Suppositories for hemorrhoids for a pregnant woman. What suppositories for hemorrhoids can be used at different stages of pregnancy? What candles can be used


Many women during pregnancy are faced with the problem of varicose veins, their enlargement and soreness. This is more often associated with hormonal changes in the body. Enlargement of hemorrhoids is the most common problem for expectant mothers, very delicate and requiring immediate treatment.

How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy

What is the reason for the appearance of such a disease as hemorrhoids? During pregnancy, such a problem appears due to an increase in blood flow in the pelvic region, and the enlarged uterus presses on the blood plexus with its weight, disrupting the blood flow in the vessels. Many mothers suffer, they are afraid to harm their baby by using venotonics. Then how is it safe to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy? Depending on the stage of the disease, different methods of treatment are used:

  1. The first stage is asymptomatic, is detected only with an internal examination and does not need treatment. When nodes are identified, glycerin suppositories for pregnant women from hemorrhoids are used to relieve stress when going to the toilet.
  2. The second stage is characterized by painfulness on palpation of the swollen external nodes, during defecation, they fall out of the rectum, but they are easily adjusted without effort. This stage is characterized by the presence persistent discomfort and itching at the site of inflammation, blood may appear in the feces. For treatment, homeopathic suppositories with calendula are used to relieve the inflammatory process, vasoconstrictor - when bleeding occurs.
  3. At the third stage, the swollen nodes fall out during bowel movements and they have to be adjusted manually. Severe pain occurs, and an inflammatory process may develop. Glycerin suppositories are used during pregnancy, drugs with anesthetics and bactericidal drugs. Also used suppositories for hemorrhoids with bleeding, venotonics.

Bactericidal agents

Often, suppositories for pregnant women from hemorrhoids contain bactericidal substances that help with the inflammatory process of the rectum. Ichthyol and methyluracil suppositories, which are used in gynecology and proctology as antiseptic, anti-inflammatory drugs, have proven efficacy. They are easy to use at home, combined with other drugs.

Hemostatic suppositories

Rectal hemostatic drugs used in complex therapy in the treatment of hemorrhoids, may contain methyluracil, adrenaline, propolis extract. Such drugs include Prostopin, Gemo-Pro, Propolis DN, Methyluracil suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, etc. Suppositories are used in combination with phlebotonics (the same venotonics) and anti-inflammatory, bactericidal agents.


A prerequisite for the treatment of inflamed veins is the use of phlebotonics, which increase the tone of the venous walls, their elasticity, improve blood flow and prevent thrombus formation. Most often they are released in the form of tablets: Detralex, Venarus, Phlebodia, in the form of ointments - Troxevasin, Aurobin, in the form of drops - Escuzan. Venotonics are widely used in medicine. vegetable origin- these are creams with an extract of chestnut seeds, red grape leaves.

Pain relieving suppositories

Pain relief plays an important role in the treatment of inflamed hemorrhoids. Suppositories for pregnant women from any hemorrhoids contain anesthetics (novocaine, lidocaine) and excipients (anti-inflammatory, healing, emollient) that contribute to fast healing, painless bowel movements. Such drugs include suppositories Relief, Neo-Anusol, Anestezin, Proctoglyvenol, Ginkor Procto, etc.

Homeopathic suppositories

The most safe remedy from hemorrhoids in women - these are homeopathic suppositories. The advantage of such drugs is that plant components are used in their production, and the composition of such suppositories has a gentle therapeutic effect, which is very important during pregnancy. In the early stages of inflammation, it is better to use homeopathic suppositories:

  • Gemo-Pro;
  • Nova Vita;
  • Glycerin;
  • Propolis DN;
  • Sea buckthorn.

Effective suppositories for hemorrhoids

Treatment of such a delicate disease in pregnant women is not an easy task, because most ointments, tablets and suppositories are contraindicated for use during pregnancy. This is due to the composition, which often includes potent anesthetics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances. There are a number of suppositories that are approved for use by pregnant women due to the composition of natural ingredients and non-hazardous anesthetics:

  • Neo-Anusole;
  • Posterized;
  • Betiol;
  • Nigepan;
  • Heparin suppositories;
  • Candles with sea buckthorn oil;
  • Proctosan;
  • Proctosed.

With heparin

The direct anticoagulant, which was first isolated from the liver, heparin, is widely used in phlebology to treat dilated, inflamed veins. The anticoagulant prevents platelets from sticking together, has an anti-inflammatory effect on the walls of blood vessels. The use of the cream Hepatrombin with heparin externally, suppositories with heparin help to cope with hemorrhoids without the use of additional anti-hemorrhoidal drugs in the early stages of the disease. This inexpensive drug is prescribed by doctors to pregnant women.

Sea buckthorn candles for hemorrhoids

Helps to cure hemorrhoids in any trimester of candles with sea buckthorn oil. These suppositories have become widespread due to the hypoallergenic herbal composition. Suppositories with sea buckthorn have a mild soothing, anti-inflammatory effect (reduces the concentration of histamine), promotes regeneration, normalizes blood circulation (thanks to vitamins C and K), and acts as an antiseptic. The drug can be used regardless of age, at any period of pregnancy.

Relief during pregnancy

Candles and Relief ointments are used with caution by pregnant women. With the appearance of anal itching, cracks, hemorrhoids, Relief is used as a symptomatic remedy and for complex treatment different stages hemorrhoids, exacerbations and has several types and names that are used depending on the symptomatology:

  • Relief Ultra - used in the complex treatment of inflammation;
  • Relief Advance - well removes pain syndrome;
  • Relief - effective if spotting occurs.

Candles natalsid

Plant polysaccharide derived from brown algae, contained in suppositories Natalsid. Such a remedy is effective for the treatment of cracks resulting from hemorrhoids, relieves inflammation and promotes tissue regeneration. An allergic reaction to the drug is extremely rare in the form of urticaria or itching, generally well tolerated by pregnant women and children.

Video: hemorrhoids in pregnant women

Of the drugs, it is the candles that are considered the best choice from hemorrhoids during pregnancy. It is preferable, of course, not to allow this disease at all or to try to cure it with a diet, exercise. But these measures can only help early stage illness, later you have to resort to drugs.

We choose hemorrhoids
problems with hemorrhoids Development
Difficult degree of Hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Methods for treating the disease

The disease develops due to stagnation of blood in the cavernous bodies of the anus. These are the ligaments of veins located at the end of the rectum. As they expand, they form hemorrhoids.

On the initial stage- light - the nodes are located inside. Symptoms are usually not observed, although itching, burning, painful sensations, minor bleeding may disturb. With such hemorrhoids during pregnancy, they prefer to treat not with candles, but with proper nutrition, a sufficient amount physical activity, rest according to the regime, physiotherapy exercises.

The second stage - middle - is characterized by the appearance of external nodes. These are bumps that fall out of the anus, but set when the posture changes. The symptoms are more pronounced. The third stage is determined by the inability to straighten the nodes inward.

Unpleasant pathology

Suppositories for hemorrhoids can be used at any stage; during pregnancy, you need to pay attention to contraindications. In general, all suppositories are divided into types of action, many of them give several effects at once.

  1. Pain relievers. Contains antispasmodics and analgesics.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. Contains appropriate substances, may be hormonal.
  3. Hemostatic. Such suppositories for hemorrhoids will reduce blood loss, unwanted during pregnancy.
  4. Toning. Contains special substances that increase the tone of the veins.
  5. Reducing blood clots. Contains substances that thin the blood, helping to eliminate congestion.

In addition to specific components that exclude the possibility of use in pregnant women, allergies may be a contraindication. Carefully studying the composition, you need to pay attention to the presence of substances for which there is hypersensitivity... Also read and see if it helps.

Choosing the most effective candles is determined by the stage of hemorrhoids, the peculiarities of its manifestation during pregnancy. It is best if they contain only plant extracts or natural substances.

  1. When it is possible to diagnose the disease at the very initial stage, ichthyol suppositories are used. Ichthyol is a good antiseptic, it prevents inflammation and relieves pain.
  2. Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy with sea buckthorn candles is very common. The healing of cracks is accelerated, inflammation is reduced, and the passage of feces is facilitated.
  3. If the disease is closely associated with difficulty defecating, use glycerin suppositories. They soften the bowel movements while simultaneously healing the wounds.
  4. If propolis is included, the drug will have a bactericidal and drying effect. Puffiness and pain decrease.
  5. Papaverine in the composition of suppositories for hemorrhoids is also not contraindicated during pregnancy. It relieves pain, relieves constipation, relieves spasm, disinfects, reduces inflammation.
  6. Particularly difficult stages can be relieved with the help of special absorbable suppositories. They contain many components - extracts of medicinal mud, oils, plant extracts.

What suppositories for hemorrhoids to use, the doctor will prescribe, but during pregnancy you can and should use several methods of treatment. The effect that only suppositories give is not enough.

Treatment with Neo-Anusol

Other methods of therapy and prevention

Prevention and treatment of this disease are closely related to its causes:

  • constipation;
  • hypodynamia;
  • circulatory disorders.

Hard stools, difficulty in bowel movements are caused by changes in the state of the body in pregnant women. Progesterone relaxes smooth muscles, making it easier for the embryo to implant and making it easier for the uterus to stretch later. But in the intestine there are the same muscles, therefore, its peristalsis decreases. Because of this, constipation occurs.

One of the methods of treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is the prevention of constipation, which can also be facilitated by glycerin suppositories. For this, a special diet is prescribed with increased content fiber. Lactic acid products improve digestion. Protein proteins, on the contrary, contribute to constipation, so meat is consumed in limited quantities.

Irritation of the skin and mucous membranes causes blood flow, which can provoke illness. Therefore, good hygiene after each bowel movement is essential. Frequent walks, complexes of special exercises contribute to the normalization of blood circulation.

Severe cases may require surgical treatment... Nevertheless, since hemorrhoids often appear in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, doctors prefer to use the same suppositories, sometimes pills and ointments are prescribed. The operation is most often transferred to the postpartum period.

The most effective and safest drugs

The effectiveness of the drug is determined by the correct selection. With such a disease, some symptoms may be more pronounced, others weaker. Based on this, the composition of the candles is chosen. For example, if severe pain is troubling, preference is given to analgesic substances. With bleeding - hemostatic and so on.

There are certain rules for using suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, regardless of whether they are inexpensive or cost several hundred.

  1. It is better to keep the package in the refrigerator. The thawed ones are more difficult to introduce.
  2. It is better to put it at night, after bowel movement and hygiene.
  3. Medicines act locally, so you need to ensure that it is near the sore spot. If the candle goes too deep, it is best to hold it with your hand and a napkin until it dissolves.
  4. Some need to be put on two or three times a day. Then it is better to remain in a horizontal position for half an hour after injection.

According to doctors, reviews on the Internet, such suppositories for hemorrhoids work best during pregnancy.

These drugs, except for the last one, have one contraindication - hypersensitivity. But they can only be used with the permission of a doctor!

Anti-inflammatory action

Very popular during pregnancy candles for hemorrhoids "Sea buckthorn oil", or just sea buckthorn. They are allowed to be used even when any other suppositories are contraindicated. The oil accelerates healing by stimulating epithelialization processes both on the mucous membranes and on the skin. By enveloping the intestines, it facilitates the passage of feces.

They are used twice a day for no longer than two weeks, you can repeat it in a month. Allergy sufferers may have a reaction to sea buckthorn oil, such as a burning sensation. In addition, orange marks can appear on the laundry, so it is best to use a panty liner.

Glycerin is used for hemorrhoids complicated by constipation; it is allowed during pregnancy to use them in combination with suppositories with sea buckthorn. Glycerin irritates the intestines, increasing its tone, and softens the stool, which eliminates constipation. You can use it no longer than two to three days, in the morning, half an hour after a meal. They act in about thirty minutes, that is, after that, you will need to defecate.

A good effect on hemorrhoids during pregnancy is given safe candles Natalsid. They contain sodium alginate, obtained from brown algae. It reduces bleeding, reduces inflammation, and speeds up healing. Apply twice a day in a course of one to two weeks.

Neo-anuzole is a combined preparation. The set of substances in it is selected so that the effect is on all factors of the disease. Bismuth, iodine, zinc, resorcinol, tannin have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic, astringent effects, reduce hemorrhoidal manifestations. Apply two to three times a day.

According to statistics, 50-80% of women giving birth suffer from hemorrhoids.

This is due to the serious stress that the body experiences during the period of bearing a child.

For hemorrhoids during pregnancy, suppositories are often helped, which are inserted into the anus and have a local effect on the problem.

Such treatment is considered the safest for the expectant mother and her child.

Remember: any suppositories against hemorrhoids for pregnant women can be used only after consulting a doctor.

Types of candles

They are conventionally divided into 3 subspecies:

  • Pain relievers: relieve pain, treat inflammation of the rectum. There are a lot of such funds, but not all anesthetic suppositories are permissible for a pregnant woman. In order not to harm the fetus, the drug should not contain analgesics.
  • Hemostatic: needed by a woman during pregnancy if hemorrhoids with bleeding are detected. Excessive blood loss can negatively affect the baby.
  • Natural emollients- candles with a natural composition help better from hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The safest of them are sea buckthorn.

Which is better?

For the right choice drug, you need to contact a proctologist... The doctor takes into account:

  • Stage of the disease
  • Gestational age.
  • Symptoms
  • Features of the patient's body.

We offer you a list of effective suppositories that doctors prescribe more often during pregnancy and lactation:

NamePropertiesprice, rub.
Candles with sea buckthornAs part of - sea ​​buckthorn oil, which heals wounds on the rectal mucosa, relieves pain. The most inexpensive and natural suppositories.From 100
PapaverineRelieves swelling of the affected area near the anus, eliminates pain syndrome, stimulates blood flow.From 50
NatalsidThe active ingredient is taken from the extract of brown algae. The substance is suitable for pregnant women at any time. Relieve inflammation and stop bleeding.From 150
ReliefRelieves itching, burning, pain, heals cracks and microtrauma in the anal area.From 250
Apifit 1Propolis-based suppositories are often prescribed for pregnant women. After the first use, pain and inflammation are relieved.From 250
PosterisanThey increase the local resistance of the intestinal mucosa, perform a protective and healing function.From 180
ProctosanIt heals wounds well, relieves inflammation and relieves pain. This is a universal suppository for hemorrhoids for pregnant women.From 250
MethyluracilPrescribed for the treatment of cracks and wounds in the anus. Relieve burning and itching.From 50
AnusoleAppointed if there is severe pain.From 50
HepatrombinUsed for bleeding hemorrhoids. Should be taken by pregnant women only as directed by a physician.From 120

However, what kind of suppositories can pregnant women decide is still the doctor. So, there are safe candles for women in position.

It is important that they are based on natural ingredients, and the patient has no contraindications to them.

Application features

For women on early dates pregnancy, it is worth protecting yourself as much as possible from any drugs, since the fetus is still too vulnerable to the effects of extraneous factors.

1 trimester- not a good time to fight hemorrhoids.

If the symptoms of the disease are acutely manifested, in the first trimester it is better to use medicinal ointments, creams or folk methods to relieve symptoms.

You need to wait a bit until more favorable period when it is possible to treat hemorrhoids in pregnant women.

2 trimester- this is a more appropriate time to use rectal suppositories. It is also advised to continue treatment, if necessary, when the third trimester arrives.

It happens that they continue to use suppositories for hemorrhoids after pregnancy.

However, before use, you need to check if the woman in the position has contraindications to the drug:

  • Intolerance to the composition.
  • Infections in the problem area.
  • Neoplasms of a different nature.
  • Failure in the functioning of the liver.
  • The period after surgery.
  • Loose stools.

Some remedies lead to side effects:

  • Discomfort.
  • Diarrhea or constipation.
  • Dryness of the mucous membrane.
  • Allergic rashes.

Terms of use

Suppositories for external or internal hemorrhoids are easy enough to use.

They are hard to the touch, but under the influence of body temperature they melt and release their active substances.

The introduction, as a rule, takes place without much pain.

But you need to prepare:

  1. Before the introduction, the candle must be slightly cooled in the refrigerator.- then it will have an additional analgesic effect.
  2. Next should be emptied... If it does not work out naturally, you can use an enema.
  3. Thereafter you need to take a shower with warm water and soap, then wipe the anus with a towel.
  4. Lie on your side, the lower leg can be left straight, the upper leg can be tucked in, put on sterile gloves on your hands.
  5. Remove the candle from the packaging and inject immediately until it melts in the hand... It needs to be fixed inside a little further than the sphincter.

After the procedure, you need to lie on your stomach or on your side for at least 30 minutes, otherwise all the active ingredients will leak out and will not bring the desired relief.

Therefore, it is best to treat suppositories before bedtime.... The method is suitable for pregnant and lactating women.

It is important to remember about proper nutrition for stool normalization and active movement. All this - good prevention hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

Suppositories from hemorrhoids during pregnancy help a woman to eliminate uncomfortable symptoms during an important life period for her.

Hemorrhoids are considered a common disease in women who are carrying a baby.

Treatment of this pathology should be carried out at the earliest stage when the slightest signs of inflammation appear. An uncomfortable sensation in the absence of effective therapy can lead to the development of thrombosis and prolapse.

As the inflammation progresses, problems with the organs of the urinary system may arise, and heavy bleeding contributes to the development of anemia. When choosing a treatment regimen, doctors give preference to those that will not harm the expectant mother and child. Given such circumstances, during the period of gestation, namely rectal suppositories help, quickly and effectively cope with hemorrhoidal disease.

The appearance of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is largely due to the number physiological reasons... As a result of the formation of the fetus, an increase in the uterus itself occurs, which, in turn, leads to an increased load on the pelvic organs. As a result, this leads to venous stasis, due to a violation of the outflow of blood.

As soon as the expectant mother has the first symptoms that make it possible to suspect hemorrhoids, it is recommended that she immediately seek the advice of her doctor. It is he who will be able, based on the individual characteristics of the body of a pregnant woman and taking into account the nature of the course of the inflammatory process, to choose effective scheme therapy.

Modern medicine and the pharmaceutical industry today have a large assortment of various drugs that can effectively combat pathology. Special attention should be paid to suppositories, whose use leads to positive dynamics in a short time. However, pregnancy is a special physiological state of a woman, when the use of most medical supplies is prohibited. Despite this, there are a number of pleasant exceptions to the general rule.

Local use medicines in pregnant women, it makes it possible to significantly reduce the likelihood of negative consequences. Wherein therapeutic effect it is distinguished by its characteristic severity and absolute safety for the health of both the expectant mother and her baby.

Many drugs are produced not only in the form of an ointment, but also in the form of rectal suppositories. This diversity has a number of advantages.

These drugs include:

  • Relief;
  • Troxevasin;

An extremely necessary condition that must be observed and taken into account when treating hemorrhoids in pregnant women is that candles must contain exclusively natural, natural ingredients of plant origin.

This selectivity is due to their ability to reduce the inflammatory process and relieve pain. An important advantage of suppositories based on plant components is their ability to give softness to feces, which greatly facilitates their passage through the rectum at the time of bowel movement.

The use of rectal suppositories to eliminate the uncomfortable symptoms of hemorrhoids can be carried out only as directed by a doctor. These drugs are divided into two main groups and are approved for use in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

These include:

With considering clinical picture diseases and characteristics of the individual state of the patient's body, the proctologist can recommend in any trimester of pregnancy:

The main task of the above drugs for hemorrhoids during the period of bearing a child is to eliminate inflammatory processes and associated pain and discomfort.

Home candles

Traditional healers are advised to use it to combat hemorrhoids. Their implementation will successfully eliminate inflammation at an early stage of the disease.

You can prepare the following candles in:

I would like to note that it is being carried out in a comprehensive manner.


It is better to prevent the disease than to cure it later.

To do this, the expectant mother needs:

The period of waiting for the baby and childbirth are one of the main risk factors that provoke the appearance or exacerbation varicose veins of the rectum. Rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy are the most common form of treatment due to the speed and effectiveness of action. Moreover, many of them are completely natural, which is especially important. After all, it is necessary not only to save the expectant mother from pain and bleeding, but also not to harm the fetus.

Despite the fact that in pharmacies today there is a huge selection of suppositories, only a doctor can choose the safest and most allowed in this trimester of pregnancy.

And nevertheless, the expectant mother must have an idea of ​​how to treat hemorrhoids, about the name, properties, composition and side effects such suppositories.

Causes and types of hemorrhoids in pregnant women

40% of women expecting a baby face the problem of hemorrhoids. The main reason is the wrong, sedentary lifestyle, lack of sports and bad habits before pregnancy. The body of a woman in labor is not ready for increased stress. Muscle tissue and blood vessels are in such poor condition that they cannot withstand the pressure of the ever-growing uterus. She puts more and more pressure on the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity, including the intestines. Blood stagnation occurs, hemorrhoids increase

Under the influence of hormonal changes, digestion is disturbed, problems with defecation begin, prolonged constipation, which also provokes an ailment.

In addition, risk factors include:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • obesity or overweight;
  • the age of the pregnant woman;
  • a small amount of fiber, vitamins, minerals in the diet, the presence of spicy and salty foods;
  • lack of physical activity.

Childbirth, especially long and difficult, contractions and attempts, pressure on the perineal area at this moment also exacerbate hemorrhoids. The load on the vessels and veins increases, they swell and rupture. This explains the presence of hemorrhoids after childbirth, bleeding and loss of bumps.

The situation worsens especially in the last trimester.

Hemorrhoids in women during childbirth and after childbirth can be of 3 types.

  1. IN acute form... Painful signs are growing rapidly, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.
  2. Sluggish, chronic. Typical for the 1st trimester, symptoms appear infrequently and mildly. At a later date, it usually turns into acute.
  3. In a complicated form. It is considered the most dangerous, fraught with the appearance of pus. The main signs are the occurrence of cracks in the anal region, bleeding, loss of nodes.

You cannot be treated on your own, but you should not endure the pain either. The sooner you start treatment, the easier your childbirth and postpartum period will be.

What candles are allowed for pregnant women and what are the safest

Suppositories from hemorrhoids during pregnancy are selected and prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

8 essential properties of suppositories from hemorrhoids for women in position.

  1. Only natural ingredients in the composition.
  2. The ability to destroy infections, fungi, viruses.
  3. Powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. The ability to quickly relieve painful sensations, itching, burning.
  5. Heal anal fissures and microtrauma in the anus.
  6. Restore rectal mucosa.
  7. Normalize blood circulation in the pelvic and abdominal organs.
  8. To restore elasticity to the vessels, to strengthen the vascular walls.

Whether it is possible and which suppositories to be used for a given period is decided individually and discussed with the doctor. Some of them, despite the natural ingredients in the composition, are not recommended for use in the early and late stages.

The best and safest:

  • Relief;
  • Natalsid;
  • Methyluracil;
  • Neo-Anusole;
  • Hepatrombin G;
  • Betiol;
  • Hemo-pro;
  • ichthyol;
  • papaverine;
  • glycerin;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • with belladonna;
  • with propolis;
  • with calendula.

At home, you can make inexpensive candles based on:

  • potatoes;
  • beets;
  • garlic;
  • propolis;
  • regular ice.

Let us consider in more detail those of them that can and should be used in such an important and delicate period in a woman's life.

From the pharmacy

Any medicinal product differs in properties, composition, contraindications. Before use, you must carefully study the instructions for use, which contains the necessary information.

What suppositories can be used for hemorrhoids during pregnancy.


They are the most popular and frequently prescribed.

Contains: extract from shark liver, phenylephrine, zinc sulfate, cocoa butter. Differs in a sharp specific smell.


  • relieve pain, itching and burning;
  • stop bleeding;
  • heal cracks in the anus;
  • restore the mucous membrane of the anal area and rectum;
  • narrow blood vessels in the affected area, improve blood flow, eliminate blood stasis;
  • excellent antiseptic and immunomodulator.


  • 1 trimester of pregnancy: increase the tone of the uterus, provoke a miscarriage;
  • diabetes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • intolerance to the components in the composition.

Method of application: 2 times a day, in the morning and before bedtime, 1 suppository, preferably after cleansing the intestines.

When severe pain the doctor may increase the dose to 4 suppositories per day.

Relief Advance, Relief Ultra - suppositories of the same family.

The first contains anesthesol, therefore it is prohibited in the early stages of pregnancy.

The second one cannot be used by women in position.

The cost of 1 package fluctuates around 400 rubles, sold without a prescription in any pharmacy.


Possess a unique natural composition in the form of an extract from seaweed kelp.


  • hemostatic;
  • analgesic;
  • healing;
  • antiseptic;
  • dissolving, they form a gel-like mass that helps to liquefy feces and facilitate the process of defecation;
  • eliminates inflammation of the tissues around the anus and heals cracks.


  • used at any stage of pregnancy;
  • are effective after the first use.

Contraindications include only allergy to components.

The cost ranges from 350 rubles per package.


The anti-inflammatory effect is based on the ability

quickly regenerate healthy cells by increasing the rate of their division.


  • accelerate the tightening and healing of wounds in the anorectal region;
  • increases the immunity of mucous membranes and skin in an inflamed place;
  • bactericidal action, destroys all pathogenic microorganisms;
  • stops bleeding with hemorrhoids;
  • quickly restores mucous membranes;
  • reduces hemorrhoids;
  • brings relief and comfort thanks to the menthol content.


  • pathology of the lymphatic system;
  • blood cancer;
  • insufficient number of leukocytes in the blood;
  • allergy to components.


  • sometimes a burning sensation upon administration;
  • 2nd trimester - can be used without fear, 1st and 3rd trimester - only as directed by a doctor.

How to apply:

  1. After consultation with a doctor, who will write down the treatment regimen.
  2. The dosage is 1 or 2 suppositories per day.
  3. Duration - from 7-10 days to 2 months.
  4. Pre-cleanse the intestines naturally or with an enema.

The cost of 1 package of 10 suppositories is 60–70 rubles.


It has one significant drawback - it is not allowed in the 1st trimester. But otherwise, only advantages. It is one of the most powerful pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs, even in severe hemorrhoids in pregnant women.

It is used for indoor and outdoor hemorrhoids, quickly heals cracks and relieves puffiness, is an excellent prevention of disease.

Method of application: in the morning and in the evening, 1 suppository after a bowel movement. The duration of the course is 14–21 days.

Price per package - from 170 rubles.


The main active ingredients- belladonna and ichthyol. Despite the natural composition, they are prescribed by a doctor, since they have contraindications due to the content of belladonna extract.

Application for breastfeeding involves weaning the baby.

They help with pain and inflammation only at the initial stage of the disease.

Price in pharmacies - 50-70 rubles


It contains only natural ingredients, the properties of which determine their pharmacological action:

  • propolis;
  • yarrow;
  • ginkgo biloba;
  • sea ​​buckthorn and cocoa butter;
  • aloe;
  • chestnut;
  • comfrey;
  • therapeutic mud from Lake Tambukan.


  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • pain reliever;
  • relieving irritation;
  • decongestant;
  • immunocorrective;
  • regenerating action.

It is allowed at all stages of pregnancy and during lactation, since the components are not absorbed into the bloodstream, but only have a local effect.

There is one contraindication: allergic reactions into natural components.

No side effects have been identified.

Method of application: according to the doctor's prescription, 1 suppository per day. Duration - from 10 to 30 days.

The cost is from 280 to 360 rubles, depending on the region.


Beetroot candles

It copes especially well with internal knots.

How to make a candle:

  • wash and peel the vegetable;
  • cut out a piece of torpedo shape;
  • its dimensions should be about 3-5 cm long and 1.5 cm wide, edges and surface smooth;
  • insert the ready-made suppository into the rectum with a vercher before going to bed;
  • keep all night;
  • in the morning after going to the toilet, the remnants will come out;
  • wash the crotch and grease with sea buckthorn oil.

Garlic candles

Check with your doctor before using these procedures.

An excellent remedy for eliminating pain and inflammation, normalizing intestinal microflora.

With caution: with irritable bowel syndrome.

Recipe number 1 (with sea buckthorn oil):

  • peel the garlic;
  • pour the oil into a container;
  • toss the garlic there so that it is covered to the top. This will remove the sharpness and side effects in future;
  • hold everything in a water bath for no more than 20 minutes;
  • the candles are ready.

Use 1 at bedtime.

Recipe number 2 (with butter):

  • finely chop the peeled garlic or pass through a press;
  • mix olive and butter;
  • add garlic to the mixture;
  • the consistency should be mushy;
  • make molds from thick paper in advance;
  • put in each mixture;
  • send to the freezer.

Put once a day at night, after removing the wrapper.

Usually the pain goes away on the 5th day.

With calendula

There are several folk recipes safe, cheap and reasonably effective suppositories that you can make yourself.

Recipe 1

It is made from pure herbal decoction. Pour the broth into pre-prepared forms of thick paper or foil, freeze. Expand before use.

Recipe 2 (with vegetable oil)

Boil dry herb, leave for 30 minutes. Cool, filter, add a few drops of any vegetable oil, pour into molds, send to the freezer.

Recipe 3 (with butter)

Add melted butter to the broth at a rate of 1: 5, mix, form candles in molds, freeze.

Recipe 4 (with honey)

Mix a glass of strained broth with 4 teaspoons of wax, preferably beeswax, and 1 glass of melted butter... Heat the mixture + 1 tablespoon of fresh honey. Dissolve the ingredients, mix. You should get a viscous mushy mass, which is removed to the refrigerator.

As needed, form suppositories from the mass and insert once a day after bowel movement.

Terms of use

Rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids are quite easy and convenient to use. For a more effective result, it is enough to adhere to simple rules.

  1. The candle should be cold. This prevents it from melting quickly, and the cold enhances the analgesic effect. Therefore, store them in the refrigerator and remove them before direct use.
  2. The intestines are clean. Give a cleansing enema if you can't go to the bathroom on your own.
  3. Hygienic procedures. The anorectal area should be clean and completely dry. So take a shower and dry your crotch thoroughly with a soft towel.
  4. Get into the most comfortable position. This means lying on one side, pressing one leg to the chest, the other can remain straight.
  5. Wear disposable medical gloves. The condition is optional, but desirable. The risk of infection and injury to the skin, mucous membranes and nodes is reduced.
  6. Inject the suppository immediately. You should not hold it in your hands for a long time, otherwise it will melt and introduce it will be problematic or impossible.
  7. Prepare wet antibacterial wipes. You can use them if you were not wearing gloves.
  8. Lie on your side or back for at least half an hour. During this time, the active components will have time to dissolve and begin to act.
  9. The procedure is carried out before bedtime. it best time allowing you to be at ease.

Some candles leave marks, especially natural ones. In order not to stain your linen, you can use women's pads.

In the morning, hygiene procedures are also necessary. After showering, wipe your skin with sea buckthorn or any other emollient oil.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids, prohibited for use during pregnancy

It has already been said above that many candles, despite their high efficiency, are contraindicated during the period of gestation and breastfeeding.

Many of them contain benzocaine, lidocaine, hormonal or toxic substances.

The following rectal suppositories are prohibited:

  • Hepazolone- it contains prednisone;
  • Proctosan;
  • Proctosedil M;
  • Ultraproject.

Do not tempt fate, because on the pharmacy shelves you can easily find a safe and effective drug for any period of time.

But even such should be used only after consultation with the doctor.


It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later, especially in such a delicate period. And the candles will act faster and more efficiently if you follow the measures that help prevent the exacerbation or appearance of hemorrhoids.

5 golden rules for a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy.

  1. Balanced nutrition. It is very important for normal digestion and bowel movements. To avoid constipation, you should limit fatty foods, legumes, pastry products, black bread. With care - salty, pickled, smoked, spicy, everything that increases blood flow to the pelvic organs. Give preference to vegetables and fruits, cereals, except for rice, hated broths, dried fruits.
  2. Special physical exercises. The complex is agreed with the attending physician and gradually prepares for generic activity muscles of the uterus.
  3. Compliance with personal hygiene. With hemorrhoids during pregnancy, it is necessary to especially monitor the cleanliness and dryness of the perineum. After each bowel movement, wash it with water at room temperature. At the first signs of an illness, exclude toilet paper by replacing it with wet antibacterial wipes without alcohol.
  4. Five minute breaks. Do not sit for a long time if you are still working, but get up and do a set of simple exercises. In this case, the uterus does not exert strong pressure on the intestines.
  5. Hiking. Try to walk every day, but without fanaticism. Otherwise, pressure increases on the vessels and veins of the rectum, which can provoke an exacerbation.

Rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, according to reviews, really quickly cope with unpleasant and painful symptoms. The main thing is to choose them correctly together with the doctor. And when using, monitor your health.

We are looking forward to your comments and feedback. Surely you have your own stories and wishes, tips and warnings. Maybe they are the ones who are important and needed by someone today, and just your opinion will help to avoid mistakes in such a responsible and delicate period in the life of a young woman.

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