What is Tussin plus. Tussin Plus - a modern preparation for the treatment of cough

Everything medicines has expectorant actions applied in complex treatment diseases of the respiratory system.

Indications for use

Tussin syrup is appointed to use in such cases:

  • Handicraft syndrome with a poor-traded moocroty (with ARVI, Flu)
  • Laryngitis
  • Bronchitis both in acute and chronic form
  • Pharyngitis
  • Tracheitis.

Tussin Plus applies with the same diseases as Tussin, it is also effective at:

  • Tuberculosis and lung inflammation
  • Mukobovysidoz
  • Asthma bronchial
  • Sinusite
  • Bronchiectatic disease.


The Tussin medication (100 ml) contains 100 mg of gangufnezine.

Additional components of syrup from cough are:

  • Propylene glycol
  • Sodium benzoate
  • Aromatizer Cherry
  • Caramel
  • Corn syrup
  • Lemon acid
  • Menthol
  • Glycerol.
  • Red dye
  • Sodium Sakharin.

Tussin Plus includes two operating components:

  • Dextromethorophane Hydrobromide - 10 mg
  • Givephenesin - 100 mg.

The auxiliary components of the syrup are presented:

  • Saccharine sodium
  • Aromatizer Cherry
  • Sodium benzoatom
  • Red dye
  • Glycerol
  • Flavoring composition
  • Citric acid
  • Corn syrup
  • Water.

Medical properties

Horse-based cough syrup is exhibiting, as well as rather pronounced musical properties. It contributes to the transition of an unproductive cough syndrome into the productive. Therapeutic effect from reception this medicine lasts 4 hours.

Givephenesin when entering the gastrointestinal tract is absorbed, penetrating into cells and tissues in which there are mucopolysaccharides. The decay process occurs in liver cells, elimination active substance It is carried out by kidneys and lungs.

Dextromethorphan has an overwhelming effect on afferent pulses coming from mucous respiratory paths, while reduces the frequency of manifestation of cough attacks. This substance can be compared with codeine efficiency, but along with this does not have an analgizing effect and does not affect the respiratory center and the functioning of the emergency epithelial layer.

The antitussive effect of tusinsin syrup taking a plus to six hours.

Form release

Syrups are represented by a homogeneous suspension of a yellowish-red shade with a pronounced smell of cherries in a bottle of 118 ml. Packaging with medicine there is a dosing container.

Tussin: Instructions for use

Price for Tussin: from 200 to 250 rubles.

One-time dosage for adults and kids from 12 years old - 2-4 h. Spoons, taking an expectorant syrup three times a day.

For young children (2-6 years), they usually give 1/2 h. Spoons of the drug every 7 hours.

Children of the middle age group (6-12 years) it is recommended to drink 1-2 h. Spoons three times throughout the day.

The duration of treatment is determined individually.

Tussin Plus: Instructions for use

Price for Tussin Plus: from 220 to 270 rubles.

Reception of the drug should be carried out after meals using a measuring container.

The dosage for children from the sixth year old and up to 12 years old is 1 tsp, take the medicine every 4 hours.

Children from 12 years old, and also adults are usually prescribed to drink 2 h. Spoons of medication with a temporary interval of 4 hours.

Application during pregnancy and gv

Each of the musolithic preparations of Tussin may be assigned to the reception of this group of patients, treatment must pass under the strict control of the attending physician.


Both drugs are contraindicated with:

  • Excessive susceptibility to the main components
  • Gastric bleeding diagnosed earlier
  • Georgious ailments of the gastrointestinal bodies.

Tussein reception is contraindicated to children until two age.

The use of Tussin Plus is not assigned to:

  • Serious diseases of CNS
  • Childhood (up to 6 years)
  • Productive cough with significant highlighting sputum.

Precautionary measures

During the drug intake, sufficient liquid should be used.

The components of the drug can dye urine into a yellowish color.

With extreme caution, it is worth using syrup with bronchial asthma, liver and kidney pathologies.

Cross drug interactions

Syrups should not be combined with LS, depressing cough syndrome, antitussive drugs, Mao inhibitors and fatigue means.

With a combined reception of amiodarone, chinidine, as well as fluoxetine, the therapeutic efficiency of Tussin increases.

Do not be used with such drinks as sprite, such a combination can lead to unforeseen consequences.

Side effects

By the number of adverse reactions include:

  • Excessive nervous excitability
  • Allergic manifestations on skin
  • Violation of the quality of sleep
  • Lethargy
  • Headaches in combination with dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Aggravation of chronic peptic ailments
  • Dyspepsia.


In case of overdose, an enhanced manifestation of adverse reactions, a violation of the functioning of the central nervous system and the SCCs is observed. Symptomatic therapy is shown, it is recommended to conduct a stomach washing procedure, receiving enterosorbents.

Storage conditions, as well as shelf life

Multic syrups should be stored in compliance with the temperature regime (15-25 seconds), the shelf life of each of them is 3 years.



Seder Helker, India

Price from 141 to 263 rubles.

Kashnol is a flourity with a combined composition, is assigned to conduct symptomatic therapy with a cough that originated on the background various diseases respiratory system. Kashnol includes albutolol sulfate, bromgexine hydrochloride, gyvifenesin, as well as menthol. Available in one dosage form - syrup.


  • Low price
  • Effective in the treatment of pneumoconiosis
  • Softens cough.


  • Not appointed kids up to 6 years
  • Contraindicated in pregnancy, as well as gv
  • Recommended by recipe.


Farmstandard-Tomskhimfarm, Russia

Price from 425 to 445 rubles.

The topinoda is among the combined LS. It has an expectorant and pronounced antitussive effect. Assigned to the upper respiratory tractSuch a cough syndrome is observed. The mobspeakers are: codeine, sodium bicarbonate, as well as the thermal hydrate. Dosage form The drug is tablets.


  • Quickly stops a cough attack
  • Convenient reception scheme
  • Can be administered to children from 12 years.


  • Released only on the recipe
  • Contraindicated with bronchial asthma
  • Against the background of the reception may decline hell.

Tussin Plus - the drug (syrup) belongs to the group preparations used in the cough and walled diseases. Important features of medication from instructions for use:

  • For sale only by prescription doctor
  • During pregnancy: with caution
  • When breastfeeding: With caution
  • AT childhood: contraindicasan
  • With liver function violations: With caution
  • With a violation of the kidney function: with caution


Tussin Plus is a combined anti-tech drug with an expectorant effect.

Release form and composition

The dosage form of Tussin plus is syrup: red-orange solution, transparent, with a slight cherry smell, without precipitation and foreign particles (in a 118 ml polyethylene terephthalate vial, in a cardboard box 1 bottle bucked with a dosing cup).

Composition of Tussin Plus (5 ml of syrup):

  • active substances: gyvifenesin - 100 mg, dextromethorophane hydrobromide - 10 mg;
  • auxiliary components: lemon acid, glycerol (anhydrous glycerin), flavoring, corn syrup, sodium saccharinate, sodium benzoate, levomentol, cherry flavor, red charming FD & C dye, purified water.

Pharmacological properties


The expectorant action of Givephenesin, the active component of the Tussin plus, is due to the stimulation of secretory cells of the bronchi mucosa, generating neutral polysaccharides, the depolymerization of acidic mucopolysaccharides, a decrease in viscosity and an increase in sputum volume, activation of the ciliary apparatus of bronchi, facilitating the removal of sputum and promote the transition of an unproductive cough to the productive.

Another active component of the drug, dextromethorophane hydrobromide contributes to the suppression of excessively intensive afferent pulses from the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, an increase in the cough threshold, a decrease in the intensity of the dry irritant cough. Due to the oppression of the excitability of the cough center, Dextromethorphan is able to suppress the cough of any origin. At the same time, the substance in therapeutic dosages does not have analgesic, narcotic and sleeping pill effects.

The duration of the counter-action is 5-6 hours.


After receiving inside in 25-30 minutes, the dufnesin is quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. The period of its half-life (t 1/2) is 1 hour. The active substance can penetrate the tissues that have sour mucopolysaccharides. Metabinizes giving gayphonesin in the liver. The excretion occurs through the light (with a mocroid) and in the form of inactive metabolites - through the kidneys.

Dextromethorophane Hydrobromide is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, after 15-30 minutes its action begins to manifest. Metabolism occurs mainly with the participation of hepatic enzymes by O- and N-demethylation and partial binding with sulfates and glucuronic acid. Human (+) - 3-hydroxymorphin, (+) - 3-hydroxy-1ch-methylmfin and traces of non-metabolized substance after oral application may be observed in the urine.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Tussin plus is shown to use with colds, influenza, sharp respiratory viral infections accompanied by cough.



  • ulcerative disease Stomach I. duodenal gut;
  • gastric bleeding (a history);
  • heavy Organic Diseases Central nervous system;
  • wet cough with abundant swelling of sputum;
  • the simultaneous use of drugs, which includes Givephenesin and / or dextromethorphan;
  • children's age up to 6 years;
  • increased individual sensitivity to any component in Tussin Plus.

Relative (the use of the drug requires caution):

  • disturbance of the kidney function and / or liver;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Tussein Plus Instructions: Method and Dosage

Tussin Plus syrup is taken inward, after eating, using a dosing cup or a teaspoon.

  • adults and children over 12 years old: two teaspoons every 4 hours;
  • children from 6 to 12 years old: one teaspoon every 4 hours.

Side effects

During the treatment period, the following may occur with the drug. adverse reactions: nausea, vomiting, dyspeptic disorders, diarrhea, aggravation of stomach and duodenal ulcers, headache, dizziness, insomnia or drowsiness, increased excitability (especially in children), allergic reactions In the form of skin rash, urticaria, hyperthermia.


Givephenesin in especially high doses can cause nausea and vomiting. In the case of continuous vomiting it is necessary to conduct measures to replenish fluid in the body and control over the level of electrolyte content.

Overdose dextromethorophane can lead to the development of dizziness, excitation, oppression of breathing, disturbances of consciousness, reduction arterial pressure, Tachycardia, hypertonus muscles, ataxia.

special instructions

During the treatment period, a liquid should be taken in sufficient quantities.

During the use of Tussin plus urine can be painted in pink color.

When the test of the 5-hydroxyindoluxaceous acid content in the urine (using the nitrosonapolny reagent), the result can be falsely overpriced due to the effect on the urine color of the metabolites of Givefenesin. Reception of the drug must be stopped 2 days before urine collection for this analysis.

Givephenesin and its metabolites can also change color when determining the concentration in the urine of vanillamindic acid and cause a false overestimation of the analysis results with it on catechins. 2 days before the collection of urine for this test should stop the reception of Givefenesin.

A dosage cup is attached to the set with Tussin Plus. One division of TSP corresponds to 5 ml - one teaspoon.

Impact on the ability to control vehicles and complex mechanisms

Since during the reception of the drug, such adverse reactions such as dizziness and drowsiness are possible, caution must be taken when managing vehicles or perform any types of activities requiring a quick psychomotor reaction and a high concentration of attention.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

To appoint Tussin plus to pregnant and nursing women needed with caution and in the case when the expected benefit for the mother is higher than the potential risk for the fetus / child.


Application of the drug in children under 6 years old is contraindicated.

With violations of the kidney function

Take Tussin plus patients with renal failure It is necessary with caution.

When violations of the liver function

Violation of the liver function is a relative contraindication to the use of the drug.

Medicinal interaction

  • broncholitics, antimicrobial agents, heart glycosides: compatible with accufenese and dextromethorphan;
  • antitussive (including codein containing), musolithic preparations: simultaneous use with dufonesin and dextromethorphan is not recommended;
  • drugs that are inhibitors of monoaminoxidase (including SELEGINILIN, PROMAZHBAZIN, FRAZOLIDON): Sharing with a tusin plus may cause dizziness, an increase in blood pressure, excitation, drowsiness, tremor, nausea, spasms, adrenergic crisis, to whom, collapse, intracranial bleeding, hyperpirection;
  • fluoksetin, amiodaron, quinidine and other inhibitors of the cytochrome P450 system: it is possible to increase the concentration of the drug in the blood;
  • tobacco smoke: can lead to an increase in the secretion of the glands against the background of suppression of the cough reflex.


Tussin Plus Analogues are: Kodarin, Goikodin, Codec, Codepsin, Tedein, TEPINPORD, Codepine, Collack and others.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store at temperatures from 8 to 25 ° C. Do not store in the refrigerator.

Take care of children.

Shelf life - 3 years.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

Recommended by recipe.


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If your child fell ill, he hurts his throat, and cough appeared, the drug "Tussin Plus" will help you get rid of the disease better than others.

Tussin Plus - expectorant, antitussive drug. It sounds well diluted with a copy wet and contributes to its outlet of the respiratory tract. Also, this drug reduces the excitability of a cough center, thanks to which the cough decreases.

This drug is used during the disease of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by a cough. These are bronchiectases, pneumonia tuberculosis and ODS.

Tussin Plus, Composition: In five milliliters of the drug, there are active substances such as Givephenesin (one hundred milligrams) and dextromethorphan hydrobromide (ten milligram). Also contains auxiliary substances: cherry additive, citric acid, glycerin, menthol, benzoate and sodium saccharin, purified water and dye.

The view is a red liquid with a small smell and taste of cherries.

"Givephenesin" is a musolitic agent that stimulates the cells of the mucous membrane in bronchi, which produce neutral polysaccharides. At the same time, he depolymerizes acidic mucopolysaccharides, makes a productive cough from an unproductive cough, increases the volume and reduces the viscosity of the sputum, which is why it becomes easier.

"Dextromethorphan" is a good similar to Codeine. It does not have analgesic, sleeping pills and drugs. Suppresses cough of any origin.

Before applying "Tussin", the instruction must be carefully studied. Children need to drink two teaspoons every four hours. Those who are younger than twelve, but older than six - drink one teaspoon every four hours. From two to six years - half a teaspoon.

Contraindications: those who have a cough with a lot of remote sputum drinking "Tussin Plus" is not worth it. Also people who have increased sensitivity To any ingredient of the drug, severe diseases of the central nervous system, duodenal ulcer or stomach disease. Nursing mothers, pregnant women and children under two years are also contraindicated by this drug.

Side Effects: It may be vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, gastralgy, drowsiness, headache, dizziness. If you have an allergy to any ingredient, it may appear rash on the skin or urticaria.

Tussin Plus, like any medicine, can be taken only after consulting a doctor. During the course of treatment, you need to drink as much water as possible. During the use of urine can be painted in pink color, but there is nothing terrible.

If seven days later or there will be a headache, dizziness, nausea and others side effects, Consult your doctor again. You need to be very careful with children to twelve years, especially if on the background of the application they have bronchial asthma, chronic cough and so on. If you prescribe this drug to children up to two years, then you must be consulted with a specialist.

While you use Tussin Plus, you need to refuse driving.

If you take a medicine without a doctor's prescription, it is possible to overdose. In this case, you will have dizziness, violation of consciousness, difficulty in breathing, tachycardia, and so on. To recover, you need to wash the stomach and start drinking activated carbon. Also need symptomatic therapy. In severe cases, IVL is needed.

Store the drug is needed at a temperature not exceeding fifteen degrees. It is impossible to store in the refrigerator. It also needs to be protected from children. Shelf life for three years.

It was my first sample of this magic substance. Finding reagents for extraction was Vlm, and, in view of the fact that the dose was small, it was decided to drink syrup clean. We moved to the selo in the pharmacy, asking: "Do you have a Tussin +?", "Have", "Shake, give two." Rounded on a bottle, drinking with warm tea (which is optional). The taste is quite normal, you can drink. In one bottle of Tussin 118g syrup \u003d\u003e 236mg DXM (in one teaspoon (5g) -20mg dhm). With my weight in 65 kg, this was about 3.6 mg / kg, which corresponds to the beginning of the second plateau (2.5 - 7.5 mg / kg).
After 20 minutes, a lightweight tide began to felt noticeably, the mood began to rise. In full strength, trip went through one and a half or two hours. The condition of something resembled alcohol intoxication, but if in the case of alcohol, unknown force tries to prevent you with all your endeavors, to push with the right path, to hit asphalt on the forehead, then under DCM, everything is diametrically opposite: the floor is bent under you, so, To make it easier to step; Fights ... um ... anti-challenge. The body is poured by forces, you can forget about fatigue, I want to run and jump. The main thing is not to lie down on the bed at the first stages, because it is definitely sleeping and scattering the whole trip !! It is also important - constantly drinking water, better tea, for DCM is shears water from the body, which is usually not mentioned anywhere.
Seryoga offered to fuck a fist into the wall .. I struck the wall with the usual force, in which the pain is not particularly strong, but now I did not feel pain in general, which led me to an extraordinary delight and I began to dwell on the wall, until I decided What should be limited to, otherwise you can damage your hand.
Many talk about some kind of special perception of music ... There is a small effect, even the long-release compositions listen more pleasant than usual, but I did not notice much exposure. Very well, video recording of Rammstein and Slipknot concerts: Quite aggressive music in combination with the tide of the forces led to a split; Stretch notes of the synthesizer strongly bored under the usual terms of Ramstein lay very cool.
A little later struck on the banter - we went to dissolve non-systemic liberas. The letters on the clave in the twilight distinguish between the DCM was not easy, helped a lot of blind printing. It turned out that DCM causes a tide not only physical, but also mental energy; However, it is not possible to concentrate on anything, as a result, all the energy goes into verplicity.
The active effect lasted about 4 hours, after which he began to subscribe. From the very beginning to almost complete weakening of the trip, about 7-8 hours passed. The movement was not absolutely! True, at the very beginning there was a small discomfort in the stomach and the esophagus, but he was almost impaired, and caused him any nastiness, which is mixed in syrup besides the magic dextromethorophane.
The final verdict is a fucking thing, justifies the 94 rubles spent.

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Family Averyanov

Somehow it so happened that the suggestive and promising son began to take drugs that began to gradually kill. He completely changed behavior, he lost all sorts of morality and looked very bad. This was the reason for us to appeal to the drug center "Practice" in Moscow. After the arrival of benevolent workers, who somehow manage to persuade our son to pass the full rehabilitation of drug addiction in the clinic, we realized that they did a right choice. The process was not simple, but the results were fully met. Today, he does not even think about the use of narcotic substances and saturation and usefulness came to his life. Thank you!

2018-12-10t17: 21: 08 + 03: 00

Somehow it so happened that the suggestive and promising son began to take drugs that began to gradually kill. He completely changed behavior, he lost all sorts of morality and looked very bad. This was the reason for us to appeal to the drug center "Practice" in Moscow. After the arrival of benevolent workers, who somehow manage to persuade our son to pass the full rehabilitation of drug addiction in the clinic, we realized that they did a right choice. The process was not simple, but the results were fully met. Today, he does not even think about the use of narcotic substances and saturation and usefulness came to his life. Thank you!

https: // Site / Testimonials / Semya-Averyanovyh /

Stas Moscow

It is a pity that it was amenable to promote the "interesting and exciting" life in the form of a salt of salts (Mefehedron). As always, it all started in the form of balobiness and entertainment during the training period at the Institute. But over the time of the drug, the drugs were most important for me. In life, as a result, I finished learning "it is not clear how", and after a very rapidly moved towards the "DNU". An independent attempt of life along with salt brought many suffering, which I can not wish to survive anyone. My relatives contributed to the appeal to the Special Agricultural Center "Practice" in Moscow, where I had to spend a whole year and pass the rehabilitation from addiction. Treatment was not simple, but it gave me complete freedom from consumption and new life. I would probably have already been dead if it were not for responsive staff of this center. Thank you very much!

2018-12-10t17: 03: 41 + 03: 00

It is a pity that it was amenable to promote the "interesting and exciting" life in the form of a salt of salts (Mefehedron). As always, it all started in the form of balobiness and entertainment during the training period at the Institute. But over the time of the drug, the drugs were most important for me. In life, as a result, I finished learning "it is not clear how", and after a very rapidly moved towards the "DNU". An independent attempt of life along with salt brought many suffering, which I can not wish to survive anyone. My relatives contributed to the appeal to the Special Agricultural Center "Practice" in Moscow, where I had to spend a whole year and pass the rehabilitation from addiction. The treatment was not simple, but it gave me complete freedom from consumption and new life. I would probably have already been dead if it were not for responsive staff of this center. Thank you very much!

https: // Website / Testimonials / Stas-G-Moskva /

Dmitry Moscow

Coding from alcoholism in Moscow well helped me solve problems of uncontrolled drunkenness. This began to bring inconvenience when I had to quit my job and earn myself. As a result, I started to appear more than the time I began to dedicate beer, and after and a stronger alcohol. One "beautiful" in the morning I realized that instead full-fledged life I "Buche like a damned." It was at that moment that I wanted to change something to change and addressed the center of the practitioner's coding in Moscow. I had to completely abandon the alcohol to three days, after which I was encoded by an order to Vienna, who completely beat off the craving for drinking. So I managed to return to a normal healthy rhythm of life and my own work. Nice results Thanks to the excellent work personnel!

2018-12-10t17: 01: 02 + 03: 00

Coding from alcoholism in Moscow well helped me solve problems of uncontrolled drunkenness. This began to bring inconvenience when I had to quit my job and earn myself. As a result, I started to appear more than the time I began to dedicate beer, and after and a stronger alcohol. I realized one "beautiful" in the morning that instead of a full-fledged life I "buochy as damned." It was at that moment that I wanted to change something to change and addressed the center of the practitioner's coding in Moscow. I had to completely abandon the alcohol to three days, after which I was encoded by an order to Vienna, who completely beat off the craving for drinking. So I managed to return to a normal healthy rhythm of life and my own work. Good results thanks to excellent staff work!

https: // Site / Testimonials / Dmitrij-G-Moskva /

Goncharova Tatyana Moscow

I wish to express my gratitude for the great work of the workers of the center of practitioners who were able to quickly cure the filing from my husband at home. A narcologist arrived very quickly after my application by phone in the institution, spent a conversation and initial diagnosis. After that, he set my husband to a dropper from Zaka, who quickly returned him good upheaval care after a long grave. Previously, he suffered from this for a few days in a row to regain a normal state, and the last period was impossible for independent getting rid of the consequences. I had only emotions of gratitude for my husband, that he was so painless and quickly able to return to a normal life after the event of the withdrawal from the binge at home.

2018-12-10t17: 09: 06 + 03: 00

I wish to express my gratitude for the great work of the workers of the center of practitioners who were able to quickly cure the filing from my husband at home. A narcologist arrived very quickly after my application by phone in the institution, spent a conversation and initial diagnosis. After that, he set my husband to a dropper from Zaka, who quickly returned him good upheaval care after a long grave. Previously, he suffered from this for a few days in a row to regain a normal state, and the last period was impossible for independent getting rid of the consequences. I had only emotions of gratitude for my husband, that he was so painless and quickly able to return to a normal life after the event of the withdrawal from the binge at home.

https: // Site / Testimonials / Goncharova-Tatyana-G-Moskva /

Valentina Blinova Moscow

My began to suffer from serious problems with alcohol after the death of his father. Before that period, he showed responsibility in the family, conscientiousness in work, and colleagues respected him as a friend. All these wonderful moments quickly disappeared for the reasons for heavy long-term ropes. I stopped at the choice of the Coding Clinic "Practice" in Moscow, whose employees quickly and effectively completed all the procedures for encoding her husband from alcohol, after which he returned to the previous good life. Today he does not suffer from what does not drink, but, on the contrary, it rejoices. For a whole year, he feels free from this terrible dependence. I want to express a special sense of gratitude to everyone who participated in the treatment of my husband!

2018-12-10T17: 19: 04 + 03: 00

My began to suffer from serious problems with alcohol after the death of his father. Before that period, he showed responsibility in the family, conscientiousness in work, and colleagues respected him as a friend. All these wonderful moments quickly disappeared for the reasons for heavy long-term ropes. I stopped at the choice of the Coding Clinic "Practice" in Moscow, whose employees quickly and effectively completed all the procedures for encoding her husband from alcohol, after which he returned to the previous good life. Today he does not suffer from what does not drink, but, on the contrary, it rejoices. For a whole year, he feels free from this terrible dependence. I want to express a special sense of gratitude to everyone who participated in the treatment of my husband!

https: // Site / Testimonials / Valentina-Blinova-G-Moskva /

Irina Korzhov Moscow

I have almost no way out and I had to turn to the workers of the Clinic "Practice" in Moscow. They managed to save my uncle from severe alcoholism. Previously, nothing foreshadowed troubles and suffering, but he later began to succumb alcoholic beverages. Problems began to arise: the wife rushed him, there was dismissal from work, there were diseases, and it was especially important - he began to lose all moral and ethical principles and gradually turned into an "animal". I did not have a choice and I had to ask for the help I discovered in the person of specialists of the Narcological Center "Practice". These benevolent guys quickly persuaded my uncle to eliminate from the feed and passing ambulatory treatment. At the beginning I needed to control this process. But now his life has changed completely: a wife returned to him, he found a great job and enjoyed every minute of his life. Thank you!

2018-12-10t17: 14: 00 + 03: 00

I have almost no way out and I had to turn to the workers of the Clinic "Practice" in Moscow. They managed to save my uncle from severe alcoholism. Previously, nothing foreshadowed troubles and suffering, but a little later, he began to succumb to drinking alcoholic beverages. Problems began to arise: the wife rushed him, there was dismissal from work, there were diseases, and it was especially important - he began to lose all moral and ethical principles and gradually turned into an "animal". I did not have a choice and I had to ask for the help I discovered in the person of specialists of the Narcological Center "Practice". These benevolent guys quickly persuaded my uncle to eliminate from the feed and passing outpatient treatment. At the beginning I needed to control this process. But now his life has changed completely: a wife returned to him, he found a great job and enjoyed every minute of his life. Thank you!

https: // Site / Testimonials / Irina-Korzhova-G-Moskva /

Zaitsev Moscow

2018-12-10t17: 12: 00 + 03: 00

Spices very painfully hit my daughter's life and life. Very much accessibility of this drug today is very striking - advertising inscriptions almost everywhere. Of course, young people have the Bunlet spirit and they are prone to adventures, and our daughter chose the reception of spisers. We had suspicions almost immediately, but there were not enough talk and persuasion for the desired result, she only annoyed and gave away from us. The appeal to the center of narcology practices in Moscow served as an excellent assistant in solving the problems of the use of spices to our daughter. Employees of this institution have conducted a great job that to restore the normal life priorities of our daughter. Now she is a full-fledged member of our family and society.

https: // Site / Testimonials / Zajcevy-G-Moskva /


Heroin completely destroyed the life of my son and my too. This narcotic remedy very quickly eliminated everything that was created with such work and required such efforts. He lost his job, he had illnesses, psyche suffered. As a result, he quickly lost all understanding of the upbringing, ethics and morality. He himself did not want to be treated and I had to resort to the services of interventions in the center of "Practic" in Moscow. A friendly psychologist was somehow able to persuade him to hospitalize in the hospital for long-term treatment, which was held six months. But now, after over two years, he completely restored all the spheres of his life and gets the joy of every day in freedom from the use of heroin. Thank you very much!

2018-12-10T17: 06: 05 + 03: 00

Heroin completely destroyed the life of my son and my too. This narcotic remedy very quickly eliminated everything that was created with such work and required such efforts. He lost his job, he had illnesses, psyche suffered. As a result, he quickly lost all understanding of the upbringing, ethics and morality. He himself did not want to be treated and I had to resort to the services of interventions in the center of "Practic" in Moscow. A friendly psychologist was somehow able to persuade him to hospitalize in the hospital for long-term treatment, which was held six months. But now, after over two years, he completely restored all the spheres of his life and gets the joy of every day in freedom from the use of heroin. Thank you very much!

https: // Site / Testimonials / Markina-Svetlana-G-Moskva /

Marina Moscow

The son had excellent progress in study, advanced development and sports. Teenage age quickly changed everything: he began to show impulsiveness, look like a madman. After I found out that the reason for this was the drug "Salt". This refivea very quickly destroyed all aspects of my boy's life. It was necessary to take action. If you are searching on the Internet, I managed to stumble upon a practitioner's drug center in Moscow. Narcologists arrived and took away my son to the clinic, where he had to spend about six months, which completely eliminated all the manifestations of dependence. Thank you for such a responsible approach to your work.

2018-12-10t17: 16: 33 + 03: 00

The son had excellent progress in study, advanced development and sports. Teenage age quickly changed everything: he began to show impulsiveness, look like a madman. After I found out that the reason for this was the drug "Salt". This refivea very quickly destroyed all aspects of my boy's life. It was necessary to take action. If you are searching on the Internet, I managed to stumble upon a practitioner's drug center in Moscow. Narcologists arrived and took away my son to the clinic, where he had to spend about six months, which completely eliminated all the manifestations of dependence. Thank you for such a responsible approach to your work.
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