Lishchuk alexander nikolaevich cardiac surgeon was born. Artificial heart valve that does not traumatize blood

The cardiosurgical center is located on the basis of the 3 Central Military Clinical Hospital. A.A. Vishnevsky in the near Moscow region, six kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road in the immediate vicinity of Krasnogorsk (see diagram).

Center structure

The center is run by Lishchuk Alexander Nikolaevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation. Highest qualification cardiac surgeon, trained and improved in cardiac surgery clinics in the USA and Germany. Professor A.N. Lishchuk is considered one of the leading specialists in the field of reconstructive operations on the valve apparatus of the heart and aorta, repeated operations, coronary surgery. Author of two monographs and 5 guidelinesfor both specialist doctors and patients. He is the "locomotive" of the center, the author of many innovative ideas, more than 150 scientific papers and rationalization proposals.

The center includes the following departments:

1. Branch surgical treatment acquired and congenital defects heart, combined pathology (and / about the head Koltunov Alexey Nikolaevich

2. Department of surgical treatment ischemic disease heart (head of department Ilyukhin Mikhail Anatolievich, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the highest qualification category.

Cardiac surgery department 3 of the Central Clinical Hospital named after A.A. Vishnevsky opened on September 1, 1987. The department is intended for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with various forms ischemic heart disease, heart rhythm disorders, diseases of the valvular apparatus of the heart, aorta and pericardium. The department is located on the 11th floor of the therapeutic building, deployed for 7 beds. Accommodation of patients in the department is carried out in 1 and 2-bed comfortable wards. The department employs a polite and professionally trained staff. Our department develops and implements unique techniques surgical treatment coronary artery disease, including those in beating heart operations, complete autoarterial coronary bypass grafting. The issues of continuity in rendering assistance to cardiac surgery patients with their further rehabilitation have been worked out. Doctors of the department regularly undergo professional improvement on topical issues of cardiac surgery, both in leading Russian centers and abroad.

Ilyukhin Mikhail Anatolievich, Department Director

Graduated from the medical faculty of the Ivanovo State Medical Academy in 1995, since 2009 the head of 22 cardiac surgery department. Major of the medical service. Doctor of the highest qualification category.

Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Lemeshkin Andrey Alexandrovich, senior resident

Graduated from the Orenburg State medical academy in 1999, major of the medical service. Doctor of the highest qualification category. Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Mikhailov Denis Valerievich, resident

Graduated from the Saratov State Medical Academy in 1996.

Doctor of the highest qualification category.

Ketskalo Mikhail Valerievich, senior resident

Graduated from the Siberian Medical University in 1994. Anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the center of cardiac surgery. Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service, doctor of the highest qualification category, candidate of medical sciences.

Areas of work of the department

Examination and treatment of patients with heart disease:

  • Coronary heart disease.
  • Congenital and acquired heart defects.
  • Combined pathology of heart valves and coronary arteries.
  • Diseases of the pericardium.
  • Tumors of the heart.

Operations carried out in the department:

  • Autoarterial coronary artery bypass grafting ..
  • Combined surgical intervention on various arterial basins.
  • CABG + plastic left ventricular aneurysm
  • CABG + endarterectomy
  • Valve replacement
  • Surgical correction blemish + CABG
  • DMPP plastic
  • Reoperations on the heart (reAKSH, reprosthetics)

Frequency postoperative complications - 0,6-1,3%.

Postoperative mortality is 1-2%.

3. Department of emergency cardiac surgery (head of the department Bykov Vladimir Ivanovich, MD, doctor of the highest qualification category)

4. Cardiac surgery department of surgical treatment of patients with cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disturbances (head of Lordkipanidze Roman Semenovich)

Cardiac Arrhythmia Department Information

5. Department of Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Intensive Care (Head Kornienko Andrey Nikolaevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation).

6. Directly as part of the center, there is a cardiopulmonary bypass department, an express laboratory, and an operating department.

The capabilities of the cardiac surgery center allow for a full and comprehensive examination of cardiac patients in the shortest possible time, without prolonging the hospitalization time. After a planned consultation and the availability of indications, you will be offered the best treatment option for your disease, including preoperative preparation, the operation itself and postoperative treatment modern drugs and methods with the possibility of a further course of rehabilitation in a sanatorium, or with the help of our author's methods at home with the active involvement of relatives and friends.

Accommodation conditions for our patients

Patients are accommodated in comfortable single or double rooms with all the necessary amenities.

Highly qualified doctors and nurses, in addition to the main treatment process, they will create an atmosphere of comfort. Nutrition of patients is carried out taking into account the diet. We strive to actively involve our patients in the process of their recovery. As a rule, patients who have been operated on earlier, by example of their condition, by telling about their feelings, by their physical activity, will allow you to reduce the feeling of fear and anxiety before the operation. People close to you may be near you.

We never forget our patients. Advice and advice can be provided at any time after your discharge. Moreover, we are interested in further contacts with former patients in order to carry out the correction in time. drug therapy... After all, many conditions require constant medication, the action of which must be controlled by specialists.

It is known that friendship and help to a person are tested by misfortune or adversity. You can communicate with pleasant-looking people for years, bow and talk nicely, but in difficult times they may not be around. I have a completely different case, which I would like to tell about in this article.

Trouble happened to me, or rather, I walked towards it myself with leaps and bounds. Systematically visiting a military clinic in Moscow, to which I was assigned as a reserve officer and a veteran submariner, I did not pay due attention to the persistent recommendations and even persuasions of cardiologist Nikolai Yuryevich Luzgin to go to the hospital and be thoroughly examined for failures in the cardiovascular system. And when he approached the dangerous line, when arterial pressure dropped significantly, and the pulse did not rise above forty beats per minute, asked to come ambulance... She could not help me, but the next day they brought me to the Goritsk polyclinic, where the doctor Vladimir Anatolyevich Salov was receiving. After studying the cardiogram, he made the correct diagnosis - blockade of the atrioventricular node and said that he should immediately go to the hospital. Only after that I decided to go and “surrender” to military doctors.

Immediately I would like to express my deep gratitude to Evgeny Sergeevich Belov and Lyudmila Ivanovna Ponomareva, who immediately arranged for my delivery, first to Kimry by ambulance, accompanied by nurse Tatyana Sergeevna Baranova, and then from there to Moscow. I am extremely grateful to Olga Aleksandrovna Petrova and the driver Yevgeny Borisovich Avdeev, who, regardless of their personal time, carefully drove me to the Moscow Ring Road, and there my daughter Natasha brought me to the A.A. Vishnevsky Central Military Clinical Hospital of the Russian Ministry of Defense. In the admission department of the hospital, they chided me and my daughter, calling us a bad word "kamikaze" for the fact that on the way from Kimry they did not stop at any nearest hospital to receive first aid.

A few minutes later, measures were taken in the intensive care unit to prevent an irreparable outcome from happening. The next day I was admitted to the Center for Cardiac Surgery, where they began a thorough examination of my half-dead "motor". After a few days, my health improved significantly, and I already thought that all the bad things were left behind. Well, they will put up a couple of stands, well, they will prescribe new medications and let them go home. Soon I underwent coronary angiography, and all illusions were shattered to smithereens. The reality turned out to be harsh. The head of the cardiac surgery department, Professor Aleksey Nikolayevich Koltunov, came to my ward and told me in detail that one cannot do without heart surgery. It is necessary to bypass coronary arteries, prosthetics mitral valve, explore pulmonary artery and other. He made no secret of the fact that the operation would be very difficult, he had to be prepared for anything, he recommended consulting with relatives. And at the end of the conversation he asked if I was ready for this operation. I firmly, without hesitation or doubt, answered that I agreed to the operation and was ready to sign the necessary documents. The moral preparation did not end there. The next day, during a medical round, I was already asked about the readiness for surgery by the head of the Heart Surgery Center, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Alexander Nikolaevich Lishchuk. I still expressed my complete readiness for the operation. Two days later, the time for the operation was set.

Separately, I would like to express my endless gratitude and appreciation to the surgical team, which consisted of twelve people. These are the highest professionals. Cardiac surgeons A. N. Lishchuk and A. N. Koltunov and their assistants performed the operation with the help of specially trained nurses. Anesthesiologist Professor Andrei Nikolaevich Kornienko monitored anesthesia carefully calculated by him. Other doctors operated an artificial heart and lung machine and monitored blood pressure, temperature, and respiration during surgery. The operation lasted four and a half hours, not everything went according to a pre-developed plan, doctors had to make some decisions during the operation. Eight hours later, I woke up, Natasha stood at the head of the bed and waited anxiously for me to signal her that everything was fine, I winked at her. Before that, the doctors told Natasha that the operation was successful. A day later, when I had already completely recovered, I was taken to the second operation, it was necessary to install a pacemaker. But this is already a very simple matter, as heart surgeon Roman Semyonovich Lordkipanidze told me. Under local anesthesia, the doctor sewed me an EKS in twenty minutes.

I am deeply convinced that the success of such a complex heart surgery is predetermined by three essential components. First. This is a huge experience and talent of cardiac surgeons and the entire team. Many are accustomed to scold our medicine, they say, everything is bad with us, but in the west it is good. From my own experience I was convinced that military medicine is at the very forefront of the struggle for a man. Incidentally, in the United States, a 3.5 percent death rate is considered scientifically grounded in heart surgery. But in the Center for Heart Surgery, headed by Alexander Nikolaevich Lishchuk, this figure is 1.5 percent. This is despite the fact that two coronary artery bypass grafting operations are performed here per day. Each of the military doctors I have named, apart from everything else, is doing a great deal of scientific and teaching work. Their inventions in surgery are used in many other institutions. After two weeks of treatment at the A.A. Vishnevsky hospital, I was transferred to a branch of this hospital in the city of Khimki. Here the head of the cardiology department, Candidate of Medical Sciences Igor Evgenievich Guzenko and resident Ekaterina Alexandrovna Pavlova developed and implemented a successful algorithm for my rehabilitation.

Second. This is a big and absolutely disinterested support of me by my family, relatives, friends and good acquaintances. A special place in this support and care for me belongs to my beloved daughter Natalia. For the first days after the operation, she practically did not leave me around the clock, having moved to live in my ward. And then almost every day she came to visit me at the hospital, bringing with her a change of clothes, fruit, the press (including the newspaper "Kimrsky Vestnik") and much more. During her stay in the hospital and sanatorium, our granddaughter Natasha provided invaluable help around the house to Valentina Petrovna, who, leaving her business, came to the village. My niece Natalya, as well as Lyudmila Nikolaevna Bilashenko, who helped her with the housework, treated Valentina Petrovna with great attention and care. In addition, Lyudmila Nikolaevna more than once replaced my daughter in the hospital, providing me with moral support. My beloved granddaughter with her husband Maxim also came to the hospital. And before that, in the first difficult days for me, she sent me a letter, which contained the following words: “Grandfather, my dear and beloved! Remember that we all love and respect you endlessly. We wish you a speedy recovery every moment. "

Many friends called me at the hospital, worried about me, and I felt this support. Among them: Belov, Belousova, Novozhilova, Ishchenko, Ponomareva, Ignatieva, Sukovatitsyn, Strelnikovs, Orlovs, Borisovs, Lobanov, Lebedevs, Ryazantsev and others. My wife Valentina Petrovna did not have the opportunity to come to the hospital, but she tirelessly worried about me, prayed for a successful recovery and called me every day with words of support and attention. I constantly felt her care.

And third. Without undue modesty, I can say that deeply aware of the complexity of the operation, I firmly believed in its success, I believed the doctors, there was not even a shadow of doubt about its success. There was absolutely no fear, apparently also because, being a submariner, I was used to not giving vent to my emotions, at the head was a firm and cold-blooded calculation. I knew Dante's words well: "Here the soul must be firm, here fear should not give advice ...". And being to some extent a fatalist, I believe that whoever is destined to be hanged will not drown. Once again, I want to express my deep gratitude, gratitude and love to everyone who supported me in the difficult days of my life.

Quite recently, while browsing the news on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, I drew attention to a small information note, which spoke about the awarding of the Order of Friendship to the head of the Center for Cardiac Surgery of the TsVGK im. A.A. Vishnevsky, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.N. Lishchuk. Usually such events are covered on a grand scale, but here is a note in several lines ... I was seized by curiosity and a desire to learn more about this person ... So my first acquaintance with Alexander Nikolaevich took place ...

Entering the office, I saw a short, youthful, at first glance, completely inconspicuous person: “This is our professor Alexander Nikolayevich,” Mikhail Nikolayevich Frolkin, who was accompanying me through unfamiliar hospital corridors, introduced him. The professor nodded in response and, pointing to the sofa, continued, interrupted by our arrival, the conversation with the visitor. From their conversation, I realized that some of the relatives of Alexander Nikolaevich's interlocutor needed an urgent operation. The professor quietly explained to him about the need for the operation, gave his arguments, without showing a single drop of irritation or impatience, and even the timbre of his voice remained unchanged, as if it were an ordinary operation to remove a tooth, although I knew for sure that I had come to a conversation with a famous cardiac surgeon.

While they were talking, I managed to look around. The office to which I was invited turned out to be a small room in which, in addition to Alexander Nikolaevich, there were several other young doctors. Two of them were sitting at computers and typing something, the rest were looking at the wall behind me. Turning my head in the direction of their gaze, I saw several, placed in one row, monitors. On each of them, as I was later explained, there was a live broadcast of the operations that were taking place at that time in the operating rooms, and on the table, between the computers, there was a microphone, through which the professor gave recommendations to the operating doctors. Immediately I remembered my operating rooms, and I felt a little uncomfortable, but I did not show it and, without refusing the offered cup green tea, sat down opposite her interlocutor, who had already been released by this time, and prepared to listen to him.

At first, Alexander Nikolaevich was not at all inclined to talk - doctors came in and out of him every now and then, solving their questions, interrupting our conversation, which had not yet begun, and I was very embarrassed because I was taking away from him his scheduled time. He explained something to them in his own, incomprehensible to me, medical language, and then, with undisguised irony, turned to me:

“I wonder what you’ll write about me out of all this?”

For some reason, his unusual "you" for me did not offend at all, on the contrary, somehow immediately made him closer.

“You won't believe,” he continued, “I was terribly afraid of blood as a child, but, as you can see, I became a doctor and not just a doctor - a surgeon. What can you do, we do not choose our destiny, and it is not predetermined by us, probably, it was necessary for someone ... "

Alexander Nikolaevich Lishchuk, having graduated from the Saratov Military Medical Faculty, and, having become a doctor in the fourth generation of the Lishchuk family, was assigned to the Trans-Baikal Military District as head of the medical center of a tank regiment. His "baptism of fire" took place there - he, then still a 23-year-old young man, had to undergo his first operation, and his first patient was a boy wounded in a fight. Talking about this case, Alexander Nikolayevich recalls that "there was almost no fear, restraint helped - the hands obediently performed all the necessary manipulations, pulling out from memory everything that they had taught at the institute."

This incident determined his entire future fate. Therefore, having entered Military Medical Academy, then still Leningrad, no doubts about the definition of specialization even arose - definitely, surgery.

At 3 Central Military Clinical Hospital. Vishnevsky, he got in 1991 as an intern of the department of vascular surgery. And all this time, going up the career ladder, even his trips to internships at the Heart Institute of San Francisco and Stanford University (USA) - all this, in his words, “there were only stages of mastery improvement. Everything else is destiny from above ... "

I dare not agree with the professor - the God-given talent is not everything. For this talent to be useful, you must have: willpower, and perseverance, and patience, and most importantly - the desire to help people. All this my interlocutor, according to his colleagues, is in full abundance.

Citing examples from his surgical practice, he constantly repeated that “nothing in this life happens by chance, I just fulfill my intended purpose, and everything that I know how to do is given to me for a reason, so I have no right to deceive expectations their patients. "

In support of his words, he told an incident that made me somehow uneasy, although I, the daughter of a priest, got used to stories of different kinds, but what I heard just shocked me.

“I still can't explain to myself in any way why a young, perfectly healthy 33-year-old man, returning from the gym, suddenly slipped and, falling, broke his head, having received an injury incompatible with life. And at the same time, a man was dying in the hospital, who urgently needed a heart transplant ... We had time ... And now, he has been living with someone else's heart for two years ... deceased young man, nothing, in fact, did not have time to do in this life, but by his death saved three people completely alien to him. How and how can this be explained? Only one thing - it was predetermined. But not by me and not by any of us, doctors - by someone from above, I am simply sure of this ... Even the fact that you are asking me your questions here today is not an accident, but a pattern - it means that it should be so ... "

“Why did you choose cardiac surgery?

On this occasion, I will tell you a parable: “Once a man entered the church and, looking at the priest's robes embroidered with gold, asked:“ How could I get myself as well as I can? ” To which the priest replied: "And you go to the basement, there you will find everything you want." A man went down to the basement, and there the crosses were one more beautiful than the other. He grabbed the cross, covered with diamonds, and began to try to lift it. But no efforts could move the cross. And then he saw a cross of pure gold. I was delighted and well, let's try to get the golden cross out of the basement. He fought, fought, but nothing came of it - the golden cross only moved a little from its place. Then the man, seeing the silver cross, somehow managed to load it on himself and dragged it up the stairs, but the ladder could not stand it and collapsed, and the man was crushed by the silver cross. And then he saw a small pewter cross, reached for it and somehow slipped out from under the silver cross. He got up, all hunched over from bruises, picked up his cross and went out of the basement to the priest. "Well, what, did you find what you were looking for?" - he asked the man. “Found it,” he replied, showing his little cross. “Everyone has his own cross,” the priest said to him. “Mine - in heavy robes, embroidered with gold in the day and night prayer work, take on your soul all your sins, and you have your own cross. Take it and go with God. "

So, answering your question, I can, after the above, just add - this is my cross, and I will carry it as long as I have the strength and ability to help people, returning them to a full life ... "

Alexander Nikolayevich talked a lot about his work and almost nothing about himself personally and about his family, and only once, in passing, with regret noted that he could not devote as much time to them as he would like. And he spoke about one more thing with undisguised regret in his voice, when it came to children. The regret was that only the youngest son expressed a desire to follow in his father's footsteps.

At the end of our conversation, I asked what else a person like him could dream of, to which the professor replied:

“I really want lived longer my mother and so that the dream come true and we, together with Alexander Vladimirovich Esipov, our flagship, managed to create our own Heart Transplant Center, and these are not my ambitions, I just really want to have more opportunities to help people ... "

Saying goodbye to Alexander Nikolaevich, I caught myself thinking that this unsmiling Professor would remain a “heart doctor” for me, and not even so much - in fact, as - due to the state of mind ...


Photo by Alexander Boyko

and from the archive of the hospital

Updated: September 27, 2016 - 5:03 pm

I do not know why this hospital is considered good. For a long time this has not been the case. There is no funding. Who does not believe - in the courtyard behind the neurosurgery building there is a chic new building that has not been functioning for many years, expensive equipment is rotting in the basement, since there is no money to complete the building and put it into operation. My father was in the hospital under Sogaz insurance, we were transferred from the Central Clinical Hospital with terrible diagnosis brain cancer, an urgent operation was needed, at the end of December 2012. Without money, they will not approach you at all and, which is scary, will not work for money either. My father had a neurosurgical operation, a tumor and a brain cancer was excised. The operation went very well, the surgeon Miklashevich Eduard Rishardovich is a professional from God, on the trail. the day after the operation, my father was discharged from the intensive care unit, he talked, was completely adequate. But then, the New Year holidays came. And instead of improving, my father almost died. There was no one left in the hospital. Mobile phones they don't give doctors, I was alone with my father, the nurses only came in to give injections twice a day. No amount of money could make them work. Once, leaving for the night, I left them a bottle of Italian champagne for 2000 rubles, good chocolates and 1000 rubles in cash, so that they would come up to him at night, because after the operation there were insomnia and nightmares at night. My father, always a strong and firm man, cried with fear like a child, he was locked in a stuffy ward so as not to interfere with the nurses' sleep, apparently, and they took away the nurse call button, hid behind the bed, he could not reach, I paid for a paid ward with a TV, but they were even too lazy to turn on the TV for him! And he lay in stuffiness, darkness, hours without sleep, motionless, because there was a paresis of the entire right side! In short, out of 4 nurses on duty, 2 were normal, and two were just sadists. I did their work, sat with my father from 10 am to 10 pm and drove home 55 km every day (I live in Lyubertsy). So while I was gone, he didn't even always have a diaper changed and fed! Although every evening before leaving, I always left 500 rubles to be looked after! In Moscow, this is a normal price for a nurse, but in this hospital, sisters do not consider it money! I asked them to help me find a nurse, because it’s hard for me to travel every day, but they announced the price of 4000 rubles per day! And then only after the holidays, because on holidays they have a rest. The doctors in the hospital are not much worse. For the holidays, there were 3 patients left on the floor of us, who were apparently so difficult that they could not be discharged. The doctors DIDN'T fit themselves at all! Every time I caught them for half a day, dragged them into the ward. Despite the fact that right before the operation I distributed money and brandy to everyone at an expensive price, then after that. And plus the father walked like a commercial patient, the insurance company paid huge sums for us. This is the first time I have encountered such a patient's condition, I am not a doctor, I did not know what to do with a bedridden patient at all. And no one told me how to look after. No one even advised to do something urgently or hire a professional for money. Although, a specialist in exercise therapy and massage should have been provided to us for free with insurance! But the massage was only after the New Year holidays on January 10, and the exercise therapy specialist said that he would do it only for cash, because you see, from the money that the insurance company pays by bank transfer, he does not get anything, everything settles in the administration ... I tried to argue and say that I am not an oligarch either, and that if insurance pays, then I am not obligated, but he was adamant. I had to pay for him to put dad on his feet and teach him to walk again with leg paresis. But that was only later, and at first I saw a worsening of my condition every day. After a week of lying like this, my father was already talking ate, barely moving. I ran across the floors, looking for doctors on duty, begged to come in, but they ignored me or came in, but just for show. And only one kind doctor, unfortunately, I do not know the last name, with a Korean appearance, said that, it turns out, it was necessary to put the patient on the bed from the 3rd day after the operation, taught me to do it, fixing it with a chair, and also taught me how to do it all sorts of procedures so that there is no stagnation in the lungs. I did it all myself, it was very hard. Some nurses helped me change dirty wet sheets and diapers under my father, some frowned in disgust and refused to help. And most importantly, in the end, when the diagnosis of cancer was officially confirmed (histology, biopsy), according to the insurance contract, they no longer had to pay for the treatment. And we were immediately discharged from the hospital. Lying patient. Who ate ate could take a couple of steps along the corridor with the support of a specialist. I asked, begged not to write out, there must be some kind of recovery, procedures, rehabilitation. I was ready to pay myself for further stay. But no, we were kicked out. Didn't provide an ambulance or anything. I had to hire movers, they brought my father home in their arms, because we have a 2nd floor without an elevator. You know, this is a terrible hospital, a terrible attitude towards the sick. Even for money, you are not people there.

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