Electronic Riboxin Library. Instructions for the use of riboxin tablets and appointment testimony

Pharmacodynamics. Riboxin - an anabolic preparation, has an antihypoxic and antiarrhythmic effect. It is the predecessor of ATP, it takes direct participation in the exchange of glucose and contributes to the activation of metabolism in hypoxia and in the absence of ATP. The drug activates the metabolism of peyrogradic acid to ensure the normal process of tissue respiration and contributes to the activation of xanentine dehydrogenase. Riboxin has a positive effect on the metabolism in myocardium, in particular increases the energy balance of cells, stimulates the synthesis of nucleotides, increases the activity of a row of krec cycle enzymes. The drug normalizes the contractual activity of myocardium and helps to more complete myocardial relaxation in diastole due to the ability to bind calcium ions penetrating into the cells during their excitation, activates the regeneration of tissues (especially myocardium and the mucous membrane of the digestive tract).
Pharmacokinetics. When in / in administration, riboxin is quickly distributed in tissues, is metabolized in the liver, where it is fully utilized in the biochemical reactions of the body. Escursted mainly with urine.

Complex treatment of IBS (condition after myocardial infarction, angina), violation of the rhythm of the heart caused by the use of cardiac glycosides, treatment of cardiomyopathies of various genesis, myocarditis (on the background of physical overload), liver disease (hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, fatty dystrophy liver), urchopipaff; Prevention of leukopenia during irradiation. As a means that improves visual functions, riboxin is used with an open-angle glaucoma with normalized (using antihypertensive preparations) intraocular pressure.

Application of the drug Riboxin

Pills: Inside to meals in a daily dose of 0.6-2.4 g. For the first time take on 0.6-0.8 g / day (0.2 g 3-4 times a day), and with good tolerability increase the dose during 2-3 days to 1.2 g / day in 3 receptions and up to 2.4 g / day. The course of treatment lasts from 4 weeks to 1.5-3 months. In case of ultimately, riboxin is taken in a daily dose of 0.8 g (0.2 g 4 times a day) daily for 1-3 months.
Injection. Adults and older children are prescribed to / in drip or stake. Initially, 200 mg (10 ml of 2% R-ra) is introduced 1 time per day, in the future, with good tolerability - up to 400 mg (20 ml of 2% RR) 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is determined individually (an average of 10-15 days).
With drip administration in Vienna, 2% of the drug is divorced in 5% p-re glucose or isotonic sodium chloride (up to 250 ml). The drug is injected drip slowly, 40-60 drops of 1 min.
In case of acute violations of the rhythm of the heart, an inkjet introduction in a single dose of 200-400 mg (10-20 ml of 2% RR) is possible.

Contraindications for the use of drug Riboxin

Increased sensitivity to the drug. Gout, hyperuricemia. Restriction for reception drug - renal failure.

Side Effects of the Preparation of Riboxin

Patients with increased sensitivity to the drug may occur itching, hyperemia of the skin. In isolated cases, during treatment, there may be an increase in the level of urea in the blood, with prolonged treatment - the exacerbation of the gout.
In case adverse Reactions The drug needs to be canceled.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Riboxin

In renal failure, the prescription of the drug is advisable only when, according to the doctor, the expected positive effect exceeds the likely risk when applied.
During treatment, the level of uric acid in the blood should be regularly monitored.

The interaction of the drug Riboxin

With the simultaneous use of riboxin with the β-adrenoreceptor blockers, the riboxin effect is not reduced. When sharing with heart glycosides, the drug can prevent the occurrence of arrhythmia and strengthen inotropic action.
Riboxin should not be mixed in one syringe with other drugs to avoid chemical incompatibility of drugs.

Overdose of the drug Riboxin, symptoms and treatment

Possible individual intolerance to the preparation in the form of itching, hyperemia of the skin (the drug is canceled and carried out desensitizing therapy).

Conditions for the storage of drug Riboxin

In a dry, dark place at a temperature of 15-25 ° C.

Riboxin Contraindication

Riboxin is a drug, which positively affects the exchange of substance effects and losing weight without diets in tissue cells. This is not the most effective drug, but its dignity is a very small number of side effects and contraindications for use. Nevertheless, it is necessary to apply it to the appointment of a doctor.

How effective is Riboxin

Today, the effectiveness of this drug is subject to revision. Nevertheless, it continues to be used, mainly in diseases of the heart, liver and at peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenal gut.

Riboxin affects metabolism in cells of various tissues by increasing their energy potential. The tide of additional energy contributes to the activation of all types of metabolism of substances of substances: the basis of the vital activity of all living and increases the degree of endurance of cells at various negative effects, primarily under conditions of lack of oxygen (hypoxia).

In fact, this drug is not very effective, but in the composition comprehensive treatment It can have a positive effect in diseases such as coronary heart disease, inflammatory and metabolic diseases of the heart muscle (myocardits and myocardiodyatrophy), various liver diseases, ulcerative disease The stomach and duodenal intestine, glaucomaguku - in perspective is possible blindness and so on.

Side effects

The side effect of riboxin is rare quite. However, when long use This preparation in high doses, especially when intravenous administration, may appear gouts. Gout is the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints. Power attacks are accompanied by very strong pools. Riboxin is a purine derivative, which is involved in the exchange of uric acid, so the flow of it for a long time in large quantities can lead to gout attacks.

In addition, allergic reactions are possible from side effects. When receiving riboxin tablets inside, allergic reactions are most often manifested in the form of various kinds of itching rashes and urticaria. It is more dangerous in this respect intravenous administration of riboxin, which can cause more severe allergic reactions, up to an anaphylactic shock. For any, even minor, manifestations of allergy, riboxin should be canceled.

Sometimes against the background of rapid intravenous administration of riboxin, tachycardia seizures are developing, so it is introduced or very slowly inkiness, or drip.

When the use of riboxin is contraindicated

Riboxin does not actively affect the body, has some side effects, therefore, there is not much contraindications for the use of this drug.

Riboxin is contraindicated, first of all, with individual intolerance to the organism of the patient of its components. Another significant contraindication for the purpose of riboxin is increased content In the blood of uric acid (hyperuricemia) and gout. If a riboxin is applied on a patient on such a background, it may cause gout aggravation.

In riboxin tablets, a sucrose contains sucrose, so they should not be used to people with some kinds of enzymatic failure, as a result of which absorbing simple sugars in thin intestines. In addition, with caution, riboxin tablets are used with diabetes mellitus.

With caution, riboxin also uses with severe kidney diseases with a violation of their function. Such diseases are often accompanied by an increased content of urinary acid.

Is it possible to use riboxin during pregnancy and breastfeeding

A few years ago, Riboxin was very often used during pregnancy. The reason for his destination could be hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of the fetus, cardiovascular diseases and liver disease in the mother and so on.

Today, doctors gradually come to the conclusion that such widespread use of riboxin is inexpedient during pregnancy, as it actually does not have the necessary healing effect.

Some pharmaceutical companies that produce riboxin are not recommended to use this drug during pregnancy even in tablets, not to mention its intravenous administration. This is due to the lack of necessary clinical trials of riboxin on pregnant women. Therefore, despite the rather extensive clinical experience of using riboxin during pregnancy, manufacturers are recommended to assign it in such a state with extreme caution.

It is also not recommended for the use of riboxin during breastfeeding breastfeeding - a personal selection of breasts. It is not known whether riboxin is distinguished in what volume with female milk and how the infant body reacts on it.

- a drug that has a positive impact on metabolism and energy supply of body tissues. Reception of this agent leads to a decrease

tissues, in connection with which women are often prescribed riboxin during pregnancy.

The drug has an antiarrhythmic effect (normalizes heart rhythm), normalizes the coronary blood circulation, and also contributes to the increase in the energy balance of myocardium. Riboxin is involved in the exchange of glucose and stimulates exchange processes In the absence of ATP and in the presence of hypoxia.

The use of riboxin leads to a decrease in platelet aggregation (an indicator that determines blood coagulation) and promotes the active regeneration of tissues, which is especially expressed for the tissues of the dump truck and myocardium.

In its pure form, the substance is a white or a little yellowish powder without smell and with a bitter taste. Riboxin is not dissolved by water and poorly dissolve in alcohol.

Indications for use

The doctor may prescribe a patient to receive riboxin in various dosages for the following reasons:

ischemic Disease hearts

the medicine is prescribed as part of comprehensive therapy. Moreover, the use of this drug is shown at any stages of the disease, as well as in the recovery period after the patient suffered

Durable drug intake is shown to treat

To normalize heart rate (treatment

). Moreover, the greatest effect can be achieved in the treatment of arrhythmia caused by overdose of certain drugs.

For the treatment of patients with a diagnosis of persportation (problems with metabolic processes in the body).

As part of the integrated therapy of a number of liver diseases. Riboxin can be assigned to patients with

And those who have toxic damage to liver cells caused by the reception of any medicines or the effect on the body harmful factorsassociated with professional activities.

As part of the complex therapy of organs of organs

Riboxin is often prescribed oncoboles who pass

malignant neoplasms of internal organs. The use of this drug helps to reduce the severity of adverse reactions of this radiation therapy and to relieve its flow.

In cases of excessive physical Loadswhich can negatively affect the human body as a whole.

In each case, the dosage of riboxin and the duration of the drug intake rate is determined individually.

Contraindications for use and adverse reactions

In any case, even with the knowledge of the patient of its accurate diagnosis, the riboxin instruction is not a resolution of the self-treatment by this drug. Any destination should give a qualified doctor individually.

The main contraindication to the use of riboxin is the presence of an increased sensitivity of the organism to this medicine or components included in its composition.

Riboxin is contraindicated with sick gout, as well as those who have a violation of the metabolic processes of uric acid and purine bases.

Patients undergoing chemotherapy using preparations of various clinical groups, riboxin are prescribed with caution and under the strict observation of the doctor. The doctor must regularly check the amount of uric acid in the patient's blood. Such an application of riboxin may cause strengthening and layering of adverse reactions from the reception of chemotherapeutic drugs, as well as provoke an attack of gout.

The most frequent side reaction of the organism to receive riboxin is allergic. Allergy manifests itself in the form of redness skin Pokrov, itching and quickly passes after stopping the use of the drug.

Prolonged use of riboxin can cause patients with kidney disease and impairment of uric acid exchange, gout development. If such a side effect appears, discontinue medication and pass the specific therapy aimed at combating inflammatory processes In the joints.

Modern studies show that the benefits of prolonged treatment with this drug is doubtful, and there are better abandoned from long courses. However, reviews about riboxin and opinions of doctors with experience so far unanimous: there is effectiveness from long courses.

Like any other medicineRiboxin should be applied according to the instructions, the appointment of the doctor and not exceed the permissible norms. In case of overdose, it is possible to appear the skin, redness of the skin and rash, gravity in the chest, reinforced heartbeat and other discomfort. In the absolute majority of cases, such symptoms are not hazardous and with a decrease in the concentration in the blood of the acting substance pass quite quickly.

Method of application and dosage

Riboxin tablets are taken inward before meals.

In the first days of treatment, the drug is used by 1 tablet 3-4 times a day (0.6-0.8g). If there are no negative reactions of the body, then the daily dose is raised, up to 2.4 grams per day (on the 2nd or 3rd day from the beginning of the reception).

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor and can be from 4 weeks to 3 months.

Patients with a diagnosis of urchopipaffi take riboxin in an amount of 0.8g per day for 4-12 weeks.

In case of ultimately, the daily dose is 0.8 g (200 mg 4 times a day). The drug is accepted daily within 1-3 months.

In addition to the tabletur form, it is also possible to buy riboxin in pharmacies in the form of a solution of 2% for injection.

The introduction of the riboxin solution is carried out intravenously. You can enter as drip (40-60 drops in 1 min) and stroke. In the case of an inkjet method, the solution should be missed slowly.

On the first day of the drug, the solution should be introduced a solution of only 1 time in an amount of 10 ml (which corresponds to 200 mg of substance). If after first administration during the day did not reveal negative adverse reactions and the patient's body tolerates the medicine well, then the dose can be increased to 20 ml of solution 1-2 times a day.

To perform drip administration, the necessary dose of the drug should be dissolved in a solution of glucose or sodium chloride of 5% (in a volume of up to 250 ml).

Course duration - 10 - 15 days.

Riboxin during pregnancy

assign many women. Many patients scares the fact that in the instructions for the drug, it is often possible to meet information that the medicine is pregnant with contraindicated. However, it is not necessary to scare this, as the contraindication is based on the fact that clinical researches In this area, so far have not been conducted. And it despite the fact that today there is quite a lot of experience successful application Riboxin during the begging. The medicine does not have a pathological impact on the fruit, nor on his mother, so there is no reason to fear. Only individual intolerance to the drug or its components can be the only contraindication here.

Riboxin is an antihypoxant, an antioxidant, and a good means of improving metabolic processes in the tissues, which is especially important during the period of tooling the child.

The drug is prescribed with the aim of preventing heart disease and support for cardiac activity during a period of high load. Often, riboxin is introduced directly during childbirth, since the load on the heart at such a moment is especially great.

Medicine doctors are often prescribed if pregnant gastritis and liver disease have in order to treat existing problems. The drug helps to normalize the secretion of the stomach and reduce unpleasant symptoms.

Riboxin during pregnancy doctor may appoint in case of detection of fetal hypoxia. Normalizing metabolic processes in tissues, the medicine reduces the degree of oxygen starvation of the fetus.

With good tolerability, the drug future mothers are taken inside 1 tablet 3-4 times a day for 1 month. Despite the harmlessness of the medication, as in any other case, Riboxin should be appointed by a doctor strictly individually.

Riboxin in Bodybuilding

Riboxin today is applied not only to treat various diseases, but also as a dietary supplement for athletes. This drug is often used by bodybuilders seeking to increase muscular weight. And the riboxin is used by supporters of the laser and ashidoping

Since it does not have a negative impact on the body.

Riboxin is the predecessor of ATP, i.e. Source of energy for organism cells. The drug acts as an activator of reducing and oxidative processes, due to which the metabolism and energy supply of tissues are improved, and their oxygen saturation improves.

Riboxin has a comprehensive effect on the body and as a result of its use:

the metabolic metabolism and energy processes are improved; the risk of tissue and organ hypoxia is largely reduced; the regeneration of tissues at the cellular level increases; blood flow and tissue breathing improves; the work of the heart muscle is improved and supported, the risk of myocardial ischemia is reduced. Riboxin is directly involved in the synthesis of proteins, which is especially important for the growth and development of muscle body weight.

Thanks to the competent reception of the drug, the bodybuilder becomes more enduring and strong. Such an athlete is easier than heavy physical exertion.

To start receiving riboxin athlete stands with small doses to check the reaction of its body to this medicine. In the first days, no more than 3-4 tablets should be taken (before meals) (1 tablet for 1 reception). If within three days of negative side effects It is not felt, the number of tablets can be gradually increased up to 14 tablets per day. At the same time, the maximum duration of the course should be not more than three months, after which 1-2 months of the break should be made so that the body rested from the medication.

Interaction with other drugs

With the simultaneous use of riboxin with heart glycosides, the medicine may prevent the occurrence of head failures (arrhythmia) and promote the enhancement of inotropic effects.

When used simultaneously with the heparin, it is observed an increase in the efficiency of the latter, and also increases the duration of its impact.

If riboxin must be used as an injection, it should be remembered that it is incompatible in one volume with alkaloids and when mixing leads to the formation of insoluble compounds.

Injections and pills Riboxin can without concern to take together with such medicines as: furosemid, nitroglycerin, spironolactone, nifedipine.

Incompatible riboxin with vitamin B6. With simultaneous use, both connections are deactivated.

The riboxin solution for injections is not recommended to be mixed with other drugs (except for these solvents) in a single infusion system or a syringe, since mixing can lead to an unwanted chemical interaction of components with each other.

Reviews of riboxin, both from doctors using medicine in their practice, and from the patients themselves, are generally positive. Separate cases of allergic reactions are noted, which are manifested in the form of itching and redness of the skin, but they quickly pass after the drug cancellation. One of the main advantages that riboxin has price. This tool not only has an affordable cost, but also well distributed in pharmacies, so buy riboxin is not difficult if necessary.

ATTENTION! The information posted on our website is a reference or popular and provided with a wide range of readers for discussion. The purpose of medicines should be carried out only by a qualified specialist, on the basis of the history of the disease and the results of diagnosis.

Antiarrhythmic drug Riboxin - principles of operation and instructions for use

  • 1 Riboxin: What are you prescribed for?
  • 2 Rules of application
  • 3 Riboxin: Contraindications and side effects
  • 4 Application during pregnancy
  • 5 Treatment of heart diseases
  • 6 Application for diseases of the liver and stomach
  • 7 Compatibility with other drugs
  • 8 video on the topic

Prescribed a drug to patients who diagnose such ailments like:

  • coronary artery disease;
  • coronary atherosclerosis;
  • myocardiodistrophy;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • diseases of visual organs;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • liver intoxication.

Terms of application

Orally adults and older than 12th age, the drug is prescribed 1 tablet or a capsule 3-4 times a day, which is 0.6-0.8. If the medicine is moved well, then its dosage is gradually increased.

Riboxin in tablets

If it is necessary to drip in / in the introduction, then the drug is not hurry to avoid tachycardia attacks (approximately 50 drops per minute).

Pretty rarely there are allergic manifestations expressed in the form of urticaria and itchy rash.

In some cases, the use of riboxin is simply unacceptable. So, the contraindications for receiving medicine are:

  • late time of pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • gout;

So, often at future moms appear heart problems. Therefore, for the well-coordinated work of the heart muscle to women in the position assign riboxin, and if required, the medicine is injected and during childbirth.

Treatment of heart diseases

The drug leads to the corresponding state of the cell of the stomach walls.

With the joint use of riboxin with digoxin, Corgalon and other heart glycosides, this drug prevents possible malfunctions.

Video on the topic

Riboxin - for which they are prescribed, contraindications and side effects

Drug Riboxin - Effective Energy Exchange Stimulator in Cells human organism.

This drug is indispensable with many pathologies, including diseases of the heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract.

It strengthens myocardium, restores metabolism, establishes the blood supply to coronary vessels and generally has a beneficial effect on health.

Today we will analyze in detail what riboxin treats, instructions for use and with what pressure this drug is effective.

Riboxin: What are you prescribed for?

First of all, we'll figure it out about whether riboxin is vitamin or medicine. The base of the drug is an active inzine active substance (precursor of adenosineryphosphate acid) is a nucleisid, an element included in the human cells. This compound is the main source of energy of all tissues of the human body. After all, without its action, oxygen deficiency occurs and the heart stops.

When inosine (0.2 g in one tablet) in the form of medication enters the body, it fills its cells necessary for full-fledged vitamins and minerals. And yet, from which Riboxin is prescribed?

Prescribed a drug to patients who diagnose such ailments like:

  • coronary artery disease;
  • coronary atherosclerosis;
  • myocardiodistrophy;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hepatitis (acute, chronic);
  • diseases of visual organs;
  • prizhorphia (metabolic disorders);
  • stomach ulcer;
  • liver intoxication.

Riboxin increases or reduces pressure? The drug reduces blood pressure and, often, riboxime with hypertension is simply indispensable. But is it worth taking it at low pressure? Such a state as hypotension requires additional consultation of the attending physician.

The drug significantly reduces the reaction of the body during the period of radiation therapy used to get rid of oncological diseases. Another drug is used athletes with serious physical exertion capable of undermine the body.

Thanks to Riboxin, immunity is strengthened, the work of the liver and kidneys is normalized, and the heart has time to relax and relax during abbreviations. The drug effectively strengthens the vascular wall, so during training the athlete decreases the risk of getting tension.

Terms of application

Can riboxin can enter intramuscularly? Can. Moreover, as a rule, the drug is introduced intramuscularly, as this is the most rational way of administration.

In addition to introducing intravenously, it is used in the form of tablets or capsules.

Orally adults and older than 12th age, the drug is prescribed 1 tablet or a capsule 3-4 times a day, which is 0.6-0.8. If the medicine is moved well, then its dosage is gradually increased.

At first, they take 2 tablets 3 times a day, then go to 4 tablets 3 times a day. The exception is the disturbed metabolism of a congenital character (the lesson-repinment). Thus, if there is such an agell, the optimal dose is 1 tablet 4 times throughout the day. This medicinal product requires a long reception: 1-3 months.

With drip or inkjet / in the introduction at the initial stage of treatment, the patient should introduce 200 mg of riboxin 1 time per day. Then, provided good tolerability of the medication, the dosage is raised to 400 mg 1-2 times during the day. The course of treatment is mainly 10 days.

If it is necessary to drip in / in the introduction, then the drug is not hurry to avoid tachycardia attacks (approximately 50 drops per minute).

The liquid form of riboxin is released in ampoules (20 m) such pharmaceutical companies such as, Biosynthesis, OJSC Novosibhimfarm, Arterium and others.

In the form of capsules and tablets (200 ml), Riboxin is also made by different firms, including Darnitsa, Vero, Fereyn. Tablets take half an hour before meals, drinking by ordinary water.

Recommendations for athletes: those people who are engaged in bodybuilding, tablets must be taken two hours before the start of the workout. After the course constituting 2-3 months, it is important to take a break of at least a month. By the way, athletes - bodybuilders who are opponents of doping, give their preference to riboxin also because this means contributes to the accumulation of muscle mass.

Riboxin: Contraindications and side effects

The essential advantage of the drug is the minimum number of side effects.

Pretty rarely there are allergic manifestations expressed in the form of urticaria and itchy rash.

At the same time, in a more severe form, the allergies appear if the drug is administered intravenously. But even with minimal signs of allergies, the drug must be canceled.

Also long riboxin reception courses can provoke a gout attack. This ailment, accompanied by strong pain, is characterized by accumulating in the joints of the salts of uric acid. The same of the drug elements, Pourin, is just involved in the exchange of uric acid. Therefore, its significant accumulation in the body, as a rule, leads to the gout.

In some cases, the use of riboxin is simply unacceptable. So, the contraindications for receiving medicines are:

  • some kidney diseases;
  • leukemia at the last stages;
  • late time of pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • gout;
  • exceeded content in the blood of uric acid;
  • increased locality to the components of the drug.

Patients undergoing a course of chimotherapy cannot be allowed to develop hyperuricemia, the complication of which is gout. Therefore, such patients take riboxin under the closer medical control. Provice the attack of gouts can various drugs introduced by oncological patients. After all, all drugs have side effects.

Application during pregnancy

Many years of medical experience shows that the reception of the medicinal product during pregnancy helps to avoid many unpleasant situations.

So, often at future moms appear heart problems. Therefore, for the well-coordinated work of the heart muscle to women in the position assign riboxin, and if required, the medicine is injected and during childbirth.

Also riboxin is an excellent means to combat gastritis and in problems with the liver. And what is important, the drug is recommended to be taken to normal formation of the fetus. Indeed, in the case of hypoxia, the child suffers from lack of oxygen, and it is precisely such a drug to cope with the established problem.

Futive mothers should not take Riboxin without appointing a doctor, because the dosage of the medication is personally selected, and it depends in many respects from the physiological features and state of the woman.

Treatment of heart diseases

Almost the cause of all heart disorders is the violation of the function of myocardium.

There are metabolic changes in myocardium in case of failures in the blood supply to the heart and blood flow. Such violations, as a rule, lead to arrhythmias, angina, heart attack, hypertension, myocardiodestrophs and other diseases.

And if the heart for impeccable work is lacking energy, then the flow of the drug of the constituent drug riboxin in the muscle makes this deficiency. Prescribed medication for many heart diseases, but it has a great importance at angina (variety of IBS).

Angina - this is the result of the narrowing of the coronary arteries. Because of this, the heart does not receive a sufficient portion of blood and suffers from lack of oxygen. Therefore, riboxin with angina is prescribed quite often both in for treatment and for the prevention of this ailment.

Application for diseases of the liver and stomach

The drug leads to the corresponding state of the cell of the stomach walls.

Therefore, this drug accelerates recovery and warns the aggravation under the ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Also, the drug restores liver cells (hepatocytes). It means that this drug is indispensable for acute and chronic liver diseases (hepatitis, alcohol defeat ...). In general, the non-toxic drug is able to improve the condition of the patient with these and many other diseases.

Compatibility with other drugs

With the joint use of riboxin with digoxin, Corgalon and other heart glycosides, this drug prevents possible malfunctions.

Also without concerning you can take riboxin with such medicines as nitroglycerin, nifedipine, furosemide. It is not allowed to use the drug with vitamin B6.

It is worth noting that many patients are interested in whether the drugs can be accepted by Riboxin and Concorders. Compatibility they have a good and often together are assigned to people having diseases of cardio-vascular system.

Concor - is the main drug, and riboxin auxiliary, filling the heart of energy. After all, with simultaneous reception of riboxin with beta-adrenobloclars, the effect of this drug does not change.

Video on the topic

Drug Video Review Riboxin:

Based on the testimony to use and taking into account good tolerance, the drug Riboxin remains one of the necessary in medical practice. Moreover, this tool has an affordable cost and distributed in pharmacy chains. But in order to really improve health and do not harm themselves, before using the drug it is worth gaining a doctor's advice.

Riboxin, indications for use and possible contraindications

Many patients suffering from diseases of the internal organs used riboxin. The purpose and use of this drug is substantiated by the universal mechanism of its action. Indications for the use of riboxin are due to its ability to "work" in any kinds of human body cells, having a beneficial effect on the processes currently operating in them.

The principle of action of riboxin

The structure of a molecule of a given drug is similar to adenosineryphosphoric acid, which is responsible for tissue respiration and the correct flow of glucose metabolism to ensure the energy of the body at the cellular level. This is the role of riboxin, which improves the metabolism in tissues, even if the patient has pronounced hypoxia caused by a disadvantage of oxygen. At the same time, the activation of peyrogradic acid, splitting in glucose cells on carbon dioxide and water, even in the absence of oxygen incoming outside. As a result: the body has enough oxygen even in stressful situations (Excessive physical exertion, vascular disease, toxins poisoning).

Main indications for the use of riboxin

Riboxin is usually prescribed under heart ischemia along with other drugs for the treatment of atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, a stable root and voltage angina, it is prescribed for better recovery to the myocardial infarction. With his participation, arrhythmia caused by IHD or overdose of heart glycosides.

Indications for the appointment of long-term courses of medication are cardiopathy and myocardiums. Used in liver diseases (fatty dystrophy, hepatitis, cirrhosis, toxic damage to liver cells due to the impact of professional harm or drugs) during complex treatment. Indispensable in rehabilitation period To mitigate the effects of radiation therapy in the treatment malignant tumors Or in cases if the patient suffers from a disruption of the metabolism of a congenital property (vivorphia).

With this drug in the complex with others, an open-angle glaucoma is treated (in the presence of intraocular fluid outflow). It is prescribed to quickly restore the functions of the body that has been excessive physical exertion. If there is an indication for the use of riboxin, exchange rate treatment implies the simultaneous administration of the drug in the form of a solution intravenously and taking it inside.

How to apply Riboxin

The dosage of the drug is appointed correlate with individual characteristics patient (age, type of disease, general condition, etc.). The course of treatment lasts from two to three months and combines intravenous injections (depending on the various factors they are prescribed from 10 to 20) with the riboxin intake in the form of tablets (from 1 to 3 per one-time reception, after meals, picking up). For children, the daily dose of riboxin is calculated strictly individually, the drug is taken in several techniques, while it is necessary to constant medical observation.

Contraindications for the use of riboxin, probability of side effects

Whatever the indications for the use of riboxin, the drug is appointed only by doctors. The use of medication is unacceptable if there is a suspicion of the increased sensitivity of the patient's body to its components and in cases if the patient is distinguished by the exchange of purine bases and uric acid or it suffers from gout.

Among the side effects with increased sensitivity to riboxin - allergic manifestations in the form of itching, redness of the skin, however, quickly passing as soon as the patient ceases to take the drug.

In violations of the metabolic processes of uric acid and kidney diseases, with a long-term course of treatment, the drug can provoke a gog attack. At the same time, a special therapy is prescribed behind the immediate cancellation of the drug to stop the inflammatory process developing in the joints.

Patients undergoing chemotherapy, riboxin is shown only with strict control of the level of uric acid in serum, since there is a danger of imposing and enhancing side effects from different drugs capable of provoking the gout at the beginning of the course of treatment.

Although recently as a result of clinical studies recent years Some doctors challenge the effectiveness of long riboxin reception courses, medical statistics indicates the undoubted benefits of this drug. In addition, it is worth considering the fact that riboxin even at its long-lasting technique will not cause such damage to the patient's wallet, like most drugs, and this, you agree, in our time it is important.

The article is written on the materials of the sites: www.minclinic.ru, lechim-serdce.ru, MyMednews.Ru, neosensys.com, www.zhenskysait.ru.

Riboxin is a preparation that is widely used in various fields of medicine. It is appointed with various pathologies of internal organs, pregnant women and athletes, to maintain the tone of the body.

It refers to medicines that helps the body is to resist hypoxia, restore the forces, normalize cardiovascular activities and improve the metabolism. In order for the drug does not harm health, but gave only a positive effect, you need to know the features and rules for its reception.

Riboxin is a drug, normalizing energy exchange, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the entire body. It belongs to the group of drugs that contribute to the normalization of metabolism in the myocardium and removing tissue hypoxia.

According to ATH classification, the drug refers to funds normalizing cardiac activity. Riboxin is the name of the drug under which it is manufactured and sold in pharmacies, and the international non-proprietary name is inosine similar to the current component.

Prices in pharmacies

Riboxin - very cheap preparation. Its cost does not exceed 150 rubles. In various pharmacies, you can meet the medicine cost from 20 to 90 rubles, regardless of the form of release. Such a low cost makes the drug affordable for any patient.

The drug is produced by several firms, so there are several species on the shelves of pharmacies, prices - medium in Moscow:

Regardless of the manufacturer and form of release, all these drugs contain inosine, so they have similar properties.

Composition of the drug: What is this vitamin?

As mentioned above, the active substance Riboxin - Inozin. This substance is a nucleoside consisting of 6-oxiprin or hypoxanthin, and associated with ribofuranose by glycoside. In terms of its essence, the Inozine is the precursor of adenosineryphosphoric acid, which plays an important role in the activity of biochemical reactions in the body and provides the body with the necessary energy.

Many believe that Riboxin is simply vitamin, then it is not the case, it is a medicament. But, in its action, it can indeed be considered vitamin for the cardiovascular system.

Forms and properties

In one ampoule for injection, 10 ml of solution is contained, and per milliliter accounts for 20 mg of the active component, respectively, in one ampoule there is 200 mg of inosine, as well as additional components: prepared water, sodium chloride and hexamethyleneteremin.

One tablet contains a 0.2 g of the active component. Additionally, the composition is: starch, sugar, methylcellulose and stearic acid. But each manufacturer has the amount of additional substances in different quantities. The composition of the shell may differ slightly, but this does not affect the effectiveness of the means.

The drug refers to antihypoxants and preparations for recruiting arrhythmia, and also has an anabolic effect. The drug improves metabolic processes and increases the amount of oxygen entering the tissue, thereby launching the process of converting peer-breed acid into acetyl-cola. This substance is necessary to launch various reactions and processes - respiration, citrate cycle, synthesis of nucleotides and various enzymes.

The active ingredient, affecting the cells, contributes to the energy exchange, the normalization of processes in the myocardium and the contractile function of the heart. Inosine stimulates the regeneration of the tissues of the heart system and internal organs.

The main properties of the drug:

With internal welding, the tablets are quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. In intravenous administration, the drug is very quickly absorbed and distributed through the tissues of the body, is displayed along with the urine.

What are you prescribed and what are the restrictions?

All riboxin forms have identical indications for use, but the solution is prescribed at more difficult conditions, as it is faster distributed over all organs and tissues of the body.

Injection form

This form is mainly used in cardiology for removing acute states. The drug is necessary as emergency assistance in serious heart rhythm violations.

Other readings:

In the case of the appointment of riboxin oncobole, it is necessary to regularly explore the blood for the content of urea.

Remedy for medication at:

  • gout;
  • increase the level of urea in the blood;
  • acute blood circulation failures;
  • renal failure;
  • intolerance to the components of the means.

Tableled drug

Tableted riboxin is prescribed to prevent and treat various cardiovascular diseases. It is prescribed simultaneously with other drugs, as it improves their bioavailability.

Reception is shown if diagnosed:

Also, the drug is prescribed in the treatment of glaucoma, severe lesions of the skin, athletes after overvoltage, as well as pregnant women for the prevention of hypoxia and the treatment of heart violations.

Pills and capsules also have contraindications: gout, sucrose deficiency, fructose intolerance, hyperuricemia and individual intolerance of components. With extreme caution, the drug is prescribed to patients with diabetes and renal failure.

Negative consequences

With improper use of the drug or exceeding the allowable dosage, such negative consequences are possible:

Renal failure is not an absolute contraindication, but in this case the use of the drug is carried out only under the control of the specialist.

Treatment schemes for adult patients

Riboxin should not be taken without a prescription of the doctor, since under various diseases it is necessary to carefully selected treatment scheme so that there are no complications and adverse reactions.

Drip administration

Riboxin for in / in administration is prescribed by short-term courses, no more than ten days. The medicine is injected through a dropper, while it is necessarily divorced by saline or dextrose solution. One ampoule of the drug you need to take 250 ml of diluent.

When first use, one ampules of 10 ml once a day are introduced. If the body responds positively to treatment, then the dosage increases. Further use is prescribed to enter two ampoules to two times during the day, depending on the patient's condition.

Injections Riboxin buffus

Injection form is used for intravenous administration, the instruction to the drug does not provide for intramuscular use, since there is no sufficient data on how the action riboxin will provide with this application.

With acute heart rate failures, the medicine is once inserted in one or two ampoule. Also, a single administration of 1200 mg (60 ml) is necessary in the kidney ischemia before renewing the renal artery and the re-administration of 40 ml after the normalization of blood circulation.

In the treatment of other diseases, riboxin is administered up to two times within a day of 200-400 mg, but no longer than 15 days. When first use, it is recommended to introduce a minimum dosage 200 ml to track the patient's reaction.

Acceptance of the tablet preparation Riboxin Lecture

The drug must be taken on an empty stomach, preferably 30 minutes before meals. The dosage and therapy duration is selected individually, depending on the patient's condition.

At the first reception, it is desirable to make a minimum dose - 200 mg no more than 4 times a day. With good tolerability, the dosage increases on the third day of treatment to 400 mg, applying the drug three times a day. The recommended daily dose is 1200 mg, but if necessary, the doctor may appoint increased dose up to 2400 mg during the day.

In the treatment of urchinipaffering, the drug should be taken in small dosages - no more than 800 mg per day, that is, on a tablet or capsule up to four times a day. The minimum course of treatment is a month, the maximum - 3 months.

Patient reviews about the use of injections and tablets

The drug is often prescribed as part of the complex treatment of cardiological diseases. Patient reviews say that even the minimum dosage can lead to an improvement in just a few days of reception. The drug is very popular and patient reviews about the use of this drug are predominantly positive:

Elena writes: "After a long stress, he noticed that the problems with the heart began. The cardiologist prescribed to take 1 tablet twice a day, and already on the 4th day of treatment, I noticed that I got better. "

Olga writes: "Riboxin was prescribed in injections in extrasistolism, but within 10 days, I not only did not notice the improvement, on the contrary, it became only worse. Then the doctor prescribed alternating means with glucose injections and ascorbic acid. With this use, it became better for me in a week, and after a month the attacks were completely passed. "

Natalia writes: "About 10 years ago, Riboxin helped me cope with strong arrhythmia, and a year ago helped her husband recovery after an extensive heart attack."

Features of use in various diseases

Riboxin is used for various diseases. It is indispensable in cardiology, with lesions of liver, vascular diseases and other problems with internal organs.

With cardiac violations

Since Riboxin is a means with a powerful antiarrhythmic and antihypoxic effect, therefore it is prescribed during cardiac pathologies. It is necessary with a variety of diseases:

  1. Treatment and removal of the effects of heartfelt infarction.
  2. Other diseases of myocardium: myocarditis, dystrophy, cardiomyopathy.
  3. Cardic vices.
  4. Failure of cardiac rhythm.
  5. Ischemia.
  6. Glycoside intoxication.

Riboxin eliminates deviations in the study with using ECG, normalizes blood circulation in heart vessels and helps to restore the affected tissues. The drug very quickly eliminates the symptoms of tachycardia, normalizes heart activities and prevents the development of hypoxia, which occurs during heart disease.

The riboxin and asparks during the pathologies of the heart are not rare simultaneously, as the effect of these drugs helps to strengthen the vascular walls, eliminate hypoxia and the strengthening of myocardium.

Riboxin, although it is almost harmless, is prescribed extremely gently taking into account the condition of the patient's cardiovascular system. Doctors must remind patients that the drug is accepted by increasing - that is, for several days, the dosage gradually increases to the required number, while it is worth carefully monitoring their well-being.

With pressure oscillations

Experienced doctors prescribe tablets with elevated arterial pressureSince the drug very softly reduces pressure and eliminates the effects of hypertension. But it is not prescribed in arterial hypotension, as it is possible to provoke a critical reduction of blood pressure.

The drug is involved in all biochemical processes, normalizes blood circulation, strengthens the capillaries and saturates the body tissues with oxygen. All this contributes to improving the state, and even if the medicine does not work on the pressure level, it will improve the overall state of human well-being.

The drug has such actions:

  1. Reduces the frequency of blood pressure jumps.
  2. Normalizes the gap between the lower and upper pressure.
  3. Restores the pulse frequency.

Due to the normalization of blood circulation in vessels and small capillaries, it reduces elevated intracranial pressure, eliminates the noise in the ears, headaches and dizziness.

In order for Riboxin to give a positive effect, you need to go through a full course of 2-3 weeks, which is repeated several times a year. But if hypertension is an complication of other diseases, then a longer reception is required before recovery. When hypertensive crisis, one-time introduction of a solution of stroke or drip is necessary.

For diseases of the liver

Liver diseases often provoke growth connective tissuewhich replaces hepatocytes. With extensive growth, the liver begins to function incorrectly, its functions are disturbed. It is to maintain the work of the liver and preventing the development of fibrosis, it is necessary to take riboxin.

The drug is prescribed in hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatosis and other liver lesions, including those caused by alcohol or medicines. Treatment of Pech_172 liver cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis lasts long, and it is prescribed in large dosages and at the same time as other drugs.

Oleg writes: "They put a dropper with Riboxin, when he was treated from hepatitis A. Very quickly improved the state, the appetite was recovered and the weight came to normal."

Reviews of cardiologists and other specialists

Cardiology practitioners often prescribe riboxin for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Popularity uses not only because of its effectiveness, but also because of the cheapness, since most elderly patients are not ready to spend big funds for medicines. Here are some reviews of doctors:

Cardiologist Zarinda O. V.: "Very often prescribing riboxin with ischemic illness or heart rate disorders. The drug is inexpensive, but efficient and time-tested. "

Review doctor cardiologist Marchenko I.I.: "I am already retired, but once worked in Cardiology, so I know which drugs actually cope with heart disease. Riboxin is one of them, he not only removes the symptoms, but also heals. Therefore, I myself drink it after Tachycardia and arterial hypertensionSince already age requires. "

TERRITER-THERUETING GUDKO O.G.: "In his practice, most often come across precisely with the symptoms of cardiac pathologies in patients. The choice of funds is huge today, but for removing severe manifestations and their warnings I appoint only proven funds. Among them - Riboxin. It is not just highly effective, but also available, which is important for patients, especially the elderly. "

Family doctor Makarova A. V.: "Riboxin is one of the most effective drugs To remove the symptoms of heart violations, as well as to stimulate the work of the heart, increasing the endurance of the body. That is why it is often used athletes during heavy workouts.

However, it is necessary to be extremely careful in this case: the removal of negative symptoms by riboxin can only temporarily mask the existing problems, while violations will progress. "

For pregnant women and children

The period of pregnancy is a very important time for every woman, and they begin to scare when unknown drugs are prescribed. Riboxin prescribe pregnant women in various testimony - to maintain their health and kids.

During pregnancy, the growing uterus constantly squeezes the internal organs, which leads to a violation of their work. As a result, signs of nausea, heartburn, uncomfortable abdominal pain and others appear. Many women have sharpened during pregnancy chronic diseases Or for the first time new diseases manifest.

It is to such a gastritis that often exacerbates at the very beginning of pregnancy, and his symptoms can torment a woman throughout the entire period of tolerance. In this case, if a woman has no hypersensitivity to the drug, it is prescribed Riboxin. The drug contributes to the improvement of metabolism and the development of the necessary enzymes, so its reception eliminates the symptoms of the disease.

It is also necessary when there is a threat of hypoxia of the fetus - the medicine saturates blood oxygen, penetrates the placental exchange, thereby normalizing metabolic processes, both in the mother and in the child.

Riboxin is prescribed when a woman has problems with heart due to increased load on the body. The drug normalizes cardiac conductivity, improves energy exchange in myocardium, normalizes it contractive activity And normalizes blood circulation.

Therefore, women should not worry - it is often prescribed not at all if there are any pathologies, but for the prevention of complications from the fetus and maintaining the body of the mother.

Riboxin is contraindicated to children, but its occasion is prescribed by strict testimony. The dosage with caution picks up the attending physician, given the weight and age of a small patient. The drug is prescribed to children with:

  • congenital heart defects;
  • severe liver lesions;
  • diseases that can give complications on the heart.

The smallest prescribed only the liquid form of the drug - drip administrationAnd older children appoint a tablet tool. Sometimes the doctor can recommend resorption of tablets under the tongue - this application is also possible, if, of course, the child is large enough for this.

Application for weight loss

Despite the fact that this is not in the instructions, riboxin is often used to reduce weight. The benefits of the drug during weight loss is its positive action on the metabolic processes in the body.

How does it work?

Useful properties of a drug for weight loss:

  1. Enhances metabolic processes.
  2. Normalizes metabolism.
  3. Increases protein exchange.
  4. Normalizes blood circulation.

But the drug cannot be taken without regard to contraindications and possible side effects. Be sure to correctly calculate the dosage so that no overdose occurs. It is best to consult with a specialist so that it makes it picking the necessary dose and the duration of reception.

With regular reception of riboxin, metabolism is being established, and it contributes to the maintenance of weight even after the discharge of the drug. It is especially important to take pills if the diet is combined with exercise - they support the necessary level of protein in the body.

In the first days of reception you need to drink no more than 1 tablets 3 times a day. Gradually, the dosage can be increased to 2.4 g per day, but not more. Reception duration - from 1 to 3 months. Then you need to take a break at least 1 month. To achieve a positive result, you need to maintain a diet and exercise.

Riboxin- The metabolic agent, refers to the predecessors of ATP. It has an anabolic, antiarrhythmic, antihypoxic and coronary action. Participates in the exchange of glucose, activates metabolic processes in hypoxia, stimulates the activity of Krebs cycle enzymes and nucleotide synthesis. Enhances the metabolic processes in myocardium, providing a positive effect on metabolic processes in the heart muscle, increases the power of heart abbreviations, ensures adequate relaxation of the muscles of the heart in the diastole. Reduces platelet aggregation and stimulates the regeneration of ucheshized tissue. Improves blood circulation in coronary vessels.
Riboxinabsorbed by B. digestive tract, Metabolized in the liver, the kidneys are highlighted in minor quantity.

Indications for use

Riboxinapply in complex therapy:
- IBS (coronary insufficiency, myocardial infarction, heart rate disorders);
- myocardiodistrophy;
- myocardits;
- defects of the heart of congenital and acquired;
- arrhythmia caused by cardiac glycosides;
- coronary atherosclerosis;
- "pulmonary" heart; dystrophic changes cardiac muscle due to endocrine pathology or severe physical exertion;
- liver cirrhosis; acute and chronic hepatitis;
medication and toxic liver damage;
- Open-finished glaucoma with normalized intraocular pressure.

Riboxin as a medicinal pharmacist drug is used in operations on an isolated kidney.

Mode of application

Inside Riboxinassign in a daily dose of 0.6-2.4 g. In the first two days - 1 tablet (capsule) 3-4 times a day. From the third day, the dosage (in the absence of allergic complications) increases to 1.2-2.4 g per day. The duration of treatment is from 4 weeks to 3 months. The drug is accepted before eating.
Riboxinin the complex therapy of the urbinipaffi, 0.8 g per day for 4 receptions are prescribed, every day, within 1-3 months.

Riboxin solution For parenteral administration:
For intravenous administration of 2%, the riboxin solution is divorced in 250 ml of sodium chloride 0.9% solution or glucose solution5%.
Intravenous administration of riboxin (drip or stroke, slow - 40-60 drops per minute) begin with 0.2 g once in the first day, the dosage increases to 0.4 g 1-2 times a day (in the absence of allergic manifestations). Course of treatment 10-15 days.
For the pharmacological protection of the kidneys from ischemia, riboxin is administered intravenously in 10-15 minutes before rebuilding the kidney artery in a single dosage of 1.2 g (60 ml of a solution of 2%), after the blood circulation is reduced 0.8 g (40 ml of riboxin solution 2%).
In case of acute heart rate disorders, inkjet introduction is allowed. Riboxin In a dose of 200-400 mg.

Side effects

Riboxinusually postponed well. In some cases, allergic reactions may be marked: skin itch, urticaria, skin hyperemia. In rare cases, it is possible to increase the content of uric acid in the blood.


Gout, increased sensitivity To the drug, hyperuricemia.

Interaction with other medicines

Riboxinwhen used in comprehensive therapy, the effect of antiagonal, antiarrhythmic and inotropic drugs potentiates.


Cases of overdose of the drug when clinical application not registered.

Form release

Riboxin Tablet, coated:
1 tablet contains 0.2 g of inosine;
packing 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 pcs.

Riboxin Capsules:
1 capsule contains 0.2 g of inosine;
packing for 20, 30, 50 pcs.

Riboxin solution For injection 2%:
10 ml of solution contain 200 mg of inosine;
in packing 10 ampoules, in ampoules of 5 or 10 ml.

Storage conditions

The preparation of the list B. Store in a dry place at a temperature of 15-25 degrees Celsius. Bear from direct sunlight.


Tablets: Active substance - Inosine -200 mg.
Ampoules: Active substance - Inosine - 20 mg / ml.


With long-term reception of high doses, the gout is aggravated.
Riboxincaution is prescribed to patients with renal failure.
Riboxin is not used as a means of emergency correction of cardiac disorders.

Main settings

Name: Riboxin
ATH code: C01EB14. -

Medicine Riboxin can improve blood flow in separate internal organsthat increases the delivery of nutrients and oxygen in them, activating intracellular exchange processes. Due to this, the biological tissue is obtained by additional energy and can withstand unwanted effects.

Hypoxia, i.e. The lack of oxygen is observed in people with different states, for example, during pregnancy, in patients with diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system. The drug in these cases allows you to cope with hypoxia and restore the normal operation of the internal organs.

Pharmacological properties of riboxin

If patient for a long time It is forced to be in a fixed state (rehabilitation after the injuries of the spinal column, long postoperative period et al.), The use of drug-based drug in the form of droppers and injections will allow you to restore the nutrition of the immobilized parts of the body.

Such a property of the drug is associated with its ability not only to improve the nutrition of biological tissues, but also to prevent the formation of microtrombov in the vascular bed.

In this regard, the drug is widely used in clinical practice in various diseases

It is important to note that the medication well helps patients of different ages, can be used for both men and women

To the auxiliary components include various salts and, in the case of an injection shape, purified water. Such additives allow you to save active substance Actively and prevent its destruction.

Action of Inosina

The main active ingredient of the drug - Inosine, belonging to the group of the predecessors of ATP (adenosine trifhosphate). Such a component is able to stimulate metabolic processes inside the cells, as well as to have a pronounced protective effect against hypoxic damage and arrhythmias.

Inosine in capsules, tablets or injections improves the flow of tissue respiration processes, which causes its biological effects on the human body.

Indications for use

The medicine is accepted in complex therapy and as an independent means. It is used to treat serious pathologies of the heart, digestive organs, liver. It is recommended in bodybuilding. The drug should not be made without the appointment of a doctor.

Riboxin is discharged when the following pathologies were found:

  1. Cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis with damage and reincarnation of tissue structures.
  2. Ischemia. Riboxin drink at any stage of the disease and myocardial infarction.
  3. Myocardits and cardiomyopathy.
  4. Arrhythmia (cardiac rhythm failures). Riboxin is particularly effective in arrhythmias arising against the background of medicinal and alcohol intoxication.
  5. Myocardiodistrophy of different etiology.
  6. Peptic disease.
  7. Persportation (imbalance of metabolism).
  8. Fatty dystrophy and toxic lesion of liver tissues.
  9. Eye diseases (for example, open-dengine glaucoma).
  10. Cancer. The drug is prescribed after irradiation, chemotherapy and surgical operations. It removes the side effects caused by radical methods for the treatment of malignant tumors. Reduces the concentration of leukocytes after radiation therapy. Supports the body, facilitates the state of cancer.
  11. Transferring inadequate physical exertion in bodybuilding, negatively reflected on the body. Riboxin removes physical overvoltage, replenishes the energy, gives the strength to bodybuilder.

Indications for the use of riboxin

Indications for the use of riboxin in tablets:

  • Complex treatment of coronary heart disease (angina, coronary insufficiency, state after myocardial infarction);
  • Intoxication of cardiac glycosides;
  • Cardiomyopathy of various origin;
  • Myocarditis;
  • Rheumatic, congenital and acquired heart defects;
  • Violation of cardiac rhythm;
  • Myocardiodystrophy of infectious or endocrine origin (especially against the background of heavy physical exertion);
  • Coronary atherosclerosis;
  • Nonspecific liver diseases (hepatitis, fatty dystrophy of the parenchymal organ, cirrhosis);
  • Medicinal and alcoholic damage to the liver;
  • Occurpipaff;
  • Prevention of reduction in the number of leukocytes during irradiation;
  • Ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Open-finished glaucoma with normalized intraocular pressure.

Specific indications for use of injections:

  • Urgent pathological conditions violations of cardiac rhythm;
  • Operations on insulated kidney (as a means of pharmacological protection in the temporary absence of blood circulation);
  • Arrhythmia of unexplained etiology in medicine;
  • Acute radiation irradiation to prevent the development of changes in blood formula.

Composition of the drug Riboxin

The main active ingredient is inosine. It is considered the predecessor of ATP - the main energy source of all biological processes in the body. Inosine has such properties:

  • accelerates the growth and strength of the muscles (anabolic action);
  • increases the activity of metabolism in myocardium;
  • stimulates the formation of nucleic acids;
  • prevents the destruction of cells under conditions of lack of food;
  • improves coronary blood circulation;
  • reduces the size of the necrosis area with a heart attack;
  • takes part in glucose metabolism;
  • restores the impaired cardiac rhythm;
  • increases myocardial reductions;
  • helps to deeper muscle muscle muscle fibers during diastole;
  • prevents aggregation (gluing) platelets;
  • promotes the regeneration of heart tissues.

pharmachologic effect

It supports the metabolism of glucose and pyrovinoic acid, stimulates protein synthesis, normalizes tissue breathing, activates the metabolism with oxygen fasting and ATP deficiency.

The medicine improves blood circulation. As a result, the tissue is saturated with oxygen, the full nutrition is obtained. They establish metabolic processes, the energy supply is restored. A person feels a tide of vitality.

The drug eliminates tissue hypoxia, which is important during pregnancy, when cells are experiencing a constant lack of oxygen. In severe injuries causing immobilization, riboxin is administered intravenously

Nutrients with blood flow are quickly transported in cells of fixed parts of the body.

The drug will not allow platelets to stick together, form conglomerates. It does not allow to form blood clams, the blood coagulation sets up. In this case, blood quality increases, the heart rate is normalized and stabilized, the tissue regeneration (reinforced restoration of the gastrointestinal tract and myocardium) is regenerated.

The drug acts as an immunostimulator and nonspecific antiviral agent. He oppresses the development of pathogenic microorganisms. It struggles with measles virus, herpes, lymphoma and other causative agents of infectious diseases. In the body, under its action, lymphocytes that kill pathological microorganisms are sharply produced.

Riboxin favorably affects the work of the liver. The cells of the organ, saturating with oxygen, are actively restored. It is used in complex therapy for diseases of the heart. The drug is recommended to take athletes, bodybuilders. It feeds muscle tissue, contributes to effective muscle buildings.

Asparkov and Riboxin in Bodybuilding

Asparkov - complex medication, popular among those who lose weight hard and engaged in sports. It contains aspartate magnesium and potassium. Magnesium Aspartate supports protein balance, carries out energy transport in the required volume. Potassium Aspartate normalizes metabolism at the cellular level.

With strength training, Asparkamka is a very useful additive, relieving fatigue. Ensubidated bodybuilder is more efficiently trained, with ease withstands heavy loads. When an athlete in shape, he manages to achieve optimal performance. The feeling of strength allows you to build up muscle mass, creating beautiful reliefs on the body.

To avoid accumulating fluid in the tissues, asparks drink together with diuretics. At the same time, slags are leaving the body, and the useful substances are kept. Reception asparkama starts with 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. The increase in the dosage of the drug is carried out according to the results of analyzes and the overall state of an athlete engaged in bodybuilding. For each bodybuilder, the course and scheme for the reception of asparkama is strictly individual (constitutes their sports doctor).

Appointment during pregnancy and lactation

Riboxin for pregnancy is prescribed to many women. Many patients scares the fact that in the instructions for the drug, it is often possible to meet information that the medicine is pregnant with contraindicated. However, it is not necessary to scare this, as the contraindication is based on the fact that the clinical studies in this area have not yet been conducted. And this despite the fact that today there are quite a lot of experience in the successful use of riboxin during the excavation period. The medicine does not have a pathological impact on the fruit, nor on his mother, so there is no reason to fear. Only individual intolerance to the drug or its components can be the only contraindication here.

Riboxin is an antihypoxant, an antioxidant, and a good means of improving metabolic processes in the tissues, which is especially important during the period of tooling the child. The drug is prescribed with the aim of preventing heart disease and support for cardiac activity during a period of high load

Often, riboxin is introduced directly during childbirth, since the load on the heart at such a moment is especially great

The drug is prescribed with the aim of preventing heart disease and support for cardiac activity during a period of high load. Often, riboxin is introduced directly during childbirth, since the load on the heart at such a moment is especially great.

Medicine doctors are often prescribed if pregnant gastritis and liver disease have in order to treat existing problems. The drug helps to normalize the secretion of the stomach and reduce unpleasant symptoms.

Riboxin during pregnancy doctor may appoint in case of detection of fetal hypoxia. Normalizing metabolic processes in tissues, the medicine reduces the degree of oxygen starvation of the fetus.

With good tolerability, the drug future mothers are taken inside 1 tablet 3-4 times a day for 1 month. Despite the harmlessness of the medication, as in any other case, Riboxin should be appointed by a doctor strictly individually.

What is riboxin

This is an anabolic group preparation that prevents arrhythmia and hypoxia. Finding into the body, he:

  • activates organic ketocislotum metabolism, which provides a normal tissue-respiratory process;
  • it has a positive effect on the exchanged process, which takes place in myocardium;
  • improves cell energy balance;
  • stimulates nucleotide synthesis;
  • increases the activity of enzymes involved in citric acid cycle or the Krex cycle (the process during which energy is intensified and created needed cell Connections).

This drug is used in prophylactic purposes when irradiated cancer, when the level of leukocytes in the blood decreases significantly, and to improve vision during lymphotropic therapy.

For the bodybuilding sphere, Inozin (another riboxin name) is a metabolic preparation that increases the energy balance in the muscles.

Did you know? Previously, the requirements for consumed athletes were much less strict due to the unexploding of some side effects of drugs. So, for example, Arnold Schwarznegher at the dawn of his career took Nandrolon, Primobolan and Metandostenolon. And this did not prevent officially in those year to win the titles of Mr. Olympia and Mr. Universe.

When the drug is used

In medicine, the drug is used for therapy:

  • Liver after alcohol intoxication
  • Stomach
  • Duodenal gut
  • Hearts

It will bring much benefit, after using anabolic steroids, and you can also drink it together with steroids. Apply in the treatment of glaucoma, which increases the function of view. In bodybuilding, the drug will help with stretching and is well suited to strengthen the walls of the vessels and capillaries.

There is even such an opinion with which the truth is not agreed by many that riboxin can be called one of the best anabolic drugs. But if, we consider all the means that belong to non-immortic, and nesteroid, it is in the ranks of the first drugs for bodybuilding.

Even in Soviet times, the rods used very effectively, this medicine, but later they abandoned this drug, since research did not prove the need for this medicine in sports. So that the results are visible, it is best to receive riboxin to add vitamins of group B, orotat and glycera phosphate. Moreover, such a scheme is suitable for "chemists" and those who prefer everything natural.

It can also be considered an excellent substitute for creatine, while having a lower price. On the side effects can be attributed, only the intolerance to a personal nature, in the rest of him they are completely safe. During personal intolerance, allergic rash may appear. The main thing is to comply with the correct proportions and do not abuse the amount.

  1. For the prevention of damage to the heart associated with the exchange processes, when the loads are approaching extreme.
  2. When after heavy loads, heart dystrophy occurs.
  3. Cardiac rhythm is broken.
  4. With stress cardiomyopathy.
  5. When the liver is damaged by medication intoxication.
  6. Hepatitis in acute and chronic form, as well as all other liver diseases.
  7. A ulcer duodenal and stomach.

Application with potassium orotat

Very often to improve the effect, potassium orotat is used with riboxin. Potassium Orotat is also harmless. Two tablets use it every day, this medication will help increase the tone of an athlete, improve his mood, will give a sense of strength and endurance will increase performance. Also in the course you can add the required vitamins, asparks.

In the complex with asparkam

Asparks in bodybuilding are very often used during drying period, in order to reset the accumulated kilograms. This tool can be considered complex. The composition of this drug includes the following ingredients:

  • Magnesium aspartate helps energy transportation in the body and participates in the exchange of proteins.
  • Potassium Aspartate, plays an important role in cell metabolic processes.

When training is held athlete, asparks work very effectively for the benefit of the body. This drug makes fatigue much more noticeable, so trainings are becoming more complete and bring more benefit athlete. The maximum performance has a positive effect on the growth of muscles and improve the relief. So that the fluid is not delayed in the aspark organism, you can drink in a complex with diuretics. Such a combination will help in the body to resist all substances that benefit.


Reception of this drug is interesting not only to bodybuilders who seek to set musculatures, as well as those who try to just lose weight or make their body relief better. This drug can help in the process of getting rid of extra fat deposits. Therefore, a lot of feedback from those who were in the process of weight loss. The drug itself does not give the effect of explicit weight discharge, but it helps very well in this process.

Riboxin in bodybuilding and how to take it

Mostly violations are not observed, unless you have intolerance of additives, renal failure or gout. If you exceed the dose, then you may have the following violations: allergies in the form of rash on the skin, which can be seed and peeling.

In this age, we will tell about drugs that are able to promote the deliverance of this ailment, which, unfortunately, is difficult for drugs alone. To somehow help the body in such a difficult process, the athletes use colder supplements that help to withstand such a mad pace and not to get tired. Medicine and drugs from a conventional pharmacy comes to the rescue. Such preparations help to recover after severe power exercises and feel better, while the use of riboxin in bodybuilding has proven its full safety.

This drug stimulates energy and chemical biological processes in the body, improves endurance and tissue regeneration. It has vasculating properties, helps to avoid stretching and injuries. In severe physical power loads, riboxin helps in relaxation of heart tissues during periods between abbreviations. From non-steroidal and non-neuronal drugs, it is also the best anabolic tool.

How affects the body and why need in bodybuilding

Riboxin was widely used by Soviet athletes since the 70s of the last century. At that time it was believed that he helps to improve sports achievements. However, a more detailed study of this drug did not reveal a direct relationship between the improvement of sports results and the use of inosine. At the moment, the drug is considered non-steroidal anabolic.

The use of any means requires the preliminary analysis of its useful qualities, side effects and contraindications. Consider Riboxin in more detail.

  • in prophylactic purposes that the exchange complex of biochemical reactions that pass in cells, during large loads did not violate;
  • with the weakness of heart muscles;
  • when violating the rhythm of heartbeat;
  • with violation of the liver work as a result of drug poisoning;
  • with peptic diseases of the stomach and hepatitis.

Check out the instructions for the use of Mildronate in Bodybuilding.


This drug has 3 name options with the same composition: riboxin, ribonosin and inosine.

All of them have the following effect on the body of the athletes:

  • being one of the derivatives of Purin Riboxin acts as a serious source of energy in sports.
  • facilitates the work of myocardium;
  • improves coronary blood circulation due to the extension of the vessels;
  • increases the ability of hemoglobin to carry oxygen;
  • stimulates insulin allocation, which simplifies the absorption of carbohydrates;
  • facilitates the malformation of the organism lack of oxygen;
  • it acts as a peculiar reducing material that binds damaged and healthy nervous cells of the head and spinal cord.

Important! Inosine was actively applied in heavy athletics in the 70s of the twentieth century, but in 1999, clinical studies conducted by J. Tarrome, B. Delton and L

McNauton showed that the use of the drug does not lead to an acceleration of muscle growth.

It is also assumed that ribonosin contributes to the transportation of oxygen on the way from the lungs to cells. However, as scientific research has proved, on the example of athletes, it does not affect the consumption of oxygen. A scientific experiment on 9 runners was conducted.

All participants were divided into 2 groups. One of which took Riboxin for 3 days (2 g per day), and the other took placebo. After the course of 3 days, all participants were asked to go through the race at 3 km. According to the results, scientists could not identify significant differences between the athletes who took this drug from another group.

Learn how to take glutamine and proviron in bodybuilding.

Contraindications and side effects

Among the side effects, you can allocate some items that are very rare:

  1. pulse slowdown (bradycardia);
  2. an increase in blood inflow to skin cover;
  3. with a long use of the drug, there is a possibility of exacerbation of the gout.

For some athletes, use this medicine It can adversely affect the uric acid level, which is a by-product of inosine metabolism. With increasing this indicator, unpleasant painful symptoms are often observed and may even lead to the development of gout, arthritis of joints and fingers.

Apply Riboxin should not be used in such cases:

  1. individual intolerance between the components of the drug;
  2. when goug
  3. in diseases of the barrels;
  4. it is forbidden to use inosine along with alcohol.

Potassium Orotat and Riboxin in Bodybuilding

Bodybuilders often take riboxin in tandem with potassium orothat - safe drug. When coeming, medicines achieve complete assimilation, give a steady result.

One-time dose of bodybuilders - 2 tablets. This is enough to obtain optimal sports achievements. Power training after sharing Preparations are effective.

Athletes feel the rise of the mood. They are activated by performance, endurance is intensified. More tangible results gives comprehensive therapy: Simultaneous reception of riboxin and potassium oratat with vitamins, adaptogens, metabolics.

instructions for use


Preparation Riboxin: Inexpensive Inosine (inosine); Auxiliary substances: powder sugar, starch potato, etc.

Dosage forms: Produced in tablets that are covered with film shell.

Indications for use: Chronic heart rate disorders (arrhythmias), integrated angina treatment (IBS), post-infarction state, inxication of glycosides, treatment of cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, liver disease (liver disease, liver disease, chronic hepatitis, hepatosis), treatment of open-hearted glaucoma in the normalization of intraocular pressure.

Contraindications: Increased uric acid content in blood (hyperuricemia), gout, individual intolerance to the components of the drug. The restrictions on the reception of riboxin are disorders of the urinary system (renal failure).

Method of application, Dosage: The drug is accepted inside before taking food. The daily dose of riboxin is established by the doctor individually and constitutes (adults and children from 12 years old): 0.6 - 2.4 g per day. As a rule, at the beginning of the treatment, riboxin is taken in an amount of 0.6 - 0.8 g / day. With normal tolerance, the dose is gradually increased (for three days) to 1.2 g / day, subsequently to 2.4 g / day. Riboxin treatment course - 2-3 months.

Adverse Reactions: With high sensitivity to the preparation, the appearance of urticaria, redness of the skin, itching, hyperemia. In some cases, when taking riboxin, an increase in uric acid level is observed, aggravation of the flow of gout. If adverse reactions occur, the drug is canceled.

Application during pregnancy: The effect of the drug during pregnancy is not fully studied, prescribed, taking into account the benefit parameter / risk. For the same reason, the drug does not prescribe children under 12 years and nursing mothers.

Special instructions: Reception of the drug Riboxin does not bear negative impact on the ability to manage vehicle and interact with complex mechanisms; With the simultaneous use of riboxin with beta-adrenoblockers, the effect of riboxin is not reduced. Riboxin is incompatible with alcohols and acids.

The description of the drug is informative, does not serve as a basis for making a decision to apply. The drug is applied to the appointment of a doctor.

Painting angina

For successful and effective treatment of angina, its prevention, myocardial protection from intensive oxygen starvation, it is necessary to eliminate a number of harmful habits from everybody.

  • Throw smoking. Smoking becomes the cause of spasm of vessels, reduce their throughput, as a result of which circulatory disruption occurs. Under the angina, smoking causes the increase in anginal seizures (angina attacks), smoking can provoke an emergence from the core of the pre-infrack state, high risk of myocardial infarction.
  • Limit or completely eliminate alcohol consumption. Alcohol is a substance, sharply raising blood pressure, which is the basis for forming thrombov in vessels, especially coronary, feeding the heart muscle.
    Replace the above attachments can not be equally fascinating (and practically harmless, subject to security rules): reading literature, reading articles on the Internet, computer games, outdoor games - football, tennis, running, sports walking, etc., hiking fishing and mushrooms, shopping and confectionery trips, walks with children in the park, creating websites about healthy education Life.

It is important to remember that the resulting disease "angina region" has no reverse stroke. You can maintain a body in a tone (and quite a long time), but it is much easier to prevent angina, which is much easier than to deal with it

Riboxin - a drug that has a positive effect on metabolism and providing the energy of organ tissues. Thanks to the reception of the drug, tissue hypoxia decreases, which is why the tool (instructions for the use of riboxin tablets and the method of application are described below) so often prescribe pregnant women.

In addition, the tool works as an antiarrhythmic, improves blood circulation in coronary vessels and promotes increase miocardial energy reserves. The substance is involved in the transformation of glucose and speeds up the exchange processes in hypoxia and the absence of ATP. Riboxin reduces platelet aggregation, and also stimulates tissue regeneration (mainly myocardium and gastrointestinal tract).

In pure form active the component of the drug It is white or a little yellowish powder with a bitter taste without smell, poorly dissolving in alcohol and not soluble in water.

What is riboxin used for? Let's deal with.

The composition of the drug

1 Tablet Facilities Contains:

  • 0.2mg riboxin;
  • sugar powder;
  • calcium stearate;
  • potato starch;
  • composition for coating: iron oxide, indigocarmine, yellow quinoline, lactose monohydrate, macrogol, titanium dioxide.

1 ampoule preparation contains:

  • 20mg / ml inosine

Forms of release

  • Tablets Tools have yellow, twofold surface and covered with shell. In the transverse section, two layers are found. It is packaged the medicine into cellular contour blisters from PVC or aluminum foils accommodating 10 tablets. In a cardboard pack can be 5, 2, 1 or 3 blisters.
  • Riboxin ampoules contain a 2% solution with a volume of 10 ml (with the total number of active ingredient 200mg). 10 ampoules are placed in cardboard packaging.
  • Riboxin Lecture - a preparation in the form of capsules containing 0.2g inosine.

Vacation preparation prescription.

Indications for destination

  • As part of a complex of drugs for the treatment of IBS (including with rehabilitation after myocardial infarction).
  • Cardiomyopathy, myocardits (long-term use).
  • Arrhythmia therapy (normalizes heart rhythm). Moreover, the drug is most effective during arrhythmias, which is caused by the overdose of drugs.
  • Treatment of waterportin.
  • Comprehensive treatment a variety of pathologies Liver. The drug is recommended for patients with fatty dystrophy, hepatitis, cirrhosis, in the case of toxic damage to the organ with harmful substances or drugs.
  • As one of the components in the complex of drugs for the treatment of eye diseases (OPERTANCE Glaucoma).
  • Quite often, the drug is prescribed oncoboles to reduce the severity of side effects from radiation therapy.
  • Support for the body with excess physical exertion.

For each patient the duration of therapy and dosage Riboxin Purely individual and chosen by the doctor.

Contraindications and side effects

Among the contraindications to the use of this agent, the mainstream is the presence of an individual sensitivity to any of its components. In addition, riboxin should not be taken to patients suffering from gout or other violations of exchange Purine bases and uric acid.

With particular caution, the medicine is prescribed to patients that are undergoing chemotherapy. At the same time, the doctor controls the level uric acid In a patient in the blood, as Riboxin can provoke its increase, and also aggravate the side effects of chemotherapeutic agents.

The most frequent side effect when receiving riboxin is allergic reaction, manifesting, as a rule, redness of the skin, itching and quickly passing after the cancellation of the means.

Long-term drug intake can provoke the development of gout (which is especially relevant for patients with patients of kidney and urinary acid metabolism). In this case, it is necessary to cancel the medicine and go through the course specific therapyaimed at combating inflammation in the joints.

In case of overdose, it is possible to occur itching and redness of the skin, rashes, gravity in the chest, the height of the heartbeat and so on. These symptoms do not threaten their lives and quickly disappear after the cessation of the means. So that avoid unpleasant symptoms of overdose, it is necessary follow the instructions and recommendations of the attending physician.

Methods of application and dosage

The drug in tablets should be taken before eating inside. In the first few days of therapy, the dosage is 1 tablet three times or four times per day (that is, the total amount of 0.6-0.8g). In the absence of undesirable organism reactions, the daily dose increases to 2.4g (2-3 days of treatment). The course of therapy is determined by a cardiologist / attending physician (the duration of reception on average from 1 to 3 months).

If a patient has a patient, the daily dosage of the medication is 0.8g per day (that is, 4 times a day of 200mg). The course of treatment lasts 4-12 weeks.

The injection form of the drug (ampoules with 2% solution) is intended for intravenous administration. Moreover, the introduction can be drip (up to 60 drops per minute) and inkjet (slow). On the first day of therapy, the solution is broken by the patient once in the amount of 10ml. If during the day after the introduction negative reactions It did not occur, then the dose increases to 20 ml (up to 2 times a day).

If the drug is injected drip, the required dose of drugs is pre-dissolved in the sodium solution of chloride or glucose (250ml). The duration of such treatment, as a rule, is 10-15 days.

Reception of riboxin during pregnancy

Riboxin is appointed many pregnant. However, some patients are afraid to take the drug, since the annotation to it contains information that the means during pregnancy is contraindicated. It is not necessary to scare, because this contraindication is based on that, in this field, clinical trials were not carried out. Nevertheless, there is currently enough positive experience on the use of riboxin at tooling a child. The gynecologists of Riboxin with Panangin (instructions for the use of Pangin and reviews can be found in the relevant articles), Kurantyl and so on.

The tool does not cause any harm to the fetus nor mother, and the only contraindication for use is the increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Riboxin has a powerful antihypoxic and antioxidant action, stimulates fabric metabolic processes, which is especially necessary during pregnancy. Means is assigned as prevention heart pathologies And for periods of excessive loads, as well as in the presence of tachycardia in the woman. Often the drug is injected during generic activity To support the heart.

In the case of presence in pregnant liver pathologies or gastritis is also assigned to riboxin. The tool normalizes gastric secretion and significantly reduces unpleasant symptoms. In addition, the medication is shown in the detection of hypoxia, since due to the normalization of the tissue exchange, the severity of the oxygen starvation of the future kid is significantly reduced.

If the drug is well tolerated, the future mother is prescribed to drink riboxin in the amount of 1 tablets three times or four times per day for 1 month. However, despite the safety of the means, only a doctor should prescribe the drug.

The use of riboxin in bodybuilding

Nowadays the drug is applied not only as medical agent, but also as a dietary supplement for bodybuilders. Riboxin often take athletes who want to grow muscle mass without doping, steroids and harm to the body.

As mentioned above, Riboxin is a predecessor of ATP, that is, the main source of energy reserves for cells. It activates the oxidation / recovery processes, thereby increasing the energy supply and tissue metabolism, and their oxygen saturation.

With regular reception, riboxin has the following effect on the body:

  • improves metabolic and energy processes;
  • reduces the likelihood of tissue and organ hypoxia;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration at cell level;
  • stimulates fabric breathing and blood flow;
  • it supports the work of myocardium and reduces the likelihood of its ischemia.

In addition, Riboxin is involved in protein synthesis, which is extremely important for the development and growth of muscular mass.

Adequate reception of the means provides bodybuilder strength and endurance in severe physical exertion.

Start the course with a small dosage, in order to exclude unwanted side effects. In the first 2-3 days before meals, 1 tablet takes (that is, in the amount it turns out per day 3-4 tablets). In the absence of any negative effects The number of tablets increase (gradually) to 14 pieces per day. Moreover, the reception rate should not exceed three months. After the end of the course, a break is needed to 2 months.

Medicinal interactions

  • The combination of riboxin and SG (cardiac glycosides) is fraught with the appearance of arrhythmias and intensifying inotropic effects.
  • Co-use with heparin leads to strengthening and duration of the effects of the latter.
  • It is impossible to combine in one syringe (at the same time prick) riboxin and alkaloids, since insoluble compounds are formed as a result of their mixing.
  • Riboxin is not combined with vitamin B6, since the interaction of both substances are deactivated.
  • Preparation B. injection form It is advisable not to unite with other means, except for the recommended solvents, in one syringe or an infusion system (dropper), since such mixing is fraught with unwanted chemical interaction of components.
  • And tablets and injections Riboxin are fully compatible with fumamide, nifedipine, nitroglycerin and spironolactone.

Analogs of Riboxin


  • Ribonosin;
  • Inosine;
  • Inosie-F;
  • Riboxin Darnitsa and others.

Analogues that have a different composition, but included in one with a riboxic pharmacological group:

  • Mildronat (tablets, ampoules) - can be used inside, intravenously, parabulbially and intramuscularly.
  • Cavinton (ampoules, tablets).
  • Citooflavin (tablets, ampoules).
  • Mexicor.
  • Actovegin.
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