What is a dermatomycosis stop. Methods of infection, symptoms and treatment

The sickness of the foot and legs are the most common, among the population of the planet. This is due to the provision of regular high loads on the lower limbs. The leading place in the list occupy diseases of the foot feet, provoked by the stormy reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

Most often, such infections are developing due to the weakening of immunity and in violations of personal hygiene rules. In addition, the development of the infectious process may be failed in metabolic processes, frequent impact on the body of stressful situations, microflora violation skin cover As a result of the use of antibiotics and not proper nutrition.

What about this article?

Diseases provoked by the reproduction of pathogenic flora

The most common infections are infection with fungus and deprive.

And the most common occasion of this type - epidermofilation. This disease is also called the dermatomycosis, it is able to hit the skin and nails on the fingers. For the rapid development of fungal infection, the presence of a wet and warm microclimate on the body surface is required.

Another common disease appearing on the skin of the lower extremities is deprived.

Under this term implies a numerous group of disorders. Each of them is characterized by the appearance characteristic signs and symptoms. Depending on the causative agent, focal education are distinguished.

Mycosis is the main pathogens and its varieties

Mycosis is a fungal damage to nails and skin. It is very easy for them to get infected - it is enough to use a sick man's shoes or other personal belongings. In addition, there is a high risk of infection when visiting a public pool, a bath complex and a beach.

The most common mycosis of the skin of the legs is epidermofilation. In addition, there is an interdigal infection that affects the skin in the field of fingers. - One of the most common diseases of the toes.

Characteristic symptoms of fungal lesion

Very often the fungal lesion occurs as a result of frequent and long wearing Closed and close shoes, it creates a favorable environment for breeding pathogenic fungi.

Process progression occurs quite quickly and in most cases is accompanied by the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • skin peeling, in some cases, skin begins to be flawed with integer formations;
  • thickening and degradation of the epidermis;
  • itching and burning in the field of distribution;

Additionally, the formation of microcracks is observed on the skin.

For the developing interpalic infection, the following symptoms are characterized by:

  1. Peeling of skin in the interpal area.
  2. Redness at the site of infection.
  3. Strong feeling of burning.
  4. The formation of small-size blisters containing inside the liquid.

In the absence of timely and adequate treatment, the disease caused by fungus quickly begins to progress and applies to other areas of the skin.

The affected areas of the epidermis become friable, mocking areas appear. With the damage to the nail plate, it changes the color and becomes muddy, thick and acquires an increased fragment.

In some cases, there may be a detachment of the nail from a soft subnodium bed. The finger affected by the infectious process begins to hurt and creates inconvenience when walking.

Lishe - major varieties

The development of depriving legs provokes the appearance of focal defeat. Depending on the microflora, which caused Patprocess, different kinds differ in external manifestations and characteristic symptoms.

Transmitted contact path. Most often, the person on the skin is observed the appearance of a rowing, pink, red flat and seven debris.

The disease most often appears in people having a weak immunity and suffering a heavy disease. In addition, people may occur in people, the organism of which is subjected to constant and long-term stress loads. In childhood, the disorder appears as a result of the absence of the ability of the immune system to withstand pathogenic microflora. This is due to the fact that the child's body is not fully formed.

General features are:

  • the formation of foci of lesion having a size of 0.5-6 cm;
  • changing the color of the skin and the appearance of hypo-and hyperpegmentation;
  • the appearance of finely and large peeling;
  • the emergence of the feeling of itching of various intensity.

The appearance of any sign should alert a person and signal the need to visit the dermatologist.

Stamping deprived - characteristic symptoms

A ringless deprived is a severe disease that can affect not only legs, but also other sections of the skin. The special group of risk includes children of preschool and school age. Doctors distinguish two varieties of pathology - microsporement and trico.

The microsporia is characterized by clearly defined foci from the spread of infection, on which a seven-party peeling is observed. In the process of development, the patient has no feeling of itching and the damage to the moay and smooth skin of the lower extremities.

When illness appears on the legs, treatment is required to start as soon as possible, this is due to the fact that the lesions are fairly quickly spread throughout the body.

For trihophys, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  1. The emergence of rounded and oval formations on smooth skin covers.
  2. The lack of a feeling of itching, the foci of spreading infection do not merge and have clearly defined boundaries.
  3. In the center of the distribution area, there is a sewer of a bowl-type.
  4. The peripheral area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion is characterized by the presence of bubbles containing purulent mass.

Spread hurricane. In childhood, boys recover quickly, and girls in 80% of cases acquire a chronic form of illness.

Pink deprived - signs and characteristic symptoms

Pink deprived is an allergic reaction of the body with a weakened immunity, is not contagious and is not transmitted by the contact method. Most often, pathology is observed after an infectious disease.

At the initial stage of progression, the formation of the maternal plaque, having an oval shape and diameter of up to 2 cm. The neoplasm has a pink color, in the center it is located peeling and wrinkled plot.

A few days later, the foci begins to spread throughout the limb, while new formations can be both larger and the smallest of the maternal plaque. Pathology is accompanied by the emergence of a strong feeling of itching.

Despite the presence of a strong feeling of itching and burning, combing the affected areas is categorically prohibited, as this can provoke a letter bacterial infectionthat significantly complicates the process of recovery.

The disease independently passes throughout 4-5 weeks after the appearance of the first symptoms. In some cases. When the body is particularly weakened, the duration of recovery is 5-6 months

Red flat deprived - characteristic symptomatomy

The true reason for the appearance of this form of the disease is currently reliably unknown. Most experts agree that the pathology is provoked by the process of developing antibodies against its own tissues. This variety refers to autoimmune disorders.

The progression of the illness is accompanied by the appearance of a number. characteristic symptomsOne of which is the formation of flat plaques on the skin of flat plaques rather bright colors having an irregular shape and size, hesitating around 0.3 cm.

In addition, there is a merger of the affected areas among themselves. The surface of the affected areas acquires wax glitter. If the neoplasia passes independently, the clarified plot remains on the surface of the skin.

Violation is also characterized by the emergence of a strong feeling of itching and burning.

A characteristic feature of the disease - the appearance in the affected area, after processing it vegetable oil, lines and white dots. Such a unique feature allows red flat deprived to easily distinguish from other varieties.

Choir shape linguring

The seduction shape losing is a chronic fungal skin infection. The disease is provoked by yeast-like fungi on feet feet and ankles. In some cases, pathprocesses can affect the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower leg and hips.

For the affected areas, the presence of clear boundaries and the color of the lesion zone in a dark red or brown color. Symptoms are the emergence of a strong feeling of itching and burning. An additional feature is the lack of changes in the form of a sun on the surface of the skin when exposed to its sunlight.

Freewood Lisha - satellite of patients with low immunity and chronic disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal bodies.

Treatment fungus and deprived

For treatment, both methods and preparations of conservative and traditional medicine can be applied. The choice of them largely depends on the stage of the progression of pathprocesses.

Before applying a drug, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis that includes a whole range of research. Depending on the variety of illness, the dermatologist chooses the tactics of therapy and the corresponding list of drugs.

It is strictly forbidden to treat it is strictly prohibited, which is due to the presence of complexity in carrying out therapeutic measures and the emergence of complications in the body of the patient arising under the influence medical preparationsdistinguished by a large list of side effects.

Treatment of skin mikosa

The method of conducting therapy of mycotic infection and the drugs used depend on the type of fungus. Most often, local action medicines are used for this purpose. The most popular forms of antimicotic drugs are antifungal and antiseptic ointments, creams, varnishes and gels.

Among the drugs intended for the treatment of fungal leather pathology, the cluster of patients cream laminisyl and oil stop asset.

When appointing lamisil to the doctor, it is required to be applied twice a day. It is recommended to apply the medicine on the feet in the evening and in the morning. Side effects From the use of medication is observed very rarely. In some cases, the appearance of nausea and vomiting may appear.

Oil Stop asset, according to most doctors and patients, is one of the most effective tools against fungal feet infections.

The use of the drug allows you to bring all three species of fungus.

In addition to the drugs of the local action, if necessary, the reception of system action can be appointed. Such medicines are drugs in tablet form. Among them are the most common considered:

  • Duflyan:
  • Mikomax Zentiv;
  • Flucostat;
  • Duflazon;
  • Fluconazole and some others.

We can only take the drugs only by appointment of a doctor. What is associated with the emergence of a strong negative impact on the body, manifested by side effects.

Treatment depriving on the legs

For carrying out therapeutic measures aimed at getting rid of the disease affects the variety of pathology. For each type of illness, it is necessary to select your list of effective preparations and its own diagram of drug influence.

Dermatomicoses call fungal lesions not only superficial skin, but also nails, skin folds, and sometimes internal organs. Children are infected with direct contact with sick people, animals or things that are immunified by fungus. The longer the child is sick, the harder, subsequently, to cure it. What represents this group of diseases and how to deal with it?

Dermatomikosis in children: causes of occurrence:

Dermatophy mushrooms are:

Disputes, confidium or gifs (cells with which mushrooms breed) fall on the skin of the child, activate and germinate with the presence of favorable conditions. The area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, where they begin to actively live and multiply fungi, gradually collapses, changing outwardly.

Children are infected with this group of diseases most often, because They are more susceptible to the influence of adverse factors that weaken the body and reduce its resistance. Pathology is terrible with its chronic current, which is very difficult to cure.

Factors contributing to the development of dermatomycosis:

Unfavorable environmental conditions (increased dustiness, humidity or air temperature);
- long antibiotic therapy;
- reduction of general immunity;
- any chronic diseases internal organs;
- incorrect and unbalanced nutrition;
- violation of personal hygiene;
- the presence of a house of patients with pets (mainly cats and dogs);
- contacts with patients with people or infected things;
- visits to swimming pools without special personal shoes;
- endocrine diseases (for example, diabetes);
- increased sweating, especially if there is a child of excess weight;
- metabolic disorders.

Classification of children's dermatomycosis:

At the place of the defeat, fungal diseases are classified on:

Mycoses Stop;
- Body (or smooth skin, including person);
- nails (onichomicosis);
- inguinal region;
- the scalp.

The classification on the causative agent includes:

- dermatophytium;
- keratomicosis;
- pseudomykosis;
- Deep dermatomycosis.

What do skin micoses look like in children?:

Sometimes moms believe that fungus is striking only feet. However, this opinion is an erroneous - fungus can be manifested absolutely on any part of the body, including the hair.

Most often, dermatomycosis in children arise on a smooth skin surface, in groin and on the skin of the head under the hair. Less often beams and nail plates are affected.

Defeat of Pahá

Inguinal folds get off and covered small rash. There is a local redness of the affected areas with clear boundaries of a rounded or oval form.

Dermatofitosis smooth skin surface.

Accompanied by a moderate degree itching. It is usually the form of a smooth rings of a pinkish-red shade with very small bubbles inside. Bubbles, bursting and falling, form small scales. A peculiar smell may be noted.

Nail fungus (onychomicosis).

Children's marigold changes color, thickened and deformed. Spopped dead cells form belegic deposits under the nail. Over time, the nail is destroyed and peeling from the surface of the finger.

Mushroom scalp.

First, a rash with liquid appears between the hairs. Brokesy, pour hair onions, which fall out with the thrust hair. Limited bald places are formed. May be accompanied by not only itching, but also by some soreness. Also has an ugly cosmetic effect.

Fungal damage stop.

Between the fingers, small bubbles appear, redness and peeling, which is first not bothering, except external species. It is then added itching, and the place of the lesion is expanding to the foot and ankle. With prolonged flow, the skin is dehydrated, it becomes dry to the touch, cracks and painful sensations appear.

Diagnostics of dermatomicosis:

With suspicious symptoms you need to show a child to a dermatologist or a dermatologist-mycogue.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnesis (medical history, living conditions, other diseases, etc.), clinical signs, as well as laboratory studies scraps with leather.

In some cases, the VUDU lamp is used to diagnose, under which the spores of fungi glow bright color.

If fungal lesions are returned again and again, that is, it makes sense to show the child to the immunologist.

Features of the treatment of children's dermatomycosis:

The launcher the status of the disease, the more difficult it will be cured. A full course of treatment includes:

Local therapy antifungal agents;
- systemic treatment;
- Combined approach;
- Sometimes immunostimulating therapy may be needed.

For local treatment, apply:

- shampoos;
- gels;
- lotions;
- aerosols;
- antifungal varnishes or nail drops;
- cream, etc.

For systemic therapy, antimicotic drugs are used in the form of capsules or tablets.

Combined treatment includes local processing of affected places, and treatment from inside.

The most commonly applied the following drugs:

- Griefullvin;
- ketoconazole;
- flucitozine;
- amphotericin in;
- Mikonazole;
- Irunun and others.

These drugs are produced in various dosage forms And they are released from pharmacies without prescription. But only a doctor should determine their application and dosage.

Antifungal agents often cause allergic reactions, so self-medication in children is unacceptable.
There are age limits when applying: up to 6 years old, from 6 to 12 years old, over 12 years.
Carefully antifungal medications It should be applied if the child has problems in the work of the kidneys and liver.

In the treatment of onchomicosis, in parallel with the processes of the affected nail, the thrust edge is constantly clipped to the moment until the nail plate covers a healthy nail.

For the period treatment should limit the child in:

- flour;
- salted products;
- Neighten fatty food;
- Excessive use of any liquids.

There is a lot of recipes of folk medicine to combat the fungus of the skin, but it is better not to use them on children, because Risk allergic reactions on components.

Prevention of the disease:

To prevent child infection, follows:

1. To ensure that he follows the rules of hygiene or follow them himself, if the child is small.

2. Do not give to use other people's combs, shoes, towels (especially for kindergartens).

3. Wear clothes with clothes only from natural fabrics and depending on the ambient temperature to eliminate excessive sweating.

4. In the summer, make sure that the child does not carry closed shoes for a long time.

6. Strengthen immunity (healthy sufficient sleep, vitaminization, proper nutrition, regular walks in the fresh air).

7. Be sure to show the child to a dermatologist with any neoplasms on the skin of the body, which you cannot give an independent explanation.

Dermatomikosis is a cunning disease, which in the absence of treatment or long flow can affect deeper skin layers, leaving deep scars and scars. Be sure to keep track of the condition of the skin of your children, in time to respond with the "fungal enemy" of their health.

At present, scientists have identified a large number of skin diseases that are infectious. One of these diseases can be considered a dermatomymicosis of smooth skin. In this article, we will consider what is the pathology, and also learn what is its symptoms and basic treatments. Carefully read the information provided in order to arrange yourself and secure yourself. So, proceed.

What is a dermatomymicosis?

The described pathology refers to the category of infectious diseases, whose perpetrators are considered various fungal organisms called dermatophytes. Such a disease can occur both in children and in adults. At the same time, for each of its varieties, this is suitable for this or that age group. However, here infections may be different. After all, each patient has its own body features, including the pH level, the composition of sweat, as well as skin fat. What you want to taste with one fungi may not come to taste to others.

If the disease reveal early stage And to start it in a timely manner, then it will be very simple to do it. However, the launched stages can acquire a chronic form from which it will not be so easy to get rid.

How can I get infected?

You can infected with a smooth leather dermatomycosis in many ways. Consider the most frequent of them:

Contact with street animals.

Contacting people who are already suffering from this infection.

Also, infection can lead to subjects that the sick person uses.

Another reason for infection with a dermatomycosis of smooth skin is considered to be touched on the back of the chair in public transport. Consider this place is considered a very strong seating for various pathogenic fungi and other microorganisms.

A visit to those public seatslike saunas and pools.

What leads to the emergence of pathology?

Of course, after contact with the patient or trips in urban transport, a person will not always be infected. It depends very much on its immune system, as well as other indicators. Consider what reasons are able to increase the risk of a dermatomycosis of smooth skin:

The presence of a hormonal disease in a patient;

Wounds, as well as other types of skin disorders;

Increased body sweating;

Violation in the organism of metabolic processes;

Incorrect meals accompanied by a shortage of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Classification of this ailment

The dermatomycosis of which you can see in this article, occurs under the influence of human body Dermatophyt fungi. A wide variety of these fungi leads to the emergence large number There are various pathologies such as grocery epidermofilation, favus, epidermofilation stop, tricochy and many other diseases. Also fungi provoke the development of such skin diseases as various types of lichen and dermatitis.

Optimal conditions for infection

The dermatomycosis of the photo of which can simply be amazed, prefers to dwell in wet conditions at a temperature of about twenty-five-thirty degrees Celsius. Also, the acidity of the skin is very important for their habitat.

As you know, the acidity of sweat changes with age in every person. The highest acidity indicator is observed in children until they reach a two-year-old age. Up to twelve years, these indicators gradually decrease. So, the children's age is ideal for smooth skin dermatomycosis. Treatment at home this disease can be carried out only after visiting a dermatologist and establish an accurate diagnosis.

Pot acidity begins to increase again when the child begins the period of active sexual development. It was at this age that the teenagers had a very actively immune system, which means that the likelihood of infected with fungal infections is minimized.

However, when a person begins to grow up, his immune system can gradually deteriorate, as well as general state Health, and skin. The most optimal place for the settlement of skin fungi is considered to be between the fingers on the legs. Unnatural shoes, as well as clothing from synthetic in the summer, contributes to the accumulation of sweat, in which pathogenic microorganisms can begin actively developing.

What are the symptoms of this disease?

You can read a smooth leather dermatomytomy (species and symptoms of this pathology in this article) has many varieties, each of which is characterized by certain features. However, we will consider general symptomswho are inherent in each disease. Consider the basic symptoms of dermatomicosis of smooth skin (you can read about the treatment of this pathology below):

The occurrence of red spots on the skin, which will eventually increase in size over time. If you do not pay attention to this sign, then the red can cover most Body.

Damaged fabrics begin to heat and peel.

The horny layer of the skin will be gradually peeling.

In places of large amounts of rashes will occur bubbles.

Also is not excluded the occurrence of diaper capacities on the skin.

In some cases, nails are affected (both on the upper and lower limbs).

Dermatomycosis of smooth skin of the body

Most often, such pathology occurs in people who live in countries with a hot and humid climate. Usually, this is very easy to determine, as it is always the same in the same way:

At first, a red-pink rash arises on the body, the number with the time of which is so increasing that it is capable of forming stains.

After the spot will be formed, in its focus the skin will begin to clean and get a lighter shade.

The rash will begin to be covered with crust and scales, which will be very hired and stuck, causing very unpleasant sensations.

Pathology, damaging feet

The dermatomycosis of the smooth skin of the feet, whose photo you can find in this article, first arises on the skin between your fingers, after which it begins to gradually spread over the entire surface of this part of the body. The skin begins to blush, peel and covered with dry cracks. If the disease does not start treated on time, it can lead to the emergence of suppuration. In this case, the disease causes extremely unpleasant sensations in a patient. His skin begins to actively stuck and hide. Sometimes it is simply unbearable to endure, so the patient begins combing damaged areas of the skin, which leads to a significant deterioration in the state.

Features of diagnostics

You can see smooth leather dermatomycosis (symptoms, treatment and photo of the ailment you can see in this article) It is necessary to begin only after the comprehensive diagnosis, because this disease has similar symptoms and with other pathologies of the skin. Therefore, if you have noticed signs of dermatomicosis, urgently contact the dermatologist. He will send you to the surrender of certain analyzes that will help determine what fungi are causative agents of the disease.

The method of conducting a diagnostic study is to collect material from a damaged skin area. It can be scales or crusts. The material taken will be carefully examined under the microscope, as well as sent to sowing. Thus, it is possible to accurately establish the type of pathogen pathology and proceed to treatment.

Features of treatment

The treatment of smooth skin dermatomycosis is selected individually, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, as well as depending on the fungus, which is the pathogen of this pathology. It is also very important to take into account the age of the patient and the main indicators of his health.

Typically, treatment implies the use of special medicines intended for outdoor and internal use. Consider, without the use of special drugs, this pathology will be simply impossible.

If the disease has not yet managed to purchase a launched form, it will be sufficient to use medicines intended for external use. However, the serious forms of pathology require more comprehensive approach To treatment. The duration of the use of drugs, as well as the calculation of the dosage is selected individually, taking into account the type of causative agent of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient. Also, do not forget that the treatment process should be accompanied by improving the activities of the immune system of your body. Start taking active biodulates that will contribute to the rapid recovery of skin.

If, as a result of the examination, the doctor will give you a diagnosis of smooth skin dermatomycosis (with symptoms and photos you can find in this article), you must learn to disinfect your clothes, as well as household items in order not to infect the described pathology again.

Features of folk treatment

Dermatomicosis treatment of smooth skin folk remedies will be successful only if you combine them using medication conservative methods Treatment. Such. comprehensive therapy Significantly speeds up the recovery process of your skin. So, consider the most effective folk recipes:

Apply coffee. Brew strong coffee and pour it into a basin filled with warm water by placing damaged palms or feet into it. Already a few days after the daily conduct of this procedure, you can see excellent results. Skin covers begin to gradually update, becoming smoother at the same time.

A good result can be achieved using eggs and oil ointment. For her cooking you need to take one raw egg, two hundred grams butter And one hundred milliliters of vinegar. Place all the listed ingredients in the half-liter bank and put it in the refrigerator for twenty-four hours. During this time, the shell from the egg will dissolve, and you can thoroughly mix all the ingredients to get ointments that you need to apply on damaged skin several times a day. Be sure to store this tool in the refrigerator, otherwise it will deteriorate very quickly.

The dermatomymicosis of smooth skin, the photo and the treatment of which are presented in the article, can be treated using herbal infancy for internal use. To do this, you need to take plants such as wormwood, sage, yarrow, as well as plantain and burdock. Take one tablespoon of each of the dry raw materials listed above and mix thoroughly. Now pour with boiling water one tablespoon of the cooked mixture and leave it to appear overnight. Drink this solution in the morning on an empty stomach.

Preventive measures

In order to protect yourself from such an unpleasant disease, as a smooth skin dermatomycosis, it is very important to comply with some preventive requirements. Consider what experts are recommended to do to protect themselves from infecting such a dangerous ailment:

Perform all home work, as well as in the garden, using protective gloves.

Be sure to take care of the skin of the stop. Do not forget to clean this part of the body daily. Also use various care products that have antibacterial components in their composition.

In no case do not use someone else's shoes or clothing, even if you trust a person who worns her one hundred percent.

Buy only comfortable shoes in size made of natural fabrics.

Follow the health of your pets. After contact with them, be sure to wash your hands with antibacterial soap.

Be sure to normalize your diet. Your body should receive a sufficient amount of nutrients. Only in this case, your immune system will work without interruptions.

And, of course, watch personal hygiene when visiting such public places like saunas and pools. In places of high humidity, just an incredible number of bacteria lives, so the chances of infecting increase repeatedly.


Start your health right now. Your most important task is to keep a healthy lifestyle, as well as strengthening immunity. High level The protective forces of the body will be able to protect you from the emergence of a large number of dangerous pathologies. Always follow the rules of personal hygiene, and also take some of your children. Love yourself and take care of yourself, and then you will notice how your body will begin to take care of you. Be healthy and take care of yourself, and do not forget that any pathology is much easier to warn than to cure.

With damage to the skin, the scalp, stop or nails, doctors can diagnose the dermatomycosis. There are several types of this disease, which differ from each other with symptomatics and localization. Treatment of dermatomycosis requires an integrated approach. After recovery, it is important to comply with the prevention measures to prevent re-infection.

Symptoms of skin dermatomycosis on the back

In medicine there are 3 groups for which dermatomycosis pathogens are distributed:

  • Epidermophyton;
  • Microsporum.

They live in the sand, earth, pebbles and trees. Within 2 years, pathogenic microorganisms of these types of ways to maintain their livelihoods. These pathogens can produce enzymes that adversely affect the keratin structure. This is the name of the dense protein, which is located in the surface layer of the skin.

If the patient has susceptibility to infectious agents, then the fungus will not be able to penetrate the epidermis for a long time. It will spread over its surface, waiting for the perfect moment to penetrate the epithelium inside. In this case, it is impossible to say that a man is ill dermatomy. He is only his carrier.

Conduct the development of dermatomycosis can various factors that adversely affect the state of the skin and immune system. Stresses, epidermis injuries, chronic diseases and hormonal failures are some of the few reasons that explain the infection of this disease.


The dermatomycosis is divided into several types. Everyone is distinguished by its manifestation with which you can find during the study of the thematic photo with an image of an infected part of the body. There are 2 main classifications of the pathological process.

All types of dermatomycosis have individual manifestations in which doctors manage to pre-recognize the violation that disturb the patient.


The dermatomycosis has certain symptoms that give its development. When they are detected full diagnostics Patient and analyzes, based on the results of which adequate treatment is selected for it. The number of signs of the disease and their severity is directly dependent on the form of the pathological process and the duration of its flow.

Dermatomikosis nail

Dermatomycosis are more often affected by nails on the legs than on the hands

The dermatomycosis in humans can affect the surface of the nail plates. This is a common form infectious disease. Onychomicosis is called by Trikhofiton, which manages to penetrate the zone from which the nail germinates. After infection, the patient has the following signs of malaise:

  1. Noticeable thickening of the nail plate and change its usual color;
  2. Detachment, partial or complete nail destruction;
  3. Cutting under the mass of dead cells.

In most cases, the dermatomycosis is affected by the nails on the lower nails. Hands are less susceptible to such an infection.

Dermatomicosis smooth skin

In his practice, dermatologists often face a fungal infection that affects smooth skin. Usually, pathology meets in residents of warm countries. It is subject to professional athletes who are engaged in the struggle.

In the classical form of a dermatomycosis on the surface of smooth skin, it is characterized by the appearance of ring-shaped foci, inside of which small bubbles are contained. At the edges, they peel. Over time, rashes are moving into healthy areas, due to which their number increases. This zone occurs in this area.

The probability of attachment of secondary infection is not excluded to the place where the skin dermatomycosis is observed. The foci of inflammation in time begin to scar. After themselves, they leave a pigmented plot that are quite problematic to completely remove from their body.

Dermatomikosis of the hair

When the scalp is dermatomymit, a person has complaints about increased hair fragility in a problem. In men, the disease passes on the beard and mustache. At the same time, they appear inflamed bubbles on the site of hair follicles. A secondary infection can join the fungus, which complicates the flow of dermatomycosis.

Dermatomicosis of the Pakhova region

Primary lesion foci have a kind of pink round-shaped spots

The groin dermatomymicosis is easy to confuse with other dermatological diseases that develop in the intimate area in men and women. Fungal infection Amazes the largest skin folds, as well as neighboring zones.

In most cases, the groin dermatomycosis is found from representatives of strong sex that have excess weightsuffer from diabetes or excessive sweating. The causative agent of the disease falls on their bodies during contact with an infected patient or interaction with a stranger subject, which was fungus.

Primary lesion foci have the appearance of small pink triggers rounded shapes with clear boundaries. Their surface is characterized by smoothness. She may be a little stepped. When a merger of several foci occurs, a solid stain with uneven boundaries occurs on the body. It is distinguished by the inclination to peripheral growth.

To the group of additional symptoms, which is accompanied by a groin dermatomycosis, include peeling of the skin, periodic extinction inflammatory process and the appearance of a strong itch.

Dermatomikosis stop

Dermatomycosis Stop refers to the number of the most common diseases of this type. They are most often infected with young men who regularly visit public areas with elevated levels of humidity in the room.

The fungus after infection develops active livelihoods in the folds between the fingers. In these places there are cracks and peeling. At first, these symptoms do not bring any discomfort to man.

After time, in the absence of treatment, the following symptoms of dermatomycosis in the field of stop are developing:

  1. Merging small foci of lesion;
  2. Itching and burning;
  3. Soreness;
  4. The appearance of dry rashes;
  5. Education of bubbles on legs and erosions.

In particularly launched cases, the hood dermatomycosis is accompanied by a feverish condition and the development of inguinal lymphadenitis.

Dermatomycosis of the brushes

His signs have fungus of brushes. Symptoms of such dermatomycosis reminds clinical picture Smooth skin infections if the pathogen attacks the rear of the brushes. Under the defeat of the palm, the symptoms of the fungus stop are observed. Simultaneously with this disease, the patient may show onichomicosis.


Diagnostic methods help to distinguish dermatomymicosis from other dermatological diseases that have similar symptoms. Conduct with this task can experienced dermatologist or mycologist. He will prescribe a patient in passing a number of mandatory analyzes and based on their results will be diagnosed.

Prior to diagnostics, it is impossible to process infected areas with antiseptic solutions such as iodine or green. Such actions significantly complicate the procedure for determining the cause of the disease.

Put the correct diagnosis to the doctor help the results of the analysis of the skin, hair or nail scope. Biological material is studied under the microscope. This procedure identifies the type of pathogen and helps to choose optimal treatment for it.

Diagnose a groin dermatomycosis or a fungus of another species helps dermoscopy and blood test for the presence of antibodies to mikozam.

Treatment methods

In pharmacies, many antifungal medicines intended for the treatment of dermatomycosis

The attending physician knows how to treat the development of dermatomicosis to a specific patient. Individually, a course of therapy is selected for it, aimed at suppressing the activity of the causative agent of infection and eliminating the main signs of the body's defeat.

The course of therapy is based, with the help of the treatment of dermatomycosis, there are antifungal medicines of local and systemic effects. Without them, recovery is almost impossible.

In pharmacies, you can find a variety of drugs intended for the treatment of epidermis from skin dermatomycosis. There are also funds that cope with infection on nails, mucous membranes and the scalp.

At the initial stage of the development of the disease, patients manage to be limited to the use of local means in the form of creams, gels, ointments and sprays. If the disease is running, you will have to additionally take capsules and tablets. Dosing and diagram of medication reception are necessarily discussed with the attending physician.

If required, the doctor further prescribes a patient with dermatomycosis hormonal drugs or antibiotics. Mocking parts on the body should be treated with solutions with antiseptic properties. For these purposes, mangalls are perfect, boric acid and chlorhexidine. Keratolithic drugs help to eliminate damage.

Often, a dermatomicosis therapy scheme includes medicines with immunomodulatory action. This includes vitamin complexes that increase local immunity.


Fungi, which belong to the group of dermatophytes, feel well in a wet and warm environment. Therefore, in order to avoid infection with infectious disease, it is strongly recommended to keep your own body in dryness and purity. This requires adhere to the elementary rules of personal hygiene.

Minimize the likelihood of dermatomicosis development helps compliance with the following preventive measures:

  1. It is impossible to walk with bare feet in public places;
  2. It is advisable to avoid wearing close clothes and shoes;
  3. It is not necessary to use a stranger towel;
  4. It is necessary to take care of proper nutrition;
  5. It is worth choosing clothes, sewing from natural fabrics;
  6. Extremely undesirable to use other people's body and hair care objects;
  7. It is required to refrain from contact with homeless animals.

If nurses live in a person in the house, he must take care of their health. After walking, carefully inspect the fur and the skin of the animal for the presence of signs of fungal lesion.

The dermatomycosis refers to the category of infectious diseases, developing after infection with fungi. Disease is spreading throughout the body, and it is possible to get sick even as a result of a short contact. The main danger of Mikosa lies in the fact that it occurs in chronic form more often, that is, the danger of exacerbation exists always. Long-term treatment exacerbates the clinical picture and leads to the fact that pathogens will continue on the skin.

How to heal ailment? Let's find out today about the symptoms and treatment by folk remedies of dermatomicosis smooth skin, consider the photo of patients with him.

Features of the disease

  • Men dermatomikosis are subject to more women.
  • Elderly patients are more likely to suffer from a dry type of mikoz.
  • But young people have inflammation, mocking.

Treat this type of dermatomycosis is difficult due to the high probability of re-infection. That is why it takes place for many years. The most important predisposing factors are diabetes and obesity.

Children are subject to the disease less than adults, since the composition of sweat and pH les are generally less favorable for the spread of bacteria.

About what a dermatomycosis will tell this video:


We can subdivide the dermatomycosis by the type of pathogen on:

  • pseudomycosis
  • dermatophytium
  • keratomicosis
  • candidiasis,
  • deep mycosis.

Localization is carried out the main classification of pathology. It affects the following parts of the body:

  • feet;
  • the scope on the head;
  • paha region;
  • face;
  • nails;
  • smooth skin.

Because of what a dermatomymicosis appears on the face, in the groin area and other parts of the body, we will tell below.

Causes of occurrence

The main cause of pathology is dermatophytes: triotofit fungi, microsporum, epidermofiton. Sometimes it provokes a dermatomycosis and candidate fungus. Infection may occur as a result of carrying close clothes, when contacting directly with the pathogen, which occurs after interaction with an infected person, foreign sports equipment, towel, linen. You can get to infected and sowing on the chairs toilet bowl on which he was sitting.

In the warm period of the year, their reproduction occurs especially quickly, but the temperature of the human body is favorable for them at any time. After infection, the active destruction of the epidermis begins. With strong health, the dermatomycosis may not develop, and the greatest risks are subject to patients who have the following problems:

  • strong sweating;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • wounds on the skin;
  • avitaminosis;
  • low immunity;
  • problems with metabolic processes.

Symptoms of dermatomycosis on the face, in groin and other areas are considered below.

Symptoms of dermatomicosis in humans

Symptoms of dermatomycosis entirely depends on its shape and location on the body. The dermatomycosis of the scalp is diagnosed more often in children. If it applies to miscellaneous Heads, then patients detect the following manifestations:

  • pain and;
  • fast spread of the rash in the form of papural;
  • hair loss and their fragility, which develops from purulent melting of bulbs;
  • appearance.

In the field of beard, the phenomenon is similar, that's just pointless damage point, as the hair follicles are constantly infected. Another skin is covered here, becomes. This form is very infection.

Skin dermatomycosis occurs in the warm climate, as it is favorable for rapidly reproduction of triofite fungus.

The symptoms described below can affect absolutely any area on the body. They have several stages of development:

  1. The appearance of rash on the epidermis in the form of circles.
  2. In the center, the section brightens - this is a focus of rash.
  3. The rash becomes wet and crusts begin to form.
  4. In the circumference of the bright area, there is a strong peeling, the patient pursues.
  5. The focus takes a healthy appearance, a dark circle remains around it.

Signs of dermatomycosis Stop depend entirely on the form of the disease. Thus, for the discharge of pathology, the appearance of a huge number of small bubbles on the fingers and the feces themselves, which are subsequently open, forming sections of erosion. The latter are also characteristic of an interpreticity of the disease, but it is accompanied by more eductions and cracks. The symptoms of the squatootic form proceed like this:

  • primary damage to the skin of the fingers;
  • small peeling, not accompanied by any other manifestations;
  • aggravation of peeling, itching, the formation of papules passing into;
  • focusing;
  • the appearance of scales of dead skin on the side of the foot;
  • merge rash, pronounced, pain.

It strikes the dermatomycosis in the inguinal region, and after it is possible to spread as a result of self-response to the folds of the body (under the breast.). Primary rashes appear on inguinal folds, gradually flow on the crotch, hips, anus. When the stage of the disease flows to the peeling, erosion begins to open, which is often complicated. Inflammation subsides, but recurrences happen almost always, because mushrooms remain on the skin for a long time.

The nail dermatomyosis is also called. After transferring disease, the nail is destroyed and peeled. At the very beginning, nail thickens and deformed.

Diagnostics of dermatomycosis is described below.


Diagnostic methods are needed not only to determine the type of pathogen, but also in differential pathology from similar phenomena, especially from eczema,.

  • First add to a maikogu or a dermatologist, which will examine and interview the patient, and after will prescribe necessary diagnostic. Before receiving, it is impossible to use any ointments and antiseptics in order not to distort the results.
  • Laboratory tests represent the greatest value when determining dermatomicosis. Take rashes from the focus - it can be leather scales, nail parts, hair. The study of the material obtained is made immediately or after it is cultivated on the nutrient medium. After determining the type of fungus, effective therapy is selected.

About symptoms and diagnosis of dermatomycosis in man will tell this video:


Therapeutic method

Vitamins and immunomodulators must be connected to the main treatment. The disease strongly affects the body, so such comprehensive therapy will prevent the relapse and improve the healing process.

Recommendations are made regarding the processing of clothing, household items infected with infected pathogen, to prevent the spread of infection to other areas of the skin. In case of damage to flush hair, it is advisable to take this area with adhesive plaster, and if the dermatomycosis struck the follicles on his hands, head, legs, they are always epilac.

About preparations for the treatment of dermatomycosis is described further.


When selecting tactics of therapy, it matters not only the type of pathogen, but also age, state of immunity, the stage of the disease. The basis of treatment is an outer processing carried out by means of ointments with antifungal action. There are a lot of such things, therefore only the doctor appoints them, as it takes into account all the features described.

If the dermatologist finds it necessary, it will pick up and preparations for intake. Such a measure is needed for launched cases. Of medicines Choose hormonal anti-inflammatory medicines, antibiotics. If there is an extensive skin oroging, they use keratolytic agents. Mocking sites are regularly treated with chlorhexidine, manganese solution and other suitable antiseptics.

The most effective means against dermatomicosis are the following ointments:

  • Econazole
  • sulfuric ointment,
  • salicyl ointment
  • Terbinefin

Prevention of the disease

The active reproduction of dermatophytes occurs in a wet warm environment, so maintaining due hygiene and dryness significantly reduces the risk of pathology. Other measures helps to warn it. Need:

  • do not touch other people's or homeless animals;
  • avoid wearing someone else's shoes and clothing;
  • barefoot does not walk in public places;
  • treat timely fungus in domestic animals;
  • monitor immunity;
  • use only your towel;
  • do not take other people's gum, combs, manicure accessories.

If the symptoms have already appeared, then the further spread of dermatomycosis will only prevent timely treatment.


If the disease appears secondly in the same place, then after healing, scars or leather will remain. There is a risk of attaching a bacterial infection.

With prevention, the probability of complication is minimal.


With timely therapy, it is possible to complete cure, but in the future it is necessary to be attentive to the state of the skin and prevent repeated infection. In the presence of complications, the forecast is exacerbated. The risk that the process will become chronic is large enough.

The video is described in the video below about the treatment of dermatomycosis and other skin pathologies The child has:

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