Every month a cold: what to do? Why often sick with colds - psychological reasons for how to cease to hurt with colds for adults.

The cold is called a group of diseases, preferably affecting the organs of the respiratory system (rhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, angina). For the development of the disease, contact with a sick person and infection is not required. Against the reduction in the activity of the immune system in the respiratory tract, conditionally pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply.

Causes of chronic colds

Frequent colds and infectious diseases are a consequence of weakened immunity. If a person is ill at least 5 times a year, then he has a weak immune system.

Therapy of a recurrent cold is carried out under the control of the doctor. He can register antiviral and antibacterial agents, Preparations for strengthening immunity. For the removal of symptoms, antipyretic and painkillers are prescribed.

How to prevent colds?

Chronic colds develop in the presence of infection in the body. In order to avoid infection, it is necessary to avoid contact with sick people. Infection pathogens most often apply to air-droplet, so it is recommended to use a disposable mask. In the period of epidemics should avoid places of accumulation of people.

A large number of pathogens of microorganisms, including chronic colds, are present in their hands. Hand washing with soap significantly reduces the likelihood of getting cold.

  • rationalization of nutrition (in order to get rid of chronic colds and other problems, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient amount of a full protein in the diet, as well as minerals and vitamins, especially the group B, as well as C, E, A);
  • optimization of the day and physical activity (8-hour sleep, an acceptable work schedule, regular fitness classes, outdoor walks);
  • hardening (helps to defeat chronic colds, provoked by supercooling);
  • sanitation of foci of chronic infection in the body (caries, tonsillitis);
  • timely treatment of diseases internal organs;
  • preventive reception of probiotics, vitamins, adaptogens, immunomodulators (under the control of the doctor).

Chronic colds caused by violations in the work of the immune system may be associated with heredity. Today, about 140 molecular genetic defects leading to persistent immune dysfunctions are known. Genetic research in the Genetic Center "Genomed" allows you to identify a tendency to one or another pathologies. For example, the panel "Primary immunodeficiency and hereditary anemia".

The cold is a disease that arises from the overwhelming majority of people, as a rule, more than once a year. Frequent colds in adults can be a consequence of both respiratory viral infection and the supercooling of the body.

In the first case, the disease develops rapidly, accompanied by a jump-shaking increase in temperature. In the second case, the development of the ailment occurs gradually.

Basic symptoms:

  • inflammation of mucous membranes;
  • nasal congestion;
  • possible pain in the throat;
  • lack of appetite;
  • general weakness;
  • temperature less than 38 ° C.

In the absence of treatment, complications associated with inflammation are possible. respiratory tract (Bronchitis), hearing organs (otitis), lungs (pneumonitis), larynx (laryngitis) and pharyngitis (pharyngitis), runny nose (sinusitis and rhinitis).

According to statistics, a person who appeals to the doctor for this reason more than 6 times a year can say that he often sick. At the same time, the norm in an adult is up to 2 times a year in the case of a seasonal epidemic.

Possible causes of colds

More exposed to this disease, people of the older generation and children. Also on the resistance of the disease affects the lifestyle. The reasons for frequent colds in adults can become elevated physical and mental loads or their complete absence, stressful situations, lack of sleep, sitting or unbalanced nutrition.

People who have bad habits or chronic diseasesYou should be the most careful and react as early as possible to the first symptoms. Otherwise, serious complications are possible.

However, in the overwhelming majority, the cause of frequent colds is a weakened immune system of a person who is seriously affected by all the factors described.

The role of immunity

The first initiates the synthesis of phagocytes. These are specialized cells to help neutralize hostile antigen.

The second is called a humoral immunity, in which the antigen is neutralized by antibodies - immunoglobulin.

The third line was the skin, as well as some mucous membranes and enzymes. In the event that a viral infection is still in the body, its response will be the intensive production of interferon - special cellular protein. In this case, the patient will be observed increased temperature Body.

Initially, immunity is formed in the womb, so closely related to genetic heredity and directly depends on the peculiarities of feeding. Seriously strengthen the immunity of the child will help breast milk. However, except for heredity, there is still a huge number of other factors that may affect the development of protective functions. Most of them are adjusted by means of modern pharmacology and will not let you feel.

In most cases, weak immunity occurs for the following reasons:

Another important reason is bad hygiene. Dirty hands become a source of microbes and viruses capable of infecting you. For prevention, you need to wash your hands with antibacterial soap about 20 seconds.

The reduced function of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) or adrenal glands with difficulty is diagnosed, but can also act as one of the reasons why people are counted.
Most of these factors man can easily exclude. Sports, lack harmful habits, healthy nutrition And clothes on the weather will help to avoid critical reduction in immunity.

Possible complications

Due to low immunity, the body is not able to deal with frequent colds independently. Therefore, a person is pursued by frequent ARVI and ORZ. As a result, it is necessary to constantly use potent drugs that further reduce immunity.

Because of this, the appearance is possible allergic reactions and autoimmune diseasessclerosis scarm, pains in the joints, crown disease or libman-saks disease (systemic red lupus).

Signs of reduced immunity

Weak immunity can be determined by the following features:

  • frequent headaches:
  • pain in the muscles and joints;
  • constant fatigue and weakness;
  • pale painful skin;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • dry lifeless hair;
  • hair loss;
  • brush nails;
  • treatment of cold takes up to two weeks;
  • the disease proceeds without increasing body temperature;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • preserving subfebrile temperature;
  • chronic infections;
  • fungal diseases.

If you become periodically noticing such symptoms at yourself, then you should be visited by a doctor. The specialist will help choose suitable ways to enhance immunity.

Methods of strengthening immunity

The question of how to increase immunity is set by many. Raise the activity of the immune system is a difficult task that will require you significant efforts and patience.

To facilitate the task will help the attending physician or professional immunologist, eliminating the failure in the desired section of the immune system. Self-medication, as a rule, leads only to the deterioration of the situation and new diseases.


To get the necessary effect from this procedure, you need to have a general idea of \u200b\u200bhow it works. When cooling some sections skin cover The body in response is trying to reduce heat losses and lymphotok from these sites.

As a result, tissue can quickly get rid of slags and dead cells. The procedure helps to rejuvenate the body and increase the resistance to temperature loads. It should be understood that this procedure for the body by the number of energy spent is very expensive. The kidneys are exposed to serious load lymphatic system and liver. If there is no energy supply required, then the body is overloaded, and a person can often sow wit.

Therefore, before proceeding with the procedure, you should consult with a specialist who knows what to do, and will be able to develop a detailed plan of classes. Do not rush, hardening should pass gradually. Mainly focus on your body, its feelings. One of the basic conditions of success is regular.

The passage of the procedure becomes critical and may not be reduced to all results. For hardening, it is necessary to treat as much as possible and thoroughly so that instead of increasing the immunity to harm health.

Physical exercise

Significantly to strengthen the immune system will help sports. With an active movement, the blood circulation rate increases, contributing to the excavation of slags from the body. However, as with hardening, you should know the measure to make a program of training, based on the age and capabilities of the body.

Long load (more than 1.5 hours) increases susceptibility to diseases by 72 hours after classes. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the principles of regularity, proportionality and graduality.

Proper nutrition

Balanced nutrition playing big role In strong human health. To do this, it is necessary that vegetable and animal proteins prevailed in the diet, contained the necessary minerals and vitamins B, a, C, E. protein man can get from meat, eggs, fish, nuts and legumes.

Vitamin A is contained in vegetables and fruits - tomatoes, carrots, Bulgarian pepper, pumpkin and apricots. It can also be found in creamy oil and eggs.

Vitamin B In large numbers, a person gets from dairy products, seeds, liver, bran, raw yolks, meat and nuts.

Vitamin E is rich vegetable oils, Wheat grains and avocado.

The daily diet in which there is a place to all these proteins and vitamins will serve as a good support for your health.

Pharmacological prevention

Special medicinal products Based on natural medicinal herbal for proper use Help improve immunity. These include aloe extract, ginseng, the tincture of Echinacea, the golden root, Eleutherococcus, a chinese lemongrass, Ramiolu pink, hawthorn and calangean.

In addition, often drugs of animal and microbial origin, as well as all sorts of inductors of interferon, are prescribed by doctors.

It should be remembered that such funds often have side effects. Therefore, take them without acute necessity and independently not recommended.


If you have noticed that they often become colds and for a long time, first consult with experts. After the examination, they will appoint an individual course of treatment.

At the same time, do not forget about the healthy lifestyle, sports, proper nutrition. It is worth refraining from bad habits - smoking and alcohol reduce the overall resistance of your body disease. Following these principles, you can live full life And forget what constant colds every month.

Why do we often get cold, and what are its reasons? This question does not give rest to many people, with enviable regularity of experiencing all the charm of its unforgettable symptoms. And first, you should decide once and for all, what is the disease - cold? It turns out that this is a collective concept that several viral diseases unites immediately. All of them have two common features. First, all kinds of colds have a viral origin. Secondly, the impetus to its development is often supercooling.

Under the cold, as a rule, is meant by one or several viral diseases, among which the flu and acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI or ORZ). The cold on the face is called the manifestations of the virus of a simple herpes 1 type.

Add that ORVI can manifest themselves with various inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx, including inflammation of almonds (tonsillitis), pharynx (pharyngitis), voice ligaments (laryngitis), nasal mucosa (rhinitis), bronchi (bronchitis).

By the way, the cough is not always a traditional symptom of viral bronchitis - it relates to a cold. The reflex reduction of the muscles of the respiratory tract can be caused by allergies and its difficult consequence - bronchial asthma. In addition, cough accompanies severe lung diseases: tuberculosis, sarcoidosis and many others. Therefore, if without visible reasons, without a cold and hint at her, you or your child have a cough, you should be alerted and consult a doctor.

Direct culprits of colds

The immediate reason for the cold is its pathogens. And we already found out that viruses perform their role. Depending on the disease, causative agents are:

  • influenza viruses;
  • adenoviruses;
  • respiratory and synticial viruses;
  • rinoviruses;
  • viruses of simple herpes type 1.

All of them are transmitted by two basic paths - air-drip, with a current of inhaled air, and contact, with the help of household items. Infection with respiratory virus - the matter is completely ordinary. However, why some lucky ones sharpened once in the five-year plan, and others pick up respiratory infection permanently, and not only in the epidemiologically dangerous period?

Everything is simple: there are categories of people who are more susceptible to infection. The great reservoir for viral infections has always been and remaining children, especially early age. Parents often torment a simple question - what are the reasons for frequent colds from their children? Answer simple: vulnerability children's body It is explained by the imperfection of the immune system, which only meets the vintage of viruses.

Kindergartens and school - classic receptionists of respiratory viruses, of which the infection is straightforward in our homes and offices. In addition, the risk group includes people with reduced immunity, for example, elderly, pregnant and nursing women and others.

There are children who are prone to witnesses more than others. Therefore, it is worth making all possible measures to reduce the likelihood of colds, as well as strengthen the child's immunity. How to saddle it?

The prevention of colds should be carried out all year

It is believed that most often the colds of children are sick during the periods of off-season, as well as in the cold season, since it is the supercooling that is one of the main factors that provoke a cold. However, preventive actions It should be carried out all year, and not only in the period corresponding to the epidemic seasons. It should be borne in mind that healthy image Life and observance of personal hygiene rules are the basis of strong immunity of a child, which means that colds will happen much less often.

Compliance with personal hygiene rules

Compliance with personal hygiene rules is a key to prevention. frequent diseases. You need to thoroughly wash your hands after visiting public seats, enjoy individual towels, coughing and sneezing, you should cover your mouth and a single handkerchief, and try to avoid communicating with already sick family members. Often a pleasant child must be especially carefully related to its hygiene.


Hardening must be carried out by individual plandeveloped by a specialist. Only a doctor can determine how to order a child. However, it should be borne in mind that the daily stay of the child in the fresh air should be an immutable rule for all children. Frequently ill-friendly children use mobile games in air, as they contribute to better blood circulation, strengthen the respiratory system, which is very important, since this is improved by the work of all internal organs and, accordingly, the immune system is strengthened.

We must definitely keep the room in which the baby is located, both during wakefulness and during sleep. The air temperature in the room must be no higher than 20-24ºС, and the humidity is at least 40%.

The children prone to colds need a full nutrition rich in vitamins, microelements, nutrient substances. For the prevention of colds should be added to the food garlic and onions that contain phytoncides. Communicable in the diet of children should be vegetables, fruits and berries containing a large amount of vitamin C. It is known that vitamin C, being a powerful antioxidant, protects the body from bacteria and viruses, has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. This vitamin strengthens immune system And enhances the effect of other antioxidants, such as selenium and vitamin E. Vitamin C helps to quickly cope with colds.

If your child is inclined to frequent colds, stick to these disadvantages preventive Mer And soon notice that the colds have become less likely, and the child has become more active and cheerful.

Frequent colds depress immunity and worsen not only the physical condition of a person, but also his psychological health. They also interfere with professional implementation.

Often, patients ask a doctor: "Why am I sick every month cold?" You can answer this question only after a comprehensive examination.

The most common causes of frequent colds and ORVI are the following diseases and status:

  • Foci of chronic infection.
  • Adverse working conditions.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Immunodeficiencies of various origins.

Foci of chronic infection

If young children have frequent ORZs are the norm due to a meeting with new viruses, then adults should not have this. Their body has a sufficient number of antibodies that have been developed at previous contacts with causative agents.

As a rule, in normal operation of immunity, an adult is sick with a cold no more than three to four times a year and usually this occurs during the flu epidemic or an ARVI.

If the diseases occur more often, first of all, the sanitation of chronic infection foci is necessary. To do this, visit the otolaryngologist and the dentist.

Diseases oral cavity and pharynx most often lead to reactivation of conditionally pathogenic microflora under the action external factors. If a person has chronic rhinitis (runny nose), pharyngitis, tonsillitis or otitis, they will exacerbate after supercooling, strong windmeetings with viral infection. Caries can also act as a provoking factor.

For adequate reservation of such foci, bakposhev from the oralogot and the nasal cavity is required with the definition of the sensitivity of the flora to antibiotics.

If you manage to achieve remission chronic diseases, the frequency of cold is usually significantly reduced.

Unfavorable working conditions

Adverse working conditions are the most significant provoking factor. These include:

  1. Monotonous work indoors with high humidity and low air temperature.
  2. Outdoor activities, especially during the cold season and windy weather.
  3. Stay on draft.
  4. Continuous contacts with people during the ORVI epidemic.

Frequent diseases depress immunity and provoke re-exacerbations. Often, patients are returned to work without having happened, and again catchy. In this case, the disease is already heavier. What to do in such a situation?

Change of working conditions for more favorable leads to normalization of human health.

Iron-deficiency anemia

The lack of iron in the body is frequent cause constant colds. But even doctors sometimes forget about such a relationship.

However, the normalization of blood iron levels very quickly restores immunity and resistance to infections in the patient increases significantly.

In young age iron-deficiency anemia More common in women and is associated with the following factors:

  • abundant menstruation;
  • pregnancies, especially frequent.
  • blood loss in childbirth.

In men, anemia is caused by chronic hemorrhages - peptic disease Stomach, hemorrhoid. This disease requires a thorough examination to establish a source of blood loss. In old age anemia often accompanies oncopathology.

The iron deficiency is not always apparent - with a decrease in the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin. In some situations, these indicators are on the lower boundary of the norm, but when determining the level whey gland In the blood, his deficit is revealed.

Patients with frequent colds necessarily require exceptions of anemia or hidden iron deficiency.

This pathology also contributes to the protracted flow of diseases and often a cold may flow wavely, for several weeks or a month.


Hypothyroidism is called the reduced function of the thyroid gland. This is an organ endocrine systemwhich regulates the hormonal and general metabolism in the body. Influences thyroid and on the state of immunity.

With insufficient developing of its hormones, protective forces weaken, and the resistance of colds falls. The patient often repeats ARS, they can also be complicated. This is further oppressed by immunity, and without restoring the function of the thyroid gland, it is difficult to get out of such a circle.

If the patient suffers a cold for a month or more, he needs to recommend the definition of a thyrotropic hormone. Hypothyroidism requires a long, sometimes lifelong replacement therapy thyroxine (hormone of the thyroid gland).


Frequent colds are often observed in immunodeficiencies of various etiology. They may be associated with:

  • Congenital insufficiency of any level of the immune system.
  • Inhibition of immunity with flu virus, epstein-barra, cytomegalovirus infection.
  • Oncopathology.
  • Taking cytostatics and steroid hormones.
  • Radiation treatment and chemotherapy.
  • HIV infection.

Immunodeficiency are primary and secondary. They manifest themselves frequent viral or bacterial diseases - Depending on the level of lesion.

After influenza, immunity can recover independently after a few weeks. Sometimes additionally required vitamin.

If frequent diseases are associated with HIV, primary immunodeficiencyThe consultation of related specialists - infectiousnessist and immunologist is shown.

In a situation where protective forces oppress the techniques of immunosuppressors (hormones, cytostatics) will help the correction of therapy.

Private and tightening colds in adults - a sign of disadvantage in the body. It should be found to see a doctor and undergo a detailed examination to establish an accurate diagnosis.

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