Self-healing of the power of thought. How to run the organism self-healing processes? Self-healing of the body

The liver is best restoring the body. Instead of the formation of scar tissue after damage, the liver replaces old cells new. The process is also fast. Even after removing 70% of the liver, it can recover within two weeks.

Restoration of the intestinal epithelium

Every day the intestine does hard work, digesting food. Epithelium in the intestine acts as a barrier, filtering toxins when absorbing nutrients. Without this, the microbes could get into the intestine and cause diseases. To preserve protection, the body replaces old cells to new ones. The speed of recovery is high; The whole epithelium is completely replaced every five to seven days.

Bone fabric formation

A few hours after the fracture, the body is already beginning to restore the broken bone, forming a thromb. After a week or two of this cluttle will be replaced by the formation of collagen. Three weeks, the body will add minerals to education so that it hardened and turned into a new bone. As soon as the bone is fully formed, it leaves from three to nine years, he takes his original form.

Replacing skin cells

The skin consists of several layers, and the upper cells of the cells are actually dead cells. From 30,000 to 40,000 of these cells leave skin covering Every day, and new ones are growing at the bottom of the outer layer.

Scratches in the eyes quickly heal

The cornea is an outer layer of the eye - constantly updated. To form a new epithelium - the surface layer of the cornea requires only one week. When applying scratches, this process passes even faster. The body contributes to the removal of damaged cells, while cells from other areas are superimposed on top of the wound. Scratch completely heals for one to three days.

Light restored after smoking

Tiny hairs in the lungs, called cilia, usually sweep the mucus and other substances from the organ. But when a person breathes a cigarette smoke, these hairs cannot move, which leads to the formation of mucus. Meanwhile, smoke causes inflammation and swelling. The refusal of smoking will not allow the authorities from serious damage, but partially light can recover.

The brain is building new neural connections.

More scientists will consume about "neuroplasticity", which allows the brain to create new links between neurons. For example, if an area that is responsible for human speech is damaged, another part of the brain can take over its duties, so some ability to speak with the patient with damage to the brain can recover.

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Regeneration Bioregulators - Small doses

As you know, the ability of a person to restore injured tissues and organs compared to our smaller brothers Very limited. Indeed, even among cold-blooded vertebrates there are such "aces of regeneration", as tritons, easily restore the lost tail or limb. There is no chance of growing a broken finger in a person, but nevertheless, many of our fabrics, such as connecting, epithelial and bone, are successfully restored during damage. Cellular sources of regeneration are either even non-differentiated stem cells, or cells that "lose" their specialization and turn into other cell types. However, the mechanisms of these processes still remain unclear in many ways.

The team of Moscow biologists and chemists managed to highlight from the tissues of various higher organisms (plants, such as plantain and countercake, as well as mushrooms and animals), a group of protein regulators, which, when using them in ultra-long doses, are able to launch regenerative processes in the place of damage. Based on them were developed therapeutic drugs, some of which have already been successfully applied in medical practice With damage to the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye and articular cartilage, providing the restoration of a full healthy tissue.
The vertebrate animals have two cellular sources of regeneration, due to which the complete set of differentiated cells is restored in damaged tissues. First, these are so-called multipotent stem cells, that is, undifferentiated cells that can turn into any specialized cells of tissues and organs; Secondly, there are already differentiated cells that "lose" their specialization and redifferentiates, that is, the cell types are converted to other to the present moment.
But although the mechanisms of such differentiation are currently being actively studied, questions about the nature and ways of passing signals entering cell sources of regeneration remain in many ways unclear. However, anti-protein nature is played in all these regeneration mechanisms of regeneration.

As a result of many years of work, a group of researchers from the Moscow Institute of Development Biology. N. K. Koltsova RAS and the Institute of Elementorogenic Compounds. A. N. Nesmeyanov RAS, under the direction of Professors V. P. Yamskova and I. A. Yamskova, it was possible to highlight from the tissues of various higher organisms a new group of bioregulators, which launch regenerative processes in damaged tissue when using them in ultra-low doses ("worker" them Concentrations - 10-7-10-15 mg of protein / ml)

With the help of immunohistochemistry methods, protein-peptide bioregulators were localized in the intercellular space of animal tissues and plants on the cell surface. For example, a bioreculator, dedicated milk milk, was found on the surface of the cells forming the laborer feed duct (A). Although stocking bioregulators of animals are species specific, they may be present to other fabrics formed from the same germ. This is confirmed by the localization of the bioregulator isolated from the bull lens on the surface of the corneal epithelium eye of the Ilist Triton in the limb area (b) and in the center of the cornea (B), since these fabrics have a common embryonic origin.

Such low concentrations Immediately cause associations with homeopathic preparations, but this is a false representation. The principle of homeopathy is to treat a similar one: a homeopathic substance at a large concentration causes pathology, in the supermonal dose, this pathology treats. The mechanism of action of new bioregulators, which are peptide-protein complexes, completely different and is determined by their peculiar physico-chemical properties, Including a fairly disordered secondary structure of fragments of protein chains.

The liver carries 500 functions. Imagine that invisible threads connect the liver and thyroid gland. One of these strings broke.

What does this mean?

What disappeared the tiny connection of the two organs in a certain function and should be restored, since the metabolic disorder began. Reception of any drugs is useless.

When you are diagnosed: the metabolism is disturbed, they are said that specifically from a variety of organ functions are broken. Not? So what are they treating?

Wrong work thyroid gland Disrupts the tone and motility of the reduction of the gallbladder (1), leads to the pathogenic sphere (2), causes pain in the stomach (3). Here you have three diseases only from the fact that the thin thread of the iron liver interrupted.

Is it possible to restore their activities?

Can. Only you need to be attentive to your body. Help him and he himself restore what is needed.

If the chlorine concentration in the blood is not replenished, then the blood becomes viscous (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, heart disease, the noise in the ears, headache, hypertension, hypotension, and so on). Packing larger vessels - stroke, heart attack. Yes, and a lot more.

The stomach produces 10 liters of gastric juice. 2 liters goes to digest food, the rest is absorbed into the blood (blood, sweat - salty).

The stomach produces hydrochloric acid, peps, which dissolve the organic.

By 18 o'clock in the stomach there is no hydrochloric acid, there are no cells that produce it.

So that the cells in the stomach did not dissolve (no food - dissolve what is in the stomach), it is necessary every 2 hours anything, to snack.

Breakfast - proteins, fats. Lunch - soups. Dinner - cereal (carbohydrates). They will quickly leave the stomach, because carbohydrates the stomach is not digested and go into the intestines.

At 18 o'clock turns on the kidneys that begin filtration. To help the kidneys filing a viscous blood, after 18 you can drink salted water: the chlorine is simply necessary, it dilutes blood. (Well-fits Minvoda "Essentuki" No. 4 or No. 17).

It is necessary to take into account the fact that if you drink tea, coffee, water while eating, then you dilute the gastric juice, which leads to a longer digestion of food, which is not good. Now they are constantly talking about taking no more than 2 liters of water per day. To whom it is good, and someone does not want. Can not a person drink it. Well, do not drink. Do not do everything, do the way you need.

  1. Check the thyroid gland (at home)
  2. Food: from 5 am to 18 pm (MAX)
  3. Food fractional: after 2-2.5 hours. Portion - Fixed in the palms.
  4. Before the food, during meals and after eating do not drink (40-60 min). It will well give the opportunity to digest food. And then drink what you want. (Please note: the animal never drinks after meals).

What do you get in return from your body?

  1. Pains ulcers, hepatic, renal and so on pass. (Slowly your sores go).
  2. Three days you will feel some discomfort: the brain must understand and rebuild on a new way.
  3. Start (gradually) leave excess weight.
  4. The recovery will begin internal organs (Organs themselves will restore those threads that broke), which leads to the self-healing of the body naturally.
  5. If you have thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, use the techniques of abolition by bandages per 1 hour solution acetylsalicylic acid. It is necessary to dissolve plaques.
  6. You will stop drinking pills, feel ease in the body.

You may ask: What about the salted water? Salt? Oh God.

But the body cannot live without sodium and chlorine. No one says: Eat salt kilograms, but if you really want: the body gives a signal that it is necessary.
Do you have a spasm of calf muscles? Clean them with salted water: lack sodium.

And yet: to help the body more smoothly go through self-healing, make the body's energy cleaning, remove not only physical, but also energy dirt.

Is the self-healing of the health of the physical and spiritual through the strength of thought? Treatment without medicine? There are people who proved that it is possible. Such people managed to confirm on their example that our thoughts are able to work a miracle.

We do not need to prove the truth - confidence in our abilities much increases the chances of a positive result in any case. Not in vain, because it says - "Faith shifts the mountains." Therefore, the right attitude towards the problem can help cure even the most hopeless disease. But change your personal position and your own thoughts is not so simple. Talk about people who managed to survive in extreme situations.

Any invention is preceded by ideas. Therefore, it will be true to consider the statement that it is thoughts that create physical objects. But not only. They affect the body, positive or negative way. From here you can conclude about mental ability to treat. Indeed, there are many well-known stories about successful self-treatment and amazing healing properties of intention. Some of these stories we will present you here, maybe they will be interested and help.

You, of course, often hear about proper nutritionabout caring over the body. But do you know that there are psychological aspects of every disease? What exactly does any problems begin with them? Unfortunately, people pay attention only to external factors. Improve the quality of food, participate in sports programs, are looking for healing nutritional supplements, Massage makes, use hygienic and cosmetics.

Few people care about their soul and worldview, not understanding that the emotional internal attitude is created by themselves, and joy, and grief, which is precisely he is a real man.

When the trouble comes

Let's figure it out, do you really unhappy? Why do you consider yourself this?

You are unhappy because you do not understand your partner.

Unhappy because they did not have lunch.

Because you feel exploited.

We bored at work ...

Infinite "Because." A series of reasons are out of you.

Most likely, you do not even understand that unhappy. Or do not know where the roots of your eternal poor mood. You are distracted by many modern factors:

TV, Internet, focus on consumption, work, alcohol, or (God forbid) drugs, etc.

They, these factors, to some extent distract from problems, but at the same time, they do not allow to change life for the better. Such a set of admired behavior patterns do not allow you to know something new, to figure out what your soul would really like.

When the soul is in a long journey to the places that she does not like, it gets ill, and then proacts to the physical body.

The mechanism is very simple. A negative worldview creates an incorrect image of behavior. And it, in turn, adverse circumstances in all aspects of life. Remember, while the soul you are unhappy, the body will not help neither the best diet, nor the sport or work! While you do not change inside, the soul cannot qualify for happiness and health.

Disease as the potential of a new opportunity

There are miraculous examples of people who used the disease as an opportunity to change, look at all things from the other side and start a completely different life.

They were forced in the face of a terrible disease, which only a few weeks of life gave them, to take an important decision, honestly to tell themselves - "Now I can't live like that. I have very little time. I have to pay in my capital this time. "

Only when death is already neudibly approaching, we realize that it is impossible to lose infinitely. What is the last attempt to change yourself. Now or never! Just before her terrible face we have courage to tell yourself the truth yourself.

An elderly woman named Lydia, many years ago was diagnosed with cancer. She then turned 60 years old. Cancer quickly launched metastases throughout the body. Doctors gave a woman a forecast: to live from three to six months.

Knowing the imminent death, Lydia gained courage to do what she was so afraid to make all her life. She went against the will of her husband, who suppressed her all time, because he was strict and loved to command everyone. Husband forbade Lydia to engage in music and dancing.

But the doctors said that he should resolve a dying woman any whim. She wanted to amputate the leg infected with cancer, but she did not allow. The woman was discharged from the hospital. I went to the music store and bought a player, and to him Elvis Presley disks. To this singer she had a secret addiction from youth.

Come home, the woman did what I dreamed about long yearsThe fact that she forbade her strict footing husband was. She began to dance. Hour or two. Day. Many days in a row. Then she went to the nursing home to play old men on the piano of the song Elvis Presley.

From day to day, Lydia became better and better. And now three months have passed. But she did not die. Instead, a woman danced and played on the piano. Then six months passed, and she lived further, as if nothing had happened.

After the disease, Lydia was waiting for death (or rather, having spoiled on it) for another twenty years, having survived all his one-year-old, and, in the end, quietly left life in a dream.

Her cancer went to the remission. He did not see any reason to stay and farther in Lydia's grandmother, who decided her main problem in life and did what it was created - to enjoy music, dancing and just life.

Faith can shift the mountain

As we see, changing adverse circumstances, has a beneficial effect on all processes in the human body. And what else can your soul offer you?

Dr. Bernie Sigel, expert on auxiliary therapy With cancer, knows many stories about the power of saving faith. He talks about a patient with a tumor that has achieved a size of a small melon. Every day, for him turned into a vast expectation of death. But once he learned that the clinical trials of the new drug from cancer begins in his hospital. As soon as the patient heard about it, he became obsessed with the idea that this drug could help him. He was firmly sure that this medicine would save his life.

In fact, the tests were carried out with a weak medicine intended for early stage Diseases. But the patient insisted that this tool would necessarily help. Doctors, of course, did not believe in it, but agreed that the patient would be taken away from them. In the next weekend, he should have died. But ... something went wrong. The patient received the first injection on Friday, and on Monday she continued to live, while also in good faith smiling. Doctors conducted an inspection and were stunned, because the tumor melted like snow on a hot plate. No one could explain this miracle.

For several weeks after that everything went well. But then the former patient read in the newspaper a message that the type of drug in which he believed does not justify himself as effective means against cancer ...

For a short time, cancer returned to him. The patient was again in the hospital. The doctor, having listened to all his sad story, took the only right decision. He said that the newspaper was discussed about the old version of the drug, and the new, very strong, the medicine just entered them for the clinical trial. The doctor asked the patient if he wanted to try this exclusive tool. The patient immediately agreed and ... got the injection of an ordinary physiological solution.

The tumor has disappeared again for several days ...

Even if this story seemed to you very implausible, we assure that such cases are not at all an exception in medical practice. They are a living evidence of how strong the faith can be, which is capable of not only to eliminate the tumor, but also rearrange the mountains.

Another small story from Dipaca Chopra, therapist and the author of numerous books on spiritual practices.

Man for 25 years has not checked the state of his health. But then he had to undergo a survey for the insurance policy. Doctors discovered a large dark spot in one of the lungs. The diagnosis is the inoperable lung cancer. After a few months, the man died.

So, a person walked for many years with a problem in the lungs, but did not know about it. Then he learned about the diagnosis and ... died. That is, before that, a person lived because he simply knew nothing about the spnowled on the radiograph. He was making a diagnosis. The diagnosis in which he firmly believed in the truth of which was not doubted. The diagnosis became a reality. Improved in life.

When conviction changes consciousness

We have given two cases told about an unconscious choice, about the children's immediate faith in a miracle. Faith, solid and unshakable, made an impossible effect in the world of things. But there is also a conscious choice of a certain path. Let's figure out the difficulty of spiritual performance about the world.

Peter and Elena Evans help people change the worldview of 180 degrees to defeat themselves and their ailments. Their practice is based on the expansion of spiritual potential.

Doctors tell about one patient with a diagnosis of cancer, which has moved 13 operations and suffering from non-passible pain. Touching everything available toolsHe began to meditate to know himself before dirty.

In deep meditation, the patient suddenly understood the very essence of life. It's amazing, but he was delighted with pain and asked her more and more for himself. The patient managed to radically change his views and beliefs, his idea of \u200b\u200bpain, as a phenomenon.

He saw her opposite direction, found beauty in it, what no one sees, and thus acquired freedom. Today is a healthy and full-fledged person.

Healing love

We will tell you about the professional baton of Ginny Walden. She was diagnosed with breast cancer III stages from fifty years.

Ginny, however, did not lose the vigorous mood. She did not disappoint the diagnosis, but it treated the approaching painful therapy in philosophically. The doctor said Ginny that she was waiting for an imminent surgery, plus three months of chemotherapy (with a higher dose than usual), stem cell transplantation and 6000 exposure is radically rad.

Ginny began to pray before the operation and first went on acupuncture. In addition, it mastered the relaxation method to reduce the effect on the body of stress treatment. Also, Ginny began to practice a special macrobiotic diet for patients with breast cancer, without sugar, meat, animal fats and dairy products.

Soon she made an operation. A tumor with an orange was carved.

After the operation, three-month chemotherapy began for it, which showed a positive effect.

After a short break, stem cell therapy continued. Ginny listened all the time on the magazine only one song "Do not worry. Be happy".

Stem cell transplantation is a very dangerous procedure. During her, many patients die. Ginny was terribly bad, she fell faintly, but I smiled all the time. Nevertheless, after the procedure, she had to be in the insulator due to the threat of infection with pathogenic microbes.

If a miracle happens

One evening, Ginny went to a small bathroom. She looked in the mirror and saw himself in a terrible state. In the bath, Ginny suddenly remembered himself in a two-month age. How badly treated her mother.

What happens to a child who does not like? Where does his fear come? Does he remain in the cells of children?

At that moment, Ginny found the real cause of his illness. But her mother had no long ago. What to do? And then Ginny poured all the love of his suffering body. That love that it dreamed so long.

On the cheeks female tears flowed. She gently and with love bathed itself, how the mother of his beloved child bathes. Each touch of a wet sponge to the skin was filled with her life itself and gave cells the charge of new energy.

Ginny felt deep relief and tremendous happiness. After the bathroom, before bedtime, she said the whole universe:

"Now I know the causes of disease and help other people. This is the meaning of my life, and he will come true! "

It seems miracle. But! A few days later, Ginny became absolutely healthy.

Health Recovery Mechanism

What did all these stories show us that they seem so implausible?

Wonderful healing is real. It can occur in different ways, but each person decides for himself, what will be the way to him.

For this you need:

  • Have an unshakable faith.
  • Do not be afraid to change your opinion, your thoughts, our prospects, the worldview, and then all their lives.
  • Generously give love to others, including himself.

The power of the Spirit is the most important component of any therapy. The most important factor for any undertaking, including the problem with health. And even more, love is needed when it comes to death.

At the same time, instead of the usual scattering of forces, time and money, it is possible to be very thoughtful to engage in such an affordable case as self-treatment. The prevention of diseases and treatment of already existing ailments will also be included in the human self-healing system.

How to run the mechanism of self-healing the body

Any human body It has a huge potential, allowing him not only to survive, but also live qualitatively, independently preventing the development of pathological processes in the body. In transitional periods of life (early childhood, with hormonal restructuring or old-age), protective mechanisms and human self-healing resources are somewhat weaken. Against the background of the wrong nutrition, an irrational lifestyle, in the production of harm or environmental difficulties, the body also spends all forces on simple survival, without having a safety reserve to restore distressed areas. But synthetic medicinal products, artificial hormones And household antiseptics simply turn off the human self-healing function, switching the body to life in sterile conditions and breaking immune self-defense.

In order to solve the task, you must adhere to six simple rules:

  • Realize that external factors are a provocation of the disease, and the readiness for it lies in the man itself. Therefore, resistance to death or exit from it is possible only with the right and conscious setting.
  • It is necessary to start a day or any business during it with a smile, straightening your shoulders and straighten your back. Positive emotions are the key to a successful self-healing person.
  • Rejoice in your even small achievements and praise yourself for them. The feeling of gratitude to myself for the care of health can mobilize the essential resources that a person did not even suspect.
  • Master the practice of relaxation, removal of internal tension and muscle grip, to connect not only consciousness to the self-hyperification of the body, but also subconscious installations.
  • Send the skills of simple gymnastics, self-massage and use them regularly, catching the body to a clear schedule of all organs and systems.
  • Adhere to the basics of rational food, avoiding overeating, unbalanced diet or starvation.

Methods of self-healing of the spine

The spine is the main support of the whole body, whose health depends the mobility and flexibility of the body, the adequacy of the brain blood flow and the normal operation of the internal organs. In the East, it is believed that the main streams of vital energy are distributed along the spinal column and, having learned to manage the health of the spine, you can keep the entire body in your hands. And it can be achieved by simple actions that accelerate the process of self-healing person.

Spinal health rules

  • Follow the posture and train the muscular corset, strengthening and stretching ligaments. This reduces the burden on the spine and prevent its premature wear, as well as injuries.
  • In a timely manner, relax the spine and massage to help the muscles around it get enough oxygen and remove toxins.
  • Properly eat, pushing degenerative-dystrophic changes in the bone and cartilage spinal tissue.
  • Psychological training sessions to support all physical achievements and form the right plants, leading the self-reconnaissance of the spine.

Self-healing of vision

The visual analyzer works fully only if all parts of it are rationally loaded. Therefore, at the heart of the rehabilitation of vision by the body's own forces, it is necessary to restore physiological loads on the muscle apparatus of the eye. This allows the muscles balanced alternate reduction and relaxation, it is enough to feed with blood all the fabrics of the eye, stimulate speed \u200b\u200bnerve and the center in the occipital fraction of the brain. At the same time, visual tables are a way to control the achievements, and the eye gymnastics itself does not give brilliant results without the correct psychological attitude and mobilization of the spiritual and physically the possibilities of self-healing person.

Today, the most progressive physiological method that allows you to abandon points and avoid the operation, which combines psychological training, eye gymnastics using correctional tables and the basics of acupuncture self-massage. In more detail with the method you can get acquainted in the book M.S. Norbecova "Fool's experience or a key to insight."

Self-healing of the liver

How to take care of the liver:

  • Avoid intoxication.
  • Do not abuse drugs, adhering to the principles of self-treatment.
  • Comply with the diet balanced by fat, do not eat dry.
  • Training the muscles of the abdominal press and limbs so that sudden loads do not cause spasm of biliary tract.
  • Maintain the health of the spine, ensuring the normal functioning of the autonomic nervous system.

To achieve maximum results in the physiological regulation of the body's work allows the system of self-healing person MS. Norbecova. It contains and together associated methods and techniques, tested and giving optimal debugging of health, as well as confidence in their forces. A positive result was reached by hundreds of people who appeal to the center of M.S. Norbecova and used by his method of self-healing person. All this allows you to be confident in a positive outcome result of working on your health and guarantees longevity while the quality of life is preserved.

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