Blind probing with magnesia. Features of the blind probing procedure

Many people suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which they are not even aware of. Quite often, the cause of a gastric problem lies in the stagnation of bile, the impossibility of its movement along the excretory ducts. Doctors call this condition cholestasis.

Blind probing, which restores the evacuation of bile from the gallbladder, will help get rid of the symptoms of the disease, as well as prevent them. The procedure can be performed at home, but after familiarizing yourself with the features of its implementation and taking into account important recommendations.

The essence of the method of cleansing the bile ducts

The gallbladder is a voluminous reservoir for storing concentrated bile, for the constant production of which the liver is responsible. Due to its multicomponent composition, bile provides the digestive process when food enters the duodenal space.

When there is no food in the intestines, the digestive secretion accumulates in gallbladder, which nature has provided with elastic walls.

With an improper outflow of bile, its stagnation is formed with a violation of the excretion of the digestive secret, which forms the syndrome of cholestasis. Its characteristic manifestation will be the appearance of stones in the gallbladder with the accelerated reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in a concentrated bile substance.

For forced cleaning of the liver and gallbladder, together with the ducts, blind probing technology is used. The following factors contribute to the popularity of the medical procedure called tubage:

  • high performance;
  • economical availability;
  • the possibility of performing at home.

Important! Having decided on an independent tubage, consult a doctor. With the help of ultrasound it is necessary to confirm the absence of stones. The movement of stones during the forced outflow of bile can cause blockage of the ducts and other dangerous complications.


The essence of the blind probing technique is based on the expansion of the biliary tract to accelerate the outflow of bile into the intestine, eliminate its stagnation, and clean the channels.

Home tubage completely cleanses the body of the accumulated secret along with salts and toxins, as well as pathogenic microorganisms that prevent the formation of stones.

At home, blind probing is recommended for symptoms of liver and gallbladder diseases:

  • signs biliary dyskinesia associated with excessive or insufficient bile flow. Impaired motility is manifested by nausea, a painful surge on the right under the rib, exacerbation may be accompanied by vomiting.
  • to characteristic manifestations acalculous form of cholecystitis refer pain in the right hypochondrium 1-1.5 hours after eating. For acute or chronic inflammation the walls of the gallbladder, belching with bitterness or air, heartburn, nausea are not excluded.
  • ABOUT overeating body signals increased gas formation, bloating, a feeling of discomfort and malfunction of the organs of the whole gastrointestinal tract.
  • Chronic form of constipation accompanies a pain symptom during defecation, bloating with signs of flatulence. With incomplete emptying of the intestine, bad breath and plaque on the tongue, insomnia, and headache may occur.
  • To avoid complications after surgery to remove the gallbladder (cholecystectomy), the doctor may prescribe a blind probing of the liver. Tubage at home is necessary to prevent malfunctions in the body.

To relieve symptoms alcohol intoxication use a number of methods to evacuate toxins. In addition to washing the whole body with increased fluid intake, the liver is cleaned with the help of tubage, which frees the gallbladder ducts.

Important! Blind probing provides gentle cleansing of organs at home. The procedure is indicated only in the absence of stones and dangerous contraindications.


Tubage, like any medical manipulation, has a number of contraindications. For whom blind probing is prohibited:

  • in case of cholelithiasis with the presence of calculi (stones) in the gallbladder;
  • during exacerbations of chronic pathologies (gastritis, pancreatitis, pyelonephritis, etc.);
  • on acute stage cholecystitis, with ulcerative lesions of the stomach, as well as 12-colon;
  • during acute infectious diseases, febrile conditions, purulent rashes in the liver area;
  • during pregnancy, as well as during lactation, at the onset of menstruation, so as not to provoke bleeding.

Tubage is not prescribed for patients with slight bile stasis. Breakfast with choleretic products will help get rid of the problem, increasing the outflow of secretions accumulated in the liver during a night's sleep.

Features of blind probing

In the arsenal of modern pharmaceuticals, there are many means of choleretic action. Despite the high effectiveness of drugs, they should be used only as directed by a doctor with an accurate diagnosis. In the practice of treating and preventing gastrointestinal problems, there are two types of probing:

  1. The method of instrumental research, accompanied by unpleasant sensations, is implemented in a medical institution.
  2. The technique of blind probing (tubage) is easy to carry out at home, the manipulation is safe, does not cause much discomfort.

Some patients find it difficult to understand probing terminology. It is important to understand how the home procedure differs from the technology of instrumental research.

Instrumental sounding

The technique of duodenal examination of the gallbladder is performed using a probe - a rubber hose, the head of which is equipped with sensors. A diagnostic procedure is prescribed for suspected accumulation of bile inside the organ. The stagnant process causes a metabolic disorder, which leads to insufficient fermentation of food.

An unpleasant aspect of the instrumental procedure is the need to swallow the rubber tube of the probe. Manipulation requires preliminary preparation at home, accompanied by unpleasant sensations when the probe moves through the esophagus.


To eliminate the stagnant process leading to the formation of stones, a therapeutic cleaning is recommended, which does not require the use of a probe. The procedure is implemented using mineral water, sorbitol, magnesia, you can use the help of collections of choleretic plants.

If the gallbladder is free of calculi, and the doctor has allowed probeless cleaning at home, you should prepare for the tubage procedure according to certain rules:

  • 3 days before cleansing activities, adjust your diet by excluding meat, heavy and fatty foods from the diet.
  • Follow the principles of milk plant based diet with the use of fermented milk products (low-fat), fruit and vegetable dishes, cereals.
  • On the day before the tubage, give up any kind of bread, hard vegetables, as well as potatoes, fast carbohydrates.

At the stage of preparation for blind probing, it is recommended to eat vegetable salads seasoned with olive oil.

You will also have to halve the portion for one meal, and after 18.00 it is forbidden to eat. Bring the daily volume of liquid to 2-3 liters, preferring pure mineral water (non-carbonated). Strong tea and coffee, as well as alcohol, are on the list of prohibited drinks.

The main task of blind probing is to increase the contractility of the walls of the gallbladder for painless cleansing of its ducts. Restoring motor skills at home protects the liver from stagnation of bile, normalizes digestion.

Classification of methods

Performing a wellness procedure helps to get rid of the painful syndrome in the right hypochondrium, restore the functioning of the organs. But you can engage in independent cleansing of the liver and bile ducts only with the permission of a doctor. If there are no contraindications, blind probing is performed according to one of two scenarios.

  1. Mineral water or rosehip broth is prepared for passive tubage. The choleretic effect is enhanced by the evening intake of a sorbitol solution. In the morning, 1-2 glasses of mineral water are drunk in small sips, warming the liver with a warm heating pad;
  2. They begin to engage in active probing in the morning, after drinking at least a liter of heated mineral water on an empty stomach. The cleansing technique is combined with physical exercises.

To carry out the cleaning procedure at home, use additional funds to enhance the cleaning effect. Which natural component to choose, the doctor will advise, taking into account the state of health of the patient.

Based on the effect on a specific organ, tubage can be of two types:

  • To cleanse the liver, use a cleaning solution with magnesia or a sorbent. Start the event in the evening with an empty stomach. The liver area is heated with a heating pad, then the prepared solution is drunk;
  • Blind probing of the gallbladder is started in the morning, saturating the body with herbal decoctions during the day, other drinks and food should not be consumed. With the onset of evening, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe right hypochondrium is heated with a heating pad.

Comment. After performing a tyubage in one of the ways, the appearance of discomfort in the abdomen due to the release of bile secretions. The effectiveness of the procedure is indicated by the evening and morning urge to empty the intestines.

Tubage with cleaning products

The blind probing technique is used as an additional method for the treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The effectiveness of home care depends on the correct fulfillment of the prerequisites.

The main limitation is associated with probing on an empty stomach, you need to lie on your right side without making sudden movements. The prepared solution is taken in small portions, after the event you can do light gymnastics.

Mineral water

Blind probing with mineral water is practiced in the morning, but after preliminary preparation in the evening. Among the variety of mineral waters, a variant with a guaranteed choleretic effect is chosen.

The conditions for home cleaning of the gallbladder are best met by three types of medicinal products - Narzan, Borjomi, and Essentuki.

Important. For tubage, you need to purchase non-carbonated table water. If you managed to find only a carbonated product, open a bottle of water in the evening and leave it open, the gas will evaporate overnight.

Stages of blind probing at home:

  • On an empty stomach in the morning, two glasses of non-carbonated mineral water are heated on the stove to approximately 40-50 degrees;
  • The heating pad is filled with well-heated water, if it is hot, the heating pad is wrapped in a dry towel;
  • After taking 4-5 sips of warm mineral water, the patient should lie down on a heating pad with his right side to warm up the diseased organ;
  • After 5 minutes of lying down, you need to get up, inhale deeply and exhale, drink water and lie down again on a heating pad;
  • Purification according to the scheme is repeated until the mineral water consumed in small sips is over.

The total time for warming up a vital organ at home will be 20 minutes, and the entire blind probing procedure should not take more than an hour. An increased intestinal peristalsis with the urge to defecate and mild pain on the right side under the ribs signals a correctly carried out event.

Don't panic about loose, dark green stools. But if during the day it was not possible to empty the intestines, you should resort to the help of a cleansing enema. A second session of cleansing the organ can be carried out no earlier than after 10 days.


Algorithm of cleansing actions performed at home in the morning:

  • In an incomplete glass of heated mineral water without gas, a tablespoon of sorbitol crystals is dissolved;
  • When the powder is completely dissolved, the talker is slowly drunk in small portions;
  • Then the patient needs to lie down (on his back or right side), identifying a warm heating pad at the location of the liver.

The result of blind probing with the use of sorbitol is evaluated by the consistency and color of the feces. Liquid feces should be yellowish with a green tint.

You can also use another method of cleansing the liver, which also requires sorbitol. To do this, prepare a rosehip infusion in a thermos from 2 tablespoons of berries and 0.5 liters of boiling water. With the onset of the morning, sorbitol (3 tablespoons) is added to the contents of the thermos, after dissolving the powder, the cleaning agent is drunk.

To get rid of the symptoms of cholestasis at home, you will need 5-6 choleretic procedures with a sweetener. If it was not possible to achieve an outflow of bile secretion with liquefaction of the stool, sorbitol is replaced with a more active magnesium.


Magnesia has a more effective bile-thinning and high antispasmodic status, improves the outflow of bile. Like sorbitol, a package of crystalline magnesium sulfate powder can be found in the pharmacy chain.

A cleansing procedure with a drug that prevents the formation of stones is carried out at home according to the following scheme:

  • On the eve of blind probing (in the evening), 14 g of the powder is diluted in a glass of mineral water, but warm and non-carbonated;
  • In the morning, without taking any food, the solution prepared in advance is slowly drunk in small portions;
  • They lie down on a prepared warm heating pad, it is recommended to lie on the right side for at least two hours;
  • After the tubage, they get up carefully, without sudden movements, after an hour you can refresh yourself with a light vegetable salad.

The condition for the correctness of blind probing is confirmed by mushy or watery stools with soft clots. The greenish color of the feces indicates an incorrectly calculated dosage, and the appearance of discomfort indicates the need to stop tubage and visit a doctor.

Comment. For the prevention of the stagnant process, magnesia can be used no more than once a month, for the treatment of signs of cholestasis - twice a month. At reduced pressure, the technique with magnesia will have to be abandoned.

Other options for enhancing the outflow of bile at home

  • Good results are obtained by the method of blind probing with choleretic plants. An infusion is prepared from half a glass of ground oats and a tablespoon of birch buds, steamed with 2 cups of boiling water. The resulting volume is divided in half, one part is drunk in the evening before going to bed, the second - in the morning before meals (two hours). Take a drink for 2 weeks, preparing a fresh portion every day.
  • At home, you can use corn stigmas to thin the bile secretion. A tablespoon of herbal raw materials is brewed with boiling water (a glass). After insisting an hour, filter, and drink slowly. Then for 40 minutes you need to lie down, placing a heating pad on the liver area. The choleretic component can be replaced with dandelion root, St. John's wort, immortelle.
  • Efficient cleansing of the liver contributes to the use of honey. For blind probing, you will need a teaspoon of the product and half a glass of heated mineral water without gas. Having consumed a portion of honey, they drink the prepared liquid and settle down on a warm heating pad on the right. After lying down for 10 minutes, they drink a glass of water, but already hot, heating continues for another hour, lying on a heating pad.

If the cleaning procedure is performed correctly at home, without forgetting the recommendations of a medical specialist, the likelihood of complications is minimal. The threat of developing stomach ulcers is relevant for people suffering from reflux of bile into the esophagus (reflux).

Patients with gallstone pathology should refuse blind probing, the procedure will lead to blockage of the bile ducts with the need for surgical intervention.

There are contraindications. It is necessary to consult with a specialist.

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Diseases of the biliary tract can lead to indigestion, intoxication of the body, and other health problems. Blind probing of the gallbladder at home is a procedure for cleansing this organ, its ducts, and the liver.

What is it and why

The gallbladder is an organ of the gastrointestinal tract responsible for the accumulation of bile. Blind probing is also called tyubazh, it is carried out in the hospital of many clinics, sanatoriums, and other health institutions. If you do it yourself at home, subject to the technique, you can achieve the same results.

Tubage is prescribed in cases where there is stagnation of bile due to diseases of the gallbladder. Among them, kinks are often found, leading to deformation of the organ, as a result of which the secretion of bile stops. Probing the gallbladder improves its outflow. It removes the accumulated bile, and with it - salts, pathogens, toxins.

Diseases that require tubage include:

  • cholecystitis;
  • gastritis;
  • chronic constipation;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia.

Advice! Some experts advise each person to conduct home sounding several times a year. This will become preventive measure, which prevents the accumulation of not only bile, but also toxins. However, most doctors consider such prophylaxis inappropriate. Most often, tubazh is prescribed for hypomotor dysfunction of the gallbladder.


Performing blind probing begins with preparation, at least three days in advance. Doctors say that the success of the tubage depends on this. Preparation includes two factors:

  1. ultrasound. Any wellness procedure should be carried out only with the permission of doctors. Below are a number of contraindications in which tubage is strictly prohibited. Finding some of them - for example, stones - is possible only during ultrasound diagnostics.
  2. Nutrition. Three days in a row, and preferably a whole week before home sounding, you must follow the recommendations for proper nutrition. It is necessary to completely abandon heavy food: spicy, fried, salty, smoked meats. The basis of the diet is vegetables, fruits, juices from them.

Advice! Some people like to do things like this. fasting days, after them relief is felt in the stomach. To make it easier to stick to the recommended diet, you can make a menu for the week ahead, cook in advance so as not to break into forbidden food.

Execution technique

After several days of following the diet, performing ultrasound diagnostics, you can proceed to the procedure. It is necessary to do blind probing at home in the morning, on an empty stomach. It goes through several stages:

  • the basis of any recipe is mineral water - in the evening you need to open the container so that the gas comes out;
  • prepare the selected choleretic agent (possible options are given below), so that immediately after waking up nothing would interfere with making a tubage;
  • drink the prepared remedy;
  • lie on your right side, place a heating pad next to it;
  • stay lying down for at least an hour;
  • then get up and have breakfast.

Breakfast after probing should be light, it is desirable that it consists of products that have choleretic effect. You can eat a few soft-boiled eggs, drink sweet tea. Toward evening, other familiar foods can be introduced into the diet.

Important! An indicator of a correctly performed procedure is the urge to defecate soon after its completion. Many also notice active seething in the stomach.


There are several options for choosing choleretic agents, while you must be guided by your own preferences, available options. Not all of them are suitable for children, most often the simplest tubage is useful to them - with mineral water. Consider a few popular recipes for the preparation of cholagogues:

  1. With mineral water. Shops offer water from different manufacturers. But for the treatment procedure, it is better to use Essentuki, Borjomi.
  2. With sorbitol. Tubage with sorbitol is the most common procedure. To prepare a choleretic agent, you should take 1 tbsp. l. substances in a glass of water. Drink in one gulp, wait for the urge to defecate.
  3. With magnesium. For a glass of water, take 1 tbsp. l. magnesium sulfate. It is important to consider that the action of such a choleretic agent will be aggressive for the intestinal mucosa, therefore it is better not to use magnesia for diseases such as gastritis, when the integrity of the mucosa is already compromised.
  4. With lemon and oil. This variant of sounding takes more time. Prepare 200 g of lemon, olive oil, take 1 tbsp. l. each, after 10 minutes, drink the next portion - until the product runs out.

Some advise to supplement the tubage procedure with the preparation of another remedy that must be taken immediately after taking the choleretic to enhance the effect. You can take 2-3 raw yolks, adding a little sugar to them, honey diluted in water - 2 tbsp. l. on a glass. After that, tubage should also be performed using a heating pad, following other recommendations.


Any medical procedure has its contraindications, tubage is no exception. The main ones are:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • menstruation;
  • the period of bearing a child, breastfeeding.

As for cholelithiasis, tubage can lead to extremely undesirable consequences. Together with the excretion of bile, stones will begin to come out, which easily get stuck in the duct. In such situations, urgent surgical intervention is required.

Doctors say that almost any disease in acute form is a contraindication to tubage. First you need to get rid of it, then calmly carry out the procedure, without fear side effects. In a weakened state of the body, it is not recommended even to limit oneself in nutrition, which is necessary during tubage.

Important! When choosing a choleretic agent, one should take into account the individual characteristics of the organism. If there allergic reaction on honey, magnesia, any other substance, their use is contraindicated, it is better to choose another remedy.

Blind probing is a popular procedure that is successfully carried out at home by people suffering from gallbladder diseases, its deformation, and gastrointestinal pathology. The technique for performing tubage is simple, but requires strict adherence, the choice of choleretic agents is diverse, you can stop at any of the available ones. It is also important to consider contraindications.

Inna Lavrenko

Reading time: 5 minutes


The gallbladder, together with the liver, is part of the so-called biliary system and is a very important organ of the digestive system of our body.

It performs three important functions: the accumulation of bile produced by the liver, bringing it to the desired consistency, and throwing this liver secret into the digestive system when food enters it.

Bile is the most important internal fluid, with the help of which the breakdown of heavy fats occurs, which is so necessary for a normal digestive process.

If the gallbladder begins to malfunction, bile stasis occurs in it. These stagnant processes not only disrupt the normal course of the digestive process, but also cause inflammation of the walls of this organ (the so-called cholecystitis), and also lead to stone formation.

Modern pharmaceuticals offer a range of effective and effective choleretic agents, but they should not be taken without a doctor's prescription and an accurate diagnosis.

But blind probing of the gallbladder in order to prevent stagnation of bile, at home, it is possible and even necessary. This procedure is called tubage.

Many confuse tubage and duodenal sounding of the gallbladder, carried out in a medical institution. To eliminate confusion, we will briefly describe the essence of both procedures.

This diagnostic procedure allows you to most accurately identify the specifics of the disorders that have arisen in the work of this organ. In the process of such probing, not only the bile itself is examined, but also its mixture with gastric juice and the secret of the pancreas and intestines. This makes it possible to assess the level of functionality of all glands involved in the process of digestion.

In the duodenum there is a so-called duodenal papilla, which is connected to two ducts - the choledochus (common bile duct) and the duct of an organ such as the pancreas. Since without food, neither bile nor pancreatic secretions are secreted, this process is stimulated with the help of special means.

The choleretic solution is delivered directly to duodenum using a special probe inserted through the patient's mouth. A double probe is considered the most convenient, with the help of which it is possible to deliver a choleretic solution to the destination, and to take the secretions of the liver and pancreas necessary for analysis.

duodenal sounding

The procedure itself is always carried out in the morning on an empty stomach. This is due to the fact that the patient needs to prepare for it at home.

The process of preparing for such sounding at home is as follows:

  • a day before it is necessary to exclude garlic, legumes and other foods that provoke increased gas formation from the diet;
  • five days before probing, you should stop taking choleretic, vasodilator, laxatives and antispasmodics;
  • at 18:00 on the day preceding the procedure, you must stop eating.

To reduce unnecessary salivation during the introduction of the probe, atropine is used (subcutaneously or orally).

The probe itself is an absolutely safe plastic tube with bulges (olives) at the end. The depth of immersion is determined by measuring the distance from the navel to the line between the teeth. After this measurement, three marks are placed on the probe to help the doctor adjust the depth of immersion. The most difficult and unpleasant for the patient is swallowing the olive of the probe.

Sounding stages:

  • the patient is placed on the right side;
  • after the doctors help him swallow the edge of the probe;
  • further, with the help of translational movements, the tube is immersed in the duodenum (according to pre-applied marks);
  • a choleretic solution is supplied through the probe into the intestine;
  • if everything is done correctly, soon a golden liquid begins to ooze out of it, which is collected in test tubes for further research;
  • after collecting samples, the probe is carefully removed from the patient's intestines.

Since the procedure is stepwise, such probing of the gallbladder has a second name - fractional.

In total, five fractions of mixed or bile secretion are selected, and each fraction has its own probing phase:

Then the samples obtained using this procedure are sent to the laboratory for analysis.

We figured out probing in a medical institution, let's move on to tubage (blind probing of the bladder at home).

When is blind probing of this organ indicated?

Tubage of the gallbladder at home is recommended in the following cases:

  • with dyskinesia (impaired normal function) bile ducts;
  • with a stoneless form of cholecystitis;
  • during rehabilitation, tubage is recommended after removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy);
  • with constipation;
  • in cases of overeating;
  • with excessive alcohol abuse.

Despite the fact that the usefulness of this procedure is obvious, such blind probing of this organ also has contraindications for use.

For example, since home blind probing improves the motility of the walls of the gallbladder, then with cholecystitis on the background of cholelithiasis (calculous cholecystitis), tubage can provoke the movement of a stone in the cavity of this organ, and this is very dangerous, since these stones can clog the bile ducts, and in this case urgent surgery to remove the entire gallbladder. In this regard, before you start doing tubage on your own, be sure to do an ultrasound of this organ and consult a gastroenterologist.

Another contraindication to tubage are diseases such as peptic ulcer organs such as the stomach and duodenum.

In these cases, the increase in the outflow of bile, which is facilitated by this procedure, can irritate the mucous membranes of these organs, already disturbed by the existing pathology. An exacerbation of the ulcer is possible, and this is very dangerous and painful.

Also, you should not carry out such home probing for women a week before and during menstruation, since increased bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen are possible. Also, you can not use tubage for pregnant women. The frequency of this procedure, as a rule, is from one to two times a week. The duration of the entire course of such therapy is prescribed by the attending physician.

How to do gallbladder tubage? Technology for performing the procedure at home

Firstly, before you conduct a home blind probing of this organ, you should follow a diet for at least three days before it (and preferably a week), the diet of which should be based on food. plant origin.

The most popular tubage is based on the use of such types of mineral water as Borjomi, Narzan, Essentuki and their similarities.

Tubage of the gallbladder with mineral water - the rules for the procedure:

  • in the evening of the day preceding the tubage, a bottle of mineral water must be opened so that excess gases come out of it;
  • in the morning you measure out two glasses of this water and heat it up to a temperature of 40 degrees;
  • the procedure itself is carried out on an empty stomach, at least one hour before the intended meal;
  • the patient needs to take a few small sips of heated mineral water, and then lie on his right side, having previously placed a warm heating pad on the right hypochondrium (on the area where the bubble is located);
  • after lying down for five minutes, you need to get up and do breathing exercise(take a deep breath and exhale several times);
  • then again you need to take a few small sips and again lie down on a heating pad;
  • should be repeated until two glasses of prepared water run out, but the total duration of the entire procedure should not be longer. than one hour.

Mineral water of an average level of mineralization well dilutes bile, eliminates spasm of the gallbladder and enhances intestinal motility. In the process of blind probing, a slight pain may occur in the right hypochondrium, but there is no reason to panic - this is normal.

The effectiveness of tubage is estimated by the fact that there should be an early urge to visit the toilet.

The stool after tubage, as a rule, is of a liquidish consistency, and its color is close to dark green, since a large concentration of bile stains the stool. If after this procedure there was no bowel movement within 24 hours, it is necessary to give the patient a cleansing enema.

What else can be used for tubage, except for mineral water?

For such blind probing, you can also use a tube with magnesia (magnesium sulfate). This drug also has a choleretic and laxative effect, which is very important during this procedure.

However, magnesia tubage may not be suitable for all patients. Its use is contraindicated in cases of:

  • cases of internal bleeding recorded in the patient's anamnesis;
  • the presence of renal failure;
  • violations of the normal functioning of the intestine;
  • hypertension;
  • calculous form of cholecystitis;
  • period of menstruation;
  • pregnancy.

Magnesia is available at any pharmacy, where it is sold in powder form or directly in ampoules.

If the patient weighs less than 70 kilograms, then one procedure will require 1 packet of magnesia powder, which will need to be diluted with 100 milliliters of water. With a weight of more than 70 kilograms, the dosage should be doubled (two sachets per 200 milliliters). The technology for performing this probing with magnesia is the same as in the case of using mineral water, with only one difference - the entire dose is taken immediately, and you need to lie down for 40 minutes, after which you need to make several active movements.

Home sounding of this organ using magnesia can be done no more than once a month. It is permissible to do such a gall bladder tube at home for children, but it is very important to choose the right dosage here.

There is also a technique for conducting home tubage without lying on a heating pad. It involves the use of such a natural remedy as an infusion of rosehip berries, along with sorbitol.

To prepare such an infusion, you should take 30 grams of the fruits of this plant, crush them and pour boiling water (two glasses). It is best to do this in a thermos, as the mixture needs to rise for eight hours. With sorbitol, the decoction is taken according to the following scheme: the finished infusion is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach; simultaneously with the decoction, you need to take two tablespoons of sorbitol; after taking the infusion with sorbitol, you need to actively move; after that, the desire to empty the intestines quickly enough.

Also effective for this procedure is a decoction of corn stigmas.

To prepare it, one tablespoon of crushed stigmas is poured with one glass of boiling water, insisted for an hour, and then filtered. It is necessary to drink the broth slowly, taking small sips. Here you will also need to lie down for 40 minutes on a warm heating pad placed on your right side.

Tubage is an effective procedure to prevent stagnation of bile in the gallbladder, but it is best to avoid problems with this organ, for which you only need to eat right, lead an active life and not abuse alcoholic beverages.

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Tubage, or as it is also commonly called, blind probing, is a procedure for the gallbladder and ducts. This washing is quite mild and, with the right approach, does not pose any threat to the body.

Every year this method becomes more and more popular. This procedure attracts with its economic availability and good performance. To make blind probing, it is not necessary to contact medical institutions; it can be done quite successfully and effectively at home.

What can be achieved with blind probing:

  • Strengthen the outflow of bile;
  • Refresh the functionality of the liver;
  • Clearing the bile ducts;
  • Prevention of gallstone disease.
  • Hepatitis;
  • Duodenitis;
  • Tubeless cholecystitis;
  • Biliary dyskinesia.

Often, tubage is also prescribed to improve digestion and intestinal motility.

Properly performed blind probing can help our body get rid of the lion's share of toxins, excess bile and bilirubin in a short time.

But before choosing this cleaning method for yourself, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the state of internal organs.


Blind probing is strictly contraindicated for people with cholelithiasis. When carrying out such procedures, there is a high probability of stones coming out. As a result, there is a blockage of the duct, which can only be eliminated surgically.


Carrying out tubage on your own at home should be as correct as possible, because with the help of this procedure we help the vital organs to function properly. Thorough preparation and implementation of all instructions is already 50% of the success of probing.

The most important step in preparing for blind probing of the liver at home is a preliminary ultrasound. If you decide to cleanse the liver through this procedure, you need to be absolutely sure that there are no kidney or gallbladder stones. You can start the procedure only if ultrasound examination the doctor accurately determined that the stones are not visualized.

The second, but no less significant stage of preparation is diet food both before probing the liver, and after it. This is necessary to gently and smoothly bring the body to the changes that will occur to it during probing.

Completes the preparatory stage cleansing enema.

Conducting blind probing of the liver at home

For three days before the start of the probing procedure, preference should be given to products of plant origin. Do not disregard natural juices, especially apple and beet juice during this period. On the day of probing, do not forget that drinking plenty of water is one of the conditions for a productive tubage.

Choice of Substance

Those who opted for this method of liver renewal and elimination congestion in the gallbladder, one often wonders which substance is best suited for this procedure?

Several products are used for sounding, namely:

If you are not entirely sure which of these substances is more suitable for blind probing at home, it is better to consult a doctor.

A specialist can easily determine the use of which products is most appropriate for you, since each of these substances can affect individual organs in different ways.

So, for example, magnesium, which reduces the gallbladder well, has a very harsh effect on the intestinal mucosa, which will not benefit people with gastrointestinal diseases. In this case, the patient needs to stop using magnesia and opt for blind probing of the liver at home with sorbitol or xylitol. Similarly, patients who have pancreatitis are strictly prohibited from using olive oil for the procedure.

Choosing the optimal time for sounding

Most scholars agree that optimum time for sounding is the period from 11 pm to 1 am. This hypothesis is due to the peak of gallbladder activity at this time of day, which suggests a more successful outcome of the procedure.

But, no matter how professors and scientists insist on this fact, doctors say that blind probing of the liver at home is best done on an empty stomach, early in the morning. They argue that after the last meal in the evening, the stimulus that causes the gallbladder to contract is mixed with food and the effect of probing becomes much weaker.

Let's move on to the procedure.

Having decided on the time of holding and the substance used, we proceed directly to probing.

Step one: In the morning, as early as possible, without getting out of bed, we drink a pre-prepared cholagogue. To do this, add 5 g of magnesia or sorbitol to 250 ml of slightly carbonated mineral water. These substances most effectively provoke the contractile movements of the gallbladder that we need. Gas can be released from the water by leaving the lid slightly ajar overnight, by the time of the procedure the water should be at room temperature.

Step two. After a quarter of an hour, you need to re-drink the same portion of the mixture of mineral water and the irritant. Then we prepare one of these tools:

  • Grind three raw yolks with sugar;
  • Mix half a glass of olive oil with the same amount of lemon juice;
  • In a glass of boiled water (temperature 30–40 degrees), dilute 2 dessert spoons of honey;

Step three. After 15 minutes after taking the mixture you have chosen, we drink 1 glass of mineral water and lie down on our right side, placing a very warm heating pad under it. In this position, you must be at least 1.5 hours.

After lying in a comfortable position for the specified time, you can safely go to breakfast. For a greater effect, it is necessary to eat those foods that have a choleretic effect. Eat a soft-boiled egg mixed with butter, but without bread and salt. Drink strong sweet tea in small sips.

If, after all that has been done, you will soon feel the urge to defecate, then the probing was successful.

Diseases of the biliary system and liver are often accompanied by stagnation of bile. Violations of its outflow provoke failures in the digestive and excretory processes, lead to functional disorders in the liver and stomach. The gallbladder and ducts can be cleared with a procedure called blind probing. It is performed quite simply, subject to all recommendations.

Blind probing or tubage is a method of stimulating the outflow of bile by flushing the gallbladder and bile ducts. This is a gentle, economical way to cleanse the biliary tract, which can be done at home.

The procedure allows you to cleanse the liver and biliary system of toxins, toxins, removes excess bilirubin from the bloodstream. Restoration of the normal outflow of bile regulates the digestive process, normalizes the functioning of the liver and intestines.

Indications for holding

Violations of the outflow of bile throughout the gallbladder and bile ducts are called cholestasis. Such a pathology is observed both inside the liver and outside it (in the gallbladder and ducts). Indications for blind probing are cholestatic phenomena in diseases accompanied by such characteristic features like dyspeptic disorders, indigestion and defecation.

These include:

Blind probing is also carried out to prevent bile stasis, improve digestion. The procedure is recommended only after complete examination according to the results of the analyzes and instrumental research(ultrasound, MRI).

The procedure is possible only by agreement with the attending physician, after clarifying the diagnosis and in the absence of contraindications.


There are several pathologies in which blind probing is prohibited. These are diseases such as:

Contraindications apply to patients with hyperkinetic dyskinesia, patients with cholelithiasis (stones in the gallbladder or ducts), in the presence of tumor processes. The procedure is not recommended for pregnant women, as well as during menstruation (plus 10-14 days before it starts).

Blind probing method

After agreement with the attending physician, you can carry out a cleansing choleretic treatment on one's own. The procedure for cleaning the gallbladder at home is carried out in compliance with the rules of preparation and taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Preparatory activities

Before blind probing, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory measures. They consist of the following steps:

Cholagogue sounding is carried out with the use of special means that stimulate the outflow of bile. You need to choose them based on the individual reaction of the body.

The table shows the means that are used for blind probing:

Means Action Contraindications
Mineral waterStimulate the flow of bile

Enhance intestinal peristalsis

Eliminate spasms of the biliary tract

Magnesium sulfate (magnesia)Pathologies of the gastrointestinal mucosa, Oy *
Sorbitol or XylitolOU *
Rosehip berriesOU *
Olive oilPancreatitis, oh*
Herbal choleretic collectionOU *
egg yolksOU *
HoneyDiabetes mellitus, oh*

Оу * (special conditions) - individual intolerance or allergic reaction to the substance.

Tubage with mineral water

The most common method, suitable for almost all categories of patients. Medium carbonated natural mineral water (Narzan, Borjomi) with reduced salinity is recommended.

The blind probing technique is carried out in several stages:

Step 1. Excess carbon dioxide is removed from the mineral water. To do this, you can open a bottle of mineral water 7-10 hours before the procedure.

Step 2. Tubage is carried out in the early morning, on an empty stomach. The total liquid volume is 400 ml (2 cups). Water is heated to 36-40 0 C.

Step 3. Drink 3-4 sips of water, take a horizontal position, you need to lie on your right side. A warm heating pad is applied to the area of ​​the right hypochondrium for 5 minutes.

Step 4. After 5 minutes, you need to get up, take a few deep breaths and do a few active movements (tilts or turns of the body).

Step 5. Repeat the third and fourth points until the water runs out.

The total duration of blind probing should not exceed 1 hour. As a result of the procedure, there is a urge to empty the intestines. The stool may have a soft consistency, the mass is painted in a dark green color. This indicates a successful cleansing of the gallbladder and an intense bile outflow.

IMPORTANT! During the procedure, you may experience slight pain and discomfort in the right hypochondrium, caused by a rapid outflow of bile.

Tubage with various means

In addition to mineral water, blind tubage is carried out with magnesia. The solution is prepared as follows: the powder is dissolved in warm boiled water with the addition of a slice of lemon. The required dose is calculated taking into account the weight of the patient, 10 g of the drug per 10 kg of weight. The finished solution retains its properties for 12 hours after preparation.

Food sweeteners are also used - xylitol and sorbitol for blind probing. They can be used for tubage of children or patients with diabetes. To prepare a solution of 4 tbsp. l of the substance is diluted in 200 ml of warm water.

Other means for the procedure are prepared as follows:

  • olive oil is mixed with lemon juice, in a ratio of 1/1 (total amount - 1 cup);
  • raw yolks (3 pcs.) are ground with sugar, diluted in 250 ml of water;
  • 3 teaspoons of honey per 250 ml of boiled water.

Probing is carried out in the same way as in the method with mineral water. After tubage (regardless of the method), a light breakfast is required. What can you eat after the procedure? Recommended light choleretic food. Breakfast may consist of 1 egg, mashed with a small amount butter, and hot tea, green, black or herbal.

duodenal sounding

This method of stimulating the outflow of bile is used only in medical institution. It consists in washing the biliary tract with a probe. In this case, bile is pumped out without a heating pad, but with the use of other special equipment.

Duodenal sounding is carried out both for cleaning the biliary system and for collecting biological material for analysis. Preparation for duodenal sounding is similar to preparation for blind tubage, but requires more stringent conditions:

  • the duration of the plant-based diet is at least 5 days;
  • 5 days before probing, it is necessary to stop taking antispasmodics, vasodilators and laxatives, as well as drugs that stimulate bile secretion.

Dinner before the procedure cannot contain gas-forming products. It should be light and consist of one dish.

The method consists in swallowing a special probe with an olive at the end. Before inserting the probe, the patient is given atropine to reduce salivation. The length of the rubber tube inserted into the esophagus is equal to the distance from the navel to the bite line in a standing position. The tube is inserted gradually, the patient assists the insertion by swallowing. The introduction is controlled by marks applied to the probe, or using a special apparatus.

Bile sampling for analysis is carried out at different stages (fractions) of administration, therefore the procedure is called fractional probing.

Washing with a probe begins at the moment when the tube is inserted into the duodenum through the duodenal papilla. To start an intense secretion of bile, an irritating solution (xylitol, olive oil, pituitrin, magnesium sulfate, or another secretion irritant) is injected into the tube.

Drainage is left until the gallbladder is completely emptied. This is determined by the release of a clear mixture of intrahepatic bile and intestinal juice. The tube is then removed.

The course of tubage during treatment is 3 procedures with an interval between them of 3-4 days. To prevent bile stasis, blind probing can be done once a month. Before preventive procedures, a consultation with a gastroenterologist is required.


Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against liver diseases is not on your side yet ...

And you already thought about surgical intervention? It is understandable, because the liver is very important organ and its proper functioning is the key to health and well-being. Nausea and vomiting, yellowish skin tone, bitter taste in the mouth and bad smell, dark urine and diarrhea ... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause? We recommend reading the story of Olga Krichevskaya, how she cured her liver...

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