Dream Interpretation Interpretation of dreams by day of the month. Secrets of the Unknown Superference Perception of Esoteric

Where do dreams come from and what they mean? People have always been interested in these questions and searched for answers in science, magic and esoteric. For a long time, the relationship of dreams with events of life was seen. Thus, dream intercoms containing interpretations of night visions - interpretation of dreams in the number of months and days of the week.

Value of dreams

To understand the meaning of sleep, find out how soon it will be and will fulfill at all, you need to take into account the date of the month in which he dreamed. - Their values \u200b\u200band sales are different from each other.

Sleep every number of month has its own meaning:


The day of the week is important for the interpretation of his dream:

  • Monday. are called "bodily", indicating the state of the human psyche. They symbolize the attitude of a person to their current affairs, work, family. Reflect the inner state of a person, its emotional and mental background. If the night vision seemed to you long - the place and troubles are in your reality. Short - on the contrary, talking about joyful being. Such vision does not come true, it is simply a reflection of human thoughts during this period of life. Therefore, if you thought something is not very good, it is not worth it to get along and take it to heart.
  • Tuesday. Alarm dreams warn about the approximation of quarrels and conflicts in the family or at work. Calm or joyful dreams suggest that the troubles currently can be resolved soon. You will take a leading position at work or a close circle, things will go "uphill". The dreams of this day are associated with human's life aspirations, indicate mistakes and correct ways to solve important tasks. Psychologists recommend listening to these prompts, use them to improve the quality of life and avoid fatal errors.
  • Wednesday. Usually, on this day, the vision is badly remembered, but their meaning remains important. Boring, tedious pictures can say that the dreams are experiencing a shortage of communication or it lacks any information to achieve the goal. Another primitiveness symbolizes the insecurity and indecision of the person. The mental activity of the human brain reaches the peak on Wednesday, so it is necessary to listen more carefully to the dreams of this night.
  • Thursday. Seen at night will have to deal with work and money, tip to solve your tasks. If you have dreamed of rich relatives, it is possible that you have to take on family finance management. Lot different people Symbolizes your careful attitude towards others.
  • Friday. Dundy from Thursday to Friday are things, because on this night internally flair, human intuition works 100%. Sensual Venus-patroness of these night visions, opens a gate to the unconscious man. Seen at night connected with the most hidden desires and intentions of man. How soon will begin to come true seen, depends on the time to which the man slept. The dream, seen before midnight, will be fulfilled in a few days. The plot that came to you in dreams from 12 to 3 night will come true in 3 months. The dreams that came at dawn are embodied in real events almost immediately. If the dreams are repeated from all times not only - they are of particular importance and are also things.


Dreams from Friday on Saturday Saturn is patronized, responsible for our successes and fortune. He gives tips that fence from danger, tell the right direction and effective actions In achieving the goal.

If, waking up, you feel joy and other pleasant feelings, it means approach good luck in affairs, positive events and good news. And vice versa, bad mood After the arms of morphine, lethargy and fatigue foreshadow that the near future will not be so beneficial.

Dreams on Sunday. The person managed to relax a bit, so for more this night he sees more or less pleasant, colorful dreams.

The patron of dreams on the night of Sunday is the Sun is the brightest and positive planet. Gray, dull night plots warn about the approach of trouble. Good, fun and bright - silent good life changes. Dreams of this night come true either before lunch, or in the nearest environment.

Our night dreams are always signs of subconscious mind. They are in bizarre forms in the form of incomprehensible plots that require decryption. You can find out the importance and duration of the dreams of the day and the number of weeks in the dream book.

ATTENTION, only today!

If some kind of sleep is greatly interested in a person, and he had a desire to express him, then it should not only look into the couple of interpreters, but also to take into account on what day he dreamed. Much depends on this. After all, every day of the week corresponds to a specific planetary status. This is due to the influence of celestial bodies on each other. So, how is the meaning of dreams by day of the week?

From Sunday for Monday

In such nights, the moon's effect is particularly strong. Vision dreamed of man reflect him mental condition and emotions. As a rule, they are associated with personal life, family, household goods.

If the dream was long, with a detailed story, then a high probability of the occurrence of a cotton period is high. A bunch of urgent affairs will appear. Perhaps they will be associated with the house.

Sleep was poor on events? Then the concerns will be a little, and a person will be able to cope with the situation, without losing his positive attitude.

Because Monday is considered a difficult day, you do not need to perceive the vision, dreamed of the day before, like a thing. It is probably not even anything symbolic. Most often seen is the rethinking of the events of the past week.

Monday on Tuesday

Talking about the meaning of dreams by day of the week, it is worth noting that at such nights a lot of impact of Mars. Drawing visions, as a rule, foreshadow the coming oppositions and conflicts. It is also possible that a person will decide on some acts. Especially if the plot was filled with bright events. It is believed that visions in such nights reflect the energy, enthusiasm and latitude of human abilities.

The significance of the dreams of the week also depends on their nature. Vision was calm? So, the dreams in the right direction involves its energy. There were many events and all of them clearly remembered? It can be seen, he has too much energy, which means it is time to show the initiative. Maybe he wanted something for a long time, but everything was not solved. So, the right moment has come!

It is worth alerting only if the vision has been negative. It usually indicates excessive self-confidence and overestimated self-esteem, which can destroy the dreams in important issues.

From Tuesday on Wednesday

In these nights, Mercury is particularly strong. If you study the features and importance of dreams by day of the week, it can be noted that the visions per day are characterized by an amazing variety. Sometimes dreams consist of several unrelated plots.

The interpretation of visions is usually associated with the sphere of relations and friendship. And the number of plot lines allows you to judge how sociable man is. Vision was bright, memorable and interesting? So, he is in demand in society and communicated. The dream was so boring that he did not even remember? It is possible that the dream catastrophically lacks communication.

From Wednesday to Thursday

Interpretation and values \u200b\u200bof dreams on days of week, as it was already possible to understand, have their own characteristics. So, the vision, which came to the night from Wednesday to Thursday, carry social and financial character. The influence of Jupiter is traced. It is believed that dreams indicate changes in work, changes in relations with the bosses, sponsors, colleagues and partners are also possible.

If there was some one particular event in the center of the plot of the vision, and the person in it participated, then the likelihood is that career growth and tempting perspectives are waiting for him.

From Thursday to Friday

Most often, it is after the vision that came on this night, people look at the dream book. The meaning of the dreams by day of the week, maybe not everyone acquainted, but everyone remembers the phrase: "From Thursday, on Friday, all dreams come true." And indeed, among all the visions, it is those who fell on this night have a greater probability to come true.

The strong influence of Venus is traced. Therefore, dreams are connected exclusively with personal life, emotions, spiritual values \u200b\u200band experiences. Everything that dreams should be perceived as a reflection of the most important and innermost desires. In more rare cases, vision can reflect the creative predisposition of a person.

By the way, you probably had such dreams, after which I don't even want to wake up. They are beautiful, pleasant, dreams come true in them, and everything is all possible to feel like it does not work in real life. So, according to statistics, these dreams fall on the night from Thursday to Friday.

From Friday on Saturday

Considering the meaning of dreams by day of the week and their interpretation, it should be noted that from Friday on Saturday the influence of Saturn is traced. This means that all visions are associated with fateful events. They should be perceived as a warning about future tests or a prompt regarding how to behave for their successful overcoming.

Well, if there were many joyful events in the vision. It is believed that this is to easy and successful overcoming any, even the most difficult obstacles, and still to implement plans. The same sual is a dream in which bright items and limitless space were present. But the gloomy vision, respectively, promises heavy barriers, to bypass which will not be easy.

From Saturday to Sunday

In such nights strongly influence the sun. And the gifted dreams are usually a reflection of relations with people, the most close and expensive for a person. And often they are associated with the activities to which he either seeks, or she is already engaged.

If the dream was bright, left a pleasant impression, then we should expect meetings with new people capable of changing life for the better. Vision seemed boring? So, in the near future, no interesting changes are expected in life. Even the period of stagnation is possible. It is possible that the dreams lost a lot of energy and needs to rest.

Dream value by numbers

It is necessary to take into account it. Taking into account the meaning of the days of the week and numbers, it will be possible to more fully interpret the vision. Here are brief tips on interpretation:

  • 1 - prophetic vision;
  • 2 - insignificant dreams;
  • 3 - visions come true, but either immediately or a long time later;
  • 4 - warning dreams;
  • 5 - prophets, very accurate;
  • 6 - positive dreams, selling fast;
  • 7 - vision foreshadowing;
  • 8 - dreams, after which wishes are fulfilled;
  • 9 - visions related to the business sphere;
  • 10 - Dreams, selling for two weeks;
  • 11 - visions that can come true in the next three days (if not fulfilled during this period, it means that you should not wait);
  • 12 - Unconscious dreams;
  • 13 - all plots are related to personal life;
  • 14 - good prophetic dreams;
  • 15 - visions that do not mean anything;
  • 16 - dreams, selling quickly, but they must be accurately decipher;
  • 17 - dreams, enlightening success;
  • 18 - partially sold;
  • 19 - visions usually indicate the coming trouble;
  • 20 - truthful, but before their execution, no one needs to tell the plot;
  • 21 - sons, reflecting the desire of a dream (come true in the future);
  • 22 - positive visions;
  • 23 - prophets, but usually concern trouble;
  • 24 - plots, symbolizing joy, carry favorable signs;
  • 25 - visions that are better forgetting (they are difficult to interpret);
  • 26 - Dreams carrying joy and good, are fulfilled quickly;
  • 27 - minor, but rest;
  • 28 - Dreams that do not come true, but are not empty (they have a personal meaning);
  • 29 - meaningless vision;
  • 30 - Dreams that are torn off from reality;
  • 31 - good visions raising mood.

Interpretation of love

As a rule, people go to learn dream interpreters when they prompted some interesting story about love. And the significance of dreams by day of the week is therefore studying on the example of such a dream. In addition, they are usually simple and uncomplicated.

Suppose that someone came, you have a pretty (no matter, girl or boyfriend). The value of dreams by day of the week will be such:

  • Sunday Monday. This person means a lot to the dream, but he is afraid to admit it. If the dream was short, then you need to discard fears and decide on the act. Vision turned out long? Then you should not bare your feelings.
  • Monday Tuesday. You can safely take actions to conquer the heart of a potential second half. Feelings are serious and, perhaps, even mutual.
  • Tuesday Wednesday. Sleep was bright? So, soon a personal life will be improved. Good luck on the side of the dream. But the faded and boring dream says that a person needs to take his destiny under personal control. It is depends on it, as paints in the end it will be painted.
  • Wednesday Thursday. The image of a pretty person who gave you on this night, talks about the reciprocity of feelings.
  • Thursday Friday. It does not need extra dreams - the likelihood is great that the plot of the plot will turn out to be true and will soon come true.
  • Friday Saturday. In the vision, which came on this night, there is either a tip to actions or warning.
  • Saturday Sunday. Sleep will show what a person lacks for happiness. A bright and memorable vision indicates success in personal life. Gray and gloomy suggests that man is too looked at the topic of relationships and forgets to rejoice in other things.

Interpretation of dreams is an individual thing, so requires concrete attention. It is important not only to memorize what you saw and felt, as well as know what time the dream is like to come true.

Often bad Son. It is either a reflection of accumulated negative experiences, or the planet itself sends you secret signs that may seriously affect your life in our near future.

It is important to understand what days of the week and the number of month you can read these the most hidden messages and learn to interpret them correctly.

Sale of dreams by day of the week

Each separate day of the week matches its planet status. This is due to the mutual influence of heavenly bodies to each other. Of course, our big planet is also subject to such an impact. So:

  • From Sunday for Monday(The effect of the moon)

Such dreams reflect the concerns and fears of a person, internal contradictions among themselves and the world around. There may be close people who have the basic impact are the cause of experiences. Nothing negative dreams are not carried - empty minor troubles, conversations.

  • Monday on Tuesday (Effect of Mars)

The Military Spirit of the Planet, expresses the dreams of bright dreams and man's aspirations. A mighty wave of ambitious actions in order to quench the famine of their desires.

If the dreams sensed himself excited, aggressive - in reality possible conflicts of severe scale. Calm vision has the value of moderation and restraint. Everything will be OK.

  • From Tuesday on Wednesday (Influence of Mercury)

The planet is responsible for interacting with people, communication. You can see the crowd, a noisy company, relatives and friends. Dreams are important in interpretation - symbolize radical vitality.

If you managed to remember what dreamed, you were lucky. Under the influence of Mercury, key favorable events occur rapidly carrying into your life.

  • From Wednesday to Thursday (Influence of Jupiter)

Planet - patron satellite of material goods and resources. If you have problems with finance, there may be a hint in the vision, how to do it right, so that everything goes to the way.

  • From Thursday Friday (Venus influence)

On the night of Friday to Thursday, intuition has a huge impact on a person's consciousness. These days of the week, it is very aggravated. Therefore, interpretation is often literal and prophetic.

If a sudden loss has happened, be prepared to part with something in real life. On the contrary, receipt - promises full satisfaction in need, abundance and wealth, spiritual equilibrium.

  • From Friday on Saturday (Saturn influence)

Signs that manifested during this period of the week are very important for further development events in human life. It is very important to correctly interpret and understand such a dream, because it carries a fateful meaning. If you were looking for an answer and see Tips, follow the advice.

All will definitely happen well. The conceived will do, things will go uphill, friends will be near. It all depends on the period of life in which you are now and questions do not give rest.

Damn, sir, the wretchedness of the atmosphere in vision is not the best prophecy. Carries the meaning of the fading, loss of forces, faith. Be careful to detail and related symbols in a dream. Interpretation from this will be completely different.

  • From Saturday to Sunday (Sun influence)

Light, unobtrusive images can be seen in this night. Things of dreams from Saturday for Sunday almost never happen. This is usually either a reflection of the feelings and thoughts of the day lived, or the anticipation of the upcoming events.

When the prophetic dreams are shot at what days of the week

Protect dreams Come when a person needs help in solving a difficult situation, a tip how to do. If something seriously worries you, it affects the subconscious.

Sometimes it is confused, incoherent visions. Sometimes bright, memorable images and actions. Which of them give a person real tips, you can determine by studying the sale of dreams by day of the week.

Days of the week when the prophetic dreams are shot:

  • On Monday You can see a truly prophetic dream. If the situation is tormented by your uncertainty for a long time and this is a faithful tip. Everything is so good - do not sharpen attention to the interpretation.
  • On Tuesdays Dreams - the result of impressions from conversations, affairs. You can even scroll through the situation that is very impressive than you on the eve.
  • Vision in Wednesday before the onset of the next day do not give great importance. Came on the night on Thursday - May be fulfilled.
  • Thursday - Vision of meaning. Must and listen to his advice.
  • On Friday Dreams of love come true.
  • On Saturdays - Significant those that came in the morning.
  • And on Sunday Only bright good dreams come true.

Interpretation of dreams by day and number of weeks

Satellite of our planet - Moon. And it is she stronger than other planets affects everything on Earth.

The value of dreams on the days of the week and the number of months and their interpretation explains Moon calendar . You can predict the value of the vision depending on the planet affecting the phase.

When the dreams come true on the days of the week and the numbers that they carry their signs and whether to take them into account? Let's see what he says Dream Interpretation on the Days of the week and the number of month:

  1. Family affairs.
  2. In the near future, the dream will begin to come true.
  3. The probability of execution is not soon.
  4. Be careful. May have problems.
  5. In any month, sleep seen the fifth number will come true.
  6. Ambulance.
  7. The seventh number with difficulty is interpreted.
  8. Fun adventures, adventures.
  9. Do not give values. Vision is meaningless.
  10. In the next 20 days - everything will be fulfilled, the insults and trouble are likely.
  11. Will not come true.
  12. Dreaming is not accurate.
  13. Success in love.
  14. Fulfillment of desires.
  15. What dream of the fifteenth number is insignificant.
  16. Soon everything will come true.
  17. Everyone will happen, but not very fast.
  18. Bunior sign. Listen.
  19. The vision will be in a short time.
  20. There will be something very good.
  21. To the acquisition of the desired.
  22. To success.
  23. Frivolous problems.
  24. Great joy.
  25. Wait for bad news.
  26. An unpleasant period in life.
  27. Everything will work out and quickly.
  28. Poor vision will not bring trouble.
  29. Will not come true.
  30. Completion of long affairs.
  31. To material profits.

What is the probability of sending dreams by day of week

There is a certain probability when you can expect whether the vision will be fulfilled and as soon. For example, from Saturday to Sunday, it is considered to be designer before lunch.

  • To understand how to cope with your problems - remember dreams from Friday on Saturday.
  • On the night from Thursday to Friday - Come on prophetic dreams.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday - warning about problems at work, misunderstanding with management.
  • Than closer to the morning The vision came - the more or rather, that everything will be fulfilled.
  • Until midnight - May come true for a very long time.
  • Dining - does not mean anything.

Dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos what are there

Knowing when and what vision comes true, the dreams can make a desire and ask questions. For such cases, there are dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary for every day of the week.

In a long time, to this day, people use her prayers to divert the misfortune, to attract good luck, protect close and patients. Those who believe this, on their example, experienced the action of the miraculous forces of dreams of the Virgin.

  • Prayer from enemies and ailments Read on Fridays three times. If you read twelve times above the sick person's head - he will soon be amended.
  • On Thursday - for cleansing from the evil eye, witchcraft And there were twelve times overnight.
  • In the workplace reading prayer three times will help in sufficiency.
  • For the fulfillment of desires And receiving privileges in life - three times on Tuesday.

Man always wanted to know the future, and one of the ways to do the interpretation of dreams. Some of them came true - they called "prophets", and others were empty and did not correlate with reality. Why depends on? Everything is very simple - from the day of the week. Ancient scientists came to the conclusion that dreams directly depend on the movement of heavenly bodies - every day of the week is associated with a certain planet.

When dreams come true - a modern look at the question

Today it is believed that dreams depend on what a person's subconscious on this or that day of the week is concentrated. On Monday, for example, the head is clogged with plans for the upcoming week and the analysis of the events of the week of the past, and the weekend - the days when people are renounced from life and problems, focus on themselves. And the sleep on Monday comes true - we are putting a program for yourself and it works.

How to decipher dreams by day of week

Each dream of the days of the week and the numbers has its meaning. And with a large share of the likelihood of prediction will come true in favorable days. This makes it possible to listen to them and adjust your destiny. And there are days when you can not pay attention to what you saw. For example, sleep from Tuesday on Wednesday most often does not mean anything.

Sleep on Monday

Sleeping from Sunday for Monday is a reflection of the psychological state of a person, his relationship with the surrounding people. Conflicts and internal thumbnails will make dreams confusing and not very pleasant. If they are to some extent come true, then they do not carry something sign. Dreams on Monday just empty. Their maximum is small domestic worries in the coming days.

Sleep on Tuesday

Sleep from Monday to Tuesday is usually especially bright, he reveals the creative talents of a person. If events differ in it with a negative, the day does not foreshadow anything good in the ending. Postulate things to a more appropriate moment. If the dreams were bright and positive, then boldly act in reality! Tuesday is associated with the planet Mars, which personifies victory. If in the dream you wanted it, then it is almost proper sleep. Its execution can be expected within 10 days. If this did not happen, then the further expectation is meaningless.

Sleep on Wednesday

Sleep from Tuesday on Wednesday is distinguished by a variety of scenes. Often they contradict each other, but not worth paying attention to it. It is not destined to come to the reality of these plots, with rare exceptions. Dreams from Tuesday on Wednesday do not carry any negative, on the contrary, they foreshadow the days rich in the events.

Sleep on Thursday

These dreams are prophetic in relation to work and career growth. Under the morning of Thursday, they can even be seen even solving some tasks or hints for permission of labor, financial issues. Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday comes surprisingly often. Careerists, take note!

Sleep on Friday

If the dreams on Thursday foreshadowed events related to labor activity, then a dream from Thursday to Friday - the Bulletin in love affairs. They come true and not in vain are also considered prophetic. Pay attention to them: negative dreams associated with losses and difficulties will bring difficulties in the daytime. Good dreams that caused pleasant impressions, foreshadow and victory in reality. It's time to pay attention to my personal life!

Sleep on Saturday

Sleep from Friday on Saturday can carry a number of characters that are worth seeing, because on this night it concerns not only you, but also your loved ones. Joyful moments in a dream - to successful decisions of affairs and happy turns of fate. Gloomy plots - to difficulties, but often they are foreshadowed. To achieve it, some obstacles will have to overcome, but the result will not make himself wait.

Sleep on Sunday

On the night of Sunday, dreams are distinguished by meaningful, but there is one peculiarity of their plots in reality. Positive, carrying joy Sleep from Saturday to Sunday is usually performed virtually no change, but negative may not be fulfilled at all.

Dream of days and numbers: What is the result?

Of course, the influence of a planet of a day or the thought of man and his dreams is great, but it cannot be considered the only or even basic. Date, lunar day - they are much more determined by the quality and probability of dreaming.

What is the basis of the dependence of the feasibility of dreams from the days of the week? Everything is simple here. This is many years of experience of esoteric specialists engaged in studying, knowledge and results of psychologists. Exactly like this a complex approach Allows you to most confident about the meaning of dreams.

On our site you can check your dream for free by day of the week, find out its meaning in every dream book. It can help you withdraw anxiety and anxiety or nudice hope for the best and will give the power to overcome barriers.

The world of man dreams is a variety of unique images and plots, but not all of them can be interpreted and clarified by an ordinary manual. Sometimes dreams are so incomprehensible and confused that it seems to us doubtful any intention to interpret them. The thing is that it is not always a dream and you need to interpret around the dream. This is due to the fact that only on certain days and numbers of the month of the dreams carry a symbolic or literal meaning for a person.

Many scientists were taken for identifying patterns in the process of implementing the plot of sleep. The conclusions that were made were led to the construction of a dream analysis scheme, which should be carried out immediately before the beginning of the interpretation of one or another plot. That is, before interpreting sleep images, it is necessary to shed light on whether this dream is meaningful at all, or it is nothing more than information that is coming from the subconscious. You can do it, considering that the lunar days, the day of the week, the calendar day happened to dream.

Which calendar days are the dreams on the numbers of the month according to dreams?

As for the first two points, these stages of analysis are based on astrologywhereas the latter is more closely connected directly with numerology. Ancient esotericists believed that the calendar date of the day carries special information, positive, negative, or neutral, which can be detected by means of comparing the numbers of the month with numerology data on specific figures. In other words, on the basis of the laws of Numerology, a table was drawn up, which pointed out in which calendar day and the number of the month of the dreams of the Dreams, or in which day the dream is a completely opposite expression of reality.

It is worth noting that such an approach led to what was derived separate classification Dreams depending on how much they are significant and correct according to the analysis of the above method.

The classification of dreams in the numbers of the month looks like this:

1. Dreams that come true soon and carry positive omen.
2. Also prophetic, but warning about significant problems.
3. Visions that are the game of the subconscious and meaningless.
4. Recurable dreams that become a reality under certain conditions and fulfill the ritual actions.
5. Dreams that deceive us, reflecting the situation in their content at all as actually everything is.

As a result, it should be emphasized that this method of analysis of dreams before direct interpretation should be used exclusively comprehensively, given the influence of both the day of the week and the current lunar days. If there is a responsible attitude to the question under consideration, you can push bad thoughts from yourself and avoid delusions regarding your future.

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