Orthopedist Yuri Stavinsky: “If the cartilage becomes thinner, the bones practically rub against each other, causing terrible pain. Why do joints crunch and what to do about it? Bones rub

What is meant by the saying "joints are erased"? So that we can walk, run and jump without feeling pain, the cartilaginous layer in the joints must be absolutely healthy, because it is she who is responsible for the function of mutual sliding in the joints. The cartilage layer completely covers the articular surfaces of the bones and does not allow them to come into contact with each other. Cartilage can deteriorate and wear off for a number of reasons. This process, which is not accompanied by inflammation, is called arthrosis. The most common complaint is "Erased cartilage in the knee joint" and "Erased hip joint", And now we will explain why.

Why do joints wear off?

Throughout life, the legs have a great load; when running or jumping, the joints take on a weight two to three times the body weight of the "owner". Everything has a limit, so by the age of 60, the cartilage in the joints becomes thinner and worn out. For some, it starts earlier, for example, women are more susceptible to illness due to hormonal changes, athletes due to intense exertion, and people leading an unhealthy lifestyle “kill” joints with junk food, alcohol or drugs.

What symptoms indicate that the cartilage has worn out?

  • Joint pain bothers when walking, becomes more intense over time.
  • If arthrosis is not treated, it progresses, pain sometimes bothers even at rest.
  • Feels like bones rub against each other in the joint.
  • When unbending, a crunch is heard.
  • Swelling of the tissues over the joint.

Be careful! If the skin over the joint is hot or the body temperature is elevated, the reason is not that the knee joints have worn out, this is not arthrosis. Most likely, you are faced with infectious arthritis or.

What to do if the knee joint is worn out or the joint in the hip is worn out?

Unfortunately, without resorting to surgery, it will not be possible to completely restore the cartilaginous surface, especially if an elderly person is faced with a problem, and not a young athlete, whose body is able to fight many diseases on its own, and even more so with the help of drugs. But, despite this, it is necessary to treat arthrosis at any age: the disease does not go away by itself, but only develops, every day it will be more difficult and more difficult to move. Conservative therapy can help relieve pain, improve quality of life, and slow down the destruction of cartilage. You only need to contact an experienced orthopedic traumatologist: he will prescribe a treatment aimed at improving joint mobility and completely eliminating pain.

Post-traumatic bursitis is a complication of a variety of joint injuries. Many people do not attach of great importance various bruises, cuts, abrasions. This leads to the development of complications, one of which is bursitis. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of edema on the affected area. After a certain time, the edema turns into a tumor. Patients turn to a specialist at this stage of the disease, since the pathology causes discomfort.

How does the disease develop?

The joints are complex. They include bone and muscle tissue. Muscle is essential for bone mobility. As the bones move, they rub against each other. To prevent the joints from collapsing during friction, the bone frame is surrounded by special cavities. These cavities are called bursae or synovial pockets. The cavity of the bursa is filled with fluid. The fluid fulfills the protective function of the joint. It contains various peptides and acids.

Under the influence of various reasons, deformation of the walls of the synovial pocket occurs. It changes its shape and loses its cushioning function. This process is accompanied by the development inflammatory process in the tissues of the synovial bag. This process leads to a change in the structure of the synovial fluid. The patient begins to develop swelling. Edema accompanies bursitis.

What causes affect the development of inflammation

Post-traumatic pathology usually has one cause - it is a joint injury. Experts identify several different factors that lead to the development of bursitis:

  • Joint bruises;
  • Wounds and abrasions;
  • Fall on the joint area;
  • Postoperative complication.

Contusions lead to deformation of the bursa. Under the influence of trauma, pressure occurs bone tissue on the synovial bag. The walls of the bursa are compressed. In the damaged area of ​​the bag, inflammation forms. Inflammation leads to the death of the tissues of the walls of the pocket. Dead cells fall into the cavity of the bag. The liquid changes its structure. Outwardly, a person notes the appearance of inflammation on the surface of the injured area. After a short interval, a tumor develops in this area.

Wounds and abrasions of the joint tissue lead to infection of the synovial fluid. Any open wound becomes an entrance for pathogenic microorganisms. They enter the tissues and begin to multiply actively. The remnants of microbial activity remain on the affected tissue. They cause the death of healthy tissue cells. Inflammation appears on the affected area. Through damaged tissues, bacteria settle in the synovial fluid. The patient suffers from bacterial bursitis.

Falling on the joints leads to squeezing of the synovial pocket. When exposed to strong pressure on the bag, a significant deformation of its walls occurs. Under the influence of trauma, synovial fluid suppuration occurs. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the pocket is completely filled with pus. The process is accompanied by a rise in body temperature and the appearance of dyspeptic symptoms. If treatment is not started on time, bursitis becomes chronic.

Symptoms of the disease

The post-traumatic form of bursitis is accompanied by the appearance of a variety of symptoms. The patient should take into account that the following signs serve as symptoms of bursitis:

  • Swelling of damaged tissues;
  • Painful sensations when the joint moves;
  • The discomfort;
  • Temperature and dyspeptic symptoms.

Swelling of damaged tissues is the main symptom of bursitis of the joint. The edema develops slowly. Slight redness appears on the surface of the skin, which gradually increases. After a short period of time, the edema turns into a tumor. The surface of the tumor may itch. This brings some discomfort to the patient.

With the development of severe tissue edema, the patient experiences pain. Pain in inflammation of the bursa increases at night. The syndrome can be removed only by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Conventional pain relievers do not provide relief.

The acute form of post-traumatic bursitis is accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature. The temperature is not confused by various antipyretic drugs. The patient must be hospitalized.

Diagnosis of the disease

If post-traumatic bursitis is detected, it is necessary to undergo a thorough medical examination. The examination will help to exclude the development of arthrosis or fracture. The patient needs to undergo the following types of examinations:

  1. Ultrasound diagnostics;
  2. X-ray;
  3. Various analyzes.

An ultrasound of the damaged area helps to identify the focus of inflammation. On the screen, a specialist can quickly establish where the pathological process is taking place. With arthrosis of the joints, inflammation occurs in the cartilage tissue. In this case, the patient does not experience any changes in the synovial bag. Bursitis also affects the synovial bag. The specialist notes a thickening of the walls of the bursa, a change in its shape, the presence of various inclusions in the synovial fluid.

X-rays are taken to exclude fractures and cracks in the bones of the joint. If the patient suffers from post-traumatic bursitis, then the picture shows a large cavity filled with fluid. It puts pressure on the joint tissue and makes it difficult to move.

To make a diagnosis, the patient needs to pass a variety of tests. With bursitis, the doctor is interested in the number of leukocytes in the blood and puncture of the synovial pocket. In the blood of a patient who suffers from post-traumatic bursitis, the content of leukocytes increases. These cells help protect the body from a variety of infections. Leukocytes capture them and quickly remove them from the body. If the human body is attacked by pathogenic microorganisms, the number of leukocytes increases.

Puncture of the synovial fluid is necessary to identify the etiology of the disease. Various impurities can be detected in the fluid that can help identify the cause of the bursitis. Doctors may detect an inclusion of pus, protein, calcium, or blood.

After a thorough examination, the patient is diagnosed. The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Inflammation therapy

Treatment of post-traumatic bursitis is carried out depending on the nature of the pathology. In the initial stages, bursitis can be treated with conservative methods. To reduce swelling from the affected joint, the patient must wear a special fixation bandage. You can buy it in specialized stores.

To reduce swelling, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory substances. The drugs will help eliminate inflammation and relieve swelling. Medicinal substances must be taken under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Bursitis swelling can be reduced with a variety of homemade recipes. The most effective is a compress with porridge from cabbage leaf... It is very simple to prepare it. The cabbage leaf is passed through a meat grinder and placed on cheesecloth together with the juice. It is applied to the edema and fixed with a bandage. Severe forms of pathology must be eliminated by an operating method.

Treatment of bursitis is selected only by a specialist. Independent exposure can cause irreparable harm.

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You may have noticed a long time ago that your joints are making an unpleasant sound. Today we will tell you about why joints crunch and what to do about it.

Pay attention

First of all, you need to pay attention to whether the joints crunch constantly or occasionally. If only sometimes - then under what circumstances. This sound is emitted by cartilage tissue. If it is in normal condition, then the joint moves without restrictions, while it is lubricated with synovial fluid. If the cartilage located between the bones is damaged, then the bones rub against each other. This is dangerous because after such work, the cartilage becomes thinner and worn out, and the bones take on pressure. As a consequence, the development and progression of arthrosis.

If the joints are healthy, then they do not emit any squeaks or crunch. Only sometimes, very, very rarely, a random sound can occur. Sometimes healthy cartilage crunches if it has a defect in its structure or the ligaments near it are incorrectly located. If there is no pain, then the person does not pay attention, but if nothing is done, then sooner or later the pain will appear.

The crunch itself is not terrible, but it is one of the symptoms of the development of a more dangerous disease. It is especially necessary to sound the alarm if the joints of the legs creak.

The body is smart: if bones rub against each other due to defects in cartilage, then it begins to produce fluid to lubricate them and reduce friction. Therefore, swelling occurs in the area of ​​the joints. Consider that this ailment has no age, so it can bother a person at twenty or fifty years old.


The only thing correct solution- consult a doctor. It should be noted that slender, straight legs are healthy: in this case knee-joint undergoes a uniform load. If the legs are X-shaped or "wheel", then the cartilage is erased unevenly, hence the problem. It is not surprising that in case of severe deviations, orthopedists advise surgical intervention in order to correct a defect in nature.

Also, doctors use the technique of introducing artificial fluid into the joint, which creates shock absorption between adjacent bones. This is done using a course of injections. But if the joint swells, the excess fluid must be removed. As a rule, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed at the end of treatment.

Be healthy with!

Through the hip joint, the leg is connected to the pelvis, its structure makes it possible to walk upright. The hip joint is the second largest joint in the human body (after the knee), so it has to withstand a considerable load. It is formed by the articular surface of the femoral head and the acetabulum of the pelvic bone. The femoral head fits clearly into the acetabulum. The bones of the hip joint are covered with cartilage. With arthrosis, the cartilage becomes rough, cracks, wears out, exposing the surface of the bone. The exposed head of the bone rubs against the pelvic bone, causing severe pain.

Arthrosis is characterized by limited mobility in the hip joint. For the joint to function normally, it is necessary that all its structures - cartilage, bone, ligaments, joint fluid, capsule and muscle - interact with each other. Loss of function of any of these components causes a change in the mechanism of joint movements and disruption of its activity. This condition is called osteoarthritis.


  • Crackling when moving.
  • Pain.
  • Decreased joint mobility.

At first, arthrosis is asymptomatic - there are only small changes in the cartilage that do not cause pain. Then pain appears, the bones begin to rub against each other, the head of the femur is deformed. A person cannot walk fast. The slower he moves, the longer the muscles of the hip joint remain in tension. Gait changes, posture is disturbed.

Causes of occurrence

Arthrosis occurs due to cartilage defects, heavy stress on the joint, hormonal disorders. Women or professional athletes are more likely to suffer from this disease. Other possible reasons arthrosis - bones that are poorly fused after a fracture, congenital anomalies... It is assumed that more than half of people around the age of 60 suffer from this pathology.


Usually, to preserve the function of the joint are used conservative methods treatments such as thermal treatments, massage and exercise therapy. However, quite often patients have to be operated on. Young people are often at risk of ankylosis. For the elderly, doctors perform implantation of various prostheses. The procedure is called total hip replacement because both the head of the femur and the acetabulum that make up the joint are replaced. If the femoral head is in the wrong position, surgery can help, during which the doctor cuts the femoral neck and sets the femoral head in place.

With this pathology, it is very important to monitor body weight (the less it is, the less stress the joints are exposed to). In addition, heavy physical work should be avoided. It is necessary to regularly examine the child's legs and feet (are they developing normally), since often the first signs of arthrosis appear already in the first years of life.

Osteoarthritis is a progressive disease, and the patient's condition is gradually deteriorating. Having noticed the first symptoms of arthrosis, you need to see a doctor. Timely treatment can pause or at least slow down the progression of the disease.

First of all, the doctor will assess how far the disease has gone. Usually he observes the patient's movements, examines the degree of joint mobility. In order to clarify the diagnosis, X-rays are taken. Sometimes x-rays of the legs or feet are taken. The fact is that often the cause of coxarthrosis is the different length of the legs, congenital anomalies or deformities of the feet.

A crunching hip joint can indicate a serious problem. The crunch can be accompanied by pain, or it can simply be annoying, it can appear in a child, or it can occur only in old age. What are the reasons for this phenomenon?

Crunchy hip joint

Each person several times heard a crunch when walking or any other movement. The question of why the joint crunches does not bother until such a phenomenon becomes permanent. About 45% of men and women complain of any movement accompanied by a crunch, more than 65% of young mothers hear the joints of children crunch.

The hip joint is a rather complex structure in the skeleton, which provides several types of movements:

  • flexion-extension;
  • abduction - adduction;
  • rotation in a circle of the thigh.

A well-developed ligamentous apparatus is required for its normal function. It is the problems with muscles and tendons that experts call the first cause of crunch, that is, with insufficient development, the tissue of muscles or ligaments is very tense and reproduces the sound of a crunch in the hip joint for no reason. This crunching sound is usually rare, while constant crunching sounds can indicate a variety of problems.

Why joints crunch in children?

Crackling in the hip joint in children is considered normal if it is painless and not too frequent. Children's orthopedists explain this by the fact that the children's skeleton develops in different ways, for example, the head of the femur can form much faster than the acetabulum, therefore, due to the lack of space, the bones produce a grinding sound.

If, along with a crunchy symptom, a clubfoot is observed in children and the discrepancy between the size of the legs can be visually determined, this may indicate an underdevelopment of the hip joint or its dislocation. Wide swaddling will help the baby to cope with such problems, orthopedic devices will help at an older age.

It is also possible due to the underdeveloped joint system, that the crunch occurs due to a lack of intra-articular fluid, then pediatricians recommend giving children as much water as possible. But sometimes, on the contrary, excess fluid leads to an unpleasant sound, then one can suspect inflammation of the synovial membrane or bursitis. These problems can start in adulthood as well.

Sometimes such symptoms can be explained by the fact that the child has congenital increased flexibility of the joints (hypermobility), then the crunch will prevail not only in the hip joint, but also in the knees. With age, the child will notice discomfort in the lumbar region.

For reference! A crunch in a joint is called "crepitus" in medicine.

Why joints can crunch in athletes?

Most often, the hip joint crunches in novice gymnasts or other athletes. Due to sudden movements, for example, at the time of training any gymnastic number, especially without warm-up, you can hear a crunch in the hip joint without pain. Usually it does not cause any other problems, it just cuts the hearing and interferes with concentration. It is not worth worrying about this - the reason is that the air accumulated in the joint capsule began to come out, but an obstacle appeared when moving.

If we are talking about the discomfort that accompanies the crunching, then perhaps there was a tear or complete rupture of the ligaments of the joint, or the head of the femur did not fit correctly into the cavity. Most often this happens when trying to sit on a split, and if the rear muscle groups are strained during a longitudinal split or lateral ligaments during a transverse split, then a dislocation or violation of the integrity of the tendons is almost inevitable. That is, you should sit on the twine only after special training.

For reference! Doctors use crepitus as a diagnosis - if the crunch when abducting the hip is clear, while the head of the femur is felt when pressed, but does not move with the hip, then this is a fracture, but if the joint crunches dullly and moves - dislocation.

In addition, in rare cases, under heavy loads, fractures of the femoral neck or other part of the leg are possible. Then the crunch will be accompanied severe pain, since during passive movement, the fragments of the bone rub against each other.

Inflammation of the muscles or ligaments in the thigh, which also often happens in athletes, can also signal an ailment of crepitus, while the affected area should be slightly swollen, skin covering red.

Other causes of crepitus

The crunch of the hip joint can be transient (for example, when there is a crunch in the joint and there are no more sounds) and constant. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle are most susceptible to constant crunching, most often this symptom is observed in the elderly.

Hormonal imbalances can cause a crunching sound in the hip joint without pain:

  • transitional age;
  • pregnancy;
  • menopause;
  • diseases associated with the hormonal system.

If we talk about pregnancy, then crunching and clicking in the thigh can be due to excessive load, in addition, due to some restructuring in the small pelvis at the time of childbirth, the hip joint can also be slightly rebuilt, crunching at the same time.

A crunchy hip joint can be susceptible to the following pathologies:

  1. Osteoarthritis. Due to the fact that the cartilaginous tissue is destroyed, the bones of the joint can no longer easily align when walking or when bending the leg. But such a disease could not pass unnoticed, the first sign would be pain, and only then sounds.
  2. Salt formation in the joint. Due to violation metabolic processes, salt deposition occurs, as one of the reasons - gout. The crunch is also accompanied by pain.
  3. Untreated joint injuries. Various injuries can cause development chronic inflammation and other pathologies. Usually the joint crunches when lifting a heavy load.
  4. Chondropathy of the femoral head. Due to circulatory disorders, tissue death occurs, which leads to deformation, the discrepancy between the femoral head and the acetabulum causes unpleasant sounds.
  5. Osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region can lead to pinching nerve fibers and muscles that can signal a crunch.

It is better not to make a diagnosis on your own, because you can waste time or even harm yourself by self-medication.

How to help the body?

A person can help their own joint by contacting medical institution and having passed the examination. Further treatment will be chosen depending on the pathology. If the crunch is accompanied by pain, measures will be taken to eliminate it.

If it is not a matter of illness, the doctor will most likely advise you to resort to disease prevention and strengthening of ligaments and muscles. The rules will be as follows:

  1. Physical activity should not be prolonged and alternate with rest.
  2. Passive pastime should be abandoned. Walking in the park or cycling is fine.
  3. Go to proper nutrition... To minimize the amount of salty, fried and sweet foods, it is recommended to lean on vegetables and fruits, dairy products.
  4. Exercise daily and it is best to use a hip brace.

An involuntary crunch in any joint is an alarming symptom. Since the hip joint is most susceptible to various problems, and the treatment is always long, vigilance is required. Those people who are attentive to their own health and the health of children always have fewer problems.

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