Innovations in preschool education. Pedagogical innovation in early childhood education

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  • Introduction
  • Chapter 2. Experimental search work on innovative activities on the example of MDOU No.
  • 2.1 Analysis of innovative activity in MDOU
  • 2.2 Long-term plan for innovation activities of ECE
  • Conclusion
  • List of references
  • Applications


At the present stage, in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education (FSES DO), it became necessary to update and improve the quality of preschool education, to introduce a new generation of software and methodological support aimed at identifying and developing the creative and cognitive abilities of children, and also the alignment of starting opportunities for preschool graduates educational institutions during the transition to a new age stage of systematic education at school.

The organization and implementation of innovative activities in the pedagogical practice of educational institutions aimed at designing a strategy for renewing the management of preschool education institutions, as well as organizing innovative methodological work with pedagogical staff, has great abilities to improve the quality of education.

The relevance of the problem of the organization and content of innovative activity in a modern preschool institution is beyond doubt. Innovation processes are a regularity in the development of preschool education and refer to such changes in the work of an institution that are significant in nature, are accompanied by changes in the way of activity and the thinking style of its employees, introduce new stable elements (innovations) into the implementation environment, causing the system to transition from one state to another.

There are a lot of innovations in education today of different nature, direction and significance, large or small government reforms are being carried out, innovations are being introduced into the organization and content, methodology and technology of teaching. The theoretical study of the problem of innovative activity serves as the basis for the renewal of education, its comprehension and renewal in order to overcome the spontaneity of this process, to effectively manage it. A time of crisis gives rise in our pedagogical system not only to the expectation of "changes from above", but also to the feeling of the need for our own changes.

Innovative activity in education has its own characteristics. The first feature is that the subjects of the innovation process are children, parents and teachers. If this is not taken into account, then from pedagogical innovation everything that is actually educational, the entire humanistic component of innovation activity falls out. The second distinctive feature of pedagogical innovation is the need for systematic coverage of as many pedagogical problems as possible. The condition that determines the effectiveness of pedagogical innovation is the research activity of teachers who, solving the problems of a particular methodology, ask general questions and begin to rethink the existing didactic principles in a new way. With regard to education, innovation can be considered the end result of innovative activity, which has been embodied in the form of a new content, method, form of organization of the educational process or in a new approach to the provision of social services in the field of education based on the real needs of parents, i.e. new forms of preschool education.

The successful organization and implementation of innovative activities depends on the teaching staff, on their awareness of the innovative idea, since under the conditions of the innovative regime there is an active process of the teacher's personal self-determination, there are changes in the nature of the relationship between the staff of the preschool institution. This process is long enough and it cannot happen by itself.

Thus, the topic of the research is innovation activity in ECE centers.

Object of research: innovative activity as one of the processes of preschool educational organization.

Subject of research: the content of innovative activity in ECE.

Purpose: to determine the content of innovative activity in ECE.


1. Consider the preschool educational organization as a system;

2. Expand the concept of "innovative activity", define the goal, types, give its characteristics;

3. Analyze the process of organizing innovative activities in ECE;

4. Analyze the state of innovation in MBDOU No. 289;

5. Develop long-term plan support of innovative activities in MBDOU No. 289 based on the analysis results.

Research methods:

... theoretical - analysis, synthesis, generalization;

empirical - questioning, study of documentation. observation, statistic processing of results.

Base of research: municipal government preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No.

Work structure. Course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusions, bibliography, applications.

innovation preschool educational institution

Chapter 1. Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem

1.1 Preschool educational organization as a system

At present, the documents defining the development of the education system in the Russian Federation indicate the need to increase the attention of the state and society to such an important subsystem as preschool education.

There was a need to update and improve the quality of preschool education, the introduction of software and methodological support for preschool education of a new generation, aimed at identifying and developing the creative and cognitive abilities of children, as well as leveling the starting capabilities of graduates of preschool educational institutions during the transition to a new age stage of systematic education at school ...

In accordance with the new law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012, preschool education for the first time became an independent level of general education. Anastasia Zyryanova, Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of General Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, noted that "on the one hand, this is a recognition of the importance of preschool education in the development of a child, and on the other hand, an increase in requirements for preschool education, including through the adoption of the federal state educational standard for preschool education."

In the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020, the priorities of state policy are: ensuring the availability of preschool education and improving the quality of education. In accordance with the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012, all educational institutions have been renamed organizations. In preschool educational institutions, conditions are created that ensure the safety and comfort of children, the use of new learning technologies, as well as a modern information environment for managing and assessing the quality of education, transparent for consumers, and variable forms of providing services are developing.

Achieving a new quality of preschool education for children presupposes renewal of the composition and competencies of teaching staff as a priority task.

For the first time in Russian history, the Federal State Standard for Preschool Education has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation" that came into force on September 1, 2013. Educational organizations of preschool education must independently develop and approve their main educational programs based on the federal state educational standard for preschool education and taking into account the approximate basic educational programs of preschool education, which were created by experienced developers and posted in the federal register.

Educational programs of preschool education are aimed at the diversified development of children preschool age taking into account their age and individual characteristics, including the achievement by preschool children of a level of development necessary and sufficient for their successful mastering of educational programs of primary general education, based on an individual approach to preschool children and activities specific to preschool children.

The federal state educational standard includes requirements for:

1) the structure of the main educational programs (including the ratio of the compulsory part of the main educational program and

part formed by participants in educational relations) and their volume;

2) the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs, including personnel, financial, material and technical and other conditions;

3) the results of mastering basic educational programs.

Unlike other standards, the FSES of preschool education is not the basis for assessing compliance with the established requirements of educational activities and training of students. Mastering educational programs of preschool education is not accompanied by intermediate certification and final certification of students.

Preschool education is funded by analogy with school education - by local governments of municipal districts and urban districts and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Investments in the field of preschool education are recognized today in the world as the most effective in terms of improving the quality of further education, leveling the starting opportunities.

Thus, today, ECE as a system is a complex socio-psycho-pedagogical education, consisting of a set of system-forming factors, structural and functional components, and conditions of functioning. The system-forming factors are represented by the goal, concept and development program, partial programs that fix the set of leading ideas, goals and results of ECE activities.

The structural components are the control and controlled systems, their composition (educators, parents, children), as well as the technologies of the activities of subjects of all levels of management for the implementation of program content in preschool educational institutions.

Functional components are determined by the appointment of administrative functions in preschool educational institutions (analytical and diagnostic, motivational, stimulating, planning and prognostic, organizational and executive, control and evaluative, regulatory and correctional) in the form of interrelated activities in the "teacher-child-parents" system and the corresponding subsystems.

The operating conditions are determined by the existing spaces of activity preschool organization: medico-valeological, social; psychological and pedagogical environments, time frames and psychophysiological characteristics of participants in the educational process.

The openness of ECE as a system is determined by the development spaces that exist in the institution, as well as by the dynamics of their changes.

The characteristics of the openness of an ECE center can be:

the degree of compliance with his condition;

the mechanism of self-regulation and reaction to environmental changes (adaptation or over-adaptive activity);

type and degree of regulation of the management system (traditional or innovative, prevalence of vertical or horizontal ties), etc.

The main result of the functioning of an open system is successful interaction with society, mastering which, a preschool educational organization becomes a powerful means of socialization of the individual. Allocated spaces are necessary today, and, as a rule, are sufficient to ensure high results of educational activities in preschool educational institutions.

The development space of a preschool educational institution consists of three interconnected spaces of its subjects: educators, parents and children. The main structural unit in it is the interaction of participants in the educational process. Considering the specifics of the functioning of the system, one can see the direction and purpose of the allocated spaces for the development of all subjects: parents form a social order at the level of public need, educators implement educational services at the state (municipal) level, children become consumers of educational services provided by the preschool educational institution for training, upbringing, development personality.

The structural and functional model of the ECE activity as an open developing system is presented in Figure 1, page 12.

The logic of the deployment of development processes in each of the spaces consists in changing the stages and levels of development: adaptation, integration, individualization. These stages, on the one hand, indicate the continuity and amount of transformation of changes in one or another space of development of preschool organization.

At the stage of adaptation, the potential for the development and self-development of teachers, parents, children is updated, conditions are created for their transfer from the position of an object to the position of a subject of their own life.

At the stage of integration, development and self-development takes place by means of interaction in the "teacher-child-parents" system in the form of co-creative productive activity and communication. The result of this stage is the transition of teachers, parents and children from the position of the subject to the personal sphere.

At the stage of individualization, the analysis of the degree of isolation of the personality of the teacher, parent, child in the corresponding integrated community and determination of the development potential in the process of maximum disclosure of the individual essence of the subjects is carried out.

Integration of the named spaces makes it possible to develop a mechanism for complex medical-social and psychological-pedagogical support of the individual development of each subject, implemented in logic:

structural organization of social order in the field of preschool education (levels: federal, national-regional, intra-constitutional);

changes in the stages and levels of deployment of the subject's essential forces: adaptation, integration, individualization;

evolution of the leading types of management in preschool educational institutions (traditional, motivational program-targeted, co-management, reflexive, self-government);

changes in the leading forms of interrelated activities of the subjects of the preschool educational process development: impact, interaction, self-action.

Thus, large-scale transformations in the preschool education system are currently stimulating leaders and teachers of preschool educational organizations to actively innovate, search for resources for the development of an organization, increase its attractiveness and competitiveness in the educational environment.

Priority attention during the work of a preschool organization in the development mode is paid to the development of human resources: increasing social and professional mobility and competence of the teaching staff. It is on the teacher's competence, his ability to rebuild in accordance with the new conditions of educational activity, which largely depends on the improvement of the ECE activities.

Figure: 1. Model of ECE activity as an open developing system.

1.2 Innovation activity: concept, purpose, types, characteristics

Preconditions for the emergence of innovation.

At the present stage of the development of education in connection with the discussion and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), the Law "On Education" No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012, the development of innovative activity is one of the strategic directions in preschool education. The sphere of innovative activity no longer includes individual preschool institutions and educators - innovators, but practically every preschool institution. Innovative transformations are becoming systemic.

Considering innovative processes in the education system, it should be noted that modern interpretations of the concept of "innovation in education" are more often associated with the development and implementation of new means, methods and technologies of education and training. Innovative activity is

a special type of pedagogical activity. The life of a modern preschool institution is unthinkable without serious reliance on scientific achievements in the field of pedagogy, without the introduction of new technologies, conducting experimental activities. This is due to the fact that, regardless of the type of educational institution, the activities of the teaching staff are always aimed at finding the quality of education.

K.Yu. White highlights following reasons innovation activity:

1. The need to actively search for solutions to existing problems in preschool education.

2. The desire of pedagogical collectives to improve the quality of services provided to the population, to make them more diverse and thereby preserve their kindergartens.

3. By imitating other preschool institutions (organizations), the intuitive idea of \u200b\u200bteachers that innovations will improve the performance of the entire team.

4. Constant dissatisfaction of individual teachers with the achieved results, a firm intention to improve them. The need for involvement in a large, significant cause.

5. The desire of recent graduates of teacher training universities, students of advanced training courses to implement the knowledge gained.

6. Increasing demands of certain groups of parents.

7. Competition between kindergartens

The need for innovation arises when there is a need to solve a problem, a contradiction is created between the desired and actual results.

Currently, a number of social trends can be identified that can lead to the organization of innovative activities:

requirements for humanization of the educational process;

high level to the quality of education and development of children in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard;

orientation towards cultural and moral values;

competitive relations between educational institutions;

responsiveness to the diversity of interests and needs of children and their parents;

great potential, expressed in the innovative educational initiative of teachers.

The innovative infrastructure is being created in order to ensure the modernization and development of the education sector, taking into account the prospects and main directions of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the long term, the implementation of the priority directions of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education, the integration of the education system in the Russian Federation into the international educational space, more full satisfaction of the educational needs of citizens

Novelties, or innovations, are characteristic of any professional human activity and therefore naturally become the subject of study, analysis and implementation. Innovations do not arise by themselves, they are the result of scientific research, advanced pedagogical experience of individual teachers and entire teams. This process cannot be spontaneous, it needs to be managed. Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova gives the following definition of the new: "New - first created or made, appeared or emerged recently, instead of the previous, re-discovered, relating to the immediate past or to the present, not familiar enough, little-known."

Philosophical encyclopedic Dictionary defines development as changes directed, natural and necessary. The concept of "innovation" translated from Latin means "renewal, innovation or change". This concept first appeared in research in the 19th century and meant the introduction of some elements of one culture into another. At the beginning of the 20th century, a new field of knowledge emerged, innovation - the science of innovations, within the framework of which the patterns of technical innovations in the sphere of material production began to be studied. Pedagogical innovation processes have become the subject of special study in the West since about the 50s and in the last twenty years in our country.

Currently, many aspects of this problem have been investigated:

issues of management of innovative activities in educational institutions (II Arkin, K. Yu. Belaya, LA Ivanova, VI Zvereva, V. Yu., Yusufbekova and others);

criteria for the level of innovation and methods of their expert assessment (D.L. Benkovich, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, M.V. Klarin, N.P. Kuzmin, A.B. Kuznetsov, L.S.Podymova, V.A. );

analysis of factors influencing the course of innovative activity in educational institutions (V.I. Andreeva, S.F. Bagautdinova, N.I. Voitina, N.V. Gorbunova, L.A. Ivanova, D.F. Ilyasov, V.V. N. Kazakova,.

In pedagogical theory, there are some disagreements in the definition of the basic concepts (innovation, innovation, innovation) by different authors.

According to the first position, Russian authors G.M. Kodzhaspirova, A. Yu. Kodzhaspirov, S.A. Barannnikova and others) consider the concepts of "innovation, innovation, innovation" - synonyms. This also includes V.N. Kuzmina, I.P. Podlasogo, L.V. Pozdnyak and others.

Researchers representing the second position (K.Yu.Belaya, S.F.Bagautdinova, V.S.Lazarev, A.V. Lorensov, M.M. Potashnik, O.G. Khomeriki and others group these concepts, considering them as synonyms “new - innovation”, “innovation - innovation.” Innovation is precisely a new means, new method, methodology, technology, program, etc. Innovation - innovation is the process of mastering that tool. Innovation is defined by these authors as a purposeful change that introduces new stable elements (innovations) into the implementation environment, causing the system to transition from one state to another.

When defining the concept of "innovation process" K. Belaya, V.S. Lazarev, M.M. Potashnik use the category "activity". The innovation process is a complex activity of creating, mastering, using and disseminating innovations. Despite some difference in the designated positions of scientists, we can conclude that the common basis for the concepts of "innovation", "innovation", "innovation" is the introduction of new elements into the studied object, leading to its development. In the study, we will adhere to this point of view.

It should be noted that some researchers and practitioners associate innovation activity only with experimental activity. Another part of the researchers (S.F.Bagautdinova and others) interprets the category of "innovative activity" more broadly, including such concepts as "the introduction of advanced pedagogical experience, the introduction of research results into practice, experimental activity, the introduction of innovations." This point of view is close to us.

These concepts are used in various fields and most widely in the field of content and technology of the organization of the educational process. In recent years, new concepts have appeared: an innovative educational institution, innovative educational programs, an innovative university, etc., innovative management, management of innovative activities, managerial innovations, and others.

Let's take a closer look at the categories: innovative educational institution, innovation management, managerial innovation, innovation management.

"An innovative educational institution is an institution in whose activities the following features can be traced: a model of the child's life arrangement different from that in a mass institution is being developed and implemented; a search is being made for a different content of the teacher's work, new means and methods of his work are being tested, aimed at developing creative traits his personality.

The definition of "innovation management" can be found in the works of L.M. Denyakina, L.A. Ivanova, G.V. Yakovleva. Management of innovation activity as a special object is a complex complex of cooperative influences of people on a controlled system in order to ensure its development in a new, more progressive direction.

The concept of "managerial innovation" is introduced in his research by P.I. Vaganov. "Management innovations (innovations) is a purposeful change in the composition of functions, organizational structures, technology and organization of the management process, methods of operation of the management system, focused on replacing elements of the management system or the management system as a whole, in order to accelerate or improve the solution of the tasks assigned to the enterprise for on the basis of identifying patterns and factors in the development of innovative processes. "

The concept of "innovation management" is increasingly used in the field of economics, marketing and represents modern concept management of innovative activities of the organization. Innovation management is an interconnected set of actions aimed at achieving or maintaining the required level of viability and competitiveness of an enterprise using mechanisms for managing innovation processes. The objects of innovation management are innovation and the innovation process. The key point is an expanded vision of innovation processes.

The development of an educational institution (that is, its transition to a new, high-quality state) cannot be carried out otherwise than through the development of innovations, through the development of the innovation process. To manage innovative activities, the head of an educational institution needs to know and study its structure and structure.

The development process of a preschool institution is a complex dynamic system, therefore, innovative activity (as a system) is also polystructural, and the following structural components can be distinguished in its composition: activity, subjective, level, content, management, organizational.

The activity structure is a combination of the following

components: motives, goal, objectives, content, forms, methods, results. The subject structure includes the innovative activities of all participants in the educational process: the leader, his deputies, teachers, students, parents, etc. The level structure assumes that innovative activities in an institution should touch upon subjects at all levels of government: at the international, federal, regional, district and school levels. The content structure of the innovation process involves the birth, development and development of innovations in all areas of the educational process, in the management of preschool education, etc. The lack of management of the innovation process in an educational institution will quickly lead to its fading, therefore, the presence of a management structure is a factor stabilizing and supporting this process, which does not exclude elements of self-government. The organizational structure of the innovation process includes the following stages: diagnostic - prognostic - actually organizational - practical - generalizing - implementation.

All structural components of innovation are interconnected with each other. It is important and necessary that they are carried out in parallel, at the same time, which will allow the effective development of an educational institution.

An educational institution as an independent organism is a rather complex structure, which includes the following components: a set of goals, activities that ensure their implementation; community of adults and children who organize it and participate in it; relations that unite them; internal and external environment; management that ensures the integration of all components into a single whole, its expedient functioning and development. In this context, innovations can touch any component, thereby awakening to life an innovative process of a different nature. That is why scientists divide all innovations into certain types, while relying on a variety of methodological foundations.

The classification of innovations, innovations is considered in the theory of management of preschool educational institutions by researchers S.F. Bagautdinova, K. Yu. Beloy, L.V. Pozdnyak and others.

The typology of L.V. Pozdnyak, which characterizes innovation in terms of its potential, the mechanism of its implementation, in terms of volume and consequences, and a completely new criterion that is absent in school typologies - the features of the innovation process.

According to the innovative potential of L.V. Pozdnyak distinguishes the following innovations: radical, combined, modified;

by the features of the implementation mechanism: single - diffuse; completed - incomplete; successful - unsuccessful;

in terms of volumes, goals, social consequences: point, system, numerous, strategic.

by the peculiarities of the innovation process: absolute novelty (no analogues); relative novelty (local, in a given preschool educational institution, region); expedient novelty.

The classification of innovations must be known to the modern head of an educational institution, first of all in order to understand the object of development kindergarten, to identify a comprehensive characteristic of the novelty being mastered, to understand what is in common that unites it with others, and what is special that distinguishes it from other innovations, and in the best way to develop a technology for its development.

Any pedagogical innovation is a process that develops in space and time, it contains ideas and technologies based on objective laws and on the practical experience of seeking. Most often, innovations arise practically when individual teachers consciously or intuitively catch progressive trends and strive to overcome the difficulties that arise. But for an innovation to develop, this requires official support for its implementation, its scientific development and justification.

To date, the following scheme for the development of innovative activity in social organizations, including educational institution (school, kindergarten):

1. Finding the need for innovation and the emergence of the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch an innovation; conventionally it is called the stage of discovery, which is the result of fundamental or applied scientific research (or instant "insight");

2. Invention, that is, the creation of an innovation embodied in an object, material or spiritual sample product. This includes the development, creation and first adoption of the innovation.

3. Innovation - the stage at which the innovation finds practical application, it is refined; this stage ends with obtaining a sustainable effect from the innovation.

After that, the independent existence of the innovation begins, the process of innovation enters the next stage, which occurs only under the condition of susceptibility to innovation.

4. Diffusion of innovation, which consists in its wide implementation and distribution in new areas.

5. The dominance of innovation in a specific area, when the innovation itself ceases to be such, losing its novelty. This stage ends with the emergence of an effective alternative or replacement of this innovation with a more effective one.

6. Reduction of the scale of application of the innovation associated with its replacement with a new product.

Innovative activity always has its own carriers. These are educators - innovators, pedagogical collectives, leaders - innovators who bring constructive novelty into pedagogical theory and practice. The subjective factor plays a decisive role at the stage of implementation and dissemination of an innovation. In this regard, innovators should be treated as a specific social category that occupies a special place in the teaching community and has its own structure, psychology, and needs. Without understanding this, it is impossible to manage the development of innovative processes.

Along with the scientific study of the essence of innovative processes in education in our country, the regulatory and legal framework for innovation was developed. In the innovative activity of an educational institution, documents of various levels can be used - acts of international law, federal laws and regulations local authorities authorities, decisions of regional and municipal education authorities. The head of the educational institution where the innovation process is organized is obliged to carry out all the transformations on an impeccable legal basis.

Back in the late 90s, the document "Concept of lifelong education. This document allowed us to create a mechanism for the development of education in the country, which could turn our education system into a real factor in the development of society itself. Continuous education is a philosophical and pedagogical concept, according to which education is considered as a process that covers the entire life of a person.At the same time, it was pointed out that the understanding of development as a continuous process must be combined with the principle of developmental learning, with the orientation of educational activities not only to cognition, but also to transform reality.

The idea of \u200b\u200blifelong education, which lasts throughout life, is unexpectedly reflected in the field of preschool education both with the adoption in 2012 of the new Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", and with the introduction in 2013 of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. Continuous and final (school) education collide here in the most direct way. Education does not begin with the first visit to school - it appears in the form of continuous education from the first days of life and proceeds especially quickly, at an unprecedented pace in children in preschool childhood. That is why preschool education becomes the first stage of education. "Everyone is taught at school and in the same way, in preschool education the student learns himself, only in an interesting and unique way ...".

Requirements for educational institutions at the present stage of development of the education system are expressed in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", 2012. The law consolidated the principles, structure of the education system, the right of educational institutions to a democratic, state-public nature of management, determined the competence and independence of educational institutions in the choice of variable educational programs.

The development of innovative activity in the education system was also reflected in the documents adopted in subsequent years. A number of documents dealt with the management of preschool institutions. They helped revitalize preschool institutions on the creation and implementation of innovations - new forms of organization of preschool education. So, back in 2005, the government adopted the National Education Project, the implementation of which was calculated for 6 years: from 2005 to 2010. The priority areas of the National Project were to stimulate innovative programs of higher professional and general education, informatization of education, support , capable, talented youth. The main results of the implementation of the National Project were systemic transformations and large-scale changes in almost all levels of education. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 9, 2010 No. 219 "On state support development of innovative infrastructure in federal educational institutions of higher professional education "creates conditions for the development of small innovative entrepreneurship in universities, which makes it possible to bring the theory of education and upbringing closer to practice.

Thus, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Federal State Educational Standard of Education, and other regulatory documents have created a legal and legal basis for the development of innovative activities in the domestic education system, including in the management of school and preschool educational institutions, the development of new forms of organization of educational institutions and new models of education, training and human development in the educational space.

Summarizing the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

we examined and disclosed the concepts of "innovation", "innovation", "innovation process", "innovative activity", and others. The types of innovations, structural components and stages of innovation processes in educational institutions are highlighted. As a rule, research concerns the educational sphere of school and preschool institutions, the authors touch upon the problem of introducing innovations in preschool institutions, including in the management activities of the head of a preschool institution.

Much attention is paid to the development of innovative processes in the education system in our country at the federal level, which creates favorable regulatory conditions for the introduction of innovative processes in educational institutions, including preschool ones.

1.3 Organization of innovative activities in ECE

In the context of the modernization of the Russian education system, whose benchmarks are accessibility, quality, efficiency, there is a change in requirements for preschool educational organizations. The priority areas for the development of ECE activities are:

Improving the quality of preschool education;

Use of innovative educational technologies;

Personal development of a preschool child who is able to realize himself as a part of society;

Any preschool educational organization goes through three stages: formation (when creating a new preschool educational institution and a new team), functioning (the educational process is organized on the basis of traditional stable programs, pedagogical technologies); development (the previous content of education, pedagogical technologies of upbringing and education come into conflict with the new goals, conditions of preschool education and federal standards). Developing preschool educational institutions that operate in a search mode are significantly different from those whose goal is the stable traditional maintenance of the established order of functioning once and for all.

There are two main modes of activity of a preschool educational organization. Below are the main characteristics of each type and their distinctive features.

The activity of ECE in the development mode is a purposeful, natural, continuous and irreversible process of the institution's transition to a qualitatively new state, characterized by a multi-level organization, cultural and creative orientation and the use of a constantly expanding development potential.

The activity of a preschool educational institution in the mode of functioning is a life activity process aimed at the stable maintenance of a certain state, characterized by cyclical repetition, reproduction of accumulated experience and use of the accumulated potential. Table 1 presents the comparative characteristics of the modes of life of institutions, which serve as benchmarks in the management of innovative processes, allowing an institution to be transferred from a traditional regime to an innovative one.

Table 1

Main characteristics of preschool education regimes




Type / type of preschool educational institution

Traditional, typical


Goals and objectives of management

Maintaining stable results, reproducing experience, using the accumulated potential

Updating the components of the educational process to ensure mobility and flexibility. variability

Subject of management

Administration, at limited rights other subjects, underdeveloped horizontal ties, one-man command prevails over collegiality

Collective subject of management. Development of horizontal links. Parity of one-man management and collegiality: encouragement and initiative.

Scientific management concepts, approaches

Empirical, based on personal experience

Motivational program-targeted management, its variations. Reflexive control. Creation of comprehensive targeted programs and development programs

Motivational support

Creating a favorable psychological climate for stable work

Creation of an atmosphere of creativity, search with an appropriate system of material and moral stimulation of self-realization of subjects

Upbringing and educational process

Achieving sustainable results in stable conditions

Getting qualitatively new results in a changing environment

Using traditional ideas, curricula and programs

Use of development plans, comprehensive target programs for the development of innovations


Delivers consistent results

Personality-oriented upbringing and education that ensures the self-development of subjects

Organization of the educational process

Previous system with a certain number of days and stages of study

Multilevel, multistage, continuous education in the systems of preschool education - school - university

Regulatory support

The use of standard documents to ensure stable operation

Typical documents become the basis for developing your own


Traditional requirements for the level of professional competence required to obtain stable results of education and training

Competitive basis. Competitiveness. Innovative training methods. Variability of courses

Scientific and methodological support

Traditional curricula and plans

Financial security


Budgetary and extrabudgetary

Logistics support

Organization of the basic process based on existing materials

Constantly expanding supply as a result of dynamic development

There are several signs by which it is possible to determine whether an ECE center is in development mode:

1. Relevance (significance and timeliness) of the work being carried out aimed at developing practical measures to solve a serious problem.

2. Involvement in the search activity of the majority of teachers; innovative potential and climate in the team, as well as the balance of interests of all participants in innovative activities.

3. Characteristics of the results: efficiency, productivity, optimality.

4. There are indicators of innovative development: sustainability, reproducibility, qualitative transformation of the management system, all components of the integral pedagogical process and the conditions for its implementation in preschool educational institutions.

A.A. Mayer identifies the conditions for the development of preschool education and the sources of ideas for development: a clear formulation of the goal based on a comprehensive problem analysis; the presence of a development concept; availability of staffing, material and technical base, scientific and methodological support, resources for the upcoming work; a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team, the readiness of teachers to implement the development program, the satisfaction of the subjects with the current results of work, the balance of interests of all participants in the innovation process; providing freedom of choice in solving assigned tasks; the choice of pedagogically expedient, optimal technologies for innovation; use of the educational potential of society; expansion of external relations, openness of ECE; organization of expedient management, optimal combination of management types; studying and using the positive experience of other ECE centers.

In the modern period, the development of domestic preschool education proceeds in the following directions:

Formation of new educational content;

Development, implementation and implementation of innovative pedagogical technologies, methods, systems for the development of children;

Creation of new types of preschool organizations.

The ongoing transformations in the preschool education system are due to the objective need for adequate social development and evolution of the educational system to change, which is reflected in the awareness of the pedagogical community of the need for serious changes in the functioning of the institution. The search and development of innovations that contribute to qualitative changes in the activities of preschool education is the main mechanism for optimizing the development of the preschool education system. Table 2 proposes Modern trends in the development of preschool education.

Table 2.

Modern trends in the development of preschool education.




Pedagogical activity

Maintenance and support


Reflective. Co-management. Self management

Personality-oriented, personality-activity approaches.

Expansion of the range of services to meet the needs and interests of the individual.


Expansion of the composition of the collective subject of management. Expansion of horizontal links.

New relationships and positions:


the ability to flexibly change the position of the object and subject by each participant.

Expanding the powers and composition of the subjects of the educational process


Extension of types and levels of control.

Individualization and differentiation. Variability in the implementation of educational services.

Extending maintenance structures:




correctional pedagogical

The transformation of preschool education into preschool education reflects the global development trend. V.T. Kudryavtsev notes that in Russia preschool education is subordinate to educational management structures: this actually indicates that a preschool child needs education, training and development. Thus, preschool education becomes an initial, integral and full-fledged stage of the educational system as a whole, as defined by the law "On Education".

Today, we can confidently state the fact of a formal or meaningful transition of the majority of ECEs to the search mode, which is a transitional stage on the way to qualitative changes and the transfer of ECE to the development mode.

Another aspect is related to the qualitative characteristics of this transition: how much innovation meets the urgent needs and opportunities in preschool education. Therefore, the question of identifying urgent problems in the development of preschool institutions is becoming the most important.

The analysis of existing concepts, projects and programs in the field of preschool education allows us to identify a number of basic trends in the development of the system (Table 2).

Humanization establishes the priority of the personal development of subjects (parents, teachers, children), the centralization of the educational process on the values \u200b\u200bof human development, the orientation towards the comprehensive and harmonious formation of the personality, the transfer of the subject to the position of self-directed development. Humanization of education, as V.A. Slastenin is a process aimed at the development of the personality as a subject of creative activity, which "constitutes the most important characteristic of the lifestyle of teachers and pupils, suggesting the establishment of truly human (humane) relations between them in the pedagogical process" and is a key component of pedagogical thinking focused on the idea of \u200b\u200bpersonality development ...

The leading direction of the humanization of education is considered to be the self-determination of the individual in culture, its introduction to national and cultural traditions enriched with modern ideas. Humanization is manifested in increased attention to the personality of each child as the highest value of society, in the formation of a citizen with high intellectual, moral and physical qualities.

Democratization is associated with the expansion of the rights and powers of the participants in the educational process, the focus on meeting the individual needs and requests of subjects. This implies the creation of prerequisites for the development of activity, initiative and creativity of pupils and teachers, their interested interaction, as well as broad public participation in the management of preschool education.

Diversification implies a necessary and sufficient variety of types and types of institutions, services and approaches to their implementation in order to meet the needs of participants in the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

The projection of these foundations onto the educational process in the preschool educational institution represents all its subsystems in a new way. In this regard, a number of basic principles are highlighted that ensure the implementation of the above directions in the development of ECE and its participants:

humanity (the unity of culture and nature);

the integrity of the pedagogical process and the complexity of goals;

activity and equal partnership in pedagogical interaction of all subjects of the pedagogical process.

Modernization of ECE management implies a variety of types and management technologies that provide a complex and comprehensive impact of the control system on the controlled ECE system within the framework of motivational and program-targeted approaches to co-management, reflexive management and self-government.

Innovation management is a set of principles, methods and forms of management of innovation processes, innovation activities, organizational structures engaged in this activity and their personnel. As with any other area of \u200b\u200bmanagement, it is characterized by the following: goal setting and strategy choice; planning, definition of conditions and organization, execution, leadership.

The organization of comprehensive support for the individual development of children in a preschool educational institution requires different approaches to the educational process, its planning and the development of software and methodological support for the activities of the kindergarten. The changing demands of the Russian society for the quality of preschool education should motivate the preschool institution to use modern educational complex programs, technologies, methods.

Innovation management in a modern preschool educational institution involves:

development of plans and programs for innovation;

monitoring the development of an innovative product and its implementation;

consideration of projects for creating new products;

pursuing a unified innovation policy - coordinating the activities of all structural units;

financial and material support of innovative processes;

management of personnel implementing innovations;

creation of target groups for a comprehensive solution of innovative problems.

Examples of innovation management in a preschool educational institution can be:

1. Development of software and methodological support for innovative processes: Program for the development of preschool educational institutions, business plan, educational program, annual plan.

2. Development and implementation into practice of innovative collective and individual pedagogical projects.

3. The introduction of new forms of differentiation of special education: temporary speech therapy group, a logistic center.

4. Creation of a network of additional free educational and health-improving services for preschool educational institutions: circles, studios, sections, etc.

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Lena Rafalovich
Innovative pedagogical activity in modern preschool education

The material reflects the state, problems and prospects for the development of innovative pedagogical activity in modern preschool education. The priority directions of activities of preschool groups in an educational institution are considered.

Keywords: innovative activity, innovative technologies, analysis

The reform of preschool education in order to better meet the needs of parents and the interests of children makes new demands on the work of preschool groups. It is necessary to work in the conditions of transformation of the educational and informational environment, flexible variable mode of work, search for new pedagogical methods of work. Innovative activity - a process that develops at certain stages and allows an educational institution to move to a higher-quality stage of development in the creation, development, development, use and dissemination of innovations (new methods, techniques, technologies, programs).

The study of innovations in the field of preschool education is presented in the works of N.N.Koshel, A.V. Khutorsky, T.M.

As noted by the Belarusian scientist N.N.Koshel, today there is a revision of the understanding of human prospects. The high level of dynamics of scientific, technical and socio-economic processes requires considering innovation as a way of life in modern society.

The scientist A. V. Khutorskoy considers it necessary to distinguish between such concepts as innovation and innovation. The author understands a pedagogical innovation as a certain idea, method, means, technology or system, and innovation, by his definition, is the process of introducing and mastering this innovation. At the same time, he emphasizes the unity of the three components of the innovation process: the creation, development and application of innovations.

The source of innovation, according to scientists, is a problem that to solve in an innovative way means to change the system, bring it in line with the desired model. If the changes are of a qualitative nature, then as a result of solving the problem, the system develops. The general goal of innovation in preschool educational institutions is to improve the ability of the kindergarten pedagogical system to achieve qualitatively higher educational results. Today, innovative activity should be considered as one of the priority areas for the development of preschool education. Innovative preschool education can be defined as a process leading to the creation of educational services and technologies that are best in their properties through the practical use of innovations.

The Belarusian researcher of the problems of preschool education, T.M. Korosteleva, focused on the need to radically change the public's view of the attitude towards children, their upbringing, which is not limited to feeding, providing toys, etc.

N. Mikhailenko and N. Korotkova outlined their views on the main directions of humanization and increasing the effectiveness of the pedagogical process in kindergarten:

Updating the form and content of training sessions - from frontal to work with small subgroups;

Saturation of children's lives with art orienting towards universal human moral values;

Transformation of the objective environment and living space in the group room in order to ensure the free independence and creativity of children in accordance with their desires and inclinations.

By proposing the listed areas of humanization, experts, in their own words, tried to provide some support for the actions of educators during the transition from rigidly standardized work to variability and creativity. Changes in these areas were already feasible within the framework of the then existing "Program for education and training in kindergarten".

In 1995. the innovative movement in Belarus was marked by the creation of such a global, strategic innovation as the national program of preschool education of a new generation "Praleska" (under the leadership of E. A. Panko and A. I. Vasilyeva, which was aimed at "protecting childhood" (L. S. Vygotsky, providing conditions for self-development, creativity of children, manifestation of the uniqueness of each pupil, based on national and social culture.

Since 2011 in the republic there is a curriculum for preschool education, the implementation of the content of which ensures the versatile development and self-development of the child's personality, the formation of his moral standards and the acquisition of social experience, readiness for a successful transition to the next level of education.

However, as the research of V.T.Kudryavtsev has shown, no basic educational program can fully satisfy the needs of a particular type of preschool education institution. VT Kudryavtsev not only analyzed the experience and problems of innovative preschool education, but also outlined a strategy for its development, which he himself tested experimentally. The scientist presented the fruits of his thoughts in a series of articles. Kudryavtsev considers education to be innovative, if it can be called developmental.

In recent years, a number of Belarusian scientists have created innovative pedagogical technologies (O. N. Antsypirovich, L. D. Glazyrina, D. N. Dubinina, I. V. Zhitko, A. A. Petrikevich, V. A. Silivon, N. S. Starzhinskaya, E. A. Strekha, L. S. Khodonovich, V. N. Shebeko and others). These technologies are aimed at the formation of a positive national and cultural identification in children, which presupposes self-awareness as a particle of a certain nation, understanding the intrinsic value of each nation, its language and culture, and fostering tolerance. The personality-oriented model of education acts as a generalized basic model of technology. Each of the technologies clearly traces the reliance on the cultural-creative function of childhood as a mechanism for mastering culture. Examples of literary and musical falklore, folk games, and national toys stand out as the main pedagogical means of technology. This position provides a preschool child "growing" into the national culture, its empathy, comprehension and understanding.

Currently, new types, types and profiles of preschool educational institutions, new educational programs have been created, which make it possible to ensure the variability of the educational process focused on the individuality of the child and the needs of his family.

The overall goal of innovation in early childhood education –Improving the ability of the pedagogical system of the kindergarten to achieve qualitatively higher educational results.

Preliminary problem analysis of the organization of upbringing and education of children in our educational institution, questionnaires of parents and teachers, as well as studying the experience of introducing innovations in preschool institutions different types and types helped us determine the direction, nature, scope and problematic of our innovations.

Our educational institution of a combined type, preschool education is provided at the level of mastering the content of the educational program of preschool education and the educational program of special education at the level of preschool education, which implies the organization correctional work... The upbringing and educational process is built in such a way as to compensate for the speech deficiencies of children, to completely eliminate them by the time the child is taught at the first stage of general secondary education.

The priority areas for the development of innovative activities of our preschool groups were identified:

Organization of new forms of preschool education: a seasonal playground, groups of short-term stay.

Participation in the implementation of the republican experimental project "Approbation of the model of formation of national and cultural identity among students within the framework of the activities of an educational institution as a sociocultural center"

Within the framework of this project, during the 2015/2016 academic year, I worked on the formation of national and cultural identity among pupils as part of an educational service in addition to the basic component "Children's hand weaving".

Organization of project activities, contributing to the search for independent solutions, the formation of a creative personality.

For several years in my activity I have been using the project method. During this time, a number of projects, both long-term and short-term, have been developed and implemented: “I am little gramadzyanin Republics of Belarus”, “Love and know your native land”, “Bread is the head of everything” and others. Work experience in project activities was repeatedly presented to the teachers of the district. One of the works - "Baba Yaga: Good or Evil ?.

Using technology for the development of coherent speech

One of the main indicators of the level of development of a child's mental abilities can be considered the richness of his speech, which is provided by this technology.

The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process.

We use multimedia teaching aids for the development of preschool children in organized activities under the guidance of a teacher, create interactive presentations, create my own page on the site, where I plan to post consultations for parents, creative reports, open events, etc.

Using the method of "museum" pedagogy in order to activate the cognitive interest of pupils.

The museum of the educational institution makes it possible to include children in educational activities, helps to develop their creative activity, and introduces them to the cultural heritage. Often in the educational process, the "museum in a suitcase" method is used. Selected items and materials are placed in a suitcase. You can touch them, touch them. Only by touching real antiques, children feel that they belong to the history of their people.

Use of game "hours", "hours of physical activity" in physical culture and health-improving work.

Once a week in the afternoon in all preschool groups, "hours" of physical activity are held (in the older group, game "hours" (in the middle group). These activities are of great interest in children, foster a love of physical activity.

In perspective:

1. Creation of a bank of computer training programs, didactic and methodological materials on the use of information technology in educational and correctional educational work of preschool groups.

2. Building closer cooperation with parents (legal representatives) of pupils and social partners.

3. Introduce the technology of a preschooler's portfolio in order to accompany preschoolers along individual educational routes based on a personality-oriented approach to each pupil. This will allow both parents of pupils and teachers to become active participants in the educational process.

4. Introduction of a regime of self-control, self-esteem and professional control of specialists over the final results (teacher-psychologist oversees the mental development of children; senior educator, FC instructors, doctor, nurse - over the health of children and their physical development; teacher-defectologists - over the results correctional work, etc.).

The relevance of the problem of the organization and content of innovative activity in a modern preschool institution is beyond doubt. However, not everything new is progressive. Only that which is effective is progressive, regardless of when it arises. A new one is considered more effective than an old one if it is used to obtain better results in an optimal way.

The successful organization and implementation of the innovative process depends on the teaching staff, on their awareness of the innovative idea, since under the conditions of the innovative regime there is an active process of the teacher's personal self-determination, changes in the nature of the relationship between the staff of the preschool institution take place.

This process is quite long and it cannot happen by itself. Purposeful work is required:

Theoretical and practical training of teachers for innovative activities;

Methodological assistance in the development of innovative and experimental projects;

Information and analytical activities on the state of innovation in the preschool education system of the region;

Publishing activities, which will help to fulfill the need of educators for awareness of innovative activities;

Revealing, studying, generalizing, spreading the software of innovative activity.


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6. Slobodchikov, V. Kindergarten yesterday, today, tomorrow / V. Slobodchikov // Preschool education. - 2005. - No. 8. - S. 88-94.

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8. Khodonovich, LS Innovations in preschool education in Belarus: comparative pedagogical analysis / LS Khodonovich // Кіravanne ў adukatsі. - 2004. - No. 5.- S. 28-38.

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Participation in the main All-Russian contests for preschool institutions ("Educator of the Year", "Kindergarten of the Year") presupposes an impressive portfolio with examples of the use of innovative technologies. At the same time, innovative technologies in preschool education can be a revision of old educational models or represent a completely new developmental program.

A modern teacher is one who is constantly developing, self-educating, looking for new ways of developing and educating children. All this becomes possible thanks to his active position and creative component.

The introduction of new technologies can be due to a number of reasons. Innovative technologies in preschool education are used, first of all, to solve urgent problems, to improve the quality of services provided, to meet the growing demands of parents. In addition, competition is also important, when kindergartens compete with each other for the title of the most modern preschool educational institution. The award is known - a large number of people who want to get into this particular kindergarten.

Innovation can manifest itself not only in the form of new programs, but also in a number of other areas, which together ensure the harmonious work of the preschool institution. These are management activities, and work with personnel, and work with parents.

In the article we will dwell in more detail on working with children.

Modern educational technologies include:

  • health-saving technologies;
  • technology of project activities;
  • research technology;
  • information and communication technologies;
  • personality-oriented technologies;
  • gaming technologies.

Health-saving technologies

Health-saving technologies are aimed at strengthening the health of the child, instilling in him healthy way life. This is especially true in light of the deteriorating environment, the general picture of health, and malnutrition.

Health-saving technologies can be implemented in different ways. Depending on the goals:

  • they can be aimed at maintaining health and implemented by medical personnel: nutrition control, health monitoring, ensuring a health-preserving environment;
  • they can be aimed at the physical development of the child through various types of gymnastics (respiratory, finger, orthopedic), hardening, dynamic pauses, stretching, alternative ways - for example, hatha yoga;
  • they can introduce the culture of health;
  • they can teach a healthy lifestyle through communication games, game sessions, logo rhythmics, physical education;
  • they can be corrective and implemented in sessions of various types of therapies (art, fairy tale, color).

Project technology

Project activities in kindergarten are carried out by the child together with the teacher. The goal is to work on a problem, as a result of which the child receives answers to questions.

Projects differ:

  • by the number of participants: individual, paired, group, frontal;
  • by duration: short-term, medium-term, long-term;
  • by priority method: creative, play, research, informational;
  • by topic: include the child's family, nature, society, cultural values \u200b\u200band more.

Research technology

Research activity helps a child to identify an actual problem and through a series of actions to solve it. At the same time, the child, like a scientist, conducts research, sets up experiments.

Methods and techniques for organizing research activities:

  • observation;
  • conversations;
  • experiences;
  • didactic games;
  • simulation of situations;
  • labor orders, actions.

Information and communication technologies

Information and communication technologies got their natural development in our "advanced" century. The situation when a child would not know what a computer is is practically unrealistic. Children are drawn to acquiring computer skills. With the help of fascinating programs for teaching reading and mathematics, for the development of memory and logic, children can be interested in "sciences".

The computer has a number of significant advantages over the classic occupation. Animated pictures, flashing on the screen, attract the child, allow you to concentrate attention. With the help of computer programs, it becomes possible to simulate various life situations that would not be possible to recreate in a kindergarten.

Depending on the child's abilities, the program can be tailored specifically for him, that is, focus on his individual development.

At the same time, due to computer illiteracy, teachers can make a number of mistakes. For example, overload the class with slides, be insufficiently competent in computer literacy issues due to lack of relevant experience.

Personality-oriented technologies

Personality-oriented technologies provide conditions for the development of a child's personality. These are various sensory rooms, corners for individual games and activities.

The personality-oriented approach is possessed by programs widely used in kindergartens: "Childhood", "From birth to school", "Rainbow", "From childhood to adolescence."

Game technology

Gaming technologies are the foundation of all preschool education. In the light of the Federal State Educational Standards (federal state educational standards), the child's personality is brought to the fore and now all preschool childhood should be devoted to the game.

Moreover, games have many cognitive and educational functions. Among the game exercises are those

  • which help to highlight characteristic signs subjects: that is, they teach to compare;
  • which help to generalize objects according to certain criteria;
  • which teach the child to separate fiction from real;
  • who foster communication in a team, develop quick reaction, ingenuity and more.

We should mention the technology "TRIZ" (the theory of inventive problem solving), which puts creativity at the forefront. TRIZ wraps complex material in a form that is light and accessible to a child. Children learn about the world through fairy tales and everyday situations.

In the annual August conference of educators, we presented a methodological exhibition on the topic: "Innovative technologies in a preschool educational institution." In a methodological stand in modules, we showed the educational process of our kindergarten on the use of innovative technologies.

Innovative approaches to educational work in preschool educational institutions

Purpose: to create a personality-oriented educational environment in a preschool educational institution, which allows to create conditions for full-fledged physical, spiritual psycho-emotional health, interpersonal, group developmental interaction of children, parents, teachers and specialists.

Tasks: to educate the social and personal qualities of preschoolers who are able to think extraordinary and creatively;

to develop initiative, curiosity, arbitrariness, the ability to creative self-expression, to stimulate the communicative, cognitive, play and other activity of children in various types of activities;

to teach children to apply modern innovative technologies aimed at successful socialization of the individual in society and increase the level of intellectual thinking and creative imagination.

The use of innovations in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

Purpose: creating conditions for innovative processes in preschool educational institutions, the use of knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired in professional activities by teachers.

Objectives: introduction of innovative technologies to improve the professional culture of teachers;

creating a creative atmosphere and joining the efforts of the entire teaching staff to build the educational process;

the development of aspirations among teachers for the rationalization and effective organization of innovative technologies in teaching.

Stages of implementation:

1. Analysis and collection of information about innovations.

2. Selection and implementation of innovations.

3. Generalization of experience and diagnostics of the implemented innovation.

Health-saving technologies in the educational process

Purpose: to form in preschoolers an idea of \u200b\u200bthe importance of physical and mental health of a person; to develop the ability to protect and strengthen your health

Tasks: to educate preschoolers in the culture of preserving and improving their own health;

develop mental and physical qualities and conduct preventive actionspromoting the health of preschoolers;

to teach preschoolers to understand the meaning of a healthy lifestyle and its value and the value of the life of others.

Gaming innovative technologies

goal: to increase the importance of the organization of games in the educational process of the preschool educational institution.

Tasks: to bring up elementary generally accepted norms of relationships with peers and adults through playful actions;

to promote the use in practice of modern requirements for the organization of games for preschoolers and to form a moral culture of world outlook in preschoolers;

improve preschoolers' acquired playing skills and abilities for the development of play activity.

Technology for creating a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution

Purpose: to create and improve a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution.

Tasks: to foster a positive attitude towards the application and development of innovations aimed at broadening the horizons of preschoolers;

to promote a more holistic perception and deep understanding of the studied material by preschoolers, to increase cognitive motivation, involving them in active independent activity, to form the needs for the search and identification of their original findings;

to give knowledge for the intellectual and spiritual and moral development of preschoolers, contributing to the successful development of erudition, fantasy in children, the ability to reason logically and draw conclusions.

Design and research activities of preschool children

Purpose: the formation of a scientific-cognitive, practical-active, emotional-moral attitude towards reality in preschoolers.

Objectives: to educate the need to study the world around us through design and research activities;

to develop creative activity of cognitive processes;

teach to solve research problems using new innovative methods and tools.

Innovative technologies in preschool educational institutions in the work of educators are the latest methods of organizing the educational process used by employees of preschool educational institutions, which have a positive effect on learning, improve the efficiency of teaching and upbringing methods for children, and intensive development of intelligence in preschool age.

Types of innovative pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions

The nature of the tools used (techniques, techniques, software and hardware) determines the specificity of the educational model, depending on which the different kinds :

  • gaming;
  • design;
  • problem learning;
  • using information and communication means;
  • collaboration and group activities;
  • personality-oriented, etc.

Information and communication technologies

Information and communication technologies (ICT) of preschool education are a complex of educational and methodological materials based on the use of technical means and software in the upbringing of children and aimed at improving the pedagogical activity of employees of preschool institutions.

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ICT provides for the use of educational videos, audio recordings, multimedia presentations, electronic manuals, etc. in the pedagogical process.

In addition to computer equipment and output devices (multimedia projectors, screens), interactive whiteboards are widely used, work with which involves not passive perception of information, but dynamic interaction.

Depending on the purpose of using technical means, the following types of ICT implementation in the educational process are distinguished:

  • a way of relaying new knowledge;
  • a tool for self-knowledge and creative development of the child;
  • object of study;
  • means of automated control of results and subsequent correction of training.

The use of information tools and electronic educational complexes has a number of advantages:

  • integrates audiovisual information, develops the child's mental perception;
  • makes it possible to simulate unexpected situations not typical for everyday life;
  • activates the attention of children through illustrative material;
  • in an entertaining way, develops computer skills and multimedia applications at an early age.

The technology of problem learning is a set of techniques and methods that ensure the formation of independent cognitive activity of a child and the development of creative thinking by overcoming mental difficulties caused by a lack of knowledge. The purpose of this method is to master general principles self-study.

The specificity of the technology lies in the fact that the teacher only defines the problem, and then provides preschoolers with the opportunity, on the basis of previously acquired knowledge and acquired skills, to find solutions. To involve preschoolers in cognitive activity, the problem situation must correspond to the available level of complexity and be implemented in a fun way.

The solution to the problem task is carried out under the guidance of the educator according to the following algorithm:

  1. Awareness of the contradiction inherent in the task.
  2. Formation of a hypothesis for its resolution.
  3. Joint search for confirmation of the hypothesis.
  4. Formulation of a conclusion that clarifies causal relationships and expands knowledge about the subject.

The described algorithm assumes a sufficient level of development of analytical thinking, therefore, it is advisable to use problem technologies in groups of senior preschool age.

Project technology is understood as a teaching methodology that ensures the consistent performance by children of educational, research or creative assignmentaimed at creating a project.

This method is based on individual interests and increases the independent activity of kindergarten children. The knowledge acquired during the preparation of the project becomes part of their personal experience.

Distinctive feature The activity under consideration for preschool institutions is a specific nature of cooperation in which children, teachers and parents take part in the preparation of materials. This is due to the fact that the child is not aware of the contradictions in the world around him, as a result, the need arises for the active involvement of an adult to formulate a problem, define an idea and goal setting.

Depending on the type of activity being implemented, training projects are divided into:

  • play (involve the performance of distributed roles by children in fictional situations);
  • creative (aimed at revealing the creative potential, provide for the creation of a holiday, an exhibition of drawings, favorite toys, etc.);
  • practice-oriented (aimed at results and associated with the formation of the child's social values: planting and caring for a plant, creating a family tree, a story about their future profession);
  • cognitive (collecting information about some object of reality, modeling the process).

The project is always limited in time, but the knowledge gained is used after its completion. For this purpose, materials can be collected in an interactive folder (laptop). It is a mini-book with envelopes, pockets and drop-down windows. It accumulates material

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