How to remove scratches from plastic glasses? How to remove scratches from glasses with plastic lenses? Glasses polishing.

Sunglasses are stylish, fashionable. But no matter what brand a person prefers, glasses should still be protected, and also kept clean and in working order. Therefore, the popular question is how to remove scratches on sunglasses? When glasses are scratched, it is no longer so convenient to look at the world through them. And life should be easy and free. All you need to do is to remove scratches from your favorite glasses. We present a hit parade of ways.

Is it possible to remove scratches from glasses and how to do it?

Vaseline and polish. It turns out that a polish designed for wood is perfect for sunglasses... What do we have to do? Sprinkle a little product on the glasses, wipe thoroughly. Then take the Vaseline and apply it to the surface. It should fill in the scratches, then remove the excess ointment. Repeat the procedure until the visual disappearance of scratches.

Metal polish. It is a polish for silver. The algorithm of actions is the same as in the previous case, one difference is that there is no petroleum jelly.

If you want to get rid of irregularities on the surface, then rub, remove excess, see if scratches are visible

If yes - the procedure is repeated, if not - with a sense of accomplishment, the person puts the glasses in the case or puts them on.

How to remove scratches on sunglasses?

How to remove scratches on glasses? Pastes

The toothpaste not only perfectly cleans the teeth, but also the surface of the sunglasses. The main thing is that the paste does not contain abrasives. The explanation is simple: if this condition is not met, the paste will scrape the glasses even more, instead of getting rid of scratches.

If you find a suitable remedy, then it's easier: you need to rub such a paste into scratches in a circle, remove excess substance using cotton wool and cold water

Like the previous procedures, this must be repeated until the result is satisfactory. Whoever doesn't like the method with toothpaste, there is an option with a solution of soda and water, the consistency of which should resemble toothpaste... Add a little soda to the container, then a little water. The behavior model is similar to the previous one.

During use, cracks may appear on the glasses, especially sunscreen products are susceptible to this. Such defects spoil visibility and impair vision, negatively affect the eyes. In addition, the accessory loses its attractiveness. Ordinary household products will help to restore the quality and presentable appearance of products, as well as eliminate defects. Let's take a look at how to remove scratches from glasses.

Before removing scratches from sunglasses or eyeglasses, thoroughly wash the lenses in warm water and soap. Then rinse in clean water and wipe dry with a cloth or microfiber cloth. Then use one of the methods below.

Eight ways to remove scratches from glasses

  1. Spray for a computer or cleaning and repairing CD or DVD discs will remove minor scratches and imperfections from the surface of the frames and lenses of glasses. To do this, apply the product to the affected areas and wipe with a flannel cloth;
  2. A non-abrasive toothpaste can effectively and safely remove scratches from products. Apply a small amount of the paste to the scratched surface and wipe in a circular motion... Remove the remnants of the product with a cotton pad soaked in warm water. For deep and severe scratches, repeat the procedure;
  3. Soda solution is a simple and reliable remedy for removing scratches. Mix 20 grams of baking soda and 20 ml of water, apply the resulting slurry to glass and rub in a circular motion. Then rinse the items with clean running water and wipe dry;
  4. Car wax is used to remove scratches from plastic lenses. Wax is applied to glass and rubbed in a circular motion, the remnants of the product are removed with a dry cotton pad;
  5. The polish for the care of wood products and surfaces has a cleaning effect, quickly and effectively removes defects on optical devices. Apply polish to the items, add some petroleum jelly and wipe the glass. The mixture fills in and hides scratches, and minor defects disappear altogether. Repeat the procedure periodically so that they do not reappear. By the way, wax and polish provide competent and reliable;
  6. Instead of polish for wood, you can use polish for silver and copper. The agent is rubbed into the lenses until defects are eliminated. When using various polishes and products that are not intended for the care of glasses, make sure that the composition does not get on the frame;
  7. Special products for the care of glasses and for removing scratches from the lenses can be purchased at the optician. Apply the composition to the products and wipe, then remove with a cotton swab and rinse in clean cool water, wipe dry;
  8. Car glass cleaner will quickly and reliably remove scratches. Apply the compound to the lenses and wipe with a cloth. Choose products that are water repellent. After such processing, the glasses will begin to shine, acquire an aesthetic and neat look. They will repel water and will not fog up.

How to properly care for your glasses

To prevent the glasses from scratching, to serve for a long time, to maintain a presentable appearance and functional properties, follow the rules for caring for the products. Wipe the lenses regularly with a cloth or microfiber cloth. Wear the accessory only in a special pouch or hard case. Moreover, the cover and the bag must also be kept clean. Make sure that dust, sand, crumbs and dirt do not collect in the products.

To avoid scratches, do not place glasses on the surface with the lenses facing down! And to extend the life of your products, you can buy and apply in optics a special protective coating in the form of a scratch film. Do not leave eyeglasses in the sun or car dashboard unless they are photochromic lenses.

Do not wipe the glass with a regular cloth. Remove the frame carefully, holding the sweetheart with both hands. Don't use glasses as a hair band. In this case, the fastening of the screws gradually looses, and they fall out. In addition, the temples of the glasses may bend unattractively.

Protect frames, especially plastic frames, from the negative effects of low temperatures. In addition, it is important to exclude contact with varnishes and paints, various chemicals. Do not use vinegar, alkali and acids for cleaning!

If you lead an active lifestyle, wear a special chain or strap on your glasses. Then you will not lose or forget the accessory, do not accidentally drop or break the glass.

Be sure to monitor your eyesight and use glasses only for their intended purpose. Get checked by an ophthalmologist every six months and do not wear damaged or scratched lenses that cannot be removed. This will impair vision and damage your eye health. Experts advise changing the glasses every one to two years, and the frame every three years.

How to wash and clean your glasses

Rinse and wipe your glasses regularly, as dirty and dusty lenses can cause fatigue and redness of the eyes, and in some cases even impair vision. Such lenses impair visibility by 1/3! Use special eyeglass sprays and fluids to clean your products. By the way, anti-fogging compounds can be used in winter. Clean on both sides of the lens!

For cleaning, not only classic dry microfiber wipes are suitable, but also disposable cleaning wipes and wipes soaked in alcohol solution. They instantly clean glass, do not leave streaks and have an antibacterial effect.

Also, you can wash spectacle lenses and a frame with ordinary soapy water. To do this, add a small amount of liquid soap, shower gel, shampoo, or mild dish detergent to warm water and stir until lather. Soap solution effectively removes grease and various stains, prevents fogging. And what to do to keep the bathroom mirror from fogging up, read.

Rinse the product from side to side, remove dirt between lenses and frames with a soft brush. Take a cotton swab to clean the mounts. After the procedures, rinse the glasses thoroughly in cool clean water and wipe dry immediately. Do not leave products wet or leave soapy residue, as streaks and stains are difficult to remove afterwards.

Optics for protecting eyes from the sun are in the arsenal of every person. A good accessory is quite expensive. It is guaranteed to protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation and will last for many years. But even a branded product with a protective coating can be scratched and rubbed. If this happens, don't worry. There are several simple wayshow to remove scratches from sunglasses at home.

Water and soda

It is necessary to prepare a paste from baking soda and water. In consistency, it should be close to thick sour cream. The resulting paste should be applied to the lens in a circular motion and left for 15 seconds. Then you need to rinse the product thoroughly. This method is good because it not only removes minor damage, but also disinfects the lens.

How to polish the glass of glasses from scratches using toothpaste?

This remedy is in every home. Rub the toothpaste into the lens for 10 seconds. Then you need to take a short break and rub in again. The procedure must be carried out until the damage disappears.

Car wax isn't just good for polishing your car

This tool is another efficient method to repair damage. It must be used according to the toothpaste scheme - rub the lenses until the chips disappear.

How to remove scratches from glasses with tooth powder?

Tooth powder should be mixed with a little water. The resulting mass should be applied to the lens and wait until it dries. Then the product must be washed. In this case, you must be extremely careful not to cause new damage to the lenses.

How to remove scratches from sunglasses with shampoo?

To eliminate defects, baby shampoo is suitable. It removes minor injuries especially gently. You need to apply shampoo to the lens, leave for a while and rinse. Then it is necessary to polish the glasses from scratches with a soft microfiber cloth.

Vinegar plus soda

You need to mix vinegar with soda, and rub the lenses with the resulting mixture. It allows you to eliminate minor defects.

Rubbing alcohol and soap

Alcohol can be mixed with baking soda. The resulting mass should be rubbed onto the lenses. Then the product must be rinsed with water. If you don't have rubbing alcohol on hand, you can use soap to clean your glasses from scratches. Apply it to the lenses, rub with a microfiber cloth, rinse the product with water. If the defects persist, you can add soda.

Polishes for metal and wood

Before using one of these tools, look at its composition. The liquid should not contain acetone. Lenses can be coated with petroleum jelly before applying. The product must be rubbed in until the defects are barely noticeable.

CD Polishing Spray

This tool is designed to eliminate minor defects from the surface of the discs. It works great for lenses too. The spray must be used according to the instructions.

Clear nail polish

This tool is in every woman's cosmetic bag. They need to fill in small cracks, and then wipe the lens with a soft cloth for several minutes.

Not sure how to remove scratches from plastic glasses? The answer is simple: using all of the above methods. They are suitable for optics of any material. In addition, all of the above methods are suitable for cleaning optics from both the sun and diopters.

We figured out how to remove scratches from plastic glasses and glass lenses with improvised means. If the crack is too deep, a sander can be used. To keep the product free of defects, store it in the case and take good care of it.

IN modern world sunglasses are more than just a thing that can protect our eyes from direct sunlight. This is a stylish and bright accessory, without which many people cannot imagine their life. We wear glasses not only on the street - it is a fashionable completion of the image at the party and in the club. Sunglasses should be worn by every girl and woman in order not to wrinkle in the sun and thereby not cause premature wrinkles.

How difficult it is to find yourself a pair of glasses that fit all parameters. It becomes even more offensive when your favorite glasses are scratched. However, empty experiences are not needed. Scratched glasses can be reanimated, it is not necessary to buy new ones.

How to hide scratches on your sunglasses

Before starting the procedure, the glasses must be thoroughly washed. If you are polishing a lens, you will have to fill in the scratch with special products. It will be better if the scratch is clean and free of dirt and fine dust. This will ensure her invisibility. After washing the lenses, carefully wipe the glasses with a microfiber cloth. It usually comes with a pair of new glasses, but you can always buy it from the optician.

  1. Jewelry polishing. Jewelers have special meanswith which they polish silver and copper items. They contain the smallest crumb that fills in all the irregularities and makes the surface mirror-smooth.
  2. Baking soda. Prepare a gruel from baking soda and water and apply it to glasses. After that, gently, with a rag, rub the glasses and leave for a while. After half an hour, wash off the composition - the scratch will practically not be noticeable.
  3. Car polishing. Car body polishing wax will help get rid of scratches of any size. Apply a little of the product to the glass and rub it over for a while. Then inspect the glass - if the scratch is still visible, try using more wax.
  4. Furniture polishing. There are special tools for polishing furniture. They contain components that gently fill in the scratch and make it invisible to the human eye. Apply a little of this product to the glass and rub it with a cloth in a circular motion. After this procedure, you will not even remember where the scratch was.
  5. Toothpaste. A non-abrasive toothpaste will help you restore the brightness and shine of your sunglasses. Apply some paste to the scratched glass, take a cotton swab and wipe the surface with it. If the scratch is deep, the manipulation should be carried out several times.

Some recipes need to be extremely careful when polishing and using. Be careful that the product you choose does not get on the frame of the glasses - it can peel off.

How to remove the top layer of glasses

It so happens that the scratch is too deep and cannot be masked in any way. In this case, you can act on a different principle - do not fill the scratch with special compounds, but carefully remove the top layer of the surface. This is only possible with plastic glasses. If you have glasses with glass lenses, this cannot be done - nothing good will come of what was planned. It is very easy to check the material from which the glasses are made. Simply tap the coating with your fingernail. The plastic will make almost no sound, and the glass will have a characteristic ringing.

Keep in mind that this will strip you of your anti-glare coating if you had one. After removing the top layer, the glasses will not last long - they will be vulnerable to mechanical stress. Before any action, the lenses should be thoroughly rinsed and wiped, so that you know where there was contamination and where there is really a scratch.

Glass abrasive is used in the manufacture of stained glass. This abrasive contains some acids that break down the top layer of the glass. The acid will not touch the plastic, but it will successfully remove the top protective layer along with the scratch. Apply a small amount of the product to the scratch and wipe with a cotton pad. Before doing this, be sure to wear gloves that will protect your hands from the aggressive effects of acid. If it is possible to remove the lenses from the frame, do so. This will protect the frame from chemical attack and unwanted consequences. If this is not possible, just tape the frame to prevent damage.

If you don't have such an abrasive at hand, you can use a regular abrasive toothpaste. It contains tiny solid particles that, with careful and prolonged rubbing, will help you get rid of the top layer of the lens.

How to protect your glasses from scratches

First of all, you need to purchase a special case for glasses and use it constantly. Your glasses should be in two positions - on your face or in a protective case. After all, often scratches on sunglasses appear after their stay on an uneven table surface, in a large handbag with a huge amount of foreign things.

If you are constantly scratching your glasses, consider glass lenses. Glass is less scratched, but more vulnerable - lenses can shatter from a minor impact. When buying or ordering sunglasses, pay attention to the protective film. It is precisely aimed at preventing the occurrence of any mechanical damage.

If all of the above methods did not help you get rid of the scratch, you can contact a specialist. Usually, opticians have special equipment that removes the thinnest top layer. After that, the lenses can be covered with a new protective film and there really won't be a trace of a scratch.

A scratch on the lenses is not a reason to give up your favorite glasses. There are many ways to bring your favorite accessory back to life. Try it and don't give up!

Video: how to clean glasses

Almost everyone has glasses. Even if the person cannot complain about poor eyesight, in sunny weather you have to protect your eyes from bright light and wear sunglasses. And many, paying tribute to fashion, order themselves stylish transparent glasses without diopters.

But during operation, a useful accessory can be covered with scratches, which has a bad effect not only on its appearancebut also on the sight of the person who wears it. What to do in this case, not to throw away practically new glasses?

Scratches on glasses are an unpleasant fact. A properly selected accessory with diopters is constantly needed by its owner, but even because of such a small defect, the functionality of the lenses decreases.

Few people want to change lenses that are suitable in all respects, but you cannot continue to use them - this is harmful to the eyes and often leads to headaches. For this reason, it is important to know how to remove scratches yourself. To do this, you will need:

  • small piece soft fabric (fabrics such as felt, felt or microfiber are suitable);
  • abrasive substances for removing small scratches (GOI paste or car polish paste);
  • sander.

Let's take a closer look at how these things can be used to remove scratches from the glass surface.

How to remove scratches from eyeglasses

To get rid of scratches on your glasses, follow these steps:

  • Apply GOI paste or car abrasive to the fabric and polish the lenses with gentle strokes. It will take a long time to do this manually, at least 30 minutes. But after such resurfacing, the glasses will look like new.
  • If the scratch is quite deep, after applying the paste, take a sander, install a felt or foam nozzle and sand the scratched surface at medium speed.
  • Finish polishing the lenses with any vegetable oil... To do this, simply drop it onto a cloth and wipe the glasses on both sides.

If you don't have a sander at home, an electric linear-drive razor can easily replace it. Of course, you have to tinker a lot, but the result is worth it. The sanding process with a razor should be done in this order:

  • Remove the shaver from the electric shaver.
  • Cut out a small round piece from a soft cloth for wiping computer monitors.
  • Fold the fabric in half and attach it to the blade. This can be done with a silk thread.
  • After that, you can turn on the shaver and start polishing. Be very careful to ensure that the piece of napkin is securely attached, otherwise you will scratch the glass even more.
  • After 2–4 minutes the polishing process must be completed. Do not do this longer, in this case, there is a high probability of damage to the glass.

If you have not been able to remove scratches from glasses in this way, it is better to contact a specialist.

How to remove scratches from sunglasses

Sun glasses are as susceptible to damage as prescription glasses. Small defects from the glass can be removed with improvised means that you will definitely find at your home.

Toothpaste or baking soda

A small amount of the paste is applied to the glass (make sure it has no bleaching effect). Then use a soft cloth to rub it over the lens surface. As a result of these actions, a delicate grinding of the glass occurs.

Then rinse the glasses under running water and dry them with a soft cloth.

The same effect can be achieved with baking soda. Before you start processing, it must be mixed with water so that a thick gruel is obtained, and polished with a cloth.


It will help to remove a scratch and polish for wood or glass, which contains wax. To repair blemishes with this product, apply it to the lenses and rub gently into the glass with a piece of soft cloth.

As a result of the manipulation, the scratches will be filled with transparent wax and will not be visible. In addition, the cracks that appear will not spread further.

If you have a copper and silver polish, you can use that to fight scratches too. Glasses are treated with a polishing compound, and then wiped dry. Repeat the procedure until the scratches are no longer visible.

CD polishing spray

This tool can be purchased at any computer store, it removes minor defects from the surface of discs.

Polish the glass with a spray, strictly following the instructions on the package. Use a dry cloth to remove residual material.

Car polish or liquid for car glass

You can easily find car polish wax and glass washer at any car store. Any of these tools will do a great job even with very minor lens damage.

Rub wax or glass liquid into the lenses of the glasses until all cracks are completely filled. Wipe off any remaining substance with a clean cloth.

Colorless nail polish

Clear varnish can be used to fill small cracks in lenses. Apply it to the damaged surface, and use a cotton cloth to wipe the glass for a few minutes.

The varnish will remain in the cracks and will not leave marks on the glasses, and the damage will no longer be noticeable.

Your lenses are not made of glass and you are not sure how to remove scratches from your glasses with plastic lenses? You can use the same methods you use to restore your sunglasses.

It doesn't matter what kind of glasses you wear - prescription glasses, sun glasses, plastic or glass lenses. The main thing is to treat the accessory with care, store it in a special case and then it will serve you for a long time.

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