Which shows the radiography of the chest organs on digital and classic devices. Chest X-ray: testimony, technology and results how to properly do the chest x-ray

Radiography is a study of internal structures that are projected by X-rays on a special film or paper. Most often, x-rays are used in traumatology, but it is not less used in pulmonology. X-ray chest Used to diagnose and monitor the treatment.

The pentium of the chest organs patients are less likely, but the fluorography should take place in preventive purposes every year. Digital radiography came to a classical study. Modern technologies Provide clear pictures, eliminating the likelihood of their distortion. And the main advantages of modern X-ray equipment are a more reduced radiation load provided on the patient.

Areas of use

The infrinal radiography of the chest organs is an x-ray examination that allows you to obtain a representation not only about the state of the lungs, but also other structures of the upper half of the body: hearts, anatomical space in the middle departments of the chest cavity, as well as a sliding space between the parietal and visceral sheets of pleura.

Using chest radiography, such diseases can be identified:

  • pneumonia;
  • inflammatory Disease of Pericardia, myocardial thickening, abnormal pathological changes in the heart;
  • pathological change pulmonary fabriccharacterized by its increased air industry;
  • oncopathology of bronchi or lungs;
  • an increase in lymph nodes localized in the chest;
  • inflammation of the pleura with the formation of fibrous raid on its surface or effusion inside it;
  • air / gases or blood accumulation in pleural cavity;
  • violation of the integrity of the ribs.

X-ray allows you to control the condition and operation of artificial cardiac rhythm drivers, implanted defibrillators and other medical devices. In addition, X-ray examination can be aimed at identifying certain pathologies. breast Department spine.

X-ray of the thoracic spine allows you to identify such pathologies:

  • structural and uniform changes of bone tissue;
  • improper position of structural spinal units;
  • curvature and reduce the mobility of the joints;
  • possible complications after a persistent displacement or disruption of the integrity of the joints and bone structures;
  • bone pathology;
  • disorders in the functioning of intervertebral discs;
  • the presence of secondary foci of the oncological process;
  • skeleton metabolic diseases.

Radioscopy occupies a separate place in radiology. It allows you to see the bodies of the sternum during their working time (in motion). All changes occurring in the chest at the time of diagnostics are fixed on the monitor.

Radiography is used to assess the recovery process in the dynamics

Indications and contraindications

Focusing on the readings and preliminary diagnosis, a patient can be assigned a chapter or local picture. In the first case, it is possible to consider all the chest organs: respiratory tract, lymphous knots, blood vessels, respiratory throat and its branches, lungs and heart. Local X-ray gives an idea of \u200b\u200ba particular organ or part of it. In this case, the lesion is visualized even more clearly, which significantly increases the diagnostic value of this method.

The chest radiography is shown in such cases: a set of symptoms, which is subjectively characterized by a sensation of air shortages, chronic cough, isolation of sputum with impurities in pus, pain in the chest, experienced injuries, affected by the breast, feverish states of unclear etiology.

In addition, there are a number of symptoms when the radiography of the thoracic spine is recommended:

  • discomfort in the chest and upper limbs;
  • infectious diseases;
  • mechanical damage vertebral pillar;
  • suspected oncopathology;
  • congenital, acquired or post-traumatic spinal curvature;
  • skeleton development anomalies.

Rhythmography is performed on the spine. However, with radiography, soft fabrics (muscles, ligaments) are not visible. X-ray OGK is contraindicated in such cases: Women during the tooling of a child, an x-ray study is strictly prohibited, especially in the first trimester, patients in extremely serious general condition, patients with strong bleeding and open pneumators.

It is not recommended to carry out X-ray to people in a state of emotional excitation and increased motor activity (the quality of the pictures will be corrupted). Radiographic research has no age limit. The need and feasibility of fulfilling the X-ray of the child makes a decision of the pediatrician, consulted with other specialists. Radiation diagnostic methods conducted by children have their own characteristics that can be read in more detail.

X-ray is far from the only source of radiation with which you have to face patients. During the research, it was estimated that the irradiation that receives the body after one portion during X-ray examination is equal to the radial load obtained from the usual surrounding radiation background for 10 days.


X-ray of the thoracic spine and OGK is performed in a special x-ray. Before the patient's procedure is asked to remove all the clothes to the belt, as well as metal items (hours, decorations). Then it should set up in front of a special shield containing a tape with a film, and nourished to it with a chest. On the radiologist's team, it will be necessary to take a deep breath, and in such a state briefly detaining breathing.

Features X-ray OGK:

  • typically take pictures in two projections - straight and side;
  • one snapshot is done in a few seconds, and for a series of pictures it may be needed a little longer;
  • in the process of performing pictures, the patient does not have discomfort or pain;
  • decoding and descriptions may be obtained for 30 minutes, and in certain difficult cases within 1-2 days.

Radiography of the chest does not require special training or adherence to the diet. The main thing is that the patient does not have absolute contraindications for its holding.

To obtain a full and reliable picture of the state of the spine requires about five pictures.


After receiving X-ray pictures, the specialist makes conclusion and a short description of the seen. The explanation for the image indicates the location of the heart, its size and characteristics of the tissues. In addition, the condition of the bronchopulmonary structures, as well as blood vessels and lymph nodes, is described. If the picture shows the presence foreign objects, darkening or tumors, it will definitely be reflected in the conclusion of the doctor.

What shows the chest x-ray: foci of dimming, liquid in the pleural cavity, pneumothorax (air cavity formation), linear and reticular changes, diffuse and local enlightenment, change of the pulmonary and root pattern. Pneumonia in the picture has many intensive shadows in two projections. Stagnation in a small circle circulation resembles a butterfly wings. And uneven dimming in the form of flakes may indicate the hypershot of the lungs.

Frequency of holding

How much is valid X-ray - a rather relative concept. The painting in the chest organs may change in a rather short period of time. The generally accepted opinion is that X-ray / fluorography must be performed once a year. But how often can the x-ray varies greatly in case of various patients.

Allocate such groups:

  • Patients who are considered relatively healthy should not pass the x-ray more than once a year.
  • Patients who work in a harmful enterprise live in the unfavorable environmental zone, are smokers with great experience, x-ray can do no more than every six months.
  • Persons working in the catering or constantly contacting children must be exposed to X-ray irradiation 1 time in 6 months.
  • Patients suffering from pneumonia in difficult form, have to do X-ray 2-3 times a week.

X-ray is a radiation method of diagnostics and if there is such an opportunity, it is better to avoid it. However, there are situations where to make it is sharp. The X-ray of the OGK and the thoracic spine over the years does not lose its relevance and remains an important diagnostic method for setting accurate diagnoses.

Thank you

The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

What is the chest x-ray?

X-ray - Method radiation diagnosisbased on the use of X-ray to display internal organs man. Chest x-ray To date, one of the most common studies from all radiation diagnostics methods. The chest x-ray is carried out in most medical institutions due to a variety of diseases.

Radiography of the chest is carried out in diseases of the ribs and spine, as well as organs in the chest - lungs, pleura, hearts. According to statistics, the chest x-ray bowls of all reveals fractures of ribs, pneumonia, heart failure. For people of individual professions ( miners, Chemical Industry Workers) The radiography of the chest is a mandatory study and is carried out at least once a year.

What principle does X-rays work?

The inventor of X-ray rays is Wilhelm Conrad X-ray. The very first X-rays were images of hands of hands. Over time, huge diagnostic possibilities for using X-rays in medicine have become clear.

X-rays are part of the spectrum of electromagnetic waves, as well as visible sunlight. However, the frequency and length of X-ray waves do not allow the human eye to distinguish them. Invisibility of X-rays and, at the same time, their ability to leave after themselves the image on the film gave rise to their alternative name - Rays H.

A radiation tube is used by the X-ray source. When passing through the human body, X-rays are partially absorbed, and the rest of the flow of the rays passes through the human body. The volume of absorbed radiation depends on the physical density of the tissues, so the ribs and the spine on an x-ray of the chest delay more X-ray rays than the lungs. To fix the rays passed through the body use a screen, film or special sensors.

Digital and standard chest x-ray

In the first decades, the use of X-rays in medicine was unsafe. The study of the X-ray image was carried out in real time. All the time, while the doctor studied the image, it was under the action of the radiation source together with the patient. This method of radiation diagnostics was called x-ray. Due to the constant doses of radiation radiation, it was very harmful to the doctor.

Over time, the methods of radiation diagnosis have improved, methods of recording X-ray images were invented. Standard radiography is written on a photosensitive film. Such a technique also has its drawbacks, since the film can over time to fade. The level of irradiation for the patient has become moderate.

Today, in most medical institutions, digital x-ray devices are used. Such devices write data using special sensors and transmit information to a computer. The doctor can study the X-ray snapshot directly on the monitor screen or print it on the photo paper.

Digital X-ray has the following advantages over standard x-ray:

  • The quality of the resulting image. Sensors have a higher sensitivity compared to the agent to be treated. As a result, the image is obtained more contrast and sharp.
  • The ability to computer processing X-ray. The doctor can increase and reduce the digital snapshot, study the negative, remove the noise using the software tools.
  • Low dose of irradiation. The sensors react to lower X-ray energy than the photosensitive agent, therefore, the lower power of the X-ray apparatus is used.
  • Convenient storage of information. The digital snapshot can be stored unlimited time in the computer's memory.
  • Convenience of transfer. Digital X-ray can be sent by email, which saves the time of the doctor and the patient.

What is the difference between the chest x-ray from fluorography?

Fluorography is a common radial diagnostic method. It is used to study the chest organs and entered into practice as a method of early detection of tuberculosis and lung cancer. On fluorography, as well as on an x-ray of the chest, one can distinguish signs of lung diseases, but with the help of fluorography it is somewhat harder.

The main difference of fluorography from standard radiography is that the image from a fluorescent X-ray screen is fixed on the film of the camera. The film has dimensions of 110 x 110 mm or 70 x 70 mm. The image obtained at fluorography is reduced and inverted. The advantage of this technique is its cheapness and the possibility of mass use. However, if the doctor suspects the patient the disease of the lungs, then it will prescribe not fluorography, and the chest x-ray due to the flaws that fluorography possesses.

The main disadvantages of fluorography in front of the chest x-ray include:

  • low sharpness and contrast ( on fluorography it is difficult to distinguish the shadows of less than 4 mm);
  • radiation dose above 2 - 3 times;
  • reduced chest dimensions.
Fluorography is an indispensable method for preventing epidemics of tuberculosis. Previously, fluorographic examination was carried out by all people, and today, given the decrease in the prevalence of this formidable disease, the fluorography is carried out in the population selectively. Employees of schools, kindergartens fluorography must be carried out at least 1 time per year.

What is the difference in x-ray from computed tomography ( Kt.) Chest?

As a result of the development of radiation methods, computed tomography appeared ( Kt.). Like the opening of X-rays itself, computed tomography made a revolution in the world of medicine. For the opening of computed tomography in 1979 A. Kormaku and Hounsfield was awarded the Nobel Prize. Computer tomography allows us to obtain a layer-by-layer reconstruction of the body under study, perform the subtlest virtual sections through the body fabrics. In addition, today, using computed tomography, you can create a three-dimensional model of the bone system.

To perform computer tomography, there are circular body scans with a narrow beam of X-rays. X-ray radiation passing through the human body perceive electronic sensors. Possessing all the advantages of digital radiography, computed tomography is the best resolution and accuracy.

The optical tissue density is determined in the Conditional Units of Hounsfield ( Hu). The optical density of water was taken, the value -1000 Hu corresponds to the density of the air, and +1000 Hu is the bone density. Due to the large number of intermediate values \u200b\u200busing computed tomography, you can distinguish the smallest drops of tissue densities. It is believed that CT is 40 times more sensitive than ordinary X-ray.

With the help of the PT of the chest, it is possible to put any diagnosis of lung diseases, bones or hearts with high accuracy. In the form and color characteristics of various pathological formations on the CT, it can be easily determined by their origin, be it abscess, tumor or infiltration of inflammatory nature.

Indications and contraindications for chest radiography

The chest x-ray is performed much more often than x-ray of any other organs. The prevalence of chest radiography is due wide spectrum Indications for this research method. The chest x-ray is equally useful in diagnosing heart disease, lungs and bone system. This study is indispensable for the diagnosis of infectious diseases, tumor diseases. Fluorography of the chest cavity is shown for a mass prophylactic examination of certain groups of the population.

Indications to the chest x-ray due to lung diseases

The diseases of the lungs are often found at the modern population. This is due to the high pollution of atmospheric air, great distribution of respiratory viral infections (ARVI). The chest x-ray is shown in all pathological conditions of the lungs. The doctor prescribes the lung radiography, based on certain symptoms, which it establishes from communication with the patient, inspection and auscultation ( listening) Lung.

The chest x-ray due to the lung diseases is assigned at the following symptoms:

  • cough ( on the continuation of at least a week);
  • highlighting of sputum;
The listed symptoms reliably indicate the diseases of the lungs. After an external examination, the doctor puts only an estimated diagnosis to be checked using radiography. After studying the thoracic x-ray, the doctor can accurately diagnose and proceed to the treatment of the disease.

The chest x-ray is shown to confirm or refute the diagnosis of the following lung diseases:

  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • pneumonia ( pneumonia);
  • tuberculosis;
  • lung tumors;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • pneumothorax;
Preventive chest x-ray ( fluorography) It is performed in order to reveal the lungs in advance that proceed without expressed symptoms. Such diseases are tuberculosis, benign and malignant tumor formations of the lungs. Fluorography needed to spend 1 time per year.

Indications for an x-ray of the chest due to heart disease and vessels

In case of heart disease, the chest x-ray is used as an additional examination. Mandatory methods are auscultation of the heart and electrocardiography ( ECG). The main symptoms of heart diseases requiring a comprehensive examination are the appearance of shortness of shortness of breath, fast physical fatigue under load, pain behind the sternum. These symptoms are manifested first in chronic heart failure. List of heart disease and vessels in which X-ray is informative, very large.

The chest x-ray is informative with the following diseases of the heart and vessels:

  • chronic heart failure;
  • heart attack and post-instruction changes in the heart;
  • dilatation and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
  • congenital and acquired heart defects;
  • aortic aneurysm;

Indications for an X-ray of the chest due to the diseases of the bone system ( ribs and spine)

Radiography of the chest is performed during the injuries of the region in almost 100% of cases. It is shown in all the borders and fractures of the chest bones, ribs, spine and clavicle. On an x-ray of the chest, bone fragments are visible, the nature of their offset, the presence of foreign languages. Chest injuries may be accompanied by penetration of air in the chest cavity ( pneumothorax), which can also be determined by X-ray.

Another group of problems are diseases of the spine. Most often, patients complain about pain and restriction of movement in the thoracic spine. These symptoms accompany the osteochondrosis of the spine and intervertebral hernia. Pains appear due to the infringement of spinal nerves. To clarify the diagnosis of diseases of the spine, doctors prescribe computer or magnetic resonance tomography ( MRI) .

Contraindications for an x-ray of the chest

Radiography is a non-invasive diagnostic method, that is, not providing for direct contact with the internal media of the body. Therefore, the list of contraindications to the chest x-ray is small. Contraindications are explained by the increased hazard of X-ray radiation for the body in its certain states.

Contraindications to the chest x-ray are:

  • open bleeding;
  • multiple fractures of ribs and spine;
  • heavy general state patient;
  • children's age up to 15 years.
All contraindications to chest radiography are relative. This means that if necessary, they can be neglected for the sake of saving the life of the patient. On the other hand, you can always use an alternative research method, for example, magnetic resonance imaging, electrocardiography, ultrasound examination ( Ultrasound) And other methods.

How long is the chest x-ray?

In the lungs, the heart and other internal organs constantly occur adaptation changes. They are due to the desire of the body to maintain the best condies for their functioning under the action of various external factors. Therefore, it is believed that the x-ray of any field, including the chest, is valid not more than 6 months. During this time, a chronic disease may develop in a healthy body.

If pathological changes were identified on the chest x-ray, then X-ray is required to monitor them with even more frequent frequency. After acute inflammation Lungs all residual phenomena pass only in two months, which requires a control x-ray. Chronic diseases such as bronchitis or emphysema require dispensary observation and radiography while deteriorating symptoms.

Method of conducting an x-ray of the chest. Preparation for the chest x-ray

Almost every person at least once a X-ray study took place during his life. The chest x-ray is not different by the method of carrying out from X-ray of any other body area. Despite the fact that this procedure is safe, many can be feared both massive X-ray apparatuses and irradiation itself. Concerns arise due to ignorance of methods of radiological research. In order to comfortably undergo a X-ray study, the patient must be morally prepared and know in advance what he will have to.

Who gives the direction of the chest x-ray?

The chest x-ray is a very common procedure. The chest contains many anatomical formations ( bones, lungs, heart), and for the diagnosis of diseases of any of these bodies may require an X-ray. However, treatment in each case is engaged in a separate specialty doctor. Therefore, the direction on the chest x-ray is given different doctors.

An X-ray snapshot of the chest is performed in the direction:

  • family doctors;
  • oncologists, etc.
Qualitatively to read the chest x-ray can a doctor of any of the listed specialties. Depending on the organ under study, the doctors prescribe special research, such as radiography with contrast, computer or magnetic tomography.

Where is the chest radiography?

The radiography of the chest is performed in a special room for X-ray studies. Usually, the X-ray Cabinet occupies a large area, not less than 50 square meters. In the X-ray office there may be several X-ray installations of different power, intended for different parts of the body.

The X-ray Cabinet has high anti-radiation protection parameters. With the help of special screens, all surfaces are protected - doors, windows, walls, gender and ceiling. In the X-ray office there may be no natural lighting. The separate door of the X-ray cabinet leads to a room, from which the radiologists are remotely controlled by the release of X-ray radiation. There they also evaluate the picture and put a conclusion on him.

In the X-ray office are:

  • x-ray apparatus ( one or more);
  • mobile Screens;
  • radiation protection means ( aprons, collars, skirts, plates);
  • devices registering the dose of radiation;
  • means for manifestations or printing pictures;
  • negatoscopes ( bright screens for lighting film pictures);
  • tables and computers for documentation.
Outside, the Cabinet for X-ray studies is indicated by the corresponding plate. It is distinguished by a heavy metal door and a lamp with the inscription "Do not enter!". The entrance to the X-ray office is allowed only at the invitation of a doctor, since it is undesirable to be subjected to additional irradiation during the survey of other patients.

What is an X-ray installation for the chest x-ray?

X-ray installation is a complex technical device. It includes elements of electronics, computer equipment, emitting devices. To ensure the safety of the doctor and the patient, during use, X-ray installation is equipped with high-tech protection means.

The digital X-ray installation includes:

  • Power supply. It receives electrical energy from the electrical network and transforms it into a higher voltage electric current. This is necessary to obtain X-ray radiation of sufficient power.
  • Tripod. Digital chest x-ray is usually performed in the standing position. To the vertical tripod adjustable in height, on the one hand, the touch screen is attached, and on the other - the X-ray emitter. During the execution of the study, the patient is between the screen and emitter.
  • X-ray emitter. Creates X-ray radiation of a given power. It has several focal distances to study organs located at different depths in the human body.
  • Colmimator. This is a device that concentrates the X-ray beam. This uses smaller radiation doses.
  • X-ray digital receiver. It consists of sensors that perceive X-ray radiation and transmit it to a computer device.
  • Hardware and software complex. Accepts and processes information from sensors. Thanks to the software, the radiologist can study the digital snapshot in detail, as it contains powerful work tools with pictures.
Computer tomograph consists of the same elements. However, its device is slightly different from the X-ray installation. Scanners and emitter form a small length tunnel, which can move relative to the horizontal plane. Computed tomography of the chest is carried out in the lying position, with the ring of scanning elements surrounds the patient's chest.

Who performs an x-ray of the chest?

The chest x-ray is performed by a radiologist. Before studying the study, the radiologist always instructs the patient. To obtain a high-quality X-ray image of the chest, it is necessary to fully execute its instructions. Guided by the direction of the attending physician, a radiologist chooses the desired projection, correctly sets all the elements of the X-ray apparatus relative to the patient's body and produces controlled radiation production.

After receiving the X-ray picture, the radiologist makes a conclusion in a picture. Despite the fact that the doctor who guides the study can independently read the X-ray, at a radiologist's doctor more experience in this diagnostic method, so its opinion is considered expert.

How the chest x-ray is performed in two projections ( direct, side)?

The chest x-ray is often performed in various projections. This is done in order to avoid layering of tissues on each other. Sometimes pathological formations can be hidden on a direct projection, but they are clearly visible on lateral projection. For example, the heart X-ray is always performed in direct and left projection, both shots complement each other.

Before performing the X-ray, the patient undresses up to the belt and removes all metal items. During the implementation of direct projection, the patient becomes between the screen containing a cassette with a film or digital sensors and an X-ray emitter. The chin is fixed by a special holder, so that the head is parallel to the floor, and the spine accepted the correct vertical position. The chest is projected into the center of the screen. A radiologist sets an x-ray radiator at the desired distance, which is usually 2 meters. After that, he goes into the office space and remotely controls the release of X-rays. At this time, the patient should dial into light air and delay breathing for 10 to 15 seconds. So receive x-ray in a straight line ( overalls) Projections.

The chest x-ray in the side projection is carried out similarly. Only the position that studied is occupied. The patient standing leans to the screen of the chest, the radiography of which needs to be performed. Hands need to be left behind the head, and during the fulfillment of X-ray on the command of a radiologist, breathing should be delayed.

X-ray study passes quickly and does not cause any unpleasant sensations to the patient. Together with the conclusion, the entire procedure lasts 10 - 15 minutes. The patient may not be feared behind the radiation dose, since modern X-ray devices use low-power X-rays.

How to prepare for an X-ray of the chest?

The chest x-ray does not require special training. The patient needs to be known in advance that metal objects interfere with the holding of X-ray, so it is better not to take a clock, chains, earrings in the X-ray office. In the event that the patient takes them, he will have to remove the decorations and postpone them aside. It also applies to mobile phones and other electronic devices.

Computed tomography of the chest also does not require special training. The patient should know that it will be surrounded by a computer tomograph ring, so it is important to be psychologically ready for finding in a closed space. As in the case of a conventional x-ray, the patient must be free from all metal objects before conducting computed tomography.

Is it possible to eat, smoke in front of a chest x-ray?

X-ray examination of the chest does not require adherence to special diets. Diet is recommended only to those people who will have an X-ray study abdominal cavity or lumbar Department spine. The feasibility of diets is explained by the fact that some products during digestion form gases, which interferes with the visualization of organs. However, on an x-ray of the chest, the gastrointestinal tract does not intersect with the studied formations, therefore there are no restrictions on the reception of food products before X-ray study.

Radiography of the chest organs is used to obtain snapshots of the lungs and respiratory tractHearts, blood vessels and chest bones and spine.

X-ray study is a non-invasive diagnostic technique that helps doctors to detect and treat various diseases. At the same time, those or other parts of the body are exposed to a small dose of ionizing radiation, which allows you to get their snapshot.

In most cases, radiography of the organs of the chest does not require any preparation.

During the study, it is necessary to take part or all the clothes and dress a special hospital shirt. In addition, it should be removed all the decorations, glasses, removable dentures and any metal products or clothing items that can affect the X-ray image.

Women need to inform your attending physician and a radiologist about any possibility of pregnancy. As a rule, radiological studies during pregnancy are not conducted to avoid the effects of radiation on the fruit. If X-ray is still needed, special precautions should be taken to protect the developing child.

Intravenous administration drugs (drip, using the system to inflate infusion solutions)

Purpose:appointed by the doctor medicine And the required volume of fluid is administered intravenously droplet with the help of a system for infusion of infusion solutions. Achieving the therapeutic effect without complications, with minimal discomfort for the patient.

Functional purpose:therapeutic, diagnostic.

Equipment:couch, chair, rack-tripod for a drip infusion system, scissors, non-sterile trays - 1 pc. On the manipulation table, sterile - 1 pc., Pinzet anatomical sterile, containers - 3 pcs., System for intravenous drip infusion of infusion solutions of single use, skin alcohol antiseptic or alcohol 70% (for handling hands and injection fields), cotton balls or napkin - 1 PC.; non-sterile gloves, mask, disposable towel, liquid soap in the dispenser, drug Treatment In the vials, the cushion of the adhesive (roller), the container for disposal and disinfection of cotton balls, napkins, gloves. Disinfecting solutions, wise venous or hemostatic harness Zhv-01 "Elamed", perforated leukoplasty for fixing a cotton ball after the procedure.

Typical injection places:vienna elbow bend, brushes, wrists, feet, temporal area (in children), as well as central veins.

Required condition:average medical worker must ensure that the patient has informed consent on the procedure and in the absence of such, to clarify the next steps from the doctor.

During the procedure, constantly monitor the patient's condition.

Radiation diagnostic methods are actively used to identify many pathological changes in the body, which are not available to the usual inspection. The very first similar way was the use of X-rays that are formed in a special tube. The directional flow of radiation passes through all the tissues, slowing down in more dense organs and structures. This phenomenon is due to the receipt of a picture - on its individual sites rays come at different speeds.

Most often in practice there is an x-ray of the chest, the option of which (fluorography) adult should take place once a year. On the pictures taken, contrary to the delusions, not only the condition of the lungs is studied. Rhythmists describe both external bone structures and the contents of the chest. Therefore, one image can not only eliminate one disease, but also to identify completely different.

The research method is universal for absolutely all medical specialties. It is used by therapists, surgeons or traumatologists - and the circle of their search can be significantly different. The very same patient is not necessary to deal with numerous dimensions and enlightenment. An ordinary person is enough knowledge of the technology of the procedure, as well as the main components visible in the picture.

Technique for holding

X-ray of the chest, in contrast to many laboratory and tool ResearchPractically does not require specific training. It is enough to appear in the desired cabinet, where the laboratory will give the necessary recommendations:

  1. First you need to undress to the belt so that the extra layers of clothing do not interfere with the passage of X-rays. Since the fabric can have a different density, then gross interference will occur in the picture.
  2. It is also recommended to remove any metal items that will strongly reflect X-rays. These include various jewelry - chains, crosses. Women need to conduct a study without a bra.
  3. Then a person is breastfeeding to a special screen, the height of which is adjusted individually. The chin must be put on the plastic beds located at the head level.

  4. After that, it is required to dilute the blades - for this patient, they are asked to reduce shoulders or take the handles on the sides of the screen. For a teammate, you need to take a deep breath, and delay your breath.
  5. At this time, the radiation passes through all layers of tissue, creating traces on the film, located in front. After manifestation, the snapshot is ready, which allows the X-ray to fully describe it.

In some cases, the chest radiography is performed in additional projections - for this, the studied is asked to turn to the sideline screen, and start the head.

External structures

What does the chest x-ray show? At the first glance, attention is immediately delayed on the outlines of the skeleton, which stand out against the background of dark light tissue. The bones are well delayed radiation, so in the picture they are visible in the form of smooth and light strips. Their state is estimated in the following order:

  1. At first, the symmetry of the picture is determined - for this you need to look at its upper part. There are placed clavicle that should be horizontally on the same level.
  2. Next, the position of the blades is estimated - they needed to breed them in preparation so that their density would not interfere with describing the state of the lungs. At normal position, they are on the side edges of the picture, like light triangles. Their symmetry is also important for diagnosis - the internal and upper edges should be at the same level.

  3. Then go to the inspection of the spine - the correct technique of execution allows you to see only 4 to 5 upper breast vertebrae. If they are determined more, then it is not suitable for describing internal organs of such a snapshot.
  4. The latter begin to evaluate the edge - also describes their symmetry, continuity, as well as the width of the interrochemical intervals. There is not enough deep breath will not allow the chest to dealt out that it will immediately be noticeable for the close position of these bones.

The assessment of the state of the bones is more common in the practice of a traumatologist, which allows diagnosing fractures of chest bones and other damage.


The symmetric position of these bone structures allows even an unprepared person to see signs of pathology. Injuries and deformations lead to a change in their homogeneity due to a large tissue density:

  • No displacement is characterized by the formation of a transverse or oblique dark strip, which passes through the thickness of the rib. The position of deep breath allows them to better see them, since the muscle breathing slightly bone bone fragments.

  • The crack is defined as a small defect that captures only one side of the rib. When inhaling its extension is noted, allowing to notice the defect of the outer edge of the rib.
  • Fracture with the displacement is noticeable at first sight - one of the bones is suddenly interrupted, located at a significant distance from another fragment. Such a trauma may have a multiple character, which leads to the complete loss of the symmetry of the chest.
  • The deformations are characterized by a change in the homogeneity of the bone tissue - the rubro on some plot loses the smooth edge, which is manifested by a dark defect or brighter protrusion (primer).

The chest x-ray in suspected chest injury is often carried out without a special position, which is due to pronounced pain syndrome, occurring even with breathing.


When performing a snapshot in the lateral projection, a complete assessment of the condition of the breast vertebrae is possible. Diagnostics It stops not only on finding traumatic damage:

  • It is usually pathological, since the vertebral norm is strengthened by a frame from Röbeber. The deformation of one of the bones in the form of a wedge is one of the signs of osteoporosis. When the tumor metastasis, the vertebra is observed from the inside, so it acquires rounded outlines.
  • Amuses the rebellious vertebral compounds, therefore signs of arthrosis will be visible. In the joints of the joints, the density of bone tissue will increase, which was formed at the site of ligaments and cartilage tissue.
  • The expressed will be noticeable even in a direct projection - the vertebral norm is located strictly along the vertical line. In pathology, they will be rejected in any side, forming curvature in the form of an arc.

Any change in the spine will immediately affect the state of all surrounding formations - the chest radiography will lose symmetry observed normally.

Internal structures

After the characteristics of all formations forming the outer frame, a description of the organs in depth begins. This also complies with a certain sequence, allowing not to miss a possible pathology:

  1. Diagnostics begins with an assessment of the state of light tissue - it is produced alternately in each interval between the ribs with the right and left side. Normally, this body is practically not visible on the radiograph, which is explained large content in it with air. Therefore, radiation quickly passes it, practically no leaving traces on the film.
  2. At the same time, the state of pleural sinuses is described - recesses in the lower part of the lungs on the border with ribs. Normally, he should look like a dark sharp angle, which is more expressed more than on the right.
  3. Then the condition of the roots of the lungs - they contain large bronchi, the lymph nodesas well as vessels. Therefore, in the normal place, they are defined as small and narrow light beams, which come from the internal edges of the light fields down.
  4. The description of the boundaries of the heart and the vascular beam is completed - in the normal place, it should have a drop shape, which is located in the oblique direction.

X-ray organs of the chest is a rapid and affordable diagnostic method, which allows you to identify most of the diseases of the lungs.

A heart

This organ is dense enough by structure, plus it contains blood inside its cavities. Such a structure determines the impenetability of it for X-ray radiation, which creates a massive light spot in the center of the snapshot. The change in its shape can be observed under the following diseases:

  • With hypertension, over time, an increase in the left ventricle of the heart occurs, which is manifested by a significant expansion of the shadow of the heart of the dust.
  • Various valve defects are also the cause of changing the normal position of the heart in the picture. An increase in the shade occurs both in the field of atrial and ventricles, which makes it even on X-ray to assume the diagnosis.
  • The formation of aneurysm - the extension of the vessel wall - often occurs in the field of initial departments of the aorta. Its development will be accompanied by an increase in the width of the shadow of the vascular beam, or the appearance in its region of the rounded protrusion.

Changes in the shade of the heart on the pictures rarely makes it possible to immediately make a diagnosis, but allows you to suspect it, and send the patient to a more informative examination.


In case of inspection of symmetric light fields, their homogeneity is primarily taken into account. If still suspected any deviation, then it is compared only with a similar area of \u200b\u200banother light. Most often, the following changes are found in pathology:

  • Blackouts are a focus of a compacted tissue in which there is no air. Despite the name, on the radiograph, they are defined as bright stains of various shapes and sizes. Most often, they are observed with inflammatory diseases - pneumonia.
  • A similar symptom is characterized by tumors - they are still inherent in the formation of radiation. Such dimming will have a clear outer outline, from which thin light rays will be left to the inner surface of the lung.
  • The change in the light pattern is manifested as the loss of homogeneity - against the background of the dark fields between the Ribs, ordered or chaotic light stripes will be observed.
  • The roots of lungs can be expanded - with the light beams sharply thicken, often occupying the entire inner surface of the lungs. Such changes occur at various inflammatory processes affecting bronchi and lymph nodes.

Most x-ray symptoms are described precisely on diseases of the lungs, which puts this method of study in the first place in the diagnosis of the pathology of the respiratory organs.

Cavity pleural

Changes in it are almost always evaluated at the state of the lower sines, which in the norm occupies the edge of the lung. If a bright spot is determined in its place, then some pathological process flows inside the cavity:

  • Some diseases (heart failure, liver, tumor cirrhosis) lead to the accumulation in liquid sinus, which leads to a symmetrical displacement of the lungs up.
  • The inflammatory process is accompanied by pleurite - a large bright spot that closes almost all low part Light fields.

The lesions of the pleura often have to distinguish from massive lesions of respiratory organs - equity pneumonia. These diseases are often combined, so X-rays come to the help of the doctor in lateral projections - with an isolated pleurite in the light tissue there will be only minor changes.

Suspections for inflammatory processes in the lungs, cardiomegaly and other pathology of the bodies of the chest department are often becoming a reason for one of the oldest diagnostic procedures of modern medicine.

This procedure of the chest x-ray is called, more precisely, the radiography of the chest organs, which means a description (from Greek. "Graformy") or visualization of these organs in the light of the X-ray rays. The fact that this manipulation is associated with radiological irradiation often causes patients with many doubts and questions regarding the safety of such a diagnostic method. We will try to answer the most popular of them.

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What is the chest x-ray?

X-rays, as you know, penetrate through the tissues of the human body and are able to leave an image of internal organs on a film or digital matrix "lined" by them. The x-ray of the chest organs is considered the most demanded diagnostic procedure in radiology, due to the fact that in the thoracic department there are several of the most significant organs, the state of which can be estimated, including by radiograph.

The better the X-ray radiation is absorbed by the cloth (that is, it does not miss it through itself), the lighter it looks on a radiographic picture. That's why bone (Ribs, spine, other skeletal bones) on a radiograph looks white or light gray. And the lungs, as a rule, have a form somewhat darkened, which is explained by the weak ability of the pulmonary tissue and the air in it to the absorption of R radiation.

The modern unit of measurement of R radiation today is millizer.

What authorities shows?

What part of the body encompasses the henths of the chest organs, which shows the radiograph, which authorities on it are visible on it? This should know anyone who did not miss school lessons anatomy. Here are located:

  • heart and aorta;
  • lightweight and respiratory tract;
  • rib arcs and chest (front central chest bone);
  • upper spine.

The X-ray of the thoracic department allows not easy to see these organs, but also by certain signs to assess the structural changes in tissues, various anatomical disorders, malformations (for example, valve), as well as the degree inflammatory process. Modern devices are capable of fixing the problem areas of less than 1 millimeter.

X-rays of light

It is believed that if a person has made an X-ray, then repeating the radiography procedure is impossible over the next two years.

Is it so? What, for example, to do if during these two years it is injured and will it have to do x-ray ribs of the chest? Or suspects for the development of pulmonary tuberculosis, and to clarify the diagnosis, it will be necessary to make an x-ray of the chest and "highlight" the lungs?

In such a situation, the question of the need for additional X-ray research should be solved by a doctor. Why do the chest x-ray, under which pathologies of the lungs show this procedure? Radiography of the lungs is recommended for suspected the following diseases:

As we see, the listed diseases represent a serious danger to humans, therefore the benefits of their timely detection and treatment are much higher than the risk of obtaining a dangerous dose of millizer. During the pentgen, the thoracic man gets irradiation at a dose of approximately 0.3 mW, which is 8% of the permissible annual radiation dose.

Why do in two projections?

Since the lungs are under the rib arcs, and the roasting zone of the lungs - under the sneaker, these areas can be hidden from ionizing rays and are not visible in direct projection.

To obtain more reliable data on the state of the lungs, the chest x-ray is used in two projections - the so-called front-seat (straight) and side. This is especially advisable in suspected pneumonia or tuberculosis, as well as tumor loss of the lung.

"Side view" allows you to see those areas of the organ that could be invisible due to sternum or rib arc. As a rule, doctors try not to prescribe a "double" thigh X-ray to a child to minimize the effect of radiation on a growing organism.

Is it harmful?

Security issue x-ray research The authorities are relevant not only for children, but also for adults. Many are interested, whether to subjected to R radiation is harmful to diagnostic purposes, can be combined with radiography and fluorography.

X-ray examination is allowed for the purpose of diagnosis on the appointment of a doctor if serious pathology or injuries are suspected.

In the radiation plan, outdated x-ray devices are considered the most dangerous, which are still used in some medical institutions countries. Although the dose of emitted waves and on these devices is so scant that expecting an immediate cell mutation from a single radiography procedure is not worth it.

How often can I do?

As it turned out, no provisions or recommendations regarding the frequency of the X-ray of the thoracic or other parts of the body in the Ministry of Health does not exist. Doses of irradiation should be controlled by a radiologist and sign up to the patient's outpatient card, but in practice there are few people engaged in practice. Although modern X-ray devices are equipped with built-in dosimeters, allowing immediately determining the dose of the resulting radiation.

It is believed that the patient during the X-ray procedure receives such a small dose of millizer that for the development of radiation disease, it would have to go through a thousand spinal radiographs or 25,000 digital fluorography at a time.

There is a traffic rule (maximum allowable dose) for X-ray workers, which are subjected to irradiation when working with each patient - 50 mW per year. Considering the numbers voiced above, we calculate that irradiation for a second in two projections "will give" your body no more than 0.6 mSv, which is 83 times less than traffic runts for radiologists. So the frequency of the passage of the radiographic study determines the doctor based on the dynamics of the inflammatory process. That is, how much does the doctor consider it possible, so many times and it will be possible to "enlighten."

Where to make a child?

The children's body exhibits a special sensitivity to radiation. This is due to the fact that the effect of R radiation is most effective in terms of rapidly growing or replaced cells. In adults it is the bone marrow and the cells of the sexual system, and in children the whole organism.

Therefore, in the event of the need for children's chest x-ray, it is necessary to ensure that the procedure is made on the latest devices, which common diagnostic centers usually have.

In addition, it is necessary to protect all other parts of the child's body from exposure to ionizing rays with special aprons and collars with lead inserts. So it will be possible to maximize the chest x-ray to a child. Where to make a radiograph better - naturally, where there are more modern equipment.

Is it possible to go to the house?

The newest technologies allow the chest x-ray at home. For this purpose, portable x-ray devices are used, designed to examine a patient who cannot be able to leave the hospital bed. In state medical institutions, such a survey is possible only for patients of resuscitation separation or chambers of intensive therapy, strictly according to the testimony of the doctor.

To conduct a survey at home at their own request, even if there is a directions from a doctor, you will have to take advantage of a particular clinic procedure that provides the chest x-ray service. Where to do or, more precisely, order a similar service - obviously on the sites of therapeutic and diagnostic centers.

The pictures obtained during the procedure at home, as well as the conclusion of a radical-radiologist conducted by the chest x-ray at home, can and should be used by the doctors of government agencies at the level of official diagnostic studies. The public doctor is not entitled to require a patient to pass the additional X-ray survey in the district clinic if the R-shot data is not overdue and read well.

True, the rate of rotation of the chest is not specified, since the documents governing the "shelf life" of the radiographs do not exist. "Overdue" can be considered a snapshot made last year if this applies to the diagnosis of tuberculosis. And when it comes to fractures, the dynamics of events develop faster and snapshots to determine the correctness of the fighting bones are required much more often. That is, determining the need to update the x-ray data again in the hands of the doctor.

What is better: radiography or CT?

For some reason, some patients make up the view that they have the right to choose the way to diagnose, which seems to them the most modern, best review and all other parameters.

Yes, a person has the right to invest in more efficient diagnosis, if it has medical testimony and some meaning. But asking for an X-ray of the chest or CT - what is better, we simply show our unenmevelopment in this matter.

There are situations where X-ray, less "radioactive" rather than computed tomography, is enough to form a diagnosis and determining the degree of damage to organs. Why not satisfy this simple and relatively safe method?

When conducting an X-ray of the thoracic, irradiation occurs within a fraction of a second. CT involves a reusable scanning of the studied areas in different planes ("cuts"), which creates an additional radiation load on the body (up to 12 msv). She, of course, is also not too dangerous, but not much useful. Therefore, to such a method of clarification of the diagnosis is resorted only when other methods, including x-rays, turned out to be minor informative. Most often it is necessary when conducting differential diagnosis tuberculosis and bronchopulmonary tumors.

If you consider it harmful chest x-ray to a child, is it harmful to him to spend an even more powerful CT procedure? Compare these diagnostic methods simply incorrectly. Only a doctor can determine which one will be appropriate in each case.

Useful video

For more information on X-ray of the chest organs, you can learn from this video:


  1. When diagnosing respiratory diseases or of cardio-vascular systemAlso, the injuries of the chest department use an X-ray of the chest. What does the radiograph show? Foci of inflammation, pulmonary infiltrates, cracks in the bones and other pathological changes.
  2. X-ray studies used today for diagnostics can be considered completely safe in terms of radiation exposure.
  3. In case of insufficiency of information obtained during an X-ray, the doctor may assign a more powerful study - computed tomography.
  4. If it is impossible to transport the patient to the X-ray-Cabinet, the X-ray at home is possible, private medical centers provide such a service.

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