Blood test serum iron norm. Serum iron

general information On the study

Iron is a microelement that is absorbed from food and then transferred through the body with transferrrin - a special protein, generated in the liver. Iron is necessary for the formation of red blood cells. It is an essential component of hemoglobin - protein filling red blood cells, which allows them to carry oxygen from the lungs to organs and tissues. The iron is also included in the muscular protein of myoglobin and some enzymes.

Normally in the body contains 4-5 g of iron. About 70% of this amount is iron, "built-in" in the hemoglobin of erythrocytes, the remaining mainly intensity in the tissues in the form of ferritin and hemosiderin. When iron starts missing, for example, in case of decreasing reception of it from food or frequent bleeding, and its level in the blood decreases, the body uses iron from the reserve. With a long lack, iron reserves are depleted, which can lead to anemia. On the other hand, if iron arrives too much, it can cause its excessive accumulation and lesion of the liver, heart and pancreas.

On the early stages Iron deficiency may be asymptomatic. If a person is healthy, the signs of the disease are manifested only with a decrease in hemoglobin below 100 g / l. For anemia, chronic weakness, dizziness, headaches are characteristic.

With severe iron deficiency anemia, a person may complain about shortness of breath, pain in chestStrong headaches, weakness in the legs. Children have difficulty learning. In addition to the main, there are several more signs characteristic of iron deficiency: the desire to eat unusual products (chalk, clay), burning tongue tick, snaps (cracks in the angles of the mouth).

Symptoms of excess iron: pain in the joints, weakness, fatigue, abdominal pain, reduced sexual attraction, heart rate disorders.

About 3-4 mg of iron (0.1% of the total) circulates in the blood "in a bundle" with protein transferrin. It is its level that is measured at this analysis.

The amount of serum iron can vary significantly on different days and even for one day (maximum in the morning hours). Therefore, the measurement of the level of serum iron is almost always combined with other analyzes, such as a test for the overall iron binding ability of serum (RUB), ferrine, transferin. Using the indicators of the yoze and transferin, one can calculate the percentage of transferlic iron saturation, which shows how much iron is transported by blood.

The use of different analyzes reflecting the metabolism of iron in the body provides more complete and reliable information about the iron deficiency or oversaturation of the body than the isolated measurement of serum iron.

What is the study?

  • To calculate the percentage of transferlic iron saturation, that is, to determine how much iron it takes blood.
  • To evaluate iron reserves in the body.
  • To determine if anemia is caused by a deficiency of iron or other reasons, for example chronic disease or lack of vitamin B 12.
  • To diagnose with iron poisoning or hereditary hemochromatosis - diseases associated with increased suction and accumulation of iron.

When is the study assigned?

  • If some deviations are revealed as a result general analysis blood, hemoglobin test, hematocrit, red blood cells.
  • If the iron deficiency is suspected or an iron overload (hemochromatosis).
  • With suspected poisoning with pills containing iron.
  • When monitoring the effectiveness of the treatment of anemia and states accompanied by an iron overload with iron.

Serum iron is an essential element for the prosperous work of the human body. Together with other microelements, it participates in the regulation of oxygen circulation in the blood, affects cell division. To determine the sufficiency of finding iron, a special blood test is carried out on whey iron, which is able to answer many questions regarding the patient's health, in particular confirm or refute the pathological processes occurring in his body.

Blood iron functions

Briefly about important points

To obtain accurate data on the content of iron plasma, hemoglobin analysis is used. Hemoglobin is a protein that is responsible for transporting blood oxygen, and the hemoglobin includes iron, as one of the main elements. Usually in the human body contains up to 4 g of iron, but in plasma it is in a complex with other microelements, the so-called transferrin.

The JVSS test reveals the ability of transferrin to associate free iron, and serum is needed for analysis. During testing, the possibility of plasma is checked to exhibit iron binding properties, and the content of microelements in the plasma is shown. Indications to the present type of testing extensive, because The need to find out the content of iron in the blood appears in the case of many diseases. It is worth noting that iron in the body is constantly updated, turning into new red blood cells.

The replenishment of iron in the human body occurs naturally when eating, and the need for this element depends on the floor (women need more Iron in the body than men), age and general condition.

Attention! It is very important to maintain the optimal amount of iron in the blood of a pregnant woman.

Not only the child's health depends on the presence of all trace elements, but also the ability of mom to childbirth without serious consequences.

Products with iron

Replenishment with iron of the body The task is important, because Iron participates in many processes occurring in the human body:

  • the structure of hemoglobin;
  • activation of respiratory pigments to provide cellular respiration;
  • moving oxygen over blood vessels;
  • participation in blood formation.

In which cases are prescribed biochemical research

The study of plasma on whey iron is necessary with many indications to install or confirm the diagnosis. Doctors prescribe this testing in the following cases:

  • when there are signs of poisoning with food or substances with a mass fraction of iron;
  • suspicion of anemia;
  • there was a suspicion of infection;
  • for inflammatory processes in organism;
  • clarification possible manifestation avitaminosis or hypovitaminosis;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal;

to clarify the effectiveness of the impact on the body of drugs appointed by the doctor.

The provision of serum iron in the blood was exceeded or its disadvantage was shown, the test shows, and on the result of this study, the attending physician decides on the appointment of the impact methods.

How to prepare for testing

The stages of preparation for the delivery of an analysis to serum iron should explain the doctor who gives the direction for testing, but the highlights that need to be paid attention to will note below:

  • plasma on the whey iron surrenders on an empty stomach in the morning;
  • it is impossible to use alcohol a week before testing;
  • try to avoid fatty and fried dishes on the eve of the study;
  • you should not be blunting physically, refuse training and hard physical labor;
  • it is impossible to use oral contraceptives;
  • on the day of analyzes, it is necessary to refrain from smoking;
  • it is impossible to visit the X-ray Cabinet.

Normal indicators

Often, the appointment for analyzing the serum iron is issued when low blood hemoglobin is revealed, for example, when conducting a general blood test.

Serum iron

The serum iron rate is not a constant and changes both during the day for any patient and in different age period, in addition, indicators for men and women are also seriously different. Regulations used in testing:

  • the newly born children: from 18 to 45 μmol \\ l;
  • children up to year: from 7.16 to 17.8 μmol \\ l;
  • children under 14 years old: from 8.95 to 21.48 μmol \\ l;
  • half-green men: from 11.64 to 30, 43 μmol \\ l;
  • female women: from 8.95 to 30.43 μmol \\ l.

When deciphering the results of the analysis, the specialist draws attention not only to age and sex of the patient, but also takes into account the growth and weight, previous transferred diseases and the current state of the person. All of these moments depends the content of iron in the blood.

Important! To obtain correct test results, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules for passing tests, because The results obtained in the course of deciphering analyzes delivered incorrectly can lead to medical error In case of treatment. Trust the decoding of analyzes is possible only by a specialist with experience.

Increase the content of the trace element

The reasons for the deviation of the norm of finding iron in the blood in the direction of increasing can mean the following problems encountered in the patient's body:

  • excessive consumption of products containing a large proportion of iron;
  • excessive amount of iron with drugs;
  • exemption rate of iron due to a recent transfusion of the blood patient;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body with the participation of iron;
  • the possibility of manifestation of Wilson-Konovalov disease;
  • violation of the liver.

Reducing the content of the trace element

If the analysis of iron level indicators in the blood appears when analyzing the serum iron, these results may declare the following reasons:

  • frequent blood delivery during the period preceding the test of analyzes;
  • chronic bleeding;
  • long fasting or unsuccessful diets;
  • when pregnancy testimony of the level of finding iron in the blood of a woman may decrease;
  • active growth in children in the transitional teenage period;
  • the period of healing the results of the surgical operation;
  • chronic deviations with mandatory control of hemodialysis.

Reducing the level of iron in the blood also signals the disorders in the digestion organs, the inability of the body in full absorb iron as a result:

  • surgical intervention;
  • launched gastritis;
  • detecting crown disease;
  • lack of ascorbic acid;
  • colutes.

The decrease occurs in the disturbance of the redistribution, which is detected during the test of the RUB and is expressed in the following diagnoses:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • oncological tumors;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • infectious processes.

Blood transportation failures in the body lead to a decrease in iron levels and indicate reasons:

  • hereditary features of the development of adhesivefrinemia;
  • transferrin cannot connect with hardware;
  • lack of transferrin as a result of kidney problems.

The normal amount of iron in the blood of a person allows us to cope with the body with a mass. various diseases, so any deviation from the norm is desirable to diagnose as early as possible for adoption timely Mer.. Analysis on whey iron allows you to get all the necessary data to prompt treatment.

The iron in the human body is a necessary element, without which many processes are impossible and normal life activity. Doctors installed the rate of iron in the blood. In the human body is present from 4 to 5 grams of iron. The blood contains 80% of this volume. The remaining 20% \u200b\u200bis distributed between the liver, the spleen and the bone marrow. It is constantly used by the tissues of a person only 75% of iron, and the remaining 25% are a reserve that allows you to recover with blood loss and a temporary disadvantage. In severe cases, when the reserve volume is consumed, stable iron illustration.

During a biochemical blood test, a serum iron indicator is determined, which shows the maximum accurate level of substance in the body. There are a lot of reasons for checking on whey iron. It is very important not to skip both down and increase the level of iron content in the blood.

What is required iron in the body

The iron rate in the body shows how much this element is needed to maintain many vital important processesTo which include:

Blood formation;

Intracellular exchange;

Oxygen transfer;

The formation of hemoglobin (with a lack of which is developing iron-deficiency anemia);

Formation of myoglobin;

Maintaining the proper work of the thyroid gland;

Ensuring a full assimilation of vitamin B;

Development of a number of enzymes (including those involved in the construction of DNA);

Ensuring the normal growth process at the child;

Maintaining healthy immunity;

Neutralization of toxins in the liver;

Development of oxidative enzymes;

Maintaining a good condition of hair, skin and nails.

Since this chemical element participates in the basic processes in the body, its deficit is dangerous and can lead to serious consequences. Knowing that such a state, like impaired iron content in the blood, can affect health extremely negatively, it is necessary to carefully treat your well-being in order not to miss the first symptoms of pathology.

Ways of iron intake in the body

To maintain iron rate in the blood, its sufficient admission to the body is required. The main source of iron intake in the body is food. The maximum absorption of the element occurs in the event that its consumption is combined with obtaining a dose of vitamin C, which is rich in greens, such as parsley and dill.

The greatest amount of iron available for humans contain the following productsSubmitted in Table:

However, it is too left to the products in which high content is marked. required substance, It should not be, as an excess of iron in the body can be formed, which will not benefit in the same way as its lack, and it will be necessary to take measures to reduce it.

Suction of iron in humans occurs in duodenalisticianWhat, due to the deficiency of this element, first check the state of the intestine.

Blood iron rate

The international norm of serum iron in the blood is adopted, which is used by all doctors to identify pathologies. Up to 14 years, serum iron in the blood has the same norms, but later its lower limit in an adult, depending on the floor, turns out to be different. Normal for each age category An indicator of iron in the human body is considered, the values \u200b\u200bare shown in the table

The standards of how much iron should be, flexible enough due to the peculiarities of the perception of its tissues. Also, some products can also increase the indicator.

Deviation from the norm both in the greater and in a smaller side is pathology and requires therapy. Excess iron, due to the fact that it appears the risks of heavy diseases, it turns out even more dangerous than its deficiency.

Separate attention deserve oscillations in the norm of iron in women, since for them during pregnancy this element is required in a greater volume. Their norm rises one and a half times.

Causes of low iron level

Iron indicators in biochemical blood test may be reduced by a number of reasons. The main factors for which the indicator can be reduced, doctors consider:

Deficiency of iron intake with food;

Irregular nutrition - iron deficiency means that the body does not have time to replenish reserves, not supplied nutrients.;

Improving the need for element - takes place during the recovery period after heavy diseases, bloodstures, as well as during pregnancy, when for normal formation of the fetus the body everything is necessary in the additional volume;

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract leading to the impossibility of absorption of iron;

Crohn's disease;

System Red Volchanka - SLE;


Malignant neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract;

Severe purulent inflammatory diseases;


Heart attack;


An oversucess of hemosidere in tissues and internal organs;

Lack of erythropoietin generation kidneys in renal failure;

Selection large number iron kidneys with nephrotic syndrome;

Oncological diseases;

Cirrhosis of the liver;

Ascorbic acid deficiency in food.

In order to accurately establish the reasons why iron levels in the blood is reduced, passing is required. full examination. Exceptions are only cases when the iron deficiency is obvious, as during pregnancy, blood loss and improper nutrition.

Symptoms of iron deficiency

The reduced level of substance in the body has certain symptoms that should be alert. The fact that the iron in the human body is not enough, these manifestations say:

Increased fatigue;

Excessive flare;

Migratory pain in the body;


A change in taste;

Dryness mucous membranes;


Falling appetite;

Frequent constipation;

Some difficulties in swallowing food;

Stomach ache;


Delay in children in children - not only physical, but also mental;

Decrease in immunity;

Increased nail fragility;

Changing the normal shape of nails on the fabulous - the appearance of "hourly glasses", or a symptom of chronic hypoxia. May also indicate chronic pulmonary failure;

Reduced body temperature;

Strong "marriage";

Disruption in the work of the thyroid gland.

All these manifestations are direct indications in order to check the level of serum iron in the body. The doctor gives the direction on biochemical analysis Blood and after obtaining its results, determines the level of iron in serum and whether there is a need for therapy. With a low iron content, a diet is assigned and then the treatment is selected, which will be optimally for a particular patient.

Causes of elevated iron in the body

Increased iron level in the body is no less dangerous than low. If the daily consumption of the substance is too high, it can even lead to a fatal outcome. The deadly dangerous dose of iron is considered to be 7 g and higher. The increase in serum iron in humans is noted for the following reasons:

Excessive receipt of a substance with food - can also appear with high iron content in water;

Pancreatic diseases;

The pathologies of the spleen - an organ from the reserve focused on it, begins to distinguish more element than necessary, which is why excess iron appears;

Liver pathology - with them there is an improper distribution of the substance: its excess in the blood and disadvantage in the body;

Blood transfusion in a large amount;

Incorrect use of iron-containing drugs - in this case, a person gets overly many iron, which leads to the fact that it becomes above the norm. Consuming iron-containing drugs should be used only in the norm specified by the doctor, and not to assign themselves for itself;

Chronic alcoholism - with it, the process of absorption and removal of substances from the body is disturbed, which is why iron in the blood increases;

Iron exchange disorders;

Anemia associated with the deficiency of the formation of red blood taurus;

Hemolytic anemia - in pathology there is an overly rapid destruction of red blood cells with the release of iron from them, which is why its significant increase occurs;

Deficiency in the body of vitamin B12;

Liver necrosis;


Bad assimilation of the substance with tissues;

Hereditary predisposition.

Increased iron in the blood certainly requires treatment - reduce levels to an acceptable norm. In cases where there is an increase in the level of iron in the blood, it can be about development serious diseasesAnd therefore a person needs to certainly undergo a survey.

Manifestation of iron rate exceeding the body

Increased serum iron is always manifested by special symptoms, to ignore and write off violations on simple overwork should not be. Visit the doctor and check whether iron in the blood is in normal, it is necessary for the following phenomena:

Frequent headache;


Common decay of forces

Frequent nausea, right up to vomiting;

Alternation of diarrhea and constipation;

Pain in the stomach;

Weight loss;

Fall of immunity.

However, it must be emphasized that these symptoms do not always say that the serum iron is increased, and only in 90% of cases. The remaining 10% when the cause poor well-being It is not an excess of iron, there are bound by heavy pathologies internal organs, including oncology and systemic diseases.

Complications of elevated iron in the blood

Increased iron content in the body increases the likelihood of a number of diseases. According to medical details, such pathology can provoke the following diseases:

Atherosclerosis of vessels;


Heart diseases;

Liver disease;

Infectious diseases;


These complications of the state are also a reason in order not to ignore the increase in the blood level of iron. With timely identification of the problem, in most cases it is effective and the rate of iron content in the blood is restored.

How is the analysis?

Exactly about what it is - analysis on a high or low iron indicator - can always inform the doctor. The study is carried out on the basis of a material obtained from Vienna. For analysis requires serum, and therefore blood is passed through the centrifuge. Next, with the help of special reagents, iron in serum is revealed. Today, the analysis is implemented in all medical institutionsTherefore, it is almost always possible to check the iron indicator next to the house. Iron is detected from serum.

How to prepare for analysis

In order for the analysis of the analysis to be accurate, it should be properly prepared correctly. Blood fence is carried out from 8 to 11 am. The last meal may be no later than 8 hours before delivery. Drinking is allowed without restrictions, but only clean, not carbonated water. 3 days before blood is required to refuse alcohol and oral contraceptives, as they are distorting normal indicatorsbecause they can raise the iron.

Due to the fact that many medicines may disrupt the result of biochemistry, the doctor exactly instructs a person about which of them can be applied, and which is not.

It is undesirable to take tests during the period of menstruation, as the indicators will be with great errors due to the presence of bleeding. In such a situation, if possible, you need to transfer the day of the fence of the material, and if it fails, you need to inform the nurse so that it can designate it on a test tube with the material. It is impossible to underestimate the importance of blood test at the iron level.

To determine the concentration of ferritin, it will be necessary to hand over the analysis of venous blood as well as in any other case.

The procedure does not require special preparation and is not completely different from the usual blood test.

  • newborn children have 25-200 μg / l;
  • in children under the age of 15 - 30-140 μg / l;
  • in adult men - 20-250 μg / l;
  • in adult women - 12-120 μg / l.

Causes of change, value during pregnancy

In healthy men, the concentration of this serum protein is almost never changed during the life, but in women after menopause it can increase dramatically.

Self low indicators The content of this protein is observed in women during pregnancy. This is not a pathological condition if the level does not fall below the following indicators:

  • first trimester - 56-90 μg / l;
  • the second trimester - 25-74 μg / l;
  • third trimester - 10-15 μg / l.

Sometimes the level of the protein may change as a result of long starvation due to regular transfusion or due to the reception of certain types of drugs (for example, oral contraceptives).

What does it mean if the level is increased

Iron is a substance toxic and dangerous to the body, which is not excreted with biological fluids. An excess of this microelement accumulates in the heart, liver, joints, over time damaging them.

Diseases in which high content

The following diseases may be the causes of the enhancement of ferritin in serum:

  • hereditary diseases associated with storage of iron;
  • liver disease (hepatitis, alcoholic cirrhosis, obtuctive jaundice, tissue necrosis, hepatoma);
  • leukemia (myeloblastic or lymphoblastic);
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases ( rheumatoid arthritis, osteomyelitis, pneumonia, urinary tract infections);
  • system red lupus;
  • cancer tumors;
  • blood disease (polycythemia, anemia);
  • burns;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • legionnae disease.

Increased numbers and cardiovascular diseases

Diseases of cardio-vascular systemassociated with hemochromatosis, most often affect men. In women, the risk of obtaining heart disease as a result of hemochromatosis occurs only during the period of menopause. And this is understandable: from the female body, the surplus of iron is derived during menstruation.

If you do not eliminate hemochromatosis, this state can lead to a violation of the functions of the cardiovascular system: ischemic Disease Hearts, arrhythmia, heart failure, heart attack, and even a sudden heart stop.

As a result increased level Ferritin can develop hemochromatosis of the heart - the disease in which the heart muscle acquires a characteristic rust-brown color, compacted and increases in size.

At the same time, cardiosclerosis occurs - the growth of fibrous tissue. Subsequently decreases the contracting functions of myocardium due to atrophic or dystrophic change Muscular fibers.

Usually after the detection of increased concentration of ferritin, the doctor prescribes the following tests:

  • on the definition of a common iron binding of serum;
  • genetic hemochromatosis test;
  • ECG and Holter research heart.

If there is a risk of ischemic heart disease, the analysis will show an increase in the level of ESP and leukocytes. Other characteristic changes will be noticeable:

  • an increase in the amount of serum iron to 54-72 μmol / l;
  • reducing the overall iron binding ability of the serum;
  • low transfer of transferrin;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • disproteinemia;
  • increasing the saturation coefficient of transferlic iron to 60-90%.

In the presence of cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary to keep iron levels in the body under control. The doctor will appoint appropriate therapy to maintain the concentration of ferritin in the range of 70-80 μg / l.

Cardiovascular diseases can be as a consequence and the reason for increasing the level of iron in the body. For example, with circulatory disorders associated with heart attacks and strokes, patients have a sharp increase in ferritin in serum.

More useful about hemochromatosis Watch video:

When the number is low

One of frequent diseasesaccompanied by a decrease in ferritin is iron deficiency anemia. The lack of iron at the same time leads to the fact that hemoglobin is the most important component of erythrocytes carrying oxygen, is not produced in sufficient quantity.

Why there is a decline

The most common reasons for lowering the concentration of this serum protein are:

  • iron-deficiency anemia;
  • celiac disease;
  • hemolytic anemia and intravascular hemolysis;
  • malabsorption syndrome is a violation of the absorption of trace elements in the intestine;
  • heavy kidney lesions (nephrotic syndrome).

What is dangerous if ferritin is below the norm? The fact is that with iron deficiency state decreases the generation of hemoglobin - the main carrier of oxygen. Consequently, all tissues of the body do not receive sufficient food, oxygen starvation is experiencing. This is particularly strongly reflected on the brain and the cardiovascular system.

Find out about anemia more from the video clip:

Low concentration connection with cardiopathologies

The lack of iron and, as a result, anemia can be caused by heart failure. At the same time, in addition to lower ferritin, analyzes show a low level of hemoglobin; In the study of erythrocytes, it turns out that they have small size compared to the norm and are less saturated with hemoglobin.

Under the progression of anemia, a low level of transferin saturation may be detected. Also observed constant reduced pressure.

But most often, the lack of ferritin is not a consequence, but the cause of cardiovascular diseases.

Iron deficiency leads to the following violations in the work of the heart and blood vessels:

  • carditu;
  • damage to vessels;
  • violation of metabolism in myocardium;
  • tachycardia.

Since the heart does not receive sufficient food, it works in unusual tempo, quickly wear out. Due to the permanent load, it expands, hypertrophy. And this leads to the fact that myocardium needs elevated oxygen nutrition, which the body is unable to provide.

The reduced or elevated concentration of ferritin in serum says that a person suffers from hemochromatosis or anemia. These states have a negative impact on the health of the heart and vessels and lead to the development of heart failure, heart attacks and strokes.

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The human body contains almost all elements of the D. I. I.Nendeleev table, but not all of them carry such biological significance as iron. Iron in the blood is most concentrated in red blood tales -, namely, in their important component - hemoglobin: gem (Fe ++) + protein (globin).

A certain amount of this chemical element is permanently present in plasma and tissues - as a complex compound with protein and composition and hemosiderin. In the body of an adult, the norm must be from 4 to 7 grams of iron. The loss of the element for some reason entails the iron deficiency condition called anemia. To identify this pathology in laboratory diagnostics Such a study is provided as the definition of serum iron, or iron in the blood, as patients themselves say.

Organization rate

In the serum, iron is found in a protein complex, its binding and transporting - transferrin (25% FE). Usually, the reason for calculating the concentration of the element in the blood serum (serum iron) is the low level of hemoglobin, which is known to be among the main parameters.

The iron level of blood fluctuates during the day, its average concentration for men and women is different and amounts to: 14.30 - 25.10 μmol in lithra of men's blood and 10.70 - 21.50 μmol / l in the female half. Similar differences are most due to menstrual cyclewhich concerns only persons of a particular floor. With age, the differences are erased, the amount of the element is reduced in men, and in women, and iron deficiency can be observed in both sexes. The norm of iron in the blood of babies, as well as children and adults of men and female people differ, so that the reader is more convenient, it is better to imagine in the form of a small table:

Meanwhile, it should be borne in mind that, like other biochemical indicators, the normal level of iron in the blood in various sources can be somewhat varied. In addition, we consider it unimportant to remind the reader the rules for passing the analysis:

  • Blood is given on an empty stomach (preferably cheerful hours 12);
  • A week before the study, pills are canceled for treatment WD;
  • After blood transfusion, the analysis is postponed for several days.

To determine the level of iron in the blood, serum is used as biological material, that is, blood is taken without anticoagulant in dry new Test tube, never in contact with detergent.

Functions of iron in the blood and biological value of the element

Why is such close attention to the gland in the blood, why do this element relate to vital components and why without it can not do a living organism? It's all about the functions that iron performs:

  1. Ferrum concentrated in the blood (hemoglobin gem) participates in tissue breathing;
  2. The microelement (as part of) in the muscles provides normal activity of skeletal muscles.

The main functions of iron in the blood coincide with one of the main tasks of the blood itself and contained in it. Blood (erythrocytes and hemoglobin) takes off from the external environment into light oxygen and transports it to the most remote corners of the human body, and the carbon dioxide resulting as a result of the respiratory fabric.

scheme: MyShared, Efremova S.A.

In this way, the gland belongs to the key role in the respiratory activities of hemoglobin, moreover, this applies only to a bivalent ion (Fe ++). The conversion of bivalent iron into the trivalent and formation of a very strong compound called methmoglobin (Methb) occurs under the influence of strong oxidizers. Degeneratively altered erythrocytes containing Methb begin to collapse (), so they cannot perform their respiratory functions - for the body fabrics it comes acute hypoxia.

The person himself synthesize this chemical element does not know how to bring iron in its body: meat, fish, vegetable and fruit. However, from plant sources to absorb iron, we manage to hardly, but vegetables and fruits containing in large quantities ascorbic acid, increase the assimilation of the trace element from animal products at 2 - 3 times.

FE is absorbed in the 12-risen intestine and in the course of the small intestine, and the iron deficiency in the body contributes to enhanced suction, and the surplus causes the blocking of this process. The thick intestine is not sucking. During the day we assimilate an average of 2 - 2.5 mg Fe, however women's Organism This element needs almost 2 times more than male, because monthly losses are quite tangible (with 2 ml of blood, 1 mg of iron is lost).

Increased content

Increased iron content in, exactly, as well as the lack of an element in serum, testifies to certain pathological conditions organism.

Given that we have a mechanism that prevents the suction of the extra amount of iron, it can be reduced by the formation of ferrum as a result of pathological reactions somewhere in the body (enhanced decay of red blood cells and the release of iron ions) or a breakdown of the mechanism regulating receipt. Increasing the level of iron makes it seems:

  • of various origins (, aplastic,);
  • Excessive absorption in the gastrointestinal tract with a disturbance of the restrictive mechanism (hemochromatosis).
  • due to multiple blood transfusion or overdose of ferrum-containing drugs used to treat and prevent iron deficiency states (intramuscular or intravenous administration).
  • Failure of blood formation in the bone marrow at the stage of incorporating iron into erythrocyte predecessors (Sideroichreniic anemia, lead poisoning, the use of oral contraceptives).
  • Liver lesions (viral and acute hepatitis of any origin, acute liver necrosis, chronic cholecystitis, various hepatopathy).

When determining iron in the blood, it is necessary to keep in mind the cases when the patient for a long time (2 - 3 months) received iron-containing preparations in tablets.

Lack of iron in the body

Due to the fact that this trace element we ourselves do not produce, we often do not look behind the nutrition and composition of the products (only it was tasty), over time, our body begins to experience the deficit of iron.

The disadvantage of FE is accompanied various symptoms Malokrovia:, dizziness, flickering flies in front of the eyes, pallor and dry skin, hair loss, nail fragility and many other troubles. The reduced value of iron in the blood may be a consequence of many reasons:

  1. An alimentary deficit that develops as a result of a low intake of the element with food (veganness preference or, on the contrary, the passion for fatty products that do not contain iron, or the transition to a dairy diet containing calcium and preventing FE absorption).
  2. The high needs of the body in any microelements (children under 2 years of life, teenagers, pregnant women and nursing mothers) lead to a reduced content of them in the blood (iron is primarily due to).
  3. Iron deficiency anemia as the result of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that prevent normal iron absorption in the intestine: gastritis with reduced secretory ability, enteritis, enterocolites, neoplasms in the stomach and intestines, operational interventions with resection of the stomach or plot thin gut (resorption deficit).
  4. Redistributive deficit on the background of inflammatory, purulent-septic and other infections, fast-growing tumors, osteomyelitis, (absorption of iron from plasma by cellular elements of the mononuclear phagocytic system) - In the analysis of blood, the amount of FE will, of course, reduced.
  5. Excessive accumulation of hemosiderin in the tissues of internal organs (hemosiderosis) entails a low level of iron in the plasma, which is very noticeable in the examination of the patient's serum.
  6. Lack of erythropoietin production in kidneys as a manifestation of chronic renal failure (CPN) or other kidney pathology.
  7. Enhanced iron removal with urine with nephrotic syndrome.
  8. The cause of the low content of iron in the blood and development of the Waiver can be long bleeding (nasal, gantry, during menstruation, from hemorrhoidal nodes and etc.).
  9. Active blood formation with significant use of the element.
  10. Cirrhosis, liver cancer. Other malignant and some benign (uterine mioma) tumors.
  11. Stagnation of bile in biliary ways (cholestasis) with the development of a common jaundice.
  12. The lack of ascorbic acid in the diet, which contributes to the absorption of iron from other products.

How to raise?

In order to increase the level of iron in the blood, you need to accurately designate the reason for its decline. After all, you can use how many trace elements with food, but all the efforts will be in vain, if their suction is broken.

Thus, we will only provide a transit on the gastrointestinal tract, but we will not recognize the true cause of the low content of Fe in the body, so first you need to go through a comprehensive examination and listen to the recommendations of the attending physician.

And we can only advise to increase the diet with a saturated iron:

  • Eating meat products (veal, beef, hot lamb, rabbit). The poultry meat is not particularly rich in the element, but if you choose, the turkey and goose will fit better. Pork fat absolutely does not contain iron, so it should not be treated.
  • Many Fe in the liver of various animals, which is not surprising, she is a hematopoietic organ, however, while the liver is a detoxification body, therefore, an excessive passion can be unpleasant.
  • There are no iron in the eggs or not enough, but they marked a large content of vitamins B12, B1 and phospholipids.

  • Buckwheat is recognized as a better cereal.
  • Cottage cheese, cheeses, milk, white bread, being calcium-containing products, inhibit iron absorption, so these products should be consumed separately from a diet aimed at combating low farrum.
  • To increase the absorption of the element in the intestine, you will have to dilute protein diet. Vegetables and fruits containing ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It concentrates in citrus (lemon, orange) and sauerkraut in large quantities. In addition, some vegetable products themselves are rich in iron (apples, prunes, peas, beans, spinach), but from food not animal origin Iron is absorbed very limited.

With increasing iron with the help of a diet, you do not need to be afraid that it will be too much. This will not happen, because we have a mechanism that will not allow an excessive increase if, of course, it works correctly.

Video: Plot about iron and iron deficiency anemia

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