The reasons for the appearance of fleas in cats and how to remove parasites at home with folk remedies: effective recipes and rules for their use. We remove fleas from a cat with folk remedies at home: we get rid of fleas from a cat completely.

There are many known methods of how and how to remove fleas from a cat. Among them there are special preparations, which include insecticides, and based on natural ingredients.

Removing fleas from cats at home is most effective with the help of store preparations. There are several types of insect repellents that can be purchased at specialized stores:

  • sprays;
  • powders;


Insecticidal shampoos can remove fleas from a cat in a short period of time. In addition to toxic components, the product contains plant extracts and oils that soften chemical attack insecticides. In addition, natural ingredients have a positive effect on the condition of the pet's coat and skin.

Mode of application:

  • place the cat in a bowl of warm water or in a bath;
  • moisten the wool and apply a small amount of shampoo to it, foam thoroughly;
  • stand for 5-7 minutes, without letting go of the pet, then rinse the coat well;
  • comb out dead insects from the wool;
  • wipe the cat with a towel.

On a note!

It is necessary to wash the cat with shampoo carefully, avoiding contact with the eyes, ears, mouth. To prevent the pet from escaping while bathing, you need to hold it tightly with your hand under your belly.

Shampoo helps to destroy not only adults, but also their larvae. To prevent the possible appearance of fleas from the eggs remaining in the wool, it is recommended to repeat the procedure after 10-14 days.

Disadvantages of using shampoos:

  1. The need to bathe the cat, and they really do not like it. Some cats experience a lot of stress during water treatments.
  2. Not every product is suitable for removing insects from pregnant cats and kittens. They need a special approach and shampoos based on natural substances.
  3. Bathing your pet during the cold season can lead to a cold.

The advantages include the high efficiency of shampoos and their affordable prices. The most popular brands of detergents: Bars, Fitoelita, Mr. Kiss, Beaphar, BioVax.


On a note!

When used correctly, the sprays will not harm even small kittens and pregnant cats.

Among the many drugs, it is very popular and good feedback have:, Bayer Bolfo, Celandine, Frontline, Puls.


The main advantage of drops over other insect repellents is that they do not need to be washed off. It is not recommended to comb the cat out and carry out water procedures... TO effective types drops include:

  • Dironet;
  • GreenFort.

Katerina, Moscow

On a note!

The main disadvantage of this tool is the inability to accustom every animal to a collar. Many pets are trying to remove it.

Traditional methods of dealing with fleas in cats

Each owner has the right to decide how to get rid of fleas from a cat or a cat. It is important to choose exactly the remedy to which the pet will not be allergic or afraid.

If the cat freely walks around the yard and the personal plot, flea treatment should be carried out at least once every two months. For cats that do not leave the apartment, preventive actions spend once every three months. Do not think that if the cat has not crossed the threshold of the home, fleas will bypass her. You yourself can bring them on clothes or shoes. This is why in houses where cleaning is rarely done, fleas appear even in the absence of pets.

If you use special drops for fleas that are applied to the withers, carefully read the instructions. It may indicate that the cat needs to be washed before applying the drops. If there is no such clarification, remember: the cat is not bathed three days before and after treatment.

Be sure to use drugs that are intended only for cats! Some substances in dog products can cause irreparable harm to your cat.

If you sprayed the animal with drops or spray, do not allow it to lick the fur for at least half an hour.

To get rid of fleas completely, treat the resting area, toys, and scratching post. Vacuum thoroughly all surfaces that cannot be washed: carpets, upholstered furniture.

Observe the dosage indicated on the package. An insufficient amount of the applied product will not cause desired effect, and excess can lead to allergies.

It's easy to guess that the cat has fleas:

  • the animal becomes anxious, restless, freezes, as if listening to something, and then makes sharp jumps;
  • often itches, licks wool, tries to catch an insect with his teeth;
    tiny wounds appear on the skin;
  • with severe infection, adults are detected visually - for example, on the face of an animal.

To find out if your pet has fleas, place it on a large sheet of white paper and comb it with a fine comb. If several insects have fallen on the paper or dark particles of flea excrement wake up, it's time to sound the alarm.

It is quite easy to rid your pet of fleas: in any pet store or veterinary pharmacy you will find a wide range of different shampoos, sprays, powders, collars and drops designed for this purpose.


There are many flea shampoos available, from the cheapest to the most expensive. However, they practically have no effect on the eggs and larvae of fleas, they are suitable only against adult insects, which means they belong to the category of ineffective ones. However, it never hurts to wash your pet with one of these products.


Not a very popular flea remedy. Powders have a similar effect (only on adult specimens), but sometimes cause a negative reaction in an animal in the form of irritation of the mucous membrane. Basically, they are used to treat babies.

Anti-flea collars

One of the most popular remedies for animals that "walk on their own." Collars such as "Barrier" or "Beafar" retain their properties for up to five months. Do not be afraid that your pet will be uncomfortable in a collar: it takes no more than one or two days for full adaptation, even in adult animals that have never worn a collar before.

The negative aspects include the following:

  1. the presence of a specific smell;
  2. sometimes the fur on the withers of the animal thins.

Collars are produced for adult animals and kittens.

Flea drops

Another very effective remedy - easy to use and non-toxic, recommended by veterinarians and experienced cat breeders.
There are also pills and injections for fleas.

Folk remedies

In addition to professional insect control agents, there are many folk remedies. They are quite effective and can be used if you do not have the opportunity to visit a pet store or veterinary pharmacy.


To process the cat, you will need a small bowl with high sides, water and table salt. Take two tablespoons of salt for every liter of water. Dissolve the salt in warm water, place the pet in a bowl up to the neck and hold in this position for at least five minutes. After that, rinse the cat's coat thoroughly with clean water, dry with a towel and comb. The salt solution has a detrimental effect on the eggs and larvae of fleas, and adults do not tolerate it.

By the way, the same remedy is used to treat abscesses in cats: moistened with hot saline a clean cloth and apply to the abscess for 5-10 minutes several times a day. A positive result is achieved very quickly.


The familiar wormwood has proven itself well as a remedy for fleas in cats. Brew a tablespoon of pharmacy wormwood with a glass of boiling water, cool slowly under the lid and moisten the pet's fur in a warm state.

For greater effectiveness, you can add the same amount of tansy to the wormwood. However, be careful: if you see that your pet is not feeling well, immediately wash off the broth and give him an antihistamine. Usually cats tolerate herbal treatment well, but in some cases an allergic reaction may occur.

Coniferous sawdust

Fleas do not like the smell of needles and coniferous sawdust. If your cat is used to sleeping on a mattress, make him a special one - not tightly stuffed with pine or spruce sawdust. You can put a couple of dry wormwood sprigs in it. Your pet will smell like a Christmas tree and not a single flea will encroach on it!

How to remove fleas from a cat with kittens

If a pregnant cat has fleas, it is imperative to remove them before offspring. In this case, one cannot do without consulting an experienced veterinarian, since folk remedies or funds bought at random can harm not only the expectant mother, but also her babies. Bathing (unless your cat is a fan of water procedures) for a pregnant cat is a lot of stress. It is especially dangerous to bathe her at a later date because of the threat of premature birth.
Many veterinarians recommend using Front Line spray during this period. It can be used not only for treating a pregnant cat, but even for kittens from the age of seven days. The Stronghold spray has proven itself well. Bars is quite suitable as a budget option.

How to get rid of fleas from a kitten

Breeding fleas in kittens has its own characteristics.

  1. The smallest - about a month old - will have to urgently get acquainted with warm water and pet shampoo, and in case of its absence - with tar or even laundry soap. The kitten's fur is abundantly moistened with whipped foam, leaving only the head dry, kept for four minutes, then rinsed abundantly with running water and dried with a terry towel.
  2. If the kitten is at least two months old, you can wash it with shampoo, which is used against fleas in adult animals. If at this age the kitten is not in contact with its mother, lives in another house (for example, you bought a two-month-old baby), the range of means used is significantly expanded. These can be drops on the withers, intended for kittens, sprays, powder or dusting.
  3. Starting from three months, the kitten is treated for fleas, as an adult animal, and wearing a flea collar.

In the apartment

To prevent fleas from returning to their favorite place in the fluffy fur of your pet, you need to disinfect the entire apartment.

Professional pest control

Most effective method - heat treatment of housing using a heat gun. The pest control team will assess how contaminated the apartment is, and, in accordance with this, will choose a method for exterminating the insects. All you need to do is prepare your home for the arrival of specialists and pay for their services.
Do not be alarmed if after a few days fleas in the apartment appear again. Surely their eggs or larvae remained in deep crevices. They will not survive on contact with treated surfaces. This phenomenon can be observed up to 4-5 weeks, after which the insects will leave you alone.


If you do not have the opportunity or desire to use the services of professionals, you can disinfect the apartment yourself. For this purpose, you will need an insecticidal spray or powder.

Aerosol treatment

  • Before proceeding with disinfection, remove all living things from the apartment: children and adults, except for your helpers, animals, birds, aquarium fish and indoor plants.
  • Throw out the trash in advance, get rid of unnecessary things.
  • Move furniture away from the walls. If there is carpet hanging on the wall, remove it.
  • Treat all items in the apartment with the selected aerosol, including upholstered furniture, clothes, shoes, bedding. Try to get the drug into every crevice.
  • Close windows and doors tightly and leave your home for a few hours, preferably at night.
    The next day, thoroughly ventilate the apartment, wash and wash everything that has been processed.

Powder treatment

In contrast to aerosols, powdered insecticides are less effective. You will have to wait much longer for the desired result. But you don't have to leave your apartment.
Powders are poured in places of the greatest accumulation of fleas: behind skirting boards, in corners, in hard-to-reach cracks. When in contact with the powder, not only eggs and larvae die, but also adult insects.

An effective flea remedy

One of the most popular remedies for fleas and other blood-sucking insects in cats is a drop called "Bars", which combines a very reasonable price and high quality. These drops can be used to treat kittens from 2.5 months and adult cats.
Watch the dosage! This is very important due to increased sensitivity cats to permethrin, which is the active ingredient of the drug.
A single use of "Barsa" relieves the animal of fleas and ticks for a period of one to two months.

The cost of removing fleas from a cat

  1. anti-flea collars - from 200 to 500 rubles, you can find from 75 rubles;
  2. shampoos - from 95 to 800 rubles;
  3. sprays - from 300 to 950 rubles;
  4. drops on the withers - from 150 to 800 rubles.

They feed on the blood of animals and humans. They can go for months without food. The life circle consists of four stages: an egg, a larva, a pupa, a sexually mature individual. When favorable conditions, the development cycle is completed in two weeks. At the stage of eggs and pupa, the insect can die for a long time, sometimes for a year. In this state, standard insecticidal agents do not act on him.

Fleas are mobile creatures, they sense danger, they can jump over and hide during processing, hiding in cracks, rugs and carpets. Therefore, cleansing the cat turns into freeing the entire apartment from annoying insects.

Destruction methods:

  • Destructive:
  • Deterrent. Arthropods do not die, but they cannot exist on a cat.

Flea remedies

There are the following types of insecticidal agents:

  • Destructive emulsions.
  • Collars.
  • Drops.
  • Sprays.
  • Shampoos.
  • Folk remedies

Destructive emulsions

They kill fleas, lice, lice, ticks. Produced in sealed ampoules. Dilute with water before use. The animal is bathed, wiped with a sponge, or a solution is applied to the coat from a spray, avoiding contact with the eyes and mucous membranes. The liquid is suitable for use during the day. The remains are used to treat the places where fleas are hiding. The following drugs are in demand:

  • Unostoiled. Active substance - tetramethrin. The ampoule is dissolved in 0.4 l of water.
  • Butox. The active substance is deltamethrin. The contents are diluted in 3 liters of water.


The product, impregnated with an insecticide, repels insects. Approved for use from six months. Fleas are destroyed before using the collar on the cat. The repellent effect lasts for several months. Some of the insects caught on the animal die upon contact with the collar, the rest scatter. The disadvantages of using insecticidal collars include skin irritation and the process of adapting to the collar. Collars are toxic to kittens. Therefore, lactating cats should not be worn. Collars of the following manufacturers are in demand (table):


The easiest products to use. The contents of the plastic ampoule are dripped onto the withers and spread along the spine. During the day, each flea will visit a dangerous place, get poisoned or escape. The drops are non-toxic to cats. Their components accumulate in sebaceous glands and hair follicles are not able to penetrate the blood.

Drops of the following names are in demand (table):



Shampoos are convenient to use, especially for long-haired cats, are non-toxic, contain pyrethroids and essential oils medicinal plants. Suitable for handling kittens over two months old. Shampoos kill fleas but do not protect your cat from insect attacks. The following detergents are in demand:

  • Leopard.
  • Lugovoi.
  • Celandine.
  • Phytoelite.
  • Delix
  • "Mr. Kiss ".
  • "Rolf Club"

Folk remedies

Traditional remedies rid the animal of fleas, but do not protect against the attack of new ones. Some products are more harmful to the cat than synthetic insecticides. The following folk remedies are popular:

  • Wormwood decoction. For 1 liter of water, take 50 g of dry grass. Boil. They are filtering. Cool down. Wet the wool abundantly. Fleas disappear.
  • Garlic. Several crushed teeth are poured into 0.4 liters of water, set aside until morning. Wet the wool abundantly. The insects disappear.
  • Pillows filled with pine sawdust. Placed in a den. Fleas do not tolerate smell and leave.

Features of the destruction of fleas in pregnant, lactating and kittens

All flea control products are poisonous for insects, safe for adult cats, but not entirely harmless for developing embryos and newborn kittens. Flea control measures differ for animals in the following conditions.

Firstly, the cat becomes very restless, he constantly itches. The animal cannot sleep normally, as it “breaks down” all the time and begins to scratch furiously, furiously. In some cases, the itching from the bites is so strong that the pet begins to bite itself convulsively, and sometimes - to deep, bleeding wounds. Because of this, the cat quickly becomes irritable and nervous, eats poorly, and loses weight. If, with a strong infection, you spread the fur on the withers of the animal with your fingers, then you can probably see a dozen or two fleas scattering bustlingly to the sides.

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Numerous scratches, non-healing ulcers and deep scratches form on the skin. In many places, the hair is pulled literally "to the meat." It should be noted that such lesions very often turn out to be seeded with secondary microflora. The scratches are first inflamed and then suppurate. The wool in these places sticks together, from the animal it goes bad smell... If nothing is done, the cat loses weight very quickly, sometimes reaching an extreme degree of exhaustion. As a rule, this applies only to adult animals, since kittens simply do not live up to this moment. In general, enough digression. First, we will discuss how to remove fleas from a pregnant cat.

How to remove fleas from a nursing cat? In principle, you can use the same method by working with a comb again, but it will be much easier to just wash your pet with special shampoo... Of course, before this it is worth consulting with veterinarian, since not all insecticidal acaricides are harmless to the offspring. After washing, the cat must be thoroughly "rinsed" in clean running water, paying special attention to the teats, as their cleanliness is extremely important for the health of kittens. Please note that after bathing with a special shampoo, it is very important to comb the animal with a fine comb, as some of the fleas may remain in the fur.

Read also: Almagel for cats: how the "human" drug will help

Nature will help us!

If you need to remove fleas from a cat with kittens, and there is no time to fiddle with combs and hot water, funds from nature itself can help. Dry rosemary has proven to be excellent. You will need four tablespoons of dry crushed rosemary. Place the "potion" in a small saucepan (or other suitable container) and then fill with a glass of water. After that, the composition should be boiled for half an hour. The broth must be thoroughly filtered and cooled. Everything. With the resulting infusion, gently (using the same comb) moisten the cat's fur and dry it with a hairdryer. It has been checked that after this procedure the number of bloodsuckers decreases sharply.

What other means at hand can be used? Oddly enough, citrus fruits have a very negative effect on fleas. Take five or six lemons, cut them into small pieces, pour half a liter of water. The composition must be brought to a boil and boiled for five minutes. It should be insisted for at least 12 hours. After that, the broth is thoroughly filtered. It is poured into any spray bottle and sprayed on the skin of the cat. Practice shows that for reliable protection against fleas, this procedure will be enough to carry out once a month.

Fleas in cats are a very common problem that every owner can face, even if the pet never leaves the door of the apartment. Flea control and disinfection of the bed in cats should be carried out as soon as the first signs of the appearance of these blood-sucking insects are noticed.

When fleas appear in a cat, it is not difficult to recognize them, because the insects that appear give the animal anxiety and discomfort.

How to find out and check if a cat has fleas:

  • the pet's behavior changes - it often itches, bites out the fur and licks it. A cat can perform such actions at any inopportune moment - while eating, while playing, during sleep;
  • if the cat has fleas, then any part of the body itches and itches, regardless of the thickness of the coat;
  • in places of more frequent scratching on the cat's body, bald patches and skin lesions may form;
  • you can determine the presence of flea beetles by the waste of their vital activity - dark small grains remain on the skin next to the wounds;
  • having an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a flea looks like in a cat, it is not difficult to see it when carefully examining the fur or combing it out;
  • if a cat has fleas, then eggs can be seen on the wool or litter - they are oval, very small, and white.

How does infection occur

Fleas are small brown insects with a flattened body on the sides. This shape allows them to easily slip through the cat's hair and reach the skin. These insects are very mobile. They have no wings, but thanks to their long hind legs, adults are able to jump long distances. Most common reason infection - jumping from a sick cat to a healthy one. This is how animals living in nurseries or shelters, or having the opportunity to walk on the street, become infected.

Fleas can also appear in a pet that lives in a limited area, does not walk and does not communicate with relatives. To understand where fleas come from domestic cat, you need to know that these blood-sucking insects are prone to rapid reproduction, which has some features.

How fleas breed in cats:

  • the female lays eggs on the animal's wool, which have an elongated oval shape and are painted white;
  • eggs do not attach to wool and after a while they fall to the floor, to the litter, to the ground. Eggs can be anywhere the infected cat has been;
  • larvae hatch from the eggs, which after a while form a pupa, where a flea forms. She can be in a cocoon very long time and will come out of it only when he senses that there is a cat nearby;
  • how quickly fleas reproduce depends on air temperature and humidity.

Flea eggs can be brought home on shoes or clothing. In favorable conditions of the apartment, they will quickly go through all stages of development from the appearance of the larva to the maturation of an adult flea and its attack on the pet.

Why fleas are dangerous

It is important to start treating fleas in domestic cats as early as possible - as soon as the first symptoms appear. In addition to the fact that blood-sucking insects bite painfully, they harm the entire body:

  • large bald patches form on the body;
  • dermatitis and eczema occur at the site of combs;
  • some feline worms are transmitted by fleas;
  • fleas are carriers of infectious diseases;
  • if measures have not been taken against fleas in cats for a long time, then the pet may have nervous disorders.

Fleas are very dangerous for a kitten. With a large accumulation of insects on a small body, the result of their harmful activity can be anemia, which cannot always be cured.

Flea breeding methods

  • pet's age;
  • a pregnant cat or not, whether she is feeding kittens;
  • the degree of damage to the skin and wool;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases;
  • how long has the cat been infected.

If the pet has no concomitant diseases, then you can treat the cat from fleas yourself. You should contact a veterinarian when it is not clear how to remove fleas from a cat, what remedy to use if she has a lot of hair loss, dermatitis develops or her health worsens.

What are the flea remedies for cats:

  • sprays and aerosols;
  • shampoos;
  • drops;
  • collars;
  • powder;
  • pills;
  • injections;
  • folk remedies.

How to remove fleas from a cat at home and prevent re-infection depends on the specific use of the selected product.

Sprays and aerosols

The spray is a fairly effective remedy for fleas in cats. Wool should be processed abundantly, dividing it into partings so that the product gets on the skin. It works quickly and can be used to remove fleas from kittens and pregnant cats. When spraying or aerosolizing, pay attention to the following:

  • the sprays with which we remove blood-sucking insects in dogs cannot be used to treat cats due to the content of some substances harmful to cats;
  • preparations for fleas for cats in the form of an aerosol or spray must be applied carefully so that active substance did not get into the mouth or airways pet;
  • spray treatment of lactating cats from fleas is not recommended, because kittens may be poisoned during feeding;
  • flea remedy for treating cat hair and removing them from the litter - these are different drugs and they must be used strictly as directed;
  • before using the spray, you must read the instructions and adhere to the rules. In some cases, after treatment, it is necessary to wash off the preparation from the wool, for which you need to bathe the pet.


A good and gentle flea remedy for cats is shampoo. It is most effective for kittens and pets that do not leave the apartment. This tool does not have a long-term effect, therefore, in order to avoid re-infection, it is necessary to process all the rooms where the pet is.

How you can remove fleas from a cat at home using shampoo:

  • before bathing, the pet must be carefully combed out;
  • moisten wool with plenty of warm water and apply a small amount of shampoo;
  • when soaping, you should not skip areas such as the tail, the tips of the paws, the stomach;
  • after lathering, the foam should not be washed off immediately, it should work for 2-3 minutes;
  • wash off with plenty of water;
  • wipe the cat dry, if necessary, dry the coat with a hairdryer.

Important: when bathing your cat, you must ensure that shampoo and water do not get into the ears.

Shampoo is best remedy from fleas for cats as prevention. If your pet easily tolerates water procedures, then you can use an anti-flea shampoo every time to wash. You should know that for long-haired and short-haired breeds they produce different types shampoos.


The most effective remedy for both fleas and ticks for cats is drops. This is one of the most effective remedies against lice, mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects. They are applied to the withers and upper part back along the spine. The drops have a prolonged effect and are recommended for pets constantly walking in the yard.

How to get rid of fleas in a cat using drops:

  • carefully study the instructions and calculate the dosage of the drug based on the weight of the animal;
  • three days before using drops and three days after water procedures are not recommended;
  • drops are applied along the spine to lower part the head, neck and upper back (these are the places that the cat cannot reach and lick the drug off);
  • drops should be applied directly to the skin, pushing back the coat;
  • during the summer season, drops are used repeatedly, at the interval indicated in the annotation to the medicine.


Collars have long-term action, but not all cats get used to them. While for some pets a collar can become an invisible accessory from the first day, others have to be trained and distracted for a long time when they try to take off the collar. This remedy is not very suitable for cats with very long and thick hair, because after prolonged wear, tangles form on the neck. For such cats, it is better to alternate the collar with other means or wear it only for walking.


Powders are very rarely used as a medicine for fleas for cats, but they are convenient at the moment when we get rid of fleas and their larvae in the habitats of cats. The powder can be sprinkled on the floor in the apartment, furniture, carpets and bedding for animals. After a while, the powder is collected with a vacuum cleaner, brush, or swept out with a broom and wet cleaning is carried out. It is advisable to use very warm, almost hot water for disinfecting the premises. Work is carried out with gloves.

Pills and injections

You should consult your veterinarian about flea pills and injections. They are very effective and are used in cases where the cat is heavily infected, there are large foci of hair and skin lesions, or the rapid destruction of blood-sucking insects is required due to the pet's health condition.

These funds have many contraindications, it is necessary to observe the exact dosage and provide possible complications... Flea pills and injections are not recommended for pregnant and lactating cats, small kittens.

Folk remedies for fleas

Rid the cat of fleas folk remedies possible if the damage is minor. The advantage of these funds is the absence of a toxic effect on the body, the ability to cook them with your own hands and effectiveness as a prophylaxis.

A decoction of herbs is used for treating wool and spraying cat litter. A folk remedy used for fleas in cats should have a pungent strong odor. For this, herbs such as wormwood and mint, chamomile and lavender, geranium and tansy are suitable. You can use one of these herbs, or you can mix them as you like.

What to do to prepare a universal remedy and how to use it:

  • 2 tablespoons of herbs are poured over cold water and put on fire;
  • after boiling, the fire is reduced, the mixture is kept at a slow boil for 20-30 minutes;
  • after cooling, the solution is filtered and poured into a spray bottle;
  • the cat's fur is pushed apart and sprayed so that the solution wets the skin abundantly;
  • allow to dry naturally, but at the same time the room should be warm in order to exclude colds;
  • the mattress on which the pet sleeps is sprayed with the same solution and allowed to dry well.

Pine sawdust or dried needles can be used instead of the usual filler for the mattress. You can add dried garlic there. Before preparing such a fragrant bed, you should check whether your pet will sleep in such a strong-smelling place.

How to avoid re-infection

A repeated attack of fleas on a cat can only be avoided if the means for fighting are periodically used as a preventive measure, and the room is cleaned regularly.

When walking a cat, be sure to wear a collar, apply drops or spray. When bathing your pet, it is recommended to alternate with an anti-flea shampoo.

In the room it is necessary to periodically carry out wet cleaning, using hot water for this. Combs, brushes and toys should also be washed. Once a month, it is advisable to treat upholstered furniture and carpets in the house with aerosol preparations for fleas and ticks.

Every cat owner must observe personal hygiene: wash hands, put shoes and outdoor clothes in the closet, especially if outside the house there was communication with other animals.

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