Puffy eyes are a big nuisance. Causes of the appearance and methods of treating eye edema

If you believe the belief, then the eyes are the mirror of the soul. But doctors think a little differently. They suggest that the eyes also help determine the state of health. Today in our article we will talk about the problem with this organ.

If the eye swells, bags appear, then not every person pays special attention to this. Such signs can be not only in adults, but also in children. Although the presence of this inconvenience does not cause pain or any other unpleasant sensations, it may not turn out in the best way.


What can this symptom tell about? When the eye swells, this can happen for various reasons. Let's take a look at them:

Transmitted genetically. It can manifest itself both in childhood and adolescence;

After drinking alcohol, drugs or smoking;

When consuming a lot of salt;

As a result of ultraviolet radiation;

With changes in the hormonal background;

When the body is very overworked;

Age-related changes.

Also, the eye swells due to some diseases. These include:

Kidney disease;

Allergic reactions;

Acute respiratory infection;

Frontitis or sinusitis;

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

When chronic swelling of the eye occurs, pigmentation can be observed in the area of ​​damage. For example, dark circles appear, which in their appearance can resemble bruises. It is also possible that the skin is too thin.

What to do?

What to do if your eye is swollen? What to do in such a situation? First of all, you should correctly calculate your day - when to work and when to rest. Allocate at least eight hours a day for sleep. During working hours, periodically take short breaks and give rest to your eyes. Do not forget to do special eye exercises, and do not ignore compresses and masks.

Even at home, you can always do something to get rid of this trouble. It is best to do contrasting lotions. You can also use potatoes, chamomile and tea for compresses.

If the eye swells and this symptom is pronounced long time then it does not hurt to consult a doctor.

Most often this indicates that the body is impaired water balance... It can also be the result of intermittent and restless sleep at night.

Why does the child have such a problem?

But if a child's eyes swam, what could be the reason for this?

Many parents do not think that allergies to certain foods can cause this phenomenon. Although everyone is more accustomed that the aftermath allergic reaction- the occurrence of minor rashes on children's skin. Also, dust, feathers flying from the pillow, pollen can become the cause. So one of the biggest causes of swimming is allergies.

A chamomile or dill compress will quickly relieve swelling;

You can use cucumber slices;

For half an hour, attach grated potatoes, which are placed in cheesecloth.

Other reasons

Why did the eye swell? There can be many reasons. These include:

Inadequate night rest;

Negative influence external factors such as wind or solar radiation;

Prolonged pain in the head;

Frequent overstrain and stress;

Excess weight;

Physical activity, both high and low - it all depends on the body;

Improper diet, overeating;

Drinking a lot of alcoholic beverages;

Retention of fluid in the body;

Hormonal disbalance;

Allergic reactions;

Age-related features of the skin.


It happens that the eye is covered with a film. This indicates the occurrence of a disease such as pterygium. The film is made up of conjunctival tissue in a modified form. At first, it is small in size and does not bring any particular inconvenience. But its gradual growth can close the cornea.

There are no definite reasons for the appearance of the film. In contrast to the factors that contribute to this disease. To prevent it from increasing, you should avoid:

Ultraviolet radiation;

Factors that can irritate the eyes;

Frequent stay in places where gusts of wind are strongly felt;

Negative radiation from a computer monitor.

There is no specific group of people who may be exposed to this disease. So, it can occur in both men and women, regardless of their age.

Stages of the pterygium

The disease is divided into two stages. In the first, the symptoms are almost invisible to the patient. But on the second, the following symptoms are possible:

The visual apparatus becomes swollen;

Itching, burning, irritation occurs;

Vision deteriorates.

The pterygium is divided into two forms. The first is when the neoplasm does not change its size for a long time. The second, on the contrary, is actively growing.

Pterygium treatment

This disease can damage one or both eyes at the same time.

You can get rid of the film only with the help surgical intervention... After that, it is imperative to wear a bandage, and also use specially prescribed anti-inflammatory drops.


Now it is clear why it can happen that the eye floats. There can be many reasons. Treatment depends on the diagnosis. It is best to seek the advice of a doctor to determine the best therapy option.

Puffiness of the eyelids, puffy eyes are not just cosmetic defects. Sometimes they signal a systemic or ophthalmic disease and are accompanied by pain, conjunctival redness, and irritation. We will find out why the eyes swell and what to do in such cases.

Puffy eyes - what is the reason?

The factors that cause the eyes to swell are internal and external. The external ones include lack of sleep or, on the contrary, prolonged sleep for more than 10 hours, prolonged work at the computer, stress, tears, the use of low-quality cosmetics, wearing contact lenses in the wrong mode. Also, swelling of the eyes and eyelids leads to alcohol abuse, late dinner, and drinking plenty of fluids before bedtime. All of these reasons are not pathological. There are also internal factors that are associated with diseases of the organs of vision or other body systems. In general, the eyes swell up following reasons:

  • inflammatory eye diseases infectious or viral:
  • abscess of the eyelids, barley, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, iridocyclitis;
  • common infectious or viral diseases: flu, ARVI;
  • allergy;
  • oncological diseases eye;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • trauma to the organs of vision, eye sockets;
  • bad habits;
  • pathology thyroid gland, pituitary gland, blood vessels, heart, kidneys, liver, organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pregnancy, which often leads to a violation of the water-salt balance.

Sometimes the cause of puffiness is a congenital feature of the structure of the lower and upper eyelids.

Why does the child have sudden swelling of the eyelid and under the eyes?

It is not entirely correct to separate the causes of edema under the eyes into "children" and "adults". However, there are more common ones:

  • Injuries. This very common reason the fact that the child's eyes are swollen. Children most spend time playing, they may accidentally fall or, not dividing something, fight. Bruises are usually accompanied by bruising.
  • A bite of an insect. A place affected by insects (mosquito, gadfly, bedbug, etc.) usually itches and turns red.
  • Orbital cellulitis - purulent inflammation, which manifests itself in symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, migraine, blurred vision, redness of the eyelids, pain when moving the eyes.
  • Lacrimal sac abscess. Wherein pathological condition pus comes out of the eyes and a large number of lacrimal fluid. The eyelids are swollen and red. The child instinctively rubs them with his hands, because of which the swelling increases and gives even more discomfort.
  • Quincke's edema - allergic disease, due to which severe edema appears. They usually occur on the legs, arms, and face. At the same time, the skin color does not change, there is no itching. Sometimes the patient is worried about nausea and vomiting.

Swollen upper eyelid of the eye: causes

Both eyelids or only the upper one can swell. Usually one of them is affected by allergies and inflammations. In this case, the reason is usually in inflammatory diseases. internal organs... Often, the upper eyelid swells due to age-related physiological changes. The thin membrane located between the subcutaneous tissue and the skin of the eyelid cannot retain fluid. This leads to swelling of the eyelid.

Why is the lower eyelid swollen?

As a rule, with such edema, bags under the eyes appear and they usually appear on both sides. The reasons for this may be the following:

Wrong lifestyle, unbalanced diet, injuries, use of low-quality cosmetics, lack of hygiene. These factors are isolated and not associated with diseases.
Diseases of blood vessels, kidneys, heart, thyroid gland, allergies, fatty hernia, congenital and age features structure of the eyes.

Swelling that does not go away during the day is not accompanied by any symptoms, usually indicating the presence of a fatty hernia. Most often they occur in women after 35 years of age and are associated with aging, due to which the skin becomes less elastic.

The causes of edema under the eyes can be listed further. Basically, this symptom is not dangerous. In the morning, a person wakes up, sees that his eye is swollen (or both), and in the evening the puffiness goes away on its own. Men usually do not pay attention to such a cosmetic defect. He mainly worries women who try to disguise him with makeup. Sometimes it is necessary to see a doctor to find out the exact cause of the swelling. The need for this arises with chronic swelling.

Eyelids and eyes swell: what to do?

The way to eliminate this symptom depends on the cause of its occurrence. If it is an infectious ophthalmic disease, eye drops, ointments and gels are prescribed. When a disease of internal organs leads to puffiness of the eyes, you have to take steroid, antiallergenic drugs and medicines that improve blood circulation.

In any case, the underlying pathology is always treated.

For eye pathologies accompanied by itching, redness and burning sensation in the eyes, such drops are prescribed as:

  • "Sulfatsil". It helps with blepharitis and conjunctivitis.
  • "Albucid" - drops with antibacterial action, prescribed for conjunctivitis and keratitis.
  • "Floxal" is an antimicrobial drug that is most often used for corneal ulcers, eye injuries, and barley.
  • Allergodil is an ophthalmic solution that relieves itching, redness and swelling.

Use medicines it is impossible without a prescription. Puffiness of the eyelids, bags and bruises under the eyes are quite common symptoms characteristic of many diseases. You will not be able to diagnose yourself.

Misuse of the drug can lead to complications.

Ointments and gels are used in addition to drops. Tetracycline, hydrocortisone, heparin or oxolinic ointment helps to eliminate puffiness under the eyes and on the eyelids.

Folk remedies for removing edema

Funds of the so-called traditional medicine can be used in treatment infectious diseases, but after consultation with a specialist. On a note, you can take the following recipes:

  • Green tea. Boil it, cool it, pour it into ice cube trays and place in the freezer. Apply ice cubes to your eyelids every morning for 1 to 2 minutes. The brewed sachets can be used as lotions. They should be applied to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes.
  • Grated potatoes. Peel it raw and grate it on a fine grater. Then put it in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. In it, you need to blot cotton wool and apply it to your closed eyes.
  • Oak bark. It is infused in hot water. After that, strain the liquid and make lotions with it. Instead of oak bark, you can make infusions from various herbs, such as chamomile.

Face masks are made from vegetables, sour cream, fruits, etc. There are special masks that are sold in pharmacies. If you have the time and sufficient financial resources, contact a beautician. Such measures allow you to eliminate puffiness quickly, but, of course, do not affect the reasons that lead to its appearance.

Gymnastics for the eyes

As noted earlier, the eyes can become swollen as a result of constant computer work. If your work is associated with a large visual load, you should periodically do exercises for the eyes. It helps to improve blood circulation, which promotes lymph drainage. You need to perform gymnastics 2-3 times daily. Otherwise, it will have no effect. Usually, experts recommend the following exercises:

  • closing the eyes and suddenly opening the eyes for 10-15 seconds;
  • turns to the sides, circular movements of the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise;
  • frequent blinking for 20-30 seconds.

Exercises can be performed directly at the workplace. They don't take a lot of time. In addition to exercising, massage your eyelids. The upper eyelids and skin under the eyes should be massaged with the fingertips and light in a circular motion... This helps to improve blood circulation.

Try not to self-medicate. It can make the situation worse. Do not leave such a symptom as puffiness of the eyes and eyelids unattended, especially if other unpleasant signs develop in parallel, which may indicate an incipient pathology.

Puffy eyes are a common cosmetic and sometimes medical problem that occurs when the orbital tissues around the eyes are swollen, making the face look unhealthy, tired. However, puffiness can be easily treated with a few simple home remedies. Before exploring them in more detail, let's take a look at the causes of puffy eyes.


Eyes may swell after sleep, crying, insect bite, trauma, or without obvious associated events and factors. The following are the main causes of this problem:

Hormonal disbalance

During menstruation, menopause, or pregnancy, women experience hormonal changes that lead to fluid retention and therefore eye puffiness.

Lack or excess of sleep

Insufficient or excessive sleep is the most common cause of puffy eyes. In addition, breaking the rest regimen can also cause this problem. Therefore, you need to establish an optimal sleep mode to get rid of the puffiness of the eyes.

Allergies and Paranasal Sinus Problems

Typically allergies, viral and colds can lead to inflammation of the mucous membranes in the eyes, which causes puffiness.

General body swelling

High consumption of alcohol and coffee, as well as salty foods and snacks, can lead to water retention in the body, leading to swelling of the entire body and eyes in particular. Changing eating habits and healthy eating help reduce swelling.


Age is also one of the main causes of puffy eyes.

Contact lenses

Wearing contact lenses can lead to inflammation. Damage, wear and tear, or the expiration of their expiration date can cause swelling of the eyelids and eyes.

Medical factors

Medical problems such as hypothyroidism, nephrotic syndrome, Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis), dermatitis, conjunctivitis, or cataracts can also cause eye puffiness.

Eye allergies

Allergens in the atmosphere, cosmetics, viruses, cosmetics, pollen, etc. can also cause eye allergies and, as a result, puffiness.

How to get rid of?

Lack of vitamin K in the body can lead to swollen eyes. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, you need to include it in your diet. Vitamin K-rich foods include green leafy vegetables, broccoli, carrots, liver and strawberries. It is also essential for normal blood circulation.

Cold spoons

This method is very simple and effective in getting rid of puffy eyes. It has the ability to firm and relax the skin around the eyes. blood vessels thus providing instant relief and relief from puffiness. To do this, you must chill five metal spoons for 10-15 minutes in the refrigerator. Then place the spoon over your eyes and hold it until it warms up, then replace it with a cold one.


Additional water intake is one of the most simple ways get rid of puffiness of the eyes. The likelihood of water retention causing puffy eyes is less likely if your body is well hydrated. Plus, drinking water regularly can help flush toxins from the body. It is best to consume at least 8 glasses of water every day to maintain balance. Sugary drinks and caffeine should be avoided as they cause dehydration. Salt also retains moisture in the body, so you should reduce the amount to reduce swelling.

Everything essential oils very helpful in treating puffy eyes. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties, relieves irritation, soothes puffiness, while lavender oil has a soothing and softening effect on the skin. Lemon oil, on the other hand, helps in reducing stress and has natural antioxidants. These oils will tone the skin around the eyes and leave it healthy and fresh.

To do this, take 1 drop of lemon, lavender and chamomile oils and 1 tsp. water, mix the oils together, and then add water. Now massage the mixture onto the skin around the eyes before going to bed. Leave it overnight. To remove bags under the eyes and puffiness, repeat this procedure every night.


This method is also effective in relieving eye puffiness. The caffeine found in coffee has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce puffiness. The coconut oil in the recipe moisturizes the skin and gives it a natural glow, while the black pepper stimulates blood circulation and makes the skin under the eyes healthier.

For this purpose, combine 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, 1/2 teaspoon of ground coffee beans and 1 pinch of ground black pepper. Apply this mixture on the skin around the eyes. After 10-12 minutes, gently wash off the mixture with warm water or a wet towel. Apply this recipe several times a week to get rid of puffiness.


One of good means for puffy eyes, use refrigerated cucumbers. With astringents and enzymes, they tighten the skin and relieve inflammation. In addition, they remove dark circles and wrinkles around the eyes. To do this, take a cucumber and cut it into thick slices. Then refrigerate the cucumber slices for 10 minutes in the refrigerator. Place the cold slices on your eyelids for ten minutes. Repeat the procedure a couple of times a day.

Tea bags

Typically, black and green tea bags have the ability to soothe irritation and relieve puffiness in the eyes, as well as relieve redness and inflammation. For this remedy, take two used tea bags and refrigerate them for 30 minutes. While lying down, place the pre-made tea bags on your eyelids for 10-15 minutes. Can be done several times a day.

Egg whites mask

Egg white is a great ingredient in many skincare recipes and is effective for puffy eyes. Moreover, it can smooth out wrinkles and bags under the eyes thanks to its skin tightening properties. To do this, take an egg white and beat it thoroughly in a cup until it is firm. Apply egg white to your eyes with a cloth or soft sponge. Leave the mask to dry completely and wash off after fifteen minutes with warm water. Apply once a day and you will see results in just a few days.

Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, aloe vera is effective in reducing puffiness under the eyes. It also has a rejuvenating effect and tones the skin. For this recipe, take some fresh aloe pulp and apply it to the skin around your eyes. Leave to dry for 8-10 minutes and then wash off cold water... It is recommended to use this remedy 2 times a day.

Salty water

Salt water can relieve inflammation. Remember to control your food intake with a lot of salt, because salt-laden foods can lead to swelling. For the salt recipe, mix ½ teaspoon of salt with 1 liter of warm water in a bowl. Soak cotton balls in salt water and then place them on your eyelid. Leave it on for a while. Apply every night before bed.


Potatoes not only heal swollen and inflamed joints, but also effectively relieve puffiness of the eyes. It is also good at soothing under eye inflammation. To do this, small potatoes need to be peeled and grated. Take a piece of cotton cloth and put the resulting gruel into it. Apply the compress to your eyes for 10-15 minutes. Can be used 2-3 times a day.

Edema in the eye area is perceived by many people as a common cosmetic defect. Unfortunately, the eyes swell, for a reason. Most often, a seemingly harmless swelling lies in fluid retention in the body. But in some cases, serious eye pathologies become the causes of puffiness.

Macular edema is swelling of the central region of the retina known as the macular macula. It is this often retina that is responsible for the quality of central vision. This type of puffiness cannot be considered as an independent pathology, since it is a symptom of several diseases of the eye apparatus.

Macular retinal edema may accompany:

  • diabetic rhinopathy;
  • retinal vein thrombosis;
  • uveitis.

Macular edema of the eye can develop when it is injured, as well as a complication after ophthalmic surgery.

Retinal macular edema is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • blurred central vision is formed (all straight lines of the eyes begin to be perceived as curved);
  • the overall picture is perceived in pink;
  • the sensitivity of the eye to light increases;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • in the morning, a person has a short deterioration in the quality of vision.

What to do in this case? Treatment of macular retinal edema involves the use of three methods:

  • conservative therapy;
  • laser treatment;
  • surgery.

The doctor chooses the tactics of treating macular edema of the retina, based on the severity of the condition.

Edema of the eye as a result of corneal edema

Corneal edema causes visual impairment. At the same time, the quality of the picture perceived by the eye deteriorates significantly in the evening, partially recovering during the night.

The reasons for the formation of corneal edema are:

  • an increase in intraocular pressure;
  • the development of an attack of glaucoma;
  • in infants, corneal swelling can be caused by birth trauma;
  • corneal edema - pretty frequent complication ophthalmic surgery;
  • chemical burns;
  • infections of various etymologies;
  • allergy;
  • uveitis.

The following conditions become the symptoms of corneal edema:

  • redness and inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • Pain in the eyes;
  • increased eye fatigue;
  • strong reaction to bright light;
  • clouding of the picture, increasing during the day;
  • lacrimation;
  • there is a decrease in the transparency of the cornea.

What to do here? Corneal edema treatment is aimed at eliminating the swelling itself. So, with a bacterial or viral basis of the disease, antiviral and antibacterial drugs are prescribed for use.

It is advisable to refuse the use of lenses in case of corneal edema or to reduce their wearing to a minimum. Sometimes corneal edema is accompanied by increased dryness of the eye, which can be dealt with with the help of "artificial tears".

In severe cases, treatment is carried out using hormonal anti-inflammatory drops.

Allergic edema

Allergic edema is the most severe manifestation of allergies, in which the eyes itch very badly. For the condition, the rapid formation of edema of the eyelids, and sometimes the area around the eyes, is typical. Quite often, only the upper eyelid swells. The condition is accompanied by lacrimation.

Allergic edema of the eye area is called angioedema, which is a form of Quincke's edema. The reason is the direct contact of a person with an allergen.

Symptoms of allergic edema

It is very difficult to confuse the allergic basis of edema with other conditions. The following symptoms are observed here:

  • the eyes are almost always itchy;
  • with mild manifestations of allergy, only a slight swelling of the eyelids is recorded (the eyes practically do not itch, the area around the eyes remains unchanged);
  • in severe allergies, not only the eyelids swell - the palpebral fissure can close almost completely - but also the area around the eyes.

With allergic puffiness, both eyelids can swell at once. In many cases, swelling will form around the inflamed eye.

The main difference allergic edema from others - the eyes never hurt, but they always itch (a characteristic reaction to an allergen).

First aid for the eyes with the development of allergic edema

What should be done in this case, since the allergy can spread to the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and throat.

The scheme depends on the rate of development of edema:

  • if the eyes and the area around them swims very quickly, then the victim needs to inject an antihistamine and call an ambulance;
  • with the slow development of puffiness, you also need to take antihistamines and consult a doctor if necessary.

If your eyes itch, what can you do? A cool compress will help relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Allergic puffiness treatment

In most cases, the puffiness after an allergy goes away completely. If treatment is not carried out, then the likelihood of developing inflammation is high.

Treatment should be prescribed by an allergist, after identifying the cause of the edema. Most often, a combination of drugs is prescribed:

  • eye ointments (prescribed if the eyes itch, as well as with lacrimation and burning);
  • hormonal ointments (they not only relieve swelling, but also help if the eyes itch a lot);
  • antihistamines;
  • eye drops with vasoconstrictor properties.

Swelling of the eyes with headache

Sometimes, in addition to swelling of the eyes, a person also has a headache. What could be the reason for this combination? There may be several options.

Inflammation maxillary sinuses... In this case, in addition to the swelling of the eyes, provoked by the close location of the sinuses, the head also hurts.

ARVI. Many viral infections may be accompanied by swelling of the eyelids. General intoxication of the body leads to the fact that a person has a headache.

Inflammation of the conjunctiva. Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the eyes, usually accompanied by swelling of the eyes and the area around them. In rare cases, the head also hurts.

Heart failure. Quite often, a complaint about a headache, combined with existing bags under the eyes, can be a sign of heart failure.

If we talk about what to do in such cases, then the treatment should be selected by a specialist.

Psychosomatic edema

Psychosomatics is one of the areas of medicine that studies the influence of psychological factors to form various diseases... If we give a more simplified definition, then psychosomatics is a body protest that manifests itself in different ways. Alternative medicine is of the opinion that it is psychosomatics that becomes the cause of all diseases.

What if the cause of the edema is not related to a specific disease? Psychosomatics defines the development of edema in the eye area (and not only) as suppressed irritation. This can be a reaction to a certain situation or a specific person.

How to deal with such edema? Try to "let go" of the unpleasant situation. In addition, for the treatment of edema caused by psychosomatics, tranquilizers and drugs from the category of antidepressants are used in combination with psychotherapy sessions.

Treatment of edema with "Kanefron"

"Kanefron" is a combined drug that exhibits diuretic properties. Thanks to this, "Kanefron" can be used to eliminate various edema, in particular, in the area around the eyes.

Since "Kanefron" is a product from the category herbal preparations, then he has very few contraindications. This is an individual intolerance to the component composition and childhood- "Kanefron" is not prescribed for patients under six years of age.

Tablets "Kanefron" are taken orally, washed down with a small volume of liquid. Drops of "Kanefron" must be diluted with any liquid before taking.

Diet food for edema

A diet for puffiness of the eyes is a nutritional system that promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body. A decongestant diet can also be used to prevent the formation of edema in and around the eyes.

The diet "allows" to include in the menu products containing:

  • proteins - milk, sour cream, cheeses and others;
  • potassium - rice, potatoes, apricots, etc.;
  • fresh juices;
  • herbal teas.

What can not be done while observing nutritional therapy? A decongestant diet recommends reducing the amount of salt used, and also limiting the total volume of fluid to no more than 1.5 liters per day. In addition, the diet "prohibits":

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • smoked and fried foods;
  • sweets;
  • mayonnaise and various sauces.

A decongestant diet is quite difficult for the body. Before you start eating according to the proposed rules, you must consult your doctor.

Many have seen swelling under the eyes in themselves or in those close to them. There can be many reasons for the appearance of puffiness. Some of them threaten with serious consequences, while others do not pose any harm.

Swelling under the eyes requires determining the cause and prescribing appropriate treatment. They can appear in both men and women.

Natural causes of puffiness and bags under the eyes:

  • Eyes will swell if you drink a lot of water before bed. And also if you abuse alcohol.
  • Excessive consumption of salty, smoked, canned food. Salts and preservatives interfere with the excretion of salts from the body, and they, in turn, retain fluid.
  • Hormonal changes. Sometimes a woman's eyelids become swollen before menstruation. Second half hormone menstrual cycle progesterone retains water in the body, which leads to a puffy face.
  • ... Sleeping on an uncomfortable pillow or with your head down can contribute to swelling lower eyelids.
  • After cosmetic procedures(for example, after mesotherapy), edema under the eyes often remains, the cause of which is traumatic damage to the delicate skin of the eyelids.
  • Strong crying. At the same time, fluid accumulates in the loose tissue of the eyelids.
  • Contact with toxic fumes, fumes (e.g. tobacco smoke). This occurs through a similar mechanism as with crying. The eyes begin to watery, as a result, excess fluid is retained in the eyelids.
  • Age-related changes. Loss of tissue elasticity in the elderly, fat deposition, impairment venous outflow lead to the appearance of puffiness of the eyelids.

Pathological causes:

  • Allergic reactions (including Quincke's edema). They develop when an allergen enters the human body (honey, chicken protein, citruses, plant pollen, decorative cosmetics, some medicines, etc.). In response, antibodies are activated, which, when combined with the allergen, form an "allergen-antibody" complex. It causes the development of a number of symptoms. The person will complain that his bottom itches and upper eyelids, swelling, watery eyes.
  • Heart disease (cardiomyopathy, heart failure). A distinctive characteristic of cardiac edema: appear in the evening, dense, bluish. With heart disease, swelling appears on other parts of the body (legs, arms, abdomen), up to complete edema of the whole body - anasarca.
  • Kidney disease (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, renal failure) are characterized by swelling under the eyes. A distinctive characteristic of renal edema: they are soft, pale, appear upon awakening.
  • Foreign body. Any foreign body causes lacrimation, pain, redness of the sclera, puffiness of the eyes.
  • Injury. After blows, injuries, operations on the organ of vision, swelling of the eyelids may persist. A person may additionally complain that his lower or upper eyelid hurts.
  • Inflammatory diseases eye (barley, conjunctivitis, keratitis, chorioretinitis). Swelling of the upper eyelids is more common. Sometimes it can spread to the lower eyelids.
  • Oncological diseases ( malignant tumor- cancer or tumor of a benign nature). In this case, edema is a secondary symptom. At the beginning of the disease, a person does not notice any changes in his state of health. For more later stages external manifestations appear (redness, ulcers, necrosis, bleeding), pain, dysfunction.

Watch an interesting video about the causes of puffiness of the lower eyelids:


One-time puffiness under the eyes does not require diagnosis, if you know the reason (you drank a large amount of liquid at night, cried a lot, slept uncomfortably).

If you have severe swelling under the eyes regularly or the puffiness is accompanied by itching and redness under the eyes, then you should go through a set of diagnostic measures:

  • UAC ( general analysis blood). Blood is donated from a vein.
  • OAM (general urine analysis). An average portion of morning urine is given in a sterile container.
  • B / X blood ( biochemical analysis blood). Venous blood is donated from the cubital vein in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • ECG (electrocardiography). Special device electrocardiograph with suction cups installed on the area chest, reads the electrical impulses of the heart and records it on paper.
  • Abdominal ultrasound. Using the apparatus ultrasound examination the monitor examines the internal organs of a person: kidneys, liver, gall bladder, pancreas.

Which doctor should I go to? If a slight swelling appears under the eye, while the lower eyelid is red, itches, hurts, then consult an ophthalmologist. If the swelling is accompanied by symptoms of kidney, heart disease, then contact a therapist first. After initial examination, questioning, receiving test results, the therapist will refer you to a specialist of a narrow profile.

What to do if the lower eyelids are swollen

How to treat a swollen eyelid and? If the swelling under the eyes is not due to illness, but due to natural reasons, then any one with caffeine will do, horse chestnut, hyaluronic acid ("Bark", "Garnier").

Drug therapy is prescribed depending on the cause of the disease:

  1. Allergic reactions. Combined therapy is required: intestinal adsorbents + antihistamines. Intestinal adsorbents bind and remove complexes "allergen-antibody", have a nonspecific detoxification effect: "Polyphepan", activated carbon, "Polysorb". Antihistamines block the inflammatory mediator histamine: Suprastin, Cetrin. When Quincke's edema is additionally administered intravenously steroid hormones: "Hydrocortisone", "Dexamethasone". Drops are dripped locally: "Dexamethasone", "Allergodil".
  2. Heart disease is treated by a cardiologist, kidney disease - by a nephrologist. Consultation of narrow specialists is required for correct setting diagnosis. This is the only way to get correct treatment... As adjunctive therapy against edema of the eyes, you can use drops "Vizin". They constrict blood vessels, providing a decongestant effect.
  3. The first step is to remove the foreign body. How quick remedy getting rid of eyelid edema - drops "Natural Tear" or "Vizin".
  4. Trauma, blow, injury remind of themselves by the presence of a bruise under the eye. Ointment "Troxevasin" will help from edema and.
  5. Inflammatory eye diseases in an uncomplicated form are treated with the appointment of drops with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action: "Tobrex", "Albucid".
  6. Oncological diseases. Benign neoplasms ophthalmologist observes and treats, malignant - oncologist. Treatment should be directed at the underlying disease. Vizin drops are suitable for auxiliary therapy, they will reduce swelling.

Folk remedies

Treatment of puffiness under the eyes at home does not require special knowledge. The required ingredients can be purchased at the pharmacy and at the market.

  • Edema mask.

If you woke up in the morning and saw swollen eyelids, then parsley and potatoes will come to the rescue. They contain many vitamins and minerals that will help you quickly and effectively get rid of puffiness under the eyes.

The recipe for the parsley mask: Grind 1 teaspoon of parsley to a mushy consistency, mix with 1 tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the resulting mass on closed eyelids, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

The recipe for the potato mask: grind the potatoes on a grater, put the gruel in gauze napkins, then apply on the eyelids for 10-15 minutes.

  • Compress from edema.

The following herbs are suitable for infusion: sage, chamomile, linden, dill, arnica, string.

Cooking recipe: 1 teaspoon of the selected herb, pour 100 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes. Divide the resulting infusion in half: cool half, heat half. Now you need to alternately apply on the eyelids, soaked in cold, then in hot infusion, cotton pads. If it is swollen under one eye, then it is enough to apply a compress on one eye.

  • Herbal tea.

It is useful for edema of the eyelids to drink herbal teas from chamomile, string, sage. Good effect possesses leaf green tea... Herbal teas help remove excess fluid from the body.

Additionally, watch an interesting video recipe for a parsley mask:


Massage of the eyelids helps to eliminate edema after sleep. How to do it correctly?

First you need to understand the anatomical rationale of massage. Lymph is a clear fluid that moves through the lymphatic vessels. It is responsible for removing harmful waste products from cells. Lymph leaves the eye area and accumulates in two groups of lymph nodes: in the parotid and submandibular. Therefore, the movements during massage are directed towards these nodes, that is, towards the temple and the bridge of the nose.

Massage should be done with light tapping movements with fingertips daily for 2–5 minutes.

We invite you to watch a video about, which will help to cope with puffiness:


Use eye exercises and do them with us every day. In the video you will find a set of exercises and many interesting tips:

If the edema does not go away, despite the measures taken, then it is necessary to undergo an examination to find the cause.


Edema of the lower eyelids can be avoided by following these guidelines:

  • Maintaining healthy way life. Proper nutrition: restriction of salty, smoked, canned foods. Rest: night sleep at least 7 hours on a comfortable pillow. Don't drink a lot of fluids before bed. Take a daily walk in the fresh air.
  • Timely treatment of diseases of internal organs (heart, kidneys). In advanced stages, it will be difficult to cope with the problem of edema.
  • Wearing sunglasses in sunny weather.
  • Elimination or limitation of alcohol consumption. This will help adults avoid under-eye puffiness.
  • Gymnastics for the prevention of edema. It can be done several times a day. Close your eyes. Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes. Close your eyes with all your might and hold on in this state for 6 seconds. Then relax, rest. Repeat at least 10 times in a row.

Timely measures taken will help you forget about the swelling of the eyelids forever.

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