Muscles of the Russian Federation - fitness training online: programs and exercises. Four most common myths about proper nutrition top 10 myths about proper nutrition

Science O. proper nutrition Sheaven with a huge number of all sorts of myths. Unfortunately, those who are not familiar with practical dietology are sometimes mistaken, taking certain myths about healthy nutrition for the truth.

Therefore, our first task is to dispel these myths and finally tell the whole truth about the information rooted in the head of many people.

So, dispel myths about proper nutrition ...

Myth number 1 If you do not dinner, you will lose faster.

In fact, you can dinner and even need. Those who regularly sleep on an empty stomach risk significantly slowing down their metabolism, and, it means, calories will be burned slower, slowing down for the company and the process of weight loss.

Yes, from the hunger, sleep may break, and this is stress for the body. At the same time, any stress is accompanied by the emission of cortisol hormone, which causes the accumulation of abdominal fat on the stomach. We think you do not need such "joy", so do not forget about dinner.

It is clear that it's not worth it before bedtime, since in a dream we consume less energy, it became, her excess will be deposited into fat. But here is a light dinner - this is what the doctor prescribed.

Eat no later than 3 hours before sleep, giving preference to light proteins (low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, omelet from eggs) and vegetables. Sweet fruits, cereals and meat dishes are better used during breakfast or lunch.

Myth number 2. The snacks are harmful.

This is another nonsense of those who totals for rare meals. - This is a very useful thing, especially if you strive to keep your figure beautiful or trying to lose weight.

Large gaps between food intakes only feed our feeling of hunger, and well-hungry we are, imperceptibly for themselves, we fly during the main meal of a lot of food. So that this does not happen, it is better to eat more often, but less. This is most often the snacks.

The snacks should be helpful: low-fat cottage cheese, nuts, dried fruits, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain bread boys. Be sure to take into account the calorieness of snacks in its daily food "Accounting" - so you will not have the risk of moving around calories, and you can easily write to your.

Myth number 3. On protein food it is impossible to recover.

Proteins are really an important component of a healthy diet and the main condition of weight loss. During the weight correction, protein food should prevail in your diet, but carbohydrates and the right fats are also necessary. The whole essence of the proper nutrition in the menu is balanced, and not to exclude some substances.

So, important, but there are them necessary in a moderate amount. Too many proteins are also bad, at least because of the same risk to earn gout. And, of course, protein food must be balanced by calories.

Remember, you will successfully recover from both a piece of cake and chicken, if this chicken is a whole plate. Yes, and calorie protein products also exist: for example, fatty varieties of fish, greasy cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream, cheeses. See not only the amount of protein in the product, but also on the content of fats - they should be as little as possible.

Myth number 4. Fats are harmful to the body.

Since we are talking about fats, let's continue to talk about them. Many believe that only harm our organism. In fact, this statement is true only in part.

Fat fat fat. If we are talking about letters, koi enough in mayonnaise, industrial production sauces, butter and other products, then yes - they are harmless without reservations. But the polyunsaturated fatty acids are very important for our body. Without them, our skin and hair will be dull, fat-soluble vitamins A and E and will remain untouched by the organism, and the liver will dismiss failures in the work.

Therefore, all products, as part of which there are confectionery fat and transfers, harm our figure, and fatty acids in moderate quantity, on the contrary, help. You can find useful fats in sea fish, walnuts, avocado, olive oil, sunflower seeds.

Myth number 5. Some products have zero calorie.

This myth came up with those people who desperately want to lose weight, but are not always ready to exclude calorie products from their diet. So they invented products with "zero" calorie, which, with their digestion, allegedly burn more calories than in themselves carry.

Immediately let's say, low-calorie celery will never block the candy you eaten. And all because there are no products in the world, for the digestion of which our organism would spend more calories than they brought. Yes, greens, cabbage, cucumbers really contain few calories, but it is impossible to call them with zero calorie products.

Also note that our body is most of all spending energy to digest protein food (approximately 30-40% of its energy value), in second place there is a mastering of fats (spends about 5-10% of the energy value) and carbohydrates are in third place (The body spends only 4-7% of energy value on their digestion).

Therefore, it is important not to take into account the fact of how much the body burns energy when digesting food, and which calorie content in this food is initially.

Myth number 6. Without bid and artificial vitamins in winter it will be difficult.

If there are few vegetables and fruits in your diet, then this statement is true. Remember that in winter, complex carbohydrates must be present in the menu necessarily in sufficient quantities.

So those who feed on correctly, in any case, balance their nutrition in vitamins and minerals. You just need to make as much variety as possible in your diet, so that there is a variety and in vitamins.

However, those who want to lose weight, and whose diet does not change day after day, can safely buy high-quality vitamin and mineral complexes. Avitaminosis is another obstacle to a slim figure.

Myth number 7. Dark bread is more useful than white.

In fact, there is no difference in the color of bread. Only flour plays the role, from which it is baked and other bread makeup. Bread from the flour of a second grade grinding, bread with bran, rye bread And the whole grain bread is really more useful than wheat flour bread of the highest grade. This is just the rare case when the second grade products are valued above the highest grade products.

However, before you buy bread in the store, carefully examine its composition. The black color of bread does not say anything yet, so always look at the category of flour and other components.

Myth number 8. Brown eggs are more useful than white.

Noticed that society stubbornly drives into our heads some color preferences in food? But if fruits and vegetables really better choose a natural saturated color, then it has nothing to do with the eggs.

The color of the eggshell depends on the rate of producing the pigment of the egg glands in the ovage and the pigment, which is synthesized in them. Each breed of chickens has its own figures regarding pigmentation, including eggs. On the food value Egg color does not have any meaning.

So eat eggs of the color that you like. And if necessary, first of all, pay attention to the reputation of the supplier of eggs, their freshness and the quality of the yolk.

Myth number 9. Juices are more useful than the fruit themselves.

It is clear that, from a kilogram of the same apples, we will get only a couple of glasses of juice. But this does not mean that now it is necessary to stop eating fresh fruits and vegetables, but to switch to juices from them to enrich the body with vitamins.

Remember that the juice does not contain a fiber-useful intestinal intestine that is in vegetables and fruits. If we are talking about the juices of industrial production, then in them and the juice itself is not very much, but the sugar and dyes are just the opposite.

Freshly squeezed juices should not be abused, especially on an empty stomach. If you are all right with the stomach and the pancreas, sometimes you can pamper yourself with frisms. But for the patient of the mucous and elevated acidity of the stomach, such a drink will be more harmful than useful.

Myth number 10. If you train, then you can eat anything.

And this myth, probably, invented lovers of sweets and oily food. If you eat a lot, and your diet is not balanced, then no workouts will lead to a slender figure. At best, per hour of sweating in gym Or during fitness you "neutralize" a piece of the eaten cake, but what to do with other calories?

Therefore, any and fitness instructor will tell you that training will be effective if only adjust the power. Fought fast food and cakes, in parallel, flexing in the simulator in the hope of losing weight, is nonsense that needs to be urgent.

And, finally, I would like to wish you to never succumb to the myths about proper nutrition, building your diet and lifestyle on them. Think rationally, leaving healthy criticism all the information that was taken from untested sources, and more often communicate with professionals in the correct nutrition. They will not mislead you.

All sorts of myths on the topic of food and healthy food are firmly entered into our lives. It is often difficult to separate them from the truth, such false statements and statements are so entrusted to the consciousness. We often hear similar statements from mass media and advertising, which are based on various sodes "Strashilki".

We will analyze the most popular myths about nutrition.

The body is only still departing from sleep, cleaning processes occur, in which it is undesirable to interfere with excessive food. In the morning you should not immediately load the stomach with a dense breakfast, especially if you have dinner late on the day before. The body consumes energy from previously digested food, and not from the one that has just been eaten.

After a tight breakfast, you want to sleep. The body is given a signal to rest in order to send all the energy to digest food. And with this nothing can be done, so the body of animals and man is arranged.

However, the breakfast is impossible to miss - this is the coaches, instructors fitness clubs, losing weight magazines and, of course, moms and grandmothers. By skipping the first meal, you will begin to actively snack in the afternoon and then definitely get extra calories. The best beginning of the day is a light breakfast.

Myth 2.: Not after 6 o'clock in the evening

Very popular statement. It is assumed that in order not to dial excess weightYou need not eat any products later than six o'clock in the evening. Immediately note that 6 pm - it is quite and very suspended. In fact, it is recommended to eat no later than 3.5 - 4 hours before sleep. Therefore, if you go to bed in 12 nights, you can have a snack and at 8 pm.

The main thing is to take into account the daily calorie intake, and not the time of meals. It is not important when you eat, and how much you eat. It is more useful to have moderately during the day, allowing yourself a light dinner for 3.5-4 hours before sleep. Moreover, there are products that can eat at least at night, and they will not interfere with you to gain strength and drop overweight.

Myth 3.: Green tea helps to lose weight

We will not create intrigue - this traditional drink really slightly accelerates metabolism (as much as 4% by as much), and displays an extra liquid. And also - he burst and reduces appetite. Green tea contains polyphenols, he slightly accelerates the metabolism.

However, none of the properties allows it to be called a loud word "fat burner". The thermogenic effect of the beverage is not very significant, everything that he does with metabolism is easily leveled by adding a pair of sugar spoons in the morning porridge. Yes, and somehow it is not serious when we lose weight to a shortage of already in the whole 40 kcal.

In general, if briefly - green tea It will help to lose weight for whom it will help you in compliance with the program of food and training. You can drink green tea liters, but if your diet is abounding with high-calorie dishes, and you do not limit their number, the miracle does not expect.

Myth 4.: Salt is harmful to health

Salt is an important element and participates in the chemical processes of the body, in the production of gastric juice, reducing muscle fibers. The lack of salt in the diet can lead to depression, violation of digestive processes, problems in cardiovascular vascular system, muscle spasms.

It is not harmful salt itself, but its excessive use. The daily need of a person's body is 5-6 grams of salt, it is about a teaspoon.

Myth 5.: From porridge corrected

Crupes, although they are a source of carbohydrates, themselves do not affect the rate of weight gain. Get straightened from what these cereals eat are butter, milk, sugar. As well as from and filling and fried oily meat.

Myth 6.: Brown sugar is useful than white

Under the guise of brown sugar, ordinary white sugar, mixed with melassa, is often sold. Surely find out what he is made, we cannot - so why pay more? If it is sacrificed - honey is more useful, and then in small quantities.

Myth 7.: Diets help to lose weight

In fact, it is a short-term effect. On the diet goes first of all water. As soon as you stop the diet and begin to eat as usual - the weight will return, taking a couple of new kilograms with you. The body, frightened by the lack of calories, in normal mode, stores even more fat, so that there was a necessary reserve in case of new restrictions.

Myth 8.: After meals it is useful to chew a chewing gum

Whatever fairy tales told advertising, the dentists themselves are tuned negatively to this statement. Long-term chewing chewing gum provokes the selection of gastric juice, but since food in the stomach does not come, the stomach mucosa suffers, which is fraught with diseases. The best thing to do after eating is to clean your teeth with a brush, as a last resort, rinse the mouth with water.

Myth 9.: Fat food - cholesterol source

The media increasingly tell us about the dangers of cholesterol and the danger of oily food use: fat contributes to the formation of cholesterol, and cholesterol leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases. However, there are such concepts as "bad" and "good" cholesterol. "Bad" is contained in fats of animal origin - oily meat, egg yolks, cheese, creamy oil. "Good" cholesterol is in vegetable oils Cold pressed, sea fish, cereal shells and helps the body to remove harmful cholesterol from the body.

Myth 10.: Physical activity will relieve obesity

If you increase calorie consumption by increasing physical activity - to sign up to the gym, walking a lot on foot and move more, it will help the body burn more calories. But it will help to lose weight only if you reduce the consumption of unnecessary calories, otherwise it will not reach accumulated fats.

Much depends on the diet and routine of the day, and most importantly - the final result. However, today information about proper nutrition is so much that it can easily be confused. In addition, this topic has already managed to promote unverified facts and not reinforced with information.

We selected for you the 10 most common myths about proper nutrition, which have nothing to do with reality.

Myth number 1: Organic products are a panacea

Smart marketers have time to quickly understand modern trends and offer to the buyer it is the goods that he expects. Similarly, the situation is also with organic products. Information on the package argues that they do not contain GMOs, pesticides, various nutritional supplements. However, in fact it has nothing to do with reality and such products are not much different from the usual. The only thing that cost several times more expensive.

Myth number 2: Avoid fats

For some reason, it is believed that proper nutrition and fats are incompatible. Allegedly they spoil the shape and are very harmful to general status organism. This is rooted incorrectly. The human body needs the right fats. The keyword here is the "right".

We are talking about fish, nuts, avocado, olive oil. They contain polyunsaturated fatty acids of omega-3 and omega-6, which are just very useful. They improve work of cardio-vascular system, strengthen immunity, help reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, and on this beneficial features Do not end.

Myth number 3: You can not eat after six

A typical delusion of losing weight, which they quickly take into armaments, is a statement that after six o'clock in the evening there is a categorically forbidden. This interesting fact Ranele only in part. If you go to bed at ten o'clock in the evening, the last meal of food really should take place at six.

Thus, we carry out simple calculations and understand that dinner should be 4 hours before sleep. By the way, if the feeling of hunger is stronger, then let yourself not a large number of Natural yogurt or a glass of kefir. It is better than to go to bed and suffer, listening to your belly.

Myth number 4: snack harmful

Another popular myth of healthy diet reads that you need to forget about snacks once and forever. This is true, if you complain sandwiches, cakes, cookies, chocolate bars, fast food. The result of such snacks you will soon see on the waist. In addition, these products will drown a feeling of hunger for a while, and then provoke it with a new force.

The snacks must be useful. And they really need that the body does not hungry and have not experienced stress. Prepare a smoothie, take with you useful sandwiches from the right ingredients, love vegetable sticks and natural yogurt, crunch nuts and dried fruits. Useful variants of snacks and the truth is a lot.

Myth number 5: Juices are as useful as fresh fruits

This item is dedicated to all fans of juice. For some reason, it is considered extremely helpful for the body and they need to drink as much as possible. We promote this myth.

About packaged juices can forget at all. They have too many sugar, preservatives, dyes and other additives. However, it should not be left for freshly squeezed juices. In the process of manufacturing such juices, useful fiber is lost, which is so important for the human body. That is why try to eat fresh fruits.

Myth number 6: Forget about carbohydrates

In the imagination of many people, carbohydrates are incompatible with proper nutrition and healthy way Life. This is another misconception. It should be remembered that carbohydrates are different, and they act on the body according to different ways.

Select simple and complex carbohydrates. The first is chocolate, sugar, pastry, jam, sweet drinks, white bread and even potatoes. Their use is really worth minimizing and limit.

But complex carbohydrates, on the contrary, should be in your diet. These are cereals, legumes, berries, vegetables and greens. They for a long time retain a feeling of satiety and give the body a charge of cheerfulness and energy.

Myth number 7: Black bread is more useful than white

Prefer white bread black? Do you think it is much more useful? This is not quite so. Brown Bread give, for example, caramel dyes. Therefore, this is not always an indicator of utility. Yes, and as for calories, black and white bread are identical.

If you can not live without bread, cholect bread with bran and rootless loaf of whole grain or muesli with cereals. These products really improve work digestive system and contain vitamins in its composition.

Myth number 8: Sushi and Rolls are dietary products

Hurry up to upset all lovers japanese cuisine. Sushi and rolls are not at all easy lunch or dinner without harm to the figure. White rice and cream cheese do not belong to the category of dietary products. Therefore, sushi and rolls are very high-calorie and have a high energy value.

In addition, Japanese cuisine dishes are usually used with soy sauce, which contains even more calories in its composition than the sushi and rolls themselves. In addition, it is very salty and delays water in the body, which can cause edema.

Myth number 9: Separate meals - this is the key to weight loss

Supporters of separate nutrition believe that only such a diagram of food intake can help get rid of unnecessary kilograms and strengthen health. However, such a statement does not have strong grounds. The stomach and pancreas of a person produce such a set of enzymes, which allows you to simultaneously digest proteins and fats, and carbohydrates.

What is the secret of success of some people? It's only in psychology. With separate nutrition, you carefully select products, follow the calorie content of the diet and, as a result, lose weight.

Myth number 10: during freezing fruits and berries lose their beneficial properties

Are you afraid to freeze fresh fruits and berries? Do not be afraid! Contrary to popular belief, they do not lose all their useful and nutritional properties. Do not only freeze them with sugar. The figure will definitely not tell you thanks.

By the way, shopping options also have the right to be on your desk. Modern technologies Freezing allow you to preserve the beneficial properties of fruits and berries, and the product does not suffer from this.

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It is always very difficult to get rid of stereotypes, but you need. After all, because of this, we deprive themselves. Especially acute it concerns food.

Myth # 1. There is after six harmful for the figure

This is a delusion of old as the world. With a modern pace, there is after 18:00 not only possible, but also need. Many people in our time lay down to bed later than our ancestors did. Fasting can negatively affect health. What is really true, this is what you should not have 3 hours before sleep. And dinner should be easy.

Myth number 2. Fats are harmful to the body

Fats are considered very harmful for figures and health, but it is not quite so. Without them, the correct metabolism is impossible. Without fats in the body, vitamins, a ande, sex hormones are practically ceased to be produced. With a lack of fats, the skin will quickly and the liver suffers. Therefore, oil, especially vegetable, must be limited, but not to give up it at all. It is best to eat smaller products containing hidden and not always useful fats: sausage, mayonnaise, cookies, cakes.

Myth number 3. snack is harmful

The snacks are a need. Each person who cares about health should periodically replenish energy reserves. Only these meals must be balanced. For example, you can eat nuts or fruit.

Myth number 4. All organic products are useful

Products that have the inscription "Organizer" on the packaging (that is, manufactured without the use of GMOs, pesticides, various food additives), you often do not differ from our usual analogues. Well, if only the fact that it is an order of magnitude more expensive.

Myth number 5. Do not use carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are simple and complex. The first really should be reduced in your diet. They are contained in sugar, confectionery, chocolate, honey, jam, sweet fruits and beverages, white bread and potatoes. The second one must be used to use those who try to eat right. Namely, it is more often there are cereals, legumes, berries, vegetables, greens.

Myth number 6. Vegetables and fruits lose all their useful properties when freezing

Modern freezing technologies allow you to maintain almost all useful substances. This is especially true for winter time.

Myth number 7. Separate meals helps to lose weight

It is not true. A set of enzymes that produce stomach and pancreas makes it possible to simultaneously digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates. There is no scientific evidence that separate food helps to fight overweight. People who choose this way of weight loss, most often simply picked up products, reduce calorie content and thus lose weight.

Myth number 8. Dark bread gives the body more benefit than white

The dark color of bread does not mean that there is a lot of fiber in it. Brown shade can give dough and caramel dyes. The calorie content of black and white bread is almost identical, so you can get an increase in weight anyway. Most useful and rich in vitamins bread with bran and rootless breads from solid grain, as well as muesli with cereals.

Myth number 9. Juices are as useful as the fruits themselves.

Juices practically do not contain valuable fiber. The amount of vitamins and minerals is significantly reduced by their manufacture. Therefore, if there is an opportunity, it is better to use fresh fruits.

Myth number 10. Sushi and rolls - Dietary products

By themselves, sushi and rolls will not harm the figure. Although white rice, which is used to prepare this product, is not a leader among dietary products. Soy sauce, mayonnaise, which is sometimes used in such dishes, and fatty cheese are very dangerous - they are very calories.

We hear everywhere that it is better to sign up for a doctor, and not engage in self-medication that you need to consult with a nutritionist, and not to give up food at all. But still continue to read tips on women's forums and experiment with their health. What is important to know to not harm yourself?

Consider four myth about proper nutrition.

1. Myth - fruits and vegetables in the diet are useful

A couple of days a month on an apple or other fruit diet will not harm your body, but no more. Diet based on alone vegetables and fruits can be dangerous to health. Excessive passionate vegetables (as well as mondetes, such as apple), can be compared with strict vegans or raw food. They lead to a lack of protein, group vitamins in and d, calcium, iron, zinc, because these elements are poorly absorbed from vegetable food.

In addition, a large number of fruits and vegetables can cause meteorism, bloating, problems with a chair, headaches and even lead to hormonal problems. Also, do not forget about the shortage of salt - as this diet can be attributed to the baking sheet, which can cause convulsions, dizziness, depression. With long-term use of vegetables, protein-energy failure, polyhypovitaminosis and anemia occur. If you like fruit, you need to monitor calorie, because fruit is a source of sugars that do not make us slimmer.

Also eliminate this diet stands to people with the problems of the tract, pancreatitis, with allergies to fruits and vegetables, children and pregnant women, elderly people. The menu from fruits or fruit juices increases the risk of Parkinson's disease.

A couple of days on a vegetable diet will not interfere, but constant vegetable menu harms health

One of the common diets reads: "To lose weight, you need 1-5 portions of fruit and 2-3 portions of vegetables every day. American nutritionists have undertaken to check the effectiveness of this recommendation. A more than a thousand people participated in the study. Its results showed that such an expected effect of the expected effect does not bring. The study was compared "plant" diet and Mediterranean - based on olive oil and seafood. It turned out, the second worked better. Moreover, the cores who followed the Mediterranean diet, 30% less frequently experienced a heart attack.

The result is the replacement of ordinary products with vegetables and fruit is not effective. The main thing is to reduce the calorieness of food used.

2. Myth - per day you need to drink 2 liters of water

2-3 glasses of water per day is enough to maintain the normal water balance of the body. The total amount of water is individually for each: there are 2 liters of water at 66 kg of weight, and certainly depends on humidity:

  • if the humidity is 40%, then 35-40 ml per 1 kg of weight is in winter, when heating,
  • on average humidity 50%, i.e. 30 ml per 1 kg of weight,
  • in summer, humidity is below 40%, it means that water consumption is greater.

For example, during training, you spend a lot of energy and sweat, it means that it is necessary to fill the lack of fluid in the body. Drinking during meals can also be used and even need if the food is solid or dry.

Water balance of the body can be supported both clean water and tea and coffee

According to the latest research, water balance The body can be supported both clean water and tea and coffee. But it is worth drinking 2-3 cups of pure water per day to a total volume of fluid. And remember that the water is not worthwhile.

A nutritionist from the German society for nutrition (DGE) Anatie Gal claims that it is impossible to drink at once too much. It is harmful to kidneys. Drinking should be drunk during the day, in the calculation of 40 ml per kg of body weight.

3. Myth - Vegetarians and Vegans live longer than meatseeds

None of numerous studies have proven that the refusal of meat lengthens life. In addition, vegans (but not vegetarians) are generally more susceptible to fatal diseases: they have higher development chance oncological diseases, noticeably above the level of death from diseases of the vessels of the brain, respiratory system and in general the mortality rate is slightly higher than that of the adherents of the remaining types of food.

Adherents of strict vegans with age are waiting for the lack of iron, zinc, calcium, copper (they can be sufficient in vegetables, but they are poorly absorbed from vegetable food), vitamins A, 2, in 12, D and indispensable amino acids. This leads to dysbioma, hypovitaminosis, protein failure.

There are several varieties of vegetarianism:

  • vegan (elimination of any animal products),
  • lacteganism (the use of dairy products),
  • lactovers (the use of dairy products and eggs).

Strict veganism is not recommended for children, pregnant women, nursing mothers, older people (due to the risk of development of osteoporosis) and women during menopause (due to calcium shortage). Lacoveganism and lactate - more sparing systems, they can be used in low courses (week-two), especially in summer. For example, people with obesity, hypertensive disease, atherosclerosis, gout, urolithiasis With uraturia, chronic renal failure.

Vegetarians use 75-80% of carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables cereals, bread), 10% proteins (nuts dairy products, eggs, legumes) and 10-15% fat (oil, vegetable fats), whereas a person needs at least 30% protein animal origin.

The reason for improving health can be an active lifestyle, refusal of cigarettes and alcohol, but not a vegetarian diet

By comparing mortality rates among vegetarians and supporters of a traditional diet, researchers did not find almost no differences. Exception has become only ischemic disease Hearts (IBS): The number of vegetarians who died from this disease turned out to be somewhat lower than in the case of meat lovers. But the incidence of IBS does not depend on food style, in India, where vegetarians are most, mortality from IBS is one of the highest in the world.

Other studies revealed - the reason for improving health and reduce mortality can be an active lifestyle, refusal to smoking and drinking alcohol, but not a vegetarian diet.

4. Myth - Want to eat right - exclude sweet from the diet

Sweet is not poison and no evil. Glucose needs a brain for normal functioning, but it can be obtained by different methods: you can eat sugar, sugar substitutes, honey, fruit, muesli, carbonated drinks - there is glucose everywhere. The only question is whether you are ready to stay on a pair of lobkov chocolate?

The level of glucose needed for the normal functioning of the brain, CNS, other organs - 70-100 mg in 100 ml of blood. Exceeding says O. pathological conditions, possibly sugar diabetes. All seen on the Internet a comparative picture on the content of sugar in different products and beverages - coola, packaged juices, chocolate bars, oat flakes etc. Our norm is 5-10% sugar per day from the main diet. So you can allow yourself sweet and need, but moderately, and remember that fruits also contain sugar.

Healthy person In moderate doses, sugar does not harm

The American Disease Control and Prevention Center (CDC) conducted a study that has shown that there are no direct evidence that natural sugar or supplements have some kind of unique influence, in comparison with any other calorie source, to develop obesity or diabetes. If you are already suffering from a metabolic violation, it is worth a reduction of sugar intake or refuse it completely. He does not harm a healthy person in moderate doses.

So, what to do, reading the next tips on nutrition, - believe them or not? Of course, when experiencing problems, you need to consult with a specialist and choose the power you need. Remember that your body is alive - he himself gives signals about what he at the moment I want, he himself sends you. Do not rape it. Learn to listen to yourself, and then no myths do not teck you.

About expert

Anna Ivashkevich, A nutritionist, nutritionist, develops food programs.

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