Book: Dedov Ivan Ivanovich “Endocrinology. National leadership

Atlas of the Diabetic Foot Katsilambros N., Dounis E., Tsapogas P., Tentolouris N..rar -

Acromegaly and gigantism Ametov A.S., Doskina E.V. rar -

Algorithm of pregnancy and childbirth management in women with metabolic syndrome Mikhalevich S.I., Bobrik I.M .. rar -

Algorithms for examination and treatment of patients in endocrinology. Part III Central diabetes insipidus Dedov I.I., Melnichenko G.A. ... rar -

Specialized algorithms medical care sick diabetes, Dedov I.I., Shestakova M.V. rar -

Alimentary and endocrine diseases of animals Kondrakhin I.P .. rar -

Outpatient and polyclinic andrology. Sagalov A.V. rar -

Anabolic drugs in modern power sports L.A. Ostapenko, M.V. Klestov.rar -

Anabolic drugs Yu.B. Bulanov.rar -

Andrology Tiktinsky O.L., Mikhailichenko V.V. rar -

Arterial hypertension in patients with diabetes mellitus Balabolkin M.I., Mamaeva G.G .. rar -

Diabetes School Library - Criteria for Diagnosis and Compensation of Diabetes Mellitus Е.А. Kholodova, T.V. Mohort, T.N. -

Library of the school of diabetes mellitus - Fundamentals of insulin therapy in diabetes mellitus Е.А. Kholodova, T.V. Mohort, T.N. -

Diabetes School Library - Nutrition for type 1 diabetes Е.А. Kholodova, T.V. Mohort, T.N. -

Library of the school of diabetes mellitus - Why diabetes develops and what diabetes is Е.А. Kholodova, T.V. Mohort, T.N. -

Library of the school of diabetes mellitus - Self-control of patients with diabetes E.A. Kholodova, T.V. Mohort, T.N. -

Diabetes School Library. 7 books Kuraeva T.L., Mayorov A.Yu..rar -

Biologically active additives. Endocrine system health Dokuchaeva G. N. ra -

Biorhythms of hormones Dedov I.I., Dedov V.I .. rar -

Diseases of the thymus gland Kharchenko V.P., Sarkisov D.S. et al .. rar -

Diseases of the glands internal secretion Cherstvoy E.D .. zip -

Metabolic diseases. Effective ways treatment and prevention Gitun T.V. rar -

Diseases of the endocrine system Dedov I.I., Balabolkin M.I., Marova E.I. rar -

Itsenko-Cushing's disease Dedov I.I .. rar -

Big encyclopedia of diabetics Astamirova Kh., Akhmanov. M..rar -

Big encyclopedia of diabetic Astamirova H., Akhmanov M. rar -

Booklet - Diabetes mellitus. To help -

Introduction to molecular endocrinology V.A. -

Introduction to Reproductive Endocrinology Kunhard Pollow Meinz.rar -

Introduction to Reproductive Endocrinology Pollov.rar -

Introduction to Reproductive Endocrinology Pollov K..rar -

Management of patients with complications of diabetes mellitus at the prehospital stage Plavunov N.F. (ed.), Baratashvili V.L., Gaponova N.I. (comp.). zip -

Virilism, ed. M.S. Biryukova.rar -

Age-related (non-insulin dependent) diabetes Muradova E.O. rar -

Age-related androgen deficiency in men Dedov I.I., Kalinchenko S.Yu..rar -

Age-related androgenic deficiency in men Dedov I.I .. rar -

Restoration of the thyroid gland Ushakov A.V. rar -

Congenital hypothyroidism in children, ed. Dedova I.I. rar -

Congenital hypothyroidism in children V.A. Peterkova, O.B. Bezlepkina, I.I. Dedova rar -

Everything you would like to know about iodine deficiency diseases and iodized salt Tronko N.D .. rar -

Genetics of diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents Dedov I.I., Kuraeva T.L., Remizov O.V., Peterkova V.A., Nosikov V.V., Shcherbacheva L.N. rar -

Hermaphroditism Golubev I.V .. rar -

Gynecological endocrinology Serov V.N., Prilepskaya V.N., Ovsyannikova T.V. rar -

Hyperprolactinemia in men and women, Edited by G.A. Melnichenko.rar -

Hypocorticism - acute and chronic adrenal insufficiency Khamnueva L.Yu., Andreeva L.S., Kikhtenko E.M .. rar -

Hypothyroidism Bondar I.A., Klimontov V.V. zip -

Histological diagnostics non-neoplastic diseases thyroid gland, O.K. Khmelnitsky.rar -

Histological diagnosis of non-neoplastic thyroid diseases Khmelnitsky.rar -

Homeopathy in endocrinology Nikitin S.A. rar -

Homeopathy in endocrinology Nikitin S.A. ... rar -

Hormonal regulation of enzyme activity Protasova.rar -

Hormonal carcinogenesis Bershtein L.M .. rar -

Hormones. The use of hormonal drugs in veterinary medicine Parshin A.A., Konopeltsev I.G., Sapozhnikov A.F .. rar -

Hormones - killers K. M. Kapustin, L. G. Makarova, V. S. Tundaleva, S. A. Krasnova.rar -

Animal Hormones Buckle J. rar -

Hormones and their effects Verin V.K., Ivanov V.V. rar -

Hormones and productivity of animals Zhurbenko A.M .. rar -

Desynchronosis of the pituitary-thyroid and pituitary-adrenal systems in patients bronchial asthma V.P. Gordienko, Yu.S. Landyshev, O.E. Fedik ... rar -

Pediatric urology-andrology Razin M.P., Galkin V.N., Sukhikh N.K. rar -

Iodine deficiency is a threat to the health and development of children in Russia National report Dedov I.I., Melnichenko G.A. rar -

Diabetes. Myths and reality Neumyvakin I.P. rar -

Diabetes. Free yourself and forget. Forever.rar -

Diabetes. Prevention, diagnosis and treatment by traditional and non-traditional methods Khamidova V.R. -

Diabetic nephropathy - clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment Dedov I.I. (ed.), Shestakova M.V., Shamkhalova M.Sh..rar -

Diabetic polyneuropathy Barantsevich E.R., Sakharov V.Yu., Penina G.O. -

Diabetic polyneuropathy Barantsevich E.R., Sakharov V.Yu., Penina G.O..rar -

Diabetic foot, O. V. Udovichenko rar -

Diabetic hyperglycemic coma Khasanov E.N .. rar -

Diabetic menu. Sweet without sugar Akhmanov.rar -

Diagnostics, treatment of autonomic neuropathy in patients with diabetes mellitus Shepelkevich A.P., Zabarovskaya Z. V. rar -

Diagnostics and treatment coma in patients with diabetes mellitus. Hypoglycemic syndrome Nikonov L.V. zip -

Diagnostics and treatment of diabetes insipidus Dedov I.I., Melnichenko G.A., Peterkova V.A., Fofanova O.V. zip -

Diagnostics and treatment of early disorders of carbohydrate metabolism in general therapeutic practice Mamedov M.N., Poddubskaya E.A. .. rar -

Diagnostics and treatment of subclinical thyroid dysfunction Rebrov B.A. -

Diagnostics and treatment of nodular diseases of the thyroid gland Olifirova O.S., Naryshkina S.V .. rar -

Diagnostics and treatment of endocrine diseases in children and adolescents Shabalov.rar -

Diagnostics and treatment of endocrine diseases in children and adolescents Shabalov N.P. (ed.), Liss V.L., Nagornaya I.I .. rar -

Diet nutrition of patients with diabetes mellitus - dietitian advice Stavitsky V.B .. rar -

Diet therapy for diabetes mellitus Nikonova L.V. -

Dyshormonal diseases of the mammary gland Pluta A.V. ra -

Differential diagnosis in hyperglycemia and glucosuria Osetrova N.B. (comp.) .. zip -

Home treatment of diabetes mellitus Polozun.rar -

Endocrinology Bodnar P.M .. rar -

Endocrinology of a child's life Bolbot Yu.K., Abaturov O.E .. rar -

Glands and hormones. Endocrine system Pervushina E.V .. rar -

Diseases of the adrenal cortex and endocrine arterial hypertension Cronenberg G.M., Melmed Sh., Polonsky K.S., Larsen P.R .. rar -

Thyroid disease. Treatment and prevention, Rudnitsky L.V. rar -

Diseases of the thyroid gland Blagoslonnaya Ya. V., Vabenta A. Yu., Krasilnikova.rar -

Diseases of the thyroid gland Blagoslonnaya Ya.V., Vabenta A. Yu., Krasklnikova.rar -

Diseases of the thyroid gland Guide Valdina E.A. -

Diseases of the thyroid gland with dysfunction - diffuse toxic goiter, hypothyroidism Rodionova T.I. (ed.). rar -

Korodetsky's green pharmacy against diabetes_ golden mustache, stevia, periwinkle Korodetsky A. rar -

Mirror diseases. Cancer, diabetes, schizophrenia, allergies Mikhail Kutushov.rar -

Insulin resistance and the role of adipose tissue hormones in the development of diabetes mellitus Dedov I.I., Balabolkin M.I., Mamaeva G.G .. rar -

Insulin therapy for diabetes Mass insulinophobia Dreval A.V. rar -

Insulin therapy for type 1 diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents. A manual for doctors Dedov I.I., Kuraeva T.L., Peterkova V.A. rar -

Iodine is a stimulus of life Ganich M.M .. rar -

Iodine deficiency diseases and hypothyroidism syndrome Shagun O.V., Khamnueva L.Yu., Andreeva L.S. -

On the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy Skvortsov V.V. -

Clinical endocrinology in schemes and tables Shved M.I., Pasuchko N.V. ... rar -

Classification, diagnosis, treatment of diabetes mellitus and its late complications Dedov I., Balabolkin M. et al .. rar -

Cell-metabolic mechanisms of dysregulation disorders in the system of immune-endocrine relationships in diffuse toxic goiter Kadricheva S.G., Savchenko A.A., Dogadin S.A. .. rar -

Clinical endocrinology guide, ed. N.T. Starkova.rar -

Clinical Endocrinology - A Guide for Physicians Kholodova E.A. (ed.) .. rar -

Clinical endocrinology. Short course Skvortsov V.V., Tumarenko A.V. zip -

Clinical endocrinology Nikonova L.V., Tishkovsky S.V., Davydchik E.V. ... rar -

Clinical endocrinology Skvortsov V.V. rar -

Clinical endocrinology Starkova N.T. (ed.) .. rar -

Clinical endocrinology Starkova N.T. (ed.). PDF.rar -

Clinical aspects of thyroid diseases in the elderly Fadeev V. V. ra -

A book about type 1 diabetes. For children, teens, parents and others Hürter Peter, Travis Luther B. rar -

Complex ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland Sandrikov V.A., Fisenko E.P., Struchkova T.Ya..rar -

Comprehensive calculation of a balanced diet for diabetes -

Criteria for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome Rossova N.A., Shtygasheva O.V.pdf.rar -

A course of lectures on clinical endocrinology Nikonova L.V. et al .. rar -

Lecture-Diseases of the endocrine glands BDMU.rar -

Lecture-Relationship between metabolic syndrome and the risk of thrombosis Kohler G.P. zip -

Lecture-Age-related hypogonadism in men -

Lecture-Age features of the endocrine system -

Lecture-Congenital hypothyroidism Volkov -

Lecture-Hypothyroidism ISU.rar -

Lecture-Diseases of the thyroid gland -

Lecture-Lactic -

Lecture-Lectures on endocrinology.rar -

Lecture-Lectures on Endocrinology -

Lecture-Treatment of thyrotoxicosis SPbGMU.rar -

Lecture-Adrenal insufficiency OGMA.rar -

Lecture-Obesity and its consequences KhNU.rar -

Lecture - Presentation - Aspects of endocrinology in the practice of a -

Lecture - presentation - CT and MR diagnostics of adrenal diseases.rar -

Lecture-Androgen deficiency syndromes in clinical practice BelMAPO.rar -

Nutritional therapy for diabetes Nesterova.rar -

Treatment of infertility in patients with PCOS and obesity Grudnitskaya E.N., Voskresensky S.L .. rar -

Treatment of thyroid diseases Savelyeva Yu. Rar -

Treatment of thyroid diseases by traditional and non-traditional methods Filatova S. Вl.rar -

Diabetes treatment Savelieva Yu. Rar -

Treatment iron deficiency anemia sex hormones Akhmedkhanov S.Sh., Abusuev S.A., Medzhidova R.A. ... rar -

Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus with modern tableted glucose-lowering drugs Zabarovskaya Z.V., Shepelkevich A.P. .. rar -

Radiation diagnosis of pathological changes in the pancreas and liver in patients with diabetes Kamalov I.I., Khasanov E.N .. rar -

Massage for obesity, O. Petrosyan.rar -

Mass insulinophobia Dreval A. V. rar -

Metabolic disease is a syndrome. Surgical and conservative aspects Dudchenko M.A. rar -

Metabolic syndrome - diagnostic criteria, treatment protocols Danilova L.I., Murashko N.V. .. rar -

Metabolic Syndrome - Practical Aspects of Diagnosis and Treatment in outpatient settings Mamedov M.N .. rar -

Verbova's metabolic syndrome A.F. -

Metabolic syndrome in Russia Mamedov M.N. rar -

Metabolic syndrome in the Far North Mataev S.I. Vasilkova T.N .. rar -

Methodical development. Diseases of the adrenal glands in children NWGMU.rar -

Trace elements and pathology of the thyroid gland in the Tomsk region Denisova O.A., Baranovskaya N.V., Rikhvanov L.P., Chernogoryuk G.E., Sukhikh Y.I.

Adrenal insufficiency, V.V. Fadeev, G.A. Melnichenko.rar -

Human adrenal glands Soffer L., Dorfman R., Gebrilaw L. rar -

Metabolic disorders A. Dakhovsky, N. Stogova.rar -

Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism Monastyrskiy Konstantin.rar -

Diabetic handbook. H. Astamirova, M. Akhmanov.rar -

National guidelines - short edition - Endocrinology Dedov I.I., Melnichenko G.A. (ed.). rar -

Neuroendocrine pathology in gynecology and obstetrics, Gulyazutdinov I.A., Gulyazutdinova Z.Sh. -

Neuroendocrine pathology in gynecology and obstetrics Gilyazutdinov I.A., Gilyazutdinova Z.Sh. -

Neuroendocrine syndromes in gynecology Lyzikova Yu.A. rar -

Unusual possibilities of ordinary iodine Kutuzov A. ra -

Emergency endocrinology, Sumin S.A., Zhukova L.A. rar -

Emergencies in Diabetology L.I.Danilova et al .. rar -

Emergency conditions in diabetology Dubinina I.I., Tverdova L.V., Berstneva S.V. .. rar -

Emergencies in clinical T.I. Rodionova.rar -

Emergencies in endocrinology Bondar I.A., Koroleva E.A. zip -

New classification of obesity AACE-ACE (2014) Sinkevich D.A. ... rar -

New reference interval for TTG Brabant G. ra -

Obesity, Ginzburg M.M., Kryukov N.N.doc.RAR -

Obesity. Influence on the development of metabolic syndrome. Prevention and treatment Ginzburg M.M. 2002.rar -

Obesity and reproductive function women N.M. Podzolkova, I. V. Kuznetsova, O. L. Glazkova.rar -

Obesity and diabetes mellitus Belyalov F.I .. rar -

Obesity in children and adolescents Kovarenko M.A., Denisov M.Yu..rar -

Definition and diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and intermediate hyperglycemia WHO.rar -

Complications of diabetes mellitus Dedov I.I. (ed.), Antsiferov M.B., Galstyan G.R. etc .. zip -

Basic principles of hormonal correction of menstrual dysfunctions in patients of reproductive period Saidova R.A., Fedina E.V., Makatsaria A.D.

Fundamentals of Endocrinology Rosen VB .. rar -

Features of the metabolic syndrome in women at different periods of life - pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment Belotserkovtseva L.D., Kovalenko L.V. etc .. rar -

Osteoarthropathy Charcot - clinic, diagnosis, treatment Shepelkevich A.P .. rar -

Cleansing and restoring the body folk remedies for diseases of the thyroid gland Alevtina -

Thyroid pathology and pregnancy Burko I.I., Danilova L.I .. zip -

Thyroid pathology in children. Atlas Bogdanova T.I., Kozyretsky V.G., Tronko N.D. rar -

Pathophysiology of the adrenal cortex. Stress Minnebaev M.M., Mukhutdinova F.I. KSMU.rar -

Pathophysiology of the endocrine system Cattail V.M. ed. Yu.V. Natochina.rar -

Pathochemistry (endocrine-metabolic disorders) Zaichik A. Sh., Churilov L. P. rar -

First aid to diabetics Astamirova H., Akhmanov M. rar -

Primary hyperaldosteronism... Clinical practice guidelines (abridged version) J. Clin. Endocrin. -

Primary hyperparathyroidism - the basics of pathogenesis, diagnosis and surgical treatment Cherenko S. M. ra -

Oral hypoglycemic therapy of type 2 diabetes mellitus Nikonova L.V., Tishkovsky S.V. ... rar -

Nutrition of children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus Peterkova V.A., Maksimova V.P. -

Gout trap of metabolic problems Dzyak G.V., Khomazyuk T.A. rar -

Subacute thyroiditis Burko I.I., Danilova L.I., Shutova V.I. zip -

A full life with diabetes Balabolkin M.I. rar -

The procedure for providing medical care to the adult population according to the profile of endocrinology order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian -

Proper nutrition for diabetes Bushueva.rar -

Workshop on the discipline Endocrinology. Teaching aid Svirid V.D .. rar -

Practical guide for the treatment of children and adolescents with diabetes, Birte S. Olsen, Henrik Mortensen.rar - - -

Presentation-Hypotheriosis - 32 - -

Presentation-Hypothyroidism in the -

Presentation-Pituitary dwarfism (nanism) .zip - -

Presentation-Pancreatic -

Presentation-Differential diagnosis of hypoglycemic -

Presentation-Zhayylmaly euthyroid zhemsau (Diffuse non-toxic goiter) .zip -

Presentation-Diseases of the adrenal glands. Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome. Addison's -

Presentation-Thyroid -

Presentation-Locked internal secrets, damage to the effectiveness and ix -

Presentation-Zalozi zmіshanoi secrets, destruction of efficiency and їkh -

Presentation-Insulin-dependent diabetes -

Presentation-Insulin therapy, type 1 diabetes, type 2 -

Presentation-Glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes - -

Presentation-Metabolic therapy of diabetes -

Presentation-Morphofunctional characteristics of the neurohypophysis.rar -

Presentation-Adrenal -

Presentation-Violation metabolic processes with diabetes mellitus.rar -

Presentation-Non-alcoholic fatty liver -

Presentation-Nevidkladni stani in diabetologyi.rar -

Presentation - Neuroendocrine regulation of the immune response.rar -

Presentation-Emergencies in diabetes -

Presentation-Obesity-13 -

Presentation-Obesity-49 -

Presentation-Obesity and metabolic -

Presentation-Obesity -

Presentation-Obesity in children and -

Presentation-Main components and criteria for metabolic -

Presentation-Acute adrenal -

Presentation-Pathology of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, gonads.rar -

Presentation-Principles of Robotics Endocrine -

Presentation-Principles of Type II Diabetes -

Presentation-Prevention of diabetes -

Presentation-Prevention of type 1 diabetes -

Presentation-Thyroid -

Presentation-The role of hormones in metabolism, growth and development of the -

Presentation-Diabetes mellitus-24 slides.rar -

Presentation-Diabetes mellitus-28 -

Presentation-Diabetes mellitus-73 -

Presentation-Diabetes mellitus - Diagnosis and -

Presentation-Diabetes -

Presentation-Diabetes mellitus. Diabetic nephropathy in pregnant -

Presentation-Type 1 diabetes -

Presentation-Diabetes mellitus type -

Presentation-Itsenko-Cushing's -

Presentation-Characteristics of typical masks of -

Presentation-Central mechanisms of regulation of endocrine -

Presentation-Endemic and sporadic -

Presentation-Endocrine -

Presentation-Human Endocrine -

Presentation-Endocrine -

Presentation-Endocrinology of pregnant -

Presentation-Epidemiological features of diabetes mellitus in -

Application of immobilizing unloading dressings (Total Contact Cast method) in the treatment of diabetic foot syndrome O.V. Udovichenko G.R. Galstyan.rar -

The principles of individual choice of hormonal substitution therapy in peri - and postmenopausal women Tarasova M.A., Yarmolinskaya M.I. .. rar -

Obesity in the WHO European Region and strategies to tackle it.rar -

Problems of endocrinology in the practice of the therapist Belyalov F.I .. rar -

Thyroid cancer - Barsukov V.Yu..rar -

Early markers of diabetic nephropathy Bondar I.A., Klimontov V.V .. rar -

Rational pharmacotherapy of endocrine system diseases and metabolic disorders Dedov I.I., Melnichenko G.A. .. rar -

Reproductive endocrinology Cronenberg G.M., Melmed S., Polonsky K.S., Larsen P.R. -

User manual for the Accu-Chek Active blood glucose monitor.rar -

Endocrine Gynecology Guide, E.M. Vikhlyaeva.rar -

Russian-Ukrainian-Latin Dictionary medical terms... Ophthalmology. Dermatovenerology. Neurology. Psychiatry. Endocrinology Kolyadenko V.G., Shanin Yu.V. rar -

The most important thing about thyroid diseases Danilova N.A. zip -

Diabetes mellitus, Mazovetsky A.G. rar -

Diabetes mellitus - postmortem diagnosis G.P. Lavrentyuk.rar -

Diabetes. Diagnostics, treatment, prevention Dedov I.I., Shestakova M.V. rar -

Diabetes. Life without insulin Moiseeva V. rar -

Diabetes. New understanding of M. Ya. Zholondz.rar -

Diabetes. Acute and chronic complications Dedov I.I., Shestakova M.V. rar -

Diabetes. The most effective methods treatment Popova Julia.rar -

Type 1 diabetes. Book for patients -

Diabetes mellitus type 2. Book for patients -

Diabetes mellitus type 2 Dedov I.I., Mayorov A.Yu., Surkova E.V. .. rar -

Diabetes mellitus Vertkin A.L. zip -

Diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension Dedov I.I., Shestakova M.V. rar -

Diabetes mellitus and pregnancy, I.A. Ipatko, T.V. Khintal, O. N. Lebedev, R.I. Kogeviina.rar -

Diabetes mellitus and pregnancy. Diabetic embryo and fetopathy in newborn children, Ivanyan A.N. etc. rar -

Diabetes mellitus and pregnancy. Diabetic embryo - and fetopathy in newborns Ivanyan A.N., Gordilovskaya A.P. .. rar -

Diabetes mellitus and pregnancy. Guidelines for endocrinologists, obstetrician-gynecologists Ipatko I.A., Khintal T.V., Lebedeva O.N., Kozhevina R.I. rar -

Full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Director of the Scientific Endocrinological Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Director of the Federal Diabetes Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Endocrinology of the Moscow medical academy them. I. M. Sechenov; graduated from the Voronezh Medical Institute, graduate school of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor; worked at the Institute of Medical Radiology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (Obninsk), at the First Moscow Medical Institute. Sechenov in the position of professor of the Department of Faculty Therapy in the course of endocrinology, since 1989 - Head of the Department of Endocrinology; in 1989 he headed the Endocrinological Research Center of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences; President of the Russian Association of Endocrinologists, chief freelance endocrinologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, WHO expert on diabetes mellitus, member of the European and International Diabetology Associations; awarded the Order of Friendship (1994), the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2001).

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    Dedov I.I. - 2019
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    Dedov Ivan IvanovichEndocrinology. National leadershipNational guidelines are a series of practical guidelines for major medical specialties that include specific information needed by a physician for continuing postgraduate education. In ... - GEOTAR-Media, National Guide 2019
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    Dedov I.I.Endocrinology. National leadershipNational guidelines are a series of practical guidelines for major medical specialties that include specific information needed by a physician for continuing postgraduate education. In ... - GEOTAR-Media,2019
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    National guidelines are a series of practical guidelines for major medical specialties that include specific information needed by a physician for continuing postgraduate education. In ... - GEOTAR-Media,2018
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    Dedov I.I.Endocrinology. National leadership. Short edition2018
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    Endocrinology. National leadership. Short editionNational guidelines are a series of practical guidelines for major medical specialties that include specific information needed by a physician for continuing postgraduate education. In ... - GEOTAR-Media, National Guidelines - Short Version 2018
    1556 paper book

    National guidelines are a series of practical guidelines for major medical specialties that include specific information needed by a physician for continuing postgraduate education. Unlike other publications, national guidelines give equal emphasis to prevention, diagnosis, pharmacotherapy, and non-drug treatments.

    The national guide "Endocrinology" provides modern recommendations for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment of endocrine diseases and the rehabilitation of endocrinological patients. Particular attention is paid to the management of patients with the most common diseases of the endocrine system, such as diabetes mellitus, obesity, osteoporosis, thyroid disease. Recommendations for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of endocrine diseases have been prepared by leading experts and reflect the united, agreed position of the Russian scientific school.

    In this second edition, all sections of the manual have been revised and updated taking into account the latest international and domestic recommendations.

    The manual is intended for endocrinologists, therapists, doctors general practice, as well as senior students of medical universities, interns, residents, graduate students.

    The National Guide to Endocrinology is a fundamental work reflecting the current level of development of clinical endocrinology, the work on which was carried out under the auspices of the Russian Association of Endocrinologists with the active participation of employees of the largest research institutions in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia. Thanks to the unification of most of the leading endocrinologists of Russia into the group of authors, it was possible to create a guideline reflecting the agreed position of the domestic scientific school on all topical problems of endocrinology. In Russia, as in most of the developed countries of the world, endocrine diseases, in particular diabetes mellitus, are one of the main causes of death and disability.

    In the book “Endocrinology. National leadership ”provides current recommendations on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment of endocrine diseases and the rehabilitation of endocrinological patients. Particular attention is paid to the management of patients with the most common diseases of the endocrine system, such as diabetes mellitus, obesity, osteoporosis, thyroid disease. Diagnostic approaches to patients with the most common endocrinological syndromes are described: hypercorticism, nodular goiter, hypogonadism, etc. Recommendations for diagnosis and treatment are based on the extensive clinical experience of leading domestic institutions and on the results of multicenter scientific studies conducted both in our country and beyond abroad. Continuous development of medicine (new clinical researches, recommendations, pharmacological preparations) necessitated a review and revision of the national endocrinology manual and the publication of the second edition of the book.

    In accordance with the latest advances in medical technology, the authors of the second edition of the national endocrinology manual made corrections and additions, as well as wrote new relevant sections. The patient management tactics are described in more detail taking into account the latest international recommendations. Mechanisms of the action of pharmacological preparations are examined in detail and groups not previously described are added medicinal substanceswho have managed to prove themselves since the first edition was released. We hope that the information presented in the manual will serve as a standard for the provision of endocrinological care in Russia and will further reduce the incidence and mortality from endocrine diseases.

    Any comments and suggestions for improving this manual will be gratefully accepted by the authors and taken into account when reprinting the book.

    Preface Publishers List of abbreviations and conventions Section I. Diagnostic methods Chapter 1. Laboratory methods Diagnostics 1.1. Biochemical blood and urine tests. Hormones and their metabolites in the blood and urine 1.2. Diagnostic tests 1.3. Molecular genetic diagnosis Chapter 2. Instrumental methods Diagnostics 2.1. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (densitometry) bone tissue 2.2. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (densitometry) "The whole body" 2.3. CT scan adrenal glands 2.4. Magnetic resonance imaging of the pituitary gland 2.5. Magnetic resonance imaging of the adrenal glands 2.6. Radiography in endocrinology 2.7. Radionuclide research methods in endocrinology 2.8. Fine needle suction biopsy thyroid gland 2.9. Ultrasound procedure parathyroid glands 2.10. Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland Section II. Methods of treatment Chapter 3. Pharmacotherapy 3.1. Sugar-lowering preparations 3.2. Preparations for the treatment of thyroid diseases 3.3. Preparations for the treatment of pituitary adenomas 3.4. Preparations for the treatment of adrenal insufficiency 3.5. Preparations for the treatment of central diabetes insipidus 3.6. Growth hormone preparations 3.7. Sex hormone preparations 3.8. Preparations affecting calcium-phosphorus metabolism and bone remodeling 3.9. Drugs that reduce body weight Chapter 4. Non-drug treatment 4.1. Diet Therapy 4.2. Physical exercises Chapter 5 Beam methods treatment 5.1. Therapy radioactive iodine 5.2. Radiation treatments for patients with pituitary adenomas Chapter 6. Surgical treatments 6.1. Surgery thyroid diseases 6.2. Surgical treatment of hyperparathyroidism 6.3. Surgical treatment of adrenal diseases 6.4. Surgical treatment of pituitary adenomas Chapter 7. Hemodialysis Chapter 8. Laser retinal coagulation Section III. Clinical recommendations Chapter 9. Diabetes mellitus 9.1. Introduction 9.2. Type 1 diabetes mellitus 9.3. Type 2 diabetes mellitus 9.4. Gestational diabetes mellitus 9.5. Defeat of cardio-vascular system with diabetes 9.6. Eye damage in diabetes 9.7. Diabetic neuropathy 9.8. Diabetic nephropathy 9.9. Diabetic foot syndrome 9.10. Management of diabetes mellitus and stress hyperglycemia during intensive care and in the perioperative period 9.11. Hypoglycemia and hypoglycemic coma 9.12. Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state 9.13. Lactic acidosis 9.14. Diabetic ketoacidosis and ketoacidotic coma Chapter 10. Obesity Chapter 11. Anorexia nervosa Chapter 12. Diseases of the thyroid gland 12.1. Hypothyroidism Syndrome 12.2. Thyrotoxicosis syndrome 12.3. Nodular goiter 12.4. Amiodaroninduced thyroidopathies 12.5. Autoimmune thyroiditis 12.6. Diffuse euthyroid goiter 12.7. Colloidal nodular goiter 12.8. Subacute thyroiditis 12.9. Thyroid cancer 12.10. Endocrine ophthalmopathy 12.11. Thyrotoxic crisis 12.12. Hypothyroid coma Chapter 13. Neuroendocrine diseases 13.1. Pituitary incidentaloma 13.2. Syndrome of an empty Turkish saddle 13.3. Hypoglycemia syndrome 13.4. Hyperprolactinemia Syndrome 13.5. Acquired hypopituitarism syndrome (in adults) 13.6. Syndrome of inadequate secretion of antidiuretic hormone 13.7. Tall Syndrome 13.8. Short Stature Syndrome 13.9. Acromegaly and pituitary gigantism 13.10. Itsenko-Cushing's disease 13.11. Hormone-inactive pituitary adenomas 13.12. Neuroendocrine tumors 13.13. Diabetes insipidus 13.14. Prolactinoma Chapter 14. Diseases of the adrenal glands 14.1. Adrenal incidentaloma 14.2. Primary hyperaldosteronism 14.3. Congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex 14.4. Hormone-inactive adrenal tumors 14.5. Corticosteroma 14.6. Primary adrenal insufficiency 14.7. Pheochromocytoma Chapter 15. Disorders of phosphorus-calcium metabolism 15.1. Hypercalcemia syndrome and primary hyperparathyroidism 15.2. Hypocalcemia syndrome 15.3. Hyperparathyroidism syndrome 15.4. Osteoporosis 15.5. Osteomalacia syndrome Chapter 16. Reproductive endocrinology 16.1. Amenorrhea 16.2. Violation of sex formation 16.3. Hyperandrogenism syndrome in women 16.4. Hypogonadism syndrome in men 16.5. Gynecomastia syndrome 16.6. Syndrome of premature puberty 16.7. Syndrome of delayed sexual development 16.8. Menopause and menopause 16.9. Polycystic ovary syndrome Chapter 17. Autoimmune polyglandular syndromes Chapter 18. Syndromes of multiple endocrine neoplasias 18.1. Syndrome of multiple endocrine neoplasias of the 1st type 18.2. Syndrome of multiple endocrine neoplasias of the 2nd type 18.3. Type 4 Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome

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    "Endocrinology. National leadership. Brief edition", ed., Dedova II, et al., Considers current issues of modern endocrinology. Algorithms Presented preventative measures, diagnostic capabilities (clinical, laboratory, additional techniques), treatment options (medication and not medications, surgical methods) pathological conditions of the endocrine system (obesity, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, metabolism, reproductive endocrinology; autoimmune syndromes). For medical students, interns, endocrinologists, therapists, gynecologists, diabetologists.

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