What ointment to treat neurodermatitis. Review of good remedies

Ointment for neurodermatitis is a salvation for many people suffering from skin diseases. Nowadays, almost no one is immune from stress, gastrointestinal disorders and exposure to poor ecology, as a result of which various irritations on the skin arise, including neurodermatitis. People of different ages suffer from this disease.

Neurodermatitis (atopic eczema, atopic dermatitis) is a very common skin condition that manifests itself as red rashes on the skin. This ailment is a variety allergic dermatitis... Neurodermatitis causes unpleasant sensations in the form of unbearable itching and is localized most often on the arms, neck, thighs and genitals.

Varieties of pathology

Neurodermatitis can manifest itself in several forms, among the most common are:

  1. 1. Limited, in which certain areas of the skin are affected.
  2. 2. Hypertrophic, in which tumors appear in the groin area.
  3. 3. Diffuse - localized in the neck, arms, elbows, under the knees, on the face.
  4. 4. Psoriasiform - causes redness on the head and neck with a scaly crust.
  5. 5. Linear - with it, itchy stripes appear in the bend of the limbs.
  6. 6. Decalvating - localized on the scalp.
  7. 7. Follicular - also occurs on the scalp.

If he finds signs of one of the listed types of neurodermatitis, a person should immediately consult a dermatologist who can not only determine the cause of the occurrence skin diseasebut also to make the correct diagnosis. The doctor will prescribe an effective medicine to the patient that will help fight the disease. The treatment prescribed to the patient will depend on the nature of the neurodermatitis, and on the characteristics of the patient's health in general, as well as his age and individual susceptibility to medicinal components. Although injections and pills are used to treat this disease, the most common way to treat any neurodermatitis is ointments and creams, both hormonal and non-hormonal.

Used drugs

When diagnosing neurodermatitis in pediatric patients, a non-hormonal ointment is prescribed by the doctor. It is absolutely harmless to the health of the little patient and has no side effects. Such ointments are also prescribed for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Non-hormonal ointments also differ in that the course of their application takes a considerable time.

Popular ointments:

  1. 1. Bepanten, D-Panthenol and Korneregel are ointments known to most patients that do not contain hormones and actively promote the regeneration of the affected skin... Application of such drugs in the shortest possible time relieves itching, heals cracks. They can be prescribed to very young children.
  2. 2. Gistan is a non-hormonal cream aimed at relieving itching and eliminating flaking. It contains only natural ingredients. These include extracts of birch buds, Japanese sophora and string. It is prescribed for children from 2 years old.
  3. 3. Eplan is a natural cream, thanks to which the patient quickly passes itching, soreness, and the skin heals. In addition, this cream prevents skin infections. Eplan can be used at any age and long time.
  4. 4. Skin-cap and its analogs: Pyrithion Zinc, Friederm Zinc and Zinocap are creams with good anti-fungal properties. They have anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory effects. Can be used by children over 1 year old.
  5. 5. Epidel is an anti-inflammatory cream that relieves itching and contains a component such as pimecrolimus. He is appointed from the age of 3 months.
  6. 6. Radevit and analogues such as Videstim, Adaklin, Differin and Isotrexin - ointments to eliminate itching and rapid regeneration of the skin. These funds soften the skin well, but they are contraindicated for pregnant women.

As a rule, in children, neurodermatitis is accompanied by swelling and moisture of the skin surface, so they are prescribed ointments containing zinc, which dries the skin. Glutamol ointment has proven itself well, since it is able to suppress the activity of the pathogens of neurodermatitis - mast cells of the skin. Another ointment actively used in medical practice, is Epidel.

With neurodermatitis (atopic dermatitis), foci of inflammation form on the surface of the skin. To cure the disease, external drugs with anti-inflammatory, emollient and antipruritic effect are used. Creams and ointments for neurodermatitis, penetrating deep into the epithelial tissues, suppress the symptoms of the disease.

The reasons for the development of pathology

In most cases, neurodermatitis is the body's response to food allergens ... In addition, the development of the disease leads to:

  • stressful situations;
  • neuropsychological overstrain;
  • heredity;
  • weak immunity;
  • diseases of the autonomic and central nervous system;
  • interaction with various allergens;
  • poisoning;
  • poor quality food;
  • inadequate physical and mental stress;
  • medications;
  • chemical substances.


Neurodermatitis is accompanied by:

  • unbearable itching;
  • thickening and inflammation of the skin;
  • rash with bubbles.

When itching occurs, a person combs the epithelium, which leads to the formation of various injuries:

Varieties of drugs

The classification of local medicines for neurodermatitis is influenced by the nature of their effect.... Patients are prescribed medications that can relieve inflammation, dryness, itching, flaking and redness.

Moisturizing and dermatoprotective medicines

Dry skin does not recover well. The dehydrated tissues do not properly flow metabolic processes... A cream or ointment for neurodermatitis is a necessary remedy to fight the disease. Such external preparations are irreplaceable. They are used daily. When remission occurs, the epithelium is lubricated with baby cream. With aggravated neurodermatitis in adults, ointments with a moisturizing effect are used. The preparations form a protective film on the surface of the epithelium, which prevents moisture loss.

For moisturizing epithelial tissue patients are prescribed:

  • Bepanten. The medicine moisturizes the skin, accelerates the restoration of damaged epithelium.
  • Lokobase Ripea. The cream eliminates dryness, promotes tissue regeneration in eczema and atopic dermatitis.
  • A-dermis exomega. The preparation with a moisturizing effect nourishes and softens dry and scaly epithelium.

Dermatoprotective agents protect the skin from viral, bacterial or fungal infections. The preparations soften and moisturize the skin, have an antiseptic effect.

For the treatment of neurodermatitis on the hands and other parts of the body, use:

Anti-inflammatory non-hormonal agents

Mild forms of neurodermatitis are treated with external drugs without hormones. Damaged skin on the legs and other parts of the body is treated:

Not all external agents are suitable for the treatment of neurodermatitis on the face. In order to restore hypersensitive skin, drugs with urea are used. Patients are prescribed:

  • Carboderm;
  • Keratolan.

Preparations with urea moisturize and soften the epithelium, eliminate keratinized particles, suppress inflammation, and maintain normal skin pH.

Hormonal drugs

Severe neurodermatitis helps treat corticosteroids. Although topical hormone treatments give many unwanted adverse reactions, they are used to suppress serious skin pathologies.

Glucocorticosteroids are used only as directed by a physician. This condition must be observed. Improper use of steroid ointments and creams leads to undesirable consequences.

When refusing hormonal drugs the course of neurodermatitis is aggravated. Against its background, severe intractable complications develop:

  • hyperpigmentation;
  • acne;
  • striae;
  • epithelium atrophy.

Complications occur on the face, neck, skin folds.

For treatment, ointments and creams from neurodermatitis are used, which act with different strengths on the lesions. There are 7 classes of corticosteroids.

Class 1 overactive ointments include:

  • dermovate cream;
  • psorcon ointment.

The list of highly active class 2 drugs based on hormones includes:

  • Cyclocort;
  • Diprolene;
  • Akriderm GK;
  • deoxymethasone ointment;
  • Fluocinonide - cream and ointment;
  • cream Halciderm.

Class 3 includes highly active local agents:

  • Akriderm;
  • Beloderm;
  • Celestoderm-V;
  • Aristocort.

The list of class 4 includes topical creams and ointments for the treatment of neurodermatitis with moderate activity:

  • Topikort;
  • Kremgen;
  • Kenalog.

The list of the 5th grade includes:

  • Beloderm;
  • Betnovate;
  • Sinalar;
  • Locoid;
  • Westcourt.

The 6th class of corticosteroids includes inactive drugs:

  • Tridesilon;
  • Desowen.

The last 7th class of hormonal external drugs are low-active ointments and creams:

  • dexamethasone sodium phosphate;
  • methylprednisolone acetate cream;
  • Hydrocortisone.

In Europe, corticosteroids are classified somewhat differently. There the drugs are divided into 4 categories. The first group of medications is represented by weak glucocorticosteroids, the last - potent drugs. But this does not take into account that ointments with the same concentration of active ingredients are more powerful than creams and sprays.

Important aspects:

  • The doctor, when prescribing corticosteroid medications, takes into account the location of the lesions, the age and individual characteristics of the patient, the severity of the course of neurodermatitis, and the activity of the drug.
  • With neurodermatitis on the face of a child, inactive corticosteroids are used. Adults with lesions on the skin of the face are prescribed potent agents: Akriderm or Beloderm.
  • Topical corticosteroids are used in ascending order. Weak steroids are used initially. If they do not have the required effectiveness, more powerful means are used.

Hormone medications are used in combination with moisturizers... First, the lesions are lubricated with a cosmetic product, and after 20 minutes they are treated with steroid ointment.

Calcineurin inhibitors

Preparations with calcineurin inhibitors stop inflammation on the skin. These medicines slow down the production of T-lymphocytes. Ointments and creams effectively fight severe forms of neurodermatitis. Such medicines are referred to the second line of treatment for skin diseases.

Calcineurin inhibitor medications have no side effects... These ointments are allowed to treat areas with hypersensitive skin: face, groin, genitals. But the mechanism of action of the drugs has not yet been fully understood.

Some doctors believe that long-term use of drugs (over 1 year) can lead to the development of cancer or immunosuppression.

For the treatment of neurodermatitis, use:

  • Elidel;
  • Protopicus.

When choosing a medicine, the doctor balances the benefits and risks of using the drug. For lung treatment neurodermatitis, non-hormonal regenerating external agents with anti-inflammatory effects are used. If positive dynamics are not observed, strong drugs are used.

Traditional medicine

Folk remedies eliminate the external signs of the disease: suppress itching, inflammation, peeling. Homemade ointments moisturize and soften the skin, tighten wounds, and accelerate the regeneration of epithelial cells.

At home, ointments are prepared according to the following recipes:

Neurodermatitis cannot be cured forever. Ointments and creams help to achieve sustained remission.

Folk remedies enhance the effect of medicines, increase the periods between exacerbations of the disease. To obtain a positive therapeutic effect it is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations, to use the drugs prescribed by him correctly.

Neurodermatitis or otherwise atopic dermatitis is a skin disease, the main symptoms of which are redness on the skin, rough skin, severe itching and rash.
Neurodermatitis can develop in both children, including the smallest newborns, and adults.

In children, it is most often the body's response to an allergic reaction to something. In adults, neurodermatitis appears due to genetic predisposition, changes or as an indicator of disorders of the nervous system.

There are two types of neurodermatitis:

  • Limited - manifests itself in places in the form of local redness mainly on the bends of the limbs and cheeks, begins to develop from a small area, gradually increasing and covering larger areas of the skin, the itching passes from the lung to intolerable.
  • Diffuse, as a rule, immediately covers large areas of the skin, spreading even more over time. The skin surface affected by diffuse neurodermatitis is covered with scaly formations of sore skin, cracks and has serous discharge. Often there were cases when diffuse neurodermatitis covered up to 80-85% of the skin. Strong localization and exacerbation of such neurodermatitis are treated in a hospital.

Treatment of any type of neurodermatitis is selected individually, taking into account the patient's diseases, metabolic disorders, as well as the state of the nervous system and endocrine system... Individual intolerance and other characteristics of the body are also taken into account. According to experts, it is more effective complex treatment neurodermatitis.

Treatment of neurodermatitis with drugs

  • Allergic reactions.

Three times a day after a meal, the doctor may prescribe 15-20 drops of retinol, usually it is taken dripping on bread. At the same time, vitamin C at a dosage of 0.2 or 0.3 grams. three times a day and diazolin, suprastin, demidrol, which are antihistamines
The use of 2 percentage solution novocaine for injection and internal use of chlorpromazine, 20% sodium sulfate solution, thiamine, aloe and insulin extract. A 30% sodium triamine solution is used intravenously. Application possible minimum dosages drugs such as Triamcinolone, Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, but as soon as a patient with neurodermatitis begins to experience improvements clinical picture, they are canceled, but not immediately, but gradually.

  • Nervous system disorders.

With all kinds of neuroses and other disorders of the nervous system, it is advisable to use bromine-containing drugs in the treatment process. These include: sodium bromide solutions 4% and 10%. The first one is used for severe disorders of the nervous system in a dosage of 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. The second is used for significant violations and its dosage is 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Such drugs are prescribed in inverse proportion to the severity of the disease.

  • Inflammation.

With neurodermatitis, inflammatory processes of varying degrees occur around the lesion. For their treatment, lotions with a cooling effect and a disinfecting effect are successfully used. As a drug that reduces itching, anesthetic 10% ointment or boric tar ointment is used.

  • Soothing drugs.

A distinctive feature of neurodermatitis is a debilitating, intolerable itch, which drives the patient to despair and if adults can somehow endure it, then small children, combing the already affected skin, cause themselves even more severe damage. In order to soothe the itching, Dorogov's liquid in the 3rd fraction is used, as well as all kinds of menthol ointments.

  • Diet for neurodermatitis.

Diet for neurodermatitis is indispensable because it provides the most effective treatment this disease.

Special food prescribed to the patient excludes products of increased allergy from his diet:

Citrus fruits, sweets, white bread and wheat flour pastries, various spices. At the same time, the patient's diet should contain an increased amount of calories.
Care should be taken to ensure that the patient has an adequate regimen. The absence of nervous shocks is also an important factor that should be monitored if you want to provide the patient with effective treatment for neurodermatitis.

Methods for the treatment of neurodermatitis

When nervous disordershaving the most pronounced manifestation, especially effective methods treatments are physiotherapy treatments. Electrosleep is considered the most effective in this spectrum.

In winter, ultraviolet radiation can be applied to the patient. Usually it is prescribed in the amount of 25-30 procedures, after which a monthly break is taken. In the off-season, PUVA therapy is used, this is a one-time effect on the skin of long ultraviolet rays and drugs vegetable origin... Irradiation with sunlight is also used in the summer.

For local skin lesions, 40-50 minute paraffin applications are used.

Another way that provides effective treatment for neurodermatitis is climate change. Therefore, doctors recommend providing the patient with the possibility of spa treatment. The most suitable in this sense are the resorts of Pyatigorsk, Sochi. Anapa and Belaya Tserkov. The radon, hydrogen sulfide, iodine-bromine and sulfide baths available there are a real salvation for patients with neurodermatitis.

Sometimes, with neurodermatitis of limited localization, inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs, which can be removed by exposure to an UHF apparatus or ultrasound, in addition, such inflammation is especially well removed with a mud wrap.

Corticosteroid ointments occupy a special place in the variety of methods that provide effective treatment. But their use is very limited in time; they can be applied in a thin layer no more than twice a day. They are most strongly absorbed into the skin on the face and folds, therefore, the application layer there should be minimal. These remedies give almost instant results, reducing redness, relieving itching and bringing relief to the patient.

In order to know how to treat neurodermatitis, you need to know that its exacerbations occur most often in the autumn-winter period, therefore, it is at this time that the main treatment is carried out. Treatment of neurodermatitis includes the use of both internal and external agents. Internal drugs include antihistamines, drugs aimed at restoring the functions of the central nervous system, vitamins, and enzymes for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For external agents - ointments, lotions, UV radiation, climatotherapy, balneophototherapy. Means for internal use in the treatment of neurodermatitis.

Antihistamines - These are substances that block H1 receptors (receptors that exhibit allergic reactions in cells). They slow down the allergic process and the action of histamine. The main property of antihistamines is antipruritic. But they have a sedative property, greatly exhausting the sick. They are effective for a relatively short time due to their rapid breakdown in the body. The most famous antihistamines are tavegil, fenistil, avil.

Antibiotics. The main disadvantage in the treatment of neurodermatitis with antibiotics is that they have a detrimental effect not only on the causative agent of the disease, but also on the normal intestinal microflora. Therefore, each time you consciously approach their use. For internal use with neurodermatitis, erythromycin is most often used, but other options are possible depending on the situation. Only use antibiotics in extreme cases.

Vitamins. Calcium- on some patients with chronic allergic processes, it has a positive effect, because has a positive effect on the skin. However, with prolonged use, kidney stones may form. Retinol Acetate () - also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, reducing its dryness and redness. It is part of the Aevit vitamins and is also sold separately in capsules.

External treatment of neurodermatitis:

  • Ointments: Corticosteroids (corticoids, cortisone) slow down allergic inflammatory processes quite strongly. The starting substance is the adrenal cortex hormone hydrocortisone (cortisol), which affects fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism in the body. Currently, corticoids have already appeared with great efficiency and strength of action, which, even with short-term external use, are absorbed by the body and cause a decrease in allergic reactions, as well as a change in metabolism. The positive effect that cortisone has is to suspend inflammatory process and cell division. But the more intense this process, the more pronounced side effects: skin pigmentation, hair growth on the treated areas, withdrawal syndrome. When long-term use the effectiveness of corticosteroid drugs is reduced.
  • Hormonal ointments - celestoderm, locoid, Elokom, sinoflan.
  • Panthenol - An active substance from the group of B vitamins, found in the animal and plant world. Currently, panthenol is obtained only by synthetic methods. Panthenol is able to heal wounds and enhances the defense of the immune system. But in the opinion of most doctors, when treating neurodermatitis and eczema, it is better to use it as a skin care product without significant allergic foci, rather than for treating a disease in the acute stage.
  • Antibiotics - Antibiotics infect the cell wall of bacteria (penicillin, cephalosporin), inhibit protein biosynthesis and affect the exchange of nucleic acids. However, there is often allergic reaction on the use of antibiotics.
  • UV radiation - Ultraviolet radiation has a strong effect on immune system the body - there is a slowdown in the release of inflammatory mediators in the skin affected by eczema. Ultraviolet rays reduce excessive skin immune activity in people with neurodermatitis and eczema.
  • Climatotherapy - Climate change has an irritating effect on the human body, as a result of which its functions are restructured. Together with ultraviolet irradiation, climate change has a beneficial effect on the patient with neurodermatitis and eczema. For example, sea water helps to reduce flaking and itching while regulating skin moisture. Air and sun normalize the immune system.
  • Balneophototherapy - This type of therapy consists of creating conditions for the Dead Sea far from it. A person with neurodermatitis and eczema bathes in saline for about 25 minutes, and then is exposed to ultraviolet radiation. The salt bath increases the sensitivity of the skin to light and the radiation is more effective. The main disadvantage of this therapy is that the treatment is carried out for five days for eight to eleven weeks. The effect achieved after treatment at the Dead Sea is stronger than after balneophototherapy.

Alternative methods in the treatment of neurodermatitis

Also positive effect in the treatment of neurodermatitis can be achieved traditional medicine... But it serves as an adjunct to mainstream treatment. Herbs will help not only fight disease, but also strengthen the entire body. Wormwood baths Pour a small amount of not bitter wormwood with boiling water, wait a few minutes and pour it into the bathtub in which you will swim. After bathing, do not wipe the areas with rashes. Self-drying of the skin will allow it to be saturated with useful substances from the wormwood decoction as much as possible.

Ointment based on interior lard Lard needs to be heated to a temperature above 70 degrees and mixed with 50 grams of aloe juice. Stir, add 5 grams of fir oil and cool. The ointment is excellent for itching and inflammation.

None of us is immune from such a common disease today as neurodermatitis. This very unpleasant disease of the neurogenic-allergic type is considered a type of allergic dermatitis. A rash that occurs with neurodermatitis and is characterized by intolerable itching, most often appears in the neck, arms, thighs and genitals. There are several types of this disease, the most common of which are:

  • Limited neurodermatitis affecting only some areas of the skin. At the same time, it becomes coarse and dry.
  • Hypertrophic, in which tumor-like neoplasms appear in the groin area. The treatment of this neurodermatitis is complicated by its location.
  • Diffuse, accompanied by the appearance of inflammation on the hands, face, neck, under the knees and on the elbows.
  • Psoriasiform, characterized by the appearance of scaly reddish seals in the neck and head.
  • Linear neurodermatitis, accompanied by the appearance of inflamed and itchy streaks on the bends of the limbs.
  • Decalvating, arising on the scalp.
  • Follicular neurodermatitis that occurs on the scalp.

All of the above types of disease give a person significant discomfort, so it is necessary to treat them on time. The choice of an ointment or cream that can effectively combat such a disease depends on the type of neurodermatitis and its severity, the patient's age, concomitant diseases, and the reasons that provoked the onset of the disease. Before using any medication, you should definitely consult with a dermatologist who will determine the type of neurodermatitis and prescribe treatment. In the treatment of this disease, not only external medicines can be used, but also tablets and vitamins. Most often, an ointment or cream is used to treat neurodermatitis. However, they can be non-hormonal and hormonal.

Oral medications

For neurodermatitis, oral medications are often prescribed. These include the following tools:

  • Antihistamines (Fexofenadine, Erius, Cetrin). Such tablets are used only as directed by a doctor.
  • Medicines designed to restore the normal functioning of the nervous system.
  • Enzymatic drugs (prescribed for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract).
  • Antiallergic drugs (calcium gluconate, sodium tisulfate).
  • Vitamins A, E, promoting rapid skin regeneration. In this disease, B vitamins are also prescribed.

Non-hormonal medications

When treating neurodermatitis in childhood most often, a non-hormonal ointment is prescribed, which does not include glucocorticoid hormones. They are practically harmless as they do not have any side effects. They are prescribed for pregnant and lactating women. Their hallmark is a long period of use. Non-hormonal external agents for the treatment of neurodermatitis include:

  • Bepanten ointment and its analogues (Korneregel, D-Panthenol). It contains panthenol, which helps to regenerate the skin. Bepanten quickly heals microcracks and ulcers, moisturizes the skin, relieves itching. This ointment is prescribed even for babies.
  • Gistan cream, which eliminates itching and flaking. It is made on the basis of natural extracts of birch buds, string herb, Japanese sophora. This cream is prescribed from 2 years of age.
  • Eplan cream that relieves itching, relieves pain and quickly heals inflammation. It prevents skin infections. This tool is used from any age and for a long time.
  • Skin-cap cream and its analogues (Friederm zinc, Pyrithion Zinc, Zinocap). These agents have antifungal, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. These funds are prescribed from 1 year.
  • Epidel cream containing pimecrolimus. It has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic properties. It is prescribed from 3 months of age.
  • Radevit ointment and its analogues (Differin, Videstim, Adaklin, Isotrexin). This tool effectively eliminates itching, promotes rapid skin regeneration. It softens the skin well. This ointment and its analogues cannot be used during pregnancy.

Hormonal medicines

These drugs contain corticosteroids, which are effective in treating neurodermatitis. These hormones bring relief during an exacerbation of the disease, since they have strong antiallergic properties. Typically, corticosteroid ointments and creams are prescribed for adults. Their distinctive feature is a short-term period of use, since the patient's body quickly gets used to such a drug and a certain dosage, which is accompanied by a decrease in the therapeutic effect and the need to increase the dose. Overdose with hormonal drugs leads to various side effects... The most popular and effective hormonal medicationsthat quickly cure neurodermatitis:

  • Ecolorm ointment belongs to modern drugs... It can be prescribed even from 2 years of age. It can be used daily for 12 weeks. The child's treatment cannot exceed 28 days.
  • Advantan ointment is one of the most effective hormonal preparations. It can be used for treatment from 4 months of age. The course of therapy for adults is 3 months, and for children - 1 month.
  • Ftorocort ointment, which contains the synthetic hormone triamcinolone. it effective remedy has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties. It effectively relieves itching. Treatment lasts no more than 4 weeks.
  • Trimestin ointment containing triamcinolone, which provides anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and anti-allergic effects. Miramistin, which is part of this agent, has antiseptic properties.
  • Prednisolone, considered a universal remedy. It contains the synthetic hormone prednisone, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. This ointment is used for no more than 2 weeks.
  • Prednicarb ointment, which is a combined agent that includes prednisolone and urea. It eliminates itching well, relieves allergic manifestations, softens the skin and prevents keratinization. Predicarb slows down the exudation of inflamed tissues.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment, which is used most often at the very beginning of the disease. It can be used for a long time, since it contains low concentration hormones.

When combining neurodermatitis with a skin infection, a combined ointment and cream are used. They contain antibacterial and antifungal active substances... Such external agents include Clotrimazole and Triderm ointments. Outdoor hormonal agents are quickly absorbed into the skin, so they must be applied in a thin layer quickly and evenly. Treatment of neurodermatitis should be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist.

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