How to dry rose hips at home: methods and rules for drying fruits, leaves, roots. How to dry rose hips in a gas oven Dry rose hips at home

Rose hips are used for decoctions, as part of medicinal teas, compotes and tinctures are prepared, which help strengthen the immune system. Dried fruits are a kind of concentrate of useful substances that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Before you dry rose hips, you need to learn how to pick berries and how to prepare them for drying.

Collection rules

Harvested fruits retain their useful properties, dry well and are stored for a long time.

  • It is necessary to collect wild rose raw materials away from the carriageway, at the maximum distance from manufacturing enterprises.
  • Optimally suitable for drying - firm, slightly unripe berries with a sour, slightly astringent taste. In such raw materials there are more vitamins than in ripened ones. Rose hips can be orange or bright red, depending on the variety.
  • Fruits begin to be harvested from the beginning of August, until the first cold weather.
  • The berries are very tender and spoil quickly, so it is recommended to dry the product immediately.
  • It is necessary to collect raw materials together with the stalks, and dry the product with them: they contain a large number of valuable trace elements.

When harvesting, it is better to give preference to larger fruits, in which the sepals are bristling - it is believed that such berries are more useful.

You can get a quality product if you dry rose hips at home.

We prepare for the future

The main rule of harvesting is not to dry the fruits in the sun. This is because the sun's rays destroy most useful substances, then the product, although it dries up, the prepared drink will not carry health values. So how to dry rose hips?

  • Dry in natural conditions

Sort the raw materials, spread them out in one layer on a tray, put them in a dark, ventilated place. Stir the fruits from time to time. It will take about 3-4 weeks to dry the wild rose in this way. A well-dried product is hard and breaks easily when pressed.

  • Dry in the oven

How to dry rose hips in the oven: remove debris, spoiled berries, unwashed (important!) fruits evenly spread out on a baking sheet. Heat the oven to 45 degrees, dry, gradually increasing the temperature to 60, on average about 8 hours. The oven must be open. Gently shake the baking sheet, then the fruits do not burn. The dried product will darken slightly with more high temperature, which will not affect the vitamins in any way, but the taste will deteriorate. If all conditions are met, the finished berries will wrinkle a little, and they will not lose their appetizing color.

  • Drying in an electric dryer

Sort unwashed raw materials, decompose in an electric dryer. Dry at a temperature of about 40 degrees for 10-12 hours. To dry the fruits faster, you can increase the temperature to 70, but then the product will lose some of the beneficial trace elements.

  • Dry in air fryer

The fruits are carefully sorted, washed, dried, divided in portions. Put the raw materials in the air fryer, leaving a small gap between the lid and the apparatus to ensure the flow of fresh air. Tumble dry at 60 degrees top speed blowing for 4 hours. In an air grill, the berries completely get rid of moisture, become shriveled, and do not stick to your hands.

To check the readiness of the rosehip, you need to put a little pressure on the berry: it should be firm, easy to break, but not crumble. The latter indicates overdrying of the product.

Immediately after drying, there is still some moisture left in the berries, dried wild rose must be disposed of before storage.

  • Place the fruits in a cardboard box, cover, leave for a while.
  • Arrange the finished product in fabric bags. To protect the berries from insects, spread orange peels or lavender branches next to the bags.
  • If it is more convenient to store rose hips in jars, then it is highly undesirable to close them with an airtight lid. Instead, it is better to cover the jar with a cloth and tie the neck with a thread for strength. Rose hips can be stored under such conditions for up to 36 months.

The fruits of the wild rose have medicinal properties, recognized as traditional medicine, and folk. Due to the low calorie content, the product is used for weight loss, and the fruits also stimulate metabolic processes and are able to remove toxins from the body. Knowing how to dry and store rose hips according to the rules, you can be sure to get a high quality product.

It is not enough to receive gifts from nature, you need to be able to save them so that the maximum amount of vitamins remains in these gifts. To do this, you should know when to harvest, how to process it correctly, and, of course, how to send it for the winter. Today we will remember the old proven grandmother's tools and see how technical devices can help us. And also, we will answer very important question: dry or freeze?

Rosehip berries contain a large amount of vitamin C, as well as vitamins B, K, P and carotene. In addition, the fruits are rich in minerals: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Regular use of decoctions is indicated for chronic diseases intestines, as well as anemia and general exhaustion of the body.

On October 1, our ancestors celebrated a holiday dedicated to Arina Shipovnitsa. Yes Yes! It was from this day that the harvest began. It remains a mystery how the ancestors knew that during this period enough rose hips had already accumulated ascorbic acid. And you need to collect the fruits as soon as possible, especially for residents of the northern regions. Otherwise, with the onset of cold weather, vitamins are destroyed.

A few fundamentally important points for collecting wild rose:

  • Fruit should be harvested on a sunny, dry day.
  • If you want the berries to keep well, warm DRY weather should be at least 3-4 days before picking. Then it won't get wet.
  • For storage and use, you need to choose healthy berries. They have a bright color and such fruits are firm to the touch.
  • It is not the berries themselves that break, but the berries on the pedicel!

So let me summarize! The "official" start of the harvest is the beginning of October. But!!! If October is a cold, wet month in your area, you might want to start harvesting earlier, perhaps even in August. The berries themselves will help determine the period. They should turn bright red.

Priceless properties of fruits:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • normalizes the digestive system;
  • improves hematopoietic functions;
  • normalizes appetite;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes the excretory system;
  • improves eyesight;
  • reduces the incidence of female diseases.

How to prepare and save rose hips

Even our grandmothers, who do not have modern devices, knew how to harvest rose hips, preserving all the useful properties of this plant. And they did it very simply. In a well-ventilated, dry, shady place, the grandmothers laid out the fruits on large trays and let them dry.

Drying rose hips at home is enough important process. If cardboard boxes are chosen for its storage, then they must be lined with paraffin paper. Since they do not close tightly, it is better not to place them near objects and products that have a strong or pungent odor.

What other ways are there to prepare wild rose hips:

  • The fruits are ground with sugar
  • Not only berries are dried, but also the roots, leaves and twigs of the bush
  • Syrups are made
  • The fruits are frozen
  • Preserves, marmalades and jams are made
  • Compotes are brewed

If you have your own ways of harvesting, write and share them!

How and how long to dry rose hips in the oven (electric and gas)

Drying in an electric oven takes place according to the following rules:

  • The fruits are evenly distributed on the baking sheet.
  • The tray is placed in a cold oven. Only then does the oven turn on.
  • The temperature is set to 40⁰.
  • The upper and lower elements are included. You can turn on convection.
  • Drying time - 4 hours.
  • While the berries are drying in the oven, they should be mixed several times so that they turn over to the other side.
  • Gradually increase the temperature to 60⁰.
  • After 4 hours, the berries are taken out. But it's too early to send them for storage. You need to let them cool completely (about 4-6 hours).

Rules for a gas oven:

  • A baking sheet with berries is placed in an oven preheated to 40⁰.
  • After half an hour, the cabinet doors open slightly so that the moisture evaporates.
  • Every 40 minutes, the berries are turned over to other sides.
  • Drying time - 8 hours.
  • The temperature gradually increases to 60⁰.
  • Berries need to be given enough time to cool.

If you have an electric oven that does not turn on at 40⁰, the oven turns on at a minimum and the cabinet doors open slightly (to lower the temperature).

How to dry rose hips at home without an oven

You can use the grandmother method. On the balcony or on the veranda, you can spread the berries. Just not in the sun! But before drying, the berries should be sorted out and washed. It is best to spread the fruits on a fine grid.

Natural drying is a process during which a maximum of vitamins and useful properties wild rose. The berries are not subjected to artificial drying, which partially destroys the structure of the fruit.

It is advisable to avoid direct sunlight, due to which the berries may lose some of their beneficial properties.

If you want to speed up the process, then cut the berries in half. The only thing that is categorically not recommended is to cut the ponytails.

How to dry rose hips in the microwave

Before drying, the berries are moved and thoroughly washed under running water. And be sure to properly dry the fruit.

  • The berries are distributed on a flat plate at a certain distance (do not stack tightly to each other).
  • The heating mode is set to low.
  • The berries are dried for 15 minutes.

If there is still moisture in the berries, it is worth another 15 minutes to dry the wild rose.

How to dry rose hips in an electric dryer

Drying rose hips in an electric dryer is an easy process, but it requires several preparation steps.

The fruit must be tasted and should be slightly astringent and sweet. It also needs to be crushed in the hands. If it is pressed too easily, it means that it lies long enough. Once you have decided on the purchase, take care of what you have purchased. So, sort out the fruits from foreign branches and leaves, also remove rotten or unripe berries.

Drying the berries, as we have said, is necessary at a temperature of fifty to seventy degrees. The lower the temperature, the longer the fruits dry, but the more vitamins will be preserved.

Drying steps:

  • berries must be washed
  • dry on a tray in a dark and dry room for 1-2 hours
  • filling pallets in one layer
  • dry 7-20 hours depending on the chosen temperature

The electric dryer can be completely filled, but then the bottom tray will need to be taken out first.

The finished berry can be identified by its bright copper color. the fruits will become slightly transparent and, if desired, you can see the insides.

Is it possible to freeze rose hips for the winter in the freezer

Answering the question whether it is possible to freeze rose hips, I will answer this way: it is possible, and necessary. But first we prepare the berries: we sort, wash, dry.

  • Prepared fruits are laid out in one layer on the boards.
  • Rose hips are frozen for 2 hours.
  • After 2 hours, the berries can be put in containers or bags for freezing and sent for storage in the freezer.

Such shock freezing can also be applied to rosehip leaves or roots.

If you want to freeze half berries, then the only difference from the above method is that before freezing, the wild rose is cut in half and the seeds are taken out.

Frozen rose hips can be used to make a healthy infusion. Why should a handful of fruits be put in a thermos, pour freshly boiled water, after 6 hours the infusion is ready.

What is better to dry or freeze rose hips

It is believed that of the two methods of heat treatment, freezing preserves vitamins better. But this is only if the freezing rules are followed!

To preserve the maximum of vitamins and nutrients, experts advise picking rose hips with great care. The main rule when harvesting is to pick not only berries, but also the stalks and receptacles. In this way, you will be able to save vitamin C in fruits.


Wild rose plantations for the pharmaceutical industry are growing all over the world. This is understandable: it is difficult to list all the diseases in which rosehip helps. It saturates the body with vitamins, fights microbes and bacteria, and inhibits oxidative processes.

Rosehip preparations support the impeccable functioning of all organs, promote carbohydrate metabolism, and fight anemia.

Rosehip is one of the main sources of vitamin C, which is essential for strengthening the immune system. Dried, it is well stored and does not lose useful substances.

Rosehip is good because when it is dried, vitamins are practically not destroyed, and the finished fruits do not lose their healing properties for two years and are perfectly stored at home.

Any parts of the plant are used: from roots to flowers, since they are all rich in vitamins, trace elements, natural acids.

Drying fruits is the evaporation of moisture from them. The hotter the air, the faster it absorbs liquid. During processing, the moist environment must be constantly removed and replaced with a dry one, otherwise the raw material will become moldy.

How to perfectly prepare rose hips for processing

The rules for collecting raw materials must be strictly observed, otherwise, instead of benefit decoction will bring harm.

The day is sunny and warm. You should look at the bushes growing away from polluted places.

Correct actions:

  1. Berries are torn by hand.

They take only good ones, not touched by pests or rot. The fruits are harvested after the seeds are fully ripe, when they are slightly firm to the touch. Color - brown, taste - sweetish with sourness. If you press on such a nut, it will tear, and the seeds will be visible.

There is no need to wait for the wild rose to overripe and begin to burst with a light touch. Or freeze, losing healing.

The sepals are removed, but the stalk cannot be completely cut off, otherwise the juice will flow out when heated.

Wash the nuts only when there is an urgent need in hot water for no more than 10 minutes and leave to dry for two hours in a dark place. Do this very carefully so as not to wrinkle.

  1. The leaves are harvested all summer while they are green.

They are cut or plucked without petioles. You can not take damaged greens. They don't need to be washed unless they are too dusty. In this case, the leaves are rinsed cold water and dry quickly soft cloth or paper towels.

  1. Blooming roses are cut with pedicels.

Strictly until the moment when they begin to crumble. The container is taken spacious so that the petals do not wrinkle. Flowers are not washed before drying.

  1. The roots are dug up either before the flowering of the plant, or after the fruit has been harvested. Only the lateral roots are used, not the central root.

The harvest is sorted out, throwing out garbage and everything that is rotten, gnawed, dented.

The collected raw materials immediately begin to dry at home. There are many ways, it is easy to choose an acceptable one.

Is it possible to dry rose hips in the sun?

Harvested wild rose cannot be dried in direct sunlight, it must be quickly hidden in a dark place: vitamin C is instantly destroyed in the light. The nuts, of course, will dry out, but there will be no benefit from them.

Drying speed also matters. If it lasts more than 9 hours, healing properties does not remain in the raw material.

On the street, the wild rose will dry from several days to a month.

Optimal ways: in the gas stove oven

Lay paper on the sheet. It should be dry, clean, ideally new.

Lay loosely, otherwise gluing is possible, which will lead to leakage of juice. Do not place in a hot environment. It is better to turn on the stove when the berries are already inside. In extreme cases, heat the stove to 40–60 ° C and gradually increase the heat.

  • Tara - baking sheet;
  • Temperature - 100 °C;
  • Layer - 1;
  • Time - 8–10 minutes.

Transfer to a sieve.

  • Tara - sieve;
  • Temperature - 60–70 °C;
  • Layer - 1;
  • Time - 7-12 hours.

An iron sheet is placed in the middle of the oven. The product will steam if there is no air access, so the stove is not completely closed. First, the gap should be wide, then narrow.

Every two hours, the berries are carefully turned over.

Flowers and leaves are dried separately. They are laid out on pallets with a layer of no more than 5 mm.

  • Tara - baking sheet;
  • Temperature - 35–60 °C;
  • Layer - 1;
  • Time - 3-6 hours.

In order not to miss the moment of readiness, you need to check the leaves every half hour.

In an electric oven

The air in an electric oven is drier and if you miss the moment of readiness, the fruits may lose nutrients.

  • Tara - baking sheet;
  • Temperature - 40 °C;
  • Layer - 1;
  • Time - 4 hours.

It is necessary to periodically stir or slightly shake the fruit. 3 hours after the start of drying, slowly increase the temperature so that by the end of the period it reaches 60 ° C.

In the process of processing, the berries will slightly change color and shape.

In a convection oven

It is convenient to dry rose hips in a fan-assisted oven, because the continuous removal of moisture and the injection of hot air greatly speeds up the drying time.

  • Tara - baking sheet;
  • Temperature - 40 °C;
  • Layer - 1;
  • Time - 4 hours.

In air grill

You can use an air fryer. It is good because it has a fan, a heater, and a control panel.

Berries are laid out in small portions.

  • Container - nets;
  • Temperature - 55–60 °C;
  • Layer - 1;
  • Blowing speed - maximum;
  • Time - 40 minutes.

The lid is not completely closed during the process. If necessary, you can add another 20 minutes of drying.

In an electric dryer

It is handy to use an electric dryer.

  • Container - tray;
  • Temperature - 65–70 °C;
  • Layer - 1;
  • Time - 6-10 hours.

To prevent the fruits from burning in the electric dryer, the pallets are periodically swapped.

In the middle of the process, the temperature is somewhat lowered, but before the end it is raised again to the initial one.

in the microwave

You should not try to put the nuts in the microwave: it will dry out the crust, and inside the fruits will remain moist and quickly rot.

But the microwave will dry the petals and leaves. The raw material is placed between the layers of paper.

  • Container - a flat plate;
  • Power - maximum;
  • Time - 2–3 minutes.

When there is a Russian stove at home

Shredded roots, leaves and petals can be dried in a dark, drafty place (in the attic, veranda). Raw materials are laid out in one layer on a wire rack or cloth and stirred frequently. The case could take up to three weeks.

It is very easy to dry the collected in the oven in the old fashioned way: on a baking sheet placed on bricks.

  1. Coals are previously removed.
  1. The oven should not be hot, so that the crust does not burst. The temperature is checked with water: if the spray does not boil, then you can put pallets.
  1. The chimney is half closed and gradually pretend.

How to understand that the dog rose is dried perfectly

It is important to stop the process in time, otherwise the raw materials will be spoiled. The moisture content of the finished raw material should not be higher than 13-14%. This is not always measurable, but there are clear visual and tactile signs that drying has been carried out correctly.

Everything is great if the berries:

  • break, but do not crumble;
  • hard, hard;
  • dry;
  • reddish-brown or orange-red.


  • springy when pressed;
  • wrinkled;
  • looks transparent.

Juice is stored inside the “correct” raw materials.

The roots are ready when they break easily, crackling loudly.

Dried leaves and petals should crumble with a slight rustle.

How to save dry rose hips

When the fruits have cooled, remove the stalks.

You can’t immediately remove it to the storage place, you should transfer it to a box covered with a lid and hold it in the room for two days.

Store in boxes: cardboard or wooden. Rose hips are well protected by fabric or paper bags, glass or metal cans. To protect against mold, the containers are not closed with lids, but tied with a cloth.

Rosehip is cleaned in a dry, dark place, which is always ventilated. Nearby there should be no sharply smelling substances and products.

In order to maintain immunity and saturate the body with vitamins all year round, including in the cold winter, it is not necessary to take special medical preparations, you just need to learn how to dry rose hips. This manipulation implies a certain specificity, but it is quite feasible at home.

Processing of berries can be carried out in the oven, a special electric dryer or in the fresh air. The result is a product that can withstand long-term storage. At the same time, in terms of the content of useful components, it will in no way be inferior to fresh rose hips. From a universal preparation, it is customary to prepare compotes, infusions, jams, decoctions, or simply add to tea.

How to properly prepare rose hips for drying?

Before drying the wild rose, it is necessary to assemble and process it. It is recommended to do this on your own, otherwise the result may not be the one you were counting on.

Regardless of how the drying of berries for the winter will take place, they must be collected as follows:

  1. For subsequent harvesting, it is better to choose slightly unripe dense fruits of bright orange or red color, slightly sour and astringent in taste. They contain twice as many vitamins as a mature product, and they are much better preserved at home.
  2. The optimal time for picking berries is from the end of August until the first frost.
  3. After assembly, you should immediately start drying the berries; it is not recommended to store rose hips for a long time without appropriate processing.
  4. When harvesting the product, it is recommended to give preference to large berries with sepals sticking out in different directions at the stalk.
  5. Assembly and subsequent drying should be carried out together with the stalks, they contain a significant amount of vitamins and useful components.

Tip: Do not collect wild rose in the immediate vicinity of roads and industrial enterprises. It does not absorb harmful substances and will not cause any harm to health, but it will not be beneficial either.

The temperature at which it is best to dry rose hips in the oven and electric dryer

The process of drying berries in an oven or an electric dryer is not difficult, the main factor here is the exposure temperature. Even its slight excess can lead to the destruction of all useful components, as a result of which rose hips will simply become a food additive that tastes good.

To prevent this, remember the following:

  1. The temperature in the oven during processing should range from 45ºС to 60ºС.
  2. Processing of fruits in a special dryer is carried out at a temperature of 40ºС to 70ºС.

If at home it is not possible to provide such parameters and or track them, then it is better not to risk it and use the option with conventional outdoor drying. It will take longer, but will not reduce the quality of the product.

How to dry rose hips in the oven?

This is the best option for a modern home equipped with the appropriate technology. To properly dry the rose hips for the winter in the oven, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • We sort out the berries, check for quality, discard bad fruits. It is strictly forbidden to wash the wild rose! Fruits and without it will be qualitatively processed.
  • We lay the berries on a baking sheet, evenly distributing them on the surface in one layer. We put them in the oven, preheated to 45-50ºС.
  • We keep the rosehip in the oven for about 8 hours, gradually increasing the processing temperature to 60ºС. At the same time, the cabinet door must be kept slightly ajar so that the moisture coming out of the berries does not linger in a small space. Occasionally shake off the baking sheet, but do not touch the fruit with a spoon or hands.

If all the manipulations were done correctly, then the wild rose harvested for the winter will only wrinkle, but will not change its color. Darkened berries indicate that the recommended temperature has been exceeded. They are just as useful, but noticeably inferior in taste.

Features of drying wild rose in an electric dryer and in the fresh air

The procedure is even more simplified if there is a special dryer at home - a dehydrator. The berries are also cleaned of debris, moved, and sent to a functional device without wet processing. Drying can be carried out at a minimum temperature, then the process will take at least 9-12 hours. If you use the maximum indicators, it will take no more than 6-8 hours to dry, but there will be less benefit in such fruits. If the berries were dried correctly, they will easily break apart in the hands, but not fall apart into crumbs.

As a last resort, at home, you can use the traditional drying option, which implies the rejection of high temperatures:

  1. We sort out the berries, slightly shorten the stalks.
  2. We lay out the fruits on plywood, a voluminous tray or newspaper in one layer and place them in a dry and dark place. The action of ultraviolet radiation is detrimental to the beneficial components in the rosehip. An additional important factor is the quality ventilation of the room.
  3. In such conditions, the berries will have to be kept for at least 2-4 weeks. Only then will they evenly dry out and be able to hold out all winter.
  4. When the fruits begin to break easily, we shift them to cardboard box with a lid and keep it there, without opening, for at least 4-5 more days. So the berries will get rid of the remaining moisture.

It remains only to send the blank for storage and you can enjoy a useful product all winter.

How to store rose hips dried for the winter?

You need to be able not only to properly dry rose hips, but also to know in what conditions the blanks should be stored. A big mistake of many housewives is that they store fruits in glass or plastic jars with lids. In fact, at home it is better to arrange them in canvas bags. As a last resort, on glass jars, but they need to be closed with a cloth, tied with a rope.

The pulp of the fruit of this plant is its most valuable part. It contains pectin, tannins and dyes, organic acids, macro- and microelements (iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, silicon, copper). Rose hips are especially rich in vitamins E, B, K, P.

Vitamin C in rose hips is 50 times more than its content in lemon, 10 times more than in currants. And relative to apples, the content of vitamin C in rose hips exceeds 100 times!

When to collect?

Rose hips are harvested during their full ripening, when the fruits acquire a bright red-orange color. It was at this time in it the largest number all its medicinal substances and vitamins.

How to dry rose hips?

Drying is necessary immediately after harvesting the fruit. The duration of drying depends on the safety of vitamins. Therefore, rose hips are usually dried for no more than 5-6 hours in ovens or ovens. The temperature is set at 80-90 degrees. If you have frozen rose hips, then for starters the temperature should be 70-80 degrees, then you need to lower it and dry it like that.

During drying, it is necessary to constantly mix the berries, making sure that they do not burn.

A modern electric dryer for fruits and vegetables can be of great help, which allows you to save almost all useful elements and vitamins.

If the fruits are dried correctly, they will have a brownish-red color with a wrinkled surface.

How to dry if there is no oven?

It happens that sometimes there is no necessary equipment for quick drying of fruits, especially if you are somewhere far from home. It is possible to dry rose hips without high temperature.

Spread the fruits on the table in a thin layer, make sure that direct sunlight does not fall. If you are in a country house or in a private house - put it in the attic or on the stove. Of course, this method has some drawbacks - it dries for a long time, the berries can rot.

How to store?

After drying, remove the remaining sepals and stalks. Pour fruits into a cardboard box, wooden box. You can use bags made of any fabric or paper. Keep for 2-3 days at room temperature to equalize the humidity. Then transfer to permanent storage in glass or tin cans.

It is better to tie the necks of dishes with gauze, and not close the lids. This is to ensure that there is air circulation and the fruits do not become moldy over time.

Store in a dry ventilated area. If all the rules were followed during drying, then it is possible to store dry fruits for up to three years.

How to brew wild rose

When brewing rose hips, observe simple rules. No need to insist rose hips long time e.g. all night. This destroys vitamins. It is enough to boil the fruits for 15 minutes. Be sure to pass the decoction through gauze or a fine strainer to prevent hairs from getting in.

To improve health, it is enough to take a decoction of half a glass 2-3 times during the day. It is especially important in the winter and post-winter period.

Rosehip during pregnancy

To strengthen the immunity of a pregnant woman, it is enough to drink up to one liter of rosehip broth per day. But at the same time, it must be remembered that it is possible to overload the kidneys, which already work in an increased mode during pregnancy. Be sure to check with your doctor.

If your kidneys work perfectly and without failures, enjoy a cup of hot fragrant rosehip tea!

Other recipes

Kissel from wild rose. Chop the fruits (100 g), pour two liters of water, boil for 15 minutes over low heat, strain.

Add sugar, citric acid or lemon slices, add starch diluted in water, boil.
Rosehip punch with red wine. 50 g of fruit pour 700 g of water.

Leave it like that for a few hours. Then boil, strain. Add half a liter of dry red wine and 100 g of sugar. Heat up but do not boil. Add orange juice. Serve hot.

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