Activia super oatmeal. Super Oatmeal Recipe

Eating oatmeal every morning is not just another rule that many parents try to instill in their children from childhood. And this is not a fad or a whim. An adult knows what oatmeal contains a large number of vitamins and microelements that not only normalize metabolism, but also have a positive effect on the skin, skeletal system, heart and muscles.

But the catch is that many do not particularly like the taste of such a dish. Even adding our favorite fruits and a little sugar, we move the bowl away after the first spoonful. Everything is like in childhood. Knowing this, our editors have found a great way to really make you fall in love with oatmeal. And its name is lazy oatmeal in a jar. As the name suggests, you don't have to cook anything.
Basic Recipe

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic recipe, and then improve it a little.
Take a glass half-liter jar with a lid.
Fill her up with 30g oatmeal, 50 g natural yogurt, 80 g skim milk.
Close the container with a lid and shake it several times to combine all the ingredients.
Choose your favorite fruits or berries (30-40 g), add to the porridge and mix the ingredients.
Close the jar tightly and refrigerate overnight.
This breakfast option can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. In addition to the basic recipe, the “With Taste” edition offers you 5 more great ideas that you will definitely like. Just choose what seems to be the most delicious for you and cook this breakfast regularly!
Oatmeal with cherries and chocolate

30 g oatmeal
80 g milk
50 g yogurt
1 tsp honey
0.5 tsp vanillin
1 st. l. grated dark chocolate
50 g chopped cherries
Mix all the ingredients in a jar except cherries and chocolate. Close the lid tightly, shake so that everything is well mixed. Then add chopped cherries and chocolate. Mix everything carefully and put it in the refrigerator overnight.
Oatmeal with orange and tangerine

30 g oatmeal
80 g milk
50 g yogurt
1 tsp honey
1 st. l. orange jam
1/4 cup drained and chopped tangerines
Mix all the ingredients in a jar, except for the tangerine. Close the jar with a lid, shake everything. Then add tangerines and stir. Send to the refrigerator overnight.
mocha oatmeal

30 g oatmeal
80 g milk
50 g yogurt
1 tsp honey
1 tsp cocoa powder
0.5 tsp instant coffee diluted in 1 tbsp. l. hot water
Combine milk, oatmeal and yogurt in a jar. Add cocoa, honey and coffee. Close the jar with a lid and shake everything. Leave in the refrigerator overnight.
Oatmeal with cinnamon and apple

30 g oatmeal
80 g milk
50 g yogurt
1 tsp honey
0.5 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup applesauce.
After you've filled the jar with oatmeal, yogurt, milk, cinnamon, and honey, close the lid and shake. Then add applesauce or pieces of fresh apple and mix all the ingredients. Leave the oatmeal in the refrigerator overnight.
Oatmeal with banana and cocoa

30 g oatmeal
80 g milk
50 g yogurt
1 tsp honey
1 tsp cocoa powder
1/4 cup chopped bananas
Start by mixing oatmeal, yogurt, honey, cocoa, and milk in a jar. After you've closed the jar and shaken it a few times, add the ripe bananas. Place the mixture in the refrigerator overnight.
You can store these ready-made breakfasts for up to 3 days. Why should you try to cook breakfast in a jar? It's delicious, nutritious, and healthy thanks to the fiber, protein, and fat found in every serving. As for the portion itself - it's just perfect for one. Take such a breakfast to training or work, combine different ingredients and enjoy. And don't forget to tell your friends!

Many people call oatmeal the real queen among cereals. Its availability and ease of preparation are complemented by the speed of preparation, for which porridge is adored all over the world.

Oatmeal with milk

In most countries, starting the day with oatmeal is considered good form and tradition. For example, the Scots consider this dish to be national, and during the Soviet era, oatmeal was mandatory in the army diet.

Oatmeal with milk can become a chic breakfast for lovers of hearty food. Also, with its help, the body is well cleansed, and weight is corrected.

How useful is oatmeal?

This product contains a lot of fiber, healthy fats, protein compounds, minerals and vitamins. Porridge is absorbed by the body gradually, which causes a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Benefits of oatmeal proved by numerous studies of doctors and reviews of those who uses it daily. It helps lower cholesterol and reduces the risk of blood clots. Helping to cleanse the body, porridge reduces weight, but increases volume. muscle mass. Regularly eating oatmeal, you can get rid of constipation, normalize the functioning of the liver, increase brain function and strengthen memory.

Milk Oatmeal Recipes

There are many recipes for the dish, but consider the most interesting and useful of them.

Simple oatmeal with milk

Take ¾ cup of oatmeal, sort and rinse. Milk is taken out and heated to room temperature, then 2 cups of liquid are prepared. You will need to throw 2 tablespoons butter, and salt the porridge to taste. Milk is put on a tile, cereals and other components are thrown there. Cook the porridge over low heat for about 10 minutes.

Sweet oatmeal with milk

Three glasses of milk Take it out of the fridge ahead of time to warm it up to room temperature. They put it on the stove and wait for it to boil. Then sugar, a glass of oatmeal and 50 g of butter are thrown to him. Constantly stirring the porridge, cook for about 8 minutes until tender. At the end of cooking, oatmeal in milk is left to infuse for about 5 minutes.

Oatmeal with milk and fruits

This recipe is similar to the previous one, but the difference is the addition of dried fruits when the porridge is left to infuse.

Oatmeal with milk cooked in a slow cooker

1 multi-glass of oatmeal is poured into a bowl, 2.5 multi-glasses of milk are added there. Sweeten and salt to taste and set the program "milk porridge". At the end of the cooking process, 30 g of oil is thrown into the porridge, the lid is closed again and left to infuse for 5 minutes. After mixing the dish, it can be served at the table.

"Lazy" oatmeal with milk and yogurt

How to choose cookware? Oatmeal with milk in a “lazy” way is prepared in a container, jar, pan or bowl. The main thing is that the container should contain a glass of liquid. Classic recipe cooking involves the use of a glass jar with a tightly screwed lid. The neck should be wide so that you can conveniently get porridge out of there.

Product selection. For an unusual "lazy" porridge, oatmeal is more suitable. The milk base is made from a mixture of milk and Greek yogurt.

Lazy oatmeal with banana and milk


  • 1 cup skim milk,
  • 1 medium banana
  • 6 spoons of oatmeal,
  • a teaspoon of fructose.


Pour oatmeal into a clean jar, put fructose and fill the components with milk. After closing it with a lid, shake it well to connect, and then put it in the cold for 12 hours. In the morning, the banana is peeled, cut into any shape and mixed with porridge.

Orange oatmeal with milk and yogurt


  • 1/3 stack. milk,
  • ¼ stack. oatmeal,
  • ¼ stack. yogurt,
  • a teaspoon of honey
  • a spoonful of orange jam
  • ¼ cup chopped tangerine.


Put cereal in a jar. They clean the tangerine, take it apart and send it to the oatmeal. Next, pre-flooded honey and jam are added. In a separate container, mix yogurt with milk and pour the mixture over the products. The container is tightly closed and shaken to mix the products. Instead of orange, try making oatmeal with raspberry milk.

  • oatmeal should be of high quality and coarse grinding;
  • to saturate the dish with omega acids, it is worth throwing flax seeds to the porridge;
  • sweetener is honey, Jerusalem artichoke, maple syrup, cane sugar.
  • you can experiment with dairy products by adding kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream to recipes;
  • jars with "lazy" porridge are allowed to be frozen for a month, but the dishes cannot be filled more than 2/3.

Oatmeal with milk - what to add?

Combinations to try:

  • maple syrup - blueberries
  • mango - almond
  • dried pineapple - coconut flakes
  • banana - chocolate
  • raisins - honey
  • banana - peanut butter
  • raspberry - vanilla
  • apple - cinnamon;

Oatmeal in milk: photo ideas

Such a wonderful breakfast will be the most correct and healthy start to the day! And so that oatmeal in milk does not bother you, take inspiration from the photo.

When I was a kid, you couldn't see me next to a bowl of oatmeal. I never wanted to eat a bunch of soft pasta that tasted like cardboard when there were all my other favorite foods like delicious eggs, pancakes and waffles on the breakfast table.

But now that I'm older and smarter, I know filling up on simple, sweet carbs isn't The best way start your day, because then very soon you will want to eat again.

There is one thing I learned a long time ago, and that is that oats are one of the healthiest superfoods on the planet. And calling it just a breakfast food is just completely downplaying how oatmeal can work for you throughout the day.

In fact, personal trainer Jackie Warner says in her book that she keeps oatmeal around all the time and treats it like a daily vitamin supplement, so she always eats oatmeal every day, whether it's in the morning, during lunch, or as a snack.

No matter when you decide to eat your oatmeal, there is one rule to follow: stay away from oatmeal for fast food! One such bag of flavored oatmeal will contain up to 10g of sugar, and one small order of McDonald's oatmeal is even worse - contains about 32g of sugar!

That's why it's important to learn about the right types of oatmeal to effectively fill your body with all the beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Various types of oatmeal

There are so many different types of oatmeal filling store shelves that it's hard not to feel overwhelmed and confused about what to buy.

Here are the most common varieties you come across.

Although not as easy to find as other types of oatmeal, whole oats contain the highest amount of protein (8 grams per quarter cup of oats).

Whole wasp groats are a whole kernel of oats without inedible husks, which are removed. It has a nutty, chewy texture, but you have to cook it longer. This is why whole oats are the perfect slow cooker.

You can also swap out standard white rice for whole oats for garnish or toppings, because no one said oatmeal is just for a tasty and sweet breakfast! This is the same side dish of cereals as rice, couscous, corn or quinoa.

When you cut whole oats with sharp steel knives, you end up with crushed or Irish oats. It retains the same nutty flavor of the grain, but the grain itself is smaller, making it easier and faster to cook. Crushed oatmeal reminds me of porridge, and I like to cook a large batch of such porridge over low heat, and I also like to brew such cereal with boiling water overnight, and then cook it over low heat, it's very simple, tasty and healthy.

Old-fashioned rolled oats are the most versatile healthy oats. To make rolled oats, oatmeal is steamed and then pressed between rollers to form dry flakes.

Nutritionally, oatmeal is almost identical to crushed oats. This is one of the cases where processing doesn't completely destroy healthy food! Because the oatmeal is already partially steamed, and by preparing crushed oats at home, it will absorb more liquid and take a long time to cook.

Cooking such oats is very simple, just boil the oats and eat, someone likes to brew such oats at night, and someone cooks it in a saucepan for a long time, it all depends on your taste preferences.

It's an oat that goes through the same cooking process as oats, except it's slightly thinner, making it even quicker to cook, and it tastes creamy and almost chewy.

Because quick oatmeal is so thin, you'll feel hungry sooner, so you won't have the nutritional benefits of crushed oats or rolled oats.

However, quick oatmeal is very easy and quick to prepare, just pour boiling water over it, let it brew and you can eat, which is sometimes very convenient.

These are called oatmeal breakfast cereal bags, these instant oats are super thin and steamed longer and then dehydrated.

These tend to be the most unhealthy oats because they so often contain dangerous amounts of sugar, salt, and other questionable ingredients. However, if you can find unsweetened and unflavored instant oatmeal, it has almost the same health benefits as instant oatmeal.

Now you know the difference between all types of oatmeal, but let's find out

Why is oatmeal so great for us.

Oats are high in two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fibers move along our gastrointestinal tract, grabbing water from our intestines to add weight and make it easier for food to pass through our system.

Soluble fiber turns into a gel-like consistency and slows down digestion, which makes us feel full. One of the key soluble fibers in oats is beta-glucan, which slows down the digestion of the food we eat, and this process takes longer.

One serving of oatmeal has about 5g of fiber, and adults should get 25-38g of fiber per day, so it's good.

Fiber is not only critical for a healthy digestive system, it is also directly related to heart health.

Beta-glucans must pass through the entire body in order to be digested. digestive tract, along the way, they combine with LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, and eliminate it from our body, so the level of bad cholesterol is reduced.

At the International Heart Association admit that beta-glucan, as a dietary component, may reduce the risk of developing coronary disease heart,” because the beta-glucan in oatmeal is associated with a reduction of 5 percent in total cholesterol and 7 percent in bad cholesterol (LDL).

When LDL is high, your arteries begin to harden, resulting in high blood pressure. blood pressure or hypertension. This adds stress to your heart and can trigger a heart attack. Therefore, lowering cholesterol reduces the chances of suffering from heart disease.

Harvard University researchers in a study of 21,000 participants over 19 years found that men who ate a daily bowl of whole grains like oatmeal in the morning had a 29 percent lower risk of developing heart failure.

Maybe it's because oats contain omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, potassium, calcium and - all the essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals necessary for the heart.

Getting at least 3 grams ov beta-glucan from oatmeal a day may reduce the risk of heart disease.

because oatmeal is good complex carbohydrates, it can slow down the digestion of sugar. Beta-glucans are not absorbed too quickly in the body. This lowers and stabilizes blood sugar levels. According to one study, the fiber in oats helps improve glucose metabolism. It also responds better than barley fiber insulin. Both of these are good news for anyone who wants to reduce their risk of diabetes and obesity.

Results from another study showed that when participants with type 2 diabetes ate oatmeal for four weeks, they reduced the amount of insulin needed to stabilize their blood sugar levels by 40%.

Luckily, all of these amazing diabetic diets allow you to add oatmeal to the menu.

Half a cup of oatmeal contains under 150 calories and only 2 grams of fat.

It's amazing when you realize how easily you get so few calories, because so much fiber in oats makes you feel like you're full. When we feel full, our satiety hormones kick in and we don't have the constant cravings for snacks and overeating that makes us feel full and satisfied.

If you're trying to lose weight and restrict calories, then oatmeal is the perfect snack to help you do just that. It will signal satiety to your brain and keep you satisfied until next appointment food. Oats will also help eliminate belly and waist fat.

One serving of oatmeal has about 5g of protein, which makes it quite high in protein based on the amount of calories consumed.

But what's even better is that you can use low-calorie oatmeal as a healthy foundation and for other protein variants.

Here's one of my favorite tricks: make oatmeal and add some cheese, black beans and a poached egg for 10 grams of protein.

Nuts will also add protein to your oatmeal and don't forget about whey protein powder if you want to increase your protein intake even more.

The ability of this super hard-working beta-glucan to help neutrophils has also been studied - soldiers our immune system, quickly move to the infected area and destroy the germs.

This is a great example of how good food keeps you safe from disease.

Oatmeal contains enterolactone, which acts as an antioxidant and helps prevent and fight cancer. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals caused by the environment that cause damage to cell DNA and can lead to cancer.

Oats contain more high level antioxidants than most other grains, making oatmeal an ideal choice.

There have been several studies linking the high fiber content of oatmeal with a healthy colon and a reduced risk of colon cancer. One study confirms a 10 percent reduction in the risk of colon cancer for every 10 grams of fiber eaten per day.

Magnesium is so important a mineral that many people sometimes underestimate. Men should get 400-420 mg of magnesium per day; women should aim for 310-320 mg. However, most of us only get an average intake of around 250 mg per day.

Are you getting enough magnesium?

Magnesium helps:

  • Prevent cardiovascular disease
  • Prevent the development of osteoporosis
  • Regulate high blood pressure
  • treat diabetes

Despite all these fantastic abilities, we also know that food affects our emotions. Magnesium is called a cooling pill because of its ability to promote feelings of calm and reduce anxiety, stress, and panic attacks.

Magnesium suppresses stress hormones. It also helps with insomnia so you can fall asleep faster and sleep longer.

Have you noticed why there are so many things for the skin with oatmeal: soaps, creams, shampoos, tonics, gels? This is because oatmeal is used to soothe and relieve dry, itchy skin and normalize its pH levels.

If you are suffering from skin diseases, oatmeal baths will be your savior. Oatmeal softens and moisturizes the skin and also protects your skin from pollution and irritants.

Moreover, nutrients in oatmeal, such as copper, zinc, selenium, thiamine and niacin support skin health.

And how you will glow from within!

Oatmeal is a slow-digesting carbohydrate and protein at the same time, and therefore a rich source of energy for your body. Oatmeal is full of good carbohydrates that keep your body healthy and full.

The carbohydrates in oatmeal are digested and released more slowly than simple carbohydrates, so that your energy level stays consistent and without spikes.

According to one study, you need to consume a low-glycemic meal like oatmeal three hours before you need more stamina.

Clients, suspecting gluten intolerance or those with celiac disease , I am often asked if oats contain gluten. I always answer that you need to see your doctor. Even though rolled oats can be contaminated with products containing gluten during packaging, processing, or harvesting.

Talk to your doctor about adding oats to your diet; you just need to add it to your diet under the supervision of a doctor.

After all, if you can get these amazing health benefits from oatmeal, then your body will thank you for sure.

Keep in mind that oatmeal works in a 1:2 ratio, meaning if you make a serving size of 1/2 cup, you only need 1/4 cup dry oatmeal 1/2 cup water or milk to get the amount of porridge you need.

You can use any liquid to make oatmeal: water, almond flour, cow's milk, it all depends on your taste preferences and habits.

Remember, don't go overboard with fruits and nuts for oatmeal flavor, you need to control the amount of sugar and fat in both of these supplements to keep your oatmeal healthy.

Try adding chia or flax seeds to supplement your oatmeal with fiber, omega-3s, and energy throughout the day.

Oatmeal is incredible healthy eating at a very inexpensive price, proving that you can eat well and healthy without spending a lot of money.

Are you eating oatmeal for your daily vitamin and mineral intake? What's your favorite way to make oatmeal? Share your thoughts with me in the comments!

Super Oatmeal rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B1 - 18.1%, vitamin B6 - 14.7%, vitamin H - 22.2%, vitamin PP - 17.8%, potassium - 15.1%, magnesium - 27 .2%, phosphorus - 29.1%, iron - 14.8%, cobalt - 33.5%, manganese - 120.5%, copper - 33.9%, zinc - 16.4%

Benefits of Super Oatmeal

  • Vitamin B1 is part of the most important enzymes of carbohydrate and energy metabolism, providing the body with energy and plastic substances, as well as the metabolism of branched-chain amino acids. The lack of this vitamin leads to serious disorders of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  • Vitamin B6 participates in the maintenance of the immune response, the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system, in the transformation of amino acids, the metabolism of tryptophan, lipids and nucleic acids, contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells, maintaining a normal level of homocysteine ​​in the blood. Insufficient intake of vitamin B6 is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, a violation of the condition skin, the development of homocysteinemia, anemia.
  • Vitamin H participates in the synthesis of fats, glycogen, amino acid metabolism. Insufficient intake of this vitamin can lead to disruption of the normal condition of the skin.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Inadequate vitamin intake is accompanied by a violation of the normal state of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Potassium is the main intracellular ion involved in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, participates in the processes of conducting nerve impulses, regulating pressure.
  • Magnesium participates in energy metabolism, synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids, has a stabilizing effect on membranes, is necessary to maintain homeostasis of calcium, potassium and sodium. Lack of magnesium leads to hypomagnesemia, increased risk of developing hypertension, heart disease.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Iron is a part of proteins of various functions, including enzymes. Participates in the transport of electrons, oxygen, ensures the occurrence of redox reactions and activation of peroxidation. Insufficient consumption leads to hypochromic anemia, myoglobin deficiency atony of skeletal muscles, increased fatigue, myocardiopathy, atrophic gastritis.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates the enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Manganese participates in the formation of bone connective tissue, is part of the enzymes involved in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, catecholamines; necessary for the synthesis of cholesterol and nucleotides. Insufficient consumption is accompanied by growth retardation, disorders in the reproductive system, increased fragility bone tissue, disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Copper is part of the enzymes that have redox activity and are involved in the metabolism of iron, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing tissues of the human body with oxygen. Deficiency is manifested by violations of the formation of cardio-vascular system and skeleton, the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
  • Zinc is part of more than 300 enzymes, is involved in the synthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nucleic acids and in the regulation of the expression of a number of genes. Inadequate intake leads to anemia, secondary immunodeficiency, liver cirrhosis, sexual dysfunction, and fetal malformations. Research recent years the ability of high doses of zinc to disrupt the absorption of copper and thereby contribute to the development of anemia was revealed.
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Impressed by the reports in our community about Iherb's new star brand Purely Elizabeth I immediately ordered myself too. And granola and oatmeal. Oatmeal not simple, but special. With chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, cranberries, quinoa and amaranth. Very tasty oatmeal! Useful! And, most importantly, it cooks very quickly! It matters in the morning.

To increase the benefits of porridge, I also decided to try cold pressed unrefined hemp oil from a brand with impeccable quality Nutiva.

Oatmeal with cereals, with chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, cranberries:
Purely Elizabeth, Super Nutrient Oatmeal, Cranberry & Pumpkin Seeds, 10 oz (283 g)

Purely Elizabeth brand - products of excellent quality and very interesting!

Breakfast porridge was the best! As the manufacturer himself says: this is not your usual grandmother's oatmeal, this is something different and better! Super Grains and Seeds pair with sweet, juicy cranberries and pumpkin seeds for a healthy and nutritious breakfast.

The ingredients and description are amazing. USDA Certified Organic, Vegan Friendly, Non-GMO Verified, Certified Gluten Free
No added sugar. There are only 2 grams of naturally occurring sugars from fruits and grains per serving. Also 7 grams of protein and 7 grams of fiber.

Packing with zip fastener. Closes tightly.

Ingredients (all organic): gluten-free oats, dried cranberries (cranberries, apple juice concentrate, sunflower oil), raw pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, amaranth, quinoa flakes.

Super ingredients!
We all know about oatmeal.
Cranberries are an antioxidant and rich in vitamin C.
Quinoa is an ancient cereal rich in protein (even superior to buckwheat).
Amaranth is also an ancient cereal with a high content of B vitamins + amino acids.
Chia seeds are my favorite - a source of omega-3 fatty acids and fiber.
Pumpkin seeds are a source of many vitamins and minerals.

Cooking porridge is very easy. Add 3 parts liquid to 1 part cereal and boil. For 2 large servings, I take 1 glass of cereal (I have a small glass of 200 ml), 1 glass of milk and 2 glasses of water.
Add salt-sugar to taste, oil (however delicious with coconut, peanut, sesame, cream, etc.).
Instead of sugar, we add agave syrup.

You can boil it in a pot or in the microwave. I love it in a pot on the stove. Then, however, it is necessary to wash the ladle. The manufacturer also offers to simply pour the porridge with milk, wait 5 minutes and you can eat. I still prefer to boil it)))

There are a lot of pumpkin seeds in the composition, and you can see them. Chia seeds give the porridge some crunchiness. They are also visible in the finished porridge - black dots.

Unrefined cold pressed hemp oil:
Nutiva, Organic Superfood, Cold Pressed Hemp Oil, 8 fl oz (236 ml)

The site has the same oil in glass bottles and larger volumes. To sample I took a small bottle of small volume.

The packaging does not contain terrible BPA, so everything is fine with plastic.

Now for the oil! I have long heard about the especially useful hemp oil. Thank you, Iherb gave me the opportunity to try it.
USDA, QAI and Ecocert ICO Certified Organic Butter, Non-GMO, Vegan Friendly, Non-Hydrogenated, Free of Hexane, Dairy, Lactose, Sweeteners and Trans Fat.

Hemp oil has an ideal natural ratio of acids 3:1 Omega 6 to Omega 3.
Unlike flaxseed oil, hemp contains the beneficial super omega-3 acid (SDA) and super omega-6 gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which help the body break down fat.

Super helpful oil! It is a unique source of a large number of elements, vitamins, fatty acids and minerals (sulfur, iron, manganese, calcium, zinc, potassium and phosphorus, vitamins, antioxidants, phytosterols, phospholipids, carotene and protein).
Hemp oil also contains a large amount of polyunsaturated acids, linolenic, oleic, steric and palmitic acids.
It has a beneficial effect on the skin. When applied externally, it has unsurpassed anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Helps stabilize performance sebaceous glands, normalizes oily skin, has a moisturizing effect, improves complexion, has a regenerating effect.
The benefits of hemp oil can be clearly seen if you take 2 tablespoons a day for a month. The condition of nails and hair will noticeably improve. Oil greatly affects shine, volume and strength.
Regular intake of this oil has a beneficial effect on the immune system. The body is much better at resisting any bacteria and viruses. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases will notice an improvement in well-being.
Due to its high calcium content, hemp oil can be used for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, pathological changes in joints and bones. Besides, positive effect noticed by people suffering from endocrine diseases. Hemp oil helps lower cholesterol levels, improves metabolism, and also normalizes hormonal balance.

A smart bottle, it does not allow air to pass through, so that under the influence of air the oil does not oxidize. And the oil itself will not spill.
The bottle has a dispenser. The dispenser, however, somehow does not work very well and spits. You have to be careful not to shoot the oil in the wrong place.
I keep it in the refrigerator.

This oil can only be used raw! I add it to salad or porridge, for example. It tastes like good olive oil to me. Delicate taste without any bitterness. Green colour! Clear, transparent, free from impurities, not cloudy.

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