I have one arm shorter than the other. Why is one arm longer than the other

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Is a decrease in the length of both limbs or a contraction of one leg relative to the other, in which the proportions of the human body are disturbed. A slight shortening of 1-2 cm is widespread and has no clinical significance. This phenomenon is observed in 90% of people, imperceptibly for the patient himself and is detected only during research.

The shortening of the limbs by more than 3-5 cm gives a person serious inconvenience when walking, as it causes a noticeable distortion of the pelvis. This defect, especially one-sided, leads to various diseases spine and joints.

Types and reasons

The reasons for the slight shortening of the limbs (1-2 cm), which occurs in most people, experts believe

  • incorrect muscle stereotypes that affect the formation of the human body during the period of its growth;
  • posture disorders;
  • dominance of one of the cerebral hemispheres.

A shortening of one or two limbs by more than 2 cm is considered pathological.... There are the following types:

  1. Bilateral limb shortening:
    • Symmetrical. It is manifested by a mismatch in the proportions of the limbs and trunk. It occurs with achondroplasia (underdevelopment of long bones, leading to dwarfism) and others hereditary diseases.
    • Asymmetrical. Anomalies in the development of the upper and lower extremities lead to such a shortening.
  2. Unilateral shortening causes various diseases... There are the following types:
    • true (anatomical),
    • relative (dislocation),
    • apparent (projection),
    • total (functional or clinical).

Anatomical (true) shortening

With such a defect, the total length of the lower leg and thigh of one limb is less than that of the other. It occurs with organic bone lesions due to congenital deformity or certain diseases. Allocate the following reasons:

  • osteomyelitis, poliomyelitis;
  • fracture of the leg or hip;
  • unilateral flat feet, most often with pronation (inversion of the foot inward or outward);
  • postoperative, neurogenic, or post-traumatic (improperly healed fractures) retraction in knee flexion;
  • congenital dysplasia (underdevelopment) hip joint;
  • congenital dysmorphism of the tibia and femur, accompanied by impaired bone growth.

Relative (dislocation) shortening

With such a defect, the relationship between the segments of the limb is disturbed. This is due to the displacement of the articular ends of the bone due to congenital dislocations or intra-articular fractures.

Relative shortening is characterized by the fact that one limb seems shorter than the other, but when measured, it turns out that the thighs and lower legs of both legs are the same length. An example of relative shortening is hip dislocation, in which there is no difference between the anatomical lengths of the two limbs, but the defect is defined on the side of the dislocation.

Apparent (projection) shortening

It occurs due to forced flexion due to a fixed pathological installation in the spinal column or in the joints. The reasons for this bending:

  • Post-traumatic contact (stiffness), which appears most often due to the development of ankylosis. This disease is characterized by joint immobility arising from the formation of cartilaginous, bone or fibrous fusion of the articular ends of the articulating bones as a result of joint destruction in trauma and wounds.
  • Diseases of the joints (arthrosis, arthritis, swelling of the articular ends of the bone, etc.).

With projection shortening, as with relative shortening, the lengths of the legs appear to be different, but the measurements show that they are the same. An example of such a defect is the lumbar spine with a skewed pelvis.

Total (functional or clinical) shortening

It is characterized by the fact that the patient has several types of limb shortening. For example, flexion stiffness of the knee joint (apparent shortening) can be combined with a decrease in the length of the hip after an improperly healed fracture of the femur (true shortening).

Functional shortening can be eliminated. Most often it occurs due to imbalance at the level of the lumbar muscles and pelvis.The etiology of this defect:

  • Iliosacral causes: unilateral flexion (flexion) of the sacrum on the opposite (contralateral) side of shortening, as well as posterior torsion (twisting) of the sacrum on the side of shortening and anterior torsion on the contralateral side.
  • Lumbar causes: spasm of the square muscle on the shortening side or lumbar bulge on the opposite side.
  • Sacroiliac causes: posterior-superior displacement of the pubic bone on the contralateral side, posterior rotation (rotation) of the ilium on the shortening side, and anteriorly on the opposite side.
  • Muscular causes: retraction (contraction) of the quadriceps femoris or ischio-tibial muscles.


May be moderate or severe. The following signs of limb shortening are distinguished:

  1. Unsteadiness while walking with frequent falls. The symptom manifests itself in patients with a slight shortening of the limbs.
  2. Lameness. It appears and is clearly visible when the limb is shortened by more than 5 cm.With a less pronounced difference, this symptom may not be, because the body compensates for it due to the curvature of the spine and tilt of the pelvis.
  3. The difference in the level of the location of the greater trochanters, popliteal fossa, anterior and posterior superior iliac bones and the superior poles of the patella.
  4. Pain localized according to the damaged area:
    • in the groin, thigh, sacroiliac joints;
    • in the lower back with irradiation to the leg;
    • in the neck and shoulder area;
    • in the knee or ankle.


1. Inspection

When examining a patient, a difference in the lengths of the limbs is almost always revealed, which is not always noticeable due to the compensatory curvature of the spine. Therefore, a measurement is made of the relative length of the legs (from the anterior superior iliac spine to the medial malleolus) and absolute (from the greater trochanter to the medial malleolus).

Visually shortening of the limb can be determined by the following signs: different level of position of the patella and popliteal fossa, trochanters of the femoral bones, anterior and posterior superior iliac spines, iliac crests. The detected changes are assessed taking into account the position of the levels of the shoulder blades, shoulders and ribs, revealing scoliosis.

The diagnosis of "anatomical shortening" is made on the basis of the clinic, the height of the iliac crests, radiography and data obtained from measurements of the legs. Functional shortening is determined using various tests:

  • test of four parallel lines;
  • test of the length of the legs lying on the back (shortening caused by iliosacral causes);
  • sitting and standing flexion tests (positive - for pathology in the sacrum, a positive test while standing and negative sitting - for iliac causes);
  • test of the length of the legs lying on the stomach (sacroiliac causes).

2. Measuring the length of the legs

The size of the shortening of the limb is determined by placing boards of different thickness under the foot until the pelvis is in a normal position: the midline of the body should be perpendicular to the horizontal line that connects the anterior upper spines of the pelvis. After that, the total shortening is determined by measuring the height of the boards placed under the foot with a centimeter tape.

3. Conducting tests

    • Test of four parallel lines. 4 lines are drawn through the points:
      • crests of the iliac bones;
      • posterior superior iliac bones;
      • large trochanters of the thigh bones;
      • sciatic tubercles.

If the lines are oblique and parallel to each other, then anatomical shortening is diagnosed. Drawing at least one non-parallel line indicates functional shortening.

      • Lying on the back and stomach test

The doctor covers the patient's ankles with his hands and probes the medial ankles with his thumbs, assessing their rotation and relative position. After that, the patient sits down. With limited mobility in the sacroiliac joint of one of the legs, the injured limb in the prone position will be shorter than the healthy one or have the same length as it, and in the sitting position it will be longer.

For a patient in a sitting position, the doctor measures the distance between the ankle placement levels. A difference of up to 2 cm is not a pathology. The same measurements are made in the position of the patient lying on his stomach with straightened legs. If one of the ankles is closer to the body, then there is a sacroiliac pathology on this side, and at the same level of the ankles, there is no shortening.

      • Standing flexion test

The patient stands with straightened legs. The doctor is behind him and places his thumbs under the posterior-superior spine of the iliac bones on both sides.

If, when the patient bends forward, one of the sides goes up and forward, then the sacroiliac joint and sacrum are blocked,

    and there is a pathology.
      • Seated flexion test

Patient position: sitting, feet on the floor, legs bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees and spread apart so that the patient's shoulders enter between them when bending forward. The doctor stands behind and positions his arms in the same way as in the previous test.

If the patient can bend forward and the posterior-upper spines do not change their ratio, then the dysfunction is in the lower extremities. If it is impossible to tilt, the place of pain should be determined.

The pain can be localized to the lower extremities, pelvis, or spine. A combination of painful zones is also possible, in which the doctor looks at the movement of the posterior-superior spines of the iliac bones when bending forward. When their ratio changes, damage is diagnosed from the side going up and forward, and if the ratio does not change ( negative test) or less pronounced than in the standing test, then the damage is located at the level of the pubic articulation, iliac bones or lower extremities to the talus. With a positive sitting test, the lesion is at the level of the sacrum.

4. Additional research

The list depends on the alleged cause of the limb shortening and its location. The following diagnostic methods are used:

  • Radiography. Perform for tumor processes, old fractures, infections. Depending on the location, a picture of the thigh or lower leg is taken. In case of arthrosis, an x-ray of the hip or knee joint is directed.
  • Arthroscopy. The method is relevant for arthrosis of the knee joint.
  • MRI. Do if you suspect soft tissue damage.
  • Consultations of specialists (infectious disease specialist, oncologist, venereologist, phthisiatrician, rheumatologist) according to indications.


With a slight shortening of the limb, it is possible to compensate for it with the help of individual orthopedic insoles or shoes. On the side of the shorter leg, an insole with a heel of a certain height is used. The use of such orthopedic devices is not recommended for functional shortening of the leg, since the heel pad will fix the incorrect position of the pelvic bones and cause harm.

With anatomical shortening, insoles with a heel pad are made after osteopathic correction of the pelvic ring. They keep the pelvis physiologically correct position and prevent pathological reversal. In this case, the heel pad must be made with millimeter accuracy.

If there is a large difference between the lengths of the limbs, the lengthening of the leg is shown using the Ilizarov apparatus, which stretches the thigh by 5-6 cm, and the lower leg by 8-10 cm.With a timely operation, the prognosis is favorable, and in the absence of treatment, disability is possible: the person is not in able to move, as it experiences severe pain.

Installing and wearing the Ilizarov apparatus

Compression-distraction osteosynthesis is based on the law: the tension that occurs during stretching of bones and soft tissues stimulates the growth and regeneration of bone tissue. Stretching the limb is a long process lasting 6-12 months. During this time, the bone lengthens and the regeneration zone ossifies.

During the operation, the bone is dissected, which must be enlarged. Bone edges are connected with a gap of 1 mm and fixed with rods or needles fixed in half rings or rings of the Ilizarov apparatus. Then the bones are lengthened to the required size by 1 mm per day by adjusting the apparatus. The stretch zone gradually grows bone tissue.

The bone lengthening process can be painful and require pain relievers. Over time, adaptation occurs and the discomfort decreases.

Wearing the device is easy enough, as it retains sufficient mobility, but during treatment, the patient can only move for limited distances using crutches. Installing the Ilizarov apparatus on the thigh significantly limits self-care and movement, therefore it is more difficult to carry. In addition, the very process of operating the femur is dangerous due to the development of various complications (infection, bleeding), which is associated with a more complex arrangement of nerves and joints and a large volume of soft tissues in the thigh compared to the lower leg.

During treatment, patients should exercise to maintain joint mobility and prevent muscle atrophy (dosed walking). After removing the apparatus, rehabilitation therapy is indicated: massage, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, etc.


Inconvenience when walking and standing caused by shortening of the limb disrupts the normal anatomical relationships between body parts and leads to various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The trunk and legs are twisted and displaced, the coaxiality of the joints is disturbed. To provide vertical position the body is formed compensatory deformities. The load on the longer limb increases, the pelvis is tilted.

First of all, the spine suffers, compensating for the defect in the legs. When the pelvis is tilted, it becomes at an angle to the horizontal line, but with a straight spine, the body begins to "roll over" to the side. To prevent this from happening, the body bends it, trying to shift the center of the body as close to its centerline as possible.

With unilateral shortening up to 1.3 cm, the spine forms a C-shaped bend, more than 1.3 cm - S-shaped. Over time, posture disorders are fixed, and secondary compensatory scoliosis develops, in which the muscles are in a state of constant increased tension. This leads to pain in the joints, back, muscles, heaviness in the legs and feet after walking. Blood and lymph circulation deteriorates.

With a long-term current pathology, deforming arthritis of the hip (coxarthrosis) or knee (gonarthrosis) joint, osteochondrosis (degenerative disorders in the articular cartilage) develops, flat feet are aggravated. After the onset of these diseases, it is difficult for the patient to move around due to intense pain, and he becomes disabled.

Many parents notice that their child has one shoulder higher than the other. This condition sometimes occurs in adults as well. It always indicates a lateral curvature of the spine. Some believe that there is nothing wrong with this, what difference does it make at what level of the shoulders.

But in fact, such a curvature is a serious pathology and, without treatment, can lead to dangerous health consequences.

The mechanism of the appearance of pathology

When one shoulder is lower and the other is higher, it is always associated with a curvature of the spine. This pathology in medicine is called "scoliosis". According to statistics, it occurs most often in children from 7 to 15 years old. After all, it is at this time that a huge load is placed on the still unformed spine. The child is forced long time sit at a table. His muscles cannot support the spine and are tired. Because of this, the child involuntarily bends his back, dropping 1 shoulder. The flexibility of the bones and the weakness of the ligaments support the curvature, so it remains even with movement.

Such a pathology in adults rarely occurs, and even less often they go to the clinic with it. After all, it is difficult to independently control the symmetry of the shoulder girdle, and this condition usually does not cause discomfort. Deformity is found in an adult with the appearance of back pain, numbness of the legs or arms, lameness, dizziness and other consequences. In this case, it is almost impossible to correct the situation, you can only stop the progression of the deformity.


Most often, parents turn to the doctor with the question of why a child has one shoulder higher than the other. Only in rare cases when congenital anomalies of the skeleton, it is possible to detect the asymmetry of the shoulder girdle immediately after birth. Usually, in this case, the baby also has other pathologies, for example, torticollis or deformities of the limbs. This condition also develops with cerebral palsy or rickets. But most often the curvature of the spine is acquired, and arises from an improper lifestyle.

If such a curvature in an adult did not become a consequence of untreated scoliosis in childhood or weakness of the back muscles, then the reasons for it may be more serious:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • herniated discs;
  • spinal stenosis;
  • osteoporosis or osteomalacia;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • consequences of operations on the spine.

When sitting at the table for a long time, the child involuntarily lifts one shoulder to compensate for the increased load on the spine

How does it manifest

It is very difficult to recognize scoliosis in the initial stages. Usually, it does not cause any back pain or discomfort at first. But the progression of the deformity gradually leads to serious consequences. Therefore, it is very important for parents to pay attention in time to such a sign as asymmetry of the shoulders. In addition, you can notice that the child's one arm is shorter than the other, the pelvis is tilted, which is why the hip joints are not on the same line. An asymmetrical arrangement of the shoulder blades, as well as protrusion of the ribs, can also be symptoms of scoliosis. These signs are best seen when asking the child to lean forward with their arms down. In this case, it will be clearly seen that the spine is curved, and one arm is longer than the other.

Children usually do not show any more symptoms, except perhaps increased fatigue. But with such a deformation, adults may experience back pain, weakness in the muscles of the legs, numbness or tingling of the fingers. A change in gait, difficulty in walking may develop.

Most often, shoulder asymmetry is a manifestation of the lateral curvature of the spine.

What are the consequences

Sometimes only on this basis it is possible to detect a curvature of the spine on initial stage... It is very important not to ignore the different shoulder heights, as the pathology will gradually progress. Scoliosis is harmless only at 1 and 2 degrees, then it can be cured, especially in a child. But after the skeleton is ossified, it will be almost impossible to correct the deformation. And the work of all organs, blood supply to the brain and the correct functioning of the musculoskeletal system depend on the health of the spine.

The most harmless consequence of such a deformation is headaches and dizziness. They signal the compression of blood vessels due to the curvature of the spinal canal. In addition, the nerves that control the work of the limbs can also be impaired.

Sometimes there are problems with the hip joint, knees. With curvature of the spine in thoracic, namely, this is the reason that one shoulder becomes higher than the other, the work of the heart, digestive system or respiratory system may be disrupted.


Most often, conservative therapy to correct spinal deformities is used in children. Treatment methods are selected individually, depending on the degree of curvature, the age of the patient. Usually this is physical therapy, massage, physiotherapy and wearing corsets. Only in serious cases, when the spine is tilted more than 40 degrees, is it indicated surgical correction... But according to statistics, such treatment is required only in 1 case out of 1000. For the rest, constant control over posture and muscle strengthening is sufficient. In the early stages of curvature, it is effective to wear reclinators or other orthopedic devices to control shoulder position.

It is very important to diagnose the presence of deformity in time and start treatment.

The same methods are prescribed for deformation of the shoulder girdle in adults. Only their effectiveness will be much lower. True, it is much easier for an adult to control the position of the shoulders and the correct posture. But due to the fact that at this age the curvature most often develops against the background of other pathologies, it is imperative that specific treatment is also prescribed, for example, drugs against osteoporosis. Treatment of spinal deformities in adults may take not a year or two, as in childhood, but much more.

And with scoliosis in children, all responsibility for the result of treatment falls on the parents. Therefore, it is very important to know what to do at home in addition to the procedures prescribed by your doctor.

  • First of all, it is important what the child sleeps on. Until the age of 15, and especially with curvature of the spine, it is recommended to purchase a hard or semi-rigid orthopedic mattress. It will help slow the progression of the deformity.
  • For school textbooks, you need to buy a backpack. After all, carrying a bag on one shoulder is often the reason that it becomes lower than the other.
  • For homework, you need to purchase a table that matches your child's height and a chair with orthopedic properties.
  • It is important to constantly monitor your posture, especially during lessons. It is at this time that the child most often lowers or raises one shoulder to compensate for the work of tired muscles.
  • Regularly, you need to do special exercises prescribed by your doctor.
  • Nutrition should be complete, balanced, and fully meet the needs of the growing body in nutrients.
  • You should not look for yourself how to correct the deformation, apply traditional methods or visit chiropractors. Only a specialist after examination and determination of the cause of the pathology can prescribe treatment.

The massage is effective for strengthening the back muscles that support the spine in the correct position.


Since most often the cause of curvature is the weakness of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus, then the pathology is treated with special exercises. In addition to them, swimming, skiing, outdoor games are useful. And you need to do gymnastics every day. Therapeutic exercises can be included in the morning exercises or performed during the day. When exercising, you need to avoid strong stretching of the back muscles and increased stress on the spine. Each exercise is performed 5-7 times. When working on only one side of the body, be sure to repeat it in the other direction.

So, the sequence of execution is as follows:

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Bend to the side, with one hand sliding down the leg, the other up into the armpit.
  • In the same starting position, raise one hand up. Perform back jerks with your hands. Change the position of the hands.
  • Get on all fours. Simultaneously raise the right arm and left leg, stretching the body.
  • In the same starting position, slide your arms forward, bending in your back, then bring your hands closer to your knees.
  • Lying on your stomach, spread your arms to the sides. Raise at the same time upper part torso and bend back.
  • Do the same by picking up a gymnastic stick and stretching your arms forward.
  • Lying on your back, raise your arms above your head. Exercise "bike" and "scissors".

When one shoulder is taller than the other, it may simply be a poor posture that is corrected by controlling and strengthening the muscles. But sometimes this condition is a symptom of scoliosis. It is necessary to treat pathology as early as possible, then complications can be avoided and the health of the musculoskeletal system can be preserved.

Why can one shoulder be higher than the other and how to fix it?

Scoliosis is a curvature of the spinal column in relation to the vertical axis of the trunk, with one shoulder higher than the other. In most cases, the disease manifests itself in childhood. If the pathology progresses slowly, the signs are expressed in adulthood (with an increase in physical activity). To develop an optimal treatment regimen for scoliosis, it is necessary to take into account the provoking factors, the degree and rate of development of pathological changes in the structure of the spine.

This pathology manifests itself in various ways. Spinal deformity due to development:

  1. 1. Acquired - manifests itself at the age of 6-15 years during the period of intensive bone growth and skeletal formation. In girls, the disease is more common, but the reasons for its development have not been studied.
  2. 2. Congenital - develops with abnormal development of the fetus in the womb. Often, scoliosis occurs due to abnormalities in the formation of the hips and spine, the fusion of the ribs. Sometimes in the process of intrauterine development, an extra vertebra is formed in a child.

Disturbances in the structure of the spine by the type of curvature:

  • c-shaped scoliosis - the spine is bent to the left or right side in the form of the letter c;
  • z-shaped curvature of the spine - curvature of one or 2 sections of the spinal column in opposite directions;
  • s-shaped deformity of the spinal column - a curvature in 3 places, affecting the cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae.

Division of scoliosis according to the degree of development of the disease:

  1. 1. Scoliosis of 1 degree - a barely noticeable curvature with a slight stoop, while right shoulder slightly higher than the left or vice versa. This type of disease can be detected when examining a patient.
  2. 2. Scoliosis of the 2nd degree - characterized by back pain and asymmetry of the shoulder blades. It is the most common form of pathology.
  3. 3. Scoliosis grade 3 - unbearable back pain occurs. A change in the shape of the body is possible, manifested in the form of protrusion of the ribs.
  4. 4. Scoliosis of 4 degrees - a rib hump is formed against the background of pronounced deformity of the back. This form is characterized by retraction or protrusion of the costal skeleton sections.

Types of the disease, divided by age categories:

  • infantile deformity of the vertebrae - manifests itself in children under 3 years of age;
  • juvenile deformity of the vertebrae - diagnosed at the age of 3 to 10 years;
  • juvenile deformity of the spinal column - found in adolescents under 15 years old;
  • deformity of the spine in adults - is recorded in patients of mature age after the complete formation of the skeleton.

Noticing a child's stoop, anxious parents resort to self-medication. Scoliosis is a serious disease of the spine. Therefore, unqualified therapeutic intervention can lead to impairment of musculoskeletal functions. Poor posture can be evidence of various pathologies of the spine. An accurate diagnosis can be made by performing an X-ray examination.

The causes of the disease are associated with deviations of the central nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. Spinal deformity can be triggered by:

  1. 1. Intervertebral hernias.
  2. 2. Osteochondrosis.
  3. 3. Rickets.
  4. 4. Violations of tone and muscle spasms in the back and neck.
  5. 5. Congenital curvature of the neck.

When examining the patient's back, one can see the bend of the spinal column, and in a healthy person, the spine forms a straight axis. The main symptom of pathology is pain when walking or standing. The longer a person stands, the worse the pain becomes.

The signs of scoliosis appear when the child begins to walk. Slouching is observed, with the left shoulder lower than the right. Signs of the disease:

  1. 1. If you look at the child from the back, there is a deviation of the head to the left or right along the axis of the spinal column.
  2. 2. Asymmetry of the shoulders, while there is an unequal distance between the shoulder and the ear (both right and left). The uneven shoulder line makes one arm appear longer.
  3. 3. The shoulder blades are at different levels, and one of them protrudes. With a slight slope, they can stick out in different directions.
  4. 4. The spine is curved in a vertical line from the occipital to the sacral region. With the help of a thread and a weight, the curvature can be determined. It is necessary to attach the thread to the center point of the hollow (on the neck), releasing the weight. The thread should run exactly in the center of the post.
  5. 5. In an even stand at healthy child the distance between the arm and the line of the thighs is the same from 2 sides.
  6. 6. With a curvature of the spine, the child has an uneven line of the thighs horizontally, that is, one thigh is higher than the other. Possible asymmetric displacement of the hip bone.

After one or more signs are found, you should seek professional medical attention.

To confirm or refute the diagnosis of scoliosis, an X-ray machine is used, which can detect other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. When carrying out diagnostics, it is important to determine the degree of curvature:

  1. 1. Initial form (1 degree) - up to 10º.
  2. 2. Medium form (2nd degree) - up to 25º.
  3. 3. Moderate form (grade 3) - up to 50º.
  4. 4. Severe form (2nd degree) - up to 25º.

Treatments for curvature of the spine include:

Surgical intervention is used for complicated cases of scoliosis. The disease puts pressure on the internal organs, which leads to their deformation. To eliminate the curvature of the spine of the 1st degree, it is necessary to pay attention to the development and strengthening of muscles. Exercise therapy, swimming and massage help to normalize muscle tone.

Treatment of grade 2 scoliosis involves not only physical exercise, but also wearing a specialized corset. It is created in accordance with the individual parameters of the structure of the patient's skeleton. First, the corset needs to be worn for several hours, and then throughout the day.

To cure grade 3 disease, prolonged wearing of a corset is indicated. When the angle of curvature is more than 44º, the surgical intervention... Specialists install a corrective system on the spinal column. It allows you to pause and correct curvatures.

At 4 degrees of scoliosis, radical methods of treatment are used, the main tasks of which are:

  • elimination of the causes of scoliosis;
  • maximum correction of the curvature of the spine;
  • suppression pain in the back and limbs;
  • return of mobility of the vertebrae.

Therapy is prescribed by a qualified specialist, depending on the picture of the disease. In especially severe cases (against the background of the rapid development of pathology), doctors resort to the use of a muscle brace and surgery. The likelihood of recovery increases if you provide psychological support to the child.

Mud and sun baths, hydromassage, baths with sea salts have a positive effect. It is necessary to constantly monitor the child's posture and be reminded that correct posture will make you feel better. Additionally, exercises are performed to correct flat feet and hardening. At the same time, outdoor walks and outdoor activities are recommended.

Congenital scoliosis cannot be prevented, but measures should be taken to prevent acquired scoliosis:

One hand is smaller than the other in volume - what to do ?!

After training for a while, you noticed that one arm is smaller than the other in the volume of the other, especially the biceps. What to do?

You should try to load the right and left arms separately. Thus, you will be able to equalize the strength and volume of the biceps due to the additional load on the lagging arm. Take a closer look at your roommates as they perform standing barbell curls.

If the weight of the projectile is large enough, then when lifting, the bar begins to tilt somewhat. This is because one hand is stronger than the other. Keep in mind that the total weight of the weights that you are able to lift, working out each hand one by one, is greater than the weight of the bar if you worked with both hands at the same time.

And this means a greater load on the muscle, a more tangible blood flow to it, which means more progress. An example of such training is offered to your attention (see table 1):

Do the same number of repetitions on the left and right hands, and also observe the correct technique for performing the exercises.

If you squeeze the bar crookedly, or lift the dumbbells crookedly, then the load on one side will be greater than on the other. Therefore, follow a clear technique in all exercises, supervise the exercise by looking in the mirror, or ask a friend to watch you do the exercise.

This interferes with the technique of the exercise, develops the wrong skills and can lead to injury. Moreover, if one side is weaker, then what is the point of taking more weight for it? It turns out that the strong side is flawed, and the weak simply will not pull too much weight. You need to train correctly, follow the technique and load the muscles in the same way, then the muscles will gradually align in size, and will continue to develop evenly.

Exercise regularly so you can align your muscles

Muscle development takes time, so be patient, exercise regularly and you will notice that your muscles begin to develop in a harmonious and proportional manner.

Why is one leg shorter than the other, causes and treatment

Different leg lengths: causes and treatment

Different leg lengths are quite common: short leg syndrome occurs in people of any age, gender and social status, and in children more often than in adults. When one limb is only a couple of centimeters shorter than the other, this is not very noticeable, but a drop of more than five centimeters cannot be ignored with all the desire: a person walks, limping, waddling from side to side or leaning on a cane, his shoulders are at different levels ( due to the difference in height, many develop scoliosis).

On slippery surfaces and in moving public transport, such people find it difficult to maintain balance, since their musculoskeletal system is unbalanced. Obviously, living with such a deviation is not easy. Not every person who has faced a similar problem knows what to do if one leg is shorter than the other. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the difference in leg length - more on these below.

Causes of short leg syndrome

A person whose limb is longer than the other cannot be envied: lameness, curvature of the spine, constant pain in the joints and back, a high probability of developing arthrosis and bursitis. Not life, but a continuous overcoming of difficulties. So what to do if one leg is much shorter in size than the other, how can you protect yourself and your loved ones from a similar fate? To answer this question, you must first familiarize yourself with the specifics of the disease, namely, with the causes of the pathology and its varieties.

If one leg is shorter than the other by 3, 5 or more cm, then there can be many reasons for this development of the pathology of the lower extremities, but they all relate to one of three factors. Experts identify three factors that affect the length of the lower limbs:

1 Anatomical factor (reduction in bone length).

2 Relative factor (dislocation, joint immobilization).

3 Combined effect (growth retardation or accelerated growth, due to which the length of both limbs changes at once).

The shortening of one of the limbs, as a rule, leads to:

1 Failure in the process of intrauterine development of the fetus, as a result of which the unborn baby develops clubfoot or hemophilic hemarthrosis, or dislocation of the hip.

2 Inflammation provoked by tuberculosis, venous thrombosis of the lower extremities, arthritis, elephantiasis.

3 The tumor process can cause a difference in the length of the legs, both in an adult and in a child.

4 Neuropathic factors can cause this pathology.

5 Damage to the growth zones located on the heads of the tibia and femur. Children who find themselves hostage to such a situation have a harder time than adults: the difference in the length of their legs continues to increase until the growth stage is completed. Adults have already experienced this stage of their life, therefore, the difference in the length of the limbs in them, as a result, turns out to be significantly lower.

When one limb is shorter than the other, the load on the spinal column is unevenly distributed. As a result, a person develops scoliosis and osteochondrosis, twisting of the pelvis occurs, as well as eversion of the fifth lumbar vertebra. Similar deviations occur both when shortening a certain part of the leg (thigh or lower leg), and the entire limb as a whole.

The difference in the length of the legs in children, the reasons why this happens?

The sooner the parents notice that one leg of the child has become shorter than the other, the less time and effort it will take to remove it. Disorders of the musculoskeletal system in the fetus can be detected already at early term pregnancy thanks to ultrasound, which is mandatory for all expectant mothers.

There are two types of deviation that can cause shortening of the legs in an unborn child:

1 Symmetrical developmental delay (the diameter of the head and abdomen, the length of the trunk and thigh are within normal limits, but the size of the fetus is proportionally reduced).

2 Asymmetric developmental delay (non-compliance of certain parts of the baby's body with generally accepted standards).

After the birth of the child, checking the parameters is entrusted to the district pediatrician. You can measure the length of the baby's limbs without resorting to the services of a doctor. To do this, you need to lay the baby on his back, bend his legs at the knees so that the angle between the torso and thigh, thigh and lower leg is ninety degrees. If one of the knees is higher than the other, then the child's hips differ in length. To determine the size of the legs, you need to lower the baby's legs, still bent at the knees, and press his feet to the surface of the bed. If one of the knees rises above the other, then the size of the shins also does not match and you need to consult a specialist.

In children, the height of the longitudinal arches of the feet often does not coincide, which is why babies develop scoliosis. Curvature of the spinal column to the right or left side violates the structure of muscles, cartilage and ligaments, which is fraught with the development of serious diseases. If you suspect a deviation, you should immediately consult a doctor: the sooner the pathology is eliminated, the better for the child.

Treatment of short leg syndrome, what to do if one leg is shorter than the other

Modern medical technologies make it possible not only to lengthen short limbs, but also to correct the curvature of the legs, which develops against the background of pathology.

There are several methods to achieve the desired result if one leg is longer than the other. Conservative tactics for treating short leg syndrome, which is used if one leg is no more than two centimeters shorter than the other, suggests:

1 Inserting orthopedic insoles into shoes to compensate for differences in the length of the limbs.

2 Visit a chiropractor to relieve muscle stiffness and pain.

3 Performing exercises aimed at strengthening muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons, preventing curvature of the spinal column.

4 Swimming in the pool and attending water aerobics classes in order to develop and strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

If one leg is significantly shorter than the other, surgery is performed. The most effective way limb lengthening is rightfully considered traction in the Ilizarov apparatus, which involves dissection of the bone, followed by fixation of the leg in the device. Almost immediately after the operation, the bone fragments begin to grow towards each other (at a rate of one millimeter per day). When the bone is completely healed (and this does not happen earlier than six months after the procedure), the device is removed and the patient is sent for rehabilitation.

Traction using the Ilizarov apparatus is also used in clinics of aesthetic surgery, which are used absolutely healthy peopledreaming of lengthening limbs. Such a procedure is not cheap, and its result does not always meet expectations, which, in principle, is understandable. Any intervention in the body does not pass without leaving a trace. It’s good if you come across an experienced surgeon who, as they say, “ate the dog” while stretching the limbs. What if a newbie gets caught? And then, even a professional with many years of experience is not immune from mistakes. So is it worth lengthening short legs if they are not a problem? People with short leg syndrome have no other choice, but healthy homo sapiens have, and yet they take such a desperate step. It is a pity that few people think about the possible consequences.

In addition to traction on the Ilizarov apparatus, blocking of growth zones of a healthy limb is also used. This method is suitable for children: thanks to the intervention of the surgeon, the difference in the length of the lower extremities is leveled over time, and when the growth phase stops, the need for any manipulations to align the legs disappears by itself.

Such a pathology as the asymmetry of the lower extremities, competent specialists can diagnose even during ultrasound during pregnancy. In this case, the diagnosis and the appointment of a course of treatment will be carried out immediately after the birth of the baby.

If any developmental pathologies are established by an orthopedist during a routine examination in the first months of a baby's life, then the doctor must register such a child and prescribe the necessary therapy for him. If there are symptoms indicating hip dysplasia, an x-ray and an ultrasound scan will be required when the child reaches the age of three months. Based on the results of these examinations, a diagnosis will be made and treatment prescribed depending on the severity of the pathology.

You can establish the presence of asymmetry of the legs in a child on your own at home. To do this, you should visually assess the symmetry and depth of the skin folds. It is most convenient to do this when the baby is lying on its tummy. Then you should turn the child over on his back, straighten his legs, bringing them together and again evaluate the symmetry of the folds on the inner thigh. The next step is to separate the bent legs of the baby to the sides - in a healthy baby, each leg should touch the surface of the changing table. If it is not possible to spread the legs to the sides, then this may be evidence of both increased muscle tone and dysplasia of the hip joint. You should also pay special attention to clicks during this procedure, as they always indicate a problem with the joints.

There is another way to check for dysplasia - to do this, lay the child on a firm surface on his back and bend his knees. If the baby's knees are at different levels, then immediately contact an orthopedist to clarify the diagnosis and purpose. effective treatment Problems.

It is also quite simple to check muscle hypertonicity at home. The child must be laid on his back and given his fingers so that he can grasp them tightly. At the same time, a healthy baby begins to move his legs very actively, trying to accept sitting position... If the child constantly crosses his legs, then the likelihood of muscle hypertonicity is very high.

Increased muscle tone can be accompanied by other symptoms, including:

1 restless sleep;

3 too frequent regurgitation;

4 independent head retention from the moment of birth;

5 emphasis on the toes in an upright position;

6 active resistance when trying to spread the legs to the sides;

7 irritated reaction to extraneous sounds and the included light;

If a child has at least one of these signs, then it must be shown to a specialist. In case of a fracture of the lower extremities, especially if it happened in childhood, it is necessary to constantly monitor the bone fusion by conducting an X-ray examination.

Another dangerous reason for the asymmetry of the lower extremities is the presence of neoplasms of different nature... However, the difference in the length of the legs may appear already at a late stage of the disease; much earlier, the child may begin to complain of excessive fatigue, painful sensations when resting on the affected limb. Visually, you can also notice that one leg looks a little thicker than the other. Any of these symptoms or their combination should be the reason for contacting a medical institution.

Mandatory vaccination against tuberculosis has led to a decrease in the number of cases in the younger age category, however, a decrease in the defenses of the child's body and his close contact with a sick person can lead to illness. Bone tuberculosis begins gradually, its first signs are rather blurred and some children do not even pay attention to them. Seeing a doctor is mandatory if the child begins to complain of a lack of energy, irritability, drowsiness, muscle aches, absent-mindedness. Visually, you can notice the appearance of a stoop, sudden lameness, a change in the volume of one of the limbs.

To confirm the diagnosis, a tuberculin test should be performed, as well as an MRI and X-ray of the affected segment.

When is the difference in leg length not a pathology?

A slight difference in the length of the lower extremities is a variant of the norm; quite often a shortening of the right leg is diagnosed in children who prefer to use their left hand. In addition, healthy childis usually physically active. He spends a lot of time in motion, runs, jumps, rides on different types transport. Over time, one of his legs becomes the leading one, which he prefers to use when pushing off the ground. This uneven load results in a slight shortening of the pushing leg. Over time, the length of the limbs becomes the same.

Complications associated with different lengths of the lower limbs

The pronounced asymmetry of the legs, especially in childhood, can cause the curvature of the spinal column, as a result of which scoliosis occurs - a persistent deformation of the spine relative to its axis. In the absence of proper attention, this disease can lead to irreversible complications, for example, to deformity. chest, pelvic asymmetry, malfunctions of cardio-vascular system, respiratory and spinal cord organs. Uneven distribution of the load also leads to the development of flat feet in the child.

Depending on the mechanism of development of the disease, several types of scoliosis are distinguished:

1 Dysplastic - occurs in childhood against the background of metabolic disorders in the tissues of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

2 Static - manifests itself as a result of bone and joint disorders in the legs.

In adulthood, the asymmetry of the lower extremities can cause various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, which can lead to the appearance of a hernia, prolapse of the vertebrae and other complications. Such patients often complain of painful sensations in the abdomen and back.

Muscle asymmetry. What to do?

My compliments, ladies and gentlemen!

We owe this article to me to Pavel, Oleg, Valentin and other male readers of the ABC of Bodybuilding project. They asked their question: muscle asymmetry, what to do? - through the feedback form and wanted to get a detailed answer. Well, you wanted to, well then get it!

So, sit down, my dears, let's start broadcasting.

What is muscle asymmetry? Non-fictional theory.

I think everyone reading these lines had such a situation in gym, when you do an exercise, for example, alternately lifting a dumbbell to the biceps and suddenly you realize that the left hand is no longer fingering - it does not pull the weight, and the right one can still easily perform 2-3 repetitions. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Also, I'm sure some of you have encountered muscle imbalances or asymmetries - this is when you look at yourself in the mirror and realize that the left chest is larger than the right or the left biceps is larger than the right. In training, this is manifested through the emergence of the leading (taking the load) and the driven (lagging) muscles. As a result of all this, the athlete cannot fully load the muscles, and always this or that muscle group (its mirror analogue) remains undertrained. In fact, when you visually inspect your little body, it turns out that one muscle is ahead of its counterpart in development.

What to do, i.e. how to get out of this situation - to restore balance and in general - what muscle asymmetry is, we will consider further.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle imbalance is something that most people encounter in the course of their training (and not necessarily the iron one). It implies that the strength (and / or size) of the muscles on one side of the body is not equal / symmetrical to the other side.

Asymmetry can manifest itself:

  • in a specific sport (for example, tennis, golf), where one side of the body is involved more than the other;
  • when an athlete performs the same type of action over and over again - this is the so-called biomechanical cause of repeated movements in one direction or prolonged poses;
  • due to neuromuscular imbalance due to the predisposition of individual muscles in the groups to be strong or weak;
  • in people with limbs of different lengths.

These are some of the possible reasons for the appearance of muscle asymmetry, and the curvature of the spinal column - the deviation of the parameters from the norm - makes a significant contribution here. Look at the physiological signals corresponding to muscle activity (EMG) and the heat maps of the human body of the ideal and standard case.

These images help doctors identify patients with soft tissue injuries, imbalances in muscle development, and the degree of curvature of the spine.

It is worth saying that there are no ideally “even” people, and this is due to the intrauterine development of the fetus. All of us are initially in the position of a ball in the womb, and already there the degree of “curvature” of our spine begins to form. Therefore, if you think that scoliosis (lateral deviation of the spine from the normal erect position) is purely your counter, then this is not so, almost everyone has it, only its degree is different.

So, we figured it out, now let's talk in more detail and scientifically about ...

Muscle asymmetry: what, why and why

Human movement and function requires a balance of muscle length and strength between the opposing muscles surrounding the joint. Most joints in our body have two or more separate and opposing sets of muscles acting on it. Muscle balance is equal amounts of opposing forces between muscles, which is necessary to maintain a focused (centered) position of the bone in the joint during movement. On the other hand, muscle imbalance occurs when opposing muscles provide different directions of tension due to tightness or weakness.

To understand what this is about, take a look at the following images.

As for the general asymmetry, it can be different, in particular, this:

  • front and back - for example, the back lags behind the chest;
  • left and right - one arm / leg is larger than the other;
  • top and bottom part bodies - a massive top on chicken legs.

With regard to muscle groups, most often asymmetry is observed between:

  • lower leg and arms;
  • biceps and triceps;
  • trapeze and shoulders;
  • delta heads (front, middle, back);
  • triceps heads (lateral, medial, long);
  • forearms and upper arm.

Muscle asymmetry usually occurs in the early stages of training. As soon as you start doing an exercise, the brain evaluates which side of the body is easier for it to perform the task. The body then establishes a favorable nature of movement (memorizes it), as a result of which the increase in strength and volume occurs unevenly - the most frequently used areas increase faster. Over time, the fine line increases, as a result of which the muscle group constantly “pulling out” the load becomes dominant (stronger, more enduring, voluminous). This is how asymmetry arises.

How to prevent muscle imbalance? Practical advice.

Bodybuilding is not just muscle mass - it is, above all, ideal proportions and symmetry. Of course, mere mortals do not necessarily become a sculpture with ideal circular shapes, but it would not be bad to acquire some aesthetics of the physique.

Actually, let's get down to it.

So, in total there are two types of movements that can be done - two-way and one-way. Bilateral - when an athlete uses two limbs (arms, legs) at the same time, for example, lifting a barbell for biceps. Unilateral - when using one limb, for example, lifting a dumbbell with a hammer grip. Sometimes muscles grow more on one side than on the other, and this is due to the dominant side of the body. The presenter is always trying to redefine and do all the work. If we talk about arms / legs, then for right-handers, the leader is the right, for left-handers, respectively, the left.

To restore balance, i.e. pull equally on different sides (and align the volumes), you must adhere to the following tips:

# 1. The use of one-sided exercises

Add more one-sided exercises to your current PT to isolate one side of your body from the other. For this purpose, use dumbbells, single block cables, and any equipment that helps you focus on the weak side of the body. Also, if possible, avoid exercise machines and use more free weights.

Adjust the number of repetitions in the exercise according to your weak point. It is necessary to start the exercise from the lagging part and perform until it (for example, a weak left hand) refuses, while the right one can still perform, but the approach must be completed. As a result, the dominant side will be slightly undertrained, allowing the lagging side to progress and improve.

Number 3. Correct technique and flexibility

The correct form of exercise, taking into account the anatomical features, will correct the asymmetry. Warming up the muscles and cooling / stretching at the end of the workout, with a focus on the weaker side, will also help combat muscle imbalances.

No. 4. Strengthening the internal muscles and ligaments

Do not forget about the ligaments and internal muscles (deep). Strong superficial muscles with weak ligaments / weak core muscles are like a large building without a solid foundation. Use exercises such as dumbbell rotations to strengthen the rotator cuff, side bends with a barbell on your shoulders, lifting your legs and core from a prone position, and a plank.

The greater the muscle mass of the athlete, the less visually noticeable disproportions and asymmetry, i.e. differences are leveled. Therefore, try to gain more lean muscle mass.

No. 6. Increasing the strength of the weak side

When doing the exercises, try to consciously impose a large load on the lagging muscles, as if pulling them up to the dominant ones. So, for example, with the asymmetry of the pectorals, you can press with different weights on the sides, more, 3-5%, for the lagging one. For example, your left chest is larger than the right, in which case we throw 50 kg on the left, and 52 kg on the right and press in this mode. You can do the same with dumbbells. Regarding the asymmetry of the biceps, you can do this. When lifting the bar to the biceps, move the arm with the smaller biceps closer to the center of the bar, and leave the other in place.

Muscle asymmetry training program

The basic rule that needs to be remembered to eliminate muscle imbalance is that, while working out the following muscle groups, it is necessary to train their antagonists as well (and not necessarily in the same workout). Here is a list of these muscle groups:

  • chest and back;
  • press and extensors of the spine;
  • biceps and triceps;
  • quadriceps and hamstrings;
  • calves and tibial muscles.

Make sure your current PT is giving the antagonist muscles an equal proportion of the training load. So you will bring balance and build a harmoniously developed body.

In addition, understanding the issues of muscle anatomy and their kinesiology (function and movement) will help you correctly select exercises and integrate them into your training days. As an example, let's take the bench press, which, in addition to the pectorals, also affects the front deltas, triceps are also connected. And so in many other exercises - non-core muscles are indirectly loaded. In this case (when pressing) the rear deltas fall out. Therefore, on the days of a separate shoulder workout, you need to work out rear bundles (like not receiving loads in basic exercises during the week), and not "hammering" the front and middle heads.

Now let's look at specific routines that address muscle imbalances.

PT No. 1. We remove the asymmetry of the chest.

PT No. 2. We remove the asymmetry of deltas.

Between sets 1 minute of rest and soon you will be able to observe a picture of the growth of lagging areas.

In general, in order to avoid asymmetries (preventive measures), it is necessary to use a special type of training - a balanced training program. This is a PT that simultaneously focuses on multiple muscle groups.

It can look like this:

Such a program should be periodically scrolled (twice a week, every 2-3 months), then you will definitely not have any muscle asymmetry.

Well, perhaps, all that I would like to report on, it remains to sum up the results and get a glimpse of it :).


Today we discussed the issues of muscle asymmetry. Now you will be as even and proportional as possible, which means you will look more spectacular.

Somehow, I was glad to write for you, see you soon!

PS. Are you all the same or mow a little?

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

- this is a decrease in the length of one limb relative to the other, or a decrease in the length of both limbs, in which the proportions of the human body are disturbed. Slight shortening (1-2 cm) is widespread and has no clinical significance. A significant shortening of the lower extremities, especially one-sided, is manifested by impaired support and walking, and can provoke a number of diseases of the joints and spine. The diagnosis is made after special measurements. Correction with insoles and orthopedic shoes is possible; in case of severe shortening, the limb is lengthened using the Ilizarov apparatus.


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General information

Shortening of the limbs is widespread. A slight difference in the length of the lower limbs is detected in 90% of people. Among the reasons are the dominance of one of the cerebral hemispheres, posture disorders and incorrect muscle stereotypes that affect the formation of the body during the period of the child's growth. The difference in the length of the legs up to 1-2 cm is invisible even to the patient himself and is found only during special studies. The shortening of one limb by more than 3-5 cm causes a noticeable distortion of the pelvis and gives a person inconvenience when walking.


Limb shortening can be unilateral and bilateral. Symmetrical bilateral shortening is detected in achondroplasia and some other genetically determined diseases and is manifested by an inconsistency in the proportions of the trunk and limbs. Asymmetrical bilateral shortening is observed with anomalies in the development of the upper and lower extremities. The cause of unilateral shortening can be traumatic injury, swelling, infectious process or malformation.



To clarify the severity and nature of the shortening, the absolute and relative length of the limb and the length of each segment are measured, using the visible bony protrusions (ankles, the upper pole of the patella, the joint space of the knee joint, the greater trochanter and the upper anterior spine of the ilium) as reference points. Measurements are taken with the legs fully extended, with alternate flexion of the hip and knee joints and while flexing the large joints of the limb. To identify the relative and apparent shortening, special tests are used.

The list of additional studies depends on the location and the alleged cause of the shortening. For old fractures, neoplastic processes and infections, prescribe

The Ilizarov apparatus allows you to lengthen the lower leg by 8-10 cm, and the thigh by 5-6 cm. It should be borne in mind that the increase in segment length is carried out gradually and can last up to six months or more. The installation of the apparatus on the lower leg is relatively easily tolerated by patients, since it allows them to maintain sufficient mobility, little impedes movements in the joints of the limb, etc. Installation of the apparatus on the thigh is more difficult, since it significantly limits movement and self-service. During the entire period of treatment, patients perform special exercises aimed at preventing muscle atrophy and maintaining joint mobility. The functional results are good.

Arthrosis is a chronic pathology of the joints proceeding according to the degenerative-dystrophic type, caused by a number of provoking factors. Arthrosis of the elbow joint is diagnosed less often than lesions of other large articular joints, due to less stress on this joint. This diagnosis accounts for a significant percentage of diagnoses of articular pathologies in older patients.

The reasons for the development of the disease

Arthrosis is characterized by a decrease in the production of synovial fluid, which causes increased friction of the articular surfaces, a decrease in the joint space and the growth of bone spines. These processes lead to problems with the mobility of the elbow joint, cause pain and dry crunching during physical activity. Arthrosis affects all articular elements, nearby muscles and tendons, bone epiphyses.

In case of untimely access to a doctor, the joint can lose its mobility completely, painful phenomena grow in intensity, which greatly impairs the patient's quality of life and leads to disability.

Causes and provoking factors for the appearance of arthrosis:

  • Elbow injuries: fractures, bruises, dislocations, meniscus damage, ligament ruptures. Trauma can occur at a young age and make itself felt many years later, when post-traumatic arthrosis develops.
  • Metabolic pathologies that cause insufficient nutrition of the articular tissues.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis - with this pathology, the elbow joint is affected, among others.
  • Low intake of fluid in the body, nutritional deficiency (deficiency of essential substances).

  • Chronic processes - tonsillitis, dental caries, gastritis, cholecystitis.
  • Infectious inflammation of the elements of the joint, bursitis.
  • Changes in muscle and bone tissue associated with age.
  • Working conditions, lifestyle, inappropriate loads - while the right elbow suffers more often, as the most loaded, the left one less often.
  • Heredity.
  • Intoxication in case of poisoning.
  • Diseases associated with blood clotting disorders.
  • Frequent acute respiratory infections.

Elbow arthrosis is also triggered by hormonal imbalances in menopausal women.

Neurologist M.M. Sperling from Novosibirsk on his video channel talks about the most serious problem - arthrosis of the joints:

Clinical picture

Symptoms accompanying arthrosis of the elbow joint are divided into four main groups:

  1. Pain. It is noted in movement, at the time of flexion and extension of the arm, when turning the limb and walking. At the first stages of the development of pathology, pain symptoms are not particularly pronounced, they appear only with additional load. The progression of the degree of arthrosis is expressed in almost constant pain, and even at rest. The pain can radiate to the neck and be felt when pressing on the elbow region.
  2. Crunch. The dry crunching sound is caused by the friction of the bony surfaces of the joint. As the process of arthrosis aggravates, the crunch becomes more audible, with the addition of pain. Sometimes a crunch is confused with a clicking sound in the joint when performing any elbow movement, but clicking is normal and not a sign of illness.
  3. Limited movement of the elbow. It becomes difficult for the patient to move the arm, turn it. It is caused by a violation of the motor amplitude by the growth of osteophytes, a reduction in the size of the joint space, and muscle spasms. With elbow arthrosis, Thompson's symptom is noted: the patient cannot keep the hand in the fist in the back position, and he quickly spreads his fingers. Another typical symptom of elbow arthrosis is the Vetla symptom, characterized by the inability to freely bend and unbend the limb at the level of the lower jaw.
  4. Elbow joint deformity. Due to the disorderly growth of osteophytes, inflammation, which increases the volume of the joint fluid, the joint swells, externally it manifests itself as bumps on the surface of the elbow, redness of the skin.

The severity of the clinic depends on the severity of the disease. Elbow arthrosis develops in the stages described below:

1st degree

Not expressed pain in the joint with physical exertion, outwardly arthrosis does not manifest itself in any way. The doctor may note a slight decrease in muscle tone and some difficulty in abducting the arm back, flexion and extension in the elbow region. With such symptoms, additional instrumental research... The X-ray shows a slight narrowing of the space between the articular surfaces. Arthrosis at this stage must be differentiated from tunnel syndrome and cervical osteochondrosis.

2nd degree

There are noticeable pains, so patients already turn to doctors for help and begin to be treated. Pain and discomfort are felt at rest, they are joined by a dry crunch when moving in the joint. The patient practically cannot bend his arm at the elbow or take it back. There is a slight muscle atrophy, it becomes difficult for the patient to do simple household things, which greatly affects the quality of life.

The picture shows multiple osteophytes, articular tissues are deformed. External changes are not yet observed or there is swelling of the skin in the elbow region, as a rule - during periods of exacerbation.

Grade 3

The pains accompany the patient almost constantly, including at night, becoming aching and intense. The range of motion is severely limited. In the absence of appropriate treatment, some patients fix the limb so that pain symptoms decrease.

More details

X-ray shows destroyed cartilage, absence of joint space, many overgrown osteophytes. Changes in the shape of the articular joint are also noticeable externally - except for the edematous elbow joint, one arm becomes shorter than the other, the muscles are atrophied. The patient can no longer perform the usual everyday activities. Full recovery is almost impossible at this stage.

In this video for you passive gymnastics for the elbow joints, which can also be used for arthrosis:

Deforming arthrosis of the elbow joint

About 50% of the identified arthrosis are associated with deforming arthrosis. Patients complain of pain in the joint, with increasing intensity as the pathology develops. The X-ray shows signs of joint deformity in the following developmental stages:

  • Osteophytes are localized in the area of \u200b\u200bthe distal epiphysis of the humerus, although during the entire course of the disease in this segment, their significant increase is not observed, in contrast to the area of \u200b\u200bthe joint, where the growth of bone spines can complicate arm movements already at the onset of the disease. The pressure of osteophytes into the ulnar fossa and their localization in the area of \u200b\u200bthe coronoid process of the humerus do not allow patients to unbend the arm.
  • Bony growths are distributed evenly around the elbow joint, movements in the elbow are still observed. Dysfunction occurs gradually. Osteophytes can affect the radial head.
  • Sclerosis of adjacent bone lobes joins the overgrown osteophytes.

Basically, the periphery of the humerus is deformed, osteophytes for the most part grow near the glenoid cavity. Painful symptoms and severe limitation of motor amplitude in deforming arthrosis are indications for surgery.

Diagnosis and treatment of elbow arthrosis

The diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnesis, X-ray picture, laboratory tests. If necessary, arthroscopy and MRI can be additionally prescribed.

Treatment of arthrosis of the elbow joint in non-started stages is carried out by conservative methods. The goal of treatment is to relieve pain symptoms and limited movement. Treatment of arthrosis is complex and long-term, including several methods at once. During the treatment, the hand is immobilized with a special bandage.

Principles of arthrosis treatment:

  • Performing physical exercises to restore the mobility of the diseased joint;
  • Elimination of stress on the joint;
  • Medication to relieve inflammation and pain.

If conservative treatment is ineffective, an operation is prescribed. Also, patients can treat arthrosis with traditional medicine at home to relieve the condition.

Drug therapy

Drugs for the treatment of ulnar arthrosis include the following:

  1. NSAIDs.
  2. Ointments containing medicinal substances.
  3. Chondroprotectors.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of joints that relieve inflammation and pain. They can be prescribed in the form of injections intramuscularly and into the joint capsule, tablets and locally acting ointments. The most commonly used injections are diclofenac, indomethacin and their analogs - voltaren, ortofen, ibuprofen. In the acute period of the disease, it is advisable to give NSAIDs by injections, after a few days switching to tablet forms, as the inflammatory phenomena subside. It should be borne in mind that too long a course of treatment with NSAIDs can negatively affect the gastric mucosa.

  • Containing salicylates and reducing inflammation. They work well for bruises. These are salicylic ointment, solcocerasal, hemozol.
  • Containing capsaicin and thereby warming up the diseased area, which stimulates blood supply, improves tissue trophism and relieves pain. These ointments include nikoflex, nayzer, nise, kutenza, espol.
  • Containing biologically active substances based on bee or snake venom, with a combined effect - they relieve swelling and pain, warm and reduce the likelihood of tissue necrosis. Famous representatives of the group: apizatron, viprosal, ungapiven.


Chondroprotectors for joints are substances that contribute to the restoration of the cartilage tissue of the joint. They are prescribed in the form of injections into the joint capsule and in the form of ointments. Of the drugs, it is most often recommended to treat joint diseases with glucosamine sulfate, chondroxide, ostenil and struktum. Chondroprotectors are used for a long time, the course of treatment is usually at least six months.

Arthrosis treatment Read more \u003e\u003e

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are used during the period of abatement of acute symptoms and during rehabilitation after treatment. Of the methods used, the following are effective:

  • Paraffin therapy, warming soft tissue in the articular region and thus stimulates blood flow;
  • Electrophoresis with drugs for their penetration into the joint capsule;
  • Laser - reduces the growth of osteophytes and destroys the existing ones, due to which the joint restores mobility again;
  • Mud compresses prescribed to eliminate atrophic changes in tissues;
  • Acupuncture - the impact of needles on certain points projected onto the body, which reduces pain, reduces inflammation of the elbow, restores muscle tone;

  • Massage - at the stage of rehabilitation, manual techniques have a beneficial effect on the condition of the joint and surrounding muscles, restoring limb mobility and relieving pain;
  • Therapeutic gymnastics is a special set of exercise therapy exercises, which is made by a specialist, exercises are also performed under the supervision of an instructor, they can be done both at home and in the clinic.

Additional treatments for arthrosis

Formulation can be applied to reduce pain and swelling folk treatment, these are ointments, compresses, baths and tinctures:

  • Propolis ointment: 50 grams each vegetable oil and propolis mix, dissolve in a water bath. Rub the resulting product into the elbow overnight, after covering it with a piece of polyethylene and wrapping it with a towel.
  • Compress from birch leaves: pour boiling water over dry or fresh leaves and leave to infuse for 2-3 hours, then drain the water. Attach the leaves to the sore joint, wrap with gauze and warm cloth.
  • Needle bath: boil spruce, pine needles in water for 10 minutes, cool slightly, dip the sore hand into the bath so that the elbow is covered with water.
  • Infusion of herbs: for the treatment of arthrosis, you can make infusions of elecampane and cinquefoil.

Folk remedies for the treatment of arthrosis should complement the main course. In addition to medical complex, patients with arthrosis of the elbow joint are recommended annual sanatorium treatment.

Gymnastics for the treatment of pain in the elbow and elbow joints from Dr. Evdokimenko:

The physiology of newborns differs significantly from that of an adult. The ligamentous-muscular apparatus of infants develops during the first year. Increased bone flexibility and snapping of joint ligaments are common in babies. Often, inexperienced parents know little about this, therefore, after the first case, they immediately turn to specialists with questions.

Joint development in infants

Small children after birth are not well adapted to life outside the womb. The systems of internal organs and the musculoskeletal system in an infant function poorly.

The dynamics of the development of the whole organism is not always proportional. Babies gain weight, which interferes with the strengthening of bone tissue. After six months, the babies begin to move actively, gradually lose weight. Most children by this time are learning to sit, some of them are already beginning to crawl. Fat goes away, muscles and tendons appear, bones become strong and strong. By the end of the first year of life, the child will be able to confidently stand on his feet. The development of the articular and ligamentous apparatus is a long process that lasts for several years.

Causes of joint crunch

During exercise, you can hear the clicking of the baby's handle or leg. Moms begin to wonder why the child's joints crackle.

The main reason is the physiological feature of infants. The skeletons of a newborn and an adult are significantly different. Immature joints and bones act as a defense mechanism. In case of accidental falls or bruises, flexible tissues are less susceptible to damage.

Insufficient joint lubrication can also cause crunching. The rapid growth of children is not always a good thing. The child is actively growing, the bones are stretched, the joints are enlarged. The skeleton becomes larger, and the body does not have time to adapt to it, and continues to release joint lubricant in the same volumes, but they are not enough.

Severe bruises and injuries can provoke deformation of the joints, which causes the appearance of a crunch. In case of such situations, you need to take an X-ray and consult a doctor.

Diagnosing the problem

The clicking of immature cartilage is more natural and not a cause for concern. In rare cases, the cause is a disease such as dysplasia. This is a congenital ailment in which the head of the hip joint is not fully connected to the glenoid cavity. The patient's bones develop slowly, without correct treatment the skeleton is not formed correctly, which can lead to the disability of the child.

Signs of dysplasia:

  • Obvious asymmetry of the folds in the baby's legs.
  • Clicking when abducting the legs to the sides.
  • One limb is shorter than the other.

This disease is hereditary, often transmitted from mother to daughter. Girls get sick four times more often.

Arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism can also cause crunching in children. They can be triggered by metabolic disorders, sometimes they are complications of the transferred infectious diseases.

Survey plan

Experienced professionals are able to recognize dysplasia within a few days after birth. The presence of external signs in children is not enough to make a final diagnosis. The examination of the child should be done by a specialized doctor: a surgeon or an orthopedist. Ultrasound procedure will help in clarifying the medical report. Radiography is only applicable for children over 8 months of age.

Dysplasia is a serious medical condition that requires good comprehensive treatment and special care. If violations are found, you need to follow all the doctor's instructions, do physical exercises, massage, warm baths, physiotherapy procedures.


The baby's body is developing at a rapid pace. Full bone growth, strengthening of muscles and ligaments is impossible without nutrition, saturated with everyone essential vitamins and trace elements. The daily diet should include daily rate of all useful substances, for this you need to eat:

  • dairy products;
  • dried fruits;
  • eggs;
  • cereals;
  • sea \u200b\u200bfish;
  • beef liver;
  • fruit.

It is clear that to feed the baby with the listed useful products impossible, so the mother must make sure that the baby can get everything the baby needs with milk.

Exercise for babies can help strengthen bones and muscles. You can do exercises from 3-4 months. Most of the complexes of physical exercises are aimed at stretching the ligaments, strengthening muscles, and developing the vestibular apparatus.

If a child's joints are crunchy, this is not a cause for concern. Up to a year, this is quite common. Children grow up, their musculoskeletal system develops until about 18 years of age. The limbs in infants are snapping, usually due to the natural characteristics of the skeleton or from a lack of vitamins.

Most often, the parents are the first to notice the asymmetry: during dressing, bathing or playing with the baby, it is noticeable that the folds on the legs are unevenly located in the baby. The suspicion immediately arises that one leg is shorter.

Such situations are not uncommon. They can testify to both true and false shortening.

Causes of pathology, if one leg is shorter than the other

The diagnosis can only be made when the difference is at least ½ cm. When the bones of one leg are shorter than the other, there is a true shortening. The reasons for this are hidden in the underdevelopment of bone tissues, that is, with developmental anomalies; as a result of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the hip joint.

Pathology in children under 8 months of age is eliminated by means of splints, massage, stage plaster casts. Further therapy depends on the diagnosis, but more often it is necessary to carry out an operation.


In this case, there is a false shortening when the bones are the same in length, but one limb stretches upward.

In children of the first year of life, this most often happens due to:

  1. dysplasia of the hip joint;
  2. partial / complete subluxation, hip dislocation.

The doctor determines the pathology, as they say, "by eye". Difficulties in diagnosis arise in the first 2 months of life. It is easier to identify unilateral dislocation at 3-4 months of age.

  • Treatment up to 9 months of age involves manual massage to correct the pelvic bones.
  • Older children take longer to heal, it may be necessary to wear a special splint.
  • Dysplasia disappears after physiotherapy, massage and exercise therapy.

If it is not treated, the pathology will progress.

  1. Parents should not swaddle the baby tightly;
  2. Straighten limbs forcibly;
  3. Put on your feet ahead of time;
  4. Eliminate vertical loads, as there is a risk of aggravating joint deformity.

Hip dislocation

  • Congenital pathology is eliminated by gradual reduction and plaster casts or splints.
  • The duration of therapy is individual, ranging from several months to a year. The complex of treatment includes manual therapy: selective, acupressure, special exercises.
  • The pregnancy calendar allows you to find out how the baby should develop, respectively, the expectant mother, already on an ultrasound scan, can find out about a congenital disorder and start treating the baby immediately after its birth.

Manual therapy is resorted to some time after reduction. The chiropractor must strengthen the weakened muscular apparatus, prevent dystrophic changes in the tissues of the joint. After removing the bandage, they strengthen the muscles that have been weakened during its operation, and also prepare the joints for the upcoming stress.

Treatment of congenital dislocation is most effective in the first 3 months of life... When the child is much older, surgery has to be done.

Hypertonicity of muscles

The reasons for the false shortening can be hidden in the increased tone of one limb. This is striking after six months of age.

In turn, hypertonicity provokes:

  1. increased intracranial pressure;
  2. fetal hypoxia;
  3. anemia of the brain.

This condition is often observed in babies born with traumatic childbirth and asphyxiation.

Pathology can be suspected when the baby of the first months of life lies in the embryo position, arms are bent at all joints, pressed to the body, legs are bent, slightly set aside, the head is thrown back.

Parents can part the limbs several times, if there is no resistance, then the tone is normal.

When a child stands on tiptoe with support, tightens his fingers, a consultation with a neurologist is needed. The child needs gymnastics and, possibly, medication.

When the legs are different: normal options

Minor deviations generally do not indicate pathology. There is such a thing as physiological shortening of the lower limb. For example, shortening of the right leg is often observed in children with severe left-handedness and vice versa.

For a baby to grow and develop well, he must be physically active. Jumping, running, movements lead to the fact that one limb becomes the leading, jerk, that is, it carries a greater load than the other. Therefore, the jogging leg is slightly shorter. A stronger limb develops faster. This difference will disappear later.

One leg is shorter: the cause is heredity

This feature can be passed down from generation to generation. If parents or close relatives have one, it can also occur in a child. You can take measurements yourself, but you cannot take a measuring tape, just lie on a hard surface. The head should be in the midline of the body, the legs should be together. You need to pay attention to whether the ankle and heel are at the same level.

How to independently determine which leg is shorter than the other

You can detect a violation at home, without much experience.

Parents may well do some of the tests themselves.

  • It is necessary to properly lay the baby before examination. Optimally - on the table surface. The latter should be covered with a diaper or blanket, but so that the baby does not "drown" in soft bedspreads;
  • You need to choose the right time. Children are often difficult to put to bed without interference, because they do not understand at all what they want from them;
  • The baby needs to be laid with its stomach down. You can stroke the back to relax the muscles. Then it is turned over on its back. You need to pay attention to whether he is comfortable in this position. You need to let him grab his fingers. If the baby actively grabs, tries to pull himself up, moves rhythmically, automatically moves the limbs symmetrically and in full, then the child is healthy. With increased muscle tone, his legs will cross;
  • Next, you need to pay attention to the limitations in limb breeding: you need to bend your legs at the knees and hips, and then gently spread them apart. In the presence of dysplasia, this will not work;
  • Dysplasia can be diagnosed by laying the baby on the stomach. You need to bend his legs, as during crawling. In this position, pronounced pathology will be noticeable. Parents should pay attention to whether the folds of the skin on the thighs are symmetrical, whether there is a difference in the length of the limbs. It is worth conducting such a study several times a day;
  • If the baby is older than six months, you need to examine his body for asymmetry, and also examine the symmetry of the joints;
  • In children over one year old, the symmetry of the muscles of the lower extremities is checked. If one of them is thinner in volume (in the thigh and lower leg), then it is less stressed.

If you have any doubts, be sure to tell your doctor about them, for example, a pediatric surgeon or orthopedist, or a neurologist. Based on the cause of the pathology, treatment will be selected.

Consequences for the baby if one leg is shorter than the other

Many people mistakenly think that different lengths of limbs will inevitably lead to lameness. It is not always so.

  1. IN children's body in the absence of treatment of the pathology, metamorphosis will occur: the existing defect will be compensated by the inclination of the pelvis towards shortening.
  2. In the future, such a condition will lead to curvature of the spinal column, the consequences are no less serious than dystrophic changes in the joints.
  3. As a result, the spine will bend in the form of the Latin letters "S" or "C", one shoulder will also bend towards the affected limb.

What to do if your baby has one leg shorter than the other

When the violation is detected in a timely manner, that is, during the period of active growth of the body, then the chances of eliminating the pathology are quite high.

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