Job description of a physiotherapy office of a physiotherapy office. Medical sister on physiotherapy

Improvements in the prescribed manner; - to present the requirements of the Administration to create the necessary conditions in the workplace, ensuring the qualitative performance of their official duties; - take part in meetings (meetings) when discussing the work of the physiotherapy office; - get the necessary information to perform their functional duties from a physiotherapist doctor responsible for the department (cabinet) from among the middle personnel; - demand from visitors to comply with the rules of the internal regulation; - master the funny specialty; - give instructions and control the work of the younger personnel of the physiotherapy department (Cabinet). IV.

403 Forbidden.

It should be remembered that the patient procedure should make the same medical sister and on the same device. The patient should be put or planted in a position convenient for it.

To secure electrodes on the face and neck, individual bandages should be used, and it is impossible to use the same bandage to various parts of the body. It is advisable to have individual bags in which the sheets are stored (diaper) and gaskets.

Before turning on the device, the nurse must carefully check it and make sure that the preparation for the procedure is performed correctly. The medical sister should not exceed the dose specified by the doctor.

If the dose marked in the medical and procedural map is poorly tolerated, smaller doses should be applied.

Official instructions

Introducing applicants for treatment with the rules of the internal regulations, the days of the day, the rules of personal hygiene, as well as to observe the accurate execution of the patients of the specified rules. All faults or painful sensations immediately inform the nurse.

7. Watch systematically for the patient's condition during treatment. In the event of pain, dizziness, unpleasant sensations, poor tolerance of the patient, the procedure should be immediately discontinued, the device is turned off.
The nurse reports that the doctor happened and in no case replaces one procedure for the other at its discretion. 8. Warning a patient a day before graduation about the need for another visit.
Without re-mark, the doctor on the procedural card on the continuation of treatment cannot be released procedures. nine.

Duties of the Medical Sister of the Physiotherapy Cabinet

Conducts physiotherapy procedures. He prepares physiotherapy equipment for work, monitors its safety and health, correct operation, timely repair and write-off.

Prepares patients to physiotherapy procedures, monitors the patient's condition during the procedure. Provides patient infectious safety and medical personnel, fulfills the requirements of infectious control in the physiotherapy department.


Leads medical documentation. Provides proper storage, accounting for the use of medicines. Sanitary and educational work. Renders promptual help With urgent states.

Carries out the collection and disposal of medical waste.


Heating devices of the central processing system, water supply system or sewage systems, and any grounded items that are agencies should be closed with wooden casing covered with oil paint throughout the length of the height, inaccessible to the touch of patients and personnel during procedures. 4. Metal grounded housings of the apparatus of the contact superposition of the electrodes should be installed out of reach for patients, and if it is possible to do this, then the vessels available for the patient casing must be protected by an insulating screen from a possible touch of the patient.

5. The serviceability of the devices should be checked daily before work. This is done by recording a reception log. 6.

To undergo in the prescribed manner certification with the right to obtain the relevant qualification category. 3.5. Take part in meetings, scientific and practical conferences and sections on issues related to their professional activities.

Enjoy labor rights in accordance with Labor Code Russian Federation IV. Responsibility Medical sister in physiotherapy is responsible: 4.1.

For proper and timely execution of official duties imposed on it, provided for by this Official Instruction 4.2. For the organization of its work and qualified fulfillment of orders, orders and orders from the management of the enterprise. 4.3. For ensuring compliance with subordinate employees of their duties. 4.4. For non-compliance with rules internal order and safety regulations.

Nursery of a physiotherapy medical sister

Make a daily diary of the accounting of attendance to patients and make a monthly report, the number of released procedures is indicated by the proceedings and in conventional units. Accurately executive appointments with a marker in a physiotherapy map. 10. Monitor constantly at the work of the devices and the condition of patients. (The nurse does not have the right to leave the healing premises during therapeutic procedures.) Patients, as well as unauthorized persons can be in a physiotherapy office only in the presence of service personnel. 272 Fundamentals of dental physiotherapy Organization of the workplace 1. The work is organized in such a way as to the patient enjoyed treatment throughout the course at the same conditions. 2. It is impossible to operate or store the equipment of the immediate proximity to the heating devices. 3.
During the procedure, the medical sister monitors the condition of the patient, it is aware of his well-being, monitors the work of the device, testimony of measuring instruments, sandy or signaling hours. For bad well-being The patient, the appearance of headaches, dizziness, heartbeat, nausea or with a sharp gain of pain should be discontinued and cause a doctor. If a malfunction is detected during the procedure, it should be turned off immediately, it can be used again after eliminating the defect. Having found a burn (for example, when galvanized), a medical sister is obliged to provide a patient first medical care And find out the reason that caused the burn. About what happened she should inform the doctor and make the appropriate note in the medical and procedural map.
Official instruction of the medical sister of the physiotherapy department (Cabinet) I. General provisions of the main task medical sister The physiotherapeutic department (Cabinet) is a vacation of physiotherapy procedures patients according to the appointments of a physiotherapist.

The appointment and dismissal of the medical sister of the physiotherapy department (Cabinet) is carried out by the chief physician of the polyclinic in the prescribed manner. The medical sister of the physiotherapy department (Cabinet) is subject to the head of this department (Cabinet), in the absence of it - a responsible person on the department (Cabinet) from among medium-sized medical professionals, approved by the order of the Chief Doctor of the Polyclinic.

Official duties Medical sister on physiotherapy: 2.1. Performs physiotherapeutic measures that appoints a doctor in the physiotherapeutic department. 2.2. Prepares physiotherapy equipment to work and controls its health. 2.3. Conducts physiotherapeutic studies. 2.4. Carries out the current control over the safety and health of the equipment, as well as its timely repair and write-off. 2.5.

Eliminates the simplest faults in the operation of the devices. 2.6. In a timely manner and qualitatively issues service and medical records.

Conducts the preparation of the patient to research and controls its condition during a physiotherapeutic study. 2.8. Provides infectious safety of medical personnel and patients.

2.9. Performs the requirements of sanitary and epidemic supervision in the physiotherapy department. 2.10.

  • improve their qualifications in the workplace and in other specialized medical and preventive institutions, in improvement courses in the prescribed manner;
  • to present the requirements of the administration to create the necessary conditions in the workplace, ensuring the qualitative fulfillment of their official duties;
  • take part in meetings (meetings) when discussing the work of the physiotherapy office;
  • receive the necessary information to fulfill its functional duties from a physiotherapist doctor, responsible person on the department (Cabinet) from among the middle personnel;
  • require visitors to comply with the internal regulations;
  • mastering a funny specialty;
  • give instructions and monitor the work of the younger personnel of the physiotherapy department (Cabinet).
  • IV.

Monitor: - the patient's condition during the procedure, informing his well-being; - work of the device, testimony of measuring instruments, signal hours. 6. Terminate the procedure with the deterioration of the patient's condition, if necessary, to provide him with first aid and immediately report a doctor, and in the procedural map make an appropriate mark. 7.

To acquaint those who come to treat patients with the rules of the internal regulations and the rules of behavior during the reception of the procedure. 8. To determine the sequence of patients to certain types of procedures in accordance with the hours of their work or the work of the Cabinet.

9. To keep records of the work performed and control the acquisition of the entire prescribed course of treatment. 10. Moving the accounting documentation approved by the Ministry of Health. 11. It is constantly in the workplace during the leave of procedures. 12.

1. General Provisions

1. This job description defines the duties, rights and responsibility of the medical sister in physiotherapy.

2. A person having a medium-average person is assigned to the position of a medical sister in physiotherapy. Vocational education in the specialty "Therapeutic case", "obstetric matter", "nursing" and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Physiotherapy" without the presentation of the work experience.

Senior medical sister in physiotherapy should have a secondary vocational education ( elevated level) Specialty "Therapeutic case", "obstetric matter", "nursing case" and a specialist certificate with a specialty "physiotherapy" without the presentation of the work experience.

3. Medical sister on physiotherapy should know:

laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation acting in the field of health care; theoretical foundations of nursing business; labor protection rules when working with medical instruments and equipment; main reasons, clinical manifestations, methods of diagnosis, complications, principles of treatment and prevention of diseases and injuries; species, forms and methods of rehabilitation; the organization and rules for conducting measures for the rehabilitation of patients; Indications and contraindications to the use of basic groups medicinal preparations; the nature of the interaction, complications of the use of drugs; Rules for collecting, storing and removing LPU waste; Fundamentals of valeology and sorenologies; methods and means of hygienic education; the basis of the clinic; social significance of diseases; System of infectious control, infectious safety of patients and medical personnel medical organization; Basics of medicine disasters; Rules for conducting accounting and reporting documentation structural unit, main types of medical records; medical ethics; psychology of professional communication; Basics of labor legislation; The rules of the internal labor regulation; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

4. The physiotherapy medical sister is appointed and exempt from office by order of the head of the medical organization in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Medical sister on physiotherapy directly submits to the head of its structural unit (head of the department), and in the absence of his head of a medical organization or his deputy.

2. Official duties

Performs preventive, therapeutic, rehabilitation activities appointed by a physiotherapy department. Conducts physiotherapy procedures. He prepares physiotherapy equipment for work, monitors its safety and health, correct operation, timely repair and write-off. Prepares patients to physiotherapy procedures, monitors the patient's condition during the procedure. Provides infectious safety of patients and medical personnel, fulfills the requirements of infectious control in the physiotherapy department. Leads medical records. Provides proper storage, accounting for the use of medicines. Sanitary and educational work. Provides prefigure assistance in emergency conditions. Carries out the collection and disposal of medical waste. Performs measures to comply with the sanitary and hygienic regime in the premises, the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, the conditions for the sterilization of tools and materials, prevention of post-section complications, hepatitis, HIV infection.

3. Rights

Medical sister in physiotherapy has the right:

  1. make suggestions to improving the organization and improve the conditions of its labor activity;
  2. to control within its competence, the work of the younger medical personnel (if available), give them orders and require their clear execution, make suggestions to the guide to encourage them or impose of recovery;
  3. request, receive and use informational materials and regulatory documents necessary to fulfill their job duties;
  4. take part in scientific and practical conferences and meetings on which issues related to its work are considered;
  5. to undergo in the prescribed manner certification with the right to obtain the relevant qualification category;
  6. improve your qualifications on improvement courses at least once every 5 years.

Medical sister in physiotherapy enjoys all labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility

Medical sister in physiotherapy is responsible for:

  1. the implementation of official duties assigned to it;
  2. timely and qualified fulfillment of orders, orders and instructions of the leadership, regulatory and legal acts on their activities;
  3. compliance with the rules of the internal schedule, fire safety and safety;
  4. timely and qualitative design of medical and other service documentation provided for by the current regulatory documents;
  5. provision in the prescribed manner statistical and other information on its activities;
  6. operational adoption of measures, including timely informing the leadership, to eliminate violations of safety, firefire and sanitary rules that make a threat to the activities of a medical organization, its employees, patients and visitors.

For violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, a physiotherapy medical sister can be brought in accordance with the current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability.

During the work, he established itself as a skillful, knowledgeable, responsible specialist, competently and gently performs nursing manipulations, owns the foundations of rendering emergency care and conducting cardiovascular resuscitation. Assists when conducting catheterization of central veins, trachea intubations, electrical treatment and other procedures. I know how to work with therapeutic and diagnostic and control equipment. Carefully monitors patients. Leads among patients, their relatives, sanitary and educational work, chatting with them about the peculiarities of diseases, medication reception, proper nutrition and mode. Constantly increases its professional level, participating in nursing conferences, classes in the department, studying special literature. Enjoy respect and well-deserved authority in patients and colleagues. Has I Qualification Categories.

Characteristic on a medical professional - sample

Provides infectious safety of patients and medical personnel, fulfills the requirements of infectious control in the physiotherapy department. Leads medical records. Provides proper storage, accounting for the use of medicines. Sanitary and educational work. Provides prefigure assistance in emergency conditions.
Carries out the collection and disposal of medical waste. Performs measures to comply with the sanitary and hygienic regime in the premises, the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, the conditions for the sterilization of tools and materials, prevention of post-section complications, hepatitis, HIV infection.

Feature on nurse sample free attestation report


Microwave therapy procedures are carried out in the lying position or sitting. The plot to be influenced is exposed, all metal objects are removed. Exposure time from 5 to 15 minutes. These are power and time dose depending on age: from 2 to 3 years - 2W - 5-6 Minot 3 to 7 years - 4W - 5-7 minutes 7 to 14 years - 6W- 5-10mint A mixture of paraffin 25% and ozkerite is 75%.

At the heart of this treatment, there is a temperature factor that causes a local temperature increase in the area of \u200b\u200bexposure, which leads to an improvement in metabolic processes, which contributes to the resorption of scars, adhesion, has a spasmolytic effect. For ozochitat treatment, a cewy-appliquancy method is used. At the bottom of the cuvette, the oil was spilled, the dimensions of which should correspond to the area of \u200b\u200boverlay ozokerite.

The ozkeritis heated in the paraffin heater pour into the cuvettes.

Work of the medical sister of the physiotherapy office

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Every day, conducts lessons with medium and younger medical staff under the plan of improving business qualifications: - Performance individual plans Improving business qualifications. Permanently maintained on the development of the related specialty of the Middle Medical Personnel. Under the constant control of the Sisters Council adheres to the norms of sanitary legislation in the department where it works. Carefully refers to patients, demanding to others, respectable, disciplined. Owns a dexterity in critical situations. Owns technician in / in, in / m, p / k, in / to injections. He knows and executes orders No. 288, 408, ... (Specify orders that are used in the territory of your state), OST 42-21-2-85.
Considering the professionalism in the work, the experience gained, Ivanova, Irina Petrovna, is recommended for confirmation of the highest qualification category in the specialty "Nursing case".

Characteristic - View

Enjoys a certain authority in the team. I believe that Nurse Dudko E.N. According to their professional and personal qualities, the highest qualifying category is worthy. Head of separation. Vanyukov Attestation List Healthcare Healthcare

  1. Information about certificate
  2. Representation of the Administration (Review)
  3. Decision attestation commission

1. Information about the certificate

  • Surname, name, middle name: Dudko Ekaterina Nikolaevna.
  • Year of birth: 1949.
  • Name of the Institution and Position: Military Sanatorium Sibvo "Yeltsovka", a wardrobe nurse.
  • Education: Medical Medical.

    He graduated in 1970. Two-year courses nurses of the Union of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Society of the USSR at the Zaletssky district committee of the Red Cross Society of the RSFSR Novosibirsk.

Enhance uniqueness

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In the office is equipped with an isolated boxing - electricular, for work on preparing for medical procedures. There is a sink with two departments, a table, a wardrobe for storing hydrophilic gaskets and drugs for electrophoresis, a boiler, for boiling of hydrophilic gaskets. Cabinet UHF therapy. It is located 4 cabins with wooden couches. Apparatuses: "UHF-30", "UndaTerm", "UHF-66", Tuban Quartz. Kabinet microwave therapy.2 of the booth.

Apparatuses: "Ranet", "Ra Lam-3". Cabinet of heat. In one there are 4 couches for patients, in a different, paraffin heater, a table for the preparation of ozocerat - paraffin applications. Cabinet is equipped with a suppressive ventilation. The volume of work performed working day begins at 8.30 am and ends at 16 o'clock.

Before starting work, I am preparing the office to receive patients.

Single qualification directory Positions of managers, specialists and other employees (EKS), 2017 "Qualifying characteristics of posts of workers in the field of health care" section approved by order Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2010 N 541n Medical Sister-Anesthetist Table of Contents Medical Sister for Massage Responsibilities. Performs preventive, therapeutic, rehabilitation activities appointed by a physiotherapy department. Conducts physiotherapy procedures.

He prepares physiotherapy equipment for work, monitors its safety and health, correct operation, timely repair and write-off. Prepares patients to physiotherapy procedures, monitors the patient's condition during the procedure.


Electrodes are fixed by plants, rubber bandages or bags with sand. Read galvanization or medicinal electrophoresis Checking the absence of leather areas to be exposed, cracks and scratches. If necessary, closing them with a toxconditioning material. Before the procedure, the skin area to be influenced is cleaned with a cotton swab, moistened with boiled water.

Such processing improves the electrical conductivity of the skin. The wires from the electrodes are placed so that they do not touch the patient's body. When conducting a procedure, children be sure to follow the condition of the child. Treatment is carried out on low-power devices, exposure time decreases.

It is impossible to affect the sprout areas of the bones, the region of the heart. Electrodes are always fixed by bandages.

Characteristic on physiotherapy nurse

The characteristic was not changed. Attestation report kaltian nurse Novosibirsk, 2008. Head of the Sanatorium of the employees of RA Dudko E.N. statement. I ask me to allow me to pass the certification in the attestation commission of the Medical Service of the Siberian Military District on the assignment of the highest qualifying category in the specialty "Nursing in therapy". Date and signature. Chairman of the Attestation Commission of the Medical Service Interior Military District, petitioning on the merits of this application. Head of the SanatoriumPoddlovnik Mesh. Ministry. Shevchenko Service characteristic Dudko Medical Sister, Ekaterina Nikolaevna, works in the Military Siblie Sibvo Sibvoy since 1996. Since 1996, has proven himself to positive. Has extensive experience, has good practical knowledge In its specialty, which allows it to successfully cope with the work.
During drug electrophoresis, irritation may occur skin Pokrov under the electrode. I explain to the patient that this medicinal substance He is contraindicated, stopping the procedure, I put the doctor's mind. These are the strength of the current dosing depending on the age. May 0.01-0.03m / cm1-7 years 0.03-0.05m / cm7-10 years 0.05- 0.08mA / metering procedures for adults from 10 to 40 minutes, depending on the technique. Chooms up to a year of 8 minutes. After the procedure, hydrophilic gaskets are riveted under running water and boiled separately by poles and drugs, be dry. Because therapy. This is the impact on the body Electric field of ultra-high frequency. When working with high-frequency equipment, you need to be extremely attentive. Check grounding, the integrity of the condenser plates, the position of the wires (they should not come into contact with each other and the patient's body).

Job description Medical Sister Physiotherapy Office

I. General part

The main task of the medical sister of the physiotherapy office is the conduct of physiotherapeutic procedures patients according to the appointments of a physiotherapist. The appointment and dismissal of the medical sister of the physiotherapy department is carried out by the Chief Physician medical institution according to established order. The medical sister of the physiotherapy department is subject to the head of this department, with its absence - a responsible person on the separation of medium-sized medical professionals, approved by the order of the chief physician of the clinic. The medical sister of the physiotherapy department in its work is guided by the rules for conducting physiotherapy procedures and safety techniques when working with equipment, physiotherapist, regulations of the internal labor regulation and this official instruction.

II. Responsibilities

1. Perform all orders of a physiotherapist's doctor, and in its absence - physiotherapeutic appointments of attending physicians.

2. Prepare your own time workplace, equipment and everything necessary for the beginning of the reception of patients.

3. Strictly observe the order, purity in the physiotherapeutic department.

4. Take a patient after inspecting by his physiotherapist and if there is a procedural card, note the implementation of the procedures, to inform the patient the time of appearance for treatment.

5. Follow:

For the patient's condition during the procedure, informing his well-being;

Operation of the device, indications of measuring instruments, signal hours.

6. Terminate the procedure with the deterioration of the patient's condition, if necessary, to provide him with first aid and immediately report a doctor, and in the procedural map make an appropriate mark.

7. To acquaint me on treating patients with internal regulations and rules of behavior during the receipt of the procedure.

8. To keep records of completed work and control the acquisition of the entire prescribed course of treatment.

9. Moving the accounting documentation approved by the Ministry of Health.

10. It is constantly in the workplace during procedures.

11. Observe the timeliness and rules for processing hydrophilic gaskets, tubes, tips and other monitoring.

12. Follow the heating of paraffin, ozokerite, therapeutic mud.

14. Turn off at the end of the working day all the equipment; Lighting and heating appliances, a common cabinet switch, check whether the taps of washbasins and dirty installations are closed, comply with safety regulations.

15. Systematically increase their professional qualifications.

16. Comply with the principles of deontology.

III. Rights

1. Get access to medical cards and other documents required to get additional information When performing physiotherapy appointments.

2. Implement control over the work of equipment for repairing equipment.

3. Give instructions and control the work of the younger personnel.

4. Improve your qualifications in the prescribed manner.

5. To present the requirements of the administration to create the necessary conditions in the workplace, ensuring the qualitative fulfillment of their official duties.

6. Receive the necessary information to fulfill its functional duties from a physiotherapist doctor, responsible person on the separation of middle personnel.

7. Require patients with compliance with the internal regulations.

8. Master the contiguous specialty.

9. Give instructions and control the work of the younger personnel of the physiotherapy office.

IV. Work appraisal and responsibility

The assessment of the work of the medical sister of the physiotherapy department is carried out by a physiotherapist or responsible person from the part of the middle medical personnel on the basis of accounting for its functional duties, the internal regulations, work discipline, moral and ethical standards, public activity. The medical sister of the physiotherapeutic department is responsible for fuzzy and late fulfillment of all items of this job description. Personal liability types are determined in accordance with applicable law.

For the successful performance of their official duties, the medical sister of the physiotherapy department should know:

Fundamentals of valeology and sorenologies; methods and means of hygienic education;

Theoretical foundations of nursing business;

Testimony and contraindications to the use of basic groups of drugs, the nature of interaction, complications of drug use;

Regulatory documents regulating the pharmaceutical procedure in a medical and profilate institution;

Rules and requirements for the equipment of the physiotherapy office, the Cabinet;

Equipment used in physiotherapy, it specifications and meanings physical factors and procedures;

Safety technique in the physiotherapy office and office: regulatory documents on labor protection and safety;

Principles of compatibility and sequence of destination of physical factors and procedures;

Testimony and contraindications to the use of physical factors;

Possible complications when conducting physiotherapy procedures, measures for prevention;

Principles of emergency care for electric shock lesions, light radiation, electromagnetic field and etc.;

Features of the physilation in children;

Analyze the situation and make decisions within their professional competence and authority;

Perform diagnostic, healing, resuscitation, rehabilitation, preventive, medical and health, sanitary and hygienic, sanitary and educational activities in accordance with their professional competence and authority;

Own the main elements of massage, use psychotherapy techniques;

Before the start of work, the medical sister prepares its office to receive patients, checks the health of the devices and accessories to them, monitors heating, and therapeutic dirt.

The medical sister takes a patient for treatment after inspecting his doctor if he has a medical and procedural card, which indicates the procedure and treatment method.

After detailing with the content of the latter, the medical sister finds out the details of the procedure (localization, dosage, etc.), after which it starts to accurately fulfill the doctor's prescriptions specified in the medical and procedural map. With ambiguity in the appointment, the nurse must consult a doctor.

In a medical and procedural map, a medical sister makes a note about the treatment, signing at the end of the procedure.

It should be remembered that the patient procedure should make the same medical sister and on the same device. The patient should be put or planted in a position convenient for it.

To secure electrodes on the face and neck, individual bandages should be used, and it is impossible to use the same bandage to various parts of the body. It is advisable to have individual bags in which the sheets are stored (diaper) and gaskets.

Before turning on the device, the nurse must carefully check it and make sure that the preparation for the procedure is performed correctly.

The medical sister should not exceed the dose specified by the doctor. If the dose marked in the medical and procedural map is poorly tolerated, smaller doses should be applied.

During the procedure, the medical sister is watching For the condition of the patient, it is aware of his well-being, monitors the work of the apparatus, the testimony of measuring instruments, sandy or signaling hours.

With a poor health of the patient, the appearance of headaches, dizziness, palpitations, nausea or with a sharp gain of pain should be discontinued and cause a doctor. If a malfunction is detected during the procedure, it should be turned off immediately, it can be used again after eliminating the defect.

Having found a burn (for example, when galvanized), a medical sister is obliged to provide a patient for first medical care and find out the reason that caused the burn. About what happened she should inform the doctor and make the appropriate note in the medical and procedural map.

The nurse is following that the office has a wall first-aid kit with the necessary medicines and dressing materials.

The medical sister should show maximum attention to the patient and the most careful attitude. All the actions of the medical sister should be such that the patient seems to be trusting and the consciousness that it does everything necessary for his recovery. For this, the nurse must be neat, constantly monitor each of its movement, it should not speak loudly, cause a patient an unpleasant feeling during the preparation for the procedure, carefully carry out their work.

When the patient leaves the cabin, it should be done in due order and replace wet and contaminated sheets and pillowcases dry and clean.

Medical sister leads to the registration of patients and accounting procedures for established forms .

The duties of a medical sister also includes observation of the storage of equipment and concern for timely discharge medicinal solutions From the pharmacy.

At the end of the working day, the medical sister must turn off all the devices and the overall digger of the Cabinet.

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