And isovalarian acid. Bornilizer-based isovalaric acid isovalarian acid structural formula

Free form and in the form of esters are in the roots of Valerian. Valerian tincture is used in cardiovascular diseases. Isovaleric acid is used in the pharmaceutical industry for synthesis medicinal substances (Bromisoval, Validol).

Benzoic acid

it is used as an antiseptic in ointments, and in the form of a sodium salt C 6 H 5 Coona - as an expectorant and diuretic. It also applies to the synthesis of some medicinal substances (anesthesine topless drugs, Novocaine).

Anesthesin (ethyl ether of para-aminobenzoic acid)

white crystalline powder without smell, weakly threshing taste, causes a sense of numbness in the tongue. Little soluble in water, easy in alcohol. This is one of the very first synthetic compounds used as local resourcing funds. Synthesized in 1890, applied from the late 90s. Widely used in ointments, sprinkles and other dosage forms With urticaria, skin diseases, accompanied by itching, as well as for an anesthesia of the wound and ulcerative surface. For diseases of the rectum (cracks, itching, hemorrhoids), candles with anesthesia are prescribed. In case of spasms in the esophagus, the stomach is taken in the form of tablets, powders, mixtures.

Novocaine (hydrochloride β-diethylaminoethyl ether of para-aminobenzoic acid):

Colorless odor crystals, easy to soluble in water and alcohol. Novocaine was synthesized in 1905. For a long time It was used in surgical practice for local anesthesia. Due to low toxicity and spectrum therapeutic action still has widespread use in different areas Medicine. In addition to local anesthesia, it is used intravenously and inside hypertensive disease, spasms blood vessels, peptic disease Stomach I. duodenal gut, ulcerative colitis, neurodim, eczema, keratitis, and other diseases. Unlike cocaine, it does not have a narcotic action.


Physiological value vegetable oils higher than animal fats. Vegetable oils, like animal fats, high-calorie and are a structural part of all tissues of the body (play an important role in heat regulation, perform a protective function, backup). In the form of lipoproteins, they are part of cell membranes, contribute to the regulation of penetration of water, salts, amino acids, carbohydrates and removal of exchange products from them. Vegetable oils are a source of vitamins, and unsaturated essential fatty acids - linoleic, linolenic and arachidon. Therefore, the use of vegetable oils into food contributes to digestion of food and the proper exchange of substances in the body. The fat-soluble vitamins contained in vegetable oils protect the essential fatty acids from rapid oxidation.

Fats are used from ancient times not only as food, but also for lighting, preparation of therapeutic and cosmetics, compositions for skin treatment. In medicine, fats are used as a source of vitamin A. in medical practice Oil emulsions are prepared from liquid vegetable oils (castor, almond); Olive, sea buckthorn, almond, sunflower and flaxseed oils make up the basis of medicinal ointments and licenses.

Castor oil It consists mainly of ricinoletic acid triglycerides and is used as a laxative. When taking inside is split by the enzyme lipase in thin intestines with the formation of ricinoletic acid

Which causes irritation of the intestinal receptors and the reflector enhancement of the peristalsis. Outwardly used in the form of ointments, balms for the treatment of burns, wounds, ulcers (liniment of balsamic according to A. V. Vishnevsky), to mitigate the skin, removal of perchoth, etc.

Sea buckthorn oil - It contains a mixture of carotene and carotenoids, tocopherols, chlorophyll substances and oleinovoy, linoleic, palmitic and stearic acid glycerides. Apply externally and inside in the treatment of radiation lesions of the skin and mucous membranes.

Lynetol - Get out of flaxseed oil. It contains a mixture of ethyl esters of unsaturated fatty acids: oleinova, linoleic and linolenic. It is used inside for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and externally during burns and radiation lesions of the skin.

The use of linetol in atherosclerosis is based on the ability of unsaturated fatty acids, especially containing two or three double bonds (linoleic, linolenic), reduce cholesterol content. Ethyl esters of flaxseed acids have the same action as acids, but have better organoleptic properties and is better tolerated patients.

Izovaleryanic acid was widely used in medicine, in a modified chemical formula, it is present in the validol (an acid-ether of isovalarian with a non-large amount of Menthol solution), in bromisovalerian acid. And for the synthesis of other sedatives - Valokordin, Corvalol, etc.

In the food industry, ethyl, pentyl and isoamyl ester isobleric acid is used.

In the chemical industry, it is used for the chemical synthesis of the racemates of 2-amino-3-methylbutan acid.

IN perfumery industry Esters of isovaleryanic acid are used - they have various fruit smells and are used as flavors.


Physiochemical properties

Colorless or yellowish transparent liquid.

Density: 0.926 g / cm3

Melting point: -37,6 ° C

Water solubility: 25 g / 100 ml (at 20 ° C)

Boiling point: 176.7 ° C

Additional Information.

  • Izovaleryanic acidit is an isomer valerian acid (one of the main four isomers).
  • It is impossible to enter the skin and mucous membranes, as it causes burns with irreversible consequences. It is not allowed to enter the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It is also dangerous for the inhabitants of the aquatic environment.
  • isopropylumus acid Also soluble in ethyl and diethyl ether and chloroform.
  • produced anaerobic bacteria With the reaction of the fermentation of the protein substrate.
  • isovaleric acid is also present in the culture fluid of propionic bacteria
  • Product Code: 208-01
  • Availability: In stock

Besides essential oil, in the underground valerian bodies contain main sedatives active substances, called valpotriates.

These compounds are epoxides of iridoids in which the cyclopentagne skeleton has 5 hydroxyl groups. Two hydroxyl form epoxide (cyclic ether), and the remaining three esterified isovaleryan and acetic acids.

Valpotrit-Valtrat Baldrinal

Depending on the esterifying acids, different valpotriates differ. In the process of drying freshly dried rhizomes, Valpotriats are partially subjected to an enzymatic splitting with the formation of free isovalaric acid or its analogs and iridoid - baldinal. In this case, the raw materials acquires the smell characteristic for Valerian.

Billet primary treatment, drying

Roots with roots that are digging manually. On plantations -valeryanocapant (potato fleet). Clean in September. Dug-up rhizomes with roots shake off the ground, cut off the above-ground part, thick roots cut along, quickly and carefully wash away from the ground. Improved under a canopy for 2 days and dried in dryers at a temperature not higher than 35-40 ° C. The color of the roots and rhizomes from light brown to dark brown. The smell is strong, fragrant, peculiar.


The quality of raw materials regulates the GF XI and is determined by the content of extractive substances (at least 25% during extraction 70% alcohol) and isovalaric acid, with a content of at least 1% (roots and rhizomes). FS 42-1530-89 (Rhizomes and Fresh roots). Tu-64-4-44-83 - (Valerian grass).

Drug raw materials

Whole or cut along the rhizoma up to 4 cm long, up to 3 cm thick. Numerous thin apparent roots depart from the root. The smell is strong, specific. The color of the root and roots outside is yellowish brown.


Store the raw materials in dry cool premises on racks separately from non-aromatic types of raw materials. The shelf life of the dried raw materials of Valerian 3 years, fresh - 3 days.

Basic action.Soothing.


Valerian preparations reduce the excitability of the CNS, enhance the effect of sleeping pills, possess antispasmodic properties. They are used as soothing means at nervous excitement, insomnia, neurosis of cardio-vascular system, spasms of the gastrointestinal tract (often in combination with other soothing and heart facility).

The soothing effect of Valerians is manifested slowly, but quite stable. Patients disappears a sense of tension, irritability, the dream improves.

Preparations: infusion, decoction, tincture, valerian extracts thick and dry.

Valocormid.combined drug (Containing Valerian tincture) -sale and spasmodic agent. Apply with cardiovascular neurosis, accompanied by bradycardia.

VOLOSEDAN - Combined preparation (containing valerian extract) - soothing agent

Corwalola. - Combined preparation (containing a-bromisovalerolric acid ethyl ester). Used in neurosis, insomnia, in early stages Hypertension, spasms of coronary vessels.

Valokordin - Combined drug in composition and action close to Corvalol.

Dormiplant. - Combined drug (containing the dry extract of the valerian root and leaf leaves) - sedative effect.

From fresh raw materials Valerians get a tincture that is part of complex drugCardiovalena .

Valerian grass is used to obtain an extract included in the drinks.

Kidden Gemmae Pini Sulvestris
Sineaoby Pinus Sülvestris L.
Sem pine Pinaceae.

Rod. name Pinus, I, F. form. from Celt. pIN.(rock, mountain) and is associated with a frequency of pine habitat (rocky cliffs, mountain cliffs).

View. definite . Silvestris (silvester, Tris, Tre - Forest) - characterizes the place of growth.

Evergreen coniferous tree tall up to 30-40 m. Pine is one of the main forest-forming breeds of the CIS. Due to the broad ecological amplitude, a forest tundra is common to the steppe zone.

Chemical composition

Pine kidneys contain up to 0.36% of essential oil, which includes: pinen, lemon, resins; Flavonoids, tanning substances, ascorbic acid, carotene.

The rhizome contains 0.3-2% EF. Masla. The main component of the EF. Masla is bornalizer therianate, Isovalerician K-TA, Borneol, Valpotrit.

Isovaleranian K-TA:

Valpotrit: iridoids

Dv is defined as unity of the NAT or when there is a method for their define

Method of definition: Add 70% alcohol or x / f 2 hours a mixture. Experts all extractive in-bes, evaporated for concentration. Extractant evaporates. + NH4OH (for Hydrolysis Esters Valere K-You) + FECL3

Fack x \u003d d * 100 * 20 * 100 / 10.5 * a * 5 * (100-w)

Extractant Standardized. This special group liquid and dry extractsmikstur designed for fast cooking Info and brazers. MED. Extracts are prepared from standardization LRS 2: 1 (from 1 units 2 parts liquid extract). In the quality of the extractant use 40% ethanol to bring the extract on the composition of the extracted in-in to water extraction.

Scheme: Extraction, cleaning, evaporation, drying, standardization.

Insisting: swollen or dry material is loaded into the percolator on the next bottom tightly so that less air remains in the raw material. From above pressed the perforated disk. Expressure is fed into the percolator on top of a continuous flow, as soon as the extractant begins to flow into the receiver, the percoolator crane is closed, and the extractant is returned to the raw material in the extractor. After that, a clean extractant to the "mirror" is added to the percoolator, and 24-48 watchmaking pauses are withstanding.

Actually percolation-continuous passage of an extractant through a layer of raw materials and collecting percoolat. The percolator opens a crane, and the raw material is continuously supplied. The extractant is terminated by extracting an exhaust for one reception of the preparation of tinctures, thick and dry extracts or two receptions - in the manufacture of liquid extracts.

Cleaning: Adjusting for less than 2 days, tempera. Not less than 10s, filtered through a friend filter.

Standardization: The content of active things, in, heavy metals; In liquid- + alcohol content or density, dry residue.

Determination of heavy metals.To 1 ml of liquid extract or 1 g of thick or dry extract, 1 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid is added, carefully burned and calcined. The resulting residue is treated with 5 ml of a saturated solution of ammonium acetate. Filter through a silently filter, washed with 5 ml of water and the filtrate volume is adjusted to 200 ml. 10 ml of the resulting solution must withstand the test for heavy metals (not more than 0.01 % in the preparation) (GF XI, vol. 1, from. 165).

Determination of a dry residue.5 ml of liquid extract is placed in suspended bures, evaporated on a water bath and dried 3 hours at (102.5 ± 2.5) ° C, then cooled in the desiccator 30 minutes and weighed.

Determination of moisture.About 0.5 g of the preparation (accurate jamming) is dried in a drying cabinet at (102.5 ± 2.5) ° C for 5 hours, then cooled in the excicator 30 minutes and weighed.

Zhlf-medicine for internal use. Coffein-benzoate sodium: check the doses. Frank \u003d 0.5 VD \u003d 1.5 200.0 / 15 \u003d 13 receptions.0.4 / 13 \u003d 0.03, and sd \u003d 0.03 * 3 \u003d 0.09- Not overestimated. V water \u003d 10.0 * 1.8 + 4.0 * 2.4 + 200.0 \u003d 227.6ml DCSUM \u003d 0.4 + 3.0 + 0.18 / 200.0 * 100 \u003d 2.1% It is less than 3%, then do not take into account Kuo. The dietary mint contains an EF.Maslo, first to infedyr. The glass we answer 10.0g and 4.0g mint leaves + measure 227.6 ml of water and in a water bath, insist for 15 minutes. and cool 45 min., Then they fix it into the stand through a double filter and first we answer in the list of the list B, then sodium bromide and magnesium sulfate, dissolve and filter through a double gauze tampon in the vacation bottle.

Rhizomata Cum Radicibus Valerianae 10.0

Folia Menthae 4.0.


Natrium Bromidi 3.0

Magnesium Sulfatis 0.8.

Biotechnology: Used Rose Radiols Fabric, Ginseng, Natrestyanki

Farm.analyz: Caffeine gas benzot Na (1,3,7, trimethylxanthine) l r in water, tr in alcohol. Absorption of light in IR, UV

Magnesium sulfate -white pores or b / colms Prism crystals, outdoor disorder, L.R. In water, very easy in boiling, practical not in alcohol.

Quality Analysis:

Na + - painting flame burner

BR- - + CL \u003d yellow precipitate; In this recipe: + h2so4 + kmno4 + x / f \u003d x / f OCD in yellow-brown color.

Mg - with sodium hydrophosphate: MgSO4 + Na2HPO4 + NH4OH \u003d NH4MGPO4 (Bel) + 2NACL + H2O

SO4 + BACL2 \u003d BASO4 (Bel)

Caffeine: with P-rum Tanina \u003d Bel Sediment, the district in the AV reagent.

With P-B Wagner (J2 + HJ) \u003d brown precipitate.

Murcexide test - oxidative and hydrolytic decomposition in an acidic medium at T.

Benzoate + FECL3 \u003d Ball Specta

Quantities. Analysis:

Caffeine: - method of reverse iodometry in an acidic environment, based on the ability of caffeine chapel of the periodide.

The precipitate is filtered-t, the first portions are discarded, retire-t in ½ volume of the filtrate.

E \u003d m / 4, Pier-but k / o.

Benzoate (in the second hide) - as acid. Ind-p - m / o + m / s (2: 1), titrated in the presence of ether. Ether - to extract benzoic acid from the aqueous phase.


Cultures Rasting Cells, Spit in Biotechnology: Ginseng, Rowolphia Serpentine, Barbaris, Vasilniknik Small, Tis Ordinary, Barwin Pink.

The advantages of using cell cultures are as follows:

the problem of the deficiency of the feedstock, especially the valuable disappearing species, not amenable to plantation cultivation, is solved;

it is possible to obtain phytomass, completely free from herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals, etc.; It is possible to obtain new substances that are not synthesized by the corresponding target plant; It is possible to control the biosynthesis of targeted products due to the conditions of cultivation, the composition of the nutrient medium and other methods;

there is the possibility of industrialization and cheaper production of some Bav, which is not yet designed or very expensive.

The name of isovalarian acid is synonyms of isovalarianic acid (mixture of isomers); a mixture of isomers of 2- and 3-methylbutan acids; Registration number CAS 503-74-2 Molecular formula C 5 H 10 O 2 Molecular weight 102.13 INCHI INCHI \u003d 1S / C5H10O2 / C1-4 (2) 3-5 (6) 7 / H4H, 3H2,1-2H3, (H , 6,7) inchikey gwyfcocpabknjv-uhfffaoysa-n smiles CC (C) CC (\u003d O) o EinecS 207-975-3

Chemical and physical properties

Density 0.926 Boiling point 176 ° C Melting point -35 ° C Flash temperature 70 ° C Refractive index 1.399-1.407 Solubility 25 g / l (20 ° C) in water. Appearance Colorless or yellowish transparent liquid.

Risks, Security and Terms of Use

Safety instructions S26; S28; S36 / 37/39; S38; S45 R22 risk guidelines; R24; R34 Hazard Class 6.1 Hazard Symbols

Classification of chemical reagents

Clean ("Part") Isovalerician Acid Ch. The content of the main component is 98% and higher (without impurities). Color stripes on packaging - green. Clean for analysis ("Ch.D.A.", "Chda") Isovalerician Acid Chda. The main component content is higher or significantly higher than 98%. Impurities do not exceed the permissible limit for accurate analytical studies. Color stripes on packaging - blue. Chemically clean ("H.Ch.", "HF") Isovalerician acid HF. The main component content of more than 99%. Color stripes on the package - red. Particularly pure ("OESC") isovalerician acid SC. Correction of impurities in such a minor quantity that they do not affect the basic properties. Color stripes on the package - yellow.

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