How much time the uterus is reduced. Reducing the uterus after childbirth: norms and deviations, means and measures

During pregnancy, the female organism is subject to various changes. The hormonal background is changing, the uterus increases, the belly grows, swells his chest. The contraction of the uterus after childbirth is the natural rehabilitation process of the body, which can continue from 5 weeks to several months.

How does the uterus feel after childbirth

The body of a woman is individual, therefore, the process of recovery of the uterus has different times. There are certain norms that are considered standard.

After exemption from the fetus, the uterus is strongly stretched with a wound surface in the place of attachment of the placenta. The wound is bleeding, highlighting lochs that contain scraps of the placenta, mucus and blood of broken vessels. In the first days of the uterus sterile, due to the absorption of bacteria leukocytes.

The strongest reduction and abundant selection occur during the first 4-6 days after birth. At the same time, the original body weighs 1 kg. After 15 days, weight will decrease by 700 grams, and after 6 weeks it will weigh only 70 grams.

Table of the process of cutting the uterus:

After the birth of the baby, the cervix is \u200b\u200bextended and reaches 12 centimeters. If necessary, the doctor enters the hand to clean the remnants of the placenta. In the third week, the neck closes completely.

As the uterus cuts, bleeding vessels are squeezed and dry, bleeding ceases together with them.

Young mothers are concerned about the question: how long does the uterus shrink?

Some physiological factors affect the reduction rate:

  • Age of a woman;
  • Number of pregnancies;
  • Sizes of a child;
  • Placenta location;
  • The number of newborns.

On average, the uterus comes back from 5 to 8 weeks. The most significant changes occur for the first time 10 days.

If the suckers end up by the end of 6 weeks, it means that the woman's body worked fine. With a longer period, it is necessary to notify the status of a specialist.

In the process of tooling the fetus, the entire female organism is involved, for nine months it is completely changing. The main changes is experiencing a uterus, because this body increases in size with the baby. Gradually, after delivery, it returns to the initial size, that is, it is reduced. As far as the uterus is reduced after delivery - depends on individual characteristics Girls.

How does this happen?

The structure of the uterus

Immediately after the generic activity of the uterus looks like a large size open woundIn particular in the area where the placenta was attached, because there is a large number of capillaries. It accumulates after the delivery blood clots, mucus, epithelium particles in the uterus. For three days, the organ cleansing occurs when blood comes out. In this case, the physiological process occurs when leukocytes and various enzymes dissolve pathogenic microorganisms.

During the first one and a half months, a young mother observes blood discharge from the vagina. They are called Lochi in medicine and testify to the normal reduction in the uterus after childbirth and restoring the reproductive organ. After the birth of the baby, the body sharply becomes less than two times, then its dimensions are reduced every day for a couple of centimeters. If during the generic activity, the mass of the uterus reaches one kilogram, then by the end of the month the weight of it is only 50 g.

Important! Much slower should decrease the cervix, compared with the body. Fully, this part will never restore, after the first birth, the uterine neck is similar to a cylindrical shape.

Many women wonder how much time the uterus is reduced after delivery. This question cannot be answered unequivocally. The average recovery period takes two months.

Duration of the process

The cutting of the uterus may be accompanied by painful sensations

Reducing the uterus after childbirth takes some time, which depends on many factors, both internal and external. Faster the recovery process takes place in the first days after childbirth. The muscle reduction indicators are quite good, the weight of the organ decreases twice as well as it is descended by the bottom for several centimeters immediately and becomes slightly above the navel by location.

How long does the cervix decrease? The neck is completely closed only by the end of the month, about the third week. During this period, it is especially dangerous to engage in unprotected sex. It is worth noting that the reduction process is always accompanied by discomfort:

  • back pain;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • total weakness.

How long does the uterus decrease after childbirth? Doctors are called the middle period during which the organ is reduced - one and a half - two months. However, everything is purely individually, sometimes the process occurs much faster, and in other cases problems occur.

The duration of the process of cutting the uterus is purely individual

Causes of absence abbreviations

Some factors affect the slowdown in the process.

  1. Multiple pregnancy. Since the uterus is expanding twice as much, then the recovery period takes a few more time.
  2. Low placenta attachment.
  3. Close-up. The same case as with multiple pregnancy.
  4. Weak generic activity.
  5. The exhaustion of the body before childbirth.
  6. Inflection.
  7. Injuries of the tricky ways.
  8. The uterus is underdeveloped.
  9. Inflammation in reproductive organs.
  10. Neoplasm in the body.
  11. Multi-way.
  12. Blood is not folded.

Already in the maternity hospital, doctors have a hospital for the restoration of the uterus. The midwives apply ice on the belly when the placenta leaves, oxytocin is riveted. In the future, the process controls the very woman. If the parent body is not reduced, although various methods were taken that could affect the situation positively on the current situation, then cleaning the cavity or the removal of the uterus, if observed inflammatory processes.

In some cases, the cutting of the uterus after childbirth is not observed

Possible problems

Not all who gave birth to mammies is restored without problems. What complications arise with a female organism in the postpartum period?

  1. Poor contraction of the uterus after second genera and even the first.
  2. Endometritis and other infections.
  3. Bleeding.

Often these stages are interrelated. For example, the cause of bleeding is a slowly reduced uterus. So that the complications have not happened, it is necessary to provide preventive measures, carefully monitor hygiene and your own health, regularly visiting the gynecologist. With existing problems, the doctor will recommend the injection of oxytocin or antibiotics, depending on the nature of the disease.

How to speed up?

Accelerate the process will help the use of ice

The very first way to make the uterus is cut faster, it is to attach ice to the bottom of the abdomen. Usually they make midwives in the hospital after childbirth, if the doctor gives such an order. So after the process of extracting the placenta ceases to bleed, the uterus can get rid of blood clots faster.

As a rule, from the walls of the maternity departments, doctors discharge mammies with normal dynamics in the restoration of the reproductive organ. Otherwise assigned hormonal therapy or massage. During this period, it is especially important to feed the baby with breasts, since during feeding in the right amounts are produced by those hormones that positively affect the reduction of the uterus.

An important role is played by regular visit to the toilet. Frequent emptying bladder It is the key to the rapid reduction of the organ, the positive dynamics appears in just a few days. Even if the seams are superimposed so that they bring pain when urination, do not ignore the urge of their own body. It is also the same with the intestines, which also needs to be constantly cleaning in time so that the uterus is reduced accelerated.

Important! Movement is life. To cut the muscle faster, you do not need to lie in bed all the time. Regular walks with the baby in the fresh air, the simple charge in the morning will not only give a charge of cheerfulness, but also contributes to the rapid recovery of the uterus.

The longer the childbearing body is restored, the greater the chances of a woman to clean the cavity from blood clots, which can not exit independently. If this is not done, then inflammation can begin, then the fever is deprived of all the uterus due to surgical intervention In order to preserve the patient's life. It can definitely say that these are extreme measures and before carrying out such an operation, the doctors weigh all the risks and cons of this decision.

Physical activity will speed up the reduction of the uterus

What depends on the reduction of the uterus?

There are situations that naturally affect the period for which the childbearing body should recover.

  1. Artificial childbirth. Sometimes it happens that at the later date it is necessary to interrupt. In this case, the body is able to get confused, and the uterus is reduced in three weeks.
  2. Repeated childbirth. The birth of the second and subsequent child also affects how the uterus will be restored. And, in addition, the unpleasant feelings are intensified at the bottom of the abdomen, the newly concerned mother bother headaches, sometimes dizziness. Often, doctors recommend taking painkillers.
  3. The emergence of twins or twins. Such pregnancy is increased stress for the body. The muscle stretches even stronger than usual, therefore it should be reduced longer than usual. During childbirth, there is a big blood loss, so you need to undergo a medical course.
  4. Cesarean section. Often, after operational childbirth, doctors immediately prescribe a pill rate to drink mammies that would speed up the process of recovering the uterus. This is because the main efforts the body spends on the fact that the big wound is tightened as soon as possible. ABOUT complete restoration You can only speak two months later, but not before.

It should be remembered that the female organism comes to itself after pregnancy and the delivery not always in standard terms, much depends on the lifestyle and the state of health mommy.

After the twins appear, the body requires more time to restore


By the day when the fever is discharged from the maternity hospital, her uterus should be at the level not higher than five centimeters, above the evening. If other indicators occur, this is a pathological process.

The uterus is reduced rather quickly, about two centimeters per day. It affects it and breast-feeding, during which such a substance is produced as prolactin, it has a positive effect on the reduction of the organ. It is important that the placenta is completely completely, and the remnants of it came out during the first three days after the appearance of crumbs into light.

If there was some infection during pregnancy, then in such a dangerous period, it will definitely begin its development, so if it was a history of inflammation, an experienced doctor will necessarily take this fact into account and starts an immediate course of treatment.

First aid to restore the uterus turns out to maintenance departmentIf the doctors can not affect this process for several days, then the woman is also treated in the hospital.

Reducing the uterus and reduce its size to the original, which were before pregnancy, occurs in the postpartum period, which is early and late. Early continues within two hours after childbirth, and the late lasts almost two to two and a half months. Blooding bunches are out of discharge (succeed), they indicate that the organ is reduced normally. The wound on the uterus, where the placenta was attached, heals after a half months after generic activity. To speed up the muscle recovery process, you need to visit the toilet in time, feed the newborn breast.

The main process occurring in the female organism during the restorative postpartum periodis the cutting of the uterus. It usually lasts for 1.5-2 months, however, during this time, changes in the body should occur in the body that was observed during the previous nine months of pregnancy.

What time will the uterus be cut after childbirth, depends on the individual characteristics of the female organism. The other factors with which we will get in this article are influenced by this process. To reduce the recovery period, doctors recommend women to make a special set of exercises, to begin to which should be taken at the stage of the kid planning. Consider in more detail what is happening with the uterus after the birth of a child and how to influence the process of its recovery.

What after childbirth happens to the uterus?

During the first few days after the birth of the baby, the uterus is a strongly stretched bleeding organ, inside which contains pieces of spindle tissues, placenta, blood clots. In the place where the placenta was attached, in fact, there is a big bleeding wound. During the first three days in the uterine cavity, the processes of suppression of blood leukocytes (phagocytosis) and enzymes (leukoliosis) are actively passing. This ensures the sterility of an open wound surface, which is the inner wall of this organ.

Nature has envisaged its self-purification by means of special discharges called Lochia. Within three to four days, all unnecessary particles are derived from the uterine cavity, the blood vessels on its walls are gradually reduced and the selection changes from the bloody-red to yellowish. Along with the process of purification, there is a reduction in the muscles from which the walls of the uterus are consisting.

At the annoying woman, the uterus weighs about 50 grams on average.

During pregnancy, its weight increases to 1 thousand grams, since the walls are stretched, their enhanced blood supply occurs, new cells are formed.

If immediately after delivery, the size of the uterine ode is approximately 12 cm, which makes it possible to clean the inner cavity from the remnants of the placenta and the accumulatory shells, then after a day, its diameter is half decreased. For three days after delivery, the sizes of ZEV are intensively decreasing. With a reduction in muscle tissue part of lymphatic and blood vesselsWith which it is saturated, it is pierced and dries (oblique).

Is it possible to carry out an X-ray procedure with breastfeeding

Cells, at the expense of which there was an increase in the size, dying and resolved or outlined with Lochia. The remaining cells decrease significantly, returning to their initial form. However, finally return to the initial parameters of the uterus can no longer. Usually, the giving birth women, it has a larger volume than that of unborn, and accordingly, the average weight is approximately 70-75 grams.

During the reduction in the size, the bottom of the uterus is lowered. If after childbirth it is at the navel level, then in each subsequent day it is lowered by about 2 cm and after 10 days is hidden behind Lona.

In some cases, during the reduction in the muscles of the uterus, a woman can experience grasp painfulness At the bottom of the abdomen. Usually they are fairly easily transferred, but if the pain becomes excessively strong, the doctor can prescribe special antispasmodic or painkillers. If the pain does not pass a week after childbirth or if the muscles are still cut after 1.5-2 months, then the woman should consult with the doctor to eliminate possible development pathologies.

Why does the reduction rate depend on?

As mentioned above, to reduce the uterus after childbirth, the physiology of the feminine is influenced. In addition, the following factors may affect this process:

  • Hormonal background. The normalization of the hormonal background of the body directly affects the contractile ability of the muscles. Very promotes such normalization to breastfeeding a newborn baby. The prolactin breast generated during the attachment of the child causes a more intensive contraction of the uterus after delivery, thus accelerating the process of its purification from blood clots and residues of the fruit tissues, as well as recovery.
  • The method of delivery. In case the childbirth is conducted by caesarean section, a scar that greatly prevents it from cutting it in the uterus.
  • The age of feminine. The older the woman, the less elastic, the muscles of the uterus become, because of which it is shrinking worse.
  • The size of the fetus. The larger the child is born, the stronger the uterus stretches during pregnancy, which slows down the process of its recovery.
  • Multiple or re-pregnancy, a large volume of accumulating waters cause a stronger stretching of the walls of the uterus, which is why it can poorly restore the initial dimensions.
  • The uterus is poorly reduced, in the walls of which there are neoplasms, fibromomy, nodules. In addition, the previously inflammatory processes in the uterus or her appendages are strongly influenced by the elasticity of the muscles.
  • The overall tone of the body of the manufacturer, its motor activity, the performance of a number of simple physical exercises help intensively reduce the muscles, allowing the uterus to return to the desired size faster.

Delicate problem after giving birth to urinary incontinence

How can I speed recovery?

There is no clear value, how much time is occupied by the recovery process internal organs after childbirth. On average, the uterus gave birth should come to a normal state by about 1.5-2.5 months after the birth of the baby. The epithelium on its inner surface will be recovered in approximately 3-4 weeks, but the place in which the placenta was attached to the walls, will overcome about 1.5-2 months. This is because at the place of attachment of the placenta there is a huge amount of blood vessels, at each of which microtromb is formed during childbirth. Therefore, the time to restore them should go more.

In the case when the doctor believes that the recovery process goes badly, it can assign comprehensive treatmentwhich includes the reception of medicines along with the performance of a special set of exercises and massages.

Since the most intense uterine fabrics begin to shrink immediately after delivery, the doctor who is watching the female has already been conclusted about the contractile abilities of the uterus during this period. If the doctor notes that the uterus is poorly reduced, its bottom is soft, and not solid, as it should be, then it will recommend conducting outdoor massage abdominal wallwhich has high efficiency in this case.

  • In the first hours after childbirth, a woman is usually laying with ice, which also enhances the reduction of muscle tissues.
  • If the process of childbirth passed without complications, after a few hours, doctors allow the woman to move, get up. Small physical exercise will contribute to the reduction of muscle tissues of internal organs.
  • It is very important in the postpartum period to monitor the personal hygiene of the man in labor. Timely processing of seams, regular beams will help prevent development infectious diseases and postpartum complications.
  • Frequent attachment of the child to the chest stimulates the production of prolactin and oxytocin organism, which increase the reduction of muscle tissues.
  • To better reduce the uterine muscles, it is necessary to minimize the pressure on it from other organs. Therefore, after childbirth, it is very important to go to the toilet often (at the very first urinary urges) and regularly empty the intestines. Many women in the first days after childbirth it turns out, so doctors recommend that they receive the reception of laxatives.
  • A complex of special exercises stimulates the reduction of the uterine walls. It is advisable to do physical exercises Several times a day, dosing the load so as not to overwrite the body. It is contraindicated to perform gymnastic exercises to those women who have been superimposed by seams.
  • To stimulate the reduction in the uterine walls, it is useful for 15-20 minutes a day to relax, lying on the stomach. Or at least as much as a woman can do it. Wonderful if a woman can sleep on his stomach for a long time. Such a dream partially replaces the exercise of postpartum gymnastics.
  • Among the general exercise complex to stimulate the reduction of the muscles of the woman in labor must carry out the exercises of Kegel.

From the moment of birth of the last (Frucent shells, Pupovina, a child seat) begins the postpartum period. There are early (within 2 hours after childbirth) and late (6-8 weeks) postpartum periods. This is an important stage in the life of a woman during which the entire body is restructuring, namely the reverse development of changes that were associated with pregnancy and the birth of a child. The exception is only the dairy glands, the function of which is only gaining momentum for the formation of lactation. The most obvious changes occur in the reproductive system and first of all in the uterus. After all, it should again take dimensions smaller than the size of your own fist again with a huge "fruits".

informationThe uterus is a smooth muscle hollow organ consisting of a body (about 4-5 centimeters) and cervix (about 2.5 centimeters). In their form, it resembles an inverted pear. This organ differs from all other muscular organs of the body with a unique ability to stretch to accommodate a dunned baby. All this is ensured by the special interweaving of muscle and connecting fibers, rich in blood supply and the action of a number of hormones during pregnancy.

Reduction of the uterus after childbirth

So, reaching the maximum sizes before childbirth, the uterus undergo a number of changes to return to the state in which it was before pregnancy (or almost to him). Immediately after the birth of the child and the last, the uterus decreases sharply in size. Its bottom becomes 2 centimeters above the navel level, often it is shifted to the right, has a dense structure, the cavity is filled with a small amount of blood. Every day the bottom of the uterus shifts 1-2 centimeters, for 5-7 days the uterus almost all sinks into a small pelvis. The mass of the uterus with 1000 grams immediately after delivery decreases to 500 in one week, up to 325 - by the end of the second week, and at the end of the postpartum period, its mass returns to normal state - 50 grams.

Important changes occur in (endometrial). After childbirth, it is a large wound surface, especially in the place of attachment of the placenta. Epithelization (healing) endometrial ends to 10-12 days, and the place where the placenta was attached is only by the end of the 3rd week after delivery.

The cervix is \u200b\u200bcut as fast as the body. 10-12 hours after delivery, its diameter decreases to 5-6 centimeters. Only by 10 days of the inner zev of the canal closes, and the outer becomes finally formed only by 13 week after delivery. Its former form will never be restored due to the redistribution of fibers in childbirth. Material Zev acquires a view of the transverse gap. And the cervical shape itself changes with the conical to cylindrical.

Called Lochi. In the first 2-3 days, they are blood clots. From 3-4 days before the end of the first week, Lochi becomes slightly more brownish and less abundant. From 10 days after birth acquire. Lochi have a specific smell (but not unpleasant!) And an alkaline environment. Selection from the uterus should stop 5-6 weeks after childbirth.

How to speed up the reduction of the uterus

A reduction in the uterus after childbirth promotes breastfeeding of a child, since at this time the hormone is produced by oxytocin. During the attachment of the baby to the chest, a woman is experiencing similar sensations, as in the fights, but not such intensity. In this period, the uterus is really reduced, decreases in size, blood clots are pushed out of its cavity. Therefore, the more often the child to the breast is, the faster the involution (reverse development) of the uterus will occur. Also on the reduction affect the emptying of the intestines and the bladder. Therefore, it is important to monitor the chair and urination.

additionallyIn women, after the operation of the cesarean section, the involution of the uterus is slower, since the integrity of the wall is disturbed during the operation. Therefore, they prescribe oxytocin.

Also slow down the reduction can infectious complication before, during or after childbirth (endometritis, choreoamnionitis), large blood loss.

Possible problems

Unfortunately, the postpartum period passes smoothly. Sometimes the joy of the appearance of the baby to the light is overshadowed by the health problems in the mother in the coming days after delivery. Complications affecting the uterus directly are:

  • The subtletime of the uterus (its poor reduction);
  • Accession of infection with the development of inflammation (including endometrite);
  • Uterine bleeding.

All these processes can flow one to another, as well as be the cause or consequence of each other. So, the poorly cutting uterus can cause bleeding, and when infections joined infection, inflammation of the inner shell of the uterus can develop - endometritis.

The prevention of the development of these complications is the normal reduction in the uterus, a good outflow of Lohi, compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of the postpartum period. With slow involution, doctors are in some cases appointed oxytocin. This hormone enhances the cutting of the uterus. Also, if there are signs of infection, the prerequisite is the purpose of antibiotics.

Oduction and falling out of the uterus

The omission of the uterus after childbirth is her shift in the duck. And the fallout of the uterus is the extreme degree of omit, when the uterus completely or partially leaves out.

There is an opinion that the main reason for the omission of the uterus is natural childbirth. Of course, this is one of the factors (especially if the woman gave birth more than two times and there were soft tissue breaks during childbirth), but not the main one. There are many examples when the broken woman had this disease. It is believed that the main factor is the feature connective tissue The body (as the uterus is fixed with certain ligaments), the lethargy of the muscles of the perineum, the abdominal press, the poor plastic of the crotch breaks.

importantIn order to reduce the likelihood of development of the uterus, the muscles of the pelvic bottom should be trained. There are special exercises that help to do it. They are invented by American gynecologist Kegel. We should also avoid lifting weights, as they contribute to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and pressure in a small pelvis, which, in turn, aggravates the uterus offset.

Spa treatments are a complex of wellness activities that use sea water, mud baths, healing plants and other components. They are aimed at achieving harmony of the body and soul. Such procedures are useful during pregnancy, as they contribute to mental and physical rest, improve the mood and strengthen the body as a whole.

SPA use during pregnancy

To only benefit from the procedures, it is pre-consult with the therapist. The doctor will tell what procedures can be carried out during pregnancy, and which cannot be carried out. In addition, it is important to find a qualified instructor or performer for each procedure.

One of the SPA procedures for pregnant women - body massage

Usually a whole complex of procedures is individually compiled for each woman. They positively affect the body:

  • enhance the mood and prevent stress;
  • contribute to moral and physical unloading;
  • influence on general state health - normalize metabolism, reduce blood pressure, remove toxins;
  • nourish the skin and prevent the formation of stretch marks.

What can be pregnant?

Includes a special set of procedures under which only natural means are used, not causing allergies. Here is a list of recommended procedures:

  • Massage and face masks. When pregnancy in the body, the woman is delayed liquid, so swelling on the face can appear. With the help of massage you can get rid of them, and the masks will return a healthy kind of skin - help eliminate acne, acne, pigment stains.
  • Enhanced hand care and legs. Paraffin therapy is carried out, which intensively feeds the skin, moisturizes it and prevents the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Speleotherapy. This is a visit salt caves with a special microclimate. Temperature and humidity modes are maintained at a constant level: if you compare with the climate outside the caves, here these are lower indicators. The air contains particles of salt, the concentration of carbon dioxide is slightly increased, there are no allergens. For pregnant women, it is very useful to be in such places, as the well-being is improved, immunity increases, it becomes easier to breathe.
  • Yoga. With an increase in the size of the abdomen, the load on lumbar department The spine, which is why pains appear in it. Yoga will help to cope with them. Exercises in which the muscles of the lower back and muscles are involved, which will participate in childbirth. So they will stretch enough and will be most prepared for generic activity. Be sure to find a qualified yoga instructor, it is forbidden to perform certain asans.
  • Foot massage. Helps eliminate the edema of the feet, relieves pain and discomfort in the legs and lower back, relaxes. During the procedure, oils are used, effectively softening skin and moisturizing it.
  • Swimming. The load on the spine is removed, the muscles are strengthened, which will subsequently facilitate generic activities.
  • Wrapping legs using hypoallergenic funds. Promotes prevention of stretch marks and varicose expansion veins. After several procedures, the skin will become gentle and silky.

But first you need to choose a good salon for spending pregnant procedures. Specialists should have a license, diplomas. Also before visiting any complexes it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist and therapist.

Spa treatments are useful for maternal and children's body

What can not be pregnant?

It must be borne in mind that the spa for pregnant women is prohibited in the first trimester and after the 35th week. The rest of the time to visit the salon is allowed. But you need to carefully select any procedures, take into account contraindications. Therefore, if there are doubts, it is better to consult with a gynecologist.

  • sauna, Russian bath and other procedures that involve the impact of very high temperatures;
  • shugaring and wax epilation are prohibited, because they are accompanied by pain, and this can increase the tone of the uterus and lead to the miscarriage;
  • hot wraps;
  • cryotherapy;
  • cellulite massage;
  • aromatherapy;
  • staining hair and nails using harmful chemical components;
  • tattoo, which can lead to blood infection.

All of the above procedures can be dangerous for the fetus, therefore it is better to refuse them.

Spa positively affects mother and child. Such procedures give energy charge, provide positive emotions, help to avoid stressful situations. With their help, a woman can remain in the form and during pregnancy. SPA procedures prepare the maternal organism to generate activities. But their choice should be approached thoroughly, given the possible contraindications.

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