Disease of atheroma. Atheroma - what is this formation and how to treat blockage of the sebaceous glands

Perhaps the term "atheroma" may be unknown to the ear of a common man in the street. But this is not due to the fact that this phenomenon is quite rare. It's just that the term itself is not that common. Which, unfortunately, cannot be said about the disease.

Atheroma is the most common human skin disease. It occurs equally often in men and women... This disease has different causes, as well as different characteristics. In order to more easily and more effectively resist the possible threat of the appearance of this disease, it is necessary to understand in more detail the nature of the problem itself.

What is atheroma?

Atheroma is a cyst that is located on the skin in the area sebaceous gland... Such a cyst occurs due to the complete cessation or difficulty in the outflow of secretion from the gland. The reason for this phenomenon may be blockage of the external opening of the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland... A secret accumulates in the gland duct, which stretches the duct and forms a whole cavity filled with sebaceous content, which contains the following elements: keratinized epidermal cells, dead organic matter detritus, cholesterol crystals and fat drops. The interior of the formation is a smooth epithelium.

Experts distinguish true and false atheromas. The true species develops as a result of the development of the detached epidermal cells during their embryonic development. True atheroma is a hereditary disease. False atheromas appear just as a result of clogging of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. As a result of this process, a sac is formed, which is filled with the contents of atheromatous masses.

Causes of the appearance of atheroma

There are a number of reasons that can lead to the appearance of such an undesirable skin formation called atheroma. These reasons should be carefully examined, since it is not known at what moment this formation may appear, and also specifically because of what.

So, this skin formation can appear due to the following adverse factors:

The existence of such a diverse number of reasons can be explained as follows: the clogging of the sebaceous gland flows can occur due to various reasons. There is no definite reason for the formation of an epidermal cyst, so it can appear due to various factors.

If a person knows all the causes of this disease, he can prevent the appearance of atheroma on the skin. You can change your place of residence if there is a risk of skin diseases due to the unfavorable state of the atmosphere. Also you should maintain constant care of your skin... If you adhere to proper hygiene, then the risk of such formation on the skin is reduced several times. Therefore, this is a very important point that you should definitely pay attention to.

Differences of atheroma from other formations

Atheroma is a skin formation that is quite specific. This means that the disease is different from other rashes, that allows you to quickly identify and diagnose it... The distinctive qualities of this education should also be known in order to ensure correct treatment this disease.

Atheroma differs from other skin formations in that it:

  • formed due to clogging of the ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  • contains a capsule;
  • characterized by the presence of a rather unpleasant pungent odor;
  • can be removed by surgical intervention, using a laser, or by radio wave method;
  • tends to fester and inflame;
  • has a light color when formed, but with inflammation it can acquire a reddish tint;
  • occurs only in certain areas of the body, on which there is hair;
  • is, in fact, a benign cyst;
  • attached to the skin, which can be seen immediately if you try to move the atheroma.

One of the most common manifestations of atheroma is a cyst that appears in the auricle. Basically these are formations on the lobes or behind the ears themselves... This is due to the fact that in these places the production of fatty secretions is increased.

Such education should be removed almost immediately after its detection. This is required in order to avoid getting into the cyst infection, as this can lead to a sharp increase and suppuration of the formation. Even those atheromas that, at first glance, are not dangerous should be removed. They can become inflamed at any time, and the consequences will be much more serious.

Symptoms of atheroma

Such skin lesions are usually located in areas of the body that are especially rich in sebaceous glands. Rather endangered the following areas: face, hairy part head, coccyx and genitals, the interscapular region and the back of the neck. It should be remembered that these areas are the most susceptible to atheroma, so it is imperative to monitor the hygiene of these places.

What does atheroma look like?

Atheroma is a round-shaped subcutaneous formation. This formation has clear boundaries, and is also characterized by different sizes. Atheromas can be small or large... Small atheroma is a pea-sized formation, while large ones can reach the size of a hen's egg (even larger specimens are found).

This formation is covered with normal skin, which indicates that it does not form on the skin, but appears under it.

On closer and closer examination of atheroma, you can see the clogged duct of the sebaceous gland, which is located in its center. Through this duct masses of atheromatous content may be released... If you probe the formation, you will notice that there is no pain. In addition, atheroma is mobile, since it can be displaced along with the skin. This means that when it appears, this formation is attached to the skin from the inside.

If atheroma appears in a patient, it is not a fact that it will subsequently increase in size. Remember that there are different cases, so an increase in education is almost impossible to predict... Growth this education is rather slow, but when the atheroma reaches a size of two or three cm, a cosmetic defect occurs.

Initially, the disease occurs in the form of a rather harmless spherical formation. But don't underestimate this dangerous cyst. Subsequently, there may be a worsening of the situation, which consists in the fact that the atheroma begins to grow and then turn into an ulcer. Also there are cases when the formation begins to overgrow with a capsule with a dense structure. It stays on the skin without causing any pain.

Possible complications of atheroma

It should be remembered that when this type of formation appears, there is a high probability that complications may subsequently arise. They are quite possible, unless, of course, take care of timely treatment... In any case, if even a small, harmless atheroma appears, it is imperative that you consult a specialist who can prescribe the necessary treatment and prevent the subsequent development of undesirable education.

Otherwise, quite unpleasant consequences can arise. They consist in the fact that atheromas, if they are not treated, begin to fester. Also, after this, you can observe the formation of a subcutaneous abscess.

After it started inflammatory process, new unpleasant complications can be expected. In total with the process of suppuration, the appearance of pain is observed in education. Skin redness and swelling also occur. Against the background of the onset of all these symptoms, there is a general deterioration in the condition of a person affected by this disease. An elevated temperature may also be recorded.

There are cases when a spontaneous opening of an atheroma, which has already undergone suppuration, occurs. In this case, pus may be released, which has a very unpleasant odor.

The severity of this disease is evidenced by the fact that in some, rather rare, cases, this skin formation can transform in malignant tumor... Therefore, you should not run it and at the first symptoms you need to see a doctor.


Atheroma - pretty serious illnessthat should be treated immediately. This should be done in order to avoid very serious consequences for your health. It should be remembered that it is unacceptable to run the existing problem, since there is a risk of a malignant tumor in the patient.

The human body can be affected by a large number of different tumors. Some of them can be seen, as they are located on the surface of the body.

For a long time, you can not even suspect the existence of others, since they are inside and are often discovered by chance during thorough medical examination.

If there are no symptoms, then diagnose pathological changes cancer pretty hard.

Fortunately, atheroma is not malignant, when the uncontrolled proliferation of changed tissue cells leads to lethal consequences. It is classified as a tumor benign... Sometimes it is noted that this is not a tumor at all, but a cyst, that is, a bladder filled with fluid. An atheroma is formed due to the fact that the duct is clogged and the outflow of secretion from it stops. As a result, a capsule is formed in which thick masses of a very unpleasant odor accumulate.

The discovered atheroma scares many patients. They worry if she will outgrow into cancer... Such cases are quite rare, but for complete peace of mind, after the cyst is removed, it is performed histological examination .

Atheroma develops in those places of the skin where there is a large number sebaceous glands:, neck, genitals. Outwardly, atheroma has a rounded shape with a soft consistency in most cases, but it can also be dense.

As a rule, the size ranges from from 5 to 40 mm... That is, from a match head to a chicken egg and more, since it has the ability to increase in volume. Although atheroma is invariably small all a person's life.

Suffer named skin disease equally men and women different ages... Atheroma is almost always painless, the skin above the infiltration (compaction) does not change. In case of infection, discomfort occurs. The tissue adjacent to the neoplasm becomes inflamed, followed by an abscess. Then the skin turns red, swells and festers, content can break out on its own.

Factors affecting the appearance

Whatever the characteristics of what the people call the word "wen", self-diagnosis cannot determine the type of subcutaneous formation. Only tissue examination, X-ray, biopsy, ultrasound with a consultation with a dermatologist and oncologist will determine exactly what is actually present - atheroma, lipoma, hygroma or dermatofibroma. Multiple atheroma also happens, but this is another disease - atheromatosis.

What causes a neoplasm?

  1. Violation metabolic processes... The consequence is a change in the nature of the secretions of the sebaceous glands, which leads to blockage of their ducts.
  2. Excessive sweating together with hormonal changes in the body, which is externally manifested by acne.
  3. Trauma resulting in damage to the sebaceous gland duct.
  4. Swelling of the hair follicle.
  5. An increase in the density of the secretion of the sebaceous gland, due to which its normal outflow is disrupted.

Risk factors leading to illness

  • oily skin;
  • unsatisfactory ecology;
  • non-observance of personal hygiene;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • work in hazardous industrial production;
  • chronic injuries of the skin;
  • frequent use of antiperspirant deodorants;
  • increased testosterone levels.

Treatment and prevention

If the atheroma is small and the patient does not bother, without being a source of nervous disorders, it can be left alone. In all other cases, surgical removal skin formation.

This happens on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia in the form of a 1-2% solution of novocaine or lidocaine. Previously, the patient is interested in whether you are allergic to the indicated pain medications.

The most effective of all methods is hulling. Occurs with minor bleeding. The capsule, together with the contents of the cyst, is removed with suture. The whole procedure takes 5-10 minutes.

The laser method will help to avoid surgical intervention, thanks to which the atheroma is opened, its cells are cut off layer by layer, after which the abscess cavity is processed. This method is effective in cases where the tumor-like formation is small.

Modern and safe method, in comparison with the above methods, the cysts of the sebaceous glands are radio waves. Missing cuts and piercing. Within 15 minutes, the skin seal is removed together with yellow masses by evaporation of cells under the influence of high-frequency radio waves. Moreover, if the atheroma is located on the scalp, then there is no need to shave off hair in contrast to surgical intervention, where you cannot do without it. At the same time, this method is unacceptable if the patient has a pacemaker or a metal prosthesis.

There are many. It is important to remember here that the main condition is the timeliness of their application. If the disease is neglected, then ethnoscience will not benefit, but harm.

In order to avoid processes with suppuration, it is necessary to quickly seek medical help.

To avoid the troubles associated with this disease, you need to eliminate all possible reasons occurrence of atheroma. For prevention recommended:

  • Proper care for oily skin: wash your face with hot water and soap, plastic massage, steam baths.
  • If there is such a need, then take medications that thin the sebum and promote its unhindered secretion.
  • Fight excessive sweating.
  • Limit consumption of fatty foods, smoked, spicy, spicy.
  • Reduce the amount of sweets, chocolate, alcoholic beverages and coffee.

Useful video

In this video, you can visually familiarize yourself with the cause of atheroma:

By itself, atheroma cannot dissolve, therefore, it is not worth delaying the healing process, as it can grow slowly. To prevent atheromas from forming in the body again, you need to periodically undergo magnetic resonance imaging.

Atheroma is a benign neoplasm in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sebaceous gland caused by blockage of the sebaceous glands of the skin, usually has a rounded shape, a clear border. Atheroma is often painless.

Atheroma is a blocked and enlarged excretory duct of the sebaceous gland. It usually forms in the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin rich in sebaceous glands - in the scalp or on the face, neck, trunk, genital area. It can reach significant sizes from 5 mm to 5-7 cm and more, which causes cosmetic defects in appearance. Among the people, atheromas are usually called wen.

Causes of atheroma

The reasons for the appearance of atheroma can be:

  • damage to the hair follicle with blocking the outflow of secretion,
  • thickening of the secret and violation of its allocation,
  • rupture of the sebaceous gland in inflammatory diseases,
  • defects in the development of the sebaceous glands,
  • trauma to the sebaceous glands (squeezing acne, scratches, cuts).
  • the occurrence of atheroma in Gardner's syndrome (a rare hereditary pathology).

Risk factors for the development of atheroma are:

  • male sex, due to more oily skin and structural features of the sebaceous glands,
  • the presence of acne or pre-existing skin problems,
  • excessive exposure to sunlight on the skin,
  • microtrauma of the skin,
  • excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis),
  • hormonal disorders
  • violation of personal hygiene,
  • abuse of cosmetics and deodorants.

Development mechanisms

As a result of damage or inflammation of the skin, the excretory opening of the sebaceous gland becomes narrower and cannot fully remove the secretion of the gland.

Also, the outflow of the contents is difficult when the secretion thickens, or when a sebaceous film forms on the skin surface, with an increase in the amount of desquamated epithelium or a layer of sweat. All this complicates the outflow of contents from the gland, its cavity expands. The walls become inflamed and thickened, forming a capsule - the formation takes on its typical shape.

Symptoms of atheroma

Atheromas by number can be divided into single and multiple.

Typical localizations of atheroma are:

  • face in the region of the eyebrow arch, nasolabial triangle, parotid or chin region,
  • scalp,
  • armpits,
  • neck, especially along the back surface,
  • the area between the shoulder blades,
  • perineal area.

The main clinical characteristics of atheroma:

  • rounded subcutaneous formation,
  • with a smooth surface,
  • movable,
  • with clear boundaries,
  • the formation is dense and not painful to the touch,
  • in the center there is an enlarged and edematous excretory duct.
  • the contents are white, mushy, consists of epithelium and gland secretions.

In itself, the presence of atheroma does not threaten a person's life and health, however, large sizes or localization on the face bring cosmetic inconveniences and psychological discomfort, large atheromas can squeeze the surrounding tissues or blood vessels.

Inflammation of atheroma

Long-term existence of atheroma can lead to their inflammation - infection and suppuration, then an abscess forms in the atheroma cavity. It manifests itself:

  • soreness in the area of \u200b\u200batheroma,
  • redness of the skin
  • swelling
  • an increase in temperature
  • the release of pus and sebum during spontaneous opening of the abscess.

Diagnosis of atheroma

The basis of diagnosis is a visual examination of the atheroma area and adjacent skin, with the presence of an enlarged duct of the gland being the most important. Additional diagnostics carried out during the operation by taking for histological examination of atheroma tissues.

It is necessary to distinguish an atheroma from a lipoma or a hygroma, since they may look similar in appearance.

Treatment of atheroma

Surgeons are engaged in the treatment of atheroma, conservative methods resorption of atheroma does not exist, it is removed for cosmetic reasons or if there is a danger of suppuration. With festering atheroma and the formation of an abscess, the operation is performed urgently - the cavity is opened and all the pus with the contents is removed.

With atheroma without complications, you can apply such treatment methods as:

  • radio wave removal,
  • laser removal,
  • classic removal with a scalpel.

With the radio wave method, which is preferred, there is no recurrent atheroma and no sutures are needed. The recovery time is about 5 days, there are no scars and marks, and there is no need for a hospital stay. With atheroma in the scalp, you do not need to shave off your hair. But this method is not shown for suppuration, then they resort to the classical operation with cuts and sutures.

Prevention methods

Atheromas occur with oily skin, and the basis of their prevention is regular hygiene, the use of means to reduce the oily skin and hair. For the face, periodic cleansing and the use of masks are indicated. In the diet, you should avoid fatty and sweet foods, hot spices.

Atheroma is called benign education skin, the capsule of which contains a fatty inclusion. Symptoms of atheroma are rather meager - it does not hurt or itch, but only represents a small seal on the surface of the body. Signs of atheroma on the scalp are not visualized at all until the bump reaches an impressive size.

The causes of atheroma are a blockage of the sebaceous gland duct, as a result of which the sebum does not come out, but is encapsulated in the form of a wen. Treatment of the disease is surgical.

Causes of the appearance of a wen

An atheroma can appear for several reasons. The most important one is problems with sebum permeability. If the duct of the sebaceous gland is clogged, then sebum is produced directly under the skin, in a special capsule, where the sebaceous cyst is blocked.

There is a seal and swelling of the hair follicle, which is damaged as a result of various microtraumas. If, after pulling out the hair, the exit from the bag is blocked, the follicle also begins to fill with fatty contents. The process is aggravated by the increased production of testosterone in the body, since the production of sebum increases.

Various kinds of trauma and damage to the sebaceous glands themselves can provoke the disease. As a result of the pathological process, a furuncle or carbuncle may form, and a wen already appears against it.

The capsule of the wen contains the product of the production of the sebaceous glands; outwardly, it resembles a white pasty mass. When pathogenic bacteria penetrate inside, it becomes inflamed. Festering atheroma acquires a different color of yellow, depending on the severity of the pathological process. Sometimes atheroma becomes pink-brown in color if there is blood in it.

The appearance of atheroma can be in people of both sexes - both men and women suffer from the disease. Occasionally, pathology can be seen even in a child. Most often, extensive atheromatosis is recorded in men. The clogging of the sebaceous glands begins during puberty and is aggravated already in mature agewhen atheromas become large.

Localization atheroma

Usually, neoplasms appear where there is an accumulation of sebaceous glands, but they can occur in any part of the body. Atheroma appears on the back, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder blades, in the area auricle and even the mammary gland. Such a neoplasm can become large.

Atheroma on the face is usually not so large, it can appear on the temples, in the jaw, sometimes the nose, cheek, forehead, and neck are affected. Atheroma behind the ear is also diagnosed - it may at the initial stage resemble a slight seal or nodule, but after a while the seals reach impressive sizes and have to be removed.

Wen are especially fond of those places where there is increased hairiness - under the arm, in men, the disease affects the stomach and chest area, in the genital area. Much less commonly, an arm or leg is affected.

Dangers of atheroma

Zhirovik, although it belongs to benign neoplasms, it can still significantly complicate the life of a patient with such a lump. First, the neoplasm threatens to become a permanent focus of infection, since such neoplasms become inflamed. Moreover, for this it is not necessary to penetrate deep into the pathogenic bacteria.

A particular danger is an already festering lump - an infection with a blood stream can spread throughout the body and cause furunculosis, and in severe lesions, sepsis, abscess, phlegmon. Removal of atheroma on the head should be carried out in a timely manner so as not to cause an abscess.

Attention! In rare cases, atheroma is dangerous in that it can lead to squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, but since such a degeneration occurs very rarely, the histology of the contents is not carried out when the wen is removed.

Complicated atheroma

Usually adipose tumors proceed quite peacefully, but sometimes the neoplasm is affected by the inflammatory process. How to distinguish an indolent illness from acute inflammation? Usually the bump changes appearance - it becomes hot, hyperemic, puffiness appears near it, and the wen itself becomes larger. When you touch it, you can feel pain, and at rest, the inflamed atheroma twitches. When pressed on the swelling, a purulent-curdled content with a specific odor is released from it. At this stage of the development of the disease, you need to go to the clinic and treat atheroma surgically... It is especially necessary to act quickly if the neoplasm of the scalp has become inflamed.

Surgical care for atheroma

Diagnosis is usually not difficult. It is easy for a doctor to distinguish a wen from a lymph node and other types of tumors, according to the characteristic type and location of the tumor. In some cases, additional consultation from other specialists may be needed, but in most cases, surgeons independently cope with the treatment of pathology.

After specifying the diagnosis, the doctor notifies the patient about the methods of treatment. The conservative technique for neoplasms is ineffective, and folk methods help very little. Operation will help to cure the disease forever. Usually, the intervention is performed under local anesthesia, since deep skin incisions are not required.

The operation to remove atheroma is done on an outpatient basis. This means that the patient is allowed to go home the same day. Only for dressings after removal of atheroma, you have to come several times. The operation itself is fast - about 15-30 minutes, but taking into account the preparation for the operation and the time for filling out the documents, the patient may be delayed in the clinic for about an hour.

With suppuration of a wen, it is impossible to remove the formation in the usual way, therefore, doctors carry out an operation according to the plan of opening an abscess - they evacuate the purulent contents, wash the wound and drain it. After the operation, patients are prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy and the wound is healed. I start removing the lump in about three months, when the damaged tissue is restored. If you remove the wen against the background of inflammation, you may not completely cut out the capsule, and there will be a relapse.

After removing the seal, a scar may remain on the skin - it all depends on how large the subcutaneous lump was. When restoring the skin, you can use the Contractubex product so that no scars remain. Photos of the condition of the skin after atheroma can be viewed on special sites.

Recovery after surgery is generally uneventful. There is a risk of fluid accumulation in the wen cavity, but this does not happen with a pressure bandage or drainage. On the first day after the operation, some patients have a fever - this is a normal body reaction to the intervention. When the numbers increase above 38, as well as when edema appears, severe pain and purulent discharge, it is necessary to consult a doctor again.

Important! It is no secret that many patients treat atheroma without surgery at home. Squeezing out the fat and applying Vishnevsky's ointment is almost the most popular "grandmother's" method for fighting the disease. It is absolutely impossible to do this, especially if the cyst is on the face under the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasolabial triangle. Inappropriate action and dirty hands can provoke inflammation, after which you still have to see a doctor.

Many doctors advise treating neoplasms when the lump is inflamed, or brings a significant cosmetic defect. It is better not to touch small atheromas at all.

Watch the video:

Contrary to popular belief, atheroma is not a tumor. This confusion is provoked by a number of reasons, among which, first of all, it should be noted the presence of a suffix characteristic of neoplasms (myoma, hemangioma, lipoma). By nature, atheroma is a non-inflammatory disease of the sebaceous gland that leads to the formation of a cyst.

Atheroma can occur on almost any part of the body, but in most cases it occurs in areas with oily skin - on the tailbone, on the back in the area between the shoulder blades, in the projection of the forehead, on the back of the head, behind the ears, on the face. This can be explained by the increased number of sebaceous glands in this area.

Causes of atheroma

For the development of atheroma, one condition is required - a blockage of the sebaceous gland, and specifically its duct. As a result of this incident, secretion components begin to accumulate in the thickness of the skin. When it accumulates inside the duct, the iron begins to increase in size. The body tries to stop this process and forms a cyst - a cavity that is bounded by walls made of connective tissue.

Blockage of the sebaceous gland can be triggered by such factors:

    non-compliance with personal hygiene - particles of earth, dust, dirt and other substances must be regularly removed from the skin so that the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands can normally remove the secret;

    trauma to the skin (especially with rough or blunt objects) - cells of the damaged epidermis can penetrate into the duct of the sebaceous gland and eventually close its lumen;

    hormonal disorders in the body (especially in the case of an increase in the amount of male sex hormones - dehydroepiandrosterone, testosterone) - these substances affect the composition of the secretion of the sebaceous gland. The thicker the secret, the higher the likelihood of blockage of the duct and the occurrence of atheroma;

    cystic fibrosis - this disease often causes the formation of cysts in the excretory ducts due to the increased density of the secretion of all glands of the body. Fortunately, this disease is quite rare;

    postmenopause - after the cessation of menstruation in women, the level of estrogen in the blood decreases. This factor can cause changes in the composition of sebum and eventually lead to the development of atheroma.

In rare cases, a child may have a congenital atheroma of the ear. In 86% of cases, it is localized slightly anterior to the auricle and visually is a ball-shaped formation with a diameter of 0.5 to 2 cm. The reason for the formation of such an atheroma is a slight defect in the development of the skin in a specific area. This state does not in any way affect the future state of the child and cannot be accompanied by other developmental defects.

Symptoms of atheroma

Common atheroma - not inflammatory disease... That is why it does not manifest itself in any general reactions (weakness, loss of appetite, rise in body temperature). Also, for a cyst of the sebaceous gland, a change in the texture and color of the skin is not characteristic. Therefore, the signs of a non-suppurative atheroma are usually a purely cosmetic defect.

Typical places of localization of the sebaceous gland cyst are:

    popliteal fossa;

  • genitals;

    perineal area;


    back - the area between the shoulder blades is usually affected, but other areas of the skin may also be affected;

    head - chin, back of the head, face (forehead, ear and adjacent skin areas).

Atheromas never appear on the palms, feet, since there are no sebaceous glands in these areas of the human body.

What does a sebaceous cyst look like?

With a visual examination of non-inflamed atheroma, only the presence of a rounded formation can be determined. Since it is located in the thickness of the skin, even in the case of a small cyst volume, it can be seen with the naked eye. The diameter of an atheroma can vary from 0.5 to 20 cm and even more. The longer the course of the disease without proper therapy, the larger and the size of such an education.

On palpation of the affected area, the cyst can be displaced to the sides. Its walls are compacted, in comparison with the surrounding tissues, as a result of the presence of connective tissue structures. When touching education pain absent.

How to differentiate atheroma from other skin formations

Other formations can form under the skin, which are quite easily confused with a sebaceous cyst. In order to roughly determine before the examination what kind of problem a particular patient has encountered, one should evaluate the appearance of the formation, the degree of its mobility and the consistency of the focus.

It is necessary to differentiate atheroma from increased lymph node, fibroids, lipomas. Other tumor-like formations under the skin are quite rare.

Characteristic feature

Lymph node


In most cases, it is not visualized, only in the case of a serious increase they can be detected with the naked eye.

Usually it rises above the skin in the form of a round formation of the correct shape.

Skin mobility over shaping

The skin is mobile because the formations are deeper.

Atheroma shifts with the skin, as it is located in its thickness. Offset relative to each other is impossible.

Density of education

Soft on palpation

Have a dense consistency

Soft on palpation

Soreness when palpating



A non-inflamed sebaceous cyst is painless. With suppuration, pain may occur during palpation.

Thanks to such signs, it is possible to first differentiate atheroma from other diseases that have similar external manifestations.

Suppurative atheroma

Almost the only possible complication atheroma is its inflammation. The reason is the penetration of microbes into the cyst cavity. Such infection can occur with any injury to the skin: scrapings, punctures, cuts. For atheroma on the head and face, suppuration is characteristic after independent attempts to squeeze out the contents of the gland.

How does inflammation manifest? Within a short time, the cyst grows in size. The skin above it begins to turn red and slight swelling may appear. When trying to palpate a festering atheroma, there is a rather pronounced pain.

Pus is able to melt tissue, so the cyst can break through on its own skin covering... In this case, a small bandage or a bactericidal patch should be applied to the exudate exit site and then consult a doctor - after a thorough examination, the remains of the capsule will be removed and the wound will be properly treated.

You should not self-medicate, because at home it is quite difficult to remove the remnants of atheroma. If this is not done, then there is a risk of re-development of education and its spontaneous breakthrough.

Diagnosis of atheroma

To make the correct diagnosis, it is enough to carry out ultrasound procedure education that sounds like atheroma. If the presence of a cavity is confirmed during the study, then there is a high probability that it is a cyst of the sebaceous gland. Laboratory research and other methods instrumental diagnostics usually uninformative.


First of all, it should be noted that the treatment of atheroma without surgical intervention will not allow you to get rid of this pathology once and for all. Any medication or folk treatment will not completely destroy the cyst. Even if the patient temporarily feels an improvement, after a while there will be a relapse of the formation.

Festering atheroma is an indication for emergency surgery. If there are signs of inflammation of the formation, you should immediately contact the surgical department of the hospital or outpatient surgical service. Non-inflamed sebaceous gland cysts are operated in a planned manner, coordinating the intervention with the attending physician.

The main goal of the operation in the presence of atheroma is to remove the cyst along with its contents or to completely destroy its structure. This manipulation can be done in several ways.

Cyst treatment method

Basics of the method

The benefits of this treatment

Classic method

Using a conventional scalpel, a skin incision is made in the projection of the atheroma. The length of the incision depends on the size of the lesion. After this, the cyst is isolated and complete removal... The wound is sutured with non-absorbable sutures, which are subsequently removed by a doctor.

    wide availability;

    low cost;

    when removing atheroma on the head with this method, the swelling is usually less than in the case of other techniques.

Laser method

Due to the creation of a narrowly directed intense laser beam, the cyst is destroyed along with its contents.

    low probability of cyst recurrence;

    this technique is an almost bloodless intervention;

    after the operation, no scar remains or it is slightly expressed.

The negative point is the high cost of such techniques and the lack of the necessary equipment in most public hospitals.

Radio wave method

This method is based on the ability of intense radiation of radio waves to burn out pathological tissue.


During this intervention, the cyst is destroyed using a high-frequency electric current.

Argon plasma coagulation

The operation is performed using a special scalpel, the end of which is equipped with a directed plasma beam. It destroys pathological formation with high precision and stops bleeding after excision of atheroma on the head.

    small likelihood of postoperative scar formation;

    the operation is bloodless;

    the technique is available by compulsory medical insurance policy in regional centers and large city clinics.

Regardless of the method of operation, the operation for a sebaceous cyst is performed under local anesthesia. The average duration of the intervention is 15-20 minutes.

Treatment of suppurating atheroma

Surgical techniques for the treatment of atheroma are the same as in the uncomplicated form. The fundamental difference lies in the completion of the surgery. After removal of a normal cyst, the wound is sutured tightly to speed up the fusion of the edges and healing. In the presence of an inflamed formation, this is unacceptable.

After excision of the cyst with argon, scalpel or laser, the wound should remain open. A rubber graduate is placed inside, after pretreating the tissue with an antiseptic. This operation is completed with the imposition of an aseptic dressing.

Postoperative period

IN postoperative period it is extremely important to control the condition of the wound. In the first few days after removal of atheroma, dressings are performed daily or every other day under the supervision of a physician. If the atheroma was inflamed, the rubber graduate is replaced daily, and the tissues are treated with an antiseptic.

On average, it takes about two weeks for a wound to heal. The patient is on outpatient treatment... Only patients with severe forms of atheroma are admitted to the hospital. The sutures are removed after the formation of good connecting bridges between the edges of the wound. This procedure is painless and does not require local anesthesia; everything takes about 3-5 minutes.

What signs should be alarming in the postoperative period

    Increased body temperature after excision of atheroma. This is an unfavorable sign that may indicate the presence of an infection. Already on day 2-3, the body temperature should be normalized.

    Blotting the dressing with blood. It can be observed in patients with increased bleeding: with thrombocytopenia and hemophilia, enlarged spleen, liver damage, taking anticoagulants (Clopidogrel, ThromboAss, Cardiomagnil, Aspirin, Heparin, Clexan).

    The presence of purulent exudate after removal of a non-inflamed cyst.

    Inconsistency of sutures or dehiscence of the edges of the wound. This feature can be diagnosed independently when changing dressings.

Detection of one of the above signs is a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor. He will assess the current situation and adjust the tactics of postoperative treatment.


Is the recurrence of atheroma possible?

Yes, this pathology often recurs. It is believed that some of the cyst cells remain in the wound, and it is they that give rise to a new formation.

What is the size of the suture after excision of atheroma? Is it possible to do without skin incision?

Treatment of atheroma is based on gaining access to the cyst, but with different techniques, the size of the wound is different. The minimum incision is performed with the radio wave therapy method, the maximum - with the classical removal method. If it is not possible to use radio wave equipment and it is important to achieve a cosmetic effect, it is recommended to use the argon-plasma method. In this case, a scar remains quite rarely.

What is the difference between atheroma and lipoma?

The most famous name for a lipoma is "wen" - it is benign tumor... With it, there is an overgrowth of connective tissue cells. Such a tumor is located not in the skin itself, but a little deeper in the layer of fatty tissue.

How to prevent the development of a sebaceous cyst?

Currently, there is no specific prevention of this formation. Doctors recommend maintaining personal hygiene and treating areas of oily skin with scrubs, as well as monitoring your own hormonal background.

Can atheroma cause cancer?

Not. The sebaceous cyst does not belong to precancerous diseases. Cases of malignant cyst of this kind in cancer in medical practice not registered.

Is it possible to self-absorption atheroma?

Not. The cyst is able to remain non-inflamed for a long time, but its self-destruction is not observed even with an over-long course of the disease.

I have a non-inflamed atheroma, but the surgeon does not want to operate on it. Why and how to treat atheroma correctly?

This is a rather difficult question. It is worth recalling that doctors are limited by the prescriptions of insurance companies. Thus, they are unable to provide a service that is not on the list attached to the MHI policy. In some regions surgery non-inflamed atheroma OMS is not paid. Therefore, the surgeon cannot perform the operation. There are two ways out of this situation - to contact another clinic, which, after payment, will perform the intervention, or wait until the atheroma fester. Obviously, the second option is unfavorable in terms of cosmetic effect.

Can you squeeze out atheroma yourself?

This should not be done under any circumstances, especially if the cyst is located on the head (on the back of the head, in the forehead, behind the ear). If she gets inflamed, then the blood blood vessels is able to penetrate the brain and provoke a severe inflammatory process. Otherwise, cyst suppuration is possible. The best solution is to see a surgeon immediately.

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