How to activate the pineal gland of the brain. Pineal gland development

Pineal gland activation (Epiphysis) of the third eye, function setting.

The pineal gland (also called the pineal gland, pineal gland, pineal gland, or third eye) is a small endocrine gland in spinal cord... It produces serotonin and melatonin, the first is a broad-acting hormone, and the second is responsible for regulating the state of sleep and wakefulness, as well as for the seasonal rhythms of the body. The size and shape of the pineal gland resembles a tiny pine cone (hence the name) and is located near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres.

The pineal gland is activated by light, so it controls the various biorhythms of the body. It works in conjunction with the hypothalamus, which “turns on” thirst, hunger, sexual desire, and the biological clock that controls the aging process. When pineal gland wakes up, the person can feel the pressure at the base of the brain. To activate the “third eye”, you need to raise the frequency of your vibrations and work on awareness - this experience always passes through the pineal gland, thereby forcing it to work even more actively.

While the physiological function of the pineal gland was unknown until recently, mystical traditions and esoteric schools have long known about this area in the middle of the brain, which is the link between the physical and spiritual worlds. The pineal gland is considered the most powerful and highest source of etheric energy (prana) available to humans. It has always been considered the starting point from which a person could get into his inner world, into the spheres of higher consciousness, and so on. Therefore, the pineal gland was often called the golden gate. Meditation, visualization, yoga, all forms of out-of-body travel open up the third eye and allow you to see the world outside of its physical shell.

Calcification is a blockage of the pineal gland. Fluoride is a dangerous toxin blocking the pineal gland

Calcification is the accumulation of calcium phosphate crystals in certain organs. Calcification of the pineal gland occurs by the age of 17, that is, most MRI results show a lump of calcium in the brain. This is due to the ingestion of artificial substances, such as the fluoride contained in toothpaste and sewage water, due to the use of hormones and chemicals. food additives, sugar and artificial sweeteners; and soda drinks. Many people point out that cell phones harm the pineal gland due to the high concentration of radiation in them.

Benefits of detoxification and revitalization of the pineal gland, third eye, pineal gland

The process of cleansing the body of toxins has a beneficial effect on the pineal gland. It brings clarity, high concentration to the mind, increases intuition, gives a person determination and a sense of joy. Also, many people have noted such positive effects:

- vivid dreams

- lucid dreaming

- investment of access to the astral plane

- improving the quality of sleep

- improving imagination

- the opportunity to see the aura, energy of people

- the ability to see with closed eyes

- purification of subtle energy channels (nadis) and the feeling of the flow of energy in them.

The closed third eye or Ajna chakra in the Hindu tradition is associated with confusion, uncertainty, cynicism, pessimism, jealousy and envy.

How to remove calcium phosphate deposits from the pineal gland? Methods for activating the third eye, pineal gland, pineal gland stimulation

A pineal gland filled with crystalline calcium deposits can be compared to a large door with a lock on it. Despite the fact that at the moment this door is still impossible to get through, it is always inside and waiting for someone to open it. With the help of daily practices, it can be hacked. Below are the main methods with which you can start working on the pineal gland:

Pineal gland activation

1 ... Avoid products containing fluoride. These include: tap water and cooking with tap water, toothpaste with fluoride, inorganic vegetables and fruits, showering under dirty water, red meat, as well as any carbonated drinks and artificial foods. If you find it difficult to do everything at the same time, just add healthy foods gradually.

2. Consume pineal detoxifying and stimulants: Chlorella Spirulina, seaweed, iodine, zeolite, ginseng, omega 3.

3. Enter with your diet following products: raw cocoa, cilantro, watermelon, bananas, honey, coconut oil, hemp seeds, seaweed.

4. Use aromatic oils to stimulate the pineal gland and alleviate the general state of mind. They also help with meditation and various other practices. It is recommended to use lavender, sandalwood, incense, pine, lotus, wormwood. Oils can be inhaled, lit in special lamps, sprayed or added to the bathroom.

5. Eat lemons. pineal gland activation

6. Eat garlic. pineal gland activation

7. Eat raw apple vinegar... pineal gland activation

8. Make it a habit to look at the sun for 15 minutes immediately after sunrise and at sunset every day.

9. Meditate and chant mantras regularly. Singing causes a resonance in the nose and this resonance makes the pineal gland work. The more often it is excited, the more youth hormones are released into your body. The sound “OM” resonates with the fourth chakra, known as the center of the heart, or the seat of Unconditional Love. Repetition of OM opens the way for you to the universal and cosmic consciousness. You can repeat it for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or any other amount of time.

10. Use aids such as crystals: amethyst, laser quartz, moonstone, purple sapphire, tourmaline, rhodonite, sodalite. In general, any natural stone of blue, indigo or purple colors can be used to activate the pineal gland, as well as work on Ajna and Sahasrara. Take a stone and place it between your eyebrows for 15 minutes. Try to look at him with your eyes closed. Maintain extreme concentration for 15 minutes. It is very good if you can do this under direct access to the sun - then its rays will pass through the stone into the pineal gland, moreover, it will be easier to concentrate on the light.

11. Use magnets to detoxify. Just place it between your eyebrows for a few hours. They attract alkali and thus remove calcium crystals from the pineal gland.

12. With care, you can use natural entheogens such as

October 24th, 2014

- a small body that performs endocrine function and is an integral part of the photo endocrine system... The pineal gland, pineal gland, or pineal gland are all synonymous with the pineal gland. Hello dear readers! Today I want to tell you about one very interesting organ, which interests not only scientists, but also healers, psychics and other specialists in esoteric sciences.

The pineal gland is located in the very center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, which indicates the importance of this organ for human body... It is often called an appendage of the brain, which has a triangular-oval shape, slightly flattened in the anteroposterior direction.

How does the pineal gland work?

Galen was the first to describe the anatomy of the pineal gland. He, based on the fact that this organ is located near the great cerebral vein, put forward the assumption that the pineal gland is a regulator of the activity of the lymph glands.

The pineal gland in its size in an adult reaches 1-1.2 cm, weighing up to 0.25 g. In children, the size of this organ is usually slightly smaller than in adults. The pineal gland has a grayish-pink color, which can sometimes change, depending on the filling blood vessels... The pineal gland is characterized by a slightly rough surface and a slightly compacted texture.

Located in the groove of the midbrain, from above it is covered with a capsule, which is an interlacing of many blood vessels. The pineal gland consists of small cells with a small amount of cytoplasm with dark nuclei, as well as cells with light nuclei, which produce hormones such as serotonin, melatonin and adrenoglomerulotropin, which enter the blood directly.

The physiology of the pineal gland has not yet been sufficiently studied, which is explained by the small size of the organ. For some time, scientists had no reason to believe that the pineal gland is an endocrine organ internal secretion... In 1958, Lerner scientifically proved the existence of an organ, thanks to melatonin, which causes the accumulation of melanin grains around the nuclei of melanocytes. These studies made it possible to recognize the pineal gland as an organ of internal secretion, the secret of which is melatonin.

For a long time, the pineal gland was compared with the soul by many scientists. Metaphysicist Rene Descartes called the pineal gland the "saddle of the soul", giving it a special place in the anatomy of the human body.

What is the pineal gland for?

The pineal gland performs a number of very important functions in the human body:

  • Influence on the pituitary gland, suppressing its work.

  • Stimulating immunity.

  • Prevents stress

Pineal cells exert a direct inhibitory effect on the pituitary gland before puberty. In addition, they take part in almost all metabolic processes in the body.

This organ is closely connected with the nervous system: all light impulses that the eyes receive, before reaching the brain, travel through the pineal gland. Under the influence of light in the daytime, the pineal gland is suppressed, and in the dark, its work is activated and the secretion of the hormone melatonin begins.

The hormone melatonin is a derivative of serotonin, which is a key biologically active substance of the circadian system, that is, the system responsible for the body's circadian rhythms. I will tell you more about this hormone in the next article.

The pineal gland is also responsible for immunity. With age, it atrophies, significantly decreasing in size. Atrophy of the pineal gland is also caused by exposure to fluoride, which was proven by the doctor Jennifer Luke. She found that an excess of fluoride causes early puberty, often provokes the formation of cancer, and its large amount in the body can cause genetic abnormalities during fetal development during pregnancy. Excessive use of fluoride can have such detrimental effects on the body: DNA disruption, tooth decay and loss, obesity.

When studying this hormone, the subjects had only a mild sedative (sedative) effect, but the hypnotic effect of melatonin was easily overcome, in contrast to hypnotics such as phenozepam, relanium, etc. Therefore, it is so important to get enough sleep for the body to replenish energy the next day, and you need to sleep in complete darkness.

Pineal Gland - "Third Eye"

Proponents of such a science as yoga, as well as other esoteric sciences, believe that the pineal gland is the third eye, which, in their opinion, is the center of human consciousness. This organ of the endocrine system is developed from birth and, with its further activation, can lead to the manifestation of such capabilities as clairvoyance and telepathy.

Based on the interpretation of scientists, representatives of esoteric sciences, enlightenment cannot come without activating the activity of the pineal gland. It is known that the Buddha attained enlightenment by sitting under the Bo tree, which contained a large amount of serotonin.

Plato in his works often talked about another reality that appears, going beyond the one that is given to a person by his sensations. He argued that such a process becomes possible only in those situations when human consciousness is completely turned off.

Leonardo da Vinci spoke about the existence of a mysterious organ, which he called the soul of the human body. In his opinion, he was responsible for the possibility of communication between man and God.

The pineal gland is called the third eye because this organ is activated by light pulses emanating from the eyes. In addition, it resembles an eye - it rotates like eyeball, and in its structure, the pineal gland has the rudiments of the lens and receptors that allow the perception of light impulses, however, they remained underdeveloped. Yoga followers associate it with the sixth chakra, the so-called Ajna. They consider this organ to be asleep, by activating the activity of which, one can develop clairvoyance abilities.

Pineal gland diseases

The pineal gland, being an organ of internal secretion, is directly involved in the metabolism of phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium. It is believed that its extract contains an antihypothalamic factor, which has an inhibitory effect on the gonadotropic hormones, and less on the growth hormone, thyrotropic and adrenocorticotropic hormones.

It also has a hormone-like effect, which is why any disturbances in the activity of the pineal gland inevitably lead to deviations in the functioning of the genital sphere of the human body.

The most common disease caused by a violation of the activity of the pineal gland is early macrogenitosomy - an ailment in which premature sexual and physical development is observed. In boys, such changes occur up to 10-11 years, in girls - up to 9. Moreover, quite often this disease is also accompanied by a pronounced mental retardation child. The reason for the manifestation of macrogenitosomy is mainly pineal gland tumors - teratoma, sarcoma, cyst, and infectious granulomas often lead to such changes.

The disease develops very slowly, patients become sleepy and lethargic, they develop apathy, an overly excitable state is observed. They usually have the following physiological characteristics: short stature, short limbs, well-developed muscles. In boys, spermatogenesis occurs prematurely, an increase in the penis and testicles is observed, in girls, premature menstruation.

The nervous system also suffers - some pathological changes occur, intracranial pressure rises, resulting in severe headaches, mainly in the occipital region, often with dizziness and vomiting.

The hormones secreted by the pineal gland not only act as a barrier to stress and many diseases, but also slow down the aging process. Treatment of diseases of the pineal gland begins after a thorough study of the clinical picture and after confirming the diagnosis by examining analyzes.

In case of any violations and the presence of neoplasms in the brain area, the patient must regularly visit the doctor's office for a complete examination. Drug treatment tumors are aimed at eliminating the causes of their formation. Such neoplasms can remain without interfering with full-fledged human life. Sometimes tumors are removed, an indication for this surgical intervention frequent and severe pain becomes.

Effects of serotonin on the body

Several decades ago, scientists from the St. Petersburg Institute of Gerontology and Bioregulation conducted experiments using serotonin. The purpose of such actions was to determine the effect of this pineal gland hormone on a living organism. The study was carried out on old monkeys, as a result of which they are noticeably younger. Thus, it has been proven that the pineal gland, when properly functioning, has a rejuvenating effect on the body, slowing down the aging process.

Pineal Gland Activation

It is believed that a set of exercises will help develop and activate the pineal gland. To carry out such activities, you need to choose a calm place, turn on meditative music, light an aroma lamp, which will contribute to complete relaxation.

It is necessary to sit down, take a comfortable posture, relax, and, closing your eyes, imagine what is beyond the limits of human consciousness. Such recommendations are given by the famous Master Kirael, whose teaching is based on the close interaction of each person with his own mental screen, which is achieved by using the prana breathing technique.

Development of the pineal gland in children

Currently, there are many versions of who the Indigo children are and how they differ from ordinary children. This term was coined by scientists working on the development of paranormal abilities from a very early age. When studying the aura of such children, they found that it has a dark blue color - the color of Indigo. It is considered the color of energy, which is new for our planet, which is a source of goodness, health, power and vitality.

Indigo children are extraordinary personalities with unusual abilities that are not characteristic of a person in such early age... The reason for this process lies in the development of the pineal gland, located in the region of the eyebrow chakra. Psychics claim that it is she who is responsible for a person's ability to telepathy and clairvoyance.

Thus, there is still a lot of unexplored and incomprehensible in the true functions of the pineal gland, but scientists are working very intensively and perhaps we will learn something new and interesting about this gland.

The pineal gland is a part of the diencephalon, which is part of the nervous and endocrine system. This gland has a small volume and weight. The shape of the pineal gland resembles a pine cone, which is why the other name for the organ is "pineal gland". The anatomical location of the pineal gland in the brain connects it with the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and the third ventricle.

The formation of the pineal gland begins from the 5th week of intrauterine development. The cells of the pineal gland of the fetus demonstrate hormonal activity already in the first and second trimester of pregnancy.

Pineal gland: functions

The pineal gland regulates the activity of the endocrine system... Its cells are associated with the receiving part of the organ of vision. The pineal gland reacts to ambient light. The onset of darkness causes the activation of its work.

In the evening and at night, the blood supply to the pineal gland increases sharply. During this period, hormone-active cells of the gland secrete and secrete a large amount of biologically active substances. Hormone production peaks between midnight and early morning.

Functions of pineal gland hormones:

  • inhibition of the activity of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus at night;
  • harmonization of the daily rhythm of sleep and wakefulness;
  • decrease in nervous excitement;
  • hypnotic effect;
  • normalization of vascular tone;
  • physiological suppression of the reproductive system in childhood.

Basic biologically active substance pineal gland - hormone melatonin... In addition, pineal gland cells secrete arginine-vasotocin, adrenoglomerulotropin, neurophysins, and a vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. The pineal gland also produces neurotransmitters such as serotonin.

Melatonin secretion

The pineal gland melatonin function is extremely important for human health. This substance is formed by a complex chemical conversion of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Indirectly, the concentration of secretion in the blood affects the level of melatonin. But this dependence can be traced only in the dark.

During the day, much less melatonin is produced in the brain. If the total amount of the hormone per day is considered 100%, then only 25% is produced during daylight hours.

It is known that the nights are longer in winter, so in the natural environment the level of melatonin is higher during the cold season.

But modern man lives in conditions far from natural. The presence of artificial lighting allows you to rest and work at night. Of course, by prolonging daylight hours, a person puts his health at a certain risk.

Daily shifts, staying awake after midnight, and getting up late help suppress the secretion of melatonin in the pineal gland of the brain.

Ultimately, these changes can lead to the development of diseases associated with the function of the pineal gland.

It is believed that insomnia, depression, hypertonic disease, obesity, diabetes Type 2 and other serious pathologies can be the result of disorders of the pineal gland.

The pineal gland: diseases and their treatments

A decrease in the secretion of pineal gland hormones can be caused by:

  • functional disorders;
  • congenital malformations;
  • serious diseases of the brain.

Functional disorders are relatively easy to overcome with the help of adherence to the daily regimen and treatment of concomitant diseases. An important condition for the normalization of the production of melatonin and other hormones of the pineal gland is sufficient night sleep and a balanced diet.

Congenital epiphysis defects are rare. Underdevelopment (hypoplasia) of the pineal gland may be asymptomatic, and may cause complaints in children and their parents. One of the signs of a lack of pineal hormones in childhood is premature sexual development.

Serious diseases affecting the pineal gland, at any age:

Volumetric neoplasms have clinical picture with a size of more than 3 cm.Patients are worried about a strong constant headache, decreased vision. Doctors diagnose the tumor after a CT scan or magnetic resonance imaging. Large neoplasms require surgical treatment... After removal of the pathological tissue, it is carried out histological examination... If oncology is confirmed, then the patient's treatment continues. Experts recommend radiation or chemotherapy.

Pineal hemorrhage can occur at any age. The most common cause of this vascular catastrophe is atherosclerosis. In addition, a stroke can be caused by anatomical congenital features (aneurysms). The diagnosis of hemorrhage is established by tomography of the brain. Treatment is carried out by neurologists and other specialists. The scope of therapy depends on which other parts of the central nervous system have suffered from the stroke.

Prevention of Pineal Gland Diseases

The development of some diseases of the pineal gland can be prevented.

Functional disorders of the pineal gland are more common in adulthood. To eliminate the risk of such diseases, it is necessary healthy image life and adequate sleep. The diet should include foods rich in the amino acid-precursor of melatonin (tryptophan).

To reduce the risk congenital anomaly the structure of the pineal gland of the expectant mother should avoid harmful industrial influences, viral diseases, alcohol and nicotine during pregnancy.

The causes of oncological and benign neoplastic processes in the brain are not fully understood. Prevention of pineal gland neoplasms can be considered the exclusion of X-ray exposure to the head and neck area.

Helps reduce the risk of ischemic stroke and pineal hemorrhage modern treatment atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Epiphysis - the pineal gland, located in the center of the brain, at the point of intersection of two straight lines drawn through the point of the third eye (horizontal line) and through the crown of the head (vertical line).

The pineal gland in the body is considered the main regulator, it produces the hormone melatonin, which protects the body from free radicals, and therefore protects it from cancer, AIDS and other misfortunes. Melatonin soothes nervous system and contributes to the retention of Consciousness at the alpha level, and also slows down aging!

With age, the level of melatonin in the body decreases, hence the decrease in immunity, the occurrence of senile changes in the body, aging.

The state of the pineal gland is directly related to the level of spiritual development, the Evolution of Consciousness, to the extent to which we are connected with God by our thoughts. If this is not the case, then the pineal gland, not receiving the pure energies of God, changes its function and atrophies, and the level of melatonin in the body decreases. The pituitary gland, the thyroid and thymus glands are immediately disconnected from the hormonal metabolic processes of the body. Pathological processes develop like an avalanche - the body turns on the self-destruction mechanism!

The pineal gland directly shows how expanded the sphere of Consciousness in which a person lives. Such a phenomenon as extrasensory perception depends on the work of this gland. If it is developed properly, a person no longer needs physical sensations, because the channel of direct perception gives much more information. A person may be physically blind and deaf, but with the help of the pineal gland he can see and hear much more than "healthy" people.

You, dear reader, obviously noticed that the book does not contain a list of diseases that can be cured with the help of our System, although absolutely all diseases of the body and spirit can be safely included in this list! We do not touch upon the scourge of Mankind - such formidable diseases as cancer, AIDS and many others that have fallen into the category of incurable diseases. The fact is that the health and condition of the physical body completely depend on our thoughts and Consciousness, which on the physical plane are realized through the pineal gland. Working with the pineal gland helps ensure an adequate supply of melatonin to the body, which strengthens and restores everything metabolic processes and immunity. Thus, both cancer and AIDS disappear by themselves.

American scientists, studying AIDS, noticed that as soon as a person changes his spiritual orientation, mentally turning to God, AIDS loses its activity. Note, even with such insignificant work on yourself!

And if a person is actively working on the development of his Consciousness, disconnects from the karmic influence, then any disease, including such "incurable" ones as cancer and AIDS, recedes from him. Medicines for these diseases will never be invented, because all the listed processes in the body can only be turned on and regulated by the person himself!

All this is confirmed by practice. Incurable diseases, especially AIDS, are not just diseases of the Spirit, they testify to the extreme degree of spiritual degradation and human poverty. Even if he is an academician. This frail contingent is distinguished by a firm belief that they are accidentally, innocent victims, and now they are obliged to save them. But you cannot save from Karma, you can only save yourself from it !!

The secret of all newfangled trends and ancient teachings lies only in the fact that, while doing them, a person inevitably "turns his face" to his body, to some extent establishes with it feedback! Therefore, one must thank not the Guru or the Tibetan monk, but his body for the fact that, in spite of everything, he is still alive and managed to maintain his sensitivity.

Our union with God (practical, not theoretical, ritual), with our Higher "I", the correct orientation of thoughts, the presence of Consciousness at the alpha level and constant evolutionary development are able to protect against any misfortune, even radiation. What is radiation or cancer with AIDS for this protection? Nothing!

It has been established that when a person reaches the age of puberty, the thymus gland (thymus) delegates a number of its functions to the genitals. Among them is the maintenance of the body in a young state. The gland itself retains the function of maintaining immunity. Immunity is nothing more than maintaining the energy saturation of the entire organism, its organs, tissues and cells themselves. It is the ability of cells to generate enough energy.

The state of the thymus gland completely depends on the state of the pineal gland, and its state entirely depends on the development of our Consciousness! If during puberty the child has not formed the correct worldview, has not learned to orient his thoughts towards God, has not chosen the path of further Evolution and does not make attempts to free his Consciousness from stereotypes (Skills raised to dogma), his pineal gland begins to degrade, as it were, dry out. Following this, the thymus gland decreases in size and dries out, which leads to a decrease in immunity! The aging process begins, chronic diseases develop.

It is for this reason that all adults and very young people have a dried out thymus gland, which is regarded by medicine as a standard healthy body... In fact, the body of a spiritually undeveloped person declares its inconsistency to the Subtle World and turns on a self-liquidator, because, like a cell of the Organism of the Universe, it degenerates into a cancerous one and poses a threat to it!

Fortunately, this process has the opposite effect. If a person begins to grow spiritually, to evolve, then both the pineal gland and the thymus gland begin to regenerate. At a certain stage, the thymus gland again takes on the function of maintaining the body in a young, healthy state. The man is getting younger, his years have gone back!

To achieve such a state when your thoughts are constantly directed to God, you need to learn how to distribute their concentration between the business you are doing (let it be gymnastics, creative work, study, or something else) and God. Let's say you are learning something. Study can mean for you as an opportunity to increase your earnings, achieve a certain position in society (or something else), that is, now your thought, Consciousness are aimed at meeting personal needs.

Change your point of view! Mentally tell yourself: I am studying this subject in order to become a more literate person, in order to achieve a certain position in society. This will help me to better realize the evolutionary processes of my development - in achieving unity with God! Direct your thought to God, feel the joy and desire to serve Him, to live in harmony with Him!

If you are engaged in health, then set yourself the task that, having achieved youth, health, a perfect physical body, you will become more capable of carrying out your Evolution, in achieving unity with God! Direct your thought to God! Do this procedure as often as possible.

Reading the attitudes from the System, fill them with your thought! Mood is an instrument of your thought, a set of certain words, sounds! You can pronounce words "on the machine", as they say, "spank your lips." But attitudes, prayers, healing sounds should be filled with meaning, that is, while reading the mood, you should focus on the organ you are working with, and thoughts should focus on the words and sounds you utter.

Otherwise, the mood loses its therapeutic effect! It's not technology that works, your thought works! Therefore, fill all your actions with thought, attention, do everything consciously. According to the Laws of Nature, vital energy is transferred to the organ on which our attention is focused.

Everything we do in the System has a clear goal - to restore feedback between Consciousness and subconsciousness, between the brain hemispheres, between the brain and organs, tissues, systems, every cell of the body! We are learning to restore feedback with our Higher Self, with all Levels of the Universe, and, of course, with God. Only by restoring this multiple feedback, a person can consider himself to be fulfilled - a harmonized Personality, capable of observing the main Law of the Universe - the Law of Unity. Only then does he become completely safe for the Universe, which means he is able to benefit Him!

It is this state that is called Eternal Bliss, heavenly delight and, if you like, true love and happiness! Because happiness is when you are understood, and true happiness is when everyone understands you, and you understand everyone! Now think about what such happiness can be said, “understanding” everyone and everything in the volume of two to five percent, and, accordingly, receiving in response an understanding in the same, more than meager volume! There is no need to talk about love.

In this case, as you understand, you have to say goodbye to the very idea of \u200b\u200bpriority, hegemony or superiority of the human Soul over the Souls of other beings.

Scientists speculate that the aging process begins in the pineal gland due to diminishing production of melatonin. The hormone itself has antioxidant properties that help fight aging-causing free radicals.

Before moving on to energy practices, we need an uninterrupted vessel with a gland "capacity" of 40 hertz and higher. We remind you that the "standard person" has a resonant frequency of the pineal gland of only 7 hertz. You just physically will not be able to resonate 40 hertz if the “apparatus” in this case, your pineal gland is not ready for this from a biological point of view.

Nine steps in the development of the pineal gland (pineal gland).

Step one: observe the circadian rhythms.

Research shows that those who go to bed early, around 10 p.m. and get up at dawn, produce the most melatonin during the night and feel more energized and more energized the next day. But sleeping at night is only one half of the task. The second is to receive as much light as possible during daylight hours. Arrange yourself workplace by a large window and spend part of the daytime outdoors every day.

Step two: eat foods rich in melatonin.

Some of the richest sources include oats, corn cobs, rice, barley, as well as tomatoes and bananas. Carbohydrates help the body produce melatonin through a special amino acid called tryptophan. You should stick to a vegetarian diet, as protein foods, especially meat, saturate the blood with a lot of amino acids that compete with tryptophan for the right to enter the brain. High-carbohydrate foods - bread, potatoes, pasta - trigger an insulin injection that drives these competitors out. Vitamins. Some of them increase the production of melatonin - for example, vitamins B3 and B6 (the latter are deficient in the elderly). A lot of vitamin B3 is found in dried apricots, sunflower seeds, whole grains of wheat, barley. B6 can be obtained from carrots, hazelnuts, soybeans, lentils.

Step three: guard your melatonin.

Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine - each of them can disrupt the normal production of the hormone. Some medicines have the same effect. If you are constantly taking any medications, try to find out if they have an effect on your melatonin levels.

Step four: watch out for electromagnetic pollution.

Electromagnetic fields very strongly affect the work of the pineal gland - up to the suspension of the production of melatonin. Their main sources are computers, copiers, televisions, power lines, as well as poorly insulated wiring and even heated floors and certainly mobile phones. Electromagnetic fields negate the anti-cancer activity of melatonin, so limit your daily contact with them whenever possible.

Step five: take care of the pineal gland.

Over time, this gland undergoes a so-called calcification process, and its productivity decreases. To prevent this, eat a plant-based diet rich in antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. Avoid fatty foods and never smoke.

Step six: do yoga asanas.

Asanas have a refining effect on our body and mind and free it from gross patterns of thinking. The best asana for the pineal gland is the hare pose (Shashaungasana), which puts pressure on the crown of the head and directly stimulates the upper chakra and pineal gland. By increasing the production of melatonin, this asana brings calmness to the mind and also enhances memory and concentration.

Step Seven: Shiva's Clock

Melatonin release begins at sunset and reaches its peak at midnight, when the body and mind are most introspective. For thousands of years, yogis have taught that the best time for meditation - from 12 to 3 in the morning, this time is called "Shiva's hours". At this time, you can experience complete immersion of the mind inside, inner peace and deep meditation.

Step Eight: New Moon.

Once a month on New Moon, the pineal gland produces a relatively large amount of melatonin. A person experiences a feeling of bliss and inner joy if he maintains purity and sublimity of the mind. During this time, melatonin washes all the glands and makes the mind calm and directed inward. If a person's mind is involved in gross or directed at external objects of thought, then melatonin simply burns out and a person cannot survive the refining effect that it has on all the glands of the endocrine system and on the mind. Therefore, many yogis on this day abstain from food and water and perform many spiritual practices, introverting, purifying and uplifting their consciousness.

Step nine: meditate regularly.

It has been found that daily meditation practice directly affects the pineal gland, pituitary gland and hypothalamus, and balances energy flows in the right and left brain hemispheres. The production of melatonin, as well as of other hormones in the brain, is increased, which leads to the achievement of perfect emotional control. The practice that most effectively develops the pineal gland and the upper chakra is called dhyana, the 6th lesson of Ananda Marga meditation, which deals with concentration and visualization on this gland. The pineal gland indirectly controls all the glands and chakras below - all 50 human inclinations, such as fear, jealousy, greed, love and attachment, etc. Therefore, one who can control the pineal gland and the upper chakra can completely control both body and mind.

With these norms and lifestyle, you will prepare your pineal gland for further practical developments and, in fact, for exercises to open the third eye.

Healing Touch


Development of the pineal gland.Pineal gland.
It is also called the pineal gland or pineal gland.

And precisely as a result of the work of the pineal gland in about in renewed conditions, in other words, changes in the wave frequency, a person's spiritual vision opens, or, as they call in the East, the Third Eye.

A person not only changes internally, he opens a storehouse of real knowledge, the realities of the higher worlds.

It is the pineal gland that contains information matrices, a kind of holograms, which store information about everything that concerns a given individual, including about his previous lives.

This is the most secret memory safe, which has a double fireproof bottom, since it is also a chakran.

Everything that you see during your life, feel, experience, in general, all your internal and external is fixed precisely in the pineal gland.

From a scientific point of view, the functional significance of the pineal gland for humans has not been sufficiently studied so far.

The secretory cells of the pineal gland secrete into the blood the hormone melatonin, synthesized from serotonin, which is involved in the synchronization of circadian rhythms (biorhythms "sleep - wakefulness").

Scientists speculate that the aging process begins in the pineal gland due to diminishing production of melatonin.

This hormone itself has antioxidant properties that help fight aging-causing free radicals.

Nine steps to finding melatonin

... Step one: observe the circadian rhythms.

Research shows that those who go to bed early, around 10 p.m. and get up at dawn, produce the most melatonin during the night and feel more energized and functional the next day.

But sleeping at night is only one half of the task.

The second is to receive as much light as possible during daylight hours. Set up a workplace by a large window and spend part of the day outdoors in the open air every day.

... Step two: eat foods rich in melatonin.

Some of the richest sources include oats, corn cobs, rice, barley, as well as tomatoes and bananas. Carbohydrates help the body produce melatonin through a special amino acid called tryptophan.

You should follow a vegetarian diet, as protein foods, especially meat, saturate the blood with a large number of amino acids that compete with tryptophan for the right to enter the brain.

High-carbohydrate foods - bread, potatoes, pasta - provoke an insulin injection that drives these competitors out.Vitamins. Some of them increase the production of melatonin - for example, vitamins B3 and B6 (the latter are deficient in the elderly).

A lot of vitamin B3 is found in dried apricots, sunflower seeds, whole grains of wheat, barley. B6 can be obtained from carrots, hazelnuts, soybeans, lentils.... Step three: guard your melatonin.

Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine - each of them can undermine the normal production of the hormone. Some medicines have the same effect. If you are constantly taking any medications, try to find out if they have an effect on your melatonin levels.

... Step four: watch out for electromagnetic pollution.

Electromagnetic fields have a profound effect on the pineal gland, up to and including the interruption of melatonin production.

The main sources are computers, copiers, televisions, power lines, as well as poorly insulated wiring and even heated floors and certainly mobile phones.

Electromagnetic fields negate the anti-cancer activity of melatonin, so limit your daily contact with them whenever possible.

... Step five: take care of the pineal gland.

Over time, this gland undergoes a so-called calcification process, and its productivity decreases. To prevent this, eat a plant-based diet rich in antioxidants that neutralize free radicals.

Avoid fatty foods and never smoke.

... Step six: do yoga asanas.
Asanas have a refining effect on our body and mind and free it from gross patterns of thinking.

The best asana for the pineal gland is the hare pose (Shashaungasana), which puts pressure on the crown of the head and directly stimulates the upper chakra and pineal gland.

By increasing the production of melatonin, this asana brings calmness to the mind and also enhances memory and concentration.

... Step Seven: Shiva's Clock
Melatonin release begins at sunset and reaches its peak at midnight, when the body and mind are most introspective.

For thousands of years, yogis have taught that the best time to meditate is from 12 to 3 in the morning, this time is called "Shiva's hours." At this time, you can experience complete immersion of the mind inside, inner peace and deep meditation..

Step Eight: New Moon.

Once a month on New Moon, the pineal gland produces a relatively large amount of melatonin. A person experiences a feeling of bliss and inner joy if he maintains purity and sublimity of the mind.

During this time, melatonin washes all the glands and makes the mind calm and directed inward.

If a person's mind is involved in gross or directed at external objects of thought, then melatonin simply burns out and a person cannot survive the refining effect that it has on all the glands of the endocrine system and on the mind.

Therefore, many yogis on this day abstain from food and water and perform many spiritual practices, introverting, purifying and uplifting their consciousness.

... Step nine: meditate regularly.
It has been found that daily meditation practice directly affects the pineal gland, pituitary gland and hypothalamus, and balances energy flows in the right and left brain hemispheres.

The production of melatonin, as well as of other hormones in the brain, is increased, which leads to the achievement of perfect emotional control.

The practice that most effectively develops the pineal gland and the upper chakra is called dhyana, the 6th lesson of Ananda Marga meditation, which deals with concentration and visualization on this gland.

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