits;
  • sore gums;
  • thinned enamel;
  • hyperesthesia.

Before and after cleaning

In such cases, ask for anesthesia - it will make the procedure as comfortable as possible.

Is it used in children?

Ultrasound cleaning of teeth is prohibited in childhood and adolescence until a complete change of teeth - at least 15, and better - up to 18 years.

This is due to several points:

  • in a baby with dairy units, ultrasound can disrupt the growth of molars;
  • enamel in babies (in "milk jugs" and permanent units) is more fragile than in adults;
  • the use of scalers during the change of teeth negatively affects the growth of units;
  • after a complete change of dairy units to indigenous ones, 2 years should pass - during this time, the process of enamel mineralization continues.

If a child still needs brushing, more gentle methods are used: Air Flow, mechanical treatment with special brushes and pastes.

Can ultrasound be used during pregnancy?

Ultrasonic scalers act locally and do not harm the fetus. However, it should be borne in mind that any interventions are undesirable in the 1st and 3rd trimester: at the beginning of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is high, and in the last stages the uterus is sensitive to any influence, and premature birth may occur.

The first time after cleansing it is important to adhere to the "white diet"

Therefore, it is advisable to carry out ultrasound cleaning in the 2nd trimester after consulting a gynecologist. And even better - before pregnancy at the planning stage.

Dental care after ultrasonic cleaning

The first 2-3 days after the procedure, dentists recommend following these rules:

  • exclude cold, hot, sour, solid and sticky food - sensitive to chemical, thermal and mechanical irritants;
  • buy a new toothbrush - during manipulation, the gums are slightly damaged: they become excessively susceptible to infections, and germs and bacteria can easily be brought in from the old brush;
  • use a brush with soft bristles and a paste with low abrasiveness, high content of fluorine or calcium for a couple of weeks - this will help reduce sensitivity, strengthen the enamel and prevent damage;
  • adhere to a "white" diet: after removing deposits, the enamel is more prone to staining, therefore, "dark" foods and drinks are excluded: fruit drinks, compotes, juices, carrots, beets, cherries, currants, etc .;
  • if cleaning was carried out against the background of gingivitis and periodontitis, you need to apply applications with Metrogyl Denta gel and rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine - this will relieve inflammation of the gums and accelerate healing.

Average price in Moscow - 4,500 rubles

In addition, they follow standard hygiene tips: brush your teeth at least twice a day, rinse your mouth immediately after eating, use floss and antiseptic rinses.

How much does ultrasonic teeth cleaning cost, 8 promotions and discounts in Moscow dentistry

Removing plaque and stone with ultrasound is not the cheapest procedure. In the capital's clinics, they charge 100-200 rubles for the treatment of one tooth with a scaler with polishing and varnishing. But more often they indicate the full cost for both jaws: average price in Moscow - 4 500 rubles.

Due to the high cost of manipulation, patients are looking for promotional offers. Below is a list the best dentistry Moscow, which provide discounts on ultrasonic cleaning. Promotions are relevant at the beginning of winter 2019.

Clinic Full price for complex cleaning of two jaws with ultrasound with polishing and fluoridation Discount price
The chain of clinics "Miracle Doctor" RUB 5,500 3 300 RUB
"Good Doctor" 6 840 RUB 5 260 p.
"DentaLine" 7,000 RUB 2 900 RUB
DentaTech 3,000 RUB 2400 RUB (when contacting on Sun and Mon)
"Three Dental" 4,000 RUB 2 600 RUB
"Dental-Lux" 2 500 RUB 2,000 RUB
"Dentist" 3,000 RUB 2 700 RUB (New Year's Eve 10% discount)
"Leader-Stom" 2 800 RUB 950 RUB

Please note that the table shows clinics that provide classic ultrasound cleaning (with manual polishing). There are few such centers: usually scalers are used in a complex of high-grade professional hygiene, which includes the use of ultrasound devices, "Air Flow" and fluoridation.

Ultrasonic cleaning of teeth removes deposits and microbial plaque that provokes the development of caries and gingivitis. Professional cleaning in the clinic "Zub.ru" is very effective due to the fact that the mechanical effect is combined with the effect of ultrasonic vibrations affecting the dental plaque and destroying it.

Indications and consequences

The advantages of this method of professional hygiene are its relative simplicity and low cost.


Ultrasound is not always effective enough against calculus. Sometimes it takes several brushing sessions or another method of removing deposits to deal with hard deposits.

Contraindications - hypersensitivity and thinning enamel.

Many people worry about how often you can do ultrasound cleansing. The standard recommendation is to repeat the procedure every 3-6 months (you can get more precise instructions from your doctor or hygienist.

Regular oral hygiene is essential for healthy and beautiful teeth and gums. Unfortunately, it is difficult to remove hard tartar or yellow bloomformed for months. That is why people began to wonder what it is about "ultrasonic teeth cleaning", its main advantages and disadvantages, contraindications and features of care after the procedure.

Chaotic diet and the presence of bad habits (drinking alcohol and coffee, smoking, etc.) often leads to the formation of such plaque, which is difficult to remove with a toothbrush and even high-quality expensive toothpaste. Any mechanical methods to clean the stone are futile, and the use of chemical methods can seriously destroy enamel, lead to tooth decay and increased sensitivity.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaning is an alternative to the old methods - relatively safe, but really effective method cleansing teeth from any pigmentation and deposits.

So, to give the teeth a snow-white and healthy look, an apparatus is used - an ultrasonic scaler. It conducts special ultrasound waves, which without obstacles fall on the enamel surface and clean off plaque of varying degrees of density. For each patient, the dentist individually adjusts the depth, frequency and amplitude of the waves, which allows you to achieve best effect with minimal trauma to the enamel. The tissues that were not exposed to the impact of the waves remain unharmed, that is, the procedure can be considered local.

This dental service painless. But sometimes, when cleaning teeth with ultrasound, local anesthesia is used, especially when it comes to deposits under the gums.

The duration of the procedure, as a rule, does not exceed 1 hour.

After the event, the patient physically feels the cleanliness and smoothness of the teeth, sees their polished and slightly bleached smooth surface. Just do not confuse this procedure with bleaching, which affects the enamel and can lead to minor damage to it.

By the way, ultrasound cleaning is used not only as a hygienic or preventive technique. Sometimes it is necessary to fix especially difficult fillings or restored parts of the tooth. It also acts as an excellent prevention of caries development.

Modern ultrasonic cleaning technologies

To understand in more detail what this is "ultrasonic cleaning of teeth", you should consider the complex of procedures included in it:

  1. The dentist strengthens the enamel with professional fluoride pastes.
  2. The enamel is polished and whitened. At this stage, the doctor uses a polishing rubber attachment, as well as brushes and products. Unfortunately, after such a procedure, you should save the enamel for several days, as it becomes extremely sensitive to temperature changes, sour and sweet foods.

Pros and cons of ultrasonic cleaning

First, consider the positive properties of the procedure. The advantages of ultrasonic teeth cleaning are best demonstrated by photos before and after, which will allow you to clearly see the quality and result.

The technology is harmless and painless, unlike mechanical removal. A minimal impact has been exerted on the tooth, which does not reduce its strength, does not lead to serious injuries or chips. The scaler used during the session is sharpened according to special rules, which will allow you to spare the enamel as much as possible with effective cleansing of foreign deposits.

Also, the procedure allows you to get a perfectly smooth tooth surface, which prevents plaque formation in the near future.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning before and after photos

One plus for food - the technology includes a stage of gentle whitening, which allows the enamel to return to its aesthetic natural shade.

A pleasant moment is the increased comfort of the patient - a minimum of pain, efficiency of the procedure and regular irrigation of the affected area with cool water.

And finally, ultrasonic cleaning improves tooth resistance to subsequent procedures (fluoridation, silvering, filling, etc.), improves material adhesion, and prevents caries.

Unfortunately, ultrasonic cleaning of teeth from a stone has disadvantages:

  1. The procedure cannot be considered painless for people with increased sensitivity enamel and advanced cases - you should almost always use local anesthesia injections.
  2. The technology does not apply to people with allergic reactions for soda, salt, anesthetic, fluoride pastes, polishes, etc.
  3. The therapist can prohibit the event for people with cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases.
  4. Also, the event requires increased caution if the patient has implants, fixed prostheses or braces.
  5. There are a number of contraindications.
  6. Difficult working conditions for the dentist (splashes, decreased tactile sensitivity, etc.), which sometimes affects the result.
  7. Inability to remove plaque in some areas.
  8. There have been cases of damage to the gums and enamel during the procedure.

Safety of the procedure and possible contraindications

Of course, patients are worried about whether brushing their teeth with ultrasound is harmful (photos before and after can be seen below).

Professional teeth cleaning: before and after

Expert studies have proven that modern options the event is absolutely safe for health (with the exception of contraindications). On the contrary, the use of ultrasound technology allows for powerful prevention of other dental ailments and lesions.

The effectiveness and safety of the procedure is evidenced by the positive reviews left by satisfied customers.

In most countries, this event is even included in the list of standard and necessary dental procedures.

Of course, ultrasound brushing should not be overused. It is quite enough to carry out it every 6-12 months.

Cleaning should be carried out no more than once every 6-12 months.

Unfortunately, there are some contraindications for the event:

  • the presence of implants, fixed orthopedic structures, as well as complex ones;
  • arrhythmia, serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • systemic chronic diseases (asthma, endocarditis, bronchitis, epilepsy), etc .;
  • illness in acute form (infectious, viral, colds);
  • inflammatory processes and diseases in the area of \u200b\u200binfluence;
  • age under 18;
  • serious diseases like tuberculosis, AIDS, HIV, hepatitis, anemia, etc.

Important: ultrasonic teeth cleaning has no contraindications during pregnancy!

Oral cavity care after ultrasound teeth cleaning

As we found out above, after a complex of procedures, the sensitivity and susceptibility of enamel to external stimuli increases, therefore the first day should follow the rules of dental care:

It is important for the patient to remember that the teeth after the procedure become more susceptible to both positive and negative effects. Therefore, follow the recommendations, use fluoride pastes, eat foods with calcium and potassium, do not forget about regular hygiene!

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