Phytostered in the treatment of cancer patients. The strongest and most effective herbs that will help you deal with cancer.

Herbalism of oncological patients, especially in the performance of folk herbalists and healers, is characterized by one brightest feature: the use of poisonous plants.
The lack of special knowledge among folk healers, on the one hand, and the lack of interest in the people's methods in scientists, on the other hand, generate a situation where the phenomenon of poisonous plants in oncology is quite well studied, remains a "dark horse". This fact provokes inadequate euphoria in the first and same inadequate pessimism among the second.
Without going into the subtleties of the definitions, I remind the words of Paracelles that the poison can be almost any substance depending on which dose is applied.
In other words, the toxic properties of poisonous plants appear in cases where the corresponding dose is achieved. She can be so great that death comes. It is this phase that pays attention to itself and characterizes the plant as poison.
What happens in the body under the action of a poisonous plant before the toxic dose is achieved?

Three stages of the beneficial effects of plant poisons

The patterns of action of the substance on the living system clearly demonstrates the rule of Arndt-Schulz (see Fig.). It states that in low doses, the substance stimulates the function, and as it is increasing, its oppression occurs. Further dose extension leads to death.
Three main phases of actions of poisonous plants can be distinguished on the oncological process:
I have phases in this order (that is, as the dose is reduced) on the basis of their study and, as a result, on the basis of their preference in classical oncology.

Arndt-Shulza rule

Cytotoxic phase

On the use of substances that are effective mainly in the cytotoxicity phase, almost all of the currently existing chemotherapy of tumors are founded. This principle was laid basically by Paul Erlich at the beginning of the 20th century and remains leading until now.
Medicines acting on this principle are chemicals that can damage the chromosomal cell unit or block some mitosis phases (division), resulting in cells that are sensitive to such medicines are dying. Ideally, I would like them to be only cancer cells, and in practice all cells of the body are found, for which the frequent division is characteristic.
Hence all the features of treatment with similar drugs: and selective sensitivity (mainly low-differentiated cancer cells), and almost complete absence of effect on high-organized cellular types, as well as a high frequency adverse Reactionsarising from the damage to healthy stem cells.
All listed features are also inherent, although to a lesser extent, and treatment poisonous herbsWhen they are used in doses close to cytotoxic. In this case, the herbalism is essentially the usual chemotherapy with a positive and negative minds arising from here.
On the side of the side effects of grass have a softer action. This can be explained, firstly, low doses of poisonous substances entering the body with preparations from herbs (braids, tincture), secondly, the diversity of the composition of the same plant, which often, along with poison, contains antidote, as well as Substances, in previous years, very rashly called ballast. They improve the work of various organs and systems, due to which the patient feels better.
But here lies and negative moment. Cytotoxicity is dose-dependent effect: the more dose, the faster and more religious malignant cells will die. If we, using a plant on the principle of cytotoxicity, we use an insufficient dose, then, on the one hand, the risk of not getting a tumor response at all, on the other - we carry out "upbringing" and the negative selection of cancer cells, thus growing such a tumor that is no longer will react to these plants.
Another minus is a small therapeutic latitude of the most frequently used poisonous plants, that is, a dose that begins to give the healing effect, not much different from the LD50 (LD50 is such a dose of matter, in this case, the plant from which half experimental animals dies). In such circumstances, it is very easy to overdose and get serious side effects. This is especially true for galenic preparations that are often difficult to standardize. Much more comfortable and accurate looks clean pharmaceutical preparation, whose doses are clearly known and pharmacological features have been meticularly studied.
It should also be noted that not all poisonous plants traditionally applied in the people in high doses have a direct damaging effect on the tumor. For example, the acronite in high doses is primarily the strongest heart analeptic and an anesthetic that in itself is good for the cancer in the relevant situation. However, the cytostatic effect of the plant is not very strong.
Herbal treatment using poisonous plants in cytotoxic doses, of course, takes place in modern folk phytotherapy (for example, the treatment of pink Barwinka pink). Nevertheless, in its essence it looks like an anachronism. In this case, the priority of chemically pure cytostatic drugs are indisputable: they are easier to dose with high accuracy; There are quality standards; Located side effects and ways to overcome them; No need to prepare the means of exempturally (directly in place and by time), etc.
But there are situations where the use of poisonous plants on the principle of cytotoxicity is still possible.
First, in weakened patients, and especially in patients with IV clinical group, which the main treatments are not shown. The use of plants on the principle of cytotoxicity in such a situation will definitely not give a bright tumor response, but will allow for some time to stabilize the situation, which will affect the improvement of the quality of life of the patient.
Secondly, in the overall structure of chemotherapy, poisonous plants like additional means Often enhance the effect of fixed assets. This fact was proven with respect to the richnik of the Russian and allocated from it to PEUSEDANIN. A similar situation can be traced on the example of aconite. Korean scientists have proven the effect of aconite alkaloids, consisting in the electoral suppression of the gene responsible for protecting cells from drug intoxication.
Thirdly, the use of poisonous plants is justified in situations where the expected effect of traditional chemotherapy leaves much to be desired. For example, with tumors thyroid gland, renal-cell cancer, etc. Of course, you need to be aware that the herbs may be ineffective. Nevertheless, plants have incomparably lower potential side effects.

Inductive phase

Since the time of Mithridate VI Evpator is known for the "hardening" of the organism from various diseases by taking poisonous substances in constantly increasing doses. Tsar Mithridat In this way, I wanted to protect yourself from the poison, which, as it seemed to him, could be added enemies.
Without the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bthe MDR-gene (drug sustainability gene), already at that time people knew how to "explode" tachofilaxia (insensitivity acquired to substance during its frequent use). Passing, obtained by mitridate, turned out to be very effective with a variety of diseases, including infectious and cancer. The medicine was so called - the Terriak Mithridate, about which Avicenna writes in very commendable expressions.
Over time, the Teryaak, which includes at least a tens of components, the main of which was the serpentine poison, has undergone all sorts of changes. But the principle of gradual increase in doses of poison has been preserved to this day.
Most often, this principle is used to create protection (immunity) against infectious diseases. The excitation of protection factors in the body is called induction (in this case by the induction of immunity), and the methods itself with gradual increase in doses - inductive.
Mass can be caused by widespread inductive techniques: autohemotherapy, specific immunotherapy in allergology, immunotherapy with thymus preparations (thimaline, thymogen) and drugs containing polysaccharides of cell membrane bacteria, treatment of chronic bacterial infections Through the exacerbation with the use of pyrogen (substances, artificially raising body temperature), etc.
Already a simple listed of these methods allows you to see their common denominator, namely - immunity. Indeed, almost all of them work through reactivation immune systemwhich in the overwhelming majority of cases is nonspecific and is aimed at cellular immunity. The exception is specific immunotherapy of allergic diseases.
In the oncology according to the method of inductive therapy, the BCG vaccine is used, Timus preparations, less often interleukins (alpha and beta interferon).
Inductively use white wasem juice juice. This method is well studied and is actively practiced in Germany and other countries in Western Europe, where he received the name of Mistel-therapy. Of course, the fermented juice of Cellular, known as the "Ukrainian", or anablastine, or ChFG) is used in the same way.
You can recall the boligs. The earliest serious data devoted to the use of Boligol in Oncology belongs to the XVIII century and belong to the representative of the old Vienna clinical school Anton Shuttka (1731 - 1803).
At first glance, the curtain method also resembled an inductive scheme with gradual increase in doses. But with a deeper consideration it turns out that the curtain, starting with the minimum dose, has always brought it to the most effective (or in the most portable on the verge of adverse reactions). According to him, this was done because of the impossibility from the very beginning of treatment to determine the required dose for each individual. Thus, the curtain technique is another vivid example of the use of a poisonous plant on the principle of cytotoxicity.
As the curtain wrote, and later, and many homeopaths, the treatment of the Boligol often resulted in a good result. However, in contrast to the Boligol, the homeopaths were used in the form of a alcohol tincture, gradually increasing the dose from one drop. This would not be anything new if not a pronounced antitumor effect, which arose only a few drops of the drug long before reaching an explicit cytotoxic dose. It was this technique that served as a prototype of the use of Boligol in the form of an inductive scheme, popularized by V. V. Tishchenko and so fashionable today.
The use of poisonous plants by inductive principle is the most common way in folk medicine. Usually apply alcohol extraction from Boligol, aconite, milestone, cleanliness, mistletoes and other poisonous plants. The tincture is dosed by drops by an increasingly descending principle that received the name "Gorka" or "cycling".
According to our observations, the inductive scheme with a tincture of aconite against melanoma is especially effective. Already on the 7th - 8th day of treatment, when the total daily dose of tincture is 20 - 25 drops and talking about the meaningful cytotoxic effect of aconite alcoides on melanoma cells does not have to have signs of acute inflammatory process In the body: an increase in temperature up to 38 s, fever, headache, nausea and so on. Melanomic nodes become sharply painful even out of palpation, edema, flush. Over time, their surface acquires smoothness, and black color changes on brown. Nodes are significantly reduced in size. The causes of such a melanoma reaction are likely to lie in its high immunogenicity (this property of tissue, cells, or entire microorganisms to cause immunity reaction to itself - recognition, inactivation, excretion, etc.).
Especially note that when using poisonous plants in inductive mode, it is never necessary to exceed the doses limits, since otherwise, as the dose is set, as well as as a result of the ability of alkaloids to the cumulation (accumulation in the body and summation of some medicinal substances and poisons) concentration active substances Blood will be consistently high, which will lead to sustainable immunosuppression.
To us, when studying the immune status of patients who took the tincture of aconite in doses exceeding inductive, it was possible to observe the decrease in absolute indicators of the entire T-lymphocyte population without changing their interest ratios.
At the same time, when compliance with inductive doses, the absolute and percentage of lymphocytes does not change. But the so-called right shift of blood formula is happening: the percentage of segmented decreases in favor of mononuclear. This fact once again indicates that in the treatment of poisonous plants in inductive mode, nonspecific immune mechanisms, and above all, a macrophagum link. And macrophages play a major role in antitumor protection.
It is impossible to overestimate the role of immunity in such treatment, however. The results of serious studies of recent years in the field of immunotherapy of tumors convincingly proved the low efficiency of work only through immunity. The exception is only some tumors, such as melanoma, to a lesser extent renal cellular cancer, as well as chronic leukemia.
When we discuss inductive schemes for the use of poisons of plants and state the fact of effectiveness, most likely, you need to talk about the induction of an antitumor response, rather than on the induction of only antitumor immunity in its pure form, at least this interpretation suggested first.
What other mechanisms except immune are involved in the formation of an antitumor response, now it is difficult to say. Perhaps there is the effect of poisons for tissue growth factors, on non-jogenesis processes (new education blood vessels) In tumor nodes. Maybe something else has now studied little or unknown at all.

Homeopathic phase

Finally, if we talk about unknown and poorly studied, you need to go to the third phase of the actions of poisonous plants - homeopathic.
This principle was opened by the German scientist of Hanemann two hundred years ago and since then wears his name. However, many of the provisions of Ganemanian theory are often found in the ancient Indian and Tibetan treatises. For example, Dunzin Punchog in the treatise "Kunsal Nanzod", referring to even more ancient authors, writes about changes in the properties of water during the embarrassment process (by hanemann - dynamization).
To poisonous plant Earned in oncology according to homeopathic principle, it must be answered by three basic conditions:
1) be tested on a healthy person;
2) cause a healthy human symptoms of tumor disease;
3) To be dynzy, that is, strongly divorced with concomitant shaking in water or alcohol.
For example, the test of the strength of acronite in Tibet was carried out on healthy peopleAnd already mentioned Anton Shuttik did the same with the Boligol before Haneman. The purpose of such tests was determined by the force of the drug. The curtain was closer to the Ganemann test, since he recorded side effects on healthy people, although it was stipulated that they would be different in healthy and in patients.
Ganeman went even further and noticed that the poisons in the suboxy doses cause medicinal disease not all participants in the test and not in the same time. A group of people having common external and mental features. This group reacted to the poison is the most acute and in the shortest possible time. So the concept of "homeopathic constitution" was born.
Dynamization, or potentiation (strengthening), is the process of constant breeding of the original poison in water or alcohol with a mandatory long-term shaking of each dilution. Ganeman believed that the stronger the remedy (and it can be divorced in millions and trillions times), the stronger and deeper it acts on the body. Studying the recommendations of old homeopaths, it can be seen that low-precision drugs obtained on the basis of vegetable poisons were used most often for the treatment of cancer. We are usually about the first - fourth decimal breeding.
For example, this applies to the favorite by many of the Boligol (Konium), Condurango, etc. Such means received several drops in a small amount of clean water 3 - 4 times a day. In my opinion, it is not about the homeopathic principle in this case, but rather inductive. Especially since the homeopathic similarity in the context is not mentioned. At best, the specificity of the drug is due to the destruction region. For example, the mortgage - dairy glands, stomach and lips.

Phytotherapy for oncology

Modern medical preparations give a quick, stable effect and allow you to cope with those diseases from which you used to die. But at the same time, chemical drugs have a mass of side effects, sometimes heavy than the disease itself. They give a quick effect during acute states, but in chronic diseases, it is rather poisoned by the body than they treat it. Alternative - to be treated with phytotherapy, which offers drugs exclusively on a natural basis.

"Do you have medicines under your feet" - these words from the Holy Scriptures are unequivocally hinting for the role of medicinal plants in the treatment of the patient. All you need to human body has long existed in nature. Also, nature gives us the means of phytotherapy during oncology. Treatment healing herbs It is very mistaken to unconventional medicine: "non-traditional are those methods that use episodically. And people enjoy her herbs like the world. Herbs are God's God! "

Today, the treatment of herbs is recruiting popularity. Substances contained in plants by nature more related human organismthan synthetic drugs. For example, with phytotherapy of cancer, the tincture of Boligol is considered natural chemotherapy, which does not have such side effects as ordinary chemotherapy. Therefore, they are significantly better absorbed by the body and cases of rejection are extremely rare. Phytotherapy for cancer practically does not have side effects and is considered more "thrifty" for the body than drug treatment. At the same time, a noticeable positive effect in the treatment of herbs and tinctures appears slower, but retained longer. Accordingly, treatment with medicinal plants is needed longer than with medicines. According to doctors using phytotherapy, it is practically devoid of disadvantages of drug treatment (from allergic reactions to a change in the genetic apparatus).

The range of funds that contemporary phytotherapy offers is extremely wide. From various phytocaev, balms, hoods of healing plants in the form of tinctures, capsules, domestic production tablets to therapeutic cosmetics: coniferous concentrates, Crimean essential oils and sea salt. With the help of therapeutic plants, it is possible to effectively treat the dependence on smoking, alcohol.

Among the innovations of phytotherapy, phytoextracts deserve special attention, which are made on honey, and not on an alcohol basis, like most extracts. Phytoextracts on honey have glocker Effect, Help when rehabilitation of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver and pancreas, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, in the gynecological diseases in women, have antiallergic effects.

The preparations of phytotherapy against cancer include:

1) Poisonous tinctures of Boligolov, Aonteita Dzungarskaya, Amanita, Dornishnik, which you will learn on this site.

2) Rise's mushroom tincture, burdock root, tram mushroom and so on.

3) collection of antitumor herbs

4) infusions and drawing their herbs

If you describe all herbs here, then you are confused. Phytotherapy for cancer is not as simple as they write on the Internet. For proper treatment, great experience and knowledge is needed, so I will lay out you with articles about these tinctures and herbs, but before applying, consult with me in your illness!

Other useful articles on the site:

Updated Oct 28 2015.. Created 28 Aug 2013

Do Cancer Cancer? Will the newest means help, the price of which frankly scares? How effective in the treatment of oncology medicinal plants? All these questions are worried about people with a terrible diagnosis, as well as their friends and loved ones. Malignant neoplasms are exclusively a cunning type of pathologies, but today it is safe to say: cancer is curable. Of course, not 100% of cases, but for most patients, the forecasts are positive. Consider the nuances of applying different methods of treatment.

When to use medicinal herbs?

Phytotherapy cancer treatment should be practiced only as an additional program to the main rate of irradiation, drugs and operations. It is important to coordinate with the doctor all the nuances of the selected option, so that herbs and foods cooked from them do not interfere with the main events. For example, ionizing irradiation, many chemotherapy provoke dyspepsia, deterioration of appetite and a decrease in the body's tone. People suffer from nausea and vomiting, the head hurts and spins. To facilitate all these manifestations, medicinal herbs can be used - with their help, the patient's condition is improved, negative effects from drugs are reduced. Successfully selected phytotherapy helps protect the liver, kidneys from increased load, as well as stabilize the human condition as a whole.

Medicinal plants in the treatment of cancer are used due to the anti-inflammatory effect inherent in many famous herbs. The most relevant phytotherapy will be with those species of oncological diseases that are accompanied by atrophic processes in the internal organs.

By the way, it is proved that phytotherapy against cancer is a good prophylactic agent. Specific species of plants are peculiar to the antitumor effect. Correctly selected course and correctly composed recipes - a deposit of minimizing the probability of relapse, long and stable remission. However, it is possible to count on a positive effect only with the competent application of the compositions.

Types and forms

Properly chosen for the treatment of oncology phytotherapy is useful, but not dangerous for a weakened patient. True, this concerns only the situation when a person clearly follows the requirements and rules for the application of compositions and recipes. Before using any grass, first need to consult with the attending physician, and in the future you will have to follow all its recommendations in detail. Medicinal herbs cannot replace operation, irradiation or medication course.

Developing different recipes and approaches as part of the use of phytotherapy for cancer, scientists have determined that all medicinal plants can be divided into three large groups: stimulating immunity, cytostatic and cytotoxic. In some cases, division into groups is quite conditional: let's say, the immorter is inherent in the antitumor effect and the stimulation of immunity at the same time. Often, this plant is resorted to malignant processes in female reproductive organs.

Nuances and features

When cancer, medicinal plants not only help achieve a faster recovery and rescue. If the patient is not a precursor, the total tumor is impossible, palliative treatment is shown, it is possible to use herbs to improve the performance of the body. As part of such a course, the widespread use was found clean, Ferul and Mokhokha, Baikal aconite. These plants contain strong cytostatic components, substances that prevent the formation of metastases.

As can be seen from the dedicated phytotherapy of scientific research, with oncology, the appointment of rebuchka, the podmarnik is absolutely justified. These plants are rich in components modulating immunity, thanks to which the condition of the patient is improved. In addition, plant components extracted in the preparation of drugs from them, inherent antitumor effect. But the balquin alkaloids proved their pronounced cytotoxic effect. Of course, only these plants to defeat cancer will not give, but the use of them as an element of the integrated course is fully justified. How to use the means correctly, the doctor will explain - all the specified medicinal herbs of poisonous, careless use will surely become the cause of intoxication and severe consequences.

Nuances of treatment

With oncology, phythetherapy is a rather popular method that interests the impressive percentage of patients. Indeed, the herbs are much more accessible than medicines, without which it is not necessary, so the addition of the therapeutic course of the therapeutic course will not be a significant burden on the budget, but in the patient's state will affect the patient. Properly chosen phytopreparations do not provoke side effects, safe for the body and weaken the negative consequences of the main course. Suitable to the specific patient will be quickly absorbed. Allergic reaction, increased sensitivity and other negative responses of the body on phytotherapy although it is possible, but in practice such cases are rare.

It should not be expected that the phythetherapy of cancer will give an instant expressed effect. Natural drugs affect gradually, urgent, imperceptibly improving and stabilizing the patient's condition. They are not inherent in such an instantaneous reaction as chemicals used by classical medicine, but the duration of the result is sufficient so that therapeutic herbs and official tools mutually complement each other.

What is?

Studying from phytotherapy in the treatment of cancer in medicine, it has been established that a variety of remedies, recipes, form of release are effective. Modern people are available in a wide variety of dried and fresh plants, capsules and teas, balms, infusions, hoods, tincture, tablets. Production of such funds are also engaged in domestic pharmaceutical companies, and foreign. In addition, therapeutic cosmetics for oncological patients - concentrates, oils, salts are available. By the way, there are funds not only for patients fighting with cancer: recipes on natural herbs, helping to abandon harmful habits, cure the most different in the severity and prevalence of the disease.

Attention attract phytoextracts. One of the important claims from medicine to phytotherapy in the treatment of cancer was devoted to the composition: predominantly extracts are prepared on the basis of alcohol, categorically contraindicated even in minimal quantities in cancer. Currently invented effective drugs On honey. They are safe for the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate immunity, all internal systems and organs improve, and in some cases help alleviate the negative reaction of the body to the basic drug treatment.

Herbs and Plants: Choosing a big

Phytotherapy with uterine cancer, stomach, respiratory system or with malignant neoplasm of any other localization area usually involves the use of recipes based on the mumor, the tastechnik. Perhaps the most famous means are the Boligols. Sometimes doctors advise using aconite, bulk rhizomes, Tammes, Raisha. The practice of applying coniferous plants rich in phytoncides is extensively. They adversely affect the pathological microflora, warn viral invasion, which is especially important against the background of the depressing immunity of drug treatment of malignant neoplasms. Fir foods, pine, fir, from juniper and thuja are used. In addition, the phytoncides are rich in all varieties of mint. However, if we compare with mint, coniferous wins: they are available year-round, at any time you can get a fresh product. By the way, the traditional medicine has long recommended to use with serious diseases of hot pine needles rags. Semi-liter water boil on the tablespoon and insist one hour, eat half a glass four times daily.

Phytotherapy with stomach cancer, intestines, lungs and other organs as a means of weakening the negative effects of ionizing irradiation is relevant. By agrees the course with the doctor, from the first days of radiation therapy, collecting with a pharmacy chamomile, mint and plantain (all components are taken in the amount of 50 g). Twice by smaller volumes are added by Yarrow, St. John's wort. On the tablespoon of the mixture, the floor-liter of water is boiled, the hour is insist, then the liquid is frozen. The drug is consumed four times a day at half a glass for a quarter of an hour before meat, shortly before sleep. The duration of the program is up to 30 days. Sometimes this composition is used to facilitate the general poisoning of the body against the background of taking strong chemical compounds.

Recipes and options

Phytotherapy for lung cancer implies the use of musolithics, bronchodens, as well as herbs, stimulating regenerative processes and depressing the activity of inflammatory foci, weakening the general poisoning of the body. The most effective solution is the collection of equal amounts of linden, coltsfoot, cowboy, altea. Horstos, pine buds, donel, violet, chicory inflorescences, clarotka, plantain (twice as fewer than the first group of components) are introduced into it. Finally, five times less than each component of the first group, Veronica, Budrhus, Highlanders, Lilac and Chamomile Inflorescences, Dandelion and Latch Rhizavy are added to the collection. The mixture is brewed, for every half-liter of water using a tablespoon, give an hour. The finished drug is applied four times a day in food at half a cup.

Fitotherapy for lung cancer can also be used at the stage of infiltration, since successfully selected composition stimulates the resorption of pathological structures. In pharmacies, it is possible to find a collection, made of burdock and plantain leaves, yarrow, Hypericum and the Donovnik - Each plant is taken in the amount of 50 g. In terms of 30 g, the composition is introduced to the laptop, mother-and-stepmother, horsepower, velvets, horsetail and birch. The final stage is the inclusion of 10 g of walnut leaves, yawn bark, dryers and geraniums. Preparation and use coincide with the previously described compositions.

Effect: multifaceted

Oncological disease appears under the influence of a complex of factors - endogenous. What a person is played by the fact that a person is breathing, as it feeds in what conditions the radiation area of \u200b\u200bthe area lives. The likelihood of the process is influenced by systemic, chronic, infectious, viral, inflammatory diseases, irregular current or abnormal blood viscosity, hormonal background, enterobiosis, microflora imbalances. Combined treatment, irradiation, the operation is designed to exclude malignant structures from the body. Medicinal plants for oncology are used to adjust other factors: improving immunity, elimination of inflammation, normalizing the ratio of microscopic forms of life in the human body.

Normally, the therapeutic course assumes irradiation and receiving medicines both before the operation and after it. Courses are most difficult, if you have to deal with leukemia, sarcoma. Pass and chemotherapy courses are shown in such diseases in several stages, repeated repetition. For example, at acute leukemia, at least two dozen cycles will have to pass. This affects atypical cellular structures, but at the same time harm healthy. The first victims are the blood-forming organs, the gastric epithelium, the brain, renal parenchyma, the liver, the cutting of the circulatory system from the inside. To minimize these reactions, medication plants, infancy, oils, teas are used.

Nuances of efficiency

Phytotherapy for oncology is aimed at protecting young cells oppressable by a drug course. The use of plants allows you to prevent a strong negative impact on a variety of structures. In addition to eating herbs in food, it is recommended to do enemas with vegetable extracts. For one procedure, about 40 ml of warm fluid is necessary. Welded herbs, from which it was fused to eat in food, can be used as a risk if the skin is damaged: the herbs are imposed on the sore plot and wait for complete drying, after which the phytogel is used to secure the effect. Ointment is prepared by mixing 20 g of herbs with 100 g of butter, then they give four hours in the water bath, pressed through the gauze and stir, stirring regularly. The substance should be stored in a cool room (on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator), hermetically closed.

The best effect of phytotherapy during oncology gives if you choose the composition, based on the nuances of the case. It is possible to combine in different proportions and combinations of a labar, Cyprus, birch and municipal berries, Budrhus and a socket, oak and a saber. Tatarship, dandelion and burdock rhizomes, pyrhy and plantain have proven not bad. You can enter a velvet, mother-and-stepmother, hat and drying into a mixture. Known by their healing properties of nettle, geranium, mining. So that the collection positively influenced immunity, it is reasonable to turn on the radar, Levze, Ginseng, Eleutherokok. Do not neglect the pharmacy chamomile and Aralia.

Believe or not?

Phytotherapy for oncology has repeatedly become the subject of attentive research. Statistics clearly demonstrates: Using medicinal herbal To facilitate symptoms, eliminating painful syndromes gives a good and pronounced result with minimal complications. It is most significant for individuals whose complete cure (from the point of view of the official forecast) is impossible or extremely unlikely. The compositions and fees on plants facilitate pain, dyspepsia and nausea, stabilize the chair, reduce the necessary dose of narcotic painkillers. Clinical trials showed that the solid and severe pain syndrome is able to stop the well-selected natural composition in 75% of cases. The best results for anesthesia showed AIR and Eucalyptus. Someworthy below the effectiveness of the application of sage, wormwood, liners, raspberries, pyrms. You can use cleanly and ordinary dill, nettle and corn, currants. The most simple and usual plants with proper use make it possible to weaken the soreness and other negative syndromes associated with oncological diseases. The experiments showed their effectiveness hawky fruits, donel and wormwood, St. John's wort. For a long time, dandelion, dried in folk medicine, and the plantain also gave certain results. Rosehips, drinking, dresses should be included in the medicinal fees.

As a rule, phytotherapy for oncology is also aimed at stabilizing the work of the GTC, relief of pain in the stomach. These goals should be used cleanly. Some less effective sage and valerian, burdock, a series. As auxiliary components in herbal compositions, you can include wormwood, nettle, dill and raspberries, Cyprus and velvets, horsetail and hawthorn, corn.

Options: How will it help?

In 75% of patients, vomiting was facilitated, nausea when taking medicinal herbs. The best result was shuffling and cyprus, dill and birch. Pretty good results were in persons who used preparations with pijma, pallet, lingonberry, donel. To facilitate nausea, traditional medicine recommends using corn, horsetail and nettle. Clinical practice showed that it really gives good effect. To stop vomiting, it is best to use fees with chamomile and mother and machechine inflorescences, a plantain and a beast, yarrow.

As can be seen from statistics, up to 77% of patients were able to regain their normal appetite, including plant preparations with specified herbs in the course of treatment. The majority has passed the symptoms of depressive disorder, the shortness of breath, cough have become easier.

When breast cancer phytotherapy in 70% of the subjects allowed us to achieve weight gain against the background of transferred exhaustion. About 73% of patients began to suffer less from swelling, ascites, tachycardia was facilitated, regenerative processes were activated. Patients were less disturbed bleeding. The success of the normalization of hemoglobin in the circulatory system by receiving medicinal herbs is estimated at 65%. A well-selected course helps to stabilize the content of leukocytes, platelets, normalize ESO. But against anemia, drug therapy gives a relatively weak result. Some extent useful can be considered chamomile inflorescences and plantain.

Everything should be a reason

Phytotherapy in cancer is applied only if specific means showed nice results According to the results of proven, reliable tests. Fitotherapy does not oppose official science, is used as an additional method and does not replace the main course. Citotoxic, cytostatic qualities inherent in the components contained in plants, and in a number of medical facilities of artificial origin. It is believed that the natural product is better absorbed and harms a person less. At the same time, it is difficult to hide: plant preparations, widely used against cancer, is quite small.

The phytotherapy of breast cancer, liver or kidney, bones or other fabrics is often practiced using Vinblastine obtained from Barwinka. Studies have shown that a good effect for oncological patients gives natural drugsSupplied to the body of colchicine, Colchine - they are prepared on a non-freelance. People have learned from subophyll to extract and apply in the treatment of oncological patients Teniposide, etoposide. Tessi is used to obtain taxoids, components with increased activity against tumor cells.

And if more?

Colchimine is called a non-luxurious alkaloid, obtained from the tuber of the plant. Two varieties of plant are suitable for the use of phytolacars: autumn, magnificent. Both have antimitotic qualities. Collectum is used inside and for outdoor local application. The second option of consumption is the manufacture of plants based ointments. This is especially true for malignant processes in skin Coversif there are no metastases yet. The correct use of alkaloids allows to achieve the rapid death of atypical cells without harm to normal. The antitumor result of the effect of the cytostatic substance makes it possible to more effectively treat the gastric cancer and the defeat of the esophagus. Such preparations are chosen if the operation is contraindicated. With myeloid leukemia flowing in the form of a chronicle, columine also use.

Colchicine allows you to prevent the appearance of metastases and slow down their development, if any have already begun.

Vincaalkaloids manufactured on the basis of pink Barwinka are known for the antimitotic effect and to some extent close to the substance described earlier. The practice of using balquin alkaloids in the treatment of lymphogranulum, lymphosarcoma, chorinepithels, neuroblastomas is widespread. In a number of diseases, the substances include as an auxiliary element of combined treatment. Vinblastine, vincristine oppress the metaphase stage of cell division. The practice of using the Barvinka processing products to synchronize the therapeutic course, that is, the programs in which the patient takes the means blocking the growth of atypical cells at a certain phase of the cycle of life. This allows you to achieve a synchronous entry into the large number of malicious structures into a new phase, thereby making an impressive tumor plot sensitive to basic treatment. Barwinka alkaloids well shown themselves as a synchronizing agent for neoplasms in the testicles, lymph, reticulosarcomer.

What else happens?

Subophylline, obtained from subophyll, is used in medicine not by itself: semi-synthetic substance processing products are used, called epidophyllotoxins. They show good results in the new formation of the Jinga, the pulmonary cancer and hemoblastosis.

Taxoids derived from Tissa - cytostatic agents that are relatively recently gained widespread in clinical practice. Paklitaxel was a "pioneer" in this area. In its structure, this is not an alkaloid, but the dicyclic terpene. His proper application It helps increase the sensitivity of the pathological zone to target ionizing radiation. A good reputation has a phytopreparation "Taxolor", similar to Taxol, but twice the stronger.

Tests showed its effectiveness with neoplasms in the mammary gland, ovaries, with some forms of pulmonary cancer.

In the world, despite the emergence of new deadly diseases, the problem of such a disease, like cancer, remains still highly relevant: more than 6 million people die from cancer in the world; In Russia, every sixth Russian is falling in cancer.

However, few people know that cancer, though able to destroy and destroy the body, but it is quite possible to find the board - to neutralize, neutralize, drive out of the body. With this task, some qualified Orthodox trailies are completely successful, including monastic herbalists who spend their treatment with the means of traditional medicine, with the simultaneous spiritual and moral assistance of the patient himself (church confession and communion, admission to the Church and its sacraments).

Offered to your attention complex of anti-cancer funds from Father George, published in the newspaper "Ice Vera" for 2002. Archimandrite Georgy - Abbot of Holy Dukhov Timashevsky Monastery, which in the Krasnodar Territory. An amazing feature of Father George is that he is a professional herbalist; Knows some special, no one known recipes for the cure of many diseases. He is written and people come to him from different parts of Russia and other former republics of the Soviet Union, and he chooses the necessary medicine. A huge number of people healed father Georgy.

His main requirement for each, addressed to him for help, is confession, repentance and correction of life, because, in deep conviction about. George (relevant and teaching church), the roots of all diseases lie in the sins of a person. His patients are filled, corrected, change their lifestyle and at the same time take those champs and tinctures, which recommends about. George, and as a result ... recover.

Maybe that's why there are so many recovered among patients about. George.
For the blessing about. George from the end of the 90s began to leave the Orthodox newspaper "Ice the faith", containing a huge number of recipes on native medicine from all kinds of diseases, incl. Recipes of the father himself George.

Letter to about. George: "My friend two years ago, doctors discovered a malignant breast tumor. She passed a course of chemotherapy, irradiation and was already preparing for a breast removal operation ... Some of the acquaintances advised her to go to you, a divergent father of Georgy. She was with you and you prescribed her the collection of the herbs that she saw 8 months and all this time controlled the state of the tumor at the doctor. With each month, the tumor decreased, and at the beginning of the 9th month she disappeared at all. The examination of the doctors confirmed the absence of a tumor. To those women who, together with her, irradiated in the oncodispere, she advised your collection and they all cost without surgery, feel healthy. I want to notice that during the treatment of this "wonderful" fee, my friend didn't use meat at all. Is it possible to print this collection in your newspaper, maybe he will help many people who fight now for their lives?

Answer about. George: "First of all, with such terrible deadly diseases, as cancer, it is necessary to prepare the General Confession: to confess to the priest and adequately compete with the body and blood of Christ. Secondly, with such a serious disease, such as cancer, an accurate medical diagnosis and monitoring of medical specialists is necessary.

This collection is already tested by many people and helped many. These collection and those from which official medicine was forced to refuse, and those who only found out about their ailments in initial stage. Somehow one man came to us, who was discharged from the hospital in a hopeless state with a diagnosis " lung cancer" As you know, the lung cancer is practically not treated, but I decided to give it this collection. I do not know how much he took him, but he came to me after 3.5 years - alive "...

1. Infusion of 16 herbs:

Sage - (35 g);
Nettle - (25 g);
Rosehip - (20 g);
Immimentant - (20 g)
Toloknyanka - (20 g);
A series - (20 g);
Halfweight bitter - (15 g);
Yarrow - (10 g);
Chamomile - (10 g);
Dried set - (10 g);
Chabret - (10 g);
Cortex crash - (10 g);
Birch kidneys - (10 g);
Trifol (or linden flowers) - (10g);
Dried drying - (10 g);
Motherboard - (10 g).

Herbs need to grind well and mix. Then take from this collection of 26 grams (26 grams are approximately six tablespoons of a well-chopped collection), put them in an enameled pan, pour 2.5 liters of boiling water, and insist on very slow heat (95 degrees - no boiling !!!) - Exactly 3 hours. For 3 hours, the decoction will be evaporated to a smaller volume and will become concentrated.

After 3 hours, the decoction to strain, cool and put in the refrigerator. Drink in warm form on the 1st tablespoon (in severe cases - it is possible with 3 tablespoons) 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is 30 days, then break 10-12 days, and the treatment is repeated again.

Go through so many courses as it is necessary for complete cure. During treatment, conduct (test research) of the tumor (ultrasound, x-rays). Infusion to store in the refrigerator until it is over; In a good refrigerator, this infusion is stored for a long time. Do not forget when brewing herbs add holy water to the decoctions (better bachechenskaya) - literally a few drops.

This collection can also be prepared on alcohol (you can 70%) in a ratio of 1: 4 (100 grams of thoroughly crushed collection - by 400 grams of alcohol). Insist in a dark place for 1 month, take 1 teaspoon on 1 tablespoon of water or milk 3-4 times a day 40 minutes before meals.

NOTE: The composition of the 16 of the grass includes the plant "dried set", which many people do not know about. This plant is differently called a "feline paw", "grass from forty-minded", "immortal cardiac" (not to be confused with sandmall). Also, "dried set" is called the "immortal white", the "White Hyveriction", the "serpent", the "shelnie grass" (because the druncle treats herroke). Grows drywalk on dry meadows, pine bodies, and wasteland, almost throughout Russia and Ukraine. This plant is up to 25 cm high, the flowers are collected in the basket of purple-pink or pale pink color. Flowers from May to the end of June. After drying, completely retains its beautiful colour. It is more efficient to combine this infusion with the reception inside the alcohol tincture of the fruits of the sorphy of the Japanese and a mixture of brandy with sea buckthorn (or olive) oil.

2. Preparation of alcohol tincture of fruits (or flowers) Japanese sofa: Take 50 grams of fruits or flowers Sophia Japanese, insist in 0.5 liter of vodka (buy high-quality vodka, be careful not to buy a fake!). Of course, it is best to take medical alcohol instead of vodka (proportions for alcohol are the same as for vodka). You need to insist at least 40 days! Drink 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach and before meals in 30 minutes 3-4 times a day. Drink 40 days in a row, then pass the survey at the oncologist. If the residual signs of the disease remain, the course must be repeated 15 days after the first year. When launched cancer stages, you need five such courses and take the software together with the presentation of 16 herbs, which was mentioned above. Those who can not drink alcohol, should be done like this: make one spoon of well-chopped fruits in 1 cup of boiling water, insist the night in the thermos, strain and drink 2 tablespoons 4 times a day before meals in 30 minutes.

3. Preparation of a mixture of brandy (or medical alcohol) with olive or sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil : Take 30 ml of high quality brandy (or medical alcohol) mix with 30 ml of sea buckthorn or olive oil (another oil can not be used in this case!), Shake well and take on the 1st tablespoon 3 times a day in 1 hour before meals For 2 weeks in a row.

So to spend 3 courses with 10 day breaks, then follow the examination to control the reduction of the tumor: hand over blood, make ultrasound procedure patient organ.

In 2002, the Issue Region newspaper also published several articles oncologist and phytotherapist prof. V.A. Esenkulov, containing detailed recommendations on the complex, scientific treatment of cancer of any localization. Professor Esenkulov lives in recent years and works in Austria. Known as a successfully practitioner phytotherapist-oncologist, author of a number of scientific work, confirming the effectiveness of the treatment of oncoliculas with a complex method of combining phytopreparations with vitamin row drugs based on changes in psychological installations, lifestyle and nutritional quality of the patient himself.

Vintage rare cancer recipes

From breast cancer

Do you know that all the forgotten plant rulk Russian fully cures. For this purpose, the roots of this plant are used.

Recipe 1.: 20 g of the roots of the city bar for 200 ml of boiling water brew on a water bath for 20 minutes. Take 1 table. spoon 3 times a day.

Recipe 2.: Alcoholic tincture of the city border: the proportions of the city and vodka 1: 3, insist 20 days, take 25 drops 3 times a day.

For malignant tumors

The same applies to the plant by a medicinal walk.

Gulyavnik (The people are called spiny or armful grass), it is used for all malignant tumors. Applies only seeds of this plant. A huddle is especially effective with breast cancer, prostate and thyroid gland. Numerous cases of healing and cancer of other organs are registered. Also, the leaves of the walkman is a strong anthelmintic remedy for all types of worms. Since it is proved that the toxins secreted by helminths contribute to the formation of tumors, they will not excessive from the gloves by plant means, for example, a walking room.

Recipe: Infusion of leaves and seeds of the walking room: 1 table. Spooning herbs mix with 1 table. spoon seeds, take 1 table. Spooning the mixture to pour 1 glass of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes in a water bath, strain, take 1 tablespoon 2 hours after meals.

To prevent metastases after removal of malignant tumors:

Recipe: It is accepted independently infusion of the herbs of the thistle of the barrel (thistle): 4 table. Spoons of crushed flowers and tattar leaves pour 1 l hot water and boil on very small heat for 10 minutes, cool, withstand another 4 hours in a cool place. Take 1-2 cup of ragum 4 times a day before meals. Better every day to cook a new decoction.

ATTENTION! The infusion of the Tatarn can raise arterial pressureTherefore, hypertensive should envisage and take appropriate means to reduce pressure.

With uterine or stomach cancer

Recipe: It is necessary to take the decoction of the roots of the burdock: 2 table. Spoons per 400 ml of boiling water, insist on low heat for 25 minutes. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals. When the uterus cancer, paint the same decoction.

Good remedy for esophagus and stomach cancer

Recipe: In equal parts, take the roots of the burdock, chopped into powder (or fresh roots, missed through a meat grinder), honey and alcohol, insist for 1 week in a dark place and take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.

Simple recipe for throat cancer

Recipe: Take 3 glasses of the laurel sheet, crush pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist in a dark place 2 weeks, strain, take 1 table. Spoon 3 times a day.

Anti-cancer fee of Professor Esenkulov (With all types of tumors):

- the donon grass with flowers,
- Tatarnik (thistle),
- Yarrow,
- St. John's wort
- Roots nettle,
- dill seed,
- Trek grass (before flowering!),
- wormwood
- Plantain

Cooking: All herbs for 10 g. Take 4 teaspoons of the mixture on 4 glasses of boiling water, insist on a water bath of 1.5 hours on a very slow fire, without bringing to a boil. Drink 1/2 cup 2 hours after meals! You need to drink exactly one year with interruptions 10 days after every forty days. With careful and regular use, all types of tumors disappear, and for one year.

A lot of anti-cancer means, but this article proposes the most affordable and effective means.

With all types of tumors

Recipe: Decoction of flower petals of sunflower: 1 table. A spoon for 1 glass of boiling water, insist, drink 4-6 times a day by? glasses.

Outdoor remedy for breast tumors and goiter

Recipe: Take the young branches of oak, remove the bark with them, dry, crush. 1 table. A spoonful of the cortex to brew 1 glass of boiling water, on a small fire to peel 20 minutes, insisted on the heat of 3 hours, well biting. When the decoction cools, take a piece of fabric from a terry towel, wet in the brave and apply like a compress in the morning and in the evening, keep not more than 2 hours. When zob, such a compress can be put on the area of \u200b\u200bthe thyroid gland. Young oak bark dissipates unrevented tumors.

From breast cancer and language cancer

Recipe: It is used in the tinnitus of the chain (in the people they are called velcro or hemorrhoids): 2 table. Spoons of crushed grass pour 2 glasses of boiling water, insist 3 hours, strain. Drink hot on? Glass 4 times a day in small sips, with a tongue cancer, in addition to techniques inside, make rinsing the oral cavity.

Recipe 1: Vodka tincture of wormwood (Chernobyl.) 1 Chain. Spooning herbs pour 1 cup boiling water, insisted on fine fire until up to half of the volume. Take 30 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Recipe 2.: A tincture of a ripple (grows in water bodies): 1 chain. A spoon is well washed with chopped ripples insist in 50 ml of vodka 4 days, flickering and taken 20 drops with? Water glasses 3-4 times a day. Those who do not tolerate alcoholic tinctures, It is necessary to mix the powder to mix with honey 1: 1, make the "pills" weighing 2 g and take 1 pill 3 times a day per hour before meals.

With all malignant neoplasms and papilomatosis, the infusion of the Zefinnik of the tuber (Zopnik Caucasian and the prickly) is used. Flowers also have a healing effect.

Recipe: Take 2 table. Spoons of the Grass Zopnik pour 250 ml of boiling water, insisted in the thermos for 6 hours, take? Glass 4 times a day before meals.

The Zopnik is generally a wonderful grass, it is not written about it without a little. It is accepted to improve performance, cheerfulness, gives the body of force, increases immunity to disease, treats all nervous diseases. Now all humanity suffers chronic fatigueSo everyone needs to drink tea from the grass of the Zefnik.

Interesting remark!

BLOOMING SALLY. Some herbalists offer to treat malignant tumors of Ivan grass. At my many years of experience, I was convinced that Ivan-Tea, as an independent plant could not fight cancer, it can only be taken in conjunction with other antitumor plants for prevention and treatment only benign tumors. Ivan-tea roots are effective with pains in women, gonor, syphilis, with constipation, headaches, peptic disease Stomach, intestines, gastritis, colitis, but to say that he cures cancer, it would be an exaggeration.

Recipe: Infusion of Ivan's Grass with the above diseases: 2 table. Water spoons insist 6 hours in 2 glasses of boiling water in thermos, take on? Glass 4 times a day before meals. With a stomach and colitis ulcers: do such a decoction of Ivan tea: 1 table. Spoon leaf pour 1 cup cold water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, remove from the fire and insist for another 2 hours, hooking. Strain and take 1 table. A spoon 4 times a day before meals.

When cancer and bladder polyps

Applied Root Iris. (taught pale). Previously, this plant was wild, now it is used as a decorative plant on the flower beds and in the gardens. Recipe: The decoction of the roots of the iris: a teaspoon of crushed roots with 400 ml of boiling water, cook 5 minutes, insist 2 hours, strain, take 100 ml 4 times a day before meals before recovery. The roots of the Iris have been harvested from September to November.

Earlier, I have already said that you should constantly drink tea from antitumor herbs, it is necessary for people who are incorrecting, live in cities with a bad environment, suffer from chronic diseases that can go to malignant shape. Such drinks purify blood and prevent malignant education.

Recipe: Another one of the compositions of antitumor tea: flowers and grass of the clover meadow, nettle, calendula, brew, like ordinary tea. When lung cancer in this tea, you should still add the gooseberry leaves. Few people know that the leaves of the gooseberry completely cures the tuberculosis of the lungs.

According to the materials of Dr. Honey. Sciences, Professor Esenkulov
"Ice faith" № 9. - 2002. Harvesting grains for cancer in cancer

The problem of oncological diseases continues to be one of the currently relevant. Theories of the occurrence of tumors are very much. It is believed that the disease is the disturbed system of self-regulation of the body, a decrease in non-specific immunity. Infebit heredity, professional harm, unfavorable ecological situation.

A person suffering from cancer will damage negative emotions: fear, sadness, panic, passive humility, due to which the resistance of the body's disease is reduced.

Medical statistics indicate hundreds of thousands of cure on cancer with various methods. Therefore, hope and faith in recovery should be non-gas. It is necessary to continue to preserve interest in life, activity, personal hygiene, positive emotions will benefit to fight the ailment.

Nature gives us many products of animal and vegetable origin with antitumor activity. for example: Coarse grinding flour with bran, garlic, horseradish, radish, bow, sea buckthorn, parsley, dill, celery, sorrel, birch juice, carrots, green tea, lemon, uterine milk, sea cabbage, beets, wheat bran.

For treating oncological diseases of herbs First of all, it is recommended to carry out basic therapy from complex fees, then against the background of basic therapy, plants with antitumor activity (Peony, Cellular, Coid, Boligols, Chag, etc.) are used. The basic therapy in the treatment of oncological diseases is necessary to increase the immunity and the resistance of the body.

IN the composition of the fees Participated plants governing the work of the nervous system, which reduce depression and fear, improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen cardiovascular system Restore the composition of the blood, reinforce the operation of the kidneys, and stimulating adrenal bark. Complex herbs fees in cancer are not only a medicine, but also with nutrition for the organism weakened on disease, as they contain fats, proteins, carbohydrates, trace elements and vitamins.

Possessing antitumor activity drugs are prescribed against the background of basic therapy, due to which their toxic effect on other healthy organs decreases (Cellular, Boligols, and others).

For grazing grants in the treatment of oncological diseases apply flowershawthorn, rhizome of Aira, immorterry flowers, burdock, wormwood, boiler, hat, plantain, calendula flowers, sandy, sage, mistletoe, birch leaf, mint, melissa, chernobyl, pyrhem, aloe, trunk, tatailar, saffron, craft , Nine and others.

Medicinal herbs, for the most part, it is very important to understand, do not heal from cancer, but they help medical treatment and slow down the growth of tumors, increase the resistance of the body, improve the composition of the blood, reduce many clinical symptoms. But everything should be a common with her doctor.

Whatever the body is accustomed to the same collection of herbs and therapeutic effects of grass has not been less effective - they should alternate them by months (for example: a tincture of peony, infusion of chorely, decoction of needles, infusion of chaga, eyelid.).

The treatment of oncological diseases of herbs can be carried out simultaneously with radiation and chemotherapeutic treatment methods. Treatment of cancer should occur under the control of a phytotherapist and an oncologist.

Treatment of cancer herbs

Medicinal herbs and plants during cancer of various organs:

1. With liver cancer: chicory, wish-shaped butter, cunning, chaga.

2. When the nasopharynx cancer: rinsing with mint, boiled in an apple vinegar, an infusion of a lubber, a shrine juice (diluted with water 1:10), sorrel horse, plantain.

3. When breast cancer: Forest violets, Iris, purestones; Inside: Infusions of Heel, Kalina Juice with Honey, Calendula, Hypericum.

4. When a female sexual cancer: brilliating, peony, crank, soul, calendula, Celene, Tatarnik.

5. With a rectal cancer: enemas with a purity, valerian, carrot juice, a chernobyl, oak bark, wormwood.

6. When skin cancer: garlic, chopper juice, hops, horseradish, elm, clergy, lingers, tattars, birch kidneys.

7. With a stomach cancer: drying, plantain, cleanliness, calendula, chernistine, chicory, Bolotnaya, chage, Zolotnik, Zvetchik, wormwood, carrot juice, beets.

8. With radiation sickness: chaga, aloe, nettle, cabbage, birch juice, green tea, rowan, licorice, strawberries, carrots, beets, donel, corn, Cabernet wine, "Kahors".

The most efficient at home for the treatment of cancer, the following plants are:

1. Celest big. Cellular contains over 20 alkaloids (including Sanguinarine, Helidonin, Helterrine), Vitamins A, C, Saponina, organic acids, bitterness, flavonoids, etc. substances. Preparations containing clean region cause a delay in the growth of malignant tumors, soothe the central and vegetative nervous system, reduce the pain, increase the intestinal peristalsis, the muscles of the uterus are tone. Possess a choleretic, relaxing and antimicrobial action.

Apply: Four tablespoons of grass pour in one liter of boiling water, insisted during the night thermos in. Use externally in the form of compresses on a tumor or take inside one tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

2. Chaga, also called him - birch mushroom. The infusion of chaga is applied to the treatment of oncological diseases, namely for tumors and leukemia. Chaga mushroom contains organic acids, lignin, polysaccharides, pterilla, fiber, phenol, trace elements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, silicon, iron, copper, etc.). The chaga mushroom has an antitumor ability, regulates the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the well-being of patients.

Accept Chap Soak in water for four hours, then the mushroom is necessary to skip through the meat grinder and add five parts of boiled water water no higher than 50 degrees. Insist the infusion within two days, then it is necessary to strain, add water in which the mushroom was soaked. Nasty is stored no more than four days. Take 100 billion. three times per day.

In the pharmacy you can find the drug from Chaga - Befungin.

Take it : one teaspoon of this drug is breed in 100 ml of water, drink on one tablespoon three times a day before meals.

3. Purple Cancer Otherwise, it is also called - Cabbage Wares. According to antitumor activity, Boligol collected is much stronger.

Apply Its according to the following scheme: in the form of salads, 10% tinctures (20 drops three times a day before meals). In Russia, it was a water infusion called - "live water" (20 Gna 200 ml of water: 30 ml three times a day before meals).

4. PION is extraordinary Or otherwise - Maryan root - has a strong bactericidal action, contains strontium, iron, lead, chrome, copper, molybdenum, titanium, vanadium, nickel, antimony, magnesium, barium and other trace elements. Recommend to drink the infusion of marina root for the treatment of uterine cancer, malaria, neurosis and in the disease of the liver,.

Application: One teaspoon of dry peony root insisted for three hours in three glasses of boiling water. Drink on one tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Peony tincture is to drink one teaspoon three times a day before meals, while breeding in 50 ml of water.

5. Wormwood ordinary Or differently - the Chernobor, also called - God's tree. They usually drink with a stomach cancer and female genital organs. Soothes the nervous system, stimulates immunity, improves digestion, delays cancer growth.

Application: a) One tablespoon of grass to brew 300 ml. boiling water. Pour into the thermos and insist all night .. drink 100 ml three times a day before meals;

6. Garlic sowing: Garlic phytoncides slow down the growth of the skin cancer tumorsAlso recommended for some formas for gathering leukoplakia, ulcers, hyperkeratosis).

7. Aloe tree Contains such strong substances such as biogenic stimulants that increase the protective forces of the body. It helps to improve the appetite, promotes the healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences, relaxes the intestine, radial burns, ulcers, increases hemoglobin and increases the number of red blood cells. Aloe is contraindicated in pregnancy, severe liver damage, hemorrhoid.

8. Calendula medicinal - Nailing is growing in almost everyone at the cottage and has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect, it has antitumor activity, reinforces the contractile function of myocardium, soothes the nervous system, reduces the increased blood pressure.

Applied In the diseases of the stomach, liver, intestines, neurosis, gold, rickets, conjunctivitis, wounds, ulcers, heart failure, trichomoniasis, tumors.

Apply the infusion of calendula - 20 drops to eating three times a day or one tablespoon of colors pour 300 ml. Boiling water and during the night insist in a thermos and drink three times a day before eating 100 ml.

Herbs collection with rack enhancement immunity:

1. Rosehip, plantain, dyeing, horsetail (3 parts), oregano (1 part), sage, chernobyl, coat (0.5 parts), a series, nettle (2 parts), chamomile (5 parts).

Drink two tablespoons on 0.7l boiling water, insist, take 100 ml three times a day before meals.

Similarly prepare and apply fees:

Plantain, St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula, nettle (2 parts), yarrow, mint, car, clean, Trifol (1 part), wormwood (0,5 parts) of the Pijm,;

Chernobyl, nettle, elderberry (4 parts), cuff, burdock root, dandelion sheet, blueberry sheet, linen seed (2 parts), nine (1 part);

Pijma, Oats Song, plantain (1 part), St. John's wort (4 parts), yarrow, mother-in-law, rosehip (2 parts), Chernobyl (3 parts).

Cancer treatment by other means

1. Blend of fresh juice To reduce the toxic impact on the body and the system of blood formation of chemotherapy and radiation therapy: Mix 200 g of carrot juice, beet juice, radish juice and honey. Drink to 30g twice a day mixing with 50 ml of warm water before meals. Store juice in the refrigerator.

2. Kalina juice with honey with breast cancer.

3. Sea cabbage (Contains fats, proteins, carbohydrates, sodium salts, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, bromine, radium, iodine, vitamins A, C, arsenic): take one teaspoon every day twice a day. Sea cabbage increases appetite, improves well-being, increases blood hemoglobin, reduces intoxication.

4. Mors From cranberries, red rowan, lemon: 100 g of Morsa before meals. Stimulating the adrenal candy, they increase the body's resistance to cancer

5. Birch juice Very useful and should be taken: 100 g before meals.

6. Wine "Kahors" "Cabernet" (from one grape variety): 50-100 g before dinner. The wine contributes to the excavation of radionuclides from the body, increases appetite and well-being, improves the picture of blood,.

7. Vegetables and vegetable juices Plants containing selenium, which slows down the growth of malignant cells, as well as garnet, celery, saffron, parsley, etc.

Treatment of cancer, treatment of cancer

The information in the article is presented exclusively for doctors! Do not self-medicate!

One of the most actively developing areas of medicine is Cancer biological therapy - high-tech treatment methods, including the impact on the natural protective mechanisms of the patient or the introduction of substances of natural origin.

Scientific analysis shows that nature contains an unlimited amount of chemical compounds that can potentially be used to treat all sorts of human diseases, including oncological. To date, the amount of information about medicinal plants significantly exceeds the clinical experience of their application. Medicinal plants and biologically active substances isolated from them often detect high immunotropic and anti-turn activity. A characteristic feature of such studies is that in some cases, those properties of plants that have been known in traditional medicine are experimentally confirmed and were actually already used. The main task of phytotherapy is the correct assessment and use of experience accumulated by centuries. Evaluating the opportunity cancer phytotherapyIt is necessary first of all to navigate the well-known pharmacological phenomena and experience in the use of anti-tube drugs.

The appointment of phytosterias oncological patients is carried out on the basis of clinical data and well-known pharmacotherapeutic properties of plants. A wide spectrum of phytosterias with pronounced cytostatic, antimicrobial, immunotropic, detoxification, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and reparting effect is used. Often, the phytotherapeutic assistance of cancer patients is necessary and appropriate. It should be emphasized that the phytotherapy is not opposed to the achievements of science, and complements the treatment of cancer patients.

Cytotoxic and cytostatic effects of vegetable origin

In addition to synthetic chemotherapy products with cytotoxic and cytostatic action, plant origin preparations are used in oncology. IN clinical therapy Malignant tumors Group of preparations of plant origin is small - from tens of thousands of plants in practical oncology, only a few are used. Wide use found:

- vinblastine and wincristine - Alkaloids isolated from barwinka Pink ;

- colchicin and colchine - from Lukovitz streamed ;

- teniposide and etoposide - synthetic derivatives of subofillotoxins from podophile thympoid ;

- taxoids of tissa Picookean having high anti-tub activity.

Colchine - Alkaloid from the clubnelukovitz sverhead magnificent and outnance lantern Filly family families have a pronounced antimitric activity. A drug collectum (Decocolcin, Omain) Apply inside and locally in ointments when skin cancer (without metastases). At the same time, malignant cells die, and normal epithelium cells are practically damaged. The pronounced anti-tube action of cytostatics is marked with esophageal cancer and highly located stomach cancer, moving to esophagus, not subject to surgical treatment. Collectum is effective in chronic myeloid leukemia.

Inhibitory effect on metastases manifests colchicin.

Vincaalkaloids - vinblastine (Rosevin) and wincristine - Alkaloids barwinka Pink . They have an antimitotic effect and, like colchamin, block mitosis in the metaphase stage. These drugs are used in lymphographicomatosis, lymphosarcomes, egg tumors, uterine chorirephelter, neuroblastome, as well as in combination therapy for other tumors. In addition, Vinblastine and Wincristine are often used in combination therapy of malignant tumors in order to synchronize. The synchronization principle is constructed on the use of the drug causeing a reversible block of tumor cells in the phase of the tumor cycle to which it acts, after which, at a certain period of time, a significant mass of tumor cells synchronously enters the following phases. At this time, the tumor becomes the most sensitive to the effects of other antitumor agents. Combinations are successfully used to synchronize vinblastina and bleomycin with egg tumors and wincristina and endoksana With the reticulo and lymphosarcoma.

Podophylline - a mixture of substances from the roots podophile thympoid . Semi-synthetic subylline derivatives are used - epidophilotoxins: teniposide and etoposide. Etoposide is effective with small-cell lung cancer, Yinga tumors, and shadedness - with hemoblastosis.

New cytostatic compounds introduced into clinical practice - taxoids of tissa Picookean . Taxol (Paklitaxel) The first allowed cytostatic from a taxon class on the oncology. It is not an alkaloid, but is a dicyclic terpene. The pronounced radio systemicizing properties of this cytostatics are noted. From the European type of Tissa (Taxus Bacata) preparation "Taxolor", the antitumor activity of which is twice as much as such in taxola. The results of the research indicate the effectiveness of taxi in breast cancer and its metastases, ovarian cancer, neotlocyllular lung cancer.

The group of natural cytostatics also includes akonites , wheel poisonous (Cycle) et al. conditionally - this vegetable antitumor agents first order.

To date, cytostatic activity has been revealed by almost all groups of chemical compounds that are part of the plants: kumarian, lignins, flavonoids, proteins, polysaccharides, sulfur compounds et al. According to the results of experimental studies on various models, antitumor activity of extracts from many plants was revealed: aira, Lamberry, Nather, Dyagil, Calendula, Squares, Flax, Mattle, Okopnik, Deer Moss, Omelo, Slap bags, violets, Eleutherokokka and etc.

The second direction of the survey of new phytosters after cytostatics in oncology is the search biological reaction modifiers. The effect of such drugs is directed both on tumor cells and on various regulatory systems of the body, the reduction or stimulation of antitumor resistance, the strengthening of the antiblastomic effectiveness of therapy and the weakening of its toxic effect on the body. Modifiers of biological reactions of plant origin are beneficial from the rest: information on the toxicity of both whole drugs and chemical substances isolated from plants is practically not found in the receiving literature. It is a vegetable raw material containing a rich set of biologically active substances, is an inexhaustible source of this type of funds.

Hormonal preparations and their phytoanalogs

In oncology is widely used estrogen, androgen, corticosteroids. For example, breast tumors are treated androgeni and estrogen; Endometrial - gestagenami; prostate gland - estrogen; hematopoietic organs - corticosteroids etc.

Compounds similar to sex hormones in structure and by action ( hormone-like) are contained in flowers willow , roots of licorice , apricot , cherry , drying rogue , star , clover , kubashka Yellow , marie Belya , musha Fisher , force , khmele , anchorov , yatryshnik and other plants.

Corticosteroids (prednisone, etc.) are often used in combination with other antitumor drugs in the treatment of hemablastosis, breast cancer, prostate gland and other tumors. Phytotherapists are important to consider this moment, as there are natural analogs of corticosteroids, for example, licorice .

Plants with an unclear mechanism of antitumor action. Chaga

Among the plants that are attributed to the antitumor action, many of these, the mechanisms of action of which are unknown or not found out to the end. This fact is found in the study of special literature, including the most professional and voluminous work devoted to this problem by K.P. Balitsky and A.P. Vorontsova "Medicinal plants and cancer" (Kiev, 1982). Plants with antitumor activity is given a lot, and evidence is clearly not enough. From this list, you should pay attention to many plants that have long been reputation for long "Antineoplastic": aloe, Bereza, Boligols, Wrestler (Athonite Pharmacy), Buds, Mena Poisonous, Geranium, Dudnik, Dornishnik, St. John's wort, Kalina, Luggage, Lavirovnya, Burn, Mokholi, Nogoby (Calendula), White mistletoe, Crashing and ordinary, Peony (Marine Root), Plainty, Svetla, Highlander, Tatarnik, Violet, Chaga, Cherrythel.

Chaga unconditionally and rightfully occupies one of the first places among the recognized folk anticogeneous, general fascinating, gastrointestinal funds in the territory of the former USSR. Dosage forms from Chaga passed an unprecedented test in practice and imprinted in history as definitely useful, harmless and promising. The positive effect of drugs from Chaga is difficult to explain the action of only individual chemical compounds, although there are scientific prerequisites that make it possible to believe that the antitumor effect may be associated with the presence lignins, pteryov and manganese. The unique natural pharmacological set of chaga provides the body an optimal spectrum of chemical compounds to restore its structural and functional integrity. The body as a self-regulating system uses the necessary components from chaga to increase its viability. The antitumor and adopting effect of chaga is also implemented due to the subtle protective effect on cellular structures (antioxidant, cytoprotective and genoprotective effect), and due to the harmonizing effect on regulatory and protective mechanisms (immune, endocrine and nervous Systems), providing a rational compensatory response of the body to harmful effects. Nature itself made that it is useful to a person: the optimal combination of substances contributing to maintaining homeostasis is concentrated in Chage. Thus, chaga is a prophylactic phytotherapeutic agent from tumors and aging.

The expressed inhibitory effect on the development of experimental carcinomas of Lewis Lewis is noted in the treatment of extracts from badan Pacific, Large, Lzhelovoid, Saflor, Baikal, Baikal, Velvet, Amur. High antimetastatic activity has been detected in drugs from badan Pacific, Duudnik Daurns, Levzey Saflorovoid, Lespdiza Dvizholevoy, sea buckthorn, Roboli Pink, secrunii semi-walled, licorice of the Ural, Celandine, Biikal, Baikal . Effective in chemotherapy extracts Baikalsky's skullmark , shoots and bark sea buckthorn , officially registered drug "Plantain Juice" .

Logic and experience leads to the conclusion that the search for effective antitumor agents is advisable among plants with antibacterial effect (by analogy with antibacterial antibiotics), especially since there is enough facts in the literature indicating antitumor activity aira, Dornishnichnik, Hypericum, Calendula, Kubyushka Yellow, Oops, Peony, Lodki, Tatakan, Celebre, Eucalyptus et al. Along with hormone-like, these plants can be attributed to the antitumor medicinal plants. second order. The combining plant for this group of plants is the presence of a prescribed by the people and not refuted by the clinical pharmacology of antitumor action. Most of the plants of this group can be attributed to biomodifiersbecause their antitumor effect is not only cytostatic, but affects the immune, endocrine Systems and other systems and organs due to the induction of protective antitumor reactions. The fact that these plants have not yet created drugs for use in official oncology, does not mean that there will be no such drugs. Medicinal plants of this group can be somewhat instructed by the severity of antitumor effects with such funds as cyclophosphan. or 5th FormuracylBut the reserve of increasing their importance in the treatment of oncological patients can serve as the relative softness and physiology of action, in contrast to aggressive chemotherapy.

Immunotropic medicinal plants are essential, since it is necessary to achieve cellular increasing. With oncological diseases to strengthen immunity, many authors offer to use licorice, a series, sabelnik, chagu, rosehip, peony and others. Plants.

According to experimental studies, extracts from amur velvet, Safloretoid, Manchurian walnut, White-colorful peony, plantain large They have the ability to increase the number of leukocytes in peripheral blood after chemotherapy and at the same time inhibit the development of the tumor. After the exposure of cytostatics prevented the development of the leukopenic effect chinese lemongrass, lilac amur, pine ordinary .

Medicinal plants are played in the conduct of detoxification in the treatment of cancer. Detoxication fees include plants of anti-inflammatory, immunotropic, diuretic, choleretic, hepatoprotective action. Such phytosterms significantly reduce the toxic effect of radiation and chemotherapy.

Prevention of oncological diseases with medicinal plants

One of the tasks in the treatment of patients with diseases prone to malignant reincarnation is creation of antitumor background . To this end, it is advisable to use non-toxic and non-visible significant functional deviations of the plant, often referred to as the people "Locked".

In Russian traditional medicine, it is believed that a pronounced antiblastomatous action possess aloe juice , Nainty nuts dwarm , tincture Marina Root (Peony) et al. How constructing and oncoprotective are often used:

Juices of fruits kalins , sea buckthorn , currant ;

Underground parts swables, carrots, horseradish, radish, garlic, onion, burdock ;

Leaves, Flowers and Stems plantain big, marigolds (calendula), obscure, colanthoe, celandine, strawberries, cabbage, dill , as well as salads of them. Some of the listed plants can be allocated in antitumor plant third order .

In preventive purposes recommended preventive anticancer teas :

Grass strawberries forestry, plantain big, nogotkov, violets sushy 1 part; fruit shipovnika - 3 parts;

Grass chisthela - 5 parts; grass nogotkov, leaves nuts dwarm - 3 parts; row levzeys Saflorovoid - 2 parts; row licorice - 0.5 parts;

Row pion evading (marina root), lopuha big, medicinal roofs - 4 parts; leaves nuts dwarm - 3 parts; grass reason present, rephetter pharmacy, avdian - 2 parts; root licorice and rhodians pink - 1 part;

Fruit body chaga - 2 parts; roots gravist city, sabelnik Bolotnaya, grass reason present, rephetka - 1 part; roots licorice - 0.5 parts.

Infusions of these fees (2 teaspoons on a glass of boiling water) take 1.5-2 glasses per day (half a cup of 3-4 times).

ethnoscience India, Tibet, Egypt, China recommends consuming for prevention and treatment malignant neoplasms carrots, onions, garlic, radish, horseradish, red pepper, red cabbage, parsley, cooler, salad, celery, sorrel, spinach and etc.

Categories of oncological patients who are shown by phytotherapy

- "Refusing" patients, when it is inappropriate to operate or carry out radiation or chemotherapy. Symptomatic phytotherapy allows you to improve the quality and lifespan of patients, for example, to avoid bleeding, reduce ascites;

Symptomatic therapy may and should be held all Oncological patients. Medicinal plants having a hemostatic, hypotensive, increasing appetite, anti-voice, common and other effects, can be applied without restrictions;

Preparation of patients with surgery or other treatment;

Weakening of negative influence surgical treatment, chemistry and radiation therapy. Detoxification is carried out, immunocorrection (mainly the activation of cellular links), restoration of leukocyte levels, liquidation of anemia, optimization of vital functions of the body;

Replacement therapy According to indications, for example, in order to introduce missing vitamins and minerals to the body;

Folk Medicine uses anesthetic effect of plants - belen, Belladonny, Boligolov ;

Recovery stage after radical treatment. The removal of the tumor is not always, unfortunately, means complete recovery. And during this period, patients are rendered without close attention. Fitotherapeutic agents are necessarily used to minimize recurrence risks.

Observation of oncological patients shows that the absence or presence of tumor counteraction is very fine. In the first case, the tumor is growing rapidly, and when used even enough simple phyttorals, the malignant process slows down. Carcinogenesis is a process that requires constant daily counteraction.

Regardless of the stage and form oncological disease Fitotherapy has a sufficient arsenal of means capable of adequately adding etiopathogenetic, syndromal and symptomatic treatment of patients, which improves the quality of their lives and extends it. The author acquainted with the work of herbalists-healers, met patients engaged in self-medication, and also has its own experience of treating cancer patients, including "refusal". It can be stated that explicit good luck - braking of tumor growth, preventing metastasis, regression of tumor growth - in the treatment of cancer medicinal plants it is not rare.

Studies also confirm the effectiveness of the use of phytto-media in treatment benign tumors: nodal goiter, ovarian cyst, uterine, gastrointestinal polyps etc. There are failures - they will save themselves far from all patients with cancer, so do not hurry with replication even the very successful experience of cancer phytherapy. Long and painstaking work is needed to achieve high efficiency and reproducibility of optotherapy of tumor diseases.

TURISEKH S.N. ., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor,

Head of Fitotherapy Course at the Department of Family Medicine FPPs MMA. I.M.Sechenova.

By "Modern Fitotherapy" - M: Gootar Media, 2007

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