How to dry rose hips. Drying and storage rules

Rose hips are the fruit of wild roses. The fruits of this plant are very useful and can bring significant benefits to humans. In order to preserve as many vitamins as possible, plant growers try to stock up on rose hips during the period when these fruits are filled with juice and saturated with the necessary nutrients. The optimal collection period is considered to be the beginning of autumn - September. You can collect and dry the fruits only until the cold weather, then the plant will lose all its value.

Everyone who is going to harvest these healing fruits, you need to know how to collect them correctly. Here are some basic rules:

Another important rule rose hips will also be the location of the bush - it should be away from roads, city dust and dirt. Experienced growers recommend collecting rose hips along with a green stalk, it should be removed only after the plant has completely dried.

How to dry rose hips

Arriving home with the harvest, before drying fruits, it will be necessary to do several preparatory procedures. Firstly, despite the fact that spoiled fruits should not have fallen into the basket during collection, this item must be double-checked. To do this, carefully sort through each fruit and carefully consider whether there are any damages on it. Secondly, you do not need to wash the harvested crop. To dry, simply leave the berries whole or cut them in half if they are quite large.

When drying rose hips retain all useful vitamins and properties of this miraculous plant. Another fact in the harvesting of wild rose is the quick drying of the fruit. If this condition is met, all the berries will be full of vitamins and useful trace elements.

In front of all the briar lovers every time a natural task- how to dry these wild berries at home. The environment may be the answer. The berries of this plant can be perfectly dried in a natural way in the open air. However, it should be remembered that the fruits should not receive ultraviolet light.

In other words, sunlight should never fall on them. Otherwise, it can lead to the loss of all the vitamin. To properly dry the rosehip in natural conditions, just leave the spread berries in the attic or on the veranda. Time will do all the work instead of manual labor and without putting effort into this process.

Another option for proper drying of rose hips at home can be modern human invention- electric dryer for vegetables, fruits and berries. This drying method will be even faster than the natural drying of these fruits. For drying in an electric dryer, sort through all the berries and get rid of spoiled or damaged fruits. Next, spread the dogrose over the entire working surface of the dryer and turn on the desired mode. The optimum temperature at which the rosehip will retain all its vitamins during drying is no more than 40 degrees. In this state, the berries will dry up to 12 hours.

Drying rose hips in the oven

Drying rose hips in the oven is the best and most convenient process in this case.

For drying rose hips in the oven must be strictly observed the following rules that will help you quickly harvest vitamin fruits and avoid mistakes during this process:


Not only the ajar door, but also the convection mode, which is available in many ovens, can ensure good functioning of the air in the oven. modern versions this kitchen appliance.

After drying place all fruits in any dry and odorless container. The berries will lie there for a few more days. This is necessary to release any remaining moisture, if any, has not yet come out of the fruit. The best option for storing freshly dried rose hips would be a wooden container, a cloth bag or a cardboard box. If the rosehip drying procedure was successful, the fruits can be preserved at home for two years.

Knowing how to dry rose hips at home, you can easily harvest this plant from year to year, treating your family and friends with healthy berries.

Right dried rose hips will be a great addition to the winter season. With the help of rose hips, you can keep your body in good shape and at the same time get the right vitamins, using only a couple of cups of a drink containing only a handful of dried fruits. Be healthy and beautiful!

Rosehip is known for its beneficial properties, so housewives harvest fruits for the winter as a general strengthening and immunity-enhancing prophylactic to combat many diseases.

At the same time, compotes, decoctions are cooked from berries, tinctures and even jam are made. But the most convenient way cooking - this is a preparation for the winter by drying.

How to prepare fruits for drying?

The time to harvest rose hips is from August to October, depending on the rose hip variety and weather conditions during the ripening season.

Before you dry the wild rose at home, you need to properly prepare the berries, namely, collect and process. For this, you need to take into account the following recommendations:

  1. Choose unripe berries of bright orange or red color for harvesting. Such fruits are sour in taste, but contain twice as many vitamins as mature berries.
  2. You can pick berries from the end of August until the first frosts. When picking fruits, immediately select large berries, as it is more convenient to dry them.
  3. Immediately after assembly, proceed to the processing of fruits. Fresh rose hips are not recommended to be stored for a long time.
  4. Cut the berries along with the stalks, rich in vitamin and mineral composition.

Attention! It is undesirable to pick berries near highways, roads and industrial enterprises.

How to dry rose hips in the sun?

Unlike fruits and other berries, rose hips should not be dried in the sun. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the berries lose useful substances.

Rose hips need to be dried quickly, and using a natural drying method, the process will take weeks. As a result, the berries will not be rich in minerals and vitamins, but will retain a pleasant taste. From such fruits, you can cook a delicious drink in winter, but it will not have the healing qualities of the product itself.

How to dry rose hips in the oven?

The best option on how to dry rose hips at home is to use the power of the oven.


  • Berries -0.5 kg

To properly dry the product, you will need to perform a series of simple manipulations:

Oven-dried rosehip

  1. After collecting the berries, it is necessary to sort out, discard rotten, green specimens, debris, foliage.

Attention! Do not wash fruits before drying.

  1. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 40-50 degrees.
  2. Prepare a clean, dry baking sheet, line with parchment paper.
  3. Spread dry berries evenly in a single layer on a baking sheet.
  4. Place the rosehip sheet on the middle rack of the oven. Dry the berries for 7 hours.

Attention! During the drying of the wild rose, leave the oven door ajar by 1-1.5 cm. Thus, it is possible to dry the fruits much faster due to the constant evaporation of moisture.

  1. Cool the finished rosehip by removing the baking sheet from the oven.
  2. Attention! The degree of readiness of the product is determined by appearance fruits. Properly dried berries do not change color, but only “wrinkle”. When exposed too high temperature, the berries will darken, acquiring a brown hue and, as a result, an unpleasant taste and aroma.
  3. Immediately remove dry berries for storage is not worth it. It is necessary to pour rose hips into cardboard boxes or boxes and leave them in containers for several days. Thus, we will get rid of the remaining moisture in the berries.
  4. Pack the blank in fabric bags and store in a dry, dark place.

How to dry berries in an electric dryer?

You can dry the fruits very simply and quickly, having an electric dryer in the house. Detailed information about drying time, temperature and conditions is indicated in the instructions for the device.


  • Berries - 1.5 kg

The algorithm of actions for drying fruits in an electric dryer is as follows:

  1. Prepare rose hips sorted from debris and dirt.
  2. Arrange the berries in a single layer on trays or racks.

Attention! When harvesting fruits for tea, you can mix rose hips with citrus peel, ginger or cinnamon.

  1. Specify drying temperature. Depending on the model of the electric dryer, the temperature regime may also change. But it is important to know that the indicator should not be less than 50 degrees and above 70 degrees. You need to start drying from the maximum temperature so that the juice from the berries evaporates faster. After 2 hours, you can reduce the indicator to a minimum. The total time spent on drying the rose hips will take 7-8 hours. 2 hours before the end of drying, you need to increase the temperature of the device again and dry the product.

Attention! When drying in an electric dryer, the berries on the bottom tray will be ready earlier than those on the top level. Therefore, it is necessary to swap pallets in the process.

  1. Pour the finished rose hips, similarly to the previous recipe, into cardboard boxes, and then pack them into small glass containers covered with a cloth and tied with ropes. You can store the product in canvas bags for 1 year. Periodically review the workpiece for the presence of pests or mold.
  2. Attention! Ready-made rose hips break easily in the hands, but should not crumble, as this indicates that the product is overdried and contains fewer nutrients.

How to dry rose hips for the winter at home without technical means?

Since the sun's rays destroy the beneficial substances of rose hips, you should choose darkened and well-ventilated rooms for drying the product. For example, you can dry the fruits in the attic, unlit window sill, balcony or veranda.


  • Rosehip - 1 kg

The process of harvesting valuable berries for the winter is as follows:

  1. Spread the prepared fruits on a baking sheet or thick paper.
  2. Move the blanks to a dark, cool place with constant access to fresh air.
  3. Dry the berries in this way for 2 to 4 weeks, periodically shaking the baking sheet or stirring the fruits.
  4. Put the dried wild rose in a cardboard box, leave it in the fresh air for 3-4 days to completely get rid of excess moisture.
  5. Arrange dried berries in cloth bags or glass jars without closing them with lids.

How to store rosehip?

Having prepared healthy berries for the winter, you must also take into account the rules for storing the product:

  1. First of all, remove the stalks from the dried fruits.
  2. Scatter the berries in clean storage containers, preferring rag bags or glass jars. At the same time, it is impossible to tightly cork the product, otherwise the fruits may deteriorate. As a cover, use gauze folded in several layers, or a circle of light fabric.
  3. Store blanks in a dark, well-ventilated area with constant temperature from +5 to +18 degrees.
  4. You can use berries in compotes, infusions or teas for 3-4 days after drying.

Rosehip is a plant that is unique in its properties and composition, which will replace an expensive pharmacy vitamin complex and help increase immunity in the winter.

Useful for the body are not only the fruits of the plant, but also its roots and leaves. But for drying, berries are used, orange or red, which everyone has seen at least once in their life.

Rose hips contain in their composition a whole complex of vitamins A, E, K, B and C, the concentration of these substances in these fruits exceeds the concentration in any other fruit or berry.

In addition, the product consists of a whole range of acids, manganese, iron, phosphorus, cobalt, and other trace elements that are important for strengthening and maintaining the body.

But in order for the berry to keep beneficial features, you need to properly harvest it even in the warm season. Rosehip processing and harvesting is feasible at home without additional devices and devices.

Properly dried rose hips will retain all the beneficial properties of fresh berries, but will not deteriorate even without proper storage methods.

The dried product can be used to prepare infusions and decoctions. These funds are used not only for drinking, but also for bath procedures, splashing healing water on the heater and for subsequent inhalation.

In addition, compotes are brewed from rose hips and medicinal natural tea is made.

Rosehip begins to bloom in May. It ripens at the height of summer. Berry picking can begin in early August, but you need to be in time before the first frost.

After the frost hits, the wild rose will lose half of its useful qualities and will be less susceptible to drying.

Fully ripened berries have a rich red color, become sweet and rich. But rose hips should be picked slightly immature, so that the berries are stronger and richer in vitamins.

Drying them in this form is much easier and more efficient.

A sign of immaturity in this berry is a rich orange color. Unripe fruits may also be red, but not dark in color.

To taste, young rose hips can be astringent and sour. Preference should be given to large fruits with a strong footboard.

It is necessary to dry rose hips in the oven or with the help of a special dryer powered by an electric source. You can also leave the berry to dry on the windowsill, but subject to a constant supply of fresh air.

Proper fruit preparation

Before drying the wild rose, it should be carefully processed and cleaned. It is strictly forbidden to wash the berry, it will already be subject to processing, and water can interfere with high-quality harvesting.

Dry the fruits should be together with the footboard. This prevents them from deforming and spoiling. And besides, the cup of the plant contains no less amount of useful elements than the berry itself.

The collected wild rose must be carefully sorted, only large fruits should be selected, deformed, spoiled berries should be removed and discarded. After the crop is prepared, you can start the drying process.

Ways to dry rose hips without an oven

You can dry rose hips not only in the oven. To perform the process, you can use an electric dryer or microwave. But even if there are no electrical appliances in the house, you can dry the berry in the fresh air at no cost and without supervision.

In order to dry the wild rose in the fresh air, you need to carefully process the product, leaving only the steps. The fruits are laid out on plywood or on a newspaper, avoiding synthetic materials.

Rosehip is laid in one layer and placed in fresh air. It can be a window sill with an open window, a balcony or a corridor. The fruits should be dried until all the moisture comes out of it and it becomes wrinkled, deformed in appearance.

When drying in a natural way, it is important to observe the temperature regime and lighting. The temperature should be room temperature, but not exceed 30 degrees. At high humidity, it will not be possible to effectively dry the dogrose.

It is also important to ensure that the berries do not get sunlight. Drying fruits is best in a dark, poorly lit room.

If this is not possible, you should cover the rosehip tray with a dry and clean towel.

How to dry rose hips for the winter in an electric dryer

An electric dryer greatly facilitates the process of harvesting rose hips. This device allows you to leave the fruits unattended and pick up the finished product at the exit, without doubting its quality.

Rosehip before drying should be processed and neatly laid in one layer. The process takes about 10 hours, during which the berry will be exposed to temperatures up to 70 degrees.

Rosehip in an electric dryer is best. This device is designed specifically for the efficient preparation of berries and the preservation of useful substances in the composition.

But despite this, the berry should be regularly checked and monitored so that the drying takes place correctly and does not spoil the dog rose.

How to dry rose hips in the microwave

As a rule, the drying process in the microwave in a special mode takes about 2-3 hours, during which it is necessary to check the berry and control the temperature.

In the event that the microwave is equipped with a minimum set of functions, you need to start the standard mode for 5 minutes. After that, the berries must be checked, aired a little.

Repeat the process until the fruits are completely dry. But as mentioned above, this method is not preferred and there is a possibility that microwave radiation will spoil the berry, ridding it of all the beneficial substances that make up the composition.

How to dry rose hips in the oven

Drying in the oven takes a long time and requires increased control over the process. But this way is one of the most preferred, due to the ideal preservation of useful properties, subject to all the rules.

To dry the fruits in the oven, they must be laid out on a baking sheet in one layer. For the process to be effective, the berries should not be wet or dirty.

The correct temperature for drying will be indicators not exceeding 60 degrees. It is best to use a low temperature, at which the procedure will be performed more slowly, but the fruits will not deteriorate and will not lose the nutrients contained in their composition.

Before placing the berries in the oven, it should be preheated. The duration of the process takes about 8 hours, during which it is necessary to monitor the rosehip and control the temperature, gradually increasing it to an acceptable level.

During drying, the cabinet door must be open so that the moisture from the berries does not settle back, but evaporates.

Drying temperature and determination of product readiness

Drying rose hips in electric or gas appliances does not imply any difficulties, the only thing that requires attention is temperature.

With an incorrectly selected mode, the fruits will lose all their useful properties and become useless. Too high rates will spoil the berry, depriving it of vitamins and nutrients in the composition.

Too much low rates can harm the rosehip shell, and also at this temperature, the process will take a long time.

The optimal indicators are the range from 40 to 60 degrees for the oven, up to 70 degrees for a specialized dryer.

To determine the degree of readiness of the product, you should examine the berries. They should darken slightly and wrinkle. A clear sign of the achievement of the result is the fragility of the dogrose.

When fully cooked, the berries break in half without much effort. If the wild rose has turned black, this means that the drying process was carried out incorrectly and, most likely, such berries are no longer saturated with vitamins and nutrients.

How to store dried rose hips at home

Store dried rose hips in a bag made of natural fabric or in a special box. Glass jars are also suitable, but without a tight lid.

You can cover such a container with a towel or gauze. The berry should be placed in a dark closet, or any other place that does not let in direct sunlight.

To effectively preserve rose hips, they should be stored at room temperature, never in the refrigerator. The place where fruits are stored should be breathable, dry and not too warm.

Is it possible to freeze fruits in the freezer

Rose hips can be frozen in the freezer for use and preparation during the cold season. The freezer provides certain advantages. They consist in maintaining the original shape of the product and its juiciness.

But this method of storage is inferior to drying in the possibility of preserving useful properties and vitamins.

How to brew dried fruits

Depending on the drink being prepared, the brewing method may differ. In order to make an infusion on wild rose, dried fruits should be poured with boiling water and left to infuse for a while under the lid.

The broth is prepared on an open fire, for this the berries are placed in cold water and bring to a boil. To make tea, rose hips are mixed with other herbs and plants and brewed in a special teapot.

Compotes are cooked from this berry with the addition of sugar or syrup, as well as other fruits.

Indications and contraindications for use

Rosehip contains a lot of positive substances in its composition. This plant is used for:

  • Treatment of infectious and viral diseases
  • Increase immunity and strengthen the body
  • Prevention of colds
  • Vitamin enrichment
  • Oncology prevention
  • Vessel strengthening
  • Removal of slags and toxins

But in addition to the obvious benefits, there are diseases that are a direct contraindication to the use of wild rose:

  • Hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Tendency to thrombosis
  • Ulcer, gastritis, or other gastrointestinal disease

This list of contraindications is due to the fact that rose hips cause increased blood clotting. Therefore, people with cardiovascular insufficiency should not use this product in any form.

In addition, the berry contains a large number of acids, which leads to irritation of the stomach and intestines, and also contributes to the destruction of tooth enamel.

But even if there are no health problems, you should consult a doctor before using rose hips.

The healing properties have been known since ancient times. Moreover, not only berries were used for medicinal purposes, but also roots, leaves, flowers. In official medicine, these thorny shrubs are considered to be multivitamin plants that have soothing, antibacterial, diuretic, hemostatic and regulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Let's talk about how to properly dry rose hips, what raw materials to collect and when is the best time to do it.

Are the beneficial substances of rose hips preserved during the drying process?

Drying wild fruits - the most ancient way preservation of berries for long-term storage. In this form, their peel petrifies, the constituent elements in the process of moisture loss are strongly compacted, but do not lose their healing qualities.

At the same time, it is important to properly organize the drying process so that the water from the fruits of this prickly plant does not evaporate instantly, but gradually without direct sunlight.
With proper conservation of medicinal raw materials, the shelf life of rose hips in dried form lasts up to 3 years. In a dry and well-ventilated place, the berries can lie longer, but every year they healing power is weakening.

Did you know? Rosehip berries, in comparison with other parts of the plant, accumulate useful substances to a greater extent. They contain: vitamins A (2.6 mg), PP (0.6 mg), E (1.7 mg), C (650 mg), iron (11.5 mg), manganese (19 mg), copper (37 mg), molybdenum (4.3 mg), zinc (1.1 mg), potassium (23 mg), calcium (28 mg), magnesium (8 mg), sodium (5 mg), phosphorus (8 mg ), pectins, sucrose, pentosans, ascorbic and citric acids, riboflavin.

When and how to collect rose hips for drying?

The amount of vitamins in the plant also depends on the time of its collection. As they ripen, the berries are filled with a bright red gloss and become soft. For such instances are no longer suitable.
It's better to break unripe fruits. To understand what kind of wild rose can be collected, a hard skin with a shiny or matte surface will help. Large samples with protruding sepals are recommended for drying. If their edges are tightly pressed against the walls, the collection is started too early - the wild rose needs time to ripen better.

Whole berries should be placed in the basket, with cups and stalks. Over time, after drying, they themselves will easily fall off. But this nuance will help to preserve vitamin C in large quantities, which will decrease during the drying process.

Important! Rosehip is contraindicated in people suffering from thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, endocarditis and circulatory failure.

When you go to collect wild rose, choose environmentally friendly areas away from dusty highways and industrial chemical areas. For raw materials, go deep into the wild, because any plant tends to absorb toxins from the environment. It is unlikely that such a medicine will be useful.

Wild is very common in our country, and, since it is quite unpretentious to cultivation conditions, it is found everywhere. For collection, choose on forest edges, slopes and forest clearings. Plan this work for dry weather, otherwise wet berries will be harder to dry, besides, they are highly saturated with moisture and in some cases can soften. The period of harvesting the raw materials of this plant begins in September and lasts throughout October. The main thing is to have time with the collection before the onset of cold weather.

Although there are different opinions on this matter: some advise harvesting wild roses after the first frost. In this discussion on the topic of whether it is possible to collect wild rose after a frost, scientists have said the last word. In the laboratory, they have proven that low temperatures are detrimental to certain macronutrients and vitamin C.

wild rose bushes not the same by composition. It is possible to distinguish a high-vitamin rosehip from a low-vitamin one by the sepals. In the first species, their edges are directed upwards, and when abruptly torn off, a round hole remains in place of the cup. In the second species (popularly called "dog rosehip"), on the contrary, the leaves on the cups are bent down. Falling away, they leave behind a dense pentagonal trace.

Preparing berries for drying

The preparatory stage will not take much time, but requires attention and perseverance. Moreover, it makes no sense to postpone this work for later, since the berries tend to deteriorate soon.
The harvested crop must be sorted out, choosing a suitable material for drying. You will understand which rosehip to dry by discarding rotten, spoiled and crushed fruits. Then pour the selected specimens into a colander and rinse in running water. This should be done carefully so that the tails on the sepals do not break off, otherwise the juice and nutrients will leak.

Next, lay the clean berries on a kitchen towel and let them dry for an hour. To speed up the process, you can blot them on top with napkins. If you wish and have time, you can cut the fruit in half and remove the seeds. In this form, they will dry much faster and become convenient for brewing.

How to dry rose hips at home?

Prepared berries are subject to obligatory drying, otherwise they will not be able to be stored for a long time, they will become moldy and become unusable. And the sooner you dry them, the more useful substances will remain in them. There are many methods for fast and efficient evaporation of moisture - from the most primitive to advanced technologies. Let's take a closer look at what can be done with rose hips and in what way.

In the oven

To begin, spread the prepared fruit in an even ball on a baking sheet.

It is recommended to start the drying process from a temperature of +40...+45°C, gradually turning the timer up to +60...+70°C. Do not close the oven doors tightly, otherwise the rosehip will turn out not dried, but baked. Periodically look at the condition of the raw material, stir it so that it dries evenly and does not burn.

The whole procedure will take 8 to 10 hours, so do not leave the kitchen for a long time.

When the berries are ready, do not rush to pack them in bags. First, let them cool on a baking sheet, then transfer to cardboard boxes and close tightly for 2-3 days. This is done in order to equalize the level of moisture in the fruit and the environment. After all these manipulations, the rosehip can be removed to a permanent storage location.

Important!Qualitatively dried fruits do not stick together and preserve their natural color, smell and taste.

In an electric dryer

Similar to how to dry rose hips in the oven, this process is also carried out in special drying devices. Manufacturers indicate detailed information about the time and temperature conditions when drying a particular fruit in instructions for use. Therefore, it makes no sense to talk about settings, since each brand has its own characteristics.

The main thing is that the temperature is not lower than + 50 ° C and not higher than + 70 ° C, and you should start with the maximum values. This will allow the juice to evaporate faster and the peel to harden. After 2 hours, you can switch to the minimum temperature.

If you fill the dryer completely with berries, the bottom tray dries faster than the top one. Be prepared for this, and do not leave the device turned on for a long time.
It will take about 7-8 hours for the fruits to be fully cooked. A few hours before the end, remember at what temperature you started drying the wild rose and set the appropriate mode.

What other ways are there?

Other technologies consist in drying the berries in a dry and well-ventilated area.

To this end, the dogrose is laid out on thick cardboard or a piece of fabric and left to evaporate moisture, removing it away from the sun's rays. The fact is that ultraviolet radiation has a destructive effect on the vitamins and minerals contained in the berries. Therefore, the balcony and the street immediately stands exclude.

The fruits of the wild rose, also called wild rose, have a whole list of virtues and useful qualities.
This has made the humble wild shrub a very popular plant, valued both in the official and traditional medicine.
The fruits ripen in autumn, in October, and they are harvested until frost.
Having found out whether it is possible to dry rose hips at home, you can go in search of vitamin berries.

Useful properties of wild rose

Rose hips are considered a highly effective remedy for relieving inflammation and general strengthening of the body.
Berries contain rich multivitamin complex, as well as a whole list of useful minerals.
In terms of vitamin C content, these fruits are several times superior to citrus fruits.
In addition, they contain:

  • Vitamins A, B, E, PP;
  • Minerals iron, copper, zinc;
  • Potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus;
  • Pectins, sucrose;
  • Citric acid, riboflavin.

The fruits are rich in antioxidants, they have a strong bactericidal effect due to the content of phytoncides.
Healing infusions and decoctions from this plant material have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the human body.
They also contribute to the implementation of the functions of the liver and gallbladder, genitourinary system and bone marrow.

Rosehip tea is used for the prevention and treatment of beriberi, anemia, and exhaustion.

Traditional medicine recommends using dried wild rose in the treatment of tuberculosis, diseases of the kidneys and intestines.
Besides berries, healing properties plant roots, flower petals and seeds also possess, from which valuable oil is obtained.
Therefore, it is important to know how to dry rose hips at home.

Collection and preparation of fruits for drying at home

With the onset of autumn cold weather, wild rose berries are only gaining their strength.
The degree of their ripeness is quite simple to determine: from light, greenish-pink shades, their surface
turns to red, at the same time the fruits increase in size.
There are several varieties of wild rose, with berries that are round or more elongated, oblong in shape.
Their size is usually about 2 cm in length.

When to collect wild rose?

It is desirable to carry out the collection in dry weather.
You need to collect even, whole berries of the correct shape with a dense peel and protruding sepals.
Their color varies from bright red to burgundy.
When pressed, high-quality berries do not crumple, they retain their shape and integrity, they are only slightly compressible.
Instances that are too soft to the touch and crumple easily, releasing juice, are not suitable for long-term storage.

Most likely, they are already damaged by frost or pests.
Before you dry the wild rose for the winter at home, you need to carefully sort out the raw materials and remove all suspicious berries.
Damaged, unevenly colored, irregularly shaped fruits may contain a source of infection or pest larvae.

It is important to exclude the possibility of stock contamination.

Optimal conditions for drying and storing rose hips

It is advisable to dry rose hips at home in a shaded, well-ventilated place.
It is better to exclude not only direct sunlight on the berries, but also to create darkness as much as possible.
Rose hips are dried at a temperature of 20 to 50 ° C, air humidity is not higher than 50%.
Under such conditions, the rosehip will acquire the necessary condition for a period of 2 days to 2 weeks, without losing its medicinal properties.
General rule blanks that apply to all medicinal plants, consists in the fact that when drying raw materials, the air temperature should not exceed 45 - 50 ° C.
In this case, the vitamin composition in the fruit pulp will be preserved as much as possible.

If the temperature during processing is higher, then some of the beneficial substances will be destroyed.
Therefore, natural drying of wild rose is preferable, if conditions allow.
Fully dried rose hips are red, dark red, burgundy in color and have a shriveled, hard surface.
They are not sticky, break apart with difficulty and have completely dry seeds when crushed inside.

You need to keep them in dark and dry conditions.

For example, in city apartments in winter, with the heating turned on, fruits can be stored in cardboard boxes,
thick linen bags or paper bags.
This will allow for ventilation and at the same time maintain darkness.
If storage is arranged in a room with high humidity, the raw materials must be packed hermetically:

  • in glass jars;
  • plastic containers.

Subject to these rules, the fruits are suitable for consumption for about 3 years.

Video - how to dry rose hips

Ways to dry rose hips for the winter

It is best to dry rose hips in a natural way, that is, without an oven.
This method is quite long, but the most useful, it allows you to save all the vitamins.
If this is not possible, you can use electrical appliances: a special fruit dryer or air grill.
The method of drying rose hips in the oven is very popular, but when using it, it is difficult to comply with the temperature conditions.
But there is a higher probability of destruction of the larvae of insect pests that can hide in raw berries.

Natural way to dry at home

This method can be used when it is possible to organize a dry,
shaded place in a ventilated area for a long time.
At home, the procedure for drying rose hips can take about 2 weeks.

Here's what to do:

  1. Carefully sort out the collected raw materials, remove low-quality specimens, if necessary, wash and dry on a towel.
    If possible, it is better not to wash the wild rose, but only clean it of plant debris and twigs, and slightly trim the long stalks.
  2. Spread paper or natural fabric on the prepared surface.
    Scatter the fruits in one layer so that they do not touch each other.
  3. Every 2 - 3 check the condition of the berries, mix and turn them so that the drying goes evenly.
  4. To speed up the process, you can install a fan in the room and direct it to the wild rose.
  5. Signs of successful completion of the process - the berries darken, slightly decrease in size.
    They acquire hardness, the surface of the peel is wrinkled, and the weight decreases.
    When broken, there is no moist pulp inside, only seeds and dry residue.
  6. Ready raw materials are packaged in prepared containers.
    Suitable boxes made of cardboard or wood, plastic containers, glass jars, canvas bags.

How to dry rose hips in the oven at home

This method is often used by housewives in an apartment.
Drying rose hips in the oven is quite fast way, and you can also save some space for drying fruits.
At the same time, additional disinfection of wild rose from possible pests and diseases takes place,
which could damage the berries during long-term storage.

Here is the sequence of actions:

  1. Before drying the rose hips in the oven, the raw materials are sorted and cleaned of debris.
    Tails are cut, not necessarily short. You can leave them up to 2 cm long.
    If necessary, the raw materials are washed with running water, and then dried with a towel.
  2. On baking sheets covered with baking paper, scatter the fruits in one layer.
    It is advisable to make sure that they do not touch each other.
  3. The oven is heated to a temperature of 60 - 65 ° C. Put in it baking sheets with plant material.
    Leave the oven door slightly ajar. This will provide ventilation and help control the temperature so the berries don't brown.
    You can also use an electric oven.
  4. Drying time can be from 4 to 10 hours. It all depends on the initial state of the raw materials, as well as the conditions in the room.
    Every half an hour, you should check the condition of the rosehip, stir it.
    If there are several baking sheets, be sure to swap them inside the oven.
  5. After drying, you can leave the berries inside the turned off oven for a few more hours so that they finally reach.
  6. Finished fruits have a darker color, firm surface and light weight.
    When broken inside, they have no moisture, nothing sticks to the fingers.
    Such a product must be distributed among prepared containers.
  7. Oven-dried rose hips are well suited for packaging in airtight containers,
    after all, after additional disinfection, the probability of damage to stocks by pests is minimal.

How to dry rose hips in an electric dryer at home

You can also dry the rose hips in an electric dryer.
This special household appliance for drying vegetables and fruits is ideal for preparations.
The dryer is equipped with a heating element and a fan, as well as a temperature controller.
Its mesh pallets do not need to be covered with anything, the fruits can be placed directly on them.
The principles of drying in an air grill are similar, but this device does not have convenient ventilated trays, and you will have to invent them yourself.

It is very easy to use the dryer for harvesting wild rose hips:

  1. The collected raw materials must be sorted out, cleaned of plant debris, washed and dried if necessary.
    Damaged and suspicious fruits must be removed.
  2. Scatter the berries in a single layer on the mesh trays of the dryer. It is advisable to distribute them so that there are gaps between the fruits.
    During these intervals, hot air will pass through and the drying process will be faster.
  3. Turn on the device, set the temperature from 40 to 60°C (optional).
    At low temperatures, more vitamin C will remain in the fruits, and at high temperatures, the process will accelerate and disinfection from diseases and pests will occur.
  4. Drying time for wild rose can vary from 4 to 8 hours, it all depends on the condition of the fruit, their size and moisture content.
    The temperature and humidity of the air in the room is also affected.
  5. Every 40 - 60 minutes you need to check the condition of the product.
    If necessary, you will have to swap pallets, rearranging the lower and upper floors.
    But if the raw material is distributed freely and the air can move without obstruction, then this may not be necessary.
  6. After drying, the wild rose is distributed over prepared containers.
    Glass jars, canvas bags, paper bags, or plastic containers will do.
    It is not recommended to store fruits in plastic bags.

Preparation of a decoction of dried rose hips

To prepare a valuable vitamin drink that will perfectly support immune system person in winter
you need to take 1 tablespoon of dried fruits and pour it with 2 glasses of water.
In an enameled bowl, heat this composition over low heat, stirring occasionally.
Bringing the drink almost to a boil, but not allowing it, you need to remove the broth from the heat and pour it into a thermos.

You can also insulate the pot with the composition on top with a warm towel or blanket and leave to infuse for 6 to 8 hours.
Then strain and take 0.5 cup 2 times a day.
It is desirable to conduct such a course for at least 1 week.

Healing decoction will help with colds, avitaminosis.

table useful substancesincompositionwild rose

vitamins Sugar organic acids Macro and micronutrients
B2 oleicmanganese
K appleiron
E magnesium

Conclusion on the topic

With all the health benefits of rose hips, this plant has very few contraindications.
Dried rose hips are suitable for both healthy eating and for the treatment of many diseases.
Preparations and drinks from them can be taken by almost all people, with the exception of patients with acute gastrointestinal problems.
The wild rose is widespread throughout our country; it is not difficult to find this shrub in wastelands and wild places.

In late autumn, after the plants wither and the leaves fall, it continues to please the eye with a bright color of the fruit.
If you know how to properly dry rose hips at home for the winter, you can stock up on valuable vitamin raw materials for the winter
and prepare their own healing decoctions and infusions for the whole family.

Video - a recipe for drying rose hips at home

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