Akriderm ointment green packaging. Akriderm ointment instructions for use

Akriderm - modern remedy for external use, specially designed to combat dermatological diseases. The drug has a local anti-inflammatory, decongestant and anti-exudative effect, eliminates itching, reduces allergic manifestations and accelerates skin healing. Akriderm belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroid drugs. It has many contraindications and is able to provoke the development of adverse reactions in the patient. To avoid the negative effects of the drug on human health, it should be used exclusively on the recommendation of a dermatologist.

Akriderm can be purchased in pharmacies as an ointment and cream. The main component of both dosage forms is the corticosteroid betamethasone. In the preparation, it is presented in the form of dipropiate. The mass fraction of the active ingredient in 100 g of the drug is 50 mg or 0.05%.

Akriderm in the form of an ointment is a homogeneous translucent mass resembling a gel in structure. Its hue can range from white to light yellow. The drug in the form of a cream has a white color and a thicker homogeneous consistency.

In addition to betamethasone dipropiate, the Akriderm ointment contains auxiliary components petroleum jelly, liquid paraffin, isopropyl myristate and propyl hydroxybenzoate. The cream is made with the additional use of petroleum jelly, solid and liquid paraffin, sodium sulfite, disodium edatate, propylene glycol, emulsion wax, methyl hydroxybenzoate and sterile water.

Akriderm ointment and cream are packaged in soft metal tubes of 15, 30 and 50 g. Each tube with medicine is packed in a separate cardboard box and provided with a medical annotation.

Why do dermatologists prescribe Akriderm to patients? The agent in question has the following indications for use:

  • psoriasis;
  • acute and chronic form of allergic and non-allergic dermatitis (including atopic, contact, solar, occupational, dyshidrotic, seborrheic);
  • itchy skin of various etiology.

Akriderm is intended exclusively for outdoor use. When applied on small areas of the skin, betamethasone is absorbed slightly and practically does not have a negative effect on the patient's body. Applying the product to the face or large areas skin leads to increased systemic absorption of its active component and increases the likelihood of developing negative effects from therapy. The same result can be obtained if the areas of the dermis treated with the drug are covered with occlusive dressings.

Contraindications and warnings

Akriderm cream and ointment have contraindications that must be considered before starting treatment. Dermatologists do not prescribe a drug for people suffering from:

  • hypersensitivity to benzomethasone or other components in its composition;
  • herpes simplex;
  • syphilis;
  • dermatological diseases of viral origin;
  • rosacea;
  • tuberculosis of the skin;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • malignant neoplasms on the dermis.

You should refrain from using the ointment for people who have recently been vaccinated. They should start treatment with betamethasone no earlier than 4 weeks after vaccination.

Akriderm can be used during pregnancy only on the recommendation of a doctor. Although betamethasone, when applied to the surface of the dermis, does not have a tangible effect on the body and does not penetrate the placental barrier, expectant mothers are allowed to use it only in limited areas of the body for a short period. The use of the drug in large doses or for a long time is strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

To date, scientists have not been able to definitively find out whether glucocorticosteroids can penetrate into breast milk when used topically. For this reason, it is undesirable to use Akriderm for women during lactation. If it is necessary to carry out such treatment, the patient should stop breastfeeding for the entire duration of therapy.

Akriderm cream and ointment are used in pediatrics in the treatment of children who have reached one year of age. The use of this drug in young patients should be carried out with extreme caution and only in situations where it is not possible to replace it with another medicine. When prescribing betamethasone to a child, it should be borne in mind that its absorption in children is much higher than in adults. To reduce the likelihood of adverse effects of the drug, it should be prescribed to babies for a short time and in small doses.

Side effects and overdose

The dosage of Akriderm and the frequency of its use depend on the patient's age and the diagnosis made. The product should be applied directly to the affected area in a uniform thin layer, being careful not to touch the healthy areas of the dermis located next to it. The maximum duration of the drug should not exceed 3 weeks. It is recommended to apply it on the face no more than 5 days in a row. Pregnant women and children under 12 years old during the period of use of Akriderm should be under the supervision of a specialist.

It must be remembered that Akriderm (ointment and cream) is able to provoke in a person the development of undesirable local reactions from the skin. The complaints that most often occur in people during treatment with this remedy include:

  • dry skin;
  • hypopigmentation;
  • excessive hair growth in the areas of the dermis treated with the drug;
  • folliculitis;
  • striped atrophoderma;
  • irritations of a different nature.

In children, Akriderm cream and ointment can cause systemic adverse reactions, manifested in the form:

  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • suppression of the function of the adrenal cortex;
  • lagging behind in growth and weight gain;
  • cushing's syndrome.

If any adverse reactions appear, the patient needs to abandon the further use of Akriderm and inform the specialist who prescribed this drug about his condition.

With frequent or prolonged use of the drug, a person may develop an overdose of betamethasone. It entails suppression of the functions of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system and can cause secondary adrenal insufficiency and hypercorticism in the patient. To stabilize the patient's condition, therapy is carried out aimed at eliminating the manifestations of an overdose and correcting water electrolyte balance.

Additional information about the drug

Akriderm ointment does not interact with other groups of drugs, so it can be combined with any necessary therapy.

This product is not intended for use in ophthalmic practice. When applied to the face, avoid eye contact.

With long-term use, the corticosteroid drug Akriderm must be canceled in stages. Abrupt discontinuation of treatment can lead to the return of symptoms of the disease and the need for re-therapy.

Patients suffering from dermatological diseases often call the agent in question Aktiderm, thus confusing the pharmacy staff. Such people need to remember that Aktiderm is a non-invasive therapy device used in modern cosmetology to rejuvenate the skin of the face and chest, treat cellulite and hyperpigmentation. This device has nothing in common with Akriderm ointment, so you should not confuse these names.

In domestic pharmacies today you can see many analogues of Akriderm, the active component of which is betamethasone. TO structural substitutes the drug includes: Betliben, Beloderm, Celestoderm-B, Soderm, Mesoderma. In patients with individual intolerance to betamethasone, treatment of skin diseases is carried out with corticosteroid drugs created on the basis of other components (Advantan, Metizolone, Sterocort, Kutiveit, Moleskin, Momekon, Prednitop, Sinaflan, etc.).

Akriderm ointment and cream belong to the category of drugs intended for over-the-counter dispensing from pharmacies. Store both dosage forms the product should be used at an air temperature of +15 ... + 25 ° C in a place protected from moisture and bright light. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years. After its expiration, the medicine should be disposed of.

Knowing what Akriderm helps from, people often diagnose themselves on their own and start using the ointment without first consulting a doctor. Experts warn patients to refrain from such actions, since improper use of the drug can aggravate the course of the disease and provoke adverse reactions of varying severity.

Drugs with glucocorticosteroid activity.

Composition of Akriderm

The active substance is betamethasone.


Akrikhin KhFK (Russia)

pharmachologic effect

Anti-inflammatory, glucocorticoid, anti-allergic, antipruritic.

When local application constricts blood vessels, relieves itching, reduces the release of inflammatory mediators, interleukins 1 and 2, interferon gamma, inhibits hyaluronidase activity and lowers the permeability of the vascular wall.

Increases blood glucose levels, accelerates protein catabolism, retains sodium and water.

After parenteral and enteral administration, it is rapidly absorbed.

The maximum effect when taken orally develops in 1-2 hours.

Easily passes histohematological barriers, including the placental.

It is biotransformed in the liver (mainly), the resulting metabolites are inactive.

Excreted by the kidneys; partially excreted in breast milk.

Side effect Akriderm

Hypokalemia, muscle weakness, myopathy, osteoporosis, spontaneous fractures, arterial hypertension, myocardial dystrophy, arrhythmias, thrombosis and thromboembolism, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, steroid diabetes, decreased immunity and activation infectious diseases, suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, the appearance of hirsutism and acne, irregular menstruation, Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, weight gain, agitation or depression, anxiety, psychosis, sleep disturbances, euphoria, glaucoma, cataracts, steroid exophthalmus, withdrawal syndrome; rarely - sodium and water retention (edema); locally - itching, hyperemia, burning, dryness, pigmentation disorders, dermatitis (perioral, allergic), maceration and atrophy of the skin, striae, prickly heat, secondary infections of the skin and mucous membranes.

Indications for use

Congenital adrenal hypoplasia, adrenal insufficiency; shock (anaphylactic, endotoxic, hemodynamic); thyroiditis, thyrotoxic crisis, hypercalcemia due to malignant neoplasms; acute rheumatic heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis in the acute phase, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma and other systemic diseases connective tissue, inflammatory lesions of joints and soft tissues, including periarticular (traumatic arthritis, acute gouty and other genesis, osteoarthritis, osteochondritis, bursitis, fibrositis, tendonitis, tendovaginitis, tendosynovitis, ankylosing spondylitis, myositis); nephrotic syndrome; prevention of graft rejection reaction; heavy allergic reactions; bronchial asthma, sarcoidosis, beryllium disease, Leffler's syndrome, aspiration pneumonitis; cerebral edema (traumatic, postoperative, metastatic, post-stroke); neurodermatitis, eczema (children's, atopic, coin-shaped), diaper rash, dermatitis (simple, exfoliative, solar, seborrheic, radiation, bullous herpetiformis, contact, atopic, lower limbs with circulatory failure and others), psoriasis, alopecia areata, colloidal scars, itching (senile, anogenital), Hyde's pruritus nodosum, exudative erythema multiforme, fungal mycosis, erythroderma, pemphigus and other skin diseases; ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease; recurrent aphthous stomatitis; anemia, idiopathic and secondary thrombocytopenia in adults, acute leukemia in children, lymphomas (Hodgkin's, non-Hodgkin's), chronic lymphocytic leukemia; breast cancer, prostate cancer; allergic conjunctivitis and corneal ulcer, iritis, iridocyclitis, keratitis, chorioretinitis, diffuse choroiditis, retrobulbar neuritis, prevention of distress syndrome in newborns, croup with diphtheria, tuberculous meningitis, tetanus (in combination with antimicrobial agents).

Contraindications Akriderm

Hypersensitivity, systemic mycoses, HIV infection, active forms of tuberculosis, chicken pox, herpes simplex (including eyes, oral cavity) and other viral diseases, vaccination period, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum (in the acute phase), peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, diverticulitis, esophagitis, fresh intestinal anastomoses, congestive heart failure, thrombophlebitis, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, Itsenko-Cushing's disease, osteoporosis, myasthenia gravis, hypoalbuminemia and kidney, severe liver dysfunctions psychosis, open-angle glaucoma, pregnancy, lactation; intra-articular, in the lesion focus:

  • unstable joints, previous arthroplasty, infected lesions, periarticular infection, bleeding disorder;
  • outwardly: acne, primary viral, fungal, bacterial, incl. tuberculosis, infections of the skin and scalp;
  • in children under 1 year of age, rash (against the background of diaper rash), dermatitis and dermatoses.

Method of administration and dosage

The cream is applied in a thin layer on the affected skin 2 times / day (morning and evening).



  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • sN disorders,
  • euphoric,
  • excitement,
  • depression.

With long-term use in high doses - osteoporosis, fluid retention in the body, increased blood pressure and other signs of hypercortisolism, including Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, secondary adrenal insufficiency.


  • against the background of gradual withdrawal of the drug, maintenance of vital functions, correction of electrolyte balance, antacids, phenothiazines, lithium preparations;
  • with Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome - aminoglutethimide.


Liver enzyme inducers reduce therapeutic and toxic effects, estrogens and oral contraceptives enhance them; digitalis glycosides, diuretics (causing potassium deficiency), amphotericin B, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors - increase the likelihood of arrhythmias and hypokalemia; alcohol and NSAIDs can cause the risk of ulcerative erosive lesions or bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract; immunosuppressants - the likelihood of infections and the development of lymphomas and other lymphoproliferative diseases; ritodrin - the possibility of pulmonary edema in pregnant women.

Betamethasone weakens the hypoglycemic activity of antidiabetic agents and insulin, natriuretic and diuretic - diuretics, vaccine activity (due to a decrease in antibody production); anticoagulant - coumarin and indandione derivatives, heparin, streptokinase and urokinase.

Increases the hepatotoxicity of paracetamol.

Reduces the concentration in the blood of salicylates, mexiletine.

special instructions

It is used with caution in diabetes mellitus, herpes simplex of the cornea, systemic lupus erythematosus, osteoporosis, in patients at risk of thrombosis, in the elderly, in children, only against the background of appropriate antibacterial therapy - with abscesses, purulent infections, tuberculosis.

It is necessary to take into account the increased action in hypothyroidism, cirrhosis of the liver, the likelihood of developing relative adrenal insufficiency.

With long-term treatment, one should carefully monitor the dynamics of growth and development in children, periodically conduct an ophthalmological examination, regularly monitor the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, blood glucose and urine (especially in patients diabetes mellitus), electrolytes in serum, occult blood in feces.

During therapy, immunization and alcohol consumption should be avoided.




Akriderm - local preparation with pronounced anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative, anti-allergic, antipruritic and anti-edematous action. Akriderm contains betamethasone dipropionate - a substance of the group of corticosteroids. The mechanism of action of the drug Akriderm is based on its ability to inhibit the accumulation of leukocytes, the release of pro-inflammatory mediators and lysosomal enzymes in the focus of inflammation. In addition, betamethasone inhibits phagocytosis, reduces vascular tissue permeability and prevents the formation of edema.

When applied topically systemic absorption of betamethasone is negligible. It should be borne in mind that when Akriderm is applied to large areas of the skin or face, as well as when using an occlusive dressing over the drug, the systemic absorption of betamethasone increases. Systemic absorption of the active ingredient of the drug Akriderm in children is higher than in adult patients.

Indications for

Allergic skin diseases (including acute, subacute and chronic contact dermatitis, occupational dermatitis, solar dermatitis, neurodermatitis, pruritus, dyshidrotic dermatitis);
- acute and chronic forms of non-allergic dermatitis;
- psoriasis.

Mode of application:

Akriderm cream and ointment are intended for external use. Avoid getting the ointment or cream in the eyes or on the skin around the eyes. It is not recommended to apply Akriderm to mucous membranes and large areas of the skin. Cream and ointment should be applied in a thin layer, rubbing gently. It is not advisable to apply Akriderm under an occlusive dressing.
Duration of therapy and the dose of the drug Akriderm is determined by the doctor.
Typically, a small amount of ointment or cream is applied twice a day. By the decision of the doctor, depending on the patient's condition, the frequency of use of the Akriderm drug may vary.

Average course duration therapy is 2-4 weeks.
The maximum recommended duration of use of the drug Akriderm on the skin of the face is 5 days.
In the absence of positive dynamics, Akriderm is canceled and re-diagnosed.
After prolonged use of the drug Akriderm, withdrawal should be carried out gradually.

Side effects:

When using the drug Akriderm in patients, it is possible development of local reactionsincluding burning, dryness and irritation of the skin, hypertrichosis, folliculitis, striae, pruritus, hypopigmentation, perioral dermatitis, acne-like rashes and prickly heat.
With prolonged use the drug Akriderm, as well as the use of occlusive dressings over the drug, patients may develop maceration and atrophy of the skin, prickly heat, purpura, secondary infection, telangiectasias and local hirsutism.

When applied to large areas of the skin, as well as using the drug Akriderm in children the development of systemic undesirable effects of betamethasone is possible. In particular, with excessive systemic absorption of betamethasone in patients, it is possible to develop gastritis, hyperglycemia, ulceration of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, reversible suppression of the functions of the adrenal cortex, glucosuria, and Cushing's syndrome. Besides, with high systemic absorption betamethasone suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, increased intracranial pressure and decreased excretion of growth hormone is possible.
With the development of undesirable reactions, you should consult a doctor who will decide on the advisability of further therapy with Akriderm.
If hypersensitivity reactions and skin irritation develop, an alternative drug should be selected.


Akriderm is not used for therapy patients with known hypersensitivity to betamethasone or additional ingredients of the cream or ointment.
Akriderm is not prescribed to patients suffering from viral skin diseases, fungal or bacterial etiology, including skin tuberculosis, cutaneous manifestations of syphilis, herpes simplex, chickenpox.
Akriderm is not used to treat patients suffering from skin cancer, trophic ulcers of the leg, melanoma, xanthoma, hemangioma, sarcoma, atheroma, and acne vulgaris.

Contraindications to the use of Akriderm are post-vaccination skin reactions, rosacea, open wounds and nevus.
In pediatric practice, Akriderm is used with caution and only for the treatment of children over 1 year old.
Care should be taken to prescribe high doses and long-term use of the drug Akriderm to patients with cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis.
Care should be taken to use Akriderm on the skin of the face, given the increased risk of developing atrophic changes (the duration of therapy should not exceed 5 days).

other medicinal
by means of:

Not marked clinically significant interactions with other drugs.


Due to the fact that the safety of using local corticosteroids in pregnant women was not installed, the use of drugs of this class during pregnancy is justified only if the benefits to the mother clearly outweigh the possible harm to the fetus. Preparations of this group should not be used by pregnant women in large doses for a long time.
Since until now not installed, whether glucocorticosterones, with local application and systemic absorption, can penetrate into breast milk, a decision should be made to stop breastfeeding or to discontinue the drug, taking into account how necessary its use for the mother.

Application in children

Children may be more susceptible to the use of local GCS, which cause depression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system (HPA) than older patients, due to increased absorption of the drug associated with a greater ratio of their surface area and body weight. In children taking local GCS, the following were noted side effects: suppression of the function of the HPA system, Cushing's syndrome, linear growth retardation, lag in weight gain, increased intracranial pressure. Symptoms of suppression of adrenal cortex function in children include a decrease in plasma levels of cortyazol and a lack of response to ACTH stimulation. Increased intracranial pressure is manifested by bulging fontanelle, headache, bilateral swelling of the optic nerve head.


Symptoms: excessive or prolonged use of local GCS can cause inhibition of the function of the pituitary-adrenal system, which can cause the development of secondary adrenal cortex insufficiency and the appearance of symptoms of hypercortisolism, including Cushing's syndrome.
Treatment: shown corresponding symptomatic treatment. Acute symptoms hypercortisolism is usually reversible. Correction of electrolyte imbalance is indicated if necessary. In the case of chronic toxic effects, a gradual abolition of GCS is recommended.

Release form:

Cream for topical application Akriderm 15 or 30 g in aluminum tubes, 1 aluminum tube in a cardboard box.
Ointment for local use Akriderm 15 or 30 g in aluminum tubes, 1 tube is inserted in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions:

Regardless of the form of release, Akriderm should be stored at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius.
cream - 4 years.
Shelf life of the drug Akriderm in the form ointments - 2 years.

1 g cream Akriderm contains:

Excipients: methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.2 g, solid paraffin - 9 g, petrolatum - 3 g, propylene glycol - 5 g, liquid paraffin - 18 g, emulsion wax - 7 g, disodium edetate - 0.1 g, sodium sulfite - 0.05 g, purified water - up to 100 g

1 g ointment Akriderm contains:
Betamethasone dipropionate - 0.64 mg;
Excipients: propyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.05 g, liquid paraffin (vaseline oil) - 4 g, isopropyl myristate - 1 g, petroleum jelly - up to 100 g.

A healthy and even dermis is the ultimate dream in the realities of the 21st century. Many people solve their skin problems on their own without consulting a doctor. Often this leads to an aggravation of the disease. Today I would like to learn more about Akriderm ointment and instructions for use.

Remember - uncontrolled use of this medicine is fraught with health problems.

Acriderm is a medication characterized by a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect. To summarize all of the above, liniment is used to treat diseases of the skin, provoked, both by common injuries and local inflammations, and by complex pathologies.

Be that as it may, it is important to use effective therapeutic products with maximum safety for your own health, while minimizing the risks of dangerous side effects. Before considering the specifics and basic rules of application, it is worth dwelling in more detail on the composition and pharmacological action medicines.

Pharmacological group and action

What does acriderm ointment help from? A medication used to fight bacterial infections, fungal infections of the epidermis, allergic reactions and inflammatory processes. It belongs to the group of corticosteroids.

The principle of eliminating the problem is simple, but at the same time effective:

Local application, in accordance with the instructions, excludes significant absorption of active ingredients. Application in large quantities to the face or skin is fraught with accumulation in the body. It has been found that children are less susceptible to systemic absorption than adults.

Composition and form of release

Akriderm ointment consists of the main active substance - betamethasone dipropionate. Several elements act as additional components:

Several types of Akriderm ointment are popular, differing in composition and form (ointments and cream). The ointment is traditionally white with a creamy yellow tint, a thin consistency with a mild specific odor. As for the cream, it has a more uniform consistency. white.

The composition of the Akriderm ointment contains 64% of the above active substance and 36% of additional components. If we translate this ratio into 1 g of the finished product (SC, HA), we get 0.64 mg of betamethasone dipropionate and 0.34 mg of excipients. In a creamy consistency (HA), the main element accounts for no more than 0.064%, and Gentamicin sulfate and Clotrimazole act as auxiliary components.

Storage conditions of the drug

The medication (regardless of the form of release) is recommended to be cut in a dark, protected from direct sunlight, and cool place, at a temperature of 10 to 25 degrees.

Shelf life

It's no secret that even the most useful medicines can be dangerous to the body if stored in the wrong place. Subject to the above requirements, the shelf life for Akriderm ointment does not exceed 2 years. If the tube is already open, you must use its contents within 1 year.

Instructions for use

Instructions for the use of the Akriderm ointment (cream) in each specific case is adjusted based on the patient's condition, the established diagnosis and the selected therapeutic regimen. Often, liniment (1-2 g) needs to be treated with problem areas of the skin 1 to 3 times a day, applying the composition in a thin layer, with an average duration of the treatment course from 2 to 3 weeks.

In the case of long-term treatment (from 3 weeks), dermatologists recommend using the drug after 1 day. This will eliminate the likelihood of unwanted accumulation of liniment components during internal organs and fabrics. The dosage is determined individually for each patient by the doctor, based on the severity of the disease, the selected treatment regimen.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of Akriderm ointment are determined by its properties to reduce the level of vascular and tissue permeability, due to which the foci are actively suppressed inflammatory processes.

The use of the medication is indicated when diagnosing the following problems:
  • allergic dermatoses: atopic (neurodermatitis), dyshydratic, seborrheic, occupational, intertriginous, toxic dermatitis;
  • dermatomycosis (localized in the groin area);
  • non-allergic dermatitis, occurring in a chronic form - radiation, diaper, gluteal, exfoliative, prurigo, Gaida, Prurigo;
  • ichthyosis and ichthyosis pathologies;
  • ear diseases (otitis externa);
  • nested hair loss;
  • psoriasis;
  • itching (including in the genital area, senile);
  • eczema (contact);
  • severe inflammation after insect bites.

To summarize all of the above, then the medicine is used not only for allergy to the epidermis, but also as a therapeutic agent for chronic and subacute dermatoses with severe hyperkeratosis.

Akriderm during pregnancy is used in small doses, for a short time. Therapists strongly recommend that you stop using it if possible. The appointment is indicated exclusively for health reasons, in other cases, the ointment is extremely undesirable.

Contraindications to the use of the drug:
  • post-vaccination reactions on the surface of the epidermis;
  • high sensitivity of the body to the elements of liniment;
  • open damage to the skin;
  • rosacea;
  • dermatitis of the perioral type;
  • chicken pox;
  • lactation period;
  • manifestations of syphilis on the surface of the epithelium;
  • tuberculosis of the skin;
  • children under the age of 2 years (when it comes to an ointment consistency), for a cream form - up to a year.
  • damage to the tympanic membrane.

Dermatologists say that the development of an acute overdose with external local treatment of problem areas is unlikely.

Possible side effects:

The above manifestations signal the need to change the medication, adjust the course of therapy. Such changes are performed only as directed by a doctor.


An overdose of the drug, subject to the instructions for use, is unlikely. But with large treatment areas, excessive use of Akriderm can provoke the development of a number of systemic abnormalities, which is due to the absorption of betamethasone.

In case of overdose, it is possible the following manifestations:
  • the formation of ulcerations on the surface of the gastric mucosa;
  • glucosuria;
  • cushing's syndrome;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • suppression of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland.

Signs of hirsutism combined with Cushing's syndrome

The use of the drug for children under 1 year of age is contraindicated. As an exception, short-term use is allowed as directed by a doctor and under his supervision. For a child, the main danger is that the active substance of liniment reduces the excretion of growth hormone.

Interaction with other medicinal products

The tool does not interact with others medical preparations (to date, there is no officially confirmed information, as well as confirmed clinical research).

Dosage and administration methods

The pharmaceutical product is used only externally. Dermatologists do not recommend applying a cream or ointment to the periocular zone, to exclude the possibility of contact of the active substance with the mucous membrane of the eyes (for all varieties of the drug). Akriderm is contraindicated in children, except in cases where the medication is prescribed by a doctor, and its use is carried out by a specialist (or under his supervision).

Akriderm preparations
  1. Ointment Akriderm SK treat the inflamed areas of the epidermis 2 times a day, with light rubbing movements. If the area and depth of the lesions are small, a single application is sufficient. In the case of long-term treatment, the drug is recommended to be used every other day.
  2. HA cream is applied to the affected epidermis in a thin layer in the morning and evening. The average dosage should not exceed 2 g. The duration of treatment with acriderm is from 7 to 20 days.
  3. Genta - areas with rough skin are treated with a thick layer of ointment, no more than 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the characteristics of the patient, the neglect of the pathology, but not more than 4 weeks.

For each specific diagnosis, a special therapy scheme is provided, and therefore it is better to refuse self-medication with the help of such a potent antibacterial and antiallergic agent. Cancellation after a long therapeutic course is carried out gradually.

special instructions

Akriderm is a hormonal ointment, so its prolonged use is highly undesirable. The optimal duration of treatment is 1-3 weeks. If during this period the patient has signs of skin hypersensitivity, irritation appears, you should consult a doctor for the appointment of a substitute or analogue.

Acriderm ointment is applied in a thin layer on small areas of damage A few important tips:
  1. The composition is carefully applied to the skin of the face, while the duration of the procedures is reduced to 5 days.
  2. The ointment in question is not used in ophthalmology, any contact with mucous membranes is contraindicated.
  3. Liniment is prohibited for treatment open wounds, varicose and trophic ulcers in the lower leg;
  4. Treatment of children is fraught with systemic absorption of GCS, impaired functioning of internal organs.

It is important to realize that the drug in question, with prolonged use, suppresses the work of some systems and organs. It is undesirable to use it at your own discretion.

Terms of sale

Regardless of the type of composition, Akriderm is dispensed only by prescription, which is due to a large number of side effects and possible complications during self-medication.

Similar drugs

The acriderm ointment has analogues, both expensive and cheap substitutes, and in a wide range. This is due to the popularity and prevalence of the drug. The following pharmaceuticals are recognized as the best substitutes:

Cheap analogues are also sold in pharmacies:
  • Rederm;
  • Betasal;
  • Belosalik.

The doctor makes the decision about the best way to replace Akriderm, based on the accompanying symptoms, diagnosis, sensitivity of the skin and the body to liniment components. The patient does not make such decisions on his own, since this can only aggravate the disease, provoke unforeseen allergic reactions.

Excipients: methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.2 g, solid paraffin - 9 g, - 3 g, propylene glycol - 5 g, liquid paraffin - 18 g, emulsion wax - 7 g, disodium edetate - 0.1 g, sodium sulfite - 0.05 g, purified water - up to 100 g

50 g - aluminum tubes (1) - cardboard packs.

Ointment for external use 0.05% from white to white with a yellowish tinge, translucent.

100 g
betamethasone dipropionate 64 mg,
which corresponds to the content of betamethasone 50 mg

Excipients: propyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.05 g, liquid paraffin () - 4 g, isopropyl myristate - 1 g, petroleum jelly - up to 100 g.

15 g - aluminum tubes (1) - cardboard packs.
30 g - aluminum tubes (1) - cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect


- allergic skin diseases (including acute, subacute and chronic contact dermatitis, occupational dermatitis, solar dermatitis, neurodermatitis, pruritus, dyshidrotic dermatitis);

- acute and chronic forms of non-allergic dermatitis;

- psoriasis.


- tuberculosis of the skin;

- viral skin infections;

- vaccination;

- perioral dermatitis;

- rosacea (rosacea);

- hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.


Akriderm should be applied in a thin layer to the affected areas 1-3 times / day, rubbing lightly. The duration of treatment should be no more than 3 weeks.

The use of the drug Akriderm u children under the age of 12 carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Side effects

Possible: burning, irritation and dryness of the skin, folliculitis, hypertrichosis, hypopigmentation, allergic contact dermatitis, skin atrophy, striae and prickly heat. In case of side effects, you should consult a doctor.


Symptoms: excessive or prolonged use of local GCS can cause inhibition of the function of the pituitary-adrenal system, which can cause the development of secondary and the appearance of symptoms of hypercortisolism, including Cushing's syndrome.

Treatment: appropriate symptomatic treatment is indicated. Acute symptoms of hypercortisolism are usually reversible. Correction of electrolyte imbalance is indicated if necessary. In the case of chronic toxic effects, a gradual abolition of GCS is recommended.

Drug interactions

There were no clinically significant interactions with other drugs.

special instructions

If there is no effect of treatment within two weeks, it is recommended to contact your doctor in order to possible clarify the diagnosis. If irritation or reaction is noted when using the drug hypersensitivity, treatment should be stopped and a doctor should be consulted. For secondary fungal or bacterial infections, appropriate medicines... In the absence, at the same time, of a quick positive effect, the use of Akriderm should be discontinued until all signs of infection are eliminated.

Long-term use of the drug on the skin is not recommended. Do not use Akriderm in the eye area, because in this case, the development of cataracts, glaucoma, fungal infection and exacerbation of herpes infection is possible.

Use in pediatrics

Children may be more susceptible to the use of local corticosteroids, which cause depression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system (HPA) than older patients, due to increased absorption of the drug associated with a greater ratio of their surface area and body weight. In children taking local GCS, the following side effects were noted: suppression of the function of the HPA system, Cushing's syndrome, linear growth retardation, lag in weight gain, and increased intracranial pressure. Symptoms of suppression of adrenal cortex function in children include a decrease in cortyazol levels and a lack of response to ACTH stimulation. Increased intracranial pressure is manifested by bulging fontanelle, headache, bilateral swelling of the optic nerve head.

Pregnancy and lactation

Due to the fact that the safety of using local GCS in pregnant women has not been established, the use of drugs of this class during pregnancy is justified only if the benefits to the mother clearly outweigh the possible harm to the fetus. Preparations of this group should not be used by pregnant women in large doses for a long time.

Since it has not yet been established whether glucocorticosterones, when applied topically and systemically absorbed, can penetrate into breast milk, a decision should be made to stop breastfeeding or to discontinue the drug, taking into account how necessary its use for the mother.

Childhood use

Children may be more susceptible to the use of local corticosteroids, which cause depression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system (HPA) than older patients, due to increased absorption of the drug associated with a greater ratio of their surface area and body weight. In children taking local GCS, the following side effects were noted: suppression of the function of the HPA system, Cushing's syndrome, linear growth retardation, lag in weight gain, and increased intracranial pressure. Symptoms of suppression of adrenal cortex function in children include a decrease in plasma levels of cortyazol and a lack of response to ACTH stimulation. Increased intracranial pressure is manifested by bulging fontanelle, headache, bilateral swelling of the optic nerve head.

Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature of 15 to 25 ° C. Shelf life is 2 years.

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