Can antidepressants. The effect of antidepressants on the body

Moclobemide(aurorix) is a selective MAO inhibitor of type A. It is characterized by a distinct stimulating effect in inhibited depressions. Shown at. Doses from 300-600 mg / day are recommended; it takes two to three weeks for the development of a thymoanaleptic effect. Contraindicated in anxiety depression.

Bethol- original domestic with an activating effect of action (asthenic, anergic depression). It is used in the depressive phase. Average therapeutic doses 100-500 mg / day

Toloxaton(humoril) is similar in action to moclobemide, devoid of anticholinergic and cardiotoxic properties. Effective for depression with severe lethargy at doses of 600-1000 mg / day.

Pyrazidol(pirlindol) is an effective domestic antidepressant, a reversible MAO inhibitor of type A. It is used to treat both inhibited melancholy depressions and depressions with alarming manifestations. It has no contraindications in the presence of glaucoma and prostatitis. The dosage of the drug is 200-400 mg / day. The anticholinergic effects do not appear, which makes it possible to prescribe the drug for cardiovascular pathology.

Imipramine(melipramine) is the first tricyclic antidepressant studied. It is used to treat “major depression with a predominance of melancholy, lethargy, and the presence of suicidal thoughts. At oral administration doses from 25-50 to 300-350 mg / day, parenteral administration is possible (into a muscle, into a vein), one ampoule contains 25 mg of melipramine, a daily dose for intramuscular injection 100-150 mg.

Amitriptyline it is also a "classic" antidepressant of the tricyclic structure, differs from a by a powerful sedative effect, therefore it is indicated in the treatment of anxious, with the presence of manifestations of "vitality". In tablets, up to 350 mg / day are prescribed, parenterally up to 150 mg for intramuscular administration and up to 100 mg for intravenous administration.

Anafranil- a powerful antidepressant obtained as a result of targeted synthesis and the introduction of a chlorine atom into the imipramine molecule. It is used for the treatment of resistant depressions (psychotic options) in dosages up to 150-200 mg / day for oral administration, 100-125 mg / day for intravenous administration in cases of severe depressions for relief of affective phases when.

Pertofran- desmethylated imipramine, has a more powerful activating effect in comparison with it, is used in the treatment of depression with depersonalization. Dosage - up to 300 mg / day (in tablets).

Trimipramine(gerfonal) - the most powerful antidepressant of anti-anxiety action. The profile of psychotropic activity is close to. Average daily doses range from 150 to 300 mg. The drug, as well, causes anticholinergic effects (dry mouth, urinary disorders, orthostatic hypotension), which must be taken into account when carrying out a course of treatment.

Azafen(pipofezin) - a domestic antidepressant, which is indicated for the treatment of "minor" depression of the cyclothymic register. It combines mild thymoanaleptic and sedative effects. The maximum dosage is 300-400 mg / day for oral administration.

Maprotiline(ludiomil) is an antidepressant of a tetracyclic structure, has a powerful thymoanaleptic effect with anxiolytic and sedative components. It is indicated for typical circular depression with ideas of self-blame, and has been used successfully for involutional melancholy. Dosage - up to 200-250 mg / day for oral administration. Intravenous drip of the drug is administered when resistant depression up to 100-150 mg / day (60 drops per minute per 300 ml of isotonic solution). Usually 10-15 infusions are given.

Mianserin(lerivon) has a soft sedative effect in small doses, which makes it possible to use it in the treatment of cyclothymia with symptoms of insomnia. When the drug is prescribed in dosages of 120-150 mg / day, the phenomena of a major depressive episode are stopped orally.

Fluoxetine (Prozac) has a distinct thymoanaleptic effect with a predominantly stimulating component, is especially effective in the presence of obsessive-phobic symptoms in the structure of depression. Belongs to the group of selective inhibitors recapture serotonin (SSRI), completely devoid of the antihistamine, anticholinergic and adrenolytic effects of the classic tricyclic. Has a very long half-life (60 hours). Convenient in treatment by the fact that it is prescribed once a day, 20 mg together with the intake, write. The permissible dose is 80 mg / day. The course of treatment is at least 1-2 months.

Fevarin has a moderately pronounced thymoanaleptic effect, but at the same time a vegetative stabilizing effect is manifested. The doses used are from 100 to 200 mg / day, administered once a day in the evening.

Citalopram(cipramil) has moderate thymoanaleptic properties with a stimulating component, belongs to the SSRI group, it is prescribed once a day at a dose of 20-60 mg for oral administration.

Sertraline(Zoloft) does not possess anticholinergic and cardiotoxic properties, gives a distinct thymoanaleptic effect with: a weak stimulating effect. It is especially effective for somatized, atypical depression with symptoms. Prescribed in a dose of 50-100 mg once a day, the effect is observed 10-14 days after the start of therapy.

Paroxetine(Rexetin, Paxil) - a piperidine derivative has a complex bicyclic structure. The main properties of the psychotropic activity of paroxetine are thymoanaleptic and anxiolytic effects in the presence of manifestations of stimulation. Effective for both classic endogenous and neurotic depression. Renders positive action both in dreary and inhibited variants, while not inferior in activity to imipramine. Discovered: preventive effect of Paxil in unipolar depressive phases. It is prescribed once a day at a dose of 20-40 mg / day.

Simbalta(duloxetine) is used for the treatment of depression with the presence, it is prescribed in capsules of 60-120 mg once a day.

Side effects

The side effect of these drugs is manifested by hypotension, sinus tachycardia, arrhythmia, impaired intracardiac conduction, a number of signs of bone marrow suppression (agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia and etc.). Other vegetative symptoms include dryness of the mucous membranes, impaired accommodation, intestinal hypotension, and urinary retention. This is most commonly seen with tricyclic antidepressants. The use of drugs of the tricyclic series is also accompanied by an increase in appetite, an increase in body weight. Serotone reuptake inhibitor drugs are safer, but can also cause headaches, insomnia, anxiety, and depotentiating effects. When these agents are combined with drugs of the tricyclic series, the phenomena of serotonin syndrome with an increase in body temperature, signs of intoxication, and disorders in the cardiovascular sphere can be observed.

Tags: list, antidepressant names

Chemicals found in the human brain that affect mood are called neurotransmitters or neurotransmitters. People with depression and other mood disorders have altered levels of these chemical substances... Antidepressants work to help normalize levels of these compounds, which in turn normalizes neurotransmitter functions in the brain. Depression and mental health disorders are serious problems that need to be treated. In our country, antidepressants are prescribed by doctors of all specialties, but in fact only a psychiatrist should prescribe them, since only a psychiatrist can make a conclusion about the severity of the mood imbalance, prescribe adequate therapy to help balance chemical composition neurotransmitters.

Types of antidepressants

Antidepressants These are psychotropic drugs used to treat depression, affecting the level of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. In patients with depression, they improve mood, reduce or completely relieve melancholy, lethargy, a sense of indifference, neutralize anxiety, anxiety, irritability and emotional stress, increase mental activity, normalize the structure of sleep in phases, affect the duration of sleep, appetite.

There are the following classes of antidepressants working in different directions.

They act similarly to SSRIs, but in the synaptic cleft they allow you to get more norepinephrine. TCAs include Protriptyline (Vivactil), trimipramine (Surmontil), and (Tofranil)

    Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).
    MAO inhibitors slow down the breakdown of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. Isocarboxazid (Marplan), Fenelzine (Nardil) and Razagelin (Azilect) are representatives of monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

All patients are different, but many depressed patients are prescribed one of the SSRIs for the first time. If drugs in this group do not work, then the next drug of choice is a tricyclic antidepressant. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are the last to be prescribed because all antidepressants have many side effects and limitations.

It may take a while

Antidepressants are best for depression when given in conjunction with psychotherapy, but they don't work right away. Many antidepressants are cumulative and take 1 to 3 weeks to start working, and about 2 more weeks to maximize the effect. Most of the symptoms associated with depression - a lack of interest in things that were once pleasant, as well as feelings of hopelessness and sadness - are eventually improved with antidepressants. On rare occasions, some people may be resistant to certain antidepressants, and it may take a trial and error approach with other medications to find what works. The effect of the drug may not be visible for weeks or months. Each different type and class can be associated with different potential risks.

Make adjustments if necessary

In general, it takes about 4-6 weeks for antidepressants to take effect. If you are still experiencing symptoms after this amount of time, talk to your doctor. You may need to increase the dose of your current antidepressant drug or switch to another. Some people experience treatment failure with the first antidepressant they try. In these cases, switching to a drug in a different class may be the best option. It can take up to three months for antidepressant treatment to get the maximum effect. It is very rare that some people who are taking antidepressants notice that the drug stops working. These cases, like any other treatment difficulties, should be reported to your doctor. Remember that neglected depression is a risk to your mental health.

Regular visits to your doctor are necessary in order to correct treatment in the changing picture of the course of the disease. Depression and anxiety are serious medical conditions and can be associated with suicidal thoughts and other symptoms. It is imperative that you deal with complaints in a timely manner. Treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), monoanmine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) and other antidepressants requires monitoring and exact dosages... The goal is to relieve depression and anxiety without side effects or symptoms. You may also need treatment adjustments if you have undergone major life changes, such as being diagnosed with a serious illness or losing your job. Women who are pregnant may also need to adjust the type or dose of medications they take. Some medicines can have negative effects on the developing fetus.

How long does the treatment take?

Antidepressant treatment for depression can last from several months to a year. It is very important not to stop treatment or reduce the dose of the prescribed medication just because you feel better. If you do this, the depression will return. It is important to stay on the prescribed dose until your doctor tells you to do so. Take the drug at the same time every day for maximum benefit. You can take your pills at breakfast every morning as an easy way to remember to take your medication.

Tell your doctor about side effects

Some people may experience side effects from antidepressants. Be sure to discuss these with your doctor. Some common side effects may include increased appetite or decreased appetite; difficulty falling asleep or being too sleepy; weight gain or loss, libido problems. Some people may feel nauseous. Your doctor can help you come up with solutions to address potential side effects. Often, the side effects of antidepressants are temporary and may go away after a few weeks. If the side effects are serious, your doctor may prescribe another medicine for you. Never stop taking antidepressants. This can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms and depression.

Interaction with other drugs

The antidepressants prescribed today are often of much higher quality and have fewer side effects and interactions with medicines in comparison with older generation drugs in different classes. However, reactions with other medications, herbs, and supplements you may be taking are always possible. Interactions can interfere with the way a drug works or can reduce the effectiveness of a drug. Always make sure your healthcare provider is aware of all prescriptions and medications, supplements, and herbs you are taking.

Myths about antidepressants as drugs

Many people are afraid to take antidepressants to treat depression and anxiety because they believe antidepressants are drugs and addictive. Some fear that antidepressants will render them robotic and insensitive. Yes, they can help release feelings of sadness and hopelessness, but they will not make you pull away from your emotions. Some people also mistakenly believe that they will need to be treated with antidepressants for life. Most people are treated for 6 to 12 months. Follow your doctor's instructions to start, increase, decrease, or stop taking drugs and treatment will pass qualitatively. Abrupt discontinuation of antidepressants is dangerous and can lead to withdrawal symptoms.

It is best to combine treatment

Several studies show that the combination of antidepressants with psychotherapy is the most effective method treating depression. Mental illness is serious. It is important to take your depression medication as directed and see a doctor on a regular basis. Mental illness is primarily an illness and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Millions of people suffer from depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders. People should feel comfortable seeking help for mental health disorders in the same way as for other organic diseases such as heart disease or diabetes. Cognitive behavioral therapy(CBT) helps control and modify unwanted thoughts and behaviors. Interpersonal therapy helps patients interact better and more effectively with others.

Stop taking antidepressants

Withdrawal of an antidepressant must be done very carefully by a specialist to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Follow your doctor's instructions to lower the dose and eventually keep the medication. If you stop taking antidepressants too early, your depression will return. In general, reducing the dose very gradually is the best plan. Tell your doctor if you experience any side effects or symptoms while reducing the dose of your medication or stopping it altogether.

Getting help for depression is the right thing to do. The risks of untreated depression outweigh the potential side effects of the medications. Ongoing clinical trials continue to explore new potential treatments for depression and other mood disorders. The FDA has warned that some SSRIs, MAOIs and TCAs may increase the risk of suicidal ideation and behavior change in adolescents and young adults aged 18-24 during the first two months of treatment.

The first antidepressants were synthesized in the 1950s. Today, pharmaceutical companies continue to work on the creation of new groups of antidepressants, taking into account the current scientific understanding of mental illness. These medications affect the painfully depressed mood that occurs with.

How do antidepressants work?

Mental illness, including depression, is still a largely unexplored territory. There are many hypotheses to explain the nature of these diseases. According to the generally accepted monoamine theory of depression, the disease occurs due to a deficiency of monoamine neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine). Accordingly, in order to overcome depression, it is necessary to restore the normal metabolism and balance of these neurotransmitters. This is the mechanism of action of antidepressants.

Neurotransmitters are substances that transmit information from a neuron to another cell (nervous, muscle, etc.). The contact area between these cells is called the synapse. Neurotransmitters are formed in the presynaptic membrane of a neuron. Then from there they are released into the synaptic cleft - the space between adjacent neurons. Most of neurotransmitter enters the adjacent neuron through the postsynaptic membrane. A smaller proportion of the remaining neurotransmitters are trapped back into the presynaptic membrane. According to the monoamine theory of depression, an increased reuptake of monoamine neurotransmitters, in particular serotonin, occurs during illness. That is, neurotransmitters are produced, but do not reach their destination. Because of this, mental activity is disturbed, apathy and bad mood appear.

A group of antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) just does not allow the reuptake of this neurotransmitter by the presynaptic membrane. That is, the amount of serotonin in the synaptic cleft increases, respectively, the postsynaptic membrane receives it in the proper amount. This is how the antidepressant effect is realized.

There is also such a group of antidepressants as monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors... Monoamine oxidase is an enzyme that breaks down monoamine neurotransmitters. So, the use of MAO inhibitors helps to suppress the activity of this enzyme, because of which neurotransmitters are not destroyed and, accordingly, their concentration increases.

Types of antidepressants

Exists different classifications antidepressants. This is how the classification looks according to the mechanism of action of the drugs:

  1. Drugs that block neuronal uptake of monoamine neurotransmitters
    • Indiscriminate (non-selective) actions that block the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine (amitriptyline, imipramine);
    • Selective (selective) actions that block the seizure of only a certain neurotransmitter:
      • Blocking the reuptake of serotonin, this group is also called SSRIs (Fluoxetine, Paroxetine, Citalopram);
      • Blocking the reuptake of norepinephrine (Maprotiline).
  2. Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors:
    • Indiscriminate Action (Nialamid);
    • Selective action (Pirlindol, Moclobemide).
  3. Various (blocker of serotonin and alpha2-adrenergic receptors - the drug Mianserin, an agonist of melatonergic receptors - Valdoxan).

In addition, there is also a classification of antidepressants according to their effect. Antidepressants, in addition to their own antidepressant effect, have an additional effect: sedative or psychostimulating. Based on this, they allocate antidepressants with predominantly sedating effect(Amitriptyline, Mianserin), predominantly with a psychostimulating effect(Fluoxetine, Moclobemide). Antidepressants of balanced action are also isolated (Paroxetine, Sertraline, Duloxetine). The doctor takes these aspects into account when choosing a drug for a particular patient, because in some people depression occurs with apathy, slowing down of motor and mental activity, and in someone with high anxiety and psychomotor agitation.

Indications for use

Already by the name of the group of drugs, one can understand that they are used in the fight against depression. However, the range of prescription of modern antidepressants, namely SSRIs, is quite wide. They are also prescribed for such conditions:

  • Anxiety disorder;
  • Panic disorder;
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • Complex.

Thus, SSRI antidepressants are widely used in general medical practice. Antidepressants are prescribed by a doctor and only if there are objective indications.

Many people are afraid to take antidepressants, even if they are prescribed by a doctor. They are driven by fears caused by popular myths about these drugs. So, many people think that antidepressants are drugs that you can't get off of later.

In fact, antidepressants are not drugs... Their use is capable of influencing only the pathologically low mood. They do not cause euphoria, they are not able to improve mood in people who do not suffer from depression. That is, if healthy person takes an antidepressant, he will not feel any effect. Plus, antidepressants are not addictive. .

Application features

The use of antidepressants has its own characteristics. We are so arranged that we want to immediately get rid of unpleasant symptoms with one pill. However, this will not work with antidepressants. The fact is that the antidepressant effect when using this group of drugs occurs after about two to three weeks.

Much earlier, an additional effect of the drug is realized: soothing or stimulating. It is because of this that SSRI antidepressants are used in the treatment of anxiety disorders, because anxiety and anxiety decrease quickly enough.

Note! Due to the fact that the antidepressant effect does not develop immediately, many stop taking the medication on their own, considering it useless. You can't do that. The effectiveness of the drug can be said for sure after a month. If the medication is really not effective, the doctor will replace it with another medication.

The dose of the drug is increased gradually, achieving the required clinical effect. That is, the dose is selected individually for each patient. The course of taking antidepressants is quite long. Initially, their use is aimed at eliminating the painful condition, it takes an average of two to three months. After the elimination of depressive symptoms, antidepressants are not stopped and they are taken for another four to six months as maintenance therapy. In case of normalization of the condition, the doctor cancels the drug. This should be done in a measured manner, gradually decreasing the dose of the medicine. In general, the course of taking an antidepressant is at least six months. Sometimes the treatment can take a year or even two.

Important! The cure for depression can be long enough, but don't give up. By following the doctor's instructions and working on yourself, you can get rid of painful symptoms and enjoy life again!

Side effects

First generation antidepressants(tricyclic antidepressants, irreversible MAO inhibitors) have had many side effects. These are urinary retention, orthostatic hypotension, edema, cardio- and hepatotoxic effects, headaches, tremors,.

Antidepressants last generations have fewer side effects, but they still need to be considered. First of all, at the beginning of treatment with the drug, there may be an increase in anxiety, anxiety,. This is due to the stimulating effect of the drug. To prevent such side effects, antidepressants are often prescribed with tranquilizers initially. Treatment should take place under the supervision of a physician.

Side effects of SSRI inhibitors are also associated with the fact that serotonin receptors are found in many organs. Stimulation of the receptors can cause the following side effects:

  • , constipation;
  • Daytime sleepiness,;
  • Apathy;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Tremor;
  • Sweating;
  • Decreased sex drive, anorgasmia.

Side effects occur in the first weeks of treatment and usually disappear as therapy continues.

Note! The use of any antidepressant is associated with the risk of developing manic conditions. Therefore, antidepressants should be used with caution in bipolar disorder.

Popular drugs

The most modern and widely used antidepressants are SSRIs. They are much better tolerated by patients than antidepressants in other groups. Their use has fewer contraindications and side effects. In addition, they can be used not only for depression, but also for anxiety disorders.


The drug is from the group of tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs). Available in tablet form and solution for injection. The medicine quickly enough has a pronounced antidepressant effect. It also has a sedative, anti-anxiety, hypnotic effect.

Amitriptyline is less well tolerated by patients than SSRIs. Its main side effects are:

  • Dry mouth;
  • Dilation of the pupils;
  • Disturbance of eye accommodation;
  • Constipation;
  • Delay in urination;
  • Hand tremor;
  • Heart rhythm disorders.

Amitriptyline is contraindicated for high intraocular pressure, cardiac conduction disorders, prostate adenoma, epilepsy.

The drug is not prescribed as widely as SSRIs. Amitriptyline is used in the treatment of severe endogenous depression. Treatment with the drug should be carried out in a hospital under the supervision of a physician.


It is a popular SSRI antidepressant, also known as trade name Prozac. The drug normalizes mood, reduces anxiety and fear. However, at the same time, Fluoxetine is classified as a psychostimulant antidepressant. Accordingly, it is prescribed for depression, proceeding with a slowdown in motor activity and thought processes... In patients with psychomotor agitation, severe anxiety, the drug can aggravate pathological symptoms. It is prescribed for moderate depression, anxiety disorders. Suitable for outpatient treatment.

The drug does not cause orthostatic hypotension, does not have a toxic effect on the heart, unlike Amitriptyline. At the same time, taking Fluoxetine is not devoid of adverse reactions generally. These can be headaches, daytime sleepiness, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth.


It belongs to the SSRI group, the active ingredient is escitalopram. Indicated for depression and panic disorder. The antidepressant effect is formed after about 2-4 weeks. In the treatment of panic disorder, maximum therapeutic effect can be achieved after three months of treatment.

The medicine is used with caution in the treatment of people with,.


A drug from the SSRI group, has a pronounced anti-anxiety effect. The range of application of Paroxetine is very wide: from depression to post-traumatic stress disorder. This medication is preferred for anxiety disorders. In depressive disorder with motor retardation, apathy, the drug can aggravate these symptoms.

Grigorova Valeria, medical columnist

Antidepressants are used in the treatment of depression, a list of which can be seen below. Antidepressants include drugs that selectively affect a person's depressive state. These drugs and antipsychotics for depression can be used in the case of relief of affective-delusional syndromes in children and adults.

The most common mild antidepressants are:

  • Moclobemide;
  • Befol;
  • Toloxaton;
  • Pyrazidol;
  • Imipramine;
  • Amitriptyline;
  • Anafranil;
  • Pertofran;
  • Trimipramine;
  • Azafen;
  • Maprotiline;
  • Mianserin;
  • Fluoxetine;
  • Fevarin;
  • Citalopram;
  • Sertraline;
  • Paroxetine;
  • Simbalta.

These are just a few of the antidepressants used to combat nervous disorders and depression. All of them are subdivided into several classifications.


Anxiolytic antidepressants are a classification of the most common drugs for dealing with depression.

Amitriptyline is a classic type of mild antidepressant with a tricyclic structure. It is distinguished from Imipramine by a rather strong sedative effect. It is used to get rid of depression of anxious and agitated types, which can manifest with "vitality." This drug is available in pill and injection form.

Another domestic antidepressant is Azafen, or Gipofizin. It is used to combat the symptoms of "minor" depressive disorders of the cyclothymic register. The drug has moderate sedative and thymoanaleptic effects.

Mianserin, or Lerivon, is a drug that, when used in small doses, has a strong sedative effect. Due to this effect, it can be used to treat cyclothymia in combination with insomnia. He is able to cure depression with major episodes.


Moclobemide, or Aurorix, is a selective MAO inhibitor. The drug has a powerful stimulating effect on people suffering from inhibited types of depression. It is prescribed for somatized types of depression. But the drug is strictly prohibited for use in anxiety depression.

Imipramine, or Melipramine, is the first fully studied antidepressant with a tricyclic structure. It is used in the treatment of severe depression with a high prevalence of sadness and lethargy, with suicidal thoughts. The drug is produced both in the form of tablets and in the form of intramuscular injections.

Fluoxetine is a drug with thymoanaleptic effect. Its second name is Prozac. The drug is effective during the treatment of depression with obsessive-phobic symptoms.

This type of drug belongs to the so-called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). The drug is devoid of some of the effects of clinical tricyclic antidepressants:

  • antihistamine;
  • adrenolytic;
  • anticholinergic.

Pertofran is a more potent variant of Imipramine (demethylated). It has a brighter activating effect. A drug is used to combat depression, combined with depersonalization.

Balanced drugs

The second name of Pirazidol is Pirlindol. The drug is manufactured in Russia. It is a reversible MAO type A inhibitor, like Moclobemide. Used this medicinal product for the prevention and treatment of inhibited depression, as well as depressive disorders with pronounced anxiety manifestations. The advantages of the drug in the possibility of taking it for glaucoma, prostatitis and cardiac pathologies.

Another powerful drug created as a result of the synthesis and introduction of a chlorine atom into an imipramine molecule is Anafranil. It is used to treat refractory depressions and to relieve the affective phases of severe depressions.

Maprotiline, or Lyudiomil, is a tetracyclic antidepressant. It has a rather powerful thymoanaleptic effect when interacting with anxiolytic and sedative components. It can be used for circular depression combined with self-blame ideas. The drug is used for involutional melancholy. Maprotiline is produced in the form of oral preparations and injections.

Reversible Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors and Selective Reuptake Inhibitors

Betol refers to domestic drugs that are prescribed for depressive disorders of asthenic and anergic types. It is used to treat the depressive phase of cyclothymia.

Fevarin and Fluoxetine belong to the classification of drugs of thymoanaleptic action. The drugs have a vegetative stabilizing effect.

Citalopram and Cipramil are other names for thymoanaleptic antidepressants that can be used to treat depression. They belong to the group of sedative serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

Afobazole is an over-the-counter antidepressant. It is used to combat somatic diseases with adjustment disorders, anxiety, neurasthenia and oncological and dermatological diseases.

The drug has a good effect in the treatment of sleep disorders and relieving PMS symptoms. But it should be borne in mind that taking it for children and women during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated.


Trimipramine, or Gerfonal, is used to treat depression with increased anxiety. This is one of the most powerful drugs of this kind. Its psychotropic activity is similar to Amitriptyline. When carrying out treatment, it is worth considering the list of contraindications for this antidepressant:

  • dry mouth;
  • orthostatic hypotension;
  • problems with urination.

New generation antidepressants

Sertraline and Zoloft are the names of antidepressants with a bright thymoanaleptic effect with a weak stimulating effect. Moreover, the drugs do not have anticholinergic and cardiotoxic properties.

They achieve the maximum effect in the fight against somatized atypical depression with some manifestations of bulimia.

Paroxetine is a derivative of Piperidine. It has a rather complex bicyclic structure. The main properties of Paroxetine are thymoanaleptic and anxiolytic. They appear when there is stimulation.

The drug shows itself well in the fight against endogenous and neurotic depressions, their dreary or inhibited variants.

Venlafaxine is an antidepressant used for depression in the setting of severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia, etc.

Opipramol is used to treat somatized and alcoholic depression. It is able to prevent vomiting, seizures and generally stabilize the vegetative nervous system.

Toloxatone, or Humoril, is similar in its method of exposure to the human body with Moclobemide. The drug has no anticholinergic and cardiotoxic properties. But he does a good job of treating depression with pronounced lethargy.

Simbalta or Duloxetine is used to combat depression with panic attacks.

Side effects

Most antidepressants have a fair amount of side effects. The list is quite large:

  • hypotension;
  • arrhythmia;
  • sinus tachycardia;
  • violation of intracardiac conduction;
  • oppression of bone marrow functions;
  • agranulocytosis;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • violation of accommodation;
  • intestinal hypotension;
  • problems with urination;
  • increased appetite;
  • increase in body weight.

Such side effects due to the intake of the tricyclic type of antidepressants occur quite often. In contrast, antidepressant serotonin reuptake inhibitors have less pronounced side effects... But it can be:

  • frequent headaches;
  • insomnia;
  • anxious states;
  • depotentiating effects.

If a combination therapy is used for treatment, that is, drugs of both types are used simultaneously, then serotonin syndrome may appear, characterized by an increase in temperature, signs of intoxication of the body and disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Any antidepressant medication for depression should be taken only after a complete medical examination and an accurate and complete diagnosis.

And for children, they are prescribed with extreme caution. Be sure to do this under the supervision of a doctor so as not to harm the body.

Antidepressants are needed to stabilize mood and relieve symptoms of depression. They quickly affect the patient's nervous system and are often combined with various medications. Before using any of these drugs, you should consult your doctor. Only he will accurately find out the cause of the psychological problem, help you choose the right medications, determine the duration of the necessary treatment and the correct dose. Drugs that do not have a strong effect are dispensed in a pharmacy without a doctor's certificate, but when prescribing potent antidepressants (monoamine oxidase inhibitors), the doctor writes a prescription.

The drug relieves depression different types and degrees of severity, eliminates the feeling of anxiety.
  1. Indications. Paxil helps with panic attacks, agoraphobia, nightmares... It is used during stress disorders in the post-traumatic period.
  2. Application and dosage. One tablet is drunk after eating 20 mg daily for a couple of weeks, the dose can be increased every week by 10 mg (up to a maximum of 50 mg per day). The minimum course of drug use is 4 months.
  3. Side effects. Nervousness, insomnia, headache, seizures, complications of depression, dry mouth may occur. There may be bleeding, feelings of nausea, fainting.
  4. Contraindications Not recommended for use under 18 years of age, with lactation and hypersensitivity to this type of medication.
  5. Analogs. Adepress, Plizil, Sirestill, Reksetin.
The price of a Paxil package for 30 tablets in Russia is about 700 rubles, and in Ukraine you will have to pay almost 500 UAH for the same.

Mianserin belongs to the group of psychoactive drugs. The drug has an antiemetic effect and awakens the appetite.
  1. Indications. Various mental disorders, feeling of constant anxiety, deep depression.
  2. Application and dosage. Swallow the tablets with water (do not chew), preferably before bedtime in a couple of doses, dividing 60 mg daily dose by two times (30 mg each). For older people, 30 mg is sufficient with a subsequent increase in dosage. The course of treatment is usually about 4 weeks.
  3. Side effects. Constipation occurs, a feeling of dryness in the mouth, drowsiness, appears headache, some weakness, slight dizziness. The patient may begin to gain weight, possibly pain joints, rash, arthritis.
  4. Contraindications Strong sensitivity to this drug, liver dysfunction, previous heart attack, pregnancy, lactation. It should be taken very carefully in case of kidney disease, glaucoma, diabetes mellitus.
  5. Analogs. Miansan, Lerivon.
One pack of Mianserin contains 20 tablets. Their cost in Russia fluctuates around 1000 rubles, and in Ukraine the price is 250–400 UAH.

The drug Mirtazapine is sold in the form of oval-shaped convex tablets, with a special film applied on top. They are yellow-brown in color.
  1. Indications. Prescribed by a doctor during a period of depression with noticeable lethargy, weight loss, insomnia, and suicidal thoughts.
  2. Application and dosage. The tablet should be taken once a day, swallowed with a little water. Reception does not depend on food intake. For patients under 60 years old, 15 mg per day is enough, increasing the dose to 45 mg. Depression treatment lasts about 6 months.
  3. Side effects. Slow reaction, anxiety, weakness, convulsions, hallucinations, epileptic seizures. Appetite may increase, body weight increases, stomach pains are felt, potency decreases, vomiting, skin rashes, and swelling are also possible.
  4. Contraindications High sensitivity to such a drug. Use with caution during pregnancy, lactation breast milk and patients with elevated level Sahara.
  5. Analogs. Myrtel, Esprital, Mirazep, Mirtastadin, Remeron.
The cost of a pack of Mirtazapine (30 mg / 20 pcs.) In Russian pharmacies is about 2100-2300 rubles. In Ukraine, the price will be 400-500 UAH.

Azafen is a fairly common remedy that is also prescribed as a sedative.
  1. Indications. It is prescribed by a doctor for depression of various types: alcoholic, senile, exogenous. Heals the feeling increased anxiety and deep stress.
  2. Application and dosage. The tablet should be swallowed with a little water. A day is enough 25-50 mg (in two doses). If there is no effect, then the dose is increased to 200 mg per day. The treatment lasts more than one month, up to a year.
  3. Side effects. Headaches, allergies, dizziness, gagging and bouts of nausea may occur.
  4. Contraindications High sensitivity to the active substance, hepatic or renal disease, stroke or heart attack, heart disease, infections, diabetes mellitus.
  5. Analogs. Velaksin, Normazidol, Esprital, Coaxil, Bethol, Tetrindol, Deprim, Alventa, etc.
Azafen in a package of 50 tablets (25 mg) is available in any pharmacy in Russia for 180-200 rubles, in Ukraine similar drug costs about 250 UAH.

One of the most potent antidepressants is undoubtedly Amitriptyline, which has a characteristic sedative effect.
  1. Indications. The drug should be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription during depression. Amitriptyline helps with acute feelings of anxiety.
  2. Application and dosage. For a day, you need to take from 50 to 75 mg (divided into separate small parts), increasing the dose as needed. It is optimal to take 200 mg per day, but in acute depression it can reach 300 mg. The drug is used for 2–4 weeks.
  3. Side effects. Deterioration of vision, poor urination, head pains, weakness, nightmares, constipation, insomnia. Possible tachycardia, fainting, vomiting, loss of taste, diarrhea, rash, brittle hair, sweating.
  4. Contraindications Intolerance to the components of the drug, heart disease, liver or kidney problems, pregnancy, ulcer, heart attack.
  5. Analogs. Tryptisol, Amyrol, Saroten, Amisol, Elivel.
The price of Amitriptyline (25 mg, 50 tablets) in Russian pharmacies fluctuates around 25-30 rubles. Ukrainian pharmacies sell similar packaging for UAH 15-17.

Modern antidepressants are distinguished by their high efficiency with a minimum side effects... They are released enough a large number of and there is no way to list everything. It should only be noted that any of the drugs used to treat different types depression and all kinds of mental disorders, requires a doctor's consultation, and self-treatment of depression is fraught with consequences.

Myths and facts about antidepressants are told by Rina Dragunova in this video:

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