Complivits how much per day. Complivit - activates metabolic processes

The composition of "complivit" includes vitamins of groups A, B, C, as well as iron, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, calcium, manganese, zinc, cobalt. Such a rich composition not only contributes to the fastest restoration of the body after many diseases, "complivit" is recommended for many other problems, among which heated bone fragility, problems with cardiovascular and nervous systems, vision ... also "complivit" contributes to solving problems with strength teeth, increased nervous excitability, strengthens the walls of the vessels and makes them more elastic, etc.

Today there are several options for "complivit". Among them are not only a classic, but also the drug for pregnant women and ladies in, children, as well as with additives aimed at helping vision, nervous system With large loads on it ... There is even a "complivit" with additives "for beauty" - the instructions promise the improvement of the body, cheerfulness, as well as healthy and shiny nails and hair, but suspect that this option is released only because in society There is a high demand for beauty-vitamins.

How to take "complivit"

If you want to take "complivit" for prevention cold illness Or to restore the body after them, it is enough to be one tablet per day for about a month. It is also recommended to take this vitamin complex and after other severe diseases, together with the reception of antibiotics.

After a monthly course "CombLivit" take a break about 4-6 months, after which another course of the drug is possible. If you think your body needs more than this vitamin and mineral complex, it is worth consulting a doctor.

Is there a "complivit" contraindications

Of course, as any drug, these polyvitamins should not be taken to people having allergic reactions to the components of the complex. Other contraindications doctors do not celebrate.

If you take other drugs at the same time as "complivit", be sure to consult your doctor!

Is it worth taking "complivit"

I want to say that after I studied the composition and tried similar complexes of several price categories, I did not find the principal difference between such an affiliated "complivitus" and complexes that are 10-20 times more expensive.

Complivit is a vitamin and mineral complex, which is created to replenish the physiological needs of the body in the beneficial components. The drug may include medical treatment various diseases. Complivates are also taken to prevent hypovitaminosis, and the overall endurance of the organism.

There is a whole series of drugs called "complivit". A classic vitamin and mineral complex with a margin contains a balanced composition of the components. Reception means will provide the body with substances necessary for normal life.

The manufacturer is the company "Pharmstandart-Ufavita" (Russia). Classic complivits are released in the form of tablets. In each of them contain:

I. Vitamins:

  1. Retinol acetate (). Required for the growth of bones, supports the organs of vision in normal state, epithelium.
  2. Tiamine (). Stimulates the work of the CNS, regulates metabolic processes.
  3. Riboflavin (). Participates in oxidative reaction reactions, as well as in the exchange of substances. Provides normal cell division.
  4. Calcium pantothenate ( vitamin B5.). Stimulates the formation of glucocorticoids (hormones of adrenal cortex), regulating many processes in the body. Participates in oxidative reaction reactions, contributes to the regeneration of mucous membranes.
  5. Pyridoxine (). Participates in the exchange of proteins, synthesis of neurotransmitters.
  6. Folic acid (). Provides the process of cell division. Required to generate amino acids, nucleotides.
  7. Cyanocobalamin (). Takes part in the synthesis of fatty acids. We are necessary for the blood formation process in the bone marrow.
  8. Vitamin C (). Participates in oxidative reaction reactions. Stimulates the update of the mucous skin cover, nails, hair. It helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  9. A-tocopherol acetate (). Antioxidant protecting cells from destruction. Reduces the risk of developing neoplasms. Increases tissue resistance to hypoxia.
  10. Nicotinamide (). Promotes the improvement of blood circulation. Takes part in the exchange of lipids. Reduces cholesterol levels.
  11. Rutoside ( vitamin R.). It has antioxidant properties. Stimulates redox processes. Increases the strength of small blood vessels.

Calcium complivits D 3

Calcium complivates D 3 - a narrow drug drug that adjusts the exchange of calcium, phosphorus. The composition includes calcium carbonate and vitamin D 3 (cholecalciferol).

Indications for use are: treatment and prevention of osteoporosis, vitamin D 3 and / or calcium deficiency.

Take it 1 tab. 1-3 r. / Day (for the appointment of a doctor). Price of the drug - from 150 rubles.

Combivit antistress

The antistress complivit is designed for those whose professional activities are associated with increased nervous stress. The tool helps to bring a psycho-emotional state to normal, normalizes sleep, has an adaptogenic effect. The composition includes 10 vitamins (A, E, C, Group B), 4 minerals (magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium), vegetable extracts (dyeing, ginkgo biloba).

The drug is accepted during food, 1 tab. 1 r. / Day. Cost complivit antistress - from 245 rubles. (for 30 tab.).

Analogues are: Berkka Plus, Magna Positive, Triedak, Wise Evalar.

Complivit Chondro

The drug is designed to improve functional state Spine, joints. The composition includes:

  1. Glucosamine. Improves metabolism in intra-articular structures. Stimulates the process of updating the cartilage tissue.
  2. Chondroitin. Slows degenerative processes that destroy bone, cartilage tissue stimulates regeneration.
  3. Vitamin E.. Antioxidant, which prevents the damage to the joints.
  4. Vitamin C. Improves blood microcirculation in joints, other tissues.

Chondro complivits after eating, 1 tab. twice a day. Course - 3-4 weeks. After 3-5 months. Recommend the drug again, the daily dose can be reduced to 1 tab. Price for 30 tab. ranges from 390 rubles.

Analogues are: Teraflex, Honda.

Combivit super Energy

The composition complivitis super power includes vitamins C, RR, group B, magnesium microelements, selenium. Other components are:

  1. L-carnitine. Improves protein and lipid exchange. Promotes a set of muscle mass.
  2. Ginseng root extract. This is an adaptogen, which enhances the stability of the body in stressful conditions. Stimulates immunity. Increases physical, mental activity.

The drug takes 1 tab. per day (during meals), dissolving in a glass (200 ml) of water. Course treatment - 10 days. Cost complivitis super power - from 299 rubles. (for 10 tab.).

Analogs: Supradin, Burocca Plus (silying tablets).

Complivit Diabetes

This is a preparation with a sugar substitute (sorbitol). The composition includes the same vitamins as in the classic complex, as well as the microelements of zinc, manganese, selenium ,. Additionally included ginkgo biloba and biotin, which improve the absorption of glucose, stimulate metabolism.

Diabetes complivitis takes 1 p. / Day (1 tab.) For 1 month. Price for 1 package in 30 tab. ranges from 220 rubles.

Analogues are: Viejyshar, Lantus Solostar, Buckfire, Amaryil, Adiabeton.

Complivates ophthalm

Components complivit ophthalmo are: vitamins A, E, C, P, group B, zinc minerals, copper, selenium. The composition includes vegetable carotenoids Lutein and Zeaxanthin. They protect the retina of the eye from negative radiation (ultraviolet, etc.).

The reception of this vitamin complex allows to reduce the risk of developing a degenerative retinal disease, reduces visual fatigue. The price is from 210 rubles. (for 30 tab.).

Analogs of the drug: Ophthalmix, VisiOmox Lutein, Luthein complex, Vitrum Vizhn Forte, Blueberry VisiOmoks.

Combivit magnesium

The drug is designed to replenish magnesium deficiency and other substances in the body. The composition includes: vitamins C, E, RR, A, group B, zinc, copper, magnesium. Magnesium is 3 times more than in the base complivat.

The means take 1 tab. / Day, while eating. Course duration - 1 month. The cost of magnesium complivits is from 200 rubles. (for 60 tab.).

Combivit selenium

Combivit selenium is designed to enhance immunity. It is also taken with the aim of preventing cardiovascular diseases, appearance malignant tumors. The composition includes 11 vitamins (as in the base complivate), 4 minerals (manganese, zinc, copper, selenium). The amount of selenium in 1 tab. It is 70 μg that fully covers the daily need for this element.

The drug needs to drink 1 tab. 1 r. / Day, for 1 month. Cost complivit selenium - from 215 rubles. (for 60 tab.).

Analogues are: Selengit, Vitrum Centuri, duovit energy.

Complivit iron

The drug is prescribed for treatment, the prevention of hypovitaminosis in people whose body is predisposed to development. The complex includes: 10 vitamins (A, C, RR, E, group B) and 4 microelements (iron, copper, zinc, iodine). The iron is contained 3 times more than in the classic complivate.

Vitamins take 1 r. / Day of 1 tab. Package cost in 60 tab. ranges from 210 rubles.

Analogs: Stresstabs + Iron, Center, Trovit, Perfected Platinum.

Built shine

The complex contributes to improving the condition of the skin, nails, hair, helps to lose weight. The shine complivates contains 11 vitamins and 8 minerals (similar to the composition of the base drug). Additionally included:

  1. Dry extract. This is a source of catechins - substances with antioxidant properties. Reduces the effects of damage to the skin with straight sunshine.
  2. Silicon. Takes part in bone formation processes. Need for normal growth of nails, hair. Improves the elasticity of the skin, strengthens the walls of the capillaries.
  3. Biotin.. Improves metabolism in hair follicles, skin, nails.

The tool takes 1 r. / Day of 1 tab., For 1 month. The cost complivates radiance - from 330 rubles. (for 30 tab.).

Analogs: Medobiotin, Vitasharm, Witrum Beauty Elit, Perfectyl Plus.

Combates trimesterum (1, 2, 3 trimester)

These are 3 different complexes, ideally suitable for supporting the health of the future mother. The composition of the drugs are the same, they differ only by the dosage of components. Complexes contain: vitamins (A, E, RR, P, D, C, Group B), lipoic acid, minerals (iron, copper, manganese, zinc, calcium, magnesium). Additional components are:

  1. Lutein. It is required to maintain the retina of the eyes in the normal state.
  2. Selenium. Powerful antioxidant. Stimulates immunity, reinforces the activity of vitamin E.
  3. Iodine. Need for the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

Combates the trimester (1st trimester) already at the stage of pregnancy planning. This makes it possible to create all the conditions for the development of the embryo. The drug is also taken within 13 weeks. From the day of the last menstruation (in the 1st trimester of pregnancy). This will ensure the normal formation of all embryo structures.

In the period from the 14th to the 27th week. It will be necessary to comply with the trimesterum (2nd trimester). The substance included in its composition will completely cover the daily needs of mother and fetus.

Combates the trimester (3rd trimester) taken from the 28th week of pregnancy, which will eliminate the shortage of vitamins, trace elements.

The drug is drunk 1 r. / Day of 1 tab. The price, on average, can be from 300 rubles. (for 30 tab.).

Analogs: Elevit Pronatal, Multi-Tab Perinal, Vitruum Prenatal.

Complivit for women 45+

The remedy is prescribed to women in order to prevent hypovitaminosis during the period of hormonal perestroika (menopause). The composition includes: 11 vitamins, magnesium minerals and selenium. Complivates for women 45+ contains additionally:

  1. L-carnitine. Participates in protein, lipid exchanges. It helps to update structural components in various tissues.
  2. Kimycyfugi roots (Dry extract). It has an estrogen-like action. Reduces the severity of menopause symptoms.
  3. Dry extract of dyeing. It has a sedative, cardiotonic effect. Normalizes hell, improves myocardial work.

The drug must be taken after the termination of menstruation of 1 tab. 1 r. / Day. The minimum course of reception is 4-6 months. Package cost in 30 tab. ranges from 250 rubles.

Analogs: Solgar, Qi-Klim, Doppelgers, Vitrum.

Complivit cost, analogues, reviews

How much is classic complivitis? It will depend on the sale region, the number of tablets in the package. On average, the price is from 150 rubles. (for 30 tab.).

Analogues of the classic complivitis are:, center, supradin, vitam.

Since childhood, I have a weak immunity, and colds are lipped to me with a bang. In addition to colds, in last years An autoimnoye diseases began to appear - various allergies, hair loss, etc.

Surely you often met absolutely opposite assessments of this or another vitamin complex. One says "Miracle Vitamins helped me", the other - "Fuffer, nothing has changed from these tablets." And both of them do not lie, but why then one vitamins really help, and for others - what is the dead Parish?

And the thing is that the worse we have immunity, let's say, for example, with dysbacteriosis, the less effect will be from vitamins. In the dysbacteriosis of the intestine, due to the lack of useful (bifido, lacto, etc.) bacteria and the predominance of pathogenic microorganisms, absorption and synthesis of the necessary organism nutrients and trace elements. In this case, the use of vitamins will be ineffective than at a normal intestinal microflora. Read, if I wonder, on this topic a lot of information on the network.

In order to get the maximum benefit from vitamin supplements, it is necessary to start stabilize the intestinal microflora. Therefore, it is necessary to first turn to the gastroenterologist, pass the appropriate analyzes and undergo treatment. At your experience, I will say that I was able to restore liquid bifido and lactobacteria of Novosibirsk production to me to restore liquid bifido and lactobacterium, as well as long-term and phased treatment of dysbacteriosis.

And now, when we have sacrificed superficially in the topic "digestibility" of vitamins, we turn to the complex

In fact, the producer complivits a very wide line of various vitamins. I, in addition to the classic vitamins, complivits, tried more calcium + d3.


Pills Complivates 11 vitamins + 8 minerals Made by the Russian company Pharmstandart-Ufavita OJSC.

Packaging with vitamins looks like:

Packaging is a jar with tablets (60 pieces), and instructions. Tablets are white, rounded or oblong shape (for some reason, I have fallen different), odorless. It is not too easy to swallow, but it is not worth it.

According to the description on the package, the vitamin complex contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities for the functioning of the body.

The complex includes the following components:

For which each of the components of the complex, testimony and contraindications to use is also described in the instructions:

Price in pharmacies different, I usually buy in the local offline pharmacy rubles for 150-200 rubles - This is a very budget price for a multivitamin complex.

In the instructions are described methods of application and dose:

Despite the fact that they are usually taken by 1 tablet per day, one course I took 2 tablets per day, while eating, since I just had a state of increased need for vitamins. On one tablet in the morning and in the evening. The reception rate is 30 days.

Application and effect

My first acquaintance with the vitamins occurred about 2 years ago, when the therapist, after the next transferring ARVI, advised to put on the course that this vitamin and mineral complex.

I honestly, I often saw the vitamins, but did not notice the effect (why - see at the beginning of the review). But this time, to all of the time, I had a lot of hair and I tried all the methods and methods, to stop the loss. Therefore, it was decided to listen to the Council of the therapist and start drinking vitamins.

I bought, I drank only half of the pack and safely abandoned, because I expected a quick effect (stupid) and it did not happen. After half a year, when absolutely everything was tested against the hair loss, I was "psychunula," I got a watimna cloves with a long shelf and continued to take them.

After 2 weeks of admission, when the package is over, I noticed that the hair felling in the sink was less, and I bought another package in order to finish the course. At the end of the vitamins hair stopped falling out At all (they returned to the rate of falling, i.e. instead of 500-1000 hair per day, it began to fall out 50-100, as it should be). The skin has become less dry, and it has become definitely fresh, better. That's, I loved these vitamins.

There was no noises. For autumn-winter, however, I still had 1 time angina, another time ARVI, but it is rather connected with my stresses, moving, etc. After illnesses, I again dug the course of vitamins and so far, TF-TF TF, everything is OK.

Generally, Complivit 11 vitamins 8 mineralsi recommend. Effective vitamins, if you use them with the mind and not to expect a miracle from them.

Ask a question or leave a review about the medicine (please do not forget to specify the name of the drug in the message text).

Complivit (vitamins for adults) - composition


1 tablet contains 19 components: α-tocopherol acetate (WIT. E) 10mg, ascorbic acid (WIT) 50mg, iron (in the shape of iron (II) heptahydrate sulfate) 5mg, calcium pantothenate (wit. B5) 5mg, calcium ( In the form of dihydrate phosphate) 50.5mg, cobalt (in the form of cobalt (II) heptahydrate sulfate) 100mkg, phosphorus (in the form of calcium and magnesium phosphate) 60mg, manganese (in the form of monohydrate sulfate) 2.5mg, copper (in the form of pentahydrate sulfate) 750mkg , Nicotinamide (WIT. PP) 7.5mg, pyridoxine (in the form of hydrochloride) (WIT. B6) 5mg, retinol (in the form of acetate) (WIT) 1.135mg (3300ME), riboflavin (in the form of mononucleotide) (WIT. B2 ) 1.27mg, Rutoside (Rutin) (WIT. P) 25mg, thiamine (in the form of hydrochloride) (WIT. B1) 1MG, Tioktovy (α-lipoe) Acid 2mg, folic acid (WIT. BC) 100mkg, cyanocobalamin (WIT. B12) 12.5mkg, zinc (in the form of zinc (II) heptahydrate sulfate) 2mg.

Combivit Antistress:

1 Tablet contains 16 components: vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 50mg, flavonoglycosides (gingko biloba leaves Dry extract) 8-15mg, iridoids (etcher extract dry not less than 300mkg, nicotinamide 20mg, magnesium (in the form of magnesium oxide) 10mg, vitamin E ( A-tocopherol acetate) 15mg, zinc (in the form of zinc oxide) 12mg, calcium Pantothenate 5 mg, copper (in the form of copper sulfate) 1 mg, vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) 2mg, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 2mg, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride ) 2mg, vitamin A (retinol acetate) 1mg (2907ME), folic acid 400mkg, selenium (in the form of sodium selenite) 25mkg, vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 3mkg.

Complivit - instructions for use

Clinical and Pharmacological Group

Polyvitamins with macro and microelements.

pharmachologic effect

Combined preparation containing a complex of vitamins and minerals, which are important factors of metabolic diseases.

The vitamin and mineral complex is designed to replenish the physiological need for vitamins and minerals and is balanced taking into account daily needs. Compatibility of components in 1 tablet is provided special for vitamin preparations of production technology.

Vitamin A (Retinol) - participates in the formation of visual pigments, is necessary for twilight and color of color: Provides the integrity of epithelial tissues, regulates the growth of bones.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) as coenzyme participates in carbohydrate exchange, the functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) is the most important catalyst for the processes of cellular respiration and visual perception.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) as coenzyme takes part in protein exchange and synthesis of neurotransmitters.

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) is involved in the synthesis of nucleotides, is an important factor in normal growth, blood formation and development of epithelial cells: it is necessary for metabolism folic acid And the synthesis of myelin.

Nicotinamide is involved in the processes of tissue respiration and carbohydrate exchange.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) provides synthesis of collagen; participates in the formation and maintenance of the structure and function of cartilage, bones, teeth; affects the formation of hemoglobin, ripening erythrocytes.

Rutin (Rutoside) participates in redox processes, has antioxidant properties, prevents oxidation and promotes deposit ascorbic acid in tissues.

Calcium pantothenate as an integral part of coenzyme A plays an important role in the processes of acetylation and oxidation; Promotes the construction, regeneration of the epithelium and endothelium.

Folic acid takes part in the synthesis of amino acids, nucleotides, nucleic acids; Need for normal erythropoese.

Lipoic acid participates in the regulation of lipid and carbohydrate exchanges, has a lipotropic effect, affects the exchange of cholesterol, improves the function of the liver.

Vitamin E (α-floweropol acetate) has antioxidant properties, supports the stability of erythrocytes, warns hemolysis; It has a positive effect on the functions of the genital glands, nervous and muscular fabric.

Iron participates in erythropoese, as part of hemoglobin provides oxygen transport in tissue.

Copper warns the development of jetsodeficiency anemia and oxygen starvation of organs and tissues, contributes to the prevention of osteoporosis. Increases the strength and elasticity of vessels, affecting the connective tissue proteins.

Calcium is necessary for the formation of bone substance, blood coagulation, the implementation of the process of transmission of nerve impulses, reducing skeletal and smooth muscles, normal myocardial activities.

Cobalt regulates metabolic processes, increases the protective forces of the body.

Manganese plays an important role in metabolism, is part of many enzymes, strengthens bone and cartilaginous fabric.

Zinc has immunomodulatory properties, contributes to the absorption of vitamin A, regeneration and hair growth.

Magnesium contributes to normalization arterial pressure, stimulates together with calcium production of calcitonin and parathyroid hormone, warns the deposition of calcium salts in the kidneys.

Phosphorus strengthens bone fabric and teeth, enhances mineralization, is part of the ATP - the source of cell energy.

Indications for the use of the drug complivit®

  • prevention and replenishment of the deficit of vitamins and minerals;
  • increased physical and mental loads;
  • the period of recovery after long and / or seriously occurring diseases, including infectious;
  • at complex treatment When appointing antibiotic therapy.

Dosing mode

Take inside after meals. For the prevention of vitamin and mineral failure - 1 tablet 1 time per day. For states accompanied by an increased need of vitamins and minerals, 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Course for 4 weeks. Repeated courses - on the recommendation of the doctor.

Side effect

Allergic reactions to the components of the drug are possible.

Contraindications for the use of the drug complivit®

  • increased sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • children's age up to 12 years.

special instructions

Possible staining of urine in bright yellow color is completely harmless and explained by the presence of riboflavin in the preparation.


In case of overdose, you need to consult a doctor.

Treatment: temporary discontinuation of the drug, washing the stomach, reception activated coal Inside, symptomatic treatment.

Medicinal interaction

Iron and calcium detain suction in the intestine of antibiotics from a group of tetracyclines and fluoroquinolone derivatives.

With the simultaneous use of vitamin C and sulfonamide preparations short action The risk of crystalluria is increasing.

Antacid preparations containing aluminum, magnesium, calcium, as well as swierabs reduce the absorption of iron.

Ascorbic acid increases the absorption of preparations of the penicillin, iron group. With the simultaneous assignment of diuretics from the thiazid group, the likelihood of hypercalcemia increases.

Vitamin B6 reduces levodop activity in patients with Parkinsonism.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

Terms and Storage Terms

Store with a dry, light-protected, inaccessible to children, at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C. Shelf life - 2 years. Do not use after the expiration date.

Complivitis is a vitamin and mineral complex, which is taken in vitamin deficiency, errors in the diet, after suffering severe diseases, in chronic infectious inflammatory diseases, to improve metabolism and immunity strengthening .

How complivit is valid

The complivitis is produced in tablets (60 pieces in the bottle) of the Russian pharmaceutical company Pharmstandard. In each Dragee complivitis contains 20 components - vitamins, macro- and trace elements:

  • retinol acetate (Vitamin A) - contributes to improved vision, condition of the skin and its appendages - hair and nails;
  • thiamine bromide (vitamin B1) - is part of the enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism and in the work of the nervous system;
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) - participates in the regulation of the metamon metabolism and complements the effect of magnesium;
  • riboflavina mononucleotide - contributes to the improvement of cellular respiration and visual perception;
  • cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) - together with folic acid participates in many biochemical reactions, actively affect the nervous and hematopoietic system;
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - antioxidant, stimulates the formation of collagen skin and dentin teeth, participates in the exchange of folic acid and iron, participates in the synthesis of steroid hormones and blood proteins (antibodies, interferon);
  • alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) - antioxidant, contributes to the restoration of blood proteins and iron, which is part of the erythrocytes, is involved in the formation of cells of many tissues;
  • nicotinamide - contributes to the improvement of tissue respiration, fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • rutin - antioxidant, contributes to the accumulation of ascorbic acid in tissues;
  • calcium Pantothenate (vitamin B5) - participates in oxidative reaction reactions, contributes to the restoration of skin cells and mucous membranes;
  • folic acid - activates the synthesis of amino acids, nucleic acids, participates in the formation of erythrocytes;
  • lipoic acid - participates in the process of formation of energy in the body; Pot character of biochemical action is similar to the vitamins of the group B;
  • methionine - ever vacant amino acidnecessary to maintain growth and nitrogenous equilibrium of the body;
  • iron sulfate - participates in the formation of hemoglobin, in the composition of hemoglobin delivers oxygen to tissue cells;
  • copper sulfate - participates in the processes of absorption of oxygen by cells, blood formation, immune processes;
  • calcium phosphate is included in the bones and solid teeth tissues, it is required for blood coagulation processes, transmission of nerve impulses, reduce muscle fibers, including heart muscle fibers;
  • cobalt sulfate - regulates exchange processes, increases immunity;
  • manganese sulfate - participates in the processes of absorption of oxygen by cells, affects the growth of bones, is involved in immune processes;
  • zinc sulfate - participates in all types of metabolism - nucleic acids, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, hormones;
  • magnesium phosphate is involved in the synthesis of protein and in the energy exchange, lowers the excitability of the nervous system.

Vitamins are an integral part of enzymes - substances, many times accelerating metabolism Macro- and trace elements also participate in certain types of exchange, they are particularly necessary for cells. If you take complivit correctly, you can well prepare the body to attack viruses during the cold season, as they are able to activate the metabolism and strengthen the immune system. Good immunity will cope with oncological diseases. Combates normalizes all types of exchange, which increases performance, improves memory, makes a person more resistant to stress and high loads, restores the normal blood composition, improves the vision and operation of all internal organs.

Who needs to take complivits and contraindications for his reception

Complivits are prescribed with significant physical, emotional and intellectual loads, after severe diseases, chronic diseases In the spring and autumn to prevent relapses, with nutritional disorders, hypovitaminosis.

Take a complivit on one tablet per day for a month for prevention and one tablet twice a day for treatment. You can repeat the course of treatment not earlier than in 3 months.

Reception complivitis is contraindicated increased sensitivity To its components and children under 12 years old. Allergic reactions, liquid stools are possible from side effects. , stomach ache . With overdose complivitis all side effects Strengthen.

It is used both for the prevention of various complications associated with the lack of vitamins and minerals and in the composition complex therapy in treating various diseases. The complivit-asset is recommended when a lack of magnesium in the body of magnesium, which is expressed in drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night, irritability, increased anxiety, fatigurity. The composition of the MOM complivitus meets all the needs of a pregnant woman.

Complivitis has a multicomponent composition, so its impact on the body is complex. In general, it contributes to the increase in mental and physical performance, tolerance of long and intense physical Loads (including sports), immunity restoration (the risk of colds is reduced and oncological diseases) and the normal composition of blood (including hemoglobin), the normalization of fat and carbohydrate metabolism (prevention of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and sugar diabetes), Improving memory, view (including the development of cataracts), the state of the skin, hair, nails and the musculoskeletal system slows down.

Indications and Contraindications for reception

  • with high physical and neuropsychic loads;
  • during recovery after transferring infectious and colds;
  • with any chronic diseases in spring and autumn for the prevention of exacerbations;
  • in the absence of rational nutrition, including with a constant use of various diets;
  • for the prevention and treatment of lack of vitamins and minerals.

For the prevention of insufficiency of vitamins and minerals, complivits take 1 tablet per day, for treatment (lethargy, drowsiness, fatigue) - 1 tablet twice a day after meals. Course treatment - up to one month. Repeated course can be spent after 3 to 4 months. For prevention, it is recommended to apply complivit twice a year: in the spring and at the beginning of winter.

Reception of complivitis is contraindicated:

  • with individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • children under 12 years old (dosages of vitamins and minerals are designed for adults).

Complivit-asset cannot be taken to 3 years and patients with severe renal function.

Side effects

When taking complivitis, the appearance of various allergic reactions (Skin rash, swelling and so on), as well as diarrhea and stomach pain. You should not be afraid of bright yellow urine staining - such a color gives it one of the components of the complivitis - riboflavin, it is not dangerous.

Overdose of the drug is possible, while all sideflines. In this case, the drug should be ceased, rinse the stomach and take several activated carbon tablets.

Complivitis is an effective vitamin and mineral complex, therefore, it is not recommended to combine it with other vitamins and minerals to eliminate overdose. If antibiotic treatment is assigned, the reception of the complivitis should be coordinated with the doctor, as some groups of antibiotics (tetracycles and fluoroquinolones) are worse in the gastrointestinal tract due to the presence in the complivat of iron and calcium. Do not combine the reception of complivitis and with sulfanimide drugs - This contributes to the formation of sand and stones in urinary trait. Consult with a doctor follows and if you take diuretic products - the reception of the complivitis does not combine with some of them (thiazidami).

Complivitis - a vitamin and mineral complex, which in its properties is not inferior to the advertised foreign analogues, but it costs several times cheaper.

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