Emotional burnout: what it is in psychology. Burned at work

Emotional burnout syndrome is a state when a person feels heavily morally, mentally, and physically. It is harder to wake up in the morning and start labor. It is more difficult to focus on your duties and fulfill them in a timely manner. The working day is stretched until late at night, collapses the usual way of life, deteriorates relationships with others.

Those who have encountered such a phenomenon do not immediately understand what is happening. Emotional burnout, in his "incubation" period, similar to Handra. People become irritable, offended. They give hands at the slightest failures and do not know what to do with all this, what treatment to do. Therefore, it is so important to see the first "calls" in an emotional background, adopt preventive measures and not bring themselves to the nervous breakdown.


The phenomenon of emotional burnout, as a mental disorder, was paid back in 1974. American psychologist Herbert Freudenberg first noted the seriousness of the problem of emotional exhaustion and its influence on the identity of man. At the same time, the main causes, signs and stages of the development of the disease were described.

Most often, emotional burnout syndrome is associated with problems at work, although such a mental disorder may also appear in ordinary housewives or young mothers, as well as creative people. All these cases are united by the same signs: fast fatigue and loss of interest in duties.

As statistical data show, the syndrome is most often striking those who are dealing with a human factor every day:

  • working in salvation services and hospitals;
  • taught in schools and universities;
  • serving large client streams in serving services.

Coming daily with a negative, someone else's mood or inadequate behavior, a person is constantly experiencing an emotional stress, which over time only enhances.

The follower of the American scientist George Greenberg allocated five stages of the increase in mental tension associated with professional activities, and identified them as "stages of emotional burnout":

  1. Man is pleased with his work. But constant stress gradually fill energy.
  2. The first signs of the syndrome are observed: insomnia, reduced performance and partial loss of interest in their work.
  3. At this stage, a person is so hard to focus on the work that everything is performed very slowly. Attempts to "catch up" turn into a constant habit of working late in the evening or on weekends.
  4. Chronic fatigue is projected into physical health: Immunity decreases, and colds Turn into chronic, "old" sores appear. People at this stage are experiencing constant discontent with themselves and others often quarrel with colleagues.
  5. Emotional instability, decay of forces, aggravation of chronic diseases - these are signs of the fifth stage of emotional burnout syndrome.

If you do nothing and do not begin treatment, the condition of a person will only deteriorate, dismantle into deep depression.

The reasons

As already mentioned emotional burnout syndrome can happen due to constant stress at work. But the reasons for the professional crisis lies not only in frequent contacts with a complex contingent of people. Chronic fatigue and accumulated discontent may have other roots:

  • monotony of repetitive actions;
  • tense rhythm;
  • insufficient promotion of labor (material and psychological);
  • frequent undeserved criticism;
  • obscure setting of tasks;
  • feeling undervaluation or unnecessaryness.

The burnout syndrome is often found in people who have certain features of character:

  • maximalism, the desire to do everything perfectly correctly;
  • increased responsibility and inclination to sacrifice their own interests;
  • dreamability, which sometimes leads to an inadequate assessment of its capabilities and abilities;
  • a tendency to idealism.

People who abuse alcohol, cigarettes and energy drinks easily fall into the risk zone. Artificial "stimulants" they are trying to improve performance when temporary troubles are happening or wets. But bad habits only aggravate the situation. For example, getting used to energy. A person begins to take them even more, but the effect is reverse. The body is depleted and begins to resist.

Emotional burnout syndrome can happen at a housewife. The reasons for disorder are similar to those who experience people in monotonous work. Especially this is sharply manifested if the woman seems to be that no one appreciates her work.

The same sometimes experience people who are forced to care for seriously ill relatives. They understand that this is their duty. But inside the resentment to the unfair peace and the feeling of hopelessness.

Related sensations appear in a person who cannot quit an adult job, feeling responsible to the family and the need to provide it.

Another group of people susceptible to emotional burnout is writers, artists, stylists and other representatives of creative professions. The reasons for their crisis should be sought in disbelief in their own strength. Especially when their talent does not find recognition in society or receive negative references from critics.

In fact, any person who does not receive approval and support can be subjected to the emotional burnout syndrome, but continuing to overload oneself.


Emotional burnout is not collapsed immediately, it has a sufficiently long latent period. At first, the person feels that his enthusiasm decreases to the duties. I want to fulfill their peristers, but it turns out the opposite - very slowly. This is due to the loss of skill to focus on the fact that it is no longer interesting. The irritability and feeling of fatigue appears.

The symptoms of emotional burnout can be conditionally divided into three groups:

  1. Physical manifestations:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • weakness and lethargy in the muscles;
  • frequent migraines;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • increased sweating;
  • insomnia;
  • dizziness and darkening in the eyes;
  • "Nighting" joints and loin.

The syndrome is often accompanied by a disruption of appetite or excessive voraciousness, which, accordingly, leads to a noticeable change in weight.

  1. Socio-behavioral signs:
  • the desire for isolation, the reduction of communication with other people to a minimum;
  • evasion of responsibilities and responsibilities;
  • the desire to blame those surrounding in their own troubles;
  • manifestation of malice and envy;
  • complaints about life and what you have to work "around the clock";
  • the habit of expressing gloomy forecasts: from bad weather for the next month to world collapse.

In an attempt to escape from "aggressive" reality or "cheer up" a person can start using narcotic substances And alcohol. Or there are high-calorie food in unmeared quantities.

  1. Psycho-emotional signs:
  • indifference to what is happening around the events;
  • disbelief in their strength;
  • crashing personal ideals;
  • loss of professional motivation;
  • quick temper and discontent with close people;
  • permanent bad mood.

Mental burnout syndrome, his clinical picture, similar to depression. A person is experiencing deep suffering from the apparent feeling of loneliness and doom. In such a state it is difficult to do something, something will focus on something. Nevertheless, overcoming emotional burnout is much easier than depressive syndrome.


Emotional burnout syndrome - a poor, which, unfortunately, do not always pay attention. People often do not consider it necessary to begin treatment. They think that they are just a little enough "podnaping" and finally finally work, which stalled, contrary to overwork and mental decline. And this is their main mistake.

In the case when the mental burnout syndrome is diagnosed, the first thing to be done is to slow down. It is not even more time to spend even more time to work, but to do big breaks between individual tasks. And while resting to do what the soul is.

This advice of psychologists helps a lot of housewives during the fight against syndrome. If homework has shuffled to a toothbrush, its execution stimulates pleasant breaks, which a woman awards himself: Welded soup - hence, she deserved to see one series of beloved series, stroked things - you can lie with a love romance in your hands. Similar encouragement is a stimulus to do its work much faster. And the fixation of each fact of completing the useful business gives internal satisfaction and increases interest in life.

However, not everyone has the opportunity to do frequent breaks. Especially on office work. Employees suffering from phenomenon emotional burnout is better to ask extraordinary vacation. Or take a hospital for a couple of weeks. During this period, a person will have time to restore forces a little, and analyze the situation.

Analysis of the reasons leading to a mental disorder is another effective strategy for combating burnout syndrome. It is advisable to state the facts to another person (to a friend, relative or psychotherapist), which will help to look at the situation from the part.

Or you can write out the causes of burnout on a sheet of paper, leaving opposite each item place to write a solution to the problem. For example, if it is difficult to perform working tasks because of their ambiguity, ask the manager to clarify and specify the results that he wants to see. Does not suit low-paying work - ask for a supervision from the head or search for alternatives (study the vacancies market, send the resume, to ask the acquaintances of free places, etc.).

That detailed description and drawing up a solution plan helps to express priorities, enlist support close manAnd at the same time will serve as a warning of new disruptions.


Emotional burnout syndrome comes against the background of the physical and mental depletion of man. Therefore, preventive measures aimed at improving health will help prevent such a disease.

  1. Physical prevention of emotional burnout:

  • diet food, with a minimum amount of fats, but including vitamins, plant fiber and minerals;
  • physical education or at least walking in the fresh air;
  • full sleep at least eight hours;
  • compliance with the regime of the day.
  1. Psychological prevention of emotional burnout syndrome:
  • mandatory day off once a week during which only what I want to do;
  • "Cleansing" of the head from disturbing thoughts or problems by analyzing (on paper or in a conversation with a careful listener);
  • prioritization (first of all actually important cases, and the rest - as good as possible);
  • meditation and autotranengi;
  • aromatherapy.

In order to prevent the appearance of the syndrome or strengthen the existing phenomenon of emotional burnout, psychologists recommend learn to put up with losses. Start the fight against syndrome is easier when you look at your fear "in the eye." For example, the meaning of life or vital energy is lost. It is necessary to recognize this and tell yourself that you start all at first: you will find a new stimulus and new sources of force.

Another important skill, according to experts, is the ability to abandon unnecessary things, the pursuit of which leads to an emotional burnout syndrome. When a person knows what he wants personally, and not a generally accepted opinion, he becomes invulnerable to emotional burnout.

Emotional burnout - negative phenomenon, mental, leading to emotional depletion human body.

Emotional burnout are susceptible to specialists who have professional activity associated with communication: help, soothe, give people a "sincere" heat.

The "risk group" includes: teachers, doctors, psychologists, managers, social workers. Experts are constantly faced with negative emotions, are imperceptibly involved in some of them, leading to psychological "overloads".

The burnout emotional occurs slowly from: work "on wear", increased activity, employment enthusiasm. It is manifested by the symptom of the body overload, passing into chronic stress, the exhaustion of the human resource comes.

Emotional burnout syndrome

This is the exhaustion of the human condition: moral, mental, physical.

We will understand signs of this state:

1. moral: Evasion of responsibility, duties; striving for loneliness; manifestation of envy and malice; Charged in their troubles of surrounding and loved ones.

People are trying to improve their condition with alcohol or narcotic substances.

2. mental: diffidence; indifferent condition: in the family, at work, to events; disgusting mood; loss of professionalism; hot temper; discontent, lack of life goals; anxiety and anxiety; irritability.

Emotional burnout syndrome is very similar to depression. Subjects feel signs of dooms for loneliness, so they suffer, worry. Performing work, can not focus for a long time.

3. physical: frequent headaches; "Power decay" - fatigue; Increased sweating; weakness in muscles; reduced immunity; Damage in the eyes; dizziness; insomnia; Pain in the lower back, heart; "Noet" joints, violation digestive tract; Sadness: nausea.

A person cannot understand what happens to him: immunity is reduced, the well-being disgusting, the appetite is broken. Some people increase appetite, respectively, the weight, and others - lose their appetite and lose weight.

Emotional burnout is

Response reaction of the entire body of the subject for prolonged stresses from any sphere of communication: house, work, environment, regular conflicts.

Altruistic professions are more susceptible to emotional burnout.

People providing professional services (help) lose their emotional and physical energy, are becoming unhappy with themselves, work, cease to understand and sympathize. Consultations of psychotherapist and treatment are required to exit emotional burnout.

Herbert Freudenberg, a psychologist from the United States described in 1974 the emotional burnout phenomenon is a mental disorder affecting the identity of the subject, as a result of emotional "exhaustion".

For reasons, burnout can be attributed:

  • Low wage, with intense work schedule;
  • Not to satisfy life needs;
  • Uninteresting, monotonous work;
  • Leader's pressure;
  • Responsible work, lack of additional control;
  • Not a corresponding assessment of the work of a specialist by the head;
  • Work in the governing medium, chaotic;

Methods of combating emotional burnout to restore balance:

  1. Tracking for signs and burnout premises;
  2. Timely liquidation of stresses, support for support;
  3. Permanent control over emotional and physical health.

Emotional burnout syndrome is

The state of systematic depletion of man, paralyzing feelings, strength, as well as the loss of joyful attitude to life.

It has been proven that people from the social profession have an emotional burnout syndrome earlier than people of another profession. In personal, unfavorable relations in the life of subjects, there is a symptom of emotional burnout.

There are several stages of burnout:

1. Light

Tired of pleasant worries for children; elderly parents; Page exams at school, university; Performed chord work.

For a while they forgot about sleep, lack of elementary services, felt uncomfortable, an increased voltage appeared, irritation.

But all the cases are completed on time, the situation has normalized. It is time to relax: go to yourself, sports, good sleep - the symptoms of emotional burnout disappeared without a trace.

Hence, energy, high-quality charging, obtained by a person, after a long load restores the energy, rapid stocks.

Undoubtedly, the psyche and human body is capable of much: to work continuously, reaching a certain goal (go to the sea); To withstand difficulties (pay a mortgage).

2. Chronic

Symptoms of burnout manifest with certain problems:

  • lack of money: buy a washing machine;
  • presence of fear: Stressful state, vigilance regarding the bosses, is afraid of great requirements.

Such symptoms lead to overload nervous system . In the human body there are painful sensations in the muscles, in the whole topic, goes into chronic burnout. To one of the symptoms of overvoltage refers to the teeth at night.

A smooth transition from delight to indifference is called dehumanization. Relations to people have changed from gentle, respectful, devoted to negative, rejecting, cynical.

At work, there is a feeling of guilt in front of colleagues, work performs as a robot on the template. Protective reaction begins to act: to retire at home, hide from all problems.

Emotional burnout syndrome is the impact of constant stress, interest in professional activity and motivation is lost. Negative changes in your body are complemented by regular diseases: cold, influenza.

Emotional burnout at work

After high labor activity, a long-term fatigue occurs in a long time: exhaustion, fatigue. The employee decreases the percentage of activity: it is not conscientious of its work, a lot of time resting, especially on Monday, not the desire going to work.

A class teacher does not notice the excited state of the class.
Nurse forgets to distribute the medicine on time.
The head of the company sends an employee "Instant's".

Such phenomena, emotional burnouts occur regularly. The same words sound in the man's head: "Tired", "I can no longer", "no diversity."

So, an emotional burnout occurred at work, the emotional energy was minimized.

The teacher does not introduce new pedagogical technologies.
The doctor is not engaged in research activities.
The head of the company does not seek to promote career to the degree higher.

If working activity is reduced and is not restored, then professional growth and creativity remains on the level achieved. Consequently, the promotion of the service should be forgotten.

Dissatisfaction in life, work to leisurely depression, and more - to aggression.
In depression period The subject accuse himself in personal and professional failures: "I am a bad father," "I can't get anything." Aggressive reaction - accuses others - loved ones, bosses.

AT initial stage The burnout of emotional manifests psychosomatic symptoms: dissatisfaction, anxiety, which reduce the overall resistance of the body. Rises arterial pressure and other somatic diseases. Miscelness is present in the family, friendly relations, at work.

Indifference to hobbies, hobbies, art, nature becomes everyday phenomenon. The stage of emotional burnout occurs, turning into a chronic process of the disease, requiring the help of a specialist - psychotherapist.

What to do with emotional burnout:

1. at easy

  • Reduce load;
  • Delegate affairs;
  • Share responsibility;
  • Realize real goals;
  • Surprise painlessly;
  • Do not overestimate human capabilities, requirements.

As well as:

  • Change the mental load on physical (play sports, work in the country);
  • To consult a doctor for hospital leaf Or relax in the sanatorium.

If the symptoms of emotional burnout are not submitted to restoration, it means that the transition to chronic burnout was carried out.

2. with chronic

In a state of prolonged stress, the disease enhances the burnout process. A remorse of conscience over their actions continues to increase the burnout, are not able to replenish their health with energy feeding.

Medicines attributed to the doctor may help briefly, but not solve the problem of the disease.

Restoration of the internal deficit of joy, a decrease in the pressure of society to the root will change your attitude to life, protects from unexpected actions.

The main task is bodily health. Ask yourself questions: "What is the meaning of my activity, its values? " "Does my job brings joy, with which enthusiasm I do it? "

Indeed, joy and satisfaction should be present in your affairs.

If you are aware that the emotional burnout of the symptoms interfere with the fruitful and adequately live, it means it was time to make efforts to work on themselves.

And then the question: "What is an emotional burnout?", You will forget forever.

  • Learn to say the word "no"

Example: "I will not fulfill someone else's work. It is not provided in my job description" Undetyability in work is good, but the principle is better.

  • Replenish yourself with positive charges

Example: meeting with friends in nature, excursion to the museum, swimming in the pool. Proper uniform nutrition: dietary, including vitamins, minerals, vegetable fiber.

Discussion and search for constructive solutions with a friend will assist supporting at a difficult moment; Emotional burnout will stop.

  • Arrange relationships in the labor collective

Example: invite colleagues on your birthday home or arrange a feast at work, in a cafe.

  • Observe people more that are not subject to emotional burnout.

Take an example from them, feel about failure with humor, do not dwell on them, treat it positively.

  • Take a new direction, showing creativity

Learn to play guitar, learn new songs, master the skills of gardener - gardener. Encourage yourself - for the work that brings you joy.

  • Take breaks during a work shift

Talk on topics that are not related to work: about children, family, art, cinema, love.

  • Change profession

Perhaps the old profession does not bring you satisfaction, burnout at work, and maybe not your team, manager - do not feel emotional stability.

  • Write out the causes of "burnout" on a piece of paper.

Problems decide gradually, highlighting priorities.

Sometimes a person receives an emotional feeding. They have no need to look for "on the side" positive emotions, it is protected from emotional burnout.

Psychologists approve a favorable climate of the team is preventing emotional employees. And conflicts in the teams, on the contrary, contribute to increased burnout at work.

Emotional burnout is the mental depletion of the body of the subject, which can recover with the help of labor collective, friends and work on oneself.

To understand what is professional emotional burnout, or, how else is sometimes called emotional combustion, imagine the next picture. A person just comes to a new job. He is full of enthusiasm, ready to minimize the mountains, put it on full, help everyone around and, of course, make an annual plan for a couple of months. But over time glitter in the eyes goes away, the desire to help is replaced by cynicism, indifference And the state "is better to leave me in a good way." Of course, such a transformation may be caused various reasonsHowever, often it is about emotional burnout syndrome. We suggest talking that it characterizes this state, what factors affect it and what to do if it seems to you that the emotional burnout of the personality is about you.

What is emotional burnout?

Actually general description Emotional burnout we gave above: this is a gradual fading of a positive attitude to work up to complete disgust, depression and / or other manifestations that significantly reduce the quality of life and are able to lead to somatic diseases. This term was introduced in 1974 by a psychiatrist from the US Herbert Freudenberger (Herbert Freudenberger): He assigned a similar "transformation" name Burnout (or Burn-Out) and described it as "the state of physical or mental exhaustion caused by professional life."

It is believed that, first of all, the emotional combustion syndrome is characteristic of those who work with people and their problems (doctors, nurses, teachers, consultants, etc.). But actually this state may affect absolutely any, Including those who formally seem to also work - students, housewives, etc. Within the framework of this article, we will focus on the emotional burnout associated with the work, but the same can be applied to a personal, working life.

Symptoms of emotional burnout

Professional burnout is characterized by a number of versatile symptoms that can appear in varying degrees. different people. The degree of severity depends on both the nature of a particular person, on the peculiarities of its work and from the launch of the state. This variability and generally nonspecific symptoms, on the one hand, lead to the fact that some diagnose burnout, whereas they need to work on another problem, others close their eyes to their condition and bring it to very unpleasant stages.

We describe the most typical symptoms, however, we note that this is not the only possible options. In any case, it is very important to distinguish the psychological emotional burnout from the usual fatigue, the general insetting in life, the feeling of insecurity, the feeling, "that the life of the life", etc., although such states can really find something in common with the syndrome under consideration.

Symptoms of emotional burnout: physiology and mood

First large group Symptoms of emotional combustion concerns mood and well-being. Those who are subject to this syndrome are observed chronic fatigue, apathy, lethargy, and they do not leave even after sufficient sleep.
In humans as if ends or significantly reduces energywhich ceases to grab not only to work, but also on vacation. By the way, violations of sleep (insomnia or, on the contrary, constant drowsiness, very long periods of sleep) are also one of the symptoms. Man with burnout syndrome doesn't want to do anything, nothing pleases, etc. Often the only desire is that everyone leaves him alone. Life begins to be perceived in gray-black tones.

All this can lead to somatic diseases, first of all, cardiovascular or nervous. In addition, many have noticed reducing immunitywhich is why they can easily pick up colds, etc. Moreover, the body can not specifically be too resist the disease, knowing that the hospital will give rest from the unloved current work. Unfortunately, this is not the only options as psychological emotional burnout may affect physical condition.

"Worker-emotional" symptoms of professional burnout

If you suspect that the problem of emotional burnout is relevant for you, go through the questionnaires on Boyko and Masolch. These tests use different techniques and estimate the presence of this syndrome from different sides.

The second group of emotional burnout symptoms is associated with work (main activities). One side, disappears or up to a minimum desire to do their workEven if (especially if) before she really liked a person. It causes dissatisfaction with the feeling of guilt Before clients, colleagues or leadership, which aggravates the rest of the symptoms. Those who work with people and who develops the syndrome in question, often see how changes their attitude towards patients, customers etc: the desire to help gradually develop in rejection, unwillingness to communicate, irritability. Such people often show the features of true Misanthrops.

Many begin to think about the sense (and rather, meaningless) of his work. It leads to depressive moods, including the depressive perception of life as a whole, which we talked above. At the same time, some visits the thought (sometimes quite reasonable) that else could they bring much more benefit They would have more interesting duties, higher wages, etc. Nevertheless, the decision to change the company is quite logical in such a situation. To come to him and is not always simple, but in this case we are dealing with a person who is bored and I don't want anything.

Causes of emotional burnout

As a rule, professional emotional burnout is a protective reaction of our psyche for certain adverse factors. Approximately on the same model from doctors over time, sealing cynics are obtained - otherwise it simply does not work. The main difference here is that with cynicism it is possible to work quite successfully, but the emotional burnout of employees becomes a significant problem both for employees themselves and for the enterprise. Moreover if you do not pay any attention to this state, it can lead to sad results, for example, to depression or neurosis.

If we talk about the most particular causes of emotional burnout, then for a start, we divide them into two conventional groups: a psychological and physiological level. It should be noted that these groups are interrelated, and the main role in the formation of professional combustion is played psychological reasons (And it is logical, otherwise we would only talk about physical exhaustion).

Causes of physiological level

De facto in many cases the main cause of this state acts chronic tension From the series "did not have time to help one person, as they did not have time to help the other." Permanent avrala and work at the limit Often lead to the fact that the body is trying to protect against such loads. Most of us can overcome various difficulties on their path (personal or working).
For example, for some time working in two shifts and / or without days off. We are able to strain to achieve a kind of purpose, after which the body must necessarily need a time to relax, restoration, rest.

One of the key factors in this case is the existence of a goal. When the achievable goal is not, it is necessary to work at the limit of forstairs, and the end and edges of this regime can not be seen, the situation is radically changing. Using all existing physical and mental forces, the body does not have time to recover, loses reserves, goes to resource saving mode and is looking for ways to protect. The consequence of all this can be an emotional burnout.

Of course, the reserves of energy are all different, and the fact that one manifests without problems is categorically not suitable. For example, someone can adapt to complex graphics and after a 24-hour change to go to a meeting with friends; Others feel the full decay of forces after 8-9 hours of work. All this is absolutely normal. There is a theory that the body produces so much energy as it is necessary to cover our needs, and just a little. However, in the case of emotional burnout, this does not occur. Why? The answer must be sought in psychological reasons.

Causes of psychological level

Prevention of emotional burnout

Formally, the enterprises themselves are not least interested in the prevention of emotional burnout, because employees exposed to this state are less effective, which is reflected on the results of their work. However, as we said, in fact, this approach is not always encountered, therefore, the principle becomes more efficient: "The salvation of drowning is the work of the hands of immersing."
So what to do to prevent emotional burnout?

First of all, do not forget fully relax:

  • remember, that sleep do not be filled. We repeat the simple truth: it is very important to fall out, whatever utopia it seems. Also good relaxing rest, meditation, etc.
  • In most cases, the rest of the work is understood not to sit in prostration in front of the TV or browser. Hobbies, alternative activities (courses, master classes, etc.), meetings with friends, walks, outdoor activities, hiking museums / theaters and much more, which brings you positive emotions and allows you to distract from current tasks.
  • No matter how loved your profession, company and / or money, do not take overtime or extra workIf you feel that it is too hard for you. As we said, each of their reserves and energy reserve. If you have the opportunity not to work through force, do not apply this opportunity to use.

In addition, the prevention of emotional burnout syndrome includes correction of the workflow. If you have the first symptoms of this syndrome, it is better to revaluate your activities and its regime before burning out. For example, agree on recycling only in extreme cases - when there really is a need. Help colleagues only when you have time for this. If you are still performing the tasks of the colleague a year ago, hint the head that it is time to look for a replacement.

Sometimes the burnout leads that some simply do not know how to relax And, coming home, continue to finish or think about working tasks. If you are in joy - it's one thing, but if this behavior becomes a bad habit, which prevents relaxing and spoils the mood, it is worth getting rid of it (including with the help qualified specialist). It is also worth considering how one of preventive Mer against the syndrome under consideration.

If it is too late to talk about prevention and it's time to think about how to deal with an emotional burnout, consult our next material.

Emotional burnout syndrome is a state of man depletion at various levels: mental, psycho-emotional, physical. Emotional burnout syndrome can develop as a result of chronic stress arising mainly in the labor sphere.

A man in the morning wakes up broken, forcibly forces himself to go to work. During the working day, its performance is reduced, performance. Moreover, when the working day was loaded to the limit and, it seems that you do not have time. As a result, some hopelessness is felt, resentment and reluctance manifests itself, the interest of everything surrounding. Claims are presented to the load, insufficient reward for the work done.

People associated with functional responsibilities for servicing people and frequent contact with them are exposed to the emotional burnout syndrome. These are professions as teachers, doctors, educators of children's institutions, social workers, managers and others.

The reasons

There are several reasons for burnout. The main one is primarily connected with labor activity, where a person is overloaded and does not feel enough assessment of his work, in the full sense "burns" in the workplace, forgetting about personal needs.

Emotional burnout syndrome is often susceptible to medical workers: doctors and nurses. Constantly communicating with patients, the doctor accepts complaints, irritation, and sometimes the aggressiveness of patients. Many of the health workers try to build a psychological barrier among themselves and the visitor to abstract from negative emotions, avoiding emotional burnout syndrome.

Much depends on the nature of a person, his relationship to functional duties, including its obligation or its absence. Sometimes we ourselves impose an uncomfortable circle of responsibilities that are not provided for by the job description, distrust to the surrounding staff, the desire to keep everything under their control. Incomplete vacation or lack of weekends also inflicts irreparable damage to the psycho-emotional state of the person.

Emotional burnout syndrome and its causes are a lack of sleep, lack of support from loved ones, inability to relax, relax. Often the cause of this state can be injured, both physical and psychological.


Symptoms of the disease is not manifested immediately, but gradually. It is worth paying attention to the warning signals corresponding to the emotional burnout syndrome. It is necessary to reconsider your psycho-emotional behavior as soon as possible, to adjust it in time, so as not to bring yourself to the nervous breakdown.

The first symptoms of emotional burnout syndrome may be frequent headaches, total fatigue, physical exhaustion, insomnia. The attention is violated and memory. Problems of S. cardiovascular system (tachycardia, arterial hypertension). Insecurity, dissatisfaction with others, hysterics are manifested during the depression, indifference to relatives and relatives, life is filled with a solid negative.

Emotional burnout syndrome makes a human body vulnerable to many diseases, especially chronic, such as bronchial asthma, Psoriasis and others.

To cope with problems, allegedly relieve your emotional conditionSome begin to abuse alcohol drinks, get used to drugs, increase the number of cigarettes smoked in the day.

Of great importance are emotional symptoms. Sometimes it is a lack or excessive containment of emotions, care of yourself, pessimism, a feeling of abandonment and loneliness. Or, on the contrary, irritability and aggressiveness, hysterics, obscure sobs, inability to focus. The feeling that the work is impossible, is useless. An employee may not be a job without reasonable reasons, with time not to comply with the position.

There are also social symptoms of emotional burnout syndrome. There is not enough time and desire to do an interesting business after work. Restriction of contacts, a sense of misunderstanding by others, a sense of lack of attention from loved ones.

Emotional burnout syndrome stages

Attention should be paid to the theory of J. Greenberg on emotional burnout, the development of which he divides on five stages:

The first is the satisfaction of the employee with its work activity, but with repeating work stresses that reduce physical energy.

The second - the sleep disorders, fatigue, decreases interest in work.

Third - work without holidays and leave, experience, disease exposure.

The fourth is an increase in dissatisfaction with the work, the development of chronic diseases.

The fifth - psycho-emotional and physical problems provoke the development of diseases that can threaten human life.

Teachers, as well as doctors, consist in a risk group of emotional burnout in the forefront. Therefore, it is very important to identify the symptoms of burnout syndrome at the first stages of development. Pedagogues, due to daily communication with students and their parents, comes a sense of constant fatigue even in the mornings, physical, emotional depletion caused by tense work. Labor activity limited by the lesson, the pedagogical burden due to the schedule, as is the responsibility before leadership, are provocateurs of nerve stress. Frequent headaches, insomnia, a sharp increase in or lowering weights, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, drowsiness throughout the day - here is a small list of inconveniences accompanying the emotional burnout of the teacher.

The next component of the emotional burnout syndrome is depersonalization, that is, an insensible attitude towards students, sometimes bordering the aggressiveness, indifference, formality, unwillingness to penetrate the problems of children. As a result, hidden irritation appears first, then explicitly, reaching conflict situations. Sometimes there is care for yourself, restricting contacts with friends and colleagues.

When developing emotional burnout syndrome teachers big role Play both external and internal factors. External factors - It is high responsibility for the learning process and the effectiveness of the work done, lack of equipment, the psychological atmosphere, especially if there are children with a difficult character or delay in the class mental Development. Internal factors - emotional return, personality disorientation.

In teachers there is also an increased aggressiveness, hostility towards loved ones, colleagues. Examples of physical aggression to a particular person are observed. With indirect aggression (evil conversations, gossip), explosions of rage can be observed, shouts, beating on the table, which are not directed specifically for anyone.

With a pronounced syndrome of emotional burnout, a negative behavior manner is traced mainly to the leadership of the educational institution. Suspiciousness and distrust of others, anger and insult to the whole world.


In determining the level of development of emotional burnout syndrome, the following factors are taken into account: the presence of burnout symptoms, somatic complaints; existing chronic diseases, mental disorders, sleep disorders, tranquilizer and alcohol. Matter and indicators of dissatisfaction with themselves, their responsibilities, position. The state of an emotional dead end is pronounced, as if a person was driven into an angle. Its energy is aimed at a greater degree, showing a state of anxiety, disappointed in itself and the chosen profession. A man becomes touchy, rude, capricious. If at work you have to hold back, then at home the attacks of anger, rage, the inadequacy of behavior splashes on family members.

Treatment of emotional burnout syndrome

Problems arising in the process of emotional burnout are threatened by human health, his relationship with others, work. And it is necessary to heal, restoring the balance of forces, finding support for loved ones and, be sure to pay attention to your psycho-emotional state.

First of all, "stop", calm down and revise your life, your emotions, behavior. Maybe abandon the routine work that does not bring satisfaction, joy, performance. Or change the place of residence, so that new tasks be distracted by a person from previous experiences.

If it is impossible, you need to actively solve the painful problems. Show activity and perseverance in the workplace, preferably excluding stressful situations. Barely declare your needs. Refusal to the authorities in fulfilling the work that is not in the job instruction, and which it entrusts, knowing that a person will not be able to refuse, showing weakness.

If it does not help, you need to take a break in work. Go on vacation or take unpaid days. Distractable from work completely, not responding to phone calls colleagues.

Be sure to do, at least briefly, exercise, visit the pool, massage room, perform strengthening gymnastics, lead your thoughts in order.


In order to avoid emotional burnout syndrome, some rules must be observed: to go to bed on time, get enough sleep, put the soseful tasks, maintain friendly relations with colleagues, listen only to positive discussions. Mandatory holidays after a working day, preferably in nature, the presence of a favorite class or hobby. Fresh air I. good mood Always positively affect the emotional state of any person.

An autotreating, self-impression, attitude only to positive, is important for the prevention of burnout. In the morning you can include your favorite music, read something, raising the mood. Use useful and favorite products with high energy.

No one needs to go about anyone, but try to learn how to say "no" in difficult situations, trying not to overturn yourself. You should also learn to make a break by turning off the phone, computer, TV.

It is advisable to analyze the past day, finding as many positive moments as possible.

When a person climbs a lot of responsibilities, he is too pedantic in work and personal life, he is subject to frequent stress, its energy is rapidly depleted. As a result, interest in the world around the world disappears, the feeling of fatigue does not leave, in the morning I do not want to get up, and the thoughts of work suggest sadness and irritation. Often the thoughts arise to quit. This state of psychologists called emotional syndrome or professional burnout.

Emotional burnout syndrome (CEV) - a special state with characteristic emotional and intellectual exhaustion, common physical fatiguecaused by constant stress at work. In addition to this definition, it is also called "professional burnout" or "emotional combustion".

Mostly syndrome is inherent in social profession workers, as well as posts related to providing assistance to people. First of all, teachers, social and medical workers, rescuers, police officers, etc. are burning out.


Consider 5 groups of symptoms characterizing emotional burnout syndrome:


  • weakness;
  • changing body weight;
  • sleep disorder;
  • deterioration general status health;
  • feeling of lack of oxygen, sword;
  • headaches, nausea, tremor limbs;
  • pressure jumps;
  • heart diseases.


  • deficiency of emotions, nervous exhaustion;
  • pessimistic look at what is happening, cynicism and insensitivity;
  • indifference and constant feeling of fatigue;
  • feeling of hopelessness and frustration;
  • hot temper;
  • alarm state, violation of the ability to concentrate attention;
  • depression, the idea of \u200b\u200bguilt, depression;
  • non-stop sobbing, hysterics;
  • depersonalization (self-perception disorder);
  • striving for loneliness;
  • loss of hopes, vital ideals, professional perspectives.


  • an increase in working time, problems with the execution of current affairs;
  • throughout the working day, a sense of fatigue appears, the desire to take a break for rest;
  • neglect of their duties;
  • lack of appetite or overeating;
  • reduction of any physical exertion;
  • excuse tobacco-use alcoholic beverages, drugs;
  • manifestation of aggression;
  • production injuries.


  • lack of desire for social activities;
  • restriction of communication with colleagues outside of working time;
  • deterioration of relationships with both employees and households;
  • feeling of rejection, misunderstanding from the outside;
  • the feeling of the lack of support and help from relatives and close people, colleagues.


  • lack of interest in new at work, search for alternative options in solving problematic issues;
  • reluctance to participate in seminars;
  • performing work on standard schemes and templates, unwillingness to apply creativity, invent something new.

Important! Symptoms of emotional burnout are often similar to the depressive state. And, as you know, depression is a very cunning disease, requiring immediate medical intervention.

The reasons

The impact of the combination of the following factors leads to professional burnout:


  • Empathy. Frequent manifestation of empathy to another leads to the risk of burnout. The absence or low empathy may result in personal uncertainty, understated self-esteem.
  • Excessive desire to ideal. The desire for perfectionism even in the smallest details, discontent with the work done, minor errors lead to emotional void.
  • Emotions. Strong emotional experiences about and unlikely to burn out.
  • Opinions of others. Dependence on other people's opinions generates uncertainty and fear to nominate their proposal, to speak.


  • The role conflict is the uncertainty between the two roles. For example, family or work, several posts, etc.
  • Official uncertainty. Not knowing their duties, an employee may be bothering his responsibility. Ignorance of manual expectations.
  • Distributive career. An employee may assume that he could have achieved great success, because the efforts did not bring proper expectations.
  • Incompatibility with the team. Overlaid employee loses its significance and undertakes self-esteem.
  • Low social status. In a professional plan, a person can be a good specialist, and society can lowly evaluate this specialty. The consequence of this is the appearance of burnout.

Professionally organizational reasons:

  • Workplace. It must comply with the standards, be comfortable. Fatigue comes faster if the temperature is elevated or lowered, noisy, etc;
  • Recycling. Frequent detentions at work, the performance of the home tasks lead to the absence of personal time and strong fatigue;
  • Inequality in the team;
  • Lack of professional and social support;
  • Manual style. Authoritarian style leads to a sense of insecurity; fear. Soft leader creates chaos;
  • No voice right. The inability to participate in the discussion of the organization's problems, to offer their own ideas, lack feedback The leadership turns around for an employee in doubt in professional value and self-confidence.

Development Stages

To date, scientists have identified several theories that describe the flow of professional burning stages. The most common was the theory of J. Greenberg, who submitted this process in the form of five steps:

  1. The initial state is called "Honeymoon". Initially, the employee satisfies the conditions and obligations, it performs all the instructions in best of sight And with great desire. Meeting with conflicts at work, labor activity is increasingly starting to stop satisfying it, the energy continues to fall.
  2. Stage "Lack of fuel" manifests itself in the presence of fatigue, apathy, poor sleep. If the motivation and stimulation is not conducted by the authorities, the employee is at all loses interest to labor activity Or is interest in the campaign and the results of their work. Workers can start behaving not professionally, shy away from direct duties, i.e. disintegrate. With good motivation by the leadership, a person can continue to burn out, using domestic reserves, which harms health.
  3. Then the step comes chronic symptoms" Long-term professional activities without breaks for rest, vacation brings human body Before exhaustion and exposure to diseases. Also present such psychological states as constantly pursuing irritability, feeling of malice, moral depression, sharpness of time.
  4. "A crisis". In the penultimate stage in humans develop chronic diseases. The result is partial or complete loss of working capacity. Experience in their working inefficiency is repeatedly enhanced.
  5. "Living Walls." Psychological experiences, physical exhaustion will develop in acute form And they can lead to dangerous diseases that affect life. The problems accumulate and the career can collapse.

How to deal with a problem?

People tend to ignore the symptoms of professional burnout. Such a position may turn chronic condition, very similar to depression. To overcome combustion, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

Tip! Take a piece of paper, pen and write on one part of the sheet of minuses, to another - pluses. If there are more disadvantages, it is possible to change the place of work.


Prevent emotional burnout is easier than to treat. To prevent it, it is important to know and comply with the recommendations for the prevention. These tips will help avoid this condition:

  • Time distribution. Labor need to alternate with rest. It is important to adequately distribute the load and not take over too many obligations.
  • Limit the house and work. Working tasks need to be solved in place, and not take part of the tasks on the house.
  • Physical activity several times a week. Sports classes contribute to strengthening the mining of joy hormones.
  • Honored rest. It is desirable to go on a journey twice a year. Important from time to time to change the situation.
  • Sleep. Regular lack of sleep causes discontent and constant weakness. So healthy deep sleep - Pledge of high productivity.
  • Refusal from harmful habits. It is better to stop or minimize the use of coffee, cigarettes and alcohol.
  • To be responsible only for their activities. You need to be able to refuse to employees who are constantly asking for help and throw their duties on others.
  • Hobby. Hobbating helps to fill life with paints, discharge and change the surrounding environment.
  • Be able to stop. If the work is definitely not satisfied and does not fit, it is worth weighing everything and find confidence to find another.

How to avoid burnout (video)

In this video you will learn how not to lose interest in your business and life.

All working people are exposed to emotional burnout. Monotonous work, stress, no free time and other factors can provoke emotional burnout. To avoid or eliminate such a condition, you should follow the above recommendations.

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