Strawberry white spot treatment. Strawberry diseases, control and preventive measures

Diseases and pests on strawberry bushes often cause a decrease in the quality of the crop, and in neglected cases, its death. This article will help determine the disease on early stage and start treating it.

Every garden owner dreams of only healthy and productive strawberry bushes growing on his property. But numerous diseases and pests can quickly destroy the gardener's dreams and destroy the entire crop. Knowing what kind of strawberry diseases are (photo) and their treatment will help to quickly start preserving the harvest.

Let us analyze the main diseases and pests that are found everywhere. Knowing the main signs of the onset of the disease, you can prevent its spread, and preventive measures will allow you to completely avoid infection. And the pests, methodically destroying the strawberry crop, will forever forget the road to your garden.

Most often, strawberries are affected by fungal diseases. The main cause of such diseases is high humidity, shade and the presence of weeds in the area where strawberries grow.

The first preventive measure should be a complete cleaning of the site from weeds, and avoiding excessive thickening and the correct choice of a site for planting strawberries will lead to a solution to the problem of high humidity.

The causative agent of the disease is fungal spores that develop in dry leaves. When strawberries are affected by this type of disease (photos and their treatment), brown spot is very easily detected.

  • Small brown spots with a distinct purple tint develop on strawberry leaves. Subsequently, the affected area expands significantly, spreading almost over the entire surface of the leaf.
  • The danger of brown spotting is a decrease in the development of strawberry bushes. Fruit ripening is significantly slowed down, which leads to a decrease in yield.
  • Antifungal drugs - fungicides show good effectiveness. When using these products, you must follow all the rules described on the packaging with the drug.
  • Of folk methods The most common treatment for brown spot is the treatment of plants with Bordeaux liquid. It should fall on the leaves not only from the top, but also from the bottom.
  • Of the preventive methods, it should be noted the complete cleaning of the area with strawberries from weeds and dry leaves, which are the main source of this disease. Plants should be transplanted to a new location every 3 years, as the fungus can accumulate in the soil itself.

This disease is considered the most dangerous, since immunity from it simply does not exist. Only preventive methods show good effectiveness.

Growing strawberries on your site, you can find the most dangerous of strawberry diseases (photos and their treatment) - fusarium wilting.

  • Fusarium wilting affects the entire aerial part of the plant. The leaves begin to gradually turn yellow and wither. A month and a half after the first symptoms appear, the plant becomes completely unviable and dies.
  • The fungus is spread by weeds growing among strawberry bushes, as well as some types of vegetables growing in the garden.
  • The fungus has the peculiarity of accumulating in the soil, so the main method of combating it is prevention. You should follow the crop rotation, and change the place of residence of your strawberries every 3 years. In its place, healing plants should be planted. Weeding and weeding also give good results.
  • Early detection of fungus good efficiency shows the use of Tychoderma. At a later date, Fundazol should be used for soil treatment.

This fungal disease manifests itself most often in greenhouse conditions, where optimal conditions for its development are created - warm air and high humidity. In conditions open ground the disease develops in high humidity during the warm harvest season.

Diseases of strawberry leaves (photo) pose a great danger to the viability of plants, and their treatment is also necessary. White spot affects strawberry leaves and impairs its defense mechanisms.

  • Small spots that appear on the leaves are a sign of the disease. In the future, they turn white, and a brown edging appears along the edges. In the final stage central part the affected area dies off, and holes form on the leaves.
  • The danger of the disease is a general decrease in yield. The overall protection of strawberry bushes against other diseases is reduced, as well as resistance to frost.
  • To combat the disease, dry and diseased leaves should be destroyed. The treatment is carried out with nitrafen preparations and Bordeaux liquid. Processing should be carried out observing the basic rules. The leaves must be processed both on the top and bottom.
  • White spot, like any fungal disease, multiplies well in humid places. Strawberry bushes should not be thickened. Weeds should be strictly avoided.

Traditional methods of treatment

If signs of the disease appear at the time when the berries have already formed, the use of chemical treatment is not recommended. Their use is a necessity if the disease is in an advanced stage. The detection of strawberry disease (photo) and their treatment with folk remedies can also show high efficiency.

  • Planting onions and garlic in relative proximity to strawberry plantings helps against gray mold. The enzymes they produce destroy the fungus that invades the soil.
  • On initial stage the development of powdery mildew is well helped by the infusion of mullein. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 1 part mullein to 3 parts water. The solution is infused for 3 days, after which it is strained and used for spraying strawberry bushes.
  • Infusion of garlic or onion peel shows excellent results against all fungal diseases of strawberries. To prepare the solution, chopped garlic and water are taken in a 1: 1 ratio. The remedy should be insisted for at least 10 days. For 10 liters of water, 25 ml is used. the finished product.
  • You should always keep the area clean and remove dry berries and leaves when they appear on the site. Protecting rows is strongly discouraged.


In addition to diseases, pests can also cause significant harm to strawberries. To preserve the harvest, diseases and pests of strawberries should be identified in time (photo), and their treatment should be carried out immediately.

Slugs love warm and humid places. Therefore, thickened strawberry plantings, where a large amount of moisture is retained, is an excellent place for them to live. They destroy some pests that can start in the garden.

However, the harm done by slugs far outweighs the benefits. They love delicate strawberries. They destroy ripe fruits with great speed, making it impossible to enjoy their taste.

Folk remedies do not give high efficiency when compared with chemical ones, but their use is necessary if the berries have already formed. Good results from folk remedies shows the sprinkling of strawberries with wood ash, black pepper and saline treatment.

Strawberry nematode

The nematoda is a small worm that lives in the soil. It is almost impossible to find them in the soil at the initial stage. They can be determined only by the corresponding symptoms, among which are yellowing of the leaves, thickening of the veins, wrinkling, slowing down of growth and a change in the shape of the berries.

These signs are similar to many strawberry diseases (photo), and their nematode treatment makes them useless. Trying to cure the disease, you will not get the desired result, because the pest is the cause.

  • To reduce the effect of strawberry nematode on strawberry bushes, you can follow simple rules of crop rotation. It is recommended to periodically replant the plants to new locations. The nematoda, having not found his favorite delicacy, will soon leave this site.
  • There are strawberry varieties that are resistant to the influence of this pest. They just ignore the strawberries. Right choice strawberry varieties can help you deal with nematodes in your garden.
  • The use of chemicals is also allowed. Usually the roots are treated with special preparations, for example, fosdrin or parathion. You should clean the roots of strawberries from the ground and immerse them in the solution for 10 minutes. After that, the roots are rinsed with running water.
  • Good fungi can also be harmful to worms. Adding compost to the soil increases their population. This method is also beneficial for the plants themselves, which will begin to receive more nutrients.

The key to success in the fight against diseases and pests is the timely detection of symptoms. An attentive gardener will always be able to see that his plants have changed and need urgent support.

Late treatment of damaged plants can lead to the death of both a part of the crop and the plants themselves. Having found symptoms, you should immediately begin the appropriate treatment of the disease and the destruction of pests.

The description of the strawberry disease (photo) and their treatment in the video posted below gives a clear understanding of what to do if obvious symptoms of the disease are detected.

Strawberry leaf disease in the photo

In years with cool, damp weather, strawberry plants suffer more from damage to the foliage of various kinds of fungal infections.

What diseases of strawberries can develop: in the specialized scientific literature there are at least one and a half dozen of them. A common feature for all these diseases is the appearance on old leaves of strawberries, located on the periphery of the bush, of various colors of small specks of white, purple or brown colors. Under unfavorable weather conditions in the form of cool wet weather, the number of such spots on the leaves and their size increase rapidly, as a result of which the leaves begin to die prematurely. These diseases are not as dangerous as gray rot, but with strong development due to weakening of plants, they can cause a decrease in yield in the next season by 25-30%.

Look at the diseases of strawberries and the fight against them in the photo, which illustrates the main signs and methods of processing plants:

Powdery mildew on strawberries (photo)
Gray rot of strawberries in the photo

Rarely - as a rule, only in very damp and rainy weather in open ground, strawberries are affected by powdery mildew. Fluffy appears on the underside of the leaf blade white bloom... With these diseases of strawberries and the fight against them, the leaf is deformed, subsequently darkens and dies.

See what fungal diseases of strawberries look like and the fight against them in the photo, demonstrating the destructive consequences:

Common to all fungal infections affecting strawberry leaves is that they initially enter the site along with the planting material (with the exception of the causative agent of gray rot, which lives everywhere), winter on dying plant debris, and a warm and humid microclimate contributes to their rapid development. forming inside the landings. For this reason, the greatest yield losses occur in damp areas and heavily thickened stands.

Look at the strawberry diseases in pictures, where you can see the clear symptoms:

Strawberry diseases in the picture

Preventive protection of strawberries and strawberries from disease

For the preventive protection of strawberries from diseases of this kind, the most important trick is the creation and maintenance of an optimal microclimate and a minimum infectious background. As long-term practice shows, the appearance and rapid development of spots occurs, as a rule, on very old plantings, which are more than 4 years old. Therefore, for the gardener, the strong spread of leaf spots is, first of all, a signal not to the beginning of chemical treatment, but a reminder of the need to replace and rejuvenate plants.

Information about strawberry diseases and their treatment in pictures, offered on this page, will help you avoid troubles in your personal plot.

The basis for the prevention and protection of strawberries from diseases is the acquisition of healthy modern seedlings resistant varieties... Choosing a sunny, well-ventilated area for planting strawberries and determining the correct planting pattern is equally important. Densely leafy varieties that form a large number of mustaches per season are planted at a distance of at least 40 cm from each other. For low-leafed and low-mustache varieties, this distance is at least 20 cm.

In this case, the diseases of garden strawberries and their treatment, as in the photo, will bypass the site:

Remember to regularly remove old dead leaves and thickening excess mustache. Correct and moderate use of mineral nitrogen fertilizers is very important. They promote the rapid growth of leaves and whiskers. Plant tissues are looser and watered with large pores, through which fungal spores can easily penetrate inside, causing disease. Fungal infectionsthat infect strawberry leaves are practically not found in garden plots, where foliar spraying of leaves with solutions of trace elements and humate is regularly carried out.

You also need to know how to spray strawberries from diseases and what special solutions can be used for this. Of the measures for the active protection of plants from fungal diseases, it is recommended to remove and burn heavily affected leaves and spray with universal fungicides (1-2% solution of Bordeaux liquid, topaz, topsin).

You can often hear complaints from our gardeners that from year to year they try new varieties, and new fertilizers, and new agricultural techniques on their strawberry plantations, but there is no harvest. Plants grow poorly, although they do not die completely. It also happens when a well-growing and fruitful strawberry plantation, after replanting new plants, began to degenerate and bear poor fruit. It is quite possible that the reasons for this in the defeat of strawberry plants are very dangerous and insidious diseases and pests that are classified as quarantine.

For the culture of garden strawberries, these are:

Nematodes (strawberry and stem)

Strawberry mite.

Timely processing of strawberries for diseases of this type is the key to a rich harvest of beautiful even berries.

Look at these strawberry diseases in the photo and their treatment can be started after an accurate diagnosis is made:

See how strawberries are processed in spring for diseases in the video, where all the activities are presented:

In countries with high level nursery culture, amateur gardeners practically do not encounter such problems. In principle, large nurseries do not allow infected plants to enter the market. It is not surprising, therefore, that this section is often absent even in translated plant protection publications for amateurs. In our country, where the practice of acquiring planting material by hand and from little-known suppliers is still quite common, the probability of these dangerous objects entering the site is quite high. It is better for our lovers to have the necessary minimum of knowledge about quarantine pests and diseases in order to further minimize the risk of unpleasant acquaintance with them in their area. Summer - best time to inspect plantings for the presence of such pests and diseases.

Be sure to study in advance the diseases of garden strawberries in the photo and when the first signs appear, take effective measures:

Diseases of garden strawberries in the photo

On an industrial scale, for the establishment of plantings with planting material, free from quarantine diseases and pests, an expensive cell PCR analysis is carried out under laboratory conditions. To heal plants, an extremely time-consuming and expensive procedure of thermotherapy and microclonal reproduction is also carried out. It is very important to know the diseases of garden strawberry and their treatment in order to carry out preventive measures.

Unfortunately, on the scale of the summer cottage, there is no remedy for strawberry disease and saving plants from quarantine objects. At the first detection of such symptoms or even suspicion of the appearance of such pests and diseases, it is better to play it safe and immediately get rid of "suspicious plants". In no case should you take a mustache from them for further reproduction.

The only reliable way to avoid meeting these very dangerous and insidious objects on your site is to purchase certified planting material from reliable suppliers, observe regular crop rotation and a high strawberry cultivation culture - there are no weeds and sucking insects on the plantings.

To improve the soil from nematodes in the garden area - the introduction of "local quarantine" and cultivation for 2-3 years on this site as a predecessor of strawberry green manure crops - mustard, nasturtium and tagetis.

Currently, manufacturers annually offer means of how to treat strawberries from diseases and similar pests - they are made on the basis of strong poisons and therefore can be dangerous to human health. Be careful.

Strawberry and stem nematodes in the photo

Strawberry and stem nematodes - whitish-transparent microscopic worms that live inside the root and vascular systems of the plant and feed on their juices. Due to their microscopic size (no more than 0.015 mm), it is impossible to see them with the naked eye. In addition to strawberries, nematodes affect other crops and weeds from many families. They get to the site with planting material - infected mustaches, cuttings, shoots, bulbs. Actively multiplying in the warm season, they begin to strongly oppress plants.

The defeat by nematodes is initially focal. A group of plants growing nearby begins to lag behind in growth, to form distorted leaves of a changed color. Individuals of the strawberry nematode live mainly inside the peduncles and buds, causing their deformation, shortening and thickening. The buds become small and underdeveloped, or vice versa, disproportionately long and thin. The bushes look like cauliflower, the berries are not tied.

Strawberry plants damaged by stem nematodes have twisted wrinkled leaves, peduncles and petioles, thickened with swelling. Plants are lagging behind in growth. The petioles and whiskers turn red.

Strawberry leaves infected with a tick in the photo

Strawberry mite - a microscopic transparent insect, like nematodes, feeds on plant sap. Ticks live inside the central bud - heart, sucking juices from the youngest unblown leaves of strawberries. Affected plants begin to lag behind in growth, become dwarf, young leaves unfold strongly deformed and have a yellow oily tint.

Viral and mycoplasma diseases of strawberries and treatment are discussed further in the material. The group of quarantine diseases includes viral infections, which are counted in the scientific literature at least 19, and 4 types of mycoplasmas. According to world statistics, at the initial stage of infection, they cause a decrease in plant productivity by 20-40%. In the future, the affected plants completely lose the ability to normal growth and fruiting.

Take a look viral diseases strawberries in the photo, which shows the most important symptoms and signs:

One of the biggest challenges in dealing with these diseases is the difficulty of initial diagnosis. Some viruses infect not only strawberry plants, but also other crops and weeds, and they can get on strawberries with cell sap carried by sucking pests. Viruses and mycoplasmas penetrate into cells and change the very cellular structure of plants. External symptoms of damage in the initial stages are insignificant and are disguised as various kinds of physiological disorders or lack of nutrients.

Just like quarantine pests, most often viral and mycoplasma infections initially enter the area with infected seedlings. However, in the future, they can very quickly spread on plantings together with sucking insects (aphids and mites) feeding on cell sap, or together with cutting tools (for example, on pruning shears when trimming a mustache).

Common signs of infection of strawberry plants by viruses and mycoplasmas are growth retardation and changes in the color and shape of the leaves. The leaves begin to acquire a yellowish or even whitish color, mottling and mosaic. The leaf segments do not open along the main vein or, conversely, bend strongly downward. The leaf petioles are either disproportionately short, so that the bush looks spread on the ground, or vice versa, the petioles are very long and elongated, the bush forms a large number of thin long whiskers. In common parlance, such plants are called "witch brooms" or mistakenly "male non-fruiting strawberries." The defeat of mycoplasma can be expressed in greening and overgrowth of the petals of a strawberry flower; such berries are no longer tied.

In the second half of summer, when warm, humid weather sets in, strawberries may show signs of damage from such dangerous fungal infections, which are collectively called "wilting diseases" or "root rot" in the scientific literature.

In horticulture, if strawberry leaf diseases develop, the crop losses of the current year can be up to 50%. In some years, with an unfavorable combination of weather conditions and errors in agricultural technology, they can cause complete death.

Look at the strawberry diseases in the photo, where a cross section of a plant with varying degrees of root rot damage:

On the right is the initial stage, on the left is the final landing. But still, in comparison with viral and mycoplasma diseases of strawberries and their treatment, they are much easier to diagnose. Thanks to modern achievements Chemical science, there are drugs that can prophylactically protect against such pathogens and even cure strawberry leaf disease completely, save diseased plants. In addition, thanks to the work of breeders, there are varieties that are relatively resistant to root rot.

Let us dwell on the key points in the diagnosis and protection of plants from this group of diseases.

Most often found in garden plots:

Verticillary wilting in the photo


Fusarium wilting in the photo


Late blight wilting

Common to all these diseases of strawberry leaves is that they are caused by soil fungal microorganisms.

Initially, the pathogens of these diseases enter the sites with contaminated planting material. When planting outwardly healthy seedlings, even without apparent reasons may die after 1 month. A certain amount of pathogenic fungi is present in most garden plots - the so-called natural infectious background. In this case, tangible damage or mass death of plants occurs only when unstable varieties are planted or an unfavorable combination of weather conditions and mistakes in agricultural technology.

Through micro-wounds on the roots or enlarged pores, pathogenic fungi penetrate into the conducting system of plants, where they feed on juices and actively reproduce. In the root and vascular system of plants, the mycelium of the fungus develops a semblance of plaques and plugs, which primarily impede the movement of water and nutrients through the vascular system.

The first signs of plant damage are stunted growth and wilting of the lower leaves on hot sunny days, even with good soil moisture. Further, you can observe a change in the color of leaves and petioles. The leaves become lighter with a yellowish tinge - chlorous, and the petioles may acquire a reddish tint. Carrying out chemical treatments at this initial stage, it can stop the development of the disease and save the plants.

It is not only periods of excessive moisture that provoke the appearance of "root rot" high temperature or drought, namely, sudden changes in soil moisture. This leads to the formation of microcracks on the roots through which the infection penetrates. Also, these diseases develop more strongly on long-term waterlogged soils, where the root system of plants is weakened and experiences a constant oxygen deficiency.

In areas where strawberries or crops that are also highly susceptible to verticilosis and fusarium infection (asters, tomatoes, potatoes, clematis, beets) have been cultivated for a long time and without change, the pathogenic background is much higher than the natural natural background of infection. When even absolutely healthy planting material is planted on them, the death of plants can be more than 30%.

Look at these strawberry diseases with photos and explore the possibilities of timely treatment, including chemical preparations:

How to Treat and Fight Strawberry Diseases

Most the best way how to deal with strawberry diseases on the site is the acquisition of guaranteed healthy strawberry planting material and the cultivation of resistant varieties. Of the remontant varieties, such a variety can be called Queen Elizabeth 2, and from the group of ordinary varieties, Zenga Zengana and Red Gontlet, Khonei, Torpeda, Tsarskoselskaya are considered the most stable.

Before planting, it is recommended to dip the root system of seedlings into a humate solution or spill holes before planting with Maxim's solution or 0.2% foundation solution. These are the basic solutions for treating strawberries for diseases common in limited areas.

Of the preventive agrotechnical measures, the best are the choice for planting strawberries in areas with an optimal water-air regime and regular observance of crop rotation with the correct predecessors.

It is important not to forget about regular mulching of the soil under the bushes with a layer of organic matter. It contributes to the maintenance of an optimal water-air regime and the growth of new suction roots.

The drug "Fundazol" in the photo
Processing strawberries in the photo

With solutions of drugs - Maxim or Fundazol - you can shed the plants of the most valuable and favorite varieties at the initial stage of damage. However, the most reliable way is the complete removal of the affected plants from the site and disinfection of the planting site.

In the future, it is recommended to plant strawberries on this site no earlier than 3 years later, during which green manure crops are grown on it to improve the soil - tagetis, calendula, phacelia, mustard

The strawberry diseases presented in the video will allow you to get an accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthem and the means to combat them:

Strawberry diseases are different. It is not always easy to recognize the onset of the disease, especially if there are no external signs.

To grow a healthy culture, it is necessary to properly prepare the planting material, observe the regime, in this case the berries are rarely affected by pests and diseases, they have strong immunity. In general, the plant is resistant to various viruses and is easy to care for. It is because of these qualities that many gardeners grow it in small gardens. Subject to certain rules, regular feeding and watering, strawberries will delight the owner with delicious fruits.

Common diseases

Every gardener at the dacha certainly grows Victoria strawberries, namely Sadovaya strawberries. This sweet berry has firmly taken its place in the beds. There are many varieties of this culture, and they are constantly being improved, new ones are being bred. There are remontant species that yield from spring to autumn. They are resistant to cold and sudden changes in temperature and can be stored for a long time.

Whichever variety the gardener chooses, he must remember that strawberries can be subject to disease and damage by pests. Some of them affect the ground part of the plant, others - the root system. It is important to take timely measures to prevent or treat the disease, otherwise it will spread to healthy bushes, and this will affect the harvest.

The main diseases of strawberries:

  • Fungal. These include white, black and root rot, late blight.
  • Powdery mildew.
  • Fusarium is the wilting of the bush.
  • Disease from the spotting group.

The main diseases are caused by microscopic fungi. The plant is susceptible to infection with fungal infections in damp, cloudy weather, if preventive measures are not taken during prolonged rains. They appear on leaves, berries, roots in the form of plaque.

Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to save diseased bushes. Almost all fungal pathogens are resistant to chemicals and are able to adapt to them. The bacteria are carried with water by watering, rain, you can bring the pathogen on your shoes or buy infected seedlings.

White rot

If you notice a thick, dense bloom on the berries with droplets of water, this is the causative agent of white rot. Infected fruits rot and fall off. They are not edible. The pathogen then destroys the leaves and roots. The causative agent of the disease is the ascomycete fungus.

Fungal spores are airborne.

Most often this happens in cool and rainy weather, if the berries are in contact with the ground. Pay attention to how the strawberry bushes are planted. You can't plant them too often, you need seating, timely weed removal. If whitish spots appear on the leaves and fruits, take urgent measures.

Prevention and treatment of white rot:

  • The bushes need to be planted in a sunny place, preferably on a hill, so that excess moisture can drain off.
  • Planting only healthy material is necessary.
  • Do not plant bushes too often and tightly to each other.
  • Over-watering should be avoided.
  • We need to get rid of weeds in time.
  • In case of damage to plants, remove all infected buds, leaves and berries; in case of extensive damage, the entire culture is removed.

To combat white rot, you can use a fungicidal treatment, for example, Horus or Svitich. Or use a soap-copper solution (laundry soap 2% and copper sulfate 0.2%). After a couple of weeks, you need to re-process.

Gray rot

The disease is caused by the fungus Botrytis, which infects strawberries in part, in a certain area, and then spreads to healthy parts. Occurs at high air humidity. The most serious damage - up to 60-70% - on plants if they grow in one place for several years. Therefore, the transplant of bushes to a new place is carried out every three years. Those plantings are less susceptible, the berries of which do not come into contact with the ground.

Signs of defeat:

  • The appearance of brown or brown spots on the berries, covered with a white bloom. The lesion site on the fruit becomes soft. Over time, the spots will be covered with a fluffy bloom of gray.
  • The berries shrivel and dry up.
  • Gradually, the disease spreads to the leaves of the plant.

Prevention and control of gray mold:

  • Sprinkle the soil with ash or lime.
  • At the end of the season, remove all old, dried foliage.
  • Mulch the strawberry plantation with straw, pine needles.
  • Plant onions or garlic between the bushes.
  • Remove damaged parts of the plant.
  • Harvest regularly.
  • Remove weeds in a timely manner.

It is important to repot the strawberry bushes every three years. The infection remains in the ground and over time healthy plants are infected.

If you do not follow the rules for the care and planting of bushes, then this leads not only to the possible occurrence of fungal infections, but also to a small harvest.

Angular (brown) spotting

Most often, the disease occurs on old leaves. Spots of a round or oblong shape appear on them, their middle is light, and they themselves are red-brown in color. The rash has a dark brown or dark red border. They are located along the midrib of the leaf or along the edge of the leaf plate.

The disease develops from mid-summer to mid-September. The fungus hibernates on the remains of affected plants. Therefore, the best preventive measure is the removal of dead parts and dry leaves in spring and autumn. To combat this disease, you can use Bordeaux liquid (3-4%). The drug is sprayed before the beginning of the growing season.

Black root rot or Rhizoctonia disease

Another fungal disease of strawberries - root rot... At first it can be seen on the roots of young plants in the form of small black specks. Gradually, these rashes will grow and merge. The plant will stop growing, the roots will become brittle and dry, then the lesion will spread to the entire bush.

The affected plant can be easily pulled out of the garden. The disease occurs in any growing season, lasts until the onset of frost. All this leads to loss of yield and plant death. The infection is transmitted by air, insects can also be carriers.

If you used a garden tool on contaminated soil, and then processed a fruit bush with the same tool, you will infect it too. Black root rot is not cured. It is necessary to carry out prophylaxis in a timely manner, treat the land with disinfectants, and remove the affected plants from the site and burn them.

Prevention methods:

  1. 1. Before planting for disinfection, the roots of the plant are immersed in hot water for a few seconds (no more than 45 °).
  2. 2. Strawberry bushes are planted in a well-ventilated and sunny place, observing the required distance between them when planting.
  3. 3. In early spring, you need to treat the planting with a fungicide.
  4. 4. It is recommended to carry out top dressing with well-rotted compost, otherwise all viruses and fungal pathogens will remain in it. The compost from potato tops is used with extreme care.
  5. 5. It is necessary to replant the plantation to a new place every 3 years.
  6. 6. Before covering the strawberries for the winter, it is necessary to process them with the Phytodoctor.
  7. 7. It is not recommended to plant the plant in places where potatoes grew.

Black fruit rot

This disease affects only strawberries, the bushes are not susceptible to disease. Fruits become brown, abundantly covered with gray, and later blackening mycelium. Develops in hot and humid weather from mechanical damage insects, slugs, overripe berries are most often exposed.

The disease can be observed both in growing berries and in fruits in storage. The first sign is that the berry secretes juice, becomes watery, loses its color, smell and taste, becomes covered with brown spots. The disease cannot be cured. The affected berries are removed and burned.

Preventive measures:

  • Plant seedlings in elevated beds (15-40 cm). In this case, excess moisture will drain, the earth will be ventilated.
  • The soil should be disinfected at the rate of 2 grams of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water. It is necessary to water the strawberry bushes with this solution.
  • It is recommended to reduce organic and nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

If strawberries are grown under cover, in high beds, then they practically do not get sick with black rot.

Late blight (leathery) rot

One of the most dangerous diseases - late blight (leathery) rot. It can destroy an entire strawberry plantation. The entire bush is affected, although the symptoms appear on the berries at the beginning of their ripening. The color of the fruit turns brown, the fruit has a bitter taste, and an abundant white bloom appears.

The berries dry out and take on a leathery appearance. Rot can affect leaves, root collar and peduncles. In the future, the leaves and the entire stem of the strawberry bush will dry out. Improper, excessive watering, rainy weather, high humidity are the main conditions for the appearance of late blight. The pathogen remains in the soil and in the affected plant for a long time.

Preventive measures:

  1. 1. It is necessary to plant the bushes at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other, to prevent an abundance of weeds.
  2. 2. Destroy diseased berries and plants.
  3. 3. Do not overfeed.
  4. 4. Choose varieties for planting with a stable immunity to late blight.
  5. 5. Provide ventilation, do not abuse excessive watering.

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is a dangerous fungal disease. Its first signs are visible on the lower plate of the leaf. It does not touch the roots of the plant. On the leaves, plaque appears in the form of a white coating, resembling cobweb threads. Blotches are clearly visible - fungal spores.

The disease progresses rapidly. It spreads to flowers and berries, bush mustache. Stricken vascular system leaves change color, they turn brown, as if with a touch of rust. Then the leaves are deformed, folded and dried out.

The fruit turns white, cracks, loses its juice and starts to smell like mold. The mustache stops growing and dies off. At high air temperatures and high humidity, the infection spreads to all plants with lightning speed.

Disease prevention measures:

  • Treat plant roots with copper sulfate before planting.
  • Spray with Topaz before flowering.
  • During the period of growth and development, the leaves should be irrigated with complex mineral fertilizers.

Treatment for plant damage:

  1. 1. Remove dry, last year foliage.
  2. 2. Periodically spray the whole year with a solution of soda ash the bushes that were sick last season.
  3. 3. When berries ripen, treat them with a solution of cow serum (diluted in water 1:10). You can add a few drops of iodine to it. Processing is carried out every 3 days.
  4. 4. Powdery mildew is difficult to treat. Transplant the strawberry plantation as far away from the affected area as possible. Disinfect the old soil.

Fusarium wilting

Fusarium is a fungal disease, very harmful and insidious. If measures are not taken in time, it is possible to lose up to 80% of the crop and plantation. The disease can appear during the entire growing season, but its manifestation and symptoms are different. Signs of wilting can be seen on the leaves as a bluish coloration, then the plates acquire a brown tint and die off, the root collar decays.

Most often, the leaves are affected when the berries are being poured. Just at the time when the plant most needs nutrients... The diseased bush falls apart, withers and, as it were, nestles on the ground. However, the virus can proceed without visible signs. If the bushes turn brown and begin to dry out, the culture will lose all its parts: stems, leaves, roots, fruits. Therefore, it is important to take action in the early stages of the disease.

Fusarium prevention measures:

  1. 1. The correct choice of planting material. Plant only healthy plants.
  2. 2. Do not plant strawberries where potatoes grew.
  3. 3. Do not plant in the old place after less than 4 years.
  4. 4. Be sure to remove weeds.

The fungus spreads very quickly and is able to destroy strawberry bushes in just a couple of months.

Verticillary wilting

If the bush grows slowly, the number of leaves is small and the petioles turn red, this means that the plantings were struck by verticillary wilting.

Preventive measures:

  1. 1. Do not plant strawberries where legumes grew before.
  2. 2. Change the location of the plantation every 3 years.
  3. 3. Treat the area with a preparation that removes the soil from the nematode - the main spread of the disease.

White spot

The first signs of the disease are small round dots of red-brown color. The defeat can be observed over the entire surface of the sheet plate. Over time, the spots merge into one whole, the middle of the affected area brightens and perforates, that is, the sheet is covered with holes.

Due to this fungal disease, the plant loses most of its green mass. The taste of the berries is deteriorating, the yield is low. White spot is not treated, the affected parts must be removed, and healthy bushes must be treated with an antifungal agent that contains copper.

How to deal with white spot:

  • Feeding strawberries after harvesting with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. This will increase the immunity of plants.
  • Apply nitrogen and organic fertilizers in moderation.
  • Do not plant strawberries too close together.
  • In spring, remove dried leaves and change the mulch.
  • Treat the bushes with Bordeaux mixture three times throughout the season.
  • Drip irrigation, which contributes to the onset and spread of the disease, should not be carried out.

Brown spot

This disease is characterized by mild symptoms, which makes it extremely dangerous. Manifestation begins in spring, most often in April. Small brown spots appear on the edges of the leaves, they merge into one large spot and cover almost the entire surface of the leaf.

On the outer side of the plate, black spores are visible growing through the leaf plate. The whole plant is covered with crimson spots. In summer, strawberries rejuvenate, they have new leaves, and it seems that there is no illness. However, this is not the case - she will return very soon and strike.

Control measures for brown spot:

  1. 1. Remove all dead leaves in spring and autumn.
  2. 2. It is necessary to carry out mulching, which changes every year.
  3. 3. Waterlogging of the soil is not allowed.
  4. 4. It is recommended to fertilize with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Nitrogen substances are introduced with great care.
  5. 5. After harvesting, you need to treat the bushes with Fitosporin.

Red spot

If red-brown spots from 1 to 5 mm began to appear on the leaves of strawberries, it means that the bush is affected by red spotting. The leaves turn yellow and dry out. With the active development of the disease, the spots accumulate in the center of the plate.

As a preventive measure, gardeners are trying to grow disease-resistant varieties. For chemical control measures, you can use the same drugs as for gray rot.

Strawberry anthracnose

This disease at the initial stage does not manifest itself in any way. It is caused by a fungus that infects the entire plant. The culture is outwardly perfectly healthy, but all its organs are already affected. Mustache and top part petioles are covered with sores.

They seem to be slightly depressed and have an oblong shape. Then the ulcers will merge into a ring and the affected part will dry out. A scattering of specks from 2 mm appears on the leaves. Their color is light brown, gradually becoming black. Over time, they will also merge into one large spot and destroy the leaves.

Flowers and berries will become infected from the affected whiskers and leaves. They become burnt, brown or black in color. Spots appear on the fruits, as if they were pressed with a finger. When the strawberries are dry, they will turn almost chocolate brown.

The pathogen can remain in the affected remains and soil for up to 2 years, but at low temperatures it quickly dies. You can also identify this fungus by berries. Those that are not yet ripe begin to wither and dry out. And on ripe ones, watery specks appear, which after a short period become covered with mold.

The causative agent of the disease is extremely resistant to chemicals. It is recommended to change them when secondary processing the plant.

Anthracnose control measures:

  1. 1. Use only healthy plants from a trusted supplier as planting material.
  2. 2. Be careful when planting overseas seedlings. For the most part this disease came to us from there with overseas seedlings.
  3. 3. When planting, the roots should be disinfected in a fungicide solution.
  4. 4. It is recommended to spray strawberry bushes with a solution of disinfecting agents. You can add sulfur.

Strawberry bacterial diseases

Burns and cancer are the most common bacterial diseases in strawberries. During the period of active growth of plants and their flowering, bacteria penetrate into the inflorescences to get inside. Infection occurs and the culture dies. The main sign is dry, twisted leaves and flowers that do not fall off, but continue to hold.

Preventive measures:

  1. 1. When proper care strawberries are practically not exposed to this disease or are very successful in resisting it.
  2. 2. Bushes should be planted away from the Rosaceae family. Do not plant strawberries under pear or apple trees. These and other trees and shrubs (such as hawthorn) are breeding grounds for bacteria. And if the tree itself successfully copes with bacterial contamination, then strawberries cannot.
  3. 3. Spraying of bushes is carried out with copper sulfate and limestone solution.

Strawberry root cancer is similar to the development of human carcinoma. Rhizobium infected by the bacterium transforms and includes neighboring cells in the process. A tumor of the root system forms, and the plant dies. An effective control measure will be the destruction of diseased plantings, preventing bacteria from switching to new cultures.


Fungal and bacterial diseases of garden berries are the most dangerous and common. In addition to them, there are many other diseases and infections, both viral and bacterial, which can develop on different soils. To understand what they look like various deviations in the development of a berry, you need to carefully study the description, know what are the folk and medicinal methods of struggle.

Garden pests can be carriers: beetle larva, wireworm, weevil, ants and slugs, spider mites. And such a pest as a strigun beetle (kravchik) will also cut off all the seedlings at the root. To get a good harvest, a gardener needs to get rid of insects and weeds in time, carry out the right feeding, choose a sunny place for planting. And the most important thing is to take care of your strawberries with love.


Strawberries are a great berry in the garden. It has been known about it for several hundred years. Moreover, it is delicious and sweet. Children love it and adults do not mind trying it.

But even in well-groomed beds, garden strawberries are not immune from the appearance of diseases and pests. If you don't fight them, you won't be able to get a good harvest.

Everyone knows that the fight against diseases must be started before the first signs appear. You can't do without preventive measures. The sooner measures are taken, the higher the yield.

Fusarium and late blight on strawberries

Fusarium disease leads to wilting of leaves. Its first sign is necrosis at the edges of the leaf plate, after which the leaf gradually changes color to brown and completely fades. Late blight on a plant can be recognized by the following signs:

  • bushes noticeably lag behind in development;
  • the center of the bush turns red;
  • the leaves become grayish;
  • the edges of the leaf plate are twisted upward, forming a bowl;
  • the root system dies off.

To prevent the occurrence of such dangerous diseases, it is very important to follow the cultivation technique and change the location of the garden every four years.

The fact is that the spores of pathogenic fungi accumulate in the soil and on the roots of strawberries. Only healthy material is chosen for laying a new bed. Also, before planting, it is necessary to treat the root system of plants with biological products. Bushes that show signs of damage are best destroyed immediately.

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew significantly reduces yields, affecting all parts of the plant. You can determine its appearance on strawberries by the following signs:

  • leaves are curled up in a boat;
  • the color of the leaf plate changes, it turns purple;
  • a white powdery bloom appears on the surface of leaves and berries;
  • berries become smaller and deformed.

In addition, the disease prevents the plant from pollinating normally, which reduces the yield. Ripe fruits have an unpleasant taste and smell, more reminiscent of the smell of rot.

You must fight the disease immediately. Preventive spraying is carried out several times a season. The first time the plant is treated in early spring, then at the beginning of budding and after harvesting.

The bed is treated with preparations with copper, they add soap solution as an adhesive. For spraying, copper sulfate, Bordeaux liquid or preparations based on them are used.

Gray rot

Gray mold is a fungal disease that destroys the entire crop rather quickly. Signs of the disease:

  • light brown, dense spots on fruits that grow rapidly;
  • fluffy bloom on fruits;
  • ovaries and stalks dry out;
  • leaves are covered with brown or gray spots.

In addition, on the affected plant, strawberry fruits quickly dry and mummify, and the disease progresses actively on young bushes.

As a fight against gray rot, preventive spraying with Bordeaux mixture is used twice a season, before flowering and after harvest. It is also important to observe the crop rotation of the crop, mulch the soil with coniferous sawdust, and regularly weed the weeds.

An insidious disease destroys an entire strawberry plantation in a short time. It is quite simple to define it:

  • small brown spots appear on the surface of the leaf, which quickly form one large spot;
  • gradually the leaves of the affected plant turn yellow and die off.

The fight against the disease begins in early spring, the plants are sprayed with copper preparations. After harvesting, the processing is repeated again.

White spot

Fungal disease manifests itself as white clear spots on the leaves of the plant, the edge of the spot is dark in color. The dots do not merge into a single spot, but the affected leaves gradually die off.

The fight against the causative agent of the disease is carried out every year, they take not only preventive spraying, but also regularly take care of the garden. Monitor the condition of the soil, weed out.

What pests are dangerous for garden strawberries and why?

Not only diseases, but also gluttonous pests that eat up the berries and leaves of the plant significantly reduce the harvest. Bushes noticeably lag behind in growth, flowering is delayed. Pest control is carried out throughout the growing season.

The first preventive treatment occurs in early spring, after which three or four more sprays are done.

The strawberry nematode reproduces very quickly. To prevent this pest from settling on the site, be sure to use only healthy seedlings. Immediately before planting, a contrast shower is arranged for the plant, which kills the nematode larvae.

The bushes are dipped in a bowl of hot water, the temperature of which is at 45 degrees, and kept for ten minutes. After that, the seedlings are immediately cooled in ice water. Only then do they start planting plants. The planting hole is pre-filled with lime.

If the pest has already settled on the site, then the affected bushes are dug up and burned. It is easy to identify diseased bushes:

  • young bushes are deformed, become brittle;
  • shoots and internodes thicken;
  • flowering is practically absent;
  • the fruits are small and ugly.

In addition, having dug a bush, you can see small worms in its roots, the length of which does not exceed 1 mm. This is the pest.

Strawberry mite and shrub treatment

The strawberry mite infects the leaves of the plant, and begins to harm from early spring, sucking the juice from young sprouts of strawberries.

Females of the pest calmly winter in the soil, in spring they come to the surface and settle at the base of the bush. Signs of damage to strawberries:

  • young leaves of the plant are deformed, become terry at the edges;
  • gradually the leaf plate wrinkles;
  • the plant is covered with an oily bloom;
  • berries become smaller, yield decreases.

Severely affected bushes are dug up and burned. At the first signs of the appearance of a pest, preparations with a sulfur content are used. As a preventive measure, you can spray strawberries with infusion of dandelion and tomato tops.

Dandelion infusion is prepared from fresh raw materials. The leaves are crushed and filled with hot water, the temperature of which is no more than 50C. The mixture is infused for about 4 hours, then filtered and used as directed. A 10-liter bucket uses up to about 1 kg of leaves.

Tomato leaf infusion is prepared from dry shoots, which are harvested in the fall. One kilogram of tops is poured with hot water (10 liters) and infused for 4 hours. After that, the solution is boiled for two hours, cooled and filtered. The working solution is diluted 1: 2 and grated laundry soap is added.

How to treat a berry from a spider mite?

Often in the garden, they notice that the leaves of the garden strawberry are entangled in a thin web, slow down growth and gradually dry out. It is wielded by a spider mite. The pest sucks out the cell sap of the plant, which leads to death, the yield drops.

At the first signs of damage, the garden bed is immediately sprayed with an infusion of wormwood and tobacco. It is prepared in the same way as dandelion infusion. If the moment is missed, then the bed can be treated with karbofos or Fitoverm.

Aphid control on strawberries

The pest is visible to the naked eye. The leaves of the plant curl, gradually dry out, flowering is delayed, the fruits are deformed.

Of the folk methods for combating aphids, garlic infusion is widely used. The heads are peeled and crushed. Pour the garlic with ice water (3 liters) and infuse the mixture for one week. Then the solution is filtered and used for its intended purpose.


Wasps also plague the strawberry plantation by eating sweet berries. To get rid of them, special sweet baits are placed on the territory.


Some birds like to nibble on strawberries. Place a scarecrow in the garden or plastic bottlesput on pegs. This will scare away annoying neighbors.

Remember, if time is lost, it is very difficult to defeat the disease and pests; treatment in most cases may be ineffective. Inspect the beds in a timely manner, remove weeds, carry out preventive treatment of strawberry bushes in the fall, remove the affected plants without regret.

The most effective remedy for all strawberry diseases is proper care.

Modern strawberry varieties are quite disease resistant. With proper agricultural technology, diseases do not cause severe damage to the plantation. Nevertheless, many gardeners complain about outbreaks of diseases of garden strawberries in their fields. On this page you will find a description of the most common diseases of strawberries and effective ways their treatment.

Strawberry diseases and their treatment

Description of the disease. On leaves, peduncles, flowers and ovaries, it appears as large brown, drying spots that do not have a border. In hot weather, the spots crack. In rainy weather and high humidity, a smoky gray coating appears on the affected tissues.

Affected berries become soft, a weeping brown spot appears on their surface. The mycelium itself develops in the pulp, and spores appear on the surface in the form of a gray bloom. Affected berries are not edible and must be destroyed. The disease manifests itself in damp rainy summers. Overgrowing of the plots with weeds, growing strawberries in the shade under dense crowns, thickened plantings contribute to the rapid progression of the disease.

Ripe strawberries are more rotten. Green ones are more resistant and are affected if there are diseased red berries nearby.

Treatment methods. In wet weather, during the budding period, strawberries are sprayed with a broad-spectrum fungicide Euparen. This drug is most effective in combating gray mold and white spot, and also suppresses the pathogen of powdery mildew. Euparen cannot be mixed with Bordeaux mixture and adhesives must not be added to the working solution. 2 g of the drug is diluted in 1 liter of water, consumption per hundred square meters is 6 liters. After harvesting, a second spraying is carried out.

To fight infection, strawberry bushes can be sprayed with the bacterial preparations Planriz or Alirin B.

During the period of growth of ovaries in damp weather, diseased strawberry bushes are pollinated with fluff.

Traditional methods of treatment.

  1. Infusion of garlic. The husk is poured with 5 liters of hot water and insisted for 2 days. The resulting infusion is diluted with water in equal proportions and the bushes are watered.
  2. A solution is prepared from ash (1 glass), chalk (1 glass), copper sulfate (1 tsp). The mixture is poured over 10 liters of water and sprayed with strawberries.

Disease prevention.

  1. Thinning of thickened plantings.
  2. Removal of plant residues.
  3. Removal and destruction of rotten berries.
  4. It is impossible to water strawberries by sprinkling during flowering and growth of ovaries.
  5. To prevent damage, freshly reddened and not quite ripe berries are removed.
  6. After each rain, the earth is loosened.

It is advisable that ripe berries do not come into contact with wet ground; for this, special support rings (sold in garden stores) are placed under the bushes or plastic bottles are placed. You can mulch the ground with any material other than peat.

White spot or ramulariasis

Fungal disease. The infection persists in the affected wintering leaves and plant debris. Strawberries grown in heavy soils with an excess of organic matter are more susceptible to ramularia.

Description of the disease. It affects leaves, peduncles, peduncles, sepals. Numerous small red-brown spots of a round or angular shape appear on the leaves of strawberries. As the mycelium develops, the spots turn white, but a brown edging always remains around them. In hot weather, the affected tissue cracks and falls out, in wet weather - a white bloom of sporulation appears. Spores spread to neighboring leaves and plants.

On peduncles, peduncles, sepals, spots are dark brown, whitening over time. They are elongated and slightly depressed. With severe damage, the peduncles become brown, thinner, fall and dry out.

The first signs of the disease on strawberries appear in early to mid-May; in summer, rainy weather contributes to the spread of infection. The large amount of moisture in the soil after the snow melts also contributes to the development of the disease.

Strawberry treatments.

  1. 3-4 times treatment with Bayleton: during the period of leaf regrowth, when the peduncles are extended, after harvest and 10-12 days after the previous treatment.
  2. Double treatment with Euparen. You can do 4 treatments, alternating between Euparen and Bayleton.
  3. Spraying with Nitrafen. A broad-spectrum drug that can accumulate in the soil and cause plant burns, so it is used in early spring or late autumn once.
  4. Double processing of strawberries with Bordeaux mixture: before flowering and in the second half of July. The leaves are processed from the bottom.

Traditional methods of treatment... Spraying strawberries with 5% iodine solution (10 ml per 10 liters of water). Processing is carried out on the leaves before flowering.

Disease prevention:

  • removal of dry leaves in early spring;
  • thinning of the thickened plot;
  • weed removal;
  • burning of all damaged plant residues.

White spot (and in general all strawberry diseases) develops strongly when the bushes are overfeeding with nitrogen. When a lesion is detected, nitrogen fertilizing (both organic and mineral) is stopped and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied. The best of these is ash.

Brown spot

The infection is caused by pathogenic fungi. It remains in the affected plant debris and affected wintering strawberry leaves.

Description of the disease. The disease affects the aerial part of the plants. Numerous spots of a rounded or angular shape appear on the leaves of strawberries, the color of which is from red-brown to almost black; the middle of the spot is somewhat lighter, but without a border. They can merge. Soon, black shiny pads with spores appear on the spots. With severe damage, the leaves turn purple and die off.

On the leaf stalks and whiskers, the disease manifests itself as depressed small brown spots.

This strawberry disease appears in the second half of summer and, if it spreads strongly, can cause browning and premature drying of the leaves, which negatively affects the winter hardiness of strawberries. Humid and hot weather contributes to the development of infection. But at temperatures above 32 ° C, even with high humidity, the development of the disease slows down.

Prevention and treatment of the disease

  1. Preventive spraying with Bordeaux mixture. With a strong spread of the disease, treatment is carried out in spring and autumn.
  2. If more than half of the plantation is affected, treatment with Nitrofen.

Powdery mildew

The causative agent of the infection is a pathogenic fungus. Its spores persist in the affected plant tissues and on plant debris. The focus of the disease consists of mycelium and numerous white spores, which, when spreading, infect the surrounding strawberry bushes and other plants susceptible to powdery mildew.

Signs of defeat. On young strawberry leaves, a bloom of white appears on both sides and on the petioles. The edges of the leaf blades wrinkle and bend up like a boat, the lower surface acquires a bronze-pink tint. Peduncles, flowers and ovaries turn brown and deformed. Green berries wither. The red berries become slimy and appear to be dusted with flour, and a characteristic moldy smell appears. The disease manifests itself in a damp summer and in violation of the irrigation regime.

How to treat strawberries.

  1. Treatment with fungicides based on colloidal sulfur or copper sulfate. Sulfur preparations are more effective. Bordeaux mixture containing copper sulphate is ineffective against powdery mildew.
  2. Treatment of strawberry plantations with colloidal sulfur. The drug can be used 3 days before picking berries (Tiovit Jet).
  3. Topaz preparation is the most effective in the fight against powdery mildew. Duration therapeutic action 3 days, preventive 7-10 days.
  4. Fitosporin is very effective at an early stage of the disease, with advanced forms it does not have the required effect.
  5. Copper sulfate can be used once a season, as the drug is toxic. Sprayed to prevent and treat the initial stage of infection in early spring.
  6. Can be treated with other fungicides: Skif, Skor, Tilt, Quadris, But.
  7. The bushes are sprayed very strongly, the solution should drain from the leaves.
  8. Watering strawberries can only be done when the top layer dries.
  9. Stop feeding with nitrogen fertilizers.

Traditional methods of treatment are more suitable for preventing disease than for treating it.

  1. Iodine. Dilute 10 ml in 10 liters of water and spray the strawberry bushes from the bottom and top. Effective at the initial stage of the disease.
  2. Soda. 5 g of soda ash is diluted in 1 liter of hot water, adding soap shavings to the solution for better adhesion of the drug. After the solution has cooled down, the soil is sprayed and watered. Spraying is repeated 3 times with an interval of 7 days.
  3. Potassium permanganate. 1 g / 4 l of water. 2-3 treatments are carried out with an interval of 7-10 days. Spraying should be done after rain.
  4. Serum. 1 l / 10 l of water, sprinkling of strawberries every 3-5 days. The serum covers the plants with a film and inhibits the growth of the fungus, making it difficult for it to breathe. In addition, fermented milk microflora is an antagonist of pathogenic fungi. It produces substances (antibiotics) that kill fungi and their spores.

With the development of the disease, they switch from folk remedies to chemicals.

Brown (angular) spotting

The pathogenic fungus mainly affects old leaves. Pycnidia are formed on the affected tissue - hibernating fruiting bodies of mushrooms. Overwinters in affected tissues and on infected plant debris.

How does the disease manifest? The disease manifests itself in mid-summer and reaches its peak in mid-August-early September. On the leaf blades, red-brown spots appear with a light middle and a dark border. Growing rapidly along the veins or from the edge of the leaf to the center, they acquire an irregular angular shape. Gradually the spots turn gray-brown, but the border remains. In hot weather, the affected tissue cracks and falls out.

When the leaf petioles and whiskers are affected, oval brown spots and dry constrictions appear on them. When the peduncles are damaged, the ovaries acquire a brown color and dry out. Damp weather contributes to the spread of the disease.

How to treat strawberries.

  1. When a disease appears after picking the berries, all the foliage is mowed down and spraying with Nitrafen is carried out before it regrowth.
  2. Before flowering and after fruiting, diseased strawberries are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.
  3. Plantation treatment with Ordan.

Traditional methods of treatment.

  1. Ash. 1/2 bucket of wood ash is poured into 10 liters of water, insisted for 3 days. Bring the volume of the solution to 30 l, add an adhesive (soap, milk, kefir) and spray the strawberries. Sick strawberries are treated twice with a break of 10 days.
  2. Kefir. 1 liter of fermented kefir (yogurt, old fermented baked milk, etc.) is diluted in 10 liters of water and sprayed with strawberry bushes. 2 treatments are carried out with an interval of 12-14 days.

Late blight

Fungal disease, the pathogen persists in the soil for 8-10 years.

Description of the disease. All parts of the plant are affected. The roots become bare and die off, and the central cylinder of the root becomes red, the rhizome is destroyed. Ring-shaped brown spots appear at the base of leaf petioles. Peduncles or already formed berries often dry out. Dry spots appear on the berries, which increase, affecting the entire surface, the berries acquire a brown color with a lilac tint, become hard and leathery, dry out and decrease in size. Sometimes a white, moldy coating appears.

How to treat. It is very difficult to fight the disease, since the mycelium is located inside the tissues of the plant. The most effective preventive methods. For prevention, strawberries are sprinkled 3-4 times with Quadris, Bravo, Antracol, Bordeaux mixture. The fungus very quickly develops resistance to fungicides, so each time spraying is carried out with different preparations.

Traditional methods of treatment.

  1. Spraying on strawberry plantation alcohol solution iodine (10 ml / 10 l of water).
  2. Garlic solution. 1 glass of finely chopped leaves is poured with 10 liters of water, insisted for a day, 1.5 g of potassium permanganate is added to the solution and spraying is carried out. Re-processing is carried out after 10 days. The phytoncides contained in garlic kill phytophthora spores.
  3. Spraying strawberries with ash infusion. The treatment is carried out 3 times with an interval of 10 days.
  4. Spraying with fermented milk solution. During the summer, 3 treatments are carried out.
  5. Copper wire. Copper has antifungal properties. For protection, pierce a few old leaves with wire, the ends of which are stuck into the soil.

All of these strawberry diseases are easier to prevent than trying to cure diseased plants later. Therefore, pay great attention to correct agricultural techniques.

Other helpful articles on growing strawberries:

  1. The article explains in detail how to care for a strawberry plantation from early spring to late autumn.
  2. What pests can threaten your plantation and how to effectively deal with them.
  3. How to propagate strawberry bushes on your own and what mistakes gardeners make most often.
  4. Is it worth it to do this for ordinary summer residents.
  5. A selection of the newest, most productive and promising varieties.
  6. Growing technology and all the pros and cons of this business.
  7. Planning to tackle strawberries? Then this is the very first article you need to read.
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