How to hide a pimple if there is no foundation. How to cover up acne on your face: five effective ways

This is a foundation of the famous cosmetic company NeoStrata, which has long earned the trust of many makeup artists. Formulas for the creation of medical cosmetic products are developed by world-famous dermatologists - Eugene Van Scott and Rui Yu. To create this foundation were used medicinal properties zinc oxide, as well as gluconolactone. Treatment in progress acne and scars, elimination of redness, smoothing of wrinkles. The cream contains no perfume fragrances, parabens or other preservatives. Contains sun protection filters.

  • Heal & Conceal Blemish Lotion by Dermasoft

The component composition is represented by natural minerals, which very delicately dry problem areas on the face. Additionally included is an antimicrobial sponge for blending the foundation. It also contains tea tree extract, whose action is aimed at combating black acne. Contains amino acids and antioxidants.

  • Immaculate Liquid Powder Foundation by Hourglass

This concealer was created for mild acne. Thanks to innovative production technology, the tonal mousse contains the properties of a liquid tonal basis and matting powder. The texture provides light coverage without clogging pores. The main regulating mechanism is the presence in the composition of Kashmir kaolin clay, which normalizes the work sebaceous glands... Natural ingredients, as well as antimicrobial property, prevents the appearance of new rashes. Contains plant extracts.

  • Normaderm by Vichy

The list of ingredients contains Zincadone, a unique ingredient that tidies up the sebaceous glands. Cosmetic products from Vichy have high UV protection, so their application over time reduces pigmentation and prevents photoaging. Contains antioxidants and UV filters.

High quality pharmaceutical product with preventive and therapeutic action... The component composition contains such active substances as ginseng extract, seed oil. The list of its possibilities includes the treatment of skin rashes, the fight against age spots and age-related changes... Also, the tonal fluid well hides imperfections on the face, has a drying effect, eliminating the oily sheen of the skin. Does not settle in pores, contains vitamin E.

It is a light mattifying cream from a popular French cosmetics company that has a molecular medical complex Fluid active. The tool is aimed at suppressing the production of sebum, as well as deep cleaning of problem skin. The foundation is recommended for the treatment of open comedones and acne. Additionally, the set includes a greenish tint corrector, which reliably hides imperfections. Contains vitamin E, macadamia oil, ginseng extract.

Cosmetics company Noreva creates cosmetics that are designed to treat irritated, rash-prone skin. The work of the sebaceous glands returns to normal, the treatment of problem areas and the prevention of the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms. Cosmetics contain a vitamin set, natural pigments and minerals. Contains panthenol.

The component composition of this healing foundation is enriched with mineral microcapsules of fluids with protection from ultraviolet rays. Pharmacy remedy masks well, narrows pores, prevents the appearance of a new rash, the appearance of age spots. No preservatives, aromatic additives, allergenic substances were used in the production. The composition includes vitamin PP and ceramides. The foundation is suitable for all skin types, does not settle in the pores.

Another pharmacy foundation for problem skin, which has a mild caring effect. The composition contains only natural ingredients that are aimed at narrowing the pores. The masking mousse moisturizes and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Contains vitamin E. The effect of medicinal components is aimed at healing scars, wounds and acne scars. This foundation combines decorative substances, healing components that prevent photoaging of the skin due to exposure to UV rays. Does not settle in the pores, does not roll.

The cosmetic industry is developing from year to year. More advanced cosmetic products appear that can not only temporarily provide an ideal tone for skin with imperfections and defects, but also comprehensively influence the cause of deterioration of delicate facial skin. In this case, the main thing is to know the basic subtleties when choosing a tool that will take into account all the shortcomings and contain useful substances.

How to properly mask acne and achieve an even complexion, look at the video:

Acne not only needs to be masked, but also treated. This is not a problem of one day or even one week. And if you need to look great in a few hours or minutes? How to hide acne on the face in this case? Knowing the rules of skin care and cosmetics use makes it easier challenging task... The main thing is not to forget to remove makeup from your face, cleanse of excess sebum, dirt, clogging pores and causing new acne.

How to hide acne on your face: only masking or treatment plus "camouflage"?

Correction of small defects, flaws in appearance, in particular acne, has a long history. In the era of Catherine the Great, it was possible to apply a thick layer of white powder to the face and go out into the light, but today few people dare to do that. But how to hide acne on your face with makeup? Use special cosmetics to mask various imperfections! This decision is now supported by many dermatologists. Previously, they complained about the comedogenic effect of mass perfumery and cosmetic products, widely presented on the shelves of boutiques and shops.

Continuing a small excursion into the history of the issue, one can recall the existence of a masking medicinal powder, created at the beginning of the last century by the French dermatologist Jean Darier. He came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bmixing white clay with a natural mineral paint - ocher.

Compounds of aluminum, zinc, iron and silicon in the composition of the powder had a therapeutic effect, in particular, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory. At the same time, the powder hid acne, scars and other imperfections on the face. On the other side of the Atlantic, insoluble zinc carbonate was often used for this purpose.

Modern concealers for acne belong to the following groups:

  1. - dermatocosmetological camouflage;
  2. - decorative cosmetics;
  3. - theatrical makeup.

The most widely and at affordable prices are decorative cosmetics, but it is advisable to purchase products belonging to the first group. So, before hiding pimples on your face at home, you need to purchase: foundation, compact powder, concealer, sponge, cosmetic brush.

Concealing cosmetics with a healing effect

Cosmetology market in last years offers lines for the care of skin affected by acne, dermatoses, hyperpigmentation. It is advisable to purchase just such a product, although at a price it exceeds the mass series. Forms of produced tonal and concealer products: powders, creams, emulsions, mousses, pastes containing medicinal components:

  • sebum-regulating substances - zinc compounds, extracts seaweed, yeast, green tea, burdock;
  • clarifiers for the prevention of pigmentation - extracts of licorice, mulberry, scutellaria (skullcap);
  • ingredients that reduce the secretory activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • matting compounds - starch derivatives, silicones;
  • anti-inflammatory agent - salicylic acid;
  • uV protection factors.

Leading cosmetic brands have launched the production of correctors containing clarifiers, sebum regulators, antioxidants and vitamins. For example, the Clarins concealer stick contains vitamins A and E, serves for mattifying the skin and masking individual defects.

How to hide acne on your face with makeup

The corrector is applied pointwise on a pimple, scar, spot or on the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe face, hammered into the skin with a finger. A liquid concealer is used to mask acne by rubbing with a sponge soaked in water (a thin sponge). The green corrector successfully masks the red inflamed pimple; blue - foci of rosacea, spots.

How to hide acne on the face in 5 minutes - instructions:

  • Degrease and cleanse the skin with a gel or toner. To reduce redness for 50 seconds, apply an ice cube to the inflamed skin area or lubricate with drops from a cold (they have a vasoconstrictor effect)
  • Apply a non-greasy cream with anti-inflammatory ingredients as a base.
  • Apply a foundation shade slightly lighter than the natural skin color.
  • With a green concealer, place a dot in the center of a pimple or red spot. Gently blend this product with the other flesh-colored side of the stick.
  • Powder your face lightly for a matte finish.

There is also an option without "tonal",when they act only with concealer and powder

All the indicated methods of masking skin defects have a common disadvantage - fragility. After a few hours, the face regains an oily sheen, acne becomes noticeable. A huge disadvantage of "camouflage" is a change in skin color under the rays of the sun, when foundation, powder and concealer get lost in lumps, spread out from sweat. To avoid such difficulties, you need to pay more attention to the treatment of acne.

An additional impetus to the improvement of the body cover is given by the observance of the water regime, for which it is necessary to drink from one to two liters of liquid per day. It helps to keep the skin smooth using green tea, enriching the diet with products with vitamins A, B, C and E.

How to hide acne on your face without makeup?

Without makeup, it is more difficult to quickly get rid of the red, inflamed skin areas. You can reduce swelling and redness with vasoconstrictor drops: eye drops, such as Vizin, or for the nose (Naphthyzin). The method will interest those who are looking for a way to hide acne on a guy's face without makeup. It is better not to count on the miraculous disappearance of inflammation in a couple of hours, but overnight the redness will decrease.

How to proceed:

  1. Moisten a cotton swab with drops and put in the freezer for 10 minutes.
  2. Then take it out of the refrigerator and apply to the pimple for 1 minute.
  3. Take a short break to pass the numbness of the skin, apply again.
  4. Repeat this several times for an hour.

Acne in the morning will be less noticeable if you make a mask with aspirin at night:

  1. Pill acetylsalicylic acid grind, add a few drops of water. Lubricate only acne with the resulting gruel.
  2. Glue an adhesive plaster on top so that the powder does not crumble.
  3. In the morning, wipe your face with salicylic alcohol or salicylic acid lotion.

How to hide acne on the face without makeup, using folk remedies

Beaten egg whites are good at tightening, brightening and drying sore pimples. This tool is applied pointwise, moreover, in several layers. Allow the previous layer to dry on the skin between applications.

Instant coffee is used on red acne. Sprinkle with a pinch of coffee powder, rub in lightly. After 10 minutes, shake off the remnants of the product and wipe the skin with lotion.

Mix the juices of lemon and aloe leaves in equal proportions. Apply several layers of liquid to inflamed acne or make lotions, compress. Leave the product overnight so that the aloe juice soothes the inflammation, and the lemon lightens the redness.

How to mask acne on your face? This question has always worried women at any age. The appearance of an unaesthetic red growth in the most conspicuous place can ruin the mood of the most calm person. Panic throwing around the apartment and calling friends usually will not give a positive result. You need to prepare yourself for trouble morally, intellectually and financially. In other words, you need to know what, how, what and when to do if your appearance is suddenly spoiled by some kind of eel.

Why does acne appear on the face

Acne causes many inconveniences

There are many reasons for this phenomenon. They can be divided into two parts: internal and external influences.

Causes born inside the body include:

  • diseases digestive system and the appearance of toxins with improper digestion;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • bad habits;
  • metabolic disorders.

For reasons external character should include:

  • unsanitary living conditions;
  • frequent contact of the skin with dirty objects;
  • illiterate skin care;
  • uncomfortable environmental conditions;
  • viral, fungal or bacterial skin diseases.

Despite the division of factors into two parts, acne on the face often appears for reasons of a mixed nature. For example, poor nutrition can be combined with poor environmental quality, skin contamination by microorganisms, etc.

Is it possible to do without cosmetics

Cosmetics will help hide imperfections

If we are talking about how to hide acne on the face, and not get rid of them, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without cosmetics completely. It all depends on what goal you have: masking acne an hour before going to a festive event or eliminating rashes a few days before you need to appear in all its glory in front of the public.

In the first case, acne will simply have to be covered up, in the second - they can be eliminated or at least significantly reduced the external manifestation of negative processes in the skin.

How to disguise acne without makeup? This problem is quite serious and difficult to solve, so many women prefer to buy a variety of cosmetics, burdening the skin with a thick layer of masking agents.

Usually, skin that often has acne is called problem skin. She is especially in need of careful daily care. Of the entire complex of care, the following main points can be distinguished:

  1. ... This is a mandatory procedure for both women and men. Acne is common for everyone, it's just that women struggle with them more actively.
  2. If you are often in a polluted atmosphere or rarely manage to wash, then you need to thoroughly wash your face and hands in the evening with laundry soap with 72% active substance... It not only washes away dirt well, penetrating into all pores, but also activates blood circulation, making the face fresher and whiter. After that, you need to apply a moisturizer.
  3. You can clean your pores periodically. Its use depends on the sensitivity of the skin. With normal skin, you need to apply dry soda powder to a clean, damp surface of the face, which, when it comes into contact with a wet surface, will stop crumbling and will begin to be absorbed. Soda should be thoroughly rubbed over the entire surface of the face until the entire skin starts to "burn". After that, you should wait another 10 minutes. Then wash off the soda and apply a moisturizer on your face. If the skin is sensitive and such a scrub cannot withstand, make a mask of honey and soda, mixing in proportions of 2 to 1. In this case, you do not need to rub in the cleanser, just hold the mask for about 15 minutes.
  4. If the rash is accompanied by puffiness, and this is often the case, you need to grate raw peeled potatoes on a fine grater, put them in a gauze bag, and then place them on your face. You can cover the whole face with potatoes, but only problem areas. After half an hour, all the swelling will disappear, disappear, or the redness will not become so bright.
  5. For rashes with fungal or bacterial causes, it works well tar soap... Its significant drawback is its strong odor, but healing effect he has a good one.

Natural remedies and cosmetics: facets of combination

It will not be possible to make inconspicuous rashes on the face without cosmetics, you still have to paint over outstanding acne with cosmetic wisdom. All measures taken without special cosmetics are aimed at making the large pimple small and the red spots disappearing or at least pale. With the help of the above remedies, you can remove swelling and give your face a healthy complexion.

If the above products are not enough for you or they seem too rough, you can also use special gels, foams, an antibacterial toner, and hydrophilic oil for regular washing.

The main commandment of a person who is struggling with acne is to always keep the face clean. If the skin is not cleaned, then cosmetics cannot be used. There is one more commandment - the skin should always be moderately moisturized. On dry and irritated skin, acne appears more often and they are more noticeable. It is best to moisturize with special creams and lotions. For particularly sensitive skin, it is better to use a baby moisturizer.

How to reduce the visibility of a pimple

There are many remedies to help you hide acne.

Many people are interested in how to cover up pimples and how to make them subtle. There is a big difference between them. The above have already described the means by which it will be possible to reduce the redness of the skin and its swelling, which helps to reduce the brightness of pimples.

However, you should pay attention to the following special purpose equipment:

  1. Drops that constrict blood vessels. The red color of the pimple is due to the blood flow to the site of inflammation. To relieve redness, it is not necessary to inject special drugs. It is enough to take a cotton swab and moisten it vasoconstrictor drops... This cotton wool needs to be held for about five minutes on the problem area. After some time after such a compress, the redness will go away. For such a procedure, it is better to use special drops for the eyes and nose: Vizin, Stillavit, Octilia, Nazivin, Xilen, Galazolin. Usually, these products are gentle on the skin and do not cause irritation. The vasoconstrictor effect can be enhanced by placing the moistened cotton swab in the freezer for a few minutes. In this case, the vasoconstrictor effect of cooling will be added to the action of the drug.
  2. Tea tree oil. It has a good drying antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. If your face is covered with red acne, you need to treat the affected areas with this oil every half hour for 4-5 hours. The oil will relieve redness and puffiness, at the same time reducing the size of the pimple itself.
  3. Using ice. The ice is very cold, so it reduces the clearance blood vessels... However, this effect can be achieved with any cold object. To work with the skin of the face, it is best to use cosmetic ice, which includes decoctions of chamomile or calendula.
  4. ... It is necessary to prepare a mask from bodyagi powder, which has a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect. The composition of such a mask: 0.5 tsp. powder, 1 tsp. warm water. The powder must be stirred in water, getting a gruel, which is applied to problem areas. The mask lasts 1 hour. As a result, not only the acne itself is eliminated, but also the traces of their stay.
  5. Streptocide powder. It is better to buy a ready-made sachet of powder at the pharmacy. The amount of streptocide depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin lesion. You need to make a thick gruel in warm water, and then apply it on the pimples, holding it for 30 minutes. You need to remove the streptocide with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide.
  6. Acetylsalicylic acid. This medicine is used in cosmetics to prepare a cleansing and anti-inflammatory agent. You need to take three aspirin tablets, grind them thoroughly, and then dilute them with a little warm water. Treatment of the affected surface is performed in the same way as with streptocide. Such procedures cleanse the skin, eliminate inflammation, and promote rapid exfoliation of the epidermis.
  7. Calendula. You need to take an alcoholic infusion of calendula, moisten a cotton swab with it and apply it to acne for a few minutes.
  8. Toothpaste. This is an emergency paint. It dries out fresh acne well, but you only need to use a white paste that contains fluoride, soda, zinc, triclosan and hydrogen peroxide. These ingredients are able to act on the inflamed areas in the right way.
  9. ... It is best used to combat purulent acne. You need to cut a fresh leaf of the plant lengthwise, and put the cut part on the pimples for 3 hours. During this time, the pimple matures, breaks out by itself or with light pressure.

All of the listed funds are an example of how to do without foundation and other potent substances. However, all these funds have one drawback: they last long.

Unfortunately, a quick effect is achieved only with the help of makeup.

How to mask acne with makeup

Foundation is the most popular remedy

The most popular remedy in this case is foundation. For these purposes, it is best to use hypoallergenic creams with a liquid consistency. With their help, even the smallest deviations from the norm can be masked.

How to properly apply foundation when masking acne? To do this, you first need to prepare the skin using the methods described above - with laundry soap, soda and moisturizer. And only then we hide the acne with a foundation. This product is applied with fingertips to the nose, forehead, cheeks, chin. In this case, the principle of uniformity of application must be observed. If you focus on imperfections in the skin, you will not be able to achieve an even tone. You just need to create a layer so that the pimples merge with the rest of the skin.

It is best to use a concealer such as a concealer / concealer. In this case, you cannot do without a green camouflage pencil. It is he who will give acne a shade close to natural.

Concealer should be combined with a moisturizing foundation, which will allow you to mask various skin defects in the initial stages.

With a pencil, you need to put a point on the pimple, then shade slightly and apply a neutral tone using the back of the pencil. After treating each pimple, apply a light powder. This will give the skin an even texture.

Described here general principles fight not with acne, but with their visibility. However, in order to always remain beautiful, you also need to become healthy. However, this is another topic.

Pimples on the face mature very quickly. And at the wrong time. An inflamed abscess can appear literally before an important event: a date, a trip to a public event, a public speech. And I hardly want to go to work with inflammation. Every woman worried about her appearance should know how to mask acne on her face.

Symptoms of rashes that require masking:

  • redness;
  • painful sensations;
  • the formation of a purulent head.

Red, inflamed and large white pimples are the first candidates for a thorough masking. Small pimples and blackheads are less conspicuous. Large and painful spoil the appearance, attract attention. In some cases, they can be hidden under the hair. But, as luck would have it, they appear in the most conspicuous place - on the cheeks, forehead, chin.

Disguise the pimples with decorative cosmetics. It will hide the redness, although it will not be able to smooth out the bump that has appeared. Also, if you have extra time, you can resort to home cosmetology recipes that help you quickly remove inflammatory process... This will make it easier to mask with foundation or concealer.


Modern cosmetics for tone and masking of skin defects do not harm the condition of the skin, do not cause new rashes. In contrast to the “thermonuclear” means used by our mothers: under the Ballet-type foundation, the skin did not breathe, it became clogged and became much worse. Today's foundations, BB creams, and concealers are approved for daily use even by dermatologists. The main thing - do not forget to take off your makeup in the evening. special means and wash your face thoroughly.

In order to hide acne, you can use the following remedies:

  • Tone cream.
  • Concealer.
  • Powder.

Before applying a layer of decorative cosmetics, it is recommended to use a base primer. It is able to even out the tone, smooth out the pores. Foundation and concealers work better on the base. It is also worth remembering that before make-up, the skin must be cleansed and moisturized with a thin layer of cream.

Tone cream

Concealer foundation:

  • lighter than skin tone;
  • does not have a pink undertone (otherwise it will highlight a pimple);
  • liquid consistency.

Light BB creams can even out the tint and mask the most subtle breakouts. But large, inflamed pustules will remain visible on your face. Therefore, even if you usually use "bibik", in case of breakouts, switch to a foundation. You can choose the right one from any brand of decorative cosmetics: MAC, NYX, Mabelline, Max Factor, Shiseido and others.

Concealer or corrective pencil

You can mask acne with green concealers or correctors. The essence of them is the same, only the consistency can be different: the correcting pencil is harder and resembles lipstick in format, and the concealer is more liquid, easy to shade.

The green concealer helps to mask redness and is applied as a dot. For small pimples that do not attract much attention, a standard flesh-colored concealer (also dotted) can be used, but any inflamed red spots require green intervention. After spot application, the skin should be powdered on top, fixing the result.

Concealers are as common as foundation. Catrice, NYX, MAC and others have suitable products. You can purchase either separate greens for masking, or find a whole palette with all the necessary shades.


Have you decided how to cover up a pimple? After applying the base and the main product, it is recommended to fix and “smooth” the camouflage makeup with powder. It is worth choosing:

  • crumbly;
  • flesh-colored, not transparent;
  • on a mineral basis.

The layer should be small. Take a large powder brush and lightly rub the cosmetic over your face. The foundation or concealer will last longer and won't float. Powders are also available from every manufacturer of decorative cosmetics. Mineral crumbly can be found at MAC, Mary Kay, Pupa, MicaBella and others.

Disguise methods without makeup

It is possible to hide acne without makeup, but you should not count on immediate relief from inflammation. Cosmetic-free methods are only relevant if you have at least a night in stock. These are the ways:

  • Use vasoconstrictor drops. This is Vizin or Naphtizin. Moisten a piece of cotton wool with drops, put it in the freezer for 10 minutes, take it out, apply to an inflamed pimple. Repeat several times. In the same way, you can use the tincture of calendula.
  • Aspirin mask. Grind several tablets, add a little water. Apply the resulting gruel pointwise to the skin, fix with a plaster, leave overnight.
  • Reducing inflammation with tea tree oil... Use a cotton swab or cotton swab to apply the oil on top of the pimple. Do not rinse, do every half hour. In 5-6 hours, the redness will noticeably subside.
  • Frozen chamomile decoction. Make a decoction of pharmacy chamomile, pour it into molds, put it in the freezer until it solidifies. Use this ice cube to rub over the inflamed areas to remove redness. These chamomile cubes can be used to improve skin tone, so you can stock up on them in advance.
  • Charcoal cleansing mask... Crush a few pills activated carbon, dilute with a decoction of chamomile until gruel. Apply to face, keep for 15 minutes. The result will also be noticeable after a few hours.
  • Egg white to brighten and relieve inflammation... Whipped chicken protein will help dry the skin and remove redness. It is applied in several layers until dry on the inflamed areas. As soon as one layer is dry, another is applied next.
  • Bodyaga. Dissolve half a teaspoon of bodyagi powder in a teaspoon of warm water. Apply the gruel to the pimple, rinse off after an hour. Streptocide is used similarly. Only the gruel on the face is aged for half an hour.
  • Toothpaste. A product without dyes is used, applied pointwise to the pimple, lasts 10-15 minutes, washed off. Anti-inflammatory pastes work best.
  • Aloe helps draw out pus... Large purulent pimples cannot be squeezed. But the pus from them helps to draw out the aloe. A compress from the pulp of this plant is applied to pimples, fixed with a plaster. Stays on the face for 3 hours.

You can't completely get rid of the problem with home recipes. In order to hide a pimple in 5 minutes, you will need cosmetics. But if the pimple is large, you will have to act in a complex way - and remove the inflammation folk remedies, and mask with foundation. And so that in the future this problem does not bother you, take up the treatment of acne, finding out the cause of their appearance.

Here are some tips to help you successfully mask pimples:

  1. A pimple on your forehead can be masked with bangs, but only if you are wearing it. In other cases, it is enough to switch attention from the upper part of the face to the lower one by applying bright red or dark lipstick to the lips.
  2. Likewise with a pimple on the chin - switch your attention. But already on upper part faces. You can paint your eyes in smokey eyes or draw challenging arrows.
  3. Carry powder and concealer with you in case your makeup drips. This is especially important for the owners of oily skin, on which even the most persistent foundation does not "sit" for a long time.
  4. Remember to wash sponges and cosmetic brushes before each use. Otherwise, you may aggravate breakouts due to dirt accumulating on accessories.
  5. Before applying cosmetic camouflage products, wipe problem areas of the skin with an ice cube. This will help reduce redness and make it easier to mask the pimple.

A pimple on the face that appears at the wrong time is not a reason to cancel plans and pretend to be sick so as not to go to work. It can be masked with cosmetic products. And if there is a lot of time before going out to people, you can have time and significantly reduce inflammation without makeup.

Many beauty bloggers are now demonstrating miracles of transformation: at one point, with the help of makeup, acne-affected skin turns into perfect skin. And, of course, you can't help but envy this: such skills allow you to truly transform. In this article, we will try to tell you as much as possible about how to cover up acne in order to hide it from others. Fortunately, now there are a huge number of all kinds of techniques and amazing cosmetics that allow you to create such magic.

In addition, our guide on how to mask acne will be filled with many useful tipswho will really help you in this difficult matter. Namely, we will tell you how to choose a tinting agent and what rules should be followed.

Can pimples be covered up?

There are many controversies on this score. Of course, dermatologists unanimously repeat that this should not be done. Still, decorative cosmetics really clog the pores, and this is very harmful for problem skin, which already constantly suffers from acne. And we agree with this - indeed, for such an epidermis it is quite harmful. Therefore, it is best to go without makeup if you want to heal your skin. But let's take a look at whether it is possible to cover up acne from the other side.

People who are already long years suffer from severe acne, constantly feel sidelong glances on the street and, in principle, do not feel very confident. This is because they are not too happy with their appearance - a huge amount of acne spoils even the most attractive face. And, of course, it repels potential fans or female fans.

This forces people to constantly be exposed to stress, which affects more than just general condition the body, but also on the skin, including.

Therefore, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. We can only advise you to correctly assess all the risks, as well as to prioritize in accordance with your beliefs and needs.

How to hide acne on the face with cosmetics: instructions

Make-up is a real art. If you have ever seen what girls sometimes do with one concealer and powder, then, in principle, you understand what decorative cosmetics are capable of and what miracles can be done with it. It is also quite difficult to hide acne with makeup, especially when it comes to a serious form of acne, which is characterized by large suppurations and severe redness of the rash.

In this section, we'll talk about how to hide acne with makeup: the best methods and techniques used by professional makeup artists. Moreover, we will talk about how you can use different cosmetics and how the make-up methods will differ when using different tools.

How to cover acne on the face with foundation?

In fact, one cannot do with foundation alone: \u200b\u200byou will also need several tools that will greatly simplify this task. Without them, it will honestly be difficult to achieve the desired effect, and many acne will still be visible. We're talking about something as simple as a makeup base. It helps to even out skin tone and surface, making the make-up look better.

If there are a lot of scars on the surface of your epidermis after squeezing out acne or acne-bumps, then a base in the form of a primer is simply necessary.

How to cover acne on your face with foundation:

  1. Pre-treat your skin and prepare it for makeup. To do this, you can use a moisturizing mask or apply a cream. But remember that immediately after using these products, you cannot apply cosmetics: wait until everything is absorbed;
  2. Apply a makeup base to your skin. If it is matting, try to spread it better on the T-zone of the face - forehead, nose, chin;
  3. Actually, now let's move on to the part on how to hide acne with a foundation. Try to apply the product on acne pointwise, and then gradually shade it around the area;
  4. It is recommended not to smear the product on the face, but try, as it were, to rub it into the skin using patting movements. Especially when it comes to BB cream;
  5. Apply mattifying powder and set makeup.

How to cover acne on your face with concealer?

This product is designed specifically to mask various imperfections on the surface of the skin. Some manufacturers also call it a "corrector". In fact, this name fully reflects what the product should do: it corrects the skin, as if erasing all the imperfections from it.

If you do not know how to use this type of cosmetics, then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with a short training video in which you can easily spy on what exactly needs to be done with it and how to apply it.

How to cover acne on your face with concealer:

  1. Be sure to carry out all the preparatory procedures that are necessary for applying makeup. Moisturize the skin with a mask, soften it with a tonic, and only after all this - proceed;
  2. Apply a makeup base to the epidermis surface;
  3. Apply concealer on all problem areas: about 3-4 drops on the area under the eyes and pointwise on each pimple;
  4. After that, gently rub the product over the area so that the border between the skin without the product and the areas with applied cosmetics is practically invisible;
  5. Apply the powder to the makeup (to matte the face, as the concealer is usually very shiny) and set the make-up.

How to mask acne on your face with cosmetics?

Now let's talk about a more complete makeup, using several skin toning products at once. Of course, this will take a little longer than following the instructions above. But the effect of these actions is much greater. And in order to proceed with all the points, make sure that you have all the necessary tools in your arsenal.

We need:

  • primer or makeup base;
  • thick foundation;
  • concealer;
  • matting powder.

Do not forget that before applying the make-up, the face must be prepared. Use a moisturizing mask to nourish your skin and toner to soothe it. This will greatly improve how the final result will look.

How to disguise acne on your face with cosmetics:

  1. Apply a primer or makeup base to the skin surface. This is necessary in order to remove the unpleasant relief: to smooth out the tubercles a little and fill in the pits from the scars;
  2. Spread a thick foundation on your face. It should not be smeared over the face, but driven in with light, pushing movements. If you have a regular foundation, you should use a sponge, and if you have a BB cream, then your own fingers are the best tool;
  3. After applying foundation, some hints of breakouts will remain on the skin. But don't be discouraged: we've only done half the job. To understand how to completely hide acne on your face, take a concealer in your hands;
  4. Apply it pointwise on each pimple and a little on the area under the eyes:
  5. Now, gently rub it over the skin so that there are no visible boundaries between the areas of application and the areas with foundation;
  6. Apply powder to your face for a matte finish and set your makeup.

What color to cover up acne?

Now it's worth answering one of the most frequently asked questions: what shade to choose for anti-acne makeup. And it really has become the subject of much controversy. Some say that you need to choose a darker tone, while others - lighter. Still others insist that it is necessary to select a product that will ideally merge with the skin. In this section we will try to answer this question and tell you what color to apply to acne.

And we will say that it is the third who are right. Indeed, you need to select the tone of cosmetics in full accordance with the shade of your own skin. Of course, someone will object: "But in this case, acne will be better visible!", And will be absolutely right. However, this problem is easily solved by such a combination: primer + foundation + concealer + matting powder.

In any case, it is better if the acne is slightly visible than to apply a product whose tone is significantly different from your skin color. Believe me, others will pay more attention to this than to subtle rashes.

How to cover up a red pimple?

Bright red acne is considered the most difficult, not only because it is extremely painful and difficult to get rid of. The fact is that such rashes can be seen under any makeup, and from afar. This problem worried many beauty bloggers, and everyone tried to develop their own technique for masking these blackheads. In this section, we'll show you how to cover up a red pimple to hide it as reliably as possible.

In fact, it turned out that in order to remove redness, you just need to use a green primer. It not only perfectly covers such blackheads, but also makes the skin look fresher.

Do not be afraid, the face will not be green because of it. In fact, the entire base is completely covered by other cosmetics, so no shades other than the color of your foundation will be visible. But acne will be completely invisible.

How to disguise red acne:

  1. Apply a green primer or makeup base to your skin. Avoid the under eye area, especially if you have dark circles;
  2. Apply foundation on top using a push-in rather than rubbing motion;
  3. Apply concealer on top of each more or less prominent pimple. Spread it on the area under the eyes;
  4. Spread the product over the skin surface;
  5. Fix makeup with matting powder.

How to cover up acne: products that hide acne

We've talked a lot about cosmetics in this article. She is really capable of creating unique things: to hide what seems impossible to disguise. But it is worth remembering that not every product is capable of this. Therefore, in this section we will talk about how you can cover up acne - about better meanshiding acne.

Indeed, although any toner is capable of disguising some things, only really high-quality products are suitable for acne.

Choosing a foundation that conceals acne

And we'll start with the most important thing. We apply these products as the main tinting tool. No powder or concealer will be as versatile and necessary. The choice of a foundation that hides acne must be approached wisely. Indeed, on the one hand, it must be dense enough to hide all the flaws, and on the other, it must allow the skin to breathe and not clog the pores so as not to harm.

Anti-Blemish Solutions, Clinique

This product has been specially developed for people with problem skin... The manufacturer highlights two main advantages: the cream reduces sebum production and soothes the skin. What does this mean for you and me? Firstly, the remedy will not provoke the appearance of new rashes. And secondly, redheads should lighten a little over time. But even without these benefits, it is safe to say that the foundation adheres perfectly to the skin in any weather and is dense enough by itself to hide acne.

All Nighter, Urban Decay

A very dense product that hardens on the skin just a few minutes after application. Thanks to this, this acne-concealing foundation also stays on the face from 7 to 9 hours, even if its owner or owner has an oily skin type. However, the manufacturer recommends using this product in conjunction with a makeup base. Without a base, the cream clogs into the pits that were formed after squeezing the blackheads and the picture is not the best. But with proper use, the product pleases with its appearance and durability.

Studio Fix Fluid, M.A.C Cosmetics

The mattifying foundation from M.A.C Cosmetics has been advertised at all sorts of shows, and therefore it is quite expensive. Still, the manufacturer positions it as a luxury product. It is thick enough to hide blemishes, but still too runny. Because of this, you will have to use a primer and concealer. However, the product keeps well even on oily skin, in any weather.

Choosing a concealer to hide acne

With such funds it is already easier, since each of them, at least a little, but really copes with the imperfections of our skin. However, the question is more, which one might be suitable for people looking to mask serious acne? In this section, we'll help you choose a concealer to hide acne. And believe me, we will choose from the best.

MAC Studio Finish

A dense enough product that can cover literally anything. It is great for both masking dark bruises under the eyes and covering up pimples. In this case, you can even cope with almost no foundation. However, a makeup base is still needed.

Belita-Vitex Classic for problem skin "Shine control"

Quite a budgetary tool from a Belarusian manufacturer. Basically, Vitex is a company whose cosmetics have always been designed for teenagers with problem skin. So it is with this concealer. It adheres well to the skin and even dries pimples (it contains salicylic acid), but for good effect you will also have to apply foundation.

Choosing a powder to hide acne

There are very few really toning powders on the market now. Still, now these funds are used more precisely for matting the skin, and not for masking imperfections. With the latter task, toners and concealers do an excellent job, so manufacturers have lost the need for the production of toners. But some still remained, and in this section we will tell you about the best and them.

Dermablend, Vichy

Not the cheapest, but very high quality compact powder from Vichy. The manufacturer promises that the tool will not only hide the flaws, but also fight them. Indeed, the composition contains zinc, salicylic acid, and a bunch of excellent components. But despite all this, the remedy does not work as an additional care. Although, as a powder that conceals acne, it works really well: removes pores, acne marks and pimples. But red eels can only be dealt with with a green primer.

Mineral Fixing Powder, NYX Professional Makeup

This product is not toning, but it is necessary in order to fix makeup and mattify the skin. If you mask acne according to one of our instructions, then such a product will definitely come in handy. One of the most effective and harmless.

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