White rot on strawberry roots. Strawberry diseases: photo, description and treatment

A disease that occurs not because of, but as a result of fungal infection. It manifests itself in the form of dark spots on flowers, petioles, mustaches and berries directly. But the most susceptible are still green sprouts and leaves. Having noticed the first signs of this, the gardener must intervene as soon as possible in order to be able to save the delicious sweet berry.

Brown spotting: a brief description of the disease

The causative agent of this disease is the fungus Marssonina petontillae. Brown spot is considered one of the main diseases of strawberries and usually manifests itself during the fruiting period. It was then that the summer resident may notice brown strawberries in his garden.

From August to October, the activity of the disease is at its peak. It capable of attacking 60% or more of hardwood, while most of the foliage area dies off. As a result of this, the plant is deprived of the opportunity to feed on oxygen, the processes of photosynthesis are collapsing.

High humidity activates the development of this fungal disease. Reproduction of brown spotting can begin at any air temperature above zero. In severe frosts, the fungus does not die, but remains dormant. In this regard, the next season, the yield may be significantly reduced.

First signs

The main symptom of the disease is the presence spots on the surface of strawberry leaves. Spots are dark purple in color, which can later change shade, becoming brown or red.

This can be difficult for beginner gardeners, since other, similar diseases of the red berry have the same symptoms. Therefore, you should pay attention to the presence of white dots in the center of dark spots. With brown spotting, there are no such points. If the spots begin to increase in size, the next step will be the drying of the foliage and subsequent death.

Did you know? The composition of strawberries contains all vitamins from group B, and therefore this berry is considered a natural antidepressant. Eating 150 grams of this delicious treat every day, you can forget about stress and strengthen your nervous system.

Not only brown leaves will tell about a diseased strawberry, but also a gradual distribution of spotting to all organs and tissues of the bush: stalks, berries, stems, sepals. Slowing down or stopping growth, drying of the stalks, small, dark-colored fruits - all these are clear symptoms of the progression of brown spot.

Difficulties may arise for those gardeners who, for whatever reason, did not have the opportunity to observe strawberries at the initial stage of the disease.

The fact is that at a later stage, the appearance of a “recovery” of the bushes appears: old, diseased leaves begin to grow, and the fact that the sizes are not what they should be is perceived as a normal lack of nutrition.

And, most importantly, fungal pads disappear. In such cases, you need to be prepared for the fact that after a while brown spotting may begin to progress with renewed vigor on young, green sprouts that have just appeared.


Several factors can be attributed to the causes of the formation of fungus. One of them - dampness. The fact is that fungal spores develop very well and grow in a humid environment, in water. The spores that live on the site can also transfer spores. Other causes are thickening and plant debris.

How to protect strawberries from "brown disease"

As soon as the first signs of brown spot appear in strawberries, it is urgent to treat the plant.


The first step is complete destruction of all diseased bushes. You should not feel sorry for them, because if at least one diseased plant remains, the fungus will again spread across the site to all healthy bushes. After that, you need to carry out sanitary cleaning of the beds and apply in the form of fertilizers. in this case should be avoided as they can only increase the foliage mass. It is also necessary to try to eliminate dampness on.

Drug treatment

As for the treatment of strawberries with drugs, copper oxychloride and (1%) are recommended for use. The plant should be treated with these agents at the stage of leaf regrowth, before the berries bloom and after the fruits are harvested.

If the defeat is not single, but massive, you can apply, such as, or.

Disease prevention

As you know, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, in the cultivation of strawberries, a significant place is occupied by disease prevention:

  • To avoid the occurrence of brown spotting, you need to regularly clean the beds from dry leaves and, which are the main primary sources of this disease.
  • You also need to remember about strawberry transplants, because the fungus tends to stay in the soil long time and infect new plants that will be planted there.
  • Planting material must be healthy and of high quality, regardless of whether it is grown on its own or was purchased in a store.
  • Today the market has

Strawberries (or large-fruited strawberries) are one of the most popular garden crops. Appearing in Holland in the 18th century as a hybrid of two types of strawberries (Chilean and Virginian), the plant has since come under the close attention of breeders more than once.

As a result, today there are more than 2,000 varieties of these false berries. Such a variety cannot but please gardeners and lovers of jam. Yes, that's the trouble: over the long history of its existence, she managed to acquire a rich "range" of ailments.

Before purchasing seedlings, it is important for a novice gardener to thoroughly study the main diseases of strawberries and methods of treatment. Indeed, some "strawberry ailments" fall into the garden even at the time of purchase through infected specimens from an unscrupulous seller.

What is sick "scarlet droplet of summer"?

All strawberry diseases can be divided into 4 categories depending on what (who) causes the disease:

  • bacterial;
  • viral;
  • animals;
  • fungal.

Killer bacteria or how to save the crop?

The most common bacterial lesions are burn and cancer.

Bacterial burn of fruit crops is the "scourge" of all representatives of the Rosaceae family.

In the spring, during the period of active growth and flowering of crops, bacteria begin to “attack” the inflorescences, trying to penetrate “deep” into the plant in order to infect and destroy it. Outwardly, the signs of the disease can be determined by the presence of twisted dried leaves and flowers, which, nevertheless, do not fall off, but continue to “hang out” on the plant.

It is worth noting that strawberries, unlike their relatives, are less susceptible to this disease, and with proper care, they successfully resist it.

Preventive measures include:

  • suppression of contact with other members of the Rosaceae family, especially with pear, apple, quince;
  • spraying bushes with antibiotics, a mixture of copper sulfate and lime milk;
  • complete destruction of infected plants.

Root cancer - the mechanism of action of the disease is somewhat reminiscent of human carcinomas. The root cell infected with the bacterium Rhizobium begins to transform, connecting neighboring elements to this process. The result is the formation of a tumor of the root system and rapid death.

The disease can be treated with the help of "chemotherapy" aimed at destroying the lesion, but it is easier and more effective to completely get rid of the infected plant, thereby saving the rest of the seedlings from danger.

Viral diseases

The strawberry bush is susceptible to viral attacks that lead to a number of diseases.

As practice shows, viral diseases strawberries and the fight against them is a laborious and not always successful process for a gardener. Therefore, the best option would be the complete destruction of diseased plants and the re-planting of healthy seedlings.

Animals defeat seedlings

They are also not averse to eating fragrant berries. True, at the same time, stems with roots can easily be spoiled. So it's clear: harmful creatures - fight!

Strawberry mite. A pest that eats young strawberry leaves. You can get rid of it by spraying the plants with dandelion infusion (take 1 kg of crushed fresh leaves for 10 liters of hot water and leave for 4 hours), Karbofos (3 tablespoons of the drug for 10 liters of water) or initially plant plants at a distance of 40-50 cm each from friend.

Spider mite. You can determine the presence of a "tenant" in the garden by seeing the shoots entangled in cobwebs. It usually appears in the spring. In the fight against the pest, spraying with infusions of tobacco, wormwood, Fitoverm helps well.

Weevil. Feeds on buds and young leaves. As part of preventive measures, digging aisles, destroying infected bushes, spraying with tobacco and hellebore help well. Among the "chemical rescuers" you can choose Iskra-M (use in accordance with the instructions).

Ants, woodlice, slugs. They love moisture, twilight and dense foliage, initially you should not turn a berry plantation into a “living carpet”: the bushes should be at a sufficient distance from each other. Aisles can be sprinkled with copper sulfate, coniferous needles, quicklime, metaldehyde.

By the way, a way to deceive wood lice with the help of wet birch branches is quite effective - by spreading such baits along the aisle, you can provoke arthropods to climb on them (for these pests, moisture and dampness are above all), and then simply take the branches with wood lice away from the beds.

Nematodes are small (1 mm long) worms that infect the insides of strawberries. You can escape from them only by destroying the infected plants, and cover the place of growth with bleach. Therefore, before planting "alien" seedlings, it is important to soak them for 15 minutes in a saline solution (1 tablespoon of kitchen salt per 1 liter of water).

As you can see, the treatment of strawberry diseases of animal origin is quite tolerable.

fungal diseases

The diseases and pests of strawberries described above are rather a rare misunderstanding than a general misfortune of gardeners. But fungal infections- it's a real disaster.

Gray rot is the most common disease of strawberries. Signs of damage are:

  • brown spots with a gray fluffy coating on the fruits;
  • over time, the affected berries dry out;
  • leaves are covered with gray and brownish spots.

To protect your beds from gray rot, it is necessary to treat the bushes with 1% Bordeaux mixture or "Barrier" before flowering. At the first signs of the disease, remove damaged fruits (otherwise, the spores will instantly disperse throughout the territory). Do not let the area become overgrown with weeds.

Black rot - ailment is almost completely identical to the previous ailment. The only difference is that instead of a gray coating, black is formed. Preventive measures are also similar.

Brown spotting. It affects leaf plates, forming brown borders on them at first, which eventually develop into a complete “brown” leaf. An infected culture slows down development; spore sacs form on its surface. The disease is long-term, sluggish: there may be a belief that the berries have recovered, but in the fall everything will repeat again from the beginning. It is important to regularly remove weeds, old diseased leaves. If, nevertheless, “they didn’t save themselves and picked up the muck”, after harvesting, treat the plantation with Fitosporin.

When studying strawberry diseases, Fusarium wilt cannot be missed. Not having time to get sick, the seedling becomes brown, withers and dies. If it is possible to detect the fungus in the early stages, the culture can be saved by Phytodoctor, Trichodermin. Otherwise, the plantation is removed and re-planting is possible only after 4 years.

Strawberry pests and diseases have been attacking gardeners for over 2 centuries. What kind of ways to deal with them during this time have not been invented: folk remedies, chemicals, mechanical effects, conspiracies and amulets. One of these recipes for “handy” agricultural chemistry is iodine.

For successful application the drug, you need to take a 10-liter bucket of water (the container should not be metal) and flavor it with 15 drops of iodine. Stir well and water the strawberries, while avoiding getting liquid on the leaves. After such a “fertilizer”, beetles and other living creatures will not appear on the site for 2-3 years. If you are afraid to “burn” the roots of the culture with iodine (inadvertently adding more drug), then you can treat the beds before the initial planting of seedlings (3-4 days). The effect will be the same as in the previous case.

Having considered the topic, we can say with confidence that the cultivation of fragrant berries, although a troublesome, time-consuming task, but the result is worth it.

Fragrant strawberries are present in any garden. She planted not only small plots, but also entire plantations. In order to harvest a rich harvest, it is necessary to know not only the conditions for growing this berry, but the causes of crop diseases.

The main source of strawberry disease is insects that ruthlessly destroy the plant. In order to protect the crop in time, you need to know everything about pests and their control.

Strawberry pests - photo and description

The whitefly, or as it is also called aleurodid, was originally considered a pest of plants in protected soil. It appeared in England and over time, spreading, became known as a dangerous insect for cultures and in open field. Among the many species of this pest, the main strawberry pest is the strawberry whitefly.

View Features

A tiny insect that looks like a miniature butterfly a little more than one millimeter long. Distinctive feature- a pair of wings that are covered with wax pollen. Whiteflies do not tolerate sunlight and always hide in the shade. The eggs are laid on the underside of the leaves.

The hatched larvae have an oval body with six legs and immediately after the appearance they quickly scatter in search of convenient places for food. Having stuck to a leaf, they freeze. Receiving the juice necessary for development, the larva grows and after twenty days turns into an adult insect.

V autumn time not yet formed insect hides. The larvae usually overwinter in the ground, on leaves or in grass. During active life, the whitefly gives up to four generations.

Damage signs:

  • leaf curling;
  • yellow spots;
  • discharge similar to granulated sugar;
  • fungal infections.

Fighting methods

To prevent the appearance of the strawberry whitefly, strawberries are planted in sunny places. Proper care is the elimination of weeds, thinning the crop and clearing the area of ​​leaves, the remaining crop in the fall.

Chemical methods

It takes about three treatments with a seven-day interval between each to kill the whitefly.

To date, many drugs are being produced with which you can exterminate the strawberry pest. Often used during flowering or after picking berries - Sharpei, Nurell D, Karate.

Folk ways

Folk remedies usually used for small lesions. The most common is an infusion of garlic or a flower decoction of Dalmatian chamomile.

Bronzovka Shaggy

Bronzovka or Olenka Shaggy is a pest that is often found on berry and fruit plants.

View Features

A small thirteen millimeter black beetle covered with chaotically pale spots. The body has many hairs. The best place for laying eggs is the earth enriched with humus. The larvae that are born eat humus and various roots. The beetle formed from them hides in the ground for the winter. These pests are most active in late spring.

Signs of defeat

  • damaged inflorescences;
  • eaten leaves.

Fighting methods

Since bronze develops in the ground, the main prevention is digging the soil. Such a process helps to detect and select adult beetles and their larvae hiding in the ground.

Chemical methods

The time of treatment of plants from these pests falls on the period of flowering and fruiting. And this is a problem of high-quality chemical processing.

There are several formulations that can be used at any time in the development of various crops. Calypso is one of the few drugs that destroy bronzes.

Folk ways

Straw or leaves are burned on plots of land. Such fires drive away harmful beetles.

The beetle, sometimes called the strawberry leaf beetle, feeds on leaves, forming a wide variety of holes in them.

View Features

The leaf beetle is a four-millimeter brown-colored pest. For laying, it uses the lower part of the leaf, but sometimes the accumulation of eggs is found on stems or petioles. The offspring of the female is laid during the flowering of strawberries.

After two weeks, a larva appears, which develops by eating leaves. During the period of life, she molts three times and eventually passes into the pupa stage. At the end of the fruiting of strawberries, formed leaf beetles are born.

For the winter, strawberry leaf beetles burrow into the ground, hiding behind the remaining leaves.

Damage signs:

  • numerous holes on the leaves;
  • small berries;
  • dried bushes.

Fighting methods

The speed of reproduction of leaf beetles greatly complicates the fight against the pest.

Chemical methods

The plant is processed from the bottom of the sheet. Spraying is carried out in early spring, mainly with special chemicals - karbofos, metaphos, corsair, nurell D, ambush. Strawberries should be processed twice before flowering. To consolidate the result, you can spray the crop after harvest.

Folk ways

Strawberries are transplanted after several fruitful seasons to another site, allowing the former soil to rest for at least three years. Around the beds, all weeds are destroyed, especially those beloved by leaf beetles - meadowsweet, cinquefoil and gravel. In early spring, the bushes are sprinkled with tobacco dust.

strawberry nematode

No less dangerous and not uncommon strawberry pest. The appearance of a nematode reduces the yield by almost half.

View Features

The nematode settles in deciduous axils. Such a roundish worm, up to two millimeters long with an elongated body, lays oval, slightly elongated eggs.

The speed of egg development depends on humidity and weather conditions. Larvae, like adults, move from plant to plant with the help of a water membrane. They overwinter on the remains of crops and sometimes in the ground.

Damage signs:

  • plant growth retardation;
  • deformation of leaves, flowers;
  • darkening of the leaves;
  • cessation of fruiting.

Fighting methods

Usually, the nematode is introduced into the area with infected seedlings and can persist in the soil for up to ten years.

Chemical methods

Heavily contaminated areas are sometimes treated with methyl bromide. But on sale there are several drugs designed specifically to combat this pest. The most common is Fitoverm. Under its action, the larvae stop feeding and die of starvation.

Folk ways

Changing the place of growing strawberries and treating the bushes with water with a temperature of up to fifty degrees. This heat treatment process is performed on the crop in early spring. Damaged plants are dug up and burned.

The weevil is one of the most harmful strawberries, a common beetle that negatively affects the fruiting of the plant.

View Features

A bright green pest whose female lays many eggs. Subsequently, the hatched larvae, eating the buds, pass into the stage of pupae. Young beetles feed on new leaves. Weevils spend the winter, burrowing up to two centimeters into the ground.

Damage signs:

  • damaged root system;
  • eaten edges of leaves;
  • yield reduction.

Fighting methods

Starting from mid-summer, the larvae eat the roots of the plant, and this time is considered the most dangerous for strawberry bushes.

Chemical methods

During the activity of a harmful beetle, it is necessary to spray the culture with special solutions. Great for this are karate, zolon, nurell D.

Folk ways

Transplanting bushes to a new location is an excellent preventive method. The processing of strawberries with a decoction of black henbane and yarrow also helps.


The cockchafer or cockchafer appears with the first birch leaves. The larvae of this insect become dangerous for strawberries.

View Features

Departure of the May Khrushchev takes place in the evenings. At this time, beetles actively eat leaves from trees. Such an invasion lasts approximately forty days. After that, the female seeks out loose soil and hides in it at a depth of up to thirty centimeters. There is a three-stage oviposition.

It takes a little more than a month for the larvae to emerge. At first, the cubs eat humus, but then the roots of plants serve as their main food. The larva develops for several years. Basically, after four years, it pupates for a month. The hatched brown-red beetle is preparing to winter in the ground.

Damage signs:

  • slowing down the development of the plant;
  • root damage.

Fighting methods

Digging up the beds and picking out the larvae by hand does not bring perfect results. Recently, intolerance to the May beetle of nitrogen has become clear. Therefore, white clover is sown around the trees, releasing nitrogen into the soil.

Chemical methods

For the destruction of pests in the ground are used chemical substances- karate, sharpei, nurell D. Preparations for drip spraying are excellent - bazudin, aktara, zolon, marshall.

Folk ways

Numerous birdhouses for birds are being built near the site, which perfectly eat carnivores. Traps are often made from sticky mass. Catching adult insects by hand is sometimes practiced.

Raspberry strawberry weevil

A pest that damages plants of early varieties. Weevil successfully destroys almost the entire crop.

View Features

A small dark gray beetle found in the buds of inflorescences. The female beetle produces a clutch from one egg, from which the larvae hatched, eating out the core of the bud and pupates. Egg laying occurs throughout the month and has about fifty eggs from one individual. The young generation of beetles eat leaves and wait out the cold in the ground.

Damage signs:

  • eaten pedicel;
  • holes in the leaves;
  • stopping the fruiting of early varieties of strawberries.

Fighting methods

For prevention, it is necessary to collect the remains of leaves, destroy spoiled buds, and collect beetles from foliage in the spring.

Chemical methods

During the period of the greatest activity of the raspberry weevil, the bushes are treated with drugs - Zolon, Karate, Nurell D.

Folk ways

With success, the bushes are sprayed with a decoction of tansy, onion or celandine. Garlic is planted near the beds, which repels the pest.

Medvedka silt, the so-called “top” among the people, is a hard-to-remove pest that can destroy a large part of the crop.

View Features

A brown-colored insect, reaching a length of up to six centimeters, has the ability to dig the ground with the help of long front legs. Medvedka lays about four hundred eggs in spring in pre-prepared recesses in the ground.

At the beginning of summer, larvae appear from eggs guarded by the female, which leave the nest after a couple of weeks. They feed on plants and form over two years. Insects hibernate in the ground, burrowing forty centimeters deep.

Damage signs:

  • wilting of plants;
  • eaten roots.

Fighting methods

Medvedka usually comes out of its holes at night and birds are an assistant in the fight against it. They eat not only adult insects, but also their larvae.

Chemical methods

Medvedki are destroyed with the help of baits from grain and chemicals that are not buried deep into the soil. The main components for the trap are - zolon, bazudin, aktara, marshall. Large areas are best treated drip irrigation with the addition of appropriate chemicals.

Folk ways

Success is used to lure the pest out of the burrows by pouring a soapy solution into a hole on the surface of the soil. For catching bears, glass jars are also used as traps. They are buried in the ground, covered with straw on top. In the middle lay out the bait - honey. Also, to scare away the pest, the site is planted with marigolds, chrysanthemums or calendula.

The tick can be harmful for a couple of years in advance, as it destroys flower buds at the end of summer. They feed on the juice of the leaves.

View Features

A small transparent pest is about two millimeters long. eggs at favorable conditions ripen up to four days. The larva that comes out into the world becomes an adult insect on the eighth day, and after a week, young individuals can mate. So, for a season, up to five generations of ticks can hatch. Insects hibernate in the middle of the bushes or on the lower rows of leaves.

Damage signs:

  • the appearance of wrinkles on plants;
  • growth retardation;
  • reduced fertility.

Fighting methods

The tick is most active in moist soil. The risk of introducing a pest occurs when planting infected seedlings.

Chemical methods

When strawberry bushes are affected, the leaves are treated with karbofos or colloidal sulfur. The first stage of the destruction of ticks falls on the beginning of leaf growth, and the second - after picking berries.

Folk ways

Often the plants are sprayed with an infusion of onion husks, dandelion tincture, or a garlic solution. You can spray it with the Fitoverm biopreparation.


Aphids densely sit on the green part of petioles, leaves and peduncles.

View Features

This is a very small pest that is brown, green or black. Insects unite in colonies and multiply rapidly, populating all neighboring plants. During the period of the appearance of strawberries, aphid activity increases.

Damage signs:

  • plant deformation;
  • yellowing of leaves;
  • cessation of bud development;
  • sticky mass on the leaves.

Fighting methods

Aphids are well eaten by small birds and some insects - wasps, ladybugs.

Chemical methods

Plants are processed before the appearance of the crop and after it is harvested. Solutions are used - zolon, karate, sharpei, nurell D.

Folk ways

Plants are processed soapy water, bitter pepper tincture or decoction of tobacco.

A large number of spider mites can be seen on the underside of the foliage.

View Features

Fast light green miniature insects wrap the entire plant in cobwebs. The pest lives on the lower part of the foliage. Biting through the plant, the pest drinks the juice. Very small tick larvae usually hide under the leaves.

Damage signs:

  • leaves are covered with light dots;
  • a white web is visible;
  • leaf death.

Fighting methods

Plants are inspected for the removal of affected parts. To remove the pest, they sometimes settle on the plants of a predatory phytosailus - a tick, which eventually destroys the spider insect.

Chemical methods

Against the spider mite, drugs are successfully used - omayt, ortus, nurell D, flumite.

Folk ways

It is good to spray the bushes with infusions: tobacco, hot pepper, garlic, onion.


In places where the average temperature is sixteen degrees Celsius and humidity is above average, harmful slugs are often found.

View Features

Slugs are usually nocturnal. Adult females lay eggs in the first month of summer, and hatched young individuals also lay eggs, but already in August. Eggs are laid in holes that slugs create in moist soil. Slugs live up to four years. They winter in the ground, in straw, sod.

Damage signs:

  • eaten berries;
  • holes in leaves.

Fighting methods

Often, protection against pests is the mulching of the soil, which is covered with a special film.

Chemical methods

Widely used from slugs drug in granules - Slimaks. You can treat the bushes with metaldehyde.

Folk ways

Strawberry bushes are sprinkled with sifted ash or sawdust is laid out around the plants, which repel slugs.

A common pest that infects plants, both in protected ground and on open ground. Larvae and adult insects feed on sap from plant tissue.

View Features

The body length of tobacco thrips reaches a millimeter, and the color is brown and yellow. The insect has two narrow darkish wings. Thrips reproduce by laying about a hundred eggs, of which larvae appear after five days. They gather in groups and feed bottom leaves.

After ten days, the larvae burrow into the soil until a young insect appears. Thrips overwinter in the ground under the remaining plants. During the summer, these insects breed about five generations.

Damage signs:

  • leaf fall;
  • color distortion.

Fighting methods

Processing of plants is carried out at intervals of one week. The beginning of processing is carried out before flowering.

Chemical methods

The bushes are sprayed with chemicals - Nurell D, Shar Pei, Karate, Zolon.

Folk ways

Sometimes spraying greens with dandelion infusion and soap mixture helps. Also use a decoction of chamomile and an infusion of orange peels.

Video about the fight against diseases and pests of strawberries

Unusual way of spring processing

Today, gardeners try not to use chemicals in pest control. But often the massively affected area requires treatment with chemical solutions.

Protecting strawberries from harmful insects is one of the important stages in the cultivation of berry crops. After all, you can achieve a rich harvest only from a strong and healthy plant.

I wish you a healthy harvest!

" Strawberry

Strawberries are the most popular berry crop, and when growing them, not one gardener is immune from the appearance of various kinds of diseases and pests. Currently, a huge number of varieties of this crop have been bred that are resistant to the most common ailments, but the danger of their occurrence always exists, so it is very important to know how to correctly identify and cure the disease. In this article, we will talk about describing the most common berry diseases, find out why they occur and what to do in each case.

There are a lot of strawberry diseases and they are all different from each other. Some affect the aerial part of the plant, while others affect the root system. The most dangerous ailments negatively affect the entire plant as a whole, thereby causing its death.

Having noticed signs of a disease on a bush, it is necessary to immediately begin its treatment, because in the end the disease can spread and destroy the entire plantation and crop.

This disease affects the entire aerial part of the plant, including leaves, stems and berries. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that under its influence you can lose not only most harvest, but also the strawberry bushes themselves.

Initially, gray spots surrounded by a crimson stripe can be seen on the leaves, dark brown sores and gray dots form on the stems. If the disease begins to progress, then the stem dies off completely.

Fruits that have not yet ripened gradually wither and wither, while light, small and watery spots appear on ripe berries, which eventually grow, darken and become moldy.

It is not so easy to cure the disease. Anthracnose treatment is enough difficult process, which requires a quick reaction, because otherwise the disease progresses rapidly and causes the death of the plant:

  1. If the disease is in the initial stage and is present on the bush for no more than 7-10 days, the fungicides Ridoitl-Gold, Metaxil and Quadris can handle it;
  2. In more advanced cases, 1% Brodsky liquid is used.

White, gray and black rot

Gray rot spreads very quickly and begins its course with berries. Brown spots with a gray fluffy coating form on them, they grow rapidly and cause the death of the fetus, after which they gradually pass to the stalk and leaves of the plant.

Unfortunately, in this case, the plant cannot be cured. If rot is found, the affected bushes are removed and burned to avoid the spread of the fungus throughout the garden plot.

As a preventive measure for the appearance of rot on strawberries, it is treated with Brodsky liquid twice a season, in early spring and after harvest. It is also very important to follow all the rules of agricultural technology.

White rot most often appears due to too dense planting. Initially, all ripe fruits begin to be covered with white fluff, after which the leaves become whitish, dry and die. It is possible to avoid the spread of the disease to healthy bushes with the help of treatments with Derozal. Sick bushes will have to be destroyed.

Black rot is formed due to excessive moisture. The berries darken and become watery, they form first a colorless, and then a dark brown coating, characteristic of fungal diseases. Affected plants are removed and burned.

Rhizoctonia disease

In another way, such a disease is called black root rot. Small black dots form on young petioles, which eventually grow and merge together. As a result, they become brittle and brittle. The aerial part of the plant is also infected. It turns brown and dies.

It is impossible to cure such an ailment, the affected bush must be removed. After that, the soil is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate or other similar means. As a preventive measure, it is worth planting only high-quality seedlings and carrying out systematic treatments with fungicides.

White and brown spotting

white spotting is a very common disease. Brown spots appear on young leaves, and white spots with a purple frame on older leaves. They gradually grow and unite, after which the leaves become perforated.

It is impossible to cure the disease, the affected plants are dug up and burned. The soil is fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and disinfected. Healthy bushes are processed chemicals based on copper.

You can avoid the appearance of white spotting by not planting strawberries where potatoes, eggplants, corn, tomatoes or cucumbers grew before it.

Brown spotting is expressed in the appearance of brown spots on the edge of the leaves, which gradually spread over the entire surface, at advanced stages, spores can be seen on the surface of the plate, and raspberry spots on the peduncles and mustaches. Control methods are similar to white spotting.

White spotted strawberry bush

gray mold disease

This disease affects the entire aerial part of the plant. The fruits become brown and vague, a dense gray coating forms on the affected areas. If the humidity is high, then a fluffy white mycelium may appear. Very soon, such berries will dry up and fall off.

It is useless to fight the disease, but it is quite possible to prevent it. To do this, starting from April, healthy flowers are sprayed with Fundazol, Topsin M, Euparen. Processing is carried out 3-4 times with an interval of 7-10 days.

Late blight is a fungal disease that affects the roots of strawberries in early summer.

The infection enters the plant through seedlings or soil, so it is very important to disinfect before planting.

Symptoms of the disease are expressed as follows:

  • the axial cylinder of the main root turns red over the entire diameter;
  • small root shoots turn black and die off;
  • the lower leaves begin to lean toward the ground and lose color.

On the initial stages the disease can be treated with chemicals such as Quadris, Ridomil or Profit.

Why does late blight occur?

This type of rot is considered the most dangerous and unpleasant, because it affects all parts of the plant, from the roots to the fruits. Late blight rot appears due to wet weather, the infection remains in the ground even after the removal of the plant, so it is very important to carry out disinfection in time.

The main signs of the disease will be:

  • dark spots appear on the fruits, after which they dry out;
  • the taste of the berries become bitter and elastic;
  • the affected leaves and stem dry out almost immediately.

Fusarium and verticillium wilt

All types of wilting are characterized by plant damage by fungi, massive and very rapid spread. With the appearance of such an ailment, the plantation can completely disappear in 1-2 years, and during this period the amount of the crop obtained will decrease significantly.

Signs of verticillium wilt include the following:

  • very slow growth kutov;
  • reduction in the amount of green mass;
  • reddening of petioles.

To combat the disease, the following methods are used:

  1. The exclusion of planting strawberries in those places where corn, potatoes and onions grew before it;
  2. The place of cultivation of culture should be changed every 3-4 years;
  3. Affected plants are treated with a drug that helps get rid of the nematode, which is the distributor of the disease.

Fusarium wilt spreads very quickly, and the plant dies after 1.5 months.

Initially, the edges of the leaves begin to turn black, the petioles become dark brown, and the berries turn brown and dry. The green part of the plant begins to lean towards the ground. If you notice an ailment on early stage, then strawberries can be saved by treating with the Ordan preparation.

Bacterial burn and its treatment

Bacterial burn is a very common and dangerous disease , which affects the ground part of the plant. Leaves develop characteristic golden brown spots. Affected strawberry bushes must be removed and burned to avoid the spread of bacteria throughout the area.

As a preventive measure during the flowering period, the plantation is treated with Brodsky liquid or antibiotics every 5-7 days. Hawthorn and other wild shrubs should not be located near strawberries, it is in them that pathogens usually hide.

Bacterial canker of garden berry roots

Bacterial cancer occurs due to freezing of the roots in winter and after various mechanical damage aboveground part. Bacteria can be located in all parts of the plant for a long time, while not forming a bacterial cancer. The main symptom of the disease will be blackening and death of the root system.

As a cancer prevention, before planting, all seedlings must be treated with a solution against bacteria.

mottle virus

The mottle virus appears on strawberries quite often. There are practically no visible signs of the disease, but at the same time, the plant loses up to 30 percent of the entire crop. Berries become smaller and lose their attractive taste. The mottle virus spreads aphids, so in order to get rid of the disease, you will first have to destroy these insects.

Viruses most often affect adult bushes aged 3-4 years.

Leaf wrinkle virus

Most often, this virus appears simultaneously with many fungal diseases. worsening the situation on the plantation. On the leaves, along the main vein, chaotic spots are formed. Then the growth of the plates themselves becomes uneven, they gradually turn yellow or darken and wrinkle.

The carriers of the disease are insects, pollen and seeds used as planting material. Plant healing is not possible. Prevention will be proper care for landings.

Damn broom

Due to the appearance of this mycoplasmal disease, the shape of the shrub changes:

  • the uterine bush produces many short, underdeveloped mustaches, on which independent rosettes are formed;
  • leaves become lighter;
  • the leaf plate is twisted.

You can get rid of the disease only by planting new seedlings and removing old bushes that look like a broom.

Powdery mildew infects the entire aerial part of the plant and causes its death. The causes of the disease are too warm and humid air. You can notice the disease by the following signs:

  1. A white, fluffy coating appears on the affected leaves, which is located on both sides. Then the leaf plate coarsens, stops growing and twists. Last stage there will be the formation of brown necrosis on the inside of the leaf;
  2. The mustache curls;
  3. The berries that appear are irregular in shape and have an unpleasant taste.

Preventive measures to combat powdery mildew will be treatment with Quadris, Fundazol or Bayleton. Affected plants are dug up and disposed of.

Strawberries can be affected by a variety of diseases, and in order to avoid such troubles, you need to follow all the instructions when planting plants, properly care for plantings and carry out preventive treatments with chemical and biological agents.

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