Chromatic anomaly. Chronomatic Anomaly Tactics (The Night Citadel)

01.09.2014 | Viewed: 6 822 people.

- an anomaly of color vision due to the absence of M-cones. With deuteranopia, green, red, yellow shades merge into a single color. According to studies, in those patients who develop deuteranopia, there is a malfunction and fusion of the mechanisms of perception of the above colors.

Deuteranopia refers to dichromasia - features of the perception of a picture by only two types of cones. Other types of dichromasia are protanopia and tritanopia.

In general, patients with deuteranopia do not distinguish certain colors of the spectrum in the same way as protanopes, but they do not have image blackout.

With protanopia, the dark shades - purple, violet, burgundy, blue - are similar and practically do not differ from each other. The figure below shows the colors of the rainbow for a visual representation of how people with dichromasia see them.

Pathology refers to diseases that lead to color blindness. It occurs in 1% of men and is often referred to as color blindness.

This term is used in honor of J. Dalton - a person who was diagnosed with the disease after his death (after 1.5 centuries). This event happened in 1995 during the study of DNA from Dalton's eye, preserved in the laboratory.

Color vision anomalies

Ophthalmologists refer to anomalies as small problems and irregularities in the determination of colors and shades. All of them are genetically transmitted by an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance, that is, by linkage to the X chromosome.

All patients with color vision abnormalities are considered trichromats. This means that such people, as with normal vision, healthy person, 3 colors are required to define the visible spectrum.

But people with slight deviations in color perception understand the color gamut somewhat worse than trichromats with good vision.

If you use a special test for comparing colors, but they apply red and green in different proportions. If testing is performed using an anomaloscope instrument, then the data reflects the following fact.

With protanomaly, more red is seen, and with deuteranomaly - green. Sometimes with tritanomaly, the color perception of yellow and blue shades changes pathologically.


The existing types of dichromatopsia are also transmitted genetically through communication with the X chromosome. Pathology boils down to the fact that the patient can describe all shades with only 2 primary colors. By analogy with deuteranopes and protanopes, the activity of the green-red channel is abnormally altered in these patients.

For example, with protanopia, there is no difference between black and red, and descriptions of red are often confused in comparison with brown, gray, and less often with green. Patients see some part of the color spectrum as achromatic.

With protanopia, this part is from 480 to 495 nm., With deuteranopia - from 495 to 500 nm. Tritanopia develops much less frequently. Such patients do not distinguish between blue and yellow shades.

Moreover, the entire end of the blue-violet spectrum is visualized by them as gray-black. The achromatic spectrum for such people is from 565 to 575 nm.

Complete color blindness

0.01% of the population is diagnosed with a complete lack of perception of the color spectrum. Such people are called monochromates. They distinguish only black and white colors, respectively, they see all objects as gray with different color intensity.

They have impaired adaptation to color change in the case of photopic illumination. Since the organs of vision of patients are instantly blinded, in bright light they also do not see the shape of objects, which ultimately leads to a strong photophobia.

Such people wear sunglasses with sun glasses in any daylight. Ophthalmologists, as a rule, do not fix a single defect in their retina.

Stick apparatus disorders

In the case of the development of defects in the rod apparatus, the function of addiction to twilight lighting decreases in patients. This phenomenon is called nyctalopia, and it develops against the background of vitamin A deficiency. It is this vitamin that is the basis for the production of retinal.

Diagnosis of color vision disorders

Any abnormalities in color vision are transmitted as a trait, for which the X chromosome is responsible. In this regard, men are more susceptible to the development of pathologies.

Thus, the prevalence of protanomaly among males is about 0.9%, deuteranopia - 1-1.5%, deuteranomaly - 3.5-4.5% (in women - no more than 0.3%), protanopia - 1% (for women - about 0.5%).

Anomalies such as tritanomaly, tritanopia are extremely rare.

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In this guide, we will tell you how to defeat the Chronomatic Anomaly and trash in front of it at all difficulty levels. Chronomatic Anomaly is the second boss. Victory over it is required to achieve And we have a water supply.

Before proceeding to the Chronomatic Anomaly, players must kill the Scorpion who is walking around the Nightwell at the base of the Night Citadel.

In Normal and Heroic Difficulties, Chronomatic Anomaly will be available on January 17, in Mythic difficulty and in Raid Finder on January 24.

1. Loot and awards

In different modes, you can get the same items different levels - 855 (Raid Finder), 870 (Normal), 885 (Heroic), 900 (Mythic). In addition, items can be upgraded (battle-hardened, titan-hardened).


  • Rag armor: Chaos-Maimed Mantle, Robes of Wandering Energy
  • Leather Armor: Swing Treads, Time Shifted Gloves
  • Chain mail: Hood of Lost Opportunities, Pauldrons of Corrupted Memory
  • Plate armor: Timeforged Legplates, Gauntlets of Shattered Ages
  • Necklaces: Mighty Time Stone Pendant
  • Accessories: Frustrated Metronome, Royal Dagger Hilt


  • Ice: Frozen Drop from the Nightwell
  • Shine: Shimmering spark of time
  • Darkness: Edge of eternity

For more details on class set bonuses and loot from other bosses, see the Night Citadel Loot Guide.

2. Notable trash

Thresh in the Nightwell and on the way to it consists of three types of elementals: Chaosoid, Lightning Bearer and Pulsaron.

Chaosoids are low on health and can be killed quickly to avoid Compressing the Abyss and Unleashing the Abyss.

  • Chaosoids periodically teleport to random locations, and not necessarily to the players.
  • They then read Void Compression, pulling nearby targets towards them.
  • Void Compression deals no damage, but can be a nuisance when combined with the Fulminant add "s mechanics does no damage, but interacts with the abilities of the Lightning Bearers.
  • Chaosoids empower themselves with Void Unleash and inflict damage over time to all players within 100m.
  • Void Release cannot be dispelled, it lasts until the Chaosoid dies.
  • Chaosoids do not read Void Compression while Unleash Void.
  • Immediately after the Chaosoid uses the Void Unleash, players must quickly kill him to prevent damage.

Lightning bearers have a lot of health. They gain energy with Spread and then spend it on Blazing.

  • Approximately every 6 sec. Lightning Bearer applies Throw to an active tank and deals moderate damage to it.
  • After that, Throwing deals heavy damage, which is divided among all players within a 20m radius of the hit tank, including the tank itself.
  • For each target hit, the Lightning Bearer gains a Charge, which grants him 3 damage. energy.
  • When Lightning Bearer reaches 100. energy, he reads Glitter.
  • The sparkle deals damage to all players within a 100m radius.
  • The amount of damage decreases depending on the distance between the player and the Lightning Bearer.
  • The Lightning Bearers can move while reading.

To defeat the Lightning Bearer:

  • Get closer to him to reduce the damage from Throw.
  • When Lightning Bearer reaches 100 units. energy, the tank must move it 20m away from the raid to prepare for the Blaze.
  • Immediately after the Blaze, the tank must bring the Lightning Bearer back so that the damage from the next Throw would not be fatal for him.
  • In normal mode, Lightning Bearer uses two Throw and one Blaze per cycle.
  • Before Blazing, the tank must use a defensive cooldown.
  • Healers should also use cooldowns to reduce the damage from Throw / Blaze.

If you are fighting two Lightning Bearers at the same time, each of them should have their own tank. This approach minimizes the likelihood of one of the tanks dying from Throwing. Keep the Lightning Bearers close to share the damage from Throw. If one of the tanks has taken the Lightning Bearer while he is casting a spell, the fighters must switch to an adjacent target.

Other difficulty modes

In different difficulty modes, Lightning Bearers receive different amounts of energy from Dash:

  • Raid Finder: 1 unit energy for each goal
  • Normal mode: 3 units energy for each goal
  • Heroic: 5 units energy for each goal
  • Mythic: 10 units energy for each goal

On Heroic Mythic difficulty, the number of targets hit by Spread should be limited so that the Blaze does not occur too often. This can be achieved by preventing Lightning Bearer from gaining 100 units. energy for one Spread. Therefore, on Heroic Difficulty, Throw should be effective on a maximum of 19 players, and on Mythic difficulty, on a maximum of 9 players.

Pulsarons have a lot of health and simple mechanics that are easy to get around. Pulsarons do not need a tank, because they do not have threat tables, and they just follow a given route.

  • Pulsarons use a Shield that reflects damage directed from a certain direction.
  • As Pulsaron moves, the direction of the Shield can change. Fighters need to be aware of this and change their location in order to continue to deal damage.
  • Approximately every 12 seconds. Pulsaron reads the Ray (in the direction of the gaze).
  • Within 5 sec. it emits a pale blue stream of energy that determines the direction of the Beam.
  • After that, it emits the Beam itself and deals heavy damage to all players in a straight line.
  • All raid members must not hit the Ray.

Of all the monsters before Chronomatic Anomaly, Pulsarons have the lowest priority for combatants.

If you are fighting all three types of monsters, you must first kill the Chaosoids so that Void Compression does not coincide with Throw / Sparkle. Then you should switch to Lightning Bearers and, finally, to Pulsarons. During this time, healers are free to use healing cooldowns.

Before fighting the Chronomatic Anomaly, you must kill all the monsters at the Nightwell. Remember that the Chronomatic Anomaly is walking around the room and move the monsters to the sides. On the first pack, which is at the base of the stairs leading to the Nightwell, Bloodlust / Heroism / Time Warp can be used.

3. Abilities of Chronomatic Anomaly

This section contains tips and tactics to defeat the Chronomatic Anomaly in normal mode. Features of the Raid Finder, Heroic and Mythic modes, including new advanced combat mechanics, are discussed in the following sections.

In combat with Chronomatic Anomaly, players must quickly kill priority targets, as well as groups of small targets that appear approximately once a minute. In addition, the raid will have to move a lot, as well as often use abilities to interrupt spells and control.

Time flow

Dying Time Particles and Time Particle Fragments

From time to time, a Fading Particle of Time will appear from the Nightwell. Particles are the main priority for the fighters, i.e. you need to switch to them as quickly as possible.

  • Fading particles of time are motionless. If you divide the area around the well into quarters, the particles will appear relative to the boss in the previous quarter (in a clockwise direction).
  • The particle appearance point is indicated by white clouds. Look for these clouds and get closer to them.
  • Fading Time Particles are applied to the target with the highest level threats to Chronomat and inflict moderate Arcane damage to her.
  • In addition, they often use Nightwell Distortion and deal moderate damage to all players.
    • During Speed: Normal Nightwell Distortion occurs every 5-7 sec.
    • During Low Speed \u200b\u200bNightwell distortion occurs every 10-11 seconds.
    • During Speed: High Distortion of the Nightwell occurs every 1.5 sec.
  • Each successful Nightwell Distortion increases the power of the next distortion by 20%, the effect stacks.
  • Players must interrupt Nightwell Distortion to avoid lethal damage.
  • The Fragments also apply the Chronomat to the target with the highest threat and attempt to cast Nightwell Distortion.
  • The Nightwell's particle distortion deals less damage and is increased by 5% per charge, but due to the large number of particles, it is just as dangerous.
  • Use spells for AoE stuns to prevent particles from casting Distortion.
  • Kill them as quickly as possible.

Overwhelming Power and Temporal Strike

A minute after the start of the first four phases and then in random order, Chronomatic Anomaly turns to the Nightwell and begins to read Overwhelming Power.

  • On a successful cast, Overwhelming Power begins to damage the entire raid. The effect occurs every 5 sec. and gradually increases.
  • Each trigger of Overwhelming Power increases the damage of the next trigger by 15%.
  • Overwhelming power reads endlessly and eventually kills the entire raid.
  • Overwhelming Power cannot be interrupted in the usual way, for this you must use the Temporal Rift.

In some phases, particles appear late, and Overwhelming Power has time to inflict heavy damage on the raid. In this case, healers should use healing cooldowns while waiting for Temporal Strike.

  • The bomb can be placed on everyone except tanks.
  • The Time Bomb does no damage at first.
  • When dispelled, it deals damage to the entire raid.
  • The time bomb deals less damage to those farther away from it.
  • During Speed: A regular Time Bomb detonates after 20 sec. after the appearance.
  • During Speed: Low Hourly Bomb detonates after 60-90 seconds.
  • During Speed: High Hourly Bomb detonates after only 4-8 seconds.

Players with the bomb should run out of the raid in about 8 seconds. before the explosion. In the Speed: high phase, you should run out immediately. Before the explosion, the Time Bomb begins to pulsate, reminding the player to run as far as possible.

Temporary explosion

  • Phase Speed: Normal:
    • The time delay is used every 20-30 seconds, 2-3 times per phase.
    • The effect is applied to 4 targets.
    • Targets require moderate healing.
    • The effect lasts 20 seconds.
  • Phase Speed: Low:
    • The time delay is used once every 43 seconds, 2 times per phase.
    • The effect is applied to all players, except for one tank.
    • Targets require a small amount of healing.
    • The effect lasts 25 seconds.
  • Phase Speed: High:
    • The time delay is used every 13 seconds, approximately 4 times per phase.
    • The effect is applied to 2 targets.
    • Goals require a tremendous amount of healing.
    • The effect lasts 15 seconds.
  • To cope with Time Delay on the Speed: Low phase, healers can use weak cooldowns.
  • The rest of the time they must use spells for targeted healing.

Chronometric particles

Every 5-6 sec. Chronomatic Anomaly applies Chronometric Particles to the current target. This mechanic requires changing tanks.

  • Chronometric particles stack up and do more and more damage.
  • On 10 charges of Chronometric Particles, Chronometric Overload is triggered.
  • Chronometric overload deals heavy damage to the entire raid and instantly kills the target (tank).
  • Tanks should change by 9 or less charges (depending on the phase of the battle).

The duration and speed of response Chronometric particles depend on the passage of time.

  • Phase Speed: Normal Chronometric Particles effect lasts 20 seconds. and works every 2 sec.
  • Phase Speed: Low Effect Chronometric Particles lasts 60 seconds. and is triggered every 6 seconds.
  • Phase Speed: high effect Chronometric particles lasts 10 sec. and fires every second.

4. Tactics for Chronomatic anomaly

Since the battle is almost entirely scripted, players have little or no control over its course.

  • Phases Speed: normal, Speed: low and Speed: high alternately replace each other, affecting the speed of recovery of cooldowns, movement, attack and casting spells.
  • Tanks must constantly change without gaining 10 charges

Anomalies in color vision are a violation of color perception by the visual analyzer.

Color vision is provided by cones. There are three types of cones: absorbing the blue-violet part of the spectrum, green color, as well as the yellow-red region of the spectrum. On the principle of color mixing, any color is obtained by mixing the three above. According to the tricolor theory, the natural sense of color is called normal trichromasia.

Clinical picture

Color vision disorders are congenital and acquired. Anomalies of color vision, which are acquired in nature, are noted in pathology of the retina, optic nerve, central nervous system, poisoning, intoxication. They are manifested by impaired perception of the three primary colors and are accompanied by various visual impairments. These disorders usually change their character during the course of the disease and during its treatment, while congenital disorders cannot be corrected. Usually congenital disorders depend on the weakening or complete loss of function, usually one of the components. This vision is called dichromasia. The pathology of color perception can be inherited.

According to the classification of Chris and Nagel, the following types of color vision are distinguished:

  • normal trichromasia;
  • abnormal trichromasia;
  • dichromasia;
  • monochromaticity;

Abnormal trichromasia, in turn, is divided into protanomaly, deuteranomaly, tritanomaly. Dichromasia is subdivided into protanopia (partial red color blindness), deuteranopia (partial green color blindness), and tritanopia (partial blue or purple color blindness).


The Ishihara test is done to make a diagnosis.

Treatment of color vision abnormalities

Treatment is prescribed only after confirmation of the diagnosis by a specialist doctor.

- This is a complex of pathologies of congenital or acquired genesis, including achromatopsia, color blindness and acquired color vision deficiency. Clinical symptoms are represented by a violation of color perception, decreased visual acuity, nystagmus. To diagnose color vision abnormalities, electroretinography, anomaloscopy, Rabkin tables, Ishihara test and FALANT are used. The basic principle of treatment is color vision correction using glasses or lenses with special filters. Etiotropic therapy of acquired forms is aimed at restoring the transparency of the optical media of the eye and eliminating pathologies of the macular part of the retina.



General information

Anomalies of color vision are a heterogeneous group of diseases in ophthalmology, accompanied by a violation of color perception. In 1798, the English physicist J. Dalton first described the clinical manifestations of color blindness, since he himself suffered from this pathology. The prevalence of color blindness among men is 0.8: 1,000, among women - 0.05: 1,000, achromatopsia - 1:35 000. Acquired color vision deficiency occurs among males and females with the same frequency. The risk group includes people taking chloroquine in toxic doses, patients with vitamin A deficiency and degenerative-dystrophic changes in the retina. Congenital forms of color vision abnormalities are diagnosed at the age of 3-5 years.

Causes of color vision abnormalities

Distinguish between congenital and acquired anomalies of color vision. The reason for the development of achromatopsia with rod monochromatism is a mutation in the CNGA3, CNGB, GNAT2, PDE6C genes, which is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. The pathogenesis is based on a violation of the synthesis of protein molecules responsible for the transfer of information from rhodopsin inside the cell. With a conformational change in the visual pigment, the depolarization threshold of the photoreceptor membrane decreases. This has a negative effect on the synthesis of glutamate, thereby increasing the excitability of bipolar cells, which, due to the occurrence of mutations in transmitter proteins, do not respond to light exposure and changes in the structure of the visual pigment. In this form of color vision abnormalities, the receptors of the rods, which are incapable of color perception, display the image in different shades of gray.

The etiology of acquired color vision deficiency is associated with a decrease in the transparency of optical media eyeball... Common causes of this phenomenon are corneal opacity, cataracts, the presence of precipitates or inflammatory exudate in the anterior chamber of the eye, destruction of the vitreous body. Color vision anomalies of acquired genesis occur during the course of pathological processes in the macular region of the inner shell of the eyeball (epiretinal membrane, age-related macular degeneration).

Symptoms of color vision abnormalities

Color vision abnormalities include achromatopsia, acquired color vision deficiency, and color blindness. the main thing clinical manifestation achromatopsia - black and white vision. Associated symptoms this anomaly of color vision is represented by nystagmus, hyperopia. Increased sensitivity to light leads to photophobia and hemeralopia. As a rule, patients have a characteristic appearance with downcast eyes due to severe photophobia. Often patients use sunglasses... Sometimes this anomaly of color vision is complicated by the clinic of strabismus.

Clinical picture color blindness is represented by the lack of the ability to differentiate one or more colors or its shades. With protanopia, the perception of red is impaired, tritanopia - blue-violet, deuteranopia - green. In persons with trichromasia, color vision abnormalities are not observed. When the brightness or saturation of a certain part of the spectrum changes, this group of people is able to perceive all colors and their shades. Patients with dichromasia do not differentiate one of the primary colors, replacing it with those shades of the spectrum that are preserved. In the case of monochromaticity, patients see everything around in only one chromatic shade. This type of color blindness can be complicated by nystagmus, photophobia, and decreased visual acuity.

Unlike other color vision abnormalities, acquired defects are characterized by a monocular onset of the disease. However, in case of poisoning or chronic intoxication, both eyeballs are simultaneously affected. Clinical symptoms occur a second time, against the background of specific manifestations of the underlying pathology. Symptoms are decreased visual acuity, narrowing of the visual field, the appearance of "flies" or "shroud" in front of the eyes.

Diagnosis of color vision abnormalities

Diagnosis of color vision abnormalities is based on anamnestic data, the results of an external examination, electroretinography, visometry, perimetry, genetic screening, examination with an anomaloscope, Rabkin tables, Ishihara test and FALANT test. On external examination of a patient with achromatopsia, nystagmus can be detected. An examination with Rabkin tables allows you to diagnose a violation of color perception. On electroretinography, the absence of cone peaks or a pronounced decrease in them is determined. In the course of visometry, with this anomaly of color vision, a decrease in visual functions is noted. Genetic sequencing is aimed at identifying mutations and establishing the type of inheritance.

To diagnose the form of color blindness, the Ishihara test and Rabkin tables are used. The techniques are based on the formation of certain shapes, pictures or numbers from different colors. If the perception of one of the shades is impaired, it is impossible to determine what is shown in the test or on the table. In modern ophthalmology, the method of anomaloscopy can be used to examine all the characteristics of the functioning of receptors (the degree of impaired color perception, color adaptation, the effect physical factors and medications for visual function). The FALANT test allows you to more accurately diagnose color perception disorders, since colors and shades are formed when the diffused glow of the beacon merges using a special filter. With this anomaly of color vision, a genetic study is also carried out. The acquired form of the disease is an indication for additional research methods - ophthalmoscopy, biomicroscopy, tonometry and perimetry.

To diagnose acquired color vision deficiency, polychromatic tables and the method of spectral anomaloscopy are also used. However, with this pathology, it is necessary to establish the etiology of the disease. Slit lamp biomicroscopy is used to study the transparency of the optical media of the eye. Pathological processes in the macular region can be detected using ophthalmoscopy, optical coherence tomography (OCT) and ultrasound examination (Ultrasound of the eye) in B-mode.

Treatment of color vision abnormalities

The tactics of treating color vision abnormalities depends on the form of the disease. Etiotropic therapy for achromatopsia has not been developed. Symptomatic treatment is aimed at correcting visual acuity with glasses or contact lenses. It is recommended to wear sunglasses in brightly lit areas. Complex treatment measures includes taking multivitamin complexes containing vitamins A and E, vasodilators. On the present stage development of ophthalmology restoration of color perception is possible only experimentally in experiments on animals.

For such an anomaly of color vision as color blindness, etiotropic therapy has also not been developed, regardless of whether the disease occurs due to a gene mutation, against the background of Leber's amaurosis, or congenital dystrophy cones. To correct color perception, you can use tinted glasses filters or special contact lenses... The tactics of treating the acquired form of the disease is reduced to the elimination of etiological factors ( surgery in case of damage to the structures of the brain, phacoemulsification of cataracts).

When diagnosing acquired color vision deficiency, it is necessary to establish the cause of its development. If the violation of the transparency of the optical media of the eyeball is caused by inflammatory process bacterial genesis, it is recommended to prescribe antibacterial and hormonal agents for local administration. If viral origin should be used antiviral ointments... Often, with macular localization of the pathological process, it is shown surgery, aimed at removing the epiretinal membrane. With dry form age-related degeneration there are no special treatments. The wet form of this color vision anomaly is an indication for laser coagulation newly formed vessels of the inner shell of the eyeball.

Prediction and prevention of color vision abnormalities

Prevention of the development of color vision abnormalities has not been developed. All patients with color blindness, achromatopsia and acquired color vision deficiency should be registered with an ophthalmologist. It is recommended to undergo an examination 2 times a year with additional ophthalmoscopy, visometry and perimetry. Should take multivitamin complexescontaining vitamins A and E, to correct the diet with the obligatory inclusion of foods rich in vitamins and microelements. The prognosis for life and work capacity with color vision anomalies is favorable. At the same time, patients often experience a decrease in visual acuity, it is impossible to restore normal color perception.

ANOMALIES OF COLOR VISION - minor violations of color perception.

The sensation of color occurs when the optic nerve is exposed to electromagnetic radiation with an energy of 2.5 x 10 12 to 5 X 10-12 erg (a group of waves from 400 to 760 nm). In this case, the combined effect of electromagnetic radiation in the entire specified interval (visible part of the spectrum) causes a feeling of white, colored. A certain color is characterized by a certain wavelength - lambda. The shift towards longer wavelengths is accompanied by a color change from yellow to red and further to blue and green. This is called the deepening of color, or the bathochromic effect, the shift towards shorter wavelengths - the increase in color, or the hypsochromic effect. In case of impaired perception of electromagnetic waves optic nerve there is a violation of color perception.

Another cause of color vision disorder is dyschromasia - violation of color perception by elements of the retina. There are three main elements in the retina of the eye, each of which perceives only one of the three primary colors (red, green, violet), as a result of their mixing, all shades perceived by the normal eye are obtained. This is normal - trichromatic - color perception. With the loss of one of these elements, partial color blindness occurs - dichromasia. The difference in color in persons suffering from dichromasia occurs mainly in their brightness. Qualitatively, it is possible for them to differ in the spectrum of only warm tones (red, orange, yellow) from cold tones (green, blue, violet). Dichromasia is divided into red blindness - protanopia, in which the perceived spectrum is shortened from the red end, and green blindness - deuteranopia. In the case of protanopia (color blindness), the red color is seen darker, mixed with dark green, dark brown, and green - with light gray, light yellow, light brown. In the case of deuteranopia, green is mixed with light orange, light pink, and red with light green, light brown. Blindness to purple - tritanopia is extremely rare. In tritanopia, all colors of the spectrum are represented by shades of red or green.

In some cases, a color anomaly is observed - only a weakening of color perception (red - protanomaly, green - deuteranomaly, purple - tritanomaly). All of the above forms of color perception disorders are congenital. Men suffer from color blindness 20 times more often than women, but it is women who carry the abnormal gene. Acquired color vision disorders can occur with various diseases organ of vision and central nervous system (brain tumor).


Color vision disorders are detected using special tables or spectral instruments.


Hereditary color blindness cannot be corrected; with acquired color blindness, the underlying disease is treated.

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