Fluvaxin is an effective vaccine for the prevention of influenza. Fluvoxin: instructions for use Fluvaxin instructions for use

Release form

Suspension for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration Fluvaxin - 0.5 ml in a vial, sealed with a stopper under an aluminum roll and closed on top with a protective plastic cap. 0.25 ml and 0.5 ml each in a syringe, which is sealed in a glass foil blister.

5 vials or 1 syringe in a cardboard box with instructions for use.


Inactivated influenza vaccine


Antimicrobials for systemic use


Antiviral vaccines

Pharmaceutical subgroup

Influenza vaccines


Colorless slightly opalescent liquid.

The action of the drug Fluvaxin suspension for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration

Characteristics: Influenza trivalent polymer-subunit liquid vaccine, representing surface glycoproteins (hemagglutinin and neuraminidase), isolated from purified influenza A and B viruses, in combination with polyoxidonium. One immunizing dose (0.5 ml) contains 5 μg of hemagglutinin of influenza A (H1N1), A (H3N2) strains, 11 μg of influenza B virus and 500 μg of polyoxidonium. Highly purified drug, free from impurities of non-virion origin. Preservative - merthiolate from 85 to 115 μg / ml. The antigenic composition of the vaccine changes every year in accordance with the epidemic situation and WHO recommendations.

Immunological properties

Fluvaxin forms specific resistance to influenza viruses in 80 - 95% of those vaccinated. Specific antibodies in protective titer are produced 10 to 15 days after vaccination and persist for at least 1 year. The high efficiency of the vaccine is ensured by the presence of both surface and internal antigens in it.

The inclusion of an immunomodulator polyoxidonium in the vaccine preparation provides an increase in the immunogenicity and stability of antigens, improves immunological memory, significantly reduces the vaccination dose of antigens, and increases the body's resistance to other infections by correcting the immune status.

Indications for use

Influenza - active preventive immunization of children from 6 months of age, adolescents and adults from risk groups: people over 60 years old, people with chronic somatic diseases, often suffering from acute respiratory infections, children preschool age, schoolchildren, medical workers, workers in the service sector, transport, educational institutions, military personnel.


Hypersensitivity, incl. to chicken protein, allergic reactions to the previous vaccine administration, acute feverish conditions or exacerbation of a chronic disease (vaccination is carried out after recovery or remission), mild ARVI (vaccination is carried out after normalization of body temperature).

Pregnancy and lactation

The decision to vaccinate pregnant women should be made by the doctor individually, taking into account the risk of contracting influenza and possible complications influenza infection. The safest vaccination is in the II-III trimesters of pregnancy. There is currently no evidence of possible risk for the fetus and impaired fertility when using the vaccine in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy, however, the appropriateness of vaccination during this period should be evaluated by a doctor. Breastfeeding is not a contraindication for vaccination.

Method of administration and dosage

The Fluvaxin vaccine is administered intramuscularly or deeply subcutaneously once for adults and children over 3 years old at a dose of 0.5 ml, for children: from 6 months. up to 3 years at a dose of 0.25 ml. Children under 8 years of age, including those who have not previously had the flu and who are being vaccinated against influenza for the first time, are recommended to inject the vaccine twice with an interval of 4 weeks. The vaccine must be brought to room temperature and shaken before use. The vaccine should not be used if there is color or foreign particles.

When using a vial containing 0.5 ml of vaccine for immunization of children, who are shown to administer 0.25 ml, it is necessary to draw all its contents into a syringe with the appropriate graduation and remove 0.25 ml of the vaccine. The remainder of the vaccine must be destroyed immediately. A syringe containing 0.5 ml of the vaccine is not used to immunize children who are shown to administer 0.25 ml.

Side effects

Local reactions: soreness, swelling and redness of the skin.

General reactions (usually disappear on their own after 1-2 days): malaise, headache, weakness, subfebrile condition. Rarely - allergic reactions.

Interaction with other drugs

The vaccine can be given in the background basic therapy the underlying disease.

The vaccine can be used simultaneously with other inactivated vaccines (in this case, contraindications to each of the vaccines used must be taken into account, the drugs must be injected into different parts of the body, using different syringes).

special instructions

Vaccination is carried out annually in the autumn-winter period. Vaccination is possible at the beginning of an epidemic rise in the incidence of influenza.

Do not administer IV. Vaccination sites should be equipped with anti-shock therapy.

The vaccinated person must be monitored by a health worker for 30 minutes after immunization.

The opening of the ampoules and the vaccination procedure are carried out in strict observance of the rules of asepsis and antiseptics: before opening the ampoule knife, wipe the ampoule neck with cotton wool soaked in 70% ethanol, open the ampoule, collect the vaccine into a disposable syringe and remove excess air from the syringe. Ethanol is rubbed onto the skin at the injection site.

The drug in the opened ampoule is not subject to storage.

On the day of vaccination, the vaccinated must be examined by a doctor (paramedic) with mandatory thermometry. At a body temperature above 37 degrees C, vaccination is not carried out.

The drug in ampoules with broken integrity or labeling is not suitable for use, if changed physical properties (color, transparency), with an expired shelf life, in violation of the requirements for storage conditions.

Vaccination of patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy may be less effective.

Shelf life

1 year. Do not use after the expiration date printed on the package.

Only effective method to prevent infection of the body with the influenza virus - to get the appropriate vaccination in time. There are many different drugs that have the desired effect. One of them is Fluvaxin. This tool is very affordable, quite effective and safe.

Manufacturer, composition and form of release

Fluvaxin is developed and manufactured by the Chinese corporation Changchun Changsheng Life Sciences. The product has been present on the Russian market since 2009.

The drug is available in ampoules containing 0.5 milliliters of inactivated, split, cultured in chicken embryos. Active against influenza A and B viruses.

The active ingredients of the vaccine include three types of influenza virus hemagglutinin:

  1. A (strain H1N1);
  2. A (strain H3N2);

As auxiliary substances are used: sodium (chloride and hydrogen phosphate), potassium (chloride and dihydrogen phosphate), water and a small amount of otrxinol-9 and formaldehyde.

The composition of the product absolutely meets the WHO requirements for the Western Hemisphere.

The antigenic components of the vaccine are changed annually in accordance with WHO recommendations and the epidemic situation.

Indications and contraindications for use

Fluvaxin is a drug used to prevent serious health problems that occur when the influenza virus enters the body. Vaccination is strongly recommended for persons who have a predisposition to frequent colds and respiratory viral diseases (3-4 times during the winter and off-season).

The vaccine is indicated for people who have to come into contact with potential carriers of the flu:

  1. employed in the service sector;
  2. kindergarten teachers, teachers of educational institutions, etc.

A flu shot is given in early autumn, before the likelihood of outbreaks of infection, so that immunity can develop.

Fluvaxin has several contraindications, in the presence of which a person cannot enter this drug:

  • hypersensitivity to any components;
  • period of illness, which is accompanied by fever.

Medical treatment during the course of chronic or acute illness, due to the fact that at the appropriate time, human immunity is greatly weakened. Vaccination is not recommended until 14 days have passed from the date of complete recovery.

At the moment there is no information that this agent negatively affects the woman's body and / or the fetus she is carrying. Still, doctors recommend vaccinating either in the second or third semester.

However, of course, this issue is decided by the doctor. As for breastfeeding, this is not a contraindication.

Instructions for the use of Fluvaxin

There are two ways to get the Fluvaxin vaccine:

  1. intramuscularly;
  2. deeply subcutaneously.

The first method is most often used. The specific dosage of the drug depends on the age of the person being vaccinated.

So, children who have reached 6 months are injected with 0.25 milliliters. For those who have crossed the threshold at 3 years, as well as adults, the dosage is 0.5 ml. At the same time, children who have not previously had the flu are most often vaccinated twice, dividing the volume of the injected agent in half.

The interval between injections is 1 month. Shake the contents of the ampoule before use. If her appearance does not correspond to the nominal (for example, the color is changed or the presence of foreign particles), the drug unit should be disposed of.

When only 0.25 ml is used (dosage for children under 3 years of age), a full syringe should be drawn, and then the excess volume should be removed from it. The leftovers should never be used - they must be destroyed.

Intravenous administration this vaccine is absolutely unacceptable. Also, the vaccineer must be aware of the patient's current condition, as well as what treatment he has been undergoing recently.

To prevent the occurrence side effects, the doctor also needs to know about the drugs used by the vaccinated (including those that are available without a prescription are important).

Like many others, this vaccine can cause shock. Therefore, in the office where the vaccination is carried out, all means must be present to prevent the corresponding reactions.

A decrease in the effectiveness of the vaccine can be triggered by immunodeficiency states, as well as by the simultaneous vaccination and immunosuppressive therapy.

Side effects and complications

Most patients tolerate Fluvaxin normally.

In some cases, one or more side effects may develop after vaccination:

  • an increase in body temperature;
  • general malaise and fatigue;
  • increased sweating;
  • the appearance of compaction and redness at the injection site.

The above is a specific immune response to the components of the drug. The body adapts to them in about a day.

Therefore, these manifestations pass without the use of special techniques and means in 1-2 days.

If symptoms persist for more than two days or cause severe discomfort, you should consult your doctor.

Sometimes, after the administration of Fluvaxin, additional symptoms appear in the vaccinated. In particular, anaphylactic shock, convulsions, neuralgia, vasculitis, etc. can develop. This happens if a person had contraindications.

In these cases, urgent health care... But since the vaccinated person after vaccination is always left in a specially equipped room for half an hour, these manifestations, if they arise, are quickly and professionally eliminated.

Price and analogues

Fluvaxin is one of the cheapest flu treatments. The cost of this drug is only 230-250 rubles. There are many drugs that have similar effects.

Vaccines Influvac and Grippol plus

In Russia, the most commonly used:

  • Begrivak;
  • Grippol;
  • Influvac;

The difference between the two lies in both the composition and the cost of the product.

Fluvaxin is a colorless and slightly opalescent liquid. It is a trivalent, purified, split influenza inactivated vaccine designed to prevent influenza. The vaccine consists of antigens of the virus, and we are talking not only about surface, but also about internal antigens. We also mention that it includes both type A and type B virus antigens, which were cultivated using chicken embryos.

Indications for the use of influenza vaccine

As mentioned earlier, the instructions for the use of Fluvaxin indicate that it is for the prevention of influenza, and not only adults, but also children can use it, however, upon reaching 6 months. First of all, such vaccinations are given to those people who, for some reason, belong to a group of people with an increased risk of developing any post-influenza complications.

This includes people with chronic somatic diseases, as well as those who are constantly ill with acute respiratory infections. Also, the vaccination is given to those who constantly have public contacts, this can include medical personnel, people in the service sector, as well as teachers.

There are also rules regarding the period of vaccination. Doctors recommend that it be carried out in early autumn, and this should be done annually. An alternative option is vaccination at the very beginning of the epidemic rise of the disease.

Contraindications to vaccination

Immediately, we note that it is by no means possible to neglect contraindications, this is fraught with consequences associated even with irreversible changes. These include the following contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to any components of the vaccine or even to chicken protein;
  • a history of allergy to vaccines, and we are talking especially about a severe form of intolerance;
  • the presence of diseases, which is accompanied by a significant increase in body temperature, first of all, various infections can be attributed here;
  • the presence of a chronic disease in an exacerbation (in this case, doctors recommend waiting for the period of remission, that is, waiting out the exacerbation).

Mild ARVI in most situations is not a contraindication to vaccination, therefore it is carried out immediately, as the patient's body temperature normalizes, but in such situations the decision is made exclusively by a qualified doctor who analyzes a lot of factors.

The use of Fluvaxin in women during pregnancy or lactation

Another controversial point is the question of the possibility of vaccination for pregnant women and women who are currently breastfeeding. This issue can also be resolved only by a qualified doctor, and it all depends on the risk of contracting the flu and possible complications.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the vaccine is the safest, and there is no data on its harm to the fetus, but doctors still recommend refusing to use the vaccine in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy, but this rule is sometimes neglected if the goal justifies the risks. Breastfeeding at the time of vaccination is not a contraindication.

Influenza vaccine administration

The vaccine is administered intramuscularly, the option of deep subcutaneous administration is also sometimes considered, but the administration is single. Up to 3 years, the dose is 0.25 ml, after - 0.5 ml. If a person is vaccinated against influenza for the first time, then this vaccine can be administered twice, and the interval between injections should be one month, but this applies only to children who are not yet 9 years old.

The vaccine is brought to room temperature in advance, then it is shaken and only then is injected, and it is necessary to check in advance whether there are any foreign particles or unusual color in it.

If you have a drug in a volume of 0.5 ml, and the vaccine must be given to a child who only needs 0.25 ml, then you need to draw the entire vaccine into the syringe, after which you can remove half of it, leaving the required volume. The fact is that the remainder of the vaccine must be destroyed, and it is strictly forbidden to put it on someone else.

Adverse reactions

Among adverse reactions general and local stand out, let's analyze both those and those. Among the common manifestations stand out:

Among the local adverse reactions, we highlight:

  • bruising;
  • seal in the injection area;
  • slight swelling;
  • hyperemia;
  • the appearance of small pain sensations.

The vast majority of these reactions are observed in almost all cases, but you should not be afraid of this, since all this takes place in a few days and does not require special treatment... If this did not happen, that is, the manifestations remained, then it is necessary to consult a doctor. Let us also mention that sometimes more serious side reactions may appear: neuralgia, convulsions, allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock, vasculitis and even serious neurological disorders.

special instructions

Let's look at some important guidelines for using the vaccine. Doctors note that the introduction of it along with other vaccines on the same day is possible, if we are not talking about BCG. Intravenous administration is unacceptable, the vaccine can only be injected deep under the skin or into the muscle, as mentioned earlier.

It is always necessary to inform the doctor in advance about any other type of therapy, since vaccination is not combined with the use of some drugs. It is also necessary to notify the doctor about previously used drugs, and it makes sense to mention even those that are non-prescription drugs. It is also necessary to mention the presence of allergic reactions, about the presence of immunodeficiency and about vaccination.

In the room where all this will be carried out, there will definitely be special medications anti-shock orientation, also there is a medicine for anaphylactic reaction.

 1. Allergic reactions for chicken protein or other components of the vaccine.
2. Strong post-vaccination reactions (temperature above 40 ° C, the appearance of edema at the injection site, hyperemia over 8 cm in diameter) or post-vaccination complications (collapse, non-febrile convulsions, anaphylaxis) to the previous administration of the influenza vaccine.
3. Pregnancy (when using a vaccine with a preservative).
4. Age up to 18 years (when using a vaccine with a preservative).
5. Age up to 6 months.
Temporary contraindications.
1. Acute febrile conditions, acute infectious and noncommunicable diseases, including the period of convalescence. Vaccinations are usually given 2-4 weeks after recovery.
2. Chronic diseases in the acute stage. Vaccination is carried out during the period of remission. The possibility of vaccinating persons suffering from chronic diseases is determined by the attending physician, based on the patient's condition.
3. In mild forms of acute respiratory viral and intestinal infections vaccination is carried out after normalization of temperature and / or disappearance acute symptoms diseases.

Influenza is a disease that affects everything age categories: from newborns to elderly people. A special category is made up of persons who have close and long-term contact with the population (medical workers, service industries, teachers, etc.). This group is at high risk of getting the flu. The virus is extremely toxic and is excreted by a sick person throughout the entire period of the disease.

Fluvaxin - a drug for the prevention of influenza (photo: www.medcentre24.ru)

The transmission mechanism is airborne: when talking, kissing or coughing. It is characterized by fever, malaise, weakness, cough, nasal discharge, chills, muscle and joint pain. Duration - from 5 days to 10. After suffering an illness, weakness and fatigue persist for some time. For effective prevention use inactivated vaccine - Fluvaxin.

Composition and form of release

Fluvaxin is a liquid suspension for intramuscular or deep subcutaneous injection. Available in 0.5 ml vials or in 0.5 ml or 0.25 ml syringes.

Composition of one dose (0.5 ml):

  • Inactivated virus strain type A (H1N1) - 15 μg.
  • Inactivated strain of virus type A (H3N2) - 15 μg.
  • Inactivated strain of virus type B - 15 μg.
  • Additionally: Sodium chloride, potassium chloride, thiomersal.
  • Traces: formaldehyde.

On sale goes on 1 syringe or 5 vials in a package with instructions for use and storage.

Release form - vials or individual syringes (photo: www.hipolabor.com.)

Pharmacological action (drug characteristics)

Fluvaxin, due to the presence of hemagglutinins in the composition, forms a strong immunity against the influenza virus. This is due to the formation in the human body of protective antibodies to the pathological pathogen. The highest concentration of protective cells is formed on the 7th day after the vaccine administration. The vaccine has a wide spectrum of action against influenza A and B. Due to the presence of additional substances, such as thiomersal, immunity is maintained in the human body for 1 year. When the drug is injected into the human body, the protective forces activate both cellular protection mechanisms and humoral ones. A stable (for 350 days) and specific (against the influenza virus) immunity is formed. People who were vaccinated before the onset of the epidemic show high resistance to the onset of the disease and its complications.

Indications for the administration of the vaccine (complex preparation)

The drug is allowed to be administered to children from six months and adults of all ages.

The introduction of the vaccine is indicated for such populations:

  • Seniors (over 65).
  • Children from 6 months of age.
  • Persons whose activities are associated with close and long-term work with other people (workers in the service sector and medical institutions, educators and teachers, military personnel).
  • People suffering from chronic diseases of the nervous, respiratory, endocrine and digestive systems.
  • Preschool and school children.
  • Persons who often suffer from acute viral diseases.
  • Patients with cancer.
  • People with autoimmune diseases.
  • Persons who are going to travel to an area with a high incidence of influenza.

There is no additional or special preparation prior to immunization.

Doctor's advice! If you are shown the introduction of a vaccine, then you should not postpone this process. The drug should be used before the beginning of the epidemic process - the beginning or middle of autumn. This is due to the fact that after vaccination, immunity is formed for some time, and with the onset of widespread influenza, the body will be ready to “fight” the virus.

Method of administration and dosage

Route of administration: deeply subcutaneously or intramuscularly into the outer surface of the upper third of the shoulder (for adults) or into the upper front part of the thigh (for children under 3 years of age).

Prohibited intramuscular injection, as there are undesirable and dangerous consequences.

One dose is 0.5 ml or 0.25 ml, depending on the age of the vaccinated:

  • For children under 3 years of age, a dose of 0.25 ml is used.
  • Adults and children over three years of age - 0.5 ml.

Important! Children under 8 years old who have not been vaccinated against influenza before, the drug is administered twice with an interval of one month. This group is subject to observation, since the use of such a drug was carried out for the first time and it is difficult to predict the child's reaction.

If the dose is 0.25 ml, and in the vial is 0.5 ml, then it is necessary to draw the entire contents into a syringe, and then remove the unnecessary amount of the drug.

Syringes are used that contain either the full dose or half of it. Such management facilitates the work of medical personnel and eliminates the occurrence of adverse reactions and complications.

Before using the drug, carefully inspect the packaging, vial or syringe for damage, discoloration or consistency of the vaccine. If there are changes, you must inform the head physician and stop the immunization. The vial is shaken and kept for several minutes at room temperature immediately before administration.

Special Notes

Vaccination is a responsible process that requires preparation: a doctor's examination and the delivery of basic laboratory and instrumental parameters. Such measures are applied to exclude acute or chronic conditions that lead to complications or adverse reactions after drug administration. The peak of the spread of influenza among the population falls at the beginning of winter, so immunization begins in September or October.

Vaccinations are carried out in specially equipped rooms of schools, clinics, kindergartens and hospitals. Vaccination sites include a refrigerator for storing drugs, a medicine cabinet for emergency care, a sterile table, a couch, a table and chairs.

The administration of the drug is carried out with the strict application of the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. In the presence of damage to the packaging or vial (syringe), use of the vaccine is prohibited. If the expiration date has expired, the vaccination is contraindicated.

Side effects

The occurrence of undesirable reactions is rare and is associated with an individual intolerance to the components of the drug or a violation of transportation rules. There is also a risk in people who have previously had negative reactions to the administration of drugs in this group.

Adverse reactions are systemic (headache, dizziness, weakness, malaise, fever). Local manifestations also occur (rash or redness at the injection site, hemorrhage, soreness).

If any unexpected reactions occur, you need to see a doctor for help or call an ambulance.

Contraindications for vaccine administration

There are relative (drug administration is determined by the doctor individually) and absolute (vaccination is strictly prohibited) contraindications.

The first group includes:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Chronic disease in remission.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Weakness and malaise.

Breastfeeding is a relative contraindication (photo: www.otvetymamam.ru)

The second group of contraindications includes:

  • When previous cases of vaccine administration have caused severe complications.
  • Acute diseases.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the vaccine.
  • Failure immune system (AIDS).

Pregnancy and lactation with the administration of Fluvaxin

The doctor individually decides whether to vaccinate a pregnant woman or during lactation. There are many studies that prove the vaccine is safe for this population.

Interaction with other medicinal products

It is forbidden to use in conjunction with other vaccines on the same day. In some cases, grafting is allowed, but in different parts of the body. It is not recommended for use with drugs that reduce the body's defenses - glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants.

Storage conditions of the drug

The vaccine is stored in refrigerators at temperatures between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius. The place is protected from sunlight. Transportation is carried out under conditions similar to those used during storage.

Shelf life is 1 year.

Post-vaccination period

After immunization, the patient is present in medical institution for half an hour, since a local reaction or anaphylactic shock may occur. In this case, the doctor will provide emergency care and prevent the occurrence of other complications.

Fluvaxin's analogs

There are many inactivated flu vaccines on the pharmaceutical market. The differences lie only in the duration of the formed immunity and the country of origin.

The following identical drugs widespread in our country:

  • Agrippal.
  • Vaxigripp.
  • Influvac.
  • Padeflu.
  • Influvir.

Vaxigripp is an analogue of Fluvaxin (photo: www.ishim.bezformata.ru)

Important! Only a doctor prescribes the necessary and effective vaccination in a particular case. It is forbidden to independently approach the choice of the drug. Only a specialist will compare all indications and contraindications in a particular case and choose the best option. The above circumstances will exclude the occurrence of unforeseen complications and side effects.

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