Simple hyperopic astigmatism in both eyes. Why does hyperopic astigmatism occur and how is it treated? Complex hyperopic astigmatism: treatment

In children, this is not a disease at all, but a kind of refractive disorder of the visual organ. But if it is not considered a disease, this does not mean that astigmatism poses no threat. By itself, its manifestation can be characterized as a violation of the shape of the cornea or deformation of the lens. The task of the parents is to immediately take the baby to a specialist at the first suspicion of an illness. Timely treatment of complex hyperopic astigmatism in children is the key to success.


Due to the fact that light is refracted, the focus of the object that is displayed in front of the eyes is reflected not on the retina itself, but either in front of or behind it. When a child has hyperopic astigmatism, all objects that he sees in front of him appear slightly blurry or they change shape slightly. You can show this with the following example: the picture shows a point, and the child thinks that an oval or even an ordinary dash is drawn. Such a deviation is treatable, and the sooner it becomes known about it and the treatment procedures begin, the faster everything will go away.

It is important to say that a large number of children are already born with this ailment, but it manifests itself in them in mild form and, as a rule, before they reach the age of one year, it practically disappears on its own. This is usually called physiological.

But most often the disease is inherited. It can be detected at a very early age, especially if an experienced ophthalmologist is involved, he will see the disease at a very young age, before the child reaches one year. Hereditary hyperopic astigmatism is provoked due to the fact that the cornea or the shape of the lens has been disturbed. If the pathology was acquired during the child's life, then it could have formed when some kind of injury to the visual organ was previously received, there was a slight dislocation of the lens, or deviations in the development of the teeth were found, due to which a change in the shape of the eye walls occurred.


It is easiest to determine this pathology in a schoolchild rather than in a young child. The kid does not realize that he has a vision problem, and makes almost no complaints, and the parents do not notice anything for a long period.

The following symptoms of hyperopic astigmatism in children can be noted:

  1. Inability to read text, to see an object up close.
  2. Lack of focus on the subject.
  3. Blurry of the picture.
  4. Frequent tension, eye fatigue.
  5. Dizziness.

The kid may refuse to read or write and complains of a headache. In some cases, he may slightly deflect his head in order to consider objects of interest to him. If parents saw one of these indicators in their baby, you need to consult an ophthalmologist.


As you know, astigmatism in most cases is hereditary disease, which means that it can be diagnosed and treated at early, unreleased stages. In addition, by the age of one year, astigmatic manifestations may go away on their own as they grow older.

Another factor affecting the favorable prognosis of the therapy for astigmatism is that the formation of the organs of vision takes place until about 18 years of age, and before this period there is still an opportunity to correct the problems with a sparing conservative method. correctional and drug therapy is carried out. However, it is aimed more at eliminating symptoms and improving visual acuity, while the disease itself is not cured. You can completely get rid of this pathology surgically at the end of the formation of the eyeball.

Modern medical practice offers the following treatments for complex and simple forms of hyperopic astigmatism.

Vision correction measures

They consist in the selection of glasses with cylindrical lenses by the attending ophthalmologist, which direct the focus of the light beam directly onto the retina. At the initial stage of wearing glasses, the child may experience some discomfort, consisting in a little dizziness, headache. But if the glasses are chosen correctly, then after a couple of weeks these symptoms disappear, and the child gets used to wearing glasses. At the same time, of course, the glasses are not entirely convenient and comfortable for children, they complicate the process of outdoor games, reduce peripheral vision, and quickly tire the eyesight. But the application of more convenient contact lenses permissible only after the baby reaches the age of ten.

Hardware gymnastics

Along the way, with vision correction with glasses, the ophthalmologist recommends using another method of treating hyperopic astigmatism in children. Namely, to attend classes in apparatus gymnastics with the child, where the child's eyes are trained and corrected in an entertaining, playful way with the help of special exercises, as well as on modern equipment.

Medication treatment

Drug therapy complex hyperopic astigmatization of both eyes in children consists in additional enrichment (nutrition) of the organs of vision with the help of special eye drops... Among the most popular and prescribed, the following are most often listed:

  • "Emoxipin" - eye drops with antioxidant properties, which also strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • "Quinax" - prevents lens clouding.

It is important to note here that the choice medications, their dosage is determined exclusively by the attending physician, self-medication in this case, as in many others, is unacceptable.


As a rule, most often, hyperopic astigmatism in children is complicated by amblyopia. This is a condition when the brain does not record blurred vision from the eye affected by astigmatism, and gradually the visual acuity in this eye decreases markedly. It is necessary to correct this condition early childhood, it is then that treatment can give a positive prognosis. Otherwise, this pathology cannot be corrected even by surgery.

Amblyopia treatment

The modern hardware techniques mentioned above help to cope with amblyopia, including:

  • exposure to the eye with color, light or electromagnetic waves;
  • laser stimulation of the retina;
  • instrumental training on the "Amblicor" ophthalmic equipment;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • the most, perhaps, the simplest way is gluing for a while healthy eye bandage or tape.

Asthenopia as a complication

Another complication of complex hyperopic astigmatism in children is rapid fatigue, which appears after any visual strain and manifests itself as vague and blurred objects, sharp eyes, and decreased visual acuity. Such conditions are removed with the help of analogs of Atropine eye drops, but with a lower concentration suitable for children. To prevent asthenopia, it is important to give proper attention to eye gymnastics.

Further tasks

As the child grows up, it becomes clear whether the manifestations of hyperopic astigmatism have been properly corrected using the above methods or the pathology is in a progressive stage that threatens with loss of vision.

If significant results were not achieved, when the child reaches the age of 16-18, a decision is made on surgical correction astigmatism. Modern medical practice offers the following techniques surgical treatment astigmatism:

  • corneal surface correction using laser thermokeratoplasty;
  • correction of hyperopic astigmatism using laser keratomileusis;
  • the implementation of point moxibustion during thermocoagulation.

Vision pathology, in which instead of a spherical surface the cornea and lens of the eye are deformed along different axesis called astigmatism.

Among all types of this disease, cases of a combination of changes in the shape of the eye with hyperopia or myopia are more difficult to correct.

Farsighted or hyperopic astigmatism is characterized by the fact that some of the rays are focused behind the retina, due to which there is a blurring of the image and a decrease in visual acuity.

Types of hyperopic astigmatism: direct, reverse, oblique

Disturbance of image clarity can be traced only along one meridian, on the second, vision remains normal. In this case, we are talking about simple hyperopic astigmatism... This variant of the disease lends itself well to correction.

Complex hyperopic astigmatismcharacterized by visual impairment of varying degrees along all meridians. It is more difficult to correct this type of disease.

By the predominance of the leading meridian, three types of hyperopic astigmatism:

  • straight - the vertical axis refracts the rays more strongly than the horizontal one;
  • back- the leading is the horizontal meridian;
  • oblique- the main axes are located not perpendicular to each other, but diagonally.


Main complaints- blurry image and double vision. Failure to focus leads to attempts to restore clarity by squinting, tension of the eye muscles. Because of this, migraines and dizziness occur. Gradually, visual acuity decreases, binocularity is lost (perception of a volumetric image with both eyes).

A person is not able to perform minor work, actions that require visual concentration. Eye fatigue leads to irritability, nervousness.

Photo 1. How a person sees with normal vision (left) and with astigmatism (right). With a disease, the picture is indistinct, blurry.

With high degrees of astigmatism amblyopia may develop - suppression of the image from the eye, the visual acuity in which is lower.

Important! Hyperopic astigmatism is often found in newborns. With the further growth and development of the baby, the shape the cornea becomes spherical, the symptoms of the disease disappear.

The causes of the disease

Complex hyperopic astigmatism in 90% of cases - a congenital disease. A mother with such an anomaly in the structure of the eye is likely to have a child with a similar disorder. Also suggest the role of adverse factors affecting the fetus during pregnancy: alcohol, drugs, smoking, drugs... In rare cases, trauma and scarring after surgical interventions.


Given that the first signs appear from birth, it is not so easy for parents to detect visual impairments on their own. If the baby frowns and squints when examining objects, is lagging behind in development, you should be alert and seek advice from an ophthalmologist. Only a specialist will make the correct diagnosis and exactly will determine the type and degree of astigmatism.

Eye examination

The first link in diagnostics. By visual examination gross developmental anomalies are revealed... Concomitant diseases are found: conjunctivitis, uveitis, blepharitis, etc.

In a darkened room, using special lenses, skiascopy- study of the refractive power of the eye, the state of the vessels of the fundus.

Computer diagnostics

At the level of development modern technologies conducting research such as ophthalmometry, ophthalmoscopy, refractometry, has been greatly simplified. Even the determination of visual acuity, which was previously carried out using special tables illuminated by a lamp, is now carried out by developed computer programs, which makes the diagnosis more accurate and objective. Additionally applied Ultrasound and MRI.

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Treatment methods

On my own at home, cure astigmatism will not work. Vision correction should only be prescribed by a doctor. Minor degrees of astigmatism, which do not cause a decrease in visual acuity and discomfort in sensations, do not need treatment. It is enough to undergo a routine examination by an ophthalmologist every year.

Glasses and lenses

Visual correction considered subsidiary, since it does not in any way affect the shape of the cornea and the refractive power of optical media.

For hyperopic astigmatism, glasses are prescribed with a complex combination of sphericaland cylindrical glass.

Their use is not always possible and safe, therefore, correction with the help of contact lenses is considered optimal. They give better focusing and do not limit the field of view, but children can only use lenses from five to six years.

Laser correction

Best and the safest way of treatment... Corneal shape is corrected, which restores visual acuity along all meridians. Laser surgeries are bloodless, carried out under local anesthesia, and they allow you to return to normal life very soon without limiting visual stress.


Surgical intervention to correct astigmatism is only allowed after 18 years.This limitation is associated with the growth and change in the shape of the eyeball during the entire period of childhood. Such interventions traumatic, careful observance of restrictions is required during the rehabilitation period.

Attention! Microsurgical operations can cause complications in the form corneal scarring, which contributes to the development of secondary astigmatism.

Complex hyperopic astigmatism in both eyes

The peculiarity of this pathology is that its quite difficult to recognize and very difficult to treat... Since the refractive power is violated along all meridians, correction only with glasses or lenses does not give a tangible result.

Most effective method is an laser surgerybut it is possible not earlier than 16 years old.

Therefore, children with complex hyperopic astigmatism should be constantly monitored by an ophthalmologist, perform special exercises to preserve binocular vision and avoid amblyopia and strabismus.


Decrease in visual acuity of one eye, which has a functional character is sometimes called "Laziness" of the eye. Amblyopia almost always accompanies complex astigmatism, as a blurry image prevents the image from each eye from merging.

There are several types of amblyopia:

  • refractive - by changing the refractive power of the eyes;
  • dysbinoculatory - in violation of binocular vision;
  • anisometropic- due to the strong difference in visual acuity of each eye.

The symptoms are due clinical picture the disease that caused amblyopia. A frequent companion of pathology is strabismus... Treatment consists in correction with glasses and lenses, exclusion of a healthier eye from the vision process using a special bandage, in the operative correction of the underlying disease.

Its symptoms are very similar to hyperopia. The essence of this complex visual defect is that two or more images are formed on the retina instead of one. This significantly complicates the possibility of normal perception of the surrounding world. The patient is not only deprived of clear vision, but also does not have the ability to correct the deficiency with glasses or contact lenses, which are very difficult to pick up with such a visual defect.

What is Farsighted Astigmatism?

Hyperopic or farsighted astigmatism is a condition in which the curvature of the cornea changes. Accordingly, the refraction of light rays is also disturbed, which cannot focus at one point and provide a clear image.

This effect is similar to the refraction of light rays on the surface of water or uneven glass. With astigmatism, not one, but several beams of rays pass through the optical system of the eye, and the lens, accordingly, refracts several images at once. As a result, a person at any distance sees double, vague outlines of objects.

How is the image formed in astigmatism?

IN clinical diagnosis Astigmatism takes into account two main axes, which are called meridians. In this case, the image in one meridian can be on the retina, and in the other - behind or in front of it.

Hyperopic (farsighted) astigmatism is characterized by the fact that one of the images is behind the retina, and the second - on the retina or also behind, but in another area. If one image is behind the retina, and the second is in front of it, such astigmatism is called mixed. Farsighted astigmatism is characterized by toric deformation of the cornea, in which eyeball looks flattened. Such an anomaly becomes the cause of a violation of accommodation - the ability of the eye to see well far and near objects.

It should be noted that physiological astigmatism is present in every person and is due to the asymmetry of the eyeball. However, it is quite normal phenomenonthat does not interfere with clearly seeing the world... We are talking about pathology with visual impairment of more than 0.5 diopters, which is already classified as severe astigmatism.

Causes of pathology

The disease can be caused by congenital or acquired factors.

Congenital farsighted astigmatism is associated with pathologies of intrauterine development, infections transferred during the prenatal period, hereditary factors. For example, it is believed that if one or both of the parents have visual impairments, then children will have them with a high degree of probability. Moreover, it will not necessarily be the same disease as that of the parents. The manifestations of congenital pathology may worsen over time if the child is not accustomed to following the rules of visual hygiene.

Acquired astigmatism develops against the background of eye, face and head injuries, corneal injuries from burns, including chemical, consequences inflammatory processes... Surgical interventions can also cause astigmatism if they were performed not with a laser, but in the classical way, that is, through an incision in the eye shell.

One of the most common operations that caused astigmatism was the removal of cataracts by extracapsular resection, which required suturing of the cornea. But modern methods laser surgery allows you to do without suturing, therefore, exclude the development of postoperative astigmatism.

Hyperopic astigmatism in children

Farsighted astigmatism is often observed in young children and at this age is considered a variant of the norm, since development is not yet complete. Vision problems with normal development of eye structures usually disappear by the age of 10. In cases where a child inherits an ailment from his parents, astigmatism is considered congenital.

In congenital forms of the disease, symptoms appear very early, at the age of 1-2 months, as soon as the baby tries to focus his gaze. At this time, parents may notice that the child reacts sluggishly to visual stimuli, a little later than ordinary children begin to turn their heads to look at various objects.

With hyperopic astigmatism, the baby tries to move away from the object in question - this is enough feature, which allows you to suspect hyperopia. Older children, especially schoolchildren, complain of poor eyesight, rapid eye fatigue, and constant headaches.

The child sees poorly close objects, it is difficult for him to read, work at the computer, do needlework. The kid tries to bring the object close to examine it, squints or opens his eyes wide, rubs them with his fists. With a high visual load, the eyes begin to hurt. When looking into the distance, vision becomes better, but if the disease is not treated, it gradually deteriorates, and the patient begins to see poorly at any distance.


Symptoms of farsighted astigmatism in adults and children are similar. The patient complains of a blurry image, constant fatigue eye. This is due to the fact that in order to examine distant objects, the ciliary muscle has to strain, and only then the image falls on the retina. When looking at close objects, tension does not save, the image is still behind the retina and a person sees objects blurry.

Examination reveals varying degrees of hyperopia, usually in only one eye. The progression of the disease is accompanied by sensations of soreness, cramps in the eyes, blurred vision, double vision, constant eye strain. Experts note that the constant feeling of discomfort makes patients with astigmatism irritable, prone to sudden mood swings.

Varieties of hyperopic astigmatism

In addition to congenital and acquired astigmatism, simple and complex hyperopic astigmatism is distinguished in ophthalmology.

With a simple course of the disease, normal vision is maintained in one of the meridians, and farsightedness develops in the other. In this case, one of the foci of vision is in front of the retina, and the other is behind it.

With a complex form of astigmatism, hyperopia of varying severity is observed in both meridians and both foci of vision are behind the retina. The disease may affect one or both eyes. The severity of the pathology is determined by the difference in visual acuity between the meridians. It may not match in both eyes.

There are three degrees of severity of hyperopia astigmatism:

  • Mild - the difference between the meridians does not exceed 2 diopters, the symptoms are usually not expressed or are weak.
  • Average degree - the difference from 2 to 4 diopters, there is a tendency to overwork, there are signs of hyperopia at a certain angle. Visual impairment is noted, the patient complains of headaches. At this stage, the disease can lead to the development of strabismus.
  • Severe degree - the difference is more than 4 diopters. This degree of the disease is characterized by strong eye painheadache, irritability, high visual fatigue due to poor eyesight... The severe form of the disease causes the development of amblyopia, blepharitis, strabismus, or severe complications associated with retinal detachment.

Complications and consequences

If astigmatism is not treated, it leads to a gradual decrease in visual acuity - the patient begins to see not only close, but also distant objects worse. Due to the constant tension of the ciliary muscle, the outflow of intraocular fluid is disturbed, and secondary glaucoma may develop. It is also possible to develop inflammatory processes in the ciliary muscle and the iris (iridocyclitis). In addition, eyes with astigmatism are much more prone to inflammatory diseases auxiliary apparatus - eyelids, eyelashes, cornea.

Progressive forms of complex astigmatism can cause the following pathological conditions:

  • further aggravation of hyperopia;
  • a significant decrease in visual acuity, a person sees objects blurry not only near, but also in the distance;
  • development of strabismus against the background of dysfunction of the muscles of the eye and its deviation from the central visual axis;
  • the occurrence of amblyopia - a condition in which one eye ceases to participate in the visual process and the other eye takes over the entire load;
  • retinal detachment is a dangerous complication that can lead to loss of vision.

Severe astigmatism, if surgery is contraindicated, may lead to disability. Young people are taken into the army only with mild astigmatism. The average degree imposes restrictions on the parts in which you can serve (category B), heavy - gives grounds for category B (less than 6 diopters) or D (more than 6 diopters), that is young man sent to the reserve with the conclusion "fit in wartime" and "not fully fit". If an operation for astigmatism is planned, a delay is given for its implementation and during the recovery period for 2 years.


Hyperopic astigmatism has the ICD-10 code H52.2, which is common with other types of astigmatism. The diagnostic process begins with a test of visual acuity (visiometry) - it is revealed how much visual perception is impaired in each meridian, and the severity of the disease is determined. Already with a visual examination, the doctor can identify developmental abnormalities and visual defects.

In a darkened room, a skiascopy procedure is performed, which allows you to establish the refractive power of the eye and examine the condition of the fundus. When examining the fundus, the doctor can identify the presence of concomitant pathologies and assess the risk of developing other visual impairments.

The very presence of two meridians of vision reveals a procedure called refractometry. Its result is fundamental for the diagnosis. Additionally, the patient can be referred for an ultrasound or MRI eye procedure.

Correction with glasses and lenses

Correction of the disease by wearing glasses or lenses is indicated for children and adolescents, while the process of growth and development of the eye is taking place, as well as for patients for whom surgery is contraindicated. In some cases, the patient may wear glasses or lenses over on their ownif you do not intend to fix the defect with surgical intervention.

Astigmatism is selected with a special shape - their glasses are cylindrical, which allows you to fully or partially compensate for the curvature of the cornea. The cylinder changes the optical power so that one of the meridians coincides with the central axis of vision, and the spherical lens compensates for hyperopia (farsightedness). The shape of the cylinder is selected and manufactured individually for each patient.

With mild hyperopic astigmatism, it is sufficient to wear one pair of glasses. With a high degree of astigmatism, the patient must order several pairs at once in order to compensate for the tension of the ciliary muscle when looking into the distance and to ensure good vision close. Multifocal lenses can replace several pairs of glasses, but with astigmatism they are very difficult to manufacture, which affects the price. These glasses are much more expensive than ordinary glasses.

Contact lenses for eliminating astigmatism are toric in shape. It provides good correction and fairly clear vision. Toric lenses are also multifocal. The greatest effect is achieved by a combination of lenses and glasses - each means "turns" and corrects its meridian, as a result a person gets the opportunity to see a clear image.


Surgical intervention allows the cornea to return to a shape close to normal, and instead of several meridians, one optical axis is obtained. The operation is indicated for patients over 18 years of age, with moderate and severe astigmatism. At this age, the process of corneal formation has already been completed, so the operation allows you to achieve a stable positive result.

There are several methods of performing surgical intervention - using a laser, a high-temperature needle. LASIK techniques are considered the most modern and safe. They are based on the application of small burns by a laser beam in strictly defined areas of the cornea, as a result of which it takes a spherical shape.

Modern methods can cure hyperopic astigmatism in both eyes. Side effects with such interventions are usually minimized. Let's take a closer look at the main surgical techniquesused to correct hyperopic astigmatism.


The essence of the surgical procedure is the point effect of a high-temperature needle on certain points of the cornea. These pinpoint burns cause the collagen fibers to contract, resulting in central part the cornea becomes more convex, and the peripheral region becomes flat. That is, the procedure corrects the shape of the cornea, bringing it closer to normal, as a result of which vision improves.

Laser coagulation

The principle of this method is the same as in the previous case, only laser radiation is used instead of temperature exposure. Special high-precision equipment calculates in advance the depth of penetration and the area of \u200b\u200beffect of the laser beam, which penetrates the eye and has a temperature effect on the cornea, correcting its shape.

Laser keratomileusis

It is one of the most modern, safe and effective ways treatment of farsighted astigmatism of moderate and severe form. During the procedure, a small flap is cut from the upper layer of the cornea and removed to the side, opening access to the middle layers of the eye. Next, a certain area is vaporized with a laser beam, which makes it possible to change the curvature of the cornea and eliminate visual defects. On final stage the removed flap is put in place.

The advantages of this method are low trauma, quick recovery and minimal risk of complications. The patient's visual functions are restored within a few hours after the intervention. The operation can be performed on both eyes at once, rather than separately. Surgical intervention with such a diagnosis is indicated for patients from the age of 18, but in some cases, with a severe form of hyperopic astigmatism, laser surgery is performed even for small patients.

Conservative treatment methods

Conservative treatment for farsighted astigmatism is ineffective. But in case of pathology of a weak degree of severity, special exercises aimed at training the eye muscles will help improve the condition. The ophthalmologist will individually select the complex remedial gymnastics for the eyes and will help you master the simple exercises that you need to do daily at home.

In addition, the ophthalmologist will prescribe eye drops that will help reduce discomfort, relieve eye strain, and improve nutrition and blood supply to the eye structures.

This disease is a visual impairment caused by the development of hyperopia (farsightedness) of varying degrees along the vertical and horizontal meridians of the eyeball. As a result, the refracted light rays are focused not at one point on the retina, but at two points behind it, a person sees all objects blurry, they are distorted and doubled.

Causes of complex hyperopic astigmatism

It can be congenital and acquired. Congenital astigmatism is observed in newborns and children in the first years of life. It is caused by the irregular shape and growth of the eyeballs. Over time, the cornea acquires an ideal spherical shape and vision normalizes. Acquired astigmatism develops due to mechanical damage eyes, after unsuccessful surgical interventions and suffered inflammation. Vision in this case deteriorates due to changes in the refractive abilities of the cornea or lens. The most severe visual impairment is considered to be complex hyperopic astigmatism in both eyes - a change in the refraction of one eye vertically, the other horizontally.

Symptoms of complex hyperopic astigmatism

There are three degrees of the disease - weak (up to 3 diopters), medium (from 3 to 6 diopters) and high (from 6 diopters). Weak degree does not cause discomfort and has no symptoms, a person may not even be aware of the disease. Average and high degree accompanied by characteristic symptoms.


  • Visual impairment at a distance.
  • Distortion of objects, blurring of contours.
  • Rapid eye fatigue.
  • Dizziness and headaches.

Untimely treatment of complex hyperopic astigmatism can cause strabismus and amblyopia.

Complicated hyperopic astigmatism treatment

In childhood, the disease of both eyes is treated with glasses. Optical correction increases visual acuity and excludes the development of complications. As complementary treatment hardware methods are recommended. For the treatment of astigmatism in adults, hardware and surgical methods are used; wearing glasses or contact lenses does not eliminate the cause of the disease and only corrects vision. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to observe the lighting regime and visual stress, take vitamins and exercise for the eyes.

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What is Hyperopic Astigmatism? - This is astigmatism, which is combined with hyperopia.

Normally, a beam of light passes through the optical medium (cornea and lens) and focuses on the retina at one point. However, under the influence different factors the surface of the cornea or lens is distorted and then the image is projected onto the retina at two points at once. This phenomenon is called astigmatism.

Reasons for the appearance

There are two main reasons that cause the disease:

  • Corneal reshaping;
  • Lens deformation.

Unfortunately, to date, it has not been reliably established why the lens and cornea change their shape. On this score, the researchers have several assumptions:

  • It is considered that deformation of the lens is congenital anomaly development and very rarely forms during life.
  • Changes in the shape of the cornea can occur as a result of scar changes (for example, after surgery or injury).

Simple and complex hyperopic astigmatism

In clinical practice, two types of the disease are distinguished:

  • Simple, in which astigmatism is observed in one eye;
  • Complex, characterized by the presence of hyperopic astigmatism in both eyes. Moreover, the severity of astigmatism in each eye may be different.


The clinical manifestations of hyperopic astigmatism depend on the degree of its severity.

The mild form is often not accompanied by noticeable symptoms... Human can long time do not pay attention to the fact that his vision is deteriorating. As a rule, mild astigmatism is detected during the annual check-ups.

When medium complaints such as blurred vision accompanied by double vision, dizziness or headache... At the same time, it is difficult for a person to concentrate on performing work that requires eye strain. It is at this stage that people most often seek help from an ophthalmologist.

A severe degree of hyperopic astigmatism is characterized by vivid clinical symptoms... First of all, people complain of double vision and pronounced blurred vision. During work there is pain or pain in the eyes, headache, sometimes nausea, irritability. During the examination, a significant decrease in visual acuity is found.


There are two main methods of vision correction:

  1. Conservative;
  2. Operational.

Neither glasses nor lenses can cure astigmatism

The conservative method involves the use of special glasses or contact lenses... It should be noted right away that neither glasses nor lenses can cure the disease. They can only correct it so that the person does not feel the discomfort associated with blurred vision. An ophthalmologist is responsible for the selection of glasses.

Astigmatism can only be cured with surgery.... Modern ophthalmology offers several types of operations to eliminate astigmatism.

Laser thermokeratoplasty

This operation is used in the case of cicatricial changes in the cornea.

The essence of the method lies in the fact that certain areas of tissue are affected by a laser beam, causing thermal burns. Under the influence high temperature there is a reduction in collagen fibers, which leads to a change in the curvature of the cornea. In the central part it is rounded, and on the periphery, on the contrary, it becomes flattened.


The essence of the operation is the same as in the previous method, however, the thermal burn is performed not with a laser, but with a special needle.

This technique is currently considered the most highly effective and safe... Used to treat moderate to severe disease.

Keratomileusis includes several stages:

  1. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper layer of the cornea, a small flap of tissue is cut out, which is turned to the side.
  2. In the vacated space, they work with a laser and "evaporate" the necessary area, so that the surface of the cornea becomes even again.
  3. The flap of the top layer is returned to its place.

This method has several advantages:

  1. This operation can be performed on two eyes at once.
  2. Vision after keratomileusis is restored quickly. Already a few hours after the intervention, the patient feels better.
  3. No corneal opacity occurs after the intervention.

According to some indications, such interventions as removing the lens and replacing it with an implant, keratoplasty, and installation of an intraocular lens can be performed.

Hyperopic astigmatism in children

Few people know that complex hyperopic astigmatism in both eyes in children under one year old is a physiological (normal) phenomenon.

As for older children, the disease manifests itself in them in the same way as in adults. At the same time, the child's complaints may be vague (vague) in nature: fatigue, burning in the eyes, pain in the frontal part of the head, unwillingness to read, draw or write.

Astigmatism test for children

Sometimes children may not talk about their problems at all. Then parents, suspecting something was wrong, can independently conduct a test.

To do this, take a white sheet of paper and draw 5-10 intersecting lines on it. Now, one by one, close each eye to the child, and ask him to answer: what color is the line in the picture?

What he sees healthy child and a child with astigmatism:

If all the lines seem to the baby to be equally dark, then most likely there are no vision problems. But if even one line seems gray or vague, you need to contact an optometrist for further examination.

Correction of the disease in children

Mild forms of hyperopic astigmatism do not need special correction

Mild forms of the disease do not need special correction. Usually, doctors select special exercises for the eyes and put the child on a dispensary.

More pronounced forms need mandatory correction, which is achieved by wearing glasses or contact lenses. The correct selection of glasses can only be carried out by an experienced optometrist.... When correcting, lenses with different degrees of refraction are used, which are made individually to order.

As for contact lenses, they are best used by children from middle school age. This is due to the fact that little child it will be difficult to use and care for your lenses.

Laser correction can be performed only after reaching the age of 20when the eyeball is fully formed and stops growing.

To prevent the occurrence of childhood astigmatism, it is necessary from the very early age to teach the child to correctly distribute the load on the eyes.


The only direction for the prevention of hyperopic astigmatism is the observance of visual hygiene and timely referral to an ophthalmologist. The earlier astigmatism is detected, the more likely it is to stop its progression.

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