Does pregnancy affect sleep? Goodnight! Sleep during pregnancy

Sleep is often disrupted during pregnancy. For what reasons is it happening and how to deal with it?

Why sleep?

All living beings on the planet are asleep. Until now, none of the scientists could accurately answer the question: "Why do we sleep?", But the fact remains that without sleep it is impossible to live even a few days normally. Insomnia negatively affects general state human. Healthy sleep restores all body systems, relaxes as much as possible, energizes for a new day. Quality sleep is very important for pregnant women, but just during this period, getting a good sleep is not easy enough.

What sleep problems can occur in different trimesters of pregnancy?

While waiting for the baby, there are often problems with falling asleep and sleep quality.
At an early stage, the woman's body is rebuilt to a new state, the hormonal background changes. During this period, the expectant mother is often irritated, increased anxietyfeeling severe hunger or nausea, frequent urge to urinate. At the same time, it is difficult to fall asleep at night and wants to sleep all the time during the day. By the way, daytime sleepy state is one of the signs of pregnancy.
The second trimester is more stable. Some women live it unnoticed. Gradually, the body gets used to its position, insomnia, toxicosis and other inherent troubles of pregnancy disappear.
The third trimester is not the same as the first, but again brings a little discomfort. After the 30th week of pregnancy, sleep is disturbed, fatigue occurs more often, sometimes shortness of breath appears. The abdomen increases significantly in size and it becomes difficult to sleep on the back, not to mention the fact that the position on the stomach is not available at all. The urinary tract makes itself felt again, because the pressure of the enlarged uterus is exerted on it, and you have to get up several times a night. In addition, the baby is moving quite noticeably.

Healthy sleep rules during pregnancy

To get good sleep while carrying a baby, follow these rules:
  • The closer to childbirth, the less load yourself, more rest.
  • Try not to sleep during the day.
  • Solve problems as they arise, do not grab onto everything at once.
  • As soon as a nuisance arises, discuss it with your family, do not leave it in yourself.
  • Before going to bed, do not watch a lot of TV, it is better to read a book, and while sitting, not lying down.
  • Engage in feasible physical exercise, yoga for pregnant women. Relieves stress and improves overall health.
  • If there are no special contraindications, having sex at night will help you fall asleep faster.
Sleeping pills are contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy, they are used in extreme cases under the strict supervision of a doctor.

How to improve sleep during pregnancy?

Pregnant women can improve their sleep quality by:
  • Transfer urgent matters to the morning, rest in the evening.
  • Take a warm shower shortly before bed.
  • Do not eat a lot of food at night, especially "heavy".
  • Drink less liquid in the evening, at night it is generally better to refuse, especially strong tea and drinks containing caffeine. It is advisable to exclude them altogether during pregnancy.
  • Limit the time spent at the computer and TV.
  • Listen to calm and pleasant music.
  • Purchase essential lavender oil, apply a little on the pillow. You can light an aroma candle for a short time or turn on a lamp.
  • Prepare loose, light clothes for sleeping, preferably from natural materials.
  • Make a sleeping place as comfortable as possible - an orthopedic mattress, additional pillows.
There is no reason to worry about the lack of sleep during pregnancy, the body is preparing for the birth of a baby and caring for him. Try to accept any discomfort during this period as inevitable and temporary difficulties.

Sleep disturbances are quite common companions of pregnancy. Sleep problems can occur on different dates and have a variety of manifestations: from the state constant sleepiness before and difficulty falling asleep.

First trimester sleep

The main causes of sleep disturbance in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy are:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels (in particular, an increase in the level of progesterone), which leads to a state of increased fatigue, constant drowsiness;
  2. A general decrease in immunity;
  3. Psychological discomfort (observed more often during the first pregnancy);
  4. Enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands. Pain in the mammary glands makes it difficult to choose a comfortable sleeping position, especially in women who are used to sleeping on their stomach;
  5. Frequent urge to urinate. Despite the apparent absence of the abdomen, the uterus is already beginning to grow and presses on the bladder, which leads to a significant increase in urination, especially at night.

Sleep in the second trimester

The second trimester is quite favorable and easy for a woman in many ways, including in terms of sleep. However, some features may be present and somewhat violate then:

  1. Difficulty choosing a comfortable position. In the second trimester, the woman begins, an increase in the abdomen becomes noticeable, from this time it is strictly forbidden to sleep on the stomach;
  2. Nasal congestion and swelling of the nasopharynx, leading to difficulty breathing and severe snoring (associated with a change in hormonal levels);
  3. Calf muscle cramps (after 20 weeks, the body's need for calcium and magnesium increases significantly). The lack of these trace elements leads to severe seizures.

Sleep in the third trimester

InformationIn the third trimester, almost every woman has problems with sleep and, first of all, are manifested by difficulty falling asleep, early awakening, superficial sensitive sleep.

The main causes of sleep disturbance after 30 weeks:

  1. Large abdomen, making it difficult to take a comfortable sleeping position. A woman in the long term is recommended to sleep on the left side with;
  2. due to the child's pressure on the bladder;
  3. Increased activity of the child at night;
  4. Violations of work digestive system (constipation, bloating);
  5. Difficulty breathing caused by the pressure of the growing uterus on the diaphragm;
  6. Active work of cardio-vascular systemcausing heart palpitations;
  7. , muscles caused by the production of the hormone relaxin.

Insomnia during pregnancy

Insomnia is frequent problem during pregnancy and occurs mainly in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy.

Important A pregnant woman desperately needs a full-fledged night's rest (at least 10 hours), the lack of which can lead to a significant deterioration in overall well-being.

  1. Choosing the right sleeping position. With the growth of the abdomen and the beginning of the movement of the fetus, a woman is forbidden to sleep on her stomach. Sleeping on your back is also not recommended from the end of the second trimester. can lead to a deterioration in the woman's health and is inconvenient for the child. The optimal position is on the left side with. It is also possible to improve the quality of sleep by using a special pillow for pregnant women;
  2. Limiting fluid intake at bedtime (at least 2 hours before bedtime), which will help reduce the frequency of nighttime urination;
  3. Limiting food intake before bedtime (especially fatty, spicy, smoked) to prevent disruption of the digestive system;
  4. Avoiding drinks containing caffeine (cola,

Insomnia in the first trimester of pregnancy: causes of insomnia in early dates, what to do?

Most women are happy to find two stripes on the test instead of one: the expected event happened, the time will soon come to master a new role - the role of a young mother. But along with joy, the expectant mother can visit some unpleasant emotions, in particular, irritation, apathy and a feeling of powerlessness. Quite often the mood becomes unstable, “jumps”, the feeling of happiness is replaced by an incomprehensible melancholy and indifference. The fault, of course, in the first place, is the "dance" of hormones, which is inevitable in this case. Insomnia during early pregnancy can also add fuel to the fire - it torments many women who are preparing for a change in social role. In the later stages, symptoms of sleep disturbance (dyssomnia) are noted by many women, and they are due to physiological reasons:

  • growth of the uterus;
  • weight gain;
  • increasing the load on everything.
  • Causes of dyssomnia in pregnant women
  • When does insomnia begin in expectant mothers
  • Could insomnia be the first sign of pregnancy?
  • Causes of early insomnia in the 1st trimester
  • Types of sleep disorders in pregnant women
  • What to do
  • How to help yourself fall asleep on your own

Sleep Disorder Causes

Similar phenomena are observed starting from the second trimester. But what causes disturbances in night sleep in the 1st trimester?

After all, it would seem that nothing significant is happening yet. All changes take place at the cellular level - in the first weeks, the future baby is just a conglomerate of a certain number of cells, and neither the woman herself nor those around her yet know that the greatest miracle - the birth of a new life - has already happened. Meanwhile, in the body of a pregnant woman in the 1st trimester, colossal changes are made, which, of course, play the role of a stress factor. This is one of the causes of insomnia. Let's analyze others.

When does insomnia begin in pregnant women?

If you are not yet sure that the pregnancy has taken place, and are not in a hurry to do a test or take hCG, but you notice that night sleep got worse, this is a reason to be on your guard.

  • swelling;
  • an increase in abdominal circumference;
  • and sleepiness during the day and difficulty falling asleep at night.

These are all progesterone "tricks". If the pregnancy has taken place, in the early stages there is an increased production of progesterone, and the absence of normal night sleep and lethargy during the day are the first signs of hormonal changes in the body. Could insomnia be a sign of pregnancy? Of course, especially if it is accompanied by daytime sleepiness. The body seems to "confuse" the time of sleep and wakefulness. At the beginning of pregnancy, expectant mothers often cannot fall asleep in the evening for a long time, and in the morning they simply cannot be lifted out of bed. The opposite may be the case: I really want to sleep in the afternoon or evening, after returning from work.

Causes of insomnia in the 1st trimester

Why is sleep disturbed in the first days? Causes of insomnia during early pregnancy include:

  • the already mentioned increased production of the "pregnancy hormone" - progesterone;
  • frequent urge to use the toilet;
  • clearly;
  • unstable mood.

Progesterone helps the functional layer of the endometrium to become more lush and "comfortable" for the embryo to attach. But at the same time, it contributes to the development of increased fatigue, a decrease in concentration, and a violation of the normal cycle of night sleep.

From the first weeks of gestation, women notice that they wake up at night to visit the toilet - the bladder is actively working under the influence of hormones. And then it is difficult to fall asleep, the brain has already readjusted itself to wakefulness.

Unpleasant sensations in the stomach, nausea - all this can also cause sleep to "run away" from you. In this case, in order to cope with the problem, it is necessary to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract. What you can drink when symptoms of dyspepsia appear - the gynecologist will tell you, who, perhaps, will send for a consultation to a narrow specialist - a gastroenterologist.

As for the emotional instability of a pregnant woman, increased anxiety caused by thoughts of upcoming changes, then novopassit or persen will help here - a wonderful and safe remedy to normalize the emotional background.

Types of sleep disorders in pregnant women

Insomnia in the 1st trimester of pregnancy can manifest itself in different ways:

  • you cannot fall asleep at night, but during the day you fall asleep in any setting and even in a standing position;
  • you fall asleep, barely touching the pillow with your head, but wake up before dawn and cannot sleep anymore;
  • you sleep soundly, but you regularly wake up from terrible dreams, as a result, in the morning you feel weak.

It is worth treating each of these disorders, because lack of sleep provokes a decrease in immunity, reduces resistance to diseases, and even provokes uterine tone.

Insomnia in early pregnancy: what to do

Worried about insomnia during early pregnancy? First, you should make sure that this is not early sign any disease, namely one of the symptoms of the onset of gestation.

You should contact your gynecologist with your problem. He will advise on what to take and how to overcome insomnia without harming the mother and baby. You can turn to homeopathic remedies if your doctor doesn't mind.

Calming drugs: Valerian; Novo-Passit, Persen - not recommended for admission during gestation due to the lack of sufficient data on their safety for the baby. If you feel the need for medical correction of the condition, contact your doctor and discuss the possibility of prescribing Magne B-6.

At the end of the day, you can drink a glass of warm milk with honey - it relaxes and sets you up for a sound sleep.

At home, you can get rid of insomnia in the following ways:

  1. Try to go for a short, leisurely walk before bed.
  2. Before going to bed, thoroughly ventilate the room.
  3. Conveniently equip your bed: keep the pillow small and soft, and the bed itself hard enough not to bend.
  4. Make yourself a glass of tea with lemon balm or St. John's wort. Only you need to drink it not at night, but a couple of hours before bedtime.
  5. Eliminate evening coffee and green tea reception.
  6. Read a good book.
  7. Learn the technique of shallow breathing. Change from fast breathing to breathing with a 20 second hold. Concentrate on the breathing process, think only about how you breathe, discarding all other thoughts.

Sleep is often disturbed in the very first weeks after conception - that is, at 1 - the development of the embryo, when it is only fixed in the uterus. In this, she becomes slightly ill. At this time, do not allow severe fatigue, overwork, eat honey before bedtime, learn to tune in to complete relaxation - this way you will save energy.

Over time, the body will adapt to the changes, and sleep will improve. You just need to help yourself get through the first difficult period, to protect yourself from unnecessary stress and anxiety.

Little advice for pregnant women: read fairy tales. They will help you calm down and tune in to the kind and light. Remember how well you fell asleep at the age of five under your mother’s fairy tale, and try again to “dive” into childhood. Have a nice sleep!

Actual video

Insomnia while carrying a child

Pregnancy gets into your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself, during pregnancy, the second - your real pregnancy is a PUSHING EVENT and sets its certain content.

Anyone can get pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either sexual or age-related obstacles.

Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty, or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, at the same time having no real intention of getting pregnant, such a dream may indicate your being in the stage of the initial transition to a new stage of introspection.

One of the ARCHETYPES for YUNG is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct to preserve the clan.

Seeing yourself involved in activities in this position means observing your exit from the CHILD stage and the transition to the adult level.

If you are sexually active but have no intention of getting pregnant, this dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle.

In connection with such a dream, ALARMS of the "what if" type may arise, which require reflection and resolution.

A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in the reproduction of the population is in question.

Such doubts often come to mind for men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be.

Sleep acts as compensation, highlighting the creative side of their PERSONALITY.

Pregnant men not only give birth to children, but also something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.

The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to a variety of events in dreams.

By their nature, these events can be anything: from the most violent to ridiculous.

This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is the source of a whole spectrum of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, partner DEATH, chronic health problems, pregnancy loss due to an accident or miscarriage, birth defects in a baby, twins, triplets, etc., and increased fertility, where conception and bearing of a fetus occur more often and regardless of protection.

Dreams of infidelity or death of a partner often arise as a response to feelings of insecurity due to changes in the appearance or frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy.

Dreams about chronic health problems and child defects belong to the category of negative PERFORMANCE WILL, and it is also a result of the excitement experienced by women in this position.

Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult.

Sometimes at a certain stage, pregnancy suppresses a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly handle the role of MOTHER.

Multiple pregnancies can be a visual representation of these fears.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation

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Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which you have difficulty falling asleep, insufficient duration or quality of sleep for a long time. Many pregnant women experience sleep disturbance right from the first weeks of gestation, which is associated with a hormonal shake-up of the body. Especially sensitive to insomnia are those women who have never experienced this problem before. The situation is complicated by the fact that in this position, the expectant mother needs to get enough sleep and it is undesirable to overwork, therefore, it is imperative to fight insomnia during pregnancy. Knowing the causes of insomnia and studying the processes that take place during all 9 months in the body will help get rid of sleep disorders.

Types of insomnia

Sleep disorders with general symptoms, namely the inability to fall asleep for a long time, is called insomnia (or asomnia).

Asomnia (a + Latin somnus - sleep). Insomnia, sleep disturbance. Manifested by difficulty falling asleep, intermittent sleep with frequent awakenings at night, superficial sleep or premature waking up with the inability to fall asleep again.

There are three types of asomnia: transient, short-term and chronic.

  1. Transient. Transient or situational insomnia during pregnancy is mostly associated with episodes caused by a surge of feelings of a joyful or sad nature. The sleepless state continues until emotions calm down and life goes on as usual. In this case, the saying is good: you know less, sleep better. The expectant mother needs to protect herself from sources of unpleasant information, and her surroundings take care of the social circle and the positive mood that reigns in the family. Such insomnia lasts no more than a week and does not need special treatment.
  2. Short-term. Short-term insomnia is associated with more significant reasons - physiological processes in the body during pregnancy, stress, intake drugs, heart disease. This type of insomnia can last for about a month, and during this period, the body of a pregnant woman can be significantly affected. If sleep disturbances have been disturbing for more than a week, you should immediately contact a specialist. It is impossible to get rid of the problem on your own, since only a doctor can recognize the true cause.
  3. Chronic. Chronic asomnia is the most difficult form of insomnia that does not occur from scratch. They suffer from it for months, and this condition can cause both mental and physical illness. It is found much less often than the previous ones, however, in any case, this is a reason to see a doctor. If a chronic illness worried a pregnant woman before, the methods of dealing with it will have to be adjusted, since the previous drugs can harm the baby.

Why insomnia is dangerous for pregnant women

According to statistics, approximately 80% of pregnant women face the problem of lack of sleep. Many experts consider this condition as one of the signs of early pregnancy, as well as a state of drowsiness.

Why is insomnia so dangerous during pregnancy? Of course, a woman gets tired quickly during the day, because everyday things are no longer done as easily as before. The position of the future mother obliges her to protect not only herself, but also the baby from sudden movements, frequent bends and lifting weights.

Any action requires concentration, and insomnia reduces it and causes additional stress. In her position, a pregnant woman can very easily get injured, even performing the simplest movements, be it taking a shower or a leisurely walk. Against the background of an unstable hormonal balance, irritability appears, which arises even from trifles.

The main causes of sleep disturbance during pregnancy

As the gestation period increases, the physiological causes of insomnia also increase. It is noticed that at a later date, it appears many times more often and manifests itself much more powerful. The most common causes of insomnia are:

  • problems in choosing a comfortable position, because the stomach has grown and the weight has increased ();
  • pulling pain in the lumbar region and back;
  • active fetal movement;
  • leg cramps;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • pronounced due to skin stretch marks;
  • dyspnea.

The prerequisites for sleepless nights during pregnancy are and psychological reasons... Among them are noted:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • nervous tension;
  • stressful situations;
  • concern for the health of the child;
  • fear of childbirth;
  • nightmares.

The nature of insomnia is varied, but it is imperative to fight it. Poor physical condition and psychological problems should be prevented, and if insomnia has already appeared, learn to resist it.

Hormones and insomnia

First trimester. With the increase in the duration of pregnancy, the reasons for insomnia become more and more. Most often, this situation is associated with a restructuring of the body's hormonal system. At the beginning of pregnancy, estrogens (hormones of the first phase menstrual cycle) give way to progesterone - the hormone of the second phase. Otherwise, he is called the guardian of pregnancy. An increase in progesterone levels brings the body into a state of complete readiness, aiming it exclusively at bearing the fetus. Accordingly, even at night, this hormone does not allow the body of the expectant mother to relax and rest, so a full sleep is impossible.

Second trimester. With the onset of the second trimester of pregnancy, the general picture partially changes, and the night's sleep improves. By this time, the woman's body is already adapting to the hormonal surge: relative stability sets in. nervous systemThe pelvic organs, including the bladder, intestines and liver, have learned to adapt to the growing uterus. The work of all organs is normalizing, and the stomach has not yet increased enough to interfere with restful sleep.

Third trimester. The third trimester in pregnant women is again accompanied by insomnia, it is more and more difficult to find a comfortable position for rest. Women who have a habit of sleeping on their stomach or back find it very difficult to adapt to another position. During this period, physiological discomfort is observed: the expectant mother develops heartburn, aggravating in the supine position, pains in the back and lower back, and even at rest, shortness of breath appears. By this time, the abdomen reaches such dimensions, which makes it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position.

The situation becomes more alarming closer to childbirth from regular lack of sleep and emotional unrest, often turning into nightmares. Because of this, sleep becomes more disturbing and shorter. A woman restlessly listens to her well-being, waiting for contractions, feels every movement of the fetus, which does not allow her to relax and fall asleep. The third trimester of pregnancy is accompanied by another hormonal jump: the level of progesterone drops sharply before childbirth. The reason bad sleep and difficulty falling asleep may be training contractions of the uterus that occur several days before delivery.

How to overcome insomnia

You can deal with insomnia in ad hoc ways. There are factors that can help make your night's sleep sound and stable:

  1. We avoid stress - accumulated fatigue does not always lead to long-awaited sleep, sometimes a woman simply cannot relax.
  2. We give up the habit of sleeping during the day - perhaps the night sleep will be able to recover.
  3. We share nightmares with a close and understanding person - psychologists believe that a dream spoken aloud helps to understand that there is no danger nearby.
  4. We avoid emotional stress in the evening - we refuse to clarify the relationship, unpleasant conversations and do not look at the militants at night.
  5. We do not drink large quantities of liquid at night - there will be no need for frequent emptying bladder, and as a result, the need to get out of bed at night.
  6. We use homeopathic remedies if recommended by a specialist.
  7. We have sex - if there are no contraindications, but there is a desire, then why not try this method?
  8. Choosing comfortable sleepwear - preferably pajamas made from natural materials that do not hinder your movements.
  9. We are not nervous and think only about the good.

And most importantly - if all else fails and you want to resort to drug treatment, you must immediately inform your doctor about this. No advice from friends and immediate family can replace the experience of a specialist. Only he will be able to find the right and safe medicine for a pregnant woman without harming her unborn child.

How to help yourself

Causes of insomnia during pregnancy different terms therefore, the methods of dealing with it are different. For the first trimester, manipulations are suitable that help maintain a certain daily regimen and nutrition:

  • Create a habit of going to bed at the same time, preferably before 23:00;
  • The last meal should be pushed back three hours before bedtime, so that the stomach has time to free itself from food during this time;
  • You will have to give up the usual coffee and tea, replacing them with a glass of warm milk, which has a slight sedative and sedative effect;
  • It is possible to use herbal extracts of chamomile and mint without fear, but with regard to the rest you need to be more careful - you should consult a doctor about their compatibility with pregnancy;
  • Character water treatments should be reconsidered - give up relaxing hot baths and contrast showerthat increase the tone of blood vessels and increase blood circulation, in favor of pouring warm water;
  • Walking before bed for an hour will relax and help you fall asleep, and airing the room works in a similar way.

The third trimester of pregnancy is characterized by several types of insomnia: starting, with sleep disturbance when falling asleep; inability to maintain a state of sleep, with constant awakenings and insufficient absorption in sleep; insomnia of the final phase with early awakening and the inability to fall asleep again until the time of getting up.

  • In case of starting insomnia, it is recommended to take a position lying on the left side (), which improves the baby's blood supply, the kidneys and intestines of the expectant mother;
  • Pillows can be put between the legs and under the stomach, and the head can be raised with the help;
  • To prevent cramps, you can massage the calf muscles, back and lower back, feet and ankle joints;
  • From frequent awakenings during sleep, an orthopedic mattress will help, contributing to the adoption of the correct position of the spine, muscle relaxation, removal of vascular spasms;
  • For itching in the abdomen, you can use moisturizers, and to prevent it, you need to try not to gain weight dramatically;
  • Wearing the bandage during the day partially reduces nighttime discomfort.

Video: how to sleep properly during pregnancy

Pregnant women who pay attention to fitness for expectant mothers are much less likely to complain of insomnia and soreness in their limbs. Of course, marathon distances in this position will not work, but yoga, Pilates, swimming and stretching are within the power of any healthy woman. Nice results show the mastery of relaxation techniques taught in courses for pregnant women to prepare for childbirth. Of course, not every woman has the opportunity to attend such courses, but if desired, relaxation techniques can be found on the Internet.

It happens that all methods have been tried, but sleep does not come. At the same time, one should not fall into despair, as well as lose his temper. After waiting half an hour, you need to get up and do some monotonous affairs that do not cause a surge of emotions. Calm music, knitting, guessing crosswords, reading a book, talking to yourself, playing solitaire will help you to tune in a calm and peaceful mood. For some, peeling potatoes finally helps. Creative activities that are exciting and exciting are best postponed until morning.

In borderline cases, when the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness is lost to such an extent that the time of night rest is no more than 4-6 hours, and this condition is observed for more than a week, you should immediately contact a specialist. The gynecologist will determine if there are physiological reasons for insomnia, the therapist will study the general state of health, and the psychologist will advise how to get rid of psychological disorder... Preparing for the birth of a child is a work that requires considerable effort, which should be regularly restored.

Can't sleep? Is the kid pushing? Not finding the right sleeping position? The cause of insomnia is not always a growing tummy. How to deal with hormonal changes and what can a pregnant woman afford in the fight against lack of sleep, except milk with honey? Ekatrina Ishchenko, in an attempt to sleep, was looking for correct posture for sleeping under the supervision of the head of the Women's Clinic No. 25 Elena Farafonova:

Pregnant women write on the forums

I feel that I will soon please in a psychiatric hospital! Dear girls, help with advice! Already despaired! Pregnancy is 7 months, but for several months I have been falling asleep at 3 am, despite the fact that I go to bed at 23, I lie, I think all sorts of nonsense come into my head, while I can scratch my face (pick up pimples that have now appeared) and gnaw my nails (there are already some stumps left) I understand that this is all disgusting, but I can not cope with it, then I fall asleep at 3-4 hours, and in the morning I get up and hate myself for what I have done (((I went to the doctor, I advised valerian, does not help (I drink mint, milk with honey at night, it does not help either (What to do ??? I have just turned into such a stashilish with anamy on my face and gnawed nails ((my husband also does not sleep because of me, but he has to work get up at 6, and the massage makes the kkk relax, but everything does not help (Did anyone have something similar?

\u003e\u003e glitsyn, at night, I drank 1-2 tablets, it has no contraindications, you can drink for a week, then take a break ... well, or every other day, if you're afraid, 1 tablet each. And take care of yourself, I read in the kitchen, since one fig can't sleep, watch TV, don't force yourself. Sleep during the day if you cannot sleep at night. This is so with many, then it will pass.

I also tried calming teas and Persenchik, but strictly at 3.00 my eyes opened and until 5 I was awake. And the little one in the tummy also raged at such a time. She saved herself by reading, listening to soothing music - dolphin songs, the sound of the sea, etc. It was at the first take….
And now ... The elder is so exhausting that I fall asleep before him and barely get up in the morning. Maybe I'll go on maternity leave, I will rest more, insomnia will overtake me then. In general, this is normal - you are worried about the future, the child pushes and does not allow sleep, the body prepares for awakening at any time of the night

I shower before going to bed and a couple of pills of valerian .... I also do not sleep at night ... and after valerka, after a while, it starts to pull into sleep)))

I had such a period, I did not sleep at all at night, then during the day I walked like a zombie ... the doctor said that this happens, this is due to harmonies

There are very good way to overcome insomnia)) Choose the thing that you don’t like to do around the house (you really don’t like it, it’s straight for nothing) and when you can’t sleep do it, after a while the dream will come)))

do not suffer))) read books, do something around the house, just rest))) I also sat with insomnia at night

i suffered and roared (even when I had to go to work), then I realized that this time should be used with benefit: read, clean, wash: gy:
I tried (sometimes it worked) like this: sitting on the bed in the dark, staring at one point, covering myself with a blanket and sipping hot tea with milk, with a bite of honey (it was +25 on the street)))). And sometimes, on the contrary, she went to another room and lay on the couch without shelter to freeze))), they supposedly fall asleep from the cold (although, again, in this wild heat, it was difficult to freeze in summer)))). Here a couple of times it rolled like that.

walk more. At night, warm milk with honey is possible. As I remember, I shudder, as they say. In summer, such a heat, a huge belly, and ... insomnia all night. The beauty!

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