Meaning of the word NATEK in Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. The meaning of the word NATEK in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian language by Ushakov Which doctor should you contact with pathological vaginal discharge


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Vaginal discharge: causes and treatment depending on color, smell, consistency and other factors

Vaginal discharge: the reasons for its occurrence, and effective methods therapy
Vaginal discharge are a fairly common condition that from time to time worries all the fair sex, without exception. In most cases, the occurrence of vaginal discharge causes fear in the woman. In fact, only a few can distinguish normal from pathological discharge. We note right away that vaginal discharge can be both odorless and odorless. Their color can range from bloody red to yellowish. By consistency, cheesy, foamy, and jelly-like discharge are distinguished. Along with their occurrence, a woman may also experience symptoms such as pain, itching, irritation. After reading the information presented in this article, you can familiarize yourself with the most common forms of vaginal discharge, as well as learn about the methods of diagnosis and treatment of pathologies in which they are noted. In addition, this article will provide information regarding the problem of vaginal discharge during pregnancy.

Does vaginal discharge always indicate the presence of a medical condition? In what cases is vaginal discharge considered normal?
Vaginal discharge can occur even in completely healthy women, and this condition is considered normal. Signs of healthy vaginal discharge include:

  • Transparent, liquid discharge ( jelly-like, mucus)
  • Discharge without a noticeable odor
  • A small amount of discharge
  • Non-irritating discharge skin and mucous membranes of the genitals
  • Discharge not accompanied by an increase in body temperature, pain or discomfort in the genital area.
If a woman is completely healthy, then vaginal discharge most often in its consistency resembles mucus, which is produced by the glands of the cervix. This kind of discharge is considered to be normal occurrence, since with their help it is possible to cleanse the genital tract, as well as protect the genitals from the effects of certain infections. Both the amount of normal vaginal discharge and their consistency are determined not only general condition health of the fairer sex, but also the phase of the menstrual cycle. For example, a particularly large amount of liquid vaginal discharge is noted at the time of the approach of ovulation.
An increase in the amount of this kind of discharge under a normal state of health is also possible in the case of excessive sexual arousal, against the background of a stressful condition or the use of certain pharmaceuticals, due to changes in climatic conditions.
A fairly large amount of abundant liquid discharge is observed in pregnant women, and in the last months of pregnancy there are even more of them. The increase in their number during pregnancy is easy to explain. The fact is that during this period an increase in the number of sex hormones occurs in a woman's body.

Vaginal discharge - what can it be?
Below, the attention of readers will be provided with information on the most common forms of vaginal discharge, as well as the reasons that provoke their development.

Vaginal discharge of various colors, odors and consistencies
A little higher, we have already said that all healthy representatives of the weaker sex have watery, transparent and colorless vaginal discharge. If they acquire a different consistency, a specific smell or some color, then, most likely, some disease has settled in the woman's body:

Bloody (red) Vaginal discharge - is a signal that there is blood in the vaginal discharge. In most cases, this type of discharge occurs two to four days before the onset of menstruation, after which it is converted into a heavy discharge along with the onset of menstruation. It is worth noting that this kind of discharge tends to be noted for several days after menstruation. If the discharge is not abundant, then it is better for the woman not to panic. This phenomenon is especially often observed in women who wear a spiral.
Quite often, bloody discharge is endowed with a blackish or brown color, which signals the fact of oxidation, as well as the destruction of blood in the vagina.
There are also cases when a woman has spotting, which contains a small amount of blood. As a rule, a specific odor is not inherent in near-menstrual bloody discharge.

Sometimes mild spotting is noted at the time of ovulation, as well as in women who wear a spiral or use oral contraception. In case of constant occurrence of this phenomenon while wearing an intrauterine device or using contraceptives, it is necessary to discuss this fact with a gynecologist, having previously signed up for a consultation with him.
If the bloody vaginal discharge is in no way associated with the menstrual cycle, then they can be considered a signal of the presence of any pathology.
In most cases, this kind of discharge makes itself felt:

  • For menstrual irregularities
  • Endometriosis ( adenomyosis)
  • Cancer or erosion of the cervix. In this case, the discharge is especially abundant after intercourse.
If a woman has bloody vaginal discharge that is in no way associated with menstruation, then she should immediately discuss this issue with her doctor.

As for sudden red discharge, they can be triggered by an unexpected miscarriage in the first months of pregnancy. In the case of the development of an ectopic pregnancy, a woman has very strong prolonged spotting. If, in addition to the discharge, the woman also has some symptoms of pregnancy, then she must be immediately taken to the hospital.
Yellow, as well as whitish vaginal discharge is especially often observed with the development of certain infectious pathologies, which tend to be sexually transmitted. Yellow or whitish color is due to the accumulation of a huge number of leukocytes and microbes in the secretions.

Purulent vaginal discharge are noted in such infectious pathologies as chlamydia, trichomoniasis, thrush, gonorrhea and others. As a rule, this kind of discharge also causes a feeling of discomfort in the genital area and itching. Sometimes women also complain of pain in the lumbar region or in the lower abdomen. During pregnancy, whitish viscous vaginal discharge is considered to be a normal condition if there are no other symptoms of the disease in the expectant mother.

Curdled, frothy, thick vaginal discharge
A change in the consistency of vaginal discharge is also considered to be one of the clear signs of the presence of this or that pathology. A little higher, we have already said that normal discharge must be liquid, similar to mucus. If the discharge is white cheesy or foamy, then, most likely, the woman has some kind of infectious disease.

Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
The appearance of vaginal discharge, endowed with a specific odor, indicates the presence of an infectious pathology. The smell in this case can be both sour and rotten, or resemble the smell of fish. It arises against the background of the vital activity of pathogens, which tend to decompose nutrient components, while releasing gases endowed with a very unpleasant odor.

Vaginal discharge before and after intercourse
At the time of sexual arousal, the vaginal glands of the fair sex tend to intensively synthesize vaginal lubrication, so that a large amount of liquid transparent secretions that are noted before and during sexual intercourse are considered to be the norm. Women should not be afraid of the occurrence of thick, profuse discharge after sexual intercourse. The fact is that if sexual intercourse took place without using a condom, then it is quite possible that in this way the vagina is trying to cleanse itself of semen. In most cases, this kind of discharge disappears in a fairly short period of time.
If a woman has bloody discharge during or after sex, then most likely she has cervical erosion.
The appearance of yellow, purulent, white, gray or greenish discharge a few days or weeks after sexual intercourse is considered to be a signal of the onset of an infectious disease.

Vaginal discharge as a symptom of infection
Vaginal discharge is considered to be a clear sign of the development of an infectious pathology of the genital tract in only a few cases. The largest number of pathologies in which vaginal discharge is noted are infectious and transmitted during sexual intercourse.
To the most frequent reasons development of vaginal discharge include:

  • Candidiasis ( thrush)
  • Urogenital trichomoniasis
Urogenital trichomoniasis as the cause of vaginal discharge
Urogenital trichomoniasis is an inflammatory pathology of the genital tract of men and women, which is infectious in nature. This disease occurs as a result of exposure to the human body of a microorganism Trichomonas vaginalis ... Infection with this pathology occurs during intercourse. Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa is considered to be a clear sign of the development of this ailment. In medicine, this condition is called vaginitis. In the case of vaginitis, a woman has very strong foamy vaginal discharge, endowed with a very specific smell. With chronic vaginitis, the discharge becomes thick, yellow or white. In most cases, in addition to discharge, a woman is also worried about very severe itching in the external genital area.

Diagnostics of the urogenital trichomoniasis
It is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis of urogenital trichomoniasis, considering only the presence of secretions and some other symptoms of this pathology.
To identify this pathology, such studies should be carried out as:

  • The cultural research method is the cultivation of colonies of microorganisms taken from the vagina on special nutrient media and their further study.
  • Microscopic examination of unstained ( native) a smear taken from the vagina.
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction) a research method involving the study of genetic material Trichomonas vaginalis .
  • Microscopic examination of a stained vaginal smear. It is stained with special dyes.
Therapy of urogenital trichomoniasis is possible only if the woman has been given a truly accurate diagnosis of this pathology. Among the most effective medicines used in the fight against this pathology are: Nimorazole, Metronidazole, Ornidazole, Tinidazole other. It is very important that the therapy of this ailment is carried out under the watchful supervision of a physician. Self-treatment in this case, it is not recommended to carry out, since this pathology, with irrational treatment, can turn into a chronic form. As a rule, during the treatment of urogenital trichomoniasis, vaginal discharge at first becomes weaker, after which it disappears completely. It is also important to draw the attention of readers to the fact that the absence of discharge is not a fact of complete healing, so the course of treatment must be carried out to the end. How long it will take will be determined by your doctor.

Bacterial vaginosis as a cause contributing to the development of vaginal discharge
Bacterial vaginosis is a very common pathology accompanied by secretions that are endowed with an unpleasant odor. This disease occurs as a result of a very strong growth of bacteria directly on the vaginal mucosa. In a healthy state, these bacteria are also present in the vagina, but only in very small quantities. These can be counted as Peptococciand Gerdenerellu vaginalis , Bacteroids other. With the development of this pathology, a woman has white vaginal discharge, endowed with the smell of fish. To diagnose bacterial vaginosis, information about the presence of a discharge is not enough.

Diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis involves the use of such research methods as:

  • pH-metry, or identification of the acidity of the vaginal environment. In a normal state, the vagina has an acidic environment, but in the case of bacterial vaginosis, it becomes alkaline.
As soon as the diagnosis is made, the doctor will immediately prescribe effective treatment this disease.

Therapy for bacterial vaginosis involves the use of topical drugs, namely:

  • Vaginal suppositories clindamycin ( one hundred milligrams) - must be inserted into the vagina once a day for six days.
  • Metronidazole gel seventy-five percent - must be inserted into the vagina once a day for five days.
There are also cases when systemic medicines are used in the fight against this pathology:
  • Ornisid forte should be taken orally, five hundred milligrams in the morning and evening for five days.
  • Clindamycin taken in capsules of three hundred milligrams in the morning and evening for seven days.
  • Metronidazole (Trichopolum) in the form of tablets of two hundred and fifty milligrams. Take two tablets in the morning and evening for seven days.

Urogenital candidiasis (thrush) as a cause of vaginal discharge
Urogenital candidiasis is an inflammatory pathology of the genital organs in women and men, resulting from exposure to the body of fungi Candida... In women, with the development of this ailment, white thick discharge is observed. In addition, they may be disturbed by discomfort, as well as itching in the genital area. Quite often, this disease also causes pain and cramps during urination.

Diagnosis of thrush involves the use of the following research methods:

  • Microscopic examination of unstained smears taken from the vagina.
  • Study under a microscope of smears stained with special dyes taken from the vagina.
  • Mycological research, involving the detection of the type of fungus that provoked the development of urogenital candidiasis.
Therapy of urogenital candidiasis is determined by the pathogenesis of the disease: if a woman has infrequent exacerbations of this disease, then to combat it she is prescribed medications such as:
  • Clotrimazole vaginal tablets two hundred milligrams - must be injected into the vagina once a day for three days.
  • Clotrimazole vaginal cream one percent should be injected into the vagina once a day for seven to fourteen days.
  • Isoconazolevaginal suppositories six hundred milligrams each. It is recommended to inject into the vagina once.
If exacerbations of urogenital candidiasis occur more than four times a year, while a woman has very strong thick white discharge, then systemic drugs in the form of tablets are used:
  • Itraconazole (Irunin, Orungal) should be taken two hundred milligrams once a day for three days.
  • Fluconazole ( Diflucan, Flucostat, Mikomax) - used according to several therapy regimens: one hundred and fifty milligrams once, or one hundred milligrams on the first, fourth, and seventh day of therapy.
Local therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system not only allows you to destroy pathogens, but also inevitably leads to an imbalance of the beneficial microflora of the vagina and a decrease in local immunity. If you do not quickly restore lactoflora, the activation of opportunistic microflora is possible, which will lead to an exacerbation of thrush or bacterial infections. For the same reason, antifungal therapy for vaginal candidiasis may not be effective enough. Therefore, it is important after the first stage of treatment aimed at destroying the infection, to carry out the second stage - to restore the balance of beneficial microflora with the help of Lactozhinal capsules. This is the only tribiotic drug registered in the Russian Federation. Lactozhinal quickly restores pH, vaginal microflora and protects against repeated exacerbation of bacterial vaginosis and thrush for a long time. Two-stage therapy has recently become the gold standard for treating conditions with abnormal discharge. Many experts are sure that only this method can provide a pronounced and long-term healing effect, to strengthen local immunity, which serves as the prevention of subsequent exacerbations.

In the fight against severe forms of this pathology, rather complex combinations and schemes of antifungal medicines are used, which are prescribed to the patient by his attending physician.
Self-medication for none of the above ailments is impossible. Sometimes vaginal discharge is the result of several infectious pathologies at once. Under such circumstances, a course of therapy can only be prescribed by a specialist, and then after he has the results of all the necessary research in his hands.

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy
Vaginal discharge is especially alarming for expectant mothers, since during this period they are responsible not only for themselves, but also for the child. In fact, every pregnant woman should pay particular attention to the nature of vaginal discharge in order to "sound the alarm" at the right time.

Allocations for early dates pregnancy
A little higher, we already talked about the fact that abundant transparent discharge in the first months of pregnancy, which is not endowed with a specific smell, is a normal phenomenon.
If a woman has bloody discharge during this period, then this may serve as a signal of an unexpected miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.
Whitish or purulent vaginal discharge in the early stages of pregnancy is considered to be a sign of the development of one or another infectious pathology.

Discharge in late pregnancy
In the second trimester of pregnancy in a healthy pregnant woman, vaginal discharge may become thicker and more viscous. This phenomenon is normal. If the vaginal discharge is bloody, this may serve as a signal for the onset of premature birth or miscarriage, so in such cases emergency hospitalization of the expectant mother is recommended. Brown vaginal discharge in late pregnancy quite often occurs due to minor bleeding from the vessels of the cervix. In this case, a pregnant woman should also visit a doctor.

When should I see a doctor for vaginal discharge?

Every woman and girl can have normal and abnormal vaginal discharge. Normal discharge is due to natural physiological processes occurring in the body, and therefore are not signs of pathology and do not require a visit to a doctor. But pathological discharge is due various diseases, therefore, when they appear, you need to consult a doctor. Accordingly, in order to understand when to see a doctor with vaginal discharge, you need to know which discharge is pathological and which are normal.

Normal discharge is small, translucent, transparent or whitish in color, liquidish, creamy or jelly-like in consistency, with a slight sour odor. Normal discharge does not irritate the genitals or cause discomfort, itching, redness or swelling. Also, normal discharge does not emit a strong or unpleasant odor (e.g. fish odor, strong sour odor, etc.).

In addition, it is normal to have slight bloody or brownish discharge 2 to 4 days before and after your period. Also, light spotting for several days during ovulation is considered normal.

Pathological bleeding is considered not before or after menstruation, and also not during ovulation. In addition, pathological are discharge of a greenish, yellowish, grayish, earthy color, containing impurities of pus, blood, flakes, bubbles, having a cheesy or other heterogeneous consistency, emitting an unpleasant pungent odor or causing itching, burning, swelling, redness and discomfort in the genital area. organs.

Which doctor should I contact for pathological vaginal discharge?

For any pathological discharge, a woman should consult a doctor obstetrician-gynecologist (sign up)... If the discharge causes a feeling of discomfort, itching, redness, burning or swelling in the genital area, then the woman can consult an obstetrician-gynecologist or venereologist (sign up), since such symptoms indicate the presence of an infectious and inflammatory process that can be treated by both a gynecologist and a venereologist.

If, within two weeks after intercourse, the nature of the discharge changed, impurities of pus, mucus, flakes or bubbles appeared in them, they turned greenish, yellowish, grayish or earthy, began to emit an unpleasant odor, then the woman can also consult a venereologist or a gynecologist, since such discharge indicates infection with an infectious disease.

What tests can doctors prescribe for vaginal discharge?

The list of tests and examinations that a doctor can prescribe for vaginal discharge depends on the nature of this discharge, accompanying symptoms and the results of a gynecological examination.

First of all, for any type of discharge, the doctor prescribes a gynecological bimanual examination (by hand) and examination of the tissues of the vagina and cervix in the mirrors. These studies are considered routine and are performed without fail when a woman applies to a medical institution for vaginal discharge of any nature.

Further, if there is a fairly heavy bleeding (bleeding, as during menstruation, in the same or more amount), the doctor usually prescribes ultrasound procedure (Ultrasound) (sign up) and / or separate diagnostic scraping (sign up)... Moreover, ultrasound is performed first, and if, according to the results of ultrasound, a neoplasm in the uterus (for example, myoma, polyp, etc.) or endometriosis is detected, then separate diagnostic curettage is not performed, since it is not needed. In such a situation, if a neoplasm is detected, the doctor may prescribe hysteroscopy (sign up) or offer surgery to remove the formation. If endometriosis is detected, the doctor prescribes a determination of the concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and testosterone in the woman's blood. In addition, in some cases with endometriosis, a diagnostic laparoscopy (sign up)... If, according to the results of ultrasound, against the background of bleeding, endometrial hyperplasia, miscarriage, etc. are detected, then curettage is prescribed.

If the bleeding is insignificant or is in the nature of bleeding, then the doctor during the examination establishes the condition of the cervix and vaginal tissues. If there is damage to the cervix, for example, erosion, trauma by an intrauterine device or other object, then it is prescribed colposcopy (sign up) itching, burning, swelling, redness and discomfort in the genital area) the doctor always prescribes in the first place smear on flora (sign up), which allows us to identify the following infectious diseases: candidiasis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis), gonorrhea (enroll)... These genital infections are most common in comparison with others, and therefore at the first stage the doctor does not prescribe more expensive and complex tests, because a simple smear on the flora allows them to be detected.

If the smear results reveal candidiasis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis or gonorrhea, then the doctor can go in two ways - either immediately prescribe treatment, or take a smear from the vagina for bacteriological and mycological culture in order to determine which antibiotics and antifungal agents will be the most detrimental to the pathogen available in a particular case. If the immediately prescribed treatment is ineffective, then the doctor prescribes bacteriological or mycological culture.

If, according to the results of the smear, no infectious agents were found, but there is a picture of inflammation, then the doctor prescribes more complex tests to identify pathogenic microbes. Usually, first of all, an analysis of the vaginal discharge for the presence of Trichomonas and gonococci is prescribed by the PCR method and blood test for syphilis (treponema pale) (sign up), since it is these pathogens that are most common. If, according to the results of the analysis, those are found, then treatment is prescribed.

If gonococci, Trichomonas, or pale treponemas are not found, then analysis for ureaplasma (sign up), chlamydia (sign up), mycoplasma (sign up), gardnerell, bacteroids. Analyzes for these pathogens can be different - bacteriological culture, PCR, ELISA and various methods of collecting and staining smears from the vagina. The choice of analysis is made by the doctor and depends mainly on the technical capabilities medical institution or on the patient's financial capabilities, since the most accurate tests most often have to be taken in private laboratories for a fee.

If the test results revealed the absence of trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, candidiasis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and gardnerellosis, but there is inflammatory process, then the doctor may prescribe tests for the presence of viruses - herpesvirus types 1 and 2, human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, which are also capable of provoking inflammation in a woman's genitals.

Pregnant women with suspected amniotic fluid leakage are usually prescribed a vaginal smear test for scales. In addition, there are pharmacy, ready-to-use tests for amniotic fluid leakage, which are similar in principle to pregnancy tests. A pregnant woman can use such tests on her own. Otherwise, with the appearance of inflammatory vaginal discharge, pregnant women are prescribed the same tests as non-pregnant women. And when bloody discharge occurs during pregnancy, women are sent to a hospital for examination, since in such a position they can be a sign of pregnancy complications.

What will discharge in early pregnancy tell about?

Before use, you must consult with a specialist.


leaked. Last time. from leaking.

Ushakov. Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. 2012

See also the interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what NATEK is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • Natek in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. Leaked and frozen accumulation of some n. liquid substance. H. resin on pine. And watered. drip, th, -th N. ...
  • Natek
    leaks, leaks, leaks, leaks, leaks, leaks, leaks, leaks, leaks, leaks, leaks, ...
    inlay, ...
  • Natek in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • Natek in the Dictionary of the Russian language Lopatin:
    leaked, ...
  • Natek in the Complete Russian Spelling Dictionary:
    leaked, ...
  • Natek in the Spelling Dictionary:
    leaked, ...
  • NATEK in the Ozhegov Russian Language Dictionary:
    leaked and frozen accumulation of some liquid substance N. resin on ...
  • Natek in Explanatory dictionary Russian language Ushakov:
    leaking, m. 1. Leaking somewhere. liquid (colloquial). 2. Accumulation of secretions from some n. flowing fluid (geol.). Stalagmites are lime drips on ...
  • Natek in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    m. 1) Accumulation of liquid leaking onto the surface of smth. 2) Sediment formed in caves and other underground cavities from seeping water ...
  • NATEK in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    m. 1. Accumulation of liquid that leaked onto the surface of something. 2. Sediment formed in caves and other underground cavities from seeping water ...
  • NATEK in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    m. 1. process of action according to Ch. leak I 1. 2. The result of such an action; accumulation of liquid that has leaked onto the surface of something. 3. ...
    or tuff — earthy or compact porous masses of amorphous hydrous silicic acid, which are sediments of hot springs, for example. geysers. Cm. …
    or tuff? earthy or compact porous masses of amorphous hydrous silicic acid, which are sediments of hot springs, for example. geysers. Cm. …
  • LIME in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Limestones. - Rocks, consisting of carbonic lime, bear the name I. Both in structure and appearance, and in impurities, ...
  • LIMESTONE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    - Rocks, consisting of lime carbonate, are called I. Both in structure and appearance, and in impurities, ...
  • LIME in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? Rocks consisting of lime carbonate are called I. Both in structure and appearance, and in impurities, ...
  • IRAN: HISTORY - M. ISLAMIC REPUBLIC in Collier's Dictionary:
    Back to IRAN: HISTORY In February 1979, Khomeini was hailed as the political and spiritual mentor of the Iranian people. The Islamic Revolutionary ...
  • FLOW in the Complete Accentuated Paradigm by Zaliznyak:
    here "who, leaking", leaking, leaking, leaking, leaking, leaking "t, leaking, leaking", leaking ", leaking", leaking ", leaking" those leaking, leaking, leaking, leaking, leaking, leaking, leaking , ...
  • CLUSTER in the dictionary of Russian Synonyms:
    abscess, biostella, blastema, eruption, hematocele, hemothorax, hyadas, hydrosalpinx, glomeroblast, nest, crush, druse, blockage, zagor, infiltration, condensation, condensation, cumulation, heap, tonsil, ...
  • INLAY in the dictionary of Russian Synonyms:
    inlaying, intarsia, marquetry, notching, incrustation, taouching, ...


inlay, cluster

Synonyms of the Russian language. 2012

See also the interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what NATEK is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • Natek in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. Leaked and frozen accumulation of some n. liquid substance. H. resin on pine. And watered. drip, th, -th N. ...
  • Natek
    leaks, leaks, leaks, leaks, leaks, leaks, leaks, leaks, leaks, leaks, leaks, ...
  • Natek in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • Natek in the Dictionary of the Russian language Lopatin:
    leaked, ...
  • Natek in the Complete Russian Spelling Dictionary:
    leaked, ...
  • Natek in the Spelling Dictionary:
    leaked, ...
  • NATEK in the Ozhegov Russian Language Dictionary:
    leaked and frozen accumulation of some liquid substance N. resin on ...
  • Natek
    leaked. Last time. from ...
  • Natek in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov:
    leaking, m. 1. Leaking somewhere. liquid (colloquial). 2. Accumulation of secretions from some n. flowing fluid (geol.). Stalagmites are lime drips on ...
  • Natek in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    m. 1) Accumulation of liquid leaking onto the surface of smth. 2) Sediment formed in caves and other underground cavities from seeping water ...
  • NATEK in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    m. 1. Accumulation of liquid that leaked onto the surface of something. 2. Sediment formed in caves and other underground cavities from seeping water ...
  • NATEK in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    m. 1. process of action according to Ch. leak I 1. 2. The result of such an action; accumulation of liquid that has leaked onto the surface of something. 3. ...
    or tuff — earthy or compact porous masses of amorphous hydrous silicic acid, which are sediments of hot springs, for example. geysers. Cm. …
    or tuff? earthy or compact porous masses of amorphous hydrous silicic acid, which are sediments of hot springs, for example. geysers. Cm. …
  • LIME in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Limestones. - Rocks, consisting of carbonic lime, bear the name I. Both in structure and appearance, and in impurities, ...
  • LIMESTONE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    - Rocks, consisting of lime carbonate, are called I. Both in structure and appearance, and in impurities, ...
  • LIME in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? Rocks consisting of lime carbonate are called I. Both in structure and appearance, and in impurities, ...
  • IRAN: HISTORY - M. ISLAMIC REPUBLIC in Collier's Dictionary:
    Back to IRAN: HISTORY In February 1979, Khomeini was hailed as the political and spiritual mentor of the Iranian people. The Islamic Revolutionary ...
  • FLOW in the Complete Accentuated Paradigm by Zaliznyak:
    here "who, leaking", leaking, leaking, leaking, leaking, leaking "t, leaking, leaking", leaking ", leaking", leaking ", leaking" those leaking, leaking, leaking, leaking, leaking, leaking, leaking , ...
    abscess, biostella, blastema, eruption, hematocele, hemothorax, hyadas, hydrosalpinx, glomeroblast, nest, crush, druse, blockage, zagor, infiltration, condensation, condensation, cumulation, heap, tonsil, ...
  • INLAY in the dictionary of Russian Synonyms:
    inlaying, intarsia, marquetry, notching, incrustation, taouching, ...

Has flown, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

rubbed - rubbed ... Dictionary of the use of the letter Ё

Run-off, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip (Source: "Full Accentuated Paradigm According to A. A. Zaliznyak") ... Forms of words

- (OI Nath Í, Dathí), son of Fiachra, son of Eochaid Mugmedon (died about 445) King of Connacht, High King of Ireland. His real name was Feradach (OE Feradach), but, as the Middle Irish dictionary "Truth of Names" (Coir ... ... Wikipedia

Or NAT (Cyrillic) can mean: As a word: Nat is a unit of information measurement. Nat (β Taurus) is a star in the constellation Taurus. Nath I (OE Nath Í;? C. 445) King of Connaught, High King of Ireland. Nat, ... ... Wikipedia

NAT - Novosibirsk Auditing Association since 1991 CJSC Novosibirsk, organization NAT National Association of TV and Radio Broadcasters organization, communication ... Dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

1. Natek1, nateka, husband. 1. Leaking liquid somewhere (colloquial). 2. Accumulation of secretions from some flowing fluid (geol.). Stalagmites are lime drips on the floor of caves. 2. NATEK2, leaked. last time. from leaking. Explanatory dictionary… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

1. Natek1, nateka, husband. 1. Leaking liquid somewhere (colloquial). 2. Accumulation of secretions from some flowing fluid (geol.). Stalagmites are lime drips on the floor of caves. 2. NATEK2, leaked. last time. from leaking. Explanatory dictionary… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Nat Pinkerton - King of the Investigators. Bloody Talisman, Nat Pinkerton. For many decades at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, almost all European countries read the adventures of the king of detectives Nat Pinkerton, the only one whose fame rivaled ...
  • Nat Pinkerton is the king of detectives. The Risen Dead, Nat Pinkerton. For many decades at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, almost all European countries read the adventures of the king of detectives Nat Pinkerton, the only one whose glory rivaled ...

Natek 1.

Natek 1, drip, husband.

1. Liquid leaking somewhere (colloquial).

2. Accumulation of secretions from some flowing fluid (geol.). Stalagmites are lime drips on the floor of caves.


Natek 2 has leaked. last time. from leaking.

  • - or tuff-earthy or compact porous masses of amorphous hydrous silicic acid, which are sediments of hot springs, for example. geysers. See Geyserite ...

    encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - -and husband. A leaked and frozen accumulation of some kind. liquid substance. H. resin on pine ...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - 1.1, natoka, husband. 1. Leaking liquid somewhere. 2. Accumulation of secretions from some flowing fluid. Stalagmites are lime drips on the floor of caves. 2. 2, leaked. last time. from leaking ...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - 1. NATEK1, ah, husband. 1. Leaking liquid somewhere. 2. Accumulation of secretions from some flowing fluid. Stalagmites are lime drips on the floor of caves. 2. NATEK2, leaked. last time. from leaking ...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - leakage m. 1. process of action according to Ch. leak I 1. 2. The result of such an action; accumulation of liquid that has spilled onto the surface of something. 3 ...

    Efremova's explanatory dictionary

  • - a, m. 1. Action by value. verb leak-leak. 2 ...

    Small academic dictionary

  • - ...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - ...

    Russian verbal stress

  • - ...

    Word forms

  • - cluster, ...

    Synonym dictionary

leaked in books

"Here, drink my blood ..."

From the book Marina Vladi and Vysotsky. Frenchwoman and bard author Razzakov Fedor

"Here, drink my blood ..." Vysotsky did not meet the offensive of the new 1971 very joyfully. Vladya was not around, so he celebrated this event in his mother's house, on Television Street, 11. As D. Karapetyan recalls, “on New Year's Eve Volodya called Michelle and me (his wife


From the book of the Fifth Angel sounded author Vorobievsky Yuri Yurievich

"Here!" And the apartment "with the Looking Glass" is still not quite ordinary. A psychic woman lives in her. He is fond of searching for "inhuman forms of mind." Heals with "fields", affects the aura, corrects the "energy of the chakras". Subtle fields and cosmic energies ... Focus - lexical -


From the book Russian Rock. Small encyclopedia author Bushueva Svetlana

NATE! Founder of the Leningrad group "Nate!" Svyatoslav Zaderiy (singer, songwriter) was one of the founders of the Alisa group. In the summer of 1980, the Crystal Ball group was organized in Leningrad. Already at that time S. Zaderiy was thinking about theatricalization of concert performances. In 1983 from


From the book Rock Encyclopedia. Popular music in Leningrad-Petersburg, 1965-2005. Volume 2 author Burlaka Andrey Petrovich

NATE! The founder, ideologist and main driving force of the Petersburg group NATE! throughout her turbulent biography, there was a singer, guitarist and songwriter Svyatoslav "Alisa" Zaderiy, whose controversial but attractive figure is associated with many bright pages

Here's your commission!

From the book News from the Kremlin author Zenkovich Nikolay Alexandrovich

Here's your commission! By presidential decree Russian Federation from November 1 p. under him a commission on human rights was created. The well-known human rights activist Sergei Kovalev has been appointed chairman. The commission includes Elena Bonner, Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev,

Olesya Grigorieva NATE ...

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 283 (18 1999) author Tomorrow Newspaper

Olesya Grigorieva NATE ... It is interesting to watch how the NATO aggression in the Balkans affects the Russian outback. Moscow intrigues do not really excite the "subjects of the Federation" - the province does not expect anything good from the ruling elite. An acquaintance of mine, editor-in-chief

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