Lee increases pressure after exercise. Is it possible to play sports at hypertension? Types of classes

Half my dear,
Husband's favorite and the most native
Happy anniversary you congratulate you!
My heart is forever with you.

In your 40 beautiful you and young
Hard in life stand on the legs,
You are protecting my and support,
You hold the whole family on your shoulders.

Let my love, tenderness and caressing
Save you from trouble
Fate I do not ask for wealth,
If only you were happy.

Favorite my husband, take congratulations,
Today, after all, your anniversary,
You are forty years old, my native and good,
Be happy you and do not pain!

I wish you good luck in work,
I am very toured,
You remember my cute, in everything and always I
I will support you to the end.

Dear, I congratulate you on the 40th anniversary. You are a stunning man and a magnificent husband. My favorite, cute, native! I wish all your ideas to be embodied in reality. So that the house was Otrada, and work is a reward. Let in your life happens as much as possible, inspiring, positive. I am always there and help everything. I love you unimaginable and wish you the best!

With an anniversary, incomparable
The most gentle my spouse.
40 years old today.
You are my husband, lover, friend.

I wish you happiness
Know that I am always with you.
Be healthy, always successful,
Ugly, my dear.

All these years that we were near
You were supporting me literally in everything!
And, you know, loved, I am fabulously glad,
That all these years we were together!

Here is your birthday - you get older ...
But we are not older, because together - always!
You also love and welgel as before,
You are my sun, my space, star!

You are forty beautiful! And you will be the same
When you knock on at least one hundred thousand years.
And it will probably even too unnecessary
Say I love I am your gentle portrait!

My husband, you have become older today,
Written new chapter
You congratulate you,
Happy anniversary, joy, good.

You are forty today, here is the date
I did not have time to notice
How fast the time flew
I wish you to health warm.

So that our life was calm,
So that the smooth path of our common was,
To always everything was excellent,
So that everything always has enough strength!

Happy anniversary congratulations
I am you, my spouse,
Forty years you today
Cheerful you and clockwork,
Stay the best
Do not pain and do not be sad
Like I'm glad, husband's husband
What could find you!

40 years today, cute,
You celebrate brightly.
I want to be embodied
All cherished dreams.

I admire you,
I am always proud of you.
Lucky to me in life big -
You're my husband's favorite.

Be healthy i wish
And despondency not to know
To look at me with love,
Choose and adore.

Let them say that forty years
Male does not occur
And this is for him - flourishing,
It's only begining.

I want my husband to my
Love give, and all wish.
On the ear sweet to him
To the early dawn whisper.

Let all good luck - for him,
He is not afraid of anything.
In all the ideas in advance
Let his luck waiting for him.

And if the syllable does not lie down,
Congratulations will help.
And maybe then know
Miscellane We are again.

I will cover the table, I promise
About your birthday to your friends, I inform.
What they came to the apartments,
And they ate a branded celery sandwich.

Congratulations, cute,
I wish you all that in your strength.
Accept me from me cheerful congratulations
And in 40 years you are happy, hubby.

You remember how we rode on the boat,
Among the waters, we just kissed.
We were so beautiful and easy
One word, just good.

Then we got married with you,
And the children were born.
But happiness does not leave us,
Love always warms us.

In your glorious anniversary,
I wish you - do not pain.
Let forty-time will be more successful,
I will send my congratulations in the parberry.

40 years - an unusual date. There is even superstition that this anniversary can not be celebrated, especially men. Observe or not this tradition is a personal matter of everyone. But even if noisy gatherings in honor of the Sorokalenny anniversary of the head of the family are not planned, it is not prohibited by gifts.

At this age, the man is already firmly on the legs and knows what he wants from life. Therefore, the selection of the present for the spouse on the 40th anniversary is a pleasant thing, although very responsible. But loving attentive wife will not be difficult to choose the perfect gift for her husband.

Universal gifts for the forty-year anniversary

If there is no time for long search for a gift, you can choose universal presents:

  • tickets for a concert of favorite performers or fashionable theatrical stage will definitely cause positive emotions and allow to relax the soul to an amateur cultural pastime;
  • an active sports fan will like a ticket for a match with the participation of the favorite team or a subscription to a series of games;
  • the books are great for a man who loves to spend evenings in a calm cozy atmosphere. You can give the sensational bestseller or literature associated with her husband's hobbies;
  • rare collectible publications of favorite films or albums on CDs -treaking present for enthusiastic.

The cost of such gifts is usually not very high, and they will not bring special damage to the family budget.

Gifts with a good husband for 40 years

If practicality is the main feature of a man, a gift must be chosen thoroughly. The baubles will not be appropriate. In this case, it is worth paying attention to high quality and indeed:

  1. Thermal underwear - such a present will appreciate lovers of winter sports, avid tourists, and fishermen.
  2. A cozy woolen sweater or a good shirt from an expensive fabric will emphasize the care of his wife about the appearance of his beloved husband and his comfort.
  3. A set of tools will be very much like an economic husband, which is constantly making something in the house with your hands. With new tools to do it even more pleasant.
  4. A set of covers or a new speaker system for cars will be delighted by the avid.
  5. Home Sports Simulator will suit those who think about healthy education Life and wants to do sports, but does not have overweight for visiting the gym.
  6. The clock or jewelry will emphasize the status and solidity of the jubilee. On this present you can make engraving with pleasant words from my wife in honor of the holiday.
  7. Selective or niche perfumery will have to make fans to attract attention with the help of unusual fragrances.

For greater confidence in proper choice The wife can ask the opinion of his spouse. And in this case, there will be no surprise, but the jubilee will receive what has long been dreaming.

Original gifts spouse on the 40th anniversary

Even if the husband does not plan to celebrate the 40th anniversary, you can show fantasy and surprise it with something creative and original:

  • chair bag - for evening relax when watching a favorite series;
  • handmade photo album where you can insert joint photos where happy moments are captured from the life of spouses;
  • mangal and a variety of accessories for the preparation of delicious and fragrant meat on the outdoor grill surrounded by family and close friends;
  • an unusual hookah and a set of different mixtures for lovers to do;
  • wireless headphones who will not be confused and become indispensable assistants on the morning jog under the invigorating music;
  • a gyroscur is a fashionable vehicle, the winner of which will look modern and young.

Choosing the original present, it is worth considering the lifestyle of the birthday girl and his character. Sometimes the desire to deteriorate goes beyond common senseAnd then the reaction to congratulations can be unpredictable. Therefore, before giving a calm intellectual, a shaman tambourine or an African mask, it is worth thinking very well.

Pleasant impressions of the fortieth

In order for the birthday to be unforgettable, it is not necessary to buy expensive things or objects. And even if the grand party in honor of the 40th anniversary is not planned, the beloved wife can be arranged a wonderful holiday filled with bright emotions. You can organize anything:

  • walk around the evening city, and then a delicious dinner in your favorite restaurant;
  • return to childhood - all day with the whole family in the fleet of amusements with sweet cotton and popcorn, where you need to have time to try out all the most extreme and exciting entertainment;
  • a little journey to another city or country - you can study the guidebooks in advance and choose an interesting fascinating route;
  • extreme entertainment - ranging from kathania by off-road, ending with a parachute jump or flight on Paraglider;
  • romantic date In the chic room of the hotel - Candles, champagne, relaxing massage, jacuzzi and beautiful night Only for two.

Such gifts are very valuable for a man in 40 years. They make it possible to forget about everyday problems and routine work.

When choosing a gift to his beloved on the 40th anniversary, you need to consider several simple moments that will help to make a surprise especially pleasant:

  1. You need to choose a gift in a good spirit. Only in this case the surprise will carry a positive and pleasant energy. So, if the mood is not very, it is better to postpone this occupation for another day.
  2. Perfect wife Never give unnecessary things. Everything should be carefully thought out for small things, taking into account the nature and desires of her husband.
  3. Before making a choice of the present, you need to imagine a husband's reaction on it. Especially carefully you need to choose comic surprises - is it a good sense of humor with a spouse to appreciate them. Otherwise, spoiled birthday is guaranteed.

Sorokalente men in the soul still at all boys. And no matter how severe and brutally looked a spouse, he always waits for tenderness and care from the beloved woman. Therefore, on the day of his birth is very important to show him how to appreciate it. Make it just - start with a leisure breakfast surrounded by family and continue to surprise for surprises throughout the day.

The pictures are funny, and the gifts are serious. The most interesting below.

The man turns 40 years old. Mark or not celebrate is another question. But no one canceled gifts for birthdays. You need to make sure. And 40 years old. This has already consisted of a person who has determined and achieved certain success. A man in the heighter of forces. Strong, confident, decisive, able to quickly solve problems: and their own, and others. Founded in a profession or a business that can overcome difficulties. Loving father And caring husband. How many more good and warm words can be said about a man? Probably, you would have told something very important. It is his character traits that would become the topic for congratulations. Every man is individual and two are not the same.

About gifts husband. Husband can be given everything. And do not believe that to give clothes indecently, perfume unethical, gifts for recreation are impractical. Erund is all. Husband-very close person. And only you know what color the pants like it, what toilet water it ends with, what brandy he loves more. Darite! Money is also a good option. My husband always has something that he would like, but somehow everything is postponed until better times. Birthday just such a reason to these best times approach How to give money original You can look at the page

What can you give a man, husband, dad for 40 years?

A gift is chosen by a specific person. Men, they, of course, all men. But absolutely different. And let's try to choose your own, concrete. Naturally, the subject should be male. Why should it be female? According to surveys conducted (and who spent them?) Men would prefer to get gadgets as a gift. Leading tablets, phones, smartphones, automotive electronics. And in second place, oddly enough, -Money! And the retreat from the male topic: women in the first place rest and decoration, and the second is also money! Like this.

So, after forty, life just begins. Life is active, interesting, among no longer random people. So, you need to try to give such that the spirit captures! (A man, of course, is difficult to surprise something, except by aliens who call the door.) And nevertheless, it is possible. It is only necessary to make a very unobtrusive preliminary intelligence. It can also ask for an ushko, it can be developed that he does not have for rest, or have a conversation that this is someone bought it and listen to his reaction.

Gift man, husband, dad, friend for 40 years.

The best men's bags of famous European brands from 2200 rubles. More than 90% of models are made of the highest quality skin. The rest of the eco-tree and textiles. Online store presents bags of several directions: business, briefcases, for laptops, road bags of different sizes and shapes, beloved men's bags "over shoulder." All models, and their more than 600, have only the best characteristics: they are stylish, durable, reliable and comfortable. Men's rigor prevails without frills.

Good binoculars. Nobody refused from good optics. What is more suitable for your, solve you. Binoculars are different in purpose: for tourists, for hunters and fishermen, field, marine, astronomical and theatrical. A good binoculars allows you to consider the remote objects in detail at the same time not distorting the picture. And even weak lighting does not affect the image quality. Such binoculars are not afraid of dirt or dust. Neither moisture nor falls. Good man -Good optics.

Telescope. Unusual gift for the soul. If there is a place where to put it, and it is better that this place is not in the city, then such a gift, as an option, one could consider. Even in the amateur telescope, you can watch the starry sky, the moon, the planet. In general, to observe the stars interestingly even with a naked eye, and the armed all the more. Such a gift will not leave no one out of the family: it will see for everyone. Sky - it is alive. And if you attach a star sky card to the telescope, it will be super!

Leather purses from 1650 rubles. Germany, Italy, Russia. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, look for a similar thing that he already has. Men are very reluctant to change their habits. If, for example, he likes a purse one addition, then buy a similar one. There are still models "in bill" and two additions. All presented men's wallets are performed very high quality. They are durable, comfortable and stylish. New purse-excellent option. Usually, men do not part with their "beloved" to the last when it is already scary to look at him.

Wrist Watch. Only better.40 years old is just the age of age when a man must have nice watch. This is its status and a certain position. Clock is not just a time meter. For many centuries, Swiss hold world leadership. And there is no equivalent competition yet, because no country in the world can surpass the highest technologies. What is elite watch? This is impeccable accuracy, unsurpassed design, and mainly reliability.

Metal flatter. Smile.) This thing you need to give with the words "go and look for treasure! You will find - share! ". And if seriously, gives a metal detector with a man or her husband, you will send his thoughts in the right direction: under the ground. Search is so fascinating that I try once, you will not turn around. Modern mellodes and metal detectors are very "smart." Their "mind" can be sent to the search for coins, eliminating rusty nails and beer banks. In general, the metal detector is very useful in everyday life. He easily finds fittings in concrete and hidden wiring. To determine which metal detector to choose, some information from professionals. If the price is less than 10 thousand rubles, then such a device is suitable for fun and collecting scrap metal. From 10 000 to 15 000 rub. - Beginning a novice treasure detector. Interesting finds on the beaches, and at the small depth of the occurrence. From 16,000 to 25,000 rubles. For entry-level treasures. Interesting findings are guaranteed: coins, crosses and many more interesting things. Find treasure, buy yourself a professional device. And the idea is good!

Multitules. Real male gift, although not for rest. Such a thing is an indispensable thing for fast correction of small indispensable, which occurs from time to time. Guentes love when everything you need is at hand. Multitole just such a thing. In a convenient case there are many different useful tools that will help you quickly solve the problem. Multuitulov equipment is different. The price depends on this. But usually it is: Knife, Passatia, Plumbes, Drops of different configurations and sizes, scissors, a drink, canning knife, seer, saw.

Giftbook. Leather binding, excellent printing, illustration of the highest quality. Polystay and read such a book-great pleasure. What books are more interested in men: weapons, knives, military, hunting and fishing, encyclopedia, history, politics, business, economy, world-famous aphorisms. Giftbook-great gift on the 40th anniversary. Memory on long years. It will be kept carefully, stand in a prominent place and a donor will never come true.

Gift set "Belt plus cufflinks". Italy, "Lageer". Leather.For a man who does not care what he looks. The belt and cufflinks are made in one style. Such a kit will suit any shirt and whether the costume. Such accessories attach confidence. Your gift will be appreciated, because these things like men like.

Men's caskets for watches and accessories.Unusual for a man option. Such a beautiful and stylish thing simply can not help. Even if he has no decorations, he will always find some things that wishes to reliably close on the castle. And it will be his personal space. And the locks with keys has almost every box. Very interesting purely male options in the form of a case. This is a very worthy gift in the forty-year men. If you give such a beautiful thing, it will be glad, believe me.

Mangaly. Many mangalls that have additional devices. Usually, a simple mangalu need some additional space to make it where to put and put everything you need for the preparation of chashalyka. In this designs, everything can be provided: the lower shelf with the recess, the side shelf with holes for cans and bottles, hooks for skewers, and wheels for moving. A gift for a comfortable stay is a good, merry company.

Gift sets for recreation. For kebab, barbecue, picnic and a lot more. Such things usually do not buy for ourselves. And you want to have such a set! Because it is not only convenient, but also beautiful. Rest not nature should bring only pleasure: from the company, weather, comfort and from beautiful, comfortable accessories. All that gives a man for a good rest, out of competition.

Electro and biocamines.Free delivery. After 40th life just begins. For sure. Children have grown, it's time to rest comfortably. Such things are definitely like Male. Let him sit and admire on fire after a busy working day. Bocamines are also good in their own: there are few places, the flame is alive, you can carry where you want. Elktrocamines cost at least 2 times more expensive, but no need to refill, it is enough to include on the network. Any chosen by you Fireplace will not just decorate the interior, but also an excellent tool for a comfortable stay. For a man, this is important.

Gift sets for men. Look. But what if? From the classic office and tools needed in everyday life, to unexpected surprises for gourmets. Some sets can be made personal. Personal inscriptions in men outside competition. Such a thing automatically turns into "my and more drawing." In general, the choice of gift on the other task is complex, but quite perfect. Especially do not bother. A 40-year-old man who has everything, you can give everything. He himself will figure out what to do with it.

Portrait by photo on canvas

Taking as the basis of any photo, you can make a man unexpectedly a pleasant surprise. In any style: pop art, grunge, historical image, collage and much more.

Everything is simple:

You leave your coordinates for communication.

Load a photo, preferably without a headdress.

Professional designer begins to work with your order.

On your mail comes the layout of the future picture.

All comments and wishes you send to the designer. He corrects them as long as you finally do not approve the layout.

Layout is given to work. Execution term 1 day.

For born in the USSR! Special registered newspaper "True". What you need from you: choose the texture (color of the old newspaper), format, write a congratulatory text (options are attached), download the photo of the birthday book and checkout! Well, and then the work will be taken by professionals! The archive number of the newspaper "True" is based on, which came exactly the very day when the culprit of the celebration was born. You will only have to clarify the details with the manager who will contact you. The deadline for the execution of the order is 1-2 days! Want to surprise him? Then forward!

Exclusive statuettes by photography.From 20 cm and above. Options: one, two, three, four, with a car, on a motorcycle, by the nature of activity, by passion, any sport, anywhere and as you like. All your wishes will be taken into account. Handmade At all stages of manufacture. The best wizards with extensive experience will be done for the perpetrator of the celebration, what it is not for him. This will require several photos of good quality. You, as a customer, will constantly be in touch with the sculptor. Material: Polymer clay on a metal frame. The enlarged head is made specifically that the face is recognizable.

And laugh and joke?

Named set "Plants, building a house and grow a son." 399 rub.This is the case if something has not been done or not completed. Well, another tree will not be superfluous. Moreover, handsome cedar. On the label is available detailed instructions. Soil and seeds in a jar. It remains only to plant and not forget to water. A few weeks later, everyone will delight a small defenseless sprout. That's all! And about thirty years, it will be possible to try first cedar nuts.

Mug "Tree planted, the house built, the son was growing." 295 rub. Translated as "leaving!". He will like it. You can give immediately after planting a cedar. In general, if you combine two inexpensive gift, you can arrange a small improvised performance. When close people and friends are going at the table, the atmosphere is always relaxed and homely good. Therefore, such surprises will be accepted on "Hurray."

Cool T-shirts. 590.

rub. Large selection, all sizes. Surprise, which will raise the mood and jubilee and all those present. There are very funny lettering. A presented T-shirt will be put on a good company and in a relaxed atmosphere. And not so important what position a man is occupied. In general, choose and select the inscription under your jubilee.

Awards for 40 years

Orders registered for real men. Barhat case. Here are just a few names: "The best dad in the world", "for taking an anniversary of 40 years old", "For the Good Heart", "best friend", for merits to the family "," Mystery of the Chamber "," Soul of the Company "and so on . Add your inscription and the Order will become unique. The jubilee will wear it without removing. Even at night. Joke. In general, looking for a lot of orders. The quality of engraving is excellent. It is applied within a few hours after ordering. Without prepayment. And more: You can order a premium certificate to Order. Filled by hand.

Diplomas for anniversary man, dad, husband, son, brother, friend, uncle, head of family, fisherman, driver, engineer and many others. The size of the diploma in the frame: 30 x 23 cm. You can hang, you can put on the stand (included). Good, humorous and ironic texts. Features: Diploma is not printing not paper, but engraving on a metal sheet. The difference is noticeable immediately. Diplomas are a lot. It is worth sitting a little to choose the desired one. Read the text, watch the video. You do not need to think about packaging. Diploma you get in a beautiful cardboard box.

Cups and figurines. With ready-made inscriptions 1190 rubles, with your inscription 1390 rubles.Cups are more expensive. The site contains many interesting options with ready-made inscriptions. Do not be lazy, look and you probably pick up what you need. Select a gift to a man who has everything is very problematic. That's all he has, but "Oscar" or "Niki" with a personal inscription is not! And since Men are proud of nature and love praise (not all, but most), then personal award will be a good consolation of this very pride.

Set of name glasses for whiskey with your digit and name. 2990 rub.The glasses of such a form are used to feed many strong drinks, not just whiskey. For example, Roma, Scotch, Brandy. They are convenient because they can put a lot of ice. Bartenders call a glass of such a "Rox" form. A good option. In general, everything that gives a man for a beautiful and comfortable rest, out of competition. And personal jubilee glasses are no exception to this rule.

Globes-bars from 5500 rubles. Outdoor and desktops. This is not only the original subject of any interior, but also a practical minibar. On the outside of the globe, as a rule, an ancient map of the world is depicted, and on the inner map of the starry sky. The Globe Bar was invented in Italy in 1963 by a professional turret named Italian Zofolly. I submitted to the "Gold Lathe" Wooden Globe-Bar for the competition "Golden lathe", he became an undisputed winner. Interestingly, an ancient map was applied to the surface not manually, but a mechanical way. Now the bars in the form of a globe are very popular. Undoubtedly, this is a great option for a real man.

Souvenir weapons. Accurate full-size copies of famous pistols, automata, swords, swords and daggers. This topic is especially close to people of the military, because by the nature of their activities they studied and know many types of weapons. Each of the presented models, its own interesting story. For example, "Mauser". It was patented in Germany in 1895. Production continued until 1939, and during this time more than 1 million pistols were released. Wooden holster is used as a butt. Advantages: accuracy, range and opportunity to shoot queues. Disadvantages: a large mass, dimensions and prohibitive price. For a person knowledgeable, it will be a great option.

Gift cup holders. Gold plated and black. From 1890 rubles.Glass and tea spoon included. From the history: the cup holder appeared in the Russian tea party ceremony in the middle of the 19th century. It was an exceptionally male subject, because women drank tea from porcelain. Soon, in addition to its main function of holding a hot glass, it turned into an artistic value. Family coat of arms and monograms began on the cup holders. They cost not cheap, kept carefully and appreciated as family relics. Gift cup holder-excellent option for the anniversary.

Personal Bottle Cams. Gotable good alcohol will please, and the personal case will pleasantly surprise. And it will be stored this box as a relic. It's no secret that all men by nature owners. And right. "My" is inviolable for them. Personal inscription, and even so beautiful, turns "mine" from a simple protected property. This is all, of course, lyrics. Do you think your idea will like it? That's it. 100%. And on the wine set you can place the nameplate.

Wine sets and bars books from 900 rubles. Men choose a gift much easier than women. First, they are less arrogant. Secondly, the options on the topic of rest and alcohol are a huge set. By 40 years, men are already well versed in such things, because all alcoholic beverages Troubled. They know all the rules of wine etiquette perfectly and try to observe them. Wine sets for this purpose and are intended. A good option on the 40th anniversary will be a book bar. Leather. Convenient, beautiful and solid.

Set of gift skewers. Nominal. Leather case with engraving. With wooden or brass handles. Brass handles are manufactured in the form of volumetric images of animals. On the top of the wooden handles will be depicted heads of animals and birds. A luxury set of skewers will be a worthy gift in the anniversary. This is a thing that is pleasant to take in hand. Men such gifts are very valued. And the kebab will always get the most delicious. That's for sure.

Named set for whiskey "Jubilee". Any number. Wooden box, stones for whiskey and two glasses. Engraving is performed on all three items. Whiskey, unfortunately, is not included. The older the men become, the more sentimental. By 40 years, there was already a circle of friends. They are most likely not much, but they are the best. A full-fledged rest is only in a good company. And a good company without "but a little bit?" Does not do. What is me for? And to the fact that the set is useful not once and not two.

The best knives.Whatever they say, but men (almost everything) do not believe in signs. Weapons are respectful. Such gifts appreciate especially. Never forget the donor and belong to such a gift. Store carefully, shown with pride. Therefore, do not even doubt. A good knife is a great gift. Bread to cut it and I will not be, and friends will show for sure. 40 years old is such a date when it is time to present gifts commemorative, prestigious, rare and stylish. If you are confused by what they say about the knives as a gift, - do not give! Sell \u200b\u200bfor 30 rubles. It is possible for 50. And this, naturally, will not be a gift!

Gift sets for kebabs. Big choice. Sets are not just comfortable, they are also beautiful. Maximum practicality and convenience. Each little thing is thought out. Number of persons from 1 to 6. Here are a lot of options, including heatmamos with a set of picnic dishes. Such things are nice to hand, and even more pleasant to receive, because for myself something similar is bought very rarely. In general, I will definitely look at least out of curiosity.

Is it possible to celebrate 40 years old man?

Everyone says that it is impossible, but no one really knows why. Everything is tied to the figure 40. (20 days the World Flood lasted, 40 years old Moses drove the Jews in the desert, on the 40th day the soul finally leaves this world, 40 days can not show a baby to anyone.)

Believe it or not to believe in signs is your business. A convinced adult is difficult. Everyone believes in what he wants to believe. Personally for me, the author of this site, there is only one bad sign. It is when black cat The empty bucket broke the mirror. Here it is certainly necessary to think. If all the same, you are tormented by doubts about noting or noting, then you can lift a little. For example, noted no day a day, but a little later. And it will be no longer 40 years old, and 40 years and one day. Look at the calendar. At this day, some other holiday is celebrated, such as Bastille Day. Here and mark it. Is it possible to celebrate 40 years old man? Can. What is not forbidden, then allowed.

And of course order a cake! Beautiful with a number 40. Stick candles into it. Let the jubile blow like. But there is an idea better: stick the candles are not in the cake, but in a chicken! And make a trade for applause. Guess from three times: what kind of man do you like more, cake or chicken with a crisp crust?

Each round date seems to us symbolic, worthy of special attention and carefully selected gifts. This is especially true for a loved one. What to give a husband for 40 years - here is the question of which the wife of the future birthday name is sure to break the head. In addition, many superstitions are associated with a fortieth birthday. Some and at all preferred him at all, but the presentation of pleasant surprises does not cancel it. So, on the agenda - a decent gift for a mature and independent man.

Rational gifts for men

Men think practical. At least overwhelming majority. Think over the option of a rational gift that will be useful in the life of the spouse. Options? How many please!

  1. Multitur A set of a variety of compact tools, including knives, screwdrivers, and even a knife can hardly leave a man indifferent. There are many options for such tools, but choose better products from well-known manufacturers. Such things are not very cheap, but will serve for many years, fully justifying all the expectations.
  2. Useful gadget. This does not necessarily have to be another tablet or smartphone. External disk with a large amount of memory, which will fit all his collection of films, or good musical columns, which will perfectly reproduce the new album of his favorite group fit perfectly.
  3. Library. Who said the book stopped being the best gift? A set of paper books by profession, a selection of better literature about his hobby, an e-assembly of the writings of a beloved author, a set of audiobooks that will brighten through hours of traffic jams or queues, subscription to the favorite publication or subscription in e-library - The gift is pretty non-bank, but very rational. After all, acquired skills and knowledge remain with a person forever, unlike fragile things.

Do not give even a very practical husband for 40 years Furniture or other things common use. A gift should be individual!

Emotional gifts husband

Positive emotions are always great. But do not expect that the men suddenly ceased to be purely rational creatures. They even remain surprisingly practical in their feelings. Surprisingly, how they manage it.

  1. Adventure as a gift. Jump with a parachute, a session of simultaneous riding or extreme driving - offers now enough. If you do not know at all, what to give preference, take something with shooting. As the history of mankind shows, the hunter still hides in every man, so no one will refuse to shoot. Even those who are occupied by peaceful and creative labor, not an exception to the rules. Just they are well mastered!
  2. A selection of favorite films in good quality. This will give him a lot of positive emotions, and with him you will be happy.
  3. Travel in a joint trip. Romantically, practical and emotionally - one of the best birthday gifts. In addition, in such a trip at the birthday girl will have the opportunity to think about their accumulated life experience and consider a strategy for the future. Men love to plan all kinds of global events!

Gifts passionate

On the one hand, the hobby of the husband gives a clear understanding, which gift can be presented to him. On the other hand, at least minimal knowledge of the specifics is required to choose a truly good thing. Let's think about it together.

  • The car coffee maker will please even the most meticulous owner of the car. In the end, the aromatic drink can be welded in traffic, and on the way on a business trip, and fishing, and in the garage.
  • New tent or sleeping bag is for tourists. Every year there are more and more fans of such rest. You can choose this item using a consultant in the store, even if you yourself do not understand too well in the intricacies of hiking travels.
  • New lens. He will be played to any photographer. The parameters of the cherished thing can be intensely withdraw from the spouse, starting a relaxed conversation about the subtleties of photographic business.
  • Football attribute. it best gift For an avid fan. If a happy addressee has everything, from Sharfi to the flag of your favorite team, then you can just give tickets for the match. Believe me, he will appreciate it.

If you are not too versed in the intricacies of the Hobby Husband, ask the Council on the professional forum. His inhabitants willingly give advice from such a kind. With their help, you quickly select the desired thing.

Gifts business husband

If your spouse is involved in serious office games, then his appearance Must meet the status. This is all the more relevant if it has identified ambitious goals.

  1. Cufflinks. They are again in fashion and in trend. You can choose jewelry or copyrighted, but necessarily high-quality and expensive.
  2. Shirt manual sewing. This thing will cost it somehow, but it will be perfect, and such things are always marked by bosses or partners.
  3. Accessory set. The business card holder and the purse must be included in the kit, but it is impossible to allow things to have the same design. Skin of the same quality, color harmony, similar to the style of locks and accessories from the same metal - here are the definition of such a kit.
  4. Folder for papers of embossed skin. No need to dedicated electronic document flow. Leather Paper Case - Faithful Sign successful manwhich works with such important documents that they even entrust their computer. By the way, it is true.

Top 10 gifts husband for 40 years

  1. Jewelry Cutters of Copyright Design
  2. Home Cinema
  3. Video recorder in the car
  4. Leather briefcase
  5. Notebook
  6. Joint journey
  7. Camera
  8. Set of car instrument
  9. Wrist Watch
  10. Homework

Gifts to mental people

It is good that our men are not alive in any business. Many husbands and in 40 years old retain a sensitive, fonding soul, open all the wonders of the world. What to give to such a person?

  • Gift with your own hands. Tie him a scarf or leaving, bake a huge cake or take it to the initials beaded on a decorative panel.
  • Portrait by photography. The idea is not Nova, but the embodiment can be anyhow - from the lamp with his photo to a huge family canvase, where it will appear in the image of a historic character or hero of modernity. Yes, even though James Bonda or Wolverine can be done from it - your right! In any case, memory is guaranteed for many years.
  • Day surprises. Prepare a lot of small gifts and hide them in the most unexpected places. Let him stumble upon them during breakfast, rides to work or day break. You both get a lot of impressions and an unforgettable holiday will definitely work out.
  • Make a clip, a movie or just a slideshow about it. With modern programs and image editors, it is quite simple. The main thing - write good text. Sentimental, romantic or comic, decide on your own. Are not sure about your abilities? Enjoy the services of specialists, it will not be very expensive, but the birthday will impress.

Be sure to come up with the scenario of the presentation and packaging of the present. But the most important gift you can give this day - good mood, care and love. More expensive of these gifts have not yet come up with anything.

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